• ... . , . . , ..... . - ....... . - ;,,, ,, , ,, ,--,---4 . 4=v1-L. , -*rer- o *-'.... 4 #.. ",—;s l ".* 4 : 4 --... ..!,,.'',?'.'',..-.,:.;,..:-.:::,, . . tp.r.,.ne.i.,.,,,,t;,MaT.:141,4'i1,01.1 .Ler55 , 0.'2,•iti1inir,V . ,......,.:! :::,...:!, -,,,_....,, , -,,.,-.....„.,-.., : . : ,,•,.,. ;; 1n .,„ i . , ..• ~ . - ...„ - -.. - 7..5 . "'`.— ~ -- • _,,,,,,,, ,• , , •:. ' , : X.f .'..'•;•,!, t*ifittlYl)l . • • 14 , ihrtrlothiln - lins I " I ' '4l".l4ep enrs e;0 n ohil the .probable rout inuetlAletUillid.lbr foreign 01.01" 91Mi . e cbmpletel L y iturettledChe, anti_ sellers could not get together to-day on scarcely n Ile article. }Jowls, held tit $O, but buyers asyel ai 'T'-;,-.-ttrriciltitlilPrikv.ar'tqore:tlut.sM...l-_Aqke.ar of a sold tik thousand barrels on , Sathrday night at 45.1:' FOr Vitra Meal and Rye Flour we can obtain no quotations, hear of no sales of Wheat; the &ire .up, hut we hove no fi g ure. Core hunts° itilsettled, nut' would probably command 750 for prime - old., }Rye—Nothing said. •Ciats,-35e. . Whisker-2464er gallon. ; WEARRIAID, On the sth inkini. by the'Re'il?A.' H. Kre mer, Mr. Jinctiraii Itirotiiit„ of Shippensburg, to Miss ANDt. CATIIMOE FOObilt of StoUghs - town, Cumberlaracotinty r ' On the sth iliatani,',:by thq Rev. George Mro SQIIREN Miss SARAH !V.EIiftIIEAEE; bOth•Of Perry Counti.•:, • • - On the - 29th by' the Rev:: C:. • Schaeffer,; Mr, .JOHN ,IlAy, :to Miss MART E., datighterrif-Tacob Longenecker, Esq.; all ,of ,G,utntlerlantroounty.; • . . OrillohalviOotober 29th, bythe Rev. J. Murray, Mr. - JOMOVIiriASSB. , Of Camber. land county, to Miss Ltrarinoa"-N:fxszeof Yolk county. • • On•ilie Bth- iiistant f bY•Thoma4 Craighead, E59.,..Mr. - JOHN HARMAN, Of , Marietta,• Lan caster county; to AlistiMAnr J. RUPP, dough ' terof the lite Jadob Rupp, Eitit ofthis county. • On the 27th by the Rey. Mr:, fogel, bangli.'Mr. VALENTINE WENZEL, Of Bloorn field. Perry county;to'MiSS CATEARINENEAD ' m.ANtiat, of Wormleyaburg, this county.. At Lillsbur , r, York county, - on Thursday October 29,. by thd Rev. Mr. Kempter, Mr. JACOB COOVER, Jr., of Monagaim township, to Miss LYDIA A., daughter df Mr. Frederick Welty, of the former. place.. In this borougltren Friday orning last, after_ q lingering illriess,• Delis ELIZABETH• Bona's, aged abopo2 years.. :• Suildetilit; in this borough, on Saturday morning last, Mr. imiiSNYDFIR, (Merchant) aged about 45 years. -• On Friday,,.the" 30th ultimo; in Monroe township, Mr. JAMES 110 USER, aged 20 years nu) ',Abturtiscincitts. • ATTENTION Carlisle Independent Artillery IaTOU aro orderen to parade a ED -I.3CATION BALL, on SAT. URDAY tNe 2lst instant, at 1 d'.• clock, P. M„ in winter uniform, arms 5 4 • end accoutrements in good order.— Two MEDALS will be shot:for on• said diey.• By order ofdaptain John . F. Hunter. • E. J. - NIECE, 0.. November 11,1846, • School :furniture. A LOP OF SCHOOL DESKS AND BEN. ebes•may be had cheajw, by applying speedily to • W. D. SEYMOUR. Nov. 11 1846 an apprentice. MO the Tailoring business, will ho taken by-the subseribei, if application is made soup. A smart intelligentgad" from the thin. ._try__w_eakt_W_KeleroglL WM. MCPHERSON Nov 11:1846 FA LL GOODS. 'A. GENE , .AL ASSORT lENT of CLOTHS, 11,C ASSI SATTINE l'S, Cashmeres, Mot, tie Lames, Meritmes. Colieoes Muslies, mt very lour prices, just opened by C ROUGE W. liITNEIL Carlisle, November 11, 1846. Blank-Books and, Station HAVE received from Phil , very llexterrivo ngsoftnient of BLANI 130 KS and STAI'IONARY, embracing every article in that line front the sotalkst pass hook to the I a rgcst ~sized 4111 hound Ledger, which can lowor. Ilion the usuaLpfices - . 'JOHN MYERSI - - C.rlisle, November 11, 1846: I.cas. SALE OR RENT. fril 6 aubsetiber will sell at private J_ pair, or rent front the let of April IN heat, the DWELLING and STORE ial . ROOM, now occupied by A. Mallards of Co, o i the South East cerher of the Public Square, in 1 his.boroisgh, and .welninnwn an one of the best steeds •fcf business in the borough. Ahio, a small Dwelling House•adjoinisig the above. Apply,to' the subscriber' in • Norili'Mlddleton township. ' THOMAS URIFL . November. 11,,1856: 11 ' --: •' . - •• . HOPS: HOPS:.'IiOPg f f "'UST received by the Subscriber, at hia Drug nod Rook Store, on West Dish at beet, , large , supply tifIRESII HOP4:Nu. 1. • JOIN J. MYERS. CorliSle, November 1 t, 1 S4g: WILLOW tExiineits. ASMALLIot of White anti Colored Willow Feather!, for lA(Hee •Etinnets, ittet openkd by ' : GEORGE, W.. 1110 11. Carlisle. Novemtier 11,1846. • . FRESH P.INE'OM. A . usitni.ar Fresh Flee MI hasps. been revels. d by I.IITNER. Curliste.November 11,1846. No=dm; Plio ElitiChit eilit:itieiiifoab•door Paupers will - ..14.:11.110w0 hereafter; nodose/in order of re erfrbin I , .lnstiee.of tile, reacc or a Director of the' Poor ? at ariief9re,itieTruneilit, stating that the indirtiltiallerticior;fintlitat there is no means to bary'liini or'- her.' MimiTlO PilyiliCilllllo. bill vrill be iniiii,formthrOilliO,ooe . osit, unless by . ao order froth Pith' Of the Direetors.----- ..,----,--'-- .• ABRAHAM:MYERS ~ • 1 .. ,1 DAVID „. , ,_ ..i. • , 9L t l4; ! Director*. •. - '• ,:. JACOB HERSHE, . • • Nov - ember4l ii846,".f , '.. •• - . • i!44. I NOTIXCIA. ", ' elite ittl.l*wrii 3 Of Partition and Val. *tiOn!ao.,',,pio,p'al.eatatii' - of John Roth, de cettaachil„.A%*•tictlwiti,,,toth:.of,.4uguati.lB4l6:, Orijeotta,roatte.'.Diddle; Dole on, the heirs and peraoaa, W 10410100; tci appear ott the let day, of the; ofiri,.;atatirst",,,'Orphtins 4, Cilirt, CO wit : 'the __l6tH of ~q'aelfibet next !_ ciid `accent liir`ieftiie to qticept•the, said ' reel estate at : y.rzßy 70A , 99LIAT, , • - 7 : • . heti true t)V r, "copy " ofµ Rule on'the;,ij , eito and JOHN ,) 1 1 , RUTll,..decensedi.. , ) the seal ofsttitiOiptaiiir. °taut, atrearlisle,dim 28th, d a yror ....etdiOst"ill 846'; J. - 00 ODY EAR: iriclerk:;' , .' 846 • • •"( 1141 KV , to theplantetioe of the 'v inheet)hei;ln Silver Spring ' • \ -- ,tolfitebVireniiiililii'Ant - or Me.. v4 41 ,114)1 1 rg. iibtanllieolllll4o,- . 4 ° wi l ls. to be 44 11 .0 ' 44 4 15 43 ' STER, suPP9sed 10'60' I Z 2 - ,.i0911811;;11141:; nF1:1 11 reepieite . 4 acjllhe divine I ''Ar.we-'iiEtriitGE V. COQVt.R. 746' velnber*i ;in!' , 4, widkon , fiatishatste:' , '" . rl; of Y 11‘ 4 iik t *S s l l 4 t, • ot • illik46; 41. - • • ' 4 • Ncw , ab,prthsentets.,:, , Es , ttge slliyiler;iloBo:Wed: lb:* CYO cEc:I.S 412.11 IVIP: oiErt, this Lot the.. ifs tato - itt: snits'S i nc:o,- . `the -inddlijoil to.thoicetate , of ; iiuid ' deceased are re antrthiiiitr; having , oligiitti:!;'cii 'font present . them'; to the atibsotibCr dory anthentionted for_tiottio- , meet. • • NATHANIEL HANTCII. -Co tit ale,-Nove m ho r- 11,184.6. E§tat6 of Jalnes Herron, deceased. liNr °TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that let. 51.'11 - tern of Administration do bonis non; on the estate of James Herron, latc of the. loirottgh of 'Newvi lc, Cumberland county' " dee'eassid ' have issued to the.subscriber, whoscvphice of residence is in the boiough and county afore sold : All persons Indebted to said : eitate are required to make' immediate payment; and those having claims will present them to the subscriber duly arenticated for settlement. • SCOTT COYLE. • 'November 11, 1846.-6!. Estate of Jacobi Kissinger, - deceased. ••NoTicE IS HEREBY .GlVEN„iliat ters pf administration de bonis non,, on the estata ,cifdacob •Kissinger,late borough of ,Newville,,-Cmnberlaud county, deceased; have issued to seibieribei, Mania residence ie in the township and •county eforeagid : All persons indebted to dm estate of said aceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those plying claims will present 'them to the subscriber duly authenticated 'fftr settlement. • SCOTT COYLE. November 11, 1846.-6 t. Application-for—Tavern-Lcenser— NOTlCwoTtcr, IS HEREBY GlVEN,that I intend E to apply to the Judges of the Court of Quar ter Sessions oldie Pence, lobe held at Carlisle in danuarY next,to keep an Inn or Public House, iq the house 1 now occupy, near the Mount Holly Iron IVorks. in South Middletoolownship, Cum berland county, and that a Tavern ar such place is necessary to accommodate strangers and trav ellers. MATTIIEW MOORK. South Middleton tp., Nqc. I I, 1816. • " IVe, tlie . stilistribers, citizens of Smith \ lon township, Cutnberland comttr, do certify that the - Tavern altplied for by Ntajthew Moore is necessary. to•nceotemodate the publie.and enter tail! ,stranger a and .Irovellers; and that the said petitioner is al good repute bir honest:: sod tern perance. mai is well ,providetl yith 'Muse room and conveniences for the aces Winn of stram 'gem mnl traferers. 'flt! this Iliets irs - serforth in his petition lure true, and that we believe lie would keep tt good and artier!) house'. Frederick C. Kropff, E; f. Ila.skell, Samuel Girl's, John Royer, lleitjatni lio3er;Georg Itidm, A. 11. Burnitz, Wm. A. Litithurst,.George 1). C,lssighead,.(le...rise Wallet', Wm. A I zzateler, Paid I).Geise. . THE PILES! • A CURE FOR. LIFE SECURED! TA UPHANIIS INTERNAL RENIEDY _UP for the cure or Pile 4. - The Vegetable-Pile lz.dectuary, invented by Dr. AY I.: elitint, a distin guished 11'3610.m of New York tidy, is, he only really sueeessful remedy for that dangerous and distressing eontjilai lit, the Piles, in er tittered -to the Eleetttnry contains tno Nliticral :11ctlicitte, nn Aloes, (Indoeynta, flnintmitTe, ininer totiver ful and irritating intetrative. No free of taking cold while under its influencer; no change iti dirt stecessnry. If taken .aecordisig to direutions, a cure Tor life is guaranteed. Another Lit:milli:ldentified to the hundreds that have already been received, of the efficacy of Dr. dilbam's Electuai7. Ni w tioha, August 25, 18411. Messrs. Wyatt lir...Ketcham—Gods! For acce nt' 'cars pat I have been troubled • with Piles ; very costive state of my compl did. not bet )g. lu 40\1 . 1 . 010i (0 disable me from (014110S0 Baal a (bead I had of I.ltysicitins and patetd Nludicities, that until this spring 11-never used soy medicine or applied to a ph) sieina for relief. "ilie lieol so severe that I allowed several (Tont 0.5 to 1,6 per!o•ated without soy betieftt. Detta min ed after this to try other moons, I I, MI un atlVe i, 11101001 a Ca a cure guaratiteed by the use of Ur Uplatm's Eh:eta:ley. I purchased Meer boxes at your store, and from the use of n Melt I Mend myvelt entirely cured of the Pi es,and my much inln•ol ed. 1 remain, Si,c. vonr much in-, delued friend. Emt A )(1111t1.1:. Nlrreliniii Tailor, 1!1.1 Drinaluny, upstairs. Dr. A. It'vATT tk. 1.21 Folion slreel, New York, GetneeaLAttuntaffe. the. Soollthim States. L T3 Sold in Carliale, by SimT.i/a. Ea.ntrr, and Druggistegenerally thriagliot4 the United &ales. I'rii•e $l. • Noverolkersll,lB4ll. 781.tmum - 7 O"gRS his seritices to the jut lic. nue. ing had several years experience withhis Father end having in his poseinsion the villua bin collection of papers made by him, he hopes by care 'and punctuality to obtain a ehare of public patronage. Office in the public square, Irnmedlately in the rear or the Court liatiget ' Carlisle, net 21 EtOND ARRIVAL: goofs, Sho& & Broganth dUST resolved a fresh assortitiont of Men's nod Boys' Calf •& Kip Monroes. Ladies' to- Kid end .Morroeco Stirrers._ Misses - and - Children ° B Gaiters & Kid Boots, black and fancy Molutcd. Also, Kid, Morrricn, Linings, .c. &c. For Bulb wholesale nr retell, at the lowest prices. Call at ItiOlßTElv4—SliiiirieL-611ore. opposito.the Methodist. Church. Carlisle; July 8, iB4G. . .(nth Qt.) fl cs2s as , ' , U' , *. w, as 2 . Tin it. MYERS hos just received ' 0 ..," 4.1;:el an aseortment" of the finest awl %WAS that epuld be seleeted Ifi. S. j Philadelphia:. • • ... .. balers of n go ' cd ortide etc rucl to ca! an try iamplea. • ' • • Cerlislo g September 2d,1845. • IILIANOWS ,dOMPOU.ND S,'"IkUP " 01. A.A. 11 011 E-HOOSI)—For - the core of - Ctst,khst, colds,.. Consumption, Spiting of L - Plaint, Pain in the Sate and Breast, Bronchitis, OMIT, Asthma, and . all diseascLarssing from tz„. r . . ' ' ' disordered condition q . . ' • .- 'tha,..liings or ne- .. '- 0 ~i ectcd,cold. . ' ' • . • 7.7 ' Ziiiiiine , 'lty lite'fr.Orlaliteet;_ - _ - ; le a piece. of. !Wisc., which , is , suitable to a seasons, did applicable to all purposes; _though there is ito ineittilovial,whieh this picco,"of ad- SIC° lir morn Valuable.. Alecto ,to, persons" whirl liiiive.,a quail', or -01dcl Ott lt-illoOkikleet-.What may appear lo tlicuojery. trilling. • ' . IN, -TIE .BEG ; ‘'' :".r . 9 • , ..... INNING,, it-dra7 Jcad-hr l end -final: 17 Con di in pticinr.-.!P.0•411 - : . who - b a vo.4a , Couglc or told, for - If:they trilcet what may,appear. to'. them very- til,fling,,,:. l ",`:i „-.L......: ' .. -..... ~,, .j-', ;-....': iN.IIIE DEONNIG, . i '":" ..;•:,. ' it Mayfair 'tp.l.oflaintnat on of Wags And AM: railtr- , Cinietiaitioni.' '.- Ter . :all • whe " hay i • t...,„. „.....00N4 'cane' '`ara woald ai7;iprocurifibettltiof,PS:'' . liiiiiCeli. ' ' p0i:044 Nykup of , ' .ffoor, , ..„ _ . . ~., ~ _ .. !:(.., ,: .•:,,,,:., ~ hoiend. , .;.', , ;,!' ;•!' , .114 . 8%eifitinic lifilleaviarit , !o'clitti'Eind 'it `tee7: :sate Piiii:ye,arir vifspe:eritigi. A'r , . , ~'.‘, ' 2 .1., .. , 1, .i,Pritcd; ptreenwpecbettia'*ali battlekroi. :isclet•'" - . - ' ii:lgi lily sWrivs,',.-iI'4NCE. 'Pre!naiad_ un.. !.° r clip ilii, !lid 108 lialtlinprl t t livrio x e r 1 1..1.0,p i .11. t . ~, K.... r l tt irtWi'erittup o f..,,,,:;ii,i,,, ;IV. -- • .. - - - • liNkielit,..r:r nail c.i:kit i t , 1 S. L. LuirsA'''s id - 8 ..... , Li a ,r.e , .. 7., .., . A. Ittclimiß . r• ...., : : ,wk.- nitA i rrl 0 ' ' Y tt i I 111611e1;01/14:ir, , , IhN X. tioik4gpi? I P, ~,,,.;i •,:!,,,,mleki' • October r'i,rri-,•,,'',,0,:l AN:V . • i• ' sohilittrti titureinav,o44l `' i ' lth e i t,":;,., l ,,,, s " .••&e,', for•ZiotikL,.....-4* ri`,PnotikoTl:.'"--'-: tEO. R..epluukTP• A , ' , l3etObq T - • - ' ' . .. ''. "•.:r:';',.• ; ',/:;:• ! -,''-'' r': • .---- ~ r • rr , r-f•e.,:' , I , e, • .411.7,,.... ..'',.. , , , P., ,- .? , ... , . , ''.,:.;', - , • • • •-•' 2 8 1. 1di6 4 , E tES,P EVOULLTI L saniaitsiertMeat • 1 11 410 10 4 111 0 14- fr --= ; 01-007 P S I ti'-'-` •- . . such uiesoNgras,ptiy . oryi s descr.iptio'n;,TiElL' VETS;:plain au'dcanotfialootiu - , BAT.'IIINS de." SltlikVer.l3onniits; 4 plala arid figured Itibbona, oflo_sory_deperjp9s& - fancy 'Ostrich, and'Willow Pciitherp,F:lowers, flico•drint; - inings, and all Otherlfir*les necessary•for tha Millinery. busliPaii:4 l 494 l M 'will sell very low at . hot stand WyittostrOct.,.lll: 6/Alcmir, der's iliwianttiremeitlligh.tirifil'intrat Mrs. FIANSON heptCpared at all tiara:to mpko and repair all orders intended - la bei.ilolM.ll l .lth.. neatness •and deppitah. 840flattarif, herself that,bi strict attentionAt.ipsinciai an Mode rate eharges,,shi. may:lei:aka a Mira! share of public patronage... • Carlisle, November 4, 1846.. ' ig' . :lzeasmaa 4iN.=E..3.Nr , ‘s,:a,tile Et EIRANKLIN IVIHAFFEY, . fete JIL:- firm of SteveneonA Mehaffeyj hnd jtiat. returned • from the , eity'rith a large anon= mut of • • Drags, Medicines, Paints- OilEi Dire stairs Perfumesi Palmy. lie 'would moat respectfully invite those deal, ing inAhe above named articles to call end examine his before they purchase,nlseMierd--. they havo. been relented with great : care .and arention. lie is pre'pered.tovhcresnlelo any dine Druggist. or rhysiciane in the county. 2t) oz Sulph and. Acct lllorphi. 15 ox _ INKS r ifles, Black, and Rcd Inks. . BEARS OIL. --A genuinskarticte of Scar's Oil. •• • I a gross cost quality Silk and Colton ['nesse' 10 doz Umbrelleic of difibient CANES. —Polished Hickory hook Canes. • 10,U00 Imported Scgers of choice brands. 1 Gross choice Smoking Tobacco. just re. c:lived and for sala.at the Drug. Store of • • F. rtigkiAFFE Y. Carlisle, Novcmbcr 4, 1846. C 5.1 1 .13 Ift ALDIANACS. g USI. 4 received, a large supply of J. Bear's 0 Lancaster4Alipanace, buth..Sier•rnen and English, Fur sole singiror b . I. y the dozen, by JOHN MYERS. • Curlisle, Nur 4,1846. NEW GOODS. 11,01Esubscritiorholi just received and is now g_.s opening, Lt. his Store, on the South•Weet corner of the Public Square, an unusually cheap storm of SEASONABLE. GOODS, such as • Cloths, Cassimeros,'Sattinetts, FLAN . N EL.S, Vesting!,Cloakings,Si Ike. B orn baztnes, Shawls. Muslins,.Gloves Hosiery, &c A splendid stock of CALICOES, at juices, varying from 4 ttalil 3:4 cents. GROCERIES of all k hide. Also, a fresh stOck'of the . CELEBRATED LAMPS Which he lisclatelyintrodeiced„ and.which are found to be, by- ciu mbera- that- have- tried Ahem, did. most economical and desirable._ article (in, every respect) now in lice. The public is respectfully invited to call and examice his stock ROBERT. IRVINE, Jr, CarlisK.Nnvernber 4,1846. - LIGHT: LIGHT!' /UST received at the More of the subscriber ft fre.ll stock of the celebrated ".PATENT , PORTA BLE LAMPS," for the burning of the *.Psten(Ethereal Oil," LossTirly the enormous demand which is doily made fi,r them. Cal and see aqui. ROBERT IRVINE, Jr. Carlisle, Nov. 4. 1E46. • Cori-.~t:?~13~` Sao rEIIIZ. public are catktioned.against patellas. mg the Patent Ptrtable Lamps, Patent • fthereal CAI, or the right to manufacturi and sell the it'ame in Cumberland county, from any other person than the subscriber, without au thority from him, as he possesses the exclusive ••Itight" . to the same within the limits of said comity. ROBERT IRVINE. Jr.: Carlisle, November 4, 1846. 30ZIENSON Sc.% szvarxxx, Barbers and Hair-Dressers FiIHE subscribers take pleasure in inform ing the citizens of Carlisle and t icinity that they lace. recently commencedthe -BARBERING' iitgiNESSt. in nil its serious branches, in North Hanover street, two doors south of Werbley'oavern,-L Hair Cutting and Shaving done with as much neatness and taste as can be done elsewhere. c i.ikewise, Hair Dressing or Shempooning, by which the Dandruff will be entirely removed, end receive strict and skilful attention. Hay incterred apprenticeships to the above busi ness, and being also residents of this borough, they rosireetfullyziolicit a share at leek of yob, lie patronage. Carlisle, November 4, 1846: OR''' RENT. AnlIE BRICK DWELLING-oil the Wear side or South Hanover itreet, and -next -door to Robert's Hotel: ';re * now in the occupancy of Mr., • S. Ritter; - FRAME- Cif- FICE, a lc* doors smith-of dutitiOlder's Ho. lel, now in the occupant] of .1. W.Bendel. , Possession given on ilia tat 1~ or Paiticulara enquire of M. P. EGE: Carlisle, Ishaveniber 4, 1846. ORPHANS' UR &C. r CO. - T T a slated Oiphonie Centi, b egan on Tues. day 'the' 18th day or t Aiigust, 1t346,. end holden at Carlisle.. fol CuMberiand enUnty . ,. fore the. lion. Samuel Hepburn; Esq,, dent; andlrditipiart arid Asspetnio .judgegi, ings wore' had, to; wit In:tUe caigOtthe,wilt"Ofpartitiett , and 'vain. ntion onthe real estate of 'Arnia IlcffiebeWer, deceaSed, the rule, ou the ; heirs and persons in terested le appear in.Open.Courl, on tho' 180 o rAngliet;lB46, and accept Br ipfus6 . tk ! icceoL said. real ; esiale . at the yeduat)9s,',.haying...becn returned served by, the SheriW.,PerSOnallY and by puldic!ition as directed by the Court,, ciid proof the same bitS,Whee.e. ,made -by I Sheriff; the said heirs and pertins' interested' were called , in'.open.Ciiurt, 'and ride° of thorn appearing., to accept or refuse to secant' ails !Mid real — clitate,at - tire.valtuitien:-410#40 - witi )Bth August; motion 18(6, on or en the heir/ and perinea , interested , to show cause on,tlto Tet_day_ofjiaii:Stated ;Orphans ? , Court, ,bi.'wit% 181 6s:wilt the Said ieal natite•shidllint " . • THE 09r,nbe4alid ~•"' =.: : .;.`:'l certify licit the n4OllllB R OUil ,t -;'copy' of a Milk on,tlio ,liieits and ch ‘ .. Legal, IlegtattinonVot. of ,Arnold ? - 0 t 'Heileman, deCessed.'iVitnecii my hand mild sealf - thit Ali day- or sop. 1 c,_ , tombei,-1840.• ' ~. ,1 .' -- L - 7,7 ,-- P. • — .1. - GOODIrEAN Jr; - 1 cold r --- = .Z;IOYOulboli ,4 11 8 1 0 i ~. ,•;;' : ' • z i. 7 ___.. r . :,,,, A.:42...,,.., ..,-, .... •_.l-- -,, ,•••••••., EntateNillgad)Ael .- . l C llll °l JitiCeitlica4 NoT(0#010,11EREBY GIVEN, that '.llil= , , te e s - - at vidliAnistratlon;onalcs iiettite' Air • - NM IClffifOote -0 0 1 11 - botonitivor'lGidilid ; CciritiCiliiiirl couh/y. do o P9l*di bold: 1 10ed% to the liobolio Place of residence la "ire IliP•tiOntuilf e nttOno ll llrAlWooldl'Allktlnino it .1 1 111itlOrPfe0 4 ,4 1 . 41 0 10 4 , ki-.o44loKstso • / A , ukiiro,lo NigelmmejWAstornmtisr3itp 01144$ al OiCelittilivAJlListolianttbeivo.kt,9, , utpio ( 3 0,i,,silatholiticakeltfor-optitiihientii* ', , 4 I:V4. /'t';!' JOIIEyKrD.' n4poinxt , 1.- Niiiiiiiiiliet"4oB4l.: ''',:‘,.7' % SEEM 'I2MrIIS • - - , • • - 0116 - litT l SWi r e 111 ttitOn ' (''ixPninti , 49 ,931Y1 1 ) 0 40 0 .3 , n1M 01 ) AM" NEPAYl ,ll l% l o lll ;e4Y•o4` l °Ynknb cg lika .... fn' ;obit:04)1ml) 14 i pr om y leoa t,,thamP Se : 11 ".4. 9, 1.9 .of Jacab,,,AarlOart, dpaaaoad4 nisiaTA4'edn'tltdea.' •ataCamiaztknot pfl-Druge;7 . 44liits,Pilgri-Bool44: Paper, inkanaka. Dlati4abtanY B 4 43 .4Lat—• 1.1.0 stackLiMkk,lnalatatabilYjnY o lol.-tiLtlia_ - prertrent - city - pricuai - an4-will•-be aold-wh °Jeanie - nnitinOnY o l9e , lggenimr!LW:ihillit - iin.Rulabitab Anircpceasky t ‘imaAtiffinro the salo.‘ poasesaiun,mo giyan.,. On fmnatdol.4pi l Lbe 1-90144410Inkallaid and Kitalleil FArnitarvi Sleigh. Cloolcao G.lntiONVlapaulitAs..4,inmilY 119n39;1 1 iett - of urvitY Wit Inatrulnantak&a. ,Terms mad° - "own 9n PO day InfaobY`t; ; l ieCOT,TypOrLE,.:Aroodtor NewYillesCP l o. 4 1' 1 8 1 0 1 •• • , • PaletWailliner • . , • - - - r-...NWER1i,24231"2 1. ,• ,Li • •,- -•-• • VD kAPEOT:ol4l.tit'llfortneiter custotvgile and Jl-11,11.1 . 1iii!ies general ' that she hal„Opeced an • • • ..... '-':••••• A dL t „, ' ' ' ' 'licit '44" -. IPALG. - ntiLux. ~.. 4cpir 7 ,-,: f i, l i.- , ' ''11•; R , Consisting ',al' iiihnetit, ----• ' f'' :'' Jr • Cop Illuffin'Peat6ritylow= *opoe Itt ••• • ' , •-•:-•-- Cl it ibbons,:rdlcciai Ilion: •tiet: nd 'llicsa - Silks; Ter herr nod Silk•Shorwla, Rich • •,_ 7Frclt Cashmere -8, Monalin •tle'Laillell, I'lahl Vl2ritla lobes, !nab! for,cllll - : drost's 'wear. ('articular ' teation will :be Chown', tO all Who will call antl (limbic. • '.-• • • , ,• • Bonnets altered aflerthd latest faaltiOns. ' Carlisle, October 48,`18 ..-- - .3t. . . • FALL AND- WI AL,‘T. tho store I:Welk. • lOC A'R - D & CO., lA. Carlisle, n.freiih. supply of lull bna Win ter Geode, al well select d, eashientble and cheap as the..,market can airord. . Also, 111 Cir store' in:PLAINFIELD, a good lissairrient of D ILV GOO D $, Queenewpie,Giouerice,and, Hardiv4re, all of which they &mite to &repose of at us lesson oble terms, as they can be purehased elsewhere. Pleat., give thaw a call and examina for your, Helves. " A. R ICH A-R & CO. October 28, 1846. 2T7--fl—N-2XY.,CREVJJ •-•, • • And Cheaper than Ever -•- TRUE siths6riber begs leave to inform the liublitf that ho lies received a splcnthd as sortment of ' Pall and Winter Gaols, and respectfully invitee them to_givehini a call befbre_pnrchasing elsewhere. His stock con. sista in part of Cloths; Plain, Black and Fancy Cas. simerei, Sattinetts, Flannels, CASHMERES, and CASHMERE, IGRAIN3- ATED ROBES, Mouselin de leineil; arl -shaded Merinees,Plaid Cloakine,.iind a va,,, ety of Prints, Terherri, Cashmere,;Thibet, """ Leine-Shawls, kW- Gloves,- Ribboesi -Fring- en . Flowers, and a great variety of WO artieles7 all of whin,' 1 will sell at the lowist prices: — Call and see! Jl. IL GROVE. 'Carlisle, %tuber 28, 1846. - . NEW MEW NEW . Cheaper than Everfail _ . rillilF. subscribers, having ,iii ireittrneel - from • il..l'hilndelphin, respectfullyit ire the attention of their friends sad . the public art-ally, to their large und elegant ussOrtinunt a I , OI{.P.IGN and DONIESTIC . Fall and Winter --Goods, , toniistitignf all colours and qua rep of CLOTHS, (some of them as low as srsl - 1, CASSIIDKRKS, Statinels, some aglow tin 31 pe li, .leans ; Beaver 4101 ('lint Cloths, Vesting% Cal nits, !rpm 4 to 15 teems, Oashmeres and Mimi. / Icialle9,1:1118C, s. bleached moil imblesialied, % is, jlllll a vorral ansortinoidat AVIIITH: GOO 'Also, e 2 , o c-ra.a.lt is r I. e SII , good sail cheap, of every I wiption, such as Coffee at 8, 9 and 10 i , ents it 161 Sugar at 6,8, 11111 i 110 C6IIS; a lb.; Molasses st 37, 40, 50, still .75 cents ptr gallon, together will _all. kinds of spleen. Also, a large assortinetahlegDA It AND !I A RDWA.I2I:I; CI tick! of all hie nd Perfumery . , a kit s; Paints, Oils, ,7. _ndillye_andrs,tatent Medi - a large and splendid assortm c en f. 'bins, Glass and Qttecuswn c. Dining the-lar at-stookof this kind of ware in town, we feel c indent of being abbe, o please the taste of all whigive its a call. LLST NOT LEAST ! ns.l l vg just, opeacd. '2300 pairs of BOOTS AND SD .8, of nil kinds, v t and of the best Mistily, wgich are enabled' to sell unprecedentedly cheap—lii instance, Wo men's shoes as low as 25 con Men's coarse shoes, 37 to 50 cents; - Men's Ifni ' lents $1 to $4. Come and see thetn--we have es ugh to shoe the whole, county, and elteaper, too, an can be bad in town; JOH G Y & SON csoime, October 28,1846. • DAVID s. A7ll H ' S•justreceired from Phan' I'ok, an entire Ny.SV OFAQOUSiaanitabl and widek ;ni•:-ii;•deteinljned to Tl[ Ali EvErv. Hia,itock • e rich ned . fild4enaW'abided• Oisliiai* , Robr,4dO Pastime re Iltdies t 1_). dedmertim'es; Ombra . Making.' di -- );TliiliWralkeireStinwla s tr bilit(lo 'lineal Sim wlii4Danla Skiing for lanmeta,S)lk' Velsr FIJI Ribbnna;rrimeli iflowEra W FEA tissnrted coke's, Po each Kitt, flift IVorsteilTriegit, Ties, Polka Combs, Velvetitik Tai•lton'anct Ca mimic-Al lii addition to the above; ite theta ,ofnew.'styk Ptiala; Ufa lootesti.llisoils.':' , A I mei Yoslii (;etitlent6 .nitlllloyN of any cvarteffilt : iii for Aid Call,n(hisotore in Norlll'Ftsinß.l 'Cortinlail'it Mote), ;•• •. V 1) . Carlisit4,QctokerAil tdiV • , eAubso.. • • '••• HA.N.,ELEarioN,FOtt ILECTI IRS .of this In ui one vitt., .14411 lie , held ut ihell AI(U:Vl)A 11*, the 1 Rh' wept, the i hnurcof 10:ote10)( ;'• GEOlig 111.91tooll i t4; '4l ol 4 ** e;_l4:4l'to.theirueitling.o_Ai siding ie Silver . ,Spring.-1 kind eouilq,.eix unties ieoml C IVlerliersirkberg,emuowN stope ihrit ylitf , come vi'fiiterV .(4.6 , tier !kyti:yit4ll,e l l*,ll 4l Oa. stcOrdloito law. • 2latate , ` , •3ac9bili paeTiap- litiiili,iivi ' 0 2 Pqntiiii , on t a aau4 4 il; late Or the imvoigb of' , " /tiVeboon;.gro,ttett to. ,-tho 11 Alto eamOlrOuglir if MI I the_oklatailifiqd deoeniod il' lon torrietiv, 'N 1 ( 1 144 4101 0'. 3 •101410'51*i OBOlt,ttiom to titi '''' ' A","' 1 : iOt .Ve . I ,W lOr ‘ u a g tn u j ti h o sa f : 2 h ß pa W oticg toiierotty i - g n t n.' o V g nerl!eill I°o(q,i o 'Ott r ' Olfkiiti Phi l " 1 1" 1 , tott ~kz,aLl- i +.l . , kt.,o IVA ,Tiiathnelnota will 'be , 0 ' 'bald Alt i lakoi t at , the old •tdan i - , %'•i• '' ' '' , '"l ' ' ' , _ie'( BM OWN TER GOODS. 'GOODS I t4m3Ec !! _COME AND S OLD, MEM' 600 !Was and New !SHIONABLIF: or the araann 11 CHEAPEIi racer in part IMES. l~in •..de Silks;,do.'sha sled do, Bared S'llawls, plain do. fashionable Ole, do. Face, ERR) :;Ytlfalies, Black MIA'S; Ladies •C u full sitsort - 11:116 uutl ram 1'41: - .)uperior to:!' IZ`it.';c ,:,. ~! - ;; . 7';?,f1846:? ':: I tagEN An:. 'on to • servo • for ! ifigllOuse, , 00 ` ' bet. tiextt , b' , r: Ar, noi.l two fy .:::: l'icei. ~,, polisorilicri To.. , ship ..,Cotnbeo.,. 'iota to ot , 3 , fiinu , 1 VI lkithli I..!tilto 1 or /fide siall :to . y ohurges,,noti 1 4: . dispose dt.of .. ,41.L.1:11,..Pr, -- . ,i'iii,..-i•'/..; .''. 06 !!k: liini'leitniti-ies;. itir",'..lititilinOrk r , *illo t does** k'elitist, "6004, 0410 6 400° . j finitn4ioll",. ithiqkiiz hiiiiit .otibtotitint(st OaltP ~'. ' .:EieguNro 4: B p. 4,4 •'; thi 'OO4Ol. gLimilweew the tYPntki in.1 7 bt mukuk,ll,conF; _;BRIQICER‘t. rE R 8: kr.# WCA , 1r , NEM . 9,3 ~) 11:g .. ;A ' A V .-1** 11)E-7 *1 1. ., 1 7 4 . 4 *'• nn It•ect3i . vi iwal , it,hiest,shsalcoif,l.lll.Y... poops ~,iio..brquig h tLt,i) • this i)h.scov d tKiJkds loWnt B::iall'prolita lot cash. . VERTIMPORTAIN - r `NETS kikw . • ' another-4-7saizt_we,-atfppsy-vr NewGeiCia 1 / .; „I; •. • % AIR it ( 40 , 1) • ntw'' most;Tailondid;and`Cagf•l'EST STOCK ,Ole COODS4litit Alas benii'firm.ght to Carlisle; fora number-of yeatp, coinpriaing all kings'alid qualities . . Dry, Griodrii.livieries Boots ; Shoos, o.lpa r Bcc. - Btc. . ld inVite all - thotic who, wish. to . lay, out .11111rmlney itiond advitntajd'im give him a call :before tinrhhiSlog •Owtng—to tho groat !addition of.pricoe, in :Miny articles in his lino of business. he feels Confider'', that ho can give BAKOAINS not to .be surpassbiii if ego ailed in the ;country. • , . •.• - To.givo a list of names and .kihas orgoeds would be too tedieuxlas it tvould-lill columns eddy paper, end then not the 'twentieth part enumerated. Git•e him a • call. and lodk for yourselves. • Remeniker, the "OLD STAND,' four dorirs . Elsa' or I,ho•Market House, and di' rectly'oppoSite Martin's Hotel. • , Look out foi the "BIG SFGN I ! !" CHARLES OGILBY. Corlltile,oelober 7, 1896. ' P. S.—Many articles can be Fold less thin manufacturers' prices, such no Cassi metes, Cas. sin etts. Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, Canton Finn. nels„.car_pets, Umbrellas Ginn Shoes, &c. &c. N.: 0,, . Couittly hterchahtirsupplicd. at city prices. FRESH . GROGERIES• - Br UST _ceecived, a' fresh 'supply of DROOP.. Cr lEl;1, such air seporior Young Hyson TEA, Imperial Do. Pouchong Do. of superior tralitY._ Mu — uble refined Loaf _Sugar; Falling Loaf and Crushed do. superior LlroivriSugar. .lava CulTheiltio do, Sperm „Candles: Tallow do; ,Balrcr's No. -1 Chocolate; Cocoa, llonmeopa. thle de; Golden Syrup, Honey do. Sugar - house 'and New Orleans Molasses; Dams; Datil Beef, Mackerel. Shad, Salmon, &e. Arm. Also, a large assortment ofQUEENS WARE, Lamps, Looking Glasses, and-many other arti cles too numerous to mention . The subscriber would tender his thanks to the'citizens 01. Carlisle end the surrounding country, for their liberal patronage since Le corpinonced the Grocery business, and assures them that. he will strive to peril their confi. dence and custom by keeping a large supply of Fresh Groceries always an hand, une. will sell at such prises as will give general satisfaction. GEORGE R. CROOKS.- CarlitilNSeptember 16, 1846. 4 NEW HARDWARE] STORE! HE. subseribaro, having 'taken the store rocnn.on.Euot. High - street, iiiiiiiiiiir West 0 f r avid Ntariin'ol-1 otal, and iinniediately op. ri poaitoOgilky's Dry Goods Store, dro now open. ing a huge ' - Stock of English 18Eardwarei of ibeir own importation, which, with u general assortment of Amerienu Hardware, Sudety, &c., theyoffer at very low' prices. stock consists in part of Lucks and Latches of every description, Butt Hinges, Table - 11,/es, Screws, Patient Shutter Hinges arid Fastenings, Hand, Panne', Ripping,,Com post: and Tenant Saws, &c. They also have unbend t. general assortment of Window Gloss, Paints, Oils, and We Stuffs, Varnish, and Mahogany Veneers. • They would invite the attention of purchasers tathehrstldbl6. which is entirely now, and will be cold ale small profit. N. B, COUNTRY 11l ERCIf'ANTS arc invi ted to call and examine our stock, as we are enabled to supply them at Philadelphia prices. WRIGIIT LL SAXTON. Carlisle,. October 7, 1846. ammejl ,t.ttmzvd.t.6, TITHE - OLDISTABLIVIED - HARDWARESIORE, STREET. - 200(1 Wcthcrill's Pure .Ground White Lend, 200 Oullonstieseed Otl. • 100 Gallons. Spirits of Turpentine. 2000 ItOn-Wavnicotiati.Grindstuncs, 3000 lbs;Pails, assorted. With a full assortment of,,Carrimiter's Tools; Building Materials, &c., which I will sell at the Invest. prices.. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. !;.1011N P. •LYNE- Carlisle, September 30, 186. PLANCES SARSAPARILLA; or IlLOCift PILLS. FIFTY PILLS IN A BOX! 'de Cheapest and best Modicinc• in yak. tenon : Every person who is aubject to Dili. ous Fever, should purify their blood and eye. tem by using a boa of the . iSARSAPARRILLA; Olt BLOOD PILLS.I Persona afflicted with costiconeas, should try RANCE'S .SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD ng ladies and gentlemen. troubled 'vvitli ase Pimple's oh the fithe - i 'shotild try ,the S-44RSAPARILLA 7, (7.12 BLOOD S ingink. in •the Ears relieved by the • (lances S'arsqparilla.l r Blood Pills. Drowsincps and General rebili y cured by the Ilirnees,Sar saparilla , or Blood Pills! ;eti- - .T . srssiis :who , tahen considerable portio.ne of iietctitq, aid in'eons s eriniinee pains in the r bones, should ust? the. .Ifilizi,carsapartllwor;lllood is lurci,ll in;goitatre';'inOS,.-ii - riantodjnolAct contain'. patt4lo`',4,,ineTreitry,.'should psotlio ;., . • •• BO4it 'Mi.. drukne, foki salo.by „MT, 1!, HANCE, - ip ore. St icp4 Mt 10 ii(5,14 . • . • rilefictOar 11151e:i•I • •A. liteniAjitm;'43e • .W Hititti 6 i.4il'piitikktilNCiviiiN.:-'; ligN.l.l:ol.6P*#,,Pr-11APQMPOF131311,1•4' IS,)isr44l)frnycn tliatOlie.- f;, : ru pi - j, od,!tosi beeo, ',- - iiiipo!ntiol,losiligOoo ocliiii '., '+' it ' . lei of %Yost TP,epusborotto,li — itrwriellittitiolll?olli,iiii o PnlYs!h) 11)eed id k0M914 40r.; illoo; , ...bfogfit ;of. Crtoliorik ,i 's4!ll4oeb -, ie o do l v e ,11 leOrs ef l o 3P rc q .ieig os - ted-to,yaslell6y4Op!lloT!!gil,etrr,miidiltlOse ' 1 't: av ' ing claim i; 0,0r1e.04,.s ..e..;'s si 1 , l lg l riT !" n t re „ 54 'illeiste ' :lsS.,:p '' To -! i4r l I IPW YI .I • II kSS L. Oct.' l4 l ll 4 l3 ;dt . ... §' .):1 - 'r.:, •.,,', ' q::: , :!•:,6,; - ,''4.'-' , . ~-. t.i. ;11; :S.,2'sf.,`.ftiti3Otiv,:i'l gur•fl'.,— ,'4 1 `;` i''' ~ . .;: it . 14.;i mine; areilitiredix enution'ert, 7,4 ii l i ti L , truelingliny'liiiione w.iiiit,ever::diPiriik'em, i,„i,:i.vithedit•`ftwritietiriirdpe P e ;Mil 'tii'vekiltia* . ra m determined to ,pe ~ ne ';:laigi y iiy c . h .. ii o ,i 7 „tr i ,t.d :i ih,, !74 t,, i1vt6 ,L,•. ;,90i .. t1.,, ,. ,,.;i , ,A8.0Arjis ~.., •-:....... Abp qtlitiiiiaiiiivo . iiitioi.:6,4o6o , t - • . . 4 ENSONi.d'4lg_44:,kt4y,:;ityk. 1 tecagitild iiii iiikki,'. inivitjtoi- P!.l.stiri, , ."'rri° oliolllco- , in i ;th0i1itiide0r , ,, ,,, :: ., ! , !.= ,,, ..,.: _,•::7,-... , 1 .. , s , s , -.., , :: -:?: frANKtor-Atii.A..vrEy.; ,, , , ., '-: 0 kitqc October 11',1846;F,,,:-,',"-'•'' iCA IrkeETSII.OIIL_VLOTHS LLL ANITAPpRikva iktilystaro4, l )Aik4l l 3 ,l •vok, of lift,aPV-P1A91.,911.qc1\h4-Fel,ll4tini4t i ,(tii czoile c tor 0 1;obc1.711 .8 4t • cn n • , ~ • ,".,:,:-:`,1:-td..'s,,,,fratzvv.51,,,•4q . •Nottets- - • • r1MC123,. B,IEOEII* GIVEN L tlineeptlleatien. will Made by the undefaigliiiii and 'Oilietiv i to /he next Legislature of the'Ciithointtwcallh . ofl Pennsylvania, for the inoorgoration of - tr emit!' pony to be styled "Tzte Cuainelftasto VALIAIIr - BANK OF PENNBYLV.I.VI4". iFo7l7ioOited in the °rough of Carlisle, Cumberland,Caunty.". to —ave-a—mtp#atuf-no,t nrA4 , Diilittrs, with • gahoilkyi.bav,k4ig' - and disc cOuritkiic . t. • . Pitimits' . A. Mi 116 6. ThoMsa..l3ell; • . .Samuel,Beetem,_ Williaria . Kerr, • ".rJahli.:Lcirevre, `John ' ' John Huston, , L. IL-Williams, Benjamin Piller, . Alex's. Davidson, Andre* G. Miller, •O. H. Leas, D: W. MoCulloch, Isitac`Lefevie, ' William Galbraith, George Heikes, • Richard Parker, • himes-Greason,. Writ. M. Henderson, William Creglo. July :846.-6m. Estate of Peter Fought, Acceased., OTICE IS HEREBY GtVENoliat Letitro,. of Admiiiiitnition on the Agitate of Petet) N • 'Fought,la emithe township of Silver-Spring, id . the county of Cumberland, deceased, have issued to the subsc,•iber„ whose place of residence is in the_township and county aforesaid : All pe rsons 'indebted to tlitrestute of said deceased are reqUir;-' ed to make iinmediate payment; and those having Cialmi will Oilfield them to the subscriber duly audirnicated for settlement. . ' - AIM.% ItF.T 'FOUGHT, rotrii de 1)6,16 hibn DCsrud dee'd Seiiientbet 30,1846.-76 w. • Estald kir Gedige Rocket', deceased. icarict is HEREBY HITE:v, that Lot -111 tors of Administration on arc estate ot George Rocky, late of Pichintion township, Cumberland county, hare bObit . granted by the Register of said county to the sittiOilber, whose ;Alec of residence is near the York springs, in Adami county, Pa.: All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are reqUired to make payment without delay; and those having claims or demands will present them to the subscriber duly authenticated liar settlement. _ WILLIAM. R. SADLER October 7, 1R46.-31. FIRST &. POSITIVELY THE LAST NOTICE LL . itersons .indebted to me, are hereby notified, unp earnestly requested, to come lorwerd.and pay, or at least settle 'their respec tive accounts iii some way, on or before the 15th instant, or my claims our them, without regard to any individual, will .be left in the hands of a Justice el the Peace for collection, where these who. enn,..Mid arc so disposed, may pleid the liquor act, us some havonlready done, whose names cut be seen on the County dock et, where the names of all those who cony be so titian and dishonorable to do it will uncioubt edly be placed, be they who they may. Those perions who have claims on me arc respectfully and earnestly requested to present, them in writing, and 1 elm assure them every just debt will be paid if one half °lila whibb is honestlyminting to me isrpitid. WILMS FOU . LK. Ca thick, etuitr 7,1846. • Dissolution of Partnership-- 9111 E Partnership berietothfe existing under': - I the fi,irM of STEVENSON & 111EPAFH FEY, is this - day dissolved-by mutual. consent The hooks of at:coon:a are .placed in the hands of F. Mehaffey, who is hereby nutherited' ter settle the same. Claims against the iirm, Nill also be Settled by him. T. - C. STEVENSON. FRANKLIN 111 Eta FFE'As: Carlisle, Aug. 24th, 1846. . - r 11II.E subscriber having taken the whole CR. tabliament, would respeetfUlly inform his friends and the public generally, that he will with the assistance or Mr. STEIIIAT a competent Druggist, endeavor to give general and full satisfliction to all those giving him a call. Physician's proscriptions carefully compoun "tied. FRANKLIN MEIIAFFEV. Sept. 9, 1816 /'lCo' 3 ..eLta/210 " Apersons indebted to me will please take notice that I'have been waiting, and am waiting, hot do not know how much long: shaltwait, especially on those who have let stg er 1 thei r accounts run on too long. -Such .must thin hard of it if I 'determine to wait no !Once, and they had therefore better ease costs by calling aeon. All who arc indebted to me either by note or book account are . requested to call and settle without delay. Sept. 9, i 849. JACOB . SENIIIt. •• Trustedhip Accon TiHE account of Thomas ornmittgq . Antes Moore, an Itabiltirdkunkavl ng been' Presented to the'Cii A,OI Common Mesas of Combertand tannin and ihi.fiist day . of Niivember Term next, appolito fair the final Os gage of said account,and rulnplitall cintierned to appeal , and •sliew manse Why eitiCaahunt shall not he confirmed and altoviqkl briaSd Court. • w.Mt.ti,Frrv, • Prothoantarr's Office I T OIIO .Y. Ca rlinle;Octl' 11846. t-46 Att ~.- 40 ,..;,: . -.,, , :e.' 11)31u, iitpi ' thli'd - t2.the ttert.ittitttlittitiity., 'Oro,' 144'd, ttp-„, ount,--tOtttlr: . 1 1 hew enn . 4 iilit 1. , i sued mat allt'a - , P , - 1 . ~ . . W. M. I3EE tENI,, . ••• Protlentotnry 'a office, l'eotlV't Tatt•lisle, Oct. ii, 1 846. g: ------ ,„.., 4...,..,--- E state o f Peter • op: • _ ; 4,.. ,,, A1A14 . 11611101 .1 8 glil,, hereb y notified that t..etters - OP. , ,Atitininistration on the estate of l'ettw I. tuktijnie, of Allt:n ton tialtitt, Comberlattol cot:Ali:1 1 , Reill'li., iftei..nsett, govt., Otis tktT beep lit': stied' by , tlie'ltenjtter to and eon the said tontay; tit tte tattineriber, whin resides in the Borough of New entubcrlntll. A littno soostutting dliontso dolomite aguiott the estate of the snit% Accented ore'reittested to make itumcdinte ontro6o. to • ;JO:A:I'll MOSSP.4, . ,•,-. 0.. , —• -7",tolner.. ". Trustee. milt Account or trator of the Iltionit hood Compuny, bar • Court of Comnion "pj null the iirbt day of N puinled foal possitge on oll•cottottriteol to ttpp nail Ilecutti,f sht(ll not In 14-4ttitl Cana o,F,!olier: 1441146. • • Estate - el 41.0: - .Elacki:deceasedi - ALt.; liereooe not hereby notified thet Letters or. Atiletkßotrielost .on the ,Eolitie or Ann le!enr Wtiot Poitiorenic towstelep, r'initity; Peen'it.; hate thin (lei been' Wiled 'by; the Regime'. in celerity the said county to the nilicerik6' residing in Wiistpeliteitioro' t All,,Orticeilii ha% RIK ehil ins or (kenels - 4%0'1 . 1kt the • eitateof 'ilte , tteeenceil ere rollicked to neike' k 'lawn the seine without delay 'nett those indebted to tettkelirituediater*nient. , . • • ;. , ,. 1 1Mober Adoer. . ' s t ate' 'Z'ci - It . . (i' .- iti ' ' ..-', , tir- aob qi ort ,ea • • irridE 2 lo l .cco4Y4itA I'vebut-lotteen.tei e te feleiteil-TiJkLietatalat__/eeeh_J;flber7. pi Ito.'gr , NiwPOßlvukhip, .deeoesod; hive bee . , graiiAtii,fAtho. Oub'qocilioe , reel dlog:in the !won t. o ",ofis.hiP,i'2.Al l., poudde, knowing tliemselvoi in gi'bili4 to 4 mid ootito arc Coque tied torinike, ht, meditate pay uictrd, nod. thoselutringt elides, ,wil ' !preooni.thoutpropekty adtheßtiileuldrti' , Y, .• • .. =,...-: r .'.o4cittOE'tll.llEßT, • " . §9144.,1 8'4 0 ' ." ':.- ''.. ' "-, '' Exec')' _ . • ' istale at, plii9.liptlx,Myers; . deceaseit Ik - roTipir,, EL.IIEMEMY 'GIVEN:that Letters -LI, or Alliiintimratioti.biitlie tome Cif Ellizaliuth ,;llyErs o litol.orifrOlkford toviniphip,:.,'urilo6,e ' l;itlit loonty,.oeo4litti, t)pr,e'; 16001 tp' Ow , i kftehli fig AVtlie r C00ty,:t1t11ki . 10.1,1,16_11.1i,14 All paraim . s ihd . 9104 ttreatil c4uite,. at orl ii, juskti-ifiltriitiliate liaiy taco , nine { hole;ha v i ng -ilaitroktill 7 pf*titlifierilAtqritiithAiniviteo44 eeftleniint , , ii ,7.. 1 ',-. '' '6 .,': - ;JO 4N ' Ik4 V Eit9 , l l T 7 . 7 , Aliztobett 28; 1146,i-4,,ffi,i,, , , t , i. , r .-: !t , ,: .4, „.: 4 , i ',...,,.:V0 Gentle Men; ri riCeiciiiia it 15:11 WI tIPT4T!'3 64 ;'4, 6TO); tt tied Artie... 0. 4 ilitl, 2 4;POti ,'4 . ll,'l4:to*c 0,414: , 1" , --i -. :' , 1' ,.. :.".. - : : 7Ai , ';'11 . •:"I'.9z;• ', 1 ' , ; . .?. - ' • .‘ '. , y:; 1 .f4 . 1.: ,, !. f. :,'!• . ,, , ,•' , +':.. ,. . 1 .; , . - 1' ]-•,: • , it - 4:lmb 108 414111X5E4'....•; • ' IF. • :.VIALIJABLE:4ARM • AgthrL-Tritieltokr . ;" - rirgiiiia 1 INDER the authority of thi IL) .lANIES. G. 'FlCKLlN,'decegsed 114 un dersitned,' eiecutor and execiltrix..will 'expose . at pu liultattlictigliest bidder, before the _ front4t t o l': -. bl t talterenuel - Iltnstchrtheletffrilf WinchesteepriFßlDAY the 19th day' of Hoiem h,r•Aritileing' Code/ day) A 1 RACT ON; N o;contelning about TWO HUN: HHEH AND EIGHTY-FIVE..A -••• • ..CRES - , - meire or less,. and known as • tIie,,ItELLEVILLE . FAICH:" The loctitudi and general arrangement of this lend will compere advantageously with that of any other in this seiction of ceputiy. It is within four Miles of Winchester, where a ready market can be had for all its 'produits. The land is also of the best LIMESI ONE quality, and WELL WATEIIEH. It has for several years past been in cultivatinn by a good. farmer, and lean excel-. font 'The buildings, especially outhouses; arc new, or in good relimr. '1 here. arq.,geveral never failing springs of. freellent water in the farm, yard, and within 21iyards the dwelling house:. soil is 'finely *Rited tretbe growth Of both. Wkeet and Corn; . ' ' Persons desirotur of purchasing Mph a itch ant • well timbered firm - , - and - a - beeltby location, Pt being w thin one end st hti,lf In -8 of Jordture IVlttle Sulphur Springs ; ) are ; requested to call and eSnitlina it.. Any furtlter. ipferniet lon can be obtained by addre,aing'tha substriber,3: F. Fick'. lin,Fahnouth, Vitt • The terms of sale' will • be—bne-thiril. Tashi one-third in 12 monihs; and :'one-third .ita 24: ' months from the day of 806, without interest-, Bond and'imenrity will' be requ.red of tile purch-,•' aser for the aleterrctl payments, together, with a deed tifn.rust.on the nreniniei.-, " • CATHARINE • PICXLECT; - .7QHN r. ' - VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. MINE . subscri ber'ofTers at private sale his farm, situate two miles West-of Carlisle, Cuntbeig. land county, on (110.11901 m leadingfrom Carlislk o- 'to Chamber;burg. alljonting lands of Noble's Ileitis and Julio liernthinger, containing •ONE RUN- . HIRED AND. TIIIRTY-TDREK ACRES and. fit Perches, of the first quality cq LantestonpLatul,, in.n high state of Cultivation. The huildinEs Con sist ofn FRAME- 1)W El, T., IN G DOUSE, mat PRA.AIE There inn well ni good water near,flic 11 &dor. A vein ofthe beet IRON, c)I,IE is rims through the. farm• close by the Cumberland Valley Railroad. . . Persons. disposed to purchase can call on tin; subscriber listng itt Allen township, 3 miles from liar iishorg, or Mr. 11. L. Burkholder, Innkeeper, CiteED:, cr the Leonid on the premises. JOSEPII M. GORGAS: .October 28, 1846.--4 t. FARM FOR SALE Fr HE subscriber will offer WS FARM, in' Southe•nplon Township, Cumber land co. one and a half miles North past of Shippens. burg, for sale, on WEDNESD4, t the 25th day of November next, at 1 o'cloCk, P. M. on- the. premisen - ryFor - furtherparticular?;see - liand.: bills at the various public housefirtthe codnty . .-pAysD MAHON. Shippensburg, Sept. 30516.—t5: • HOUSIAND FAT. FOlt - SALE. I WISH to 8911 n t private vale the house —4, I and lot owned and occupied by Al re.• Ga thorigtO enlighten, in Webt I,.Outher Street: _For terms, vVlitch can be made accom modating; apply to WM. D. SEINVIDDR,• • .Agent for the owner Carlisle, August 7,1846. • - FOR SALE VERY CHEAP/ • sell on moderate, terms, three'BßlCK DWEL. LING HOUSES. They are near. 1. , :.;: lot 1,,y new, substantially built, and..-.1.74,...:..e -well,finished, A nuneber of new garo new going up in the neig.: which is in the most pleasant ..: the town. , Pa ments tna.:o easy. . CHARLES OGILBY. Nligust 19,484'3 Y. S.—One of the ?tenses *III be rented Cheap Pes,;ea.ion given immediately. :CZ "Ct.".,) , — 1 1 4 41(..Z11.51Et. 11 4 71L1 S n tl m h y oa '4 l . 'Yetis e i :t l a Z tlu n s 'E t Zu n is e b is to caution all persons agait.st trusting her on my aboonntirns -I unr-ticierminett-to-pay--no-tlcittp79l - contracting front this date: T. - AIIIIAII k.lll WHlSTi i ?Ett',"Y' ilHlilintit. Oct. 14, 1846. . • • -•,,-,- `, Very Superior . SOTgap'";'llo•,:s - . :.. .'is• -., ,.. ...-rii,;;Lii'Al ilgitS has opousq s!iiii,i - .. ..55t .; : 4 711,4,1: 45 5 .1figh street, au assortment '., . f J . d'i l a SUPERIOR SU ::':„. k ~, seleOledyerteelalrkfor Foil)y use;lo.ol,4l:Dep,. the finest ORM" 4 rj:?lt. Rl' lzp,d, NY1.101!..jt11:0114T1.1, i 4 cents; lloilon Crusriniidisto.,l l Vt o lsOostpte Lour of varlotislquallitieS, 13 e,ento I,WAitir . 15 ecuts_.. TnAether Wi th . e fine''i. rfuteUt.;:ii.- 1 BIiOWN socalts,a ha milli'', 6it1040%rtir.... j : he is selling cheap, 7 and B,cents per. qnd„.::;,, F R l. o ) llfl e t r e sr s bri be an & ; i c r l i r d i et S t t u u n gif 1. 1 e ,t 1 i , • ir l to We Shoe 'lii , nr, business , 'telt A . ..•,. A:1%14 MM Ile had on a 8 A o Tan • .-... : Steel fiihem;,, oAk Coat and lilac -criyo pa.-;:l.. The alnive na way can be kociwiniilhe rata . ..t • ' in his !elf And flu is ahem 19 years of age' ~.`!:!Y-i,' Ahem 5 teal fi or T 1 4 0. 1 high , with light..lt, •• .. Na thatiks•will be the ret;lard,:fo7.loll aplomb - ot 'lion.. All persons are lorbidden. to har t1 , ..1K1 'hint trust him on in, aceoitut.. ••• . '! , 1 ''g'AVl; -,...TA!<3lr , saitiv . •'i. , • dbtniter 14, 1846. '''' - -. :A ' ''''' .. Bank of •Le ikictt oi ri. T A, HE Subier era win receive the iiotee of the Book,of ' iitown, II t. lier, for goods, at thetr cheep. Ha. *veil Store; on ,East high gtrcet; oliposikOgilby'e:Dry,citiod, Mem' imatitse,: SAXTON. September 23, 13.411.-3 t. • Luriten.! zv a r rIrFIE subscriber has now and willennstanlii keep on hand all 'kinds o LUMBER, Seek AThile,Piiie lkotirds,Planki,SpantlingiSktingles Shingling - awl Plastering. Laths, Ike. all or which "will he sold at thorlytie hatilifig, for,C.iso, at the rstreltiniie or • ••• M Lun.ist I); 1.114,1113 AV: Carlisle, Ifor'emliar 5, • JUL which toittiles ill 'the qualllits wi its..l6leirlousanclits6lesSiOnit., les, and io so • triusli'veleriWto tatilinum oregotie: ~Poe sale nt 11+11AN1►LAN , ,,MP11,4} . . I.lld .D.ruiStofe,Carliski • • Septemlice o 9,9oB46: , ; • • . 11 QUININE: , ,6% A rkt o t'llAClT...ol? QUININE: , iI recutivd :ad. for' isle"- tirot:m.,...o7okkoni ,uud Country as its Will bu furnished to tlietu-vety `.IIAPEP.VS.Chemp-Drug-St.ofi6; • Cirlisln, September SO, 3646. - , . .110.*Eirti INI?.ANT COUDIAL A a i eitain . , ' yare,ttliti Itileetly turn foe Cliolis Pmns and;.; palms in inilint,.. It also yitilds them grant rel.. , IlitiAllq emoliinfrpi freskstimily just r . eiOmtd • ,: and for talc i the W ilk tore'ol2- -,- '"..- '„: : •'• • ' ,LF.EI . Coliele,SeptetOtir 3 NAf. 45, 4 , '... !- - •..- • . - -- ' - .. f Ut3.4Q.11i 'tOttatil).s2l" rpHE_': 'undersi F iled Iu i peretiiiEd ,ilieltock : • &AL' betutigeg te the Carlleleltee , W,illte' . en .ii tipio carrying 15IvOr 'it -16 shortest tithirTo, riff oC-18416_%41t.-=‘ , ---=' '4" / S ET.FtIt w 4, ; - ,4';',A ell t 4(4, N7f.;'yelloy;•fig,*lo.liP,Zg'i,w cri • _ , . '-. ,4 . i.,:. , ,,Ni - (,,, . i k6l, l . tl 4 7l , (,Avci o r i, win': ti*Atilon:: r-, 441"riVII•t yitiiiiit'iofi*IlbliPt,iiiri9,0Plft ''. t/iii*N o h3o l . 3,l r it • •• ~ ..: '' - '. ,. L , ''.• , • 7 3', - ‘i;i'i.'''` ' 4 'ili P,i i ." o.,);Ti 4oi 9 3 : l r!,. -,. '',.',.:,„",, ',, s• - `4: --. .; , n,7:',. , .',-,:::::,'...,,-:.".1:-,:i;•:-:",-,,7,6!. Fl RE MIII IBM - ~.--t---