:;I&k~~:;:irl hr ~ ~~:4'.'au. tr+»~.:..-..;y,~~~,~?.,-eri., .. ~.:.tr.Y~ :. s ~'' asK~ ' ass.:7. .. wt"~ , Rk¢ . _ SKtK~iss~a~a i'leß~~ _ 4 :r ;s. _4.n •7 , r ' 4llC4tflitti ") : ' *lt ' , r • ACPIZPOM,Vg : OO,9 ‘ • t;04147, Liter CO* 11l filitt; s a ri* AP ? tOtiti,, • O Splb . r efit billekillnllta4shis;Crbpjoll:o.: _ Diseasesof the Thrinst' "•"'''' •• " • • *II ,east autl . lslisgs, , , itselibiSteflbis ,- :•" "• ' " dittC!ever lam was 'rile nhy•estalse . alsiree vases, is I.IIII.AVAWE'S - COAIPC'JN SYR'. 1) . 1#1:11:::CUII.E',01. 'CONSUMPTION. • l t itt - 1 4s ztiitct:, it: E.; t.' 011s, 1 / 1 45`.. SrirAwpe—lKlTir . Siir. -2 =l led called-by ; sense of 'duty-I • own to radlt•risig humanity, to itc knowledgeMaygraWful -thanks for the wondernit ,• effects ,of ',your p.com:POUND sin:up OF , • %VIM), CHERRY" 'oirane, i sintered ' monthsc after -months With the most allituting of all diseases, Codshinption, with scarcely a my of hope, or II "beacon light" to guard me named my own horrible forebodings. The circiantstanct•s which first lealme to the a wild matte of was frourtaking as very heavy sold, which seemed to fix itself-upon thelungs, whip!, gtattlantliv grew worse; with prof tise night sweat ,I 1 hacking cough, • , oppression in the bresat, spitting - blood, _as nth great 'general debility. y constit et ion a cancil In•oken down', mid nervous system very much im paired, with all the sy•mptotos of contirileti Cen :usuption: L went to mad was trent es there by' physicians of the _highest resPecia ltility,laut still grew worse, moil they gave Me stp• its and ssiviscd me to go South,. but be. ' tag Ye?). poor, of • losing so mach time Irmo any work,linil halving spent-all my, money ott 2 - te saous"Putent Me iscissue" which were recommen ded sit Iti r ildytlar sgit,the medium or the press, 1 wits meth Ito isik their .iittrice. le Order - Cild Fellows, they supplied Inc with money geatnitt 'oslY to send me lo•my . fritiMl9 . )ll Sacn, Maine: I was treated by ithysi : :, clans of the highest standing there; hut received no lenetit svltatever. from them, hitt 'gradually. greiln worse, mdil my-physicians and myself gave up all hopes of my ever recovering, aujil felt like ; One alibis 111/0111 to - pass through the valley atlae shadow of death. At this "Dollll jtiriat ore I liesii &of youi"CUM N 1) VR.LIP OP IV ILU CHERRY,' taint knowing you 1..) be a regular practising physician in Philadelphia, gave me more cottfitleitcl.lll the medicine, sit I cutlet tided its a last resort, to make a -trial of it. 1 sent to your agent in llostomand purchased one bottle, which relieved me very much. I then procured taro bottles Moro, %Odds I am happy to say. en tirely•cm•ed me, mid I ant now -enjoy ing better health. theta I ever have befits* iuoy life- It seemed to have a beneficial efftint at once. I Rained strength rapidtv; although reduced to a 'teen skeleton _and 1 ['eel satisfied front its solo ary-e-fli-ha , m My twin- ease, IldiaticSWaYsie s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry willeure any ease oral iseased Lungs; It' taken according to the. rpesci•ibed rules contained in the pamphlets HO.. ocmpanying the medicines. Foen the physicians who witnessed nay case are highly recommend ,ing it In similar cases—mid 1 WI vim to make this public, W an that others who are scaffering as I have been, ,nay know where to immure II remedy at first, which will reach their disease, without tampering with and ruinfug_their cuttst:tutions with the nattily "(luck nostrumg" tilt whiclOhe whole country is flat - Alm, perpareil by persons who have no knowledge of the' science of medi cine en their) .or practice, but are got up 111Crel, with a mercenary view. I urn a Scarlet member of the hope I.:ndize 1.0. of 0.V.. In Provideucelt. Land 1011 be hippy to give any information in regard to_the_edieltry of yotir medicine, _and can give ample prod that • my case is not e.stggcrated la the least. ALREIIT A ROSS. . To Dr . . 11. twivNE,'N. W. corner Eighth and. Race streets,Philadelphia. cAtiTl(3l;-The public should be cl - tlitur rimed against the..masl Baal ms" said "gist tares" of Wild Cherry,. winch 'have 'sprung up in all parts of th e 'itmittry,Put porting to li&prepareilbY - physicirms,altof whieli will be Mudd to be'..farse' .by a litileAntlitie:Yon the towns and cities:where they originate-:,;&ll.fiTtificare'r; regard to. i)r.Aiiityte.'s Compound Syrup or Wild Chen:sure 'srstrictly trutc." and the proprietor to daily recieving them frpm persons vina lave been curedlll,,the _cejebrated remedy . The (original nerd°ids.), genuine afrlielc is only prepared b. Da-'SWAYNE, N. Nr.'cotuter of' EIGIITIT:uItd RACE §ii i ii i tihrtik ) lta.vign 3fi . ‘lll-LiAt ic 111.1 0 0 ff v ,; 1 4 - te . l g y MYERS 11A VER STICk, andS r i EVKk SON .1 , ,t ME IIAYFY, and • 'MARTINI-ATM, flarrisburg.. _ . THOMSONS COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA 1000 PERSONS in Philadelphia alone, can 'testify to the wonderful efficacy nftl) that powerful remedy THOMPSON'S • COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA Read Read Astonish. ing cure of Chronic Bronchia's 1 Philadelphia, May 23, 1844.1 i„ S Tucourson 7 L-Dear'.Sir. For inere.tbat• four yearit past I had...he'ea,,dreadfully afflicted' . an affectio noftlio.throal,,Whicli- my plry tteician inoriouriced".. Chronic Szonehltis ceus r repeated and - fieglaliffiTlffide: — 'l ; hrilia, • trees suffereclis indosesibable- M.) th row-watt' laterally ,raw with violent coughing, so taut blood would come from it; also great uppres. sion, pain antltightnesa ut the chest. ann lever —in short all the Usual pulmonary symptoms showed themselves ; liuwed themselves, causing , entire lesanfnecesaary rept:ale—my throat was reached and•bliseered over and over again. I made trial orOvery, known remedy, and at dif ferent periods bad the advice of six physicians, and all with no avail. About two mouths -since I made trial of your Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nopthai and before I had taken tho 'first bottle•l I 'continued until I had taken Seven' bottle's, which:completely- re. 'moved- thri'ditieiats - andrestored 'me to perfect • 'believe I Shotild not now heaving', had It'uot been for' your invalusblo medicine - 3 E - P.ERRY, • 123 Spruce - street. Principal office Pi, .E: corner of Flftb and Spruce streets. Aloe .50 -- donui per bottle or es Perdozen. !• . • For' sale ,in Carlisle •by STEVENON & ME,HAFFEY; • • Thei.Oldest and Most - Popular -11;ledi eineienn*. iiffeeed.to the Public, are Platuiiist3clc!s_Vanitlitilediciries, ?dory Aiumizo.nlh o usatid Certifieutes like the given ,to their Vonattruns, during Hid iiist;ffltgliteen ,All oft illnitiatoifftVumily tin.; ilinii,iffigaptioss,aud efficacy, *Jim. •nor, it ihl 1154, it la 4illieVeti,Litfter a trial or STOCIt'S YEEN111:1:;GE :1.1. ir 111..... ... ...- .I .:. frolie,,iiiiiiiipiiici.i-itiki)litlitieciittliyilllt‘irW.R-lii7' ' 11111411400 1 1 3 1 1 1 1;i::01 1 1,wo11 otties: kill 'whicli'tiie rt: ... ':•litetaririttZttit niittiitird .411,,theastifirtilitk:ihdlit .. • : i . ,i(n'osiithrisil ii i 46, iibiitis 4 dial ilidsharget4 4ittt , I, l p ,'aunihei:4l34iiesed4 , 4o , theeiilir e iuller: of tiftrilitle iptftb,rigraiit . .ligiied th; (RI kr WALLACC - ilWilyri :. .; , .lilk.4 l oillealpil,3Bept.i'ailS4s: , . - il:- • .-,'• •::‘ , :'d . ! . . ,, r -' Prille2s 7 isents pv: v hilt -•: .. ::r : 11 iv: 4 "l.v" '..-..' A P 4 ll hiNiattiokirlirartiiUbigh, l 46iiitiler *Jill. P 346, :: • ..iiittook's% Cirmicativo Lozengcte;Pahiteitttioki' ' 'i,Ctiiikir LOTAbleiff.gliikiiiitcialc,7ablflii4Watern itui l '• : .1 . 1 ; il.c.!lllßul iblento4 eatifiliil3oo..for.llllau -7444 , , Fgt:, cllcl h fi1it1i0,44 . .; .. lAt Ali A vin • . res,P.l. .1 1 41, .1, J.. • r .i. a„,i„....., ...,,..,,, ,ft-. 4 its . 0 , „, . , r . ),,.., •- ... I. ''" •', ' \., ' t,-!,'• / ..r. bijil.ti . ',,, , , i ;• 1 / 4 f., -,. , i ~.i , r If . • It -is.eguitailk,vAle., ' ''iqii El N' :. ' 'AltiVit,C9n3 CIUCL C IV I L (46 ,iF ' ' .0? oc? . ifirAP M ire : ° .-- .. 0 , '''- 4 ' ' "' 1 r '" " n le ' tlinvrerandiaignAliSalus7 itlrriA4 ratiltiiitt it t i l ; ftis i Sn 7 C41"41 !' ', '• 11 . 11 M: like till buzzing iit'insante ? al Sat 4t vrj44i'V -- - u f b ..',',,i jo l i d t, ip01.4 ..1 4 "nble noises,. . . , ii....m.,A,c0rp0 whic A - Art" ~ P . , Y-.`,.- ',, -`, ''-a!'t Akwathr• wuM11.21415`0'7000;:p14-9 .;.1,-,,44,,,,,,a,7,- w00k1,,,„1, t , en.: ,,,,, ,-I,r A 11$,MP P Pll, P ,, k.'„ i tb on Mira! iarObr :11 11 43 4%7 ;o : 1 OD will be laPs) 1 gaPCIIII- “ I r 9 n s "' 7 . ''' of„ q;xoti.l4 / 4- 4 4 4q# 0 9r,., .4 , 3 1 ., i ': L I I ,;; ~.,;:, 'so t , A g ent s r qatitic ~ • , j .. ''',li4pdii*, V : k::::,; .:::..- '. -:, ''' .' ': - .' .. '-',1i,1.) ':;.,,, ,i, '„; •,. 4'`,l'!:,;:;-,,,,,,.,'-,-'l, ,':,: , , ~ , e f' z , V , q' , „, , • A ' -' ,, ;`', ''';',:,:,* , . .. " ,-, . ,1'A,,,A1';,..',2•L,,„,'::,,;';`1,,,"0..,,,,C,,,,' ,. '5 , ;;< , e-',',,,, , t' ,, ' - ' , ..i''‘''''x'*f . s;:,•,l4 , VA; '1, 1 1,' 1 4,.., ~:, , '' o '; -: •".; , f'- , ', '- ' ''''' ', C' 4. iq ,,,, i' , ...,11%,:rrpt,`! , /,':, t.,, , , , z, ,14 ;' , A1Nk.41,.t-,-, , - , 1,, ,),,A,,,,,,, , ,,, . • . . • 1111 em s hiiwa A k oßms4, - vt.itypu.o), • • HOJ3ENSACIt'S '.- , J • nt l rrixe.A.TED WORM SYMIP OR the little sufferer's Mend. AM entlr ely Ve geinble preptinition, for the destruction o W orms. At lvi mle mothers. "A stitch in time :my es nine." -Knowing our Worm Syrup to be the It:l.3 , lfeet ine licine fdrilestroyiog Si orms, now in use, we trout I say to you, if your children shodid - ilppear, ,, p 'le Mal elllaelltilated; with WIWI II) sive bisatli ;mit :in'44.116. joints nod limbs, Vora- Mous Appetite, filtfated stomach, sadden starting in their - sleep with fright, and Sereitnting, sense 'at soniethitill rising in the thl'onl, itelaingeof the arms, slpieitinitaniess,lits, nausea, &c:.intineditttely -ob tain-a bottle of flobettsaek's Will'in Syritp, for in in tiohig you will not enlv sits e... , it stilt:ll'l6onm," but ,brillg back joy and limilth where reigned sor row nod, disease tliiiii: - Iniftfit sufferitig.tital lons of life wetee,throtigh at .Wl4lll. Of proper tmenlion nod proper reinedies; therefore, let It lie theluty of .mothers, incline any of their childmin should show any or the atboye li ) tnitlooll, or procure ininidei- I t ely , the .I:roper remedy—that remedy is iti II o bilistick's %Vomit Syrup, a medicine th a t has met with complete success. and cures where every other has entirely failed; to which minim:tins cm tilicates of highly., respectable persons testify - See pamphlets. INlessrs.3. - N" . . /S. G. S.llobensack e—Gentlemen Unsolicited, I send you this testia iiiii ial concern ing your invaluable Medicated NV orin Syrop..:-. .from early inliincy, Mk:daughter, now a child of lit months, I:l:sheen sorely offlieted with ‘forms, (musing daily the niuSt 4 4ses ere and' distressing pains. At times she would he 'Almost frantic. and perfectly teinnitiageable ; would rim up nod down the floor, mid knot-kilo:Hell unconsciously against the mulls. For a tang time we were igliemot ul the cause--at length being impressed with die be lief that Wol'lll9 were-the cause, gseveral,we commenced big several medicines for sue% a complaint, IWinli wind; the child derivell no benefit whatever. As a mutter is' canrse, she was much reduced In flesh. at s , bad ill the gy•mptonts of such, li com plaint. - A. mentally meeting milk one of your circulars, we were induced to try your medicine. NVe had wit used it lint it few days helot e a great innny WOI•MS wire brought rl'aill her, OW', full six Indies in lengtlioind scores, tam Mg hi size l'i'mn our to font. iuelms. 1 need scarcely add, thafflie child was speedily relieve:l,llnd that too before we had used one 42:5 cent bottle of..yrior NVorii, SyfiTii. She is now entirely. fii - M: froilithose ills tressiog pnins, and doing well. 1 feel thrt it would lie unkindness on my part to a ithbobtfrom von and the (minium:4y tint information. I do, Mee:4lllre, miliesitutingly recommend your Nlctil faded 'll'firin Sy imp as 'a medieine possessing sii per-exeeltesit qualities. Very Itespecifidly, . C. lIIEN (Or PLUItINIER, • Minister of the Gospel, - ..." :Ifat shall st. 1 deer below 'frown, . tra - 740:ie trial of this article will etivineellie most seeptiral of its imprecedrnicil virtu es , mi d the .Motiey , will be refunded :tit all eases if it Slionlil - lid On . gi ring aafisfact ion. . . PREPA RED ONLY HY G: N. E. earner qf .Bth 4- Green sts. Philadelphia elictY2slqents lahAtottle. _ A liberal tliheonat made to wholesale porehasers For sale wholesale and retail by. J. N. & D. S. Hohensack, Druggists arr AnntheeariN; N. E. I corner of Second and CottteptreetTe yhere iSkoreletters, l'hystoiatts, Mechanics anti Farinersrnay 611111,1 . b' with I)tass, Oils, much luuLer thatt_at any other. establisgunent-in Ike city: The edicated ,Form Syrup, or little SulTeir er's Priem', is for sale at the principal Drug Stort , soual by st wekeepers generally, all over' the ',lilted States. 1• or sale in Carlisle at the , h•ttrstnres of' STEVENSON.: I / 4 .MEHA.FF , • IS. ELLIOT, DR. DANnivs COIIPOVIVD NYItUP OF WILD 'CHERRY. AND TAR, • . For,. the cure qf Pianimary onsumphonl Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influenza, IBl•an chilts, Pleuris y . Diffirutt4l ff Breallang, aine.liothllrenst Silk, .Spitting rf 1 491f00 , 1, Groop i 11- 71oaping-Gough,,)•c. _lll 0.11.5 Medicine rs rapidly gaining's duser -L. VIA popularity in Affections °film Lunge The following certificates from respectable citizens of l'lnladtaphia !Idly . 4testlta merits. It has performed numerous cures in severe co: see and where the usual remedies had failed to give reliol. Philadelphia Septetnber 20, 1845. Messrs. Robinson, Collins & Co.:—Being af flicted lasi spring' with u very severe cough,, with pain in my side and breast,'"surenes and Weakness of the lungs, 'shortness of breath, loss of appetite, &0., t tried various remedies, but to no good elMet, my cough still confirming and growing worse. Smelt was.the distressing nature °film cough could out. lie in bed (night nor'4loy, but was obliged to sit up in my chair, and could not sleep but vary little at best, conacquedtly,.)( was wearing out very fast, till you'your'kindly recommended Dr. Davis's ComPettn,d,SYrim of Wild Cherry add Tar, the• first bottle of Whichgaie me relief;' checked my cough,:lcioseried :the phlegm, caused me to ex pecturatefreOly, 'restored, my appotitel relieved the pain in my side, healed thosoroness of my breast,mnd strengthened my Immo, danalng,ine to breathe freely. , I newtaken ten bottles it has entirely cured my cough. I have gained considerably in flesh. ' I think It a most %mina. ble inedicine,AntLone that oughtjtolba:univer.. sally known. that those afflicted With colds and. coughs may have a medicine both safe and sum to taken properly, While tithing the Inediciuc, I drank. freely 'of molasseri.and.water ,whieh I found excellent to keep the bowels open. ' ; lf this atamment.can bo of any belted to, the allliated,you are et liberty to makosuel 'use orikal you rnay, think proper. ERRICK.BA.ItNES! No. 6, Bread Strout . . ' Several months since, my wife was ; attacked , with a severe , congli;attetaded . .with - ;a pant In liar; aide, wnicn,,frout its obs,tintito Ontitinuan3e, . begat) tiballfrtit 4r. A feW.dusesofPr, Dests'i! * Compound, Syrup of IVild glictry and ,l'at„re- Hayed ttleiLliatin.emd_iinredltlo34o4ll-r-itnif 4):: , the time 'she' had taken half a nettlefeenitWas p e rfec t ly - ,ctired.',.§he':ienciiifi4iidaif„.,:it:_to`l,-;_an .; acqUaltitlinieN,Te: Ehiniiitice,;,,wlni:wasinflinted, in elaiut tfM'i.time Mantle! as ;filirs'el . fi and ' the 'lnCOicinelirtWed?.kiiitelly, tketietrep4,lp,lier cimpr 1 : Mrs: l l3.;alticii;rcimrpopde4, - ,it to several; cifrher. 14.043 wlM:ware, i_ballavamiimil-V,it,; : fr-M e , is my finowletkit,Of.i/rAflavno:iiiediiiinkij',and I:deem it sufßincnt to recommend it . iiii it - Value: ble. Oath , Pth,44oloki? IltgliA 4 4 4 14 F,l - t St. Late Iklgh,Canstiitille lirth-oiv,esp.mtio,cifpwil. IPhibila:STVW)64s;,' ',,',,'. , - ,; - ,:,'. ic i -, ' 1.. iTliklifubscrtbdis'liiiie'ObtOtioil the ' ( Agetiiiy . : i oilhe'eltlu oflthisslialfmbid`M`Mlkinaltitarlisib,-; i., M IdieflO t i z' , . ii:4 ~ YEIIS.ViIiAIr4RSTICK : 11 r i 4,',...!4 . 1)1 ,, ,,,0.w.. , .fr,,, •, l—, • ::, r..., , ,i ~,,,..1,:, • • ~, w.~ `,.t: , :ft'ivr!t . . r-,:lusutanc-domyetniv.4 4iittiTANKLLN-MINOPAN' CE , 4 : :Chatter'Reiitetu'al:44ooo(!tPuti9itcr3l4!ifliii:, MAKE INSUIi ANCFoitherpeFmandotoVlint , t&l,:fgaittaNgtiol 0 0 -oCl l lY.ifiroPOil!HP,e4T , Vi ppipilesetrifioni.)F k ,t,c!, ilie. moit, reisontil)le , :n.1.1),47 9r4Tlolcb:ik at!teitiled ' • •C.N. BANCIctiCPAIiiI . . , Rtitereeltitinince Redliced I • P E.11.P RISK. 7 7. rick or Stoned ilFellings or store's' • from 9.4 to Ap 6 depot.: do -do Clifit•clies ' do. do 'raven's sto 4 do.; do do Burps. ' 4to 5 •_ ‘dit do -dd Stables (private) 4to do • do Stables (public) 6to 7t do do Grist Mills, 'Water Poser, Yto I'o du :'MIA" 11IS A. Brick or Stone dwellings land Fur.- • niture Iron 50..t0 40c SIOU value" do do Stores inn!• ',lli dim!, • 55 to 50 : do do Taverns andrtirnituro , 40 tit 60 do ' ' do •do Mulls anti Contents 65 to 75 • do do do Stables 100 to 150 do do do Grist Mill and:Stock . 75 to 80 Vriitne and Log dwellingsnnd nittire 50 to 75 ' do ' do Stores mid ,Mercian-. IliZe 65 to 85 ' do_ .. Act Navitrtillind purnitnye 60.f0 100 do, do lbirns tunbContetits 00 to 100 •do do Grist Mills and Stock '1.14 . .po to too 4-do The attlisci tber. is nen! for the nbovecntnpttny fur Carlisle onil Ito vicinity. All applicatiottelor essitrnitei3 either by`"'tee I nt , perstotally. will be promptly ottonilod 'to., .W. D. SEYMOUR.. Jul ' - • 1 t•-33 DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO'Y. o f F r inLAntr.}iiiia, On the 111utheilVii:surristce yminciple. combined .3eith a largo, joint-stock Capital. Premi reduced logtearty half the usual rates. Y the Act "of Incorporation the stock is -11-pledged for the payment of any losses which the Company may sustain.' Arid as eV . additional security to the assured, the net re quii Cs that the - prtll4B ultlie business shall he funded and ?main with, the corporation, as a guarantee and prigection to the iesuced against Loss. This :fund will be represented by scrip issued by tho Company, bearing interest notex. 'cot:ding six per cent. per.annum. The insured oro entitled to a pro rata share oftho profits of the Company, and will receive that proportion of the aforesaid {bail in scrip, whien • the amount of earned prentiunis paid by hire / _bears to the total sum of earned premiums and capital stock. The-scrip thus issuedito-ba-transferulde on the books of the Company as stock. __ • No dividend of scrip can be made when the lossee . and Cart:twit exceed thalamount of earned premiums. The insured -are protected from-loss at the cot4tomary rates of premiums, totthoul any individual liability .or responsibility for the losses or expanses of pia Corporation. Tho aseured lutve of membership,— non vole at all elections, and are eligible us Piseeture:of..thd Corporation,- The subieriber has abeen nppointed'ogont foi ibis Company, 'and OP the mutual principle - Bp pmedin ;revery- othor - mude - of UTIIITCre; ;to wodld confidentlyracommend it to his friend.. 'and the public. North American Company _lntebloeed their Agency. Thoso having policies expiring in that office con havo thoin renewed •Doloware Company on iuuch omit favorably -or- p-pribil ,itaintre elrber by b.tt -40 FIN J. A:O'ER* di Li, EA"MAAS' B 0 UGH__ MUTUAL FIRE-INSURANCE COMPANY." TllE_Alicti.niqltnetpennaborotl utifOire !mailroom; companyof Cumber! oil Co . itty,in mwporated hv an act ot Aasenahlyp inow: ga zed and in opt:ration tinderthe molt' meld of t.a: following commissioners; z: ' Cht.Sta) ntam.lacob Shelly,irrn ft ft or Lewis er, C111186:111 'LIMO], 11,1 ictittel Hoover, eery Loguo,NlichaelCocklin,flenjamin II Musser,Levi Merkel,laerth kirk,M elchiortirenentan and Sam,' Prowell, nho respect ally call the tittudion of tire citizens olCumberland and Yorkeountiesto dread: vantages which the company hold out. The rates of insurance are as low and fitorable as any Company of UM kind in the State.. Persons • mbettomomiembera..areinvitml to make application to the_agents of the company. wp willing to wait upon them at airy time. :JACOB StALLI Prea't. 0111CIIALL 1100VER, Vice President. Lenin 11 yet., Secretary. Michael Cocklin,l'reneurer. JCEXTS. Wuhan! ft onver,General Agent, M echaniesimri Rudolph Martin, N. Cumberintal township. M Conklin., Allen township. Wm R Got•gas, Allen township. • , Christian Titzel,Allen ,towitship. • Johr C Dunlap, Allen towship. Peter_ Bs rithatt, Cast iswiut shorn' township. David Martin, CIA ?'"town. C. R. Harmon, R Henry Zearing, Ste, emanstown, Simon Oyster, AVormleysburg,. • Dr. Jacob Baughmaiv,Caritele, JacoliKirk,Getieral AgeSam' York Comay,New Cumberland P.O. Henry. Logs . m,York county. John her:lokt yprk ociuntr. - John Rinikitt, - York county. Oaniel Rally; York county. • 1. Bowman,-York county:- Breckbilr,Cumberland county. Roblert C:•Rterret,,S. Middleton township. ' other agents . wifl be iffhled • hereul:ter: st ' ti-d 0 THE, CUMl.ll,f o lt LAND VAI.LEX • areittrea - Protection , • . „, T C NIIIICIILANO ,V , 41- , LEY auTu - 'l. . A L PROTECTION COM PANT, will 'be under .the direction. • of the following board of Malingers for tim'ensuing year, viz:—'Thomas C. Miller, President; Samuel. Gulb e nitit i•Vice .Pret ! side;,;; David \V. ,McCullough, 'Treasurer; ,A. G. Miller , ' Siscretare , ,,' Jani e a Weakley,. Spangfer;T: - . A ';'!ltelittittey.',slemuel-rtte,`TJOitte, Zug, Samuel II ustost,,,loliter. .T Abraham' King; Esq;;AtitinureOunty::'llie'rie. are al so 'ilAithbot• of-Agents' appoitiletoiiatiie Mt n " jauent Counties', Whowill tipiti fur litsitrithca 'and thenn'lMMediftiely. rot; it;;. provalito tlie - Office attic COthipitug:'‘.ll6l icy wlMiteLissueLVlthottfLt clay!, ",yOr'-furt her -ittlortnntlou see the hyvlaws of the " •,'.; ;1; TN OS:C. IL.LER Presti ,; k. MiLLEte;Seci.. • • 'geuilOtueu have, ; been , apjioip4ed Tc CAW ",•'• 'f si •Dt.;l' llay . ,'4llle.thilillosbnigV , t t: •—• 2 -6'Corge. - 11rintile;;Estp„rMonrW n— ::Li ll '. aiVi l llatua , Etjq:.\Vesfltynua ( i6.'v•;. , • . •, , Ins4.4s l ,..,Mentitt,Esq:,Newhitrg.; ' JOity fßentlettin,,Esti. I logestowni,, 7 TRlepititit,iculittiHseitt,.Sitipponsburg.. W4LI?.',CFIERIIV—exceI lent mileles•thetlie rom e' of Cougls, , ,Colds, Ilte.,.Witicit, artso t o:preva... lent ilit.-,this,seasork,Ofitlte.y*i4g 3,1 CH A FPElPS,`.l)ettg -Isl . ;;:::i.;:kiltiiiiirtatown Nallift 'tz , `''''t I." ' "' knotes,- ofithislinstituticinf . villlkberinktic ' n : o payqientjfar',l3driton iati Teocviihtltoiv. • ik,a., k'3 L•i , .4'13:3 Yopr nit • :I, pop” ) , 1 " • ,f •.1 ' ' tfll f.l • r i, 4 It'r it,rr 7c , .1 , Se ,Vr,0,144,9,,,:; 4 !,'i,,fr LL,AiNi___,Los.talll.f.:tibi, - j.4 I6III 4tEiaI 4 9PIP, ,-yief 6 l . ko,i, 4 , A , !ig*...!itideioiii'e:d; h.....:#4iitii;teitil_,Alt' f r. ' lovawiteulfrie4o-willivitlvitkr, I- 40.1 . 1 ! " 1° 7 ,13 , 11 , il,, :9: - r .ts-, • ~- ill - I I r e " P ,W#s , relli t ii l ei"d/r4 'Of k Oligr At ( tk f ir ii* ot.:iicti , ',loifoli.l ß t ! lue ,f,ifiMpilt - 1 3 ,91 , .7,7. preeittpiittedirii4tih,VdriitioriEile..Y4 4'4 I,,,VF,;:i:' o:_pirlislo lioist,Wol49,l"riti•V.:, 47';":,..-:•:.: "- • ' irtieuit 20,..!8416,•:'../ ';',..- , ...'''';' - ' ,, , , qvs , , ' . ~.."' '..,,,,:.' ilY,l?:,p,i , : I '.', , • i!P ,1 7, , ,... ....,v. ~,,, , ',,• .5.,: ..! , ,:1.0, ', -., -'^' 4 ' MEE .+~! • .',' : :,- -- . ~...,e,', 1 2 ,!, .iil , ,'::+t 7 - u - 3,y,..,..,, . -;''',',.- -.. -,SUiStelkeitColl9: ;,- - ---- ' -,-• ~:, .'?, 1 '.l,''' 43,a0.45 , .,4 l i iikiltitTTENSl4E - I.IIM RAND, ~ .7 ,, ' •., ~...,. ,„,.---,.--7.....,,;,,, ,,,, , T HE'fiutiii...bef.viwii., ru'eriviff tilly' i n fora'' , 6 —.the ititOege,;of.cfirlis,itolo74lmil'u.bh°' gener6lly' - thitthe' atiO'Ctiniinuen hiki-LII 143E11 It-Agri; fl'tti`o...,qiiitilhirf..M*lii i, iittiact'cit , thit. ,c_o_rigailfs) inistlyltheLltflitrtlilieqiiiiitiftind'Atit Wutnpilie, iti.lieitflio V4ll aritlll.thittitektioo"et rfientl'it.ietibititsittilily' 'of sw'elljthrel3fettr Littillmt, nuoh LIB • - .., • - 1 ,. I'4" '''''i Z 3 l , 110ft-rdiil-o,olllS6nliiiiiiii t* lfrid rail ilgillinbe rf-,SI/14/1 gte rig e . `wino"' wilf.tv vird'lt. the 1(4,0 iiiiies, ,- - liwtiifideor LiiiiitAtoimuti - or iiiiill44oit2 - tnenviit relloiV 'it'll& 'Wliitd!Phpi; i'4olo'.,thitil Ell CherrylkiniratrapitPlenli . ,fient einommrpartnet In' cflialitif; Mid 0 diffeicne.thicletteri44,'ObnlPAeli‘ PlatilkWhit° Mid:Yellow•l 4 ine,'PO:plarachtirry; Oatciind Weide Beamllngg; ifcllsizesfrotafB 3t06 by B i . also a fulLasiortinent of Pinti , tinth Oak. , Shingles; itleo' Building Timber„ of; orti length and thickntins Joke andltafters of all' aorta - and 'slime, togiSt Witb eiery-tit her: ar ale .nettallY't6 be found Inn Lumber YUid. Ho witl also' keep' bunsiantlYon hand a pupgy ike" 'different , littide of 'C 0 A L , such us Orden, •Wilkeslirie and Sliamdkin • for Use; and •Limittnitmer's rind BlaCksmilli's Omit of the Antat quality, at. Abe lowest prices. Grateful fqr.,past,,fayors, be. respectfully, sm. Ilene a continuance of the' public patronage, ,and hopee by bit:let atttintlon to givosatisfablion to hip onsfOtnere• .. • •-• • ' • SAMUEL 51..11C0VE2. Carliale, May 13, 11:046. , • PLAINFIELD 'CLASSICAL ACADEMY. Institution, which is located in.the moat 1 healthy part of Culitherkini con my, will be openethlog-Roarding or Day scholars (male,) on Mende', (Woke 5,1846. . The situation has been chosen for the advantages It presents 'in being far removed from themoise of busy life, yet most 'conveniently accOaible by Rail Road or State Road, being within 4 miles West of Carlisle. . do • - . • The buildittes are new and convenießihe Kea detnical department .having 'been erected this summer. Tim tiumbei. Of students will be limited. Order and propriety shall be the dititinguishing features ihroughOut die lanitiMtien.• Every at teuttim will be given to the mental and moral im provement oldie students, by. competent teachers, soil every effort made to secure die confidence 'and Merit the patronage of nn enlightened public. The year tdill beflivided into two sessions of five months each, commencing on the first Mon- Alp in OctoheP mid April. The expense for Beneding, bzo.,'Tnition in all English branches, with Latin and Greek.;per.sessinn, $5O French, Derttunt, Drawing or Al usic, each, 10 Day Scholars, 10 0 - 3.4rraogetnents eau be made to enter at any time during the session tit 41 prnpOrtionate 1:x -petite. Further information, rercrtmers, fie. fur nished by application perstonally or through the Carlisle Post Office. R. R'l`. BURNS' Principal, September 9.9, 1844" WHITE HALL --NURSERY 900;000 CHOICE FRUIT and NAINIENTAL TREES,nre . , now in course of cultiva • 0. in the above establishment: pt rds of lot)varieties of AP B,entbricihk. the most approved-' `Dd.-latest - Lice,. Trecti.JY.orn B_l.o 12. foot high, strong Stocks and well formed tope, sub us will be in bearing In kola onp to two yeers atloi pluitthVi, will be furnished wholesoc and retail at prices - than trees of equal quality .can Jur niched-at-any-regular Nursery in Pennsylvanib., Our tromp are perfectly fret from conker, on.' like:theft - which are-generally hawked through - thn7.-Cotnltry. --- All - erdecte - rind - lettqft, Vest:raid; will be p unctually attended to. Catalocikeis wished gratir - O, 5i%,4 guild°, Angina :A-1846, HrtittA-119`N II RSEitt 1,. _ wthitE. eltogoh et,Lafetie_the_r_publia • we will have ti latieltych-oftiioat. • • adebTateillirrtlit r girette= I Also, thet our trees areas largo, end as low in •piiees as those - ot.any other, - either 'Old or now ostaldished Nursery in the county; and in re gi4d-lo the. lidsith and- viger-of our trceicwe feki r •:-not the trial nf.theni. . The Nursery is situated 3 miles cast of Car+ lisle, mile south of the Railroad. It may be important to state, that the trees purchased from our Nursery have. all - grown and ire now in a healthy nod thriving condition. DAVID MILLER, Jo.. & CO. September 2,1846.-3 m. '.; I i n i u nianrffedichi€s, V'SrUMBER. 6, in small and large bottles, or Ell by the (Inutility, prepared a, rding to the celebrated reeeineolliodlreyiVley :A Itirriiir — e: Compositiott Powder, in la rge . tind s all papers. Spiced 'Micro, do. Nerve i wdur,,. o. Hyberry Powder, Also ; be genuine African Pepper, and a eu Crier article of Gum Myrrh. Per Salo at reduced prices by Dr. MYERS, September 16, 18.16. • TIIE peculiar nt polies of spiel did OIL, reeders necessary it ppeattlit, to every lady or go tlentan's like till oil * oil; does not soil the hal but „gives it a bri Nancy and beau unsurpassed. It net (tittles the minute' pores, giving to th dry willierieg bolt new lif. and vie., opening he eapilaries, anirtnicitring that , healthy' tone and, action no itecesssry tb the presdfvation or production'of tr tine - bead of bail . . . Sold at No. 'Fifth street, Philadelphia, and' by storekeepers generallyat 25 and 50 cis. Sold iy Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT; , - Oetober-,23. Pt* • WONDERFUL . OISOOVERY . ! , PR,F,PAREP',J3I'. SAP.' UEL. , REED i - CARLISLE, PA. .• PIPS Unloient pmpired .principally for' I.l.fie,ltheumadsin, (and , the,.only- external. :renieily 'known): but it hos fieen found ex peri meo tally I'D cting'priiNs OF EVEItY ! . KIND-- sick head aehe,,paini in the bask, arising. &Mtn' Beetle emnplaints,espeniallf tinisn,ivlnnt the syrup toms ate first developed, anti imidinirable tither _acute nod Ab'rptii6 pains to whiele , l herhumun . hot,* iqu irk 1 0. "Ire; ol !Firtiun 11; 4 110114in; fig,v eeks., or,niontlA t9effect, 'ontr 'one or two 'lilui cu: , c rr . P o ' tw,.94 1 1 1 . been'foubii Mit eirditnal ,l'olue'llY,,Th V. ll . ll 9ving• the, moat. OW '6lll WW1:: 'oll`.'i•C; liting= to frced edtirelpt frolif i l - the,rattack.' at' , paitte''arliiiii frovp2ituldttatatliertattsCa.,_Thse- aulteorlher- t' 'tile that - liyi(nte9after letvilit4sed the Aii66 - tince r l(' a filiplicitiooapprepriately applied to he ; very malty Iguark 'flooritoilvitioli-7iiiitiosterio`4ntee put irlino the,nfilleteakfirikfinfsfinpe.of,,,llotnnt igininest.4 1 pqrtiqualtuiplett helon'art...cigurteir to;411,0: vain* or 01 • 6.64,ki p 0„ v , ; :,,,:„ Thomas tL ' 1 144 1 /ell! Wtiolley,:ollrep,, 1110Leri ' " ,:;; ' . 1161P.Aitgrii: )r iEll zabet b t.r .' l3 Y, lll l l l l %Y . Jr-e‘etti.> The-7 1 sa , Vagetalt164/lectimailw:lstalthett Ina,ittf ll'ltottlosipf,salliottsvt*l4liomr.gdatt Oats, a it , i9 ll ;kai."lo - 01 , 31mi'InVPIletel';44:01tkomal$ q n° t'ii n ' E.o 4l , rtlarrPtailyeekt'lPikellillil i d.rt peel: let Ks lueattiru,Var,ltllia,..r,4stidi'fi•iii • . , '— • , •", MI •ittarioie;' a " ‘" 3 r+ ,! 7 keguiveOti , vmp f 1 „«,y 3 ) rp , k, tiattiond,itikagzmii elpi; " 1 , q.ah~M'u";.;,S~T?f.+)in'~:; -F:ti .«:x.,!f~:zu.,, at U:"m r:,rk%~rM .'?"'" i'""";.~i~':U ~ .._.. ~.., ..,....,..,.,. ... .:.__ ...._ ... ~.. _.. i s _. ~. ....,. , • • 1 1 10.0 AV E - ;,, • •-liarket ;, , Street, Thllgidelphia;,•: : .134yEr • constantly . # ,Itand evcry,depm•lptioti• 1 1;61 :#0T-#.14 sueCilljitinitiVileAU airttuliter'not . to Vikbithinseed,.; &\lisp Ml • OfriOtitifszlsiee' in" tin ihe• ktOkell"States. Also, every.tleseription`'ol'Giii? Fttrust mince+ •GooDs - rreduced price's) `to 'ex PinFolol 011Lbsto e_fstrabBt-:gc lskwhe 'l mL r•• 14;;•. : & 11400 RE, , ur• S ~eB4lllirketSttTe ' Malelphiar uptember3olB46.. . - , .I' ;', W;:•:•,;42tWattagrVe ' ; .111 1. 0 , 401 H IN G 'E FOR HIM' rriFEV.ll ; 64itetit • liti4aini - are CO' bi - It'll& RIM'. :TR CV'S - OLD' esTABLISIIED PION BER• LANE; NO. %02 Market Street, Philadel, 'Oda, who has just finished one of the largest - and 9110¢t -complete. assurtinents of TALI: and WIN TEA, CLOTBING in the city, consisting of ate per. Black Dress Coats, Irons $lO io $1.4 00 - do. do. Piock Cants 10 to. 14 00 do. • do. Blue Dress . • 10 to 14 00. Super blic. rfekverniiiigup Coats, . Bto 12 00 do. -do: Cloth • do'. do. 10 to 15 00 slo. brown db. do. do. . It) to 14 00 Pilot Cloth !Linkup Coats 3to 500 Super Black Sack Coats . 9 to - 13 00 • do. brown Sas.k Cents , Bto IS 00 Tweed Coats' 3to . 6 00 Union Cass'lnere dews 5 to• fi 00 Bleak Cloth Moltke, lO to 18 00 Business Cloaks; . . fi to 700 illack_Cassitheye_ Pants_ - . -4-to-5-00. do.. Pony." Clissimere • - 4 to 500 Satin Vetillr" -. • •-• 0.50t04 00 . Merino Vests to 4 00 Silk Velvet Vests to 450 (lentirmen in - watit ofCLpTm NG may depend upon being suited lit every restive', tis we are de termined nut to be 'undersold by spy competitor -in the hubiness. All gliotls are purchased for C tSll,which enables ukto sell adittle lo(ver than those who deal or the credit systenit it benig self-evident feet that the " nimbly, sixpence is better than the blow shilling." DON' r Pon- GET•iIiK, NUMBER, 29'2 MARKET ST., PIIILADELPIIIA. M. TRAC - V4 - .. October - 14;18.0. • eat-It:slc - 1 - 11erVnics - . • • EXTENSIVE CABINET WARE T"EsubsoribdrNoula respectfully invite the attention . of Housekeepers and the public gi norally ; to the very large and elegant assort. went ofIIURNITURC, which lie now has on hand at Ids Cabinet Ware Rooms, on West high street, opposite Rhoads's ‘Varelitluse,in Carlisle; feeling very confident that the superior - finish, excellence of material, and - reasonable firim.a of the numerous articles which lie con. stormily manufactures, will give satisfaction to mid secure rho patronage of all whd may elt. amine them. Ills present assortment includes every variety of • Cabinet Ware' ,and Chairs, - boilr plain - artd - ornsmental, at prices which. ill be made to suit purchasers. Having made the necessary arrangements, ho will deliver Furniturn at any pleat .within a reasonable number of miles_ in the suriqtrivit ing ceuntry t , without any itinrcused-cliarge The pationage of the public, is respectfully so licited. • ' JACOB FETTER. citaiole*liily 29 .1840 r = - RANDeABINEICHAIRROOMS. CABIN ." ~,,,,,- '''l.E MO V tiL : n ilsubscrilore would Inform ?lair friends' '''''', and the publ.:' generally, th t they IlaV . e. ken the room iia North ''' ~.:....„,„, 71 _„iimitiy.ur_taraol.llll" ,"'"'`•- -- p led i by Mr. E. Bul KE OB A _ .., . , ~. t Mr. Mannfactor i where . - ..by will keep c ristantly . ~- ~__ fur sale an elegant assort- -,,fir/fif - i37 . : , / Mont or A.S.XIVIIIT \, M - • . • Viritam & cimaXES 1 • "; \ such as SECRETARIES, .'-: . .- ' . BUREAUS, Workstands, ' • Hitting and Bfaiikfoot Tables; Cord, Pia-Ph Centre Tables. French, field,. high and low post Bedsteads, dm. They have now and will ontinue to keep on hand a large and elegant variety of CHAIRS of evtry description, to which they would incite the attention of-house. keepers and those just commencing, confident they will find articles of such workmanship and moderate prices as Must be satisfactory to purchasers. They 'nave aloo mule noensive arrange ments for the manufacture of veimalua,l33 n/nErimes of all colors, sizes and qualities, and In a - style fully equal to, those made in the Mt est together with •eery othei article of Cabin t Wrre—a II of which they will, sell very cheap for CASH', or exchange fur Country Produce at market prices. COFFINS made on reasonable Lerma it short notice, and they will attend funerals With a splendid Jjcurse, in town or country, free of extra charge. A Hoarse will also ho kept for We. LAJAIBEIt. • • A general assortment of woll.sensoned Lum ber, suitable for t arpenters end Cabinet Mak: era, kept'at the above inciitiened . up, consist— ing of Panels, 6rst; second, pnd Third Comnion White Pine Boards, Plank and Scantling; also, Cherry, Walnut, Poplar, Shingles, Locust Also, Wagon Nialsor's Stuff.of elf kinds, &e.• Also, Bedstead Postsfroudy - fumed; together with sluts for Venetian- .Blinds,l all of witlob will be sold at moderate pribes:—. ' 4 ' • They_ respectfully .'zirilicit•tt'altare of-pUblio : Patronage, confident that they can render' 'g c eral'satistaction. J. R. vq i ivEß4 co, • - Carlisle, Aprjl 15, 1846. R Etril 0 Yk. L 11" undersigne d would '1.439014y inform friends and tho public invoneral, that ho removed hie .' I+. I • TAILORING' 'ESTABLISHMENT,' rly in, 64, occupancy of Mrs. Fleming, two doors westef eteWnioli4lltehatfdy!s -Drug Slolc = dlreatiy ..Opptiiildthe:' Mansion Hou`sO' Hotel; Where Ito aan'aind trittibe:found:Vi wait upon he former patrons., and 'thoao!new,Ones who are desithus ry him forcaimiriiriso GARMENTS; *:/i0 alidinvait`hhneelfof this Opportunity to .return. h la .sincere' thanks_tti.his_kind_patrons for tlieW ,past.encouragpment. and aolipits the eontinu gripe of their favors., • , • WILFIAAI SPOTTSWOOD_zi 1-846 A , VErjyr.33a •,-;ZITFIVE33 *rim ectjbeir;':• lig a;w '*ill .iinniA4p.ii - keep lIT u or mate einei)onedblnikAiiBiiiitlitliShingleP' 0,. ,11.:10,licc: -Fir. will r,iveriprican, fill the • , NT '11: 411T1t1Li0' . : Noicinbet .4,8,464.1 0 - krJ LP (halm* Withal he 4100 ridus t,(l ti.Eqlmp 11 . . t 104 suit ig 50 Mal 'WOO 01,100 Latitlunum ifrpf ovie.:Opp, fpl , p, il#NBl.l4*; 4 41A F. EA - UOug Slot •,` • ' • • * iqTl4:ll ',I f: , ti4irtiVi WIZ '''' 1 :_, 1 ±','.2...,.' 6 t: 41 .1) etie` 1 1;tilig;t:'%'Ver , i`4Y.Egy 4 .reli,:t ~..q . ...ui.try, Aimbloo.ii t vi6:l o l s ,,,,chi unio .k • ..: , ... : : ,,, t` , Wrilei;tiiiiesii‘i6ao:(fo'ir ':.''',•`oi;'•,i'i,-..'.•-:,. ,'..:•: ,-, ;( - :1. 7 ,', '.,,._,?:..,-,..: : ~.....; • :: `liacclfa t neou:; lienri„DOeltl,-Eeit: ot 14!re,1 a 1346ice!i0 tire Enilitib;Feenell,Aerieilele.tied iTweed • • • C - Li 0 1111 S CIO Sa various kinds of the' 7atesi'siylee. — Gam~eSb`tis 'L in es nod Cottmr Drills, Oregon nod California Cerils, and it great variety for men't Wear: BALZOIIINI:ISI Mirages, Lawna,l.Wliitor ablOrMitainbriMiiand a 'general asiorlinlntOf White ' 'Merino', and tiarage'Shaails and Snarl's; Ladies' Cravats, Gentlemen's black Italian fancy Silk and Giligliam Handkerchiefs. New .Style Spring Bonnets: Latest Paris shaped Chinese l'enrl;.Bimp, Florence Braid,.Nealwhtuu, mod; ens and Thalami Straw Bonnets. Elegant rich hinged Ribbons, laces, Edgings and Inserthigs. Also, FAMILY 011.OLEHIESi such, as Coffees, Sugars, Tens; Spices and Tobacco. As I am determined to sell low rat. CAS Vi'especlfully• invite the public to call and amine my stock befdre.pitrchising elsewhere. Carlisle, April '22, 1,06." 12?- S>a Ja. . . tf ARLES BARNITZ, VOULD announce to the citizens of Car lisle and the.public in. general, that :lc. has 'removed hie store to South Hanover street, one door below Burkholder's Hotel, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. N. W. Woods. whore be would advise alt who wiint to purchase cheap, COods to give him a call: would' Inform the public d that. he has just returned from Philadelphia r 'with it large and splendid hssortnientof • • Spring and Summer Goads, • • which added to his former stock makes his as aottment, complete. He will sell goods as cheap as at any__Mhec estahlishmont..intown. stock, which has been selected with care and attention,„tyill enable him togivirsuch bargains as earinellail to please. He would' therefore call the attention of The rublie in want of CDEAP GOODS, to givo hint a null and =mine fur thoniscivcs. llis stock consists in part of ACC ]5 CMI an CD RLE I g ,5e4 colors and quality, Cassimeres, Case i ants, Tweeds, Vesting, Flannels, Silks, Alpac ofa, Jlleri ioee, Ginghume,Bed . Tinkinge,Shawls, nelicoesrMuslins; a select and general assort ment of Lace, Edging, bleedings, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. &c., together .with every va riety of goods kept in any store: • Atse—A very largo assortment of GROCE- R-lES, of all kinds that-may-he wanted fob ily use, very cheap. Likewise, a holm assort ment of • :Qtteonsware, ,Glassware, Etc„ tke,, which will he sold very low. SEGARS, of the best tha,t the city could afford, can be lied b,) calling at - liirnites4ClicarStorc, in South-Flab 'over street. • Those desirous uecuring the first choice of the most select and'dcsirirldiqvils ill the inar ket, would, do Well to call withilitt &AV. - • , Cli AR L W,I3A R.ItUTZ, Carfisle;' , April 8,1846, 'HARDWARE. CUTLERY* SADDLERY The -Seleete, , ano "Cheapest Stock oftlardwate &et breught tO.Carlisle! . !! imiti P. LYNE " respect fully infirms his Gl46.frientlaand_tho public generally- that he has. just received:horn the city a splendid stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, eb—hts7m determined tei sell 'cheaper than ever. •.. - His stock consists in part of the following: - Builking materials, such as Locks, Hinges, and Syron's, nailsand spikes, window glass, of all sizes. Carpenter's tools of all - kinds, such as 'planes, saws, chisels, augurs, braces and bits, -compasses, superior sand poperi , Saddlery, a' full assortment consisting of brasv.pluted and Japanned Harhoss niounting i saddlo frees, bias stirrups, y buckels, hog skins, raw hide, whip stock', &c. Cabinet Makers' materials, such' as MAHOGANY VENEERS, Glass and Ma. hogany knobs, drawer and chest looks, Bed /teed screws and caps. Alsa, a splendid assort.. 'meat of fine'pen and pocket knives, table knives and forks; fine scissors and shears, - sheep shears; razors and razor straps and shaving cream. Also, Candlesticks and snuffers, shoe. - els -- tmd toms, Meirslies, of alrhilidsillihs--an.l7- - buYklife. — iliovels and spades, hay and manure forks, halter and trace chains, coffee milk looking glasses, and looking glass platcyyf all sizes; mill and cress cut saws, bar, bawl: round and hoop iron, cast, sheer and blister steel.— Also, rifle and roc powder, of the best quality and safety. fuse. .Together with every article `usually kept in a Hardware Store. Call and examine before purchasing else where as I am determined not to be had. I The books and accounts of the late firm of J. P. Lyno & Co., are in my hands : and per. donsknowing themselves indebted to call and settle, as the books must be settled tip imme' diatelY otherwise suits will be instituted with out respect to portions. JOHN P. LYNE, April 29, 1846 44erition, all who: desire Bargains! IRAVI• D 11. ARNOLD has reduced the prices of his Stuck uf,Dry Goods, as he wishes to reduce his stuck tointake room fbr his Fall and Winter Supply. Purchigers will find . ‘o 'their advantage to call add examine for. theninolvee. _qtrlisle,ituguat 26,18464' Important to Couritry Housekeepers! TOU may he sure of obtaining, at 1211 - finies, puro and highly flavored nu b vi TAILS ,t; By tiro single pound dr,litrgor (plan 1, Thy, at, the 'Pekin Tda. Company's, Warehouse, 80 South Second Street, betneen Market and ChosnutStreets,Philadclphia, Heretofore it has , been very diffloult r Andoed, :almost impossible, always ter obtain good Green and' Bidek Teas: But now you have.ouly to• vieit,the , chin Tea Company 'a . Stbr4, to obtain, as 'delicious and fragrant Too :you could %Visit for. All tastes canhcro ho suited,'"with the ativantago ,get,ting, p,p4ro :article at a lqw pried., • Philadlpiia, 'June 534;' 18'46.'• '5 ' eAN odd itlona I :supply. of thi., above -valnable Meilablea,.obnaba log of !Jayne% ExneetOranty • (.44 , , Sa native Piflai“ ;, „ ;t1 • :•• Cu r tni nat ve lialsam i , 4 z 'Ream i ved'and for sale' by ?St ELLIOTT. ); FIRST . fii , PUSITIVELTTHELApT; NOTICE, AN, 'Li, lumens Indebted. to , , roe, arc hereby , . Ana tuotifiedi4mwatirneallrregueated, to could f o r war d arfd pari?riklonst rouloithair reepea: tiarviloaouritiklaiiothe l *riy,lpn) or ,he fora the' 15 di inaldati'Or l'iniy . milpis - . evil thael,'%iiihoiit reg a r d *ridley,"lliiiirldoel,`4lll'be !oil,' le the , handpltti':,Tuetide 161 the !aeao:l‘ot:grolleliloe r , whoio'i ) mi 4 ii, wim.cill. Ithd.,,rd,tlff i lb ir i l"Pqctil!lo piqu0;!, 1 1.1) 1 3,44°A 4 C / ii tql 1 0q 1 4.4EkY 0 , a freAdY49Pg'• OlRPOpoupp ,o l l 9:44, sien MI AC 09111 1 1 Y ,(1 90,11-2 Ali whore the-parneco 1' all theopieho , muy bee° maid and dishonotobltr.te_da;Rawillatuldrial4:. JalrhaTlciaoty blitlrbyir fie ' t hey, nteri,,ii, , / , / ,, r .:-; se hire initeeles , vi he .hevo ellintitqat,44444o feeiteetfells , ,eed;ile'riceit ly: f,e.titteite,k44o ll ofit theni - hiViltineend i ' i i , ce , eeLtufe , r l l.lo4o 007, il, net debt wiliNetieidl , conk itilriif ilOtOttlee' 48 1161 1° 111 . 1 3!0 011 11 111 8 Iti 'OlhalieldoKi,h'O'' - ' ;01 . 141411 , 0114 1 6; ,4 i 4 9 41 °1' Oi to1;,•r4,18il. 4 4+ 1. :•.' , 1 '2''': v i . 1 . : 5 4 . { 3) l 4 '‘ Y`l '' '' ''' &l " ; .l , ''' : ' , l. : - ;• ' l ' ' '' ' 2 C":; ''' ' ..' ''''' t~.. , ' i M;11111;IMICM p ----- •-•••••'!, , i , . , ;*:410 ,1 / 47 ,-- •i ''" ' --::' - CIarSAB I TAZODEES:r 7-, - 1 91.e0heape plikklnfier Waldo; '42, ' : / g litf ill : - _,. -:. - ' '' Gold Leven, ful jeWell6d, 045 'il Silver Levers, full jewelled, • , 23 ri . Gold Lepinea, jewelled, 30 M - Silier-Leptoesrjeivelfed„ , , 15- ‘, , - . ww - tbar rz.er Watchas,ine quality, 10 11 ~ Gold,Watches, plain, ~ I . 15 00 . Silver SPactacles, ;,. . 1 '56 - Gold - pencils,.' , ~, ' — 2 - 00 — - - ___Goldßracelets, - ' -. ' 4 00 . Also,on lumd,o larga assortment or Gold and Hair Brieelets; finger 'tinglyhteast pins; loolr ear rings, gold pens, silihrepoons, sugar tongs,' thimbles - mold neek - eurb fin We b -chains, guard keys,-and jewellery of every description at equally lotv prides- All I want is a call to con vince customers. All kinds of Watches and Cleat' repaired and warranted to keep good time fdr ono year. Old goldand silver bought for cash or taken in exchange. For sale, 8 day and 30 hour Brass Clocks, at , LEWIS LADOIVILIS'S Watch, Clock and JeWelery Store, N. 4133 Market'strect, above 11 in (north side)lPhil adelphia. IMP - I have also on band ROM Gold and Sil ver Levers, cheaper than the above pricupo .. ' N. B. A liberal , discount made ,to , c4f• r... buying Watches to sell again. Call and ice; Philadelphia, May 6; 1846. - , • ", M National Dagnerrian Gallery :1„; PhototrapheriFurOishing• Do is -A . WARDED the Medal, Four Bib( 'kiwi -21. mins, anti Twnliigheat Honors ' stiLutes of filassaclibselts, N. Fork, and - sylyania, for the Most beautiful colored Ititinei icotypesmnd heat Apparatus ever exhibited. • da'Fortralts tahentin exquisite style, with. out regard to' weather. Instructions given in the all. A large assortment of Appatatus and Stock always on hand, at the lowest cash prices. New York, 251 Broadway; Philadelphia, 1313 Chesnut - St4rßoston; - 75 - ICoortr'and - 56 Hanover Ste.; Beltimdre, 205 Baltimore ,SL; Washitigton,' Petteiylvatilla• Avenue; •Beters burg, Va:-Mechanic's Hall; Chicingati,FoUith and Walnut, and 176 Main SlieSial°g4l Springs, Broadway. • - New York Cantori Tea Colopanyt, pit ILADELPIIIA stotins, 139 Chesnut Street, near to the coriwr or 3dStil mid. 237 Mott Street, 2d door below bth• Streit. North ..Stde, Choice Teas i Wholesale and Retail. r77, -- % We ore constantly receiving fresh im ported GREEN AND DIACK TEAS, Pal embracing thchcst selections this side of Chins, Our abundant resources, great expo. ricnce, and' exclusive attention to the Tea• Trade, give ua peculiar facilities; consequently, we- are -resolved -to-sell Teas purerrinore-fra— grant and perfect, for the respective pricer, than any other establishment. 7Our-firinetple-ofdoint-brisinese-h . parin-the -- course- ofsix years, ieeured a connection Oro'. celt the,goited StateA t - and - wherever out Tens are sold they readye high CHEAP-WATCHES AND JEWELitY, ME PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE- - No. 96 North Secon'a Sirecf,htlo7O,Bace,.cornerL - - - Quarry, • COLD 1..e.0r Watblies,full jewellcd,lB carat cases, . • • • $45 06 Silver Lever Watches, lull jeweled, 23 00 Silver Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18 00 Silver.Lepinc Watches ,fificqual.jewdett, 14'00 Superior quartie,r Watches, 1000 Ltibee - Gold Pencils, - 2 '0(1 . • 1.0111 einger 'Ripgs, from 576.-rents to $111 ; Watch Glasses, plain, l centa; patent 1 8 Litnet,s2Acents. On hand no assortment of Gold and Hide Bracelets, 'Breastpins ; Krirrings, Loris ets, M ads lions. Gold Pens, Gold Neck, Curb:n.(l Fob Chains, Keys, Silver .and Gold Thimbles, Silver Spoons, Sugar _Tongs, }cc. ' at_equallv low prices. Al , goods warranted to he what they arc sold for. A liberal deduction made to persons bu,ing to sell again. 'O. CONRA 11, '" Importer V ll'atches. Philo de I plain s Sept embe r es, 1846. irrOn hand, some Gold and : Silver Levers; also, : Lepines and Qdartiers, stilHower thau the above named prices. Great Bargains, &lints and Caps ' AT Mt OLD XPTADLDIDED 1,96 Market Street, 2 rtdoorirclourSixih, zillui.A.DELrrxrAL WE catendm gene - MI iniitatioti'lcitird zone of Carlisle arid its'. Vicinity, as well as to n 1! " others, to our STORM, We !mew on hunl-ilitige and complete assortment allots and Caps of every style and variety, %Odell we arc selling full one-fourth lower that the usual prices, namely: Extra Suplor.fleaver Hats, froth 82.50 t 0 .433.50 Brthlt 2.0 U to. 3, " • " Silk " • " 1.25 to 2. " tt Moleskin" " 2:50 only, usual price'et • Good lints us low tret.2glind upwards:, Also, l • a emithlete stock of Caps,cloth, fur trirnnied, glazed, silk oil cloth, vevet and fatty erthst line OttCr, Shstlarid Fur Seal, Musk Jut Hair. Seal Caps, ik,e‘ &e.; at lower' prices 'him can possibly be had elsewhere. Ercg, , 0 , 11: ex , t ensivea — smaller Rrogt than others can, Call and be satisfied,-.)tactcy, . your Interest. • , , . .. , Merehants.Storekeepds,llaiterebnd wha , m, who buy to Nell egain..etipplied imereattenablo taring. Be . auto and -call at Nil;l96,slariet eireet:seeond door below Sixtlisotreet; • " - - idARDEN . & BROWN: . , Philadelphia; Sept. 2 ; 1846. ' 'oitztlivEramltAinaxi &..am-taslam : enzyme. _.„. .. . C . • C. J. TVIIDALEV4p... ,, . , , , '—' • Nb. .91 South . 5C67 . 41 grid thilgaelPaii WISHES to oinform his friends and the.nibliert V Y -generally, that he stil I continues to tnsnelit*" ture and sell din tenuice s Allt-TIGI.WSTOIIit4 ' with the - latestimprovemPot.l, - --7,7 ,- ..;,7,,.,,t`AW i „ A tter malty, ,y eari osperi Once- itolto , rdsitura=!. tarp Of these States; s he,actiaw, ettablethto:Oirer to hi a .enstomers tho, Alin-KlGHlit:STOyE3hwitlin ovens Imitable for,dining rooms:ormurserietp:'ii,,-; He, also ilte'air-llisAt Mors cnr th&Radle;r.,.., tor. plan Whichluitkel tosplendldittuhe t io nnn aba____ iiiflor Stove, tp,whiililie mould call, thit;partim., t, lar,Pttention,o;,iluisg ,witbiWlMOtcPlAkoili*lsormw--' Meet, for - theielihrlors.,. ! _Aistr, it,splendid asiort , -,; ' Tent 'or Coal l'aMbr and C,Ook,itig-Stotiew ' , Allot , witt.di he will sell -a t ilti-lu,west,onsh 'prices. The public Would AO well to -pia! hpfp,re l our. _ ylititittigelabwherei-:!', ', ."..,'' '.,fT'. , ~ . n-Mr. I. Would '-eatdion.-theidillitiagainst__ ,- Ahralt y. Tight , clitoNettWilli3Ohreast;-irpodoOtii: 'ts thPYArie a spurious-M.ooli and : Will;frOiror 4 l '' l in any ease: ,- , "p ';:,..... 1 ,..ri ~, . „,,i4i,ii:l-',- . -- - . ; 19 P I VQ!P.P. i . i . , .. Se 0 e !4er19t !- ' ,N'! - ,.': . 1-' . !;';'' ..„ .. '. *2l4 s 4l VW . ntgitmosT i x!y l i4 v.: ~ 400_, , ,_ ~., t . ik ' Fla k , ,11.716'fa1l - elitiad,ldatialv,ed;t4olii ,RAs. SEW . V.,,7:8:0114,:CuAgr, lilt' , 4 „ , t ~,---24r.: A ii : 4----- --, 1 k, itle.uo,ppy,,iils,l.o., 88. aiu ~:,,,c,il;z Uo .., ...; lls liba• l- . ,z1.6i'1 . ,, , -:f • , Do . • ''' ;,,i: t4#. 1 6`4., .kitt a - ns :' i;-) : _ ~_'' ' ; This ',Fr)t: . l, w i t% n .ili.<- I R - 15,19 1 Perir11-:g J I f 'in,i , 'ekvfir 'brOught.- a. , al i iia;', , ad , lit 1,1 - , . paid 1ddi047:644141.` s. - all i '-', faidtli*aakil ..',,,. ,: , siikethirideih'adia ChUrcia,l..l... . ..,.,.,. .',...1' . ' : . :‘ '??g i l i i i li Y i t tl kA t l . I t t h .. T'S '' '. --• ;. r r- * ,-..' L 4 ';st'._;;•w.,„,-',..::',,t-k,:;f* t-L4-40-l-rsp;m:onsi,:trit;---,,7-7-7,,- I j 4 8: 4 11oti an, sasaartmenko nab , 3 'that Nonl#l l K*l6lllalo-14,:, , . ThA l OO,l ' e:;) Aioitsti; , *4 l .o.'f:3 o I , o;n4iiLf a go„ od t tic trr,ritap!eak e.,.0 tr j , Garl 4‘, =Si 1 i'r..!:t:: .. , , • i',:,- I= MEM MEI PLUMBE En IMMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers