I= t ' MiIiSITC• 4414d.' kl#o4 .142*Oit: " : • -1 , 4 i . ,4g!Ww t • CAUL xt,M, 1P4•171; ift An WEDNESDAY; INI )NESbAY; SEPTEBE-. _..; 196. For thit? Repeal of thO British Tariff • of 1846.( FOB CANAL C6llllillSOONtit, JAAMS:I. POWER, aF 'IIV.ItCE . II C9tiNT3i CONGRESS,, JASPER E. .BRADY, I=l .131 - Mig Coanaly letactif , . Assembly ; eaI,ARNISTR9N.G . N 9131,51?,, • , , : • Commitsioncr. • ITANIEL-,COBLE, ilvor•Spring. • • Dirrrta of the Poor. -- 3A,C,08 - II E 11S1-11?,, North ; 1 iOHN ,E3,F t E,N, Dick insou • • Coroner. THOS. C-RAIGITEAD, jr. East Pdnrabora'. Are You Assessed ? Whig's, remember that all who deqife to vote mast be assessed at leat ten days before the Election 1 Examine the Assessment - list, and il''your name is not on it, call on the AsseSsor, and have it placed-there. This limit be done on or before Eatutday ; the 3d till Octolie t. 0" We aro authorized to , state that Ma i Robert McCartney has withdrawn from the fist of Sheriff candidates. Onr country-friends - will - find on the first page a notice of the great N. V / Agri cultural Fair, which will be of special interest to them in view 'of the approaching exhibi tion in Cumberland county.. Ova indebted, to,. Prof:- . • for a copy of Rev. T. V. iVloonafad , --:- , -mirahle-address-before-t.he Union Society j 0 ly last. friend has sent us the followipg . 'notice of a new work, which has .just been published by the Messrs. Mums ; and wkieh fir terms of strong by the city press: .ifsf;Rook Latin.i- Fontalsr2g - G-Taninta):, -.lEitspisestol irouzbukles l on the method of . . owistant itation and • rcpetitirm.-=-13k . fioiia P/de r LlV.ora, A. M. Professor of Languages and gillE0.11.GI: IL CROOKS, A. • Al. Adjunet ProWsoref Languages in Dick InsonCollege. pp. 400, 12 1110. Haiper and Brothers. New York, 1846. This book is a ivork of great labour and research and reflects the highest credit upon the authEti-S; and upon the iliitinguished-lite .. rary institution to which thevbelong.) In method it ii.ollentlorPs principle of imitation aritPrepetition, skillfully applied to the Latin tongue. Vie r idartirer with the-site7i plot forrriecff'tite:dajlutige,'appfileik;ariftY4y; Step Whatever ha;cTifimita• tolinemory,,by. practising uppn is series , of exercises in translating Latin into English and English into . Latin; and is led forward stepby step to thb more complicated constructions. tend idi oms, till he is, prepared to translate with • ficility any easy .prose author. In the excr eisos„: thq sarrie words are frequently- repeat ed utider:differeni:forms and in svaricius corn_ ttinations, and thus Old words and their' irtfloctione 900 n -become familiar. Marks fur quantity are also unilormrly placed : over the Lathe vowels' so that the learner .becomes accusiotned to the sound of the word as early as to its moaning,,.-and the rules ol• Prosody are introduced among those of Elymolov,y whenever they - are needed for use. This is an admitable.arrangemont. .. 4 • g We observe that the authorclivt.system atized and - simplified the, third, declension of nonns r an4- hay e made •aset of rules for_the , gender erthece nouns-on a new plan, which will greed.): laeilitate . the l progrens of tile tyro. The analysis of the ye& is also thorough and and Methodieal, and some decided improve- meats he‘ie,been4naile•in their class cation;. and tite,rulee for Oiemecnrjugation-,".. - -•- - 'eniiiMend lOtetuleS- e ctf ,syntax in this . book' tllB-ineiePerSpicumi . C; Orifice. and dfinite. of, - any , that have ..fallen under our notioe.....Therols nothin,i Contained in them whichihe beginner will not comprehend, nor any thing omitted Wltiori.,iflo - adept (mil' doSire:•3.Vo piedici,,that the book.,Will have an eten4Ve,calti;:and..that a new impulse torflactiiiial.lenriting in this country. We; Only tit* . itt, - there': was;rio cudikboolc,:.; • - • .1111.146' • . The ments:.of ~ouc con 4,-!tt ; a band hOek •• 1 '6l:,;Vodalists, •w onnsit-- • ktetSertnettees gave conteclefeyitixatie. ictOlon; btxt Art; ,not quite .dclut4 , l6.:tlll§ anot ler .re Olefl et&t.h t inth6rit:br my. Wie,.ltetnet t y,tt, pep. ';l,;',.fcii - tsit;i!citi. the 'Seettiih4'4)oe:.i. ! .ilf...ltem,y. .7 ; i'44liiiite to , heii - vi - 3100'01. - p - erterm et. F.. eek4fmtel%- , iteLlie'ilhf f t llj pighli t hi);:"ctintinp i Ove: 411_ efle't,_;that vividly, •b Qii l 4 tie ore th nit 'PATIOd •Plitisl,"kicf 44'ifi'9 , !' Or, Y 4.* (1 00 1 „.c:y,:11: 4 0, 1 iii#44 6 1 . 44.7Ati11eti1g*. ; l'3 , ; .l4 i l oPliito 4l fC4Ahe!'4lo4fOr.4r!kfich* :4::ilolololiA4 l o4t*OpfkAkiioo'so(' 't** - 10635•:: 01 0i44itf0i,49.9,0titi . 0p:it At) , brE4l3ft , io l 4t*#)'; . ;EitA s ki,;.4),oloo: ieYfi" Lk. 4 ENE iirtn44#ll; ••• _ 7'^ _ , , , . • foliapwiS.qe::DU•AbY.'s:riPjf,te • eV.In ortinog-hkuvol , riqr dyyNC. „r.itet. "like. tg:r6 an: , • • ft . t2- - .. • • "ifltltjaintallitlttu; Sepitl - 22, 1840:54 ts";.ef , - I her:igtst-insranton.. , isf my ribmidatioily by the-Whig- Cenforues'ef the counties-el Perry,,Cifmber land and Franklin, as a candidate for a e'ent in the lath Congtessof the United States, hes. been duly received, I accept, wAth•graleful , feelings, the nomination, and promiso , ia ie.-. 'turn for the honor thus conferred; if' rsfiall be elected, to endeavor taithihlly-ml.fischato the duties of that high trust. . I-faring in early manhood' embraced the ptinciplea,pf, the Whi m ,cr party, anul.beljekipg that their success and parfuvreilt:.,eStaElliidV. met - ire:re essentiul fo tlielin - pplireseiidd (vet fare" of the' country, 'i• shall'.give them toy steady support. It is unnecessary. for,me to say what-those' principle's -are.; -They -mtliae_lo-thc-public, an, fire the resolutions. at the :Ehnterehee; tiSevery selitiment of which yield my rhostsordial ._nppre_tyali . an d ;pledge myself, shmlld 17. be the choice of lite people of iii&ctistrict, to use my inflUence and. exertions to carry them into. .full effect ' I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. I'. tiro Dv.. To Messrs: yVillhtir~ A7i~Clellanih-Thomas" Paxton, . Jasper E. llradv—a small beer pettifog ger of Chamborsburg--"who is as cohtenip-, appearaneetr, man withont common Sense—without pno of every, re cpnsite 'necessary f9r a legislator--this man, or excuse for a-man, is nominnieil by the 'higs of this Congressional district as their- Csturniato for Congress !—Volunteer. • The above gentlemanly =recall,. we clip-1 flpm the organ of Judge flePimin. We shall not attempt t 6 beiltub. Mr. Brady with-fulsome praise_ for the:per-I. pose of hiding any defects which the public may see,—Mr. Brady's character , does net require it. Wo are picud of our candidate he is, whatever else•MaY_b_e."saidnniiiii, honest man. So man dare send hint word, • that "he has n't an honest bone in his body. Do you understanil . Mr. Volunteer? • Mr. Brady is a self-made man; and, his I.,intellect and abilities, would do credit to his competitor. Flo is none of your pigmy pol iticians, to whomtfflee alone, gives dignity and character; but is - by - nature, one of 'your • minThlftank, alltibleiellowsi whose heart-is as. big as-his -body, and whose _aympathiey..., are always On the 'side of the oppressed,- the _the untortmiate and the 'helpless; Ask. the lobate erotic mechanics mid farmers' f F,rank, lin comity_ Mi. - Brady can justly boast' cl an affee'stty'Who_perilled,"their Iive — T3ZIPIT fortunes and theirsacred-honors" in defence of their country. li' is the soh of Jelin Bra dy, foriithrly o Shet'iff of Naillinotheiland coun ty, and was born in -Sunbury.' l He is the ne phew' of Captain- SalitUEL BriAnv, -- the cole brated Indian "Bunter ; and nephew 'also of Gen. HUGH BRADY .of flie tinted States Army. The fabler ofier candidate, when a youtliof sixteen yearkol age, was woun ded in the battle .of Brandywine. TwO of Mr. 'Braclys brothers, Samuel' and William ; ,, '•:" ; --:thOftigs:fyit*?.140itinfint'rtilficig4t - Iteg li4iit':OCTiifthitr - Si; - 'and VMS in the Voedy battle of Bridgewater, the attack upon Fort Erie, and the sortie from it—the latter, serv ed as a volunteer macine, in Pf?rry's"fledt, on -Lake Erie, and, was in the ever memorable bint-le of the 13th of 'September. .rA SPEIT BILS:DY, the relative of such - patriots, is the man, Who is thus denounced, bY' the editprs of the Volunteer r is "a sinall beer pettifog , ger." The Whigs feel jUstly proud of a can- Aidate, who can thus boast of such ir host of patriotic ance , :tors and "relatives. , ID - The Statesmqn is making a wonderful ado about Jasper E. Bratly,signing the notes issued by the Franklin Rail Road Company, .a few years ago, whem shinphastens:o4oii. vogue. A few -Voids of explanati tin make the Statesman's ittlecks altogether harmless with the public ...Mr; Brady sifted those notes-merelyms-the-aeting-Secretary of the Company—he 'did not make him Sell rcsponsihle for their redemption, ,A it was, not hie fault if they wq not redeemed. 'The Franklin mil road LompanY cinly-did . what , nearly every corporation tint State 'was tieing at the sarrie time. , Mr. Brady;; deserves; jestebouttts :much. repreach. for •bding thetissuitig• of Altese:: nofeei as Judge Hepburn* does, whe'.a?il . ,tvivoinftikqii , of the CommoMicalth , poimitlkl dation among the, community. . IYe.venturo to.saY that no holder of these-poles-thinks of looking tcr .. Mr; Briely.as respobsilile tor their redemption, anymore than they wolddAllik, of Molding J. Ellis 'Bonham, - Estvrespensible. for the Carlisle -borough • 'notes whieli - h e signetL,,The statcSinarys - chatgesdie64. , 004, ttl.lsit a l '0 :we vveuhl t adiiie;itiinkte,, roe the, Wizard of. _1 libel_ again' .by ecilfing Brady . • .. cir:in.ir,, , l,4„,(l._v: e,loli!'reciti'.'iii' tbe sulistitsti6o,c4 Fifa , ..„ 4,44;pv_ciyrypnziliii•litretclytg:rp . ag s " , Otr We hope the ~Volutit4et• stittes mail will' go ort ith`ll;teit.'hiligntint eneerit - ,oltirico3*7oF. ii•ii , ;;u6oligy>o 0:,1;0161i -Ivitij'ae:4;4iiiiligi j qenetnination:to whichs asteohp., AvYtre arft-quihiljatttpqed -,..i,i-f,!,111'-:l4 2 ,Bhe'y reap , l kfrii-tienefit of • „ 0 , ! 4 :9tr:4 • ;p9,4499 . 4 trA -41 0 13 Tt l )! 014 ifikoN , g ( 04 1 4°I ( 9 11 /Rliirklq*':a°09tY;P - T 4 i 6 Aii , 4 pi' 'ril;::11:ilais;" Mt#4l,° titft • 1-;- 1 :- , !' -~STiaO&ial i f :; ' N 4 o l l 4111,ZIWIMO!r (01,04 2 .1 r 4 . . _ , 7 I) it II • % , ,FkcAV:AN,W.PiIt '14.01.140,R, 1441,ry,411iih4oefeittitti§ . 14tweeki j ts ere by-the , seems'--to'he - ' • oplit,p'er43ll4liekfte.flfe-lecret . f • • • 111,4,ra 8 . ,Of.itlBottlite,t„thnt.. the COnferees;natek ficAft". 01.111fisfie:ilekhurniauti, , cont%tiiy 14, Armks,ff§ttJin — fiaviTaesigneilly nigTeete"C. , 4 - c. futifiefOlitt ,- *Filk..ti copy of their .pro,deedinge f.n.,,:5ip,,,i91190,,...with an, Intention , tb eepa: froirf:,:tio:'itrl!tlypegh Itiarom the peoPle,"7e; .00e : Ifikiitit'•theiriOhitCVRi',1`0 , 1 . 016iftiebrn - P,liSh` ing,their. end, -%vey)cae‘V;ilhe,faatdOng sinc e;;' that "3udge al Congress ' . and'othefs, ciii•the'SitUrday' price: ding tho 15th-of August !esti 'Wad. tifninefed: Judge Iliopbuin at "Washington city, as the' dexteandithitiSior...Congressond the Conte.: revs have done eothing more,than merely go through .ihe bleu Vfiring "molting, to give. the], Washiligteu nemination theappetirance .ot iegularity.P' , •• „... . • .41iMreaStin Why even the, oacifoceSdie lamot know liow.Juifte ,Heisbutrf - camerf., - - be — nominated. — iS. , exPlained subjoined extract - from the •Demodi lll 4:' , "'‘' : know that it' was generally :Understood::: e rOf that James McLanalien,, of• i tjr lo be , ..notnimited;—wmlotettr' theiTee:rlti . fg leaders hero who altersverds.Supportedlildge flephore, did it _against their i oWit solemn pledge. and assurances' Miure`"l , in 'May . and June last to Mr. - McL—.and We•also , that Mr.' .Mclannhan barne here on the 4111 . Of July for the purpose of intreducinghimselfi to the- party,- under-what - he believedtto -be the certainty of getting the nomination. This. is what mattes the "flagrant outrage . . of which the Democrat speaks, in the following.:; But it the rumor be trite, that JUdge burn, or, any other Curnberlandzeounty.mrtim. be nominated, we haveonly to say, that it is ' ono of the most. FLAGRNNT 01.1TR-AGES` upon all good faith that 'dould have beer). 4. committed. upon Ale Demperaoy.of.Trankliitt lounty—because it was - perfectly understood' krur years since, that it the democrats of Tranitlin county would concede the nominee to Perry at that time the Demedrats-cif Frank: - Tin were to have the 'nerninee at this Such was then the. plighted faith Of. the Democracy of Perry to the . Democracy of Franklin. We can therefore hardlyThelieve, that Democrats of Perry Would so sacrifice her Honor as to go against her plighted. ' faith, and noMinate, us is rumored, a nttn:frotn - Cumberland; and if it be, true that Jintge Hepburn', of Cumberland, has actually re ceivedthe unanimous nomination, Franklin, must hare surrendered- her claims a second time." Judge Hepburn and Judge Banks The Volunteer is entirel3--i,velco4m to all . that it can rnake ,, of Rulge-Banksl , easerns-an • ./ . 6ed-to-our-call-upon 7 ,,Tudge-lrephurn to 'ro.' iiiivii_Judgeßariks r iFis however._ very ißf:' ferently.situatediwhen he ruii . for,Governor„ ft IS within our knoyAedge Invite desiffitto resign, but that his own corrcet intentions were .forestrilleil-by-thtraclion - of = thr§nrembers of the Bar in Berks and ,Northanipton.countres" —riveri -, .merriher whom, if - we are• nal mjstaken, both loccifocoS'' and Whigs, earn= estly renimistrated agriinst his- leaving ilie. bench. Whether the motive of the, loccilaeo lawyers rear.** to bring. doWit'upon the odium inetitadkrfalls . .upenp:: Judge',4ho.cogies into • tho •politipal tirenr:;, -writAtive --knOwing&hik case preseilV a strong-illustration of what mint everbe the fate °la Judge running for office. He was beaten hy the enormous majority of twenty-three thousand! In Cumberland county alone he was beaten seven hundred! His pure and elevated character, acknowledged by all, could not save him. Thejact of his being a Judge in the political arena, paralyzed the. arm of his friends and gave Gov. Porter an easy victory. * . Now let Judge Ilepburn.pursue the same course--let him busve outtlictjoblic indig nation—let him perSist in tit;iiing a deaf ear to the voice of tho people who aro calling upon him to 111:§IGN—he may be Judge for the brief poi iod.of his term, but if we are not i•afklittich - inistakorch_voice will go up_from the liAllet;box on' this Sticor.il Tuesday of Oetoker, ;which will deolaroiri.Unmistakeable llangutige, • VOU CANNOT 13E1 MODE AND 'CONGII.ESSAIA.N 'BOTH ! The people rill not bo trifled with—lo► Judge Dephiare:llE- . 81GN if be : would not armies their Overwhel ming iniligiMtionl Z • • 'Wu° IN!ANTB to co 'l,-LQur friend enXiti); the Rock :county, (Wisconsin)%poniacmt, anis in•hislast 7 Sye•sitoula, like to'iee some . of 'our Cdilisli,Trierki4 r ouV, itere'in•Viseon`:- viii.AVe'lltivialeett6 the hest her6iii. creatiOn art active enterprising populatton, • increasing at, t4eqatts.:of ,10 percent.. pet annum,. anti eyery•introt . 'beisiness'in onee. • TheArtilutifeer" , has iio:ye; heard th'?' 're*rns ." • ;' • gi Lo - Oofoois'Clinfoidnce - yes=_ - te1:114:8411O(1 'of Ls - ut•;";tiiirlj, tiiinkrioN,The Trost triiniie to` of ' , iutglfigooqeT..tittatohw Cambria ; 01/ t lis;' that 1141 v. Poker - 111am, thii , Britislit inter at ; VViiefitnpton, has been ' ißilracteo a t6.4l3l3 ‘ olittkoperql , tifr , , out POi.liOnlent, by Lprd Ta'aileodOn • resp,ojise , to ~inquirigo 4:rogv.LoO. ; 214.. r fiv,v, , t.:.• anaaaaaa,' ll , lo 'taath I{a- +itibetgor `` Foot'''of , 'Connecticut; ' g01..460ftq1.r t. tho o torOr ,Vekthlo;tkogift of 41o$totv - i Itqlll be Tomo 'ma; •blovii,P4t'Lt maejvon'fottoltittiioointiodOpOlk 4144 -4 1 0 AF,ol?.t•np,m ,,, Aatl4:;;:=Gsafr.'Woal r aT I:ll,kitititpistliic3,llo.rproviotioo7of,:gliV 7.“?i,V7ey(;. 4 41,.: 1 5 1 *Y14-tg `WS ;:^`, , A.." •; • rilta '',;(*.,!..!„k,'...,n . 0V,1 .. .i, i . ,1 1 „ . ,.t. 14 "; gn: 4,,iO. t „CY#Ot e ek t t 6; ',4 4o Y r ; 4lo'.oiiii ,;:!7,::_vn-.....0,..iiiit ef.44l4iiiiiifiy:4'-iii.i.ii‘iiole .t4:40011e0 glatoylng,l9teit..sitiOge• iliioSorli*lK,i444itietty4o 6- iigresii AittYoolollii4 iitlf*.'illet:66-PlflUit#.i.i *#Zl,O4 .'olo , ,,tii 'l ,.oli ; :oi l 4i i ,i 4ooi ii i7l4( 04 ',),0010,401t 7 4.0rtAtiliili00 -, y'iii*ilpUii4 l.-, • - litilafaimaiii to he ' people, itiai; hiS,Uvarice : . ..*)i.ol449.:raptiiiin.to Mold on to th - i - eiffieTii ':4 1 :40t Nii . ': , .'jieor longer, for . the purpose _ o ' l i . jtjgfii43Mrg,TfPF,,Pf . ,rql 4 ,N9i#N "Phew-are ivii inch Vetg!) - ,tiar objections thiii f i 'F.116&,k41f4;,-:" ~;.r, ,f .. , -'1 7 ., i :,!. ~.. • ..:. 'lldchee — it ct , tis the remark of ati 'oral ~, „...,„. ~ .., :.'::'''' ''t ' 1 ' b ' • ' 1 t . 'nest ITT ye epv!:, •yt u , ?onf ,of s otp grOlha.. The at.of a inoinent rimy dealt° iliatiirhiolirir will lake , long yearn of patio _ tciiiiO4pripg,.hguin't6 HI pritn iti3(d:strengt i nii*V4ityr.. 4 'Confidence in the'irnpa' rtintity eif , ':',4iili,ti ii'tvliiifiligliAy - en - deir.4oi l tii : se cyr:R:4,l6?X4ostll4;r4oqit. lays clown for ihei ,giadmuce. ~IClit—f,:ffe*Torrrmi§ions-brwliio 4 :03 . imoia liiviriii4igii, , 464ii,n4ke them . in -4 i e . .. or; west.th of the' infirmities ,of in :j (i•'-' 446 —', - • ' ..; • - , 'l):4 Fk cit(n . latu!9 -.:S§:ivell sOSfied . is the law; `;(:if:iliqsOinhrrytities,,,that,it, win: tiot permit a 0030,si...lit,ritty::oliie,.,4;Which lie. is rin- . eieigia , Eig'd 'paltkof . esuitset tit'irt`iv itioh - arty rilatip - e - is concerned." . FOW.men can diveaf the4elyes el ihat farm in liceAivibosoms, from jaw rs• received, or acts ,of_kistility, to them. There are numerous 44hat now,.peiiiliiig in Court, which ruilirO-lepbuin and' his Conferee -must deO)ofe, if they do not resign ; and numerous cage' ipay occur? in the CoMing election, of •*itiMiier agaipst fraudulent t irdters—againv of ficerp:feiArßich of dUly,,iie:4M. •Will men whoi#,Agare:in-conti:Opress their seri! ,ligiArliffOirf4t the. ballot borrf unless those itentimetts,iWat:orable to the Judge who is ',.tifry t 'llitia4iiiiiest Will not suitors in court) tyli'dbiert theffiiefies to ellect;the election of Judge Hepburn expe,et the favor to -be re turned, in. Court—the quid pro, quo?. Can any man doubt thisi Does - mot Judge Hepburn know it? Does he, with a full knowledge of these baseful consequences, hold on to the Judgerrhip,i for the purpose of intirtridating his political opponents .who have suits in Court; - and of 'muzzling thole mouths.; or fdr the purpose 'ot spurring i on hiS friends-who have suits 41 Court, • to gredter activiitin his. behalf? Surely that delicate sense4af -propriety which ought alsv4s .to rfaiiktit9- On, iiet of n Jiitlge ; Ought to induce. totmeign. Regard for hiapwn eharatfOr should" constrain him to it. We rnafbelltthit . charge ` bf his duty . hereafter; 'H cannot -0013:frqS.,..i"rilPutations; which lliiscelection rise . fo ; and - When llieyhttiiiiti guthee7a7P"d_74itin -body .by aimorrinititicifik. ce would - lief give much for the difference be to.....oen.,tke characters of Judge Hepburn and Jultillitliies in public estimation. .., WO erelore in behalf of the many citi 4s-4'....Ciktribellanti and Verry,who now. "it5ve,.4 , .. - ..4,c , iyill,e,faav et business in Coury ,Call'imii.M;yOyi JuqgelHeptiorn, to cslign,S'qiii ( i t iiit6e *liiit4e.;;;;,'We call upup you,in_fhe ,i.....5..,z5: 4..., . . ~. mane: /the "liberty of speeelr —,, the litt• eriAtt ... 1. - -,Tiesa,!?.. 'and, "the liberty of tho .: ..*Ae,irttr`t i 'iiiiireiide'r your iommission to, Gov: Shank, and let another be appointed so that all the citizens of Perry and Comber land, both IVhigs.and 'Democrats, can exer cise the sacred privilege of freemen without fear, fever affection. h surely cannot be gratifyini•to Judge Hepburn to know, that there are - persons who have expressed them selves willing to vole for him, merely M get him off 0; ektinet re gard Unseen flattering tribute, and we would lam hopii; is too high-minded to reeciv e votes on so mean a priuctple of extortion: We repent, again, the. voice of the People is "RE SIGN !" ' • Kr . The tendency of the Flour market is upwani, and tlie Locos are ascribing this to tite.new_Tarill to go into operatioa_ottAlie-Ist of December ! Last yisar,,' the..price was. higher,let Ito Whig had-the faily to assort . that it was the effect' el . the. Ad A. , . temporary scarcit y of operated then, as it does Vow': • • • •• ,F.•Alt . Tll4TiAltr.,-tty the Jo.te , foreigrr arriVal, we learn thatiTtuteatir , wits - iPliiiitid with 6.0 - - eatihquake, ~ hole - Nilloges *ere' 110:otiqf down, - ,and ,at - lesst 70 persona killiva';:nenilp 180 woutikkali antlTinorelhan 4 ) 800 deinhi t e4 of shelter. . ,‘,' :•,' -o*ll l , - Inritthankt•Cctulteri•of Weehnot& land - 0:419tY; bean, appal pied by GOvernor SbutilqtAisociatot' t Jadge• of the Supreme the place cif,;Jiidige -Kennedy;.deerased. 4udge,Coulter'.4lohigt. andt a surierior, Snail • Worretes BAx.sesriori,Wirm gimaitY.-- 2 1shiii article, as it .fiame tindleates,.l4 n , chemical' extract oeiVildt Cherry : :--,, It , Li, simple and. harmless in. its etlecit—let. , it is' more efficir clons..'im,obstinatb Qiinglis,'Atithma,- , Cimiri". PonsorniiriaMiktid•LOer Compleint;_thnn•:an.i .other, medicine , known 46: mem' , l'it%hee ef,:" fected,nriany , Marvelltits cures--having more -the:epimattirkee,tif-roiraclea thin Ithe:effeat 'of a maturall„reirtepy',..:ll'hmlictiim 'ingredient of 'tho;balsaufilalbe."Estactsr , is ' not,;and cannot 'be-knownt§f4o.,;W:iriyLbut"-theLinventoi: .ftenawititritiMinfttitViremoAliAlial %Ilk 'th'eir ol;jecifitik6itettAtii,tlily aimusett. 4111 - ,-, ) MillP:Yt,=o,4l,i),VOWPostron6ree,lEit..Bilet.,:. :tiarF4r '. . toll i t i tfillicif craws.ki. Ati no d. ,Persoitpii , ! linitliii! e 4 bilect ot'which.t,illii ;f4.lYorlrie tillhit,il;ereated•iffi'lliniciedinte And.ektepsootiilemarid.idt'it. -'•• Itriieeds but ht4,littnevro%to-be•onireirealliNiiscd '' by' pltirtil':- ,clanis:ne,'Nell.iis patieihe:•-i' , '11?:::Pd" - air - '•••Ir'•••• •I ,'None 'genuine, toilets Signed' tiOltliti' 4ol / 1 " . ,' ,P,ttriki.Butta.4.,.;t;-,ti' liv,i'...-d, , , , 't , :ip% it>.ri .: ,I ~„ cii.okliti. -Corhale,b36o;iEiliiitSelef'Agent . for this; borough.. ': •.. • , ' , " 6 .'. 1 '.."' 'I 2 "Trt i t. T.44;6: , itreek.7.,;' wkl ,$ , ,?, APYsnilsr:o f ,tlVlMcnitgirnolsiTple.; I ",'Ll l ls43PP9iile.-rroof.Agrf# ,o )tlitm . .ofrAv..h a, 10 ?Y;"P 14,q0i41.,0.ci10,4 ,, ! , aave4t4edYinititli i srinti,o9,,,lbßit. eiititti,olOw . 4ls_aWrigliels, ',ll)piNgtye,yito,tpillo*be4 nimf3:l.olo.l is to ileßrivik r .hem-..oLotiOpjlt.; , -, Thi4.lo , Tiii94.l. 1006,4graicii# .41A9 rl!clq*e 6 g ll * ° P\ii t Y ',9,YerY, , , , P,tt;Oj'art l olet Pllct, , l!)Ecl - b,ClrtrA.ithfl•i sObj,Oet(o( purel4se and lisle: fulitertielpgja, f1 C'lltLI00 1 0,0 1 i'‘'1 0 : - P9Viitirt 0 4 11 .e c ..tW orr el:pa il ittr'reei",,,9 4lll 7.Tit! )jli t 4lol) ? 9 i i ti l PA ..P...,.+03V4PATtr;00.• - • 41.0 l oo:•AtipilrlIPie•-. - greAunounces 16 .010 11 3:ti/a 4 0' (113#)013, 6 4d,i, t44o t lvit4i4r, iii'il**3 ok 6,, *.l3 l o l iiiV4, Oktb t. 41 xv.,__,.44iliar .A.:ittt,'Z'i.,.'"*...l,l EN 110 1 81)- Pitre ....,-. 4: ,-. 7 , , , F ,...... 7 —,--,...-- t , •.•: , ..... . • . , . , IAW 1 tilillittrq ~.• ato.i; . iEro ( : ...r!r --- 711EAIVYHtTgrir. .^.4:l2,Hittdipkr,lES4._ s.' Lat.tli - e:• - pepple',;.Teaietitber,A , I,#ll!eb.r in'lifs'Ai:iiiiiiriiiiial4eligag"o. 6:lldoWtlie - , • • . . ' , - , ...,t5 , 16 , . . NJ. following langgage,fli" . ' : ' F ''4.l''' ~t: ":ThEi British ,p14:111.10itiOn elrtgoMrlitn3l4oi) ~.yllieli,wOilld inake*.C . oluirtiga , Ito 4410 .s)atth - ',ol - .forty-tiiriedjjAireomiliiiith.. a'fl.lifil4 adAiiirin ofdet atchatorritoONOihe ', Ilifiikit. Stateioitirtlf_oLtlnie_riverLanil_wouW—leaVi.. on the .Bilin;li side,twO,thirds athe whole Oregon Territory, inelutlin,.l the free •Naviga tionq. the. ,Cojunibie, anct allthe,,t‘a,l4oblq. htfib'org'4764ll6''Plii?tfic,ican'Oeverlor a n 0 1 Tent be entertained ;by the ..ITrilted 'lStatea, without 4*-abandrinment of their just and clear territinda t righis. Their oturr ielfirespect, - and the NATIONAL HONOR." . _ TlpPOksimPiS 19,P40,P1' ;M.. ,.. " .,-. ' ,„ ; , i ...4, _ . .V-i•'.1 , ';'. ,, u , . - ,2, - ,•4-jt;t:,,,.;:,.....4.k.;',4: :' , Piti:;lt . io-9:' , -Li-.4.'v , ';u1p , , , , t,x,gt. ,, -,,;;;,..:„,..,,„ 4 , . , , . tYllici'vOultl.. suppose aft& this -stronglan-• gage that James t. Polk would be . . . the far' fiettle niefit of the - Oregon question on this very. Hue & 49 degrees --And-yet-this-,-coOlinljt-lbe-case if we may bellnygthe was ien t t r tielimiSterliArtglariel - by - Polk - ' hinnieler We extract-theiollowlisponclusive,spntence. I from,hti. MeLane's reply,to the. tenet of. the chUmber 'of Coinmerce, since his. retuyrtfeonci, England . • • i~ Having some knowledge r from•my gift , cial position at that time of "The pokey_ and'_ objeefs — Of the enitvefitiminfltigB;ll am quite , persuaded that'ite main doSign was . to 'lead, in a futuye partition of. the , territory, to- thq, reCognitiOn „our to the country,/ no l north, bulaggth,of the 49th parallel, and 'between thillillptl-theColumbia river. • A. . division of iiitemy upon that principle, with a reasu ekiMwd to 'rights, grown up under the.joint possession; always appeared to me to afiord -a just and pfacticai .basis for an amicable and-honorable adjustment of the subject. , Such, a:so, I was satisfied were the :views of our Government at the-time I engaged in my :recant mission ;- and in--earnestly and steadily, laboring to eo.ect a settlement upon that basis, 'I was but representing the policy of my owp Governtnent t and fnitlifiilkti pro:nig h) g the intentions and fin i shes of the President." Have the annals of .the civilized world - ever presented a case of shameless duplicity and deception such ,as this? Now fellow voters, it is this same James K. Pcilk who asks you to abansiga the principles of Pitotr 3 - tion to American trulastry which evpfy de mocratic President, and every democratic Governor of PehrisylVaniarinly advo cated. since the firiatitut-bf our goVernment. Will ylitaci'agiiia,srlhem to sustaiinnich a min as 'Polk ad his Anti-Tariff doctrines? Ponder deeply before you ! igc iL; The„ - VpiteOiltate*tiji • Thjp . W4shingten ljniorCet Saturday last, says, we can stat4,,up.op competent. authority,, that the.: report is not trueph - at 11710tico - - hos -rpfileed ti - 4 r negtiii - aleTVillithe Government of the United:Starei7hatil we'iliallwithdreW our armies from, her territory hrid - .6 - Tellebts from her coasts. Thisreport is absolutely destitute • offoulidation, The - goventment pithat Ite- Peblic has determined tereferthe'President's .overture to:, open 'negotiations for peace, to the coriatittient f Cangress MOico, which the beginning of Oecembefi (ive b.elieve - thellth.) Tlietriieri then gireis . on to urge that the. War shalt be pro l ecuteilwftb renewed vigor, and otir l arTUTsbralrgo on toiviuds Call: fornia and even to the Capital of Mexico ! Letters from Washington also state that orders are to be transmitted tg the. Gulf for the taking of. Tarnpieo.' The Union,. speaking of the movements of onr troops, sdys,:they Me.ad vancing westwardly in threelines. Theis every reason w believe that Gen.lKearney is already in possession of Santa Fe; that Gen. Tijilor is now, or:wilrbe in ri low days, at Montetey, and perhap a. at Sahib; and that Gen. Wool will be at C.hihurthud.by the 10th' or 1, - sfir of 04101*, Cnpt. Washington's Ar tillery is with Pen, Wool, Mutat the lasl ac counts were in good health and fine Spirits. Late and Important from ,Mexico 1 .__Tho_sehotiper_Alernharit, at ,Charlestoe; S . C., 14 Ef,tx, days„from Havana. brings pri vate letters tolhe New. York Sun from Vera Cruz. to thol it 'whiefv6ontain the following intelligence:-- , '-' , ' "-, -- A, • • ~ , NrprivittiatbviCei isrq,Bl)srgiPgifin We eanhordlY,ereilit . llitiM: SantaAnit rernained at .Ifi's for m i Pr,eparhig c lo, lead . Ihe , arrhy • in' person, if is said, against .Gen. Taylor. .An order - lofthisr,Ofteei -- was- expected - deify at 'Vera Crnz i ,frOm.the War..pepartment; over., which Gen ‘t.al Altrionte.o ow presides, Santa Anniiis,said la be ookinLfor,Earopean aid, 'to 'enable him atf; s c roll Gack fhs ifdj . .4, 'war ;M., tbe Conks tif : the •Subine,": add, the, old stery el Shpain, Ft atkce ascl. England being. made par ties to any' treaty and., Meil'66' milY• make with the 'United States: is , egain revived' at Vital:Mi. ' Gellert& Ancient°, ja the favorite candidette'loi• the/ Pretaideneti . itml' no doubt Is eriterfaiktl'of ;his - itiectiOn' . `ill 'December" nokf. 1 laithi,' Anlia. Will;: leaf] the 'aim k,. but`. 'As' fir . isefurid' i tci .ticepf: the:l"43sideney, again . , • sod. it' the' end of ,tha'Wer j 'fife' survives, 'IM . proposes to follow theilittsqlOns'i*mnpisol ~y.usitingten, and. Cineninatutf,. - Preparattens ,Wetqt,,Plalant ler,the eleetion of members t of , C t i9oB , e 43 :illodee lhe'ftGlotnittitution„o, .'24.—...i. H ` •lie elibinh,.:theariny,wiatiibir=:qtil-iii-tio. 'ordeniiVtii:lifile;inlOofrfterit thiiieleiitibritt- Prelt dissatisfaction.DireviiilCarrning,th.e.olerr' 'OrAri;leifinsernientea:of- , Senta , -AnnalS--rtillto ltoir , ifilid< liolleyi': and 'V I );cnieh r ipit l ive l i :dxtii*ll),efif.roo' , llo,(•churolil'o,w`iiii? toloct 6 . .ifil!i4:, yiiii'iliFi i ,ool4l3' - „qia.".lo:::ir,#)k i pikt.hci eiboro' , ;Yiteattln./4iii:initork it,o,adVesien,fa Santo Anfm. ~: .' ' , 7.. ' , ~!, ,') A ,•.,•,'•-• ~ ~ ; c .. - - .„110' ' 'ilv - tui* - 4t-silitit-rfh—,:..., 04ii i ,te 7 4l1 ~„0: 414 . .' ' irOtir • 41 . , 40.ii96# 1 100ft1ia*P?? 16 , ) . :lii ' ilit ' hg3 do'liiVitita4ilOlibelldil9rP. idpe•-m-0-‘ 0 ,,,, .. ~. , ; , --1;' , ,,,,A 0t 4 -Twqi;il4; n i: , . ' ' ' ' ''4 3lAiiiiiktifVointiP4? l , l3 .. , „„ l3 P ~, 'cif.thb'/WR , 1 ~, -..,..:-,4...,5,k,,iiic4 ''''' '''ltltia.itn*Otilitlllo4.lll",ki,, titeti-tqqr.O Pr,::;4(i , w , ;' , . T'' '' ' TTIII/21iAiieille' ilato iiirtt4otais,..kogri,vuligrii;,l,-.=l,iki, self t i `i ) ittOpq9fl 4,( !.,,tißY4o,•,,,fil ..,1 ~vt,*0F*t.0,.,".",p,.,,.:7,,1:4! I I .. ivii , ativ44,,i3v , Pti,s,,,t'7,, ,ppyp34.151,h, . ~.1 ,,,;,,,,,--;,,,:ed., --niiiiiii:*, iittiiio:lM ; ~,e. ..f9 . 1, 1 &?...1T.,-Aiiiik'iiiiifie jOi-,:'-iilW44 P *44 : lll •r#. 6' ' lll "'"' iitil .iiii"..iikpqiiiiiilifi.:4 l ll 4 .Y.Oki , ,: ,:r . :.ii, :...r! ~.1 , , A - IiAIIO 4 IIIIA 04 sPet.'‘ .:': .:•:' , 1. :,, , e.'';', , .`,;:, .; , 2,.. '/ :-.'' ' '.. *lirli l it' l- orifyiiiqofto3 - 0 ,- .0k09)0, ~,,...iw.. ,t,t,,,t.9,.„.:,...„,i„.,,,,i, ..,4,--t4l„..Tiiiig ioi . :o 4 . o Aqsog_Pamkip.sAlme , .. , l.. , _,, ~,,,„„• „„ 4 . li , liiii*E9iittiod - fth4.-yforxillflimr-lr . J - ,..0..--.,. :., t.pre‘3,pmliaii,(B44*, c'V,l4!K's9,9li, )1j1!!‘et.494,',W11'M'',5,,t0r',..61,L4; I.ki#A oo looo:AsSl4ttlyttvk ci llr, ), 05At t f!,70;;;. ,, ::-.2:...:..._::_:_:_•:.::..- y54 - . 4 ;v1(.,y, , ; . :.'41 ,, fi il l,/ ,, , itit.:4;44,79,64,mitdir1.04, ;,ffs , ,,okt4,ros. -4: , apq,14,,,* , ...,-. .!-. , ,,,... } i ii tql, if..citOtb9s4 'A i1i pf,,,,,, 1i ., • - 64 4 ! , ,, ,., y , 44:- ,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , '.„ , ..r4.....1,.,:,..,,.„._,,-, .. , , ~•..,, , ~:.- feka , ,% . ,, , ,, , ' , -,'.. , - , :, ~..: ... ~,-..,, ~ • , Vt:•es f. 4 • of quikekiktitiincaitiCic• MAO:llpin tom in the "Vol,lloeer,::4lthist week% .shoattl periAtektdp e tin nntirelf.bliheeiltid.}oleig gilts pohi :rpteaelier ali:favori nail his nominationls said to .he I 'etrinsiilt-ter-Ohristions•7&m - - - It - is - true — that - Mr. M: was " a - Minister of-the were of God" 'hunt is not true. - thathe ever was '" a politi: IMPpreifeher." .fleftored so-faithfully in discharging his `minisNial duties, that his health began to fail, and M accordance with the adVieo of his phyikilan he " resigned his charge" about two years ago. The sevVral eongregatons to which he preached are now untlM.the: , cartrof:'tariottiek , Tuttitari Tie' Sprihg of 1845.-Mr. M. WU§ eiectbd a Justice of the Peace. , .1-fe'cptirfOrined ' his duties in that capacity to the entire satisfaction of the communily, . no .political aspitant, his hiends noniinated•hiin'withOut - imy,imitpita tion'on htiwart, nomination ,seems` to be appro dof ihrouolimit the County, and ospeCially:irr his wn ri,g borhobd. Narrprobablaithat 'Mr; one,of our Representativeirin the next Legklature'; he' will make,... excellent- member -end his' frienas'of . all parties who' vote loiihitn will never. regret it.' 'Although he was a preacher he considers it his duty Motio skrink when called_ upon .fo devote Services country.. At the tithed odr Revolution some 'of the clergy watts - diSlingifighed as_the advo cates of libearbOth in the pulpit and in the 1 deliberative .asseiablies. of the day. ' :Pew mem bers,of the " Coegress of '76" labiiied . with greater zeal or'. spoke- with'moie' in behalf Of the declaration of Independence than the Rev. Dr. Witherspoon of New Jersey. It was not thought improper - then for a preacher to'participate in public [faith's. and ttatfifis not improper new the'peopfe of Cumberlaad County Will declare - through the ballot box on the second Tuesday in October, ; the specious objections of the " Volunteer" to the contrary, notwithstanding.. Shippensburg Sept. 28 : 1846. • For the Ilergld'4,;Wii t iii. Sir: I write g; loll6, if Mr, Bratton;,cnie of the EdJ of Noltinteer ifte ; -sana. Mr, Br an, who figured as one of tom 4 the "Democratic Un ion" in the winter of 1844, or as connected with the election 61 Mr. McKinley as Siete Printer in 1843? If so, then I cell readily account for the amount of venom he has emetied from his stomach ort the head of Jasper E. Brady Esq. through that vent of falsehood and delamationi the Volunteer. ' Mr. Brady was a_mem6er of the Legislature in 1844 and thirilt that winter the subject of the election of State 'Printer in 1843, came, ibefoiethe.House, It is . the reminiscenses of dial winter, that yet hitunt the hrain of M r _ .11)10,672:and the other printer connecters withthat ncjarioustransaction and the name - of• .Bradv, to them, is like the nam.ec,ot police,.officer Hayes to the city Burglars—aimost equal to detection end conviction! The corrupt ‹trd infamous - cOnspiracywhich secured the elec tion - ot McKinley . ne. State Printer passed in review that-winter-in-thejlonse. , .-Mr,,Brady was among thb-first-and-foremost to denounce boldly and eloque n tly, this •conspirocy, and to exert his potterand Iriflueniak to expose tide fraud and prostrate thescherno of plunder. This Mr, Bunton, will well rernember, that Mr, Brady's__P_Wat against the_ Finglikdde'rk.l guage" teas not se disagreeable, as,the war waged igninStthe-English plunderer and . that however weak the gentleman may have Thought him on other topics, his speeches on the subject of thii election always produced', a general,. jail delivery in the Ilipso, 01. tbe parties concerned .in it. His wellerts'Jit. oratcrry" of, that subject always told With e(,- fect=some' of the game fell I.lpou the wing— some.worq crippled, and others. fiew;. and to this day, you can hear a flattering among the flock, whenever the name of Brady is men tioned: I 1 may refer again to prigs of \he 2nd yblurne of the. Journal of the House of Rep resentatives of 1849. . '776. For Ore.Carlisle - tread Cifxpositor. BcArry :—When [ regoested you to make the statement you did', my intention was to say something more of the Diehl:lSO Meeting. 43,114 [Afterwards concladed that the suNects were tocr -strtalf for farther d/ssectibm It was not my intent err 16 notice the article in the Statesman, as the writer had wallowed rather too much in slime to be fit to handle. The piece was in itself so puerile and harm less, that indeed 1 hardly tell even contempt for it. As the paper,' however, makes so 'great crowing about not beingens4ereVaiiil appearri almost crazy to be noticed, I will condekcend - to; reply,in, inerwcharity, how elver, to the editor, who is at. all : times au ob ject for pity, - .41p1 'rathetoc(ifeeent Nitte.man, so thatthe . ebmipunity nay , trnew that there suchii is such as his , in .existicncn. , To r ik.AtOiikof Ow Ortidt in Oli.St n• ale4rim, "pitiked on?' to a l ". Aemocrai inson. , . . . Sot :—Your composition hae , derived , from I your acrideirejcal: education, a clasnicatexples. - sloe, ptirittit of sentiment, and refinertiO -of 1 language; tb at .* ould 'be folik n ' melee ati tempt,: Id- imitatM• ~ 1 4, i atm posed from-your ,4 . short speeches" and teitictsns; thin: I, have 'eomett fts. rin' , 6o tiiii - blesSert,prrili..ilege of he ,tening•toythat; )•on Avdrecfree • front boinbast; *and had a cultlvated-taenfor.theyverit.,--el w..tiyS'ib'tikeeedingly,sfnio47!qtUCt-hitit,sM Intl cfdet4 pt the riohneeil4hininiT.tirYd.. - firit-' liatieji . :4'iSriliii . tt)etriOdit,ifrifada ' Mit nOf'b'e..serprided'ilibreor,..A ,, ,f!ernifii,, , .o l tlial mdien,..VieVt.l;ibWli(tiffeitti.O",':l;Tviislovio , admiration', if-elleftz,l34oo 4 ,•'' r . „,... s....ctin,Araz. federtiLlgatd,_-_ 4 ,*fiii - ,MI lit i ..:'iiili!-!ftilitkl • ei:at dogsMl cafriilrt"_?:i."-blikl:lcSfirn4r7l 5\ ti5,......4. • ler/ Oh* ,!?'."(l:4l;V!!`yiiallil4;i4o:4lNr, flitedi-iiiilthe - 4:if ,, ,aii , ;4outtilie---.ol.lote'"and egani ohareete; ~ iii , 'When VidaiillehttiVd , the atittOrY3 . felt coditneed ihaftlie•langtiage nitte.'ntit !.rittifieial l : 'or boirelied, ;, bnV eaten freteNatilie'iCitiiiinfatiini - :'' .. l - litt,pe' - 'i , iiii`c'feit' eMeldniiilSN' t 'teliett:eid,' . .iitei::g',di,seriiinigtting, foOriatili..(to . '46';eirie;lif ,y.§tit'°Ovii(,atikiete' 3,041,0'..J!1W0,.„..iAii)',' - oil' , ttifs:f . thsiti 6 . 0 e. doMocrAt ! ":"L.f.A.f,tl4;Wrt.ible,::.ll7% -. lTherat4.!rel; yokinglii:eansititeht trith''.ihii;ltacei.ti:4'!..7: yen . 'recornMetided4,.ind - ;,ei:em ilifi,iittl;:'a,nd the veriiiiitikafuoliiii - iv*Adieiirenden*lti l if known!ottpaiiityr;finiikidedanatirM,t.end , stilyd6: iiig '.l-ircb - iiiiitanit.f,Vl - 7', 1 7-7.' ,,, ,i-- . .t!'":"f,' , ":-. l .:csit.x.''' lr,builthltiqiient'lptietirin'ilieennelhiletf el )joiire,Pi4 ll o:p.Altfi.',Etlio okiai*Ctstici'"Ofl4iii; Fiiiia , -44as , .silT:tihriPli/iii , t2*li . ooA'e' diu;tiOtbe-biiiiiparate;:o;lY,Linfolitilititlii r!/Alit :banner;-*Jilat.o Tfik , Oie . irect.Orit6. , tsß4 . 4ol4yeklocwijon.*olso, jrillitby tithiblfifesokshetbinitlett , . - - L - 4,lid , a.= Ou'k"l ll ll,..it: 4l, 4 l6 i' autu i l i . T t i l4 . oo4 c 7-14101.104, gli4fl'i r ieFf9Ahtificii:o4l. - -40 1 11 6. 41 , '446011ri b i, and_ •,ii,iiitrig;. 4 ,11 , 11 ,Y1 4 !*09 1 . 1 ° 1 '.°0491 13 . Joevr; 41:0 11t. ...N 'f . l,7_r.:PF#W'-frPittlitl Ilk 4ttiii.: 3 - ' On ';', -7 #4.0 -- -1-;NiAk'ett.i}MO'tti . :o# 6 ' Pithi c t v : ;*.iol.; . f'llitilid::.il44o l kkiig(eArF . tiit:, jIF-MP. , ffiiiii'!'o . Pblo l o:',!Osit:o;Sfit)i, tc'•iktl#,YAlOA9;g i v , lVClrY.fp , f , '#i t li - ## !. 'oo' Mti.,PAAntka. 4 ss',.l: oo lioo l, olol2.o4 ' . -. 4.Enrir.qui4l ,l, .:4 1 py. ,,,,, 5K 4 44it . 1 AOL9v.k.Asomf4 l o,krlt4oi , PLA 7 . - 4t , 1, kow.n.OW*9ov - itNiymeme~t-:, • 00.4*:i15wic , 40.,c,44:p50.k0.4,,, ~D T ,44 J It L ~- ,' - 0, - . A #4,:. 0 ,4a, - 41, , ,i.(4. ,, Afe - iw:iii , ifP.iom , - , :. ,-.:,., ..; , iimlitttiott:triOvti c i. J 110.,... f . ; .. , 44 'ene,PP# 4 : ,4 Y00.0 04 1*..4.' . ....,.H , : , ! ,, ,wis. 4imiiik?4"Op.oVtilifft-,,,„: . 4 :..., 0 • , ..t 4:,- 0 ' ~Li0t..,,,),,,,,: . ..J- . .;, „ i; : ....„14),, , ,i..,:,5 7, 1,4-,,,,, , 7t71vi, . .„. ..;e, , ,,.- . ,-;.;;',.:: ,- , ,, . , , , k. , ; , „',,w,', - ,q ,. ,-.'i.: ,,, 0'-: ,, :p:. ,. •:"1:, - , , z . '',. - ~ . ., . .:,..„....,,.,.,..., : ...:, , , ,. .:-._,..., : ,';',.7. : .):‘_, -,i -..., 4 ~':,...-',--,,.-• - . %1`,..z• ~' -';.:','!...t:-. . - ,: :', . 'zi..'",:.:-:L' 40% -- lhalre - linti - otilo - fahs,a , .' - ',7 - . 7 - :r cth - ii/glir ----- - that YO.i..ivtinledi*:...-",: - . . • •-. --'' '/' -4' -'1 5 4 - .- Xi4i* l tl tliliih 44nk tiro xou.dro'sm along, • ( 13 . 4 .17 .1 . ttrigtii i - itirtifirtfatott to be wrona.” • ' B4o..'„ * . fait lie" bed upon - me' so much like a tigertfiqiiaf tilde; or i.roarin,g lion lashing .-- his,.Welyili . 11„1 , tirn . compelled to suppose It yed.ittiV i tell4totere concealed,your energies, aritilifild.vittllfiVe. now astonished the world • ‘‘.l/04,ittfilteast 03 . :pected it, With a savage fair:that - no one Wild litilre , anticipated, di- _rectediXvitli!4_.deicteillY.Jauctetioemeht .still , more-surprising acid .destriictive: In - yeurf.articleHl(which 'yofi . httenipt to shuffle offlifieditorial,) foil talk to_lnelabout. _ totnlneont; over iny own signature, like " a freeman." This istlebidedly the coolest thing , , I - ever heard, frotirehe standing - in your. po- - sition,iw,hopastuotievenr,htedirni of thought, mid wbci , ltre. hofittler .a shiglo expression • :_or.sentimenty::exceptxtyithAthe - pveyious ap 4,roitil.cifiris„.ma,sters, • ,I(Our ctwo-language, applied Ittlierers at Manufactories, Vettirns . . to von tirmed . mitli'a .threettpid Vengeance. ".lhey:shy;'4lt" u "here .ii.iinet 'officeL,-hers is your'hcket,take both Ornone I" 'You go -- ..fo - the pollif,willi•it .- lialter - artintill Your neck. .If "yott-tehintpe . r, a dissenting tecird," - the noose ts inaineiliatelyl . L.drawylau.r - swinelcrose --- . from.3-otir :mooringiii . Ander,the.: destroying wrath of the '..: - /itiatititatratien, l ,and your. ofli- ~ . Arial existent instantli.expires.. ::-- .. • ', Yoti7d . 6. et - attempt to, ecntide any thing I said iri Yelatieri.to the eleetihii of delegate's, except by various chastelbethrical flourishes, - ~. . • hich may serve .to:tinfuse' arid'rriake their- . . - att.th - o - r ritliehleitiai,TbTrt li - ilich,;', yott cannot suppose will convince: -"A wri t er who builds his arguments prr feats is; net ettailv'to'btinon futed. ' . Tour only ; arguipent. against .the alleged fraud, 'appears to 'belts denying that.. 1 am a detnocrat; as - if the trUth wetrltynot. tieliiiihif_it came thirri'n" Whig. .-------: - ' We have heard yOtr.deimociationr—but must-we who-feel that. our rights have ' been wrested h oat „us ,and. v rolated„, refrain ..from rernoriktrittini,' because it we doOtinayArtp pen to- excite your indignation'' - - - Voucolty-. , roar as long and load, as you, pleaitei,forx - ...„ know that you're 710 i a lion.. ...l_our-f-' 4 :; , -0-='`..i,._ betrays yon. oat. is democreP thing, that the letn-^--..- - ;: n ---- t i r - ,7,i'titti. - 17 - . - ;'' n t„, YI 1 .. V .., ....,", "....". tine many?- * ithose - eir..,-aspite';, , to,be . , . • party leaders,..witlitritr.nii _.ctifall#catiarit.itt4. - sult -the finajority---ainrikg...cw.say -what ;hall be donecentrary to the (tiniSlieti of the blidy of the party, because pact of thiflatfeettuniber _try,pe..poof.laboring.inen,ns,-Nufkdone-dt the---- delegate meeting? No ! genuine democracy is founded on other priner7les. It. contends . for EnuAr.rer, cd rights, and calls for istriaz Tim.try in its decisional Its maxim is, "the majority shall rule;" and its principles and purity require that fraud shall never be al- , lowed to triumph. But these furidannentate were violated by the few. at tire meetino,_rtud. '. their violation ~vrts sanctioned by flit Con veotion. The party Indy : denounce hie fer.romon- . strafing; -but- if a democrat - =tare norreinon , - strafe against fraud, he is the -- rmis.tdegnicled slave in existence. .F.did.and do, and will • continuo to remonstrate at all liazardsovhen, : ever, t occurs. If ther-paty chooses to expel me and Whoever 'else dares to make the charge of frrthil T ithen it is palpable antlilie - proof can.be obtaiagil, her ranks will_before long-necessarily contain those only who are. ' - slaves - antf - dare.noti. - . - eflogurestidio - will - noti protestitand thefacksis; I ivoiild care very , :, , ' , tile about such clithrraTiiiitts, . __.. „., - A. DICKINSON DEMOCRAT. 04' d The North AmeriCart remarks:---,The Whigs owea duty to the_Whig,eress, which should be requited to the utmost.. limit Mt encouragement and support: . Every Wing .owiefi it, tie a first duly to tile principles which: " he sustains ; to subscribe to the local paper of which he resides" This'sf chid lie 'prig/Ma as a favor, bat in a spirit of dui to trnch we conceive it to be. The country editor is at best, but' pcorly repaid for his exertions—his condition should there: lore be made one of manly independence, as best computing with the dignity of hit, Position, and tending more effectually td encourage his Allure yertions. BjltNt.:Y declines in advance anodnir abolilim non:dilation for President ; and ad ens the'selectibn• of nnellie'r Don't neglect it. Every Whig tote e6utit one' for the REPEAL of the Burnsu TARIFF! NSANITY.—A II diseases, even insanity atilt irritability of temper, piocced from depraved or corrupt humors, which, circulating with the blood, occasion , pain tind discord in the human frame. It is clear, that, by persever ance in the use of Ilraicheth's Vegetable Universal PM - a, tvTiieft la . ono of the very best, and only proper purgative medicine, insanity mid irritability of temper can 10 cured, as, well as any other diseases depend ing upon the reirenees of the eircelating fl uid? the blood.. . ' Branciretills Vegetable•• Universal Pills are known, by the experience of .• thousands, 10 perfectlEclenee the blood from all foul'- mess, remove 'every:morbid itflOCtiotyrand _ renovate Welik and enfeeble) ionstittitious to, • pellebt hearken& vigor.: _ • Their acknowledge'd innocence makes them safe through every paged of existence; from infancy to old age: -• • No ettra care in eitner dress or diet 'is re-,''' quired whenwhen theyure Used. - ), With this invaluable medicine in our pos- - session, we enaPvisil the most sickly regions without febr. No contagion can by possibili, ,ty afleet us, if we are careful' to" .freely us • these 'pls. •4' • ' ' ' ' 1- 1 gteplien tiilbertskiii, Shippensbnrg. ' .. ' It'Bretieiiien"&Co. f-Nl ,Nowetimbeyland. ' J. & L. Reigelechrtnicsburg. „..1,,• ;-, •-ii. G. Miller f White }louse P.O. , f.... - z- , •,,M.,=l3itner,,Shieerparistown-- , f -i re , " - .1 i•P 7 ',- T • J. dz S. A. Coyle Hogestevin; , • •' 1 1 *. '1 ~, "`"latilesLkylei• - snexsonvillern - •' -7 '7l' 1•t -"...!^, 4:4" - - - 7STL L AI4IItIdatI; - NeWVilll3:-;-- , -- ,. -.l' , ---'- - - .2 - -. - 4 -- Ril!ek*pilleri:Boiling:Springs:' , . • ..^-'.- L:-A.l f bilifElNVCrgrtit?lOilifkliilijtlf e - : The OM,' rnedioin e trig& for ebtigliri ei fun dtr', t ' s and z \villa • I have koily'kil rmy 4nyse% ) !or' ~',, yearsi for ivhieh'l Fay only a'trifling amount,. Is De. Taylorliiiterunnia BALSA* of.I.INTRIt.. - .- WORT;',AVltioll:r.`o o at -110: POl'V,4r:r i;P. 1 , 14 e4 . have not _only .. the . Jrieitik tit _l4 :wilLa; and *., 'dluldrele,' mg 1 0 13- 4 0 41 11 t/TAlllanc-ih , PIY. B V 'ft "Oaris i .lirAA#Ptllecalieteblilii,*l oo ,* 6o Ann -- ' theO,AOat,eatileiltb' Pi`liitgli, ll oo€ 4 4li,ePr..=; _ IV'kr(lo o .44;.W i l t l iii, , iPPre. 10 WO 40, - a -- :genuine ,enslAppt3:9l,soliip 0 ut-1i75 BoNyery, -... •vrith'llice signature Ot Dr....teedif to the-106 , Vete.: It has relieved and cured- , my -wlie f - , - , ... when every thing else, failed, Doc,t. s,„arld , . 'all. *The' bodorilaus,c4rinlusliol.os ; cares " P ;_iriiia---.P 10.011142jAialiViii:.:anT. , ,,i . ki _ „.._ ''whale,tpo IA 1,1 . i g' cnie,blukiardbeft ‘, ;• : • u`- in varies Mt OtiseinfOl ra ttretf ' " " , lungs, zT It 004.4 is roir ) , 'y e - .. , pepsin, avLvvell as c i ol4,Deffill. . -.. °little, Vi.elllrftiiirtiall&•, ,s ofW'o ,;‘,•;, .7,, ,! ;die Doeteir, .;4.1.k..A.1 ,1,14,t,t:44•?1,!..4.::r ~,,, ~ :..,10.... var g sbottioti,loor_itotwe.ibi 97,t.:0,,, 1 4 Ilmalhbottlekll 04V:4 1 1 14.4136146. `f°t $ 5 15,1!! • t / 4.1', ''' .'SoldiltiriVat lala:,PY;AS'i4 l ) l ßllMY, , :tAll_r, i _...._ 1010104100 1 , 1 I .siditsile . , ...,44,, , ,,,,,.• . .N 4 ' l' C .4. 7.7 1 ' .4. ' '' Y r;I: c , , ',ll ..... t '' .. "f*, , 0' , _•,_. , ,- 4, .fi_____:,‘ .i ' . : _.,,,,-...:: to t o 1 IN "Ifrialo jfiri' i" - Sik Yky1ii14304ti04,TA.,.;i4j4,. Otat i rt a a t it I li cr4NthWitrA ir tV W i t '''' ) 4 ' go: ere pr e:, tolttidr4l4 Fili)Er' 40, '` ,;:;'' l i nt r¢ ' ''. .a . ,-n ' I . 1114 V ' I t Tektif4 ie," . t : , \ -,, .a.' : .., e 0.! , , ..-.. e f iel ,'.?, ~ ' I • ),- - .%. • • , Fo : ~ J, , wr,': 4,5: -,, ''. , '.' , , ~ ~ ',4 '',,' ..: '''' t''' ,-,'' . • ''', ,-',.,%;,, : :-.' ~ : ', l ' : `•?: ::„.., , '''.-% ';, ~. '-,,.: ' ,' ~ A or•O ESI lye: ..