Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 29, 1846, Image 2

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;4' - ••iti" : •Tlif.PVi'N , - , .. , ,. - ., , ~...,,,- . --. ----,
...... I ,f' , 4.414-41144pLotsitirs
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iirtIWESDAY, , 29,' 18:19
For Vawd 0-IMxdiiishmter.
"'Tim rternitioratio•Whig Stantlink Corrupitteo
of dirribetianit onatroPrill,timet attire Rai-
Initiee'rif Mr. Remy Rhoads, in Cratele,
...441111):PDAY the .Any of Augusti - , a,,t 2
.otolOck in the:falterer:ton, The tnembeitrgo
euartinegir' teq4steil bi; 'punctual in anon
, -
' By.ortfer:-!
Wireinitted last to •Ati , i3- the names
of the ;Committee. It is 'composed of the
lolleWing-gentleinen,,whomWe hope will all
viirlertY9i to: be present - at • the iime stated
derge ChapinN, Allen 'Sohn
Mirge, Dickinsen; Thomas Craighead, East
..PetinsborOush; Robert Laird, Frankfowl; D.
...Coble, Hampden: L. Reigel,llleclumWeburg;
.Yoang, hionme; W._ T. Boyd, Hope.
Well; W. P. Hughes, Neioestm'berland; W.
11. Woodbem,Ne IV-11110M .4611,- Sil
-.Ter Slid:lg;-„eerge 'Clerer, .SOuttiampten ;
- Wallace B. Mullin, South Middloitteri; . L. , l H.
West Pennsberough; Wilson Fra
zer,Shippensbur,g.township;,John Miller, N.
'Middleton; Robert_ A. Noble .titid Charles
..,peageri.Carli . sie; James Kennedy, Mifflin.
amour readers are .parttcularly requested
_after they have read the article on our , firs
page in relation to Mr. Buchanan, to hand i
to their Locofeco friends and endeavor to ge
them to read - it, - " - Minder *ill -out"
ti'e are truly glad to learn from Mr. Riley,
clerk to the Commispiouers,that Cumberland
County has paid to the State Treasurer her
quota of the State tax, amounting to 523,000,
for.which the county recowes an abatement
of about $7200.
1171. fr. Haywood, of North Carolina, sir&
donly resigned his seat in the Senate on Sat. : .
urday lat 9, whereupon tho Washington Union
attacks him in the bitterest manner; calling
deserter," and advis
ing. him to join the .Whige;itc. Mr. H., it
seems, could not go McKay's.bill. His res
ignation has thrown the camp into confusion,
-FATE oF THE ' T.oune..-7The resignation of
S;lr. :Haywood has given Abe opponents o
AtcKaq's-bill`some - hope, bUt-istill-lea.yeiv'np
- 7 -- . --- . - cortaintkrif-its defeat.. There-is-&-rumorthat
Jarnignn, 4f Tenne - Sseg, will resign, and
in t6t case there will be a tie, for Mr. Dallas'
--r--ipfAlo-deside,---But it is said -he will cer
-4-ti:titily vote fur Iklcl(ny's bill. If, he does, he
find very Pennsylvania-a-very hot place
to be in - ! Mi. lyebster concluded n. power
tnl speech on 'Moriday,agtdrist theLbill. -We
- do not bier may thing mote of a compriimise,
ErWolutvii - shice learned that the bill has
'Nen. icirt*d-te ,the committee on finance,
with instiliegrins amend , by a vote of 28 to
27- - M . 4Jarridgiri:y6ling for the reference:=--.
hope' its defeat.
Inoti MixtcolH-Late news from Mexico
indicate that theimean to continue the war.
The proceedings of Congress are warlike and
spirited, and individuals of wealth are said
to be tendering money to sustain•the govern
ment. the latest intelligence from the U.S.
Army will ho bend in another column.
NEw POLITICAL"Nova.—The New York
Mirror has commenced the publication of a
-new work of Fiction, whickwill cause con
siderable .sen.sation throughout the country.,
Lt is entitled "1844, or the Power of the S. F.
A Tale developing the seeretuction ol Par-.
.ties int late' Election Canvass." The au
thor, tea writer of ability, ana well acquain
ted with hie subject. -The Mirror is publish
ed every. Saturday, at $2,00 a year in ad
tArmria's Lecruazs.- - The 14th, and con
+eluding number of Dr. Lardner's Popular:
Lectures; .has been published by Messrs.
Graely, & . 111'Elrath, New York . . The work
• complete forms two large and handsome oc
lawi),vOlumes,: and maylie : purchased frmn
'1F400: Welcrio*.ef no
porkvehlable,Vrork iittblntence
~ thcav,this, and. heartly ndlt to a
`` "Pkceidstit Emory end• Pref,qymvvell
"1 , 6 4 TCtei, will
,the World a ConventionontOlien
,-;'. , ,ifialitsa rapid tour uon ContiiientTT
ra to state that :the nexisesaion
— 14;;. kilo:66lle usual time,
. • • .
and Abet ;they are' esnectep : to return by the
Tniil'et ' • ''' • , •
La) of Wedne
"11?'li; fr om Baltim o re; the
'purporti . then-;tho !sitsbnrgh
4114! :ad iti anaatiefaoloiy conference
to f sof tho_Baltimore and.
Itaii ••• •
aid • that'
the probability
a En - lb/acts fil
be imel
C 47
the ritteburgh - ,and Cetttiele-
Timely put ; on
•,` .lite - the tine. 9 1 ,F •
--vtll6-013tPi1!!4).1,61', •
--'o*‘ 4 rift' fink genrAl Ardor, or AdjiltPt
: 91 . S . : : ;Pq** 4 A'ann4Mett that, 2500 volun
e4i‘ohtt Above the , lizeta requireifot
".4"rwArm *dove lendefed'Aeir, isivice§
Olf4lqti..o l lliWP,:4 l .r l ,o! l B,ibetr is iPt.
tt' ' 11 ,7X4 0 - 04 4; 9 0 1 ! I fs*toligi?•:. Thisis tho
atl 5(1,9PtY,''110.011x1,91.011,P•
• lluott.ithqiiiie '4=9 5 alt , , , adktig ,
g.O cidi - Othd' r
-s l og7 ,t9r
'Nib's:ilia:7l'e. 'meet' - " f;
tkr:. The Yolupteer asks if ,we can ;give
the reason'of Mr. Ciay'e retiring' fio#l7oo-P°-
nate beforol,hafiaqaaio or.lha'Presint'Tiriff
law ) but without giving'sie ipttane**tif
answers itself by saying ; that - itiva i ktibeet ,i li se
h e was teitlroit and • defend it 'a s his
kWll:' l7 Niirw — bare is a direct insinuation
-that Mr. day , wee really favor ut witatthe
Yl. l4te ir- 1 4 14 V. 4 4ften*Ithat //6'w4t—
ittkOrtiginitir Obt - ;ddlytrul
gr - 7*Wviii•litomax *the
on • . • ' d• 1 , 0 1",?, • 4, 1 ,fv" • •
'til4l4o-#1040!:!'1#41#1.3:;!'allace!‘'" 1 41 **' 1 ..4kilik "4*:Viefilettif::to
0141:1449A4F 44 P A‘1144 6 PtOklactiiioi,grito4;,l4oo4; :04•Yrali
! , li "dy 4tii, , „^3l4•l•f=A vz - 1"v -','••• • , . `mo lo ~ "
stbo;d4 , to
12'044 00 1 “ ,
' l, ( 4 Pr 7 t-r , t
' ; ', 4 Thk` l # 43 o
The fraud v '5446001'00 party this
~ ,A 4••• '
A.M. , ,ltwk*arCios . loarn.!:AOrn
Ifiel*VOttiiicieiri that the .;,FtWon
iii*tail.ilriVo l6. ". : *fssagi'q 06 11( 4 . 7 ratitT
.Dia so mach to heart, ; recommend the,
bleating ap of the Organization of the Derno-,
matio party of this State. TO tise,.#B, : oirt,
.language, it advocates in 'Oeitain
"irseneeallitsion gljniltiet std et ate organri:
ration. , •
• The VOlunteer thereupon takes occasion to
severely.rebuke the Sentinel, - andjoffenenrico;
its g , igirominiousproposal." But if the Vol
unteer and.the other locofocoltatitera of Penn-.
sylvania are .siniiere in. their advoCacy of.the
lariffore shoualike toittrow how'theyare
going to resintaieffieir ground and Still rerriain
iiS the ranks of. the locefoei;i: . SoUthent Free
Trade party'? The lines are now eloaily acid .
distinctly..dmwn on the question of the Tariff.
i Its I,Vhigi of the Werth and the South, are,
now ffrrnly united upon it, while, icith. the'
Pennaylvaiii; the entkre'loofe..-
co party of the country is now arrayed against
the Tariff. Can the locofoco Tariff men of
Pennsylvania: maintain an independent po
sition? It is Manifest. that they cannot. The
honest portion of the locofoco party, who
too free and independent to act as heW-.
ere of wood and drawers of Water!' to southern
Free-Tradeism, Will join the Whig ranks and
fight to the last for Prote.ition to American
Tue. tatrry. , =—The Philadelphia 'North
American' last week published the Oregon
Treaty with the accompanying_ documents.
How it-procured them is not known, but it is
said there will be - an. - officialitivestiption of
the matter by accontnittee of the Senate. The
New York Tribune remarks of the message
and correspondence
"Although this exhibition has been very
carefully prepared, it is yet easily and thor
oughly understood. The false pretence that
Polk either wished or expected the Senate
to advise him otherwise than it did . :
Bard to the British proposition is here corn=
pletely exposed. it is plainly shown that he
affected to refer the'matter to that body for
the identical purpose of being thereby in
structed to accept the offer, which he did
very promptly and gladly. 'Mr. Buchanan's
determination to resign rather than sign a
Treaty conceding the free navigation of. the
Columbia has ado stepped out and is not
easily discOvered. Tho 'limitation of the
British navigation of that River to the lifetime
of tho present charter of the Hudson's Bay
Company is also hard to find in. the Treaty
—requiring. two - paitof horn spectacles and'
.thee.yestof an 'Officiali,ditor. _and_ Printer _to
Congress for its detection. - fact these are
a very interesting, curio and instructive
,T r
bundle of documents. • nay, impel usirre=
, sistablyto exclaim, 3tith twilight variation
from the original Bentonism, '0 mountain
that was delivered 'of a mouse! thy name
shall- henceforth -be Polk 'and Buchanan's
valiant char_nphionship of 54 40."
"As .a matter of interest to our readers we
belowiAc l the names of urChasers, with
the rices annexed, of the - properticsMpt
~.!he S cliff of Cumberlind county; OniVriditY
last: ' 4,
No 1. Property of Semi. Woods, jr. bought
by Robert Bell, for $5.950.
2. Property of Jacob Green, bought by,
Henry Richstein ' for $llO.
3. Property
,ofJ. KoFerree, postponed.
4. Properly of William Randolph, bought
by Henry:Barnitz, at $260.
5. Property of James McMath, by Charles
Barnitrott $lO5O.
6. Property of John Wilkins, by Joseph
Strom, at $540.
•7. Proper!) , of Frances Smith, by Wtn. H.
Miller; Esq. at 8155,
B. Property of John C. Gilmore. by Wm.
M. Beetem and L. Todd,Esqrs., at $515 00.
9. Property of John C. Mitchell, not sold.
10. Thopetty of Richard Ruth, by John 'A.
and William Laughlin, 5240.
11. Property of-Joseph Hoover, by David
Hoover, $2OO.
Property of same, by S. L. Senttnan
13. Property of same by tame, $340.
14: Property of Edward Armor s by Wm
Quigley, Sib,.
15. Property of same, by Sarah Armor
16. Property of Jacob Cart, deeeased-,:-by
Edward Shower, $4OO.
17. 18. Property of John Ensminger, by
Jacob Jaeoby, $1225.
19. Property of Jacob Clippmger, by John
20, -Property of Henry Nicer, by William
H. Miller, •
: 21. Property
,of C..,4104 Stervet,Harasey,
by Jacob Kutz, $5,550. • ,
his speech lost - week upon the _Tariff, Mr.
'Cameron, • remarked that the labaririg'• late
teats of Tennsylvonia require'd no favors from
the Government; all they asked was to be
let alone. They were 'willing:to work and
wore as free arid independeitt . as
,those who
, emPloyed them: lie:would iinpfess Senators
with' -a distinction which they - seem - ed: to
overlook,-.that there was a vast difference
bortieen the aiikalior of the Simthi;*;the
frceialfrot - df tbeNertli. - Mi:Seiter replie4at
so tar. his experience',went; lobar was the
same :eve _where!-- '
- DP you he.arthirt; laborers of PennSylveriia?
Willyousontinuo....te_support,TOlk-ar. t i ; the
ft southern , nabobs," who consider , yO4 rio
better * den their-black anus&
SherllPs Sales.
-'. , Aii i i O r l
- -hit', iiiA*; q ~,,,,,,,
, est ,vi,,,v- - bia 4 419 1 1.'. Ir
;E9.----i- Tantr3o4ii
-Ifit'ie.renit,---Ocalte the-14461W* 61. • '°.=.
-14*. h4,oti,twiir,ol2" '. T tiff i s no*
, 1 . 9 _, ik tiy.,lY'Pealoethe a 'l ' 41 "
..r e eß a4l-- i l, ,- - a ki rv ,,,thi,A, tlie Peop e ~,,
4nEiect! , . Pme
hidi ,i s ip 'be fo,,iiNx
&it' af:'3 ,a a n _t rl 4114 he Z ir i m a, ifry tirrit u P
s kl ent and M s C abinet the ee
the — lables s of the •hembers iil t:iing*lsffq"e.
•- • - -
, steer atio'ke - Or - Dictatie
maintained that nobody who got
on land or oa,the,aea petitionedlor_askedSck
the passage of such a, this;-it Was the
work or politicians,. for political purposes,
and - that was all.: *The::graat the
peopleignatelid of itiking-for--the-pasaage , of
such ii.l3llf;'opposed'iteptissage;•hndhe . poirl-:
ted to the petitions Son :l the tatal4 proof of
whit he tittered.
Mr. Mim i the . independent locoroce : Berm-.
tor from Connectictit, aleo:declaretiMartty'A
bill to• be seleliMi pxeiitiVe.lileasOe t tlt4
would min
. the - frees'irfduitry
and 'which ,the , Executive and hid :Cabinet:.
wore forcing , through Congress against dui
- wishes of the people, Is this republicaniSmt
is ihis the sovereignty of we the people?"
What Polkisnt Coats!
oo—The zng features of Polk's admin
istration so far have beenJthe hacking out cf
irajion or mine"—tho annexation of
'Tizxas anT4he subsequent War iyith 11:1,esico
—the repeal of the. Tariff of 1842—and 'the
giving away -of the,Publio Lands, while to
cap the climax the abominable Sub Treasury .
is yet to be forced trough Congress. - Now
what_will be_ the cost-of-all-these -blessings-of
Polkism Reverdy Johnson, .of the
Senate, gives'us a little inuight into the mat
tgr tea late speech:
Mr. said, Congress had already appro
priated 520,176,891 this session, and 811,-
957,000 in add inert this morning. The Naval
Bill, was to pass, appropriating 57,446,000;
the Army Bill 86,803,000; the Civil and Di
plomatic Bill $3,480,000, and for the West
Point Academy 5121,000. Thmpthere was
51,500,000 for the Post Office. more than was
earned by the Department. Congress would
,have to-appropriate at least fifty four millions
one hundred and eighty-nine thousand dollars;
and if all the publio bills pass-, 567,766 668!!!
. And - more thati even this, will yet have to
be appropriated. Gen. Gaines says the Mexi
.War is only beginning ,111 . 8,1 , 1 , Y.
Journal of Commeree r a Frho'Trade paper,
says t( there is reason to believe,94,teur will
continue some years!" Now hounTisi-all tJiie
money tp - Thitifiiricle;iiiiOs to,
you, Farmers, Mechanics Sind •Lsborers!—
IcKay's '.llfiff InlF,lfimsseclovili not raise
twenty millions, while it breaks the
Industry of the country.- Mr. Calheint : - . eays,,
tax Tea and Coffee. But this will orily raise
thMe millions more. MO - Whigs say, as , thn"
rnon - ey'nost be raised, issue Treasury Notes.
But Mr. McKay, the author of the new Tariff,
says there will be no help.ler it but to resort
tO'DIREbT TAXATIONIAIr.. petty:oll,4o
. says,t o h4,7pfnfehidiiiireirTiMaiuni 'as
the issue of Treasury Notes.'? Here you have
it, Farmers! Besides your School Tax, your
County Tax and your State Tax, you may as
well make up. your. minds before one year to
for iMes K. Polk !
SIGNIFICANT.-4110 Administration seems
detemined upon the dismembermetit of our
sister Republic. The letter of the Secretary
of War to Col. J, D. Stevenson, of N. York,
authorizing him to raise a regiment at for the
prosecution of hostilities in Mexico, picibably
in California" requires the voluntedrs to con
sent to remain to the end orthe war, "eithe r !
in Oregon or in airy territory in that region of
the globe whickmay then be apart of the terri
tory fif the U. S.
Col. Payne, of
. the Army, loaded Wash-
ingt, cut a few days:lgo,.with the trophies . ti;on
from the Mexicans in the battles.ol the t3th
and 9th' of May. These tiophieS consist. of
flags, banners, lances, spears, &c.; and a
Tampico Coast Guards, with its 'beautiful
embroidered eagle, which was so gallantly
defended, ed a description of which has al
ready appeare4m the_papers.
Ot—Lieut. Dose, who, it Wes reported at
tho.time, had been intrusted by some m Mexi
,can dasel, on the hanks o fthe Rio Grande,
opposite %Fort prown, but Who. in reality had
aWalite • rivnr is settiolLof_ the lam ()filed
col.'cresii — iiiid was: captured br the' Omani;
/as beep restored .to his corrippriy— -
The Norfolk -Beacon says:—We .4 Igarn .
than: General , Gaines,.and the, officer : o,4Bi,
pOsing . the Potql,, with the, .q x°4 1.1 19 00,*
Gen. Brooke , Nhavii, ;:.arrived at 01 MC , IIIIII ,
gaged 711 17, 1 . 1 1/401114Abe 'Bth . and, 9th. of
May,' ciav,4ljeffOrday fi....*,witrielsesi ' nisi
court *ittliec..Willi4iPeciAbors.. , ... ~ '
~ -' ''4 ' !- ; •If - -
-'' - FAHNESTOCO' VERNIFOGE.-wit, affords'. us
pleasure to. direct the attention of pur readers
, _____
I,ti . ,tha advertisements in.sinctliiii.Column, of
_Fsusr.sracts 'Veisurc9u,' Which •• nail: be
found - at two of the ;:piligiBtoreti . Of this place.
the: , 'NaShiille - "(reina.)_Whig.says.oLit;.:We
are assured by:Physician - a tuid'DrUggista here,
'0: - A i i,liti l o 4s t.i • P ',.' • q , 4 , 4,,, ' g li ll 4 ..4 4 e Bl : , ',Pt'''
vdriencoripat . 7 ,,,•6, ,, ,-,,,niiic k i f t tar*,
c.,f, this . mjl4l oi rt ''.; ~ o*A , ,t l',; ..1 ~'l.'. ante .an
041 6 hir.ttnti r 4" , : 1 '..,.. 41 4 1 1.8 0 fOr7h n iellit
is . dqPien'atgd.' ;;/ 1.1 °; ' ' l l 4 . l'ilhigtli teiat`:
ded,:atittused in. tbs. Weil 'as the great renia
dy, 'and:is "prefeked to, and more extensively,
tried ''..tfiait, Aty . :othfiithedii!* 61 :' 4 16 144
,put„lcietherli being thil,:rtiiii cone in. friar,
at 'elesi ,eir
that rsiinidies 'Ohat trirtyliidroPlfsigi.:
'reli3O' .ll o l o o 'effot4l l l,o alfiPt fot;whibl Witt
i.nienol; I'i t ,:iP. j- 1 . 0.94ht. 1. 044" il i '''* l3l( ttilit - t .
0 4 9 . 4 . 114e ::00 1 04' . 400Fe',:.0 04 44**,*
iim oi#c!* , ,,iionifio , :to ' !.*# alto***
POO I :i i - 44104 Airlk , '. 1, 4 1 : :, . 0 4 6 Y''f 4 4 1 '7.
1.,_,,.,..,„4 4 .1icr it t.i ' , C it ' t . i .iP*1.. 3 . 1 441 9 -'1
~.:ll l. lllfg - l ..c.a 4 ;; 0 ,•!!'l'. 'tto7
:: : time :
TWertitittra_ 41: ~.*s,ii', f; •.. rl ;or ..,10; , .;,`,',,,,',., -, i;'!' f: ' ,
A. , .t. ,47t, "AVIZ'Al• • . •' ' - . . rigs , •. , :r.,
.!,-. • '.,
I tki.iltet ' itt?,kllfiV l , l „oliiii -:- Ail 11.0'2 0,0/?' 4 01
,1461 ftqltt: s. ' '' i ll , Ir "
IVI i.:',..W.T , t 0 ,;., • ',,.- t . •, ' ', . ; ~. , —4l , :
'3 1 1q." 1 . , 4t- ;, ji.: ; •: - $ 0 1,1i,',."'...„ ~. , .1,, '': 'lt':
4' ''" " , ':':''',''''' ,.. Y 3 '.:,'o ,.. : ;, '?;' , l l e4" i., ,, , , ;',.ilrel-c,
.--. '....,...,:,:.,,,., :,-, ''.- :' - ‘7 , q 4 ,, ,, ' - ,Y..!,';':..,-;:r.'?;;•-;.k,t`:,,,P.f.Lirl
t 4,N.,,,,,,,: , - • ~.-..,,iiii...i.::::iiiii'..,:::
' '..a. ": , lfoool7 ls ! [ll X l Y. - '',;
1;L13,1:_.,L..A.A'14-:**-,--',-' ,
gYVV , V.WII , WW..P.',...Pg.OEIvE.rk,
';*.iiff**4, , ti-*Oelitiiiiiiiiied:elia4iiiiii4:
41* . , ,':; i;;)4l4;alii:ig:4iil'ii:iiiiik.foi . iiii .
.-,...: ; ,, r ,:- .i;i!';,PiAmicipp(citit,iqViiitij'4;ol . ool
ii - Ofißfio.4, l !ttiii444:o-iii,i'iiit*.i. ; 's44 . * ,
'. , ..;):' . .. , , 7 ":(7, iiiro - 0,.'! 1 0 i.:',- - t7 1 9! rin.!!4
'i , : : •:.,, *:6*lOndi i ikt, t he tn'Off,. : fn ilie most
:- . : i i . 4;' , i,,.tii4n9*;',-iliOt , ,lie was a .liendkr - ,-, kw to :
, . 1:, , .. , .,.0 : ,.0.. 0 -60615;pfe t tni r rt he .ititi,ineotiart,t .
I .l*ifilik9f*a." . .*ltlOVe ( '-'7 714 .07rii40 .. ;!4!*1 .6 0
i 'i.l)te,*eilij;•oeCt4o44eleetion. , .l*ol,l' kiY;
i qiAtiallicic,thle:,:lhiee4y,4ent totoVi.looToetieli: l
.( !...' 6 o:l:Ov a ii*ifiC. oot A*F c, !l'' ' F' 4i k i g h . 4.:
04'.001 54 # 1 .!.t... ! fia v e';' 7 . : .. , .. ,, t''. '., -i'•
.. 4 :''.Hie ,- iiiiiiiVittid'-liinligAtgadebintid,tif* -- -
egeiheA,..,ih*TeiiirAii' tti4;'OOntained in hii
initik '''' . ,..ipiiiejeiind,Ooo9l4so:-*- - the'peophi
. 01-Te seei liefore .4..iliOni le hod ,13,een-O
eandi lifi'TßirOWS'!ool' only, itiii. - foln. bikini;
~ r .- . a.0r.; ~,, . ..., . . .
I r ; l .A . 9r#: , 9o.4l4'bef 9 o..i . thci r P°9o o ': - It . e l .*3'
ldiiiiieliviii** 4OdfteiiirOled'hiltare itien-..
esol,44o,* . ighlla meetings IVhO',,coold,pe
,igneiiinteethr,: - Polider hOst4iv to , the Terifl
'of 184;'ofter':TieidingilOeh e x plicit deeloti,.'
iiiiiee4Ohli;:tolliiiving ; from one of liis'.Tenn..
. .. .
teeeettddeoeses; - '; ,'. '. .. ~' ....7
WINCHEATER, Mar29th, 1843.
.7:o !);e INO& of Tetineetee:- • •
' The• arc t "which 1 - had'in. 'Proposing to
Gov,. Jones, iiart.Olville ed the - i2thi of A,.•
priflast;,that'l've should each ;write out and
publish ant views 'aid " 0 114 1 the sub
y3o(6l-1110 Tariff, was, , that, buff nEssnerryg
sosrrion -might be distinctly 'mown, and the' people.---Thstmy . opin
ions were already fully known 'I could not
ES PROVE..Since,I retired from Clngreas
r;held ; the - same opinions., Id the present,
cartvisclo - r -- GeoVernor, - - HAIX AVOWED
ing-highly :protective in its,character,. and
not deSigned by its authors ari a revenue weirs
lire. I had avowed my gpinion in my pub
lic speeches, that the interests of the Coun
try, and especially.of the producing and ex
porting States , REQUIRED ITS REPEAL ,
and the - restoration of the principles of the
compromise Tariff act of 1833.
'• JAMES-K. "POLK." * • ,
Cddyd'any declaration be more plain than
thisK. - But the band of political jugglers,
mercenary Texas land=holders and-gamblirig
speculators inTexas script, who controlled
the Balliinore Convention, were bent tipon a
desperate purpose, and they were rot the
men to 'leave a fraud untried, a deception
unpractised, or a lie untold, that afforded the
least hirpe of accomplishing their foul design.
They"6 - i - ev that James-K. Polk nms
ricaily.opposed to Pennsylvania's Tariff print.
-oiplesilmt-they alio knew that Pennsylvania
had - al!kays beenl willing pailatarse to. Sou:
them locofocoism, and they could make her
again" _They knew that they could prq
cure roadeven -in her: ownmiristy-who would
. .
be lhexpOst willing and Servile instruments
latilierrli-:scherno of fraud, although it would
crush pmdsykoania interests and draw _the
VereVeNkad 'of her prosperity. -In the
ye**nT,:hli::Polkltrown eleardeolarations
agtiihOeVairiff,lf - Wrie - ifot fore &iliafag-a
hood to say that he was " its warmest friend,"
that "he Waal:especially the 'friend of the
Coal and Iron interests," that he was even a
better Tariff-man than Henry Clay ! Read
the following from the leading locofoco paper
in Pennsylvania, which was July transferred
to the "American Volunteer," of this borough,
and see the - deep and dark Story of political
perjury.which its tells"
Mr. Sturgeon could not tell how she would
have voted. He did not claim th'e power of
reliable prognbstication.
Mr. C. said: "I only asked the Senator's
opinion " . .
1844, • 1 Mr. fititrgenn declined giving it!
From the Democratic Union, June sth,
( f 5,,.
.. .
( perceive that the Harrisburg Intelli
goncer, with the mendacity so eminently
characteristic ol the eonn papers, denounces
Col. Polk in 'ticlvtineo asc' an "open Yid.?
Trade Theorist?' • Theanthority.for this grat
uitous assertion is,'of course,not furnished by
.the Intelltencer, as it is the policy of the Whig
papers to deal in liantuat misrepresentation both
of the men and measures of the Democratic
party. Now we happen to know; and state up
on the authority ofa TptsB,ssan,orwiih -whom
we conversed aPßallirnore—a near. neighbor of
Col. Polli--44at he',-holds the doctrine, of Frre
71•ade'iriiniqicalOnl abtorrepcs' lie has metier
advocated•i!, and4rever will.—He is in - favor
of a -judicious revenue 'Tariff, affording the
- dirip - leriiiiridiritet PROTECTION - - M.Ainerican
induslry.lllllllE IS THE ESPECIAL FRIEND
RON INTEREST '(l),those - tivo'grea,4 'objects
Psolfcitude Tilh Ppensylvania, and belieneing
rentneice igoire.laws to
,be `of incalcitlable
BANCE'. or ink `pligaENT TARIFF`"(!) ,
These facts we state upon 'the very best
authority, and caution the Dethocracy,of this
great Stale listening to,' the misrepre
sentation of: the coon's. The truth is, , the
stiorigmee of POLK and DALLAS belie struck
our enemies with, such d eep' ,oinsternation
make aa to ake,them des*rets in.feeling and:Tin;
seruputdeitttlie use ' 6 f'trieaPK" ' ..‘
• ,Suoh"ivas‘ wioke .the monstrous cairn
fication• or:Tidies iva/jsentigiontri.iespecting
the . ..Tariff,:whiciii Was: enne4teit tisr 'the un-.
ficil 3 PulOir Tc;iaii t d# lB l l ,i, 6 ,oes'in *0:-13atti
niere Convention ,; an d . vv ) hich„ , :lii,e, locofoco
leaders, of ; Peintsylvaniaoting , undo; 'the
dictation ainT;iiinagemoii - bt - th - dern - SSiithiri,
Free, ; Trader , and RTeia;:' eansfikators o Cleni
themselves`aa - itillini - eneservile , io I t o
iiiiiiiiTuinss'the,hopest•and;,eonfiding people'
of .PernisYllatila••• • , A , riiii. e - deliberate:Mid
nivei.israit , 'estnnoitted , and the daring
EnbluihtnckahWedwilk'sjideb It.Wen.,Stic, T .
'eistiftAii.,iiiiiseento,sfailae without iiim*Olfit
tqiiit aridml?linioltutitiviin lrite*Mbli'tite:
iici • OPl ' if.. thisnfri*F*b•r:
. ' 4 l B4 . .tliii PepPle
.of P 6 111314146 1 0'; is.miw, i;'iouo and felt ill;
~..' Bni:Wlnn' : :Will PeruisYlViniil . ao;49l*.thiii
'o4.'inateshavefidlen'frorri - ,ioi eyes I, '' ' , lit ,ii
'd etch iiiithe'SO*lo."4*ol4.ol.',C:iflOiri',
ogr#loo6i4;o"eY 116 :(!s . **,_ .:00 3 .0 0 "
derelciiiiept.Pilfh; tie oth!P'it,l,,,t4aliv-Penp-
*ylvan*loir*, , ,tliftii.oVATlipiaaj,Onict'lii,l,
lity,ferkinasi - :Wfteeeng;'iiiiid-tinii,tilio , wotn , -
o #l4i:fifo***C 4 lFOC'tA4o44 , 4l4-....nix,
' Pre*liiiot;'F4 3l 4 . Tenilsilvitii* , .% ' viaft
to-morrow give lii + o,''iO4 z•lftivi , ciii*,..
.i 4466 ' 1 .:1 4 .0 . '4 1 .:000 1 C 0 ~41,4,0,1*. -b ,
44 /04.0 0 * 1 4Piiiii**4 - Part4kaiiikiqk
liefi, , tik.-04 . 0f#*011'•1#40,pipte'oit•
iip,ii;::Ak 0 1 , 16 Wliiit. ;:f!it4 6 # o l l 3 '. 0 *l'd* .
ii'-oii.ioi:kiiiiittgiii#liki : '44 l. o4,kr4,o 4 # 4ll ,4*, '
,-,-..: ~ z - - -, ~ .1 4 ,- • ~ 4 i , ;-'ilZ` , ;" :44
' ' 'lP 4, 4 4 -gPiell' ,1 1 0i#' , Ifr:, Oil; Nunroe.,7,l
. o*, .0'4400 ii*lit . oiCCdkilri*,'oo',PW:
;Ishii i soiotgiiii:',#ko4-414;i41:',
AitAirook?viltiwikoio .
r.m.,..,,4.,' , *.v.,:0- ~,,, •'';,..
•1.,,i , 4-r...,,•!..,.ie,^,N . .ty1...
t'lik'erf;4'. :i. , ,t..ntVsig._;r4:'.!!:,'.4 ,. .Y".+PA.X.;if,;;;';' , :l.f.',.',', :,
-'l4l9n,4lomeeteretsilea at jrt . Aperti,p, la
' 041 , 4 4 11 *4-1 16 k-griO,kiiiiiikOltdiiiiti** -
her ekndidu rg.O.
:: 1 3 1 111 7 0.w
.titi:n).t*ill'et;ejusttryjbe ihat40 1 1.0,07.
,heap injorty 'upert , tnsalt, and Yet
her fa the hour:af peed tor a4pcirt
- -zI
,• .
onrll, -8 ! 4 5P11 1 . 1 ,t°,"! -
Sinatefetnitirrint ti golden.,
opmibns•';"by=,his--energetic,_bol'd"and-.ii do
Pihdenc'advricttcy of Pennsylvania' interests ..
fit the Senate while - Senator Slingeomseenis.
either too dulland heavyto form , arr opinion,
or too lazy to exprotiti ft; if hehibii:riny : TwO
or three mcideuts'ecCurred in the Senate de-
ItatiLleat_ week. exhibiting-the'- charaeletistici
of the two Men very elearly,as well as very
On Tuesday Mr. Cameron 'spoke at length
against ?,3,loCay?s, bill r and, as all.accounte
state,. with marked ability and; eloquence,
preeeisting a vwit , hriasr of facts and statistics
ti) . show how "ruininislytheLll4W Tariff bill
would fall-upon ou'r:ltoirand:tloal interests.
Oliver Oldschool says Mr. Cameron raised
frequent smiltis upon, the countenances' of
Senators, ly,tlie very plain manner in which
he,, talked 'to Mr. Dallas iiVout the manner
in Which they carried on the campaign , in Pa.
in . lB44, r preasing Mr. Polk upon the people
as a tariff men. Yeti and I, Mr. President,"
.aid Mr. C.._" remember the scenes of '44 in
our-state ;,p_the.---anziety.. that pervaded the,
bemOcratic party until the Kane letter made
its appearance. Th..t letter was seized upon
by the political leaders, was used upon .the
stump,. was translated into German, and
puhlishe4l-in -all our-party- papers,- -English
and German. It is 'not- too much 'to say,
continued Mr. C. that that letter turned the
scale 'end decided the Presidential election.
,iiut for it, you voider nornow be sitting where
yeti are, nor would Mr, Polk be occupying the
Now look on this picture, as presented in
the teport of Thursday's proceedings in the
Senate. Wegive it for the purpose of showing
how Pennsylvania is sn_lQtl_at and ridiculed
by " Southern nabobs," and solely because,
Wai; — 'gnitrittrd'ifireectskif taafida to such
poor things as
- Sturgeon:
Cameron 'presented a number of
Ditinberatic petitions against the repeal of the
Taritio and moved their - reference to the
Panting Cdmwittice.
Mr. Sevier (of 4rkansas) . said we had a
soda a- tianic here every, morning - about'
this_ tariff buiiness,:,ra sort of a Suneral dirge
- of - thosepensioners - at taking-away-the-bounty
we have allowed them.. No man who could
read, - but- knew that Mr - : Nis was a good
free trade. man. Pennsylvania to-morrow,
would vote the Deinocratic ticket again.
Mr. • Sarnagin asked Mr. Sevier' what;
construction lie put on the Kant. letter
replied that that - was a - free trade (
letter. All this.-petitioning from Pennsylvanis,
he said, was a mere jokes. •
that Sturgeon protested against the opinion
that the election in Pennsylvania turned upon
Mr. Si:might moved to.lay the petitions on_
the tab's, vi•hich Illation was lost, by yeas 21,
nays 25.
Mr. Jonn M. Clayton asked Mr. Sturgeon
whether Pennsylvania would have voted for
Mr. Polk if he had been kalown to be . in favor.
of such a bill
_es the one no* before the
CHEAV nottn.—.The st. Louis New Era,
of the-11th inst. — states-that a -lot of 300 bat
rela of good count!? flour Was sold at the low
pried of two dollars and 61 cents per barrel-
This; vie believe.- - is the lowest price that a
lot of good merchantable flour was ever sold
in the United States. Let the tariff be repeal
ed„(and we are afield it will) . and. new
Pennsylvania flour will - not command in our
- city markets ,more than 3 a barrel.
- {k7-The Harrigberg Telegraph learns from
Treasorar, Shoe , den'that the finer-est on the
pais]; kut pfedicti that if the - Nariff of 1842 . ia, years before Perin-,
Sylvania pays anotheriestalment. We think',
Kr:Great preparatioas areMakiot hy the
llilitary•of.Baltimore Cityi and of the whole
State of Maryland,• torpay suitable hoot& to
the memory of • Major IiTyGGOLD, whose re
mairis •,the "Eaile Artilterista".of Baltimore
are about lo.remove to that City.
The Il.enian Catholics:of Philadelphia ace_
making iireintratinna for, the, building ,On a
let on Schuylkill lith street; fronting :Logan
flquare, of a , Catfiedra'l4 . o6 a scale of great
grantlenr,and magnificence. : !
franklin County,.Pa:, las. just come inpap:l
session of an estate reft him hy. a 4oeeased
•• • t
uncle-in London, ' iulued' at one
Comer! con~lul
. , • .
ccitter i Tm)serjpt jifuk.'o.6itielo, Ole .concluiJisrb
'so much.' aF a ilass
York: Parltt -241 , 113, 43 cfr°
quite a ni*:) ) r settle ih
gli.rkka it : ^entiro l 3 l -desiraille
that they •• shoithi first in this cOuittry
wst) din/ ,• '; ; 4
''..‘ . (lteTt•Tie" 00d downi—Umbrella's am id
waYa,.o3lr9ilff Whent°'. it is; fililTgire49"'
It AI 'theii on open atutottut gamo efith them.,
• 02i1HTilo Arai YOrk &?nrier 4naii4iiire;
'bass an anieft;' po Ille etoect 'of thtrOsegon
iktlatYtn"whiabfAinno ool oo l , 6 4 l tlrPriOe: ..k.
eaYe thatthe o PVtiporitle ll 4oOubmi 44 64 40 the:,
t3entaifi'lilno T
nri„ 10,yttafot 11101'Moitle* and
Seoietary!ef.Stat ;n(orit totblielyjnaiatingthat
OW t i t l e M1)**1 1 0 1 0:4 ..003,3 0 4 *ttoPolear;.
andlnfietilV oo lß,V,theY'
etOOth)C9o l e, Nitiol ll .oPP , London 1 0 endeavor
NAO. pcir, Vl63l,ftjAoVeViiietC,P), .011 . 010 a
4 n-i tir i g . 4 9 itot, , koi l Vep ititbr i ßlitit ,
' k ch 'lO ,Wrpte'lui,4ignontive,lo4o,-
19.10 r4W - 440 , PO're4W . *ol, lia4 0 - 9 ilk
, be-Yaid. l o Mut padolcil , : rviciLloo. * oo, o°
'Oro l 3Pit?- 4 1, 0 1#44414 0 thrig0 ' l 4O l lOO/t
441,4 41 4 10 eii*P1u1t04 tqf , Pl t ..'
5440 i thefarett:ol , J. etratOtt4C%
e'lliYP thet# 6 PPliti*. - ' V
Nltatta4Opteile..;:*OA‘hall be glad tek. ee'p the
oditeiloontioriet mimed to publidiod.4 0 d:,..'
, ', 1, : , .L ,, i , r.: A.. ..__:',
;7,..: ~ c. , qN:.. 4,,rx.
ilintOf the -lit,.,h - lri4Ml3riXes:Sttritioio,ikitc'k
lent -,dnyilater,)adviCoe; thed:PreyieuslY'..:re:
the'ruitiouricereent‘that deputatnin frora the'
British navY.'sirriyed- at Pert of upon
1188 7ithteneral *ler, Catodatelto excite
curiosity- and'give-rise to in Uch".'speCulation:'
- -The Troops *ere' bciits , sentierMliol 41 1
last as the , means Of , transiPortation and the'
the . siratettry °old: apOW! ! '''''Tire
Andiett4ackson;regiineivt: le.for 'lteion;cisa
on the '9thi and ; -Colonel paviir ed'up the
rivet: briAlie - fOth instant:'.
An'. aEtisie iii thiflirtnerfean
13tij instant says ' that.breilk oontentiOils
oedasienally•brealt - cititbetweenihe ioluriteare
and' Mexicerts,'and ln• some Case s' gesttlt_ in
&edi t ' That Taper else states' that, Genellq
'l'aylotl .exerts himself to ?Pro verij'; peisons at-.
tachea,tethe Army.. 4 hem, disturbirig. the peece
of the citiienetifilthitamores. The Mexicans
are also.irgell by turnt to pay more attention
to keeping their citizens, in proper order; and
to repress the•rioteueproceedings of many of .
the Mexicans. — Some elCanales's man are
suppbsed to be larkiatiabeiit Mataminisi, ter
the purpose of rapine and Murder'.
Later from the Army
Advices from New 'OrleMut to tbe evening
of the 10th have been received at Washing
ton, 4ith letters frcktin Matamoros of July 3d
and sth. >
Gen. Taylor announced to' two of the regi
ments en the 4th, that in a lew days he would
.have boats to transport _them Ao.Camargo,
whence he would - put, them directly in-mo
tion fortllonterey,-nnd if they got no fight
befare thasummer closed, it wceld i not
his fault.:
Theimpere of Texas and Matamoras are
full of detdils of the celebration of the 4th.
The. rams were holding up. Some sickness
prevailed, -mostly bowel complaints. The
measles had appeared in Mark's regiment,
and several men were down -with the com
--- Mr. D. E. Gray 'had arrived' at Reynosa
froin the upper COU niry, by Way of Monterey,
and.reported the Mexicans very apathetic m
regard to the war. -
• Five hundred Mexican volunteers at Mon
clova had refused to serve , on hearing of
Taylor's victories. •
Some disaffection among the Louisiana
V,olunteers had appeared, but it would be
- settleddidiffne been refered - to Gen. Smith.
The wounded and sick were' doing well at
-Trenuthe-N.=O: beimmtreitii 'Times; .July -40,
-One Day Later from the Army.
The—steamship -Alabama . arrrirel - here
yesterday evening from Santiago, w•iib
datjs to the 10th-inst., one daylater than re
ceised yesterday.
The Court Martial in the case Captain
Thornton terminated on the 15th ult.,.4nd - the
general impressibn is that he hal, been ao
The proceedings, however, will not be'
made public until they have Peen approved the. President at Washing.
ton. One passage of his reported defence
has been commented 011 with admiration
by all in the camp at Matamoras. He said
that in the performance of the act for which
he was tried, rashness or preoipitanoy we
believe, he did not see the number of the
enemy. All we saw was the Mexican flag
waving over American soil, and he was
wilittl2 to risk his life-in an attempt to cut it
It is eaidibat there are some nmisaries a.
bout Alatamoras that are endeavering to' in
duce such of the Mcetican soldiers who
were wounded in the engngements on the
Bth and '9th of May, and,hav,e recovered, to
rejoin their regiments at Monterey.
The troops are in fine health, and eager
for the campaign now openirrg. The river
is falling rapidly, from Reynosa downwards.
The Seventh Infantry were supposed to be
at Camargo on the 7th inst., and no doubt is
expressed that Colonel Hays's command,
Tram San Antonia, has joined theft' there.
There' has been no account from McCul
loch's Rangers since they passed'Reynosa
on the 7th inst.; it is imagined • front the
well. known daring' character of that officer
that •he has penetrated as far gs Monterey,
reconnoitreing, or, acting„lnv. the, offensive,if _ finap flak occasion tempting or the
disparity„noi,iwiik.grelt i fit the Ritual() which
lie _may find' himself
.cipposed. • '
Hamm papers, received yesterday by the
'lope Howes; iontain the Mexiconuewi Or?.
ded there:by the British Mail Steamer, ivitich'
had arrived from Vera Cniz. The Spanish :
steamer' Flour'de"• , Lis , had arrived from , Sac
06i:us,' with late Vera Cruz papent..
The passengers etate.thot it was the Inten
tion of.the- United Statee,scpiadfon to
San Juan de s tiloa on the 10th of July: - 'gen 7
orals Arista 'and Ampud ia had' been:;.ania to
the Capitol. , yhe:kir ( rtr:haritifieu tried for
ibendoithigllllatanierest.lvhiie he had
a',ards or, 40901ml:fps Under,Ais. oommend,
and dismisier 4ronilds.tiommencl 'of
0 0 Mbi°
his: fallow,',°poldie`,rs~ oxpteseitig' his regret for
itii:Misfortaintsrand — ussuring - them' that; hti
prayers' will be offered up to the Grid pi lig-,
ties for theiryieldritind-success,in,'Oery
gagainent which , theylinicy, heyo!mith the
common onomT-;...,,. - : .!::\:/....,. •.'4'::
The nelith ritetehaut .
brig Cecelia, from
CaOizi. anchored: at hiie lartie.'ilifi 20th ult.
th's attempted, to pass lets Yea, Critz.,ilts
Prineeirm first) s eenple of tiltink.shots*.ber
es a potace thatshe. was not to be• pernutt
te:pt ; Sia
.; p4;,:A obeys& gun , „wail then ; fittil,
, Whieh'4uickli'hiouglihisi.helist4iiiiv v e
then lay te,ited'tha,,Xrilieeto. kil,moer'„bNit
pit'bsSi4 )4pir'itT,too , o - '401•04,*0104 4 04;
Islarl.ltWei l ite'pe;t4lthat4it'Atse(l r elln.
brig of • • '''Y was . , fir kdiriiiiiii* of %AA. "
1 ..;,... 1-? .?Xfr , -f ',..,...i;.'
' ' ' W o :lne * io l o4ol,o 6 bl.?o#o ll oc7:gvii.
0 4 4 . "iidt0:qint 4 t 4 40, 1 4 4 : 4 4;%;/5AtO 1 44
ilßaiiiiiOtthiO,Ao, l otVq . ::'io:
wk:z.-e-:—L,-,-/-- - ~:,4 :;::,- , .:!:::ic:,',;,1:- . ..'
: , : . .ter,;#0 , 414 . 44 , ,.i.v00 ''filds.,l)f9. 4 4 , f* l 44'
. ' , #aliiP i l"W 4i - eaill 'i u lf.° lo, no,os..e4oiil
4,4*.10 , G4-Nilifi)-t,a1,63 44 0 0 4 *
Mhtfilfirk4(ititY4-44.6:08:'*,0NPIPTIf #1
:n r A A,11401 : 4 *F 02, 0g0 ,11 #14 1 4 - 1401100. !i
*ck 1. 4?1,' , 1t ' .1.04 . 0 4, 04 1 P , win, lew 1'
?0,4100i4Y16) o +4 ,4 = l *( , ;4osiA. o
vtiO s tliotw,44) , o6olol'o4lo4? ' " - e()S 'tk
commanders ,'ar ', • oo , pitOPlio.ooo94
§p49 1 44- . .fpioictzgvitw l, o4o . - , ir . „. , ,ipp .,,,
~,,,p,,,, , .....::r, , ':i. ,1 .,' , 1 -., .." - ,
'''tt ' o" 4l *,.#o , *fk i ptut pii'
iiidj.o 6 7*. 4 4*AlgYV:' ,- -., - 4
,;;;„. ;',, ~,, „,',i,:' , , ; ,;•, ti ~i „ ft, ; :, , ,,,,; , ,A '-':::' ,' ^ ' , 1 :•,! ,' 4
113tOpitt 1 ht) 0 since . I ,ates VV. HilidhrY
rt4 4:4L130 -lii e j- 0 - 0 17ravatetLI:nilr3
a tipaltatei..frgm
,MaineutiKtlfe-tetutti -
610A0Lracieni404 , 1:
thete,litta-b,,Weh, g r ft' -,t .Pate1# 8 .. 6 1483,'1f nothing'
'hltiVelection, 'and
that . ,l l ,infacti'9le 4, etoOd:initi.: , ntinerity of the
"faton,signid Ay fifly-thtee.Whigai. to :the ef
feetthat they • vote&for George - Evans, was
:Pr,esented.. But', forty-nine , toted - *ere „re::
•turned for- Mr;.Evans;•:and - Mri , ,bligtion f oi •
Bath, stated that his , 'vote had 'net been ru
corded, tboagh he; had, found his ballot the
next morning' on the table'ai• which, the ter
lens: hid - counted the ;votei:. -"ft , rappearedi
also, that • the tellers reOise wit
other's county and,The were
Bald, *ill reSign".::
- - snLinn, Juno 20th 18_44.
My.opinione,, such; sia. they
,are;: .l. l(aiil been `
quite at, h`Ooly i - ,;:er.iiiisfisa4 - ar,' (tie 'Satith;
.tial ,'
ever` uttered thorn' of ilia 151.4 li. - i'l h ave etkri .
where maintazne4,' that 7 ,it 1 ,1 -. .itislifie ,a: Irgy . • •
fir re 6 en,os, - idistriinineiione--' girt-.! to ;-",,be nia e
for:ReoWion:::ll4theZtri:k . of :1842 has °p
otato:1.1,1101i lieneftMlly, , lnd,lhat 1 AM ..UT- •
'TERLY: - .-PPfOSED:I, - 2 ,,T,0i.P1TS ~ ,REPEAL •
Thefie'opiptonik,yos47onounped" . !q . .rne, , .at '
.finhli4i ,- Ineetingeo•• • .- •,itAisilisqnst,' , GeOrßa,
'Charleston in SCI ,
O lin's' -„and ':in Atirgin
1 ia. - - •,,'', k ." v- '. lP. ' ' 'f: :' ' . '..? ''''' '
1' ' Yodi friati'o,,an . . 4 .; serv't , , ' 'F. CLAY. '
Mr FRED J COPE' •PA (:". , r ; .., ,• . ,
'Citpirinati e nifiereiel
lbi elites that iM,Tliurs
day last, .one cif the MisitiniL
7th street , between.Synaniore and Broistilwayi—
went to market, 4eturned home, and-died,.
as is supposed,: ..tigimitie,pfteets , Of th e heat,
soon eller._ On Friday, -the- k& een sister
itfthe.same manner f a„fter, returning from the
funeral,- Ori".Saturday' the third ”biater'died
in the carriage while - attending . the funeral
of the - se spier. The Mother of the three
young ladies was taken 'sing in the carriage
and-, returned ;home., These yonng ladies
were alt in: apparent lealth_ioihe,tirne _ of
- th - eirdtTitE -- TheY were tailoressps and man 4,
tuamakers. This calamity - so sudden—so
unacountable-,-has created ` . great concern
in the minds - c7 - the peeplii" living in the
neighborhood:l. ' -
(* . Captain John Page, of the: V. States
Army; who distinguished himself and was
terribly wounded in the battle of the Palto
Alto,-died on the 12th instant on board the
steamer—Missouri, 011: ) 4 iis• way from
New ,Orleans to - St, Louis. His remains were
taken to the latter city for interment. .-
wife and-family, as.also - a medical iitiendinit,
were with him al the thiwTof his death: He
was a native of the State of Maine, and en
terecl*the,army_ as a second lieutenant in
- • •
. They are exhibiting , hi - Boston . , a Cbild
With two:heads._-.The,4oungsteeSt-be
we to do in - the - world, 'as one
head-is „ thought.4o, w:pietty-gtioa- provi
sion, but the- proverb sayer. ,4 two.heads are
better than one.', -
. •
The St. Louie Papers announce the death
of Capt. John Page; ofiheAthinfantiy, lately
wouridetl , enAtiebatiles .en the Rio Grande.
We died on the 13th instant, on board the
steamboat. Missottri.:on his way to St. Louis.
His . remains 'were taken to thin city for inter
ment. His wife and family*were with him
at the hour of his death:
We learn from the St. lags RepubliCan ,
that the St. Joseph's party'a migrants for
Oregon, vzho • left in' 1845 . , endured peat
hardship on their ledious journey, bring out
forty days more than usual. They lost 75 of
their number by death. They were often for
days without water, and short of provisions,
.Whieh brought ori W • hef is Called iho " camp
fever." '
Caleb Mel!illir, 'further Clerk of the T.'
S. 1101/8e of :RePreeentatives, a private in the
Young GuardEr of Moiln Veiton,‘Obip, dies
on - beard% the :eteautbon't ..AlhOmbra; 'on the
10th init. , ' • • •
Sitextco.—Gen. Taylor, received Iroin
thpildeiicon.GOiernmentsl*Jeto'Ve apprb
priated to ”thtiieick ~ and titoOdded ' Mexicat
soldiers camp. •
The, Ohio papers and, tkosp•:6l Western N
York t3peak' of:abuatirintharyests. in Geor
gia, also, there Intii.bearr a,fine arop of wheat
and eiim and cottonattittirninally.promising
. ton ,tha . :§thiriOunt;. biltik - Rev'. - .Heory Au
rend, ::-.. M r , ,, ,WJE;v4ar. . -.W.1-toi:tat.iic, .to Alis
'4l7.4.arirti•Lititxr;..tooili of this plaee. ..-
On the .26tti' hist; by. Rub
,the e,. Alr, , Giiorto
I'. HURRAY, to Miss -,,EL.IZAIi.ETII BAIL"ER, bot
ot.ittie. , Olace. . L . - .. ~...- ... .
On Thuo•dhy the 16th instant, by Lewis I-
Williatits,, Esq: ) '' A atilt kW' 'CONCAAAt t 4
MISS SIiftAX#MI:,T.Fit,NAFIIO%, of'Big:,Sprin
township;i,C,tipbedatid, dOifitty. . .
-,-. J 0,-Al i ie::,bo o4 ll i . i':° o 4 l 4 6 iiiiiii-JOOntim
dep:,liiitailAtaufttitni, aged about 90.yeat
Getierilifyiiia nalike'rof,the North Of In
Med; but. kit 'the ], aft seventy yours; had be(
'a -tteideat ot thiti`borOito,.,,•: : ;.;., ',..-. .. • •
- ': . NetiC;the * ; , . B iiii)h3it' S_PtiOge;.iii - N or t h Ali
Alla ';
, i)Witeliip . - - Alr.". - tlaittor Btioiviiiwai. - .
ag .:.
in ibe.. - ;Blatti . " -:4 4i:Viii74 ' aiuishirir, a . she
iiiiie,p4oiAlii ItUaWai.t . p, - •Faxatcu,'Pritteip
Of. the =Cpaitieiltso.diXeitt.l einy-iH'Pl.ewaiillet7 , - -
. . I n;Viippenediurg,_,.isn . tbliniday*eiti4 IF
i . Oth.:ipetatit; , Mrs.-Etti o i,.S.. Rosisodr4; Ouse :. i •
of. Alp. 4;.-.14:-.4Obilteu j ia.ti l e'
.4,lg'year - Ofh, r -
lage;f: ?"1.'..r.:J..,- , .:' . '',i,','-•::. , :.....,.' , .' . ... ! ., : .r*,.. : '.:,::.
- . -- 16 - SiidkepOrticin - thiti - „Ociuriti;-.6o , llolaiida 7: -
itiUt,'Alf‘'..RouattiJC 'CUititat s (Liinl*Mp , -
uhaacYaged ittiptfi6.jeaitt:' ~.-:;:-.4., ,,; ,-
. 04 :AVediieith i efi ii . 4 i . Catt'bi**ttlotir '
:ol Haritilte.Oitiii,tOwpabik;;Aditaikagaob r Oh, _
Thi,.olt)iairid: liiii. age.:., --The dectilifittr'serv-.- '
:0, 08 '.4.00. 11. Autog;ORi;.liOgg.iii,Aif In a e.• -.• •
lieoleoC'fi; god:Avid :19 li.:iii)oAidl4lo9.wit-•',.
itta i kthOglOripliilralita:Oftellidujitutetiffet-- ..' .
itip:00t0,01M3Y , 100o)Olf aulkitoolltott.iciti,.
AirriOidtitisil ilOttianr;=3litill#: • - -
_. ,:o i litl Aii ii Oiiitiai.iitiiiikaaiiiiiiiiii r .'i44,...,, L otVr.,. , ,ike::.-1_
uottsicuenechusieeei aropiuratimiyttlittolullOhilmf. ,'
Antis. pu_to)t___4. - houit.'of.i!;tivuooaaoutil '• ot.v . iiiv-
IisIeipriAIATAIIIPAY, the /st , of , Ausinnipitt , F. 161 ,r ~
A. lif ti, end- at Mender/ tool. :blind, le o , eeffielee„ . „lo.l - g,
HARVEST ./ 1 91414 , 1 e 10'01°44 4,Ysy'Mti°F.•
401,erellt are toped toad eed, , , .-:,,,, ~ ..,.,, .'4. r '..' .
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