21 - . -...-, •::,.. ,, p , - - '' • '• ; ''ll4.‘ -,11-4. j , ; •;:%. 6;4 ' . .. . , ;:' '..., ' ' .• , . bqhii . • _ , , . r 11- ~, '+si ~~1 ~~% NE =ZS MEM =ME MEM ME " asu t v cas . _ PUBLISHED EVERY" WEDNESDAY. "AFFIC F. in ti:cpSputit .11'61 . angle of the public Square, back brae Courtliousf TERMS OF .SUBSCRIPTION, Sae Drillar . and Ihfiieetita ti Year, 12f it:outwit. Xrro Dollars, if paid within the pat" )he Dollar for ati inmate'. ' These tgrap:will be - rlgidly adhothil to. ,RATES' -OF ,ADVERTISING, , • Adgertisinhents, m aking fifteen lines ot less, wlll bit ' barged nethe rate of Piny Cents for one insert ion,— brae times.fni.One Dollar, and tWentrage calits for ek s v y-erubseattent insertion. Yearly advertisers will 'he arged at the following rates t • . Ono Rimini; with the paper, for.ore year, ~ $25 ,flalf n 'column, 'tin.. do. *EI 'TWA Squarely. With quarterlythanges, ' -. _ft 10 Dniittesa Dards, with the paper, ' , $5 ' ' RACPRINTING,.OF EVERY DESCRIPTION,' . . Stich nn Handbills; Dlnnks, Circulars and every other titer description of Printing, executed liansontely and Ypeditionslycand at the' LOWEST' PRICES. - ' .ca , ..a.cesama i ,Vraaacr•szeolt. OCTOR NIYEIIS has associated his ucphi•w, ACKSON ,in Lis- Ih.ug inv.; Book By this•nrrnnghment,7)oetnr YERS will he enabled to give his . undivided Attention to the du ties of his Profession. _ CiiiHile, Septetnber 90, iRd6:-3i .2)C.Wd'INDLS ILL , Romeopthio Physicin. • ' OFPIOE: Main street, in the house for mrrly occupied by Fred. Mimeo. • Carlisle, April 9, 18-46. I 1 Io (..0e ISA)lllaclig,9 •i•tusrm all t»erittion u pan the Iv. - .1744.10 ,hat nen,retlitireciAor their• iit•est•r- Pitt tinip .slettling l'lngginrl , will'rrt. Lift! the kin a them by iiie r -06;121 Teeth, from n single --- Toptiq - to• — ii - -full sett. (j:p../illec Cu Pitt titre,titofp,r. dourbSoutli ohlte:ltatlronil , • N: 11. 1)... Loc mix will he absent from Car ti,ele Vic lioit tun 0y e„ in catch month. • June HENIVIr rmadvis. IralMl 4 7M, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wu.i. prod tto•iit-tho- several Counts ttyClint -14-olootl and the sttjoittito; comities mot at :coil to :ill I rAcssiomil Intsit.etts eoti•tistetl to his eArie With a rnnquneaettntl fidelity.• ' ( 4 .lficv. in Small I 1.kt.91 mrert. in. Gralmin'a ne; l'olt.-411,c. • " wg4+6l-44.6 7 1-64 - - • Attorney at Law. 9 "FICE ;tr. Salida I latiover streel . , a few (loon ...L.. .1. ii. „.,..,.„,,L, ..,,. „, ill,im•ls. - . • k,,.,.!..p41.,T 1$ Tli Y 1 44.C.1 JOIEN Vii'. 317.1NitEr:, T] 1 , ..i r FULLY inhales' Ike imblie, that I Vlrittritir tiptieWirtPlittibWritbrifitirritAiiirim• Street, nearly opposite the,Vest;Qtlire. he is pre p:ll.ml' in practice. I.4I.Si:TITItT it all its Ivan- Go id - Teeth are essential to health; hesitfue nottiral rtr artificial ows are net poly Useful hut nrietotental s and add matuyially ti the ettiortict ot Qle .wearer. It ',malted •his; stet ed what out Le Mote to the Well., MOW& ilio 91'9 - tl , t CVel`ff tin . f.ct Call be'rtimedied, ,L.,0 Teeth litrnishrif frnitt siniclemou.to-att entire set. ..lhoing coif:tide ralili2 practice Ille a, t,nlu her of z 1-3,-g0...1 -refer rectal AVIII - he given to stieft'ai require tltom, 11111 the best prooris the opetntisn, %Iliali will in all oases be perletune.l in the most carelal manner mid at prices to snit the occasion and the. times. Persotts•waited ou at their resideneeS, or entiottry, t' , ltlittett:leart`eeltarge. Ile may always be foetid at his olliee,ss nbove, nr at his residence 111 l'itt street , nnedoor north of lliattleCti !leery =tattle. Ile will also trrompti attend to the repairing ol AVnteltea anti Jewelry. at bis ollice 111 South Hone tiyge it riMi. - kliti,CNTrit - Krt - cp - riiwia Iv irke attmitiuu 14, skilful. exectitiob of his wok, lie•lamMito reeb`Weostltthereby bench& t share of public patennage. •• . ,„., • Carlisle, April /1,1846. I-lAII.IIIS i . IreIINER, 11:' IRVIN ' WHOLESALE' ORUGgISTS,_ : No. 201 Markel 'Stree i'N4 . :1,17E t, ' L.N.111.1, ' Importert and Wholeialii bealeta . Ir X Drugri..Nleilicines, Chemicals, Potent Nlril icines, Surgical Ilitli 0t161.01 . 611i 111S11 . 11111CIIIN; I uggiati •Al Imam ore,W inflow Glom, l'aints,Oila Dye*. Perfumery ,Sm.-1(43. Drazgial a, Gauntry. Merchanta. Anil t i'll siciano irytilidl with the above article.; on the most in vorahle tattle. .Stoict and . protolit audition paid to orders Every article warrant; (1.- Juitv llonats; . )1. rt. ' .I.tAteek.:ruitven,Jaicly of Virginhi. Vti.t e t A A lIIVIN, :11.1). • Philadelphia, getit.3o. 1840.-1 y. THE MANSION HOdSCHOTEL Frotiiitig on: the,Cumbeeldnll Valk, Rail ,Road ; .-:,4•',., • ••••;,, ,•.';• 1 5 ) ~ , ,. •,- . S P Atila4tafig3d TP:alc; . , 0.,07•• , [e. •• .. iv' ~..... - ' tpt,t iii,,ot hiro NI en.llile . p,itiik,64f!iiie, jo t , ~.a.iiik e ii'by,',ll.'ho solainijboi.. It le newly 's istnialted line'llite . " tioiin thisr*ilify ;Oliniiid. Paileonkniii liflliiii . ienTe;`el'inyfacrii- iiiviellore and -visitors to Carlitilo,, aro: lneitoiiin call. ' Terms nindeirhtO, ; ii`nd .ithicey ,, iittentiun paid ' to :the nomfort , and;dopypnioncie,ot4lioso who — pationize - thoceitiihilehnrent..4;iii". ,,, , , •,1 7 . - . , J '. . - i ....' .3. i 1...., iy,l,Titorr.. •. Oariioes Apill 16, fecs ,-, : ,-.-, , - Stai„-14 5 NalaJpg . ing had'ioavornt.yoara Fat t h44 and having in:hbrOssOigalCirillib . rat 4bigroblioodon'aryapore'made by h 0 truntanality-tirsebtain a aharo of 4 ' t 01 0 4; 3 40) 1 41011 1 , 1111 1 10 ; . - 11 quattli;julits.0( 1 1:5itoli:in' ,s „, . j t .!_ ie .Ailightir 80, _ •t . " ..m*,414aPr.454.:4P4, filoticrngot,, ! pit A rcr,:i .sr,ciiiitt yotirk . to ch!,..dais Ifilitoliara,asnaotfully' 7(° (12135'a ; 115/ ()' 4, 1:1 7- Thrsalov- iu!anicka HA" 're tire 17ittl the' 8 caw 7' 44491AltS,`Iror ° h ., c i :t1:1444.4 • howitdd.'ll4 I iiaM 4„ •:,: , .4 1411 "T. 61 4! 1 511AArt41 1 ili 44 BHf l #( l fie.t? ' ' owsir IrLsolor n0.,,!50,-0*1411 0 ,10149,i i Prito < • . ..„;„,,;,,•„.....•,;,...-.....,•,..,•,•.' :•••,•••. •••;..',',.. ' -;.',•••'••••:,' ,h'l, - ..". .'-.1 -. ...,. -. .. ,- t,e.:::• . ;.'::.''.3,:,-I'V.' , :•;i:',',•),:;is.;:•"'•.•' - .'. - •••: 3 .''.••.';'," . .; - ,!.1'.....;'_•. , :•,.,,,'•:, ,'''.',;:•:,.',', 13:::•.',.;''•,•'.;',i43ki11'i 4 .141AV,4, - .• - :•',1R:;; ; .•.''.' , ..-, sY'l;;;:rtieA . -- 44 . 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" • .(,.'` • - it." 3 4.7lll" , pli , PiTP i. 441 h a i t i.i, * ."-'.. - ••.‘‘'‘' .':, • ''' l ''' '' - '"t 4 ili:lNlt l • 11 n • l'o ' 37 " 11 1*; 4 "4, --'' s ' - ' -' 15," '' R • l's ~::. •- - ...? ~; • ....AI, ..;.- J. . —4<X 1 .. ~. ef),;;;; .4-0 , 4 altit-is . na ' n. g ll M . ' ' - , :,- -.• ;'/;..3iiiaill z 1 Ak.'l•: , ,•ot l _ vdis.'ii6o•.AVli•. b_rm.... 'l. ..1_ I•tr ..-, : .•,,. ...,w, '''. 1,7 t4w.... p-_ , • = ;;• -•,.. ,ILL• • I I,S_ 24 •', ".1 . 'la t'• - ' -, "`" '.' :. '; r ... i" L " ) •." 117 '1 , 11!..! .1l• - T'' I,, f''''•/:'"O' 4.,, Y . i r '-7 ..% ' "-: k.,..."eL*. f .ii:-71 e ,.:.•5- 1 •."'" •- • 43 ,i'; t, ;0 - 0 4 ,0, 1 , 1; 4 , 1 f l t pap s r. ..."7 . 4 - al - r , , ileill-•••..... ;`•444 'l' •11. ~,ii.„... . ._ . .. , ,,•1' , .,•; . .t , , n; f:' i i',1 , ,, , f', 1 1.0 . , ''": 1 . f,! .. i . I: , ~• t iO, I. 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'-- ',` '_ - * '" . .' • ...- ,•-.... •,..;, i • „ - , , . ;. ... . , .•. . - T, • ,-. . ENE HARDWARE. CUTLERY ,& SADDLERY The Largest, •host. Selected, and Cheapest Stock of Hardware eve? • brought.to• Carlisle !!! j)oHN P. LYNE jestiectfidly info•nistin friends ph:Utile public . generallythat he has Just reeetredtrinii - tliti Cityp splendid steak of HARDWARE, CUTLERY,, SADDLERY, Cheap Varnish; &c:, which-he as determined to Pell cheaper than eve?. His stock consists' In part of the following: •Builking materials, each as Load', Hipps, and Screws nails andepikesiwindotv glass, of all sizes... Carpenter's} tools; of all kinds; soot ealilanosoisiveAhieidarniigura,bracee and bite. camparses;kverior send ,paper'.. Saddlery, a • lull assortment consisting „ bra 0 :044 1 3d„1111 . 0 • Japanned HarlinsarturtntingmfidAa trees, hilts stirrups, buekels, hog ; raw, •hide •stoeics &o. Cabinet „Mi E ltere,v materials, such es MAHOGANY VENERS; Glaris and Ma. hoganY , 'krat*, 'di:niter "and'ehestlacks; Red stelin'earews and eaps.'Aiso, a aplendid assort' mem of fine pee and pocketknives,table knives and forks; fine Weems and' sheers; sheep shears; razors •and razor straps and shoving cream. Also, Candlesticks and snuffers, ahoy. Is end tongs, - brusher;urnit - kitids,lphs - tu; I tickets. sboveloand spades, hey and manors forks, halter and trace chains, coffee mills leeking.glasscs,And looking glass plates of_alt sizes, mill and Own cut sews, be r, hand, round and hoop iron, cast, sheer and blister steel.— Also, rifle and roc powder, of the beat quality and saf'sty fuse. Together with every artich usually kept inta flardwatv Store. Cull and examine before purchasing' else where ns I em deteitniited not to be bent. The books - and accounts of the late firm of J. P. Lyne & Co., are hands, and per sons knowing themselved indebted to pall and settle,-as the books must he settled up imme diately otherwise suits will be instituted with out-rrsp,mt to persons. JOHN P. LYNE April 29, 1646. QD , ___ • 03311.11,LES 333 f ItiVITZ6 , • m7,ouLD.onnouiice to the citizens of Car• liskand the,puhlic in. general, that he has removed ibis store to South Hanover street, ',one dodrindow-Iturkholder's Hotel,ln the house formerly occupied by. Mr. N. W, Woods, where lie would advised' who walibtu purchase cheap Goods to give him a call.. Ile would thereliire call the attention of the fiiblio in Want of CiID'AP GOODS, to give him a call and . examine tbr thetraselkms. ills stock consists itr part bf CMit—r6 W I:3EZ 0:3 ton co ors an. qua dy. assimeree,. Cast. asats, Tweeds, Vesting, Flannels", Alpue ofa.,/llerlnnes,Ginghurns,Bed Tickings,Shawle, nelicopidilluslins; a ticked and general usnort. meat 'of Lace, Edging, Inst,rtiogs, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. - &c.&e., top:Met with every vim riety of goods kept in any store- - A lAO —,A . very large assurtmentof qgpcx. R I ES, of all kinds Mal inijaii4iiigillot ily. use,_vefy ahead: -Likewise; a Inctit of Queensware, Glassware, BLe,, &c., which will bO sold very low. SEGARS, of the beitt That dm city could afford, eon he Inni culling tirEttirnitfiltlicap Store, in South titan over tweet. Those desirous of seeming the first choiceo I the most select sod desiipl.lo goods to the mar. tier, would do well to cull wilhost &lay. CHARLES HARNITZ Clarlinlv,.Aprd 8, 1846. Ul'll,AM'S r . NAL, 11E - MEDY . A) for (he cure of rileit. Yegetable rile Pcute:try, invented try' ipi , . ph) nician of New' York aity,!ia.the only reit Ily ace 'gut- remedy for 'that tintilor'd tt a' stud 411strresing kontvlakint i (lie- ever • oflered to the nterican Eleawkity cotit.ine. no A lonia, f.hthntyasyn, Gamboge;, utner.power 1111_411'111'101mo*No..Tear of taking . cold While under ittiloffitenre; no elntoge In diet necessary. Irtahen • nechrding to directions t a core for life in iontintidecil. Aoother'Vertillcete added to:tho hundreds hint have already been received, of the efficacy of Dr. cillvou's Eleetuary. Ncty Yoatt, Anguat,es, 1546. • Messrs. Matt Ketchani,.-Gents: For ACM. ral, years past' I have been troubled with Piles, ti very costive state of my comphint not hei ig ro severe as to disable Inc horn bosluessoitiel a dread I had of physicians Mid pateiIt'MLIIICIIII'P, That until this. spring , / I never used tiny medicine or apidled to a phithaian for relief., The Piles then being so severe that I OtioWeil,Soiturati OpOlitt'Otti to be ItOriOrtnoti without ally b4Otifit....Dtgenilin. ell after this to try 'oilier means, I rend an silver , titrment ol.n cure ttusirauteetliiv the use of Or. -llplintliq'Eleat nary.' I pitreiraearil three boxes your store, and from the use of which I fotind myselt entirely cured of the Piles,and my heath, mitellim Proved. I remain, Sirs. your. much fielded friend. Extta,DtaatE. ' • , 114 reliant Taller, 194 ilrbiklivit7; Dr. A..•Uiflitiny'Proprietor. • • • • V sett & Karen au, 111 Fulton •• street, New York,, General Agents for the ,Southern States. Carlisle, IH Sastuat,Ett,torr, and 'Druggistagederallythrtiughout the Unlied'Statea. ••• • • November • : • ' - I§JJ,PllEikii be. ,u OA, o c rt ' tho: j od..irkftogpljotoro;:of - lAkuiiiii!liTyvggilk9f, ttio:.ipOorpOrOtiOn• of. 41,eppi rt - *Vito ie -4 •Ttnil - Ctriptitii?4,lD - .l"* . tigy - i, P 164 44:1' bOltigiitS.lll tpi iHrii,itniibitiliocioui l ty ! eh plied of COit( -11iitidtp`d•'• titodeotidi - ' Ott TWO' ittinitiOd im &polio roeir ittovtiorta-bi - 1111 , ;: Tfibiimii:l3el;;' J antes •K).' r lifift , • , :•,-;rJ! sAnilier Pitiitenriy: 34 ' •). ~Sknos; 04p,tyly. : • ,--L lattiollYttakl - 6742}?, Boniatditi , Pi* *or' ;t Ald/f '/014 1.. - (Mill Link ' '.C.ll)lOly : l4l4cCulloith", I 41 :1VillliitT1 a albrliiihr ,Jidgr iv *jell i 610 Rol ei ;Jig 'lJll.4 j4C. I r,;ll3o.oliiii( • lioliktriT 04., , i4f.,1 R • ived awl ; 111, f„,:; ; :-1 ;ct . 4. 2 .4' 01 1 . 4. ;i1 !ll' 'l.l. r Zrilt :e 1 161Orrii i ,11,:, -, — 2 G -,-: . : tr'--- -2 --LI - gi 4prokro-C4ritailio !it. . . , --.... •trAN•-II TOPAPC9')OIigNESA'NwI A•pk ,p,..aneaptibld•fdrWitiiiirim'aiclnplbrmi. 1,0 lek scoariailAi sldifkt'Pe)t , ook f ettoi il gni ih_r_,_ ,' ItYP 11 31 414 1. llt'PAel.k :, , ~.. , ...: .•.---. ~', . • .' --,':-...., . , ‘" iY , ~' ~ z ., ‘ ..vt4- '.' , . ' d!:.4Y, =I ME itlisrellantotto. THE PILES ! A C'urcfor Life secure!! UE). 'Cgt I=3 r. gol64itaustio*t . • , From Edinburg Journal A NOT TO MYSELF ALONE, . " Not to nieeltalone," , The little opening flower transpofted.ctles—. . Not to mysblf elope I bud and Wont ; Withltagrant breath the breeles 1 perfume, And gladden all things withlny rainbow dye' ; .The bee conies sipping every eventide His dainty till Tim butterfly within my ciindoth bide. From threatening ill. "• . " s , " Not to myself atoria." Thetitaling star with tinuusa pride doth boativ— " Not to myself alone I thin and eat; • • Itetito'opoti Night's corona] or,let. Ills patrol-and ektlt who formed oar myriad )lost A friendly , bencon at Heaven's ophn gate; ,I gent the sky, m That an may ne'er forget;ln every fate, Ilie Mania on high." " Not to myself alone," The heary•lnde'n bee &tit nairniurlng " Not to thruelrelhoe, from flower to flower I rove the' wood, the garden atoll the bower, Afid to Itte hive ut exotilfig weary route For mitfi.Tor ntn„ttitlukelous food I fine .' With busy CWT. • Content If this repay.tay causeless toil— A scaltii share." • ' " Not to myself stone," The souring bird tvith lusty loiniptinings— " Not to ayself ;done I rale the rooal ; _ .I.eheor the draining tvitlo id Evotrioling ihngbc, And hair the manner en my viewless trim ; idol the tombless churl my anthem learn, And Cool rialto ; I tall the tam - lolling from his dross th And - sing - and` son - re - ' - "Net to irtypelf alone," 'rho strentniet w•hippern on its pebbly way— " Rot to myself I ',tinkling glide; I muter lib, and health on every side, And strew the field with herb and flow'ret goy; I ding 111110 the common, Illogic and bare-, 'Sty gladsome tone ; I PWCPI(.II nod refresh the langubl oh • In droughty June." ' "Not to !vivant(' alone," Ob, innn! forcer not thou, earth, honored priest ! toncoe, its cool, Its life; la pulse, fin heart— In vartlesurencchorua to attain% thy part. Chk.fest of events at I.nt•e's tietimideing Anal, Ploy not the niccard, apurrt thy native clod, And Fell* dlcottln Live In thy ut•iplihnr,llve unto thy God( Not to thysclfalone. limos' - rm . ',sin ‘N . rnornTv.—There is notli ituzfoossible to..inae, which_ industry. and in tegrity will not neeornplish: " The poor boy of ~estertlay, soiLpoor That:a &flier was a mint In his viMnu, honseless, and breadless---com -pelled to wander on foot from village to vil lage, with his bundle on-his hark, in order to procure labor and the means of subsistence become the talented and hefferable - yribrig , :man to day: by the power of his good right arm, and the potent influence -of his% princi ples, firmly and porpetuallp maintained.-- . float pits mid-wirat-tht - grace - staredThim in the face, he shuddered not, butpressed onward and exultPd in high and honorable exertion in the midst of aectr mutating disasters and calamities. Let the yeung - man be cherished, for he honors his_ country and . dignitiesAtis race. Itig,rtltdod' rlf tbmeourse'fferilf•hisr-Veiiiiiiie'ts d tree' .born American, :end--therefore a sovereign • - and ,t 1 Wealth- 7 111 M 'cares ho 'or that, so long as his heart is pure, and his Walk - Upright—he- knows, and his country knows, and his country telts that the pile finger of en honest ;and upi ight 'nom is worth more Ihnivtlid whole-body-of an .elleiniimte and di: wurst man. These aie the micn who make the conntry—who briny to it whatever of iron sinew and nidnilitiLT spirit it possesses or lesires—wlio ate rapidly. rendering it the mightiest, most powerful, as it is already. the fieest :and beneath the circle of the TEE DataflaaN's Geese.—" There goes the old Dutchman ,who had the dangerous geese!" exclaimed a friend in.the , country the oilier thiy, calling our attention to ,a Dutchman of (ho oldest " school," who was walking sloatireleng the , road. " We asked 'Ho 6,xplatiatitin, , Why; - when ihre"Vankees firil%egan .to liettleAnAtere r liti_wes.ie*extlatab. sailed specimen of 'cm, as he was picking up the (Mills that his geepliad dropped. in their chattering morain e ', waddles, by the edges of an'oblong pond of the roadside. Presently one of the geese -, stretched out' his long neck at the Yankee, who . started and ran as if a mad dog were at his heels. dold-Ithw,"- said :the old DutChman, it , not to ha avraid dat ale eAse wouldn't hurt um any! •but do geese dittriln alter him dough, clear over do hill aways! and none of urn wouldn't give um no rest any more, whenever he come along,de street. I plieve Cloy hail a sphile elfin de.Yankees - . Mein gracious! it's curious, dough, but do geese always Went away, and didn't. come, track. any moat!" iftet'secret of that was, that the Yalikee, w,kict soaflpid of:tho Dutelirnan'S geese,' had thrown out.kerttela acorn, among witiejt • was ono tritth a fish-hook aliacipitt. Once swalloweil,`thrt tingly goose Was soon in tOW' of the flying fugitivoi • • A pumtorni, SetmE. 7 4llo,Natottez Court or, iic ,g,tying,an account cat tip 0 1 . the Wounded .by the'obllikiott of :the. Eteß..lll,:, botttuAlitiiit`iiid• says; . ' 'One!mun would pray 'to th hisihrontottnother.. that:ho :might bo . :pieroud' to the. iteert, exerutietirg , eni;rittother,that lio mf ltk , bq cloApap!lkod, )imeeottiuming•htwi. 4:4ltriOlt,"gioacie, moboLt4lereingly,agottißdng,ltowlsiwOro Keiftt , ':.oW.risygr,y, t hand,ft•ontAte twenky,two ontieredil ;td'ir both' 66' ridiniuistering. "Wilk 1.1111 i nearly, tell ilie b o}do,,Waavitealed. chc.tin Fm.ltoer.",l,.W o l4.., l • l llnootry',lori. , "for - . 1 tr,,wifn,, int Inrither,',initt elilhirelf. l4 . °ln ittu j itopr iho.Mll4l: d'eld; 4 4indAl7l3•lii,of,,l4.if,gtilTiiitnk tevol7•PM'oCthooe ;00m , yintimet!ot4tivrb,th 3 , -M-61 : 01 41:1;1 1 4 1 ] -1 Pod9PfgAliTiti i ridroffilOtttifOrll. oti'lhoutt nd cannon' -" , • i PAT 5 AccomMeT/Millitirn- le iriallmigi .4 beinglebetarab iore el edropeni iti'LrtvWeilde,- .burg.,ll4,,,fprintegag:gopitth f .waFfluertion4 vid by, 9n4of the otileers, 77 :, ,',,,, ; , ~,:„ ~, 1* • 4g WOW' sit' /,1-*liil , yoii gqiiiitß.,,Vakilo, iv ilk, (iii i ikght,o4lllll,ir: . ' "",': .. ''.' ..,i., , , ~,, ,::?' .VeAtiv'ttlitliliOilleif f tliiiither4iin:witl4, sdoineotvigt,-14111 1 .0o R tA n dnee,' '1 , 1,117;- 4. ittithei deut,l ' eFittgeori 0,-1' ezlrn rijority . ui ie . -., 0. , .C:'*Lf. ,, ''lr-=') -,-,,---., -,,,,, , i,, , ,vnt,48rim- ..1. , -, • ~ • t,,1 it.' a t . ' 1-1'4A.'.474'413Hrt 4.44501011-,Ablii3t3 ADM •: ,t' .. l ' A , if!ter,f F4. 6 4llficii ► hrA4clgoo9ltet4ev 0, , 0 ?", 0 4 110 , 1 1 , ;;Cur, ; :ii yon ;.4 Are )451 ettitt:l3 OC 1 4 1 ,, '4 4411,4V01r01 10 0RY --8 .4 1 % - 4 1 ite, - ;71 -5-11014M 1 ,, 1 2 1_,.. - ' , .11.....1 e iiid,:iftvi,..,..) ,„50i 1 ..1 . (. _ ,;•••,tr,p-{:roi,efis oil 1 r, RAI RPoPvinp PIiPVP ° PigYUL.4 44O 4 7 - 1 . 0 1 ,ra It s ec4 s 4.ompii l l l 9,ll)gileptAppoil I tat lAmi ' vat - 71 , g4wr'oxigtithoi tbAikilt ,4 . l , -- , 44 , - ,4# 4 1 -4 141 0. ..,* .-';' , ,,,, ,, , -1 :,:',‘:4 , T::4,4.,•,.' , ) , ~,.;:a, V 1,4 , 1ii).- 1 ik.„,1 _ ,,,- : ;;. : r :,.:,. ME I _ A . D 1 0 t • E %,„.1 . . . . ,• ! f!; ,;.:t:( .Its EXtinktp r itiountaids, From.the Stater•Book/of ii. Burrowest,,y*; . I t r ' :Sittuili9n-orPerefiy/ortitirsorn'ti9 • • • ' 4 PClll4hlatild, brio 'of the'Undettiotirlair 7 of America, lies-between 38 degre,4l43ibtiiirf and 42, degtelf I riA . ttinl'bill(die&'l6ltrinutPil'etistis 32 m inuteg Vest longitude fromlre;shitigtam!' It is,bmititied on the east,lity,..pier.l:%sey, end ,IVeW 'Yer4;:nrirthOrly..?\ W l6k e .-E r i P,l.Phi 6 ;,4A-vA01 4 % - 491t9. 1 . 6 . by V irgin In; ',AI FitYiarkb rtihtt:PP,lll)X9rt);44 4,1;1 Its shape is; a reinter, 040124 1 ,1111991110 301 miles;;, its bfeatith is., l %l l lllp, B ,; r tin, As . entire' area 47,00 - itptitct,Aitit,pNi . 30;006,1",t60, of rieres of NO, Its 'seat' of,govern Mont Is,,llumasbilsono chief C.o7llllf3reltil Pittsburg.Phil . The we,e'rhi 4 tisYS, Avis ' 3 q.C9.911 1 9!"%.1' thP - riatnit knirioS,e(40;1119;0,108, and the Latin Wordct~ltfa, in i eftn . s: v a veer( or forest, to Which are nis i ti.terrninatioteused,iii the wor;lor whic% shay forrq porno of a land or .ontrilry, ,- therefore Means Penn's Forest Polfiiffy,, i p . ,, , te4 (mite applicable to - its appeetanee Wyen , gt anted' to Williath l'enn; in ;141; : bilt, A tiT chiles the Second of Englantl4:;,.,:p, II OW, SOOFO "Of member of thee gloat Ninth with all the rights and powers or,;a . ,,scy,O'reigp and independent nation, exceptßßOl:#4 . 4hY9 been entrusted to the general giiYernMerj,t',of the Union for the protection ani,f,ltlenerttitrif all thettatesimited. The Powers thus traneferreilpie; chiefly thesp that relate to win and tIOCe;,-int:er r , course and commerce with foret.gtri,u ol 9lo,.. (milling money; post-offices ; utiptygivAltiOn: of foreigners; patentin,t, new inferilteris;.*:. The original thirteen states were general)y• divided into the FMto4l),pt'„ •Englaral .stahls ; the Middle , Southern states Under this . 44,jscrqii.oni; Velinsy,lVrinia was teeny a mitl4o:o:Vv , , l ).ol owing* the Minimise extension•Attre,An f ltui - that has .token south. ,she -is not actually artildre:cilytie,- thongh still so railed.. To inctiOle.4l,,iott, states, formed in' the, west lotion, a fourth class or ilivistny added, called the Western states:,:4:llo(tlcal . have been ercatml on the extrenA &f. kittifll l io stfileTitssed - with the SouthortriS,4o. -- - ,^;` From tier original middle, pod!wils,-hojßg _six of-the - old states:"on .. horn the fact, (lint, in a geograpltmelAieity.„_# 7 u--really ecinn‘ • t q t.,, • • • together, • her south-eastern„ earpOyjiktin washed by the title waters of . 114.ii,A1.hintlei and her coffli-western by separates that part of the L'elsnikft, hers tipsooAtt4l. stgert,w alirsi been conspieupti stud etlectit4i,-she eat ly acnnireil ille name of the lisystone:Slate,, as being the ifbitit oh which rest* ifre'Weigfit and by- wllich in] preset ved the safely or - the federal arc!). 1.0 it be ilia duly as NI the pti(lo of lier-elipilren, to retain for lier llii proud up-. The chief mouninins of rennsylvanniskre the Appalachian elnum more commonly call ed the A I eglirnies. They enter the middle of the state, from Vir4inia and Iflaryland on the south, princi pally_in-Bedloritand Sainersetcouraies4_and. tanning, first, in a northerly direction with .close regular ranges, then spread out with a wide sweep towaids.the north-east. As they - approach the north, their ranges become dePoSssed in height, and more scat tered tram each other, are finally broken into irregulir hills in the' 9,orthern. tier of counties r and wholly disap t mar-tn the adja cent coup ics t New For. • Sorpo of their ranges that tetul in the north-east traverse the Maids of Nowlersey. and New .Yot k, and either strike the Atlantic coast in New Jersey, or cross the Hudson into New England, , Their hoigLt varies.from,!soo.lo .1600 feet above the level of the . • • _rhe, , saveral ..anintains...cornposing chain are known hy. varions pantos in differ ent pt\rts of the state. These—will be stated in 4eperibit.g the respeetivii counties. Tbe,infervenilig.valleys of Alleghenies pre, hi the south and east,. deep acid narrowi but many - -of in tho. i niiddltiand north, are broad and fertile. •.. . •• The South Mountain lies on the.south•east• of the Alleghenies, and about twenty .miles , born their c.,Y,tertor ridge, which isuealleil the, Kittatitini.:,ntuu maim and..sometimes the Monti ari'd, sometimes the Elgo rtiuutia• 'II 'follows' thegeneral, ClatlrPO' r iq the, K . ! tatinny, from' OM Maryland to, the NOW Jeff icy line,' forming 4., ontli-cat,4,bOtiogary, o;'.the;'great , Cumberland valley„ „-4,, • ,,, ~, I ~., ',•,. t ,r., • ,:"::il 7,1,, : t TlP„nlotintaitious , ppilierlier,Pentimicania• fowls. ,fulli, ope , third ; 91-...its, AA:Melo-Area, or 16,0 ti ti„ Spare ~liii le s.. „,,Q,us 7 htil i i. q f ,41 . ,,t9 . re 'rtiititnl4,l§,,pl,,,a,,hll(y,.,nr;;.breb-diini3O,luktlieter;- arid Ihti'plher,,hi.t.t gently l trolling stAlepo,„-,- tsj 4; ii,fif, th9,,.61 . 41,e„,,p0rt0nt1y, le v,ei, latidt, ~,•,, I. 4 (l ,"gPliii 1 4 3 1141P•91 11 0 1. 0 111 40i4hie11Y.terT... Mingles tnWardst the.north,withim,this stater, 'it ;'extendsv. , sohifiwardly,to,„3:lo*:,digkgy - b - taing - ifire. - s:utijaiii terifiination, in'Alhbaina.' iq. fuck it forms , the,:eastsiti . lioundartor Vie gyeatl, r apayl.ol - the,Miskfestp'pi il the,.*4l4 . lo lioliitt IP 5 0 ,91)P,i 64 1: i 3 ,f-ttioo.oYr. matte thkoo4,',„ 2 ,' '''AP;';l,4 l :%:t ,,, , Po9l:B,toqc.t , ,that;4llo," , ,whaio, Oflho'l - pqpqmanous ; ?prqqr,k - qt.T,Peimailtaiii - rii 142 j A foLcultivhtfqq. , -_On-tticccoAlraty4oqict T!t:l49 riff!igt ' l 'f.illeYsl i),;•nrtret,,.prorluutive 1 ) 61 ,?0 qa g!Ill?fa0c), 1 01 1 tiio,gt.go• ;..Rf9babliv ! pp i : for iiePl . . l o,vl. l hzkiqihrowels.9o4,4trito. . relpiit , . :, lP .61 741i1 -''Fi •• •- 1..X1.0‘; ” • ',‘ .. .±.174:1 . ! 1 1?(11 1 . ?Ibi•r1 W1Y.4, 1 t tigtf9.OI • I 9.PUMOSO iO/1 , n 1 twit 40,196 ed:. 'rri . ° r4P, I. b ) 31 ? , 0 31 . 1 1 1 Pr4,4tAtt,t kbrf 19801 1 ar.. 1,, I r I IP -' I:OIIO9,''tPX 6 JOY,T,P I I. II / 4 4411.41,10001 , 100,1qp , 1 gl tsli f t i r litY,4 l 9 l9 l 4 ; ‘, ; l !PßY i pC l 3CW h*Will -43 41 kq WTYA5 11.3 41 1 10 1 1 1 , ii l P.,renAY.,' : ;l l 44lly, cificiri;i..9o6l9, yilhirk„theirr,ugged bosoms, - ,!7!l!!!?_."!"l, i aiid•inoolkx4l9lPl,49.ppi4i,lB.odoaii: I rc Ti 9.c 111 9 1 9M9N. ,, Alt EIYAFit 41Rtlie,t1 , M!ithi ( 9irqe , t s .o ll 4 l 4o,#)del!chAinibgr mitiefulituthei: ‘ r R. :-, N4 i xi t ro.:p poliAt94 '4 l- ,RYer)i-,01 root len , 1 1 47 11 ,4 0 ,11 0 i's . , , ,164.tP l ir t a p ,3 1 0,'I nc i' 1 4 ,T E L ? N r ( ) 1 , 11 44;.(3,00yey) to !'" ' ;'$11 ( 9 1, tha:cinino 4l l s : , ol l 4:l4rtilm r SOunol?c rte' leP,A )ll O i. fi ' '4 l .ij 0 6 I luvs.;jot ten,d4ttitedik 1 i 614 sfitiil*s liavorad Ilopo of '...4oool,efferii Ille.:yallOin-in-049:stiatf4.77 . ;14- . llVhicitt OV 36 * - # 4 t At t lii ojo'fi''l: 4l 4N7ion; h, l 4 ti ftl # '; 'A r Yir Ne Og i llift, 6 4 '4 .oPF44€tiAt, Nn"k l o4l o l,xr - . l ) ,i fq.tlo4 l loilri. '' • ' RefitiO s lejl.illoMalp )) _ ' ifkA11gpb90944!***41R4:,4.1936P1',3,.; latO l i ) .09,01°i - . .i'l'‘ WI ' , 'A`t.. , ;i;ti; sl,Mie,,,,e, o . Btilt w i tb tie t o t im m A r le, :,„,. i s 0 6 7) 4 1, F44 , 1 iso lot itigitVirty44l4,lo.l;4' Egh 4614` 4 ,5 f' i 11.# 'f , ,•-•. ,1 , 1, . -h.,-.-.,-• 1 2 '.,...-,:,'' , .'.,:t:'.. '' , ,t';':' ~ •.',1 : . 4. .‘.! , '''..'!-:"Pr . • ( :': , ;` . ' ',.', ", '.: .'" ~'.',.:' ..." :',',,''' ~ , y.-,':,,';',,;'j, ~. _ j. , ~.. tt .~r C z: { .~a ,:~.J. µ ~~. I\IOi,'NTAIN . . • ,e2c. 11:10,41CY""''""‘" " ^Pel l ' 1 - ai !! . • •t. lik, v ,gifAilefii;',.Wildiketie, Vit`th'ily/tiiill , :beatt,ty 4 nit ery"Silf s plisipil. s . Pdatixtii: atiQitiO4flS'itre lik,,Oti l lidblE - I:4,'irsitikiiig - Itirltlti,irtilitys into :011idrfitilit'brtliVi'ip . ifioii, or livett to 'foreign ' ?kaiitii6l'foi- the tidlii:Parpdsts"'or eelibtffirtg UOlalidhithfdliMiliektOTOtithout,OUipbellug • lheitlithinstheibiteifdti3ollhialfilWlYeisfifition, ilVet r ellliptheielinay , 'bsr,VieWsvweith a:vigit. • 11 1 al . 410 PcitAicu„ l 4Fo% 41- IVISEVAItIe.FriI i4' a s,eist ;rule to,•ititp,rm , eulsgprets. InqrpV#lll)* irl alit itaiiialOirtio' . .Ki liatlie. 'aii.titiy a liefisie, tteititiVel:ifillolftwelft Ittiditiltiisbedestid qcl i lleiple4 .witlintheir appeartme.e,otqcondition: attAr,ri,erigarpullftt eliiug tlf.e3thirie,or: in , Eghlf;it'thir r is,utiStire, to Aeseribli tti'an Intel': ligetitlip4eignefillibii4llMl*-or MiltriaSlo. 7 splipkim.l , Vhiter;lMeiintettiliji4' , thuclif :,hiss' the - typpetessit.,atiill-,instketiotis'of••:bis.eNvti.,.statu, and: the - Union, wilL., lie ,set,:duW,ril,at,i Gilds, csither.ps deficiestaii,l9,,u& éMilsti.Y, or as Ilitiyipg oomrri l encWhis• travois without duo .tpieisaratiisii ,!J :.,!,,. 5e0.:,..!!).., ••' ~,+.; •--;i-rj .sitirill.Wl.vil*.lieertery:•.alortkttlie.:lunitues. c eiany c litildeatid Oisr,rimuudiug Viewt4r,oei,the sliiiimil'ifof the ' 'AllCOUrniii:•-tlie- numerous 416101blinliisapeS iii'eatintirlglid"Vit'lley; fifint IvarldiiAliiiititi,oftthe ICittlitintii-•=those pro: opted..lsy IV.yoming.Y.olley•ltom,,,the• Bur reptyling mountairis—th,o, • Polawatp,., and teh)gli s ; Water Gaps--ilto scenery below titiekish Ferry and abOlif "fs:Oithninbeiland, 'ion , the;Biasunehan pa:. with ;very many-others 4fiat•iisiglt be named, would justify a journey by_ aironusylvanian. without distracting in _ 41iii`-letilt-from-his reputation , tor-good --taste 'l'm:light feeling, " 4' 4 ' 4 , ;' ' ' 'RIVERS AND LAKES. 7 "'Tlitellief rivers of Pennsylvania all use in - 11tioAllogliOny Mountains, and therefore ir ,pos, l , .4110 qualities of _mountain streams, 12eig • .jo in their descent, liableto sudden - chilli Of _high and low water, ands only liertntinently navigable for a short distance .nentrthe mouths. _ ~, • 2,, • : . _ •Those of the first class arelho Delaware. litthe . east : the Susquehanna in the middle; and the Allegheny bind' Alonongaheli, form hag the.Phio, in the nest. 3.j*The second elass,are. the Selinylkill .and Lehigh, falling into the Delaware; the Tioga, 'West branch, and Juntata, into the Stisque- Vanna - i-and the Frot ch Creek, Clarimi,- Kis -keminetalt,-- VonoltinglrenyT ant - Beever,* hi '..biitarie7l,.of the:Ohio. - ' •• -: -- l'hellurq class, - sometimes called rivers, anrtsatnetinies creeks,'are the LaCkawa*en "ninl - Brandywine, 'in the east'; Conestoga, COneWagmeonecotheaguedind taillernai's, %the south' .I‘laliatioxjj'Onnls.cretal_s, Cone,' iloguinet,itaystr , wolranell,;l4ylitlianne,mid renernawM iiti rthe, f inidille • Lackawanna , 'Tinflthannock, , PW *creek, end 'Sinnorna lingitiOn.fih.P•liortli ;. and Shen t'i , r. .. , nu to west: ' addition addition to these,there, are a greatnum ,ber ofsmaller Strearnel or rticksHir.il •1-arge eplings; Petnislinln ,-• , 4 a remarkably *eilOviOitia"Oite;*- - '' '' • ~,; '.• : t._ _ • ~ , "ttniret are:few.tunrainTilf, ,_ .conneaut. in trantlaill'entinty - ,* - is the largest lake 'en tirely embraced in lhe state - hi the north. eastern.corner of it, there, are numerous and beautiftil. amen., bodies of standing water, called Ponds. . - - Lake Erie, which forms a 'small porlioi of the north weft boundary of Ponta ylvania is 200 oiites 50. broad.' • 'MC tegtet is often heard, that the rivers of Pennsylvania are not permanently navigable. lint. like, all other complaints against the works, olProvidenee, this objection, I candid elamMed, is wi hunt foundation. Iterlet. it be borne itt mind, that thOugh the gentle streams of New York or-Ohio present a long course-ornaaigable-waters-1 rom their-meuths to their soUri , os, yet, that those sniirces are far below the rich mineral regions- from which, our mountain torrents leap grid though difficult of ascen t , that our, streams have, by. the hand of enterprise and industry:, ,been, converted into the easy infidns transrhit ling down le tlie level Attains of tile ~sister states, the inesliaustihre and indispensable ..ritthas Anna_ antidst__ kV _fountains_ heads. ' • The qidely distant points, also. at which the rivets' of Peonsylvaniarempty themselves into the ocean7pralent„another proof that she was designed to be the great mineral Atm lA:met-of this'part•of the continent. . From-one of he reottnties (Potter,)ywatere flow into the gults4,St. -Lawsrenee; Chats*. peak() Day,-and the Gull off, flle„xico, from nearly all these that border op the great, .Allegheny mountain, 'considerel:lo stleame fall into the two latter. • Whoa it is hollipx, romembered;that.twiee iSach, - year nearly all our streams are navii?•,a, • bib forilesceniling• eraft, and that the few artiCles which aro tetl' le be takeh up fin' the;rise of the mountain eciunties, are of light frvglit. in corn parisoijwith . those,sent down, the' objection that our streatna Oro not perma nently navigable, disappt;at before the nu merous other advaritages,ofouiptisitrod4 . ' ' Most of the streartieolvFennsylvania retain their original beautiful Indian- avarriesranli tt 'is te,bo,regrette.cl. that•sill do not:..:ThevElela-; ware,.whigh„too,k its premenunamo.frcimLoirb D ela O? aro a l , 13 sh m es on e - •of the early Governors oflr,irithiii4Vai Mackeriskittarr .bytihrq Intikanp4l:44ll44llki tva'stlid neat° by w h icb eSelitxy il I 'p n hb - warion 'hi' he' 'Hollidtdorsiandils•said ICittleatt 'c the . Hi'dhlOri rn 9 .l4k nol.l,being..•,fisibleL.fotperli -sons asCdnding_the.:Delati'ore. • — *^~SUii~«~^~ . . . „ .•. • • i !.!rtie9soll'or pitiitiql vim ISO ' .. Viitititi • liitit, kb cr, !rookis.whiPli compose its euifaiio;' . the gtOstet *RtiOnilf :the,. 6 . oslam:re doll soil WI tftp Var. ;:nleutlff.:ll-41,4Pd. ,. .0akr , -,,,.•••,,:r f.41.1 - #,•.-. -- . t... .tRI' Jim getcirsigitstclokayiAl. , fifq, it ri.S - 6ti. itrajlii S F .Ir porrit• - brreplityr: - Thesp - I %Ikerti!litisttiolibtith}'! - 0661 4 ;ltiibifethaIlfdini".' Itaiiis of thitinithilltrCOpiitiOS, — Sotr Or ivoot::. ' ,! , '4lVititiii , ?ddleitielltilsltlit'dlid4iimifkilltle:of 1 !saittlabitiqiotisaiAlitiltitit`,?iti'litilr-forfEbly' 1 Ipiqpiitbef 3 ,lll•Atc PattAritlfslitel2'4l?utist;gosbop7t littitArbst,,,stik-,pingOtpcionapKftentoßti Vitiotii), OT judicibus.fEwrong'Mtptitics a' RiViii •Oeirilbjillif atik.iiirMit . .ileay . ,,i,iiiaT,, timftit.d.tio,kai , , , y%?&i, ,, ,2is :t.no-*?,,,,. 'i''!' - A '' ' , W . ol.o4;9l:AbOii#l - illitilil*AliiiTi s eielfei: iiitit; lii i l , 6 4 :l l;l9 .: ooP i ii9iN(oo 7 P"I t80. kiTnoi. L.• - !: or i ihis ptyprong94.9rit 1'i)1 . , 0 9.1 . ' ;iliii*liiiiiiillofll4orne.kidertg add kroOtp#,, i -i•.- SomtitkititlipttnitiirittillitibleiltiittitOVeifleritS , 1 - 'iti 4tititliiiiiilltift6.AiroaOtti l / 1 01 frowitio! ihociterh !liatitll . 'plants . dO '.. no t - oshOist from.: I` st,siiil.ln '.Ait hie h. way:. grOwy-rihtfan*i gigt. qiotioot.4, - o.thiaAit,iiiio44rtiet9 .!dhal.ng,' T l , r ~,,.0,.,„i„„„0„,,,.,.d.,, t ......,,,t„ ~.,.,„„,,,„.,..,..,,,,,. i, ollir...'' , l'. ' .' I, I:.;iiiikovillytur ..1 -Qi 11::,•#141161 !torp'ol.ll4„ , moil., - . 0 IFA l it ti i t lig *ft. ifi , n:.b; A : . i . .' . . , tat: ebt,ii44qo.yl%l4l, T .. kii ;oit' , 01'„01h9.k4 11 1 40.101400/I . Ot 40****hehttettiMPitif,7: iePtif 1 0 , 0. 4 0 114 .7 410 4 40,4 01 t 00 40.1t , Atli. i qW,„,.,,*,, C riP.. ,5 . ,s,!!!Pir.lilt.,P. , , .10 :- ...-7.4.: , .:1;•.1 - ......:,7 .- ',":!•• :al , ••: . :F:•::•••:• - ••it,i..,ftti /tilt; SEMI , ffe itli3Tiirthininiiiition.' hap `rdso'slimin Ihit bilicieus or fliety'Fit atief: cpOY; , e larg , 'est .ingrddient, id the . •cemposithin, .et wheat, Indieb cornaye Ti also demonOiratfideceitn,:in other sutitandes, of the wineti4TiiiiiiifilTvayVole;itib' contained in these and other pinrits, very largo por tion of iv - entering Into thin 'nOniposition of clo: merninivorn. • -,.!•Proirt these fiefs, it' tollow's that :the rtiori of.lime to soils limn, ''Whhqf its naturally absent;: inisi ecnifertiPpii theit ,the power prOduce,lhoalfi useful. pfants," especially corn AP, d:ciolierr -Aeg u riproductivettess • of lllern;wac-Fausechby,itsibdcfree.n•- • : The Scrog.mgy rho said; oaf potash, , soda; ma;Mesiti and 'certaiotteicfsolll ofwhich are ~111gStele in,m,oSholtthe.usetufplaitte. . itii.l'iitiltpflottr:•seils,,the!presenetoof : Atflelet 3 linlOtir large qtinntities, in, artry'azioty, lifiectind in - Tchie to that of rio other riiZeral, .not even26,xcepting,e,eallo.niron.- • • r the frilmer are ini iSpeiSabler tg,personsAWevery business, and as'lhOmtgr-iagplicatiin of time to' the ,soils of Pentisylvgnis,:oWhich arc destitute •oft it, willeorikroliemirntmfrititfril agrietilturrd' districts, the value.of limestone must be be yent' that . olatiy mineral we possess. Nor does.this good . effeetalone foltdiv the addition-otlima-or-attrotheneitistance of which a soil happens to be deficient. The mixture ofentire soils with each other often has the--sameiesult: --For-instancerthe.eart— ing of a coition proportion of the surfaco of rich boggy or bottom land upon upland, or the reverse, the Addition of pure sand to stiff clay fields, or the application- of soy °Mgr soil to one,of arLeatirely,.dissimilaVeliarauter, has genitally Ilthrsatne.berieficial effect. In all these eases, the applied soil being dissimilarfrorri• that to which it is added, the chances are, even without the certainty of a scientific analysis, that productive substances have been obtained', and Consequently that productiveness will'oe-increased. In this way there is great truth' in the se mark.thati in the hands of ajudicionS farmer 'alttioSitiiery farm •Conlains, Within.its limitsi 'the means of its own' fertilization. SLOgiftlite - foThlesmerlsmi Une of the 3 tirgoontrittlio_Alassapliusettpit Hospital' ? " Dr. Bigelow, readpaper.l; - efore: the Boston , Society for Medicar 'lrnprove smeptporrithwittlr-toltiptaiMilifiiketiffillEsf =ery , cifgrent--interest. It . 'iretnicethijil 'Of - rani gating pain - btpurglcal operations by Mho:, lotion of certain ethers: D rat ca e ..lii&altention.te it; an4rllMoli c ,ll similar pmeess --does not:4 appear to , - hove!, 4 eeri:oot-itclyrottnow:lht9, - thelnediealliiiitl-1 ty iti,former,timesget Opting like cerfaiiityt waSobtaitfed to tho Osults' , el the, old .._rne th- A''fireOt: triay,'eipeilineiits have been, made with the new, hoWbvey; ii4ll'or•which! the all - Moots to peitorm'irriphrtant operations! without inllietingpairLDQko_pationts wore: completely successful. Moor;:of.thnfe 7. am . described in Dr. I.l;gelow's paper, fol-• lowing otwitih arei specimens. ' A boy of sixteen. of rhodium shouro and strength, was.seatedt s irtaliechttir. The first few inhalations occasioned a qu:ck cough, which afterwards subsided. At the end of eight minutes the head fell back, and the 'armaAtopperi ; but, owing to some resistance in opening the mouth, the tooth could not b - CT Tad Wit — before lie . a*oko: fie again inhaled tor" locominutes, and slept " three. minutes, .during , which time the loath . , an interior tnolar, was extracted. ..4.1 the -,mo; morit'ef irxMaction:the features ossuperd the• eipfestion of and the hand Was raised. Upon coming to himself he saint ho' had a 'first-rate,, dream,-yery quiet, and, had &earned of, fs,,:weloon %had not the slightest cbrrac °fp ain ;t i tre' tirn mseelffirldhri; and -Irieltift the chair feeling no uneasiness of any kind, anirMairaill:y — tn'7ll high state of admiration.' The pupils Were dilated during the state!of nnconagiousnessi and the pulSe rose ham Iso M-02. . n t' 0( sixtee immediately ocupied. the chair. Alter coughing a little, she inha iiietijcjprep minutes 'anti tell ;asleep, a Whii,n;*ritiltdr-teothr _mart extracted; after she conlinued7loalumher , tranquilly during 'three minittes more,. ,At )116 motneet Villein farce .vins applieftr,Slie Hiuciaitd 'and frowned; Mimed lher said, she . .had-bee,n dteaming .tt' pleasant drootn,, and know nothing ot:the operation. stoqtboy . ol twelve, at, the .orat ration i•cifigthed'consitloiably, mid required a goothietal:of eneourageinehLto' to go on. tbree:minuteii frorr:, the first lair inhalatkon tim muactua Aveta, reilaiiiti and AIM pitying , gib attempt to foin'e iecovat4 his two -inhaled-during-- two minutga, amiltrthetentnring ono minute two leettEsvero:extructed,i the pationf nein- i in g , t 3 Rive wllau setweipiis ;,bp!„ npen,autpallyt awoicifn ink, lip s.l4lllcd „ ij,„u; its, t4e . test,,fun, Ka' over anuNl''`aiiiiweid'his 'i,ttle . ittiolt to call' : fhb relttitt I it ;'itacth in,6lsteirtipeti''ilavinir itil ti'.." tbar„ , lootheaxtrabteti upon Ith lb 'Spdt.): , . 0.• 6 plin l 'i f ter,*hinti r blicl bp:RtElett, , affpalgdr.an , opportu-: P;ttrcif po at ply in g r ly,ith Ns Fi l sh„l4l4hg :i pqjp pti •ok.6l:lll'"bi.Sensidoltratilb. L- Ptilm - isrfifef 1 , 110; ' doing? . stoop 87, tailiinvardi'l44; pupils" 'Oligiell.:“ .i'l:-.. ,, it 0.1- q t; j ! :e:, ~ ;..,,,,, ~.: a „ ,a The next : patient ivas a healthy. looking raiddlo-afed ..xygnmay . ta; # llialeil the we. pour:llr eq., thpilles4 , lp._ thl r poerstkettpe, . tt Eli f tali thihntesli'Vieleb l icilli ‘v Ps' eittrAcietl, ifiaTiliii - !=fiii WittweafijiiriAti-TeirtiiliiikliiihTsi: sleepier three ..initiatent. latik , o,:l'ullet , lfie f inSiOiectO Ak,q)9,449419 11 .4f9L lbelcipPottletti; but airiOler dmprq 1 0 1 29PP,' ,1 1119, 1 , 1 RilrOPO!° iftiNalt,l4o,3oliuta'da t h a t it wu4s beptiftil; ;- 445110 4itaillell 6 f*it.4 6 o4itiCiiiiiod: Oat shehad been, gona'acmoa r tii.l " • r a>-s: o:SAP.OMIOTAikI i c I 4 I .V9 4I fiV VAH_IT*Y2' l i.jW,P4lol l ,r, 41t.04 rPqr,4*,Pi:SAI9,;ll 3 Pil il . Siiirlit;)°*§"?4o3 o ,l; l .4o79fallgki 4 ?eialtspezt , ; Oacetl by the' inhalationpi ittp vapour, cladi , • • . • - .1.:0411.,',7 , ,1t; i 1 t 14‘° i;l l lVj a illgMi94'.P' PlA wn fißrci l 'iii!, , .f, 'I4.4 3 ni a PRVPIAUN i qI PO rds h,PI` I9, VIROI -%11? ( Yti h°)) 1 1 1'lli t 19i" fa 4 i''Yllit Ae-iiritausV.lmiain i bsiliil,4s- etsay- , . 'l/!: ind'Px ad , u.6o ' i, ,,P9OPE e iPMCPSl"l ° u.eneeil utV; ihtl.P,XPitaKtn .40#2, , P,TiOrippyijili'i.irtftriffito r4Y,fl:9lzl44l,q9 l l!**itiisibtliOipat,i**447l ink • which -the- patieat4 Approl4lonespissi; l Aot!_?'! he ~_lg= Ligt4fid.l.4', 4httii;oifiv.kat*iirbie,t/ taltga*Othil - !_tymet,.serioustir:.#nitlo feel Int o.l6lo*lyil '4 n d:whlgYi n like* fnro 4 4o o.liirbPreistaa. 11**4_1 1 C lifittretillinktwrit44.* ' t 'Xiwilcigwilit7iti'*tativNgiVitiitoo .:‘'.i! - `;' . 1 1 :1 , 1...;.A. , :._ , , , .;: ,, , T:,:,.:,,,7•,-;.,,..q.,..,;',,,,,.:,:i.v,,.; ; The followsieill'a , ;. rppgrt.. l3 t Mr, Mairn,.fpec.eaf):•ol•lllß-11.tityy: • . A full pndiuleresting , ntirrativei-hvgiverret the opemtitin of the • Pacific squadron . sineti the:war-bah =under ec-Mniottore &mit and .CMllmetlore S„tocktenti,.andicipiesvarec•int- IteNed of.theofikiat reports;of thette officers sqUadrott ..now.,norisisti of the Serpens!), the .Cringrebs,, fl igetes; the sloops Portemontli. Levnitt i yarion, andßyane; - schooner Shink, and store, ship :Erte.t. The razed .Indipait .tlence je..ott,ltor ick, who i 'on Ins=arrival, tvill:a~stime com mand of tlfit =squadron; rindolhotslooinPreble has sailed for the Barge destination. The doiltgs 'of ghejlointsoSqiiidiatif tire also fully _narratedp - ,anct. , copies,are tinneired of the official,repttes of Comthodore Otiinbr; is. refrerence•to : thablookadertficr,desi6 on Awned° - the affair—of= TobasM' , 'and 'tile . taking of Tempiy,p• t =FOIL *lice i l s one to he Cotnmedcires of both these squadiens;:in.' whom the. con Palen en ; -Of . thel ,ilepartiftent .seems,,unab4ted..- tstracts.frOmthelinstrun tionittii inter which' they aelt...ii.thow= alsotta d iSpositi on on , t he. part efttheilovotnmentrot avoid all collision ..with :Mexico. it Itersible. ,The vessels ,comprising,the ..nevyiof =Texas sees; to have been found unworthy= of re pair, "with the exception; .ofi the ,. Austin, hicit is at-Pensacola ;:t he: othere,have..been - sonlgred'tcr - be - sold : ' about the 1 ----- . 474TX4ationti of Col. FiiiiiinnefintlleitennlititlO'rb Stockton, •Acesi ()flint •Itottk.V. Alountairts;r l ViWcired , to4with commendation. - AngtdittO Atop Abut-noL4?fijcitil-Tepott, :14strlis• yetqle s eh receive/1,, • . 4.. ; . g , /11 • The regular army created ' under the lOW of the last eession, when filled up, will amount to 16,998 officers and"men, but it does-not-now-exceed 1 0;300T — l'he•warit of success in tilling tip the ranks isattributable, _,.. probablyiirmtherdatge nimibira'bf volunteers''" called out ,since the, Baggage, cif the' bill' in creastng the army. It, s .impo:mit )l 9 xi() Jell What number cif treepe 'Vie fixi 3 Oncips At the war may' ns'qttite.' iThir'S4luittedrialli.'Ll out who have en - countered the enemy have more than justified ; the , high , expethititins , foimoil-Of-this4leepripilett-of troope - i - butFirit - -. no disperagement,pf them to,say thato"reg ular force would, by protorred,:nmfwer to be prosecuted in a foreign country, Consider ations of economy also are decidedly in favor of sloops being engagod4o serve .duriag ' the war. Ihe Setutitary, is mostierilivitmio that this anbjcet .should_ receive thp,opFlrat terition' of Congress; and - thit 'a - biitly, .cff troops should be raieed • to take"thii l idate''ef those volunteers•whoetill-claim a disehntgh at the and of their y,ear'ef service....,, 7 }Ob..' , A plan recommended by. Gen. jklaCoinb, in his, reporiM . - 187:, ini,milprence= to -regi- - mental and fiehl off.core Is approved i rif,hy the SeCretary,. and the' a:tenth:in of Cpngresti diiected to it. • . , ~, • ~-,, ,• .01 -, .'s , '- 4.; Piov,iainrisAhootd,ke made for the pimishi ment of Offences committ ed. hy r ,our e troopti -and - hy'iiiiione'doilltecteil - *ltlf - qi4r maw . . A , lurthi3r,increase . : df • ilki,gitlar Itifitit is wont rgenchal.„. l ,-.•- t,,, , .,it I ”,: ,, -.):7 . Ind ,at , /,:f .111 sOila.atcl, l l o..PrPPlialign.st , fore,feitificai tioni for the Peet year is SO§ 090 trichidkg threirrieferioiilinif the "suElport d the tapp,e,ra and yminers • rind , itep*,rapliieril Retikineetal , The .pregent,,organization-okthe uddihttneil biireati IS, depaied'iondoquafo„'AAtftg,jeffey, exiiti Iti'dioli' niedirral *Stiffl.'of the , army . A htsteitisSihtil'olltiero ' ollOinild i 'Vrfin''gr4l'• lands derinitith' • . ir'-' l Pfhe number : of;penatunottgencjesairt4.ldityAn:,‘Fe,xpluervo , iii,nay,yf,pertaioneii:aritlfitranmbehnitilitil 919P,K1 1 ..40ul Wettly4thniiiiiarldlfTr - *#iy . .tut • • t j :•i i ~ ,r .ii....._:::.!:5i, 4 49•1M„tt fli'l' o l ,• .1•1440i6. lDitironia•4-ilii•:' theibriihltyi 0 . . s%;3llothiay , lanG-ihiielditeilt Ifij,iiiiiiiijitAi lp thinklliquituutin'''n libtintei odiftl9eviihl/oft . drenkagainainthm'othir hie,. . p. 44oo:otilide?ir ' , quith4neatilf,iirlAticli , Aana droololPAbistt - ti the_ young:pied: and thoibulPope'imitidrg_!il:__ / / .tided betweimihe rithert. i r SCalth 4 4 . 41 ncl',,, ' qUaIA ofsaddisket , •, , i',hlifthl=l*iia ..t..ir, !1.,- eredp andvtletritozwltti Atidiftit i ''• Me °naafi 'qatiit*teirrpiell toifilUrthetqL l§t f . . . he,rounk Ity l* Ai l d ' i l l6 erP•kilbTlintl, ;0. , a'atiite - aWifilnielfilibilifytOlete i h „,,,I illg unfortunate young man dielP+Y : !'', ' "' , iir•tt Stiatini - *Aida fitk/a a t: Nl.K f zil vngtk• . `Boo Ithitt-46ff Wive lU4' id: . ov r lf 0ri0N.,,.„ ;4 1 .h . .ao•eatieur" f r' '' I .' em t-, , •' 1;.i- - ~;„'- i ,„:".: - ' , - ,4, 1 don 014 I iiiiii:R! ,, .4 ); — '-': ) . ; :i . ,,,,,,,,,..'i1i..., ( . . t ,piwkieltaitliili4ltrplail' ;Aft•ita4 you ttltfair&Bittlfliok' '", . ' - gq d i al .;, ) , i o i t '-: ,. .oloSkitiiiiiilui'datistlol7#Wit) o , ~ u „,.. _ trwheii on, airth ja -the tuft; • iith Ihe s ‘all ' t e ll s w ißltiirtit;74c., - tell ni oitiAw , ' a , ... : '. ' "4 ItititiP.Vqetria i d ... _,weatoW, 4 tt44l l . 4 “ Wart OINIRTAV IltuYfrltli"rl ' lit k. - t tici fete' ' - yrrus Too- AD.—A gentlemen :Wan • - bint recently 'lllittrizip in•lr'6ofiti :tri"' w ,* ilrAi l e l tVS47°o ~... ." • i lii ; • • : v e t , ,me n, , t rjolmtan, • • ~ r . 1:;„,, 1 io-IW__ itte_: - .Sholosemed , ... ..,.. . .e' ---- that (tiibC'was:contracted; to ',sir, 0 k , ;:', l Yaklulialaiiistitightlir.:44pitfortgl , ~ 4 4. . - k#4,fushspoir t irfotArtmok *OIL , I t iq, - 1 altietv , i ~•-• - ' "N.At !itillkfri, , ,''.., __ ,'• P. r. . ;tn. ir:b v i r ev 44y. Sz•irti "lD' Ettri3',~~Yi+i~"g: r r'kh'ff,~lx-ytl be-43Art,e,I. tkliP etwilti.l 9r! - i • ,bitt • t...1:301.1”Wp ,i IYALIM r oprts tot I ?OP4r 4 ilentB. ' 4, 4f THE= AriIVII'AtKPORT47' . The estimates of the tlepartnriont ore hpier.l on Ifni eitfisloyinent of ten thonsantirlntn, though no, more than eight!thotiattiai - &es hundred are now in service.' l Authdrity:is asked to build four steamboatato.: be -em ployed in connection With our-squatheiis abroad. The Secretary confines himself to a faith, ful narration of the doings of the' Navy; ~yith' 'few practical suggestions such - as are mentioned abcve. kits - report - is a - very in teresting one. , . THE WAR REPORT: !• r• ' . • The following is an abstractof Mr: Mine S . -, the Secretary of , lyai4aoorf;' l It.is chiefly; ciccup4.,(77itil a history :Oahe commencenuiptalulytOgresiO(the Mexican 'war iiperations, ernbricitioltif battles of Palo - Altoi Rexaeade;la - Palriiii, and three dayS' conflict . at Monterey, t he t ermination el. the arcn~stico, 'the, eouguesi , of Santa Fe ~subtife Califlirnias; ele., ete. -_Satieftictoiy, tbellgh.fieColficirtlinfo.rmaliou had been received of the taking of.Monclora, but "Geri. Kearney's • ---o n t was expected to reach_tho PaciF The military fothe has been. augmented front: 1640. to - ' , 9;b06. The duties cif ihe*department 4aveb,ren arduourand , .embarrrisking-.; -- The (lapilli - dent cf gainer:till - MO, '66EO right bank of tub Gianderticaqieidiil hundred miles' Ircirn Ifs month s Coabuala, Chihuahua hatd tql.M6frect been -Xvrested—from • Central - dov4 - r — oniiMriit Mexico, and the '.klexican, authoritieS Wal s h civil and military, displaced in - New and the Californias, all•in the — iihort .4tiat - e of seven • months. • 1111 '~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers