Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 13, 1847, Image 1

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OCTOR MYERS has nssociateil his -,
nepliew.Nin.J.W...lACKON,in his•
rug iind Bonk liusiness. „ - .:
Hy this orratikenieot,flootoriTl,VlM S-wil I bi
enabled to LT•c hie the du:
ties onik,Proressloo, • ' -
'it!eintir. So, 1346. —3en
.0);k42,0.241, .trf:lo
orribk: 'Mein? erreeti in the book for '
•tnerlr oecopied by - Dr. Fred. Ebrinen. , •
• Caen+, Aftril 8, 1896. ^ - - • - -
?DA, E 0 Chu adooallig9
ITII.L. perform all operations upon the
'reeth that are req ui red for their preset:—
. Scaling, Piling, Pluaginff , arc.,
or will restore the loss °Edwin, lty insertang.Ar ,-
i !WM :teeth,' froM a single Tooth, to a lull
sett. .r! ... t•olliee out Pitt street, a few tloorsSoutit
'of the Railroad Uri el.
N. IL 1)... Loomis will he absent from Ont , '
lisle tbe.list ten ilßys, in emelt month. .
dour 11,1846. -
littTßlr. (111. R ICEMN3S,
WILL pt.:mice in the seteral Courts of Ciim-
Itrtillpittrand the adjoining comities onil nt
end In-all professional biriii.ess entrusted to his
care with primipmess and
1 1 .16Oe'in 'South Ilanorer street, in Crithitnes
new hniltlitig,orynositr the Post Office.
.% nvst tiR, 1846,-1 y.
a .1,9 RI Lk?) :Oki A B
Att3rney at Lauf.
FICE in South I lanorer streel , lew doors
Wades tiraltain, Esq.
m3pEcri , ul.l.Y informs the public, that
h.tvits; opened on 'ollict.ijo South Ilanoter
street ; vienrly opposite the Poat.Ullice, pre ,
p teed to practice IW.N,T . IS I lisY in id' its hrois , . -
_chest, Go essential to Isealth,hesides
otturtil or artilicitil ones PIT not only useful Inn
o •aitsmentnl, stud add mitt ersally the cothrort of
the wearer. It need not be stated when VIIu ht.
ofinse - tartlie teeth t to say tit -t merry ekfeet
en is he remedied, sod/tele Teeth furnished from rt .
Ilittglitatteln_nt mai re, set. -_llstliitg It to 41,00tt
tblePractice for a 6.111111N' of yestrs,goml refer-
CIICCN *lli he given An such as require Wrist, but
the best proof is the operation, which will hi all
a.ea lie performed in the moat careful manner
and at prices to snit the occasion Rod the times.
Persons waited on at their residences, either in-I
is n-ne 00.1ntry, without extra chorge. Ile null
always he round Iti• fano!, as above, or itt his
rt.idence in l'itt strect,onetloor north oillendel's
11[1.t nronipt.l! Attend to the repni ri in; ol
itehrs 141111.103 retry. at his offier in South linn=
.ine.sroet,„ A - lso,liNclitAT.lNG neatly execlr.
10. - .4{y, attention skilrul execution of 114 e
svorle,he:inpen to renelrenini hei:eby solkits
Carlisle. April 8.1 846.
No!. , 1 / 4 4rei,
Importers And Wholesale 'Dealers
INT nro A a, NI tollidnes. Chenticalp, mit lidi
ieines, Sur g ical and 11..airtrin o I 111Mmlitienta;
111 . 110:1 4 ( 1 4 I:INRSIVire,NViIidOW Gl7l.9.s;P:iitilicOrts
l'errnmery, •
(: .11011 . y Nlcrehants. and l'hymehem
II • ; ,lied with the amid. on the matt ra
voroble t :rms. St r irt font prompt altentioo m id
to , vr,lerg Erery article WHIT/Halt d.
lour II to m, %I. Is. \IES A. Tutrce.n.latel
of VirgiOn.' NVILTA I. IT IRVIN, NI. I).
Plajladelploin, Sept.3o. I 84 n.-1 y.
Fronting; on Mt , Cumberland
.L113a11.,1130 - W'
AT,ELY liept , hy Fold ic,lins jun
S i harm taken by thp4ubscriber.. It lieowly'
furntslied and lino. btien thorou g hly repaired.
Passimigerii:in tile 'cars; • straiteors, Aravollern
and visitors in ci?r,lis,q,,nie iir,oal I. •
ornili'ivoidorate. and every attretion paid
to the notolprzfruill
.9911Fepience of tiiosii„tvlin
patronize the ostalilishinentt tt
Carlisle, April
. . .
•• • 631.T1Vi78 .7 EV1.
Orrprfs r uy,vipp#l.4.4 l :pvivd.
61,1111:WAWA y:Ullflt eXtler
naill Irving in his posseeption thu
blu collueticn of pipprß.lnqi.lo by liiirn,;4 Iviivvtv I
by care mil Annetuality:tu, obtriin.p
p liuvy of
pub! iv ip q'coo4gq:l',
oina4 Vb" t
tho rear
curhhic, . . „,
DYEING. ti, , SOURING.: - •
1. , )u 1 . 111:112
dyes I:lilies utkit.,4ll‘lll.lpiTiroi .tipplwA„oi
wei 91:reils w . ekek. to he setisrepiory.
0: 41 Arll hi' 1 0.! ciAMPADPAIY.4O, I , t
- -
NVI I I .„ .
B !cm E Bl * GIVEN that riplientiniumilt
I. be 'inn& by ibtriiilohlifdia,fnd !otlicrit
thn nexi„Legidlnturi,
—Pon fffAlitiiika4(V.Wlts.
rig n Y to .bet*pedt orrnms:oivatimmt
VrxiiktuvA.Ni irvt; ,licsl,itn; to.
h4rough;;. , at - .CailialeoClufnbetlqinfV.:coiollV44o
nor - mire thin rilw Mundt - W.(100 ,
•innd ‘Dgllark ltltriorhllankin'retnafditk.;
counting jtti~ll~~rei)
tiaVPl•:„ •ro4lrntir:
Jolo , o,ixtilripo oh,.
BotilOnifiße ire y,
41titilf4Aiyi,c; 'o:llToittiv.t?,f4;l.i.l„
1):117:7 , 1 , 460.111ckh,* *-; / [safic . , 4fpyr'e
- ,timiuddiv,92i,paratrmi.
t44lpri, pgaptisrf mix yeiciva
, v, W Mimi: • d R!tp
titlOttbel4!,‘ Ailsoono,ooo , qALF
:5PAN1,511.7;0104119, for salo ~Kl`hdOct,d,
~ _
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....,„; ,
ir,i.,,i ,. % ,._
e ,. fr ,„
‘,,,:iii. .. a .. 140t0. „,
440, , ,
~ev 4 . , , t --,, fW
~,, , If i f r.-
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~,,. • 1... 5j1. g,..a .w01ut i.k,,, qtwfwe10.16,0*, - ,
w ---,7 41,. - 0, , , ,, ,,,,, , , , , ,, A=1 , 24. ;', 4'11: *
~- 1 -,f ,-- -- 714- 4' 4 '7 .:s
--- - - - ---- - a - -
--- ------------- --..- J. -.. 7 4ft + , tt - t ' - ' 3.) . 4. ... 4 44 .4"
,4, -,4 3 7 4 - , ~,,. au ik '54.14t 4.- 5s 4 , , ~,, ,- . -.. 11 1 ,1.,, i int nln f t nn-g i „
1,-,.:: 4s\T) tosit 19 4 -, ~ '4. , t oi PAIUrr. 4 'l' 1 aciihtiz, . 1, ' 4 4,m1 .. 1't 4 P' 44 -" 4 " 3 i 'l I'A t ' , - ---\,,,'" .'" -, - , ! ~0,0-,, , 41,41,,,n 1 1_ -.., 2 g „,; a ti , o, I L -----; 1, i 1.2),4. 1 k..- _ 02L1 1 , ---
'•••', .. 4 x 1, 4 24481 , - . 4 V-L-at--0 , ( ,aiwaaPrinlits --G, 'Ali. ,; .4-i9 1 ~., . .-:1-..t ,ii .4 , r01.L g.kl'ig -- --l iti rokri.,, 0 .1 1 . , ''':k ,'-,t 7 7 1---- 4- 3 ., - , , 7 .- ~ ' , - rf - ,.. .2 , , ::::' , ,
''' -^ t' ' -.+.-. ' ' ' '' -.
- " ' t , t.: . 101% g t 1 ?....e.1 . } y.f/L4'to " , t i. if " 11 "
1 f•P t-I'4 -2 tie- ' f- • • .=-- - , , „1. f 0 . 1,4, 1; , i t ,',..1 g r:7 cg
~ff.. 74..„ .11 ' , n -- a -,-,-,,• 1 ~."., ~, 1 , ,-;; ,r , , '4. i ' " n , -•-
„It ---„
~,, , J 4, , , i rfyt• 10 r ,,,,,_. y , \ :g• 7 ,, ~..-.'
..., (~, A c c z r-t..r_L•
.he,, , ) : fl i • . - , i NJ 1111 1r.:}11 4. , J,1 Ic4 trt4 0k._,.,. ,t -, ~ t ,
,4 ' .... L. L . 1„ ..rt-,..t .
~..,, - 44 . 4 44 , 53447. • 1 ..: .1.• i1 , L .. -4: , --;+' -- fr 141 '' '' l ' !' 'atit 4 :4- 111 ' , 3.` ' s • oP r_...:'3', ,, ,r . .!: . , ~t , ,, f ' • ''',7l, 4 ' ikij .• .1,1 —7: ...,; " 4,4 . .."
tto ..t. , ... 0 +. <J , -
i 1 l'" , ) tt 1 4.1 1 P Ali ' I .41u 1 ennT
_ ~ , -- t 4 -,-, Ate b.; , iv , ,f, . ' - '- , ARP ' - ' 4 3 - - - A l '‘( 4 ." - ' .."-'''''',-":"- f li k- -''' '' e ' '
f ' i f ~, vit . 1; ...I 0. 'no- ft, ~T ', ''' ' ; ' .2 - jam t e,, - 41,;4 - 4>-. , l'•-i..; : _., / ,..A s ia re ,„ i
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14) . Ji) 17 •
1. 4 ; / ../ ' J ' 't 1.. f ~..4 ' "'ilik , 4'.' IN
, , T ~, ~. I ' 'll i.ilg ' , ' i ,',. .71 ! ..* '
311,131.4 CK a ar,,,0,-: ,s ~...5a,,,,,, , ,...v.g,,,--,,,,,, „,,,,,,,,,
•ri .. i'; If 11+ : ,rri hti Tatet ,OMlti li , 0 ~,,,.. ti Q 4.. .a t k f. \,..., ,A , ) lif t- f
,„..t i .
tls'jrarsittV V,,Attob.l3oif
• „, :
• . • -
2F.FICE in ,the South angfr ofthapiddit
• Sqliarca.baa Qi the Otutgiousie
Ine DoTlaratfd Fifty centio 11 , r 1,10.414 Ct.
fwo.potiltss, if paid within theyear. •
,Dolton for wiz months.'
TLuetieitne trill ho 1106' tidtiered to:
Advertliietnenia,,inaking fifteen' lilies or lessoyill be,
•- liargetl al the, iteth •or y ienrs fo r one Inscrtinth—'
hree times for,Ono Deller„and rventy-five cents for
Very sullseqiient insertion. Yearly advertiseie will .
be charged nt the following rates:
One enlituinOvltlffilin'tiftperc'ffirone-yeari 425
Rolfe colitrun,,i, ,_do., ~ - *l3.
TWo giturt res . , wil Ii quit rterl y changes,, .10
Business Cards, wit Irt ”
6 . 1111111 M Is;lflritt kv,'Circulars
Itenaeserlption Printintr, eacCiltrol.hananin Y and
crplit iounly at the 10W kIST I.'IIIOES. ,
Ma . r.
- , GOTElt?iolt'.s. MESSAGE.
Tri the Smateand Rfpri - sentatives:
GENTLEMEN :—The Legis‘lature has assem
bled at a time whiqh is distinguished for the
general-and prosperity. of the 'people. -
While we deplore the wants and wretch
-ditsiFiTti of numbers of our race, resulting
principally from the influetice of unjust gov-
em meats, we are enabled, by comparing our
condition with theirs, to appreciate the ines
timable value of .
own free instentibns,
afar are moved (o unite our.grateful hearts in
adoration. and praise for the wonderful good
ness of onrl lea venly Father, who has mul
tiplied our civil ;toil religious blesSing4, and
has not only' preserved us front the horrors
of want, but has enabled us, ont'ot our abun
dance. to feed the hungry, and has made us
' i.great and a happy people,'
Since the last adjournment of the General
Assembly, the peace Which had so long sub
sisted between this nation and- the other
nations-of the world, has been disni bed by the
war betweetCthe United States and Mexico'
'rife grave causes whieh have produced this
rupture are ably and satisfactory set. fordrin
the late annual message .of the President to
L Congress_ They snow a . dignified forberir
novo Aul the part of this government, ha u ler
multiplied wrongs and aggression's, and a,
laudable desit e to preserve peace while its
blessings could• he seemed consistently with
the nationalhohor.. A-free,peuple, conscious.-
that they ask nothing but what is right, cannot
subtr it to-wiong. uml hOwever- maid) they
may deprecate the evils. of war-, their jnst
rights mast be maintained. Hence Congress,
on the lath of Amy : 1846, announced; that
by the act of Mexico a state of war existetl
between that government and the United
States, and for- the propose of - prosecuting it
to a speedy and successful termination, the
President was aulloni-i.ed -to - employ the
militia, naval and military. fewer= of the
—United Slates, and to-call I. r and met:apt-the:
sertliees of fifty - thousand - volurpreis.
, persuatwe ( - Witte thilliellty derived Imm
this act, the Ptestdent. on the-19111 of May.
1846. requested the Executive of this State
to - cause to be enrolled - andheld in readiness.
for muster into the service rif the -- United
States, six. regimicium of voluntee t infaattry,
each to Consist of ten companies, to serve for
twelve months, or to the end of the war, un
less sooner dischaiged
In aceordance with the request, geneful
orders weie issued on the 23(1 of Alan. 1846,
announcing to the citizen snldjers that Me
oiler six regiments Of volunteer 'infantry
would be aereio,l;lo be held in readiness
for twister into the serviee 01 the United
Slates In pursuance of this announcement,
the offers of ninety emspanies of volunteer
nifonry, sufficient to ; fill, .nine regiments,
wele'lercived anti tratisniiited rm the 15th
day ofinly, 1846 7 to the War Department:—
The patrio:ism and zeal which were so
prom p. ly mid ihcerfully manifested
loccasion, by the, volunteers of Pennlylventa,
„give procif of their devotion to the FOlNit'b
the imolai - 3., highly creditable to themselves ,
and honorabli! Witte Nate; •
. .
- The +ix regiments thus caned. for, were not
-11,10 the set vice.
On the 16th of November .1846, a request
Was made by the President for one regiment
.01 volioneed from this State, to consist Of ten
cernpantes, to be continued in service +during
the war withqUex jun: Inlic 6 s sooner ti ise•harg
ed.. This request was ancoutate(lou the 18th
of November, 18.16, :o the volunteers who
Mid previously tendered their setvices : and
'the regin e it was promptly, filled and mui—
tered into the survive of the tinned -States at
ritt,.burg ; on ihe 113th • day of Deeeml.?er.—
he comp:mins composing the regiment
went organized in Philadelphia ; one in
Pottsville4 'one in- \V ilkesbarre,- anal -two in
~.~..~3 P
On ' th'e I.lth December, 184 G, a - requeet
was made hy,ihe PreiMent. for anothor regi
rment. of Vt.lnittecr in flultrv - from : I Iti4 Sive, to
iferce, tlnrite4 the'):v.irirtth ntexi . 6..; onie4s. •
saner dis'ellarged,'. Thie'regitirialatc'titta fill.'
e'd, even - iviill Mere 'pr A trilaillig,d'iblik"lliil '
f iriber:' it it trOilliiiiiir ''ltieecilcietnill' litd*PitiV
bnrk ? lin ibe"slli tit'eitait,t,” ' Ono o . , l llfla'efiii,i' l la:
nie6 cciiktbitillit:hl4'rsiglieeen`toll
111 'l4ll4ttlelitlun: One in. 11cailim , t'niiit 'hi' '
.Alatteti r ChilitiK,'otie Itt2ifil k rO!..#rii:,:pild ',in: i
Dielytkl . ' t . wo _pi; c!aiii_tr,ii?', Oa qty . : pie' ie„
, v,dl`ti'i°,' ll 4:vklie' ° V-i!IL: C'"FA'P ' o , s::9 l t 4 ‘,9 ( ?' l . l o;),
ml' l o' l .o i!ltil'§'gr,gc.• ~ ~ ~,, i - ~,-,.„ , , . -
1 :4 "R`, 3 1 (1 0 - :Y4EArklki - ,'llf'; 6 :7 ( oo3=l}f4: r, 'i? l , i i iri--,
44 1 :lie,Ye Altl11, 1 )90,91 1 ,l1cAll PY41 19 ,P , V1 4 , 9 : 11 1
aoltliextl,9f-gelleieAllPrper l4 so-illgoll9l l- 1 1 5,Pea - ,
-II testration . 4l,.t,ho,KotkpaittßAT,Atml, trtigfili.. ,
why the sVength' of Our.governibOnt.
' ilii 'eflffiril" - liiiiliailigitis iittliffiAlreelif&WO:
9d e t "<0.0 1 1 ,6 ,g;Va : ct-tlliftS r ir liro',:liklgii 4l! '
Al I li,c' rf 1,99,1PN0 t irl,, ill' CT Ver. ,0,4°:1114' nni ",
orriaiktOpq, MlPLllPtrailOPP4efl!ika,OtrtArdir,
• yii 4 ifft ihe love. of t ihßoy„totO ; flreo ,O(' thz
it:gaily, cflibin4 el mene.,efliho_Unlicti 'SleVes.
Shch are the: ot o w eer , ssild je.f 1-pi _At e eney I' ,
veitia,•whei hava•pnea.,iwoiivkihintl•antl are
: 1486 0§ , k9'10411.0*5'.:011 .1 190,1 . 0449R that
~..F e l ay . be re9utreitt;
_ l l l , ~, ,tt v,, 1, 7 ..41,,f,t r 44? rf .
-- 1 - . 10/teleinchtitilhde , :ritttAly,..l,fial:!rAhe , i3ol):
:Al let•j',:':ell it 419 / 11,14 :4 1 O.;i4telotel:44415:,br i gtill.
, eh i zee it , ivho:l provld etl,fer • their Comiortt ter
' the 1'1496; int ll :ltifil*.oool o o,';',4ol:Ofit
. 0 1 :1)fst , Palteilefi,l4iiii4trst 1 . .:Arfi , 00P.1011011:,
thetnji raiteet , bo , lotn We it t'.',. illtoto igttot.,
Mittellitttl WOLlll'llit*Oblt eitP,!etigiViltl' l ,
.weirieNiiligilololle„/VlP:cgft l,:, 1i,41
It trietie frntei t tl lb 9:C(aort,WAtePitlfriAlfl ..
casiy?,:haliVitOptiii4 , llWOolontee!sclhett viiil
lillgiAlAt )44 * *i11,40killt 0109,„Airficililg
• the ,, , , c0!0 meneadAiaimintryd:mittreq,l,4:; ; lnal
;s4o"o)*Ati ail / 1400; hillittliettleoWelhat'
the bkie`sittis; tifltui, jai die Ote,iiiiiichlitW tliti;
Y,ltoktii'xiclPOgs)t*itiv.upati.itim,ilittlk i soii
pi9tflr i tt92o%tkr n o,l,ind;lll l l3 , 4*Nirrillti*O . 4 v. 0 .: 1
i [ Tfititp)9o:ll3Bl446Watina - UV, gilt
4 0
4$ 913,1, twproltmt,4o, ls
etuf , * 9;6%4 1 '; &Voted Omni etfee:nii,
, ifterrvitllionaiptl.. *0 , 044
5 ,,, ,' ,' , ;o,t bp. ,, k ~ ~ftyputl,,c,?, ' ,,l,A.•:r '.....
: ; ., r:
R„,„ sun
,sr , Je o & 14 = 511 , d '
...mtirso9 t•- n ,, ,,,, , ,due + • 1231:313
442AL. ,_ , • • -
r ,
111111_ _rv,.arr.N.A7l27.r•
;. i; -
. .
if s es:ill - 11A titO4 the "beetibloi/Vtiiitufitily,fAtlie, i
propriety'ritillittitiee Oflnilikifig:Co'nee#s'te'
st)prOp tiateY JO e their utii,l;.Slik'h` bit 43f , t11
soldierFi, , who • hittrit:iti - bfirnplitiiieb?With'the'
requesrof the Phisittenti'vtilitnit€AtllesettO
in the - war:with 4 ltleiirit;i 4 veltid,lfite' rfiiithtetOilf
,intofthe; , terviatte etlite
..bta lima«) of irpnrfiiif the'
itdstodie . iegreffelltliat,'ollibatintingeney
has tiViseit lereSeer!rilithic'
~was no,proviston!
for tl efityingt 'tift pen - aid:6 f llierliiiircf.lng
the volutneeriLtothe'pinoli: of renilezviiiis
:J•he°'allOwhded tri ade bithe general
.m'ent;lfbelliikAinitieseptias- little morel than'
tritli the' Most '',rigid" ecorterni-,
I aYlintooost hl
w'erelAi r t d frotrt ilieir'lrtimes; 'with little'
ime for..pretVritirmi anll vilierftheralliyed
and vrer.e,routiereillitito the serifice,the ittnill
!sum 'for defraying Jlieir exPeniiess. wui
their only ei4nperistitiorr'iip - to ihat
was'ilearly'exlittusted. I subririt . lb the Gen ,
oral Assetribly; the . Prepriety anih'iustide'. of
reitunlit g to their, the expeilee's'elthe
to Pittsburg: The eacriflees they hiriie Made
and the spirit they hive 'etPinceil,irierits;
my opinion, this'small acknowledgment froth
,the representatives of the people, ..
'lt is proper to add," Itiabalthough this sub
jii'v has been presented to .the general goy
: ernment i ua provision -has been made to de
fray the e„xpensesineaired_by the volunteers,
in, preparing themselves for muster into the
serviee, under the request of the • President,
oldie 19th. of May ' This subject, too, is
worthy-of the im mediate consideration of the
General Assembly.
A-detailed report of the proceedings in this
State. for onzanizing the troops, to serve in
the iNlOXicriii war, will be made as barly_ as
practicable by the Adjutant General., and sub:.
mined, as soon as it is received, to the . Gini.
eral Assembly.
In connection with thiS subject, it is my
dity to state, that, to the industry and ability
of Adjutant General-Bowmati. and his Assis
tant have been essential,
ly indebted, for the prompt ; methodical-and
satisfactory arrangements, by means of which
the duty that devolved upon the, in 'the rif
ganiyati in of these troops, has been perJnrm, -
ed, and as existing laws make no provision,
respectlully submit, that. suitable • compen
..sationsforthe. services which ['live bein ren•
dared, should be, promptly made to_ thpso .
The debt -and finances of the Comthrtn
wealth, present one of the mnst• intereslitig
subjects that can engage the attention of 'the
. . .
The following is an exhibit of ihe 'State
dal.t, on Ma filet of December last, as ap
pears !Murtha Report of the Auditor Gener
al: •
Total funded deli',
.$38,858.970 52
' -1,08 1,6b4;00
interest certificates, outstanding, 703,819 59
Interest cerfilicaies, unclaimed, 4,433 11
Interest on certificates,
gnst,l - ...1845 when funded, , 44,423'31
'Domestic creditors, ' • : 96 975 47
Total public. debt, on the Itt
December. 1546, $10,789,577 00
Being 9 . 190.815 ?:2,, , less'dtan it was on ,the
December, 1815,
The payment of the interest on the funded
debt had been suspended for'two years and a
hall preceeding the Ist of rebrumy, for
Ivhich certificates were *sued, which con
stitute a :tart of the existing . debt. copse-,
quence of die nompayment of the interest.
the balance in the Treasury` hes at/cumulated
n the ist'ol DeceMber. 1.8144 Fie the sufri of
663,851 88, and on Itite- Thst VebturiVi
1815, the'payment of the'intereSt,o'n ihe fqrp;
ded debt was "
tinned up to ihe,preil.iiitAtied,"aell th'ect?q- ,
it and- lion ai" of t!he7Slate Veal Maine This - a
sinike'eo g
thiratifiCiitio'n ;nui citizens;
And`liii,s tended greatly lo restore oat gboil
'CommonWealth, to The elevated and
rood position she formerly, occupied, and
whieb,l tiiist, she - is destined-to occupy fur
-all tithe to coma.
, IPhile. howgver r wq, mingle our unity:nu;
latimis upon this comparatively pro . sperens
stain affairs, it is proper that the,trne contli 7 .
it tn of our resources should .accurately
and critically examinetl,anki aln•aYs kept in
view, not only to guard by ample provisions
against din possibility el r atiet her failurePututt=
'tiallyta meet all ihn'ilarnapN npOO,tlit ,
lie Treasury, but to make provision lor din •
commencement of 'a FYsteht . for
It 11S.'bedii'iny' Corugunt eriilO4v4r' k'AfieCi•
atly iti did untittal'ineSst . tgo Jannary Ast i . I
and' tbe special rhnstial.t.o of 11)6,,gfst t pl:A pril„
folio - win; to - ppregs . 'opou ,,pipsernaT
ti veli• Or the people; thit tieee4,ltv Old; '
tat led n 'th is 'subject: 'o:pi .. .sot:ill)* it : Ig i tie.,
tegislnt u re, thq
in sijoir `tliut itie'taXe's i isel3.7o ,qtt.Feal;
pni l soiiaVegidid l Abgetli 4101;4114)W 641 7
T er
en (.1 f I.fct,te.
Tess!ifiliit' Wier fo:o the
Yti • fi"s sup.T 7
JimkSrastk v ilecelii)tec;Ott y natltb`y_tbriAtt4 ;
i ton `l' thC WittAilubl hitt Thus;' •
th 9 IF;tl;lecombar,,lB44, tho hal- *„ ,
a nee itriho:Troallurr was 114 4603,851 RP
lAnd,ou , aho,lot4locoloh4r,.llkl:s,ll wttaL__ • , taBl,BgOAjt.
f 2' 0 "
thearpiiemiror 2;5,000, 7 0'
7 00 - 1110 7 1,01. - llegeniber:lBll (D 0 „",. „
ITIVW0111110 t 'li 9 1P.20; *
. . .
, 'SliewlhOvilhnihet wren "
IR ill! ,I{,lititlig4q., 0 4'0 r; ; I I/I i i;,104A 3 1 1 P4) 11111Kitlikttlig tigFreentete'imur on QV ;
=the halitilee 'ihe- _'•'
:etending *excl., Miring the your ending • •
• 30tteNovemberi1$115 age' 199,32'
Thiiillaterniinf d'ifinbatiqtte - gthetWlTtixe - fi'l
tqlot.intherlin%%nutfe asseiteedi;nintLxiteerhing, ,
within the yeer,were,p,lii
:.l i,. ll ,ol.4?, ll l,ll%4lruPsi l iAeX!RPro,Pr 1 040!Ig
0 0 , 1 1 1 .4 1 9, 0 ,PRP9‘14' ad tlo .Ittoi(l ,, i •fi! io..tils th
1 " ITille 0949-ql9!•°[l.9VPll .9 91 rzgari, :PP ., :
t e
9 IRV, i'V'Ab° OA. otA 9 sTein. 9 3, 1 P 4 0:A hiP9 j
extill ) ,M I' lli'?; 4 9l l *%?i;!? l, i t l!?ql.3 4l l. o iTtf, :",
„".`tH4,11.: , h ,:• 1 A w .1117 i 141 1 - tilil , i, /. •:•i^ ,ii f tcoryil,
, 7_1,11;014CA IV h ',alit.'
,f o,o4;tilir,t'
161tininkiiitifiitiitil'ifiiidittiVnfliiialitiii. 14i, I "i.‘l , ' , ir
*inlhe r u n , q,od giqattlVlnfik,plx,- —„i:i;i44,Alii7..,
In t ikitie IV Cr e Te l k e li c t;4%itil il ':'s%:/! . - 7 4 ~! 1•.!!- . .7) . r.
ii. he bitllMMTPWiewern s (4 12 4,07ag,0"=“ti0! ,7 40:v‘V 3
A 4: 1 0)&01040 tr!gi'lPtil:Y.,+44 . l . r:k9,l , 3ll , ,i
. 1 , !..:E0i,1
i :::.. i;titill t : l iVall'isfor? ' " ,, , , t'tiilt 498 `o4;:r/Ki.0:014:F! ,
; 14 . 1 4kinithirOggfaigoie'ot the biii , 4 -1 40;kz*;. : 54 1, at
f on Obcq 1W 9Ai r v..oo4lo l, l 4 a i rivie,ill4 , ii)oeli*Al6.,
~ trriltl46, l fdro . p.,o 4 vi , milf:-'lm . :,s, ,
4 r, 441 - o,4;4ll.ll,4 , ::'ilitaiitt4ili '. ' , !:
, . V nilt.lll4nuttpki of 140- . o4ll 2, c .Ctti'V, ~ ; ;§..:iierkii)
k'', V,PII;4IIAIIA4/140it'itV
. ‘.,. ',1".)..:,.-•'-::-,,i?.;,-i.:;AC'•..4;itg;',:iAgOA';rVAR1,f4,"7.:'
'. . '''''''':./ ; s )*?.N" , l"'''''' . .ls'o'W:' , ' , "." , f , "k C'..,:' , z , 5.r'.2 , .':: , 11'4 ..'`,.',
ult i •
.411, - -1'47
tiiiii' the!' • ' •
! rAluNobnther.ifigi, of t-f • 0 3 4 083 25
i iltithiriitPl6ii;iiiit tire takeiristidssed;"and
4 e other.reviiues. -.accithinglOithin the. firi
e I;yeanjunt ended,- wertainsidficiept to meet
'tradernandts upon'the • TrOasery, hy the- a 7.
~.;• Velniuits: ~,,,; ;.. • ; :; .'„! -...- ; ‘• ;:. -•
; Isakill ,beqiereeiVerl that the Pailanee,ifi the.
't - rerietitY;Un;the ast'of December, .1846,• was 3
grealeitheitivius:,esiiinated in the,:last anneal.
daieSiageijand that-the amount of the outman.'
cllngitexes'hastheentredUcetl.holow the esti- -
;orue:then ma11e:r.r,•,1•,,,,•.,•,• - . ;, ; .••••: ;
i .I, As , it was ; ,apparent • that,thesb, tecur k iii g
,d'eficieni•leartvouldSoon-,eilianst the balance
,in the Treasuryihraid." all the utreaMges -ol
milable mitstaintiog taxes,. I was impelled
;; ;
,ffi. urge ,'Upilini, thei•General'' Assembly, 'at
16eir lest 'aesSiorri.w, ith- so inuch,earnestriess,.
,ilie.titclisteristible necessity of p.mtrirlingiome
Additional; travenuei, to pinecr the finances o f
the Suite upon ra,permanet t !Anis.; Near•the:
• clese‘ot the session.; an act: watr,riasseit, end-.
:fled '";Ars an net-to.providefor ffie reduction
.of the public debt? wino,' ,einbtaces some
Additional•objects of taptionmind contaiiis
provisibns .tor eriircing„ more l effectually ;
the intention of the act of 4814. It was,
• howecei,;paasectat n period of the session
when - there -Wayne time fordelibOation and
contaifis some provisions, which ,;in my esti
, madam Might to be modified. ; .it: seems to
rile that, aii 'attempt to tax book, accounts and
moneys due on - connects, - will =only. prove
vexatious to the citizens and officers, with
. gut 'adding substantially lo the revenue. As
'the act 0.1846 this nbt yet bad:time to pro ,
duce imy practical results, no certain esdniate
can be made of the amount of additional
revenue it will 'produce, but it is- believed,
that this .law,•fogether with the .increase of
the Value of properly, since. the last trienial
.assessment, will, if the present , ttienial as—
sessment is fairly made, enlarge the revenue
derivable from real and personabesiate to an
anioutit equal to the deficiency that occurred
in the accruing revenue 'of thei last year.
The loss of tolls, and the additional expen
ditures upon the public *mite r oetaeinne,l
by the' extraordinary flooil of Jastnpring.-is a
stibject whititt may be properly:Opted - here:
.By . reference to the
‘ report of the flanal Com
missioners, it appears that they Inve esthete
ted'the loss of tolls occasioned bittre delay_
tii opening the navigation, at 140 snin of
$150,900, 'end that the cost of eithordinary
repttifa, required in cobsequenae* injuries
by the flord, - was - 1 . 11 - ,5'15; makiag•the ag- -
gregateloss to - the State-::by= thirirtmusual
casualty, $261,515. IrtiiiiiTilisiiii*Mikd not
occurred; the aCerning - revenue;;kelesive — ot
the balance in the Treasury en' dielfirst of
December, 1845, and the taxes 01CWinns:tail
ding, would have been nehrlrleCf9ioo the
demands upon the l'reasuryoffif in ittie last
fkg,al year. • • ... :•-i'i
-' .. 1 7;• - iii ,
From the Canal CommissiOn . tAlepiirt it
appears, that the receipts fraiii; . 40 and
;Railroad tolls and elt__,,ames fur - Vowel,
For the year 1843,' 12
For the year 1844.. . 1.107,693'43
For the year 1845, 1,1 . 96 979 43
For the yedr - '1846;" ' '1',293:494 - 10
Showing a gradual and steady increase, du
ring. the above period. I.:vetilast year, not
withstanding the delay in opening the nay i
pion. they exceeded those of 1845, hy the
01 $9,4,5 I 5 33. Thgre is good reason,
therefore, to believe; that if the Imola., works
shall continue to ueconducted with the same
degree of skill : Industry, and integrit , ., with
which they have been Ananaged for, some
years past, the receipts from them will con,
tieue : to Ann:lease until the lids - Mess upon
thorn reaches their full capacity.
Some apprehensions have been expressed,
that-the ~enristrection of the great Contral.
'Railroad, between Philadelphia and Pius-
Virg, !any be, the means of dinainiShim the . ,
income Irdrri`(he iiiiPWlVernimts'Of the State.;
Li thial.!doeof . eoricilli;
mitettilln the opinion, that Abe increased
commerce, which it will invite between our
great Eastern and Western emporiums, and
the legions which connect with them, will
not only add to the revenues of the Columbia
railway.lbut.w ill greatly increase the produe
hveness of all our public works. , Seidl I be
hove, has been the experience of New York.
arttrantdi, I doubt not, will, ih a very feW
years,'belhat of our own Commonwealth.
I transmit i herewilli, a statement ishowing
the actual reeciptsend expenditures, for the,
last fiscal year; and, also,.an. estimate o the
rot the :pros - 6111 yea; made With *miler'
care, upon full linisultation. With the ellier
oflluers of. the• government. •,From this . esti
, Ariate; it appeals , that the, receipts of the year
will' exceed, the expenditures ; by the sum or
:$194,444- 1 • ' •
The!barance in the Treasury, oft the 'lst
• inst,-,-was-mi1y,5438 4 8,86.68. It is, ;bete:ore,
lialtogether probable, that ,it may
,beeoreq.,ne- , .
cesstiry to make
. some arrangement to ;uni
t OiPhte a riniall'pertion of tlid'reVetuferif (he
year:etri'muilt:the.interest , whieh will fall deo.
elf ,the Isi,et : Febtliaty next. ‘„l..teepininend,
that some legal provision be promptly' Made,
''for this purpose. This will intit 'affect'
financial calculations and I-estirnated• •tesurtg
,of the.j . year, ~, feel, etiltre ;cortfidenee.thtitt laking ,
of the wll°l9
inc.reiulta_Wil_susta i:eifeiit y'Atfp
• Thweurrt httwiiitihiidretlttiOnsltti thin] I:tisi
high,is .new. aup`uully,:„nopr,epriAletkoje, All „
,unneelpon issues,
,and, (Ind. whin ti
,is ineltul6il
- yearlypandl
• ilieehsir tog
t h" e !'irtr Peii924991410P 11 ;A:
cave mrivet , shall Prove correct, !fiat the,
rikeefaSSO'StietPand 'eta
tai petiyrtkritht: the 4ortlinaily:,
tfe); 01 34ei;4 1 1.4., It'" ;A 1 1 1 ,9 iktkt;4.941;.,!1# 3 .t1iPk4 1 9:
Atium,:ennente l pqttut it t l ' ufileielit
*quest' PSWI':'• i'41114 ny
,)h -!merest-bli. ha. pul3lic_debt,~antl4nhdr'
i ltenmude,- - en stile jjgftB.4l l / 4 ,44 , i Jn
ci deSe 'of Inll - 4. - AWn ; fiiii i ,i - m;ilgt - :90 - 0,,., nytir,
lie !added to the preSehtstuktties luntl
40i3liotineilonheihreet4St Itypeedifigears; ,
1 044 419're44' 1 110"`t boA'aitir
dl potil a'arri;, addle' if.boiradacid
' 4.4sUeitlheyl.y.
do iniiii , l4. l l4 , i161)1;. 1 .!
.eha:ariplicul.,...4thiesiiiiiiv.mnioi btromattiii
itsr,F.croi9 4311rP#11,4 , 1a;;14q,PppNtoit , ,Rifir. 0 ,4
cegt2o , ill eqq?K, tet,7nur wi att ß e en
ot 65,16 Act ,
~,,!. , j'4916,:va,46'8, lii, '0,01 6 '
0b110404 lifilid, el Ond,',oo?oittOfYeartli i
1/16;Of : 2, 1111.101001 , itk f tiduceithit.flelat,iw.
'„lrgiflt,,,l , Mzol l iig9s l lol3 3 iiiiLls l .ofi pt
ii, et, qg to. wsity:lluiefsene fkostri i i43l9e.
46gitlii.fA rs23.ol9 ll W:Vtib li adeitticptrig +
'ollllt;tlhli°oblicOtlikp inli , ;theti, ittlnanbei
`Atliiwilkiiiiiiill ili tiliriifi'so!i+ ..,''..r-fik.4i•
-,,`-'i. --__-- ',.
, .
'fairly.presumed, ttemere thertstrnpitorkpay
the, interest kni thr", f §tree the en le
may he entirely relleYeci , trom 'taxatinii;
for the - phynient of interest' , Li feet; there 'is
reiisornritielieve; that, the, inereased Avealth
DCA e Sia m an 4 the AFetTiulatiott of,business,
will, at a_ eartier,ptriod
,I . Enitriit of 'mporgint'relnetions the taxes,
witholit'retarainge the censothination of the.
foregoing pleb; for t educing the,debt...„•Noti , ; .
;:withstaittling seine, only be ,
to *icily,
these-W'gfiggestion;i 'ass '
:ilti , crriost entire confidence in their practica--
Pilityy.provided the.- puhlic works shall, con
tinue, to. be managed With integrity and, skill ?
•t he' and the govelii
.metiti.'iri 'itll' ''iiiiiitiritents; honestly — and
jitithfully••edrot:tiAteretl...- '•••••:-•,' •• t
In COriliCCllOnAvitb•fir
k s:s . ubject 7 re
. 6 . - om.l.
fully recommend to fire Genera) Arre , emblys
the propriety.and policy of proposinglil-'the
people ad• annisnilmenb.t.O . lllo-,conatitulibrf of
the. State, .under the fern' of at-trete .
of that. instrument, „by. which •:the.:ineorne:
from.the public' improvements e atter deduct
ing.thbArecessary expenses „lett repairs and
Superintendance—th , revenue arising from
the State tax, on, real arid personal property,
for.a certain period, and such other - items
of income, as may be deemed eapedient to
include shall be set apart and be sacredly
pledge !or the payment of the.interest the upon
pu li;rlsbr, and the gradual-liquidation •
of the principal. •
Such an amendment jurllcinusly arranged.
'Would,' I apprehend, meet with the decided •
approbation of the irenple --, of the - Conna - on=
wealth. It would concentrate public senti
ment upon a-fixed object—rernove•all doubt
of the fullness of the public , credit,' and 'lay
theAbundation for the final extinguishment
of the public debt. It would give an addi
tional security and assurance to the people,
and to the public creditors, thrit. in no event
could the public revenue tre•diverted from
its legitimate object, and would lbrinsii con
clusive reasons foi Inc prompt and cheerful
payment of [bourses. - —_____
__. . •
I would respecrlully recommend a cine
ma examination of tiro. verations of the ex-.
istkrig tax- laws.---raNe.§ -however • correctly
they nut . ) , he arranged by law, fall to a cer
tain exient o mrequally upon - the people, in
cor,segnenee el theirvalleerf.„Kiteemstances
arid liabilities ;And if to tills rinav,oidable
result be•rubled r errieteris c an'ifiriSigrildr assess
merits, by which large amounts et 'property
eseape-tax al ion ~.grcat,,i njest ice is. dope. to
tlinse.who make an honest and bull, return of
thelr to ablepreperty„ - - ~, • •- ,' •' '
. .
'or duty on importS, inVie that continues
to divide pull c sentiment. In my message
of the 7th of 'lnintary. - labt, 1 took or- Tas k- al,
to express the vimvsAvldoli I then. entetiainj
regarding it, 'and. to these views I nomin—
ee to ‘ il
ahere. I can crutirtaiti .doubt of
the constitutional power of the federal gov
ernment, to make such ilisMminations in
Atic - rate - i - triitittits - xm - hripetts7lin may tiflcird
reasonable eniamragernent to domeSitic
man uf ac t ures and productions which, may be
injuriously / afleo l ted by toreign competition
This is ain2wer 'incident to dvery
St - iite; and' as the sepeiate Srates of thi s
Union ate by the express terms Mute eon
•stantion prohibited from its ex.eivit-e, - it
follows, that, mdess it reside+ in the federal
goverment. the United States are without
this essential attribtite of Natiohal sovereign.
ty •
- ..." -- 1"
The eNtent of these disetiminetions, bear
lug .as they tin, Upon eentliviing interests,. and
in sonic degree arraybiellinse of one 'portion
of the Union against another, eau
justed under the influence at that spirit of entif
cession, and cam premise „which prevailed, in
ihe'adoptiou bribe I.lonstinilien itself. The
h isuiry 'Of our' legislatfaiP dii this iitibjecy the: -
inonstrates most cotiolusivel.3-pthat a‘tailfkto'
be permament, which is se esseelial
manufacturing,. nasal:ell : risalithe other great
-interests of the count r y, Must be reasonable
. and etwitable, and . that.albattetrirts, to erstab'J
fish a rate of ultra .proteetive,or low horizon,.
tat duties. have °illy, tended to keep .the
tion in n si ire of constant agitation, than which
tiething ean be more prejudicial Yu the trite. '
.rests of the business community.. -I tiny:olord- ,
fore, in favor of #tieli just.discriminatmg du may be sufficient, to glis(ain nil Out,
'great National interests againsts' injurious
' , enriiiietion from abtoait; Suoli as ii ill give to'
the . home manuflicturer,"aint prodifcer,
soisabluprufus•on lierapitali and .enable
to pity hie, work iticulair'wit.:cs without, nu-,
necessaritaxing tltc consumer.
l'etirefyfratlitt,'possesitii : aS she does, stiffh
. vast agriculturtd, inattulneniring and 'Mineral'
rocources, and commove:mt.:id vautagO, has
'a 'peculiar interest in the adjustment fin is
Ipiestion upon a perma went ShCold
the charges made'iri'llidifttehr (hales, by
Alio tatillttet of .l.B46 ; .luleabialutihusly, any'.
of tba,groot interests .91,tho,enantry,i ‘ve Must;
. unite our effiUts to induce einfgr?c , ..s ?
the' 5i1ti . 160. is ctirii'mitteil
ti4l(e eonstjtti t tort, '.ruiff °tilt Wh 'VA:4IOe
ntithiustiee itigysitiftNiytttelypto*make:alli
jest aptl
I"tn(ri'gll line reitalton f WO.vo . been. able' tq,
'operatintis' or - the Constitationa't — r(eithaty;
"an!) a sound eurreneyrwllt tttrliioro
mole, thelpetmanent andogetieritlinoiiebt9,_
79f 011. ; Ill.,9:11 1 0 1 I4.1Ithit,eithlof 4Afe.46111103•4: 4 11 11 1 11
-611 Y IthSEI . P11 1 :1 1 1.;q4-1 1 IIPcY ,,, %1I104/!_ 1 14? € . 1 s
hlbpfeih`' iii th•ernpio : ymeut
,inalitiyspantbacbtiitiqubot4tithitiOn 4 o.lintf*
' cu i r tßgi ltlithesfl . l l lrArlitigft4 thlitiormi, itian)iffip,Nci3.calyk,piocer,
to hasten - Si agro:: - ,
'ileA l iftg9 l P(fldnftrl,4 l ltTlASlAli/Plititufl I
ir? Tnet repOal ,or ittitattotbiof r4ksh,,,
•Laws; - 01 •: • ped • F ,
i d bets are admileil'intespritieh*OK
wrii4 ritiinailrru diettitelllttlikii,';63etAtlitinielf , : •
Open& hutilanity, tdiv'hitlfllie f iafferitig
ilahort of the t railiftf . kingclotii, has had a mnit
; happy inflifeneetipon:;.eut„forming interests.;
'tl ' elrl4l74 ll 9l; V4 i f urfi ß l!l e%
ciffleit',ll, &nth
,t h 10:1 en 0 'elf ye vI,
;k • Ontinun,teinorease'permaiiitrillyltifitragtrotilL
roi , tvltioli'lfartnefit.l l lo.l44;l 7 ilbe •
:mottlty.lhi.tvoitiatity9lt , ,tats7
441-‘l,l'k'';'t_l,lf4.',lo fir
.In the, last anntifil.n.tmeottrlfilpfpllff PV:y.
,Vicilyl3 at length rtglaAtillkt of Ina
1 311 .°)Y,7,4„Ifitilmivtav i rikole049)1Yall 41
;fer f o • herpla'..,eon aine
cloneirtutSl 6 . 6 4litti"ti:',''Ae.
lionitingit '92,arfnititit,:,oly,tfahr.-bortkiitip,
7= A :
f ,
I Slit 1,711 F .rya:
. 01"
71.1 -
-OA for the - payment. , of•their debts ? I am
Saloll4 influen'c'e iii
p reservieg the 'soundness ef the currency,
and That it•should be adhered to inflexibly.
refer ynii,-W itli`gieht.pleaSu re, realm able
report of fhe Canal CominAsioners for a de
'tailed sfatenientet the operations upon 'the
, publigimprovemegls during the past yeat.
it ~The. . economy, skill and, integrity,. with
whicltiffeSi have been Managed, for a few'
. yeara past, have 'greallyttettided to 'restore
publict.eonfidenceptind , J reestabliSli the-credit
of the State. and justly entitles every member' .
of the respectiye.,,lloatds of" Canal
*risers, wherline had an a:perry in produe-.
in this greet „reformation, .to the gratitude
and confidence of the whole community. I
refer tothe tact,- with no ordinary Satisfactiee
'.4.kalsrtkuing the last three yirars there has not
L- oceurred, arneng all the otlie,ers and agents
! , ctuployed on the- several line's 'of improve ,
moms, a single case of defitleatior.
The improvement of the Ohio liver, from
',AS-Month to the citY of Pittsburg . . hes' been
'deemed an object of rilliirient national itn•
portance,.to claim the attention at the federal
goPArritrietitt Numerous appropriations nave,
been made Jot, this perpose, but pot sufficient
to Carry ritit any eflicientand useful system.
'Alatiy` of the IVestern and Small Western
'States ol.,tjie Union, ate
. interested in - Ihis•
liMprovement: Tl 4. conticction however, of
the'lriaiii line blour eat sal:taint. tannish's, at.
the city of Pittsburgh, - renders f its improve
meet an object of the, greatest interest to this
. ..State. If it were made riaVigable during all
_seasOns_of the_year_.(ekqe.pl_whert tee benuti).
her steal - Om - ma of a large class, it would add
to the commeree of Philatlelphia and Pitts
burg, and to the carrying; trade upon the pub
lie works-'an amount of business that cannot
be readily estimated. 1 therefore suggest to
the members of theXeneral Assembly. the
mopriety of 'memotiali . 7isig Congress on !his .
subject ) and pressing it upon the attention of
the general government tin incumbered
arty minor projects as one woolly its special
consideration and favor.
refer with much satislaction, to the Re
ports of the Anchor General and State Twits
nrer. They eXhilat in detail the condition
of the linanees 'of the State, and show the
laudable industry and ,intelligent care which
the officers have employedlir the discharge
of their ithportant and. labormuSduties.
Befere the porrage 91the act of Assembly
ollitst sessionywhich transferred to the comp ,
ty iii-Which the crime may have been tom.
I miffed , payment 'of-expenses-for .arresting.,
fttaitives from jtistice, the Stale _ laid become
liable to various agents, .duly authofiAed, to
'art -- inthassidelable -- rtmount—This--liabilitY
Could trot be met, because no Nips opaiation
was matlelor thrit•purpose.' The individuals
interested in this matter ate justly entitled i~
remuneration, and I respectfully recommend
that an appropriation be made to liquidate
their elaimS. The amount will be laid be•
for - e.S-ou by the.Anditer Genet:lL'
In consequence. of the-engagerne-viii-th
_Antrim Genes al itffthe'retgartiYatien of the
volunteers for the service el the,Um Stites'
inthe war w ith Ale.*.o, his agssual report
upon onr Military affairs has not yet been
reimived-, as soon as it comes-to hand-it-Will
be transmitted to the General Assembly.
The Act of the 20th of March, 183t3, pro
vided for the appointment atal coropensatino
of a State Geologist and his assistants and a
corppetent practical, analytical, and experi
mental chemist, for the purpose of makin2
an accurate geological and tnineraloaical
sur ey cif the State, with a view to determine
the ordej, succession, arrangement, relative
positing, rind the dip or inelination,.attl the
compaive magi - thane prate several geologi-
Tallormati... its with's' the State, and to tbs..
cover ar i d' examine all deposites of ores,
eltsys,"Marle.4 and sbch other Mineral.
stilbs.tancesi as rnay,lle deemed. useful Or-vat.
„TireState,.Geolegist.was,regnired to
Wake annual wperts of. the prOgiess al the
garvey—to 'Cause' • to be
. rineseritird on the
map-of CoMmon wealth; by colon's and
other appreptiate means, the various areas
eccepietbby the different geological foram
hens in the State, and to mark thereon tl
localities oldie respective deposites of the
various substances : di:covered. It is
Made the thay.of- The chemist, to make fall
and complete examinations, assays and ana.
lyses of all such rocks, ores soils, mineral
stibstances and mineral wahror l as may be
subinitted by The gemop:im, said lo`
ltunislr him • wall n detailed and complete I
•aeccand..of Ilse. results so obtained. It "-was '
also msltleThe — rinty, among other things, 'of
The Ode Genlogist upon the colopletion of
to coo pi a memoir of the
mineralogy of the State,
Slog a complete account of •-the leading sini?-
leClg . nnil kli . gCoVCriCti embraced in the survey.
Iti.purousince of this . aNa State:Gettlogist
and Iris assistants, &se,
.Vrth'e emu - tinted, ho
preceirded with and the State ex
pended upon it• the suni 5 . 37:, A
Humber of aninutLreperts made, as,
4irovided, by lawleslathilitannain. object 61 the'
Legislature;, the , publication ..of s. complete
liergeir„ol the or,vey i ,„sexhibiting . .thcogolts
SOf thet.exainipittions, and atjabetlytng ;farther
t tfahlethe''pliblio,Th i e %*Viiitil in'brnibtiniY.'
t ferAit Melt 'So , frirn . eitif
ey.was expenttedislats met :yet :bOfII3OPCOM 7 !
Jt"appearsAO.ine thaWhis:-Subject is
sof stAffielee.klelPo44llcif,lk,fitaitacibigielalive
'~.~Si'~°' ,
ebertigt,i l W:-, 'tin , A: s.W'7 , ;:.FitT,i --- : , ii:
1 Pr6patrif ChicplantOthvetibr veins'laien
iniarle_byAbbliebphiL . otillitiliiiiii . stittisiitned
tin' the Legielature Ty iliiilliMiisot, privat e .
latidffeetil'bili4 f tv filch ',o;,itlinly iheransir liar
piisheeir, mod cseritet,Subfectri Serf ee peril. rind:
-aruencinteel:ol.4lY-Alkw B ern-Illedxalattleo
- appear to be regarded as of little cense
titmice or:Vreltie v for.,of:,the.acts!ol the lerif
'eeirtrtinn;tfortY-threesmennti'n .itinhe: otlitteilsrf
;1198) , f174,111 ) 4449P1N 901'00, lAA Ek ,
nt neitne.r een ,oprolled no punt,el, be 7
%tithe:Mr:4V itirifill4itiChliii'lf'iditk'to 'Avhiel?
la he'yoiTerenbjecttsbk n het;, i act :61‘ , Abe. `. it th.sijp,
~,Apt il, 1845, has. not:been paid inte'the Stunt
Otann , sti,l,otrtilitt, elititilid.tilinilli OeffinriA' ' ‘ i
1 0ttitiOltigilh 0 tr -- bilisThattPecWconsurifittlp:
ail4, l ll64katAimp.itplig ti.y.4lrTVhimilteßl 1
this been 'maul rer „thAy,,ara 4 au esed to .se.
irltirliitkrillt:Pilltle*LtePlAPlan4'ailMiocterd , :i 4 f
I , I IIO,4eAgYA IP4tA3l))4lllsPlPßlPpleglislalice, ,
cpatark,be:profierM (Witelks ilf,;witli, .Arid the
lisneocenpieirilltetert kiliibiernli tirs.. 4 .enhAit'
t i ?glYjr,tilvity ,-, Fe ,,, 0 - t , R.f.lPl'§9,si
sten v2ij . ei , , , ,
... , e(lug
. le, ettene6s
sifgri Yin e 1",- witty, tlimriithhinlim ' '..l'l' , u• ,
TlieliSegjerritive itiettrise,of life truinber.op
klivorces granted Ay the legjalatuse, - forces
Ablittillijboti;uptin+. !the idonsitlertnienl'iti: (tia'
Gen,itral ~; It *tippeiti to. beafigoi.::
lied 'policyof this Statei jo, prov,ol;loC,br r ,
iortha-dooontioh:o.t . the marsTage
• '' f a ° r'ir r9 " ) e ll 'i l ti 'hiltijrrAi ti / it i l !iiif. VT :Xe Y l ; !'ef ' ' .l ;lt 'l i l :P lt a b .4 frf:
-Iyifrehl -18 td:4l,l*ignbilkiiftiVlErdraitigliils
,akni et . iemictroy,mickpr..o9olool(ticio 1
ttAat.."'..'6l4y,#riscr, , 'nVittil4,4lilereiting:,irdteiloni: `,
O°Y l /4 10 40trtgle * P ti Pi t Z1;04 4, q
lig f iritsoo!*tl A r, e tt4tliisti4ttr.,,,' 9
1 ... - :;:'.;:, ,- .4:;fe ,, ,: : 4 i,47;./4;:-AZITi;',... - W,viik::4 ,
:v ,,, ::::- - *,-r n i::':' ,, -", , P.fA;3t*a,..-:•':.., , r., , „„,•..,,,,., - ..
6.1 ',„
, -1 1 ,4 ;;ilik.iiiep , ' , NP:p. , ,i,':vr.' , .",ib‘ ' ."':• ,,, ‘,4'iti%, , ~, .-.-',.
fit•il'i . vu`ei.. .1 ss /1
ine•.llie vonket totween husband and wife,
are calculated, lb arrest the attention of every
good citiieei, it is remembered that the ,
'disregard of marriage vowsi,h'ntl fabiltfas for
releasing:raffle's-from the,i4bbligation,- are
justly tegaffled as *strong iedicatlena of *de
generacy' in public morals!, atiii thtit
high 'regard of H1101:fit aifd shcred
oblervanee ofmai nage contracts, are aniong
the stronges:t proofs Ot• the - firm b ness or eivili
ation,. and of the influence of .true
The preamble of - The act br 18i5,iiom=
mends itself to our approval by the tiisOorii
and aptness for 'which it is thellifgaished ‘ —
'l'ho Legislature there say, " Whereas the
divine precepts 'of the Christiatt•ritligloll"-
lac promotion of the best intereafsLonfurail
happiness, the design of marriage, , ,ind the •
.object of patties entering into' theyrimryinge .
titate, require that ithMould coutinim - during
their jotuf
. . • .
These salutary truths, so'well epressed;
present, in imposiag terms, 'the duty. 'of •
extrethe cabliou iierfering, with' the
sanctity of the marriage eel:lb.:let.
It may be trite that cases occasionally
arise of such extreme haidship, as to warrant
ragsage of special acts of divorce; .but
suet, as. requirelegislative interposition eau
lint seldom occur, unless the wide 'Tango of
the act of 1815 is extenileo beyond reatime=
ble limits.
The signing of bills • for disk - dying trie -
bonds of matrimony has always been to me
a,perplexi.o! duty. I have hitherto given My
assent to tl7ern, confiding in the Judgment
and direretiTm .or - tlse Top - reetiiTives Of
people, to whom,.and not to the Executive.
the !acts of .each ease are submitted. But
upon a review of the special di vdmes grant=
ed since the hutment of the act of 1815, it
appears that there has been an alarming
increase of them which should, - in my
opinion, be arrested. During the first period
of ten yearsfiflet the pa'qage. of the said
act, laws were passed 'for tliVoming thti
parties to sixteen mart iage contracsi; dining
the neNtien yea rs, :Jeri g-two, and during the
east ten Years, ninety were. passed. .
I know of no change 'in the habi's, inan
ners, or condition of thd citizens of the State;
in their social relations,- or in the increase of
their - it umber, iharaccounts. for, or warrants
this increase-Of divoreeS. If Is possible that
the^cause of it may in a 'found iii
die facility of obtaining- legislation on the
subject. Without further inquiry into. the
cause, ihtleffect - is, in my iudgment,injurit',..
-o-Js- to the public welfare, and ,ihOuld be
atrietiy-guarded-against in -future.--
Whatever doubts roay_har,
now enter;ained, of the power of the Legis
lattire to pass divorce laws, for Any :other
cause than adultery, or to pass therri under the
provisions; of the Constitution of the Linite'd
Statei, that no State shall pass any law int.
-pairing the r‘bligation of contracts, it seeme.,,
to bee 'needed . , against the opinions of many wise' and good mep, thaLthe_poiter..marbet—,
constitutionally exercised; but 'in viesswa...::
these opinions, the extreme delicacy and
responsibility ,of granting these applications
app ear in a strong light.
Under 'the marriage contrast, important
and valuable rights are vested in the parties,
and heavy respon..i, are assumed
which should not be disttlib"ed, even when"" -
the power to interfere is unquestionable,
without legal notice to the 'tarty. who is to
be affected by the preceding, and a tair and
open trial, the right to which cannot be
doubted, and can only be secured by refer
ring the patties to the jadicial tribunals.
In ever' view f can rake of this interest
ing gubjeil, I 'am persuaded that these spe; '
cial. leg.slative divorces, have a dangerous
tendency, and that if the powet togrant them
is exercised at all, a proper regamd for the
public welfare requires that it should be
limited to gases of ;extreme hardship and
unquestionable .propriety. • -
The piegrese of our age in civilization,
has been distinguished in Ponsylvania, by
the amelioration of the penal code, and her
improved prison discipline. The organize.'
tion of her penitentiaries, their domestic
economy, and the care and attention to.tho
supporto•leantineSs, industry, mid moral in: •
structinh of their inmates, have' secured thd • •
genend mprobation and confidence, of oar
own citizens ' and have eXetted the admire'
Lion of other States and nations,- and- furnish:
ell moileis for their imitation. The Phira:
detnluii Society for alleviating the Miseries
of pubhe prisons, has exercised an efficient
agency in predneing these valuable results.
In order' that all the benefits of experience
nmy be had and improved ; they ... .stibhiit the
propriety of making . provision by law for
obinining,,, annually .accurate information
relative to the convictions ter crime, the
character of the criminals, the condition and
eXpemtes of he penitentiaries and pHsons of
the Klein monwealth, and the costs of supper
tine the convicts.
The motives: of.this society are so (Hsi&
tercsted,' tindithe • reasons they assign for
; contacting the l information -required,' are ; se
*conclusive,' alid ably represented .In a
'communication Which I.haria received from
them,' that 1, take; greet .'pleasare irritanimit
flog copies of it herewith, in ordef:•that the •
'philanthropic Views.ol,lbe •society, and rho
the luny receive that
_citiik:_alin * of the . General
• which theYsti'ilchlfinefltti
infant of Pen n - - ;
literaty,,Chatitithle.and' - -:lllStitti•
pens; ore': bait: The
imoide:sire•Qestriiins jotaillgent ei` 7 4.enter..
i fr.ql,llkK4o loo 4: . Pieo 6 ! l ,
l in her. ice I • reseurceii:.,kooe,iiiitititi6ne
rind animated
:Ori,rhe6oh.ilr grd,cou rie ; in 1 Miirovi rirlive? t u r
of Esteier iii nerpetiiating
- thigliremoess j .le%the.tiiiiverSal edboatiii*toLL .
"..fieriyouth In 'this, nude '
Ofy eine :.ndiMndiit 4 WWl!' ' the Vigoribp_•
*dolt alkher - groat (Forte' :ire' diSkiiiguishbAr
able report , . of ,the Sit petinteedenP:
semi the steady atid.uftiforni . ; progress of
. 3ysie Fri of Common schooljristinetioWf ; ;;'Thiit
is yet irelierfeet, and, to some r, extent
fieleeti:may fraelPi . rid m i ttediY:
op m MieocriMi If
• I..jilfOkoluitiOgiOnlemoPil-aeoffiiiiki**'::-f
- - S all A!,tff .84 1 ct-*A 1 f 1 4 6 1 3 2. 111 ,
111 41421isliii•gi 1160498.141)401-1,4V.•-•.,;:,.,
-,,t.i div!ike"•-•
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~,,,,„ 4iiitii.te 4,4 0104,,tre"in311 3. 1 4; 14,6,,,4:::
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rifiliffiti u-iiifs• ,P,P°.v,r4:o-4''J-
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