Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 21, 1846, Image 3

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    •.- . •
jar.. • 41111VIE` "311C`31101E11R2 S
?. East Ward, - -
S West Ward, -
North Middleton,
South Middleton, - - - -
Dickinson, - - - -.- -
West Pennstkoro', - - -
Frankford, --
Carlisle Di*lot, -
- -
Dickinson, - - -
Hogestown„ - -
Leesini rg,, - - -
Bride port, - - -
llamirden, - - -
Mea3i - nioilTurg,
New Cumberland
New Cumberland dist. .1
SlieptierdgtowriT - - -
- - - -
Hopewell, - - •
The Whig candidates are
INcw 'Abucrtionnent9,
WHEREAS thelienornble SWCEL HEr.
BURN, President Judge of :he several
Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cum.
berland, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylvania,
anti Justice of ;the several Courts ufOy er and:
Terminer and General Jail Dcli'doevs' In said
counties, and Hon. JaliteStuart and Thomas C.
Miller, Judges of the Court of Oycr and l'er•
coiner and General Jail Dclivery,..for the trio
of all capital and other offenders, in the said
- county - of Curd berland= , hy - their preeepts-to
directed, dated the 1 Ith day of August, 18411
- hare orderedthe-Court-of-dyer and—Termtner
nod General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car
the‘s'econd Monday of November-neat,,
tbelog the 9th-day) at 10 o'clock in the fore ,
noon, to continue two week..'
NOTICE is therefore -hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of the ranee slid CoasAablea
. of the -said county aCtimbolnrid, that they ore
there in their propi.r persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations; and alli
other remembrances, to do those thins which
to their nlllces appertain to be done, alai all those
that are bound by reergnizaticies, Id prosecute
against the prisoners Inst are or then
shall .a
in the Jail of Said cooky. ate to tie there to
proacbute them as shall be jest,
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,
( •
0ct.,14, 1845.
OcTonvi 1 , 411
./1, 11.EO n.tti.S. of this In , t se. se no,.
Ont;,‘ 00% will be held till' Hallki11)1, H 011Ie, 1111 i
N 1 0 ,4 I) AV We 16kli (1.0. of November brkt,
twetm the botirs or 111 . n•vtoek, and two
b clock, P. NI. GEORGE A. INO %,
October 14, 11146 Pres't:
Trusteeshi? Account.
172 1 1111: fir(3011111. at Tlinmas Paxton Cnaimittee
of James Moore, an Miliituated druttkard
ha,ing been presented to the Court of Unmoor,'
Pleas al 0111kIlell:11111 comity, and the first day Mil
Noventher 'Form nest, ithatthited the the final pas- .
sage at Ka.i,ltierminit, and rule nit all concerned to'
44)111011 . Nllll slimy cause ohs. said mcount shah) not
be confirmed and allowed b 0 said Court
w. St. IMETV.St,
Prothotiolary's Office, Z Prnth i y.
Carlisle, Oat. 14, 1146.
Trusteeslatp Account.
FIE Account of Thomas itrailley,
trator or the ilanovor and Carlisle Ttlimpike
It cad eumpaily, having been presented to the
Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county,
awl the first day of NovemberTerna, I/146, ap
pointed filial passage of said account,--and rule
on all comiiirtiell to appear and stew cause why
Said accould shall not be coot:rimed and allowed
Icy odd -Court.
Prothoironry %Office, Z Prutli'y
Clirlisle, Oct. 12, 184.1.
tijHEREAS my wife ELIZABETH has left
y my bed and board without just cause, this is
to caution all persons trusting her oil my
account,' as I tun determined to pay uo debts of
her contracting from this-date.
-11Alilin qt, 00.14, 1846.
Xistate o f Peter Flakes. .
A. ersons are hereby notified that Letters
of Administration on the estate of Peterl
t. mitts, late of Allen township, Cumberland
county, deceased, have this day been is•
sued by the Register in and for the said county,
, to the subscriber, who resides in the Borough of,
.New Cumberland.. A liitiersons having•claia»s or,'
thnutuals againit the estate ot• the iliac' deceased'
ere requested to make immediate payment to '
• . - • Opsigni m.ossett,
October 14,4846.
Estate of Ann Black, deceased.
A" persons are hereby notified that Letters
of Administration on the Estate of Ann
Binek,.deo'd, tete of West Pennsbort• township;
t.,uutberland county, Pcnn'a., have this tlay.been
issued by the Register in and for-the said county
to theCabsoriberiresiding inMestpennaboro' tp
All persons tuning claims or demands sgui e st the
eitste' deceased ire requested to MOM
known the Seine without delay, and those indebted
to Make' isernetitate payment. •
AR.II - 114 PRNBAR, '
October 14.1846
AS 'hereby% von . Asiii;fth under,stgeeil hail been
sppopited assignee . of thim Ebersotei of West
l'ennsboroligh towristiiii r C • berlanit in:inth ,
'Deed , Voluntary : Assign , ant' or • the , benefit a Creditors;, Ali indebted
re •eegqnes
tett to' make payment- ammo • eV , ; .sn A o g e
having claims, to present without delayot thy
ideate ie - -West Petinsboreugh - townsbto - .. ; .
• Oit.
ithata.azt '
. . . .
'DRONE Old anhatirlberott Sunday the lth o
Oiitober;:.,lll46,: an' Indentured - Apprentice
to the Shoetitaklng'butinese,_ a named ASKARA6I
---- A: - .HECKLEIVH
,'_ chid' onSluelotlt - Pautt,
Steel ollaid.Frook Coat and black :FOr
; The itibtoTii rtuntitit can -Ake Itnowo sq. leis lame
io;hia left fooV •frle aticnit 19 •yearfor age find
about Whet 6or 7 Inches , high, with light .417; 1
.No thatikiwlll be the rewartllor appiishen• !
, "All iteraoito •fOtbiddett:'.!.o , Olrtiour
l'utt , ou my
.• • ••• '
• .v , ilatobes.,74; I -
• ; 2. . • • ,
61 AU' " • • fiVAMT4
pis TaxcTs.
Cou g hs, cows, Ambinu, itroimbits, Liter Corn
plaint, Spiting Blood, Billieulty or ilreohing,
Palo in the Side and Breast, Palpitation. •
()NW Ileiwt,lefitienzle, Croup, I.lrw.
ken Collstiltliioll, Sore Throw, •
Nervous and all ,
D•iseasesof the Throat,
- Breast and Lungs,
the most efree
r weedy cure ever known for any of Iht. lie ills
leaare, Pg. 41Y AV N 12.0.:111'011N1) syu.
trri - F Ai? I LI) Ci El - 011r—A — STIrl f tar \irllN
1 1 1JEItIMIL . C . 1_110.: . OF CONguAikrioN.
Dn. StrAtisr.—Deur -- tiir.-1 feel called by
seitse Ordury 1 owe Io iiitlining . littinaili - tiy;th
kllowiedyie my grittelitl thanks - for the Armlet:rho
effects at your "CON Ce'
%VILA) Cfl4l‘.itY" on me, Mier MIN t 0,.; sofret en'
ninntits after months willi tVe most afflicting of
all gliseases, Consumption, with sell - reel)" a ray ot
hope, or a "beacon fight" to ar
guti agioll.t!tiy
own herrible foram - ling, l e tVe eirctnnStner..s
which first led me to the n a fol stole of dclo tilt
vas item taking a very - hi:iv cold, c 11101 seetnetli
to fit itself upon the rungs, it-inch gr,"tuellr grew;
.worse, with pt Buse night sweat ,a harking comilt. l
Impression in the breast, spitting blood, with
great general debility. :Sly coniailitt ton , evoted,
liroken down, and iiervons system wry toilet% 1111
paired. With all the symptoms lit uonfirtm•tl Con ,
7,11 luptiOn. I went to Pleitadviphia,and svt•stretit
ea there by physicians of the lit..iteat respecta
bility,but AYdl grew Norse, mita they gate me up
Ailsised tue to go South, hilt be
lag very poor. at' losing so much Owe from tio
work, and having spent till no ront.ey CI tll.
1 , 0118"Plitellt i ociootes" a We', rio•I -
'led highly thrbsgli tile 11101 m -ft of the press, t ,
was unable to Ink their advice. tieing a mem
ber of the (itd. I niit r .. , v • .rt , •
Me with ut-noy gratniti usty to i‘ei d me to my - .
.triends /11 Suet , , NI 111 fle. I oar 1 routed . 11,1 1.11 •i •
coins of Ow highest mantling there, hot recri‘ed
to •bettelit it succor 11 . 111111 them, 1011 1 : 1 ' ,1 11 .' 1 1 )
1( . 1'11 'l Nik„
0 41 . 01 . 8 e, 111101 - , IV 17/tI: . NI 141/40. - /.1.1/ I//) MA/ gutty
op all links of my e IT 'Teo , cri mt. and I felt at . ,
At .c oho Isabluti to p ss through :he ,:diet of II I
111:1‘10W (.11 death. A this "a v, 11l juncture "I:
h en , d of sour 'Cil NI Pt 11 \ 11.'4% kW p I 11. • 11 . 11,11
C/ WU lit",' amt km, mg you :3 ee a regutari
practbling plt)sician in ; Philadelphia, pre Intl
more onaticle.•ce in the Illellicll.l - .. fin I concluded
:Os tk last resort, to make a ti oat of it. I ..em to
'your agent in Boston, mid pm clutch one tuiltic.'
which relieved me very much, 1 dip. procured
two bottles more, which 1 11111 happy to hay em
tirely cured me, and 1 am now enjoying better
thealtit than I ever have behove in my tile. 11,
!seemed to have a beneficial eill•ct at once. •I)
gained strength rapidly, although reduced to a}
`mere skeleton, and I feel satisfb il from I . ls salt,- }
tary eliceas in my''own otter, That lit' S 109 .11: ').
i GOtnioniml Syrup of ll'ild Cherry a ill core any I
t.ise of diseased Lungs, it tokeo according to the;
;prescribed roles contained in the pamphlets ac-1
,compittlying the medicines. E. ess the physiciam!
,who witoessedamy cow /Ire highly recoolottenil-'
ling it lit similar cases-antl I wish yell ill 11111 k
t 1)(111114, so dull others . who tire suffering as 1
have been, may know. to procare a remedy
at 'first, which will intuit their disease, %iliuml
tampering. with and ruining their coust:ttitions
with the ninny "(mock nostrums" with which the
whole country is flooded, ['mwed by persona
alto have no knowledge of the science of medf-.1
eine in theory ot-preence, Ltd ire gld 4 nlercly '
with a mercenary slew
lam a Scarlet member of the Hope Lodge 11,.0.1
of 0. F.. in Providence R. Lend will be happy
to give any inforniation in regard to the, efficacy
Of your medicine, and 6an• give ample,.proal that
my case .is not exngteisitedln the least.
To Dr. H. SWAYNE, N. W. corner Eighth and
Bade streets, Philadelphia,, •
CX.HTION.—The public should be on •
,purl against the many "'Realms" and "Mixtures"
of Wild Cherry, which have sprung up in all
parts of the country, purporting to he prepared by
p i hyaicinns all of which will be found to be "false"
by a little nquiry to the towns and cities where
they originate. All civtificatas mid statements in
regard to Mr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry are "strictly tree," and the proprietor is:
daily recievitsg thou fromspersont wisso.liere been'
cured liy , the - telebratett'remetly - .7.1`1ve - (orlginal
aril only) genuine article is only prepared . by
De. SWAY'NE; N. W. corner of EIGHTH and .
RACE Streets,, Philadelphia.
Remember, all preparations of Wild Cherry
are Iletitleus and counterfeit excqd diet bearing
the :written signature of •N. Eirailax. , The dnl3 ,
agents In Carlisle are - MYERS & HAVER.:
MARTIN - LUTZ ' Hirrisburg ' ' •
ii(0 1 214311
TS HEREB Y. GIVEN, - thAs ipplioation will
j be Wiade blihe'undsealgned and .others; to
tho next Legislature. of :the Commonwealth,of
Pennsylartiai tor the Incorporation of a• corn'.
• •yhtd-.41-To •w , -Quirsiatstriw-Veuzste-
B AN W op , peettsitoiaata-,"' to'be located L'in the
Borough of Carlisle', Cutntierlaa4
'aye a capital of not less. than' ittaii .:•Hundred
housand, aor`moriihln Two GundOd•Thou;
sand 13ollare, with
. .gsneral hitalfloCwrid'
, :111i peisitegea: ..- • . ,7,
Y•Thortiaa"Cillor t :
•• KOrr„ ' •
-- Jotut:fieftivreitt:
- .John Dunlapp John; Huston, . • , .
, Weaklo,
•, • Ale*: Dairideoni .
. • :"•.t; -1 0 1 1 ,0 Lerevce.i - I
William Gitlbtoltlk t • , :Geovi•Hoikeoir:: ;
Rinhar4 Pikilits!;,, ,, :'_:Jaines"Chemon,::
Win. M. aelidlnio.6,f r Y
AN! 6,Ateristirktisio
.o.etot4o ',PE0.34
its vklifik toNrailiqs - of tiiia ev,lWk. . county, - 4 - iiFx
KA:IL •OM 111 IettIONI —Tb ti rat INIA. ------ 4iimarr: eITMNIAtirdzIN"
P % NI
rt 4 I = tO
c... t. 4
=-. . ' E f 2), .
_ , -7X go gl 4
- :1 . 1 . 4 - - -'4 l- --- .3 ---;
, -ti , .- -' e 4
g ff . `' 7.
0 ~ F 2
.7 , . = •
---, .:- --:? -- --
• 53; ' •0
- .
1641 166
~; ,
~ I cr,e, ~,,,, --i k- ,,, , 1 / 4 :, ,, t.,,,
~., .v.,
164 1 166 1 158. 170 159 , 189 155 150 166 166'
195 125 • 00 185" 130 199 222 121 107 192 128
88 105 00 90 100 84 97 98 109 97 199
110 128 03 108 131 110 137 115 123 109' 130
34 28 •00 33 28 34 33, 25 28 32 31
66 29 00 66 '3O 67 69 29 26 67 29
7. 37 ''
00 _ 8 36 7, 11 37 33 7 37
6641 019 4 649 626 661 - 760' 1 575 576 670 620
, •
241 304 00 247 295 243 242 298 306 24-1 311
243 157. 3 241 160 269 2:12 147 147 241 1621
'122 136 0 'll2 144 128 123 .127 132 121 137
66 - 186 1 71 184 69 76 182 182 1 78 1 . 75
59 73 00 58 79 63 61 62 73' 60 781
58 42 2' .60 41 •58 64 40 38 6I 41
52 40 00 52 39 54 53 39 38 65 36
149 *B5 00 145'87 149 152 78. 83 151 82
.„57 60 -10 - 66 59 72 61 56 6,2 74 54
40 2! 2. 42 , 21 41 ..42 21 22 -43 19'
.23 31 00 22 34 27 21 32 25 24 32'
----.9 e
59 00
~ 871 61 • 86 .87 62 621 89 60 1
29 30 00 2,81 28 i "3I 2,8 1 30 25: 20 30
68 6.1 00 69 - 04 1 711 '6s' • 66 ' 64; 69, 64 i
. * - 1 1 1 1- —
119071 22,1949191712023 2 077, 1815 1835,2006 1896
'die—Democratic in ROman—Morton, the Native on
Ncw "Aucttiscinciits.
. 1 1111 , .,;„.... bargains arctic b • .11st1 at
KEI2 LINK, No. 211•2 Nlarbet Street, l'hilndel-
I'a Int bas finished ime of the 1 r at an d'
II , ge
most complete assortments of l ALI. and WIN
TER. in the city, of
'Super Mack Dress Coats, tegot x,lO to $l4 no
I do, do. bleoek Coats 111 to 14 Olt
do. do. Moe 10 to ,14 00'
iopei• 1,1 Heater II lov Coors, Ato 10 otii
iii lli - ClOlll do. ; do. -10 to - 15 - 00
tlo. brawn ift, do. it,,. .10 o 14 Oti,
1.414.e10tii - IlittigooLio4B. .. . .__3.19...5 00
Super Much Sank Costs oto 10 001
Id o , hrocoo Cvatts ' Bto I'2 It)
l'Ateed Conte - . . .030_ .0.d19. 1
!!!!!!('nine Cass' inert. Coals sto 6 00,
illlnek Cloth Clonks, _ 10 to 18 00;
iiiiisitiOSSCiniaiii, ' ' * et to 700
flOic'k Cotssf were Po»ls. 470 3 188
do. Fancy Cit%siniere 4to S' 00
Satin 'N't..sts. '2.501.'4 Oil,
1 \l'l . i" V'M' .."2 to 4 oW,
inill: 1"elrel Testa sln 4 50'
i (irotlemenio 0 no! of !_i1.0"1 , 111NG low; d..) ) ,..nd I
'llion being so Sled in every respect, as ten al, Oil
i . m ~,
~i„,i h , O l to Ix nIIderSOLI ),) any CAllltlietitOr
'I) the business. All gtlotls ate t 0ird,,,,,,,1 f or
'f3 I SI I, ii Well ernlara 00 In aul I n 411 k /owe" (hum
Ihn'se who dell or'llte etwillt ..yiticiii; it being ti
sidf,vidt•id. fort Oita the " nimble aispeore is'
'o•ticr than the clew shilling." DON' l' FOR
i ;F,1"1'111.1 Nll '4113E1t., /IA: ;11412KP:1* ST.,
P1111.411F.1.1'1114. M. TRACI
Octoldg• 14,18;6.
sibtotAer Large Supply o
cur Goods! • •
0.117-I.It.LEIS OGIL.I3It,
iS Dosv retriving and opening the isrgcst
most ildendid, and CII rEsT SVIOL'h
UP (;01111IS 111 in Iwo bre!'
lor n number ayears, comprising all kinds and
s of
Dry GondS, Groceries, Doots; Shoes,
• Caps, &c. &c, iko„
atti) it wild invite all thole who wish._ to toy ant
their 100101 ton good atiraotuge to give him u
call before put elnaing. Owing to tilt) , greet
• r dttetion of prices to. !Milky etudes in his line
,o 1 Innotops. he leek confitien. that I e eau girt.
IitIIZ(.;;AINS 'lot to be burp...4mA, if equalled
Ithe country.
To giro a list. of mining and kitnla of goods
two o ld be tee b. dieeK, ns it would till columns
1.1 paper, 01,11 then not the twentieth,part,
)ritainerated. (1101 'hint a call, sod laolt:.far;
!youiselves. Remembe r;t l te '4/60 S N D,!"
'ion) doom East of the .larket House, and di'
reedy uppohite Martin's lintel.
Lock out for the "axe ZXGN! ?",i'
Cotlisle, October 7, l 1546.
P. S. Many articles fillip,„ be sold less than
rllll rill factuf C re' prices, Olaf& CilliffiMeregt
Kentucky .leuns, Linseys,Canton Flan.
rids, Carpets, Umbrellas, Urn nhoes,..S.Le. Sre,
N. B. Country Merchants supplied at city
prices. , ' C. 0.
JUST received, a fresl etiliply of GROCE.
RIFA such'. as.,supartor Young Orion
TEA. lniperial Do. Pountiong-N. of superior
quality. Double refined Loaf Sugar; Falling
Loaf and Crushed do. .superior . Brown Sugar.
Java Coffee' Rio db. Sperm Candles: Tallow
do; Baker's ' No. 1 Chodelate; Cocoa, Homoeopa•
thin do; Golden Syrup, Honey do. Sugar house
and New Orleans Molasses; flame; Dried. Beef, l
M nekeral. Shad, Salmon, &c. &e.
Also, a large assottinent ofQV ERNS WAR E,
Lam'p's, Looking Glasses, Mid many other arts.
cleinnii numerous to mention.
The . subscriber *Mad teniler filithanks to
the citizens of Carlisle and the surrounding'
couniry, for their liberal patronage since he
ennui - mood the Grocery business, and assures
them that he will strive lo merit their confi
deaccind custom by keeping a targo supply o
FresliGrocerlas always on, Kited, and will sell
at'such prices as wlll give general aritisfaiition.
• ,','"GEORGE- ft. CROOKS.
Qarlinl6,:flepteniimr 16, 1846. . -
.9El l % r itsh . s l erilairs, hiving taktin the store
TOOlll oll.East iligh street, one door West
or I)av a: firtrifotelrand•immediatoly-op.
paella Qgilbg's Dry Goods Store, are now opal'•
ink a large
Stook of . Ziglirch'llardware,
of their tiwn importation, w Mob, with a general
assortment,-of ; American
dui.; they offer at spry:lois prices. ,., ~;,
, Their stook 'consists, in part of. LOoks and
Latches-of- avor'y: ,deaoriPtioni -- fluttiliiiiii
Tilifellnirli - lnOorewa, , Paugat-Shufter ill hope dare s`
', ,: ,',.-:
and .Y'astalliogir - lianNPariFeli':ll.lp - iiiiitw or ni .
, , •
poet alid*Tenan ' t , Saiva; dic. drci ~ ~ ~ .
~4 ND.
wisli r tat,s,mratiesofr.
. They 080 haVaeri'hahll'a genaidla-Uortintnl,g.3lVyjAiciti,6tieatity_excoi„ci,rootairolKthe
pf:WidddwaAiliirTeidle, glie, o 4 .;PY! ) - s . 4 T" o4 ''''i"'Wra'l' lii - Erddi r Ti,§Tii:liii, -- wr , ,P 6 ,1 1 1.4 .
ViCrillial_ a li r EgitiPgailYYPne°ll 4 : ... '. : ; .. :- I . l.' ' 'rii , ai . .lllll B s4l : l . oll of Ihe ''le4r; '',Fail,sain.,•"4>!,,,
..-.1114, would invitg4ho a4entionrP°Ten ll9 r° SiEnto,l,' PPerS biliCAtt.if,OS 04iir!.;,':C.: . .A.,„ .
col .-
tatheir stook; which:s; entirjfy neyrottidW,il ,j3,-.1,ti00;,,,LKipt,,,,'„),,..;,...t:;,;`6'.,..•;,i.;;.,-,,,-i,-/..,,
, 'N.-a-COUNTRY:IIO4CIIA.N. klkikiq'T' , ' . .'1 7 ,!z.. t.
.'''.' ,r lgan-Ker'', r• a " .!' '
tad' lo :toll end' exatnine.iiui
,eloalit.i.trA,' , 4ol*.vgiiiiiNViViki:lll!AnttiWO!S ?4•11c
erialiled:(i'atiPpy, thorn tit'. Plillarielpiita, pricestipoow;w.w XIX Sit' CAddlikg."it •.,Al to
'' , , -,..,,WR1G,HPAT:304X P u k l- o:ipisiiedi;4thi"ttes t- ett i a% , .',•-• ' '
oailisfei . -1 1 / a taiirF 7 . lB A 6 !iii . Agt.;c7 ,l. .;?:::!4;P: , ^AX.ciik)Ade,',4 o F.7;.!.7 ,
.2.1 , .): , -,-..i, , .4:; , 1.,:; , ' , ., -, ~ ,, , , , , •,,.,1•=2.,-, • ,- ..,, , ,i,.,..': , ,r„. ',,, , !rz , -.q . L_,; ~,„ -
; ,
. so
th a
te, w
New :Abvcrtisie
,sx r.L persons indebted to me, ate hereby
irv. notified, unp earnestly requested, to come
forward atid pay, or at least settle their respec.l
lave accounts in some way, on or before the'
15th histant, or nry, claims on then), withettt
[ [ regard to any individual, will be lefh in the!
hunds . ola Justice of the Peace for collection ,,
where these who can, and are so disposed,Asiay ' l
plead the liquor act, de stun° bate already done,
'whose names can be aeon on the County dock-1
lo,where,the native:ol'oli those who touy be so
rtneah and diblinneruble to dO it will utideubt
loilly be placed, be they who thr;y array:
Thase pe reeds - IV Bova clnii>ib rT moiti
respectfully and eurnetilly requested to }Crai:int
atid I can assure thorn every
just dabs will be paid if one half of that-whit:Al
its honestly coining to me is paid:
CurNide, Vciober 7, IHI6
Dissolution of Partnership
rl l LI E l' Ire retorore existing under
tile fiirtti of . sTEV EN.SON & M Ell A
is this duy dissolved by inntunl consent
The ttooks tirtteeo_uttls urn placed in the hands'
rF. Alehatrey, who is hereby nathoriz , tol
Rattle the 04 me. Ch,i aga)ost . 11
o Ls° be settled' by him.
. Carlisle, Aug. 24t11., 18413.
: gill anti,etiber having taken the whole en.
I tallllllole l ll., would respectfully inform his
'friends and the pulsfic generally, that ha w ill
will.the asst , '. , lire u. .Ur. rt. 111.1.1 0 1 '0011 ,11 1 1.1 0
DrUggllll, endeliVor to give general (Ind full
satistitetiori to all those bon a relit
presoxiptions carefully coottioun
Sept. 9, 18.16. '
rot' F; Fr itwr BA1"0.1.1oN .ro_mitEit.
ji LAND VOUINTEEItS, will parade at !
flo.r - Canar.,, Square, in llic borough Of Carlisle,'
mil SATURDAN tlit. 17th day of Lauber nelt,'
..t l il o'clock, A. M.. cutopletely eqiiipt for drill.l
e ith blue pun lateens. fly order of I
:ab 4 1 .4 11,1),21 Q
‘ , — 1.,
ilkijor efinimanding.
I JAMES 711. ALLEN, Adjutant.
TA. persons indebted ti. toe 'will phllll3o takcj ;September 30, 1b46. ..
IVi nonce that I have been waiting., and sui t ----- ._ -
rx 1 f •t•
PLO Wallin', lint do not know how much long- &Mille 'AS t : 1 11.'....31 A
. 1,:t..1, 3 i
er I shall w nit, especially on those who have litt
'their :ielMillitS nil) Oil too lomt. Such 111111111 NORTH iLIN(JTER STREET
,not think h ird of it if I determine to wuit roil
'oo/ter. mid they had therefore better save eestsath, h I.:IS, WellicrillVPure Ground
by Polling stout. All who are indebted to loc .i pl G White Lead. -
either lo note or book account • are requested ; • •201) Callomt Linseed Oil.
to eirli nod settle without delay. lOU Gallons Spirits of Turpentine. ,
1, is to. JACOB sENF, R , 1 , 2000 It's. Nocoscutiito Grindstones.
- _ --k- I aOOO lbs. NailN, assorted. ,
' With a full assortment of Carpenter's Tools,,
!funding Materials, &e., which I will sell at
the lowest prim..
Purchasers Will, find D to the:r advantage,to
call before porch ,sing elsewhere.
3011 N P, LYNE
Carlisle, September 3(1, 1841).
_ C .I.IIE P ! 01. R. C,ILOTHS
Tu,'ls 01 :it tile Storp IL i 6; OLT)
tot nl hrucy Pinov Ilil tamp; (;nrpriv of Ibe
1 11 lOW p:1111 . 1 . 11%. uud tiew sh le 11 isillow Shade,
rhuh will he Mild chilli) for cosh.
Curlislc,-Ucltiber 7, ISi6.
For the security of the citizens of Carlisle
who may hereafter transact business with the
stu ! lents of Dickinson College., and to pie
' vent the contraction of debts by minors;
jorders will be given to minor students by;
their patrons for such articles as they are
authorized to purchase, and utl persons are
requested to take notice that purchases mriile
without such orders, are unauthorized and
will not lie paid by the patrons.
Sept. 9, 18-16. W. H. ALLN.
AIM Eh _t\ E.) 8`
D ESPECTFULLY informs the ladies o
XL tartrate and its vicinity, that - rho has
commenced the MILLENA 12 Y AND MAN
hetwcoh nigh and Pomfret street, No. 6, Al
'poultices Row, whore iiho is prepared at' all
times to make and ropOr all orders entrusted
to her With neatness and desPatehZ____ _
Mrs; HANSON Ratters herself that by strict
attention to hiisineas and moderate chaigOß,
she may receive a- liberal . share of -politic put.
renege. ..•
Carlisle, October 7, 1846.
ALL ieisona ar t 6 Itoroby citt4ionso.a.gainst. l
trusting any parsons Whalen(
count, witboui a written nidor firim . riiyaelf; as
I am determined to pay 06 ,ddbta Wltigh aro
contracted knowleddC•
I Om. 14,1846. - JAMES CALM.
11) celebrated fir tare - of Fever. and Agi f
tatiapaliAti isbases. 7 Far oak at P:l,'
KIIAFFEY'S.Drui Store,
• Septumlier 39, t 80,
IL. MYERS has juirreoA v 441 it hia Marie iii
1.) W.O. High Street, lily fa It seOly_of Drugs
awl 'll.lcdteinea; eittliraehir: - ; every mcliela ler the
thug - nualiteac - 7 — :
Ptirahitani,,r4iliaFcanqamall tie,aTera
at City-prici*
--------) Alllll
---__l-gn- !LP
2 A_
. ?- .. * - 1 g °
.63 d ---.4----- .
-, c.,, . a .. g. ,
ri' . .
ri , ..1,
mav ,-.'
t'''Y''') L"n..) L ev ...) Lnesi
166 -4 101 27; st'
183 3 118 13
'lO2 0 53 41 .
83 8 122 28
24 2 29 7
3 , 8 ! 1 35 1
° I 0 39 00
65 1 18 496 11
'197 .22 2 7 6 46
242 04 72 75 ~
5 7 59 134 3
61 2 148 41
41 26 58 6 , ,
' 7 54 30 5
60 00 20 22
152 00 58 22 .
72 1 40 14 .
2 35 23 00
, k 9, , , 14 26 5
01 1, 50 13
4 ‘' 011 29 00
65 0
' 0 - 43
.. -
24311508 i 386 ' ,
ii p
tc4 •
Nctu'2lbucrti9cinciitc -
254 Market Skeet, Philadelphia,
if ANT. chmstantly no hand every description
of Cl.o . rusN(:, all of which are chit, trim-
Imeit, and made. in a manner not to he surpassed,.
and are 'warranted citeaper than the sal c quality
for Goods ale in any Other establidmient in the
t;iiitcht Stairs. Also, every description nt C EN
ITI.CMAN'S Goons al reduced prices.
visiting the vily ' ill hull it to their
4:54--Mnrik-etSireetvPhilajelplria. -
September 30, 1 3,1.6.
_Estate of Peter Fotight i deceased.
NroTieI'I.I.S•I,YFAIF.III' ,tirat. Lett ltts
LV td Administration nit the estate of Peter
Ih t ught, In:e tlftlie township of Silver Spriimt, in
Me roomy oh CUMbCrlitiiii, deceased, hive ism) eti
to the oboe 'rime of resiewi w e is lit
:he lOU eiSilip 111111 couWt ar0:1,4641: peintens
I indebted to the estate of said iluerased are ectifti •-
ecl In make immediate pax melt; mi d ( L os t, l ilt , l og
elairas will pe...lem I ten: to the 5 91 m: e t her do' )
iiiiithettittattli for settlemeut,
'Ad•nmiq•rNlrix 1, Louis inn of will de.c.'el
si•plciubcr Jll, 1 .
Ur ',vigil:), contains all the stiltnili)e, qu alit ies of
0p...., %wow :As deletriome ittol4laeless pritto.
311111 is so 11111C11 prelerable to Lnndanu+n m•
Paregoric. For sole at FRANKLIN NIERAF
FEY'S Drug litore,Carlisltt.
September 30, 1846.
••:, : ._,•7' ,,
alil'sasASSv tom I..ll%lLitlctsr
undersigned; Auditor, appointed by
the Orplianie Court of Cumberland coup.
ty, to dist' ittute the
.0:allow Of the estate of
George Laidig, deed., in the hands of Jacob
Goodyear and Jacob Goodyear. Jr., Administra.
tors, oolong the creditors of said deceased, will
attend ,tou the duties of raid appointment, on
BATUKDAY,II,e tt I st of October, at 2 o'clock,
P. M„ at the doblic house of Mr. Henry L.
Burkholder, in thck borough of Carlisle.
octolier 7, 1846.
Estate of George Rockey, deceased.
-.41i leaf
George' Rocky, lath of. Dickinson townihip,
omberland county, inivo bean granted by the
Register of id county to the 'subscriber, whose
I piece of residence. is near the York B'ptings,, in
Admits county, Pa.: All person's - indebted to
the estate of said dedeated are required to:inake
pay t#2nt:Wlllteuidelay . ;"atid•those having claims
lot demands will present them to the subscriber
duly autherillated for settlement:
October 7; 1846,-31..,
.. •
Thwmpsoniazi ' .‘
. 6, in' small and' large hotline, or
' by the quantity, prepared according to the
cetebtated reeelpe oftiodiroy Mayor, Baltimore.
BR te4dßittere •„ 'Narita Powder, do,.
llyhorry, IPlevider;'
Alia. the tenni no African Popper, 'and Vats -
11:11Ve.ortiele •• ;.
rp„, sato 'afroilucek prices by
.Dr: MYEfIS.
;c f irji k te, September' 16, 1646. . •
. .
: ' ...t5E 43- 04 D:',Alltittli r- Air2V . - 7 --- '7:
1 .; ''.t i :. :Boists; Shoe BixiO4' , . ,
.rtpelyth L. Nth .gesortroent . ot
40 1 # 1- 80v e, 9 .1 F,. 1P7 14 .P0 , 7 - 4;o l ei t
- Kid itl;iairoacoSliivire:.Ahmed
, '!,ithist" Chilifted* Galion; Ito Kid:Boote,
~"; .''' black end randy colo'ied. MO, 'Kid,
:. , 'Nli)kittoo.'Lliliniel," & i?.'' &a.% •Fef L
ipkte.wholviitdoloi iatikflOit, tho%lowest iiiitiai.-:
9611 'klt ',l . o47irtiver stio;ei , , stoie:
oppoiiite I..,tqlNitthodist , ‘Chuiab::'• 0 1. '- ',%'..'
...-Cailisloi July fc:1846. ;:i . r4i's.} . , ,„ ..,.: '';':P ' ‘'n sir,
..-.•- - . - , . .
r. ; ti
On the FOURTH THURSDAY, being the
Tlio Ploughing match will be in field on
•Ilie farm-of Thomas Craighead •in.Sbufheliti
-- tlotow township, on the Baltimore:Turnpike
on Thursday the 22d of. October, 1846, at 11
u clock
flifireilltiral. implements, vegt, eables , and all
articles of domestic-use will be on' the farm
Of John Noble & Co - 4 adjoining Carlisle, on
Friday the 23d of October, 1846 at 9 o'clock
- AT - Al‘.7:mbere _owners, .1i think--propcii
may place an belorped deosit the übject of exhibi
tion the day , and it bee-safely at-.
tended to.
Cornmittee on Ploughing.—non.
liar, Andrew Trazier, Daniel - Cob
Committee on Ciops and Seeds.—Christian
i:zel, William Adams, Thomas McCullough.
Committee on flOrses3lares and Colts.—
Wm. Al. Biddle, Thos. Bradley, William G.
Davidson. '
Committee on Bulls, Cows, Oxen and al
neat Cattle.—Benj. 'Erb, Abraham Myers
John Not*.
Committee on Sheep And Hogs . --T tom)
so n ilalbivath, Jo3eph`Cuiver . ,William M
Committee on agrieultinal implements.—
Jacob' Plank, David Sterret, Wm. Sehriver.
Committee on Pinter, Cheese tjliinfry
Vegetables, Fruits,' Flewers, and Dotnesue
Matiulactures.—LWilliam Lino, 'John Paul,
Robert C. Sterret. ' ,„•
Committee of arrangement on the first
day.—Richard Craighead, George L. Line,
Committee of tirrang6ment on the second
day.—Arnisirong •Noble; Samuel Myers,
Richard Partcer.
• The best pro,visions wilt he made .for the
care of and,articles presented for
For MformatiOnas to thd premiums see
The chairman of eaclreammlnce is earn
e.;tly requested to be 'early in his - attendance
and to et ills corn mince together and pronto- .
ly to Perform thq several duties assigned::
By order or the Society
RR:IIAR D• PA nh.En, .Seiretery.
Jm. subscriber will of f „ FARM,-in
_ Swaim tnpuni Township, cam Ler hind co.
one and a half miles No-th East of Shippens•
burg, for male. on T/1121281).\ V the day
of November neat, at I o'clock, P. M., on the
premises. 0 - 7 Fur further particulars see hand
bills at the various public houses in the county•
Shippensburg, Sept. 30,
w BEI to sell at private sale the house :04
I and Int owned and nerupied by gri.
Catharine Creighton, in West Loather if , ILL.
Street. For terms, which can be made accoot
tigglathig,a—pitili to IirACTY. STY - SfinitT
• Agent tor the owner :
--Ctuhrile ; August-71-1846: '
'Applidatibli for
ik - rtyrter. GlNKNtltott I ititentl
LI to apply 10 the dodges of tlieCotirt of floor-
Icl• Sessions of the Pelee, to be Meld at Carlisle in
November tikt, to keep on hot or liouse,
in the Imttie I 110 W • 11(:11W , near the Mount I lolly
Iron lVnrks, in Ninidt towovitip, Cum
berland 1,01111, ,11111111111! .TaCern such flee
is necessacy -to' accommodate %I rittir,i•N 11114 trus
ellers• Al AT 1 , 1114
South Middleton tp.,
We, the citfies oofSntn6 Middle
ton tow nship, Cumberland enmity, siti I ko ,
rite Tavern applied for by Matthew M Mire is
necessary to.lll,eollllllllll.lte the public and ctder
lain and travellers; and that the said
petitioner is of good repute for honest; and tem
perance. and is well provided with house room
unit conveniences for the accotommlation of stran
gees anti travellers. That the facts so set forth
in ft.s petit ion are true, and that we Mites,: be
wall k eel , eiiml and iir.lerl . s
Frederick Eiropfl, I•:. I.,skell, ganmel
Git in, ahn 111 cr, Beidimin ItopT, Grnret•
Kahn, A., U. liarnilz, It in. A. laintliurst, Iltmatge
U. Craighead, Wuliet, \l"iti.
Paul U. Geist..
ORIVSI Craivatri.ArP.l43) •
r. ,r. TYNDALE% I
11'o. 97, South So'fhtil
WISII,ES to itiforth his friends :mil the itithlk
genertill, that he mil/ eotitioncs to titatitthie
tm- and sell the
. g-ettiti,te AIR-171:111' E,
with the latest intrrowitteht.
Alder niAtty mars eNikciivtice iu the nottnifne
tore °Cates, Snives, he la how ellialAvg 11c(11 . 0 . to
lIS the AI 11-11 WITT SVP:w ith
ovens, sulodtle tithing...runu; or too-series.
lie Ito also
tor plan. tt Melt ettekea a spieim4lid and reononnead
parlor Stove, to w hirit hr, WM! . 1,1,11 thn particu
nitUnlini) Of Ilit)Sl' 011/0-
meld Fur tlitne tutrlot a. Also, a splendid assurt
ntent Coal r.trlor nod Cooking Stoves. Allot
wlti,ll he will sell at the lowest cash prices.
'rite itutstee would do well to c.:11 before por
t:Ann:mg else,. here.
• T. would 'caution the public against
ail Air-right Suring outdo will, east iron doors,
as they are to ainteiousurtinle nod will not answer
in env Case.
Indelphia, Scplcrnhci• 2.i, 1116
To Teachers and Scholars.
- g - UST received, nf DR. 11114:BS' !hug yds
CP Book Store, West H ighStrect, 4 ; ll 77:p.
Carlisle, a largo and full snort.
meat of Common School Books & ' •
Stationary, embroiling all the books vow used
in the schools of the IN tomb aril comity. For
solo very low, and a l.beral de . ductiro to reach
Mkt , BOOTS AND BitOt.ANS, suitable for
1111,ther lall•seasott, just received at PORTER'n
SHOE STORE, comprising
'Men's and. Boy's Wick Boots. .
Do do Brogans.
Do- ' du Kip Boots.
Do do `. Brogans.
This work. is warranted to be styclior to
any evir brouglrt hero before, and will be
sold low fur CASH. Don t lerget the eq,rner
oppedite the Methedist.Citereh. -
earthily, September 16, 1846. - . .
sank of 4evOistoviiit.
rrtfiE Subscribers will receive the notes of the
1 Bank of Lewistown,' at par, for' goody; at
their Cheap Hardware • Store,
,on teat fLgt
Street, appeeiteOzilby's Dry Good Store.
" •
• 4VRIGHT St. sArroa:
September - 23, 1846.=3t..•
2rh• SULPH All: QUININE—)tist
kir Irecetvot jor sale` Inw.—rtlettotti
and uountry- Attralmilis urn to coll, os . it
.be turofottett 'to them very' titteap,at-V, AB
• p
„Car ftdototter ,1046:. • •
-. .•00NE S B. IiN s FAIsiT A . 6
sitk4mill speedy cure for Cholio, i'mine,mrd
Spasms . in .1t also yrelds them creptM
HO' w 10144 tecthim,fiesh syypirjust Teceivutt
'lrMfror 6%19' at digt , :Vivi Store. of
• • •
• ,
Who Viral:arid nave •• a Clock
TENT . received:it
. 011. IY.EItSt "Drog,..sooi
Air 0.491 c Store - it - 141i .itreet, catte o 1 Epstern
Wilte..llrass work, Lworranto -fa k ate
time keopera t , - 1 7 0111;110,31. -;
pan Itt risisfor are" coika very }FAIrr t
b'sirlistei Sept. .SA 416' ' . • " -, .
. ‘., s.. , riewiatomqi
Mid notes'ot fakoll
n Varmint for ar Prod et tde CO.Pittlronl
mike.. • ;;:-
- 7 ;
liFitU , VotW 7 7"
. - Ailcgq"t?;V 4, 1i0.,0tl : at, le.Court
the - R2d
.of October, at 10 , Weloela, A. M. : • •
The Large uouble Steno. fp]
Oust, •. • .• ig - 10
;East Street, al preitent; occupied -_ •
by Mr, Ephraim Zug, and , Robert
esensetlibountled-'ity-an•allentlie• - •
Eitart Spring; and property onneoh,Ztig. ; ; .
Trams,— of the purebaso m,tpsvriso
'paid on the Ist of April next, and , the redid ein •
two annual payments, withilut interest. • '• •
- Carlisle, September - 30;1838. .
Town:_l l 4sopertv_.
-----. —• , ; • , •
Orinfir. subscriber offers at private sale valu4
•"able properly /otitis borough, consisting of
A HOUSE, LOT .jW) 4',ANT.ARD, situated
On East ptrect and ettentling hack to the Letart,
Spring*: The house is of stone, two stories high
with a coinmothous two star) BRICK a .
BACK RUILDING,atoI a good %Vasil
Rouse, Smoke,ll:.mseatid Cistern,all- St •0 •
Tit Which are in good repair.' Thu lot
emitninsu rarietyorthechoikstrlMlT,,
T . IIEES all of which are in bearing - emu/111mi
The property' is well shoaled either for a private '
residence, as it is in good nrighborhoodb or furls
large husittess in Tatuung.and Ctieryingiatt It lies
all Site esess4sil - beildiegs.'
a Int of • groutid,..outalning d.
ACU sltnated on the opposite'.side'of the,
Spring, and fronting on Lotither, Street. 'nte lot is
in good order for plating purposes, and wel
calculated for a garden or meadow. Therels
erected on it a one and 'a half story FRAMPI,
Fl OTIS?, newly built together. With adittrit and,
Stable. The two properties Shove , will be. sold •
separate or together as may liejt siiit purchasers.
Also; Two Trams or MOUNTAIN LAND,
ituate on the Sterret's Cap toad; the first two
rites above the (lap, containing ;A6 mercy and: -
die other two miles below, conta i ning • Iy. ,
known by J ACOB SHROM.
Carlisle, September 9, 1146.
VitY virtue of an order of tho Orphans.lLl! Court of Cumberland county, to %ink 417..
Teetod, i Will expose to public safe, on the pre
mises, on SATURDAY the 24th of October
next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the Real Estate of
Gotleih Ritter, deneased, situate in Monroe
township. in said einintyAtionded by lands of
John Bolizhoover, William Moore, deceased,
and John (topple, derea-cd,
nest measure, with n small LOO HOUSE and
STABLE thereon ereeted,cnd a weii of w a ter,.
fruit trees, &c.
TErtms One.hulf or tlio porohnoo money to
be paid on the confirmation, of the ante; half of
the residue on the let of April, 1847, and the
a la net on'the Ist of April, 1848, to be secured
y Judgment, &c, JOHN LUTZ,
September 21, 1846; Executor.
On Satiirdqy the 21st October next;'
Prowl;Vs, Soefil Middleton township,
Ce m bar land county, oboe t 4j - miles South of_
ili;r6;11 - i ,
s with-ell the appurtenances
!hereunto belungiog. Said Furth ts - situated mi.
the Yellow Breeches"' creek, ntijoit4T laude of,
WilltaM,,Craighead, deceased; §adiuTflreen;
and JacOh Slicaffer. The land if ot Brat-rate.
finality, end in a state of thorough cultivation.
The improvements arc a largo
!DOUSE, comfy odious BANK it::
BARN, ttad all the necessary out ,
buildings, together with a thriving orchard o
choice fruit.. _Therein alsoji vemecuttsiderable
growth of young Locust trees on the place. The
Factory is a substantial stone building; 75 feet
deop by 38 feet wide, and affords ample rect.
litres for the most extensive operations. If boa
now a large and increasing eastern in,
utitctri of woollens, end to an entorprt lain
young manufacturer holds out Inducements of
the most advantageous character. The Farts
amid the Factory will be sold together or imps
rattly as may lest suit purchasers. •
At tho mute lime and place, will be sold a
Tract or Mountain Land, containing fsinteett
Acres, more or lees, 01 I.lll' iving cliesuut timber.
Sale to s:ommenco'at 10 o'clock in the fore.
flood, when attendance and terms, which will
be reasonable, will be made known, by
' • - 3 ACOI3 - F. 1100V14." ----
July 22, 11-446 e.. 41
q - g•AV virtue gran order or the Orphans Court
In or Cumberland County, will be sold at
nubile outcry, on the prrthises, on WEDNES.
DAY, the 2 tat day of October next, ut 10 e,
clock, in the forencon,-a_plantatien or tract of
land, .situutu in yl .. g_., ! ,...Sprieg (tbrinerly West.
nennabornegtrifewnShip, containing alum - COO°
; Ilundred and Sixty Acres, firsirato Limestone
Land, bounded by lands. of Sharps' and Myers'
hcirs, Trill and Montgomery. The celebrtite4
Big Spring runs along the western mar in of
xlio Aram, a stream which never fails or freezes. •
and is unequalled by any sprang in the United .
States. The improvements are a first rate
stories high, with two run-of sto n es, Situ
ated on tire above named egOtig.
DWELLING 110USE,'S.t' 4 3 ,
and Stabling, Miller's House, s
Cooper Shop, Orchard, Ste., all
in the best order: Abbut one-In:Icor the, tract
.a cleared; the balance covered . >4llth thrtving•
Bother. A piece of 'cleCred land containing,
.q bitty three acres, and a piece of Woodland,
'containing twenty nine Acres, have been sec.
'erect by survey from thb original tract. These .
will be sold separately, or' the whole together
as may best suit purchasers. .This property is
about 24 miles from the ,Newville- epot of the
Cumberland Valley Road, in the heart of
•11 rich country, and offers strong inducements
to copitalists.
The term ofsaie arc: One-third the amount
of the purchase money to, be paid on the con.
firmation of t_h_e_selfay_SlA_Cuert. (on tha Ifioth_
- Or December next) tend the residut - in ihreer
equal annual payments without. interesi,4o be
secured by Judgment Bonds.
Athitlidstraiori - lf JameesPipo, deed
September 4,,1 846.--ts. .
111 Rat .FOR $ -
?I * übsuriber offers his ?arm for sale, three
Juana a half miles .West. of Carlisle, Cumbeet;
laud aunty, on the Conodoguinet Creek rosul„j:.
.mile from Davies, MI% : . The farm contains
Sixty Pour nod shalf Acres orlirstysile Lime,
stone Land,uhout : : lif4-fourscres t Are in it' high,
state of cultivation,tieing:all limed ~Andt .l ite-eclib•
due is well edvcredwith-timber: .It is •all Under
good limo°. There is thereon erected
w Jorge ^HANK BARN, with two "t•
flocrs, WA.GOWSHED, Corn Crib, Li •
, ktr, All under the Same j'; t ,
rhof, 'A, RAMC VOUSH; fine& •
brick, with tiorcheslo itt a fricit v
toms-, smoke lwhte, wi P bs nol'ilr"1411il Well
it,under the 'same roof „And'
other outhouses , a brick Oistern, capable orcon;,,
raining shout•eltdity 'hogsheads of wateein'yonng „,
firirtnyOreleird baring pleay of clime-fruit,
• , Thefieildings were all Milk within livA,Te,iitrs.,
. •
GEORGE' Atybits . ;-
Siliteml)r 6 - 38-413.7 ''" 7 •
_ .of
1 THURSDAY the 79th, day; Of',Outobirs ,
iii ririll.TOWN Lifts; situate lA , 4110 ;-
- of Newberg, camixaland , 4l# 00; lyipg,
' o Attho - 1 014 0Psl'itreitti - iladlite4nti f it - , 44811
We . oltuittgoo for . woolmilloo'ancr othito.,!,ToPo
of Atipm lisve`merOr faint* ipitoge f -
The village i n ; vilitoh :
the**-10 1 -emiskitteslie
.o#.log oloppiuniVi'llurT9u,fidid by* we a lthy .:,
Pquictus 1611.1 DerbOd. , ,-,Sple to Otnineime
'? io'4l(oi.! .
"f Th men 'rriust4di finnan ",