• •=4,:r"*T"c',. == = =~ yoLLTIO XV,IT. • darbo. 't - p - T - micsr EDGAR umErna A rrortANEY. AT LAW. c iu Ate aci•ernlCourtirof Cum lr . fierlafitrand the adjoining counties and at ;end to all professional business entrusted to his cave with promptness and fidelity. Offitie in. South liamoverstreet, in Graham's new balding,opposite the Post Office. Carlislei Attest '26,1846.-1 y. fDiIhiILAIP - ADAOng . Attoiney at Law. ficE ',South IlitooVer street, ale* doors, iv below JAL 014diam,'Esq. • July 16,18*:. • ~s~~.:~~zemaa~~~aacto . yikocrroß. mrrats has associated 'his 111/. nephew, Mit.J, E. JACESON, in his ir Drug nu:: Bonk Business. 'By this arrangement, Doctor NIYERS will be enabled „to give his undivided attention to the du othisProfession.__ Carlisle, September 30, t94.6.-stns. C.M Doctiirs J &. W. L. Creigh i • - T_TAN , lNCl.esiteretl auto co-partnership,respect- Lll. fully lender their prolestlonal services to the citizens of CA IZISLE. gild its vicinity, with the assurance, thatiill thine entrusted to their care will receive 'every .uece.sary attention. • They solicit a portiriii of public patrotiage. , ()NICE,' Mon STREET', 01,11051 W ;0011 'll Store, sut42d door West of Nlartin's Hotel. Septembevl6,lB.l6. DM 20 el. moolvag9 ~' AVIL.. perform all operations upon the V 'real' that ar'iretiuired for their preser iation,suelias Scaling, relinA', Plugging, &c., or will restore die loss of them, by inserting Ar i I'lo6l Teeth, from a single Tooth, to a full sett. aTOITiee cu Witt . street, a feu ttoorsSouth I the ftailrOail Hut.l.l. • N. 11. Lot mis gill be absent from Car lisle the last tend sys, mouth. June ti 3.16. , macasia',LE). MElPT'llko Homeop thic Physidim, - OFFICE t-r-Main. street, in the- house for tritely occupied by Dr. Fred. Firman. Carlisle, April 1846. DENTISTRY, &C. JOHN W. EtENDEL, ' TjESPEcTFUILYRph.P..c. ,I 4Isk liatring opened an of fi ce in -South lirumer at reel, nearly ofiposite the PostOilice, ia pre- Owed to practice DIV.NTIS I IRY itt ah Ala GoJII 4'm:there essential to health, besides natural. or artificial ones-are-trataully useful but nrilarlll.lolll, 1111(1 add ritaterVall)• t•I .he comfort of the• wearer. It need not be stated what exn lie done to thin teeth, Office it to say brit every etclect ti~u his refiii?ilia, And fib: , Teeth famished itom a single one to at. entire Bel. hating .CcHlSille rable practice for a umber of years,ltood tiger cocoa will be given to snob as ViYANII`re thern;but the bestprool to the ape. attic*, which will cases beperforme.d in the MOlll careful Manner and At prtces,to suit the .oceasion and the times. Persons waited on At thete reai'dencei,Vitlie"r hi ' town or country, without extra cliat•ge. He may wayabe found. at .bis office, as above; M. at his residence in Pitt street, onedoor north of lietadel's livery . - He will also promptly. attend to the repairing. of Watches anti Jewelry at his office in South Han over street. Also, ENGRA NH neatly execu ted. By attention and 516111.1 excmftion_of.ltis. -•- receive and hereby solicits a share of public patronage. .. -Carlisle, April 13,19.49, HARRIS, "ITIINgIt, & -WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS No. 2QI Market Street, PHILADE L PHIA; Imparters and Wholesale Dealers TN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Med icines, Surgical and Obstetrical Instruments; DraggistatGlataware,Window Glass; Paints, Oils Dysa, Perfumery, sttt. Ste, Druellets,"comttry Nterchanta, and Ph, swims an npliet with the , above article., on the most fa vorable t.trtna v Strict and prompt attention paid to Orders Every article warrant., d. JIM'S 'imam, M. D. hates A. TURNER, lately Philadelphia, Sept.3o, 1g4.6.-1 y. THE MANSION HOUSE HOTEL Fronting on the Cuinherlatul Valley Rail Road, 13")&o , L ATELY kept by Gen..Wlllie,Vonik,itaejne been taken,by the , subscriber. It to newly Forhiehed and :has been thoroughly reeatted. —Paeriehlrefir-iirthe—eare,7etritOcefirr—traVellere ' and risiter,e to'Carliale, are Invited to call. Terme maillerote, and. every attention parr to the comfort arid, convenience,of those Who patronize the estabfieltrnent..,.. • J. A. WINROTT.• - Carliiile4;April 16,1845. y 4/ . 6 . OP. MidWrath:RUM:l4 63 OM MM . e .„... 41111FFERS 11)0.:10,r,v0efitp 1 1UF .ing•savoiiil-yeaiaaamitiande withhlt sloe the value b le •collaistfan by. care iilVl.llOfTkuilit:Y:s'A;V;V4aWa;iii.lll4Pe• public the ieuror4hicecitt -Carlielo, eel s 21 hi tt. lfilco li"Bldnltiinil:ha'Uliiii felttHFr wft t, Onotistantli oo hand and will lie Amid ak,:thniniknet imitable priix 184 ),1:7 MURRAY. 4VE jail riaaived..4lik- or': Pauly and :.1114ralaaleion4 . 4WikaWiliiiiith • t ' ' = - • • : -,, selOthEittiiiibittpoircitisi!'C R41(1 Oran AOOll #6.r.pt?' th'IOARAt.,O: DrEPOO .B6 ..4 o aqUßlllei uqrialidifateAlgzcx_: ; 4 3 titiakl ll :4o, .near, (he College ~dy• . ,,..lll,4ll,4,4troCCientleneeol'e 'appevel/ tor ou Orli 001,erstrrolets work CO lie Butierdotory. °r4l lt 1 # 7. ,/ i fi ri r b e lli g e lt , I " B i ri a° P. c , i rli S. lc '''-,4 it.elttilliGettiltilit-CAPge V • .• --7ATRIT'CIPAIWIGOLD434PEI;Juistyqt:ited .Ana, Ofede*R 7 blitap,storo of . Di.? 3, T os 0,7 , • - - '7' 4 lNtTi' 4 3 4)l4lll6l */ .0- *CR W Ai 3 • !nn ri4ll , ll6Wolloouldwitlid;Aßiillill by tht . 20400 HAW ,:RIPAN .0 1 1 ( AGARS'', i'or /OA_ th lcv id uco d. 7 . •rfj,,,,ook4i,llol,ttebt;Pnlisto —...monoly' • • 1 ` ...,'. , 1-q, , .. -,. ,:“...... j•,4CAT4, .- '',-",." , . ' ' ''lP'. • ' '' , 'i'',C . iii..;',.sl';',o'4,'V'tikiii . l3: l l'., jjj, , , f?.l • trii . ....', - '' - ' C ''. : ';''''`i`e''".`"...' 4 '''''...." , l- Ili's, ' l ''',4 l ' s ,r : ; '' ' ' , 'N' . ..itd'iifri'i' ,•:..:-.,,ii:j . •'',)! , , 1),-,f,:,•• , 4iN;e',,•:. ( 1';'),;,.., fjJ., j '', `,.,:',1(4 -":",... - .l.','i e.21,A, ',s .OV.Z. : j ._ `. .t .-- - --- '-‘1 • - • ->;:''' -- ;. ~. ' ' tef .- " - .":''' '.. - i . ,7 i:0 , • '-:, i - . ~,:. :... ': i .: . : 1 3 , 41, 1. 1, 1 1::-...... - . ,, ,:' ' ... .! .. 2 . .....;c...:1.: . P- ' -•-• ' ' ::-..; '„."' , .. - '..,• :.. ' • --:•': iNV -I ';., : : :;it:)" ;- ..- . .l"rf • ' . - • '-'- ' :. 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Pwo Dollars,,if pa hi within the yeatl::: • toe Dollar for six months: ' . • Thelie tertas will be rigidly adhered tn. • RATES OF ADVERTISING, .Ativarticements, making fifteen !thee or leith„,will be barged at the rate of Piny cents for one insertion, (tree tithes for One Dollar, and twenty-five cents for very liniments:it insertion. Yearly advertisers xv — Ire charged at the following ratep Ontreninnin; with the paper, for one year ; Half a column, do., ' do. Two Squares, with quarterlrchanges, Business Cards, with the paper, JOB PRINTING; OF EVERY,DESCRIPTIQN, Stich as Ilaindbills, Blanks, Circulars and every other t hec,descriotion of Printing, exeruted hansnmely and ritatlitjattaly: and at the LOWEST PRICES • .• . •. '~':S:Mf?~~~~;~l~f~~J~~Ss3v Take it easy! Doily turning 1111011;l11t Wit hill ; , (in its shot, always burning, Keep the incense free fhmt.slit I Tillie II easy Never tear I% bile You kelp a conscience t tear! "The only son of Ida mother, and she was a widow." - The totiching•ir.cideht itt scriptural history . Whic‘.ll has furnished the 'thence for so much poetryjs jvery beautifully set forth in the .following 'lines-which. xi e find in "a. New . Haslet trewspapet: ' Forth from the, gates of Nair! a funrtal, train in mot-triad! Siloneit came. The sunset dust) was lingering still upon the bills around, the last departing ray of day yet stayed, tinging ilaptituing clouds above with hues 01 crimson end of burnis.lied golds while heaven's pure *tire seemed rrrJAS solt and sweet atnid those gorgeous tiats; for naught within the %rid' razorPtls bohit'cls .could more entrance qthd ;than that 'sWeot sunset scene among Ju ea Sr. hills and plains. Vet death Was there, and even now on swept his silent train. And he who lay the stricken victim there, had died all glorious Co his manly pride;—the Lahti) form, but ' half concealed beneath the sable robe which wrapped it mend, was cold and motionless yet oh. how beautiful in death! The pale •and a,-Ity---lips. , olt- Willeh the- palling word scented still to tremble low ; were chiselled like Apollo's—proud soft—and wore the stamp of energy and strength ;—the radiant eyes w e c g'a...ed its death, in which once shone ambition's fires, and gleamed youth's bright and joyous hopes in, clays ogone, and yet they seemed as closed in gentle sleep ; 1 .aril, 'mid hit rich and clustering hair which lay ; as if in life's warm glow, upttlt the pall ; so solciind fair it weB;th° low wind moved, stirring.the curls and wildly flowing locks, aeoviten iti lietthltlitey had been freely flung to woo its balmy heath. A thing of light. too heautittil he seemed to die., jet was he passing to his last long home, so young and litir- , -bis witinived mother's only stay—and she linty - lett alnite-le-tneet - the - -world's-cold Irowns, and theritless live. .. Behind thb bier, with lotai bowed down I and bleeding heart sh 6 came null; au she gn• zetltitien.her nobli boy, strtiek dui* amid the litisli - ril youth's' briOlt dreams. , - - -and saw tild'ar - m, oh which it' waS llbr wont tift' lean. till stiff and iiiilsied'new in death—and looked iii . vain lulu those 0011, glazed orbs, for the fond thirsting Which there was used to heam=lier bilisting heart gave way; she 4ed - E.iii7hW,ii - 74) -- Silefit - corse j anti -Wildly Weiilloispeechlessagtilly and , wo.• - - • Iltit, lo'! — as ~ onward swept the morirhfut, train, rilitind. of ,humble pilgrims met the, weeping throne!; and'one among them tarnif" : and teu;hed" the biet.—'Twas Ile, the lowly;` • ionteaat Nazarene. .11is mild blue eye 'baked sadly_ On. the group, aid anohed trom.outdds. heart i 'Allthat pure love ho . brought , Irorn:- 11.eayph;10yartls her Whose hope was gob& `'sad Untied 'Heath that silent pall. the `sad prnep4siae. stopped, and they that bore `.the purse; steed "still.--4ealitt,a i moment gaze.,d. :`,(tpan the noble forth; as Infibr . Wa.the. fain t; i mintier had_throwtOntalt_ihe_tailf-from oil her strithen bitty;-,-.4raiimentloolied on her; Whit 'weeping hung • upon the. litei,—ithen, - totieheirtlie_iAttfeadd'hand . atittealtfily'said; "Aii.ve ",' At•that I;fe:giVing word the line of ,health,begkin "to .steal' ;Obit the, &Oat! 'aild i . .; 46 the' first' faint flitiih" of Vawit," tilitim; 7blendEinnintledleAliecheitit.enstjtre,fi F encL 'light hermit tO. beam, ir,Otrt.put the • ey6'; the . lipirjinepaited,'eaughrti"etinnkl4ailej and; ~like the le thing wave,,hia bristint ltettitat ; 'beneath the'dark' habilim ents of deaili,'Whhth, lay-upon his quieheneklorm . .- f . "-":1. I. ' .''''.iP'."' - " - ':wilik - Aierl4":3lt , isf;l!."Opiirei - larlitritir, ;harst fromtt e'• moninpeo liPs-7-.lnfil'!ea „the Fsavfour'a"bieabt'ahie'fellsiiffivejit. Fsl.tv, fouite"bievile ahe' fells ini'd , Wiffit. , ;'• r'' ;"-t"";,t•i',""'"7" , "'Ll 9"rwi1.r.,,;, , ); - :k•.,• , ,",--,, 1 ,. i' 'lthri",'S'en"Oittim ,—Thpennylvanta fin.- ' kid irOr . ;liftg# 1' l'il iiirtt - 0 . Willi; 'of ''d :natiini,:the' laiaing; ihp' i tl ii Oh leak gl oryLepagiiita'lo"ni nuli: . in', ttie'lnltY4Pipit: its littegritS"'„"tha'AiVuiltal 'cliariielerrefiiti morale,' the: - tedOlakili "iteliel• " eeitne'itt'ha ifehillaiii'" ri . ghtind - to,fiiii , tine;,"'ne' iitifOnie!el'ite'pliYilitat pariVer,'thii stretigt,hlit" r ihiiiiiiititiOhitiiiiiiiiiii'liellip ilititheni - oritii ptitifilat re4itrkeli."', ' ..'",'"-, ~,„ ~,,,,, -,, , •., e.P i11'...:117:7;ii tar! I:. !.!'11';'W0r0,,, , V,Lt.„1...i,5. ,- .4 , 4•?,1 - iUIVINen TABLE J'Aidi..—:!..AVtill!liiii.tbrib r d' r fiDiVran7oTit.bii4,liellirtt - id,f l .llre t Wei lie ir IIT geollemrai the Othei.ilernofiattiOnatiadtiles' halmUs ViaterifPA4titijr;i4jrAikiithitigtari 1 vitig a • I.o`pgito[thapitiyvvbtottippi . , I . ,APJ ktaker, i 6o part that shinaldity,e'drelisia iii" Otintideltar ORO ox_Alio±4.44odog2i3l=r- , : fi;ll6-i-4; 1 '1:!1 . ..;,:1-.!) :rr, i: ' '..."...: •,..'!-.: 7-- . " -ke.....q ':. '.. , ,5!i.:,.: i , i;; , ;41,:1 1 .Csotot,Y7,4 . o:9l 44 o ol l , CliiArite,gitOiliiVlSSlK; .244001fritte: ''-.. 1 7. pi a l,trA s . 4l-4 44§ - 4.Y.C.rYW:W*;' t i : ' Alligkilitt 001CP*1014,Y.0044*14110 0 1 1 4 4tiitrdiliffir i00 0 .:10 ~ I * ,VI O I IIY OW tijw.Olsailakti, bilig',Ettg4ill4*ltti2,4 - A‘folitys l . f,* ,, t hielii(itlaitiii . :.,,,.: :_-_, __.. , ..:....,:-_, -1, ,, , , , :' .....,:.i;:•:„ye, , A . ,y,;:, , ..? ~-;., ,•,:c - , iliP.Zi7iP';',4'.& - :A , 2.i.14, - „fir , :;•• , , - - TAKE IT EASY. Take it envy l Life. nt longest, But a lengilieu'd shadow is; And the brave as well II! strongest, - - -,pure not call to morrow r Irtyke ireury—for ti-day All Salle plans of wisdom lay. Tak it easy! babe With fretting ; Meet yntir neighbor with a stink: ; Front The tising sun to setting, Live the ittesent all the while. • Take it easy I Every vow • Make In refetence to •"now Take it easy ! What is Mitten, OT ix wrong-qc seemeth sn, !nave it, as a thing toir hidden, - Out of witich wows.: may grew t Take it easy Never pry! Into *hat will cause a sigh. Take it easy! Ever lecithin To the side of truth cml riitht Happiness from virtue gleaning— Pent e of mind from wii.thott bright! Take it easy! For nt best, • Life is butt sorry Jest. : - The WidolV of Nein. MEM LPUV‘=2:r4itliZeZM'i s U) UN6 j i 1 ' . . 'From the New. York Bpirit . YANKEE ibLobk. PEDLARS IN TlifE WEST. "SCARPS FllOlll THE YIE BOOK OF A itISACkIIt LAWYER In travelling through. the !mil , States of the West, onb cannot faill notice themumber of Nevi , England clocks ev e ry . where 10. be found. ' Nei - nintteillow' rempte or Secluded the country—no minter hog poor the inhabi= tants.—thiti u Yankee Clock' ) is sure to arrest your'attention as you enter the rude cabin ,of the•backwoodeMan.' The clock is often the .onlypieedof fbruituriiiii h i not made with his own - hands, and,,not unfreouently, is pdrchased at, .a cost exceeding .the value of all the rest of his household t goorlS. - No '• settler" is too poor, or to remote from the rest of the-W - 111d Di Own a Yankee clock. Nothing more forcibly illustrates the enter prise and energy of the New England people than - the almost universal use of these clocks in the West. • There is nopart of the inhabited West that has not been visited by the Yankee clock pedlar. He will find his way, with his wagon load of clocks, through a country that any one else would at once pronounces utterly impassable with a wheeled conveyance. If he finds a road already made, well - and good; otherwise •he will make a road for, i t himself. Ile will, without hesitation, dr: ;e into woods never before penetrated . by c .- i'i:ed man, and 'will find his way thro ,h withmit accident. He only asks whether any one is living in the country, if so, he will find him out; and sell him a clock. If, )ou happen to be winding yir .way through a rocky, barren country, guided by an almost perceptible bridle path, and every Moment in Bang , r of being cast,.by a fallen step of your horse, over some frightful preci pice, be not surprised if in the worst part of your route—l will not say road—you meet a l'anliee „clock pedler, sittuig On the box of - his wagon, ' , calm as a bummer's morn.." If you ask him whether he over expects to get over such a country with his Nv ton , 'he cooly replies that the road is not hall as bad as some roads lie has driven over. The ingenutitT of the clock pedler in dis. posing of-his wares is almost as remarkable as his skill in Lelriving his; wagon over the country. Notwithstanding nig general use of these clocks in the West, there is a deep rooted prejudice among the people against Yankee clock- pedlers„ and• the manner in 'which the Kedler will contrive to overcOme. this prejudice, and sell his clock to_ the un willing purchase!, is 'often very:, ana using = . , 116' meet's every objection with a plausible answer. •If poverty .is the reason for not purchasing, he offers any credit, only asking a note for The amount.-! If the person will not purchase until fig has had an opoortunity.of testing the accuracy of the clock as a- time piece, he will leave- it on trial for , reyear.— Then. again., i Jibe person importuned-refuses to purchase upon- , any. 4erms,_he..asks • the. -, privilege of setting up onept his clocks until' he returns, in order that some neightior may have an opportunity of purchasing. • 4 1, . While riding the dr 11'c some years ago, I happened to stop for the,tiight at the house of a man With whom I had had some previous. acquaintance. .He was an industrious sensible man, but i poor, and surrounded with a large family of I children. . i _ .25 *l3 $lO In 000 00r0 . lir 0/ the cehin,.on a;redeshelf; stood a very smart-Irking .1 ankee clock. Every thing else betokened poverty. His children were halfmaked, .and his wife per. formed all the household work. - After supper [asked him whether his eltrcic kept correct time, observing that My watch was some minutes faster than his Mock. to l'es" he "marked, 1, there's not a better tirnopiece iti the State.. I've had that clock lour years, rind it's never boon the least out of order.'' I then a4ed hire what he gave for it, and of whom ho ptirchakti it; and these interro gatories drew from him, as I expected, the history of the clock, which was as follows; " About tour years ago," he commenced, "Yankee clock palter called at our house alclo - of elockS. - Ea* at once what __ . ...._. le was after, but I had long before made' p my mind not to purchase a Yankee clock upon any terms whatever. Ile tried rne for a long time, offering me any terms I mightask,' burl told him I was determined not to purchase; that ‘FdAirp.d no use }Or a clock , that We could tell the time of day well enough for our phrptise by the sun-mark on the floor; and that on cloddy days it couldr tell by our feelings when it Wastime_to_eat, " When he found thatj would ntit,Miy, he aiked me to let him-sit up one of his clot:kis• uhtil•lrd came this Way tigdin. Hat I knriw that was one of their old tricks, add So I i'efu'sed toldto'lef him set up his clock. ' :.'t Finding hd'ooiild tld nothing with nie, he dreVe ow:- He had nut been gone long before he returned, saying Ills horse ,was sick and the roads were so hail]; tind'his load sd heavy, he was 'afraid he would'not hirable to got alonpvithout he llglifthilid his wagon'. lie,again asked.MQ, as a great fitter, to let him set up one cif his chicks lit my house until he returned, saying he. did. tint want me to buy-the clock,Niiinly Witited toilghten his-wagon. -, - 4- . - -, f - ,, , - •••: - T'•• '' ' ' ----"'- ---'''''' ' a T susPected-fthinn, ' even thsinLbut- , his horse did look badly' and 1-felt sorrfitir the fellow, so T ocnisented that heutighf 'set 'IM one' of his eloeltritiupbri conditiOrfthut hie would' Tot ask me to purchrtsh-it'-ori his return! -He rfinialeadimeiTerr ino - OfrpOiliaittlifat;Ttir prove he did , not want me,tfx , burthe, clock,' he wool& give ieto.nue'il , on hie return he, asked me i lo :Tun:those it. 'te n se, up (he clock; and: det,itza running,', and I gave, me , _pliticUlarLt.litoetie# e how_to_keep,iin_ordor, !" After 1 fbe ,,, Yap)cfke , left•4ll, eirerylltin& abeut•the htidse was by thaTerock.l4 My. di wife regyldld all her litisiness, by thieleck, The, meof ,vl; s pUl,,iti "IA pot,tof boil ittm. cer 'lain.,hutit. 4' `diginqr., , !‘faAPkit'Ys.9 4 ,tlke . ,4blq. litin,sis,llie Cledle iitraCkliiyplyo,,,r, , ~ . , ~.",Wheri,fliti,altick struck nixie wquall vrent, Wtiddi add•got tip as the 019 4 31tietrnok 'Uve. z7 ,, ii, 'I rf,The : prerldhet lolteo , preached 17 atippr, bi:tuise, because. h 0 Could'Jell,' at what, hqui',o 4 cOmmenearliddilthen to atop, OP P4'4140.; the ipeOpkiot-himii befor6.dark. ,Hvgt e yfetlay g solndref' ttittl)pttighhOrs;r3VOuld'AtcppAill:p9t4 11 0118 ° JO) 10E06 'Llho ',!frtno,ol-daVrDIN9h9JAO - noliting-014 •- tIOnaTaoeittillItt+011ee,41VitlIQAP etifietil ing.thtitafock. : , „SrAlreiXelli. c :eti'lar iii% , to say; thiit when ',li %yeti away ftern e herTket) the clock was.tOMPrthy for her. , ~`,'; .„.. t,, p , - Alligit;sKqiiiinibli,Aftfit9vaititsi k wool hag dtt nlisdOorg t lig stiternotin f iwhelr'A _O: it ; 'llt) ls ettr ditlVlrMr • - WeriT4 ritiketteleekolia F., , . r hue ataurqso„hol ,o,tti*A i raivoc,ig alit Igo Lid a feW 'inidtitaluira , i lerto WO FY; ' iglSYS'gr',', o l lo o4 lo fc 6 :l l lFYvtittb*.x., - V Ani g.••, A.; ',',; ', -- - -- ,?i • , 4 4 14 , :gt .,,,4, 4 1' 1 ii , 6'1 1 !:.",ft.,,lC9ti',,,piyir , gta* 'ouch #.h u'Out, Yal Jhere_ v,iii 311_12u1;-•tiiiiiiie;Foor,v. , E ,iqaiii,ittia - thit. , .:, — . L: , ~ . s • _ --; rh;' ..-, , ,- St . .W.',' '. ~ ' i ,' ' , M CAR T:ARE.. , NovEn she could not get alottg.without•l. She said that the never Would kho .4Whed ter do • anything. The childrizlaWritmenced: Crying, and begged me no: to . legtti.til clock go. "The Yankee stood by, orplir;ppyktg.tliat he was id a hurly, and wanted topi u p his clock'nk tiodn riogaildb. . " The short d: the - Matter' is,•lttat' I wes .compelled to • buy, the • Clook.• I 3. , giiire 41re Yankee thjity. cash, for it,' Ind that took' evbry Mai I had been-kaihig fo,r tlto last tear to enter ri4 land. GEN: A:Minim i.typ Tvimoittx-' between . , Gene. !Taylor and;,Ampiidia, iii relation to the capitulattorref .doritialitiy, has been' described to the N. 0. Delto,, •by ti gentleman who was present; as, it'very rich scene, in which the 'two chief aetotWitere In fine contrast. 6 'd Ampudia was all Courtesy anti ns' , Big, speeches, great ilolubility, With , wor Chun danCe oFgesticuh t tidri; shrugs, nede,:illiernate sullies and frowns, and that whole Catalogue of silent; language; with 'Which piions of French origin ate wortilb liblp the expression of their, ideas. Gen: Ampudia of a - ,French family, and .Was both in the West Indies. =ten. laylor,- on the other hand, was as flry as a:chip,,-as plain as a pipe;itein f arid es ~,short as pieerust. Messed in his best coat, (which, by-the-by, looks as if it had served half-a-dozen earripaignsi) "with_his dried oil-cloth cap, strapless punts and-ld-fashfoii ed white vest, he looked more like an: old . iarmer, lately elected militia colonel; who had put on his evety day suit, \rah the slightest imaginable sign of military loggery, to - distinguish him hum a crowd of rnhlse civilians. In his reply to Ainpudia's flong hatangues, he used such direct, Went, and emphatic language, that the valorous Mexi can was thrown all aback and "had nothing to say." Ampurlia opened the interview by stating . that his forces were the large to be conquered by. Gen. Taylor's' army—that he had• an abundance ot ammunition, 7,000 inlantry,and 3,000 cavalry, with 7 10 cannon, and the best artillerists in the world—that his loss :was very small; and ho felt confident that- be could delend.the city againsra much stroriger force than thatunder Gen. Tdylor's,commatirl; but that, from motives of.humanity—to spire' the eflUsien of blood—to. save the lives - ; ot. helpless women and children—he was, will ing so tar. to compromise the :glory -of the grearMeXicari -fifitior as to Surrender city, provided He was allowed, to retire. with his whole force, and carry the public property ,arid all the arms and munitior4 : of war. When he had fitished his magthficreirt oration, Which, itr the style of his celebutthd proclamation, was garnished with numerous allusimis to the stupendous power mid oily lading glory and renown et .magrianiminkt Mexico, old Zack . quietly stuck his inulde: deep into his breeches pockets, cocked'' liii head a little on one side, and- gently his grizzly eyebrowskthat the-bold little &tie '","1 'eye lurking .benenth might have hitt •Pliiy,; upon the rriandiloquerit Mexican, replied In ; thedirfew ' but expressive Words: "Geri• Amgudia, we 'Z'aree' here to. itthe, Monterey, and we aie going to do'it oil sueiV; terms as please us. - I*wish you good ning." r And the old General hobbled off' r his t wo.short littletlegs r leaving-the-Meximk,, General and Staff iu the profoundest be . l.oAy derment.' . • A Garanno YAtKEE.-' ttly good friend; caue.ou inform me lioW far it is to the next house? . Jonathan' started uti—leaned upon his han dle—rested one . fool on the gaintirit of his sinister leg, and replied Hullo yourself ! how'd dew ?—wall I guess 1-Can. 4 Tuint near as far us it used to was ben afore they cut the wood away—then. it was reckoned lour mile, but now the sun shriveli up the road, and don't make niore'n tew. The' fast house you come to though is a barn, and the next a haystacki: but old Hookin's house is on beynnt. You'll' be sure to meet his gals long before you get there, tarnel rompin, critters, gray plague our folks - rnore'n_a little._ His- sheep. get into our :Qs efaiil Dad sets thagdogs arter the sheep and me arter the gals—and the way the dog makes the wool, and I the petticoats, fly is a .sin to snakes. 'I see you are inclined to be a facetious ydung man—pray tell me how it ffappeils that one of your legs is shorter than the otherr'. • • I never 'lows anybody to meddle with my grass tanglers,, mister, but amain' its you ; -stelf-yOurlz-wat,born-solat-my-tickerler-re qunsti.so• that when T hold a_ plough, I can 1 .0 with one foot in the furor encl.:tether on .hiti4,.itiet - not lop; over, besidea it la •conve ,,nient when-I irtow.iound aside Very good, indeed.-how do.your pota toes come on this year.?' • 'They • don't come mint all, 1 digs 'em out-;-and' there's en everlasting snarl of 'ell In each - hill' • • • 4 But they , are small I 'lierceive.' • yea.l knew it. You see we planted some• blue.tioses over„ifi , that ere . •patoh there, , and; they' ,ft Mt fildtinkte4l. 4 ,..firedly that thus ern,.stoptjtist . oat'of ; dpite',?deuse • they, .IMetired they:44 - o'l up,k . ;- g - lroti : rappear 1 . ,:10be - pretty Amart, - - - tin44. shouldt - ,lldaklyetl4!tonld-afferd a:better. lint : , thdallte4d , tlne'yOti The'leolcisttintt nethluvitivtiPbetPaliPat l ThikE . Jtere!htit'wtterhy •te 8.4 htillgiolltlay go to theetie havzinifiViithoetr fellattY' .10W. - et-Villilifr - a - lieutirbiter - te' - 'hutrrit : ;don't.dioliters' &IRO iiorat.l=Bosion , Alen ~ • ' •''' t ..• , , ... v'ggis.xkuteau ,i;;;tup'M iriF..9 ,T ~'''. '''''l'' tit,oll:iUo9l° 'briliiit '.iii' his,',efiktispiv'Bt .... I . - 1 ...: ijui6 ., . ,elint 4 u ,pi, ~.. ~ ' 49 •(.410''' tim:ilf4l/!1 -' 17 1 til i,' 1 1, : _?-':' f ,r., ? ,. ‘,,:,,,,,,,.,„,,,,, Or the wife df li 0 12 5 6 - ..; , ,- iii nod mithifo92. itillikiiifpf :ii•putitt tioui,t„ ir:,..... 's h efl l !' 6,,, ..ts'ia l Vilkl i T. , thet ,, , fididi;. ,. are , ' fid Ili''' . befild''' ' fit ''' . " ( !gri ith oi " . 'd ;', muhlif ~ :i . i b g i l i o i r l e a w ,P , f li t i h ri l iti b i l l o' . ' t piti, . 1 6 4 r tli. ;,rilti o,.. titar.1,.?eit,,,.;.1,61 ftd:c;rilltri.rt ,_ ce-i i ih. isqui M.. , h • hot utfetigth • 11 e 1) 1 V ___. , . ~,' .: it 4 ' ; i n . 1 3: 4 0 i i i p " : .: :,., :1,3 , , f. ii i t P t o ; :ii ti p ovl ! ~ . ew q; . ,' . en itjy anti . t ' ., ,a 4:: , ' .ncy,, f il !fi ,,,iii,, p iau ti .e, t e.. :: ll , oi f ego i re,i; : rn , a it ;einu.:l l agi f riiis e ..e : extf,:ilttilli a deigoi:diti.ers.?ii.l34,;,,"hglice4 . ,,i"tioit,tiooltli2l:.., , bkt'liics,effi'itedupi)4teia - if, ' '',• .. ' , I! ' -I, ' fiiie.4oitill .! l%,T.l . ld f ,k ).F• x !,/-:laiiii,i r kittiiiif-'6l:p ! ii :;.'',ll62.4ilE,,isrvratiiiPilittiiiiii-•:!itit.dri''' at. ( 0 91.11 36 %,44,11t 1,14 Liiii'inqfile,LiH i f IP fitil'.: beriiitilqiiiit,ioPl,-e-,..a,,,zAardie:rolio,ffi ifttict,, 1 iit;tailiii'llt;lA4-pviiitivtioliON` il4::' 1 , totfai %,,c9.41 ..ii,_4,!.,iiittameiltiti.+34kfilY iii,ittilimikr,f- i i ' AT ' flu e - ' ,;-. l..iiiii4,lliti. - tikidliefoir Jlielikix*Wi,,ttlieeppohifla-reiiiiStlifi Weir' 1 mot t o lia l i fi e gy . l t aisi. , ,tioi l yrrhei N. , iiiii!tof , r p . ' ijAi ll ar Pts ti gt‘ tAl irt..iff ; littlifli 7 liiiiiiibethit)4l:!P • `",, aii9 - '' 4 the m ' dual' n 'iieiio:' fdifibilide matt ' ' i, bltrf iiii;, 11/ ii;,.btAifit.VieUidiitqfilf. 31iii:rF.,'41;Calp'.10,1.ft7.--7,-,-14.7,Y,'1t'.',1--'O, iffp;ipiilki,..".o-:',4% i: ',. ' '4 '''': ; -'44 , •: - .?„1:44'4.,7; .; '•:.',', .f,,..V-ce,,';,:s•-;,1:. t"lir. , 9p7A,Fs 'A !'-''.,7,,,...:„!.,-(4--?-4f,1;,,,'=1,:1,,,, - -, - ~ ... .s.F_~rwrwwT!,Yww.""'~!D~,~~.niaK^,.:,~."afia~~~,2lxAaß.:;c~.,;~.Y;y,~!p`.'.~rtt,~~~`.:~{„..:.:~... _k'tCF..~.~lA.'+~Sa^ '1 • ... ' i]l! ..i .Y~',"Ji~:~vr_~d~ , ..i.-:.. e.+_vnr , ~....... it ti~ ...:......~...~~..~___•__ , I •A‘ ,z t ME r , • • R-25,=1846. 1 few yearnSinek, as the Rev Mr. Ga- laudet was walking. in the streets of Hart ford, there 'camp rdnning to him a boy, of .very orditiarY first. sight . ff ipb`arlince, but whose fine intellectual (lefiked thb gentle!. MAWS attentidri blly inquired= e ..c Sir ) can l youtel me of a mall who iibbld like , a boy .to work ler , him and lbtirki to .read 1". (' 14idise lioy ore you, db .you liVe 1" , • t.‘. I hayb no parents,".wps the " and. have away item tie workhouse, be- Crise they will not teach'ihe to reed." The 'reverend gentlerritiii Made arrange inbrits with the authoritieti l sof the town, and took. the bey into his owp Moldy. There he learned to read: . Nor Wa,s.thikiiiii, _He soon aCqUifed the confidence of his new associates, by his fiiithfulness and, honesty. He was' allowed the,.use of his .friend's library, and made .illriiil *Ogress in :"the acquisition of knbwledge.. it basiimb necessary 'after a filet, that beinro rthotild Wave Mt, Gallau-• ilet, and be became a &entice to a cabinet maker in tiob neighborlimith Therpthe same integrity woh for him, the fa ors bi his new asSbeiates. To ratify biTy.' inclination to study; his master hail a little 'room furnished far him in the Upper pirt'cif the shop, wheri3 - he devoted his sure to his favorite pursuits. Here he- medll'illige attainments in math& mattes. in thb Frenth language, and other branches. After being in this sittutticiti x rdw years, ho all at once remarked that he wanted to go to Franbe. "Go to France! exclaimed his master, supprised that th apparently contented and lia?py yoinhliad thus suddenly become dis satisfied with his situation-- , - for what ?" "Ask Mr Gallaudet totes to-morrow eve ning," answered George, "and I Will et plain." His reverend friend WO accordingly invi led, and at tea time the apprentice presented himself with manuscripts in French and English, and i3xplainetilifs singular intention to go to France. - '' In the time of 1 4 rapoloan," said he, "a prize was offered by the French Govern ment for the simplest rule-of theasur!ng plain surfaces of whatever (36E616. The prize has never been awarded, and that intithe - 6 . I have discovered. then demonstrated- his probleifilii die surprise and gratification of-his friends, who 'immediately furnished :him with the means of defraying his expenses, and with, letters of introdectionJo• Hon. Lewis Cass, then our Minister at the _Court of France. He was introduced to Leuis Philippe, and in the presence of the:. king, nobles, and plenipo tentiaries, the American, youth demonstrated his preblentriiiityreceived the plaudits of the court. He reCeiVeili.theLptizeochich he had clearly won, besides valuable presents front A00y..0.04% 11161.„intrecluction mid • pre bt St:limes; where he. Odle up a similar prize, offered .by some I.lloyal, Society, and returned to, the. United States'!:- Here he -was prepared to secure the -13snefit-o, discovery by patcht-'when he to6frsiye, r frojaAbe Eni ,gp:F..N101)0114, AlilkAiit 7 : tr, , ituudetieti!.att*i.: 4tuasian.ecnirlii;niffirifith ,iir inbifili66.4o - 644-': -means-foryltis,outlit.....lie..:Cernidjoil :with - the. invittitimi, repaired to St. Petersburgh, and Is now Professor of Mathematics in the Roy al College, under the especial protection of the Autocrat of all the Eussias! • This natrativi3 the writer has never seen published, but .the gentleman .who narrated to him the circumstance t attributed the sin gular success of young Wilson to his integrity and faithfulness. How ,'o GIVE. -At missiouary meeting held among the negroes in ihe West Indies, these three resolutions were agreed upon : I. We will all give something. ' ' 2. We will all give as God has enabled 3. We will all give willingly. As soon as the meeting was over, a lead ing negrolook—hisiseat at. a_ table, with pen and ink, to put down what eack,4aine to give. Many came forward and gabi: some more and some less. Among ;those who_ cam% was a rich old negrO;alMost as rich'', as all the others , - put , togetheiV Who threw down upon the table a :small :silver Coin ' Take daf back again,' slid the negro who received the money. Dat may be accord ing to de first rusolutioh, but it not aaeording, ,to de second.' The rich old man according iy-took-it-utrand-hobbled-41,t0k-40tis-seatrin- a great rave, . One after ainitittg,;eame for ward and as almost all glive'riaie than him sell, he was fairly ashamed, and again threw dowit a piece of money on the table, shying,' dine4ake'dat !' It was-a Valuable piece of' gold but it was given ill-temperedly that the negro,- answered: agairif ; ; "-No won't .do yeti .4 may be: according to de firstand sedend,roolution, ballot cording' to d elasi;"' and wag obliged to take up his coin -. again:- "Stiff lumsolt :and' all- the rest, Jig sat.a long ; time r till„naafiy all were Oa; ,add then,pame,to the, table, and. With am,iip:On his feet), iiirgelininnii :the treistirer. ' 4, Very faild:the7negw.e:dat: will dd, dat'according td allele resolutions:7 , , ; . ... Toe , VM, antl.W'f,-,-“, Villiam, I vant- my. _yig?! , , .„... ... ,:. ~, ..._,.._):_leicyigoiji,". i evy, rnywlte ?t'lii t iiiitTaiiii J soii -- iiieVr Voret last , Vittineetlitct?;i a niaWeekvlveit 1 , vent to the Vidow.Vl443lisli:,vetblingil!:i'n-' , ,Th . -,: — 4 " Pro,,we,q - ,,i , nui1h,,i, 0 91;91ka . t , ,,,y0 , qr 3intgltr, ptomtnethtimt,Mr..ll_eloptane., cin abouhl ,RafiAWript.--ligy 7 .--,,, Ant,,if::,yop , prt?r. mitteg i a‘ wtsiting,yohtliett.bittlet lake, your, ivelwet anti that:Yell lied' ere' at. the.; Witt tneeiing, ill • the . •viestEityy. ; , '-t ri 'l-;.-i ... 4 ! . ..ri0-;: : :.ii i , .: f-, , In-, - ; ' 1 Mlrife ,yiiii ,iiti ‘diwoye ; I/4411nd mii %kith i per,critichnn, upon my ri vorda,' ~ 1. ism tip:t. 1 going viiiiting tiajbli have' iri but ini gtritid ci take a valk ttleqg the varyes,:tftl tirotiiitl' V4 l4 i ne o,B 9PPr e ift:OPklPiP 6 ''! /11 ' ll g d . rf ,, ,!iii 6 750 ,14 111. - gi ' Vigielliditiiiill,!kylmiLreti r l k jighk:Bilm F r o biiiolo o . , Po looolo b ° l , `.' , ,Olprlifithii (1 °": 4e ITO r 'f PePK PPO , Tihee ~OlaYlo l6l f`4 l4 ` tier.— ' ';‘. sit 1. i n j - - .. Ilia iiiliki 41,1,40 mlO lOtilifttk, 1/11itis t 1 ' ,l 'f l i l t r bYttii l 4 Milian ' k kiii*fg 4ll l. l° il 'i lldr° ' .Panh'l.ii - tialt4ll9;4‘. l )144 i n1 1 ,.. ), :Eb,i,,10 11 ;; ir eouted„ be ,tigyo)l e* .t 'tg ~. itY- ,-• . , ''-'.l4lhiti P.iiiiiltifettiticr:ge IP hinterptiOnne ob Ai , ideer i t'le id!.s4n l : -" - .1. i = ' , • . ~, ..... ,/ ---'---------_____: ' ,l Xtviv i i4.icitirt i o.,itt=6iivie-f'ootelty.;ra.i.e; tit'etninitraiimlet4ell ta* folloVial. 0 -, 1 • peat. C. l. oof9iiieri 11,1#4,',Iiiir4et'slieldoit' , "" 0 ,.: , ,.., 1 •.: ~1 ' 1 11 '''' 7. ; - S ' ' ' -,` -,;' l ''' - ~- ; 3- , .- F f.il. , ii Mt' tnke'yohr trfoattufi,k , . al' ttO iiijief old : I 9! ) !' 1 1:0 I" s;i ff l3 : i! ° , 1 00 964- 4 1 Y' b kOt e i::' , w ~...,..„,,. :, ).;(,,,..- , ' , V, , , - ,i,,, , "..4, - '7` t, ~4„. ' I, ,'..-:,,.. k,* •,,, ~ ,, , :. 4 , , , . ..i,,,,,„ '.,-kt'c',A‘k'icLL,'Lf"':ikekNk.,l4:'.'',',k".:4'-:"..,C",^,,,,Z7.7;11,X',.:1;:,/ George EMI brfa ')laftattiB(t4leta liii)Ottagt from Meitico. The New:Prleans Picayune has received Opera' from Vera Cruz as late as the 22d of October. The iiitellit.ence - isinteresting and iniphrtnnt. The Mexican •papers breathe noting, bid lltreats•bf vengeance. Their los ses are eniihrerated le iletail to excite the peopleib PetrietiSm • and the support of the war. Santa arriLea at' San, Litig Potosi on the 9th of October; aiid• was receive with great rejoicings by the pbbple. lie bad seiz ed upon cobiluda of epeeiii,theriaby. obtain- Ittg two milliens of dollars,for which he gave. rebcipt and liis bond for its reiteration. A letter from Santa Anna is published, ii•ritten on his wa3, tb San Luis, in which he says— " Mir Wm:tater at AltintbleY is not so great as at first thettlit: lam now about to' unfold all my chareitlei, with the energy which, is habitual to me, and thu American's will very soon tturcturth or I curiae to exist." AmpUUßia.m his hittiirs to. his govenitnent assettS that the armistice of night weeks was first siiggeStbil.by tha American Generals.— Ile courts scrutiny :nto his conduct, but the letter-writers charge . him with the grossest poWardW and moompeiency. . In the U. S. - alls . selzed nr - ar 1111witrand sent to Santa Anna by Ampudia l was a letter from the Sectbtary at War lb nen". 'Payton diSelosing the designs tipen Tampico and San Luis' Potosi. The Mexletth decpunts of the battle ar Montbrey are more numerous titan Wile Lea published in thb United States.— Theypraise the valor of our_ troops ; and - tite - gallantly tit the defence. SOtiniit - Ef accodnts declared M.o . :Worth killed 'Alt:ilea' all their deb:dints Say that they re. (Used tbApititlate until we . agreed to salute theif. flag, More the'twoimonth's artnistic expires, the' MeitiereribAtmt confidently that Santa Anna will, have lin army around him Which will' prevent any further ridltlnce.' oT-Gen. The Mexican papers aro full of theAers of Gen. Salas, malls through his secretaries, pitividlag resources for the war. There had been several outbreaks in 'the city otAlexieo, bfit they were . speedilY sup pressed and quiet 'restored. From the Si. Louis Republican, Nov. 7. Important from Santa Fe. By the arrival at Fort Leavensworth, on the Mis souri-Volunteers,,..ofLieut. Col. Ruff, of the Mis souri-Volunteers tv ' elearri - learn left for California on the 25th at September, taking with him companies B, C, G. K; and 1, Ist United titates_Dragoons,,m_alLabout. 400,men, mounted on mules.. The route of `this small command was.conslduro.l by many Oi;the,Pldest ' and ;Most' experiencedinoph.. larhearaAnAttfaderivas';oito'efgreat - .40,0, ti110,... t . rtifleita#kalliotiabiolittelyinrprae: otirlsoceo44 - otalidc - tqAO - 7-f ... ..ortsr 0( ri-cilil panialileititfoffti4)ol4o.o , importance from the garrison, stationed there;) and about 200 miles Smith Of 'Santa' Fe; thence West to the "Gila,-'.'(pronounced liciela;) thence down the Gila to within 150 or 200 miles of the head of the Gulf of Cali fOrnia, into whicii the .Gila empties 'itself; thence North We t.' to 'Monieray, - on the Pa cific. This route4s 'called and' known risthe• Copper Mine 'mulch, • • - .. - ' This command is accompanied by the " lol lOwina o 1 ';;sits Gun. Kesrney,"commanding; Capt. Johnson, l'st Dragoons . aid-de-camp; Capt. Turner; Ist Dragoons, Adjutant General of the "Army of the-West;" Major Thomas Swords, Quarter Master, U. S. A.; Assistant _Surgeons John S. Griffin and R. Simpson, of the medical staff of the army; Major Sumner, cainntatiding - DragdotioCaptro•Cook - i'MoOre,-- Burgwin and Grier, Ist' -U. S. Dragoons, and , Lkeutri., Love, liainrnoncl, Noble, Davidson ; and MciNattie, of the same Regiment. . • The General staitcattilth wagons and with' one _wiagon, loairof ptiOliliiiidciliiis 1 1 0 mules, intended ~ to' ildiili , when ihi3 ' wrigifina" break The Colin - tot reports that • everything wits ratiquil at Santa. Fe when he lett (Sept. 27i) __,llionot a very current rumor existed that, the tArmijo family would - entioavorid - incite - thti population to ' bp'en ' resistance' as Eddil as Gen. Kearney and tile regular. treoPi cif life U. i StutchOiral.left that part qt- the country... This ipipprt-ias not believed, hotieyer„or, it triie,'Wonfil'have caused no unedAitibss. .• ; Gen. Kearney,. by prlitted , pckilthination'. dated- Sept. 22 ; -.1846,,atik0pp5 - eactlitil, being duly authorized by the.,,PKOttletif# the .11. J.S. he appoints the' folloNit g l .P.tiliAlfeiriona the exectillie.and .adittiniSitatiitt PlKertl'of-The lawe'stral'gihent niOat,OftliefrOhitory 'Of New b, t i l , x ko o: .. :,; , :•.o:y: ,•:.4 , t ,, c,•.;!;: : • . •, .Govorrith=Charlds Bent: •...., 1 , , • Secretary. of We. Totritory-,-Pen Adiicidon , Vigil., J , q--...--.-. 1 ~ - -., T - - -e - • 111arslial-Ricluird,Dallam.. , U: S:Distriet Attornev-rPriliiris I'. Blair ? , Treastirer. 7 -Ch , . . Auditor Public Ailuocuts-l Eugene Leitens doriiit;.._ ~.t.. . , ?r; , • - • ii-k4ari-Jdrils-Houglitonl,4ntotiio-Jose-Otere,- arid•Charte's Paubm;Judges.ot the Supreme , Court:; •Thdge' a fippintmeitts , ,were regarded 'as -the bait rhatt conldlbe. made ;our ;till the. Anaterial nt present hrSanta Fe.'--The appoldik - meritiial - ,Goveirrior lient - givesroniversalleati e i,, Licfiom , r.l , l l',-1A , ; , ..11.:',...,:wW,1 , .%T.Q' , ; 4 J. '.rtib trtidrie lA. Jia Santelqo :and vicinity; ,:aftilditioillobevris,Cla'rkla battalicnvot horsot artillei ,I,liiid e,pret of. Col: op Princregirnint i , both t ooriat tacit Apgitay?s companyOroirk; tole; and Capt. hlurphyfic (ol Platte,) coirri ipapy.oilnlautry... .' . ',. 7. -.--.' ~ (lot: , Dellipharits , ...'iiiiinieinr( hatt:plitaiiiiid 'FierMigsiOn; of i : O.etir, ~, oarney; tOeurnatelt,lo ch l huah l iA,`ttp ',41)41,1h0re,, a :junetiori,lTith, "Gip.: Nyent j U. S4'. , atideed t such ' r a move.. 'iitent - lies nbgialutrY,k r arilitvilif, o :,id 'Eipiiie`iiiig 1 ' itian dgeilleav pvlOlEO4 ;' - Nfeo3t gvhrt 'pierce,' :the atrafifeing obliged ta_eUbsistirem'Oent , s; sYo rt) , frilY'Auhf , ?P•Y . ( re , iast,bl >:, Se irrttber,. without sttaror (pec-0 1 nd - Mt half rations ofiltiair[r'• ''' , - '' s 'i" "' '-' ±',' ;°, 1:` It was the UrtiOrkif belief at Santa' iiigitit' ,Qon. Wool woultt itleer iv lib lict,resitotti_Wee; al: . Chihualtine. - -- . l :tintstatit.:,.ccantrtunicatielfz4os ffied-tbetiieonahet-t!'pderit4 1 44 041 1 4. 1 ''* 040 4 0 193iityil.:40,§110fp.AAle (- b:).t (I './,' ‘ s'ii qi 'it.;.'f 4 'z;' ,l -4`, i, ,, i11 , A , - , ivtr A ,o jvic .'l"?.‘aiiik'glic-3;;lik ti: Ira ' 147 1: 4viii,r*,: ,- -prea )*6*.t:toAotio ty. 1„-- 6 ,'”' -prey 'f'74o,-";';'4"4',., MkAtkii ,t - 4.R.,.t,i'.'..', '' .; ": - "" .. "`` 14,- ;' ,1 ' ..: ' ,.,. ' - ~.:-,-; r: i . :!,:.47''': ,I" , :.^' , . . .. , . IMff!MI Proclamation of Gov'.:Stocktonv - Corn. Stockton, as" Corrmander in Chidf and Gearnor of California;" loped thehl owing proclamation good after takift pos session of the Mexican T_rerTirory,; To the People of f oro . iad • On niy approach„ to this place ,with 'the 'forces under my command, Jose Castro ) the "climmturdant-general of California, ,buried his 'artillery, and abandoned his Aintifierr camp a of the Messa,” and fled, it is believ ed, towards Mexico: • With the .aftilers; the .tiarlifei,, - .gtul t. the Cat; hernia 'hattlitili - of rifolinie'd'" - rifliiiiMn, we entered nib eity.br Angels," the Capital of California, On the 13111.0 f August, and , hbisted the North American Rag. . ''‘. The flag•of the United States is' now.flying from every -commanding pcisition ter- , ritory, and California is entirely free flutti domination. ' The Territory of CaliOnia - now belongs to the United Slates( ) and will be:governed, as soon as circumstances may permit, by officers- and , laws similar to those by which ° the other Territories of.the United States are regulated and protected. Bet Until the Governor, the Secretary and Council are appointed, and the various civil . departments: of-the-Government are arranged milluiry law will prevail, and the Commam; der-in-chief will .be the Governorand pro tector of the Territory. In the mean Sine thb pMple will be per mitted, and are now requebted, to meet in the t c - nr - Fris - and departments at such time and place as they may see fit, to elect civil °Sleets to fill the s plabisS of those who decline to continiie in office, and to allininis ter the laws according -to the former s itsageri &of the- territory. In fill based Siiere the peoPlii to elec t, . the Commander-in-Chief, and the Governor will. make the appointments hinsself,T --All-persons ofwhateyer, - VirriiiirThithfullyldhere to the new government, will be conililetell Ss citlibile of the Territo ry, and will he zealously and thbrblighli pro; heeled in the liberty of Cotiaoerree, their phi -sons and pioperti. No persons will be permitted to frinfairfin the territory, - who do not agree.toluppert the existing-government„ and all military AO ii7ho desire to remain, are iequireki to take an bath -that' they will not .take up arms Sgaink It, or do or say anything to disturb the periee... ' Nor will perierna, come they may, be permitted to settle iirthe territory; who'd° not pledge themselves to be, Mall respects, obedient.to the laws which may be; ifeffrtime to time enacted by; the roper Buz thorilies-Of the territory. _ , MI persons who without special permia - stern, are found with arms.-entide own homes, *ill bti:considetell - as - enernies, and will be shipped oat of the , colintry. = • All thieves will-be put up to.hard labor on the public works,And. there kept until corn pensation.is neade for, the property stolen. . -The California:.b'ittriliencit *minted rind"' men will be kept-in the.servicoof the !oiri: tory and constantly on duty,' td prevent and by the Vo•-- .41 - f — ag„, - weession by the Indians, or any ofhet ' Perspak,,, oprds the' properly 'II indivrdnals'ot the Peace: of the territory-and Calif:waist, Audi hereafter.bl str,goyeralld - tuat"defsoded . :Ad te'Y 'Xi:security todhe tiMabilaipti , -and to kAlif ;. Vor..ejtoieigiqp.44 , ,, ,,- .4t: .,, 41 10141 4 1:0Irk0*§Iiiilligli ', . . 444 ri Metamticstirtirieltsltit>lolooll4 B Lit` :rietiiethiiliitiihingt, -- aiiiiice:f.thpoi - 6. • TitiA::: territory' is midOr.militaiPtitirZ....*,'A A f,::4 . 2-17r, Signed . B. F. ST ild,clCTOlll: , ,z Commander-In:Caief and Governor of the; -.Territory Of Cfiliftimia. • - , .City Of th 6 Arig6ls,California, Aug 17, ; 1846:,, A isietiiid proclamation from Commodore; Stociteudirects,Mat on Me 15th September,. 1846, an election will be held inthe.. several , towns and districts of . Califbrnia; at the placca, and hours at which•such elections have usu ally been holden, for the purpose of electing the Alcades and municipal officers. ' . - DAGUERREOTTPEO WANTItioI.N THE AIHST.--: A volunteer in the Kentueky-regimerit WrV hing to a- riend in LexingtanaKy;) iiiiss tine thing ,ieryTh'moch-tnChere,-and • if you- have-ti ehance,-you•-_-,mnsti.send , ,one 7 -thetr is, jite,tisguerreotype ; hiteness„,at, some . pretty 1 ern:not:very' Whiett'otie.' the bays htivii''title'` with the exception of tnytelt, - - and it puts roe to cOnsiderahle: t troubl6 borrowing-i,therrhitto--1 ' l4l4Xlii_net,:f r olgoOinweur44l.,iook yoti,entrcind anyyounk,h4y, who,ivile.Sena. me i'COpy,' '416 kti Mean's; Ad'if•liiiet:' • reach KentuckY, CWiliveciprocatelhe-lavoi4-4 SipaNT CARia,Apn,W,!i have.,itn.s :7 --Theep,,, appeared Lenden..„, :rhe ,th:p ,of ,oyhoels coesi'ata ()flan' (Ankle tabular ‘ririg*pt: eholdsed leathetegenkvandriiitlatOci wiih k ainto any degree tightneewgesiied.4—: , . The motion. pf ; Eickesmity''Aeecidieoriirto. , -;--A 'captain. justly celebiatedtfoi , V.Cubuthity;isaii hailed e ..trom,the flishore, between AllOailtouge;Trinif.r • New o.4ean'l ITqa 4 eWe.,t l Y-fP,IngRII, 'Pifif . -boats i'valf brought :- toytri--,the captain with the agility Of a stjuiiiitt 401)9' Cif 1,11\l'il:;•Z -6 • Captatu,'' aid ,tilf;.7.l6l,,.4o7aseguiqn"./7 Lboived_befitrilheir4 -1 4 :i d/!tiel4 l6l ';' Bl ek ur i ---- - Di ' Oi 4 -Or liiiitial-hll5l tbritilirloallea o kAilaare 2 -r--- , of easiiandlEiesfAkfought Imould.ficalKyeil ; r ._aiiii Inquest, yowl° j car/4 ,e ,AeTsIRY niio 4 th 4o 4iti . t i. —atiset 7 ;% tceitatomißr '• . ' ,i i. lralie4thk'c a itain: , ,Cip4t,pv4,l :I,.y,Rd'lpfe:celiitiPilSiliVetbiaf,ftekf4,--- trk r elneeottoilbltmel.)hsivyll efeeigivis, `liihd the -white hentleou,tlkft 1 /i4ileyingoo, , it*etith.3voulcLit be asking ,too , mtlehte wejt • •in”i ill it'Shbeld liii`iftlidY:th /IV iikfelatuillby-- i '-eiteans)b^ansir'ereillthev.obllgibp,paptifiefo) - - !. cilthe finnttlad.tr,o9-1404?,liketrilnns0A,Cit e4t 1 4# Air•P.W . DiMip.,94 W i 1i4M,4,0144;P11,1t1..., tilt. ...._ . light , The ,ClAptata Of compolledff mi ti . ,, - • , pkaa'dr-limbeir;'.lititlelit f' , ,iiiiitlifi dilliMa i t••;,'''' ,m.tillo lieu had completed her lishdtprreaddhlikef•:" • twelfth egg was handed•him-kw, sorvirate.z• - - • Portiandlrailk•iiiiip' ci i' , : f ~ c 44. vo .../ 7 ' 1 4, k i lf i! g: ' .1 ' , , „ .. ..., ,), •S ::... '.., If q 4 0 0 , .;.t '1,0, 7 , 11 i .., SEVißt i ViiiitaWiligUoilleCetifeuitri tql 'f;,' ~• i furing 1 etilitbikfAiii,Reliiiiiialtiaildhouwitistbi**4i ,' iti a iell. ` 1161 1!pi r ?-441 11 10 411 4§ ,: k ti lh MOOR trin '. ' ' 10111 q..1 >t A t wais'ontiol7- : iiirrAtt ", Is -6 irattjak o3l l l o..Tl'' • ''' l "Tr& , - - ' : !o . oi4linfik , B l o'!"-,' ' , :,,,,, VI!. t, ' .' ' ! 400Emontlt .. ,i, „,. , ~4'._,t4 tko-1210111. 1 , ~ ~, 4 ,V.- -' 444i,,-4 1 ,,,i, ---7T,--7 - 7 4 4iit'kkiati ' t1i' 4 47: 77 , c i t, , .01, t ; 1.,,..,, ,, T18ei1pfi1e.# -.' ' , ..1 ~qa." ultly .. e ,%; .." ‘, .i • Jll4 , i1i A ."... , 40P3' -.. 4'll, , 'f - . 4iii's*tai!'i'd l 4,oiWrja ,6 6Iftpcii',fivo '. . A. TT .ro - ~-..'.:;4z., , 5',4,,- , ., -2 1.- . ...,., ' :?..- . 1,1tAt,,, ,, 1-- A - . .,',:', ,4, , e,J,, , ... ,,,,, -, ~, :.. ~. i ' ,0.,.,„,,,N,i ii ,,, 3 L,7, 44 4;,,...-,,,„,,,, , ~ ..,!,1p!.,,i, . ..:,.'i-,.:-2.- . .fr - ,-,:',..( , q4., , ?;;-gii/A.e.,.:1,,, ,, ,.., , s ',''''',, 0 II t NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers