Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 22, 1846, Image 3
MI /2 Nta), , Abutrtionnento : 1 orE4lidi lilinbOland Road. • " - i HE perscins who are appointed Corinnis sioners in the Charter of the YORK AND CUMBERLAND RAM ROAD' COMPANY, are hereby notified-to meet at tho Washington House, in the borough of YOtti 3 On THURS DAY, the '234 of July, ittiqi . aoo .o'clock, A. M., for the purpose, of taking-the necessary measures tor opening.the books otsubscrip 7 Hon for the stock of said'Coraparty. Williarn.ll • Robert Nebinger, - A. J. Glossbranner, George ,Chris',. John •Hough, _ Robert.K. Church, Jacob Emmitt,-... • Andrew PatteMon, Michael Doatle),4 . Robert Bryson, Ramsey,, , • Lewis Hyer, Robbit 4, Fisher; , . Hyman Longenecker William Patterson, 1m Day, • . • Thiimes C. Hamblyi• Adam Belida, Martin Cott!, A. H. Van Hoff, ' Miller Hays, •Michael Hoover, Samuel G. Kister, -Frerick Watts,. . hn At Woodburn, James Starr, • J ob M. Haldeman, Jacob Miller, • "Valentine Hummel, Benj. H. Moaner, Simon Cameron; Jacob Kirk, J. M.G. [.secure. John Rankin, *, July 22, 1546. ATTENTION! • The Carlisle'•lndependeut Artillery, WILL parade on SATURDAY THE IST DAY OF AU .ust NEXT,at 9 o'clock, A. M., at' the Court House, for inspection and drill. By order of • JOHN F. HUNTER, Captain. Ca lisle, July .22,1946. • - -N - .-11.-Att-Election will •be.held on the same day, between the bours . of 10 o'clock, A. M. and C o'clock, P M., at the public house of General Willis Foulk, for the pirmose of eked ig one SECOND LIEUTENANT for said company.. By orilefof the Bridle inspector. VALUABLE FARM & FACTORY AT I'UBLIC SALE. On Saturday the 31st October next, , WILL bc - exposed to public sale, on. the premises, in South Middleton township, Cumberland county, about .4i miles South of Carlisle, the vatuable,Fram and Factory, known as , "Milo Factory," with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging.- Said Farm is situated on the Yellow-Breeches-creek,adjoining-lands-of William ;Craighead, deeensed,.Sasituel-Keene,- and Jacob Sheaffer. The land is of first-Tate rniality, - and to arittate-of thorough_cultiiation._ The improvements .are a large • TWO S CORY DWELLING' HOUSE; -commodious BANK BARN, and all the. necessary out ipuildings,. together with a thriving orchard of choice fruit. There is also a very considerable_ growth of young Locust trees on the place. The Factory is o substuntialittone bitildirtgi7s - fect. deep by 38 feet wide, and affords ample fact. titles fur the most extensive operations. It has now a large and Increasing custom in the man. ufacturo of woollens, and to an enterprising young nilnufact firer holds out inducements of the most advantageous character. The Farm and the Factory will be sold together or. sepa rately as may best suit purchasers; At the same time and place, will be sold a Tract of Mountain-Land, containing foramen Acres, more or less, nt thriving chesnut timber. Sale to corpinence at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, when attendanceand terms, which will be reasonable, will be made known, by :JACOB F. DOOVER. Juiy 22, 1846.—t5,. _ ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Ur virtuo'of an order of the Orphans' Court -Ks of Cumberland county, will be sold or, the premises, on SATURDAY the 15th day cif Au- gust next, at 12 o'clock, M. of said day, the following real estatd, late the property of Dan.' iel Guymon, deceased, to wit i That certain Lot or Tract of Land, situate in Frankford township, in said county, adjoining lands of Samuel. Fry,.George Draw bough, McDowell's heirs, and David Ernest, containing 21;117111NIMIT AGAIN and allowance, more or less, of good , slate lend, bout four acres thereof are woodland, and.the remainder cleared and in cultivation. The inaprovelnents are, a two STORY LOG HOUSE,: a LOG BARNt ft and some out buildings. There . „ iT is a well or good water near the kitchen door, and ,a young thriving apple or. chard of choice fruit on the premises. The terms of sale are—Ten per Cont. of the purchase money to be paid an the confirmation of the sale and the residue on the let 'of April next when possession will be given. The grain in the grcund or to be put out this fall is re: served., Purchase money to be scoured 'by Judgment: ABRAHAM GAY MAN. Guardian of the children of the said . Daniel Guymon July 22, 1846.-4 w. A Valuable Farm, wincl,geste'r;;Piiginfeir9 ; , : . :# 1 .0*.15.:44..: . *.; 131 Y the will ot , the lite NV. Sttilther Janie; hie 11,11-exeentoriceie dttacted•to'celC that portion. 3f the'Tan6luee'r.eitie,'! belted the ' , VANCE ibetic 2 miles South . of.Newtown, and ithoiit, 10. from Whicheitter, the Chief inarket'tefro ,f the Valley ,of Virginip. • t — gT - 3cd7tir - SIESTC , NE",I4A.NP, -- chtT3 7 - - ‘, .ItiTitehe!.(pek, - vialinut, and hick eiy.),:.,4baa been;. • •Udiciously cleared, ~eo „that; the. '..: l N.ondland, , ia,verY, convenient ,to tho roil t--ut.tho '„, Parrn. - ,,, The cleared landln in fine ~ fh reting or. tior' s 'thoireator . prirt cifit hningireci.fron? rooks. Ibrlaro 'ond a iro uto;ocul -, moat orthe fieldo,being well Oct in clover-and orchard, gran t ... The fencing is inferior perhaps in fhb valley, =din tlfiriiiii*lOastioryandlenoral,4rninge - went of the liirni , Will 'condone:advantageously ,wlthany_nther:',', , Thohnildlnge ari indifferent. .., ; (except tho barrt)•bet are beautifully in a fine . grove, in the _ Contierqt:fit trant ~Orini: ', - TiniiindiriErt;'newi,or elotr'solitit..;,449aiii:iii, L _Le.h uj kor : opoiti,llooo trees is gro wing near the .nhouse4l'; 'Wald. ji oupplied,...b3 . 0 :: wo w w hie h , 1.-never failed before i tho unusual drought'oflB4s. ••••• \end by, a numbor•df pond.' whiob , furnishod 1 n ~, •- obundance Of 'water oven than. ,- i, Churches - end Oseheoli,z - dillli; fontanel. 'atOroa •and -tifechardos ~of alliorta,iboinialtiithe: - Nialnityftbp ., psigh... borhOcidlielrit,tldikty settled by, a‘thrlity,'lri `,,, :dootiVied ~Orderi.V,liopulition, 'The tract' • - nlii" ' l 'l'' inf" each ila' it ,•' 2 %01..,....f „Iv.a ott into ; two , fit vi i yin • ftlif !''• cfiil otifend a dqiintipqtiOn'oftitribil, - ''': '' ifitettotllng . .prlvotnk,' and •Will'• be - gl ad f ul. `',' 'tl'.. ire j `efFors; but trnot-sootier,;dliposed of ''' ' . I.'llll ' be ;1 101 4 11. * the t wiOdia via t ally& 77'a - .lo4lr;Vtlifititldet itirr it itiblicr,inic •'' . : t O,On'tha,oiorribilis;tbilfiATTYßDAy tge. gi,,thr I '#),, YAFPOte;)oeii. , firiV: l ,7,ThOliags. *PI be 003' ~ .r, 1," et pdipgipip4stiriz, 3 .,..'npo)7,,4o,lt...l3: , 'JifiON, ":6P40 , '9 0 0 .41 0 0 4pt so* . lril 3 i4oliolViiiiheito,, , r,„.,1,, , , , ..5 . ,„;,(.&.4:. - it•tliNf_V:niiltrill`hVg;if.:(' yag . Eo l* . t' lo A'Y 4 ik o , orw Nl : V 4 l , .. ,ls J V o :3 i 4:o o 4 ti .. Z .4 is e f li;',,v . ,i , i i, ... , ; 1411; 1846:-8*,:,_ , Af1 - it% , • p• ,'. : ,-.:,',.:::,,:. ~ :,.., :..2: ; ,) ~.,, .ir ~, , 5-',;,'-. ~. . . ~ •."-e ~ `':'..l:ll-ei*.f:,),itt,40: .s.• . . ILL b 'i talti at pub7leoulery, in tbe bot'ough_ , V • :of bjElyviLligic(mbeiriahcroounlyi on. 1.12.11)X11. 7 ., .the 21st ..tbly 'of., , Atenst, next, the It vtintfleeeribeg '.oo7.l.oT,lute,tbe property al•J+Seik ; :thatiniti . :tleitteett, sittitite• Neteton• townebipinbOUt tlitet74fnehthe mile W e i( ilreatboce! . - . ,nttyried borouglt,.boutittett of. liebert3ltlitantinne;'..laeob; 1 50:19.0. 01 tti. lisUiiiiiiillitheitontitiniti7 • -.--- '-' • - IldrtOtintr-AO,rerand- • Balla,to.anrooerien to. 2 o'clock, P. M ., . of !said (Jay,. when attendance' will be given, and (Cigna • made knoive by JACOB BURKHART ; Executor. 22,1846.-Bt. • • C EAPEd THAWEVER. 'TRW subscribers have just returned from the IL East with another large assortment of Mer chandise, consisting of Dry Goods, .GrOceries, Hard ware ; Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Ste. Ike. 'which they are' prepared to sell at their usual .cheap rates. We vespectfullYinvito imr friends .and the public tb give us a • • July 15. • - GRAY St SON. • , • • N. THE DIMINO. GAP tiOLPHR• Sm:Tao:1)10. - ci ATION, will hold their fi rst • nnual eleotton at the Springs, on SATURDAY 11105th instant, at o'clo ck . , P. MOO elect a*Peesidentand Trest7 surer to serve for one year; and three Managers, one for one year, one t h r two years, and one for three years'. Punctual attendance is rognested." A. L. COYLE, Secretary. Newvilleduly 15, 1846: • •. - • Spirits of-Turpentine ' oj e ARGE stock or Spirits of Turpentine ust received, which will be add as low as it can possibly be bought in O/lisle. July 'IS. - S. WJAOTT. LAST NOTICE. i n i N,tlie first day of August next, all the onset lled notes, accouets, Bro., oldie late firm of NORTH k MYERS, will be left with William Crawford, Esq., for collection. All persons knowing theinselves indebted to. said firm, may rime - costa - by calling-on A. J . North-before-tha time and makipg payment. • J. R. MYERS.. Newville,July 15, 1846. `A. Penns! saved is a Penny earned.' 911111. a4oi> i e motto may be well applied, by A calling - tt GRAY Ez SON'S and purchasing some of their "Shoes and Boots." They have just added SO cases to their former large stock, and can safely any to persons in want of the arti cle, that in purchasing of them, they buy nothing but a "Warranted" article, on which they run no risk. • GRAY k SON. July 16,1146. - - TURNIP SEED. HAVE just received from Mr. Landretli4 a I large supply of TURNIP SEED, warrant. ed of this year's growth. July 15. S. ELL IOTT. Ul2 Q 9 6ES trc.zr ak• A large and cheap isrortment.of Hosiery, A Gloves and Mitts, for sale by July IS. GRAY -& SON. • MUSLIN& A new lot of Muelins; consisting of 6.4, 5-4 fabrics; far sale at the cheap 'store of ...July 15. ' - GRAY ISt--SON. LADIES' FANCY GATTERS. A LOT'ofbenufiful fancy full aralialf Gaiters, -I. price vtu 7 ying from .97i to $1 45. just received and for sale by GRAY* SON. N s en's Shoes for Harvest. WO cases Men's coarse Brogans, Mice from T 75 to $l 00. For . sale July 15. j 'GRAY 4g SON. L7AQ4Q., Ia SZY's few pieces of Lawns just received and IVA fur sale vary low, by July 15: GRAY .5- SON. Notice to Contractors. PROPOSALS will be received at the o ffi ce of the HARRISBURG BRIDGE COM- Y, until Wednesday, the nth day of Au gust next, at sunset, for the re-building of that pall of said bridge between the borough' of Harrisburg and Poster's Island, which propo sals shall state the plan and price thereof. The person-whose proposal ihall. -be admipted will be entitled to the use of the stone remain. ing of the two abutments, and five piers upon which the wood work of the old bridge was built. By order of the Board. July 8; 1846 - SECOND' ARRIVAL: - Boots; Shoes & Slogans. g UST received a fresh assortment of Men's Y and Boys' Calf & Kip Monroes . Ladies' ii. •. Kid and Morrocco Slippers. Misses and , Children's Gaiters 6r, Kid.BOots, • . ' black and fancy colored. Also, Kid, Morrow), Linings, &c. &a. For ... sale wholesale or Mail, at the lowest prices. ..Call at PORTER'S Shoe Stoic. opposite the Methodist Church.. • - • Carlisle, July 8, 1846. Pamphlet Laws. Prothonotary's Office, . . , - Carlisle, July 2, 1846. THE PAMPHLET LAWS, passed at the Session of 1846, have been received at this office, and are now ready for dalliers- to tholes entitria Ao receive them. W. M. BEETEM, Proffity! A Teacher Wanted. THE` Board of ,school Directors ef the Bor ough of Mechanieiburg, Cumberland coun. ty, PS. will receive proposols for a competent Teacher,,, any time between this date and the let or. August next.' School term 6 months.— Salary twenty-three dollars. School to , com: mence.on the 14th day of Sepiember next. • • 'JACOB WEAVER, Prost. ink DAY. Secretary.. ' -•- • July.B, 18464 . „ . • Assigneeship - Accounf: . , • E,E4ssigneeship—Aeeount,or—Atlitro-6ougs • ir,f, Esq. And Samuel Semicolon, Assignees o .David,Elinkle•and Elizabeth his wife, having been presented, to the Eourt of. Common' Pleas of Comberlapd county, said Court• have apOointed . ihelfint,lo4.? of • the August yerrn, .184,6;f0r the final psstag . ittiaTiOnfirrnation ot.-the same, and ruhi on ail enneern'e.l to atmear and oho v, cause; jr , ..any.,they; have, why said- aeoeunt olioll • not be oenfirmed.4 the said.S.lourr. , ~• ; W,--111:-BitEtE111;-Proth' .Prothohotsry's Office,Earlisle, Julr,B 1846. J.: Nti)nikt...Thiorrieioliitoit he hitssusceitu ife:tr froin the eitleo,siud tio* plfeehrig tite,;... *ges t . sAnscirtmdtit or • • DRUGS. .11Q0K8,4!" .01148 i STAttOptARY, • • :AND, ' 4 1 Ininonecable ancv:Articlo,Cietbrouklit to Car l liale,_whicklni_affittcli;nt:-Iltie.oslo-LLOW.;;Ag-- to ANTONIIIII4 Aimee, :WM, aro curious' in that: wile—, Just call for:the antosonlent of- t4a.iliinsc'• • 1. w /1 4, j 9SIPVY & PL GLOVES: , ; n. store of subscribe r J• 40i tie Aiiis nt,citteray IRVINE, , ir., • . , A) ,! • • DItIMEAUDAR MIRED DANS, dr;• wed .lotlgot,ll), hod ahem ^7' r 5 : 4i CROOKS. NO. I and 2 14010m1;01filibly'rel fors iileibP;it;e',s t 11; `:"." :FRESH? , k 111160 A 41.78.1r)RECEIV,ED;14fri0 Aptilt4orlzoltii; ;o'i nob' ae•OrangeßY DPITioR!L. 1 11 1 ;4 11, 1 1 4 11 11` , 104 itte by ulzmitooKso, ,,, dri n i vA l4 hlaii stud for, • . `~;.;'_ • A Lot of Ground in.llogestown, bounded by John M. Martin on the west, an alley on the north, John FireoThl on the east, and the Carlisle and Harrisburg turnpike road on the south, ctintaining.s2 feet in fronland about 2JO feet hi depth, having thereon erected a one and a altstory-HOUSE,Fraine_Kitchenli.:Sliaip,-and a Pnime.Stable. Seized and taken it, execution as the property of John, flitkirq ! • A tract of land, situate in Dickin son township, bounded by lands of John Peckert, John leleFaelane, William Carroll and others, containing 15 Acres and 14 perelris, neat measure, having thereon erected a one and a half story Log •HOUSI.I, Stable, &c. Seized and taken in-execu tion as thepropertrof-Francis•Smith. • - • A half Lot of Ground, in the Bor ough of containing .30 feet in front and .249, feet in depth, bounded by William Spahr on the west; Mayberry's heirs. on the east, Locust alley on the nortli,and Louther street on the south, having thereon erected a two story HOUSE, Etc. Seized and taken in execution as the . property of John C. Gilmore. _ All his interestin.a tract of land- in Mifflin township, bounded by lands of David Ferguson, Mary, 'Lenney, Andrew Middleton, Thomas Elliott and others, containing 12Q acres, More or less, having thereon erected a two story log HOUSE, log Barn, &c, Seized and taken in execution as the property of John_ . . AIL the interest, •(being the 12th part;) In a tract of land situate in Newton town ship, bounded, by lands of the heirs of Samuel Wild, HenryKindix,-_-.--.Bowsoid others, con- taming 1.33 acrecritore 'or less; hosing' thereon erected a large two story stone HOUSE, 'tone 'Bank Barn,and other-improvcinentailkci Seized and taken•in execution as the,property of Rickard Ruth. • The one 11th part of a tractor land in Mifflin township, bounded by lands of John Shullenberger, Peter Weaver's fieire androtiters, containing ROO acres, more or less; having there on erected a doubts one and a halt Story log` HOUSE, loglJarn,fic. `A - tract of land in said township, containing.twenty-three acres, more or less. A tract of land in Hopewell, town ship, bounded by lands ofJohn Heberling, Philip and David Hawn, Levi Diehl anil'ochers, contain ing 230 acres, more or less, having thereonerect ed a two story log HOUSE and Kitchen, Dank Bartt,and other impiovements. Seized and taken in.execution as the property of Joseph' Hoover. All the interest in a L'Ot of Ground on the south side of NLin street, in the borough of Mechanicsburg, bounded on the north by stud street, on the east by P. Wontlernab on the south by an alley, on the west by widow Bowman,con taining 48 feet in front, and 200 Let in epth, more or loss. Two undivided seventh parts of a tot. - rif ground, situate 'on the smith side of street, in the borough of Carlisle, F.SAlnliell on the north by said street, on the' east by a. Frame House and Int of Sarah Armor, on 'the south by a 20 feet alley, on the west by . a house and lot of James Noble's heirs, containing about 30 feet in front and 240 feet in depth, having a two story -stone --HOUSE and -Kiteiken -thereon erected.— Seized slid taken in execution as the property of Edward Arum.. A. lot of Ground . ' situate' in the borough of Carlisle,bounded by Pomfret street orth• north,;by si-lot of - Mrs. - Williams On the east,:•by Chapel Alley on -the south, and a lkt of N.'Schuchmarn ihr the west, containing AO feet le breadthmild 240 feet in diirethinore or less, hav ing thereon erected a tag ^ HOUSE 'and Kitchen. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jacob Cart, deceased. A tract of land situate in Nliffiin township, containing• 75 acres, more or less, hounded by lands of Soloman Shaw, Samuel MitiGaw, David Whistler and John Miller, hiv ing thereon erected two one and a half story log HOUSES, log Barn, Blacksmith Shop, and other Improvements. ' ' J. WALLACE, Secey A smtill tract of land situate in said townshtp;boundetilY lands of Peter Jacoby, David Britiker's heirs and others. .containting . ls stereo more or lets, about two acres of which are. cleared and the residue in timber. Seized & taken in execution as the property of John Eneminger. A tract of land situate in South ampton township, bounded -by lands of She Car lisle Bank, Foglesonger and otters, containing 10 and one fourth acres. 'more 9r less. Seized add taken iu execution, as the prOperty of Jacob CEppinger. A two story Lo House; 18 feet i n . front and 30 feet in depth, on the ground or land owned by Henry Oeker,sduate in Dickinson town ship, bounded by - rands of Ti'(. Miller, .Esq. Galbreath Ege,, John Aufd, and others; anti so much ground immediatelyadjacent:and belongirfg to, as may lie necessarytor'tbe ordinary and ,use nil purpose! of said building: Seized and taken' • ty of, erg. . . . . A ,tract 'ofland situate at .Sterrett's . . . . . Gap','ln Nardi Middleton towesidpi in the comity , of .Cumberland; Find NMI& toWtiarips of, Rye and Darrol r in'the imuitty 'of Perry i nnd State °Mem_ - booded-stitollowsrto4it-t— ' BeginikinO-p t-aost, thence by lands ofJacobSailor'sheirs,north7S Imes, east 180 perches to atones; lorth 21 degrees; ,what 19 perches td a Whileoak; north 61i:degrees: as 211-' erehes to , a 7 Oct ' earth 85+:0 _; reoe;•_ plielEvtrtue'of sungiy. *O t ani Veaditionl. Expo'. nits, , Lniato . Paolo; and-Pleri }:nelas‘ twat° nted,l'aillte*Vise to' tinblhi the Cadet 4ouso; in,lhe;Bofoltilrof.Cohlkole Conibetiona 00 6 1 0; 0 n .Pricksy 1846 'at ISPl.oo.:roliovapg real eslateivik A•tract nflariiLsituate „ , . . Dikin son- townhhip,,,lnkinded- by lands of•Chrastian ,Illylr,Samuel'SOuk;Samuel Woodsisr; b(th Woods, .51,111 , ..the filreeobea ,eivek; oontairii ng 140 ; lornii more .0c ann. ',The 'fro- . Jarovetn"enta If new Binkillirn, 'WagonShod; Corn Cribs,; well.of water-nnd .O an Applereltard,-&& - . "Seized and taken in e.xecutiOn as tlin'iroperbrid Sciontet • . •A Sot. orinece :,GrOund,. :the' Borongh of Shippenshuig, bounded by .lots of Paul Martin, John Oker, George Hartline mid —'street,''coidaining 80 feet In front and 250 feet in'depth, more or lese;havingtherecirn erect ed a LOG HOUSE and . Seized and taken in execution as thp property of Jacob Green. A Lot or iece , of'Grotirid; in - Dick inson township, bounded by the Pine Grevernad on the - east, thsPine or Shippenebut road on the Muth, a lot of William Clark on the north, sod a .lot'of - Davidson--;-•. on the West; containing seven and one. hall - atirerr,mtire -or teas, having thereon erected a --two-atory -dwelling HOUSE, Ike. Seized and-taken in execution as the Jprop erty ot;.T. X. Ferree. , . A tract.cif township; bounded by. lands or Philip Ebert, •Mrs. , Bl!yers,{ividOw,). Israel Griffey and otters, 'containing 44 acres, moreor.lest, having thereon 'erected di ofie`and a half atm Log 'HOUSE; log Barn, an Apple Orchard, Ito. Seized and-taken in execution as the proper ty of William Randolph. A half 'Lot of Prourol,..,sitgatc ip the Borough of Carlisle, hoisnded chi the east. by Hanover street; °wile' south by a lot of George Brown's, heirs, and on the west by an alley 12 feet wide, containing SO feet an front and 228 feet in depth, having thereon erected a 2 2 story Frame HOUSE, Stone back building, and Wore-liouse. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James J11'.21/ath. , east 26 perches , to .st•plco.stuinspy idnap7bY an of Davtd.tlartts heirs; condi 68lt deg . rees",caliltr„ .perchesStoriej. berth .:721. 'tlegrees:..eist.43, perches to a *lt ita oak, thence, by - lands °Fla ince NVliite,.. north' 114 , .4.16);reee s east 149 , Oercheito .a static beep! thence by tends to r t,lehn' White, south -Bi:degrees ,;04103.tie tp:hill10 14 dead :White oak's iliencelgijilpglorrgbitatly sitrreyed — tabhn - Logue,‘ amilli . ,.77t_''ilrgreep, - west r , 140,) . peireheit to stoves' 81. degreetc'east' thllieiches to. a chestnut!' tiorgi 86 degrees; east 652' perches' toe% chestnuts not I'4: ilegratAH• estst.27.perchas a , hiekorys IVoitit*fir - Hugh - Smithi - aow' Haldeman*: ytaber"..scsrth ! 46. slogrees.-tsast .99 . perches: to, gi . ititte:.reltddijobtkthreo degrees,east 111,tiegiiket to „ ettesuutg , Inuth'.Bo Aegroes, 'lrk* p arc h es. to a'chesinidrsonth'64 'degrees" *cit 34- perches to a whj3ta wglnytt north: 85 degrees" :west: 55 perelie,i Fogg eheideut'oidcS: south 42 ilegrees,..xeit 228 perchetto.a oak, oak,. by,Myersv- Vineysed",south`s6F degrees, west ,28 percher lo: i'ehestnut oak;. south 804 Altigrees,weet 112 per c h tti 'a - :ithesteuti. south . degree, 'east 49 perches to-a'PICIS thence by lands' Of William Minden= fl ints heirs, northc 87 - degrees, east 584 perches to. 11401; (falleno .s otit'pAtegrieo..i.ast.*?*•:.- es' toe 'ehistaut;.(fallen3i by land. ar tbeace_by, lands ' r,Trivablet south r.:thoterif.r_*.E.oo7:4lel'ishes bilandVitildleaSatt & Viiiikropulll67 'degrees, 10#04:perehet 1 10. a chestnuts; *Mali:, degrees, Mi • 't-,715-pOr.ber toishbockciki ciandh.'6B7-degrettli welt;o,.pFerb. ll ,o - illSes1,,01111014i:11444 likfl Elliott' north 26 `degree west,;. P~.~y es.,tg,,li' quast,ioatb;'lls-iliigrees;-*0.!:, icit!.kil;d!iii;Olui: ouhoVioutlv.Bsar-Amross, . „ easl3,perchet to ,stoneug i t, . 400 .11uiner'S beirs i ;nord4344egeeesiyeal.. 4 l4oo44 a . roalseaMilli'svd*e**pst.' 22 , i-Pero„ monetu nortW 34: degreesi:wesir , lot,perisnearsr:sk posts ,degttes vett.446. per_ches.:to hickory steitipl Attitth I degreiclimest 4.66 Vire& es- Id -it fallen south: 83 Wegeees, .wist SG pert. es 111 a Hic k ory , falleM south , ' 19, ;wed east 86'perettei to a post; 'South: , 76 slegreesisseat! 83 perohei to a hicitoryclhente bt.fand Offarketi Bt-COrnman, southiftdegreas; small 686 Skims to stones, Ahe m * by lands of Samuel Miller north, 414. - degrees;iveit:23B per Ches bi,fs pests thVice of .begmaingiioidatining FOUR RUNDR Ittr, NINETEEN ACRES & FIVE PERCHESAn. Ctiin - teililiiCtinty, add SEVEN - NUNDRED 81, - ,FIFT-Y4IVEACRES and SIXTYPERPRES; inferry county . ; containing jn`the "simile; , , 1 thoueand 1 hundred& Seventy4bur ACRES and SIXTY-FIVE PERCIIES; 'and sl = lowsuce of six per ccnt . . for roads,. &O .less; tegether all and 'Angelus...Abe hereditsi.; met* and apptingpances thereisitto - belauging; sib: Seized and taken :.t execution as the'prop erty or Steriett 'Ramsey and Albe?t C. Ramsey. And to be 'Mid by me. .3- - APArtuLoNG§Doßr,stieriit. Sheriff's °Mee Carlisles July 1, 1846. • Notims. PROCLAMATION . : war.REAS, the lionerahle,Sastuer. He r . .suitn,'Presidefit Judge 'et Vie several . Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of, Gunn: berland,. Perry and Juniata, in Penneylierill; and Justice of the several Courts Of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivsiv in said counties, and Hon. John Stuart ettitTiMMISC: Miller, Judgesof the. Court of Oyer anitTei miner and Generhl Jail.Deliveiry, for the trial of all capital acid other offenders, itt the said county ofCuMberland—hi their precepts tome directed, dated, the 16th•dey of April, 1846; have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car lisle on the second Monday of August next,. (being the 10th day)" at 10 o'clock 14 the fore noon, to continue one week. NOTICE' is therefore hereby given; to the Coroner, Justices of the Ponta and Constablea of the said bounty of Cumberland, that they are by the . said precepteriinmended I. be then and. here-in-their-proper-personerwith - thei r-rolle T records, inquisitions,' examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those that am bound by recognizance , , to prosecute against the prisoners mat are or then in the Jail of said county. are to be there to prosecute them as . shall be just, ADAM LcoNGSDORF,.Sherifi. Sheriff's .Office,Carliale, - - July 15, 1846: . (- SPECIAL COURT. Y virtue of ri'w rit from the Hon. Nathaniel B. Eldred, President Judge of the 12th udicial District of Pennsylvania, bearing date at, Harrisburg, the 14th day of:l4V, A. D. 1846, NOTICE IS . HEREBY GIVEN, . that a Special Court will be licAd by the said Hon. Nathaniel B. Eldred, and the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas Of Cum. berland county, at the Court House, in the bo rough of Carlisle, commencing on MONDAY, the 21st day of September, 1846, to continue one week, for the trio: of certain nausea de pending in tha Court °Marmon Pleas ofCum. lierland-county,in-which-the-Hon. Banana! Hepburn was coinerned is "connect for one' of the paitiek prloi to MO appointthent as Presi. dent judge-of the..9th Judicial Diatrict,,and. such other causes at are embrated.svithin the provisions or theAet of the General Assembly, passed thel . 4tWiifA Apr - 183 - 4, relative to the organization of the Courts of Justice._ Ofsaid Special Court, Jurors and all persons concerned will take notice - , ADAM LONGSDORF, Sher Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, - July 22, 1846.--fe. • S- LASOTICE To COLLECTORS. 11E several Collectors of State and _County Taxes, will personally appear onSATUR AY, the llth of July, 1846, at the COMMlS gionere Office, and there pay over to the Treas urer, the State Tax, assessed in their several duplicates, for the purpose of meeting the de : mend made on this county, by the Common wealth. This must be rigidly complied with, es the payment must be made fifteen days prior to the let of August, next. ' rp IIE State Treasurer by his circular of the 1 9th instant. to the Commissioners of-the County, has directed their attentioeto the ne cessity and importance of collecting the State: Tax for the present year belore the Ist of Au gust, to enable - the State to meet the payinent of the interest due at the tinieLand oilers a de. docilen of five per cent from the Tax of such counties as may pay the sameinto the State Treasury, prior tp that date. Cumberlandoo. by the prompt-payment of her State tax the past year, realized the sum of eleven hundred dol. tars; a deductiOrir from. the Stite tax, which was -weived, by ..the , county . Treasurer for:County pumper* - EqOatprempturiti en' therpitt Of the collectoini and tax payers the present year...will result in the same Advantage to our county; and we hope nothing mere will be required to en. sure the priyment of our State tax, prior to the first of August, than - to call the attention of our citizens to the, advantages resulting to the County. particularly at this time when a eon. ,siderable debt has been incurred lathe erection of the Cepa Rouge, and also thetTayment is required by the ComMonwealth to enableher to maintain unterniahedehor :faith, and credit, in the prompt payment of the intereat•on the- pub. lie debt. • - C. TITZEL, J. WORTHINGTON, D. STERETT, • Conumssioners of Cumberland County - 00111111111110NEIN (WICK, •t• - Carlisle, June 24, 1896. c. Audit Or's N0t101.,, . . HE undersigned Audi ter, 'appointed - by the T t.trpliane. Courf-of CombeHand county; to tsettle sud adjust the rates and prispititiona of the assets in the hands of Jacob, Slielly; 4 4ssignee of Daniel , of Allen township, to a totamong the respeetrve creditors, ..heeeby giy e aleitrie to all personeinterested; that M Ile W . attend' for iligt porpoise, at the public house Of Michael 'Longs. dorfc- - .ln. Shiremanstown;.elf SAT,PRDA.Y • the >!2tis xt , at-10 er:112.-yhop and ~:LLVi M IME=O Audits:44 i1t.0#60. -- . •• fIC-tuidersetned-4nclitoOppno‘inte. • :y_the '11:t Conet'T'of-Caintimittkleer.7of,---u!'iSerland cnniity;:, Met:shall' , initl:dietribnte .the 'evicts in 'the hands' or Samuel N: lhaley,'Aesignee,nippi , 7 Cromlich, Jterebfgives notice.that ho ..411'aitneol few thsit_vn.rt)nm..lC6e'n. hh:& , Wlnrbiti:in,the Retinue' olCarliele,onPlUitti-. - 1)Alt; the 90ttriir nitt.nt'lo,o'dlooyMM: tunl , Avhei , e.thglorediters of the - Bahl Doreheiteer - ik otiteti in terestett'tuppatteitd.;!, COBEAN, - ' Atutitor. 7 7 ju1y4,4846 t Estate of Gootte 147 () Tipp hereby:given,that tette& pp: ::tanientary en.tho lask.will and. testainent of "George Kitsiageri - decegued, - lattrof - Dickinat son ;townihiP,C,Cotriberland county, have -haver been Issued byl the gegister af'yahi' nannil thi snbecriber, residing In the , same toirnshipt , All . Menne' having niairon'or ,tionands Against the estata,,nteatd,Acceased.,ar,ti requested to make .known tho:,aaine without delay , and:lha s e:in gat4ed 59 111 ;'!Vn!kti PaLnlent• i 9 • • 11PNJAM15.111.7150:13; , ,. , ;or.' Estate Of 'Gotlick. Rittiirdce'd4,' ': -- gricE•iii heret4B6l4 alit totteriontal , rnittitai".oli thti—getitalAUCßYlPEO, El,lldetelsetk late 'of I :Mbitie tii*nshipo Cumborlanatitliiitifiliveliiiiiiirliiiittalir the jubscriber, realdigt'ln - the'lfinl",39,lYnshlP s-- Air poriotie holitig[ollolo4lllkiit, said esOktei Wilk *Oat , 4betut.ProPorhtsitithentiOgg4; for Atlonsot i vali: thaw, tp4el,ll,:4l;uiiikeepaym,ept; ,thitripiomo:ti , ,,tl , , ,, ;;, 1 p,.,'.:: , c, -,. P 70iiiii44;1846. ' ••• -.);‘Erpeatowl FIZA IMMtMaffl 10c4";': to ii , , • ARLISLUSPRINGS - ' l, - :trO,E7Profirletor the-": Snblio in generel; that the - Springs - are ..rk.opened for the reception' 1 n Visitora,.. The. i• ' Springs - are, situated 9} miles. north of 'Carlisle, ,cin the read 'leading :to- Illeemifield„ In fine romantic plea: 'Bathing . establishments, both , ..warm andLeold,. end every , accommodatiOn:rorkr be relied- upon. Ele', outer - sit: than - tier to suit:this. time*. . , George , Handel will take •pessengers 'Or, fivirethe Springs ,, '; at' any hour of day. in the • l Fed, when two pr . more apply, at twenty-five rank, each poiienger. .APnlication to be made at. hie Livery Stable, In Pitt street, near the corner Of Pitt and Pomfret et:eets, Carlisle. . • D.,CORNAIAI9. I Elll3= 4,lll)eap & % Iglegant Priuting. . • THP. .1-lEaAra:l l Office . haling been lately furnished*With an elegant new , Press from the celebrated manufactory of Hoe & Co. hi New York, together with a large variety of new Nancy Types of the'llitest and most at. tractive. designs, is rioW provided with facil ities for doing every kind of 3013 PRINTING, froin :the .largest posting bills down. - to the smallest bard or circular, in the most supe rior-and elegant stylerand •at the lowest priCOV.--espeoially ^tvhen 'paid . for in CASH. • Handbills tor private circulation, or to be need as'wmppers, by . Merchants, Shopkeep. ere or Mechanics, printed at very moderate rates when ordered in large quantities, so as to make it a desirable object to basilicas men. Large posting bills, circulars, cards , and every variety. of Job Printing, onlwllte or fancy colored paper, executed in the best style and at the most reasonable prices.— The orders of our friends and the public re= spectfiilly solicited. rrmicii..and_ttermari Lariguago, PROFESSOR PREY, purposes to give instruc tion iq the French and German Language, to young - Ladies said - Gentlemen, Wm, are desirous to become.acquaimeil with those branches of po lite education. Mr.. Prey_will remain in Calisle a year, during which time, an assiduous pupil; under his instruction, can learn to write, lead and speak those languages with ease. lie is now in struotihg.a.eittoft,Ve_wittolLbe-co.oftdendy_tterers for the °Adel= of abilities and the-superior ity of his method of teaching. His terms are moderate. Lessons in Hebrew, and r all other an cient languages, will be . given if desired. Mr. Prey would refer to the following gentle. men: W. IL KNOX, Esq. S. D. ADAIR, Esq. PARKER, Esq. Prof. BAIRD, A. M Rev. WI LLIA MAIWIRERT NORRIS. JAMES S. COLWELL, Esq. Carlisle ,June 24,1845. MITE person who sometime•ego, borrowed I the following books from Dr.Crelih, Eberle's Practice of Medicine, tat. volume= Cullen's Practice of Physic, 2d volume, and Dung Neon on New Remedies, will please to return him. Carlisle; ;July 1, 1846. - • . To the Voters of Cumberland county] virnEßEASonarts -.have been put in_ cirt,u- If V lotion by COrIRINY interested individuals, thrt I have declined being a onialidate fur the Oftletiof—Sheriffornanifestlr, with the- fraudulent and dishonest intention of 'injuring m' prospecti and advancing their own; this is, t heroic:ire:for the pnrptse. of ' , positively and flan/ contradicting these false and malicious statements, and inform ing my friends end the public generally, that 1 Ait.t.v.z . tior.neeLltion,—that I will not deckne, and that if my life and .health are spored until• the election, I shall be ranch gratified by receiving their support. Very Respectfully, Your Ob'dt Serv't, iIAMES,HOFFER. . June 10, 1R46 DouNing•Go White-SniplitaLSprings. THIS eitSbliehment tias• been: : furnished by the. "Doubling Gap Springs Aseocialien, ' • and will be open for the recap s lion of visitors at any time from :••• BO • and after the fifth of July, inst. The company has provided good Cooke, and careful. Servants, who will be al ways in attendance, and visitors may rely upon being furnished with every thing which will con - duce theiricr liteasore and comfort. There will be conveyances alwaye ready to convey .paseengers from the Newville Depot, on the Cumberland ValLy Rail road, to tho Springs. July t, 1846; Ts at:lmm( GIVEN, Mat . application will be made by the undersigned and others, to the next Legis!Mimeo( the Commonwealth of 'Penn. sylrania..tor the Incorporation of a company, to be atiled CNIIIIIBALAND VALIKY. BANK NS PiCKNIIKLYANIA e , tube located in the Borough of Carliele; Cuinborland eaunty, to' have si;aiplial or not less than One 'Hundred Thousand; nor more than Two Hundred Thoimand Dollars, with gen eral banking and discounting "privileges.. Thomas C. Miller, Thomas Bell, Juries Kyle, Samuel Beetem, Abraham Kurtz, William Kerr, Skilei Woodburn, John Ltifevre, John Dunlap, John Huston, James Weakley, L. H. Williams, Benjamin Puffer, Alex'r. Davidson, Andrew, G. Miller, : 0. H. Leas, A. D.' W: McCulloch, • Isaac, Lefevre, ._William .Galbraith, ". Geinge . lleikee v Richard Parker,: . James Greason, Wm..M. Henderson, 'William Creglo., July 1,1846.-om. • liter Ltirge Supply of New; Goods • Just received'from NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, al the Cheap Wholesale lit'Retay Store of octriinr. llE.anbeiribar having purchased this last Jiii , fatock .inty.New YOrk and Philadelphia, can now ' , aecOminodate all 'hie. °whom.. Lana a pu, to, no genets with - larger:oll4ll4om 'or . Jind cheaper,' assortment. of 'goads than ,his , (Ivor' been brought to Cirlhilo. • • onumorata. artlake;:but .ho,wouht, will the attention:of the ,LA thee ,to aphindhl' stook:Of. _ Ii `LIE,- - ,„,, Auditor. • • • , GENTLEMEN 10 his , big atooli for BUM 'MEW/WEAR. .I;:huva added to. my funnier atooiir!.l l iarge supply of .2 _ Shoes... eitilisivaiisiorbilgiq: Priaith . 4o ll GR - OCERI ES:7: . . nomembin: tile Old Sliiid,'East. street. 4here.yiticiatuttliltilinittnittlf:_Altlstock of ,cheapCLCAE4 , OOIIIIT7 N. 8. , COUNTRY: MERCHANTS sup lied lciddroft6drii it - , . It4tAqi;a ll DaPerrian; (11,d;ory, fßOSWltither7 s randig 'AL -Medal, - -pp pont:- , tine, and-Two highest Hostoreq thrrlO. , animal of Mitesaphostons,ll,!lforAt, And' loon. siiettnie;lfie tha,inoat biktutifhl 040401 liter. ;rentyinso and best Aimiratos,,tniotilOhlbited., - iMPortitilts taken out regatdlo *pother, . •, ",.`; ~litstroeUtina glean in the att. • , .'r A' large asiortinent of Atmoratus and Block Altrayirort'hSittariteloWest'otshlirieini:7 - - New -York, .251::Broadriay ; ;138 'Chesnut, St.; 805t0ri,..'75- Court,. sod .58 Hanover, 81te.; Banknote.; 205 Baltimore St.; Noshingtone",knilhaylvanlit Almoner , Peters: him Va. Mochntlife Hell .Cirmittnati, Hourth and WslidttOttid , 37B Main: 8114',' titt'otOttit, zoz. ()Mot .A. CARD Nunez! IMgSM Aigkettrincous: rannetta, Moak tci:your Interests MIX'S; PATENT NORSE POWER , Vktalltnrirra memm , ; MHE sithsoribers 'would respectfully 4 inform , the Farniers of:CumberlandrAdanycFratdv. - linoind the adjoining counties, that. they have the right ternake and Sell MIX'S.PATEIST HORSE .POWER ANDTHRESHING MACHINE.-- This -Horse power'is made on the prinolpleOr centre draught, and Is prononneed by those bar ing them in use tohe the lightest draught or ray Horse power now in use. This Horse power and Michinel-has been irk use in this county for about fouryears, and has fulls sustained its reputation for being tbe beet Maclilne in use. ... - We respectfully call tl e attention Of those who are in want or a Machine to sell at our Foundry and Machine Shop, in the rear of lthoads' Ware House,and examine for themselves before pier.. shoeing elscwhereos we are determined to sell them low. The following Certificate have been gratuitously offered by °tote having there in use; aml speaks highly' . of, its value. " ir Certificate: ... . , THIS, is to gerHfithat re hare in ,usetne' of Mix's Horse wirier and Threshilag Machines; and do consider it Auperipr to* any machine we hive ever seen Orli - sett for lightness of , draught, speed in threshing, and durability, apd do coed- - dent!) , recommend i,t to farmers as ii superior Machine. - David Rutz, John Milburn, 'Jacob KutZ,- -. Peter Tobias, Abraham Kurtz, William Shriver, William Dunlap, a John Swoyer. • • THE subscribers would niso. inform she citi zens of this and the adjoinging counties that they arc prepared to execute to order all kinds of • • • Castings, such as Mill Gearing of all descriptisins, Rolling mill work,. Corn and 'Mister breakers, Thresh is.g machine castings, Ploughs and Cultivatots.—• They have also on hand knew Corn Sheller, that will shell lOU bushels on . hour. Stoves of all de _!....scriptions,_such as nine: plate all sizes and pat ! r 7.'=";Til e terns. • ' I - fi`.• Ooa l Bc, 060kIng STOVES . of different patterns such as Bucks', Zoigler's and Lewis' patents, I •whsc arc the best now in use. Threshing 3lnclsincs repaired at mod:trate prices. 331MORSPIIITH WORK of all kinds and finishing is general. • Foundry and Machine . Shop in the rear of Henry Rhoads' Warehouse. p.n. KEENEY, ASKW Cut lisle, May 27,1846. GREAT EXlTEMplairt 2! 4.„. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. • THOMAS CON LYN, tikes this method of returning Ms sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general,- for . . the vary liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him, and begs leave to Inform Client that he. lies just received the largest, handsomest, cheeriest and best stock of Watches Jawelrq, 4-c. ever _offered iii 'Car, lisle,.consisting, in part of Full 4%0410 r,.e.• : .Gold Patent-Lever EA:. . (-ft, ) 1 --- ~.,IWarat9hes. , ;... from 45 to 75 dbllare, and '• ( p l ain GOLD,f& SILVER ' i'., ‘ i h.. 4 ._:. :;, , , ,' . . 5 . ! .. - :# Watches or every kind, i 1 ' .;..,.! x - - quality and price. Gold; Silver & Common WiitCh-keys, of every variety, froth li centii, to three dollars. Gold 'Finger rings, - -Ear rings, Clasps) Lockets, Watch — chains, Bracelets, Medallions & Breast. pine, together with every article ofJewelry for Ladies and Gentlemen's Weer. Gold'& Silver Beim pointed PENCILS, a great ' variety and a fine lot of the celebrated Diathond Pointed Gold I'ens: A great variety of notions, such as common fancy and low priced Breastpins, Watch chains, Steel beads; Fancy Hair darts, Miniatui e cases, Guards, Silver Thimbles, Pencil leads, dte. Also, a large and' ery fine assortment of SILVER-WARE, ! such as Buttcr-knives, Table_and. Tci Spoons, Sugar tongs, Salt Spoons, &e. of the very beat quality and. monafacture, and as cheap;as they can be purchased -in the cities. Also,, a very arge lot of Gold, Silver and Steel &amid ' • b 03 4 Nrat.SPECTACLES 4 to suit illArlis and ages, and at all prices. 1 His stock is large and extensive; .and lie re.- spectfluilly asks the public to give him a Call, air every article offered for sale will be of the best material, and sold CHEAP= TIIAN EVER! =Watches and Jewelry, Will he repaired as .usual, in the best style and on very moderate terms, lle radtt be finind at the OLD S I'AN D, in West High 'Street, a few doors ahoy° . 'lectern's Hotel , ind opPoitit . Mr. Loudon's.Book store, where he will be I appy to attend to the orders. of his old friends and customers, and as many new ones as may favor him with their patronage. Carlisle, June 3,1846. Harper's Pictorial Bible. NOTICE. MBE subscriber being aware of the enniple• tioii orllarper's Pictorial Bible, will be able to Bind Thom for any of the .subscrilters who may favor him, with the- Job, with Ithe promise lb do. the work in a neat and Liebman• tial mannerond at a reasonable rate. JAMBS LOUDOIsI. Carlisle, July 1,1846. WOTXOE. I:IIIRCOMSTANCES'renuire that:the bnoka Uof the late fiini of CROUSF CART;iIe settled ea - speedily as poveible: All accounts not elosed.hy the . 1 - aket 'Augnat holt; viill • . . S. D:A0A132..' , REFINEr. , AMERICAN .ISINGLASS .in l., AITAItItANTED' etitint strength io thiam' Isinglass for Tattle mid Of great service I[ol'3oll/ra where delicate animal food is se_getted_,,tunliell 'cal Ciliated for long sea Vat Rive: It inipreles7 . ytY into Soot:ieltrfew nt!nutes,etitl ieof 4r;itat service in obirityhig I:Wm.:Beer and ; • A-• TO'inaku; fable Jellies - --Use at leait,two,oun imso,oooooB-ItefivtedAtiieVielt*lowitidasrwiliel sliepitit he lirsViOtticc4ili"ttefiletaterifttyll hours' drat!, that _water; then"::ake of cold : ,water MT eotie . atutithilf pO put. it iii! the white - Of thretieggs,,tlo:JitiegZot%three good; sized leerier's, lite.tipel'a one, a sitek'of oinnalnen. a little nutniegiprange,peel, or other spice to snit sibs taster stir,' all the Ingredients Weir to -ellt6i" whildleold, then -Willie wlielliCteilitrlVe Wit' letv ntittlitei; and iltoepotir it. throligliJellf ‘ lhg, when lt may be put , into ' glasses or tioulde and . Ivhen ' ,Vold will:begt.for use.: t The ntoulds.sfiouhl b l i,Arg:, ,, 3Vet. with + little, white Of 'mind water, just, beloirollitTjelly is, Ptst In them, iii - idger ri jteisy to turn,thcos ,out on plates. . .The Jelly Bs is Owlet Of flannel 8 or, .I 0 inches across . ' the' opening, and 'about "ludf -a 'yard deep; haridwing to point ittlie bottoni. -The liquid that runs througk,tirit; should 'be poured , back in the: jel l ybu g until . itruns ` through clear. Atld ofin'i,plut of wine to the above for Witte Jelly, ottiei liquids mitdc ft.( m .. preserves L tnax be jellied by using the sante, preportion af;-.,the -Blanc 'Ailelige, may be inittlebYitsing'+eleast 'one ounce of isinglass for 'two louts 4 , tnlik . or Creep% thelpepl , of two lariatias,lsugar tind spiee'lb 01.18,011 p taste—bring the whole td boat: streiri,it,e(td when nearly euelsBiii- 1 4*eitY ) hooreanythet - 7011 . rfse.whilirmiolingoopr"St - iti' 'intialdsOnd Wh l enperfOtly OM; turned lout anqti will then-be , really for tuie.' ,- 2.Thik.nittlite shOuld be' oik.VeCitlth ?raold.!_wateri,*ll)ol l (*AU it ; ,tront , stieltinefoltheta`d‘.:,‘''' CELEBRA,TroPI.JELLTI STR/41Ni$14,11witit! •whieh the above s jellies can idadWlttlaiti minutes ;,;J'anp 10. Joqll;l,7;,tor2Rll' =I BEM (sotto • 'CAPITALISIVITTENDt`, Yrylitoe ' tatrelrot..:MOlCk Otis h ordetirf the Orithanedloar.t. g :of COsubattand cotiikty;.l still -expose to • public Acre, on '06.0 - M6IW - ter . SATURDAY; tlie . .l6llidiri:tof.Aighid nfixt ) . , at 12 o'clock; noon; of said. dity,-.4ll.the,Real Estate of, Leonard Wise„netedi; Matti ttoutli , 2 MTdaletorr - towrisTuri; - U7ivrrt - - , -7-t' - ' - t' '.. 'Purport • No. - I`.' .tiact of land, situate in said towniliiii; mad 'leading - Ohm . Carlisle:to-Michael:4l'd Iron Workiond.abeut the:triplet place:; !aid antation I. b ounded ' orj,Vhe,waet 14101dB - of flesity and Readeriair.ll l lsed the north' by:Glotiras' belts, arid an the'artit - hy put pert Noil, and contains .11.30' ACRES 62' Perches. strict marmite. The land it first qualify Branton°, about 111 aoterr'are cleared ; and the residue co?freted Hitii Alptirlhe timber. The cleared land 'is under lOW:farce and Wen cultivated; and , the improtreininits are a LOU • ..H S 7f.7J. Y. 11Votttilo.L.Og SMOKE,_HqU.SO4I III ouis, &liLACK' &mull SHOP, Aogethei with 'a TENANT HOUSE dr. Stable, two .A Orlihairdo choice fruit, ad' a WELL,wf Purport No. 2, adjoins ' No. 1 t Oil the west, and contains 48 _Acree t , nwl ,112 yerches,-neat--measure r oLthe_eame . qualitY of land_ of the other tract, about p? Ansel; ivbereof ia cleared; and the leeldiie well timberek. This tract is also.under . good fence, and htis on Eton APPLE/ RCHAED. • ^ .The above trade contain some of the best land in. the county, and will be sold separately or together as may best suit . purchasers. Per. eon desirobsof viewing the property Previous to the day of sale, will please call on Emanuel Wise or Leonard Wise, tr. residinton the:Pre. mine. The titre lo both tracts is indisputable. . - The Terms of Sale to be as follows.: Five per cent.-of the purchase money to be paid on am confirmation of the sale by the Court— One-third the purchase money toreroain in - the land, the interest thereof to be paid to the widow during her life, and the principal at her. death to the heirs of the said Leonard Wise, deed. one half the-remainder to be paid on the lst of April, 1E547, when a deed-will -be made. and possession given, and the residue in two equal annual instalments thoreafterovithent interest, to be secured by recognizance with-approved PCCUI ity, The Grain in the ground, that may be put uut the ensuing Fall will be reserved-- .und the purchaser Will be required to pay ail taxes assessed alter the confirmation of the sale. GEO. SANDERSON, July 8, 1846. . Trustee Public Sale. BY virtue of an order of the.Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, and by the agree— ment of tho other joint owners of the Caine, will be.sold at public vendue or outcry on the premises, On SATURDAY, the 16th of August next, at 12 o'clock, noon, Of said day, separate ly or together, the following tracts or parcels.- of land, situate in Newton township, in said county, _ The ono beamed 6fleridi Of SaniL Wagner, Mrs. Kennedy, Samuel 'Miller and Otheri, arid" . by the : Green Spring, pontiiiiiing 42 , Ac_r_cs; more or lees, of good land, part Slate and pert Limestone, .clear and in eultivation, except about three' acres of woodland. •Thc, improve. 'rents are a two story weatherboarded HOUSE & KITCHEN. ...... A 11l • • . Double, Log_Bant. The place , is well watered. The other tract bounded by lands of Kil gore's heirs, Samuel Miller, William Boyd, and others. °and containing 30 ACRES, more or less, about one half whereof is cleared and in cultivation, and the residue covered thri sing young timber. TERMS OF SALE, viz: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of eale, or a- note with security given for the some, and the residue on theAst of April nem., when possession will be given. The Grain in the ground to be reserved, and purchase money to be secured by judgment bond. DAVID S. RUNSEIAW, Adm`r•• of Rebecca Mickey, and Agent for the other owners. July 8, 1846. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP ° REAL ESTATE!: • • wortuopf en order et _ the orphans' Court f Cumberland county, will be sold by public venitn, on the eremites , on SATUR DAY, 14 IStb of August next, at 12 o'clock, n00n,...ff said day;= the following adjoining Lots - in the village of Plainfield, or Smokeytown. in • said county, late the property of Henry Wikle. deceased; and bounded by • landa of Samuel • Stein, David Reed; Freci'lc. Ziegler,.John .Bear. George Horning and the State Ituad. - - Lot No. 1, containing BO perches, and having thereon . treated a two story LOG • • ' - " *r* JIMUSE • EnT A Wagonloakees. Shop and SMALL STABLE. ' • 91 o. 2, containing . 81 perches. Lot No. 3, containing eighty-one . perches and eight tenths. Lot No. 4, containing Erne htlndred ard thirty two perches „end five tenths, and having thereon an ,Appie Orchard. These Lots will ho told separately, or together, as may, be doomed most.advieable. Terms of lido as follows : 'Ten per . the 'purchase money to be paid on the , nonfirmation of the , sale, and the residue en the Ist oU April next, when possession will-be given, The purchase money to be.,e_ecured:. by judgmenG. Attend anceWlll.begrien On suicide* by -: FREDERICK-ZIEGLER.: .. ••. Adminlstrattwof Henry Wikis• ' July 8, 1846. - .: . . . Mr HARLTY/ARE. CUTLERY SADDLERY . Cheapest Stock of Hardware ever brought to. Carlisle.!,! ! ` INNE. respectfully • iufo•ine his o,friencleand th 4 public generally that hay just seemed from 'tin! city a splendid stick of. HMO* R - • CUTLERY; iteilkOLERY; -- theali ,Paintsi Oil. Varnish; :Akci; whjeh' , he;is deterthined to sell . cheaper 'than over. ; • siate]tllzinit'o l ihe . folloeringi— BoiJklag materiale, such' as Locks, and Serewainaili'and spikes,,vvineorr glum, of • all sizes. Carpenter's tools of all . Wadi; Such • - ai pianos, siwtii - chisills, 'augurs; braces and bits, comparses,iiiiperliiiT•adilli •pa - Pe - E -- 1311 - ddlery, a luil,assortment palliating at: braes plated and• Harlioss tioantiok,saddle trees, bills. l atirrups., --- Istoeka;'&d:" Cabinet Makers' mateilithi,lsoh ' • Sia•MA HOG AN Y VENEERS„GIass and Ito, ,faogany . . ktiobo, drayrer and 'cheat lockpf Bid= stead - and - 11110 - capir. — Alsdi a splendid ainport-'7— thane of fine pen and pocket kilEveo; table ketvus ' Rind forks,; ; : tine • scissors ' and shea* , •ikeep shears; razors Ond , Nazor strap' sod:skiving cream:: Also;Catillestiekisind anuffisllo , thir... elaLand •loagsyllscishas; pralChAnd,s; lobs' biackets: ; -ii'hovell gad opadooi•hiriodnouotroo - -- forksi,-,bottor.. and. Una: ,ckabr•T VtigoP •, iloPk!Pir.ersua. and ,I4okingPies, plates O s , Adisc mid vr old OrooO outliao,44.tioedi fferMAY* anehOoplroo; coot, O4ew OrdMister , : • • Alep; rifle : and rile,' powder, of the' bait leut,oafwty fine: ....Together: leis* •:; C4l:kopt,i*ordraro* • and:wo g ak:btforolOuOle4 ti. T A lieterocriterditorioUrtorboitir• ---- t ----- {Thor tioo446l.,lll44s94otPifthii•lote fing,; t;), • ''.ICO.;I4WP , % t!iiiiog: 014.4 ;saiijoin 1 ,4, ; :WtridoWitt to,. call , 4 , 4 4„7, :herald ;.„ - 3*o4t . 1 4 airoh , 'OlOOOlOlll tiii:institutot %Atka!: I. JOHN 1'f.2,11 11 01. Il• •i• mtk . • . • Vi'S ,". ' `;•", • ' ' MBE MI 1523 a bil4B El