.: , ;.:!zi,,..•:: , ,'' , . , ' 11 121 - " : 74 n b. VERVIMPORTANTAE ,*.ot New-- woo s c it it iiLikr goat_ 4—nintt-splendidrand_CLlCAPESrt STOCK OF GOODS that bag been brought to.Cifflthilti, - rat. niimpor of-years, comprising, all kinds and ,_quailing of - ' Tty Goods, "Groceries,`, 800td,,, Shoes, Capil ete &c o: ' ; and o mild invite all thoserwho 'wish today tat their n oncy to a good advantage to give him call b, fore. inirAisingn „ Ovapg to the great tluction of prices in road's , aitiolen in his line 01 icon ores. ha feels confidem. thatlie 'can givo HA RC AINS not to be surpassed i f etiutilled In the cmntry. • ,•, • , To given ligeorintmetrimd litincis'of goods would t to too tedieousZ it'ivotild fill columns of this paper, and heti not tho_twentietkpar,t enumerated, ow°_, hien n rail, and look for •yourselves. Themeniber, thiliroto ST.ND"," tour doers 'Eliot 'Orthe Market Iluuse;and dl r•Lt tly i pposite • MOCII put ibithe "MI6 !StaTit !,!!" H CHARLES OGILBY. Callklo, October 7, IbIG. . F. hltiny, articles can "be Wolf] lest; than 11101111 n c turers2 [vices, nue!' as Oussitneres, ra s . sin, Ifs Kentucky Jeans, Linneyn,Canton Flan: nein, Carpet's, Umbrellas Goan Shoop, &c.,di c . N. H. Country Merc hants supplied at .cify • FRESII GROCERIES• 1 US rrbeeived, a fresh supply of GRACE. er.' RI ES, such as superior Young Ilyson TEA. Imperial Do. Poucliong Do. of superior , mialliy. Double' refined Loaf Sugui; Falling Lealai d Crushed db. superior' BrOwnSUgar. Jr.i:i "rffee• ' Rio do. Sperm Candle Tallow de; Bali; I'S No . 1 ChOC Lac; Coeck tiomocopa... i hic*;lo; Golden Syr,4 Loney do, Sugar house and Ni w Orleans Mot ses,•.liams; p ried Beef, Mai:herd. Shad, Sul On, &e. &e. Also ' ri large aasortinentofQUEENWAßE Lanips,_Loolting_Olueses, and ina.ny Giber ertl ties too numerous to mention. übseriber would tender his thanks to Otc. citizens of Carlisle and:the .8 urrouuding, coma J, fqr their liberal patronage slime i.e rominori;ed the Grocery- business, and assures tlum !hat lie will strive to merit their confi &nee al d i custoin by keeping a large supply of rresli Groceries always on hand, irpd will sell ut buds prices as will give general satisfaction. GEORGE R. CROOKS. Carl i•'e,'SrptembsclQ, 1846. . , NEW HA3DWARE STORE. • PrglEE E subseritiors, having taken the gore room on iList High street, one door-West of Dovid Martin's Hotel, and immediately op. potiiteOgllhy's Dry Goode Store, are now open• Stcelr._ oEnglitsh Hardurzie' , " • . of their own importatictn, Whichovitli a general -ttisorttot-tit :of—American—Hardware, Sadlcry, &c., thLy offer at very low pricer. Their:stock consimiaLin .of:-rdelto-and LatchOs "of "every description, Butt Hinges, Ttildel! SI: re w it, Patent Sh u abr.' 11 inges end Fas crimp, Hand, Panne], Ripping. Com post and Tenant Sa-*•s, &o. &e. Tl.ey also he ue on Lando geberal assortment of W jam GL.se, l'n 'nisi o.ils, apd Uyc Stun t Varni•h, and Mahogany Veneers. hey would invite the attention ofpurnhasers ft II:( it dock, which is entirely new, and will It o sold l'a small profit.• N. It COUNTRY MERCILA - NTS arc invi t. d to call and examine ear stock, no we are nahlod :0 supply thorn at Philadelphia prices. IV R IU-11T St....SAN:ToN. Carli-!r, October 7, 1846. IVL•10. Lt-t 7.40821,13 Esr ErrvuLLy informs the Indite of eadisle and its vidinity, that she has tmoinet red the MILLENARY AND MAN- I UA-Al A KING BUSINESS, In Pitt Street, :,:twecn High and Pomfret street, Nn. 6; Al , x,tu Ica's Row, where site is prepared at all tin., to ina'te and repair all orders.entrusted to- t.i;r xv:th netlnesi .and despateli. SLr.HANSON flatters herself that hy ztriet aft niii II to business bud Moderate charges, i.hitinay.reccive 1.1 liberal share of public pat torsa2o. Chi o-le, October 7, 1846. z - Le • IL 'W1141)114 knowing themselret indebted id_ to sTErr,N , 3()N & mottAFFE.y,:tt r p t. o ,osltd to make immediate payment. The C in the Minds of FRA N RIJN MEIIAITEY: October 7. T..-.I:94.UI,I3o:I4VI.RAI,.L.MIL"et4acIitt- ilEt tinire'rsiknaj, :Auditor,: oppolutedAty the Orplothe CputVorCurnherland coon: ty, to liettibute the offsets , or the estate of I;corgro Lsidirr, itt the. 'hands of Jacob, (toodyccr and Jecob Goodyear. Jr.; Administra turs,auoong_thc creditors of said &Ceased, will attend- to the' duties sal oppoint'merit, bii :3 ATOP DAY, thellst of Octqber,'tnt 2 O'clock, P. M., Ot The public hotiso 61.411...1ienry 3urltho!dcr, in the borough - olCorlislo.:• • ISAAC KAUFMAN, Auditor. October 7, 1846. Estate of George ROelcek;tteeedsed. 74ToTICA-IslipgEt3Y.;GFlVATfiltiio:ll.: I'M tern of Administration on the *estate of 'George Rooky., -lute. of..l..)tekhsort kownsitip, Cumberland ceunty;lidve beet)-trantoil . by,the ilegister'of said eaunlyte SobseriberiNdi 'Ae place of residence hi'. near`the'Vork SPrlrits; In Adaino .county; Pa.:-,Alt persons intiohted.: to ;!.lie, estate of,sai'd date semi reran u red,to :payment without claims f: dean :will prieeht Winn tholsidnierib'ee ' .(yy.authenti4ted for. souleinenh I ••-:-•-• •••••;-AVILI4AI4.--11%;i6ADLifilLf:' 'amber:l;l.B4B,4f: `• • r. , FIRST & POSITIVEpf , THEIAST NOTICE Ll l pttrapos iitdobiod to 0n0,.,-i;rollorol;y, - • B ap Farm:may requeated, to cotae 'i',lllYortf sod pay, or ;tit -"coat aottll3lo6ll.4:ospea. ; , accounts An Anno: Ivy.nyt: 'on -Pri.l3efare, - t the 1 5;11',1 n stapt, ,olai :owtom tli •; • . itiord,,to'ianyiAndividual; .- banOn Pf-a4U ll o l .le , 'otttlicPeaglat: Oallooticin, ' tillo' ,lB . l l°)nanonn4io o,a9 PP OO ,Od, 11 1 V • • • 1 1 4 n 4d tkb 9 . illuna,:a(4l 4 n; I ' l 9ol haYotiltaatlY , dona; wlinan.nalnaa Ann' ,l l o -egenlin , h ( 4CPuPtrAloakt+ bit :*9llo.ollPtlipue;wh o ranYJaa intniNatinl - titalitmotablti3O'i;dotifivill.nadoitit4.. b dIY -b r , l 4 °9 4 itllttinlY ,o 4 t: ottheY n al, irtoaf'PaYaoaall o %haaaainina• 4o. . nlaAtr . a : ,lespoot au4 l oaciaatlytraquoalo4,to;POSent . A lo Rinoo t i n gVa nd4 t 4ro "9 l t o . h !(!: e Vf ,4 r Dttdobtlidw bioldif,oothdiret,t44vhia 7 :' .lioneittly 4 Origdet'o ;rot •,;I:qa . :t4,.4i,11 ' t* 1 22n - 7 , k4IIYO/L/4111,170)1,1LILA ,GdrlQototatr,7-,•113•16i A -' • ' qd „ Ir . 4411 r- GRAy4-1,;;;;6 Mail ENE -.-, lh . U.`,...'-r.. c.:4 1 0 4 .4,t • hi,? evi, 43 . r rita. i f I ' tiv;lttlei;" . `iikapp r it- T s , 1t.C.... , 1 1( 44 11,040 . 1. ' irAn'''' , t o ‘ . ( '",; friftilN 0 40 ~,i'. l i 041-046 '"* - . ~4 1g7i.'":,0.: .•,, A r , .1 , 7 ,:- ,1,,:, ,', ' ,'‘,,•,,,- , • .4•,... • , ,, t , y;,--4., ,, , , , ~, v ;r:4'2!„,.„ ,;,' tigt,:' , -14, , kv • 41.00.i , 064+, r ,i, .., ,•• A. r -, ; • . - '" • • Ditlattl/3go l o Wu. w. ' -9 1111U;e1,10'1,0TIFOR'' Oti obge art°, and 16Cotirrte4 b. 1 4 k 7 .446: Firterena;w l l l6 " . ett" t'''#• -• : - ,ii tt . 7 lilbanti,fidOPP.lY to M - ;Ag - .611. fdr. 4 l l '9'llpo r il •"="":4 .— liefer „....; ~- • 4.r 1311 - . r-irkSabtlerilAr'ivltt'iztfferitkpliblii3 :enle, on I,,TIEUR;BDAY .20'tVdayt . :Orb NZNB TOWN liO'lif44 Bit4iitif: vinage. of Vewlinixiquritborland oti.ntyt on the printjpal at' e,et b . and preponting.,deeira- , pie:situations for Ideal:mice and c4hor, of them yav,o hover failing springii of water.- - The. village in whikti A these lots arki.toeAed,jd n. thriving eo knninnliyi,surroan - Clell',hy..a wealthy ndpupulous ncighberituod. Sale to contliten.ce at 12 . .o'oldelt„lq , , when attendance will be given, by- THOMAS D. tiniE r Excou'i m i. orritornas.Trinible,dee'd: Septenth:er . CtDa'aDtbadat34639 o • ..?oM)toalf.!aEitilelaaei.4 igDY virthel - tf en order ok i the Otplinns' emirt of. Co ulify`; gill lie ' sold :by iitit4 i netcry,.on tlio premises, at '1 "o'clock , Noon, all thatet.satil platitalien or tract of laud, Sitinite in West - Petialltirtitiglf - tnowlligpring-1-tonaishli in stild . ootnityt bounded • - by, lands of. Paler Wilt, Samuel l'rltt, Captain Piper's het rs i Peter Duckts dm tiirtittilce road, •containing - 178- ACRES, neat measure. This f,trtiet dm first • rate, limestone latitl 7 -about 100 acres of,the same being clearetladd tinder 4..,kfeue v , ;Im•rokinfue• in line thriving iimbt 4 r. 'I lie improvements:tit ? a Two gTORY I.OCF 11OUSb1; - • I t)OUtil.bl LQG ,13 A ItN,w Ith l roof,. ~WAGO S 111 , 113 and CYAN 1:11113S, mid other 'otit. I buildings. ' l'hort on Apple Or- OMNI and oilier froit trees on the premises. The terms 01 soli; oee onfolloWst -Five Hundred dollars to be . paid on the conlirmtition ortim, sale, and the balance ofone.hall the purchase money on the Ist of April, next, AVIICII possession will be the remaining half of the purchase money • tS be paid in-three equal annual instal mentsthere aftOr, without interest. The grain in the' ground to be pin out this is reserved.' :1 he nurchaser is to pay till taxes assessed after cbtrflrmatton of the stile.- Thopurobnei money - ta ho secured by Judgment. - • Notice is hereby given, that', time above stile has been,adjourned over until SATURDAY the 17th of October, instant, When' ii the ,saitrprope not Old It will be - put' fdr the elisultig - Scar. A.Nimew DAVIL)SON, _ • DAVID Sly AVEIX,. . • Administrate, s of Jolla Stately, dev,Y. Octolter 7, 1846.— , 2t. • Application for Tavern Licene. wonty..ls KREBY tvr,x,tlint intend IN to apply to Judges or the Court of quite;' ter Sessions of the Peace, to he held at Carlisle in November - next, to.lwap-an-Inn-ittßuhlic-liouso in the loose I noiviOecupy, near the Mount Holly Iron .Works, in South M Cum= herland county, and that a Tavern at such trlace is necessary to aebommodate strangers and tray. eller& ATTIIPAV MOORM. Sacttt.344dtllcton tp., Oct. 7, 1846.-31. the suhseribere, , citikens of South-Middle t lownship, Ciintherlaild cotnity, do e.3rtify that, the, revere applied for by: Nritttliew Moore• fa necessary io irecounnotlate the public end eider -taiii-stranget-e _end - travelier.st and. that dlist. - ..eaklL pEtßiciner . forhonesty and tem-. perance.'itterie well provided with linue-rooye ainheonvenienees for the ecoonimoilati bit of mi.u• Rees end treverers. That the filets asset theth in his petitioh are true, and that we believe lie would keep a paid and orderly bonne: - Frederick Kropff, F. Ilaskell,Saninel - Civil', John Royer, Hokin min Itoyer,.George Rahn , - A. 11. Bareitz, Wm. A. Lintherst,Ceocge D. Craightlid,,Ges,rge ‘Vol:et, Win. Abxentleri 'hull I). Gelse. • • HARRIS, TURNER, IRVIN, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 201 Market Street ; 1111LiDELP111.1. Importers° and Wholesale Dealers, - T r N Metlieinea,Chendeta, Potent M e d- Sorgigal and Qtmeiriral lostrdmentst Druggists' Gi!isrokiire:,Window Paints,.Oils Oves. Perfumery, "iblizgrists, Country Merchants, and 119.91viana aupplie.l with the above :irtivie 011 the motel lie voruble t TlO9. Sta:iei and prompt attention paid to orders Every article a'arralde d. • JOIIN HARRIS, I‘. .lAMES A. Tun NER, Ii tell at Virginia. WILLI). xi I avix, M. D. Philnllrlplila Sept.3o. 1846.- 2 -1 t•. CLOTOIMA! CLOTHING: . I/SUCK SK., 1110011.13, 254 Flatket Sfreet, Philadelphig, A V t constantly on hand every deseriptivitt al CI.UTI lIN I: 0 01 of whielt-tire rut, trim med. and made in a manner not, toile gm-passed, 111(1 are Warrttnted eltennee, titan the sat. tittidity or (moods ate in any miter estatirlisltittuni itt• the United Slates. Altai, every deveription of GE:4- 14.1:41 siV , a - RUM NI ill ING (;ones nt reduced prices. Those Nit.itink the, city will Am) , it to their interest to exittnitte our taupk.beftwel)riteladsi el sett here. BUCK; .4.. AlOOll 254 Market Street, - Seittembett.:3o,lB46. . . , Estatt of "Pelet'F'otight; decebied. NOTICE IS GlVEN,that lett-irs of Administration on the t suite of l'etc , i Fought, hi '.e of the township ,if Slifer Spring,. in the-county of CuiriberlititilTditeensed, bare issued, tOilie.subseiber,,whOstililaceot residence-is in the' township and county ;All .persons indebteil fa the estate of said deceased are requi. , -. ed to' make immediate paymeidi nod Ouse having thtifo's will pi•es'etit - them 'to tlie sibscriber duly aiithenicated foi•aditlemedi. 1 1 1AltGARET - F 4 qtrauT; Administratrix toe tpouis non bf mid dee'd SeptenibteSOilBlll.--,6w. cOPKTSI, ttfe wlt contains 'the valuable L fitttolitieiv of ()plum, wittfolitfitiO.tluletrious ;1,4 'uoUltteoptittql plus, nutt.ls,:ito::4oll - tilreferable to F ftkithowntor purogui t. g ro ggtioeAsß;l,9teliAl7 FE'S- •r SePtsMlrMaS4q;4l .• • rr r: I C • , • itri .:111111piOrisfr,A 0 of , .F,Otu• ontlAgtie r flyspd4rl)Niti*Att:biseatlio.., , ,VortiolP atT. , 21E11' go,;SA)titkz' Sotki)' k;10.; ( 8 4V_ - , ME , 47,0-:" 6 :; , t1VIERI I ~,,011...ENDID Int cift Plnin;Merr-, noes. Aleo,,LElnkn:Alpnen,:ssaoittiLi.oletso iiiit ttinZi!ell:iit:lllo . 3(or6 .1 '.-Ciki1i5Te;'5ep:(;,49,,,,t84,6....."„ ~ ~ , 60.: bitimit.,z,,.• '',i1.71iv1274710,.. 71.5...,...„,,.::.:.•,-1;•,,,_:.-;:. ~' - • ---aok.;cumnpil. t • ig*FiltswitiflVA s . , .11 to.hif6- lit TI ' VOLUNTEER ,5v!, ,. , 1 _ ' 'LAND ~ 4 .f a stcer isle, 4 - e ifi,thO'beOPS . b r_next,- t r . ) &en , - -ii k ,.., af b e o a k file Gen try /I:l,Ctkt'lith, 7. -- drill, On SATUAD. -IVl.7,diniffirelefFequißtfar et 10 o'clock, A . 4 th , ,eitlee 01 . . , r. ' lb blue Pt44IiIPbun:AVV)DONII.ELkje, •,' • . mantling- ' ..- • ~.11fairrr. COM. ---,-. _Li .. 4l - my5. 1 ,14:.7-Ar' . .l4.llN,TA:djilii li t' .-._iepteinker:iPeiy3lll:, i. ..,...,v, 4104,64?) /IT - THE,4I4(fESTABLISIIEQH4fiDWARESTORE;- ii.e.I4 , OIZPAI.SO PER: STREET.:',..ili.g_ ' 0 0 9 baS, Watirergre Pure aruutid _lPZ.hltu:Lecul,, , : ~ , `.; ',,-. -- .,1 , )10$ oiliffritthiiitKOtri,,, ..1:<,::. 'T:urt ~ , -0 ;i:t 'll' 1 6ll l o 3:MlrfV74,Pen ' 410,, ,, 4 ,, 7 • ,ig,, 4 ,PY9I I ' i r , .., II OAT I VIAMIt kOliii‘lP lt - a,43.; t .1 : )O' W i. e * Pi l ". 4 l 4o UPfih ' `f it:Ad , 04:A_I_4(f1 4 :: .' ithliAll agotlniPptAirCittplobjetTriXtjulfii` Biilding4lCrierlabo;Ap.i litifpft9l*Jlilitiik*:, Pm lowest' Ottani._ , <, , : 7 1 1 '7 5 11 : ' 4 1t , 4 1 Y4'4 , 0; '. f Pu rObliAefe• Wilt antlll4Ple ' *ltiinPUrelft 'o4ll,befordi IdichtleNtlitiii4if ' 4 , '% l /,' , ~&:,:'4 ; 01:14. - ; ,''' .:N, 'l 4 ' , TWO ,ot r etatkit 1 .cuAletteOlojitbrhgoapl)l4 '1.Y ,, ,rv,40', - 4fr , ',3 040,16zu4. ___ , r,__ _ , The- _ R pEaßian g edici Ak i.- , .Thom ' iaumilttelfdpl44,4,isumaiii.* bfiliol l i V i r po.qa tr ftAer, •, . , obi kof„pd i ph r at 41 . ore,' cini c,l4,lo'44lo:o!4flififirin kanti ib l iti R pta x ri 4s. eigifiltiOlyillii)..'c"7 elc*Voi'de dif , " y littotflif;-: ~ , , , L ,,;,-,,, 44 4 ,;;,,v, it •,- ii , et ,p,,,liftl 6 Aftlepano,,PoPtiAA:oo,dotte, i xi t r ....,.. 5prw.,:—....,,,,,..,,,,,,,,e4. ; 14 . topiA.Pr r ioktopso4w 1 ;, a,,N , ,fiePt 44;1 4,1 11 4 6 , - vet - 4'4;11 . ...lelf,riE l 4 - ;VOPlVlStif*,ttaViktit,:-?, wiLW; I tg_ILKY4t l OA; tiiol4•' 0 . - 2 -"'f----. ,LiSkismii ectiidiqk 4 bte 'id I ''; ' $ 74.4' ' ' " ,'''11414'1 :04, 1 1',V 4 0, 1 0 ' ,4 ,'Y t) lll 46,rifie'l AliitiAt , N1'40009,0(44 ie . *e;l - 1 4 ,qmbiorg; Latilfir#o7.ll6rd *.A-14 , t :4 0, 41V.11.1i PEElci 4 .Rtlig 1 .4 0 ,ft . pi, Ilhifieli- ,it i• 7 clAiktie 'V' ' ''', / ',"',' l' CI4 I O I IV, R. 1 ‘00.0;1' ' . l ' Atttini t i s e 3klk4 it,iutu.7' 2 (::: e;,-;'; d ,;:f.,t;i , "-,';' ' '', - : ' - , '; ' ; ; ; ' • ; ,:,; ' ~: , • ~:., ~;' r%; - ~ ;;.' ;',.' ~,i4-1 4, :, ~-; !r , -,4 --, ' : 4-, Ar,m jr!., • ' , ,r4e, Oungo y On ,Ahe I,Foplitli,-,l l lilJll.SDAV;.bottinethe`. dakt of Oetriber t , ,A848. , .t0.430111i11UE1 !V -134's Tll6,,l'lnitglifffi4datcli' 1: 0 ' 1 larat ete TlTlntig:Vial4fiewa R - s9rraid , an •Tlinrsda)kffle 22, 1 of . o ofEl. ) er,i'itgAp.,.-1 1 1 1 6'6fc;ek".•A: or..tynmals. agi intPlein'elligr,..Yogfelt4lelf rind ; all' nrtielei iif:datneetio pep,lyiltib,9 - 01-„Lhe farm oflolin Noble&Sid - 'adjoininw.c'atlisle , on Friday the.23d•of,PetoberrlB4,6,lab9 o'clock A.. M. where; ownere r if they. think t proper, may plaoe,aittl-tleposit the tiubjtottif tion the day belore, and bizt - stfely at tended to. • ' • Comnillkif on PliAighing. , -*lorif Jobh Stuart, Anthem" Frazier, ' ' Corn inittee on Craps arid Seeds: . ....ij-Christittn Ti ~eirWillfthifAil ant Thomas ItleCalrough. - tomiliitten,-ttn'HUrsei iddle;Thott, ;•, • ' Cofitirriittee''on Cok,vs,(jxeri ,arid all' treat Cattle,..--Benj.,,E,tb, Abraham 'Myers, John N'oble; , , Committee on She son ra nea Hondeisop-: erinniittebren - agriebltural implements.— Jacob. Plan lc, Dayhi .Sterret-,,Wm. Sehriver. Committed on 13uttelycheeoe, 'Culinary Vegetable 4, Freitsi; and' Domestic Alantilactures.-Willittm . Line; John Pa'nl;. Robert .C, Sterrei. .e : • •. - - • • • Coriimittee - 'of arrangement on the first tlay.-Rieltard; Craighead,' George L. Line, John Miller,' • ' ' , • - • .CornmittnP:OtartangeMent on .the Second da.V.— . —ArmstiOrig Noble, Samuel. Myers, Richard Ranter, The best provisions will 'bp m de icrr the care ol all animals, and articles - r sentedfor• exhibition. . For information. as to the prem 's see handbills. • ..-The-rhairmart of each 'committee is earn. espy requested 'to be-early—hr4tie-aliendmie and to get his commitfee together and prompt ly to perform the - several duties assigned. • . -'l3v - order of lhe Society F. Dg ft! W rrs, •President. RICHARD PARKER, Secretary. • cLI - Jw;p l 2--‘.3cl= 6 ' c%2l;rl:=wl(z). JUI)Y virtue of an order•of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland. county, I will expose to nu WEDNES-DAY the 14th of r next, ut • IVi, of saig — ZrTy, on the premises, as the property of Abraburn Diller, deceased. ...• Thirty-Two Acres Highty-44ye Porches of good 'Limestone Lund, situate in Big Spring Town hip, Cuatherland ,county, 'bouoded..by hude of Samuel Preheat, Joint Bricker, Henry Mien k ; -Su m Itel-A-brat n sormt-thrr-St at e-Rand -to Newvtlle. There are about T‘VENTY-SIX ACRES oftlimJand•cleared,well fenced; and in good order; the residue excellent timber._ There are - fferbutld TEOia-rive epot.prtKpurclifisio. aftit- Mey to be: paid when the _property, is struck 'down; the one:half Of thmrpsidue to be patd on the let of April, 1847, nadithe bal_neo in 'two ennual payments; Without inierest, to be secu• red by a-lien on the !encl..-- '• • - SAMUEL DILLER„ ,Arlm'r. of Abraham Diller, deceased. September 30,18'46.-3t... • 'FARM FOR SALE. m FI E subscriber will offer his FARM, iu Nouthainnion Township, Conilderlandcu., 0110 and a half miles No•th Eamit of ShiPpens. Inn'ir, for sale, on THURSD AY , tho.f23th, day. 'of November next; at; l'o'cloli;P. M., on the prottiseil. crffor further pariitUlarri See hand-. 'bills at the various publiii houses . in the county. DAV] D MAHON. "Shippensbtirg, Sept. 30, d46.—ts. • SECOND ARRIVAL: , . Boots, Shoes„& Brogans, • JUST. .received a fresh assortment .of )Mon's and Days' Calf Monrues. Ladies: Kid and Nlorriocen Slippers. • ,•• . and Children's I:utters & Kid :Boots, black and Many Morel. A1m0.,-kid, •.,Mnrroco, Linings, . c. Fur sale wholesale or' retail, ut thrilowest prices. Call Irt POlttreft'S , - Sttoo Stoke; opposite the Methodist Chnroli, ' ,Carlisle, July 8, 1816; •,••• ;. • . • PLAINFIEUI .CLASSIDAt. 'AC ADEMY. • • - ill-us , Institution, Which is located in' the most inidthy, part ot Ottnaberland couay, a ill. be opened tor Boarding or Day scholars, ( niale,i on Dlan ht , October 5, 18411, I:be saltation has been chosen for theativanta,,,, ,, es it prescottitt beinwfar emnoved ii qui • tbe 1101 oof ,iire, , ;yeo Moat' tienvenientli.4ltenStiesible by Rail Road or Stale (toad; being a Won 4 miles. The buildings buildings ithe•tiew and convenient, the /ter,' demititd delprlutinit listing been 'erected this 'Bunio:V. "I' to tittinber studeids Will be limited. Briley anti propriety' shall be die ilistingtiisbinif. ; feathers throughout tho Winton will be giVen to the lienvement ortheatialetita,l4 ,binbnelantteaulieq, and , flettira the . abodiilenoo ; and nierittheVpittrottrige,OrlllOtilighlenedlittblici, The yetie will lib divicred itito,Attiiselisionsr,pK, five inoni ha enel4 thud first Ton- Oaya ity'Obioheb rind Th6"e loniO lioatlinz,'go.l - ToitiOn'ia all'F,ii6ll .p ranil idiiwitN'llxlt.And 4 50 Frotds,-deY Than, Dritaftittiie;lol,lalo; ' - Atnsngbnteillii bb _ time lug i•efe*ientica;/k4ftie f , rtisltell br'slipliBaticiir- ti , :vqpnAlty kr; iptliqgli , tba Cat lisle: Pot'Othi tter i ip 4 a ' O j " • ..; L— . iel:' , .itirlolo.ob.,-;!:;:',: : . ~. _. .116, 97 •S'OttO'Secap. . rcirAt'd p za ..., lug 1 Sllli r 'S to igen - 11Na friends owl ili*Ni!ilito'' ;V V. , gene6illy:; thlit he,ltill'athlti knell to hfOnelho iure Hod een theteinehte Allt-TIGIIT:ST9y,ri; pith the hiteatitolii.Oketitent. , ' ~.. ' '. ', ', ; ',•-• '', • . AtiernetoY , yertiliSttheperienoe Iti:Abio!iiifitilifiti 'lure of these StoVoo - , , hels fe 110W",6ntiblethci offetZ:to. hislOstotiters - dici> , A,llit , •Tioirr . sTON,E''.4,..wt, $ p .4,0 4 .1;016'146 foidl ills* ting OVnGtiietl4o!!'" '•", 1.-11-leitait:hlicilltiraiii4Y.Tht StOteleOilhO Riuliffl, oplillua4Ml46ll:ronkoi,il6olol4ll4 giitl i Atie§iple,iii,' - nikifStoveito - whiehlie'oTOhld . 411':Oie'p'art,Oit: ar otontion or.tlitiao . who wtiotfri ,e6relidid iiiliti. 3nentroetheirlyrlors. ~ Alsoitu.stilWili heEpiq ,tnent of coo 4)#,i.t q r sioiltookitx...Btitylia.. Alt pt ivlihsh Ito .wlliiieit at theli . oit'citili iikiiep. .....-' 7 . --rui n iiir tifili siiiii: o° l ., , , fal . 4o,:p•AiAis!:oke iiiirl 'lgilOng , eltd'titi:- •,' 4 " ~ ' ~,.: ~:,,,,,• 2 I. ir , :?Mlii:l l Otiktottl , 6itillbh'i i llti;i)Ob'llii'"deittilit , i : itifiaiiT'lniheSuwesiiintßiii'leh casc raVolirsi' ' iifthei. la* . a spifriiotilkaithile Ik'lill will iii;kiiiiiiige filitnerzi..,l , 4 , - , .- , -- , w---14'- , --' , , , ,- 4, -.2 , -74--7',-4 . 1 ThltailellihiaiS'epteroher,!,7,l , lll,l...,: l k.'l .. ‘-,,,,,...:!?::.1 E!IMM= ENE DEMI MOM .Hooli::—Thordp .11 , r4Warn ..41 Jcisoph Culver;_ Amovjuvan ME " . • ~i.;,,,,..,..ii,i,-,:.•,"f*i,:i.ii:7i.,1, • • ' i'o.•; 4 ~*, ett , •I•ay „ • n " i , •??.. 4 70: . -1' ~,1 1, „' " - 1 11gEt ort:OCLANDATROLIC, SALE. „Of df ath ihktinlbentTft,tklCotrif r, ••••," • ;',ooo,it•C*liatlivq-,thel464kiiie ;16004•00tober; 9ext;tl.: Aitty;l:43o4/ thead„aity Oa/ger-1846" k , cwilkoffer.at puhlm. sap,. at, the late - dwet , ; ' 4 'r • ' of , AbOtetit -Bowman,' , deceased, at,..126%, 't •• g lt -• I t 'te f "&tleceased PrilobktSyeiest', I- ooc ."-t roo c 0 0 0 * IPtio. l3 ltoo'f.porrendeirp4;,,: . ... l 4,l4 4 R9- 7 14/Iwklo:bo ,, ,co,itaiiiing` ttbeiit' ItereE;, - divided , into the. e.l t - a Nr-) 6 1-1;19-U-s-B:# 1 1 4 -D :; _ _ griodikripg jtipli o ,l 4 sel di t oir dic.4.44' arid g 61 " 1 : I/1 Wheat - 4' ot..s,ncretre'overed with:thrivin , g yo'ung toeuit t tiMbalinee lgood",ttiritiet'land;•, , dentsitiii,itbout-36' , :ieteel-ehiMt .oteited 'add iinett'An contiiine_about 4 (mice, alLgood , these !obi will. be sold, sepatete or togethei ,to suit buyeis. and will bosh( Ivo to ariy pemon 'wishing to boy.hy calling on William titrofire, or the subscriber. terms Made known on the dsq:of'ealeibyt>. ROBERT, LAIRP, Excentormi A. Bowen:lit, deceasedL 'S.Optember"23,..l,B46.—tc ' "" wm.ver a . TWO tiP rtY ti a 464 D I • tliddliVildrybllereirentriL , • ,7 z71 . 00016(P=.511M01 . . „ '`Onni - nfirelnliilirt6ttik.;4loo7 - ,IIV -- -lledu p t tn't , nr . (Ir e lunr itote„eaneelled,).- Cash reeelye4rron.inetnfutrt'',:'''":l4-A' , _ 11°1°8 '• ~ql4b,rve9lyqttryf taut Polleles or In- thereon, - • , :for balance of Interest; —0083939. d E7kti3nseg: NM R. Whddi;rimouni ' sore,' nu house, iilo6o (Sin; ilamageln house, — 30 00 Jacob I1e011Cr; inhuro . d"44 . • I . • ‘Xorehouse, ;100.,00 119,hry 100 0c,..,-.4lazo'so - - " 887 Surveys, " for lisuingo97-phlleies, " ',lla 'lagers for servfoiS t , . fouler - Vibe's,. "Piloting Monks :; vertising„ • " • " fen' hullthne - offled, &efrl 041 Oh " furniture for 10 , 00---t . " Deilc,kbal dopiessatii Same, 27 00' • Blank ortliol01;?. "'Postage; 'Erna sitroire'comthlssldn', "7300k5-ancl-glallokttry,.._ _ _ _ " Extra serVicelOnsititents, " Interest to " Watts, Esit;;BOrofession slonal services, _.'"- "‘Co aftnintittees for jusling ao . counts, - '" Election oanetteeni " Fees to Commonwealth,- • " St,lnicY continnent expennei, COill in !Ands uPrreasnrer, * -140830 30 • • , -. ' • • - . . . „ Exeminett, cetriPerett nth, passed, no 8111 9 .0 1 .0 11 : ber, 180, by • JAMES %YEA K LEY,. Cdranittee . JoIIN T. EttblEN; ; of • 8..4.11111EL ii.USTON, • Asecounis... September 23 • 1840.- - 3 t. .- .0 . . . - . . daoxwarefdtl - cASTII,,E , SOAP, pure Patin Soop,rand . a gen • .eral•varintrot. t o ilet and shaving Soaps. - Indelitiltrink• - •.-4'ayson's genuine: -•- n7Oilstor's AliMealinp, Ointment. Trusses, of, every kind, Swaim'sTanaccaovirranted genuine.: ) c,i• 'Feat:lorry and Orris Torah Wash. - i° Yeast, Soda and Seidlitz Powders, put up in Itin most careful and accurate manner. Brushes of every'variety ; • Dr. Leidy'e Family Matlibincr. Fancy Inlistande, un elegant variety. - Thermorneters„from the limit manufactories. Roussel's unrivalled Perfumer.. Full and Winter Sperm 41, at reduced pricer. Spirits of Turpentine file-Lead-and-Liasec4l-01 Potider crul Powder hiffs Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines. Fancy Articles, a general and elegant variety; ust received end fur sale at. F MEHAFFEY'S Drug Store... Sept 16 Di§solutiOn of Partnership.' FrHE, public is hereby informed - existing :unde.r,4lol ALLEN & EBERSOLA" I n i s i u ssa ".Alt t erton, 611111watt - 1M nitunty, - Wak djssolved on tho 10th of May last by mutual; consent. The hooks and accounts are.Rltte,ati , , in the bands of Lewls U. 'Esq.inpon.' whom all peramoi indebted and Those haying ' claims, are requested to call-for saitlarnent lt.lUtE, DAVID ELLER:sot:4;i SepteMber IC, 16•16. Great Bargains, in. Hats and Caps, 'AT TIM OLD.ESTADI.IBIIED CHEAP HAT- AND LAP. STORE''' . No. 196 Market door below Sixl4.4, • PITI LADEIM3Eriii . • :•• Vno ; tetitl if-general invitation to the sill cons of Carlisle and its vicinity, as well es •.10, all others, to our STean. Wo 'have on hand a large and complete assortment of fiats and Caps of every s't) lo and vviety, tlltiolt we arc selling 11111 one.fuerth lower that the usual prices, namely: Extra'Sop'ior Heaver Hate, from $2:50 to $3.50 " Bench 2.00 to" 3. " " Silk "" • ,1.25 to 2.. " M(1100011" •' 0 only, • usual price $4 Good -Hats as icr , " as 51.25 and upwards. a complete Filmic of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glaied, sills ml elnCh , velvet.and fancy caps: fine Otter, Shetland For tical,•Nusit Rut, hale Seal Caps, &c. &e., at lower priers than they elm` missibly be had elsewhere. From our ex. trosive sales, we can sell. for a smaller profit than others con. Call innd be satisfied, it 18.10 your ;merest. llerchanw : Slorckecpers, flatters and alters, who buy to sell avin, supplied' tooeasonnble terms. Bo ru and call nt No. 1 1 36 Market street, second. :or below. Si %Alt street. - - 'ARDEN & ,BROWN. Philailelpltia, Sep . 2, 1846. CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MEM IiKADECPWA WATCII.),IiND JEWELRY STORE -No. 96 North Secofue Slreei, Wok; Race, pine of Quarry, Philadelphia. • .' OLD Lever Malthus, full jewelled,.; 8 : .t. Si earat easel,. , ; ••.: ' -• --,.5 .;$15:00., •Si ver Lever Watches, tull'jevkled,... ; ',-•;:.85..00 Silver Lever Wahibes, seven jewels, --.... r ., I& 00 Silver Lepine NV niches ,fi ite qual.; jeiveletl, - x-11, 4 00., Superior Quartier Watches,- ,•• -- - . ; v - '. • 10'00 Lathes' Gold Pencils, . -•; - .- , •:- tt 00 Fine Silvev Spectacles, -...—• , • . • •.-t 1,75 i Gold Finger -tßings,. Pcotn • •87i• cents, OK $10; • Watch Glasses, plain, 12i 'cents; patent. 18-8.4 Lunet, 25, cents;-..cat •httnil an assortment of Gold dud ,1 lair Braceleta "Breastpins, Enonfigs,-Lock.v ets, 81nd alionti, GUI& Fens, Gold Neck, (Nil) and Fob Chaini ! - KkinOilver• itialilGolil Thlinbiles, 811 $ilie RTA, 8 1 1 5, 1111 "1, 1 :90V14'il 'I•P e•clu; ol l 7 e4 o ,tv . prides:'`. ': Alt goods ./nreacted M be adikl.They the sold.for: t A,,illieral ;tleduction,',lTlSdittAw.pet,B9lls . Ltis.ltig i 6 setl',g,lgotu,' •,.•',-,‘.!, , ck;.4V14tA.:9:!' I -7 -., . - , "....';- , ,lirspoi•ier of Iraieher': l ‘ l_RtallidelpiiiitSr4olitit , el; 1846: ..,-;"? I.' '''': . o:l7oli'bithl,•llinvio - TO - cild": . and ::Sitier7:Leveoi;J! alsiii-LefdtietrateQuartltiii;ithll'ACMCF:titanAhOf attOye; iiitniecl ;Pet gee: --',•:-.., ''•'4.'.•, ''`..: ,':,.: ,:',.:' ;;,.t.:;•.,.f.-,,-.,,,,..: :81FX ' ANXWArOoroAVy ,weru h tly or.4iiguatiot,.4o rlai:§oearakir,ig r liiiiiii 6, nataad r.reelinick; Troupi , abriar.e lacteini4Afirti Kage,:,ll,vere4f . eight - or nitie.inehiltr high; andlors . rather ilkineast:aok 'when pakoald; briao Tweed Oat; !*llll4' ,paiktitiiroas'and'tirraidAriii4ardstraw h4t. MI parAqT; Lora liersby.pAbitilis'Ooring'ar . truaiirip bpy4injii'perialry i Carlisle, Sepietffibp.2 - 31§itH3L' : j 3 TO"A s eEichoro Atzill:l3ohor t iro; jtlST ' recklX4 PDX and' : :Pooh Ster.o.l L7,13` C ll oPlor aAargol*ll, - 4firliv ,- ;•.iivoirt.r ,P 1 ,• .654110 f Co'ia mein !,Stationario,, , iimbracincrill thi:boakri';no*,„tarie 041 iittlidahrliPilkithiiiiiiiiNiiiiediitriifts , lo , 'dalevitaritlarilfrsurtjailibtralA6oolritiVrptipkifir +04,441-IFik,„tittpkt;-4,1,t.*A.9-4.,:41,0=0,'64,k)14 1 - 1 • :lit; -7,, , -pg ~..v..„ 48.x l iiiation,..4. 1 sliftboOffir .the,rolifiretiomuitothavediawaTEßis -1 443 a ' T r i , e oll Pr il a F.lvldn'tetri6 orilkkektnitotielP*4l4;l'X%l ISM= 9, 30 00 MINE ISE ;087 no —4oa 60-au -1460-60 430 23 77.60 FARM!' FOR MEI 41111E•Subsekber Offers his ?rum; for Aide, three cl ft littl.lllq(llllfei.Witst of Cu mbe-. Isndicoanty, ou. tile'. CollPLlCigliinet ; Creek. road, 3 fa'im • contains ,St.Mi-kour and 'a.hsilf Acres' of .liest rife' Linfe- Stone ;U141;1144: 66:y4lierSiter'es" ;are-in jiiky stßtiLorcuitiiittion, being all Ismed;and the, rest tliie is 'well„ecnrereltwithlimber;7lturAll'llnder.; good fence. .There is the:Toil' erected . large RANIC...IIARN, with. two • flora, WAGON SNED, Corn CI ibi: • t• Gt;annery, fic• ' all.•un4T the same roof. A FRA.IIIE HOUSE, 4illed--.-=— 'in with brick, with pprches to it; 'brig Wash housuornoke house, with a never-falling well of water with a, pump in it,under the. samp roof mod Mher•out,houses, a hrickmistern, capable of con: laining.about eighty hogsheads of waterox,yoang ; thriving• Orchard listvino. plenty of chyme fruit, ' - The buildings were all built within five y ears... --•— • • . GE . ORGE_SIyk.II3, September 16,1,846. . ' - r -MB 00 74 DI, '404 .4 ' :52 40+1 -1 " 01 OD ' l l 9 . 10 30 50 9 00 . 3 00 fa 17 2043 01 onritarrs , COURT RAWL .'cv VALUABLE MILL AND FARM. TB4 i y_firtue nn. order of the Orpliaogi`O.: eurt Comity, will bo sold at public ontirli, on the prepieenoq WEL/NES. DAY,-thb 2let day of .October next, at 10 O'- clock, in the forenoon, a plantotion - or tract of ;Choate --in Big Spring (formerly, Weill., penfieborodgli) township, containing about Ono Hundred and Sixty . .Aeras; firetrap Lithestone Land, bounded by lends of Sharps' and Myers' heirs, Tritt and Montgomery. The celebrated Big Spring runs along the western margin'of the Pact, a stroain which never fails or freezes, and is unequalled by any spring in the United _ Mates. Thd improvemeote art a first rato L . two stories high, with two run of atonal, site: .ated•on the above named (+tiring. • DWELLIN_G f- OUSE, .BARN tY, I ; and Stabling, 11 ',House, I g 'Cooper _Shop, Ore rd, etc., all ' in,llto best order: About ono.hulfof the treet br-tilearedt-the-bblanco-e.Miered-seith-thriving- Thnher. A piece of cleared land containing Thirty three acres, and a piece of Woodland, _containing_ twenty_ nine A cres,haielM' en_es,y. tract. - TheaS williiir'snlifseparritelyi or the 'whifile together as may best suit I .ll,liiserli: - Thiti'nroPerty ie about Sh miles from the Newville- Depot of•the Cumberland Volley Rail Road, in the heart of e rich country, and tame strong inducements: 'to- capitalists.. The tcrim(of Sale arm_ One.third the animunt of the ur hese money tb be paid on the con :firnintionsale by- ilie•Court (on the 15th „r-,_Dcoc , »ext. ) -and the residue, •in three equal annual paymiiiiii without interest, to be. secured by Judgment Bonds. JOAN PIPER, JOHN S. DUNLAP, Administrators of Alma Piper ; died , September 14, 1846.-ts.. ' 7'o ern Property c - D az . sueLIB a I,IIE subseriber offers at private sale his vain alde property istbni borough, coast sting'di a ((OUSE, LOT .I. , VIITANY.:I_,RII, situated no East. Street and extending hawk to the Letart 'Spring. Thelionse is of slam, two storlei.high, a ith.a -cononothotia two story BRICK BACK ITU I Mul go6d It nsh ' Ilnuse, Smoke ft -ego and Usti-141,1111 • Ism nt whicli.are in good repittr. The lot I II cointains it varietynfilteelrAceat • TitEliS all of iv liteh are in bearing condition l'he prnitet tv is well situated either for 3 pr iVate test (tenet., as it is in gootl neighhprlittod t or for a large business hi Tatming mid Currying., us it has all theyweessaq'buildings.. A IV) ' tat Oi TIV 0 A C/1/. 4 ..8, situated on the opposite si l o of the Spring, lind Irontlng on Louther.Street. The lot is in good order for 'planting purposes, and .wed calculated for a garden or meadow: net.* is emoted on it 8 (1183 and a half story FRAME DOUSE, newly both, together with a Born and Stable. The two properties shore wilt be. 'sold eepntiite ovlogether as may best suit purchasers. Also, Two Tracts of MOUNTAIN LAND, r Runk oti the'SterriPitep'e &Id, the "Grit - two miles above the Gap, coutainiag 118 acres; min the.other two miles belo*,•containing•lB acres. 11 the above property is not at private sale • poior to SATD It pay, the Pith Oiltober. orest,, it willAiisth r at day be.eappsed. at ••publio'„sale at the ,Cotivtliouse in Carlisle, at, `2 &Chink: P. AI„ when itintichitiee Will be given ind terms''made 'known hy 4ACOLI 811 emiliiin.,Sentenifiet; 9, DRAB. ' pl•Lotitiitster l'intiutitilniect till sale'atid send bib•to adveriiierc •r' ..°•• . .VALUABLE,'REAL ESTATE FOAC,',SALE 3 '. ; ' Tri-pt . irstifine...l an,' eviler ei tee Orphans', Court of Q'tnabsirlubll county; will be sold 44 public sale - ion Friday the 9th.daya of Dcrober nest-ott 1:o'clock; ..P. , 111., on the - premibes. the' thq,roilo / lpg dem:tibia real estaie;'late' the, Pro perty of Guorgelrdsenhart,,llereiied,:to wit A - pluntailoti ,or tract of land, situate qMiddrefoit townsigit;'Ciphlierland hotior, ded by hidden, the'iliClrs, of Geer& besetthnlii, .sr. 'demist:di , Jonas Ittnik; Geoilte, Craigheult ; Mary Gruystin,aud Itev, Metilltreonia:n. nbontAtaVt CRES;•of whtelt ebony, , 20'neees 'are limber land, Buil the vesidtie b high gate oteititi vs goo. ...The I imiiiivemento Lei avierge stoly a lt;euttklioltitlgd ,•110USE; , - A 11494 W RANI litlltN, rett in - "' lengtli bY , TO feet lit breadth, awl flus,,, gm I I „ Jihed - bi stifiej.l9i•lfilifiyeihic . sal!- " ' .er out tidgdinei. -7, -; above lintestonflefiti , illl9egt' ttelity,lind hittititgl the 't , iimpike'rda . tab Oertikie toDultnnore, two; inileefewn Car tee, 4414.0110 6hilla - most , dedrably loeintops in 'Ole libtpay,e,74tfyre itrZait orbhurti wafted *ith b intlety,l" ot.lir:;chqii* &jilt nevei• stater oboutt'h feet ileejt;•ttritLtt , eteettmPrrnaninS water ab,bllo Aso.4e4t , Troto,tlitt:buthlltixe. _2,Thel'erntt:Or enterarit, $lOO to be pild on the tiontlt:tnittion'efthe tale by,thiNcquisogbj!Of Ii wen:3)o6o; gitln gl yeti' td . tlie ntircli bber'iang,the roolchtit''ttVOtrtetfttaliintgutl "tier: rneptethereaftte interest;AO' b'e sycurell 10,0 1 .4Mbefit-o,lllnoitegre , t i fll'lte tint,'are itce ihelsiirchhaer.-1 ,c ••11/0.4,451111V,I)LFAr, , , pporer , .:ose..nhar4. cue,d , Sri troT kV* , eV, ti 1141#44EF,' , F4.,110, , F,01-:-.t, _ S A LE , A KOE%:Iiitx:6I : 4OWO"ritic eoo/ .., '4ll tracAtArq4ol.;l l AlN-tfw- , AVIAPAIIN!, . PkatTPk4,l lo 4o7:;9 l .:Pe b" 14 0. ,0 4 1).40, ,Oiteiril te drth:At(e't4_Al2ll9,art ','ltioze6iiriing wiii. - AtflNi.lo, taros " 1 9,- 4 " de ri' z Oh #P0,005104, 8 9 90 1.79, rifit W l 9* 1 - 444*1i14441 5, .. 403Pailik , / I ciii l , ~, 0 "'etA'Ai t 4l4ii i ',6#9lll6W is . liiiiidOve 1 V 94 1414-4411114 0000pguitititliriek; I rit a ll ic t 4 ' Ra 1114tr,ftihooeh..t.7 br .*F fefrkhlr,pit , s.;4lo9iopot 4141 0: it ', 14 4 , stab .‘ . cf, s l99Ples 4 4c a % •• • 61 „i - gi ( lCg, o ', — Wrre o 4l 4 00 - M104 0 0404,4. ,AY WOLFVki„OkOttke_WIIT,:i ~, , ,,,„4-A m 5,A, ; .,„,....1 0 rnii * ,00,44 6 1 —%.vaisp k oe t !Atiow?. 046:4 . -4i.,... , ,: . : '''''-'4 i- , 1 ' ;', ';''''''' : ' 1 ' , .'•l '.'''',',.;, ' ,-" ~.:'' , , i , r- , ,„ Vfb; i`ii WI l, t kl , 6 1 ,,.. , a?• ~~1 . ' i , et ski , tOs miter ' MEE ME=EM .V'AL:UABLIE #OO.gIMOMI 'jk" .l • ' 14 ••••••••rdo"..- - - • Mk l ' AOM: ; ;FOR 1 3 1rVifilif'Of: FL deed , of trust fictrObliii,,, ' Offbr at pubJe At e . on, ,Urcrhisee,. on TIICRSDAI Cteteber niit,;, ti•itivk,"ti trak.poand.eon taiiiing abobt,F.DIDTr , ACRES, adiemini; lundoArAeßerklitilder,J , llldDotiell, and 'Wm. Tegan, dieiiremifan Frunkflid improvemernta area 'LING HOUSE; DIATEibt; Lutrll BARN, WAVON spED • COrit Crib s licre ft ' goad water, near the dwalling, - and .tho Clure's Gap run,Paases through the farni. From 45;-to2o none Ind in Iniadow,-tho , balaned a ,good. ituality:of iilatelandin - a good state of cultivation, with timber audleionadrthe farm. Persona 11/lilting to view the land will-be ahc.wn it by milling on Mr. John Dunbar, living there on.,.'Parma will be made known,od• the day of sale, by ROBER'D LAIRD, Trustee. September 23, 1846., ' . . • . ~., .PUBLIC , SALE OF REAL E ST A T E.. tiwsubedribei 7 ,-incikof._Gvne_,Ps- T .... enhar,--sr, deceased, will sell at imblict 'sale !Ott.t teltrenthtea, in Seeds ,ISfiddleten,-teiuship: Otitisb4linti noway. -about too miles front: ear lisle, on puindlYthiNtlrtrayeo October l Ottobekef -the feliewing- real otitate,td - wit:.-. -- , No.-I, oottlainingt• atheist JC3 nitres or patenell limuitone latal;adjohlingthe Baltimore turnpike, COOT.Eisenharti'heirs,!,Wev:!Nlt. McGill; \%`m.• • t: rallitiy),3aookliittier t - aiti 'Others. 'TIM' naprove ments are it Itig LOG ,HOUSE, t -LOGBARN.aiukotheirpiut-buildingsz, .;;.,, There are twt we ll s ofave .- 1;101114 Is s 1 1 1 ,.. wattrone near the !tense, the other as g „,.. ! 'near the barn.. About 4 1 acres of wOodland and, about 30 acreshripuod timothy theatlOW.' - - ,:i .No, 4 1, containing,. about 43 acres" - adjoi id:lg lands of Wm. Graham, lilitgliStuart,find others,, about one.halfor taltich is woodland and:the hill- , •. once is cleared soul in a good state of cultivation., l This - properly will be sold Separate or together to suit purchaseßn- ~ Persons wishing , to view the I property williqcsie call on the . pretbises. • • t The fernier - 6T !tale are: $lOO to Rte paid on; heiconfirtifatiqd of the sale bylthe con rt ,Sor,hall• he halanceen the liest!ol April next; when pos••• essien will be given and a deed made- ,to the' purchaser, and the'residua in three etral annual! payments thereafter without interest; to he emir:- ' ed by judgment ur mortgage. The min which! will- hu in 'the. ground at the time •of mile is• reserved and sill. not peas to the purchaser. Sale to -nonce at t o'clock, P. M. - whet attendance will be glien and terms made know* by • J. 9 C 01.! EISEXIMR T, • ~41M:111 E151.1V7.1.1R7`, * PETER EY SENIMR7', Seotamloer G-; 1816. Freers: MEAL EMI AT PUBLIC SALE, VI ILL be 11 premises,;t Pte aft,„t Vl:lllctoe•7i% the following described proptyty, to wit A. Plantation, situate in Allen Township, Cum berland county, about 8 miles South-West of I far .risburg, on the Stale Row leading from York - Hat Ttrt-tr-earlitile, 12 .iiitra - Stnithrraeat - tif f- E - ar.; lisle; adjoining lands of IL Itr}sott i..Dunlap,A. Wagoner, J. Grail anti others, containing One Hundred anti Eleven. Acres and seventy-id:kr Perches, neat meashret, whereon is erected two DWELLING II 0 .UrS_E 8, and a lare - BAN If: BARN, Nl•ith other' ' • . on t-h - duliht;'"theue are tlitee.ntwer -11-117nprfief Wiithr dirthier - faTinT tift - near the tloora ti;strateVhard •• • ofhlioice frult,and a stream fwatei risns through' -the-farm..--Aliput-100-acreasiee-clearetLand-thr ihtlidue itillrnber hind; a part li mestone and the .remiduder •iii 4 i nixture - solli 'all h a higliState of taltitition:l:- • &))n; at the same time, a•tract of Chesnut Tim bev,Land,-situate iu , YOrk county; ghoul 4 mile, from said Farm, containing .1 5 acres,More or leas. All the above tracts of land will be sold, anti good anti sialEcient title clear at all inctunbratiCes will be givoti to the purchaser. Sale to commence at 10 o'ulpck , A. Al., °lonia flay, whet. terms otsale will be made ktown - by PETER FLU N,TSBERpEIt, Agent for the heirs of Daniel 11 uutsbemer, ilec'd. September 16,. ta46.--A 8.. . Valuable Limestone' farm. AT PUALIO rs V virtue of Alle.laat Wißand -Testament of JOHN BITNERdate- Of-Allen-Township, Cumberland county, (lemma, will be sold at pub lie sale, on the -premises, on THURSDAY the 15th day cif October next; at II o'clock, A. 'M. on that day, al ti•at valuable plantation or farm, sit is,te iii South Middleton '1 °unship, ip the comet) aforesaid, about Iwo miles South-E.ast of Carlisle, on the road leading to' the Carlisle Iron Works, bounded by land* ofJacolyZug, Andrew Ito Imes and others, containing • Two Hundred. and.,Fort y-thre,e Acre§ of first rate - Limestobe Land, in a nigh state Acre of mul ender tidd fences: a•he improve , . melds are, it large double* TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE A TENANT HOUSE, A BRICK •,•,4.1[1111 BANK BARN; Wagon Sheil, Corn 4i'•• Cribs, Smoke Jicinse, Press, a Carriage thieve; mid tuber out buildings. About Ono Ilundr,ed Acres of this•tract hoovered with thriving Young.timbe'r and We rest cleared and ie. gond cultivation. There 13 a. large 011iEHABD of choice fruit On the premises, anal 'a well o' never-falling water near the 'door dale Kitchen Phis tract will-be sold sett*hole or a part to suit. purchasers. . . The teirrrnrof Vale *lll-he Inflantageous to pur !Shiners, mild . Wilkie made 'knew r., on the day ol sale, by JOHN BITNER, HENRY HITNER, - ATTHIASIIITN BE, • Executors • - Seiginit Yfe, 1146.—;13w. ORPHANS" COURT - SALE et gr • Cag932,74 , • 1319iptia:039. n virtue of an circler of the Orphans' Court RA of Cumberland county; will be 'sold at pub• lie sale, elf 'PHURSDAY the Stir day of Octo ber next, on the premises, the following tleecrib `ed Pioperty, late the estate ,of Peter Weaver: or Mifflin township , decease 4 viz: • A 'Tiact ol ,Lapd,pentaining . . and. Twenty-one Acres, .situate in ;Mifflin , lownehip, -in said count) ritdpininglandtrofJohn•Wolfillfartin Peover'r. 1,-hetri t and , ethers.;'-Theinti .PrOVesidiant'itre, largo' T WO. .- SI;ORI'S rbk?,t7DW-PLI4N,q: LIU IiOLISE; s(O6 Bab k Stableraild cessary:out. buildings. •;Thete 118 R . WOl water ,near the dwelling:house, and. , the farm' is' well, ;Watered Vitliiinintitustreatne;: , Thera in' alio ;a..firie.Orblisi'd - Of thriving, fruit ireett„,' :Absult, Xweriit of the, faht,t 'is- natural)ineadew land 'and about ; thirtynoa wgndland , pod the Wilbje#lttecils;nnVr,under",ge'ad will 'be 5441 ' t eipaiste*. , logrellier P;;;Sirit ptql. The iecittefikseie,arei $lOO to ildifahl'O 1 4 ,0 Conftraimitarrof the Sale by7the next farphans ,Couri t one fbf the' httlanteed on the 1847, W hen*, Poseession itful a deinf inade.tir.lhe:pi.it,Witi;i4r; arid realdhe . to' bk iteltifel ; pajonentiOlihrpaller. withont,lnte ti reitythe it, ,, ,b0,ace,401-11,y)lidgenet or 'Mortgage:, - r. - Adminfitritt4 W 4 4 . August 19,' 1848.-114 '' • ' • - ..! ', ...',...-.. ~i. VIIMILTO . -1134,raglit -- -., ...'t: 111,11 E. !whin:tibia , writ after :at . „ - pubilo: italic; on_ 11.'$)1TURDAY.titit to day or Uutober,-nextf wit ilin,girlitai stk.& Dwelling House tunlAik !wren, 129 porphesi'brliniestOne Ituttl,.(kttotxto , Ity..:situatWlo MOoludilOwilsiiilvi IIeT 4 OVIOLI 4 etat ,of CPO iiilei and about Ono wilhatimlo' , Cniro wii. Dear the Listwirn - coad. and ', tiettEc Veltlith's Mill. „bciutitiod:briandawfJohn AWFllit..Herirt Bout b s liiid:111,1104;•.- ii - bnueshrtiO7tittotterStigh,-log 'and,Weadia ' 'OW thur attune Inotrovernente ,a14111{1.0&13a# • 1,1 _ if.ebi t isliitniatt shop,togeth with'. alriliii . , , 11, ji 41 0 4 11 8Stind, a ', at pererlfing ;water . wit a pinup moil, l i ik the !Iwitile47 - 03%. splt4briirtl t rungOil*rd,f , Wee , frult,l}wee. ,Xtio :laud wltunder:igood tiiikti*iti. 'ticiuL . Sale tn iiinronken at , I , o'eloik, r t M. When atteadanno wlir be given ii till - .7%14 i °O.K- 1 ,:it 4 4,4t!...i;.,4, , , ; ,':,4':-,'4,::.''/V,.. - ''' 4 f..; • ':• - : . ''-i'.4 1 13 . pt*" OA _44.i!,oo,iiefX/1 7 04, TO* : , j) f ivii i skye • riA itzteo A v • 4 *stai,' 4 l f v s 40t, %r s i , -.,. ~ .towp. 4,t v ,,,,,, 4 ..,:fii,p,.,, ,,, .. • Vr , T,Pr l ikir." -40.- s ilipl.rl'ce %, ltv'.; ',,:i, AV " eii„,.• . ',0.,.,..- . Y.. C.... - ./ 4 0!.."'fir , ,i!!': 4 cFifq r; '.',•; ' l o4l' l '.*- r. , .lN'f 4 ,... 4 .'!'.7ii:' , ."4e:''W:; : '.''.` , ;' , C.''''',7fP:',,rlV,q4;:‘.',.rl'ldi.lo.:MtS'i':A'itt'i,Y, IMENSfEMI EMM ' . 4 ' 4:4 :,,BOROUGHAtbeEntY:- FEIFLSAIE, ArNtiA; Co" yttkilic7.-fisfet if%lld•Malat 7.1-,RoWee; ;Carliilii'.'on'THT.f Rt,EO thOild.l .of Optobaro,at.loo'.aloaki-W.NL' , ;- • '- 171161ftitc: D611t)16: , ..51:0f10,' fl 4 sl.lSgianti.Lot. of - Gtooliili•on • ' • flifeet;,tit-:`presefit ootinpied hyLMlEphtaim-•:Zuit,t n t rfonieello l .ll ° " •11. Pap , botindeil ;4; an *e - Le 4pr I nkihnilb . vperjy of Jattoti2u4. , •;'4.•: - atm Taa ,, Oni.rifalfortlietanOhase. mo,n ey tole. :pith! on -the . ht •of , Atiai next v •aal tlie'reallltie.in • - two Ronan' payments, withOut•intereat. - • • ,FIteDNIILICK.VATTg; Cat,liale,SeoeinbelBo,oll46.• . . 811 - 6411 Mires. -• of VenditionLExponas__ to -mrthrectetlill exposoln public sale, at the,tburt ilnisiie,"l,l the Borough of,Carlidq, on FRIDAY the 1611, day.of, October; 1846, at tU o'clock, A, M the following Real Flatite,Nia 3 A Tract ofLand, situate to Dickinsotiloir,ti ahlp:"tiouneett by lands. Of Philip bert,Widtiv! ,Myers,itruel Grißyonurothere, .chintgintrig44 acres; More or less, of' iwhich • there are 25;.aeres -eleared;-the balance in thriving timber, having thereon. eeeolci . l ene'and• intlCatorY log house, log barn, nit itepte otiettnt . tl;BtC7=SeTzeitiniiitakett„ in execution as the property orWin,liandOlph, 'Also, a 'half Lot of Gr r onnd, iii 'Carlislp, Inituided by_LOcust al t he - Xorthibralieet ,- Peter Sphar on the Cast,.Loutt e.t streq e t tilp South, and by lot of Colwell on tha WeSt, etsideinhu; stl feet in front encl.:no feet. In depth, . having 2 reib steel ',onset, therein, erected; Ike:-t- It Seized and taken Mexecutian as .the property of George - Also, a Lot' ot Grohnd s situaleln biCkinpon towitahi p; calian icing 3 3 @area, more or less . , boun ded by Rockeystid others, bald g thereon ,erected a one and a nor story log house, hitg But, &c.—Scized anti taken in 'execution :tts ilk: • property of 'John tta via, deed,: , Also, a Lot of Gronnd a .situate in. the -bo. -- rou g h of Carlisle containing 60:eet in front r ano 250 feet Ji, tleptli, bounded on the South by Saab street, on thuXespby Widow-and James Martin. ; on the East I,y 'Widow Alorrow, &e. liashg thereon - erected two story :stone house, hot house, Ike. . • . Albo ? at Lot of Ground in said botougk containing cu feet in front 240 fecitin•depih, •boundett by a lot ofJohn 'Pqrk on the West, Le tnrt Spring on the East, and others.—Seized and taken in ezgeutfon sa the property' of Irtolietl. McCoy, Esq. A ri!Palli4 be sold by me,: ADAM LONGSDO.IIF,'ShoIf. Sheriff's Office, September 16,1246. S cm)/1-2pia.enzaux39 ..cl:pqshi&tela ti - ny. yirtue- of an order of the Orphans' . I.Y Coot of Cumberland county, to me di rected, I will esptoie to public sale, on the pre mises, on SATURDAY the 24th of October next, ,at 2 o'cluck, P. M., t h e Real -Eaate o a f Gotleib Rittor,.,derteased, situate in Monrcb township, in said county, bounded by lands of John Beitzhoover,' William Moore, deceased, analuirri flopplivtlecoared n • CONTAINING `2 AR ES, . noat'in'easurc, with a small LOG HOUSE and STABLE thereon erected,and a well of water, fruit trees; &c. • .• 1.51157.4 ; One:haled' the purchase money to le.pald on the confirmation of the sale; liilfqf the residue on 1119 . 1 at or April, 1847, and OM •ballince on thelitof Apt,11,.164.646 be.secured JOHN September 21;1846. Executor. ' ((MU W • ILL lie expos ,to 'public sale, on (Ito Pronfiseri, in Hielsinson_ township, Cud] - berland county, on SAT OR RA Y the 10th day ' of October, A. D. 1846, at 10 o'clock' in the ' forenoon great(' day, ()Arad. ofiiiniesicirin Land; Containing 10 1 7 ALCRES,, m9ro ,or teas -60 acres of which are cleared, and the hitlane s e first ratpTimber 'Land—bounded by , !aids- of • Johnson Moore;'W Milani Woods; and others. Said farin is situated on the Walnut Bottom Road, .7 :miles from' Carlisle, and in a'arefy pleasant unithealthy neighliorlinia6. , Thti im, protiements'are a two story. Plati::- , , -- lured HOUSE AND KITCHEN ,:s.fill , fi , ' • LOG BARN, WAGON- SHED,`':,'''' , ... COR " CRlB,,and otherynprove.„ .• ~_,_,:-_,,, maul -t ogether with . a thriving ORCII4RQ t of ch ice fruit. An'eacellent well of water is at th *telrerrduoi. ~- --7 - ---- • ' T rams orSalo.:- ,One halt of the purchaao . mon y to be paid on the lot day of April neat wife possession will be given; and the:balance ip fi 0 equal annnalpayments thereafter, with- , t caw° besccured by alien on Ilielaruin - ' fge. inenifillinggo,purchase con gct any in. - formation conning said .prborrly by, calling on George Beetem, Esq., in Carlisle,l.Bcetem. who now resides on the lifini, of myself, rest ding near nockeraville, in said-township. SAMUEL BEETEIL September 0, 1846. -alplaziaciuctw.3 6 (.