Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 23, 1846, Image 4
El - - t4..i_4YlsiX-. .4.t . :.:.:.1,-,', , ...,---"2. : ' .'', .: 1, - . ... :. • - •7:•i'''.•':',•:.• -. 7. - :' • '`'.''.. 4 re, - , . z ,r . " .. ' 4--- • ''•" -4.. .trE .. i , ', - ... , ' - r:..;l''''., '.'l, -. , .:''.....• .. —•-• .:' - ' 3 •: ~ . 1 atieittriliaaltiOXL94,• ! r' 1 1 I ' I IC 4 '6ldelrif ' I I"T . TI 7 ' • • 6" -- " --, i, _. „...s..tma, .rnuti s; I,l,i!tte, pr ---* . Plaint, Spitinifil)l4t44.l.lilliculty . .of 11reitth't ,..-. ' 'Paini 1. hX•liiirtait:st,,Atiikitali_e . . ‘... .. 4 ...,.• , ••••:. .of the EleaMtegitila, cl!! it ".:; 13 rct - ' 1 ; litin7.l . .altlitligtro ...: '; .t . • _ i,L, • ,'., .1 4 :st• '-•.. ~ .•.. , r. 40,1 .' .! '. ,Y•Att,va ---.- . 1,„,),- ''': -, i '•, , ,.. , c,iif.,*;',1),,15ei1,"''4 -, I.! ti., • tiyiintiill/ *V ,' '-•5"-',',"•"..f**4;44.•441•CIIK.44.:V/ ifaif,..e . ,,A,,k,(rif i fit!llf#4•;:it: • ' •'''''''••••• '-• .ISfil - ZAV, , g i .4 • 4611" t••••,...... _, speetlyinfre sverAtioiri.fovapy, of the . • esirites rktftt:kitAlt N. ' , atoll vo u .. ittre_for - Ilto- CI IMI • --:A 01'11! . ..:i ft4Alatt/ QOM'S St P•k:t x-1i.r,.. , .i;4 - .4,,,, , t:i..eloilYAPlcE,ltti)l4:g',Alo tab!' - 1* A:Nl'ALrittlielride;t it zi , g'ir - p l ‘ - g 5 11 1 %; e 4 ): ~..._v ketowledio- my gratofOrt 40'1 ii N 0 41' eq 7, ,1' ""' IC:RAPAL *Pilli7 tAI•I,-v.tlidui - Ilittrt4,:ou-nu t - tt vitihayin i I eni a - ostinthii , 'OlbiNlreiltri di I it,.i446.t., t . 4, , , ,Liatillli" ' jenlit‘lif,tl6ll o4 .l l 11!iltier'e.O.i , • rllsi , oiluiPrilhtacioliiiiotintliAtrillikialiti al'i't ~. own litirrlbha'forebotlings., • Tliiii9 • iii ~-, l iiltja,lifirsillblinorst tii.theoliNftillitiil Ai v..... • .italtl 4 llK9fAlitalkiPtia levy heitilytooftlyif hielt'i,,_ , ,____ , - A,,„,4.9mF2,..!tm1f pputtzthelimistionhielitgrailifsit it grgg, ;.,j,, ltlVit.i -,1 /..0 1 -' )6 V', , ,flittiglltditfeat.allutaikilig! eent4h,, leMets,3lll 4 lq..Klk,itit.9l,flidLooir,,4loud, with 1- ",re^,,t,o", B ,.... l t l ,.. l . l .tllll,a c iv'i,,A.tryillitt3ilßttlllbfF,e'!"'d • . irocetlAowuollitl hilt yotißspitsol i tegy fIiRRII,IIO - pairell,ar,ithallih syttiptornaotectO,rrunti (1117, • • . ZUMptiimir: , I 'tio'rilio :Philiiioplllll,antl . wi..3 Etna; ,: !ea, there hyvityakintitrldytins lilghliki Veipeetit - .. •,;bility;but still - greiv -viorke', • uititi they gave me up ' ,• .4 ,Ilt. FluutiOrtlttle;andiAdyiitetl , tnit tO go.SontliOnt be. 1 ' .. • .1' I iftret.y.poorott . ;01osiiipsis Witch IirIIONOIR my . , .I,l , 2oifiltill.ltityingv z speut.itil' .tritanoney. OR :le Ca- . ' .rultie !Pittent-NIV iiiii wog'tyknuluwork reedrittnen...i . , • He l d soilighly.the ssglii the . MO um , of the, press,. I, • 'svasiiiiiitile'vo•iiik itheti;,adyiee,... Iletog qmeta- '.: We rid t • t M • d he!Orifer!••'' ' • t'ellitiva, til ey „in tpii ed Istii•teiilr'nicitiely.hratuitiNanlY:fo: Beall, rtin. , t Et my. fri en d s "I a• SaCO,' Milineiv l'ivalifr'eiitiid'E'y physi, , giant! Of the • higkeit-iitirndinit th4e;liiii,reitived • ' • /no; benefit •whatever Ircm - theor, , lint' arittlually., l - , Irey worse, uniilittiffthysieinits mid Myself gave , nit Mi. hopes of uty,eyee recoyering, chili kit like ~ o_ne_Alio Is ahoitt itripsmt,throngla the valley of the • shadoty„ or deldif.'.. At this ! 'awful juncture," 1 . , Item d.nryout.IIQM.POUNO ,91'114.11'Qk Wll,ll ' • eIII.IILRY,f --talid 160 w i ne. Yon to • bit If regular . practicing , phis:4lllM 'in l'hiblq,;ophi,,,. gore me • ' more oonktletutlelit.tki ;Medicine, no I emu:hided I as a lastydsort to Make a trial of it.• k sent is • your tfgeift infilonton, and purchased ono bottle; which reliefed rim very much, I thou 1111; 0 1 1 1M • two bottles 'cadre, alticit 1 urn happy to say en • tirely cured nits; , and 1- ant now - einoiing better ,health than,' if ewer bare' balm° itrmy life. It .., .seemed ;to have. it beneficial effect at once. I anined alrerigth rapidly, althopeli reduced to a ' _ . sere skeleton, and I feel salisfit d front its solo -: 7 - ' ,- itrrittlVcrurn my (mit case; (hat Dr.. Swayite's Compound Syrnp . tif Wild Clierryaill cure nay . ~.. iiiiSe•oftlis'ease,di.litigs, it taken Ilea - Hit% to the rhescr'ibiiil rules •cinititi mid iii the pamphlets ac . ar.mpanying tile medicines. l';crit the physicians who witnessed_ my rase are high i l a y recoimuentl lag_it in ,titroilati,.cases—and 11:.w . i i-yriti-to , nti4e , ' - this itlill;, so that others_who are suffering' Os I hitse'ligetil sittYltnotfirli . de t to prbedre a rstnedy 1,,t first, winch -will. mach their disease', Without , - . • , tanmertng with .cud ruining -their entradtittinits with the ninny "smack nostrums"' with it Idelt the whole country is •flor.ded, perpared by Tiersoits who liavela&kitoivltafie ofilie seienCe ut metli. . Otte in theory or practice, but'are got up 1111.4• E ily . ' -with 'a 'mercenary view. li am a Scarlet member of lite Hope inilga 1.0. nro. F.. in Providence R. Land will be 111i1114 to givannyinforritation.lii , regard to Abe 'elTiesel of youy medicine, .and can five ample pr 3.11 that my-elite la nfit exaggerated ill the.lenst A LBART A # llt)s§. -To•Dr. H. Sir I VSZE, N. W. corner Aiglith and Race steed's, Philadelphia. CAUTIONt-r-:i'lle_, public almuld be .r.-1 their' • rem! age hist tile MRlll' ung,ilms" and "St ixtres" , --Sif Wild Cherry,.which have spriiiig up in all .partsiirtli - ieniffftry.fpitegiort Mg to be prepared bi ' physicians, all of which will Ile lOWA t . i be “falseh by'a little, inquiry in the towns and cities where th e y oirgitu t te. - 'MI Chilheates and stalelnents in • „ loot , D r ; swa sw ps compound Syrup of 11' ild Cherry are "strictly true," and the 111.01101.101. is daily res.ieving them from persor.s cilia litivefireti mitred by.the,etilebritted remedy. -Tn..'-... - on r got 1111 l te artle e- Is on V prepnret by Dn. SWAY-NE. N. W. corner of RACE.: Streets, Remember, all preparations of Wild Cherry are,fictiticw . nntl counterfeit enc,itt tiort - beariug the written sip-entered N r 4SwAxter. .The onl . l nzentr 111 ettrlbile are SIYEIRS St . lIAVKIt STICK MuI:STPXKNSON Sr. NIEHAPFY,Itni AlrAll'riNiLtiz i thirrisinirg , -.... 0---- _THI MSONS COMPOUND 'SYRUP OF D WOOD NAPTIJA.• 1000 PERSONS in Philadelphia alone can testify t the wonderful efficacy et that powerful remedy THOMPSON'S CONIPOLIND- ..S-t-RUP OF TAR AND WQOD NAPTHA Road ! 'Road l Astonish. ing cure of Chronic fironchitis !I Philadelphia, 111ay,23, 1814., Mr. 9 TuonrsoruDenr Sir. For more that Your_yeaut_isast- Lharileen_dreadfittly_alllinted with an MK:eV° north° throtit,'Whlidi 'my plif : Celan pronounced "Chrogie Gpanchitia, cans - led by repeated and neglected colds. The die tress sulfured is indescslbahle i% Circuit was Literally raw with violent coughing, au 'Mat blood would Boma from it;' also great oppres. sion, pain and tightness at.. tlie. chcss,ann laver —.in short all the usual plinionery,:,syMptoms showed themselves, showed the maul fee, Calming entire tuna of neceasitty risposemy throat: was leached and bliatered over find, over 'agains , made trial'of every kn'crwo • remedy, Under .dif ferent periods had the advice of six physicians, and all with no aunt!. About int:intim since I made trial olyour Compound Syrup...of Tar and Wo nl Naptha, and before ,I hod dikes the first bottlcl' felt relief'. I conitniMil until I had taken seven bottles, which completely ro moved the disease andrestored rne to perfect - health, and ,I.firrrily believe.. 4 .sliould,por t .now bellying; had it not heed fur your invaltillile ruedicipe.. ' JANE PERRY,, .10 Spruce street. Principal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce 'streets, Klee 50 cents r pqr bottle or 95 nor _FSLI.aft STPNENSON--& M EIPMFEr. ' • • • , an The Oltlest. d I . lastFopular Aleiii iiies,nOw.olrered to the Public, are FahneSi l Ck'S*Family,Metlicin6s, mairy Tholisand Certifunitea like the giieti,td igen. VaiSsitruoz, diming , the lasteighteeri yestra,— All of FahnOstock's Family Medicines ore pro. .yerhial for their, cheapness and cilium, and no family shofdd he without an assortment of them, nor will they;it labeliivedotlleta oss trial of ilium. , .A. FAII.N.E,STOCK'S VE1L1111.11.1.39 IN • , . : .,,,L,,, , 4 f r iiwif yviti6zp, rp4)l(ll:4lo,,kvliareFtll, ri ' , ei, 1 btit Y _y F t !' I, T -- I t 1 1 17 1:4: ~,04,4u l!biltrotti l 6 viitea ,11,z ~, IP , tat wire attoelebleg.- : -In ottie.4 l .ltroul,t! l e 1 us' or one *iii, 14fveern3a.were9hich,a1•471.!1,12,!,1 au robe k• 46 tett.te:d. to theetitCrd ie, lloll q•.9lA, ' , II Ecelittli,elWiliCit/AGEOAIz. D.l • milf4Perl'atl? cI , • oh' ull 4109' {4l . ; d }„,,,, 9ljiltplitlip „.: a ~ 1 . 2 7 "ridif° y r • 1,9z0r,u p , tl t itestoi ' . 1 ' t! iii IL. 47.1r14:4 18,r9%ti ' a- Cauk1"11611 6 WI iatifirjulkeoillifiltu ahnil§ 9 • .a h._ 1044°4 41111 rlll4ol44llo:Ate;liiiP , • • 441,41y1 trot Efts i ILK. . . . !IX Opt ela n , • 9 y.. !! . rre,d63ust rece at )if 16 is lceby- Anil , • 7,r , ..iiitirtlitivpliok• . AkerCe Jour - joist, , d , rdf , !„, 4 I :l . f . AitafrA,, „ ' • : Sl= inii • • i,AVO' RMS. 400,4tifFri*T-' .•,- .- - ..-' 1':111 41 7- .- - - Xtrgt,';' , , i,,,1 .7 1, '&1) t' ii,,,.R- AU ~ , 4.. ', Le -R:-A.-.4r,,;,, , ,,,- • inon'db, 111,,Aidl 0' 1 1. 9 t; ° ~,, , 4 , 4 ,,. e j pi.. new • in use, we % wild enfave FA; I yoife- tillildivn ' l " ) ..4 o l l .ol l !' 4 3E. , llio 6 olltherviiu(lited;.with.-oll'est r , sive bream tram itt the joihts ittioNiulits, vdiu: 6100 tispkiite;lolOtti 6 olldOftilAliboutlildollioinrtiugie' Theirrdlevli Wild Illikhlyratid fiettlitivoillkootiose ol toottirthlutlrish utd o ltheAhtuttlo lo l lll l;orlitdarm% squeamishness, tits, moist:a, oVe., immediatUlv ob lain it bottle.9l.llolieussek's worm Syrup; foil' in to dying yote.Will lobtliflrsfive rd - idlielo ill ante," i ?Vollt . "!l;•ba4l' , it,'Y-. l ‘l4lleUltltM wanthero,./reitioled`soe.- row - mid II isetnke,; how Milehottlrerhog mod loss of 1 'fife We taie,dir a ouglool proper nth:mi en and proper remetlins ; therefore, let It be theduty of r 1 motlaeri, iit tuisc nily`AA 111(4 eltildivo should slotii* '1 ally or doe abut 4 , , symptema, or proeure,ttittailen.' Hely, the proper VeMeil'y fal . n•lft ' heiisankli Worm Si:rtmia Medial* flood liiiiii meet , witlr r initfplide . .'stieceistitill , eOrt , e , wlol-'ev e ry I other luta eitti'rely felled I to --seltiyft intimerutts,! net tifiBates n1 , 1'41101 respeefablo pey'sous.taslify See pamplilels,.... .__ . , . ~.. 4.. - ..4-..., Meist.S..l. N. £l. (.:. S. Ifobensack t—,,.. Ceitildmeo si Unsolicited, I scud you this. lestintditial concern-- jog your invaltudfle Ategesieol Worm Syrup.. 7„. Fronvelrlyinlintry, my daughter, now nichild of 18 I/I nialis;lnit brew sm•elyatilliefetWßlFWbrilist 'causing tinily the twist .severeviptil iliatressing i ' pains. - -A - mitues - slie - wettlil - lieninuist'franttevnikfl perlimily unnuntsgeable t Would run up and down;- the floor, (111 , 1 lootoek herself - omeolowinoudy tigninaV the. walls. l'or st Initgtitile se 'Were igitor a m Of i l the canes. al length ui -big impressed with the loci... - 1 lief' dist worms were doe cense, we rommenetid giving seieral medieittes for such n nompinint,' fiiint what tlin - eltilif derivetfuo•lienefit whatever'. 4, As 11 111/II tel. L ot ' enumi, !the wile !pupil reduced' in Ileilo..an4 hood all doe symptoms or suela a com plaint, Accidentally meetioy, with out or your minters, we wevii Inditeell to-try your medicine. We lied tint used it,lottt ,a few days hereto it greet `ninny wOrititt were 11i:4'1404 frdati .14.1.,, our full six ineheir in leegtlionitl'lteill'e's; vairyingin size from one to flier Inches. I kciiNely 'wild( 0'44 tliii child .was speedily relievekalid til4elbo tiblore, .0 e hint lISWI Otte .12:5 nape , bottl , of stint. :W01.1p .. S nip. She is now entirely flee from:hinge 4i:- litotin g poi o o, fool doing well. I feel I hrt it' would he otokitoolotesoroo our pati to ‘k idol oo i I from Too :owl, the emmuottlify. this, joifornotitop. I obi, iherefore, unhesitatingly rie9mpilemito.o . er :i!!!ti eloit4l IVorlii S 3 Imp as n medhdue,ouptiostuttitg soi per-exeelloot qualllieli. ' Verv - Resoketholly,, - • • ' I:: I I I, :fiIRY'PLIYMNIP,It, ... ' fllioister - of the Gospel, . ...Alm sloall 81..iVdeOr.beltow_Bedwi L " - rr:r j . One tidal of this artirle will cemvilice the Winlt Atteptirtill 'fif iti otnpreeedemed . virtues;und the molory will he refunded in's!! canes -If it oitoolit roil to. g i lug satisfaction . . ' • ', -I ' II gPADVAYArStiIt ily' ,---- - ,--- ,_ --G.; ti I, IIII6IIII3IISAcK . -, J. E. corn s• rf 8//i 4. • - Orem"? - its:l'h itng drhia - - - Plici , V. 5 eenili tiCr Iftittle. A !literal diicomd made to wholesale potreionst;s EMI' xalr, wholc.stlit• nu"! 4.08;1 lit J—N.. & ; f:. s nilligims . 14111 i A'piiiiiectiri:•.l. N. NI .oti C 53 veers: a allolllllo, where Ntorekeerers, Physicinns, Alechanks moll Pononters luny he sulipsieti with Prugs, Class, Point., a ruriottotine, Varnishes„ Lead, awl every 'other article 1,, the business, mooch lower Ilona at any ether esbAblialiment iit (lie city. The :111,licittetl .Vornt S 3 rup,or T.iltle Suffer er's Friend, is for sale at the principal Drug wes. and by st trekeepers generally, till oter the tliiited Slates. kor sale ft r Carlile at !lee drag stores or STEVENSON NI %ll•;IIAFF • And S. ELLIO'r, DX DA.Vtit'S COMPOUND SYRUP Or WILD CHERRY. AND TAR. Jr. the cure of Punionary onsumphon, Cungb.a, Culits Asthma. Influenza,- Broh eltitis, Ylctirriry , DWictiltr,of Bret:Ohl - hp-, Pains the lireust or Side.'Spittin, • mood, Croup, IP:hoopi t ig cough, ralijl:3 medicine is rapidly guiding a duller .1. ved popularity. iii A freet ions of the Lungs Tim following- certificates from respectable eitizeits'of Philadelphia fully ',neat Its' merits. It hasperfpromidxtutperoasicuresAtiieveret.ea. MIS tail where the usual remedieshad n failed to give relict:'' ' ' . •Pkiladel,pGin * Serimber 20 ,18.15. MexerilAitibibtionrtnitias Wetill—Deing of. ~f licted last Spring • With. very severe, cepgh, With Pain my. side' and breast;k6reneireind weakness of the lungs, shortnetail dr in, butlo no goolif °fleet, my..cough atillcont inning, and try,Mviiig3uel~ti'ge'tlic'diairetasing - nature'of the cough that' ,['could not'lie in .bad night nor day, but was obliged to sit up;in my °hair, end could not sleep but very little athest, consequedtly, I was wearing out very fuel, till you very kihdly reeornmended 'Dr. Davis'a Compound Syrdp of Wild Cherry And Tar, the fired bottle of which gave me relief, Checked my cough. loosened tho plitegnVeuuscil.- me toes. *tuna° ;freely, rentur,ed, my appetite, relieved the'pam in. my Side, healed the soreness of my breast, and strengthened my lungs; causing me to breathe freely: clhavennur titkafi ten ,bcdtles it has cAiiNly..c.UrC4 TY Conk-, A l„:havifitijitioof considerably In " think' it Mold Vdlua. blo medicine, and,onelhat might, to be. Aftkier. sally khowMthiltlioea feted With colds and coughs may have'a medicine both' afe'aricriura to cure, if' taken' properly. Whilo taking the mcidicinti, I drank - freely,ormMasami and witier which 'I found eXeclicat'le keep the bowel, open. If thin statement Can bo of any, benefil to the °filleted, yAti are. at liberty, -to niake a tiet use of it us you may think pro'per.; MERRICK BARNDS' No.:oolread,Straitt. Several months since, my witOwne attalted with a severe cough, attended t(pam. in liar side, which, from ifs obatinate continuancle began to atfarui hey,, ~A:feW/aieiref Ctr r Da vas's ConaPoOrTd Syrup of Tar re lieved the pitin , anCoured the cough • and h the tianu Me' hacr:tillieri'thalf hottlefuis)ao wa perfectly curios "SIM l i ecorninznalhd -it to a '‘ eqinaintanwrattavaiutilithicriliho was aftleted, , in baittlJAhrkestiselmehttshi tip: '' medicine proved equally benclimillin*l• lease, IttrO. B. also tricommended-it-tohlubsraliuf-hoe •friefiAif, who Were,l believe ctired: by tet Aa myLitriciW, ledge; uff, Os. l Datrtadsramerticitinfin at ri t deem It'sufliciont to recommend it asavaltift. iJ3le one '; ,:51441rtLeirJDOrropy/14;111106191. hLdlo:lilI bits ;mill 7' , aka ilkt4bArt ribtith Jatiaefiribtairundithekitgeney noi Übe outlaw :6thwt valttablainteaAlethe I mairl f clee9 n:;61 HERS . ; '; %. • NO ` . ' ,' 'aiwti , 1: 9 . no u s grlliu:l .3 FAICAt a '• fru' O'l \ 410 IdA Rfteqooo44gikl'ACOUS. ,i atif /1 4444 4 01WOOCIPitilg€18, A% 411- h l un*Penrs;itili iiiplill tifbaig ill 'lt- AblenniietyliktiO4lninNettr . 44o ?1,, ht ff "Iry r t ivifi l z i l 4 3 o ll 4i j'‘ 44 lU , : : *el lik a '64'o roachi Ithshier* -kW' e imriturnwtli 1 A - illiffi,, juiffeby" i- - • .i . gi_ ' lll/ 4 .sAgat r t, , „ ,: 03: , ,f 1 . 9,4•41.•,.. t 0444.tr0ri*. ' s , . • 00441 , 4 t wwD)Ygintrkesed 6, ' '', ,1'. ; 14 , . ii 4 t, 2:420‘.161 , 41, :- 1 11.4 . • • : -:',. , , ..-,,,i . 0M414044411•11M1 , ,17. , 711 . 11.11,41/ , 04 ITH . .JR 4 N —**----- tftirOLIMPIA LPH :be Vi g . 1 4, qhPQit elPiPtPridin WP, 1 1 ,fibe g rifANP-, • ' 1 1494 44 ' Vi i t i i i iit i TWO e z,,s,t. ,e p pal `iii' toettrioiN thViintibt. • ti Itlig ifia'. oiliti'pitilat«, fiber pldeiktililil.iffiriiihletrerlfieilikiii" leWedva i.iii oii. img :14tfral tA.), ~ t ult tio LedNsißANCllia*lT444iii 01 tiq . 4-t4(4.1.4 '1,4 . 1 ;9x11•: 'ef Instuunce Reduced !1.131_,L , 'PlitErrtratplialetw' .',., ~s , mit, thieningeorstore. --•- - ,1-:..:,, ~4,,kr- A , * t alc to 9p o dep N., -, '"Critfiv:tms " '''''''' 2k10.0, - , , rc_ ll ,.„' ill'itteillowNJ trAl i - "S' 04 1 '1' :IpAi Iliiiisollf ItP,pral , iiiii 40 1 ' 5 A 1 10;1 ' tSilible . ii(poipito7:-.4.-Ab:itil4 10 - `40,17 1 )illYiOttPottlio)vio Adolf* z_i ;cipi ~f ,90PleAllillslitiWASCrs i oniJe , t1 , , ti i, " ati eil tnk 94,J 1 W )11'4111' '. 1 lAi 11...; )1. 1 _,,., ton ,4 3 fi gl , cm, .iiipt ri ri e :1 9 1 , ,r 1 . I .l.BllP tßiiitilliiiii &1; to , ' ' 'dor ' 1 41 O" i'itotesititi 31er 9 loin e , 'rat ..;!aryb ~ 1,0 rim% s tr 1.1 d' I do ,",„„ do it tayscus andrgraitpro , , ' , 4 .1101 Wil?! a . 1013010 no _ , l l, I .70° - : - .l° - 14,74,15R , ,m 1 ,c 7: ; : i tri .-., --- 1 ., 4 . , .4. 4,1,0 .seri l ,les , (r id), ay 0 . v"" ' - '-' H. •./ . . '. • ' too billo; '' ,, ,to ''l do do ll'iriat Mill and StoOlcoo 1.. I •,• • frp' ''l , 7.5 aMr' • - I did ' '''.''' • roe nod Log dwellings nod Fur- ti I I • irrizraa s.ithatiat 9 ll.P.iik V 4 ' 4 .fl .:':• j dr. ii • .„ t ..,„ „li nt) •,. ~.• , kr6s ts4s, do iiii, 'do 'co% erii Bald riil•iiii ure ' ' • 1 ., , ' l l°' 4? Il'lriv. .10 con,Tit. , .11 , if3ll .1, 3 -.. 'do ' 'lO fikil , 3l3llB int( Stile); ' " I • ' ' ,I,'''s The snloscillier fan Carlisle nril its vicinity. All applicatiotoaror n stir rot rev, either.' toy ; Ins i I nr personally will be p.rnntittly attended te, W. 1).-SEY,MOUR....,. Jane r. • " ' I 7 1":43 DELAWMOIIitUAL INSURANCE CaTi. OF ?LOLA DELPH lA. nal . . - Insurance :principle, combined hirke joint-stork Capital. Premi-, i'~tlt~ced4o nearly loaf Me twin! rotes! • quip I' the - ilk:di of lucernoration Arlo Meek In -JIB 'pledged for the pa • Merit Of an lbsee." whiele the Comparlyntay Mist° n. • n.• as en' a'dditionaCsreurity to. the assered, tha:aet tel., ifbiree.thai the prrylis..artive bersincos shall he funded arid 'remain (witiallin corporation; `tivi a kuarantei and 'Protection , to tlin ineured age init. oss,- Th is' - fund - .ivill: be' reurese nrod - by ler i p # knitted , b . .!4!PiVoolpalq. ibeatiii interest notch: co p'er contriver annum'. The insured' a , &cloy:wpm/Ina shure',oVrivrofite of 'gni. or4lin7, and - will - reiolve th e lircpor lion of the` elo i rcedid i final', in seilri, ii.itien the; [ amount 'of earned Predii unlit , paid liy, Iviiit, bear's' "'ratite total Sole 'ef earned lireniturns'and'capita stage. , .„. .--• '''' -• "•' ' • ' 'The strip thurflenthed,lci be tronsfeiuble on tile - books of the Catiimilay an stork. No' diftidend of 'vferiii , "edh AM 'made . iriven the beacon and extrefilie cloned amount o earned previshoni. Tfie insivred - arn,prineeled frontless at. the customarY l'a",„es 'of prcniituniv,• mahout any indiutddia '‘iiitldliry or iekuddsitility for the losses or expanses of the Corporation: Th. abe uTed Jhavn tit time rights ivf;rnerillicrsilip, can vote al' all elections, and aro eligible as Directors of the Corporation. _ - The nfibieribei has- been ahprtiieteid agent for I "Hail Company, and :AP' the mutual. principle I q superseding every other muds nf-breldriiii6e7 1.6 would ennfidentlyreeornmend it ttilde friends and the public. .rflr ., Anteticart - Comparry-Adorr Elie& Agency. Thome having polleled expiring in !hut office can have - thorn renewed in the Delaware Co l uipirair on much' more. tawproblo termi, • For full partliulors erit — iiro rititOr by felt or iirrson to , ..1011N J. 111YERS.e r Carbele - ,..St.plunibor 10,4846.-1 y. .ALLES X r IST .F.,r\ s Ito uG MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCECOMPANV. T" Allentoiti tustpennshormigh Insuroneecompany of Cumberland Gniiiity,iii corporated by an nettol A asrmbly 4 is now folly or guns zed,antlinoiigratipnantert te ptanwg arynt yf toe'follow fog cominissgmers, . Clit..Sta)maii4tienb Sliell‘,W in it nOrga4t.rwia kyer,. Cllll5l hill TiIZ:PI, Alirlinet Hooter, (Ivory Cockliii. Benjamin)! Aitisser,Leci Alerkel irk ior lire aema a ail Sam,' Prowell• who respect Lilly call the pttuition of the e.itizentiofEhimberlondatllfork - Mnintiestuthowt- , comities whickilie compiny hold otit. • The ruitia of insurance are as low.and favorable , annoy Company Of the kind in the Slate. Peru:His, wishing to become members xre iuviled to make application to the agents of the company 11.0 are, willing to *lilt ,9poii . "t ism al Any tree. JACOB StiELk.l, Pres't. 1111 mum. lloorta, Vlee' President s Antis //NT, Secretary. Michael Ceck lin, Treasurer. , . , . ', • ' - ' " " „ .10.•%"1',V. ~ ... "Aliiilntel !fool rr, { ienerni.A4cni,illecliniiiicy,crg tinilolpli Alnelito,N.-Lukliberlasid to wiibisili. • - ~)1, cocklin,,AllepiriOtishipJ . I}rin•H.G,orgas, Allen; township, . ChrilitinnXti:44,4tl,leiktownOlip; • ; .• . siNq .0. PHENI., Alie.fklown.A kip., ~.. ... . Kte:lt:noilifiliiirt,tiist Penicelioro' township. David AHltiii,Churchtown. C. D. liiirtiion,'Hiogsto , Wia „.. . HenryZiniisink - 91iireSnanitow w ; • SinionDystor,,ltiorinjeysliiirg, •; • 1 , : , • .; Dr. Jura Diiiighn,inii, CarHelle, , r Jaen)) liii',Oeileriii A gnat f o r, Yorli C,oulity.,lS eir • etuinbti'lniiii-r. 0. '' '' ' , Henry I.ngnit;YOrk C'ouniy. '• ) . ' '' , ' .. John SherrKiik: 'York county:: John lintikinrYork 13011114 y. '.' • •—•' ''' -'' Ontaiel • Haily,—York coon'?; •,. 4. ' - ' 1 1 3 J.: kip. , Intinaoric county. .• • . ••. „ . : :•. Philip reekbilirCitmheylniiii 001inty, Robert C Sterret, 9. •i‘i iildleton ton ''ship. crther agents will„..m,iiiiiletilwronfter.•! ''.lni4,o it 45.„ ;' ,-- '7 . 7 '. '—, •, ; 0,.40 —_____ ..,..._ ~'-'. TfflrC - Otilutiltt:A:ND , Vili"..l.XV olititira/ Protection Cooly. IigCUM 11F.RLA ND V , hi VAI.LE f. mu/TU 17PROT NI ECTIQN CO PAN : Y. will be eh Al. . die direction - of, tim,followint- , booril of Af gaugers for . iiii: eileul,ng.3 ear, ,ris e -e,Thomsa t;. Al i l ler, Prestelmitt'Smemel Galbraitlt,,Vipm, Pre , 'Akio ! Dai!iil W. 'Aftatillemgh,Treasprer ! A. G. •111 Mei., Secreturr ' , JiiniesWeri,liley, l'ltilip Spangler; - I'.; A : litiel'ilithey:',lBlittind ,Ti:i it, Acilni Ziig, flamueliftittou o lohn 'l`., fl , i9 l 44iihn Del', A braliam , King, Esq.• Adams ietitinty: . I'itere‘ !fee also ii intnibcr,,nf Apents appointed -in the - ad: jacent comittes, who ttill cyctlyt itliglicatimis fur isttrafite mei ' fora aril thein tiliiiiikiiiik'Wly for . afr l leoys ivtim.tilirepftlioColnody,,uliihftla'bol-f, ° , ill, ke • I ,mycil :91ithoAt .11ohge , ,;tor l i ii 'llithi, onntition,seo,tl . 77 ityl s iswfnttlic CO , mp tt y,i,, , , h; , ;'; ' , i t i f f ( • Alit l ill-I L '''A r, '•' l% ! , '4• o „,11 ~ ,, , , , i , • ~,,i .7 Irltii ri'lldOnli i Or ill ' ltle f i c ''') 4 :t!A el ! IPPVicii . ---- i •--- - -- Axvoixo,i,„ ~,, , , i, ~ :. - ''m• P•iR1i&bi111. 1 a.,,•,i,,,,,,,.i., , ~ „,„,, , H. , .! ih. rk , ) : ,0, 01 qintstyrg• '' - 1 4,o,,:dr i a II !MI ..,.Esq 3 ;ThllTf• L it l ) 1 11... it, Witliiikk;red;;Welftipthinlibtiv al' • . Jos. M. Arcank,_Erir,.,,,Nowtturg i'.. ~ .- r i- J obii- C linlifenTui,Fl e q.nflo7,e'itotrn‘ ~- ---7 i ,1,,,,,,0„t0ph0w Cl ll , l lcrtoanoShippolisbil* 4, . , . , • Ifi t iPliii I!' I.l4Peil .0)11 ;n u.t .L.AI, i . , ,,,,,, 0)1(0'i ir §iiiWi„ Wgl),)ii,i:§TAlßtil SYlittiV.il6P, ,:iY, . 15,1 ? , s c •itOt i qh , ,*°!'Pvsysift'" fk)'‘ib , c 4r9, o CgOig!" l :e PPlclf,P44,whialliar:e 20 prowtr- Tea a! this leniop tc e pie l yvino For, , salotat,r.' 1114 IA FP I.Y I : preks,PE'ti 9eFikelAr„ I / ,i 9 i ' Septtn .161'040 1 i •1r • i , ' '''' PI '. 'At li•tr „ .•1,• !R I •,,, ,„. , ,__ iIL 41U.liffINE.• - ••„•.1 •• ,,, 31:11ialaaptiaiBi t tl '-? ' 0 K t' Tilti# , yr :Qr AQININA4- * 2 l'etere -, and sa 0 k r I. '' le If r i,Vll l Ti. ~ , A koi,ir, pielintia'finetel;loi 40441104 iil4B4d ' end Vailnfr* :hildreliiiiiiin4iiin fte t 1 1 . A. fa! T r EWo l 39l444Efigrgy. 3ro illicbfrorniihr4 up thent,evy,4hedv, t1,,,,,,,p,- [43.. AP e•xis,cwoop,n ig stom.lo,,_ ~. , , 1 requested'ln inekelltitnedietn'itiiynierd:' 'The_ ''''94l hi e s TPle#l l lo 3%400. , -.110 * ~ I I , • , , , , books ere in - the-hinds of 1„ kg ' ut , v., • ; '.l4'. teo r iell "K4llti'm'in'Ar ' s " 1;1101Pgi 'II6t H AII:-.HO/ i iii‘ , :: 'lllo l l.t Ng • 191f 9 141 6 ei l / 4 ee!eie_ ' ' erilele. 9A , f3, - .18409 1. :-."31 1 '7 l ('-'-','rg \- ,' • . . 4 . 11 ' • 'lt ' Wpm, CO - dAtlrjr - ,r - psTen7t* .--„ 7 -- ',. 14 ..,,.. -,k , r-• ,•-•.,,,;,-- ''' _AN114. 1 04.40.0-.4 , ibOr . rut, lll,JAKeifi.thii 3 / 4 ' '), sit •,11( 1 11teltiMitOr 2',4l';f*llsTli* XiSeT;l74;;ltt;--I't- Itl ' NOlBiiilkiN r e " - 4 11 ill ' lithe 11 1 14 il • 'lle tr h t et9lll go ) ' fo kr ? , W . 9 ll)74 ' luk ' W4i'.;iv-rai WO lriir ' 7,t , tVeP,o4.;,iiii-', . 1 * 011, '",t 1 ,i 4 ,,,1 i itl i I 49j1 ($e*,•4431'6g4:1 sl., !_yr: r., gV , ; l ").P * P% l'ul ,, 4 filii • ri ti eki j "r; jot ii i 'lle eA l fe,49,eliter,FlA ;A•41Z14 Ite,er '-- etrbrs' - ' - if l ifiS ee ' bolt: LI IR Ift:. '- ' ' ‘4,,." rePeilifshillieredirkOorilliPk't%;4' ' r ft! it; e . •. it f , .4,,-i4- 1 ., w r s , ‘ '44. '7-1 .. is: .., r , . I ,L , ~ ..' ~ I ' ' 1 -, - t' ,.- . `4' ''' ' 0 1'. • 04:400: 0 1 1 ' "P k) :V':',?; ` ,,111 .." .), ::P,t5 i zf,-, 7 1;,, , ' „A ~,N,14 , VOW' ~1 7 - 1- t.-- f :::'' - , a 0, ;4? 5 11- 1 10Y , 0 4 -,f. .t . 4 , 1 i: - a • ;., • ..,`, :,• ~,.),,,,,, 4 , ~0., , , - ' ,-. ' ; ;1, ,, ~ . ...4 4' ~ '...- • : .. " -' , ;,,,1 ; ,;\ ''''•''i ,• , • ••'; : r 14 , ,, , ..` -,`.. ••• o ' , `„ ~,,•" •? ;, 4 2 1, ,--,.--, ,-,, s• - • .1?0,x1 , ,p1u . ;,,1 1 . ._... r ~ I . , WM FORISIFPN '.. - r.71 , , , r ,,, ".P . • '• " ' ''' "i - ' • __, s 5 ' • .. •-, a• ' -,*' •-, : - ..:' , ', 1 -. l '.' , ' rift I MBEI - AND: TI:: -- tiiX4 - itlY - r tqw , - ~ E ,auble - fmr would relpectif . tilly legiinro . .01if.ittirefitotifitlittIrehNo : littd-11. ,'piiblioi inekalfsiiatit ti 4 dtflle*liiiiosottst t ' l' , lieu itlaitrolvtii4 weit P e . d tif Agfa itliit arty's' , iiiyiltiOroitiya Vil'ilK ei;tidilltd&lrAiiia t . 41 , 3 .6 4 6l Z W AV l i4e 4 ii % l o44 l4 ll . l i itj' it4te ißt4( l44 4:'ll‘ 4 6 ;, P nilk i, j ettialt chi ' : 4 . * ",:;.,,,,,. , ,1 1 tn. il .110ardsh.rlatalK,4criAlf4plg i IBUiltAi ....1 Toififritifi r aielK ifilifip MC, Sic. l .1. , ,0t littrirdilpf,ll , Bia'.6l . tyliiiite • ktiily oipti 4 t 1 ..I w I lltfinit'ac bill Cedpiklitipr it til'aeportt Whigt.'d n Yeiltir " 'tliftt,t4,t i pie; If4pti t r, Find ‘, 12.1112.1 r tAtiti6itdir:lo.T.llCl 0090i1).911Tannoi. 11)il 11v-1 4 . A- 11 ,15Ntr.tn1s1P,. 1 , 1 1411 ,1 9kfilogli k s419 .. API' • itilliw ..,Ikitd.rißjA4l,94ltintiiklipitirreherr - 31 PAY 39o, M i sP4i b v 4 .l o g l i:fi all e *- n e s elr n i 3ll l; n I .3l l l ) l4Vi l flt g At fli nplAifir i . ietfer Re rpm, l e l i if ei f i l: l ,3 :b 9 ,4 :r i 9 % , : . : o: 4 ,in g .,,,, ifil: i g: ,4 l l l ,i ' ,_ y ` ie . ; . 7f , : m oi:. ,„f1.".,n,,t11,,,,ti,e) , i4.5„xl u i fifAri;iNtge silk kr4l,:iti.: kqFP , .coPsamly eP ,hatitittt ptipply„ot, 841Figegnt bkinds ofAll , oo.Aib t i.stlcilti tail _Mogi ..Ortkire k WI I kesbitre:cr:qnd' , Sh timnki n , for , 'family iiii;end Lieuebuiner's and Bleekirnith'e • ,9,9,..ak i i1,110 best: 990 it,yo c - flip low,eq prices. 4. NI. I`,P lf li Frt. revel , be, Tetive9litilly•tmT itellio'Ya..coßlAnuan43, of .1. lei' putdie potrunage, 'op ) yopep .11,;rict,,a !ten tion,to give antiafaction o•'nu Augment. i , •. • • •(,. •• , ~ SAMiJEL BI , HOOVER., 1. cadiglei./Ifay. 1,3 i 484 d,. ., ~ -. • . „ . ~ PLAINFIELD . =.CLASSICAL ACADEMY..,'. • 711H16 . iiiiiitiii . liirtidettin the tlitiii • '..ll. , liiiilitir Mirt '' tiouity, sulll be • 'inien'eit far Iliad-ding oi.litii . ,., eeholitrs,(Otitio,) on 'llfondstr; Beteitei'lr'.lB46:- • ' ;,.. 1 • - Thesimatiiiii'likshetaiiiitieifforiVe'itliintage if•prelents it'ilieirigliir remoiitl front the noise of busy life, yet most conveniently •seeessiLle by Ralf' - loa d. - tor - ,Stat& - Road; - being within 4 miles Brest Orearliste.. .• • . 1... .; .., .. 'i• ~ ' '"! l 'flie'btiiltlinge ate new anti convenient, the Actt-' 114nlitil . depakment la c ing; hem' ~erected 'this f 6 hi iiiel•:l libmininher Of studesits.will he limited. 0140'itint• Pinitrietifiltsfl,ihe. the distinguishing rdiiarea' tiirouglviut the lostitittion.; t6iiiiiiii iv)lrlbetiVll to. the Familia and Moral im if,llfflettteitt:of the atutlent s,,hy, competent. testi! iers, 'and'e`rery efreri nettle to 'Bemire the confidence ant , nierit the patronage rifiin enlightened public. fll!e,,yrar will be, divided iinto; two 'sessionii of:. ue nionifis Fitch, commencing 9rt the, gilt ..NI fill, litilyii in Octolisits.ntl.MMßLlte..,:expense_for, Boarding, kn., Tuition in, till Ailv,kl;ll - bnuo,lies" wliliff.tilip, and Greek, ter setation t r • ' $ 56 ' li e rtaich,,C'crinan,,Brawi,itg ,in. flluslo, ouch; 10 ,Day'Beliolitre' . ' ", . .. 'c&A'rnuigilniiilts can be nttidOtt , uy Ai r. time dm lug the. session at: n ' Proportion ' -• poise.. Fort lier.intormatino, releronces; '.. - disked' by application personal ly or,t,ly*gla Ato Carlisle l'ost Office. ' ... -; • _ 4 ' ' '-' ' "- '• It. K. lieRNC' • Priiicipal. Septenifier',2l,lB46. WHITE . 11A11 NaliStßY I 000'c l iolq,,.,?itu F 1 n . ,(1 20 0PIN] A k 11144,, ate now insourso , .of.oultivation Abe born establishment, , „ Upwards lOU , mriaties of LAPPLN, embraelltU.. th«Tmost approved, and, latest eerie. ties. Trees from 8 to .12 feet high,..strong itoekoandA . crined.tepsoureh as be in l'besiiinAile triton' inlit In tWil years' after' planting; 'willliefernislied*lfolciale and timer prieetrtfian.trees of equalquality ca, le Tor. t• ished tinSP regiiiiir Nursery 'in Pen sylvan's. 'Ourtreei ate periVetly free from e ulcer, un. like those which are o . encrully ha vi ke I"th rough thrttcclualik. ` All cißerii'and letters, 'et plait, will ,bppwictually attended to, Cutalou 'A fur oinked gratis. - • WILLIAWILIN '. • `_--HIGH-LIAND NURSERY! wE, the Proprietors elite above establish• nientanfortn• the, pAhltolhat ' ao will havaillarge attiek of inoit Celebrated Fruit Trees, 'fin-silo the' 'eciinine . fell'and' spring.' Also, that our trees are us large, and as fit* in pricesis_thoile of any other, either old or new establiebed Nursery in the county; and in re ward to the health and vigor of our trees, wo fear not the trial ^f Wean. The Nursery ierailmited 3 miles east of Car; lisle, mile south uf,Qie Railrhad. . • .1t may be important to atote, that the two porchaactl from .otr Nursery Wive all grown and arc now in a healthy and thriving condition. DAVID miLLgR,J n . & CO. September 2,1846.7-3 m. ThompsoniartNitikt is. UM 888 6, in small and large bottles, or by the quantity, prepared. wording to the celebrated recolmoftiodfreY Meyer, Baltimore. Composition' Powder, in largo and small pipers: Spiced Ilittdre;'. do. ,:Nerve , Powder, 'o. Byberly Alio' the genuine AfricenToPper, arid a au (60 artlile.cifOoiii "PO 'rale tiered weed pricfiti.b; o r . my EBB. Cdilisle, S.4l9intiet JO, 1/346. 1:17 . 01 PriiEn'S . :114Spic, I 'ol4. *•' .• • VertieS brtlls.rideii- iII OlL,renders it - • ncce4snr ery:intir Alefeite's ; •Itkt 1111 oV;' ~ 4,11„ flOollottoillhe '; Uut f tiiele it *briV- Honey-. hewer" unottrisiesed. It Den etrutes the , minutest , Pereso4l Otto to.'ttit 4%. dry withering 6u11.s - flew life and , • Off el openinkideuitilariet,iterPlecoilok thrit healthy tone met action so necessary-to-the presetzvition or, produstionof a. line head of hair:. • . SON Ad. 2,,Fifth - fdreet, Philadelphia,. land 12'y stprekeepers generally at t 4 end Al ate. Sold fht!l 41y by 'A. .144.1,0311% • • --- = woßogfiFuL, DISCOVERY t vigetapip''' ranbunt. INVENTED AND PREPARED HY SAM. ['EI REED, CA`RI.IS,LE, PA., _ . Fl'llll3 I.h/intent was lirt.p . gred • for the Itlieumatism. (and is the only external remedy known) but,ll,lla3 been round exoeruneti-' talltll(l.Ol.litIVPAINS,Ok EVI IIvIKIN[)=. lick nelie;,pains, in the hank, ;gritting from.] ton's, awfrial'ileVelorteillithd'intititnOrstfar e Allier, statue and tehrun;et Abe/ Lillian vs-- Loin fra ,Ilahle,./iT,lda &intim:tit doe/Cork I &intro: c/ 0 "*Ikll RllPltrationfOr .W eeke 9r.fuont he to:effect: q dqvi_44.immlil'irrontrary,,one/or.tworopnlika-- 'e lr 2 ," Pa li t r Iflt'49PCitlirrt.ll4 , 9ol)Y4led...has u t .ep to n r9E ) 11 ;91, 1 1 0 1 1 1.,mkp,i1103Pkigithit •mpar,togitija !admits haro'uteil'it pn 111.11 - tti)viit,Vintlo'il4.'hiai.ilhi.'..)tilvti,iWoke kk drkins i•i in ft ohr tioldirorttith'diotitnaW , hWiittldrirll'el . Woe thd atnahoneolfhott vidloOS'allbk 4 lnitlhiritielf 'file` thilitthrll I 1 11Ailtittiik'll o pplleatibirabpOopilattd.yarfillltAdilie'rePii r fil t y Tlloeirruovitltimr.whieh.tfrodoll'eraluts'd YeAlli464llh,Tlio ihatiio:OrfPatint bleilleltiiv.l— lumtt4lAttloat. orotetferred,loilwho Aturhe consult..d iiicrvonal,ly. in, roholoo k t . o lulatiVailOjikritele nap, qtdigl) ,o lif (hint' 10 . 14 he ei' itlenre'd Ithguinitt)•m. e hrintlit kind Ittflainfitittdi•ye."ottili infliroi:Of tllft 1,0411,11,-rf 1417 1:z :I'l el , • t tj; , it IMllvdtbethAVltlalee, l tr Ve,,AltrAilleaoy coltachel , Baker;: , t „ Ci*/) Ofh,Sch,c qt• /N l l,lltellt , paltOr.;: . n./.6. ° Prif!"..4lollfi .;;.laid Re! / t , It r i .-YrVI'VK 14 ,11tqr!"111.41Inkenk)F301i.n.P In tlea . „o .vari u . ,xes, rum, ,g,19 5000n itdil'wl p, OrtieukrEif,t ~~ ZE - ,;:imr.ilkii,,*: 40; ~. • - ! ,, ,:... , ;,'.‘ e1,':f , ! , ' '•,- ill , • ..., :_-„ 4 .. , iiiiirc . :.,. iiitta .,.,, 44 ., .• , ,„.,,,., : ,,, : ,o . !_ , 1 2 It ,254-.Litkeki_.t....,,..i f ikitac, !telit* 2l iiisentYALlQVritificiligiba ,A,41.1..4 QLP.TkitigGiall'orlfahleli.neVedtovinili 14ddliattiLitialktilvtalehlii111 , 110ti 46 , ti e: , aurpassed, attakare: 4 o.ltEwtOlkttli o l gq,,apo r sail e quality or'Gediatlite i a4y . other.establishatent in the . United States.' , Atatirelveiy , i/tiAtflirn air-. nt anuatas?StEtiainssiatGeikti4tif tuSid nee Those visiting the eity.wilflind itiiiitteilli te .. ..‘, ,!o:4gainiqesiquatoelOvtior6etiehlial , :orinal ~..: ~. baai,l.,,ii ~: ~ :Afi.:lo'.lißPVAß, & , ,a iuoitE; . & lk tliii. V. i bon WA. llar.4et. Street', Violin Jelphin. • xf 1 RojkijinTßOA J4, 1 4( 4 11'1' i 19 cre."-'' - - Nal . 1,• • '44012 .. • , 0 Ar t a 10 .e. ill im m ildre - rhA p n - qp ,,, ikA .ij 4„ olimr.idlr !ILL. , mmi-niii.w 7 10l roftWifelliiqiitrivirifietVVV *rat gm t 4t. TRACYS2 , OI4 'ESll'Alli6f4lk `,l*lfi't iMERcLINS,I. N&29sl n Alaiket" tred, ,Plillpdels Ilbilltdrho hail just•fildsliedlont'Of th'elali?at and, mot 6 Complete 'as aortal aids cid' %P&L,: suit WIN-, 1 41 4.- XLPT,HAXG +i tt. the shy, conkistilieof 1 •P u rru B ko.. lll. 9 3ll .llo o los ll 'olll • '4E IO 10 4 14 1141 ' 0..41155," ProakuCcata ~ • ( ,110,t0.,14 00 a '6 4 '2' dk - •4 " - i iii t e • I) e l s 4, .:i ~y ,AgtO 'IA (to oti i iici. 1114 sadaver pang . i)p coxts,.. n 8 to ,12 00 ,•' O. 419;'''Clbtli - ilo. $ 1 94 , 'lOlO 15.00 .0 dm' , broa t tr<lii." '"dO. 'ilb. '' 10 tO, [4 Pilot Clothilabgtiii Coats ' • ' 3to ' 5 00 Sttper,"Blstok Souk Coats , ' 9to -..1e0w, tio ~ t l Suck Ci.ats -. , Bton 00 -T wo ‘ ~, , . s• tot 1, 00 Como, p ilerrlCaatal - sdo T-6,00 111ack,(1,1011f Ploaks.. -,- 47 , 10, 10 ?is 00 Ilusiness'pikiks, ' 6 to -• 7'00 • Ilkick'dassloie're Paid, Ito 5 110 "do. 'FlincY Cassimere • 4to 500 Siitlit Vista 4 ,'',.,'" ' ' 2.50t0 400 Aiello& Vests ''"•'' -' '' ' 2to 400 Silk Velvet Vesta i ',1',0 1 ' 3to 4,56' ' Gentlemen in,wont ofCLOTIIINC-inny depend` upon being sithedin ecery`iespect, as wc are de-' termiued nut to be &Warm:di! by,any competitor in 016 btiaineis. "All` goods •itre' purchased for CASH; which enables us,fo 'tall a little lower than thoset'iyho ,tleal oto the, credit skste'ma it'heing a selfrevident• fact that, the 0 tibubfe sixpence is better Hasp Am ; f low ettilltopl , DON I I' FOR 'GET WE NII9IRE:11-, 292 AIAIIKKT ST.. PHILANIIMPIRA. M. TRACY. .October 14, 18.6. 1~l~Y1151~ ~',~~,~~ ~} ~lltl Ca. ~ .... EXTENSIVE ,- cmumirror - turazzi ,- RoOme - . -- • . „ . Tl l tglitrit;C'r,ood teapeetfully invite the_ altaiiiiir - or r ifoutikeepe'retaild the public nerally, to.theitery large titid elegant asnott-. meta ofFURNITURE, Which' .he no* hus on :hand at Ida , Cabinet Were Roamo; - ' 0" 'Wept. High etyma. opposite Rhoadn'ti . Worchonae, in barliale, feeling very confident that theeuparior anish, excellence of materiel; and 're : atonable priers of the numerous artichie which he con.. eta n t!y .: epp feetilye tei lf 'lbw ea t i fac ton to and secure the pairsmage of all Who may ex- Lifdlitiit His pre,ionf a'siortotont ingludes :retery . syo!iely of , Ware rs, bal l :0010nd ornamental, at pt.tir; t ''h will tie made to suit purchasers.. . madc„ the .necessary •arrioi nit he will delisor Furniture et any place within a moan:10;1c number of miles in the surround• leg country, without any increased charge.— The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited .. JACOB FETTER, datiliele, Judy 29; CABINET AND CHAR ROOW; - . . WINE subscribers would Inferim !reit. friends ' , II - And, tlie-piAIT 7- gotferally, th t they . havo takin,..the room In North • . • ,_„;„„: ilanevor inner, la tely once- - pied by Mr. E. Bullock ) as • e N 14 1 11/ . Chair Mannfactory , where they''will' .keep constantly • : ;i. * for oak an elegant assort- - -,, a,4 1 :,.,. mitt of 041,33122711 T \ : - . • r --- WARE & 011.1LIRS ) - i; 1 , " ' such as SECRETARIES, BuREUUS, Workstands, - ~ ' • .. ~ -tfiiiing :andliteakfaal. Tables; Card, Pio-Ph Centre TableS. Frorteh.. field, high - end low I ,ol 4,.!3edatontfa,.4t.e. , They holm now and will Continue to 'keep on hand a large and elegant arias , -of CHAIRS of every Yeacription, to which they wouldineite the ;Mention of house., keepers and those just dafrimeneing,iOnfidont, they will find articfiee.LeT !nick woritmanallig, -linifitiodeiiiti-prief Paces 4Et moot be eatioradtory to puichaspro ' They hove 'elm mhdo extensive' armee meets for the tonnufactere'of ' • • VZ1.1331.11M40.1 3 / 1 33Max of all colors, size' and qualities, end a style fully emial to those madein the nit es together with every other -article of Cabin t Wrre;--all of which they, will sell very cheep for- CASH, or prices%' • exchange for Country produce at Market 1 • •.• COFFINS made on iriumnable terms at abort notice, and the, will attend funerals with a , splendid Hearse, in , town or eountrytfree of extra charge. Hearse will also be skeet for hire...:• - • Alienate! assininient WPd'ileisened Lim. ber,.aUltdble for' Ca t rpentera ,ond ,Cp hinet Mak:: era,' kePt - r,ietheitti r ove.tripritipneil . consistl' tag °fps second,: end Third Common While Pine Plink.andSeentling; also, Cherry, Walnut, Poplar, Shingles, Locust Posts, Wagon. ;„%liikers Sep. Also, 'Bedstead Nate, ready_ luillndr,(9l/qther- With . allittfo - r ir,e60141 all; pf, whic h . will be Sold at Vicleratu.price lt ,, t o "TheY...respeeffiilly solicit..s.shrtge,.4public rik Patronage, cuant that,they can Yonder gen:. era satiaftietion. "1., R.: W HAVER:4-, Co. April 'l's, 1846 . " FtEM 0 IVA HE undersigned droutd reipseettully in fOren the public in general,thet holies remosed.his , , • " •ESTABUtHMENT; tioiri, to the muse formerly in the occupancy of Mrs., gleminitc,twit ,doatii, west Of StetteliiionA'liteliaffey'e 'Ding stere—di really opposite:the' , Mansion . : House , Hkel,lihife: he aan,ao irriay. be. titund •wait nom his' termer ,patrons, and those neismiles who are deili mils to • rithint forttoon_eArruvrteriaistisris,- , 7 - He - tkodld 4 oo pvaih hiusselftirtlite opportunity his tkineerc thank's tO , his tied; patroneforilieir_ , past,paligisgetnent e _and solicits , the! Doe, ieriiiith elk.Welic fa ioris..; t triv . til 1 , 1; W I LLIAM SPOTTSWOOEV. Carlisle, Apstl.BoB4o • 10.t.',314,i4+0,[1.'L ,A':--1:,T4 . ; ikutai---zi. stsart- ,,, t1----FL, irirtiE•subseribei bag no*antl .wiirithiistsuip, ,kopitioii mad I . ilif it i dui it ILlYmßEß',liiith. ° N YIIPI pt a ipininiviertit9p.s.hin i tles Illilligli sbi lifter 1 Lai vif?g,eqp, ,ql4, al 4111 be laraith 11)ee )104, 4 %1 , 101 tbe„ ,1 i'lli okbablitigaor'l7.6l4 at id Thwak!' it i ii.u.,7411';4,,''' i Witurt Mq b ritYpfi tI , ? : sil4rmoce.povembeo , l34s.op4 : , .• 1;! I .) . ! I _• , ‘ AteAiVNIVO ELIXIR - 10F :Oil -11714 ceicAlnittloltibopiluible quilitstato. let,ihilllo P ldt ge lnr! ..o r thltoduk t °ref °t• ' . For,,tßiv,r4/41 1 ‘ i kgt,1 int i f e lr4} ;° `; '1 EY El‘vivgfilore, Foptetiliir 30;1 fl4O '''' l '' '-' 3: !g.Pithill.s .4 ll:,#Omo-: , -:•- - : F lkij il : Altill Ci lbtAl!t lA . 44i nitillitikliA ' i f fie*e",ift,: 4 `j' 1 ,-, , ', „. k7d47 Itlfiti liYtilP;7 l "jeilrell.eAli ;.,:;4:;:,11„.,:g3'tg !•voalimepthihrdewolei,-..,!4..`1-,:,„i- ''-gi) otr .•ttiOer,Otplo, , ,knielled;._ ',. 15, - i-:".;ii7• Wittiyaa*fine quality, 10;00 7- '-GiaiiltsWAtshiti'iplaln, , 2 `Li . -15 00 A i ...., ~ -lilocillpeetaialeti,fcii,,,--, , ii ri rwl" , fi:74,. - .ot ~,'? tA % k,, e Braga , latlA , :• , `l-% S 4- '' I' • I li l` l '•' . .tf,llt ;Al' • en. Oiketloalar,genliaortinentoraold-liat la hamlets, finger .vingb,,bieiit7One, top ear.ringa, gold iiena, eilvertgaeonairatigint-inega,; iblinbleav i i-noliliWek otbiiiirob chains, guiN. A 1 Acy_..„,„,a,i„...,y_.,_,,,y r y„,. • iioi ...: tqWI In* priee. vA)l!, * *,, , n I . A ci cont. ;%. IVO- uitod.ferk''' Mt' MN • T,..W.41 hi and roioafiethiihi; *qikii,i A'ff'i. 11 ) 1 . 99 , ifil ititeletitlr Old Weld inidldfier o `gb pc,cps 4br mibinAiiin ogfallanid:' y'ai lial ,"8 • ' day, lindtpo , bdi*.BraateClookih'iti " '.'''' ,_,p1,1 F.: nwato' 3,;.i .itiEWItS.I4IOMi:IS'W,' . W4ligkikOlcialle, and Jewelery, Store, yo. 4 - I,ok . Market - afreot, above ll l l tti , (nbilli'eldnyNff, adelphia. ",..,..,(, ' . , * - ..,11r4f.4 airiNtigittild t iviabi;ld and qit , vet' Lev,eie t eligarip tbUn•the-liboe itr i 4ol . ' ' N ' '/U1 liliol l kil'illic9o.l4 • made „ ib ibeivion , 'li iioi,lii,li 7 -44ei-Itt,aei,tig•ir,. , Call and BE4 ' .=.Thiladrilpti 2 Nay 6; 404,6 , • • , ;; • ..i ' • " 2 ' ppitionaf - Daguerriaxi . F4l:49gTilph . e;' s Varnishing l!etiots. wAßl.).Ep..the Medal ; Four ,ileas; and Two highest , HoberS'by the In, stitt,ltea iftiettli:ll44,the moat beOutifol cOloreitßaguer re!4ynes.end best Apparatus ever eihibited. , Mg - Portraits -tzritt wi th !, Out regard to w ether. • • Anstrnetiogell • kliirgelietiorthieraiir4reityitps always onliand:St'ibelbygest ,caigi,grmeni New. YOrki .2s lAirinidWl4,",. ,'Vhiledelphia, 136 Chesnut . 8t413:65ta5",75 • Coinf, And 48. Hanoyes,r,,,.§Kolietiotiliato.:2(l".llllllrnove St.; Wushi~i lopp t Penl,,sylvanla . Avenue; Petetti-, burg, Vit. Menininie!s ma pi,nein nati,lourth and - W . 1116e, and ,176 Main St.;.-Baratoge. *rings, Bloadway. tWYV r. -, ...____=.-_-•-__.„,.-----1- t -----... , ~oilc Canton Tea , COmPapb, puitioipz,p:nin STORES,: OP citt simts ree7iiiiii . to 'Ai Coriler . or . 3116711. and 237 illarket Street • , 2d door below Bth Street.. .North :Sidi. • ' •, , , '' S . • . Choice •Teas, 'Wholesaie aii4 Retail. • _..- , VV:9 Oc, constini.iy,receiving fresh inn.• A''. 4l ported '.'q , R.,EEk A1 D.134 . 41.3C. TEA'S . , p 8 einbriOng the hest selections this side if Chine; Aus abuudani, resources, ,great expe; rieriee, niiii, exclusive . attention Ay. the. , Tea Tili tit:, On: tie pernilierfeeilities; conSequently, ,we are rOithred to Fell ,Teas purer, mure fin. giont'ind perrear,, for Abe respective Apricce, then any. utter estublhAment. 9. ll l . Pri"git4,4d9irvbitsiniesis i ltis, in the , couroe ef shc :venire; secured a connection inro)4 mit the United MSteg; and wherever4h Teas are Bold they recr Ivo . high connieniistioiii. . . . CHEAP, WAT,CIIB AND JEWELRY, FHtLADELPH!A WATCH AND - JEWELRY :TORE No. 96 Northc6'ettnia - Skeet, below Itaco; . eiwnel • - PM/add/Ala. • I....:GOoLraDtLexe., r l Vdtbhes;frill . jewellcil, 18545: 00 I • • • tadwa r ltai-jewe lenr Silver Lever Watches, seven jewels , ; IS 04 . 1 Silver Lupine Watches,linequal. Jew eled,_ • 11 00 Superior Quartier Watches, • 10 N . Ladies' Gollll'enci/s, 2 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 135 Gold Finger !Dugs, from S 7 cents to $10; AValch Glasses. plain, 12. cents ; patent 1 / 1 I.tinet, 25 cents. hand lie assortment orGbld and. Blair Bracelets Breastpins. Flarringitiliock., eta, Alladalions,Goid Pens, Cold Neck, Curb and Fob Cliains,,l(eys,Silver and - Gold Thimbles, Silver Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Ate, at equally low prices. Al' goods warrairted to be what they Are sold for. A liberal deduttion 'made to persons Lay big to sell again. O , , CUNI tA D, importer Philadelphia, September 23, I t 4 0 ef Irate/ice. . 0:2, - On hand, some Geld and ,Silver I.evf•t•s; also, LidilUes:and Quartiers, still lower than the above named &tees. *eat .Bargains, in Eat! ,and Caps tAP..STORE, iloiw below Sixth, • !, , r • 4.111.1111Za1L111111.. rPFeitenil ti-gencral invitation to tlip !Chi, V V ;•-, •.zens of Carlisle and tie vicinity, as well as our. 87.0ar. Wo.have on hund a large and contkeiti assuitonebt of Hata and Cape ef every.atyle and %thief] iya am sellitie Tau dne:foutth . lower' that the, wog' 'prima, namely:- • I Extra Suplot Beaver Hata", from $2.50 to 3.50 .•• .1 Erns!, ,‘ .. 2.00 to 3. • 4. •." • Silk 1 • .. 1.25 to 2. • • •••• • • u.. Moleskin' .... 2,50 only, • a ic . Good Dula air Irma sL \,n4 ppwreds44Alsor. aq a somploie atiu9k ` d of Cops; Oath, fur.tritpined; glasoclifallic ',lll' . pliith; r veltdt tiotir tannyfeitpst find OttONShOiland.Foil4eitl,.filuak,PuldlaiS Bridlitispa, , &e. fir.o., at lou'or prices. than tiny can possibly bo bad olsewlinie. From our ex. tenaive•aales, No can ,app . for .a smaller profit than 'other's can, Cull and , to satisfied, it is to your: interest •• ....,.1 _.:• •••,• e• „. ,•• . , `Mbrobants.Storekiiep*Os,•ilat toil§ araa... yi bera, .who , buy to sell again, supplied nn reosonohle •ternis; Be 'sure • and eon at No. 196 Markui stet et; iniebber.doc X below ,Slith stretd.... • . • , ' [GARDEN & . BROWN; ,V llll o3lolo, , Sept. 2, 1546. .- a ijircziztinixATED r 16 .a ,11,- T , Zialltil," , t2ol7 - 2143 - . . .. . • ' - fc: J:,4tide.. : ~, ~ 4 - . .. . . „ ...... . . . , lye!, 97 , sourh, Second &owl; Phitaf/e/ph!# ? :; WISHES le liiforin hislefeiltlS'itickiiie'ritilille , .geiteially;thiit hi:Still Ciintititiesit; itittitettie-e Lure and sell the genulaeAllt;ll;l9lll::,STDlVE; with the latest iteprovieht;' " ..,',.- , ~.i , .,7 ,! 1 ~,Alterkialii`'yhiell'illt erAiiVeitt;tlip...mtinefse titre of these Stores;lie i apw inishls4 ; hi Utter' to .his , Oust enters., t litt'A 11.1-11 9 1,1 tsgrov.ri ? si, i,•,ith _beatify-saleable flue'ditibie l. ,iqUims'clettleVet4 t e s j ‘ ‘ „ . ,llie3nufalsit't lit..:3l:SfiX.7l/d'A'itAqi eci'ilielipoilli tor phin v w lii li. shake II A 'siNfielid Pull ectiliehil oil parlor Store, to which he WoultPeull. ihe pailleu. ler ideation 'of lihisit, iviiii QUI it' ititenilill oilts, -;uetktior t heir.ltselpes,, /MO, a, siatinklidJarot t ... f i inbeirorciajiljliwtor,4o;CooliilagiitOv ec ,s Ail of 4filmilid ii , 1111,..s11:11 the,lutvest essh prieest•-•Al , 0 Thi illdlife utilli flu,ll'ell,tWerll.liefeeetiiiir,, ili i i iii l leiiq Of 1 1 1 :7 1 - L . ;,,,•1 ',A " J') J! ,i, Je'r •i . ..:;111111rr t'.;'2l,.V(ltillitifiPn,Alie:",,tetitilio7;iiiiiiiiiiii. il'11)11-1,1014"5Ripsjp{mic.,v,10 oaeOirmilloori, ' bil V e lL a t a z f-9004PPAYlii: 1 4_andliitillIsiotanasig g i" eg f t ,- .4,,,,i ~,,. .t 6 . -i , . • .- : 1 ...•P Im .1 th , Segten . l eN25„1840.:,,,,it0.. 4 1 -' . FIVE 17 -stuth , r i i :gt SLklP 7 f ittPh ehion, l o rde r'i ni s ole STORE; it. 01' Mirihila ll:Ml4 .l 4 l 'iP!‘,o o ooPN.,o - ', • If , 07; 1. ; co' yyr,ti :aup . brior'im two' ,brought . hero rfore; ioIdIoWTottOASIVO DOnfor,4l 4 ,814isr . f CaOrsie,' Solitom tier 'I d i l le4C •? ;.--;:;:;s -!,,,,,,:cparticayfiliiii_iiitils• ,z_L,,..„.„.„ 1141"ii0-40.1:14 4 v V ii,",:fiutifiniei4 4ijutreFal!"!'''- -i .. .''.' 4 4 4 4 Allnilditee— a4ll-0. - - -:.? e• 111 C 0b1at.',4,;,i?",t. 2.11e/Lcielkinh El : -' 'l",iiiieriittij i l;' : ' '-': ' 7 ' '' - ' 17;7 •`-'''' ' 4 'enlr r iiiiii I •.- i f t •,'• liklifilrflic-g7.3,11:3-, i -,:,• , ~,, 1 . , Bee 1 tly•••• •.1 .3,-,0,,T.Teep,!:,, 9,k , - , , ,q 3 411 - •• ! •;119.11 APO. •:- .-' 2 •': ' '' •••`' 1 -:'- ''• •,- . '• !'' l,.' 3 ' ' •1•••••• , . 3 ,'' -""11 4 ',A• 3-.. ti - • 3 r"' i . , ••: s • .••• e','3', v'• ' ,- ' , ' :1 1 , ••: '" ',•'' ' ~.. ' ..: ; ic-' MEM 'moms ant patent MediCine until this spring I never geed tariy:lnedltibie or applied to a physician for relief. The Piles 11selo being so severe that,f,Allowetl,several operas ou s to be perforicceil , iiitliduritilebent•fit. Veterniiii eiLafter this to:try other. ineans, I V•endlantily er ement 01 R cure' guaranteed, by theltilse "r_ lir. VpkinctirllE. l oltprY! port:based thrtie,boxos at Your store, soil 5.01'1131111 144 , 4 1 .Nt Wahl !Nowt mysell entirely cured ofthe l'iles,andtuy health much in)l l lrF4, AlNlnjailtg§.linvour much in debted frielyl. La; 3 11 . 4, 'lllo.ationi Tailor, f. , r iv :L a Dr. ArUpliam, ." " , WY , Atri WIC errii Am, 121 Fulton streit;'New York, General Agents for the gootlieffi:Sentes. TaSuld in Callihle, by SA3,lusg. EILLIoTT and Druggistaienerttllpbroughbut elf4truited States. eriee.l , li ~• .141 I 1844 411-' ClYAKit r ks•itrint. , santrtick.tny Ofotit AnyikoFend - riOns 6 echts•peegozenzfor'idleiti Vh twit. 'astoryt the.subseriber. , OstnberiaLolM6:.,ls3.4...• aiirn s y Dicoittcligo AN addii ' ionnl supply 'tit; ittqiitt - valuable Sledsinesi,aquistiatilip ..•.t-tt;IX • ' • ,Ittyne's I•Apnitotani o .• ••• ilrir • ''llialiorcininV• • •''' '" 391 Sanative Pitts,. Cargniniaii 11st:rived and for sale b • atl U. opening,itAstiftS oterSii illse•initiln•West ,c(FpAor,lbe PAblifNookesSWlll.ll.4lokarsq) ' 4 °94 jg§glANVAßligsgliMlX4soll,,L , ;Cloths; Caskimereit, Sattblets, V stln e vir st 4111 Orlitutstaro,laiM . A splendid elock - of - CALI,COEWprt i .ioiryinetliste4 Off 34tbiitsilClit kindin , t_Also,•a•fidslfsioWinfq s .'"•!• • 1 _ 411 ,4 1 04;iiirlitFPlijics41. foun' AlVv.stitied,Mkoin. typikisfM nsiamiefslAnd demiriblo uttiele - - ! , :10. tglothavanws, "ft: 4wl.!,,btrovyß,4 ItaA:C , IPI6; lun : 41 • 'Pk no • ; ts 11;77,, 7-7 1 „„ , 1,11 )_714-&-ictrop , iqtt ton 5104 1 1 141p . V. f 1 , avo!pAßTtoft li zoki ungoi Rt ., a Sp, opromw Kid end Morrocco Slippers. _U 111441, • lash pp 3 fapcy colereC 4.111600 d. Morroeir. or, sale dirVl:gitl44 l LepEoigle las Methoilisp(Mdrelp.usl 1' 41.1. • ^olMtlisle, t, slne ,t L -IrL Af QAA jl i ttimmed4.ottebauwirikie vo rt m ot i t h._ "' iglikelopek flf i 'Wog eardnikutligutd C tboy!lihiffer,,,,&o. szo.,. by . . 5; c9§94,YCYRIN-kiMix--- , _ . . • „ 14, , I 141 a*tlat t r, , TbeAiliVrifir#l6lwrfiiiKl ,:114(ti!;; caok . 7 •E'r;r" : 7o ' ' I.4lPRIMEIAM.litallAiNtgftIl7:- t4:4 ' i ' ilifie/0 . ,441.1•4 1 1GZ' -4 o ~ iiWfig.s§F,eolWAtirt QC -,.! and -4,1, - itealledcfifittiOk - Ittfliiiidillitii3r' ' i4 , , tirOlighqc/ t .tatlilelftw q ll l . Y`f:: 4 :B f . , i l, /47 ,4)!-, ;' ,, t;t r 44ol,.*.t.iskoilt; t 9Vele his • -r-,--,.4...t!e.pu.1ie genera y-sait.h.s-liii -jiiiii4egettnigki.thetgilyirw iplendlid'siltele,ol. HAIMPARIEICUITERY• 84DitEily, a ..,.., esp•PaintiiiioililiVii 4. i4;,,,,,,iiiiiSroi ' [He se' .. + rtellniid:lB gin ;Oi? wnwett i Cii '' ' e , e is etock , 4ollo3ill,l ei, 4' . oolitingt , .-N!_ 4 1 . 4. ilkjpg.,aiiikitii ipkyfroji.Os Leeks, Hingei.. hut' 'erdtOrdhlls ensimilkeii,isgiMOwyglass, of cliittiA.o.l4...„..cliiiii-OtieseAcinht,orilli.kindi. Suck MVr•iilt-44110ARIONIA*illrftd-bilk 'll,' Viiir gan e ttrt ; ' :4?"4k" "' a fill li nsi q mg ploteid:oted .i.lolittoOLd,HailliiiiWAiotk i , 'ililtilidirees,:tittit ~,tk o, .. e. „ .l lftgillikigßirattiT ..whip I a .t!. ri „.:,i' 91 illinialtareletsiWtit ls, such . ag. 14 ••Mtip r d AnYRIXM/geeatem end Me. tlqlk-97. 99 ..,e= iltAtireuredoistisifeLiotks, fled.. , l' e tß, , IFT6l l,B ,llP..Jcilintistilool oispledolidNissur Iv r tiPV . ,,• o l4'Whßqiin9o poileekiehivoisriableattiv.• , q''" iii° lii..4 o PooiPlivtotte , ..-nndiitslicelwo sheet/ r eitiearo; ruckus. oefl.r.r.'flipiodipitiend -shaving ilirCillu 4 11 49 s P 4 RilleatitkeianiVenbßilra elli.of Ls ‘nIV fi inghlkinibervoliti,ll , Itiogo,itub; - ,'•niee. /.1 4 040tPillilovPh# ap4 tipodesyho• tu tar m y pi „ tome.- nailer .P 4.4,1 kayo icheitio.2 , ooreos .in ill 1 841110 - iellulifnaliCloehlPgiabldta.platel'Of lilt' 11_.;51,* 4 1 411 4 ,994 PM* ctitasOlaitilgkeenlif/PrOlinfi - , fi n P,IMPTIPM4'.ol/ItOr Andatlistiv'ptil, it i O, - i r tuo.;autryikeisfiptißisilti-ofetlietiliiiii - stieli k y alit( sii.fai fuse. • Together with, everriirileis U Bl `tql' ;TKO kknard . .W.4oo4to4ti.l , ; ... ~ ' Cull. and exemip fir bfinsi, poreb b a,olo clic- 7 4 V"t.P 1 14'Il909.tPlOinciiiiPot.:14fleitmar. ' -4 •9 1 li' 80 1 .'8i'iili4 aPPOil9it9.o4l.oitittifirm 04. • ." .1 •: - • 4 .19 , 4r• -.0 thilirlItin:11119711, urdicseuirliEr..7 --- kinitirliimevinglheniselies indebtedipv,eskli unlit • 85 4 1,1e .etAA., tN.AphAu..k.miliciskaiin i um,..- :41., ,,, 01,4040(9,4dtp l ahheindifiged,witi,.. 06t A r e9lhAuPpene...,.0.140kirb.4 . ,4sies*,E. • flerKillititc",lkgret“ i‘l 1.;,t t7-:,; , .1 .all'i . ' , l= l lZ - VN l K i tia)..-: -. W"-r-idE444l. i 47 . 1.111(r , 4111:1 ~ ,Pao:11 WO :9 1 0iXtLal:X4AMEZ I AZ I tigATOULD eanounoeftioihetittiotoweit Cur- • Vsl-kliale AindAbeipublictin iienekilli that he has remeveithikidore toilittithfillaittnierAttreei,„ ' ,one:docri helowillukkhOldertsailotelliwde house • 1 . 0110014:0CCIVied tr . : illi..isli Mt WilodeAliere die - svouldundcble - allrwhissathittuljaittelniiieeheifp Geode teliveihiiii ia.ini11„ , ...., a boiiii, , , ,i , .. , -..1 .. ' . 1 1 0 . - aSould:therelore - callitlie , euentioU4l the •.. Toddies. in'3i6iiiit'W:'CL3Ehlt:4lll:Thb, to give 'hi 0. 1 a 4 ,f 1, q ra,r, ll ...P.xtqlkile, Cur, ikernsgiYrii. Ili. i i11? 5 T5-iF, (1 ,9194P., IP PAST : - 3•0(; . 1.c . 1 141 - ,2 / 4 X-17,, t ,.... • agNAiti ca' 47 1 2 4 4 i r tkarli 3 / 4 1.3. f 11 , 1.2:1:44. , .. ••, .." Abell "COloiii 'fitid"hual4v., , iispp:6o34- Ain* , 49610;•TWiTiii;'Veiiiik,:rapiltili miiii. - Ail. c elli,;Ahrhinep;;qiilibidinii,qd TiCtitittgllDesdai. ifeliCobii,Rluslinifi j ,',Cli'il64iiicr,. K9 o - 6 4 4, aisort• • then!. of - Dili , enkdone - leeiitmge,,' Glove., ~. qopi,e,ry.2l6 ikO.4l.,geiiier tittii,e4iirrif ya 'tidy OrCendit'., l ol4 , o f1.,57 .9(11. -,t '',' ..- ALPO -.A ii'cit , ' large . Oillieitment'OtuitOCE. • R XS,,Callkindt tilt pulp ke., ystitsd for Tem. ' ily ime Ivory ohselk,LoLiktiwifie,hci -lifrge nautili pioni, li t ~,.ii ....,,- ~,---,, ~-,•-•. .... 1 , 171/ ~ 'lc I ' 9,40 94014rP5: , .0/***o4,esl l grol*er . orb id) will•bh eold.verylip;V_EdAftli, 'dr the best-that:the eity;:eoukli etre ,leitn' be had 43. Coriingst flornitz'sgheop fitorojnifuntlation.. over atreei. • ~ , • 9. .!! !, • •..,,,. r.. il Theme deeiroometeecuringille fiistclioicco i the .most select and desirablelreedawthe hour. ket, would do well to call without - 4 May: • ' • - - • •-. CHAR (iES , EIARTIPT7... "Carlisle, April 8, (8024' ":' '''' '.: ' . 11CMMEI A ettypjb' R. tiPlit A NI.'S INTERNA • •RE.14W.1 tel the cure - at . .. Piles.: TheNtgetable' file Wet:teary, insetted by 1/r. A. 11111.ainy a diatii.- guiahnd DIU +dein,' of New. York eity,is the Only really successful remedy for,llutt.danauil iltstressing cantylaiiitOlte l'iles; ever 'offered' to the ." Merit:an p,..110ie. • • The Electnary,costitains no Mineral Alledieinc, no 'Aloes, Colocynta, Gamboge, or umer-pearr fel .and irirkatilgVpitrksitifeZUGlear of taking cold while under its iniluencei. nn changeipoliet neceishry. If taken, netierr.linsvte dinettes, R . eut•c for life ke guiirtutteed.' Noodle's. Certificate added to thelitindredi tin r I eve eireeliV heen reeeiVeil, of - the Cfildlll37 - 01 . or. evhain's EleetuAy... Ssr'xivi 4,44 i ,August gs r oin," 11felisrs. nttG l entie.ro_d T e rnl years past neen . trouble4 with. Pll 3 e• Very costive te.or'my• eninplaint - not - hal so severe as to disable nit frOm • I Min blrf in.......•••••••••••• ME In NE