Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 16, 1846, Image 4

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    ---- ! --,,- flt;i''F,'7F , t - : , .. 7 - . ifit'4..,q' , ..a1.' , '. - - , ..r,.'
'• . • ~.".. ...,,-..;;.,, ~T iRIEI-11C13V.?-t.- : '', ' '...i
~‘,.,:....., x...4....t,i r . „ . a0,4.-.w,,,..i,.. - .. -- ..,. ..•.:- ~,
---j.::_;;•?.;':.-Vabig174 lilt ~.'-'
. ictitip,ll, calo , , AioltsiilotopOiite, - - ii.,,il.'.coir
,bienti gyitiiiolotipkiTlVAlO.--iitis*iitithig,
Pain Itt the , t 7 1 i1 . 0 . :,-a i' ll 4.lfiAttalitililii4 i ),; . .k- -
'lti - al Levijailitettaitt mmititi f ,tpt•ti sv ..,, i i , .
iibtilitirlitiitiritiAiliWithil6loi'. .„,..',.::,
' - ' , 401,140,iiif , .1!eb ii*:loo,lflrk 7.:&: :,4: : ..
-- . ,- , : , oiekoi'ia,fth'ivlio.:o-; ..11:- , ,,,-, i
........... oikicto 0 ,e, ii v ,-,,.,:.:,- ; ....... . .
'khirolltilreez , .... :. - J: :
..,„:,' 4 i: . z.....:,l;ti.Mliiiiil i %;' `7. r1',.' , . ; .T. . • '....,
- Speitilydreiliiiiiii'ditMlfor M , of ilid 4tiove ills
..Pailiesiels /W§WA'ltfil.f...'s . 4;om , POuNo, sylt
1Z upoP li,o,Oti i‘:it4Y, , --4%N0*111,1'.11. - .3‘ . ,914-
-, ItERFCI>CIi nlil .. oF' - ,C,C). sqsorrqs...‘ l .-
---i, - , , , i'., - Fitortliatto4iill 14 . 841 . 11.:itOtlichlair
17i .. ..:Si.iYME—Deft[' Sitt.ri , l'`,47.el, yOneirtliy a
Iroise . of dqty• i • owe tovoiton g II unpi nit). , to se
-knowledge-my. gt,.lit*efff,l---rhliitki-ftii'-tb.tf_-w'_dflilerfe,.'.-
' - iffeifirAifiYotti , ,, , ittlsi Po wr o :s ityv, 1.- , OF
. .'.. .Viraft,9..Citkiiii,V.t., bilime, lace liming still:wed
. .-
V •+. til with Ilse most adllicterig of
'Ohm , -p - w.onatimptitiycNv.itli scarcely ii ray of
f,0,P(4 . • ?i,i_t . ,l4_*oil light!? to guard me avow. say
el,Wn. ,r 1 i'.R ;-f4i,treboilings. The circitlitststiees
--,- -viVelrittat,l4ll, tit . ° tollitesn'ful slate of debility,
. I fi talforit`riikiiii; a 'iillylicitri wild, which lieenual
to fix liselroprirlieltings, %lib:11111.1E01v grew
.'worse, aiitti predirseAlight iwdatot itattitiniirglr,
'''Olitcreasitair" in the breast,
.spitlitig blo with
great 'general debility. My, gratititutton • med
hrokowdowm and nervous system very timid' hie
. Vaireil,.withillt the symptoms ob,Conlirfilial Ihni
--Zumptiont -- I wetitt ol'ltiludelpind•unt•-
. uaethere by physicians of the
,digs tae
bi lily b`urstill'grew. warts, Mall leNtMe oiei
'as,iiiourahle,aifil'tdvised me to go Stintli,but be
• ' 'fug very poor, of 'losing so mesa ,tititykirean my
wdrit, sit intving'sPent all thiy moneYll'ii Pe in—
'raids "Patent Me Intl nos" which were r6eJninten- .
,dlt'd so highly tliessgh the niv!!iutii of the press, V
.. was tunable to oak their advice:: living a iitent3'
- her of the Of•der Odd FelloWs, they .atipPlUtk
- me with. moymy,gratuiti 'tidy ro send me toyny
' (detids tit Saco -.. V, sine:- I was treated by phy'si
ons of fhe hii.Thdfit standing there,.but received. ,
• no 'benefit 'whatitver from them, 'bat gradually.
;grew wdese, until-my physleintis and myself gave
...lapin hopes.of niyever recovering, and I felt likv
ouit,Whii is alient to posit through the valley of the
' shadeW:gif - ..tleitth'.. , At this "awful juncture," 1
' Ireakd'ofy our 'CONIPOUND.SVIeUt' yr 11'11.1)
CHErtltY,', - trettl - knowiig you td .be ICJ:tip:lir
practising physician 'iii PlWatlelphis, gore me,
. luorkentifideiiee in the metheine, so I concluded
103 . 6,11141 resort, to pollee 11 trine of it. 1 sent io;
rour'qtent -in Roston, and por,cliaseil one bottle.
'which relieved me very womb. I thou iwinnwed
two boltrell more, width. I am happy to 'soy en
tirely eurad me, slid I -trot now .enjoying better
riellth thatt.-1 -ever have belbre in my life. It
iftridditilltpLilltiye 'n beneficial chi:et id omit-. 4
:pined filW6.tli esiiiilly, although i•eiloced to n• lmre skeltit - Iti;luid . I feel saiisfi, il from its sale
riry elTeety in my own ease, that Dr. Sits) ne's
'CompotintPSirtui of Wild Cherry n ill cure any
'case of difleflnli Idings,ll taken accorilito• to Me
Vpeseribed rules contained in the lam:Acts tic:.
- ....-oomPatrying.the , ratillehies; Even - the physicians
%rho Atitaessed. iv' Mile are highly recommend
'Lig it:111 similar . eases-111111 !plait you to make
this piddle, so ilia( °dices . s . lioare stiffering as I
have been, may know whet,:e tottrocure a remedy
lit Ties[, Which will roach their disease, without
. ..milli:hod .roinflti ;their co...stint lintlP
with the many .I‘qtk web -tans': with which
whole country is e,: liericst!.4l by. persons
wholiove no.know orilic siudnee of mein
. iliac in theory or p ice, l but arc got lip merely.
Willi therectiary.A. ,i 4"
t io
'Tarn, n'Searlat member of tie Rope Lodge LO.
AKL P.. in Pedvidetiee It. I.: HIIII Will• lie happy
'lrgive any inforifftttion in regard to the efliehey
of your meiliCirte, it it g lee ample groat that
my ease is not ea: • d indite
_least._ . . .
-.. ALIWIIT A - Ross.
''o Dr. 11. SleAr ': , ,i r.. corner Eighth and
Ilastp e sti•eets Phijuil • ' ' •
cAtmok•- •--
817 Vi• ntti I
iir - 11
parts of thi k ill
phytileiaiiii,k .
U• otoon ,
'they originate
Cherry are '
' daily recievi
il'lmlJ be co thetr.'
sairOV ontl"lfixfures?'•
, have sproug up hi oil'
• orting to he peoloyred by
01 he know' [aim ....false
e towvi anal e..itiga Where'
-.ektific4ero ousta—rubili=jlT
nyne's Compoulul Syrup of %Vitt!
iittly true," unit the proprielor ra
hem from permme woo have IH
aebraled oolv
sure( .y I I e...-_ tett remedy.
and onfyY, ti:ine article is onij
bit. SW. ' . -N.-W. cornea. or Elt.._
...RACR; I / 4 St eta, Philadelphia.
• , Remem t' all preparations of 111141 Cherry
are fictitio6s4ind counterfeit i-r,co l it thpt bearing
the watkeiregisnature of N. Ssr AXN.C. The on!,
------ i_rntillitLAY))* row ItIVF.ItS k HAVKR
STICK.,raffI STEVEINSON St. All.,'„FY, Hee -
VIA wrip LUTZ, Illereielmeg.
. .
-I . :=z- D WOOD N4PTIIA. .
PERSONS in Viola&!pilot alone
- 1000.
_ear! testify to, the wonderful efficacy
of that powerful remody TUOMPSON'S
WOOD N.APTHA Re - ad . ! Read! .. AStoliPli.'
lug cure of Chronic Ortinthitis II '
Philadelphia, Bray 98, 1R44.
Mr. S,,Tuonesort--Dear Sir. For more that
four years past I had bean dreadfully afflicted
ii ia
th an affeetio nof tho throat, which my phy- 1
n pronounced u Chronic IffiJneltitis ' cans
. by repeated and neglected colds. Bronchitis, cans
tress suffered is indesesibable. M) !Ilion t was j
littcrally raw with violent coughing,_.o,,,that •
- -- blood - would conio - ffi - iftig Opp tappres.
alon„pain and tightness ut the oeLahn l'evcr
—in short all the- usual pulmonary symptoms
Showed thontseltiesirOmwed thenisalms, canning
eittllc lose of necessary repose—my throat was
leached and blistered over atilt! "over again. I
made_trialofovery-known=rometlyimid- at - d if.
forent periods hadthe adviCe ofsix physicians,
• and all with no avail. Abaft Ova months
since I niade,trial of your Cothpound Syrup of
Tar and Wood Naptha, and before I had taken
thit Britt bottle felt relief`_, I, elantinued notil J
had Lillian' /even bottles, which . eorimlctelY 've.
ivturti4 - theal - sitase andrastered• Me to perfflet
healtl4and.'elirmly bilidiii
. .I 'should oat noir'
.be ttelng, had it not been. fu r' your invalusble 1
m ediCine. ' "--- ' ' 1 9AXE /TRAY . :
. - A 2 Y.PPOiIF street.
Prinßipal.officet To: ,E.nornyrof : Fifth itiui
epitteis istrdetier . 'Pri&
.30 bunts' iior'Watile or
.:165''Reetlaienit;''4,f , 'J. ' ' '' - ' • ,
.• -:For WAFPg)ri• I ; 4l el l 4ll`ifibteAiiST,El i ENSON, &
*ME • 'F" • ."- -, • • - 0 • ,••••• • .•,
- r TbmsOircfast.iand..Most Pdpular.:Meilt4,
-c iiiiis'iOtitr,TlitTOect to the Public, ate
ritliiiiitilik'S' Fiiiiiil? rladilgnee,
* eit:rehiTilOilliiiifiliCettiniiltt4 like ille
• lbl esiityClitiie'..lteetyropleitteeily gis'ett' to their
Villtitituot,doeing• the last eightein-'yeiles.—
( )Atria
t a l A t 'O hi tir l s a lt r n i e h s e t i o F e il k i t i s ei k p a ri ni e i t l a y a 4 n i d e c il
ni l .
o ki , k : a y a , f i ej t i e t o ;
Amity: sOottlil bet'atith9tit a n assoit theta of thefft
(Inf . :,
~:lliiilgi-4,leritly ii , rOofinditooo.B" Verodi
.2t, , AftrOlOW,ltligublil Mot; bu t r.ucentlrAll'utKiur
'," 'limiter:id in ob• Or two lOi'oeliiel(ilo*
Icou,Were at, kOnialii,dirl.,,i in , bminintelitinn, (FAWN I
''.....0f. -om p:w a letAo.w.orinsoy.eremisomolm i leo
. , atml§prilitliffmo fc.:the,etirtiqioqf T.PAtly
OWerati 4 q-II!
ie' , ki'')V4l-" ''',.' -• ' - '
. 'Paltiketiber,ii,ttktilf9gotiriil.
- : nesteeles iienupelltil.l,o'fengni.
'..:(Aingli :Lonense.,:yebitron!veß-s,•11,:
,'., re'` vn ,
el9oo itltiheJAhgte.lA q 1 1 '4 01ft, ~,litinfed r i e t e itin u#i•lible
it k 4 6
. ‘... .-I.ysl t t tllkh lir,klifekti&vt.i
-- , tittiltiliS c ii4ol.o
, .
icip,:-m oaimprdpig-IrovinAl
':-' r ~„"tliA t iqk Ir k ~ektligh tt , e A t, a,
:0. IF uNtß, , WpifoComi,bekqepui)deril,
.',,,. "A 1 i fule. ,, alt , o4 l 49floft; 4 , 1° 414 ,1
•to ..,„.1 invection. ,', . . , .',
a r i i
ly 2
- , ' '. • ' -.. 1
„p aril, -fivrgl..!!,4/
*, ifi , ; ' ~ -,.. ',.,., 441m,toskvi
011 the little suffer&s friend. ' Afrent !rely Ve
getablelirepurntion, for the , Acatruation 0
.‘Vorins.. Advice to mothers.' ...A slitchitit•ince
saves nine," K nosviag our Worm he
the very best 111C11441111C I . ol . lllfarttilllOSlVOlS. now
in use, we wotlld,say to you, if your children
shotiltl appear - npalelind ertynciatiateKivilliOffen
,sive b Icel.!, pain ill dm itei:llds, owl limbs, vora
cious. petite, hit'nittal stomach, sudden startiug ijk,
theirs 'cilt) with fliglft; nitil` screaming, sense of
sometlaitili risingSt the throat,itching oftlicarms,
squeamishness, tit inntiren', FA., tiThmetlidtcgy olr.
'l ll
lain a bottle of ; ll , tetissek's worn, Syiwy, Lorin
so doing you will apt enter sate •.'sc mite& in rime s "
i kkut bring hank ',Hy' undliebiliit where reigned sot-
OW midolittense; lintv Mitch suffering and loss of
life atWee,through a want of proper attention and
;proper remedies; .thereldre, let it be the duty of
pothers; in ally of their children should slitiw
ally dr the above-lytreptamit, Or'procere hicmdei
fdely, the properretnedy--that remedy Illi II Ito.
bensttok'S %Vertu Syrup, meacine that has met
witle complete succeits. with, 9ures where, every
other *lts rittNly"litilecli'itrfaehloti nnnverems
ceillprof highly respectabhi pertions testify
See Illieta. . • -
Mettirek,4.. r Iq. WI. S. kfdliensitekc-rventi Mien
thiaelicliF.ti;,nd pin N. testidier4lntencern-
Mg yottioktvalikble Medicated Worm Syrup.— '
Froth' 0011..WilliTtey., lily thimilden, llCtiVit Ottlitral
IN Mcititliillitiiireeil sprelyttiflliated with . {Yonne,.
causing chitty She mist seVere end Aistressing
pains. AT clines 'She A•ofild be allimittelidtic, and
perfectly nornanagenblel would ran.,trp Aslll cloCvn
dm floor, and ketch herself neconstflonsly Against
the walls. For it long 1 line n e neve igooratit ot
the cause--at length oring s inutressed.with the•be..,
lief that worms were the (nose, We einticiiini4ed
giving sevenl ttilAinincs for such a complaint;
horn Willellllle 04111 Ilert,i1:11110 benefit whittdver.
As a mutter tr coarse, slie, aRS moult reduced in
flesh And has ill the syntillincia tif inch a com
plaint. Ao identally.meethig ,witle one Anie
'etre - tilers, we were triditeedlic tryhyour medicine.
Wellati pot used it but a re i , tys WM e a great
many worms were brought I' tee, one, full six
inches in length, anti scores ig in size from
one to four inches. .1 need y add, ther the
child was speedily relies-et, list toe beforewe had used pile ..?.5 cent lin , your Worm
Syrup. Sliels now entirely fee from those diet
.tressing pains, and doing well., I feel flirt it
would be unkindness oil otr part to rithholl mom
you mini the community lids information. T do,
theretiwic, unhesitatingly recommend, your Medi
cated Worm S 3 rap Its a medicine pdssessing su
per-excellent tptunties. Very Itespecitully, •
C. liElwillir PLUMM4:II,
AI blister of the Gospel ; •
Mat shall St. 1 (Icor below Brown. '
I , co - •Otte trial ..t.' this article wilt convince the
"roll sceptical of its tinprecellotied virtues, and
the money will , he relunded in all cases If it
sitiml4l 'fail 'in giiing sittisTeteivOtt.
- - - ' 44 .7.1 4 1i17.0.% RED - O*ILT NY : . i
c. 0. 111‘011161VSACAR,
N. E. corner of 'Rth 4. Green sts. Phihulelphin:
--- --- — 1 , 11.13. - if6.47173:11 - 7nti& ..
k .A. liberal •di SWUM. annale Ali WiNACP•iIe purchasers
. -
For pale wholesale and reinil by .1 N At Q-
Itollerniark, lirtimints arid Krombeorwri?.s, N. E.
cornerof Second and legalese recta. Plieltah•lpiria,
whoreinth"..okeepers, sicians, Mechanics and
Ferment may he sujinsied wish I)rtigs,
Glass .Pstintli ' Tiirprtaine, Varnishes, White
Lead, • and .crery /rarer arsiete in lire business,
mach-lower than at any oilier establishment in
the efty, ' •
red II
11 . 11 soil
• The. M"llicated 'Vona 'Syriip;or . l:ittle Sufrer
er's Priehil, in for enle nt the principal Drug
Stmen,:iiiil by stmekerpern generally, all over
the united Stairs.
kor sale in Gorli•le :it Itores or
. and S. ELLIO'r,
_ ;Ja i •
. - - -- •
Fore the cure of PuipQmilk enytimptiong
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Ittflumita, Bron
chitis, ; Pleurisy, Dillicalty of &lathing',
Pains in the Breast o'r S'ide, .Shifting of '
Iliad, Croup, Whoopiteg CottA tj•c.. '
T ! HIS Medicine is rapidly gaining a diner
vettpopubtrily_in_Arcetion'nofeilet lotingir
- Trio - following certificatee fcpm reanontable i
citizens of Philadelphia fully infest its in • a..
' It has performed numerous curve in sieve—
an, and where the usual remodeti had fel%
give relief.
. -
Philadelphia, fiber 20,1815.
-Meagre-Rubinson ; COlinoa„::=ne,ga,
Meted Icon spring With it *IV Albert tiSittli',
with pain in thy. aid() and bre ' tiorenea- end
weakness of the lungvii - ' ' a of' breath,
loss of appetite, ite, it .Urie ' hriella - rerr . aedleS,
ro t
but to n'o• good died, my Oenigliatill eiintidnii
and gruliving worm/. 'Suck wttatite doer:CIA
' netlike 'drill° cough t niTt I could , intt lie in be -
'night nor day. bur one obliged to sit lily
I chair, end could not sleep but very little at best,
consequently, I wee wearing out very fast, till
you. very kindly recommetideit; Dr. •Ddiiis 4 a;
'Oompoiiild Syrup of %VW Cherry end Tar; the
first bottle of which gave me - rolief„ . cheebe'd my,,
cough-loosened the plilegin.
s eansed mo toes.
ipectorate freely, restored my..atipetite t relieved
'the.paiti; in myi aide; ifelitedihrairetinislef , iey,
fir I. and strengthened my_lunkrOottusing ore
, t tiiiii - freidy. 'thaeo'now hiked ten'bOttles
'it' ai, tiritly cured py7tioUg.l,t;' , .1 have gained
cionii bly . tri fletih; - :' I . thiplyjk a meat valud.'l
4 11
'tile medielite, and one. Wit 'ougfitrier be oniver;
sally knt4n, thot - theito.iitilieted with Colds and.
enoglis 'May litit , en OrieditlireMth safe.atid sure
'To - t - iftior taken pielieilT. - While tomoit; thi . t i ,
medicine, I drank freely of molasses and 'water
!Melt ..1 found :excellent to - keep, the hoWelti'
open. -c , lif this statement can be of any benefit
to thy nillicted, you are at liberty to rnakeitich
use of it au you may think' proper.,`,, - .. , ;':;:q . :,..,'
41 EItRICR. BARNES. No.G, Brea StrisePP '
~ .._...
Several monthesincii my wife, w 4 'Attacked
31 , 4 h-n- stivere-enus4,--etteptled , w ilk ,13, -P.° l n :In
bier'slile; - albiali, - fram, its caialinatiaoatinuan:te
tiepin to alarm bei., A :fe'w,thishil 60i, Dam's':
• Oo rapeen d Sy r tip ,tif , I , V,lldQheiir and, Tar !e
-licited the pala.tili Chtbd"lbe tuatich't - mad by
'the time slie badlakeashaleti'liattlefut4 o ', se
4terfeetly_xusidt-SheilreComai e n t ed - WO - f
sptiaaifttATtee, Mii:Httnftlistett . v,, , lati tarati4,lll t 1
.. 1 shoat the same, tarialati as ..hq5i314. 14 00 ,, hi
',,t edieine prove 4 ,equillk-VeneficiaMhereast:_.
Mrs. II: also, i!tiviOniicsildid It. IA iVtriiitilei,
filotide; 'Who .itiOtitiketiiiiire,,6iiradlo* i lt' tair
'is, aykticnirte4drutitit 1 ail ei,frieliol4t;, '404
, I, deem ikaafftehe4l:: N - , 'd, it 'Ala ialtiii;
to ini‘'. 7 i,'l ' (*ilia - % ; - '44: ittosy 3.. ,
t 4 n (0- jug Wilomlititli oftli. . 4rerbilialelittitt:
Phirodi , E4)it. 7 2olB4Sei , i , i - -,, f- . P I).'„,
To to Offie fit)iiith :haim fibMiloilthb 9ikkitiiy ,
or thofpolo%,(4ll4.4lofo***COliAiiiirVOlfititi'
R IC ".!
deo 10 :. : ., M YERffac.:flAVE JTIG• t •
j- A -: .. - ...,:,,...;',"4,:,. • 2 - , . ... , , , a , •`t, \,. - - .'.`.:,- aPN •
j. , . - kVI - ,:•frx:tr"* ; 17--
; (111c.9.4zv1i,
6 - • • 1144 •
'4oqk Oft 114.
4-;1-1,;4 11 , -;--- • :..... -,-
•-•-,--,-."7,,,. - • - ---
~. ,
~: ~--,0
ae t o
_ 4,,, , ,a. , :.:yi._-.......,...!Az :
i 1 , 0 lijoßANcE . s.l.4l-c
let -r i / e ll ' t., . :-:.:...---...d
iiii,;(-'..';,-; .
~ .' .' - 'l . ;' , ---,', thio 44) 0414iir#
-codifeig. afweNal.-44. , ..; O,l
(30.i`i 164A' Niiitti:t strieC sf 4.1
'' - alf - Icit,NlNSoll'Alltit - eitliirticknitio n 6titiokitn:i: ,
itoil,oiainit foliar II!' to* hi, fi rt spn reujerAtivr
v 6(1 . P. EFEC'll'B: or t.iiv.rtkisortpli)ii.44 . - tii*O oil'
PQI t litr,k, iiii3Ok inott tem ai
onable (trn. , • -App I ital .
lio ns mode Wilier personalty :.tin.1.).3: - littirr v 9 1.0 . 00
promptly...4ll;oW to ~, 1 . n',' , : • 1 , . 0 .2i"
•,%, - - . , ;:"., ~ ;L:
N. BANPKEL. eivir
, - _ ~ • • . --,,:-- - - ikiduced
• Rates:of imuiptee•
ru -, ISA. , ,i, , ;1 !
grioktOr jitoPd. ' l4 '!'" ill g s ‘g r ' I n, , . t040:044,61..°11.'
.ifrii,oi., ; ,. ,: 't ..''.. 1 ~,' ..: -.....: ~-., .1 0 %4
dOl: , ', ~dO Chwc 4 el ' ' ,
,A 0,40 7 1, -- ,act„
` 76-72'd6-141-1: :" : -'
4 to S ' . do
do scr ibtris.-' *, , . 5) ,, -'''•4 to S ' i ( !
*0 :do-.9oNki ( t ivrive s e n .,.. 6to 71, . Ati
ao •110 Stibliis ( robile7l„;__ -• -
_ tto
_r_tol_toristAtAtsv•llV..7'n!to Ve - 4 0 --
•- • '''," • jytrAt; liiSr•
Brick or Stone nu"- -
niture from 3O i0.40e sl9o , ta4ne
do do Stores mild McMinn
dillPO A y "IWO"' i9O
do do Tareenti anOrtitetore • -:;' 4;
:,40 to 00.- A ,
do do [tarns and - Contents '
65 to 7S do •
go Stables (public),
to , .
100 *so do
do de GA* Mill and Stook
75 to BO do,
Priorre.vrmi togdtwAllngssiss4
r, niose • 50,t6 73. do
Ao do:Stores mid Alerelon.
gime IM to SS do
do do Tit*. d Porn - forte
60 to 100 do
do deb . Ordeal.
Ste (00
do Mills and Mak
- - • DO to 100
The subipalliee.44meOt lorlhe alibye!osontpany .
for Carlisle and he smoky., All applie*ionsfor
assurance either by ,mail or : prersonillp
tiromlpy oittrottletl ,W. D. SEVMO:UIt.. .
. Junqt 2. I 94 . 5. - ' 'l9-$3
.6.;, the Mutual Insurance - principle, tomliined.
with a large joint-stockPr.4i
reduced to nearly half the usuatrates.N-
T'V the Ant of Incorporation, the stock is
pledged lot the payment of any, osses
wh h the Company may sustain. And, as an
ad' ' 'one oeourits to the assured, the act re.
'iltrltdal'hdt'tlte pets 01111571:n14nm* di ' I be
funded and remain rrith_the_anlinpilici a_
guarantee and protection to theinetite '' kt.
Lou. This fund, will be represented b 4 'ir
issued by the Company, beatingint
ceeding six per cent. per atietritt, 1' iU
arc entitled to a pro rota Aare eltlie p, ,of
the Company, and will receive that fr on
of the aforesaid fond ''in scrip, Ivlticn ,tha
amount of earned premiums paid
.. by Mint, bears
loam total vum of earned premiums'ihtf •ettsital
stock: - • _ . „ . .1
• The scrip thini issued, to bb triMilfifitfiffe ion
the books of the Company ns, atm&
No dividend of scinip OPII bo anode when
the losses and .expenses exceed The awittilint of
earned preiniums. ad
The-insured are-proteeibd-firmrhnorat-the
easterner), rates of preminmai tettinilutany
'individual liability or villianitibility for the
Mosses or eiponses. of the' Verporation.• The
.• trred.-hive -a II- the , :righti• of7memberithip;- - -
wan vote elections, and a ligibb as
!Directors of the emparistion %
_Thasubicrtber-has - been - apirli
said ae thowns
superseifing, everyinber
te - woold - cordidentlyrectoorti
The 'North American , Comma , imi closed
their Army. Elio-se baying teatime's` *xpiring.
hi Out of do can have them renewed in the:
Dellaware c‘oinparly on much knorwraTtittadtf
For_ nail partieulers enquire either byhtt
or person to JOHN 3.118118,r
-catlifile,Beptember-t0.18450:4 y.
Til F. Allen and.bastpennsborough Mutual Fire
Insurance Compam of Cumberland Coutity,in
4corporated by an act of Assembly, if now fully Or
you zed,..nel in operation tinder I he nonagetwent of
hie following commissioners, vim
Cht.Stay man,Jairob Shell? ,q' m IL Gorgas,towis
flyer, Clir ist Ulu 'l'itzel ,Al lichee' Hoover, Henry
I.ogall,AlieleaSTCockl in, Benjamin H Al usser,t.evi
Merkel,' aro!, K irk,Stelchior Brenemanand Sam,L
Prowell. who respect•ully call the nutrition of the
citizens ofCu mberland and Yorkeourdiestothe ad
va magus wisivit the company hold ovrt. •
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons
wisiong to become members . are invited to make
ziptirriortootite - agents - of - the - tordpany who are
*Mt ngso wait upon them ist uny time.
'.n. JACOB SHELL% . ilhoOt..
111systaus. lloonta, Vice President.
, . . Lewis Byer, Secretary.
l ktietomi Coslitiin, Treasurer. •
I • 40 X.W457...„. -- ---
~,..r . 7
I t4 ol ,4 4 l4ll rrer.9_efieral Agent, Meehan •
itiiirolph Marini, IC liimbrriand township. ' •
Al Conklin, Allen township:: ,' - • •
'Wm H Gorges,. Allen. townshtpW - . '. '
Christian.Titeel.tAllen township. , :...,,;" -' • ,
John C Dunlap, Alleg tottrivill4tou' -, ': ' ' •
Peter, StriihailiSiikk IreliiishWro'Vollihsiihi.'•
- David irlartitt,Cluirelittiwn. •:• ' • - •'
C.- IL' , Hannon,' 'Kittgliewn, . ' ‘' ' • '
Henry Zeuring, Shiretnaludosiii; •
Simon Oyiler;'.lVorpt*lblift, , 'l• ' e• • /
Dr. Jacob BiitighiVan.,Carilele; ' • - ' 4 ' ';'''''''''•
Jacob Kirk,Genersel Aelitlisr ypiektatittylafto:
Cumberland p.o. - • ••••! • • t••• ~1 -,' ,- .1r , 1 ,
ifenry IMpanvVork ensuntY. ' ' ' ' ' '"'' '' .l . '•
John - Silerriakaork•nohnty. '• ' '' '
John Rankin, TWA county.
Under - hilly: York'cmuty,•-• -,, '. ' ''. •
J. .11o4hian i York emnity:... i •:-.• -'i • ' '
Phili parealtbill,lNtaiberlatill'emndy: -
Hobert - C., Bterrei S 4 hl iddletoo township.
0 3 / 1 70.therkehtawill be addigd hereafter.
Milt:4olB4lst : ..y .• - , -. , • tr4o
ili ttii** (l4l # 4 *. ' lie . Ci,AWiSCO/A111*;
r . ~; is irzi.::."4'
A AI. f PRO COMPANY; will' b.
under ' the Idit ' . the follobing ,bOartf of
Managers for:I o'ensuing year; vizt--Thonias C.
Nt lifer,' I' di Samuel Galbraith, Vice Pre-'
sidenri Ihti,. hieCtillough;Prreasurer t - A'.
G. Mil'. i,- Sec tarsi 'James IYeakley, Philip
B, , .I*, T. A. McKinney. &marl , Tritt,l . Johk,
• lig,: mmitel Ilamot. Jahu - Ti.Greet4JOhn Bear,',
, brawaili Rliigi'Patil:Aditms oonoty....Therr' ire
also 'iambs'. of Agents/ appoiatelf lit 'the'id
jaatVenuattepisht.trill reeetrettOtlibiltioni 'Cur
insiuranee aml , 1104ril theirf Witt anitels , ltealiZ
neoral to the allimitOlta Company, wh;u the, pal..
1.3 y will bk. isslie44,3tithout-tfolay,.--- er:,-,.(tirlhtfir'
iiiiiiiiiiiiTOn'see" the'lpy..lasiasnr the 0060 1 , 17,0 .,- ~..i i
' ''l34O5.43.,llILLY.S„Proti.'
A:O. iiiii4,Seil''.' ~ .•:'.. -., • .
Tlii folloallogAFatre
~.ii har;aheii apitohiteit
' ir' i t , t ,,....4 • resi: :.;
, Ika,. ~ gs t „car ii 4 ..., ._
.. 1 ;•.,,,„' ~..,k
nr• lrit 11 9'. 11 i,e 4 104 Mbt1rg...1.7 + ,:. );; ...
L George illrotine,r.stt„'l4 ::, „.;......,..,-. .
F.---1,::-11..Williantstlette0f tteestitatriorb!,
f.l• ,11.1t7%.,Ne,5t10r.),ER.14N0T
) ' , .;q! " 14.484' .
j - 1 i i . ,J
;,e,',...... ...,1,,' ' , 14.,,t, ~,,,...:,..z.„1k:.4,:;!.,v,/,,,,,,..t,
titt*plevfir ion
...7,..1v1 40,94 1141114,' exeelbehomities roMhe
ourernr ete.;'‘ihfoli sO e preisil ,l
lea pew. Por alty: rp,txt, DfLgratai,e, '
, 'RePteratn‘ '111460 , ) ,) • ••,1
--, ~ ._, -....--.......
.pe tiorl ip , : Clik i, aitokrm 4l3 •4l. - 1-' 10....1'
11,0 1 711 VP,NB4SN: ; situ A gol e n T, 3 ,` 4 ::
4 A ,
eqiniefisiEtio make;tgafilri• .• - •": 4 , •'" t'
kaki aFti liitliti hi n - il th i .1 1 1 f','??1 , 71 1)1 :' `, hi'
1',„,• - :',4:.. - ,' 'PRA/IVO; tiOtil44 ;:-, • s,
''',.,777°:::. A5410414 °144 :: ' 14''''''''
: :;; : ; 771- :1;1 '
~ .„ 0 , '
.., , Iri , p,ili jlta-::04 0 4N'• '
t e tOOttNl'ltiOilitiakiiltiiie
110 44 1 4 ifYi ,1411 A rillikb .
1 0t,''-_ - • , 7 , • ' Of
, ~,. ~ ~,,,,,. , 7- 7M;.' , . ~•,,, r.,•,, ,
4%'.' r X rsr
r eikt
YARD . ' •
rinag.'-maoteitiiet4,i o di
7- SrAfigT*Oliellt - 43 r.Putlirtliii and the pub'lia:
-, Y,ARpinn ''''''''''''''''''' kitti j Oireet ;the,
•forinctl: try thgl.i.Newytlle Jtoittlitnd4hei,
reiehallektt 0 1. :1Ctuf itn:pply:of
kee,.41: 2 1 . 14,
Holwits,etthij ko g o a nt li ng , Bul#6l
• ..
which will 6°llokt - fix:the, laiveskprlces. _
Hie stotgltittlailtc,6nsistiold,fa nt
ment 4 crl'ellow . ktit hike "Pinci:Putilitr.2.ll.adi
Vltet,ryilearda_entlth - liik; frelm-ommiton-pwrinei-
In . qoalitY;-tind . of &rent- t hick ohnh ales h •
Thintit;WliitiPand Yellow Pirte, , Vogigipliarry,
Oakland Jtle plc Steal logy f
" 3- ttrerbref -- alsol 4 thflitaanfttnoritrof 'Pion end
Oak Shingles also ~ f luildFrig tim'ber, , of any.
length end ititeltnent• Jdiee and ft/titers of all
sorttrritid' eizea, tOk - eitipriilth every other arts.
ale usually to be kitind in a LunAb s ese Yard. Ho
Wiltkiso" ttecit' constantly on-blind a supply of
the differant,,kintftfi of C - 41YA L, such us'
Shamokin for
faintly. eve, and Liineburrler`e erui blacksmitks
Qoal'Of theritnitt ernalitty;nt tire .I.crinat prices.
Grateful fir past favors, he respectfuTly BO!
liens a einitinuanvo of the puhlic patronage,
antil6Per by strict attention to give satisfaction
to hie r customers. • . • .
" 'SAMTJEL - R, 1100V4Tt.
13,- 1 1046; - •
HlS,riti t titution, %MO, Is located in tit e most,
. ,liettlthi.ipart - rif,Cimitietiwid too my, u ill he
'lttieiiidtrii-Boardinitig bay: ielitititriqtriale,) on
MoUtle*;'Oetober 5,1 B)ft;',':t -
... ; :Thesitusitionliastieetiehipilitiforthishiliiintages
'it presents lii being fir roilireiied from the noise of
busy: 11114'. yet-most:y accessible:o .
Rai" Road. or State' being within;igiin
Welitof Carlisle..
,The.huildings are n wand cerivenientitke
40401" sletiarteient; haring been ' .ereptetk. this
suiriitner..,The tiiiMber Of:students will heti.
'Ortler:iiod4tropriety Shall 'he' the distlltgithdting
fit'atu,Millirotighout the Inktitation. Every at
ieUttottii9.l givetito:the iirientarsknd moral int ,
proyemeottilthe students; by, conipeteut teachers,
and every -eirort made to secure theNonfidettee
and merit the patronage °fin cid ightenetl rubric.
.The year wilthe divide!' into tw'pleitstotis of
five nionthteach, commencing on thOrflyst Mon
*tin October and Aprit. The ettiense for
iko„ Tuition ilt all English brandies,
u 'tit Laiiti and Greek, per.session,sso
Preach, G erman, Crawl ng or Alusic, each, 10
„:4/4.-Scholars, - 10-
(o . Arrangements can he madolu enter at any
time dining the oration bt. it proportionate et -
pelise. Further infoeination, refereticea,l 4 :c. fur
'fished by
_application personally or through the
Carlisle Post Office.
R. K. BURNS Principal.
September eq, 11146.
20-000 CHOICE FRLIT and OR-
Ooivin course of cultivation in the
above cetablislimerrt. Upwards of : 17 );§"`
100 vireiaties of APPLE, embracing 7 4 !"
-the - mmit - appriivcd -- and - liitcrit-varic.—.,---
tics. Trees. from 8 to 12 feet high, strong
stock's - MO well formed 'tops, such as will he in
bearing in from - One to two years arterial' ming;
will be - furtlished - Wheleitate and retail,at lower
prices than trees °feral quality con be fur.
nishettlisay_regalat-Nurgery-in-Ponnsylven in.
arose arc perfectly free from canker, un
;4W-these viviiich are generally hawked through.
the ;country. All orders and letters, post paid,
irished-tratis. W I LLIA - M — bitta
Carliele; August s', 1846,
.rare - f! for:
f fo
AvE,- ihe Piiiptietars edit) above establialt
want, Enferm 4 the public thal.
lvo will. hare:w la rgoilstock. [if 111(161. •
:. Celebrated rrait Woes,
for sale the coming fall and spning.
Alan, that our trees are as large, and as low in
prices as those of any other, either old ur now
established Nursery in the county; and in re
gard toil'', 'heath and vigor of our\trees, we
tear not the trial ^f,thent
..TheNursery is situated 3 miles-east elf Cur
lisle, i mile south of the Railrenat.
It may be important to stale, that the trees
purchased - tom our Nursery hove all grown
and are now in a healthy and thriving 'condition.
qvivit D M Ja. & Ca
September. St, 1846.-3,n.
\i f UMBER 6, in small and large bottles, or
' l l by thcquantity, prepared according to the
celebrated rectipo oftnadfreyMeyerillalthavore,-
Co — Mribliiiiii — a Powder, in large and small papers,
Spiced Bitters, do. Nerve Powder,
By berry Powder:
Aloe, the genuine African Pepper, and a au
crior article of Gum Myrrh.
Formate at reduced prices by Dr. MYERS.
Carlirle Septcrober_l6 1846.
as to stream
.ozze, 4 _
I'HE peculiar pro.
perties of this splen-t •. :,i
did OlL,retuders'it a ' •-•`;' . • ,
necessary appendage . • kr \
tovery lady or gen- '—
I I t h l h em ea a i n i liherw
's t toilet.ilLi et
tio . : .
~;{,, iir
ItaesPotioil Mellish.
but gives It-it brit. ,•.• .
i i ltOOY, , It", 11 btAUI7 . r• -
tH M Ur Pi l fsgdi: pen - ,. i7, - Ilt.
htratet the
{fetes; giving to 'tin' . -
: _ -
dry w ' itheling bulbs
new' lif,4 antrivigor,i• • OWN
opening , he capilariss;and securing that lieu I tliS`
tone and action SO neorstary to the preservatiop
tlruitittlertitilientsra fine bead °Chair.
no il at Ne. 2:Eleti street, Philadelphia, and
by storekeepers gem- ally a 1.25 and 50 cts. Sold
iy Carlisli.luy M
/LI., lOTT. 1 s
fie 4 lther •41.9 - itr ' ',' .
Wohttßtin. oIscoVERY-1
Vegetabie -211renmatioLinimeit
rrifl)l3 Liniment was prepared principluilyfee
I, this ,ltheumatism, (and is the only external
remedy known) tint it his been found experu mem:
tuully.l 0 'cUßE eAll i ,isAr_EyEitv-ictriw t.: ,
, siek head ache, pains in the hick; ailiing Iro n ,
iseethseomplaints,especially thOse,e hen the Bynum
toms are first Wereltiptul,and 'innumerable other
awe and chronic pains to which net litt oolu•s.rt'
tern Is 'Mehl!. This Linhoont does not cOlye
constant supplication for reks or months to effect
a mire' but oh .the eon t ryultne or 14,tuttptulica
liens, or one or tali 'lloureepkilfully nied, has
been found an effectual embody , in removing the
moil violent palfii..: Patients have used It tin
'tiring, to testi Onuldn? Ibis morning , hare awoke'
fric,,Ttno c o s (me the atitti,of yelps; ar)sing
f rolltielditr othaifearsef. 4114 l 'A mt e r it:et'tilli
the In Urffinli thii4 's'; re . 11 1e,T h,aving 040;44
Liniglepti wilt' prlpsoinee it•lo:ll6hmhogfl.4.-an
application appropesailly ap I int lueictiy OHM"'
quark nostrums which Ins se es haminttopoir
,the af i tkApti In , theilluspe o l'atcnt .114ie ties.
The rsonti'.named 'bpi& ' ggLert dro, - illo
may 'commit trtiff iit i anon to the
curative properties ' e tniment..” t &mew:
4 orit). of tlienilve be red: of, Ilhanmatism -,
Ornbloadd infimptnatoryt otters°, palmt ef (Wt .
Breit Xiltd*, :,
,', '',-, , ~ '
~• 7 msf . , - g,Agiev e 4l 6 ", Elizabeth Virldeleg , '
'' PS I ti o MITA ''''.. s. '' fillthilLnlaters ' ' . 1
'} prilet ‘..roPir - 5 ,,•,' , Levi Pillion; • ' ' 0 0
i I aebeth 004, , - 1 Elimbeth,flaker, •„,•
ii " .
iJiiiiolwic.,-witiy, ~, 70 147 Paters.' ' : '
•The, VeggpubtejliketiMatio Liniment is pm up
In binities arta, rifitis'aises, front' .25 to 50 gents,
"and will be lipid; by;lik,proprl4hir,iitg2l. Me,ltli
tknee in ta ikrotrifiet 4 stfeeti . ,etisite,A9': an
14 gOklWSZal4rlVillii Pl,' ' , . '',") ''
''''• ', .: ' i,
, 1 t i .!•., •,.. 0., ~..,
'1?"----- ~'
. ‘ r il' . -- 1
• ; troPS / 14 5 , '.',
eiStr... ; Ps: i'11r,,.....4--140-74.4goilkpilx
' ' lit_ A.,,, Tv riviV jrteilc;::!`
r •--' '';.'' , , - '-. ; - s. nak-i; , ' , ': - ': r4'...., , i
.1 1 .,,, it ..- . 7•`, 4., , ~. - W %.'' - . 4 ''i ''',... ff , ....` : '': .
'': "?•(';‘7,4.:::::' 'll:- '''' . ''' ,+4.' tltl L ;f.:''.l-77,7"77 - ' '
r ipf.
12:4 1itt - +47,77k - • ,' ' , . t 1 .
- , -:;•••:w :•''l.. -t ,.- .• I ..4t1a1bpJ)10;;;•;: . .,t.:. , ; .- e' , ..'
- -..,- - -- rir----..,-;•-•-, , ..,-,,
ttOT HINV i ' - CtOTllit4 0
~,,,.,...., nucii. ti,•I4O4)ILE •. _ . •
-„ . . . ~,
r.:1 , -...viß•-„bn , ,,,,b , _„_.,:i.„,,,L.e,,,i1b50t.ipti0
11 7 5i - el - , - O'llilNU,(011 Of a:llkb are Cut, tiliiii:.
'itteil;'sind!m,tetietiii2i:Ch l ne r net to lie:-Eitiiptisserl;
and are: warriiirtedlislieliper th:nti ilia 'gni e qtinkrt's
or:Gerais- are hi tiny ritliiin estaldhiltrittint lir the,.
'United 'Slates. *Also, every deseri tit i cin of , G err-
71. Ist, NTB • Futtrrieynip clopiis, al , redifeedilites,
Chose,vipilingtlie .014' will qiiil ii ¢o tlipirj crest,
& t.l
&ekiinAile Oar sioeli beforephiteliiral' Welaitw, ere.
. -• • . . bUCK:.&:IVIOOI2E,
_. , 2s4.htni•ke,,tSt.treet, PlilleJelphia.
.Setitondier 30 1846: • -
'. - t - - ---4 41 -- ematill4llll :-.
aL —..4..--..f__ • "
3 1 111113 greatest bargains . are to 11, had . nitrltt.
EER. LINE, No. 9.05 Market Stiteet, Philittleh:
phis, also !unjust finhlied one of the nail
most complete assortments of FALI. and WIN
TER CLOTHING In the city, consistaag of
Super Black Dress Coats, !Kum 'silo 10 $l4 00
do. do. Frock Coots • 10 to 14 00
do. do. Blue Dress do 10 to 14 oti
Super bk 13enver Bangui) Coate, 13 to 1.2 00
dd. telo. Cloth do. do. 10 to 15 00
do, browu do. do. do. 10 to i 4 00
Pant Cloth Bangup Coats , S tb - 5 Ite .
Salter Hlsns Sack Coats '0 to 13 00
do.. brown'Stick Crate :8 to 12 00
Tweed Coats .' • ' 31.0 600
Union Coss'oteret; * Coats 4tto 600
-Black Cloth Cloaks, .. 10 to, 18 00
Business Cloaks, ~ , (i to 700
Blmitk Cairti r ittere Pauli' , ;,, ' .. 4to 500
tio: ' Pitney
. Caisi them . 4'to 500
Satin Vesta,. , r • g.50(04,00
IMAiiii MU - s 2to 400
Silk.VelretNeats . 3to 4 50
Gentlemen in want OICLOTIIIIst 0 may depend
,upon being suited in every 'coped, as we are de
termined net to be undersold by-any competitor
in •the business. All goods are' purchased for
CkSll,which.entibles us to soll aditlk /outer titan
thpso who deal or the credit 'listen];
.it heing-n
self-evident fact that the 't nimble sixpence is
heitee than the slow, shilling."' - DON' I' FOIL-_
October 14,13 .6. \-
, trarlisle Iticeljanics.
T"ESubscriber Would oespeetfulty
attention of Hobs°keepers and the ?AIM
generally, to. tlit very large and elegant assort
ment of FURNITURE, which he now has on
hand-at his Cribiliet Ware Rooms, tin West
High street, opposite .Rltokds's Warehouse, in
Cut lisle, feeling very confident that the superior
nnish, excellence of niaterial, and reasonable
pries of the numerous articles which he con.
stantly manufactures, will give satisfaction to
and secure the patronage of all who muy ex
amine them. [his present assortment includes .
every variety of
Cabinet Whre and Chairs,
- trot h-plairrand-orn rrruntuttirpilediMlikli-tilll
be made to suit purchasers:
!laving tuade the necessary errangements,
he will deliver Furniture at any place within
* rensonsble number- of milts in the surround•
ing country, without an,j•rncrcased charge.,
The - patrcrnage•of the piihlie is-rospoet fully so
licited.. . . JACOB FETTER. - •
.Carlisle, July 29,1849... •
• ItEIVIOVAL: . - -
.7 1 1111EF - übscriborei would inform heir friends
and the publi generally, th t they have
taken 'the room in 'North
E Nieves street, lately occu
pied r: E. Bullock, as a
Chair Mannfactory, where aXI./
they will keep constantly
- fora - tile no elegant pssort•
such SECRETARIES"iii -
B U REAUS, IVorkstainis
Dining and - Breakfast 'Publes:Xtfid, .
Centro Tables. French, field, high and low
post Bedsteads, &c. They have now and will
%ontinue to keep on hand a largo find elegant
. aricty of CHAIRS of cvtry description, to
which they would incite the ailciition of house.
keepers nod thorn just effinmencinP., confident
they will find articles of such workmanship
and moderate,priecs an mind be.sulisractory to
put chasers. •
They have uloo mad() extensiip_arrange,_
/tents-for the ittatilifi&tiirre of -
j , VIAUSTact,B3 J.'dIaISISE3 B
of ull colors, sizes and qualities, and 'in a stile
fully equal to those made in the nit es; together
with :every other artielo•of Cahin t Wrre—all
of whi•itia the* , will sell very Cheap for, CASII,.
or oxchontojorSoui4rygrosluoo—ak-ruarket
COFFINS made nn reasonable terms at
abort notine, budlhe y alllattend funerula with.
a .splendid Willie, in town, free of
o!tra eljnrge. rA HearseVill ule6 bb kept 14.
A general•assortment of Well.seasoned Lam.
ber,'seitable for . 'Carptinterreond tabinet Mak
ers, kept at the above mentioned Up, &midst.
nig nf Panels, Brettsecond, tind Third Commen
White Pithe Boards piankend , Sountling; also.
Cherry,, Shiniles;
Posts, Wagon .Makor's'Stilff - tßall kinds,- &c.
Alen, Bedstead Posts, .ready mined, together
with Weis fur Venetian . Blinds, all of which
will bc sold at modereMpriCes. . ,
• They "respectfully; iishare of public
patronage, cohfldent that they'ean render gen. '
oral satisfaction. J. R. WEAVER** co.
Carlisle, April' 15, 1896.
REM 0.114.1:.:
fHE undersigned•would repscettully inform
his friindsend - the 'public general r that
ho has, removed his
tr. bin Illarpees Row, to the house formerly in the
occupancy of Mrs. .F.leni . ing, two doors west ot
Ettevenbinqtr. Itlelinifey's Drug store—direetly
omiusite-the Mansion liouse l jfiti.ef, where he
finte and-rnat he,found'lVviaTlitie-rilWi-fr)rmer7
patrons; and 4hies 4 liew ones Who aro deshinis
r.Y Win rur i rtoenV i tr,iirio GAItDIENTBI - He Ulil,l
1410 ; uyitij, kiikeelfuf this opportunity
hie elheere;.thanks. to his kind patrons fort lair
piet'Ort4Ouratminent. end solicits
aribo.ortheir favors.— : • • -
' , ? ,-,-- • - • - ; --- zitrazitztx '..I.XVIVEIgart ' ..:. '.
milgi:too.iriber 4.4 . 1,.n0w end . niillionelently
'i . '4l....lkeep-billlffitt,;hll ,kinds O.,:',CTIAIELIER.• Rich .
if Ifkohlo ei:tiel3turdiiPleinya;Soantlipg,Blkitigles
51 I 11 niellig eilArPlageliiit:Loillic,.../liii att. of which
17111 be iliii , ,fitcr iiiices,,tith the addition.
ef hoWlitg;,kir, CAIIII; SI l e Waretiouse of . ;. • ;:"..
~..,' '' ' , NVILL A11.f.'13;• iII,WIRA-Yi-c
berffile Itiiiiinilici '5 11345,, *., •'.. '' -,
. " ' '134 bif, ..011g1/4'
rimtziN 4 LI- ...; —, ~
lit: : " ' r • • ' ii itICI ValuablP , 1 0/0 1,3 '
' ' h'ic 1vc.°11"134
7 .letript4 awls 04 .11MIPI.
i k li
061,*4 , 4,111 T 41 MI " ,,• dvialde (WI:A anoin,p.r
I "' ' au ' ll, Tz ' l.'4: 1., n i Alsiiil,V, , E !, 42 !*
V .'.
a" F 6 lf * s '.l" . ciohie.i, ;:_,,-...., , , 1
Y S 11,6 I°le,
.." "' ' 1
Bepiel,AlC —. ,
, ..,
--'• ••••u -, ••:'-t41171101fIli : • ' •
• , jive 'and -for-
'lend unuslt . .mt •N.r• • QP.,•7•Physiu uns •
rnionliva • Ait
fun s h e itr - - • re'IPII-7- I °.° l o l , appit
e4 l -- •
' ^,
4,4 , n 4,
::' 0 41 3 W45e., 7M4. 1 40p411
‘,/*': • e o yer azobte
r.e• . 645- QE;
7 ; 43,9
j o3v, o ooi ,_ d v3O
Sileet'Lepunos, jewelled;
Quar per Witchoa;
4.oridd lva teWPlalitr '
•''`Ailrer Spectacles ; • ,•15.
• Ocild'iletiellie;:' -:,;• • , ~
b 9
Geld Brandeis.
Aido_oll hand; diait'll/llsPrerk 7 1 , OttjOld
flair Bracoletai fingeOriaVi•e.
hies, teld , necle'eurb• Vain a,:gpaid
,and j~+Vellcry o 1 eAre.ticaptißtipn . nt
equally love - ptiece. All wog Ida call Otin
rifled customers. AlldEPds.'of ntchee end'
infiri 13,Wwan'fr - ,a ti tad' toc cpi go
• limo fur eme var. 'Old koltland ailpor boug,
bit •'eash or Siker] in axchaitie' r . For'sale, .8
day and 30 hour Brass - Clocks at .
Watch', 'Clack arid Jewclory.. Stare, No. 41:33
Marko! stredt, above 11 tit •( , north. ride) Phil
ddelphia. ,
lave-Also on lia,ed sotne'Oold'and
vot : Levers,'clicaper than the, abeie,priceS, . •
N. B. A Sheri] discount *matlti to parson
buying Watchei,to sell' aga le. Call and soc;
Philadelphia, May 6ils4e.
Photographer's rtOtishisig,rle,po
•A WARDEI) . die : Medal, Four first prerni
, unisra'nSl the 1n-
Hstitutes;of4lassaMiusatte,'N. York;'imil ~
sylviinia;fiii the most biautifuleotored Davies,.
'reetypet.and best-Apparatus-Crei exhibited. '
TXPortralts , taken in exquisite. isitih
eat • • '
lnstructions.givimito 'await • •
A large assortment of Apparatus and Steels
always on hand, at the lowanl cask prices.
New York, , 251 Broadway 'Philadelphia,
136 Cliesnut St.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58
-Hanover 'Sta.; Baltimeire, '205 hiltimiire' St.;
Washington, Pen.t.sylvanla *Venue: Peters
burg, Va^ Itlei-lianie's Flail; Cineitinati,rourth
and "Walnut, und J 76 Main Si.; - Saratoga
Springs, - Bralidway :
New York
4ork Canton Tea Company.
- §9'f. , 'hesnut.PStreet, near to the corner of 3d,Strt
and 237 Market Street, 2,1 clot* laekte Bth
. Street ; Side. >•
, -
Choice Teas, Wholesale and Retail.
WeCa're •coptuartly receivihg flash
embracing the hest selections this side of
Chinn. Our abundant resources, groat expo.
rience, and exalt:sive attention to tfio Tea
'Prude, giydne reenlist fireilities; consequently,
• wo.nin - resolved to sell Tens purer, more fro,.
gigntaliderfect, Air the respective prices,
t Wks nlioskife r establishmort.
business has, m the
course of six yeayiaieenred_a_cOnnciticin.thro.'—
out to 'Thad:States, and tvlierovei our Teas
are mild they, r ye high commendations.
Ar. THE. .
Plilt - Abtffirf A -WATCH. ANCIEW.EER.Y. STORE
No. 96 7cailtgeFt'iiit Street. below Race ; coma
of Quai•ryi
lt X earet easel,
$45 00
Silver Lever Widcbes, 11111 jeweled, 2S 00
Silver Leven \Vetches, seven jewels ; IA 00.
Silver Lupine W etches,lititiinhjeweled, - 11,170
Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00
Ladies' Cold Pencils, 2 - no
Pine Silver Spectacles,, 1 75
Cold Finger 'Rings, from 575 cents to $10;
Cleases. plum, 125 cents ;
_pateas. 111,3-1 ;
[meet, 05 cent. On bawd an ASsOrtiment of Cold
and Ilnir 114 . 11C111 11. 411.11ittpins , Earriugs,l,ock
eis, Meilalions,itlebl Pens, Cold Neck , Citrhipid
Yob (Ahndes, Kills, Silver null Cold Thimbles,
:Silver Splines, Seger Tongs, lice., nt equally low
prices. Al' goods werrented to be whet they are
sold for. - A liberal deduction made to perAoilk
buw ing to sell agajti.
fivii/orter of o . alches. '
Philaiblphia, September 25,18411.
In. 011 bawl, some Cold and Silver Levers;
Lupines and Quertiers, still lower than the
;dime outlined prices.
Great Bargains, In Hats and Caps
_Yo-.12541./a Striet,2d — doTA Mow Siatk l
lATze e n s :i t e o l f i Ca r h e s ; l e e rannidirlitveitvatlcirnittyo,lnh:
as to all others, to our Sronr. We have on
hand a large and complete assortment of flats
and Caps cf every style and variety, we
aro=anning_full-one-fourth= lower that am usual
prices, name ly :
Extra Sup'ton [leavet. Hats, from 82.50 to 83
" 4 , ltru.h " 21M to 3,
tystc w 1.25 in 2.
" . : Moleskin" " 2.5 p p01y, 3
:.tutus[ 01 4 p. 4 1
Good aslow asBt.2s.tind Abo,
ya complete stock of Caps, elotb, fur, (rimmed,
glited, silk oil cloth, velvet and Ifitay caps;
fine Otter, Shetland 'er Seal, Musirttlat, Hair
Seal caps, &e. &c , at lowwr. Owes than they
con possibly be had elsewhere. From our es
timely° sole.ovo son tore smaller mint
than others can, Call and be aatisfiedi it is to
your Interest.
MereitantitPtorekeepers, Hatters and others,
who buy sell again, supplied on tensorial°
torms. Lle sure and cell at No (96 Market
et:m.4second dortrAtelow Sixth street, 7
Philadelphia, Sept. V01i,846.
w '
co , A;vs,,p ._.„.:_.,..... _. ~..,:;-,
etam , uaa - 16 , 04n.,..po L vaia:JL
• .
.40 - 4 - 4; iit'iiClA - ciig, ••,, , ,,,, , , y , i, ••
,97i .§otitOccimd-StiiictiTitilliiiclphtia'Y
di ,
W )
1511,f16 rd. ittfiit , ,!p Idslidendsond the public
geoetillyfithet he sill I continues to manufite
ture atoll-hell, the,"4.etitilue/111-'IIGIIT 81 1 IVEi
with die Ihtest,iumifirte it;.,, .
~„ . ,
41.itei• rn 9 q -jAddlr:e flej,kneeLin'ilie, inininfiCa.,l
- to'elfe - r to
hiu :customers the lAlic:r 1( . 4 H'l'' STQVlP!'3' . iilth
Greco, sullaide for die ler - Poems ar nithierlei:'' : '
: , l/f4,._, , b1.1u,u iv .th 4 . 11 /Sll.ret.Sioiues,d , rtlitr ftinifei'
I ot.,.plere,, uMelt, npikee it , spivild id end eemiomilltil,
parlor Stoye,go which he would•cult klstparlietiu;
Al'i + iilteetioiriif,,tho'so. who mlititik.iptcliold:ornal.,
• • iment fut. - their 'oeidere. Aluo, n aideuslid .assert s ,
c ttientref penl.l,!erlor Mel Cooking Stores. All of
'which lie w ill'aell In tl lii!` likVeirceskprices... ~.i
. Tim milylid would do well to 'cell befOre'ime; -
' chasing elsewhere. , ~,
en - 111he. :IV: would' :estU ion ite.jutubliti ignite.
4ql A I ,r.t . right.,Sto ircA !TIRO'. ,%;.ittt east iron :docirg
'as the y see a !plirl6,4,3)rjut6 atill,O , ll not amuyel
irrsormisis:' - -. t , ,
~,' Plel M lo lphlittl i tiOlbor , ?3,.l.B4l4: ,7 ' .."',..,
• I
01 11°C1174 ;k: : 0 0.4/Is, 2 l4iitlittletiS
ilfilFitinnoti t j • 0.14' POR,ThIR!te
411 . 0 41 1' P l ;OR:D. , Colic' •
.8 50 Iloyt• tit .' t ;
• .De,t'•':•, ; ti•!' t iir• 08tietik 1 . 1, ' , •
'PP v.t •
D o - 'do 't 4"Btogin! '•
woiraniO4 -Ins 'oupittior to'
beitr lel:kit:e t and
sot • jrtirCA..sll.; • Don J, -forger Ihn co rner ,
opOO• • .1.;
t tl9ptarnbor 16. $4 6.,
/4"--44%;t-si ~ ,-- -, —,f ie, ,-' " " ' V 2-•
il - tgapixiii)husitii. - quldwisicrso,,
10410., 44 •• 4 ~,. IN trn i. , 1 1,1,
741 V I'telll,P4l•ll)Ctil,' • 21- ' AL,
Vll i, r mant..of .t 0 finect o t,
',') 7l4.lll""iiit.c°6 l l q4cigAlb.
1141 1,4' 1 0!tiie'': , ', i i,;t , t , • .;il' . , I*',4f, , t 1
in try‘.l4o/1110.1-14,,Abltfiezt`;,,,-`,),:t4q
' Alatlide,WptliiW,,, lligtir,
'''''''"6 l,, ,' , ‘ll i's,'l`;',„•l,,, '1', 04 / 4 , ,, k`L.J.i..._.
National Daguerrian GWitny
xxn` . •
- ,C.1;, , .; ' 1i';
itreeml,ing tiers . ismiSen to represen 6
IN lerfsi Atte. - grbtr
itvvill'lninoticed.tharn thieTcfelefulfinist
from all points of tli e•shrface, - Whichindieiteit 011
the peiviration.illvssunninterruptedly. 'when ww ,
Lire, in Iresttit,irut usages-sr:llmi ivealrekock:,..;Lifr
cannot be 'atistaitted i without, it: thrown'ofir
from the bkoort,st , ogrer juices ef ilhe,bddpi`nint
disposed this
,stoslef nearly ttlre..imporit.
ties'witliin. . the litiginsgeAgempture.ts,.tknr.
the B1109 . 1)is thellibiff'. it ItOOMeS'itti"
pureit may 'be trabed:Airectly tit ifie'sthppage
we see all abat.i9 ifetressrmy 'alien. °Whittled' it '
stagnant or ;infected, is. to' open the pores; MA • it.
eelievesTitself . from all himurity,instehtly: Atli`
own'hcntaml:_vittlityare,sullieient,..without, one'
particle of ,Inedicihe, except. to open. the;
upon the surface. Thus we see ( be folly of tai Its
so. Minh intcohhl rettieilies„ . All. practicionerh,
howevee,directai niirilOritil,trrislerOihnoen''
stanee,ttriArses the Ifxdromilltist,shrttuds, itty
kiettianketi tire Ilomtoproli Ist deals out infiniN
.teissMalin the -AllOpinfhist and doses,
.with, mercury; and the' bluaiering Quek 'gorges . ,
us: with Pills, *.t •I , V: '
To giveloine ides of. the amount of the Immo.
Bible Perspiration; We will state that 'the Teamed
Dr. Lewenhock ascertained that -five:44l4las ik
all we receive into the stomach missed tally - Wit
means. In other words, if we eat awl drink eight
pounds per day, we evacuate five pounds oh Why
the Insensible Perspiraiion.
This is none ether than the trsed up patlicles
of the 'blood, and tn•ltttr lqces giving Tiara to..the
Ytew and frealirtirre.S:' - 'l'n cheek this, therefore, is
le retain imthe sygiorn live-eights "fall the vire
lent mouer that nature demands should leave the
BY a sudden transition from heat to cold, the
pores arc stopped, tiro perspiration cetisteic'anif •
disease beghta-at Mme to itecclope itself:l*pm,,
II stoppage of this flow of the juice it origitisirs so
many complaints. ,
It is by. stopping the pores that overwhelm
mankind with coughs, colds and coasuinptions..4.
Nine-tenths oldie world die froM diseases.indlic,
ed by a stoppage of the litictiiigleT-eriudration.
Let one ask, now, every 'candid mind, wimp
course scents the most reirsonallie to ptirstie to
unstop the pores after they are closed ? Would
you give physic to altrrop-the :Poing? Or , own t ild
you apply,stotnethingothat would do 011814,0h' the,
su rfa c eo t here - thecloggingactuallyisi--,411-t--
I know of no, physician who flAltheS any t . .7xielfoi ,
application to effect it. Vetter these ciriumstan.
ens, I rfesent to physicians and to all others, Mi.... ,
Alister s A LL.IIF.ALINfI OINTMENI', or the -
WORLD'S SALY F.: it_ lina-tiosuer4o - .strib --- --
perstilratien on the Icet, on the headisittas 01
saves, upon the ettest,iir shot t, Japoll anypar t -t
the hotly, 'w higher kliaeased slightly-,r setimltly.,
It has power-to rause all exits:tat - sores; sera.
!Ulnas humors, skin diseases, pout:emus wounded,
to-discha .e Itii nouneettrantl-thetrltertr----
t .eiii.—it-is it remedy that sweeps oil the whol e
catalogue orCtalllPC , nts.tlisorilei a, and restores' the
entire entitle to its healthy (Unctions. his a it's 4 .
medv that forbids the necessity of so malty !Anti -
deleterious drugstaken into the stomach. It i s ~
remedy that neithor sickens. gives inconvenience,-
or is dangerous to the hitestmes....% ,;...41u,.... ; •
It preserves Hod (It:fouls die ' ' , 'in RA
derangement of its functions...3_ -'' 'eis ilw
outlet of five-eh . ..his of bile imirnse oit--
with3n. 'lt is pierced with millions petting"
to relieve the intestines. Stop up theite pore"
and DEATII knoeks at your door. it is rightly
termed Athhealing, for there is scarcely a ill,
ease, c i s - tern:ll or internal, that it will tint hei.e6ti .
I hale used it Ihr, the last foot teen years lin- al
'diseases of the chest, consuniption, fiver,involv: . .
lug the utmost danger tool responsibility ;Midi ..
declare before I lout ell and man, dist lint ill rim
sirgle case has it failed to benefit. when the pa,
tired Alas within the reach ofmortal meow..
11111Ve had physicians, learned in the professint't
I hive had Ministers of the Gospel, Judges (1(04'.
bench, Aldermen and Ls w3ers, gentlemen of tha
' highest erudition, and multitudes or the poor, ins
it in every variety of way, nod there 11115 been lit t
onevoice-‘-one united, universal voice—writ( _
" McAlister.,your Dinttnetit - is - COOD:"
It can hardly be Credited that a salve can have, •
any effect upon the lungs, scstedas they are wide:
in the system. Bat if placed upon the chest, it
penetrates directly to the lungs, - sebarates the -
poisonous particles that are consuming them, soil -
expels them from the system.
' I nee:l not say that-it is curingatecsotoltems.------ -
- zuniptiow - eontittualr - Jay ftthr - og,h ac are told it
foolishness. I care nut what is said, so low, as .
can cure several thousand persons y mut'.
The Suite has cured persons of the Hewlpciur
or twelve years' standing, and whp, had it ergo-
Inrly• even.) , Cock, so dint vonutiog ollte tnolt.
!dace. - Deafutunt.rspterninit Atlet helped with
, lilvitc.c•ess. • '., ,
~ i
cii,LitrA;T:Et: 4 - . • i
toriattruptlnn Lit,er - Complaint, latios.tµ the
cheat, or aide,. Itlling .off Of the hair, one,or, Mon
other, always accompanies cold feet. It lin sure
Or 01 iliac a.s in Weltylftetn to, have epltl fliet,,
• floc Isithe will 'ettet•'eVery'ense.
An Sitrolula; Erysipelas, Solt Rheum, i Livtgr
Complaint, Sore F)ea, Quincy, Sore. Throat, :
Hievetints, Woken. or Sore .llreast, :I"ilesvall
Cheit ,Discanes,.such an Aniline', oppressidn,. ,
WO, 'also 'sore lips, chapped ,hands, ,tumors, .
vnitaneoas eroptions, neevoos ,discases, And Of the •
Spiii<illitt•it. is peo,noll3 110.m:tilt:loc. notV:knowe •
50nrgacid.. is the hest thing •in the ,
world' I*.ir Uterus,: 4fleorl, die directions Otcrtliiil
the hos.).
___. t_,„.__'- .L.• -1 , WORT S.-- -—-- - '
iftnirents knew tio* tutor moist mcditines *ere
t. Children taken inward!), they would tie alon,
to 'resort to thein. Bain cinll3 "mu cut iil!„,10 rieli
go'," cal led " 111 ediCatt.d102,01gi St" (~ IV' Iliatir,t,B,'i i
pills, Itcq 'The tenth la, no one eau till, inir.ii iii
i nib!), when worms tii e pet sent , Now, let itte '
says to ion i ems, tlant Min Sitive, will atirn,”,oll, if It
child Ines aOr ins. It will *WO tt ety %cadge q
them Rainy. (Rend the (Theo/inns ,nrot. nil iTh e
bor.) ) Thetb ts proholdj no medicine on thane.:
of thewit do at mine so sure and s 9 sate; in the cis:,, '
puision of worins.
i IttIEITAIATISAL '''' 4 ' •
it M1;101 el flllllo3i immeilintel) the iii animation
aTI strolling, NIIVI the pain ot course ecaseto
'kali eases of Gm crohe "difficulty /iesln
pica being leaked /urn so thnt th e bent ittiil mil
soiration cannot pais , off. It the least inoistiiiik'
epAhl bo Martell._ the crisis lintoptissed Mid the . 4 •
danger la °ler. ,The Alhtlealing Ointradm.willl
ip lill n junarit of fever almost instantly unibek tliti
kln and bring forth.the. perspiration.. +
rtASA RAMlLY , Mraiuniza, i 1 t i
No man can pleinWis kb Vilue: So lqhg as tie -;-.,
4stars roll along °ler thei,lleifinfik,lsiso tonymt imin
tt aids the earth, subject tiiiiill hi lir miiiem f °foul
fl lb,
..-so long as (Osman. and sicknesa isi known—
)B o long Iv 11, this Well ithmmenttbb 'used nail ,
esll ell. 1 hen mak , rtitseitinpi-plajinPerlfer t I
% IT
he t tikilOnuntitt - TIVIR nease, t ion tilltiltbt
''.; 4 JA1111:9 ItßiAl t i§ 'Fi „,) 111, vii ri
ki, Mile pr?iiii ietcn sof the abele4l i e arne• [ Prr ~
25°'enti per b°z • . ~ , t ~ let
' ' t: y. C 4 trriCAM it' 1 , / "
'4 ) lii th e ' .hitettling Ointinent„loss bgen',greatly, / ,„ /
eounierfeßtid - we bftweglien this chistion„to this, , , ,
labllts thlat "tib Ohittnent trill be genuine, eti o loss ~,i
l b ,t t m eo. o , k ar ly z e t k, A e l l' 4 s lti: •.° ;. " ;. - .1 A , 4 1-
',Nei. ,
..q. , ,it> 6 4 • 7 ..ti -, ii. i
lqow we'berell 0ff.k. 1 1 4 il rotalrii otwou to be ,ii
paid on tiontialia9 In Imorlthcoagnistillstod oeurha ';.' ---
r (lie uniled statirqrwiln) 'ltlareibl counter
timitmettniapoimoitt.tiv J wJiol.3 o l,ll.i{, rity,,.
4, . c ,rz__Tgl : l 7 o , 4 , 2 1 0: :::: 114.„. „: _ . 0 1: 40 4,,, ,,, 41;,....H , .
..,r444l„,,teval,foopiwimphil v din „:„..
1 it v o ,04 4 ,0..miii;tioinf
i .
' r. i ffl lab 6, 0 r tr.r I W-11 Ar4V - ili .
fitiitli irv • ki 44 iiig 01 1 4
. 13.2 N1VE 011 01 14.0 t 'AT 41 ,0 1 1. •
A toltZfliff"lll 31441lielkl"*'"tt t'l",'"l