Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 25, 1846, Image 2

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_ cBar . ~~z~a pA.
Durlteddeed Terms-: •
The. ITerelil end Expositor it now offrWeil In subscri- ,
boas of ONE DOI.LAR AND rIFTV. CENTf,ltt yenr.
btu only when_geidIN.JADTANC.E. ' Two dollars if
not paid in ettennye. We beg nor friends to remember
that what wit mean bylutying in advance is paying at
the time of or et the beginning or, a' new
year. , We hope to itinillnona 'mean or ungenerous
enough to oak for fitrit.' the:reduced terms, Tiler grey
have leflheleinibeeripflone Ain sevirnt nebular over
the tinte:aMOl,lteral&lit'arow , the ,, cheapestratter" in
ib COntirtkinifilliiiiiislies - tis Much rOOSting Metter no
a ny,catir.; aultseriherri is for incrg n skto g,
rondersit a prrilliablealiVertising '
, . .
Pit NTINt of Wvery description executed with
the.utinost neatness and el Iltr. lowest prices, with
now nod fashlonnlite type. - life tintroinun of our
friends rehpeelfully solicited.
persons hay in a bills agsinet - students of the (*id
lege- will please .11 in the ollirek of the .resnerlive
Profenninarhn are their lia . trons, on the seron'd Stith r
',day of each ninnth; between the hours of 'll and /I'2 A. -
11k. Traildsnien and others are also reminder( that no
billiesintraeled by miner, without an order frotn his
to ef any .ratiollty.
nonutec Emouv, Premdent. .
NOT. 12, IS4B,
Whig .Standing Comm Wee.,;:.
The members of the Whig Standing Com
mittee of Cumberland eounty,•aro.requested
to meet. at the house.of.•llenry Rhoads, in
Carlisle,on SATCRPAN the t9th of Novem
ber; at f 2 o'clock, P 16.1.f0r the purpose of ON
ganizing the. Committee, and appointing a
County Convention for the election •of one
Senatorial .and IIVO ;Representative. Delegates
to the-Whig State Convention. which meets
at Harrisburg. on the 4th of March , neat, to
nominate a candidate for Goverror. Punctual
attendance Of the Committee is requested. .
- For the. information of oar friends '
republish the names of the Committee, viz :
`Jacob Rheemand Robeti-MoCartney T orar--
lisle,;_.George E. llolsler, of Allen; Wm. P•
Hugheit, Cumberland ; J. D [lamp.
don, of Silver Spring; George Sherbahn, of
DaMpden ; Riehatd Parker, of N. Middleton;
Wrn.' C. Hooser, of Aleelianiesborg; John
flaiitian;_of Dickinson; Dr. Wm. Sturgis,; of
Shippensburg ; Benjamin Snodgrnss, of Ship
penOurg fp.; Geo. W. Singizer, of Monroe;
Hugh B. MeCune t of Newton; Robett,Givnt.
_ .
of S. Middleton; A. L. Coyle:, of Newville
" Samuel L. Sentman of Hopewell;' John Sour
beck, of E. Penniaoro' ; Charles W. Weaver
of West. Penneboro' %V, E. Leekey, of
Frankford ; Col. IL- B. Rana', of South
• ampton ; Gedrge Knettle x of :Mifflin;. and
John Greniori of Big Spring.
The yeller/31de - John Quincy Adams has
had an iittaeliVef-paralysis, which seriously
threatened his We, but at the !art accounts
was tapidly recoveOng. _
• pty- We judge.from the.giiings-out of the
Wiehtfigion correspondent ol the Ledger, that
President Polk - seriously dreads an impeach
ment for his course in relation to. the Mexi
can War.
It is stated somewhat authoritatively that
he President's ISlesEag,e will recommend the
axation of Tea and Coltee, meet.the
expenses'of the war. A duty of tea per cent
would raise over 5.1,000,000.
Mr. The Hughes Family, a party of de.
lightfill Vocal' and Instruniemal
gave, a Concert lavt._, evening, and as usual
drew a ew3ed noose. The Conceit" will
be repeated to.atebt in Education Hall:
"_„New Orleariit - - paper-iblulca-thattSanta
Annais aytivine ef thrive
i'o9o aiatiO r Oiriiio4o4l l
- y.. r a auppurrence;•anc
tt dialincition*the . British GavernMents .
111a~'Le so • .
1)::)- The official account of the American s
lolled and wouiniektelortterey, as rendere a
bq qen. Taylor, givenlbe number 490, all
"Amptidia's report $f . the Mexicans is,
5 officersand 117 men killed ; 23 officers
and 221 men woupcl ad. A sad story.
Councils of Philadelphia having_ passed the
resolution subscribing S3 : 000,000 of mock,
next question , is .10 determine, theyoge of the
road. The Pittsburg puyersarci urging.the
. adoption of the, Setelteltqabute, via .• the
iiinl errand Valley,,Bed . fej-d ; &c, and m that
cave - the-Eitteburgheris prolnise their hearty
•e`o4giittelicinin the great Work Meantinrie
thelkultihrrennis about 3iet
intisinAite eereeletion: ihe
IturPhiladeiphia , ccirnoarsy should
illerefek*lePOlte'.9CutheTif Ithe
— d. 6 4,A (. 010 43 a ,: 114,4 1 ! 1 . 4 4 -1
. 9, ,hopes-oft 46
BallinketeAvtit'eu ebeWietely blasted.'
" Ott- The locafne'ci - fotiiialii`iti their' entica
vcf,:iie'neentint for thedtifeltof Goy:Wright,
af:thil!hiip,"Eiltictin in New York, charge Gov .
tand,thtitk . he'eourted•Lind•foundlavor with ev.
• NoW if tine' is tree-,Thich.. the whigs*
. 4e..nnkneetp ptepnteti to,titpit 7:
we tthcittittlike •itnow •whci . the, same abeli:
tianiiitakAinti-Nnte**e.r•&J.,Noted t4ot• in
-1841, when Slits . Ttriiihf'wa..i eliefeif b.-
•,;; ,;
*3V:lthipqtor, of;
' a shpt the ot 4,PietlY Peace
__ • %liar lilesicaortissf var.ishect, even .the
4 11hatiink;:iieattini we'suppose'the
3 4 14 , 61 44 1 ,0 118 lifieriaAce G en t'
in c lliOtrstite!jeateery
4 1 ;56 1 T.1 4 8 4 '444; 5 1'40.64.1'.
L,--- cpunki** l *.l444ol4ll‘l,lll,ll - 41Tiodrkpertor- ,
ni,; , 0200:410 ti!***Ptoitik 6itteetinii.o 1
2111*:)11:10iti Ittlcooo4ll°44:ifl
11; 1 441i / 1ff -
',7evAitimisiffipieto 114'14 f !Al
T.. Wittin,Fis ot:patibory,.49),
mated ihe loooktoop i foffiC9colfpor of
" Con,
11 ONIVM , A4 4 1 1 40.trOialc , Onh° 'OK
aniteithrterinohnhmonateitetytipeeef i e
. e
Ornii *"YF . : l Kied o fi ra
, t
Oar epittiniworctries , ef the Philadelphia
•IN9I, 'A I.'„Oicitii7 Ave thinit_lrMe dutieg of
- nip ,
14 . , = . fgiti!l - o....exhctly,in.l iO_liirlb - taing_piThr
c.. 4
ragrap :,,
.., ..`-.4, 1 1 , , , :1git L 4: „ o fii
: 1 11.A. Sli
~ ressingt'a ytreltillv nnetkey
qtrriprackeftble oVinerelilexperi i l tal FA\
- ' 43- of — I —ltuoe' fruttclug,. 1
aS'Aig c 64 ISialf %vithevitatrerrient."; l
of business—a liberal adjustment of all ques
tions involving i thefinatintal- interests.olthe 1
Staie,4air . play,
opponents, and
ttraiolo-lorwar4.l manliness in the .assertictr
and =int:finance of otii own piniciple - g
these will he the . eltanteteristies of the major
ity in the next legiAature. , and their action.
1 dm osliye cannot but i e..sult in advantage to.the
CUM munity.
A gre:m evil of thiS conntry js over..loo4f
tiran: Our statute-booker are Inirdened'eve:Yy
where with nxeless,qiiivolcllkand absaird e
nactments, which are :Eminently contradicto
ry and ‘roocarriowally irmxplicabler In gm own
'statettris'ovil existrs to a serious degree, and,pmd rinsehrevous etaiserwee
ces. flereafter we hoiM to see means adop 7
ied to - feniedy — this grievance; we are confi
dent the Whigs, now they have the power,
will indicate a corns° for the Mime hie.ll
cannot lightly be departed irom..- •._
'We have heard it intimated' that in ..the
choice of officers for the senate and use,
motives. independent of the actual melts of
the candidates, may be urged why: emtain in
divilluals should be either preferred or,rejec
ted. We ,nst this will not be the case.--L
We trust that the Whigs members' of bath.
branches trlll remember that the fate of the
patty is to some extent in their hands, and
'that all 'personal feelings and attachments
must yield to the general gond. .
_ 'Meloßowing .is the requisition fot• nine
additiOnal Regiment of Volunteers, - issued
from the War Department. One Regiment
from Pennsylvania, to rendezvous at Pitts
burg ; one front Louisiana, at New Orleans :
one from Mississippi, at Vicksburg; one from
South nuolinit, at Chalks - ton; one. from
North Carolina, at 'Wilmilgton one ham
Virginia at Guyilotte; one from New Volk,
at city of New Voik ; one Irom lassachusetts
at Boston . ; one from Texas. The whole
requisition will amount to from 6,500 to 7000
men, who are to serve datirng•the war,
The Adjutant General of Pennsylvania has
issued the.general order at the Cotrtmander
in.Cldeli"- for one Infantry itesHmen .
Volunteers, to envist44 ten comphnier. ) lobe
reported within tfrodays after the reception
Of the order. Tlre:first ceinpatty reported at -
Harrisburg, will be first accepted. -Eighty
privates aic required for a company ; but the
o(ler of a company with sixty..-four
. privates
will be reeeiv.d: The'cortipaniesare.Wanted
et tluriag the war With Mexico."
The requisition tor new troopsseems
the result' of a change of policy at Washing
ton. Its but a week or two since a letter
was published, written-by the Secretary of
.War, in which it was distinctly stated that
Gen. Taylor hatttreops.eneuglyand that no
more would be called tor. It seems to. be
understootj.however that. Gen. Taylor would
not advance 'further unless M-inforced, anti
it is probable the late news from Mexico has
alarmed our government to the necessity of
calling out additional Volunteers.: There is
do' rilciiiiilW .- now when the Wcir ma y be
• •
kt'PtiOlt,lc. , . , eq.._
q 111 r: igandroftj our -;;-,1 , 1 nW:2-MitTiktntAn.:
Veitleva-'g,itiod•• beginning, but
nbc:R:olin interests--cif—his--own- conntry,..;.—
When he atrived in Londen the British Min
istry were earnestly discussing the necessity
of calling Pailiament together for thfi pur
peskannOngsf others, of asking its sanction
rpfiffie r'iduction,of, the four shillings duty on
grain—thus fully opening the ports to the
starving, poor. But the opponents of the
session prevented it
.. befitg called, principally
by meanif-nf -the inforrOtkcirt obtained from"
Mr. Bancroft, who ,stand lutt the American
supplies of grain werelt,.:titipple tbatlhe , h;ll-
glisa povernitieni hiraxs of
obtaining sufficient for all- the- Wan's, of its
starving - population, without decreasing the
duties tifiy . further: • Mr. B. is likely to be a
valuable representative to us!
Ptiomicss or ArisExATrtix.—By the intelli
gence. from Santa Fe, on eur first 'page, it
will be seen that (len. Kearney has annexed
New Mexico to the' U. S. and that„•Com.
Stockton has dime the bawe thing by Cantor
r_nia. This is trait
_a_progrpssiieTrig,e. and a
,progressive Administration! Unconstitutional
to sigri a Riyer and Harbor Appropriation
;but the compiest of a foreign tertitely (s
fair andlegilimate! •
But wo'n't Congress have a 'word to say
'this matter`, itiirV4te tfeeple too f
r 1
- r•
• 11,.7.0iti.- „ biiii 4 ii3iiiirtieliitt'the result, of the
elections, and gitrea-his•oppron of tilt; matter
In the rollowing4----It.• ! •
" Titn'E'Llurri(iNg • in • Penniylviiiiin;'Ohici,
- 'Maryland and Delaware, huvo r res,ultert
'vor of the
,‘Vhigs:'''Froin the 'first fliamecl
Shitdrivi hoped for she is;
t-ancl,out a Tariff' Slate—she believesthat
de*eloffetneilt of all , her gretil
.the extension of her iron and caul trade • the'
'succirrie infant ;in an fdatillreS ; „and
'pop fort isii . (l,pituiperity L ef. her:whole. pepillt-':
, Jinni , . de pen cl , upo n protection:: _: Thus' bel
ii!g•-:.althoingfilirobably; scan-.
;goes befOrei every. ether ;We ,
re election Ingersoll;
in - flier 4tti
itioy,,he»4 aff,)ry-bit Onifessioni,..ihil , a
Cho . reirectsq, no ,cret)itl nEtiutli4e2dogriocT4tic !!
WI. 1,6:
ig7;P ; erY Vqok: ' ,W,e - 1J 1 , 4 Yei;4",14C40 3 T: 1,, i1i
adding seviiiitryo - w - iiiifoi - ,EO -- * - eiiutki,e7s i i•T
fpf i Si.;;liorOzt;!Pl
I t;b ii!Sri,gt o
vilsoliklaSo l ,tftrilitYki , ViiiiCl4theY &TM,
SVet'atial) ingleivintififritiojensir ,
imvornotak! 4 4e cPwOI
hiedroittottkikkerll. ? yz* , ;,
• s •. •
"s't r3E , it. t In ritils4,i4
)inted-P-r44lilooo* 44 - t v bi
) 0 w re. o ' ouif
• 3 1iiikiit1 5 4 1 i g #4 , 0,4 ikf
1- 0:00ito 4l4'''',lo74.*` '
;, ,,, .+.‘.; , z.l'
The NoittiiA;erteau-tru y, Says; .. 4is -, tm -- • ...., .-. ;i,: _,.:- . .. 4
lssl6,tekt - tWiitilii - ,014ee, tie nelitiri'rern - ;i,... - .i. , -. -- • - 7 --- ,i77:.... %
.. . ~*
- . .- • r ..,,, 11 471,
Fout lee rfi;:stfitbD: -;tltrgestifyiSi form orrO6 " 1
(ibeAgt4..4•ll:o_ , Eg:o4:o);fiyo; %nu-
eyipta l akilarp*li i irilalMO:' .l * ( 4o4it
-,, ' ,, ql :' ..1, 117 , '.',7“ . Win:lW; A.
, tqaillifygpp,fm,,9lP.FiYA)P,,PlP, l l ? ,Pasigion4-,,
1ivi,iiiii:4;,..**v.4,611.4 - 4 . 64 . 1:5: - .6oiiiiya
Maine, the drily northern state - li , bich:hris net
Thanis i ojim , g Int he sth of DeCember. - . •
''erietite opl);i:Jcii 2 api;iiip iiete 2 reivieiS" ; tind
the'atotifs'stqiitheri)acesi:if biteiness v elesed>
t'ait , ,i3eabiy tetOfSpixiintmenf ef tlie GevTrn ie,
11,1 k,,, of?feignee,,Of,..lit,e,4 ‘ ey
.vifl. Wp tip*: he.
RueliOshag:er ince - tho heart-felt,giatitude of
a people i‘lto duly appreciate the iaestimable.
blessings Aviticlt have been vouchsafed .to us
by the' Al 'mot y .Ruler of N mime '
, .. .
Mexmo r
, y_e ? - ,, ,;r ~,z ia _t ‘tilif- of
~.,•.' , j ,,u 1:, - -,, ri .Mexico hnt Santa
'• na 11S rii' sat erect iiito the 'corpse,
.. n a to,i, 1 . 4 p erect and full of
M to
1 .11
ri l ..
” -
fia .. . • a 'fat-. • a -finde the millions de-,
,in t rin , t . .lelluo‘alf fcat'''' 'iii,'•,:•,Sallta 4112a"ta-:
nites,thelfyoph:674 i iiiieS'Alinan \•,vith - tliit'
'their fatheiland in the chivalric dayi of old
'SpltittiSanta , Aitnltgathrirsorrosi•dispiplineri
', - ,inl - aiiiits io ih>67, - .. - iiiiiiff:ritaitirial - il,kt limit
•it•w v as supposed the exhausted energies of the.
country .could: in any exigency, mn •ster
•• .! . . •••• I Anna is the teak.
VIM'S' Simla Anti:cant] lierretttrieite
in our ptch of victory?: lje isthe con flilen
dential agent, messenger and representative
of President Polk.' But a few months since
he was a nameless, pliverless exile . from
'aeiico. He could nut reacii that country;
for-it waslieleagpered. by. our navy. !•10% . ,
then, did he rerich lie was Scut thither
by ,Mr. Polk. The President's ,passpert
pencil the blockade to his triumph : al eltry..
and ushered him into his piesent, career 'of
opposition to the armies of our country'. Polk
sent bin' to Alex ico; Pblk appointed him gen
eral of the, Mexican army; and he lioltls
Polk's commission in leading on his ten thou.
sands =inst. our broth' en. ' Every,Amerkrin
whom he.destroys is a martyr to, Polk's pttli..
cy ; every injury which he inflicts upon the
soldiers of our cou ntry is su ff ered under Polks'
authority. •• Thus, it will be seen that this is
not merely. the President's ‘var, one corn.
maned by an usurpation of imperial power,
but a war hr which, through his tepresenta-.
Lives, he leads both the panics, and fights,
at the same time, for and against his countr
English News.
~ The steamers Great Western and Acadia
have both arrived since our Nat. The news
is not of very' great importance. There has
been a decline of two Bi llings in the price of.
Hoot. The news of the capture of Monterey
had reached England:, the ellect a•as electric,
and produced the utmost astonishment iu
some quarters. •
Ireland appears tQbe,in a most depforable
situation, The county of Tipperar)': is almost
111 a slate r.f 'insurrection. A few dayssinee
it was our painful-duty to notice the murder
of a man named Gleeson in that counti.—
Another,man-.-named ) :SVilliams -has-shared
the sanle.fate.
The town -of Templerrore was the scene
th-ee food riots on Monday, by a -mai
varying -from 100 to ,500 mew. Tho worst
features in this transaction 'is that several' of
the persons engaged in it might have. Enid
enaployinent, though to a very limited ex
lent; on - the - public works. but they wele - pre ,.
vlttited trona- availing themselvps-•of it-hy
int int ;dation. The rage for the•posse . ssion
firearms is increasing daily. An attack upon_
the Very Reverend Dean DOltneti, whilst
! fishing, by awarned gang, Bight in number ;
was in some measure sueeesstul.Jow the
same evening the houiti3"ol ' a farniet_in the
farish Orri,olass was : burglty.ioqy ente'reti
by three ruf fi ans arfnetil With APlStols who
envied-off 10!. 15s. Ner_baise the depre,lit
tors spared even ;heir Milt Clergy, • The .
reoidetwe of the Rev...114k, Meylah, Pa-;
rish Priest of Castledori;Wra, Was visited
on Friday last by a lawlesti path., Avltiith
deliberately forced the keys frorp his pecket,,
uttlockeehlaq(lekk, and seized on7l/ailli
which tbePacarriped. ,
fn - flTSraftWii - Diiigien,7l;
mor's nen - CW0440 tif.-76
(lay, an .
,tfie:, - Caac,,ti'itiAK • .:lag
sents at .thist re.ontent the appearance of a
slumbering volcano.
OUP STATE SENATE. -The Philadelphia In
quirer slates, that net only have the %Vhigs of
Pennsylvania, at' the late election, secured a
majority in the Stale Legislature, but they
have, besides, secured a majority of Whigs in
the State Senate for. three year, to come: This
the Inquirer shims by a statement of facts
and 'moral certainties *lnch lead directly to
this concluSion.
THE ClarloP . or Lorthos AND TUE
A I.I.IANCE.—We learn from the
Chuichronn that;ln the late charge' of the
Bishop of London, 11 . the credit
of good intention • to:-The, preinotela of the
Evangelical Alliance, he expressed his strong
disapproval of In speaking of the die
ger of using•Romish bockj of devotion and
llomanizing generally, «Ito thought it best
that those who'were iu fltet Romanists should
go over to that Church at
. once rather than
;remain in the English Church and try ken.
much-ltom 4 inianiAliey-couldAndulge'in-with
Out'leaving it."'
(.I'r The: yontsville lournal, in speaklog
of the Locofoco speculations ttbant the Whig
candidate for President, holds thpj'ollowing
language : The tijoofoeos need tibt trouble
ihelosefres about our candhlata:;for
the pre
eidency. We are very certain thatinr. clay:
yip not be cantlidtite unless the country shall
call en hire; by, , 40110440::
Be :116. Lepefecoo; 'Ailiert
shall arrive; LAlle ,Whig ;candidates -will: be
rstaly-atul rough, too, perhaps: • .
perlThe 4 Nilvtl'oik lettrn's
`llTasliingtoir that Senator 13eqton has giyen itr
- , 1 )! 5 1 a ,d!T 51 .9;1, 0--1 1,VVI t ti.1 11 ,„ia t Vii 1 !e
Pout. - Colcittel.r .t, !shall lie
''." r' •
The"oi,;ieialreturns:b elec( io6 in Del
ntnyre !`how-UuCT1FT),,,(1..1;F:),,1P,....1"Pte4
,Governor 15Y . 1,3 b -map rity, d
"ielet4iberof Congreee, by 11 majority,,' , : he•
Whigs t1at4: 1 , 1 0 0 6 , .45tk1 .. peiiiiii bath hetittii
t nillyilhe in, o f !kith aen or
the T.elegrdpli Ctirripnny
;eci.Jettett9kat !heist. 'elarrpniel , in , ll:tetinting
thii4i ti ptiiinkiine? l )v ill tidintiti
l~auPyr,=l F a'll
71 6.. "•.'.
:4 , 4 144 - 0 2 4Phliii:j!.. 0 1..c . ellY,a 0 ,,ii, .4WI
B +4 4 o' , e 4 o4`. l :liVto)(ler
s n 'yll'i44;legi4ll , ttrett*/sBtintliklrofifONtkittilf
li+4 •sf 4, l• o + - '••• - a"'. 47,:; •
• ME04 1 4:01 , 11i.
'Tit r.-1104tnATs:!-71iMilkiiivialg.tlay Is to.
mairrnivarOl'ihe initiortenhles of the - little
loge. will not leaye the older Alen ofcorn
menilyJong;unnmindfgl of the factiltat-Chriit.
melee is" very near. Thanksgiving, it is
understood, is riot to-be followed by fasting,
'and people will therele're ba.astir to-slay' iii
looking optibt the good things which-grate
ful hearts will know how to appreciate to
morrow. Our advertising columns are a rea
dy index to all who wish to know_ Where
the choice delicacies•whieh .holiday 'ap
petite. demands may he had.
We'hever saw our Fancy Stores present a,
richer and more tempting display then they
do this full. Dr Myers announces his firicy,
stock ‘ 4 luller than everc" of all that can please
and instruct, — Our friend Ilaverstick's Store
is a perfect " wilderness tif 'sweets.," 'Mr.
Monyer proclaims that his establishment is
.risskingle's De7ot, and Mthiug 'else ; our
friend Mehaffey has an eleg a nt display of
fancy articles and. toilette fragrancies, and
INlr.,,Vlliott has numberless articles which are
a tied more pleasant and palatable than his
drugs. In the way of delicious cakes and
sweetmeats, we know tlial Miss Moore, Mrs.
Weakley and Mrs. Halbert ; (although have
not antounced In- our advertising coMmns)
have taxed all their skill in getting up the
very choicest confections at their eitablisle
ments for the luxurious taste of the holidays.
Haan ; for the merry Christmas times !
Oz:7-Capt. Crop's company of lillardrY is
endeavoring to enrol Voluilteers.for_Mexico.
It'hore is the old spirit which animated Car
lisle in the last wail
Cttr7 . . Capt„llunter's Company •of - Light
Artillerists paraded on Saturda7 lust, with
..bout thirty muskets, The new uniform of
theeerniiany-made a striking display. -After
marching theatre - 01 . i the coiiiptiny pet formed.
varions evolnAcins in the ft7pittre, which
eVirced.consideral;le proficiency in discipline
• During the afternoon the company procee
ded a short' distance from town for the exei•-
cfse of target firing, at which we leap the
shooting was very good. The ptives f Were
two silver medals, the first of which Was 14 7
ketki.iy private SimetStitith, and the second
Sergl. James Gray.
• J
Av piniintriAN Untog.,,ln_furtharance.ol the
„Patiz;object of , the Evangelical Alfiencii,:'
,0 - litch was foul - led by the World's Canyon
-"'r'!--'!:`Ttsittliirf f tl n i l e i-fr religious r' ( 4° .le into in
i nt u ic7 t o f a
this st
34 05 . tog . h - tlifited in partaking ocithe ~ord's
;upper, on Sabbath alterniion lase in - the firid
Viliky,forltin Church, The spectacle was
delKi'pleinn, and besides the large body
of compnicants who occupied, the entire
floor of Ore olturch,ilieg - iiTle - e'r th - rodig:
eil with spectators. The Pastor or the church,
Rev. Mr: Newlin, stated the principles which
form the ba,is of the Union, in a brief but
forcible address and subsequent .addlesse
were delivered by Rev. Robert Emory, (a'
delegate to the World's Corivention)• and
Rev. MroLillie, of the Second Presbyterian
Church'. ' , The addresses of these gentlemen
glowed wi t th eloquence and leeling in favor
of Christiau union. The remaining services. ,
connected.: with the administration of, the .
ordinance,t Wore conducted' by p , .?tr.
Ggte,:_a_the• I E. Church, Mr, Ki'emt, - Of
the Ceima t n Reformed church, and Air. Lytim :
of the Presbyterian churcy: . .
Arrangkurints are matte, we - unersiand;_
for the repetition:el thef.e menprign at stated,
periods during the. .);Ar, to be Held iii ithe'
several churches suecettpiliely. -Tlte'mOve
meet is in harmoes. ith the,b4,lldelilis of
ehristians,nd eanuot jikit J.Wproduetive - . of
. have since tOceivetl. the following
more extended notice of Ike Union:
The sacrament of tho Lord's Sapper was
administered in tho First Presbyterian Church
- of this borough, last Sabbath. afternoon. A
numher ofGospel Ministoro.tooli,pait in‘ the
,pastor of
i s h ofv e i l o til o r s c ..i i , ,r ;r a h ti e t ‘ev 4 . o l. 9 .J lv . i . N ng eN ir ‘ e l a in o. ,
'lUtions,which hq accq,napame4 with riimaKko
:iztx plata tog Oli'o,,ttotittet9Ale..pir4l3 mstances,
of 4 6 s eral cif the PastPre'Oct ,Ikl n i
tors in tllis,place, reprktioitling,thp Aiothodist,
German Reformetl;,:itlief l rgt6apd,;,§eqond
• liesothid,l ot... ; Th4t.for r , the purpose of . pry..
Lards , supperf be r titlministered-fro4i
_time,_:toAlie menibets,;9l; 'bp.- vangplical
oipeheit bopaugli r iprioin — m - 66. • =
h rviCes; Op such 9ce " l :°, I
2 , t , 11. 4 1 1 1 s foiiiid t k o fi of ,tl?6.o,iiliPiso.t7itd°_,
fituOr bi 3, "!' '34'r-10 illiP.66rarrtuni 1 i i
.the ' Chu ro „,- "''. athl,,,,roancl ! pith the o m ..
'Metered i''imei s' n 7.7 i , -.,,;t ~ ''' . ' '''' '''' '
,flal , ,
~,,, )7Y, a . 47a,pgemiTt,
,of cnu.,-
irspobilti4,9l/2!",?'?8, ' ' /?d!itytt"
~ thattln TO; nfiliylerliT:9.l‘l'"''lric :no tiPei,
11 the,FITS" lin- pill -4 44P ." :4 11,' ' lig , oikil
~, Mei s-V)iiii tis,)( '''' o l, lll9 l l °' 0 ''lylikok.
vlio-upl!Aq•t , • -. oitil . ' :Ito • .!' 4,IP Atßiiries..iii),A,
:7110'",rttiW611'1.'" . 6 , '
MI Pr7Onc'e"'tl;iii:
ivPAl?in 'ir t. ivi ll or,gillpsol, ,k A .., i,it n „ ~
n opt et t y 1 , 4 -01,4 appenmsßP,99, mei“iikt
tqlil 13,0Eieeti,:kt,a%ip'ickt:tc0:.191AI'filf"; 411
nn 91)11,C9R(ri/Wib,i49.igf,l!)9rar“tuirll: ti
',91 t,r/jll ;I" "r 4 ' 1 'Ai4l;bilNii4iktft 4f:
toumthg-444)i.0.NE.,9- '0 pon:thArii:'::::
14.91 ~..„.woulAvprevAlrlE- ..4 -, ;Their li 003'1
lliti-IMPor 'l,f 'flithOt 11giqQ4..:4 -'„i'tiniznltr,
antYAM 9 4„ll,644ly44k,rni l 4,im 4111
-was,nlrP7 pliallilkdePOK r pa)Yolfirrix
ill 1'k444 Ai, , L 4 v&Thlltirctfiffiet n .,4 P. 'frt' '
~..' .1
.140410 ''
't.,'7"L'OPT-tinT:',7.l vklice.:4l:9"ir,',
.t' ti ,nptiii".o4,tlrirrilil6inVol.
ir v r-b '. I tiliiipliqOPlT'"li': v6ololl'l.
t i l li t : it 1114110.0"P#44 7131'. 1 tiwk f nclt '1
; I nt i v . •-. , ttiii,rpo i rl, ,I. N nft .,, nor.
Ttil t , , • ORhit" Ttliii_ ft j' t° a l 1 't'cill
O ' keitii 0•9,44' litl % l o4 l F,Pilgi#o PY ., 6P A " '
silnw a „'S'Y'
,); vA 6 ,144:*: - . 0....
4."•!.0c; tt,Ardt,lll,....saliN6l,l4ll:Abltr.6,
p' 9 lll3lTettibrtstiOtlttett-111. Atom,
*lobs iii his qpiii* . tiiite:sylfic)i. • rik , • '
• Jai chrietkin union it was intplikd that no
i blie-iiertorhinatitingcsholatt-tattgate4o--itael
•thil - nurne-ancl'privilednes - OF the; :firisfieff'
cherub to the esclusionetzthers, : 1 6lntria?'
should prefer MS own,c..relfpr }ngtrtir
zatiOn, his form of . Wimp` and ,
~ tidel
baptism; but" he should` ; 4%. deny .„ I), oil
-Itthtirch,--rind-form - eFi vcffs4lp.o.r,„`lntsiltiol
- because therditekid,fro .. Phis oifk;
'The grand idea open ..whiCh tliertieted` was
preference withoia exclusion. True eh ristiuns
- Aveye - ciiie in characier: TIT - Thlialitir - o - rre
Pitlher one Divine Redeemer, one Sanctifier,
4itsie;;.•i' i dith v iontiAopepone,:destiny. , ,, , ,,Jesus,
-Christ-had-hut on crch li,Mli; - . the eli arch isr Ids
litidi , ,:aii•d-Ife . - hitalballititebodY.- In - ihit
body•tire many members. - -1, Cor. 1 :::11i 12.
These points, were illustrated v . ,,ir,briefly
cipaTi3o - nje.ootees suggested, designer th place
the' subject of Ptercomrhunion of Meyers
t ,
in its proper light. The authority for this
.cirdinatiee was-read_rcint the_ 1. Cor.-1,
Rev:Mr. Gere 'of the Methodist church, hay.
lug in imitation of- the Divine Redeemer,
blessed the bread, distributed it to the corn
mimicants. The Rev. Mr. Kremer 'of the 1
Vrerman Reformed Church, gave thanks' for
the cup. The congreg ation, united in a song '
•rd praise, read by , the,Rev: Mr. Leslie. In ,
,erecting addresses Were delivered. by, Pre : .
s.idetit Emafy of the College, and the. Rev.
Mr. Lilly tifithd Presbyterian church. Both
gentlenien ell - tressed their. .IteartY . conenr- : .
renco in this movement, nod they very
11appily, adapted their remihks to tile occasion.
These religions ser'vires tvdt,etoncluded by
a hyrhn of praiseread by , li.e . V. John Lyon)
and the •Apostlic Benediction. • . .
• The congreg Lion was very large, embra-
sing - professin.l ristians of" the several
\ .„411
evangelical communions; in this bortiiigh..— •
Every thing moved on harmoniously, with:
out the least detention or_ confusion. Thd
impression lelt upon the mind was Solemn ;
and beautifully illustrated the sentiment 'of
the l'sninast r , t u'liow good and how pleasant
it is for brethren to dwell together in Imlty,i,
COLPORTAGF.-A meeting was bell in the
. 1
ning, - for the purpose of aiding the operatiens
of the American Tract Society.` Addresses
wgrmade by Rev. Messrs. Newlin, Leslie,
(dPAgent of tifb Society) Kremer, 'Lyon,
Gere and Lillie, in which many interesting
statements were made relative to the poWer
and, spread of Evangelical troth. A Colpor
lcur e. a missionary, whose, dutrit is to
visit from house to' house in towns, villages,
and townships. conversing with people and
distributing religious books : and tracts.) it
was stated is now actively engaged in Cum
berland county,and the Society desires means
to supply one-ter every comity in the State.
Nemo' el enterprise is more justly entitletrlo
the favor and pecuniary support cif em.coni
Since writing the above notice we have
received the resolutions passed by the meet
ing. They are as follows:
Resolved: That, in the opininwof this meet
ing, the,enterprize-Of- Colportags. , .- its -earned
on underthe Aumititer it fence of the Ameri
can Tract Society, is part and parcel of Me
great missionary work, by whicli-all-Christ:
inns are at the present day endeavoring to o
bey their Master's last command. (A n i nto.
all the world and preo - fite,,gospel to every
nreature;" and, that both by its two hnndred
enlporteurs among the ignorant and destitute
ocevery-State-and-Tel ritoty of our Union, as I
-Well as hv ifs annual appropriations to the va
nous .fortfan fields. to the amount
-of 520.000
to , aid - the. issues of the mission presses in
France, Belgian], Italy, Russia, liidirt and
elsewhere—it may be recommended to the
love ofverleryChristiali anxious for the spread
of Chris Kingdom and the salvation of
Resolved: That in view of the fact that the
Geuriampopulation °root country is already
numbered at 2,000,000 of souls, and many w
thousands - are elcomeddo oqr Ames - 4very,
year, we view with grateful and cordial ap
probation, and- desire to assist, the efforts of
the American Tract Society, to Supply, by
means of its numerous German, colporteurs
with religious rending in their own tongue;
and to meet with tracts and books and per
sonal efforts those who debark upon our mast.
We especiaDy greet with 'satisfaction the in
tention expressed by th's Society, to commis
sion at least one colporteur, who can speak
both languages, for every county in our State
that has a German population large enough
to make it needful.
Revoked: That the Church of Gqd. in tr.~r
beloved land,,alarmed by Papal immigration
from abroad, and growing Papal enemy at
home:-does well Pi, follow the example of
the'lh:otestatit church in France, and preach,
113iher. ‘• Convened. catholic" colporteurs.
Christ .
'unified .when anti-christian influence
-moat-prevails--f we view, with.grati.
tuqci to, God; the suceess that in many places
.has already hipped their labors.
The efforts of the American Tract Society '
ilaye been' greatly blessed during the last.
year; tlreir 22(1 Annual Report declaring f 60,.
4000 farnihes to have bciiO . -lAgitel - 0,77 3 06Q"
volumes sold, and 51,000gi the,
destitute, by, the ageocy, of itsourperous Col:.
- porteurs; -- They - d:strihated72-AQ0,090-pages;.
of tinots, and found aboutrtne'fitifiith:theTarit'
'dies visited destitute of all reliiionSreurliO. ,
The receipts for the year amounted to 6153 i
0ver.570,500 of which ecoived :in
the shepe - 014ccertfiopsj and , ofthis $,;(0bo
wer*.e..l:thinmcpa;* R ' in thp mere of
its extensive systeer:ol family.
,visilution, ert
:pecialy . in : the meat .
dest4te . .righaers:ef!,ihe
Coutt try.
CONSTIPATION or -rue 13nwer.s or Casirte
ness.,hmatlache, giddinesji;:itaill:',4The side
and , hreaat,„,riausea and sicknesS, Variable•ap
petite, yellow;RpewarthY,eoMplexion &c.,
are : the Willa! symptoms opf4Liver Complairjk
11!rig141:5:IntliffrkVigcldblc,:Pilll are always.
Ciirtain , fa rift:Al7i 4,he . above cOmplaints,.be 7,
cause.they_Purge.ftem.tkaLbotiklhOe trlerbitl
humors which are•thevairse,"ribt only er'all
disorders dfil fife' . f ii'er,. hut . of . every -rnakaly
incidenttiiAttitlt .2Vitingle 25 beet "box 'will
idrall Onsilsgtieirtfilief. - and:=Peraiverance`wil.
most oiiseredty. dqvd'Oery particle cif 4isth,ise
lroOttip•tiodyi ' ' l -' i' ,,- ..i? !, ,, 7 ..:4 . .
.'V; . , ft
D ' ealaie: l 'OTOniP*7444 : 46. ObjYti : 'ere
cautionediipinat'ttai: many . spurious 'Medi:
i<iiile iliiel, in iiichitto'4eceiVe, ` are" called'
'by nerries similar ta":Wright'it'inilinn Vn i geta
'hle.lVilltklit'Prubhase limn no person :rink.*
'hii:Olitt'kfiS* l 4:certigait.*ai ageneyc.Prge - i!"a`
_hy . i . :Wiilittist , W right; _ Vice Tresident', Of 'the
•Niir(kilknidriCaniCollegg:•of)Healthl and- be
'ehrefar''atit'aYb rio- ask for;
,Wright's' Indian.
1 , ,egetit31 . 404- ''',..zPq4; -, a1 , 7C, ,' ' - :'='" 1 "::'", - '''' r
.° Wiighttilqidrit;Veretablef 'Pills , Mao ._Core.'
. It4444 o ::ille'ltheilsionittall'-and- , biniels-1-
'all bilotiwantt 4 liftritEhttitiiits . ; , PlAl, - therPfoid
'its ikiiitsilf lihr* for irelie,Aysentat:ebele-r
lklirplittieiVia - p,itiptEiliSoitter6l4 - ther- tutee
.tihps._ -.' . ..', , ~,; 4:4;,..1aX4-21,...i.15,0 . A ' A ,,,..,. ) 1',,+6';
4 ' - I€.4V 'iiii,laiige*464llo4aktfrff'
41'iigArs' ihilMOY Vigo a bzi. ;il , Ol, ( . .wiioloshie_
'AtlO ,- viati,4W469 , 4thpoisiteiii,_-oliiittou
'4haiNtrilool 4 TtiitetnitAttiietiteeatetiZs,tXtol
Vilohr hi'pielifildtb)r.4AQeitiiiiiiAo I,4'Atead
ltirithisbtortitilk:' , .: . .tz: ''''.''''*','..%).;i4p,',-: - **l
''', 0, .%". 1 2}tV , .5' kfitgq'° lll # 16 . 0 t 1 :`;'1 11 4 - Y.Vgi 1x ,. :(
'a ' . :Ni:,,,..;
„ .
. ti
• 11.
Hty an ar Iva] air - re - Orleans. from fiEnzoi
SentiagoprOa tt4144 - h!,40 - m LVlaltt} p=
ritt has iklrtectOrt( Tlje/Mhtnifieo
•pritbrs rft 777111777 ne*trom.llfcfiterdy_t4t...
iWirlteo4l , o no mention itariadb (;(!ite,
, - 0154t,ealtniVatie4f• pitilkfrbm
le:intercept Gen:Wool, and prevent
It seems that Saltillo is not to be defended,
the whole' Mesioen fored bbing concentrated
at San Louis Potosi: It is also said that alter
garrisoning Saltillo, Gen. Taylor will march
on Talnilieo where lie Will he reinforced,
and diet anack San Louis Potosi. There
unity beirfith'ifilliia,:for"by that time - lie rent
I receive the niao.regiments just ordered into
service: Victoriaentl,all the principal tbwmg
Tareaulipas are to be garrisolied.
Gen. Wool had reported, himself to Gen.
Taylor as being within a short distance of
Monclova. As, the whole of his force is not
necessary in VS Mardi Upon ChilMallua;,n
portion of it is to join Gen. Taylor in Monte
The rumor of the,cofitemplated attack on
Tampico with the aid of the navel.,forde,
'opens a new feature in the campaign. there
must be truth in it, or Gen. Patterson would
cre-this have struck the blow, as he at one
ti me ei'idently'had orders to do so.
.Proni the Troy Whig.
013.1 1 1 1 UAILIT-:
DIED,.,on the 3d instant, in the State of Nov
rink, an unfortunate. Loafer, named TREE.,
TRADE. De' vttas , raised in the South and
sent North by his friends a - 13 ri •cOmmereial
missionary;: hot the clitnate being altogether On the 18th instant, by the Rei7. John A.
, , ,l
as a honm,
unsuited to his ermstititti'ortrhe was attacked Gore, Mr. Dsvin Cock-t.wr, of Lancaster; - to-
by a peculiar species of consumption, known RosAmmt.A, (laughter of the late Mr ielioLus
cOn.:slllint ion to which alter man • flarids. of Balt' • - •
strugg es, to at ast succum e . tho ght
that his final exit, was hastened by sundry
klas and culls he received _in NeWliamp,
shire. Maine, Pennsylvania, and New York,.
bat lor which, he might have lingerett..s6rne
time longer. Throughout his painful
he has been faithfully attended by. Fps. Palk
and Dallas. and a tender hearted old woman
of the n a me of Ritchie has. officiated as his
nurse: leeding him with asses milk and the
like nourishing aliment. In order that he
might enjoy the benefit bf the country air,
lie waft sent on a tour through the mint dis
tricis of Penritylvania and New Yak, bitt true ,
Wail farmers, taking him tom a British agent
in disguise, refused to .harbor him, and he
breathed his last in the presence of a few
friends in the city of New York,'whb would
not believe until he had reettallyliveti up
the ghost, that his disease was mortal.
. The body of the deceaged will be sent to
Wdshiegton for interment; and in order that
it may be buried with appropriate honors, a
shell of British oak and a pall of British vel
vet have been provided
_tor the occasion.
At. the deceased had a great antipathy to
ei-ery thing of American manufacture, each•
be foreign—and indeed it is probable that
most of the weeping will be done abroad.—
The only - portion claimed by Americans in
the last offices due to the departed, is the
privilege ofthiving the nails into his. coffin.
The funeral will take place soon after the' ,
anival of the body at the capitol, as it has
already become
_offensive to the nostrils of
the people: Polk, .Dallas,. Buchanan and
Marcy Lave bern named as Pall Bearers'
and Calhoun. McDuffie, RhettAti. Sevier
will officiate as chief Mourners., The Whigs
of sixteen States liavet. volunteered to chant
his,requiem, and. having caiistituted them
selves a Innersl committee e caused his
grave to bc dngsso deep Ili "hang of
routteetiOn" - hie - cold re ,
We give below the . sketch or a cenotaph
already erected to his membry:
I N D. •i. A N A
M 'A R Y. L A N b.
D E L A' IV A R E.
NEW H A AIPS111"11.E..
Lute news from the Army announce the
death Of Capt. Ratuirgph Ridgely, by being
Moult from his horre. He. succeeded Capt.
FROM SANTA FE.--Dates , frotn Santa Fe to
ihe 14th OillobeflufVibeeo received at
_Gen. Km : tine - 3 , !when about 75 Mites
frbm Saida Fe melan express train Col Fre
mont jiving him the, information thallhis
whole ; lcif Upper California ivati in possession
.. - •
i'vtsv,tit'i3,l3/itSAM OF WILD.CITERIIS...--
The'kkraordinary success' attending.die•Use .
the innny singular, cures it hiii3 effected, bay
inen...;tarally attracted, the, iltentien ef-many,
pbyilehins, as well atitheilrife'fitildrnitr of
quads, various conjecture:6-'4nd shrirnses
have arisen respecting its cornpoitittekigrintiee'
phySic la ns have supposed it to contain Iodine;; ;
other ignorant pretenders say it must contain
mercury,' and „to some such substance
each attribUte its singular efficacy: . As siia.
npinens are
. altagether erroneous, and ealcu
fated 'tnprci r tidicetinanYP'persons against it,
we .`'''=7••: • .• • •
'' -- , -- ' - f.f;V,l) - G - E - 6'6 - 16•HGNOR. • „ •
that it contains . nothing of,this kind,,or any
the least injurious; on the • contrarx, it, is .j
h 5 l
comp) 41 pi tbe blest eimPle stibstanGert, the ,
prinerp I of which 'lo:the eAtraenfol tar and'
'ailti.e rry litiiiri,and'the:whille secreitt
'ollettey-coosisrs9a4o. thei
are prepafeil:i',,..., „, ~
tort! of I. 'Batts.
:"Rhiti in citt'llPib' by, S. Et.i.rotti - Sele7ifiarT
en- ilitiVthrengli . . l'
Thou art above all gold and, treasures ; ltt
thitu who entargeist the,. satd-rand 'openbta
all its;p?were to, teem°. instruotien,,,,sod to:
relish virtne. He that • has thee,‘ hot ;little,
`.mere to risfrfor ;and he that is isr Weelchga
',.. us. to. have thee)totovtuttseyerPlortgbOcle,
t f it A i he itipiiklufl3ilindrtliet.;Eltir yrAtot.
is:ltealtli—get thew theio,PP* o :s l ?Ohl : 34. . 4'
a eentprirs
. use,"itiaSfttlly 4 „estalilistieh ,to he
the best , mAdjeix l PATer , bqctPrY.4;°" l i la " . " - }
Vcit 'the' preiaiilng Verds 4 rirro,eoug,be ? th'py
will be fotraa of erything that triedteine is'
ItOtOrof' 4ll ?PattiW . • ,w 1 -7 '.1 :. 712, I .:
gold , irt'Ciilt isle,' bt,'I7,9HARLES BARNIT;
'olev.4 erti
gentlfoithgorough,,-..i1 , i ', 4.,
':ltsfrihenlCal irtion,Slupliehsbuit:
f.,. itilieiionfnu•ttetii:Neweutnberland.
.1. - 4,L..ttegeL Alechr'
'N. a,,Atiller,.lVh:'
.. i
. .'14.410414110kuvy
sr , l l Q;Psbiontin;,yNowiitte4
~ Dtfoi i g4li! l 44sg l ,y piarP.9l : 4l o4 l) l* fl.'l!'
'Utilifiiii,the;il'Werg' shipped frern Niiiv 1',./ . ;tric .
iieciol3o,4os ; busheils of wheaLtinillhoucand
-4i4-4-115 000 - berrele bf IIi:ME - ' ...
4,1 R
. ii IPhroifo;Theemal system ' -"
'Wp' 64 Adroit hone ;. it treats the pang
all - atectpa. , .', , ti._a_familyTmedicinef-teh-----
Ni l flit,rnatibili:,.cotlitll4, colds, gic.., I know of
molierf4liat clii4i§iftil DI: . Taylor's tvenoine
lialsanallMATlvott.. I use It'll my family
with my children With the inebt happy resulid
- -=afritl - caltErorfhii'llixttor,s•esterday to reel
ornmepd it, in addition to It& lielebrity, for
its wonderlul cures of consitinPllbh and livef
- comPlainis. The Doctor early Is eAtehglie;
ly coutilet felted, and purchaser& ghotild see
Dr. Leeds' signature tb In beautiful steel
engraving on each bettle:L-.' et, What to betteFi
'buy of thti Doctor, 375 Bowery.. •,, '
Large bottles 61,75', or ofx,_bottles ioy,s'7,-:.
GQ; mall bottles SI,OO, or 'six 'bottles for
55,0 n.
'Scildin Carlisle, by F AIERAFFEY, sold '
A gent:
I?Milablipliia ~,,ii' 4);he,t:'-7,'f::;,'
The great Western's ailvlce.sFombli to .hand ?II:4 ,
rated unfavorably, and 1000 bbls flour sold tit.*s 2;;;',
delivered, but since the Aeadlabt arr •al, the tendenci.
? iii
of the market has been downivit ,' and sale* toethe,: ,
extent of upwards 0(5000 Ms fair yslernend Papua;'" .
brands artxieported, !alai ,95, wl; h hu,pow Op 040 1
al asking standardrate brands.
Fiat AN n Meaxe—Thtt ntarketto4layiliy:ali Ondsl ,'
ochrendstnit's was very inactive: ''eljoi boret Marti, ','` '
of no sales, Flour,aAfttmly liettraa `.;itye Flout *-
811, and Corti !Heal/Fa
. •
Ca A l a. - 4Pennaylvania Wheat, rode ia.n•orth 102 c e
valta do. 108 a 110 c;" Ryd no pules.
,Corn, 01d,70
nail• 00c; Oats 33c
WinaK EY , in Ws, Oa n .13:w; do. Ln Ws 23e o 22ie:,
.Cir Out ac:rnowledgnient.q-are clue for ti
bountiful Ripply of wcadint - r-eiike accompa
nying the above'.
. -
On Thursday last, b,) eholjev. IQ r , ./k ntani I,
Mr. Ettis Rix; to'. Mrs. -, ~. .:.—:LIPIIAltil: both'
of West Pen nsborough township, k
On the 13th ult., Dr. JAMES JIELL, formerly.
of this place, to Miss 4MAND• DICKENSON; Of
Shelby cbun t y, Missburit`
, --t- -
Frani the' Janesville, (IVlseonair) Democrat.
Dt Ell, id thin Village, chi Siiiiditin4rfii,:the 25th of
)Asher, AOLIERT hieCT.APlOfiV94nter, formerirog
414,11140 , gggil shun' 31 Yell?'O', w:llfrOlan served hla
apprenticenhip with the Editnt of this gaper, in Penn
sylvania, and at the time of death was engaged as
a jmirneyninn in the other at the' Democrat.. He won,
a young mina Of -inibleinfsliedcllnineter and;3llthotigh
.ofratimr-tin-ereentric-turn-oriind. bakite, woo
gerierafts, confiding .and filithful—arderit and sincere
in his attachments, Ind ever'lwadV, to relleve, - to the
extent of aniline. a brother in. wisforfune.. _His
-diecriee; in She fireinislhnce,was fever and ague,willeli
apparentlyititie - Mq v in few to. mgdiaell,treat
ment ; but hi.' nirvime :system was shattered 4410
mind esildently dieruned. die won seised with a relig
ious mono-mania, which kept him in a continual state
of e.vilement; . _and finalh`hin physical; elyMpalbtgifigl
Willi his menttil pnwera, erie wa!"jtheAlacare,an,
stinted a new character, and he died of hhtek "inhe r e*:
ulintin a more anothCrn Intitml_ewhtddhe-calthilYit,
-lo w .- feverl'ea'arifihin — nalles. Ile hoe tell n world
of tribulation, far, we tint% an everlnstiftfi 1111ifie:Pi
pence In tile midelona ofratermil MM, prepared bribe
find nail Onviritir, to,whoniallnis latest thoughts were
I turned. - C.
New 'Abutrtiscmiiits.
- .
And Kriskinkelier .
err lIE aubscriber vtakeilhia opportunity of in-'
AL -terming ids frielldg Rad the general,
that he still cOntliies,lo Militillacture and has
'filmay.a. an hand, a large anti- general - Asifirtiiii4.t .
of CANI)Ieg of the 13EST quality, n hich
tr. win tell W1104'5011! Or retail {at the OLD STAND,
11.4.NOVEli STltgET,xll' re he
alto ki-tl n l on hind
Ts, cilibrlo.); all
the delitaciesot the other eat Eirileuns,Rllll NT: IS
'of all 'timid:
' Rlßstock cif afitt's iii , part of •
Oraneedi Almande,..- Pea Netts, Dates,
Lemons, Cream .Nidr, Figs,
E_Maktits, _Cova-Nuts, -
' - iirens, Fecaa Nuts, 64'a!pcs,
attic,' he will sell at the most t'etitonable
for ca..h.
lie would also invite the aiteihihri' of the , pub=
lic to a large and -well aeleCteil'ititortliteht.-ht
Toss, Baskets, and Fancg Goods,
suitable for the a iqprOttehirig Holidays.
In connection n nth the abose; he' has received',
a.prirrie lot of
en'usistinr in part of Loaf, Lump and Brown
Sugars; Coffees °fall kinds, from 8 to 14 cents'
per pound, Teas, SI superior. article of Imperial,
Young Hysonorml Black Tea,. Molasses of all
kinds; Chocolate; Cracke'rs. ' Cheettryltke, Blaik
log; latches, Bu Lashes, &o.ktc.'
- •
Glass and
rA large - assortment of Glpui untl . Rup cnnoro,ofi
nll kinds n od potterhi;
T T ulniegs, Ciiintunc it, Cloten,:Pepper, Ginger.
and Atepree,, 'grtiondor %bole,. Mustard by die
bottle or pound.
. 'Tobacco; • fkOrs and.. &LOT. '
Some Very' fine: Ca vrildi - Boil, , and•_,.;
other Tobaccos c Maryland. havaitiia;*Prinotlir,,
and other choice" Seimi•si Lancaster: and 'York "
• •
TtirTor past favorS;hopeef
by a strietattenticin'to 0.,,,
piaia. to merit a coati intanee-oPth , rearne. • '••••'
:Put:etagere Ail 11 ad ietritheir *dram ge to tall -
at the .tiepot. kind eaamine rcirSheniselinis
"..,••• • AIONYMV::'
November . 2.soB°46: . -
- r.itlE's,ilbOribeio , 4o#,;',lot:3oooßl4l;*". o
*4l ;soloitfil • .4444,u1kitf t i
b 410 F. 8; or viti ilual!liks,ioCtlyceivopAil4o4k.
14,LV -
iltitt Lvery versori rhould 0 '
'Nov; 's!6. • G tristirk• Sum:. •
11.1.,i4CK1NG4t,,V , , , 1-
an 'tic "Itlostt, C Patient, Aloolltiostr
pitior to any, maloifoltiwitlithitotkooirro
,IveliPt "I' 11 64 0 ! bY• *bP.olleih
alga tuo.„.lo44dtritt. ,P
PAISTKI.Ok4-,V17,76 e 0- if l irCO!4flt,l',7
n_iW-by e 0 4:
its ),Vitw r a
;COMP 611;:' ;
njti i tf ik'• ll9 " 44 , Q " R .
!Pet! 1,''i 1 1# 11 1 4 14 . ,j, ° ,, §7tinepf E•Gcat1ed,:,41:141,246114.0141'..;,
1.4 SUPPLY- ,
• cr
a f li
fredm lq ;h
1 .
totr)t 4c r l *:,,,,ii
„Tiff' 4-04
' -77
,(1•24-___AX* , 1 ,1' 6 •
••",,; It; 4,now,onAkivi*
hiko u-:% 1 1SciP1010(4,.