Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 08, 1846, Image 3

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    T . VtlXt:l l. '.attli:ttllNtlittlitO
• • A. '... - -.:-..,77, •.---. ' - ' - `7" 4 7.' -- -y r o... :-. ~......
-.,,-;,!,... c .,.., -:\ iesitickoblk. .1.•"-.. •
Vi laddblea'aifielnet" .
liiiif*G;gs r a .o7 =o,.. ,,,-..
• . ~..-:nEoIi.UITIN:or liindiiifius iiiinii . ;:iiien
aVthe.Corlishillerrarks fdr,i:tlin!,:eh - list,
me er! . .sble- bodied Olin bet Ween the:.!..nins Of
18 anA:45 - ieirs, not less :than, .5 fektiS'itelies
hi g h, the ihp •'lleihiteiit ~af, ltfountiii'd,tihtimen.
None need•iipply.but stioh`ne ere kf,..ktit:4lihar
. setor end 'respectable-ittnicling`inktioneltheir
fellow enizene, anifere dfyphieelf,,,tO !serve o it
the period . of Aheir enlistittent- 1 :4bloh will be
five years- - -honeitlY,tintlittithfollYV' -
• 'fhe pay to. which " colinteci ' 'soldiers S will be
entitled sociocitng'to their. resietive.granes in
this Regitnent*ill, be :- -;
.. • . , z ,
I• *" ' - --,„: • - • , month, year.
First S94l%iifii comp.:, • $ l6 $132
AU other Sergt's.-:-eitoh`% , -, 13 i 156
corp or. it s y • • •lo • ; 1110
Migleo 9 •
. . .
Muiliethnit ' • , • ••
• •
Farriers' and-Blacksinitlis 111 - -132 660
PriVattia • . • b 96 . 480
'Besides the pay ae above raked, an ptifindant.
quantity of the• rind most comfortable
clothing wilf be at all times furnished them as
well ria,goottqUartero_kudeufficient . fiell, and
every attention;will be , paid to making ;tlforTe - .
men who may enlist.- and are- determined to
serle -their country inirbod faith, comfortable
and contented with _theit• situation. The best
medical attondanceis always provided for the
sick soldier and no diduction of , pny •mide .du
ring thaxeriodlie is unable to perform hieduty.
The prudent soldier can if ho chooses save
his entire 'pay—aa'everything requisite for his
comfort•and convenience Is furnished by the
Government, and ho may thus have at the
expiration of his enlistment trout 6480 to WO
to commence the world upon. .
' Ist Lieut. ill. 11.7
July 8,1846.-3 t,
Assigne . eship Account
TII F. Asiiigneeship account of James-R.
Irvine, Assignee of Robert Koonti, hav
ing been presented to the Court of- Common
Pleas of Cumtierlaud county, said
.Court have
appointed the let day of the August Term next,
thr the final passage and confirmation of the
Ralik, and rule on all concerned to appear and
show cause, if any the have; Why attic( Ito
taunt WWI not bu confirmed by said Court.
• W. M. B EETEM, Pi•otl.'y.'
.1 5 i - elilienetary's Office, Carlisle, J uly 1, 1846,
Assigneeship .Account
THE Assigneeshie account. of John Rupp
Assignee of Benjamin ,Longnecker, hav
ing been presented.-to the Court of Common
Plop of Cumberland, county, said Court have
appointed the tat day of the August. Torm,next,
for the: fink] paisag,t'und, contirrnation'of - tlic
same, and rule on all cancel-m.oo appear and
Anw cane; if, any their have, why said ac-
count titian not be confirmed by said Court.
• W. M. BR ETE/14-Prath'g. -
Prothonotary's Offie, CarlisleVuly 1, 1846.
Assigneesliiir Account
THE Jcssiincesitip account of Robert Laird
arta William Alter, Assignecioof Samuel
McCoriniek, liovirt.- been presented to the
Cooreof Common Fleas of Cumberland county,
said Court have appointed the Ist day of the
August Term, next, for-the final passage and
confirmation of the same, and rule on all con
cerned-to appear and show cause, if any they
have, why said account shall not be confirmed
by said Court.
W. M. BEETEM, Fraley.
Prothonotary'rOffice, Carlisle, July I, 1846
Asignecship Account
T" Assigneeship acoount of George Brio
die, Jacob NoislCy and Henry Bnrnitz;
Assignor's nfliscpli Latshaw, having been pro.
vented to the Court of Common fleas of Cum
herlind-county, said Court have appointed the
let day of the August Term, next, for the final
passage and confirmation of the same, and rule
on all concerned to appear and show cause, if
any they have, why said account shall not be
contirmnd by said Court.
tq. M. BEETEM, Proiley.
Proihnnotar .'s Oflice,'Carliale, July I, 1846.
Assi: neesh ip Account
M o
ETE Assigneeship account orSnl. Alien
Assignee of Wilson N. Naltor, having
yen presented to the Court of Common Pleas
if Cumberland county; said Court have eppelni
id the Ist day of the MOM. Term, neat, for
ho final qmsago and confirmation of the 'same,
and "itile - on all cerecinc4 - to appear and show
)airsie;if they haVe, why mod account shall
mtlefecitifiriniid 14 Amid Cotirt.
W. NE BEETENI, Prolli j.
etolluiliOtnry's Office, Carlisle, July 1, 1t+.16
Assigneeship Acdonnt
PUBLAytagnecaltip account of .Adain Longs.
L the, ,Aeligneo of David Spoilsler, having
can µresented to the ,Court of Common Pleas
f Cumbarland county, said Court have appoint. :
d tho
..lot day or : Cho .August Term.: next, Tor
he final paayagonnd-confirtnation of-the van*
nd rule on all Oticerned to imam and show
nose,' if any why quid 'aoidune.ehull
ct benonfirmcd'•l4 said . '
•.;,, W 114
M. BEETEM, f'roth'y. Pfli,t l i9oo4,W. B7.6 E4'. JulY 1,,1846
Olgii"eatibip ACCOnilt.
Olin G. Heck
, inebeen
lei the . fine I
aiulake„and 'Confirmation of the sfimitiind, rule',
a",nll, , coneeiXeil"to:Cppeaulard show,natise, if
ey :have, tilty , tiaid acoounl shall ;not. be
.onfirined4 , said Court; •
W:Af::.IIF.LTEItt v . - PralPY.
Pretheitetary i l , Qffine - Carlisle July I 'I M.
. .
-;,'11074 f' Wirliebrarinng''
„-_,,,ohlirpyo, n pattern° ,
mmun r int.
MINI' seteinbi '.
fCo , ' ”
(111 P-, nee af ' court ° i have aPPitr 7
,„,4 , qv! g
ted to.the, 44 caur-_,lii-iien , ?
boon .PaiidcaihritY-t-"-ii--4,--,g:p'ori,b. rani.'
..;rc. „t rda_y:-,Ethtt,,,,rod, n, ,
,and show;
---cli'o36l' n`nageao ad .10 ai!P"oe:ount'7l.l,
43 7
i1m:411.4,,,'V1a illion"P,Ctr.,n iihy la 14,11 •' ‘ ,:.01i. '--
t11,F1'3M1•"0,4119',11111"14 calif L'li4 —prOth.g. '
I aU)I9, L'a enlAy-" -topETE. *,.. iiBl 6
' _.,b01-cl"Ff",'W ki. 'ilinles 4uv' '
eti.,7oi ; ,-,% Fqpi.i. Carlisle ,
' ' rtot!!`llKl7, ' Y ' -
' qtr , y ^,, ... r i1,e.,e5,!9.p , A Ccoußt. S '
• TlVltinateeahili ~ account William Line;
IN , Viiiliiiiiiillecobfg Elizabeth .'- O'Orlin' a;
itlfatit?, , liivri* 'Wen' Siaositid,io' tlui ; Cour t
COZY ri . i . , & :.rtiftit;licOutil6erhuidsViiu'nty;,4od
°Wit" 14 14P;filli 4 . illtV OM let 01,4r,149 AOkilet
. 'Term', oil, !or, Otte' inat painiage an • f oonnyn k tf..?
. Von Jof'..tha anitntwaitl , ,:rula on all concerned• to
APPVIStROOO9 v. ~ cA, ,ll!Pg' Irc , ', ll -7 . 3 ll Pr..hivegMhY
_,ll .pot • boiloonfirmadi, by 'maid
r:, P° l4 rtt-:'Cti4. - '44 - M., P4.',ilantOnc , Proth'll. '
;I , XYQPirnkei!, l 9 lo Fq , ' Cr il l !!! ° ' lu tr 1 0 845 ..
~..,4,,,,10., ~,. . , ~. '
. A ,t-Trucite - pship A ACciiiiiiti I ~'
, • THSTips es p,,c0,00111.,0r RIM liAtifirlottlin,
T'. et:ll4kt rolJahniKitill.tert" 9.ltiinc liiitin'iFt:• , '
'le Mid UntiOilig ' Of C PPOORMOMO f CO I,
e 'l l ta i d ;lo ll % 1 0 4 0 4 *(#1, 1 1, ' ; '. : 0 *10 6 4 the
..,Q)._e4l,iniih A nt W144_3'404; r lig,the , tjnal
i d.
- t tit4. 4 ,_r___l l ,,M4 l oe4rt ^illuireillig4ulo.
ell , „tv trolimi!4pip_iiy4(i) Actis,o9oeijr,
any y, 4vo. 1011071!eitotoroh`qktt,at` bar
- Onlittna4. 4 ll, ma,
, s, 1 :.,..t, - . '•-.. I ..1.
' . .I's ~% t00$000;;;Colli14;;TI,A.1q4d 46 :
. ' .. , : . ' ' :_• ` -Y,t4:e . , -- q'i'lrP'' '
• Ze
' Stitt e)lto'4.C.ll'",
R{E virtue'rif curidi7,:*rltri,tifteritlitlithrEXbo
tias;:Lepititt'.lPriCias„-Atiil Pfttiin a, hiMO
diroighsti t ill:IC*0 . 14 toll - kWh - A sOle;rit'tkri
r troule'i in Ihilltorcutlr rif!Oaill es ' , Otlinbaiolintl
canntvOni: Frida.o,rhe githo , 3l#y;;.lB46i.itt:
real.riatlite, 'Ake.
A ticket gituatelri Dick'
mart.l - yownri tp, oun.o. fy — an fr - C)
Souric,.sernuel ar: Eiizi
he thAr,cjoilif,,ritttl; Yeliciiv'llreeedies':ririek;
canlliiiiiirie.oo4Mieri,'.rtiore -
PracPPioriiiilrO 1404 Cliitilltirig LI 0 I.TS
a new Hank . .. Barn, WrigOn - Slied,'`
w.ell , rif.inte p and an Apple Orclinrfl, Seized
iridlnksP'iti.",oitheation'as the properly al Sanitter
fnorle.,ll/9." •
Lot .
- or piece of C) Ili j ry . the.
fligeOnili Shippenaburg, bounded - by. lola of
Paul Martin, John - Oker, - GeorkO Hmtlino soil
•••••L-Istreet; containing 50 rept in 'front arid 250
feet in depth, more leas, liavinithiiroun erect
edit LOG HOUSE and-K kerma, ' Stiked arid
taken in execution as the property of -J acob Green,
• A Lot or pi . ece.ol(;tound, in Dick-
I inset) township, hotintled by the PhieGroverciktl
- on the east, the• Pine or Shippensburg Pond on the
'sonth,n lot or w illinm Clark 'CM the tiortlyntiall n
lot of DaPillson.onglie -- west, containing
seven and, half -neres,.-more-or' leas,-having
thereon, ereete;il.o two, ntory,tlwellingll-19USE,
t4F7 - taken in execution , as the prop
erty 61.'
J. K. Ferree: •
far 5 .
. .
A tract of lana;sititate. ; In -Dlcktp
.soulownsbiprbountlell by Isuills of t,
Aft's. Myers,(widow,) Israel Critrey awl otburp,
coignitiiiig 4-4 acres, more or less, having thereon,
steeled n one a n d n bele story Log - HOUSE, log
Ilium, en Apple - &c. Seized sy d Wee',
,in execution n ths, , ,ifroOr'fflif II iMani Rhn (Mph,
-A half Lot of Ground, situate ii
Borough of • Carlisfg, bounded on the Cast by
- Hanover street, off the'south by "a lot of Gvorde
ilrou o's lo.iro, nod -on - the west by' an alloy I 2
feet wide, ooldaiiiing 30 feet in front- nod 'UK feet
in tlepth, having. thereo'n'ereeted a story Frame
•1 - 101.1:,E,' Stone back building, and, Hare-horse.
Seized and taken in execution as of
Janus. I'.l.listh.
A Lot of Groinid in Ijor,;cstown,
bounded by John M. Martin un the west, att alley
on the north,John Ft rentid on the east, and the
Carlisle and Harrisburg turnpike road - on the
sonth, containing 5'2 feet in front and about 2,0
feet in depth, having thereon erected one and a
half story 110IISF., Prattle Kitchen St Shop, and
a Frame Stable. Seized andtaken in execution
as the property of Atm Wilkins. ' -
A tract of land, situate in Dickin
township, bounded by lands of John P e ckert,
John McFarlane, William-Carroll and' others,
containing 15 tiepin and 14 perch - is, neat measure,
haring thereon erected one atid a half story Log
HOUSM, Stable, &e. Seized and taken in execu-
Lion as the property of Francis Smith.
Lot of Ground, in the Bor
ough of Carlisle, containing, 30 feet in front and
240 feet in depth, bounded by W {MOM Spahr on
the west, Mayberr . ya bytes on:the vast, Locust
alley on the north, and Loather street on the south,
Immo. thereon erected a two story lIOUSP., &c.
Seized ' and taken in execution as the property of
John C. Gilmore.
All his interest in a Tract of land in.
%Ab, township, hounded ky lands of . Dayill
Ferguson, Mary Leimey, Andrew Middleton,
Thomas Elliott and others, containini; 120 acres,
more or less, hating thereon erected a two story
log !MUSE, log llarn, &a. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of John' Z: l~fchell.
All the interest, (being the 12th
part,) to a tract of land situate in Newton town
ship, bounded by InAllwor the heirs of Surenia
Wad, 14•Liiiry How and others, con
taining 133 acliesonore or less; having thereon
erected a large. tali story stone, (LOUSE, tone
Bankitarnoiol oilier iin proccnieots, kicc: Seized
:Cod liiken in execution as of Millard
The one 11th part of a tract of land
in_lllallin township, bounded bv lands or John
1 -Shollenbeeger, Peter Weaver's hmirs_and - others,
containing ¶2OO acres, more or less, having there
.on n duohl one find n halt story log
log Barn, Lc'e,
A tract of land in said townshiri,
__containin g twe,ty-tia , ee. 110'04 more OP less.
A tract of - land in.llepewell, town
ship, bounded by_lmids (ICJ Ileberling; Philip
and David Hawn, 9 ,Levi Diehl and others, contain
ing. 230 acres, more or less, having thereon erimt
ed a two story log HOUSE and Kitchen,'llank
Llarn,andother improvements. Seized and taken
in execution as We property or Jpeeph hoover.
Ali the interest in a Lot of Ground
mt themoutli side of M street. in the liorough
Of Meeltanicsburg, bounded en the north by said
street, no the east by P. Wonderlich Cl, the south
by an alley, on the westby widow Bowman ono
mining 48 feet in front, and 200 et in depth.
more or less.
Two undivided seventh parts of. a
lot of ground, situate on the south nitle of High
street, in the borough of Carlini°, t omitted on the
north by said erect, on the Cast by 11 Frame
!louse and lot of Sarah Armor, on the south by a
20 feet alley, on the west by a house and lot of
(noes Noble's heirs,. ountainin; ,about 30 feet iu
front tintl 240 feet in depth, having a two story
stone and kitchen thereon erected.—
awl taken in execution as the property of
Ethotra Armor.
A lot of Ground situatb
borough of Carlisle, bouttifed by Pomfret street
on the north, 13) , Mrs: ; ; Williiims on the
east, by - Cluip'el . Aires. on the south, notla.lot_or
Ist.. - Soluteltinanitidtrthe_westieontainingiateet in
beelailth and 146 reel iii.deinit,mOrii or lees, line-.
iiioliereon erected a log IMUSE and Kitchen.
Seized and taken in 'eseention as the propei•ty or
Jacob Ca r !, deceaped. _
A tract of land situate in
towtothip . „. containing 75 acres, more or less,
hounded by lauds of Soloman Shaw, Samuel
itGaw, David Whistler ,caul .1c he Miller, hey
lug thm eon. erected toe Otte anti n half story log
, log Hero, Blackmail Mop, told other
A small tract of - land situate in
8.1,i township, bounded I y lands or Peter Jacoby,
Ayid Bricker's heirs nod' others, Containing IS
. 1C1 . ..11 more or less, about two acres o 1 whiuli are
cleared and the reitithie 1016)11er.- Seized & taken
In execution as the properly of ../ohn Enspsinvr,
A tract of land situate in South
ampton tpansliip, 'bounded by lands of_ the
Ilaiik7Foglesopzer and ethers, containing
19 mad, one fourth. mires. more or less.' Seized,
um! Inktin-ht cumeuticar ukthcAtroitcry or Jrqb
2 -t-w-o,,storp4.oc , House = l - B = fett
front smut SO feel n . on die groimil,or knit
owiititt bYtic9i7 nioditson town-'
eh 'hoMUlmt W . 1011480' mato,: Cen,:,
Cu llurciltlj I get John Auldi 'and othiri, Met Ist?
Much ground imniectictOy adjacent a1111,60/41101* ,
in, az,max beneiesiairy torte ,ordhitury)inetmee
hif - 0111 , 0164 Of ChittlitMliiii:7SCized, tool :taken
execution as the properly of Ifenry
. .
A . . ,otts
. ,
oct 'of litijd gitoo,teat .Sti3rr
of- ComberlanilituollastbeilOWllStli lie 61 . ItYe arid:
Coeval ; iii thd . cotitity Of Irterry.end Stare ot Potato:
boundetl - Si follows, to. wit s nogiptlyig.a! a Omit,
thenoti,lq Illnda ofJacptl.§ikicir's heirs,portb 78,06.:
gives, ktast•twiigirr4lles to.storiei r nostli-lit-Alogodos,;
most 12 Rerebes to a, white ottltj.,„oortli 64 010 - oda ,
east ,21 tr,,Peralliskitot's , ',Oost; poitfoBs4!,dogioes,
Oast.i6 peroltoe'to . ,a,,pkoe stuospL Amoco by lands
of; :Davitlllart'alteirs, south aiii,dearethi;caot , ',46 .
`i)Stshis,'(o . :te!iiionci'AOritt.. l 7Bl.-dttitiesi'S*lst 4 6 :
periltait to a white' oak; ttisodabY latapror Jatties;•
AVltittif, , stortit 61 + . slagives:ttast 1140..perchesi0 - 44
.stone Iteapt.thonto . by)aatta of John , XVbito o 'aotitli
`slli , dekreevi east 03 perches 10 a dead 4ltifitoakj,
south 77+.• dOgrees, . *oat 140
,pckehes' to ';atooosE
fßo k. :Bl , ..ocgtooa L fast so, lameltes,tts,a, oligillinh
poretB6,..siogrocs, t estit;,l”2:pot'sbes7 Acr,i7cheetitott
ookill,3.-,,;tfogreOp; cast 27 ,pot.cbsa ti - : a . ltfOk`gryi
tlietoieliyfitnil ofn:ilttiti 'Smith; nowtliftlimats Bs ,
Eitilie..lnO4ll''. 86 :ifogedes.'ettat''99 . i)bitibeetti:la'
'alttto..waßtati'soutli•three. llogrope, east' 1 8 o e ' re hd e
'to' a ',latently tftiotittr,Bo. tl€iroON'west - 2% , potelles !
tonatheistootl ,oath 54 degreoli,:wesC64iperebes
, 10 :.- 1 1;:irlilli'isS8Jaiftt north as, •tlegreel, west ,55.
evraVoito a :41kGitrilk ctalsVanatb. 82 datretii, west
04 ittrOtSa to. a , ottesliaptoak,,tltopott.: ; bylvers')
Vineyaetivaouth - 561.:Ongstos; pitßit-2kporo es'? to
a bitestritat tialti:.sciutkBOk'Sliiroosis+est Illicit:A::
, e$ (6.- '' ;4leita P t ii ii ooo"49lEree: - eitiV4Stierchie
to a7:oloii L lteptio-fizAitoOtt or] William .pienflpii.q.
' l oio 6 ,4 o ,okino. 6 ...lC . .,gotOiii,,inksVS§4 . l)efilie4,l4:
PPk .0 .01` 13 .00.01 6 44 11 1R, T ,l 4o e g i l i ti - 0 51 ,, 2 41 1 0. 1 / 4 11 V . ',
PI :ot , ) &,4',l.4tir. - 's o, Plo' l o'4.i di" clr'; Aigilit.S.
s t . l2 ^s o l',4 l l , ' litV4oiiillotittl]
41 r r ..-. 4, r,. v lo**,llloo - :LiJi6iteig;
Vr 1 .44,f .4%14% o 0 1 41: 4 41 4 1VI 1/1 ' P ;
Aupt,"2s..o.9o. B tie,iite).* MAP. ;0akt,740 *. . c i 44• 4 1 -,
west , 90 peti.ibpikkCiton Okiryt>a . b n,140,i0 GO:i. 1
,guiott* , pofiltlii.:4 l *keeNmeit, .";00 1 6 0 #.10!
'_volitA t i t p,f i t A ArtrF s ill'. 4 llr. , ,i;“ 4 s o vir
~,0,0„:;.,,i ~11.-,.. ,v, ,A.... !....-....„,..4,,,;,#,....,..1
100 l4lro 0;:ok
Oheitdiiti'oboWBrs4• l 4lZ:ttireer4',Vgii;;l.loAiiirobeir to
cost ,3 pert ten to 'istontertbeooe •by loneg acob
Rtimeek .s.9;dogireiii,7wes,t'Sri"peni4b*
stonek; noit degyeeo;Ast Abf f ierplios •to
biekoi•y, ettikiim sonlit2 wept 40 pOrob;
,19;.O'liillit,pine.1:ionali4 , 04FilrFes,'''‘Yeit' 86
ens k ,4' week
oroliet to hickory;
••• -, ii*Or Bl 4-*gO s eNlTstlfikits.. - v
tci etiinee; thence hylanda or st,i,mu,ol4iiieroicqlll
aol, doeceNyiest,,M perches to a' pdst;
oI hestnning, 'cOntairiing 'FOUR Ft CROWED. &
, NINETREN ACRES SrFlVE,ppacims. in
Ciimherlpitl Conntiliiii(SnYEN_HUNi))l.P.lD
In Perry county ;.Coninkning ';
*1 thousand, I hundred& Seventy , four
lows nee ot per, cwt. for7rosthl,lto, 'more or.
Tess, foiether ttyttli . all and singeltir. the 'lleredita
ments Lind anntniennficek'lltereitiito 'lielpnglng,
&c. - Seized arid taken in Otentdinn Si 'Om prop
erty,ef Sterrett, Ilitms'eY afid Albert:C. Itanisey.
And to be sold, by e.. -
A O m A
14' LtNGSUCIRF, Sheriff:
Sherifrs Ofliee, July 1,184 t. • •
a(2ls l ogitattitteitntia:o9azillllasiay39o
. ..ATOTIC.E is, hereby , giverle.that all , bills
11 against College, should be
presented to .the:Treasurer,„before • tl,e let. of
- 1 44 V ip every yetir atid•that the Trustees will
hold themselves, responsible for, rio that is
contracted wittiont a wiitien order froin JIM
WM. D. SEYMOUR, Treoe'r.
Ctrrliild, June 24,.i 84s:' . •• ; . •
THE several doll r ectors Of Staid'and County
Taxes, will personally appear on SATUR
DAY, the llth of July, 1846, at the Gotham-
Moneys' Office, and there'pay °mixt the Treas.;
urer, the State rex, assessed in their-_several.
duplicates, for the purpose of meeting the dtf ,
mend made on this county, by the Conimon
wealth. This must die ri gidly complied with, ,
as the paYinefit meanie made fifteen daYiptior
to the Ist of /talent, next. •
TFIE State Treasurer by his circular hf the
9th instant,. to the Commissioners of the
County. heft directed their attention to the
cessity and importance of collecting the State
Tax for the present year before the Ist of Au.
gust, to enable the State to meet the payment
of the interest don tit the 4ine; and tillers a de
duction of five per cent from the Pi: of such
countits as 'may pay the same into the State
Treasury prior to ' Cumberland co.
by the prompt paypent of her Stele tax the past
year, realized the sum of eleven hundred dol
lars, a eeddation from the State tax; which was
received by •01Q county Treasurer for County
purposes. Equal prnmptness on the part of the
collectors and tux payers the present year will
result in the same advantage to our county, and
we hope nothing-more will be- required. to en.
surq,the payment of :our State tax, prior to the
first of August, than to calf the attention of our
citizens to the advantages resulting to the
County, piirtioilarly at this time when a con.
siderable 'debt has boon incurred in the erection
of tho Cuurt House, and also that payment is
required by the Commonwealth tcrenable her to
maintain untarnislied,her faith, nrid credit, in
the prampepayment • of the interest on the pub.
lie debt.
D. STER'ET'r, -
Commtssioners of • C'ttinberland County
Carlisle, June 24, 1846.
Assigitee's Notice
Arl OR ISTIA N WEBER, of Allen township,
Cumberland county, has. executed to the
undersigned, a voluntary assignment of all his
property, for the benefit of his creditors. The
dchtorb of the assignor are rerposted to maka
immediate tiny !neut. . .
New Market, York eaufity, Penna.
Juno 17, t 8413.
Auditor's Notice
Min undersigned Auditor, appointed fiy
the Orphans' Court of Cumberland
county, to settle unit adjust the rates and prii
portions of the 'assets of the estate of JACOB
VARNISH, deceased, to and among the re
spective creditors, hereby ryes notice to all
persons interested, that - be will attend for that
p tispose, at hip (Alice in Carlisle, on MONDAY,
the 20th day or July, 1846, at Itro'clock, a. in.
when and where they may attend if they think
proper. J. S. COLWELL,
Carlisle, June 17,1846. Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by (he
Orphans' Cern qt . Oninberlund counts', to,
settle and adjust the rates end' iiroportiontiot the
assets in the.hatitls :laeob Shelly., Aleignee'of
Daniel Gravbill,tirAlleittoaiship, to and among
the respectiv:s erndttori, 'hereby gives notice to
all persona interested, that he will attend for, that
purpose, at the publiC house cil.Micilael tongs
rend, in ShireinatidloWn, on SATURDAY - the
or Jul) nextcat 10 o'clock, a. tn. when and
where they witty attend if they think proper.
0 - • LtAl
June '2l, 18411. Auditor.
Estate of Abraham Diller, deceased.
FiTTERS of administration on the Estate of
11 .
Abraham Uillcr, deo)1„ late of Big Spring
township, Cumberland county,„bave been granted
to the stiuseriber, residing la West r enitsberough
to . wiiships All 'perioits inflated to said estate, are
requested to make mtjlinetit immediately, and
those having Maims will itieeent themiTop e rly
authenticated for settlement withoiddelay to
'June la, 1846.
_,state of GeorgeZissthger,, eceased.
iv - oTicE le .hereby given, that Letters Tee.
famentary on,thel , loot will ancintolitomont
of George Kissinger, lotion - Nei, lotn of Diekiii
' son township, COmberland count y; havO been
issued b. tho. Re. istor of said '
count to '
eon .er, ra
subecri ger, 'residing:in, thqearocs townsh i p: All
persona having leads agaißtAtthe
eittliev 'a void •.! . .tieiasod;'liri repfeatell to' make
h now n ,ill94seme. without tlro, in.
dehted "will -
1,1 . 846. - 7 , • , E*acutor. •
.:Estate,of Peter Swanger, Sr: dea.d.:: •
NTpttcpiftl'hoTetiy:, - ktient,:thit'Lleiteis... or
bilibielitialtui-on :the- eelaWof PETER
WAT . IS, ER, "Si... dbeebeed, lite' of. Seuth
dlebin,towriehij), .Curnberland.enubt3yhavo been;
febuCit ;bit' the Reg . ieler 'meld cobetyAb_thel
All -pereonsiniv Int el feline for demands 'against,
said decedent are regnosted,:tb make knowril he
seinOWiLliobi deldiiiind thole' Indebted to make;
pyindhrimmOdkately ,
June 18464
1 - .:Estate of Gotlieb'llitfeil,!dee?,d... - -
DN,p),„3,,horebiAlviq;AtWlettimi( testa-,
' mentery,„. on tho • gitlile r,IO,:GOTLI ELI
' TER, deceased, ISM of .Monecki tuirnship,
G • iiilleiliiiid"aiftliity;',:heva - t - heeregrentedito the
subscriber, it Siding in the same,•ttlfiehiiiiH
'All Orions h sylexAlStrufic against Said ' estate
will presert„ . •tpem prqiertys , tothontiaikieCror i
settlement, end -, those -indebted, make
,'o'•. plutliont.
inteledietely, , ,to;••••, , r-I '(-;',.. ~. e< ••\ .1,:' , ;•.,•11,r i) •.;
..,,.,, j,..:•,.;_, , ,..„40,, , 0,0,.,; •, , :3 O' r 4ClfilN.l,UTZ,i4q.',':
' :, "
,• June ; 44' V346' ."' • • t••••'?' ' , l"' Executer . +l.
44P1153.44itii to 4
•,..,L=q 17,100 f:Ttoln:tti* MEM(AI',44,II7,7ZIZjii!
,"teSyglvc ;1101
w il t i pi 44 T oi : ll( iiCtyppt o .allight:4 6 3V4f u n g ip
, s
.t7 1 57111K116147000P04..
,4hn'AC•thltc tl i " €4! %' l94' ed' 9l lll: l 4 . " r - T&
; 4 6 ,p a ' 11 4 0 0 ; 11 1. k v- el ifle to ir r n te, ', 7011_ j e i tA t 4.- 1. 7 4 74 1
ir':' 1 ; 0611 # 13 47 4 4 . 1
4 , ,qo ' 9S!iF .,3l,4 ll) ird: ,ll o.4Pl4lltFi,4ool
rd: th Elie reception of ;
LSPriage„-stre,lttituate4-±_4flihis ,
north fcoll6lo; , ;:ppjstkivioitil,
leaTling , to , , , lflo`oiniield,' lo.a one ` healthy dnd:
'warm a lid Told; and every aeemmiledatfohltrai•
!ever to'euit the times.. •
or from the :Sp, AB,' at anyilopr erday In'the:
11en: - 't 'ttVo
;wee or ' ,:; apply, a , ens, ve
aentliiillehlletaiebger;;:• A pnlieetion .to be Made
,his Livery. Stable r :in streeti . riear , the
corner of Pitt and Pomfret etnot.R. Corlisla: - . • •
: ••••-,,, • •••• D. COTANMANY
‘' , June 24,1846. ' •'' • . • • , •
(Illicriife, (Elegant piquting.
lizauizzo , won omen.
011teoltaving',been lately,
fmnishect an':clegant new Press irotri
thn'eelelitated ritatiufactoff Co. in
,variety of
new' Faney Types cit the latest and rriost at
tractiite..desiins, is, now p,rovided:*ith
itiesfor doing eyerjr kind of JR:S4 PRINT(M,
, from, the largifst, ttptirtg., bills.,doivn to ,thiti
smallest Card or circular, ip the , most ,supe
rior arid elegant;and - at- the hitvett
prices --especially trhen paid for in-CASK.;
Irtindbills.tor private -circulation ,nor: to be
used as -wrappers, by ‘ Merchanta, ghopkeep-•
ers. or . Meckarlice, printed, at yery"r moderate
rates-when-erderecl hula* quantities: so •he
to make it a desirable Objeotto business men.
Large -pristing' billsi 'circulars,. cards,. and'
every . .variety. of Job, ;Printing, on .whites ;Or,
fancy' colored, papery execnted,ga. the 'best
Style at the Most'reasonable prices. — r
The orderS bf Oar friends and rho public re
spectfully solicited. , .
French and ilierrnan Language:..
PROFESSOR PREy,purposes to giv e instruc:
tibia in - I he French and German Language, tq
ionngintlies and Gentlemen, 111 . P, demobs
to.becorot iicqintinted with those brzinclies orpo
lite edtication, - Mr. - Prey wi I I remain in - Carlisle
n year, during width time, ap assiduous pupil,
under his instruefiiiiVean learn to write,Lead nittl
spent: those languages with ease, lle is now'
strueting a class, to which he confidently refers
for the evidence of ithifilics and the superior
ity of his method of teaching. Ilse terms BIT
moderate. Lessons in I lehrew, and all other an
cient languages, will be given if desired.
'Mr. Prey would refer to the following gentle
%V. 13.; KNOX, Esq.' s. ADA R; Esq.
.1. 11.'PA RH Ell, 'Esq. Prof. 13 A I up.,C.M.
liev.--WILLIA LinIERT IF - 01tRIS.
Cartisle,June 24,1846. •
rpriE' persen who sometime nen, boirowed
I the following booksdrom• Dr. Croigh, viz:
EireiVii - Practice of. Medicine, let volume—
Cullen's Practice nt Physic, 24 volume, and
Dunglisun on New Itcatictlies, will please to
return the - in — in hint..
Carlisle, July 1 - ; 1816.
To the Voters of Cumberland-county 3
WHEREAS, reports have been put in eirtn
lation by COVilitlT interested Individuals,
thrt I have .deli tied henig a candidate fur the
Office of Sheriff; -manifestly - frandulent
and dishonest intention of fisjiiring in' prospects .
anti advanhing their own; this is, lierefore, for the
recluse of positively. mid flatly enntreßliuting
tla se fa:se and malicious statements, and inform
ing my friends and the militia generally, that I
lIATE NOT DECLINED,—that t will not decline, and
that if my life and health are spared until the
election,. I shall .bernticli gratified by receiving
their support. Very Respectfully,
Ymn. Oh Serv't,
,lone 10, IAI6. .1 A M 1 li),F PER.
Doubling Gap White Staphar *rings,
THIS establishment briebeen furnished by
the "Doubling Gap SpringS Association,'
and will be open far the recap
r lien of visitors at eny4imc froin
„ I .11... i; and after the Bth of July, inst.
Thu company has pravided dried
Cooks, and easeful Servants, who will be al
ways in attendance, rind visitors may , rely upon
being furnished ' with every thing which will
cooduco to iltoit pleasureand..eonifort. There
will bi conveyances always ready to convey
passengers from the Newvillo Depot, on the
Cumberland ValLy RoiLrood, to the Springs.
July I. 1846..
I .
s finitnny ilmt application will be
made by the. undergigued and others, to the
next Legialauire'of:the Cummonwea/th Peun
ayhMUlß,lhr iheiheortuaratjonor.a company, to be'
stiled "Tug Cumnatit.AX”' VALLEY BANK OF
YENNSTLYA7iIA;"OtO be loouteilln.tlm,Boro,Ohil
Carlisle; ctirnberland•eoutitt, to hide n'ittpitl
not lest than Ono Dmillred•Thotisand, , nor `mote,
thou Two.llundrecl.Thmtaand Dollarty'with gen= -
eral and discounting-privileges.
T. C. M11.1.F.R,
' ABRAHAM guirrz,
.101{N DUNLAP,.
P. W. MeCUI,LOC 1,
111 - SDN,
2 '••' CIFIDM I3D
July 1, 11146.-om.• • '• •' '
',another Large Sum . )ty .
• •
New:: GOOds. .
Just received from NOWYPIPC:miId
,'" :'.! vlstaißtgur • „p railr.. .
.„.,..-:„.4Lv 400T1L , ,. ,, ‘
jtilliE atilieCtibtOg 4t. iikoeil 11'12 last
.A. ' litie ui ro ,7°' ./ , ' , . *4.lo2. , Nri t iem, l o4P ,
eanridw,t'adaiinitnpfil,,iitiAß3 cuitlstacta ..;444
'the; public itrOtiolkVilgitplifiOugoonl,- 1
Cr - liallicliCiiper,"4latittatitlit;'Crif,* ',, Alhaai haw
.oyerbranit.ouilit`to.oBlllB , 16 •4:' , .. '4 .,: - .',' , 1 '‘.--''—''
.., It is. ttnpostilbla”'iFliiin4rall° "rk'c'"°i ,, ,to4'
Illiiioulii call Ilia iticintiCli''Or", (he' liatilta - ,t0. ,
Naispicaflid zioak'Torn' , l'), - .> - ..;;:. - =''''.7 - ...;, ;••,..:,‘,
'''' ''''' ''''—' Piliok Gobds . •
stud the - GEN.:4 l am EN !o'lo4 - 611g7.ptock turS qt.'
MFR - ,yttuAn.--:;-Ai.luty . 07.iikilfti,1.7,9:1119.•_•form,iir
a!iiiili;*'lgrkci:':gtuliPlY - 0r,..',..:'.:.' . ...'.. '', k l ,
', . - :natsi'Moiitiantt filitiea. '-.
Aino, ii! e.iiiiiii , e44`4447ifiii4i 4 PtiT9 frl':
'''''-';'' ''''''...dnikEitibic '1.1'',! . . , ; ,.:- , ,,t , ,,..t i
. ..kempio l ol-'the
Oldeiiip; - tait H ,'. iglt:'atra'cl, , .
alitCyou:callat.lif',tlctaa,fint a'big.4toCivtrl'Cleat;rgitir..':.!l -VH4ICOI.BIt"'I
7 ,"- ;1 :i''.P#tiiil°;loKtii:lB4Bt',..::;;;‘, ?-:,'' 'fq:ti;:CclATitt;ioEtdilANTS*ll )l6 o
.iitll'alLitinda bratifida at city;pricas:' , ' ','-"''. .., '.
'. - . , • :-,. . . a •
bonal-%---, .' ,—z-.4„ifinThGaliotr 4. '.
l ' attle44;!74' '':s ' '''', '..' '''
,;* . , k:!,,
_,AND Lshing: ,Oilati;:'
',! '', ' ''.....orrtva-Uriu -- - gat rtenti;
itijotagTESPut,,i, mato; ye4rg; by ttio4;
WA R D im+ LI 'a i g fir ei t 11‘?17k, 'kind. l'on,i.
unipilin . - iiaitiini,'Ni Yo rk, a nd
"ini id' Maili9v3 t' bautillil.c,o, - h ow;
at mob., _ ~n,„i'liv9i,sl, .., 4.-,
071:00-11.),:'?„;,ilidpApP147,- titto "vie. w it. ; .;.,.
rimityoo",l4r.i.thikim /s'',°,x,r,,ir:;.":" i 4 ' '', '.
''''''' '
'I;11411;1` iiocitfici• ..t t iii.ght4.', s . , Ai,
ou retarr v i , ), , i, • I,* in, t. e,,,,,i440.,!..t,,,
',, t ' iiitrilatkropLentof':4 o P,!`4AViAleekl4s.
'41,0, 1 1 :01/5 - it A 46 /4'14.14ii 't4911,4011;.A8
aixtikilt 4 y,.. 4 - li,42444Wlrwtedtiitv4 and sit,i
. i;afTewer Zi'A44 )4 l_,, t _Of4'.. co:=9gt►' 111001//,°" rd.
136;,..P.0r- o.44liittipT.74 , -.Avantio , `Polar...
wioji Hftnitin'''°-', 4 tijitia7k ki n l i tiniiainnali o, r 93 7 ; l l
ii...o.q' 401:0",
,p 1..;,,, ~,Sl4:''B4tF4-,'
bti•iist.ViekaPlC't 'llOl7O (Milti‘V,,,,,,:i ~;,,,i,.
,fi11,if.,.;*1430'. var--4,,1/4,),?:..-,1,V41,,''11Y4't',"-'.
,:ws, irig l .4 . 4lll .fit - ' , 7"'4 =', '.. ' •., i , : l t ,",
~ •...
Eft '
' Eft
AM-rtrV • 100111 , ILV:,7,t,:
--. , t' ,:.;,:z f LOEtudttguutl,,,, '-. , ~-..
. _,
ParmenWLaoii o ` qs erosie tf
-''.:....A1,". .-:"...:--: :;::c::
••,,, , 4,.. • •
~. • , •.r . .... , , ; .... : • .5' f• - 4(4' . .P.:?;
...*: • :
' ',. .i?'' , ...: '. ..1.•1. 7- c "Mal l i'-' '4', ' ' ' ...•
„...:... • ... . - -,..-,.,,,„,
4 , Tuxtt,sEratet_m..a.ozazrz;:
'...:. 'tire Farmers of Camberiatni,•Ailanis:l.,ritnk
;lin and the adjoiiiink•counties, that they have the
right to.rniike pod sell MCC'S PATENT HOUSE
T WEE 'A D'...tit rilcsul.N4 At Ateli IN P..-•-
,Thilt_fporsop sver..4.nwitle.,on the , . prinpiple.of
centre, illsi'light aiid,ift,Prottritin o e'd' lig tftotie lia3i,
•ing iireirr'in u e to be the lightesedraught of•iny
Horse.po-we • ow in use. This Horse power and
I' Machine, has' been in use in this' county for isimitt
four years, and has , fullr , sostaitied its reputation,
for bet,tik,the bestgiielatbe.lii use. ' .
We resliectfully call il a : attention of theme frhil
are in'.irfilit of a Nfactijne, to call 'at our-Foundry
odd Alachihe'Sh6p,•iir the rear 'of Rhonda' Ware.
llottse,'and examine for .themselves before pus.-
(shoeing.: elst *here; as we are determined to sell
them low. The following Certificate hove been
gratuitously °fret-C(l'lg those having them in use,
and speaks highly. 01. its ratite.. - ,... ,... ..„.,
411:e rii lien le:
, '^,-
l'illS, is leo certify that .1 e have !mom opeo,f,
lllis'ilTiVie'putver mid Thresising•4•llllaeldnee;
and 'do consider it superior to any machine we
'have ever seen or•itsed for: lightness of *aught,
speed in thresiiiiie 7 ; - attdriltiriliiiiiy, - intl lici..iscinii
(lenity recomintmd it to a superior
41aelline. „ • . • .
DO VIII Kutz, JohnTisiburn,, ' •
Jacob Katz," . •Peter,Tobiaci, .. -
.. A brsibam Kurtz,;-• • William Shriner,'
William Dunlap, -.t Otlilli S %Myer,
THE' subscribers, would.biso inform the -citi
zens bf this and the ntljoinging cohnties
are Prelim : et] to execute to order altrkinds of
C .
such as Mill Gearing of all descriptions, Rolling
mill work, Gard mid Meister breakers, Throsh-
Jt.g machine " m m g s,l'lntiglis and Until vatots.
They hate also on bawl a new Corn Sheller, that
' will shell 10(1 bushels an
hours Stoves of all. de
- - scriptiotis,s, such as dine
• plate till sizea and pai
-1.-1" 41/ •
r •teros. .
J P Coal Si. Cooking
-' 4 ='"
as Bucks', Zeigyr's mid
Lewis' potehts, which are the Vest jjoilv in use.
Threshing Machines repaired at modsrate prices.
ELAcricsnarrir WORK of - El l l
kinds and finishing it general.
Foundry and Nraeinne Shoop in the rear of
Hem., Rhoads' WorehooFe. •
F: ii. 10.1:SEV,
\ NI..ASK 11 I,l* 11.
Cat lisle, May 2 , 7, 1846
. T HOMAS CON LYN, takes this method of
toturning Ins sincere thanks to his-friends
an tho public in general, for the very liberal
shareof patrindlgeber•towed upon him, and begs
leayo to inform -them Melina hos jiistleceived
the largest, hal...moist, cheapest and best stock
of Watches Jeikelry, 45-e. ever offered in Car
nide, consisting in part of roll Jetealled
eiv t , , - Gold' Patent Lever
• • A*.
C I,
sro W itches ,
_. _.,.
(i• 4v from 45 to 75 dollen , . urn
loi px, . ,
~ e -J plain GOLD & SILVER
ttl i - , p 5W,, , ,,15t Watches of every kind,
-•--- quality and price.
Gold, Silver & Common Watch-keys,
of every variety, from fil cents, to three'dollars.
Gold Finger rings, Ear rings, Clasps, Lockets,
Watch chains, Bracelets, Medallions & Breaat
pins, together with every article of Jewelry for
Dadlea-und*Gentleruon'a wear. Golder Silver
Eier pointed PENCILS, a great viirimy, and
a fine lot of the Celebrated
Diamond Pointed Gold Pens.
A greet variety of notions, ch as common
fancy and low priced Breastpins, Wei ch chains,
Steel beads, Fancy - Heir darts, NI iniatuto cases,
Guards, Silver Thimbles, Pencil lends, &c.
Also, a large nturcery fine asstirlment of
such as Putter knives, Tablßiond 'Pea Spoons,
Suglir Innes,.Salt spoons, &e. of the very best
(veiny and manufacture, and .ns cheap as they
can he purchased in the cities.. Also, a very
Mgt) lot of Gold, Silver and Steel framed
to suit all Ergs and ages, and 'at all 'prices.
Ills stock is large and extensive, and lie re
spectfully ergs the public to give him a call, as
every article`Offoired;ft;rible will; be of the best
PP. Watches. all& Jewehy r , .
win ho repaired as best' style and
on very triaegte , torms. He may b found at
the •OLD STAN D, in West High Street, a - few
,irters above [lectern's Hotel, and opposite
Loudon's-Book . stare, where he will be happy
.to etteod to the orders of his old friends and
-customers, and as many uew tines as may ,favor
him with their patronage.
Juno 3,1f146e
Itarpor'a, Piotorlal ,Bible.
boing awaro pf tho ennwle.
Lion of Ilamer'n, Pictorial Bible • will bo
a.b.10 to Rind them any. of, the. st:bedribere
:who, may favor. hint With- ilia
,'Job,., with the
prontise tetto, the work
,in a mot ; and substany
tiat manner, and , at a reaonabli3 rate.
~•Carliale, July 1484 . 6.•
, ,
IIRCUMSTANCES req'tliro Mai llio•Gneha
• . : lIRCUM6TAAL•e.O ts p .—
•' of the Into bra) of.:QROLLSE sS. OMIT, be
Settled us epeedily: as possible.- All -sceounts
not, closed , by the 1st:1)V August next, will he
put' in , Suit..:; • ADAljt.'
e W.kitUANTib'elji'lla•lii:ottiiiillie fttetatta
'. ' twigless tor 1 able Jellies, - teal of great
:set,ilCe in'iliieatea. , :witere , tielleate atthaal %eine
Woalred;lfitd #ell'ealetilatettfor tetttai 3 Oyageo . .7 .
liimpi•ovea by — agei if leelts'Ary;anil • can be ynotte
into Soup . lita fe‘r Wile tes, sindtiof grea t 10010 1
ilf , clitrlfYill# Cider, Bret! oadiNine; . ..,...; .., ~. ,„,
0, yo,tookif rattle Jo. ll ict,7rAhiP4A-lOalt.Ova , POn'
peool-Ceoper.?B,lteknetl Atnerleao lobtainoh!ohlolk
,photiN be itrorilealyitlJti iailit. Iratei; toy t, hottro;
Aritra oft;:thoLtvater ;I thealttato,t4vo,:tivacto Ofieghl
- water; One, etet if, gate ; - po quilt ;ot. sugar, Lint it la
't h e Whlie s or. three eggoOlielittlee - br•lbrep',goo
01'10 lepton!, Iliii:Tieellit ehearittilr;eir:til(tpiimbli.
'it'little'netritr.k; orange iteeltor'elßeS - milee to. Alit
bite tastes stir. all 4licr ingredienti well; together
1 ,4 , 10104:old, theif , boll , the , whole'lroloo'lilie ar'i teo
‘ rinuteolaiid.; then Initirilt 4 tlii*Olil!"'tlelly; , llag;
~ " 11 9ilt It 'P., !IY:be , .Puut.iFilft Xlitabes , :Dr:mettttio, tang
.0 4 '91 1 1,9 ,0)...Av. 111 .b At'fin.. uoetykllte etooltia..oltoultt
AO rot r,„4. tilitt . ,lt' I litlii:rititO;q4 .- .:0gt:al 1 0 water, l
just'; betore'tikjelry.:ll4ltit'tti :them, in .ortler o to,
ItAO it oIiA.Y , tO..ii , rtt,them . 00;794.i11Atei1,;, , . )
r ! . ..,Tri'6 . My . ;,itni . ip:triiicatf.%Alini%el 8 . .. r t_iil)piiiCs
. aeroolititte . .oftiiiiiilgr tiial,:it Oat built i'iieril ileeti 4
titirrii*,l,osleitlittlnt:oit'ttle....hottoni:::;_4l;(3; it ,011
, ftiottunoherough..firit k , ohbold .biii'potteeta , bil e lO,
,t4e , ,jetlybawontil'it rent Ihrol4sh.oleor;" . lf 4 '- , l'i
6 , .f44,.ani,,viiit itof...Wipie,tithe,%aboici,filt:W e.
Afinfi4ilb,‘OPll!ill}illi:iaalle, fri 4,0*chet,,411,30ip;
tfAN : firiß,s,lotAl . ): Nrr;cptcmc.,!*ll44:';Ol'T ,ll Ao-, 1
§lPlr ,, ip ~\,!':',i.,'1,?'1:.4.4!..ti1dgi'v,.1:440,4 1:' , 1,'
' ' Yktr' V0r. 4 ‘% 1 4).9'9...M,q9 . J1 14 1""*.aij 1 e.0k
ciialt eattee' Of '', olttglatorAva A oort.s.iot liti milk or,:
:Itittitii.;llto 'peat lir tyi*, t,N94tiZtr itinV oppio 'to
mit thet.tisteir.tslasth' 'W.ltele;.(o44RAtilpear;
will 0 ,4i 0 i 1 , 4 1 . 4 04 ...0tift1Y , abriristir' IC*Ol, ' milt
; the . i3reityktlititirl . , l b :iseiwtille!eicaliagi;o`' It, SW
.illogOil.44:410 k h rl.,-..eiti. i t # lll 4 . ok,nklifSellirne,it: ,
but ;and lliiilCtilei; ':rettir tor.tioe..' : . witti realties
aheuttklie pry itiz r ztplioi•itomwoolek 44
milevent ii pm> t ettiegAcctharo:, .'... , 4 ,- f.* 0 . , . , .. , '.,-"'!' , . - -;
..,4 , ...Ft1e, totteitir yli : Ar. , Mviriat . .ilirii t litirs:
jOKLEPRO ' ''' ebrirt - o,* ri ' '' ' '*s*
;Nbikitectliiii. , T, . ialroc . o 44 • 6, I - ioliek,
!:tilikki4o , ,T 4 ,40tt,!'1;411 . ;Ikbxy,ioßl: , f , l
- t ., %7 1,..
~1„,,,,„., / ,yy,, , , , ,,.., . ..,-,Jr, ,. , , -,,,-,, ,, , , ,,:..f,,,
wtAt"fs,, ,,
74, ' ‘506011,0 T
e = `!,,,A'2=tr
' Ot•e
-• • - "`.; -
l• 5 - - ' , Q,..ll._lELLititCrinE), 1 ~.:
2 . - AB . lintt-_alidnadin - ilini'n .. ciiiiriiriWCily 'Oej,
~ - ..,, "413iiiPd,br-1V1i....-1:I choice:!!n!tclegl , ht. 0 0 4 br:
.Among waiiiraTtialinillidi, Fiene6; American and
Sattinets and Caisimerei of various' kinds of the
littest - ifylete Gambrontia, Linen and Cotton
Oregontrid Catlin - mita Contai n mi . % it great
variety for r men's wear. . BALZORINES, Itaragen,
Lawna; White and 'Fnney Robes.—
'French; Sctitch, nod Domestic Gingbants. Ging
ham LOWllll,lllouslln de Lainea,Calicoes,bleaebed
rind unbleached AlusliHs,colored Cambrlcs,ancl a
general 'assortment of, White Goods. Thibet;
Merino., and:towage Shawls and Small, Ladies'
Cravats, Gentlemen's black Italian fancy cravats.
Silk and 'Gingham Handkerchief'''. New -Style:
Spring Bonnets. Latest Paris shaped Chinese
Pearl; Gimp. Florence Braid, Neapolitan, Mod,
enn and Rutland Straw Bonnets. F.leganrrioli
fringed Ribbons, Lacas., - 1 , ./Iglilgs and Inhel4
Also, FAMILY' GROCKRIES, such as Coffees,
Sugars, Teas . , Spices and Tobacco.
' „Aft
sin 'detcrndittlsl to sell . low for CAST!,
1-iresfieatfully , :invite tlac public to 'call mid ete-,;
umiak - my stock betnre tom:lasing 'elsewhere.
Carlisle, April We, 1846. . ° •
LgaLai \ - .17
ONARZIEB lazatrinum, ,
m:"'hoUrto anncionee - to• the citizens of ( - ler.
we lisle and the public lc' general, that Tic
'hai. removed his store to South Ilarrover street;
one door below Burkholder's Hotel, in the house
fiirtnerly occupied by Mr. N.W. Woods,,tvhdc
he would pdvise all who want to purchase therip
GoOtis. to give him a call:* . •
. Ile would infprm the public. that he has just
returned froth Philadelphia with a large, and
splendidnithortment of
Spring and Summer .Goads,
which laded to Ida former stock makes his n!-
sOrtnient camp/rte. He will sell goods as cheap
as at any other establishment in town. Ills
stock, which has been selected with care and
attention, will enable him to give such bargains
as cannot fail to
Ile would therefore cell the attention of th e
public in want of CHEA' GOODS, to give
him a eall and • examine fur themselves. Ills
stock consists in part of
-21 -1 g
titan colors and quality.. Casstmeres, Cassi
agate, Tweeds, Vesting, Flannels, Silks, Algae.
ofit, illerinoes, Gi tight' nis,Bed !Pickings, Shaw Is,
nehcoes, Muslitis; a. select and general assort.
went of • Lace, Edging, Invertings, Gloves,
Hosiery, &c. &c.&e., together with evety
ricty of goads kept in any
A150.,-.A very large assottment of *GROCE-
R ES, of all kinds that may the wattled for fam
ily-use, very cheap. Likewise, a large assort- •
wnt. of • • .46
Queensware, :Glassware, Ete,, -
which will by sold tory low. SEGARS, alba
oral that the, city could ntlurd, can be had by
calling at floynity.'s Cheap Tote, in South Ilan.
occr itrert:
'" Those desirous of securing the first choice of
the most select and desirable goods in the mar.
ket, would do well to call without,deln.v,
Cerlisfe, Aprfl.B;lB46.'
Cavendish Tobacco,
oupnaloa, Cavendish Tub:icon for sale. by
Julie 10. 11 11. Crove.
Windciw- .51;ades . & Pike:board Scenes
• •
most,leauti fill assort mai,. ever brought
trliste, and at prieei' so cow as uill
VT ' ) Ct
astonish buyers,. for lilac by John J. islyers.
---Carlifilc,.llitje si, 1846. , , ~
/11111 - E - stibseriber hereby - inforptChts custo
1. meroand the public gerierrilly„thit he has
just received nod is now OPeninent : his store,
on the - South; Weil corner ()filo rithlic Square,
o splendid stack—or
consisting in, part - - of .tnglisti, French and
Athericaa. Clotheli CaSsimeres, Sattinetts, 'Kerr,
tucliy Jeans, Cotton Goods of all kinds, Summer
Cloths, Yeatings,La wnp, Ginghams, Balza ri nes,
Plaiu and Fancy Dress Silks, F..hawls, ri choice
lot of CalibueS at all priets;•Checks, Tick ings,
Muslim., Parasols, Sian.shades, Gloves, hosiery,
&e. Also, Grerecries, Boston Syrup, Sugar
House, end Orleans Molasses, Sugars; Spices,
&o. together with every . thing else in his line
of business. All of , which lie oars at the very
lowest prices possible.
Carlisle; April 8,•
gNVIMAIS Ms friends that. he tale psi retn ned
from the cities and is now 'lite g the ~ gt!sl
nesortment of
Innumerable Taney Articles, ever brought to Car
lisle, which be will sell nt prices so LOW, as to
ASTUNIVIi 11103 C who are : curious in that way.—
Just cntl for the amusement of the thing.
June 8, Mill.
iiinporior Winos and Erandios,
TOR: modivi;ml :mil Table ptirliij - seii. I ;have
mimed Awn . Winei - and Mamliep, 'with
gt:eat *care, and elm edblitleatlyreembmeml them
fur the above purposes.. For sale by •
.1 atm S. 1846. • John J. Myers.
JUST reeeived o n nen;. and splendid assert
ment or criowns, consisting in part of
French English' and American. Broad Cloths.
Also, Groton, Oregon. and Summer Claths - fc:r
sale at the People'e qieup Store by,
• • 11. Anders..
• Netif
19[ .. 111:GROVII,IissiesYretnenetl rroin Phil
th A kit ef•Nins' Goads Among rout n, ,41tIzorined,: ene red.
Poites of lreli
seperhii• l
Copaiapjid itili
cheirikeits. - '6l" whisk l,will 'sell
lowest r
iL,,carl . h4olune-10,.18:16 '
'-'-4 , , f ,_,0A1-A—Y - --- - A-RD. '-'=------
.'. :
ir-w - ,sul n ierilicr wonld, r`opPreffulli inform ,
K._.„..tifo Omens of ,Carlisln, - and t h e public
genorally,:that he' still'continund his LUMBEI , ;.•
)(ARP, on:lho west nnsi_of 4.ktairi street at, tho
corner formed, by , the. blowvIllo• Rand Mid ,ther
Turnpike, where he will at,' all iimos, , koeP on,
hand a general supply`of well-sedeMed'Ltgbor i ,
noel, as ' ~ . 4 . , e •• , -.r, , !, , .1 ; 41; 4 r' w' '," ' ' • 1 '
MOPF4 II )Pkt, II I44 SPfillitilfi l ailt4, l d
inik9llllllberr Shililigletir &c!' ,-,. , t
which wilt be mild:at tho , loWeet,priceif, 2 •
'' 'iglifidnek'of iiiiiiibm; 'consists of'a flilitsioit.
inotit of , Yellow,: and'.Whito, rino,,roplar and
"0 11 ' 6 4 0 1 1 iffili.l'ilfirk'SkIfillu'lOnlI fi gni m i h n a l
ALila ilka ;liWtyh Infal,nodr Yn t i o o 4 M (t e lopria-riltlh3,l4
:Oak slid Maple Solimilingenf all snail from by
1 1
-37t0 oby ;,,,,aloo' a full assortment of TM° • and
,Oak 'Shin . also ~ H tlikting Timbtrrt 01 ‘firi7
longtheilif i loknoss; , ,loies and' Rafters of ail
eatto,nritt sixes, together with, ovary oihdr , arlir
`4sl,li'Aisatrlo'beifdillid 14 tflietinbor„rod: ?;fie
4111 # 1 liCkeliP'Oilithinfl$ tti Illiiid' o 4 4 l l ,PV,lll
tbo diffeiont"itindO' Or CO 0A,,,,1ii'',,i,,„0FP for
Pine- filroyn.Wiiiittrimtniv,uptclAptoPomtiiiim
fqiniliAtet*l'i l itAttookkoprili OW D i RSIOM li ! ',,
Ptild - birl 4,II VOPIORK - 3kflOi , mltipirtoorl ,
4 4 9ritlillik‘6 o .o l # 4 Ora -, WA'4 O O/1 1 3% 11 9 ''''
I i 4 1 h 1 ciliP 0, 0 11 "00*.ii ) Ci AVpfi•blictioopieti
njoithoo,,,b-,s.tttawkilnk Altiot,totPATS
, tt:11 ' Asegi„ . '. l ,,,, A 4 it ~ ,''.. ' '7... gi
Ojet t , ' ~, ,:t id4. 4 " 5 3 4 . lri 0 • 0
:fg).5vi,01A044. 4 111. - ...r., , ,p ~,Liteilf. lak ,:•,-'
J' , y --t `,:h= , ';' It ;;; t. -,. 1' , , i 0 , 11 . -:,t , " , ' 7 : . , ;
- t e ,
.., ~f , - 1.
~, ~, i .2. , :. ,- 1 ~ ', A ,... ,;)
o Araitto4ornal6:,
ecorid- vitt° so
• the bliereiliatlhri....tutiAilit
Bitiladitipiin:tinl 140tEXOrlepdliii:tidilthitlre hew
And fitatitonaldiNicikle
than the •aamo - ntifolha',ititilitite4ithltoied' in did'
ntoolf efiabrious ; in Jotttot largo cit&
I..Z.DBlNp's,Ede.lot - of
new. style ttrueta;pf , thelateit
attlO figures, from. 7 rXitt" CtiNTS • to" one chiliad'
per' yard; ,and. of a.Aunlity Sar.,auperior .to troy
everolfered.fOr same price in' this Borbugh.
Don't forget the state; in' North Hanover ntreet;.
oppitaite Cornman's Beath • .
Carltale, Jung 3, 1340„;..,....,",.
UST A - delved and' new °pavan, a iplendbi
0 assortment of Dry Goods and Precede, at
the People's Cheap Store in North' Hanover*
street. one door below S W IlaSerstick'S Drei
Store, where the public can be•accommodated
With cheiip goods for cash, •-•
and Stlnanvir E Gt o fdS% at the
t,orirc cricair
alt r m tm t c h n o t F o it i y4s in la i rg s o r.
.IFI . i V e d E )x u t g en r si e v e : l a ‘ n .
Summer Goods as have ever boon bronght 'to .
Carlisle. Their stock having been selected
with the greatest care, they can confidently
assert, that a cheaper, better, or prettier assorti,
'sent, is not to be found any where. Their
stock consists in pa rrof blue, blue black, green,
olive and mixed, Knglish, Vrench, and time.
ries n dr.tOMITS, 'striped, plaid and plaid •
Cesslrperes dn. for summer, superior white;
striped and plain Drillings, superior London'
gold mixed, olive and Silver Tweeds, superior
Cashmeres and Oregon Cloths, do. Croton
Cloths, de. French and English Vestings, strip:,
ed ar.d plaid do., black satin Vcslings of a so
' perior quality. Also, i'very large assortment
of plaid and striped cottcn goOds for summer
pants and coats.
We earnestly invite the ladies to call -Snit -
examine our elegant assortment of Bairns, such
as plaid, striped, s haded and corded Organdhi
Lawns, corded Ci-nglium,lnee striped Organdie;
rich style Bahorities and Nunes, lace striped
muslhis and cambric! , extra Ginglfams and
Frenolt Lawns, splendi d Calicoes that surpass
every thin+ . evi- offered for the pritc. Also,
Hosiery, Gloves, mitts, Laces, Ribbons, and '
Linen Cambricflaridkerchiefs, Ilmmet Cape,
&C. Also lirge assortment of brown and
blenched filesli no, plait] and striped Collor a;
Portland stripes, cheeks, 30 inch heavy Drit
lines, 7.6 th drilling, i -table diaper. -
(1.12. -- Q-ULD OI ti 3 I s e c
consisting of splendid white,Chian ten setts of
46 pieces; Liverpool-caps and saucers, plater, •
basins„ bowls, &c. A large assortment of
Glassware, Cruckery.ware,•hardware, Ceder
ware, Oils, Paints and Dyestuffs.. Rreceries,
New,Orlearts, Spgraehonse and Syrup *Ames,
Porto Rico, New
.42rleups Loaf•Sogark
Black, limper and - Young Hysciii Teas. Mace ;
Ginger; blutiliegs, Co. • The largest; befit and
cheapest assortment or
. ctfered people of Cumberland coon':
ty, Comprising in all over 5000 pairs of the
various kinds of Women's atilt ChM'
drone Shoes and Boots, which we will "war
rant not to rip," and wrarunt them to give alt 1>
reasonable satisfaction to the wearer. These
Shoes and 'loots we %Tinsel! 20 per cent. cheap . -
rit. than city retail prices! A complete assort'
meet of the best and cheapest
such es Beaver. Cassimere, Brooh- and Fur.--
Double and single Leghorn and•Seagrass Hata,
with a very large assortructirot.Pillmdeaf Hats.
We would eay to onelintrall, givens .a-peep;
before purchasing elsewhere, as we ati deter
mined to sell goods us elicup as any store idthe
county. Remember, our store is directly op
posite Robert's Hotel, South Hanover street.
Carlisle, April 29,1946.
N. B. All kinds of country produce will be-,
taken in exclidnge for goods, at market prices.
The Largest, hest Selected, and
Cheapest Stock of Hardware ever
brought to Carlisle ! !!
OliN P. L'YNE. respeCtfully informs his
q,./A friends and the public ganeralli,that helms
just. received tram the city's sp lendid stock of .
Cheap Paints, Oil, Varnish, dr.c., which lie as
determined to•sell chedper ban seer.
II is stunk cotisista to part of tbe %Bohai - 4f:
Builking muierials,•stich as Locks, Hinges,
and Screws,nails and spikes, windosV,girtis, of
all sizes. Carpenter's tools of all
: kind., Such - .
as.planes,.sawa, chisels,.augurs; braces and, bits
compasses, superior. send paper..:-Saddlery,-
lull assortment consisting of brass, plated, and
Japanned liarboss wounting,vaddie trees, hilts ; •
stirrups,, titmice's, hog skins, raw hide,.. whip' •
stocks, &.c. cabin..., Makers', materials, such
MAHOGANY_as VENEERS, Glass und Ma.
liugany ,Ittiobi, drawer and chest locker, Bed
stemi screws and cups. Alia, a splendid assort.
ment of fine pen and pocket knives, table knives
end 'forks ; tine scissors and ',shears, sheep
BMWs; 'razors and . razor, straps .and shafting. .
cream, Also, Candlesticks anti snuffers, shov
els and tongs, brushes, of all kinds, tubs and
buckets, sbovdis and spades; hay end - mannre
forks, halter and trace chaise, calico .
looking, glasses, and looking grass, plates of 'all
slice,mill end-cross cut saws, bar, band, round
• nd-oop-i-ron r oast r idieur—arLlilister-4401==.-----
,Also, rifle and roc powder, of the beatiplitlity -
anti safety Use. l'ogethor - with
,eicry article
usually kept in -a Ilardware';Sharb.' -
Call and pram,intir'beforri puiihasirri:ehre.
where psi ant determined nollobe„beat,:, 1,4
--- -The' bonksand - necorintelef -- -thn - lateffirtumf
J.. P; ne pid . iiiinf . liutidtcana'pii.
sonii'ko*ing-themselves, indebted-le 'call and..
, books - mist ho settled-upliMene , „
i tely . 3 - oth crud se:o lftWifist itTed:taith:; —
• Oa t'espact oparsons,...
. • . , .. ...... . ~
evir -- Giiods.
oioNG.BI O .B.u.matm
I. (ooiip,i ; i t , r4 ot i .:y
;such pa • TWele;',liinliro9iii 'mid' Stn ti.:,
t O O l O l :6.CO*1 1 1W0 6 . 0 iil:il00i 11 0; 141 4j :'' 1
• Ginglukei AlgtJok44 l
.J. 1 ,7' . ?: - 41.8.gMtr-!?:
Ithil - prooo.l6iritt (14;stariittf -, .-'"7.. - .' .• •,, :_ , ....,:., - , r. ,'• '''
'.',..' f tr.''' '.A. RICHATeD9 'Er' COV '''.--.,
1 . ; ,, :tAA 1 . ,
k . i l i f 7N i,v : n t rytr ..;, i :;. q ; : _ tt ;;;:, l „ ;;:':'..
FliWilmi . .„ ... kt, ftle,ig t itittltru! tormotAty . 9 . rist ~
tt'o - 6.11. ; 11,1040sVI.contintte the* Patr,oollaPv
us' 0$ PO4CAYkO, .c 6 q9 0111 0 0 1 11 00;•iiikliklkfiltiv. •
gisce. *ci11....
, - ...-, 1 g , -4ii . .., 1- 3:f ' A. 411.41 0 1kibeclu,vi.., .-: ...
'' , 3l.ti ,, . 01': iit*gii•s;' -';.-I'''l,', , C , ;; 7, •:die , : f: '..
i i)
' grilril,4l4d,"' N lai*:iiPtsititik#66 l ;4! , -,
''. ;#llii hi: a''' r ' lifia , f , ' i'mi , .'•-- 1 : 2 l' , , , iict:.iiii_o ,-,..:,,..
" il , 0.1.0.,h,.f , -, -,
• giipi)etiebu it May , x6.l, , '''r , ,, L , k 4 A;r , ,".'''' , ,'-
fet.,, . , --!(i;4.. , , ~.., t o •'0, , ,'' , 0r , - , , , .. :,
'. ,- .41,:4 , 'T 5? •.- te v ~.ii.,.1 . 4 1 ' '''',..q . .'?' . f. ' 7 , . ..1' . 'itei+‘".. '.. ... , ...
1 .,1„: ',. , , : ,' . , ', .k.‘. .:'o'., ~.U. a r. ., rf.R. , * .o ', 1'41'6 ' e 1,.‘.1. t•I;
7 W EE:I), , -oTpistmi.ofifii'ittikl iill,fikkiliiiiiidtl - t'i
'''—' 'irk. '*-- 2 -- -,4l‘;' ,