Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 25, 1846, Image 3
... -. . ';'•*_"•-:=l;6ilee.••qii.. ,, yekylktii-1.-;•-• • 4P4 ,, -•1•.:-.,.•44•1, , .e. , ;; — ca- , - ' r Aoxtrirttottitents: . -• 1 ---;*--,---- ' ''' 4-44 • 44---.4 4 . 1,--- • • '•..'• FORA: ---.IIOIDAYS. _Rich:Lat ., - 2 . 4 . :-A -,, ttraaopisif.-,_, „"egak tlepir-9 , a lEWAboisScL L jii§, ' . ..1‘ 1 ,0d tip; OldiStand in ,North.: inioir.:er St..;i• ii • earl.y opposite the 'Bat* !•'. O '.• • ' , liF '-`:-! . • "...,- .Sli "AN HAVElits'OCii. • Siiiroa ko. ' / • 4 1 illforni the putilictAliat- Mt Ips_ : ;:•••••=r - . lueiliettived kiln rkilpdelphin; nuts - 5.,7: • . siiivAmenini !Hll -4 tiV3 01USiiiiid;Tifi — iLIAL ' Noiiiillignovprslieei, - a feciih more. , •-:-j meet of . . , • DRUGS; PAINTS: OILS: DYE-STUFFS: - and the most, elegalit display of Fasiby Articles, Miecellaneoits mid Sbhobi Books, Peyfumeri, Fridte; &c: &c:, which has ever been opened in ehis...beiough, all of,w.hielt have been selected . . • by hidtsblf in' *soh, with greet care, turd witiolfins 'confidently.recominetid to iirk friends and cubtOinak as being 'equal if not so ` perior to-any? in. iliirtharket. His stimit will constantly comprise, • • briigs emit Medicines' . Patent Aledigines, fine Chemicals, Instru ments,-Pure Essential Oils, Herbs and Ex tract% Spices, ground land whole, Essences, POO .4 ';'&d... lbA. n lle- s lu ~ , ff s. In • , L:'-‘ , l ~ • B razil • • digoary Madders, Wood, Alum, Log \ iind.CallyWoOds, Oil of. Vitro!, Copperas, Luc Hp, St.c,i'...l* . ' -- , 1 ;' ,- ' ' i , 4 i iiitals aml..Varnislics ' wpti ".' - ki, • cllterill ag B ,Lother'a W kite' Lca , Chrome, tattinif.yellow, Paitit„and Vatitish Brushes, . J /UP yir '0 bl' (4 Glass, Linseed Oiurpentine, Coq ritl f eloach Varnish,,Litbarage and Red JolalloVbiting and parish 'Green, constantly Wotsale tit life dia f iethbliahed I rug, Book ang 11,-V11116; Stdto '"' l ,.' .---' .. ';'l, Lard - Lamps. it ~-,-,- An elegant variety of-Lard Lamps; multi l'" f etc red by Cornelius, of every size and fanny ..., CI i i patterns,'and at greatly reduced prices. ' '." % '...1111qcy,../2ritchm Comprefrainiiiig , amehilless variety of every no. Clan In Iliti'fane'lway, for holiday girls and prestintitvvhiuli it *paid bike a- column to en. utnerati! tiquilllch will be found every va• Ai r ratty .ist.-4 .... , ii for ornament, instruction, or amuse:ll6A cl .at prices from a penny to a dollar. , t " ''. ' S / . 1 B It * ,_ c too ooks. _ his stink is composed chiefly of School Books, in which may be found the various text ',. books, Lexicons, Histories, Arithmeties, &c., now used in College and the public schools, till of which will be sold us low as at any other Nlitablislanebt. Also, Groceries and .Ftui Is, prime and irckh,tind of very superior quality, at 'prices' astonishingly low. In short, a little Of Leery thing that is useful or ornamental may bo found in hia.estatilishment, to which he in. %ilea the attention of the public, confident that hob the quality and prices of his goods tvill be finind equally satisfactory. Remember the Old S. W. HAVER:A 1( Y. Carlisle. November 25, 1846. Another Large Supply of . .EreSh 017ocerie'&, ifj. A tIE sObsciihorhds-just.feturned from` -the citt, dnd how hiliird.da large'and as good a i assortmencor GROGEIO ES. as was ever hifiiind ik Carlisle. lie oi eonfidnnt4hat his pelection of TEAS cannot be cdtpassed:— They conaiiii in port of 2 tilieslit extra Yining itytion. .. x .,== • do gond' do. temisit I do extra Imperial., 41:7 , ', I do Rose Flavored ". TEAS. Souchong. 1 do Ppturnml do. Coffee .and-Sugar. - - dti bugs Green Rio Coffe'a not iitiiiia4e I. sd9 Old Java do 4 .do St. Domingo do • • 1 do Roasted do. ' frown Sugars. Philadelphia Double Refined Loaf. • Sten in Fallen . .-• do Crushed ' fin Pulvett2eddfr A large disq;llkinht aF Iloldssec, ay Wipe did Spleen. • le . Winter Sprim, Winter *hale, Lard Oil, ersh Oil ; No. 1,,2, end .3 Mackerel, Shad, glaring andl3almor; Rtirlingtnn smoked Her.. 44 . 1r2; - "tolgtiren7 --- , lianrig—Sporm-aml-Th , Candles. Also,-Raisins, Citron. Currents, Figs; Bfilmodds, .Grantitrries. A tell assortment of rit shes;llaskets, Cedar Ware, together with a lull supply of Glass and Queensware ; till of which. he will:sell 'ad such prices as fie thinks will give general satisfaction to all who shall favor hint with their custom, dill Sod • sec., GEORGE R. UROOKS. Garfish', Noirembor 25, 1846. POOR HOUSE REPORT, To Um linnortible judo§ of Cum berland County: • rvIlF. untlers!gnetl, having been nppointe:( bY I 1, , your Floitoralile hody ncommittee to visit i. and examine into the conditional' the KW' !Wine of this county, Ucg lbaie .f,n , , Report, That in the dtichargi of the ditty Resigned them, lit 3 have several times +tailed the Initiftqon during the present year. 'they, take ideneure in being able to state thst• the godd order, oleinliness, and tpiietness which' hove her6torBrelieCh the tuldrin of much prtinieoitill'Pre'riill. ' Ih cartiffilli% exam-. • ining the difrerent apartments in the establi 11- mem, they were nnich pleased With the neatness -and rvigularuy observablein the monagement,and gratiliO.With theireaditiess with which every fa cility ,an given, o ri. lull examination. Theltaupertaresuppliedytitligoodlind-wliole-- inmd provision, is nsuerfained:frcim inspection; ihey atop comfortahlyZolati, and aver' attention keine to beAiiiiti to ,their,liertional cleanliness.-- _The honiteAlitottgliOnt le.cilinutly and wtill'regu. Itited shii'''all. the Iwiulti ianst.nrcesisities of_the, • rititisi/Ci - "iti'sindilf,.. atiendeil ,te, every care aml eireut viseetkikNint toi1011ie& by, tiof stewasil. The, ' psytinetitaferAte- siisk a ,nomrottable &th:, n tintitlieig die ti s;initiiiei re or th 1 siteniling 01 rbliiiMselleifortiiett 4itri , eon , . Mid fidelity. ~ , v•thying.th4littst ififtelner portions atihr,' interior , , et" ` liilitighWie bein , painted nod ein alteration * - in ,t,he , ;mode_oillitisttioir tattne- of -tlie"roomes, 41ile ' lipi , deitit teytislipitioa irnproVemeni. - ' Ltifit)t,itt piefitieli l'Oh.Clioae vh'o ore 'competent and 'able toiiiifdllii it; end . Ode "eniphiymput On , douttteilly;eontrihlifie tb their. 0410041 antl.nren, tat , hiallit'ilie . :*ell no 0i Melt , liiiatirietsa.Ais pe. 'number Of persona relieved 11 , *ilia etnii4t.t d` , g theJ PreiCnt.e`Yeir` is .npnardi , or!39l): , fifil ntir, tsotittnittee`in.eot aivarelifoinv:enintslainteit'oieWi - -' 7ilet'ff.diavallirae lliif:his9*ii:eilite Ste•''d' tb y '' :tny . l- '.— L, . • -' *...-:,:• I o received jutb,..'e- nefit i- I',.i' '! :• ' ,...: :491M;AGNOWJ411.•i, ~ --:: iki,LrottAiA , ltT , .-,i••p - ~%..• o i ' i . t, • , • A ~• ;,•,- ' l. ,' i i i „,;?DAviD:it-114aoN ; • ,WO•ffewi"!49llltoysilier=,lB4B,-RefiitaJ riave ll * , ~,: ;., v .AVftIZ; COMIIT p ' -ten, p.poricit,!:4. „•;;.,.....,;,::.,,,,,, !',,,,' .;: :'.. 4 ;;;J: : '-' : " ; :. „ 7,....:".•':::r.,i)erifiy •... itii( :4 4 R rO;.eglii!fi,llLi% .:,•!, ",' , ",,,:tiraucisotl, OF ifosoe4iiiall6ooort:i, ';' • : via ,t 'c'- , ~ full an" eti e kre'ast the'ame.rentaina , !. •.. , ,-.1 ;:od - pld'iii.ifie.:pftivi id .. the: Clerk,iir, -;."- ,;:iiiii::lciiiiiter - oiiitar;,Seittlitis . ~ `..' , . ;.; , ,•-Wiliiesa.'nii linnd;frO4 tlid tent Of - st ' , itaisi — Cini -.iit apAiiii - '4' til'6'.loin'ilo, 4 , , - , i - b„, 18 4 0 . 1 %.,;','' 4 , .4(YDYEdt.,11, Je.,-, Clerk.' rAu5.0kba,.,,,,,,,,,,,1r .... ,, .,..2. , . „„ .,...,,,,,,,,,,,,.. A 1it5 :Q 1 1 ,,„ i ti1i k ri---,: 4:-41ppithil , skft l 9l 6 ; 9l llP,, , prim sturil, e"‘' , , {-,..;`f . 11, L r 0r..'... s ot kt. the ...,.......-- ji,94.01.TP!'14:-I,,,SplArsk,'?,A. ' * ' "` - ' 3 -- ' • ••%.,#91, , ,‘ . _ , -*4061 4 411 0 W.41 0 )3144;ip), pEsgs AND --- 41Arre, -,,,,,,.., ',, .iYV . = II I}l=lT 104,'"il 1i1L.:....z' 4. ` 4lll iAiEliiir4 - 0:4,'IrlII.A1 y;''''0: 1 1000 Hipkcift lii)aticAiNES,:h4L ; ' - qii r 1, tvc ,-i ' ;assyedA, 6, 4*.4,P..,.k.r , i .d i ti -, ,,itoretr'p ,c,', - ,..', , , ,',4_,1,1 1,E.,4Ert1it,t,..,,, ~,4,5.44terhi.), ~=,,,,,, ,• ,,,,,,0t4747-vittFi=ry'rl,,„,,,', '', f'' ,'I:, ~,!;',1,,i5.,'8'"-,-2,-:,P*l' I\ ''t ' At i".4 - 4 - 2 :} {, ' s ' 1 ~ ~ : , 2 ..•c,: 7 2 :: : : ,,,, e,, ~ ~ , Ars , A , A ,irl'AV . :-/'.gt.4',- , . A, ',''', , ' 1 • • EUXACERICIii A N-,EVE !.1 • • -NA •.13 , of S, IrAINTS,.OILS,DYE-STISPFS 100N.A, STATIONCAft) . F.,(3I„E7'ri:EIIY, nod ARTlttES;lii•hich,lng'encei• with him tnrmei II eitiko ; they )iirgost eeiorttbenrot 1-fg•orels hi.bielteAlf,bbeiness ever etibibtl 'in tli ntwiltet; I'll;bn : 6A:he:Jenne. ttEASODIAII4i. "I'd* • ' , small cleblert etipplicir -• . ateity liri eel/. • Cnrlisle, November, l 8 1846. ASsignees.4ille cif the Real Estatdik Paul Marlin, Esq. • " • RARE CHANCE FOR CAPIALISTS, 'WILL ho cffered at pObila•O'llte' r'y on ti • V I: lirem ia'as, on WEDN OSPAY- Ma- 10 jay of March, 18 , 17; at 1 -11••"141, . . . Tbe "Big Pond Furnace Estate," containing Three Thousand Five Hundred Acres, more or less, of well timbered MOunttiin Land; and having thereon erected a Hot Blast. Furnacc; with segment, bellows and r'ecciiMrs, and propelled by a good, stream of water, to gaiter, with the necessary dwellings, shops; stabling and 'dike. Also; the right to an in eabanstible Iron Ore" Bank, ,with_ rr water , power orb washing machine, tree of any charge for live years, and only 'distant from the fur nace about one eighth of aviile. • This property is Situated in Newton and Fontharirpton Townships • Cumberland opunty, Po, about 5 miles from the CumberlandAalley Rail Road, and about 6 miles .from ShipPens burg, and will be, Weyer] at private sale . (with ,the stark, ke. now being used ) until the above' day of public outcry. Also—Will be ofibred at public outcry on ihn premises, at 1 o'clock. P. M., on THURS. DAY the 14th day nfJanuaq, 1847,¢ vnlnable Mill Ptoperty; situate in Amberson's Valley, Franklin county, Pa: containing about, 240 aeren, having thereon erected n Merchant Mill And Sow. Mi 11, two Log Dwelling Houses, and sufficient stabling. Also—Will be oFrered nt public outcry, in the bnrobgh of Nowville, oh IV EDN F,SPAY the 1:1th day of Tannery, 1847, about: 300 , aeres,of (I - Mit - lain Land, Omit° on the road leading from Newville to MeFrirlane's.Steam Tnnnery in Henry's Valley3eing well timbered •With oak and eliesnnt timhe.r., This prop( rty will be sold entire or in lots to suit purchasers. Terms tnnde known on the day of anlr,l7 The. Assignees of Paul Martin, Esq, • November 25, 1846. (CODS. CENEV AI. Assout Da :I.OIIIS CASSINICIW,S, SATTI NP. IS,Cashmeres %lon de Lames, \ crinoes, Calicoes awl Nlosilios at seri low prices, just opened by F.01{1; F. %V. !WINER. Carlisle, November 11, ISiifi. DaamtriAro scxidoL stibFeribtir's Class for instrtiction in the T at I of Drawin g will continence on the Ist ol December next, at his •residenee,'at which :line the terms and tither arritaxetmd_s will beilgreed (11.011. As his clans iSllOt irl eat itele a few more finrileB will lie reCel veil oil hose who I kid re to avail themselves or inhintetion in this might I; useful art. •1. C. WILLIANIS. Carlisle, Nnt•rmbei• IR, 11346.. • Alexander's Tricobaphe • Or Liquid ••• jfair Dye, - hivaluablh)ye is intim:Ty- s leet. from 11”. :I . l.:.itu.m.trous raveling - 4in itII. Miter nieti n. 10 1 .0 in use, 111111 11116 never r -a single histmice a complete surcesi. - Those %slut wol,t to have bl.tek hrown whiskersltiolliale, try it awl 'see, unit you will at - nnee admit it to he the best lit use. for sale at the Drug Store nt • • NIKIIA.FPFX. "Vii, Shave o -in a liMinute !" SHAV.NG AND ilAin DRESSING S'ALOW JOI-INSON & Sin ITill. g t;aoisle, sthanger9 ellte - tffity — titrry hero',," witil their hen grow . " that they have opened n new Selorm; to North Itturiver street. ~ i ic South of At 'a Hotel .wlsere they the ohms!, business in sill its rosiest auil various brooches, Ti i cy w ill sho ve you as elci.o 115 n City Broker, nod cut yourlioir to snit the cut of your bend onti the cult of yips'. Theis vlitilo object owl desire is, to im• trnve l lhe appearance or the liftman MCC. Tilt, 1140 priteticeSitaniportninginr removing thimirtilr. n which thenr friemniltave been pleased to accord o them the palm or sopoook.:ty. l)nn't forget—ordr good lintel, NV hietidi;llZii ENVui.r.v khe•is so well. Times nee hard; rind lwirbers poor, lidend I 4,11 j ;19118 our door,— ildiryour aimimnerdwri..mmtiv,f; wiil4; in, we're allitl4‘9 willing l'o . Serce (111 gents in st)le. so nest, 4 , 'Twould inks one bow at ("ksor's teet. . Not only sn- 7 if Mutt ‘yriik't di); " I)rtirli yotii• coati , linty , ofd and ilow, To please role IlloAte... !va will,endeavor, i i ~T o shots you iiiir'neati!st auiver. 1 elnie Sot. soMie,.we'll ape' the Itoor, 17, e gent walks Dot; the scene is o'er. 14:11. - ( s entlenootolo irnithleil.;.iolo theTETTF.It will find noo infallible aura liy applying at one Saloon. Carlisle. November lA, 1A46. . Blank-Books add Stationary. 11 A Vneceivea rrom Phil Jelphia,n very 1 exteneivo assortment of BLANK BOOKS Auld STAtION A RY, embracing: every article in that line from the hook to the largest sized fll l l hound Ledger, which I can sell 50 per cent. lower than the nattal pleas. .10IIN MYERS. - - November 11, 1846. r ie; N • .• RiChard's Palma. Christi Rim:nada, rimy. sohscl44i . , ,hanfhlently recommends this _IL new stol:behOlifol 'preparation as having. :se EQCAT. in , the wort.' fee irsparfing a heantifoil: soltsnal glossy opitenronee to the flair, promoting. its growth and preventing its out. Pot - sole by -F. • • ''' HERBS et - SPICES. R. M . tans just received la hts Drug KJ-Shire, on Wesaligli.Street,„a fresh. utippl). .0;4 P WES, which .4314” betlepentleil omit! ns rune —as they ore till .ground ut Ida store utider ftis imitiollice inspection. „.. A . Lso--Corenittler Seed, Sweet 11bilortilb*,011 tt,variety or Herbs anti Spices, to suit:irititiee pies: stud sitosso makers. . . " SiIAWLS I , 14,14 itk . %VLSI - • milt 9 1,R 9 •11, !;! ; has jit,f openk ii r t assOrtineq , A, vric6iil, iireellp,,,Thkbet, Tlllii ' : Ittl)(e . 1 'eS .lB;§r,t4* Crewed t i t i 104 'And iii . loiv. i'6l 4 e, ' , Ne 4: ft''';'''` ' •` • -, ' GEO. W.: HlT'Eft.'.. jbliiiied • Orpharis _ Y virtue Or ail or l tOr of the',oriiitane CRurt or 11LCumiterinall_noinitY;_ lie._ Sold. 'ciiiterypiiithe:tireciiiiiiisi . iO - 6,'.tilifeb.,"A.. AL, all ;that orrtditr Plantation o r :trial-or iniiii,vilituate iit Wd 4 ,l renaShornagliqttewC i llig..Springltownslifikt - 'l3r - saiti'contitr i hotti.dbd, by Samuel Tritt, Copt, ;Peter. Daek's neirsi anti the ,tpropiltd,,t:olitl,...eontaiiting One • Fitaidred end Seveiity-EigheAerkt,nerit measure. tragt is first—abont lop tares of the 333nti,being eiraresi ...and tattier. geed free, the ramble in flan , thrivlng , The itoproieitiliati ;sok' it Alva si or,- LI 110 kifflt;' , l3ol.3ll/E - LOG 11A ItN, v with "sitingie- ronli.-Wagon Shed : nail ;;" ; Coff:l3l42.iii ainllitheront.litiiblingail 11l 3 I re- other. , 4; ittir terithr of na le re ns.foliolisi F.l re ',Winfred' ot,lllo-tale 1 11 1;3117?7:10Wee.efoen,p-Nif1110: Hrolivior Toner • 011 4444 pr. eft !ter r h r OHlit'llfl l :#4.°lrrs l l . !:#9 l ‘ 6B '9,'Fi n OPY , fte.dCit t rpo, ociliAV7pfooviiv,i,oototoriooriv. lu r t T • ancr .4111°4 Wel kiirtt';‘, .arntired hvbinitgineittid.Y, 4.„; I:SAT , tic ti :11400300401 , P1„ ; :*lo:4, ll l.4'.grqov'Ycot rovs„4l,4,rit 4. 1 149, 2 N060141 ''{!-`41 1 :4 - etiotf 3 i , "(PAYLP , .:SNAS; troAlittls %I:N.OltbffoP.' .: ;f ) :s.!- 7 -. ,, ,e...10riffir... i ,. titoc . Igt,„A ye* 0 4 " 4 i - i4n..1 -........- ...*.-*.km , ' ~ 1 ,1 ..t . .....1 : 1 . .,„4,. ~,,,,, • 1 • • FRESII-,ARIt A S , :-.: , - --.1-t.t110.:01-Wiiii T Hardvtxt teic_oly , ' nigh ireeh,Rp r posi!p .9gtiliCS-D!'y Goods SiiitecAffil l On:t d exit WP:st ig ,i Ala rt iti'5119101.;4,,, , 4!:. , ,,.- -,,,--. =-?1. , .- -!. nn HE liuliadri hers are neiv;:rpee i+big-, - p. la ige ", : 11:•"litlifitinniil supply , " to= in a kill:, lAieli• itiiorinioni very full a and eelitiletiti fir:oo Which:lll4 would ; invite-the attentionOf 1i:111On:sera. ~. . : ..r„ ,.,„ , . .f;-14, •heirsioek - JComprises-r - felipaSptirniveilt - Tfi .; : r . ' , ;itt, - tritibuildtrersuctrafrEiticktrandlAtOlfe - s - ,7 Oingesi Sinews, Wrought and Oul:Nails,"Spiltee and Brade: Mao, all kinds ofgaed for Incelnth letcferhietwirold - honsokeepers,:iiirii - i'''Whiek t ire fresh, and bought at the lowett elisli4o6ea;iiiiii will he dispoied di at ji small, profit. ~ •.. They aro receiving-a:lift:o.old keeping con. stantly. on band a general ;asebrtnient orD',...r, Band and Boon, Iron.; Russittli"elid Api erican . Sheet Iron, Cu' and SpripStceli,Englisn find. Amerie,itit Blister Steel,, Tin.,l3l:stol .091. 'Ain, Pig end Bar Lead, Spotter - Iran Wire, Rivets, !Hee l Rosps,Sto &b., - Also, WetherelPs Pine White Load, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Copal and other Varnish," with a generid assortment -of Paints, Dye Sluff,, Window Mass, &e, Purchasers will find it to their adeahtageiro call and examine iiur'sithck,ae We are enabled tiosell our goods al Philadelphia pikes. ' wßiou & sAxtoN. - • ourlislo i I% . liavember 18, 1846. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JITST RECEIVED, 'ATthc store of A'. RICHARDe& CO., Carl6lc, a fresh supply of Pall and Win ter Goods, as well soloetbil, fashionable and chap as the market can afford. Also, -pt . their store in I'LAINFIELD,,a good assortment of DR .G 0 OD S, Queensware,, Grocerieg and Hardware; all of „which they desire to diepolie Silk as reasonable terms as they- can be purcliased.elsewhera.--- Please give them a call and examine for your selves. A. RICHARDS & CO. October 28, 1846. csth.oca:) . • And Cheaper than Ever. THE subscriber * begs leave to inform the public: ihat ho hat recciired u splendid as sortment of Fall• and Winter Goode,. and respectfully invites thorn to give him a cal lieforc purchnsing elsewhere. His stock con sists in port of Cloths, Plain, Black and, Fancy CaS - simeres, Sattinetts, Flannels, CASHMERES, and -CASIIMWIE GRADU ATED ROBES, Mouselin de lainesf plain arl rdiaded Will - ices, Plaid Cloukiaga, and ry vane eiy of Prints, Torkerri, Cashmere, Thibet, ca, LuineShawls r ltid Gloves; Ribbons ' Fiing Flowersoi rid a great variety of [Alibi articles . all of which 1 will sell at the' lowest prices.— frCa. LOVE, Carlisle, Obtober v, 1846, NEW- GOODS I NEW GOODS 1 Cheaper than 'Ever for CAMCCIJ.- iCONIE AND SEE.-. Jelf:_ subSeribers,_havittg t returned .froip. *Pliilattlelplin r respectfully iavilt 110.11th:inlet. of their kientli :mil the public grcerailv e to ihvll litegr elegate. assortment of PQHFAGN and DONIESTIC Pall and Wjnior Dry loada,;:- con,is c in g ora comm.. nod qtinlitabtortus . (some nr them as loins bl 500 CASSTMERES Sattniels, some 118 low as 31 cents,dentitt,ileavel antrriht'CltitlisTrOittiigifcCall'entr..tri — BW 4, - Tci 1 6 - cents, Ossltmeres and Mons. de bunts, Linsers. blenched anti ii ibletteltedi-Muslins, and a gstur . ral l issOhlnotit of NV IIIT F 1 GOOD 4, . Fresh, good and then!), of even description, Intel as Colfee at 11, 9 and 10 cents a) Sugar at e, atm M . cants; a Ibll Mislasses at 57, 40, 50, ant' 75 cents Tym gallon, tog tlier with all kinds n. spices.- Al so, a large lissnetment otOCDA It ANll 11 A 12 DW Anti CilEklitiriiirurimarßii*ct, - eit.. , and Dye Shin's, Patent Medicines and 'Perfumery. a large and splendid nssortment or Chinn, Ohio, lititi O.neenswa e. ILtviug the largest stock of tlth kind of ware in town, we feel confident tf luting able o plenne the taste ninth who give its a call. I NOT IX AST ! o hare jaunt ope.wd 0.300 irs pi BOOTS AND SIIOF.S;of 'all kinds and of the hest crudity, which we are collided to sell unprecedentedly cheap—for instnnee, Wo men's • shoes as low fie 25 cants IM'ett's coar'c glfo4.9lV3rlTlEstreelo2ll — lNlcrr's - long - hontivsl - 4(.44 , Come mid see tht , m---w e have enough to slaie the whole, county, and cheaper, too, than can be Inul in tom it. , • • JOHN GRAY C SON `Carlißle, October '23, 180. lITM O Z7 60066 AtiVxma mr.. A AWOL D,. gnrAs just received (riot] Philadelphia and Neu 1 York, MI entire NEW be FASHIONABLE sTOCK OP (MODS, suitable for the season , nod u Ida be is detertnioed to sell eIIEAPEI 1 . 1 , 1 EYED. ! Ills stock eanliences iu part rich nr d fashionnbla shaded . 11101USLAIN IDE LitliVlE, CaShmeres, new rst) In NI ptislin de I.aine ItObes, do Cashmere Robes. Dram. Silks, In. ' sha ded Merinoes . , Ombre Cloaking, (4 ri• 'd Bared Terkere Shan Is (Frentb),.plain d shaded llntel SiltiVi Is, Damask Shouts, plan) Saltine, for besMeis, Silk Velnets_llo. fashionable Fall Ribbons, French liA6lll Oleside, ito: Face. WILLOW FEATiIERS, as"Arted colors, French Kill Glove - BM - takes, Black Worsted Fringe, sl,atted dd. Parley Prints, i7Adies Ties, rolka Coin* Velvet Itikhona, 411,Swiss, Tarlton:and .Ca mbriolibtslins. 'ln addition to' thelibbve,• me,lisvO ,trout anew style Printo.'.l.Wecka., Tic dugs, and Dovestic CoOda, Faildhanide Stoats tip. -Genilemen , and iloyr,orn.quality fir sopkrior in r itifkr 'any e'ieed for 'die same priCc -in Csilisle. Call at Ilia 'store in Nortli Ilanovirr street Corniitit'n'ti Hotel. , „D. 11.,.AltNOLI). Corliele,-0610p4,-28 _ . „ • (0r. 7 1 he • lei° r iff:,StevietinOri Mel offey,'Y bow: jut 1 r ' t returned ropy ,nt . o •••, , o,.assor . tipiit:,of • • . • Dings; ItUlAt4 l 44gi aints.r. 110 1 ,,ittr4 , Ztll#l!i. POIftliii0111; ranClY artiolest:„ frivite inein the tibcoio nerta4aTtipleas7to"-'noll;•onif ..-wwlne Mei before purchisa'.elsewh'ore,... iboy,havo , been •t• elected t _with great care and t!ro .wlroleoila ony of thp Dn'ggnit. 6r Physicians.: in trfe. County., 211-ni2Sulph-ritil-A6ot-111orphi: • 15 oi • • •-• • :,30'n7.Sulph Quinine. =• " ) ,- '' , INICEIr-L.131tte, „ ..131n01t,1•9nd Ilostl Ink'''. • •• 10,000 Imported Segerrißif beet_quality Silk ohd•Cettort,Pursei 1U due Umbrellas, of. diVerenuqualition.:i Cruse ebOloo , Smoking., Tobacco...lust:re edited and for rude the UM BREt,ik' MANUFIOTORT' it MiLiof • .7 . 7:', , ' ": o Ilpsitc'iStreet;llriliulelphii •! . . ~-,-_ -- 1 - "; - '''' = ' , l l- ' .r - o , -,, .0 4 1: -, RIDIA1B.PSOSf,,y , ” , j;;: iN tliltlaelo 'vOrlbiiVticr:loiroyeiiiqlo; ~ , I h av i ng n n oind „orvarroWtit to nioloatiolie : ire or 1.11111t1:1141i14, is'iptiolrle,t.l , ll,, tell tlOto: :at voy,ltpio pritmtp '.3,i) '40'...r.,i,..L;k:..,, ,.. ,1 , ~',.., 4 , . ., `'‘ 'o7•Alerphaikk,ato.ilArteg_tp ~ ealt:Jkpfi: pee:dile. at!priu t t)- 9,3. str9lncjimi,ittP,orWient,-: ; ,;,.. , ,.. : qi...;, , !J . , 13 440 Ap 40 PbqScN?"9*7!Iii! 4 1 19, 4:' ;r,i ~ i ; i,l't - t 1.,. ~ , -• t...., , '''''''''-. 4n4 4: • ' -.P.P • . 7 - T u r be •.taltell , *de 0 the ' T6 I I IIIO if. trol catlN f//Rom\ • ' 441 ) rfb d're'dki yeAlitf!,t ; I ;linel?'"lcili3o,6l-(1-0F51:440f/ iO4,40.001A 1 * '-' 1 ' f.l,l'At • •••• r • • •-„; • 1, 494.11', , 5AW:4;4, iE - IVEllr-!Mf, (I OTANT --1 IV S. rot iiotkOilT.lttotizsitjiik6 i . or triV I ' Ct.' t . dim* 11! ce n peni,neA e T es . oat; FipP3niil id, An E;;% P EST ,ST.OOlc, (o co.r nuiiiticr. !14 • . -- 61 - 6dtr,..Gfo - e - e - tie — scßo - 31W, daps,&e. •iort- Tiffd• ,— ;VT — Hou W cl those, to ley out: Iheir J moncytoo gond, aihrantagn to . giVo him a call before .pu?chteing,' reduction of pr,leek,in mallystutteltiriiirt his line id: business. he leelarconfirleM. thrit heroin giie, 'BARGAINS not to be dirVparsed, if equeltedin , 'the 'country. . . 'TO giye it'list of name& and, kincle 01 1 'goods . would he too 400m, - sail would columns of thiS Poperosed then not the twentieth pert enumerated. Give 'hien ,a call, and, look for yournelves, Remember, too"OLD.STAND,' four doors Enst of the Market House, and di' reedy, opposith Martin's Hotel. •. Zook out Mirth& 4 1114 , 5X4,111! !Ili .• CHARLES OGILBY. Catlisle; Onlohet 7, VAG.' '—, ‘' • ~. P. S.—Man i , ..1. ni Joke an be 8014 Ices thun . initnufitctnreis' pricesittitine Co@einierce„cieti. *titian'. Kentucky Jenne, Li necye Cu n ton'Flun. nein, Carpptn, Uiritreikieittunh'iloge, St, c;'&c. - N. B. .Conut'ry ittorclittitte itepitlietrat• city prices: • i - . • ' -, : C. 0. NEW - -GOODS: fE subscribur has just received and ie now opening, at his Store, on the 6outh.W ,t corner of the Public Square, an unusually cheap stock of SEASONABLE Gpops,Buct us Cloths, Cassirooros, .gattinetts, FLANNELS, Vestings, Cloakings,Silks. !tom bazinesi Shaw:N.M uslins, Gloves, Hosiery &a • A - splendid stock of CA LICOES;at prices varying from 4to - 18 34 cents. 'GROCERIE:i of all kinds. 'Alai., a fresh stook of (lid .CELEBRATED LAMPS . . which he linu lately introduced, end which arc found to be, by numbers that have tried them, the moat economical rind ;desirable' article (in every Tweet) now in One. __Lalte,Rulacis_r_s_pinc.trulbjny itgal to_ cajta nil examine his stock.• ROBERT IRVINE:, Jr Carlisle, Novemb64, 1846. New Fall and Winter 'Goode. LIOUGIIT DURING TDB TARIFF PANIC J. A. CLIPPINGER, IS now receiving the largesi, cheapest, add pro nest Mock ofR.DRY GOODS rver brought. this place; andkviil I be sold at small ;works fo cash. ' 'Shippepslitirg, Sept. 30, t 844 ill "Millinery ivatts.-Nzrp,. Fp ES pt. ur FULIN Informs her customers and 1 the ilpii(9l gt•tterally, that. 'she has npet.ed nit 4.l.lremelv handsome assort mCnt of FALtI. M I 1..1.1 N. ':'ter' ~_.FRY, Imagist kag of Ilmmets, heri,Plow ern, - net. and Mesa Sllks, Ter 'l4 kerri .51thwls; Rick •—• . Freed' Cashmeres, Mouslin le Laines, Pldltl Florida Rohm Plaid for ehil leen's•wedr. Partietilar attention n uIl ivlro will call and examine. lininietii altered after the hee4t. MAIM no. • earlidtle, Octelt!r,‘2B, 1846.3 t. 13201 .~ ~'``~ 5530 IIIISUP.-0 al! 11gSPCCTFULLY_iofprvra the ladles fo . Carlisle and its vielnity,,ilist she lias two . „ soaditi assortment or • • Fancy taillinery 013GtS, ~ inch ea BONN WI'S of every descriptionc-VEL; VETS, plain and fancy colours. BATTINS 40. BIERS fur Bonnets; plain and ' figured Ribbons,' of every description; Feathers, fancy, Ostrich, and WillolSV ?esthete, Flowers, and face trim mings, arid fill other articles necessary for the Millinery biisinass, which she will sell very low at her stand In Pitt street. No. 6 Massif der's Row, between High and Pomfrei. streets. - Mrs. VA NSON is prepared at all times to make ruLve_pak_all orders intended to be don& with neatness. arid despatch. .ho ettcis herself that by .strlet, attention to busineps and mode rate charges, ehi may receive share of public patronage. • r Carlisle, NoveruktiVisi, 1846.. . NMITIONI AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED HARDWARE STORE NOETII HANOVER STREET 000 I.IIS. Wetherill's Pure Orotund White Lend. 20D Collons Linseed Oil. Gagns Spirits of Turpentine. - • 2ooptiErNovnecotian Grindstones. 361:1( t ;Nails, cavorted. • WA*. rot assortment of Carpenter's Tools, BuiraffirMaterittliii - dit,,..which 1 will soll at the lowts!, , prietii.:,••, ----Purohnserr4Okilllfind4-to the'r advantage to tallbefore 011 N P. LYNE Carlo . lp;''S4Ce..mbli-30, 1846. .11i5560101342, of Partnership . THE Piirflierphin , he'reinfore Making. under :the tirm of SI'EVgNSON & MEHAF FES,,Is this duy,dispolveil by i . nutunt - consent The bootee of eect.unts are pieced in, the bends of F:111e11611,y, who is herehy authorized Jo Bettie the some. bl4iltis eteinst the fina l will also be seitlofi . him. . • T. C. STEVENSON: , ' FRANKLIN AIEHAFFEY: . ' rliae,Aug. 241 h; 1546. , . - rpup'enbeerlber having taken ilia whet° oa.: resiteetailly hiforhi hiqq Mende and the iiehliegenerallythrif 4ie with the asSiSlaneti 011t1r:STKIILSY a competent tiruggitit,, endeavor to, give' general and full satisfaidion; to , all-those , _:givlng himr tilt. a deth' • • ' 'MANX LIN/Y1 EHAFF Wet Sept: 9'.19:46:-.,..;;;T! . • . „ 'Vrail l a( 9 / 1 14 • • • J nolioa'¢hut_L_hhve^hden, ,aitiii gl and au i b ° h ut • kl k Wir ggf I.#4:othit . wait, ;on thorn r„. 7R ' sye let s , 7R rup" or) •00 , iniiet Julf _ t h h i le . , fi l ii r d:briCifX -41°11114 11,7° w 11611-gdN;ll4-00'!Wd i T!iir " °,l iiiili a ird e irk. )0. l'•i*jea!ki9g..l o ,9l , "l'4 l ,, , w; l oglMul- • M ()ahoy' or.))ottcr . 01001,c , ` pee94y4 , , : re: :01 pan hd Attics vath'o4)folaii,7••,,,•','L.„l,..i;Vii"'f' •tl'7 1 ' -.v• : - 9get;‘,o4. -4 !: 7 'il 1, 46 i,i en . jr i. l 6i•Eb4ig . Ail 1 ' 6,4' ~thi e u 7Ttl e t.l e i t g ni :l2,l9' r vtr, , iit , :, e .•ilippointedlssref 0A , t. 8 roilibOlpitil iOitilit . 1 0c, PoOnaltfimiiih t'nw i nh YPP".. • 6ot , (01..• ilie benu.n, f Deetrof' o, lliff%4 , A.N t r i ll ic , iteirk t orcieom ,, , ior gvidiet)o4'All, I"),..niff,bdintelvilul'AlS'°' iiil tOililOrt _ 4l6Y,6‘tl ,l4. - iltiiont delay At .ri.;!•,,vit.' Ihivyw'elptplo.‘lP.rei- ,,-,4, kailighlt!.. - ',..i , ,,,:i .0 . 131enc°1,41 15rrit Iry: w , 1ic , 1 ) , , ?: , ::..11 , ~ • ,e,'....q., iA' i '4l ‘," ' . '':' ; t; • ' F:4 ' ' ): 1 like, IL A!.V,,..;e; 4111141 f'.•"..t ,, .. ~.4,.' +,.17:14z7-•-„,,t, -, 4 • ' .', . '.. ,co ' atkpugi-ii.,v,-.4' t ,, ii, ,,, ,itiiirotni4o.fialovii g ~.4tl,,,!iiy,EPlS o N" 4 6t4E" .*6,4lc'fi .I.'''ciqueiie'd WtligkeApil#OdiAlf Att mawat4x ,,,,.. 1. , t.'..; - ..`.4;“,',6'. linna. err' FRANI' rc-urlrele,n3q .' . ;Z'''.•ic iiii , ; .- - f94.- 1 ' ,- ' , . r.. 7 .....,„ „,,,,,,,,..,,,, 4,,,,,,-,0„.',,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,7 ~,?...m.;,..,t,.,„..,,„:„ ~. , ,,,. .., „. „ ,„: „, . „ , „ , ,44„,.,„,..,:,„,:,.;:..„ 9 i.:,7. L'-',?.?ti;:;'(:".'4-ii'Z'::f..•,,!.2..,.;;-;-; t'-' ':-1:*';'1::;:.:;::;4..i.-:'...:,;':',(;c'::;..:;':,'::i': MEM 1 , :*; ., :4"4 . *;, ,,,,.., '4 , z . ‘ ,4 .. „ :4 :' , i',;,„•-.- - kii;"«.: . .44-s.,li. ' . • 1 ; 1 1•: " `- - ': - - - ' - ' .-:-., ' - .:Woti r ee6:' ,-,.- -.'n.--- - .••= • ~...1.....,;_.,,, , ,,..„....,, ,, , ~_•,....:•;‘,:: ••.,:•r -,. „,.-.,.......-.....„ : „..a..,,•, , ...,-... IS=IISIIEB.V4P _' - .7 . c . ft4tfollci r itioAil! ) 1 llititratideby 7 4.0* - i)A lg r k e,c).:o.o . ..irtlierft, to tim. next Lo'itioltitiii '' , :iirt,lio COMmonweolth ot _Peanailttitia', , ror -, th 'itiOthlfioritinit of'ii: - corn:;, '6ittiy.tO.6o atylotl,i? mitt :p r ozil'oicii LAN b! VA LLET .4Nli;iii"Petirraytv itik . ',',4,lie !Dented' iii.ibit 1: . :-OrbilitiftAF:Cii - tp,ttimhOiltillittttilita;_lli_ save 'll,....Oa"pitit,l'ilf'"oof lotio - apita, gift: hundred', 'hotiiti6iiii,'nbi• Olio' iliiteewo; Flundird Thcid.• ) 'nid Dollars:, o , ith 'in'ortil hit iiitilig and A le? # ll .nting.:Priviletelh,-,--7 , ---.,. . .' - ' "-„,-Thbmna C4„ll"tiller, ___lliotplis B_ol, '.__.. , James 1iy.10,,. : ,'. . , Samuol,leepm,- Abraltitin Xtu#,', .. William Ktni, ' 'Skiles SArtrOilbTifit, - John. Lefevre, - John Dunlap, . ,John HuSlxia; , James Weakley, LA 11, 7 'Williarns, Trenjann in •I'etfOt, ' . A fet'r. Davidson, Andrew H. Miller, Q. 11. Leas, • .. D. W. McCulloch, Paps: Vorev i re, William Galbraith, George liinkcs, Richard Parker, James GreUson, Wm. Al. Henderson, William Creglti. ‘, July .1, 79iG.-6m:_ • _ . • ~Application for ,This,ern Ilkl'OTICl l l IS HEREBY GlVEN,that intend I.llto epplylo the . .ltalges or the Com t,of Quar ter' Sessions of the l'eac,;., to hehelat Carlisle pi January'. next, No keep an Lm . !louse, lo•llie house , ' now occupy; near the Mount Holly IriorlVorkii, in South Al olillelootownship, Co in barium' county, and that a TiVern at such place is necessary to acennuncalate strangers and trav ellers., • ^ MOORE. !"Soutli Midilletop:tp., Nov. 11, 18. NVe,tbe subscribers, citizens of South Middle ton township, Cumberland county, du certify that the 'Fawcett mapped ler by Matthew . Moore is necessary. to aceMnmatlate the and eider thin strsmrs ind travellers; and that the said petitionor rs et Bond repute for honesty and' tem peranee, and is well provided with 110118 C room mad conveniences fur the accommodation of stram gers 'and travellers., That the touts as set forth in his petition. aro Irneould that we believe he would keep a good and orderly house. '. Frederick C. Kropfl, E. F. Haskell, Samuel Givitt, John. . Benjamin, Illeyer,, george Halm, A. 11-11arnitz, Win. A: *Linthurad; t.i.eorge D. Crattzliend;-Gcorge Wol:eti Alexander, Paid 11.(;eisc. ' Estate of Peter Fought; deceased.' ilgrOilcr. IS HEREBY GIVEN4IiaI Letters 111 of Ai!Ministration . On the "eatayt of Peter Fought, la e of the tow nship of silyer Spring, in 'the cOunly of Cumberland, deggsised; have istattl to the-subso:ther, of residence is in t e township and county ifferesaid I Alt knobs indelniul to the estate of said deceased are requir ed to make immediate payment; and those having claims will present . them to- the subseither did) authenicated for settlement. - MARGARET FOUGHT, Admiiiiirratrix ile,bonis non of sant decd. September 30, 104&-6w. Estatd cif George .Rdckey, deceased. - NJ - allot!: IS II ER EBY GIVEN, that Lei. 11- tern of Administration on the estate of George Rocky, late of Dickinson totvoship. Cumberland_tounty, have_been_ granted_hy-tke Register of eajd county to the subscriber, whose place ofresidebee is neni:the York Springs, in Adams county, Pa.: All persona indebted to the-estate of said deceased are requ'ired to make payment without delay; and those having claims or dcmand.rWill present them to Cie subscriber duly•autlfentieated for settlement. • WILLIAM R. SADLER. October 7,1846.-3 t.-, .." Estale.ol JatnesjotT lerr, deceased.v,s , rOTICE HE C REI3Y GIVEN, that let. 4'( ters of Administration de - bonis-non, on the ii - elitteofJetties lir:I:rot, Tate Of the of Newel'. Ic y Cumberland county, deceased, have Issued to the subscriber, whose (dace of residenee is in the borough and nounty.n fere said All persons indebted to said estate arc required to make immediate payment; and those Keying claims wtll present them to the aubreriber duly authenticated for Boulement. K .9.rr ........... , - Note tuber ..... .. FN. CrritE TS lIVEEI3:Y GIVEN, thatdet. . leis. of administration de bonis non, nn the °suite ollacobifissinger,late of the borough of Niwvilie; chiniberlund tuninty, deceased. havti teitued..t; the subecriber, whose residence is in the,tiiwnellip and counly aforesaid,: Alt persons iiiiilebtedio the estate of said deceased, are requiiid te . Make immediate payment; and those heirtig eritArtit will. present- them to thr sobveriber ddlfilluthenficated for ifettlement. SCOTT COVLE. . NoveMber 11, 1846.-6 t. As;ato of John S OTICE IS HER EfiY Gllrf,N:{hqi Let. tyre of Administration on thik . estato of J011:4 SN Y13E11011( 0 a pio borotOccircart Cumhe il amt , deceased, have issued to the subliither, w h ose place of resid: nee is ltt the teiroiiih end county aforesaid: All persons indebted to the eitate of rAftl'deceased ;ire re quired :relit. imaiid ate payment:, and those having claims or dementia will preamt them to the subscriber duly authenticated fur settle ment. NATIIANI SU HAN'F'CII. Carlisle, November 11, 1844. Estate of Ractiael Kline, deceased. ricoTicE IS tIERDBY GlVP i p,jhat let. 1.1 leis of Adininiatration Apt ihe (+State of Ruched Kline, bite ottlie Initteivrh of, Carlisle, Cutoberlund county; &can't - led isvelstiocd Po the subscriber, whose, place- o deidonce is in. the borough and county ait;rAinitli, All persons knowing therr.selVes indebted tr onitirfccessed, tire-rettuircd to make immediate paymentf anu those having claims will !gestalt then) to the subscriber duly eutlatillbitted for siittlement..— • .111a1 PII DI HALDER P. November 4,1846. Estate of Peter Wickes. lILL persona ucc hereby that-te,tim of 'Allministratinn on the estate. of Petri.. 16nitTyi — laco — ot: — Alten county . , Peen'a,:decensed, have this day 'he. t eti lo aned-14 the,liegiftee .in and for theladd county. to-the anhaeribee, icito-resides in-the 'Borough -of New Curitherlan.ll: A lititersons haring oho ma or 41611811dg against the estate of the said deceased titteregitested to make immediate taiYment to • •• • %),OSEPIL MOSSEK, &tam. 1 0846. • • Estate of-Ann Black, deo etili A V.l...;peiprmil RI4 11' , .41,ypotifted no. t.cper_q Ndliuttitstriitign .Eionte of Ann, west township, edutity,..Priool: 4 lime this tiny been ItV:gi'19:111 1 1 1 1, (1 !k r. fo toq IstioseirlF,4,l',,,Y o .o l Pg , ! l l Vilpelinsbpro! 1p - .ol . pFriciiimpavipg,i,t4im ngainstAkc - eitute:pf deoeipigil pev : rlspiested,to 111413 • fi,lO . W In tll4 . oine';w:lthout ifsttiy,j awl - those indobled ' ' • I , r , , • .I.OI4NrifUNBAR, October'l4 .. tB46' . • A drier Estate' Or Zaisokl,Gilbert ..dec'd.',: l t i . oIC is botchy glAint that. lutists' ice ta T.. ftritiiilifi , _oTi the , estati3OVJacob : EGlibi.6,,_ 1 i o o of Noi4toti, toicrughipkgieuelsod;.lidio . bee ea died' to the subscribe . r. rill ali, i'in' ilietsirtili ldwiish'ip: ',All , pliteens'kittningt tkiing#lv r egg'. in d hied to sight, ectiito City, rigi'norteit I to . peke lir. n citiutoptltoOtlliggintlibloylinifini 011irnis' 'ill 0 i s encl llo !' ) . ok9iiiiif tglithOOticated 'Ur' ''. ‘ , r: i , k{' , .. , %,! , , ,, - Yl , ': cii p 0,119 Er UILII ERTi .',/,.•. h . , gep4l:l;.i.Elf,M.- ?i.-11 . '',., --",- '. :... I Etbettf ltej'ote'4ll , Eifittb'eili - Nikefol'eideilidi:V '.: v . • olio ii . ii WiiiiiittriVipi,iii;ii,:Ceiicri• , •l ii. orilliAlmilliekrtitio on•ilii-ell ' ata•Ofglizatieth :.% yorsillite'cr , pookgm , taw`liithipVeittuberlonn 'a uoty / #itoisi.ag4 huse.,lstued 'Coo Ow agibieribcri 0 'sig,llpg)u,tilf couht.r; Soil ;Icirtiviiiiiiiforaiihn..... , ! ..' 1 - Pereoillilttibtinktir• sitigl7 Perste , ere:rettilirl o . i ' . lguaiigiluihiegithigryyrnont, sigut : rhori baring ;?: slots will;,iivircigt,th ut gbily,nutlioittiCited . for ttlemitgit..4 c...4.ii:.;. Ih.1:041014111/. niit.HttS. , - " , q ) ! O .lOOOO4PACti - rrrt--:.ii - i , h.g. ,, i1 , ..,41 , 0-“i i . ~..'. :: *** lft, I.! -zil-'7114-7:7(.)1. ' * itt* D V011,.',15.-ft d , • . ~., u. , ~. p, eni L obir ‘ r il k si lk i t: s ,, . Tg' s ~ 1 g o elt l i t - f-,:,,* 'cot 1 Ilk. ..;, , , i ,_,, , ,,,. 1 / 4..; . 4 OltiNtij.l it 94.1 IQ-Ef4Pl'4!!°4;6ob.,', , t i y u '4:ig9 BUI)102'n s , ill riJORN ,7;•,- I . ' ' A'4,' k t: ' 41:1 1 ) 4.1. II'OP,4V-' ' J .T. f',!.217"-,61t7v°,'74'."5- .....' t'i2111:::::.i.,',-!4:7,..1',.;•.,,;1r,,,,4,',:i...,4 ' • ' '. ',i:',.'.1.:,1,%2•, t-',' ''' '' 'i,.•13,11.:,,,,•'''. ' a.x.F g2Vi BM 12.,.., 4 ,„„ '.!';.,;',,,',.;;.' ..%.":".::----,::,-;,%:' .'t - '!it.'''';'.'l , lft''''''rif t lV,rl4.-:•ffi'! i.74(1 t.:; . nu - a . 4114 • ( . . •,* ,'', ''; '',7l' _ _ . , '' . ' ''t'lj' . i ' '''C' . li . ..1 0If T 1 5 ".itrffilaM14.1 ‘ tintt u ' 1 "..rit;i4:a ii to , Ihtlfir Salif,Mi:B4l,l)l/4 - 11 rildifiCt - ilptl) - . day of nrcembyr, 'ill , 111 . ;"At id. n!clitek, .A,,,,M..rme ‘ the tir,em!itt44 .l l'ract of lAttitli in Bast rcrichriettugh.. Tllitliitte..P.ditubeclafflkOtinfyl.cOnfailticr C h i.: lltifulret . and Ciuldemr . Acres; more 'or.; less, of ;pod, Slate I.arid, about 90 - A - cres - of , wttltirare -- tflettrett r and lergliodletiie,and;ilte,;6stitue is ihrfriugstintlter. The imfiroveruitipiircit good . BANK BARN, itone and framC,.„ftr- , p.,., oirulTrame 1/17-KULING" .7 ,II - OU.SEIT - and - S PRI N G--1-10UAbly with a spring; d(per . crlalling`w,ifter;and a' fi rst-tater ill id . Orchard .01, grafted,. folk.' ..Thetit,iii • . is - well:frateredidsttnatembnifilticq.ftlfd - kl i filf ll miles from.the.'ttyristuffgiseidki,furt adjcins, land with -the 1100 Iron Works ordionra :Craft Ift „Son, 14 hich.':alwaTs afford!, „an .CucellUnC,iitiOtel . for all kinds of: ttrfitbieC,.' .. -2,- !!.,:;,'-,!..::''''-',',.'''', . 1 ER , ,,,,,..14tr 0 Or, red, oft.lec piarchisa:motie to he prid on thd confirintition o f thetiste by the . Court. The „widow's dower to.remuin in the laiul.,. T . , he ,balsince'nf the purchase money to he i ptlithane.ltilf nn Me' Ist of April, 1847; and the residue in two animal payments without interest, o be sutured by the 'And. „ ', . , ..ti• MOST iIIIOVER, . . . . ~ ~. I ,/,110,1% of Jamb Hoover, dec'd. • , Nefrembrr 18,184 . 6. . . ~ t - REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC-SALE. rirk,k stillscrthera. Will nicer Sale. on Abe premises, on I'OUILSDAY.„thie,II"III of December, at . 11 equqi , in g described tenets of Laitil, si !Mite lit , Let treit enny township, Franklin enmity ; late the tidal?. ol No ses ki,otys9ti s );; . ,y44 l -- deceased, viz t . 210W11“11101111W 54. PEXCI-lES, • nutralifiStAiti; IT the best fluidity t, f Elide Land, Altaic IV Acres Of whiell arc cleared and tee goon tillage—the residue is covered with valuable timbee.• Back Creek runs through the prt•ndies, and there is a never.litiling Spring near the Nan. nine [louse, and. other 'springs watering most of the fields.' The improvements are a:large Two • Strwv w eat berlmarded Log DWEL. LING 110 USE, a line DOUBLE. LOG BAR N, with a WAGON SHE.) and CORN CRIBS attach. ed , There jsalso marsh:naive r „ t -2:-"tre., ; ..., Apple Orehnnl- of grafted t i e farm, as 1.:1 1, as it variety of stone re it Of various kinds tuj9xectleot quality. Tliti.iccond tract contains aik i ikoßES, 34. PERCHES, and' 4 . 1 . 1r.w lice, of like quality te . land and Adja cent tp the caller tract. .1 bunt To tierce lit this lito).stresiletired :11111 tinder g111)11 cultivation, the rein:tinder well timbered witti — craT;firira - ry, ke. ..I:keineittitutoctl4lo'ittar, is_liatultionteher'e' - is a well of gond Wider mine, the bousuond the grounds are embellished a ith a .variely of finrc fruit trees. The impenviUneetts.nre a Two Story I.og Dwelling Irouse, weatherboarded, a Log' Burn, \s'agon lilted and Corn Cribs, and a good Apple Orchard in fine htstring , contlit ion. These terms will lie sold separately,to suit purchasers, and the terms made reosamidale by.annual inslal mems. 1)AVI I) SMELIM, kLEX AN DER KIRKPATRICK, November 111, IBlfi. , Executors. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALi.. flint subscriber offt , rs at private Dade his !arm, situate two miiek West of Carlisle, Cumber. land enmity, on the turnpike leadingfrom Carlisle to Chainbersburg. adjoining lands oi.Noble 'sbeirs and John Ifeßminece. containing ONE HUN' ORE!) ANL) TIFIIUTY.TLIREEIIE4 • and 8 Perches, pf 'he firscupp4itygt lenigstotictund, in a high iii,ohy k ircultiv i don. 'The buildiq a con sist am IRA AlLrl_OW KELING HOUSE; FRAME TIAIIN.-Fpf. ,Thereisa well good water mar the :I'4 'floor. A vein of the bent RON ORE II $ runs ihrough the !brio clove by the — 7" ,Cumberland 'Vallee Railroad. . . •I'crionps" plisposicd' In "purchase 'cnn_call on the subscriber Ileum. in Allen township, S miles from lisp sipurg, or Me. 11. L. Burybolder, Innkeeper, 'Carlisle, at the.temput on the premises. JOSEPH M. CORG AS. ~."October ', FARM FOR - -SAIE.. -1911IIE subscriber will offer hir.-F/0114 aric - ancra-naivirucp--.....-...,....-............-...,:0;12 bure,for ank:; . en WEDNESDAY Mb 25th day of e Npriber neit; at - I (Mock. P. M., pn the: prei .s. ~,- J . For further particulars es a hand bi a the tuitions public houses in the county. . • DAVID MM-lON. . Shippensburg, Sept. 30, 1846.—tit. FOR SALE. VERY CHEAP. ' - 11 - WILL sell en very Cnotistato . , :to _ lit i terms, three BRICK DW.Ei r .1;4 LING HOUSES., They ; are near.•':%;: ly new, substantially built; pp -..,...;,.... wit finished, A number of nett nee a , n.,w going up in the neig .0, , , ti, which le I hotnost itleasai.t .t I the town. Palments ma .d ea - iFy: elisutEs OG1LBY: - , Annual:), 184.3 . • • P. B.—One et the honks will be rented cheap. Possession given immediately, viler ; deceased - - HOUSE AND° LOT FOR SALE OR F ENT: W Nil to sell al Prilatesine the hotise I and Int owned and occupied by Mrs. , cath.rino Creighton, In WeSt Loonier' ; SrreOl, or to rent it for ono year from the Ist of April next. For terms, which can be made ac commodating, apply lo WM: D. SEYMOUR,. Agent fur the owner. Carlisle; Nohmbcr 18; 1846, • Ait i IIE'BRICK DWELLING on Weal I' Bide of South Hanover erect. L. v ... find noit do'or to HoVert'a Hotel , n al mine, in the oceurfaney of Mr. 11. S. Rittor. ' ALSO-7103 FRAME OF. • FILE; u le* do raso lb f urobr H u. tel, now io Ow occupancy of J. W. fiendel. Poiscipio,4 given on thu I APO. , Fur ptirtimulari enquire of M.. P. EGE. Carnal°, November 9;1896: SALE OR ..11E11TT. E inivste•,- j_ sale, 'Oi,•retif,frotoi-tlie iefinervA:pril.. •0II; next, the - DWEIAANO"qin'e syogE , •ROOM, nqiit OCeopfed , ta the cornie fi f the Plilitii;,F.4ptire.= 'in this borough', end litigwit'iteiOne of the' best stands Ter tinniness in , the b'eriaigh . :: a entail Dwellink„liotisi, 'e . bove./ ,Apply te _the. sttbseritnir Isteit __Mlthiletee township. • ni , Noielebet It, , . , • • • . Very Siiperlatlugars: LIP litglistrOci;an ' .[ flllest'ortilny 4,f POlverizoll (4'cdioBi Cilitetied ifittO: Outpy - lloub le • Lcitir of vtiilfolif,4lljitlitieK 13 ' cent% . Loif Oeff *; -- Iro=ifla'ot.'it;lth - :si'tioemiSortni - ent - of ; lia:..ksellioi‘OliOspil R 4441 Oefilaiiir pot • . -•' ),,, Bootpi . .l3haea Ittarogpis, - .. AirlSV•:recolied 'iCfresli : saaoitinaitk of Mao a , d 00- : . -. P.. P . Y i ' • CA lf . .'1r , ,! 1 0 , . 0 16 i.i lf : 4; , 4 di° c; Kic;ant.soretnat'.Slipacii; I Vbie s i';;00,011101401 Glint Kid,Booisi : bias* ao4fcoo9olore4:„. 4130,1fid, 1 , .t . 'slOrniani:tiaings, .% t. igP.: ..; For Sala n4Glosalsikretaij, at ibe JOisoaoFlocr... ''all: 't - IPOI*IrIC WS. lilt° ti ,, ii II - ===ll tt3e 2 trbfl c22,cb:M23gkze VOA RENT. :IECONri-ARRIOLT • MaiROMMI ytrcllaiit` , U. f . -.'. .11E-7P-11-A.' ,3, ~ -.----,., 1 s i • i. :4 ;F i i - '!:fiir4li';rlo . .csk,. , ;, - . - . -. :A) ":. p:I.•11 4 ,rII•AMs - TIN: ,V:5 , ! ( L. , , , ,14.1F1Tk1., , i, ,Illii, lip,coro,oftst - - A hst, '(',,er.„, . l eo,ketry,instmled ..1/rOt.. mjitlottlp. - .- -- - rea lo lly l.o tmer ll aist e O s r t te lk rn .7: e d y0,111,f04, r 1 t htlo Ylls9lF tit 9tkYe t 1 9•1n•".1 Y, •distressiii; corn4igant,,thePilos,Fsotropered toifirtnericanpii.'„. iii. . - , p ie '. '.'ThC P l NMary'coefainsAi Mitie:aMedicio . e; 'nor Alms; Colocycisk,Gtroboko,,Olpt. powbrr . 4f41-4b * l- Irritatisig - purgativer., — Ntrre , or A irik iwi - , - .7 - , - , - ,; ; ;T - i . euhl its,lge untleritalrullaiticqi_no-sliauge:io-diet'H-- neeciasityy7,, Ipiikeir. according : to: directitxf,ft ~ cure for,llfo is 4nailtede r ed,,,, f. . -,) '.- ,' - :,: i .;,:;:,_-‘,., •',, - • Another' Certi t i iittp,addeil,tcirtichnodii.MlN-that -:' - twee alresTili-ficeu reeeivel,er,t4',eflleritty a Dr. s Uphaio'a HlCerumz, .. •-- --- - -••• ' ' . . • , • Nine Yoits, Augustl2;lB46.. messe s , Nl'siot &. getclitunr,,Gentsr I, er:seve r ~ `*al years past thavo been.trotibird withoilles, it . very etlati,vu,statoul toy .comp) tint: not beitg sit .. severona to disable me from loisiness,and a dread. e I :had. ,of idlysicions.7lllll patent Medicines, that until Met spring I, never used nay. mediaino pr applied to a physician for relief. The Piles then being en severe Mat I allowed several uperat qua tti be performed. v.iitheut any benefit. betel-min- ' ed alter this to try othir trieses I rend an ailver 7 titement of - u,rure, guaranteed by the use of Dr. Uplinni's,Sividiiry. I purcliased three 'boxes at your stove, end from die. use of^ wisieti I Gam,) . tcysel I entirely cured of tbeill!es, health Intirli improved. 1 remain, Sit s..vour much in.: delited frieml. . • -it 11 : . 40 , 1iplslit i f, itlerelnint Tailor,l94..Droadon):, iiiistatrs. Dr. A. Upham, Proprietor, ~., 11',i-iii^r tic Kr:reifies, I'2l .-I , iiiten street, New York ,A;enitriil Agelits fee the &millet irStutes.' ~,,ri Sold in (.larlitzle, Ity.S.AIWEL FILLIOTT, 11114 . Ibliggistagenerally throughout thti United States: - ['vire $l. t ,- • . ,” - November 11, 18 , Id. - - . • - . . ANCES SARSAPARILLA, or BLOOD . 'PILLS.; FIFTY . pILLS IN A BON ! no Cherident and beat, Medieilm in oxis tenon ! Every pillion who le, Aqijcpi.,.p? Bill.. ous Fever, nhould purify_ their ,blood and ays., tem by. using at box of the ~.. .. . " OARSArkARRILLA, OR BLOOD PILLSI Persons afflicted With costivenesn, should try /I.4.IVCE'S S.ARS.4II...I.RILLA OR BLOOD PILLS:. ~ ng ladies 'add gentlemen troubled, u ail Effj Pimples .it. the face, thould try the ARSAP.4I?ILL.4 OR BLOOD - PILLS.. inging in the Earp relieeed by the lianceg .S'arsaparilla or-Bloorl-PillEr arowsinois-Intl-6cneril-pobility-Osit-d 1)0 Ice -- fiances ;Sin 362)i - friths or Blo'od Pills! Ilt:r Pernoon, Cm have, Mimi' conslderabln poiiions,orrffercuryi, and in Coosequence..linva pains in the bones, should use treaty the . littnte's Sarsoptiii7lll4. - Blriod Pills Persons inAirint ofa Pill . that is Purely Vegetable, and is warranted not to contain pinkie of meibury, should use the , , • • gdrsapetrilla or Blood Pills: o canine for sale by SETII lIANCE, BaltiniorerSticet, Baltimore, and by • .F., Maithsrsv, Carlisle % S. L. I.u.rmshr, Newberry.. A. Ricumins,,&l44.piainfiatd . . W. 13iikrtr, Druggist, Newville. Ilsztar, Druggist- Shippentbart _ - 1170 1 1 1 10 E. A T hie toilOt phone! CO , lrt, began, on , Tuns.;-- day the 18th day I ti4U; did holden at Caillifte f led Cumberland county,•be 7 foie the 116i1. Samuel Ilepburn„Esit., Presi dent, and John Stuart and T. C. 31V,.Esqra. Ass to_ 'hikes, dte.Ohe..dollorin oceed-- - - inks were lied, to 50 • o In the case of the writ ofpartitien and vale. ation on the roil estate of .Aenoid ,11011gliprer, • deceased, the rule .on thitafritityind.lic;nblis in terested to .iilfppar InlopW.quirt,..on thife 9 :lBth of August, 1841 i; an abrupt kimfine t o adopt. said real relate I,lli valuation, having been , returned served by, the, Sher BF, personally and by, publication . as directed_hy _the Court v and, - IYdremilitalir'dpfriroTfit . appearing to accept of Syj~,aa .. o+eUep real estate ift thavaluntion: Now to wit: 1.801 August; 1846, on motion of 'Mr. Biddle, Rule on „the hells and persons intercered• la 41160 eigralori thol dik'of next stated Orphrins' Court, to 'wit. 15th of December, I 8 16, why the said real estate shall hot be sold. . BY THE COURT. • , Cumberland County, ss. • •. .0.,,, 4 ,. i certify that the aborn is st true ii,-,, cop y of a Rule on the Heirs and liegul .RcproSpntaiivea.-of Arnold ' if J . A.i, ficffletiian;,dcboascii: Witness rny; 4; as , 0 , Vitnd rind scot; the dth day ofi§cp. a` tcrriber r i94.4, q. ...,,Pi 3. GOODYEAR, Jr. Rccc;rdei. ". - ' I4ove'" uci 4;1846.' . IN tho case of the writ Offertitieriand:Yal. nation on .the.real ObtilteolJo l / 1 11aillhide.'- ' ceased: .New t 4 wit: :18th of •Auguat,;•lB46) . On might) ofNir;Viddle, Rulo on Mein:ire eine persona interested, to appear on the latday or tho next stated Orphans' 'Court, to wit: tho 15ih rif December next, and accept or refuse td accept the said real estate pt ;he valuation. BY THE•OI/fiT: • • Cunzberlanti Coiellty' 4 •43."!" • '• • •' e. 0., Ice o rt r a ily, - t L 9n;s!PT . Lioirpp An, ": • t gat. itcpreacetattires ofJt 1.14 , 4 1 • ;( rturix d •10 , .. 4 • eocased• Witnere4op , and . ,the,rige.l. ofibtrOrpltanal; Court, at Carlisle,' the 25th day of: . Augeet..lB46. J. 9t,ODY EAR. Jr. ele;r4: November 1,) 1846 ' -•• • • , . . N . 011 =4 :. ~ .o c; • i - :•:;'''• •'.,• • : • , —1,661.000 r • lc 0 Funeral' ex fu. mica o , „ . Z s . , n ut c r . Ar re,... Llll Ito liuorreq,lterpirtgkorikg i,o g or 0 . ILef trout a Justipe or lie-rage • . 1, 'o r ; 4 i Oat, Ikt . e robe; at or before ., itte, .Fun 41. , iir. 9..rn ~,... _ ttie holt ililliiil ha poor ; a' ltipt! , , fh - t i ,.. 0 1, 0 4,, ,i,, 1 ho bny.thyfrAvber• - •," 1„,It 4,4.-qo:44po,tro-,- ,1 4. w kit po paii; ;iv uottrA -s. ,- 4,y s ir,: , .. . ':` . • ~,,, Order' fikdovoulo,ottkte Mr •Zl it ' :' t'ff:,,,•404414".1. . ' r it o A ' Mit I‘' n 'ill fiY • ~ A . U.DOeflit l rk.j."' i -:-- ' • A .. 1 3 , -'- 1 -; -. — E ..,. 6 , A.,... re ,,, .g.0p,,, ' - ' 146:) %.1-lER ' f / ..) ' '' '. :•''.;.i, ...;1.r. , 1"'t 1 'l4" ieniliei' it 084 . 6 . ; ',', „., , ...„„t . .,,,.,,, - ..!.,„ 1 ,,, , i •:„ 0, . state argidia, doe d. , o'ripEje berilbp.gtyptl.7,that,lotterajeo..„ taotentary on .the eatnto,n i f ,la4ob art, bite df the - borough of 'Netiviilliqdneeireett; helve been granted to thibenbacriber, residing, milli( same borough: .. ,611;10,1*Ipo'frithibted to • the - estate of eatd doOsteed tiVleV4, llol 4. 4 kfr payrnent 'ltud; 7 :l 04, iniringz. - clams will . preeent'thentA j oihtfikbieril¢# for 'eepletnenl: •-' • •not:2 7f,e;.,;=.1"::::. of Paiinoriblf • oTrcE givetilhWtlfes,eptortt „.., I •=l‘,.',liership_tffinttOrKeto..Ctiot ,Intg u es subl,crltisto,l4l4fik.',l4l4Resik_o_Erriptilipind;___ Curii4iCls,ll4dily,disimaired.letin 'int- • !•• ,AI3OIII,BATitIARICKE:R, • • ' • ~.141,C011;;;Ilt:11,1r.Egsz''' buripe,e; ,bald Bricker, at the'littl.iimid; • * " ';EgKikoeZitglt‘ :,,t;:eac:ptWroli%)..t ! (Ire,to Ito] ti tot:Of. ttio tub'sortbei, Mt. At. Savor Sprlotownettly land 'etoolty,titic; miles ',from .Co - rlisle Mec.haniejlbulvoi.lllloWN (.:41101RW,ottith ,st r ipo *mu The; bitter , 40tired , t0' , Or Como roxytitrk pto,t,o promrtyppoi, ohitotter4l l ` 44 take' her nwstner:Fluth,46 t • to law "" '4lqtytt''' M B US= ~": ~" -,.