Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 01, 1846, Image 4
IMlE==== ~lL a r ,71) • A, ', • , • „to:, • " ~~iziszi~, ~ ~~a~:r,. airitk largirearatjMl . hmtittatip meeting of the, friend's. Getty 6arg,,oh'Faillify'evtiiirtiVtveek,.rtt whiel erNreso lutions wurssed approving or the General's • . . crngs9.4l,,,thejecept r eorrutcrudenee. Kr A rumor prevailed a fe}v days since pirtf „ tho - Asiatie - Cholera had Marie its apporir 4nce:. Canudit, but it has 'into Peen lolly .contradicted.,, T)te intelli,gence of ,thoprornOttoo of l'a - DoetOloe Arivet Major General, was re- , iteived opAbe 3tl inst.; anil is noticed Witl&r . atiitaiification by the pa _..l'erer • • ' • • It§ Practical *rations . , - In rbterririg to the- . Seeretary 2 B 're,port '[resident -says that- it see it by that that a. e onghichable portion: cif.Aliedublitiottal amount of rpverilio re4titred:may.ha raised by a mcalificat!on:9f the rates of , duties: . ~Tiiglr duties on many articles, he says, totally ex: elude them 'from ilnportation, tho i there by t; l3_„y veducing. the dutieslo . 1, the revenue standard net doubted that' a largo anieunt el articles on Nxlncli thby are" mposed ; would bo imported, and a eorresponding anionittof revetiue be received born 'this • source. Mal isto say, remarks' Oliver Oldsehool, , if you Will only tempt foreigners to send their goods.hore and _sell them to us, and cut out • our own - articles, we cau raise from. twenty . 0 thirty thousand for the government:out of every Ylloo:ed?howsmul we pay the foreigner. In other. words; we must pay the foreigner — lWritrinnenty-livr-to eig/dlrthossmni riollars r in Mlior'that the gm - eminent may get twenty or twenty-five thousand ' Upon " the revenue standard" system ,-Wo ridist , import one hull dyed' orilliotis of.dollars worth of goods, tha t we eau justas,well manufacture of home, and thereby keep the money at bottle, in• order that4 . overnment may raise twenty millions of revenuel . ' hat. pro few id statesmanship. 15 PATRIOTISM ?—The Bucks County iiikelligenece says there 4s.a class of news paporkwho . denounoo as traitors and ,torics -0-who doitot glorifyyrosidont. POlk;for4ot: , ting the war with,MC:siteo.;-and the smile _,paifers_ato_watra *their:commendations of. the President's policy in relation to the tariff rialfertostfentelytarotable_4o:_tlfe 'British interests. tlbat I.3ecretar3iWalker's re •port,:-illustratingit,- was printed in immense nninbers,.bir order of the British Parliament, fer,eirculation nailing the aristocracy of Eng justrebuko is ad tninistera ty. thhf • kind of patriotism, by the tlotmantoam Tele graph, a neukill'Papar, iii the following parq, ugraphv- -• • I, 'We see - dupers and individuals &arm. cad as kickitriorisin who - disapprove of the war with Maxim, and others as truilars who'wohld not go and fight for their country. This may be right enough; but we would ask. what • epithet is Id lie - applied- to those .oppoSed t0..1h nrurstr of their noun which masses obtain their supper and in favor of thb.industry of other countries coming in competition with ours, and in a • ramispre &okaying it t What epithet ahould be "applied to them? Do not they lack pa tliotitiri;atut are . they not traitors It would work of sorieret'egtoiori, al most, to rip. in defence of your country, when your .country, after you haveoat the haihrd of your lite protected it, turns round. and refuses to protect you • it; tho enjoyment of the fruits of yonr . labor:against the vet) . people whom yuu had just below, been called uponto tight and kill, for reasons a thousand tunes lead important to you intliVidually." ',c;up.-..-.--Gen. , fictitt's greatest crime appears lo be the, referencato "a hasty plate of seep," in his Correspondence — MT - 1i Si:CW(llly larcy; if .wo may judge by the notice taken of that 61(31'11st:ince by the Locofo'co press, It would secm.thut."soup" has no place, properly, in official cotrespondence. !Marcy was wiser than Senn, ittAhe allair— in nothing about hisMbreeclies." ,• -"This' ere feller" raid ' - a witness in the I.eourtsheothor dakii"brolit our Winder with tat.prittiattlitisabeiler na , lho:,eilliar 7 ': as she, : •Wats-ViayfrigtinAhelnaiiiier.'-'t:r-,-" - : , ••.. • •• •. .•• •; mWlesige„ and, Reta Pie Wag RIOSS D • 11rn. r smut Preq, Souk sill , fear door •• qret:C'' •.:1111LAM. , :0110., • lAMTVOLLY inful:ll,4 eitimins 'of lAb_. . .Curnberlonii,,co,On , thAliot,ho has refitted. 0.f116.rn he is pronarod,ot t Oltinsei to furnish ILicuiiiir; Alroloikin equal to or-mantiftic turod;*l,liii,tib.4tiy...Also - a, superior quali ty • .goihey with, Presis,„ltylim; anti. r SportinglVOlifi , a new ; and, stylo „of Childrcu'iikiio smotk.a,lll.,ri oot yoriety of rich y . n'',T,itst t ri.,caiypg per rsien'oi F,.;hip,,tirefd.Werteru, :___,the.appOimil_stylo or tutliOfi!_ ing - a ~.heoutiful...ossortilifint.. ur French. • I . iiv,."44oriirtineil, in poit'-of boantricnfrniftditY;4l.lolmot sorpussetl. by o'rthiki.orViv :otho rat 614 ment in tly n- , . -020- ; 0 11., or 0.11,81114 ' • ' • .4, , ,''..11.0.9;6*(10, 4 ,A, . does 41111MP, 1 0+ 1 7.-smnplAnizv , k4 4 p, nottoi the:ll 4 olr 73 , 4 tfLii_til2 !titiWttrOtillett• tool-I:'` 'Pk :l '4*(lo4 6B • , dry, wiiiiering - bi114117;k 3 , off Itlr , • •-opOrn ng he enpil ttF ltp, v . tko• t asetti nig twit healthy; e'otutatotton , tid'heto Baty to the y wiper v• loot 4 4iftArtitiataiibrif jpitl t h street,l-Philatletplijtl, nicd 19 -, AY ( . 4 ttiverleatel's*i 3 elalY 4 nt' 3 0 4 4 1. W;4•0t1 1 4, , 5ci1d y, 8,1 -VE11,1)4174 ek • . , ~ ... If , . .lipqr g ~,g , _ggis_...•o,,,ts i 111 . 1110:'•'-! ' .' , e ' 1N' 7 . t . , !, -,, ft .. ,,, P '.,,.., ,a.:4L- •,..,..!, 4....• ~,Az.,•Pt fx:it:5 , 0.4. , , oF;•."lt#•ii . iA::.'1•••- *li4 ':::- ! • :14.' :,..0..ti0 • te4i —,. v , , ,, - , / vi:-c•-•::5 ,0 z4‘. ' •4' . .-`'-4'' •1- , , ';.Z ''ii.i- -,l '.'-x;•::<:' :. A' r jr. 4 "' M 7 A 1. 4 (f , r :t.' ' IV ~ : 'l,a; ,4? .. -, ,ft ..1 " ; 4. ..0,- , 4 4-. r t,•, -41,',.:...,0 1 .......,_1 c , L,', o2 44:,:. , ,AsLAZiNt , t:fikl:'.` l, ..i';--.; , .":` , N" '- '1 4. "' It i i ' ...." ' ANOTHER 4 F ES ~:- ;.....::.,,.... ......, , ._..v. ,, ..... , —.. , .. „ ..... , , , ..„,..tA!4 , 4... - ...: ,.. 0 ,,N , ,.., , , , , ,- ., , , , ..,,, _V. Tx, ic Zliaut 41._,,,M.EklAifrili'retipeetfully inf9rtp , their 040,turners,an.d frieddc,. pit !Iv' 10 have racehid,,in additlO'n to their.; tfTrair - STOCIf - , - 41 — latteitif,d':1 , 01I — eilicetud — tUnsprtF ',tent of • ' , ~ - ---- ' e.,ft. ::•;,. ul.' l, -',4 - ...c.".-1 , ~...,).-7, •,- t4r." 7 c: . ;F, ~ i , ry1 . ., - t-, • DRUGS, PRINTS, GUS, GLOSS; PERFUMES;DYE4TUPPS; CFIBIIIIC.RLS, lIIEDICINES,,AOBO - 4/2.013' ;P:i2ArcY .SP.T.4 - 4' 'CUES, P.9TENTMEDICINES,• : :FI?UITS,. , FIG-S,SPICES, c',sraTION.9R _V; 43 43' 4 , c: '4.c.' '". '--r• - • -- ' "• • -;. ' r ' .1 They return thanks to the community for their piosorfage-bithetto ',Wowed, erml Im by Po, renewed efforts and close attention to business, to.mprit rt,lurger . share r -cifpUblic approbutbin r , Their purchases nova boeu, made withireut care, and the-articiso.bnught,on the, most plc °noble terms, so that they, can 'be disposed of LOWER than they oun belled elsewhere In .the county. The Lodka are apprised that' a• largo arid most choice variety ofFancy Ar.ieles and Notions have . been received ea titer now ready either forohibitiOn or sale.- ••,- - -•'• • .r-;-''.'l, Carlisle, April 29,1846. k 4 , 4 •r‘e 'Ali P.: -,?-• 3 gj, 11 ',-.N. , TO the large_i_meiii. on lligh SMeet . ;:n4ned hi . M.O. Knelt, 'MA rn,c:nrir.aitpostte liar, M etlio di et •EpEspopal 'Chime!): lie wi11,..1n future -- giil all his linie ( wh en not erigaged'in — Proleastoritif duties,) to the intei•ests; of his Store, and having !mowed the services of carelul and minerienand Assistants, he eottfidetstly asenres his friends and t he public, that their orders and preset iptions shall have the most neettratelttlipttion., ,:, a ''<' . • . ' . DEL 114 , 11•111 S also, infortiis his frit:n(lB4l'oEn addition to his,former large assortment of,. .., , ''-'• DRUGS; „- .• ' ' • •'• , ..-•:'' BOOKS, P.RINTS '•• ' - '`' '. ' . 7 . (School and,llliscellancous.) . .. •' - 'OILS • ---- • ••• CORNKLIUS',' LidR.D L.23IPS, - 1) - .1rE. STUFFS •-• '',-: • - S7'./17'101V.dRY,- .- • SPI C 11 ,S' , ._ . _ ~C _U..TL 6 , Y; ' - ~.• • - _.,.. . _..- FRUITS, F.22VCY aRTICLES; P.BRFUJ.I . IER.I, ..S.c..S.c. . . lie has kW+ opened a splendid assortment or • . .. . of eyery•vnriety and prices, nod no he intends doing business' upon the y opillar terms of " quick sales mid small proros," he is determined to -setl,Groeiiritio and every, other nu tiele as lowan they can be sold in Carlisle. Ile Rise= n general invitation to his trienikto will. RC, - - Vor i lie meeotiltiiii.latinii of hiTtriends, - Dr, - NlyeraNlDrug-Storoi-ivill,he—open at all_hourn, on Sundays for the sale of NI confines 'ONLY, . Carlisle April • V 2,1.8411. s • Carlisle Family Grocer uort - plif VIRD OKS ie just -- reWdylrirs - rrird'openipg - en ex.lensivesocli. of tiroceritie,..iff the'r7rOoin lately occupied .by Mr. T lomas•II. Skiles, in West 7Yigh street, 'consisting iu ps.rko — f the different qualities of , ... , C® o . - Stifitti', Cilee„ Tea, Qtreettstrare, . • b;stSperrn Oil, Lard Oil, Pins:Oil and, ,Wlinle Oil. linrps„ Dried Reef, Ainiteriq,:Slia - d,_ Tier, ling . , Salmon ne4_o4.fiali, keg and bor-Riiiins, Cu rrnnts, Spices 'ri:f nil . Irincrii, Pnricy, En d other otips, wall tunny other . -nrtieiceitoo-n-uoiarous to intilitioo, in- of ivitielt lie- \viihitilriftliiti otveet possible rates. .. . . . . — DI -- 11.:'Allititriltief - rrinrehirntableprocliteeJulton - in , e - xeliange - for-Grnecricsr-----; . - Carlisle, April 29,11:146, , -- . .: , .. • ~.. . . WORMS,._IIIIIIK_WORM.S_, _ALEN. LIS TR Y ' & C . ... .............. IVIEDIOALTED WORD' SYI7IIP (IR the little sufferer's friend. An mai! ely Ve, ILY getable prepttration ,for the destruct:on o 11 orals. -Advice te motliers.• "A stitch in time tales nine." Knowing our. \V °ran Syrup to be • tile very best medicine for destroying norms, now in use, we would soy to you, if yOW children nhoilld appear yule and cimieial islet!, with °Wen , sive breath pion in the joints a n d limbs, vora cious appetite, bloated sforanchisintlien starting in ;brie sive!, e ith fright, HMI screaming, sense ot sometliiiili rising lo the throat, itching of 'hearing, squeamishness, fits, nooses, fee., intinedisitely ob-• tale li !mule of llobetissek's worm 'Syrup, for in so doing yon will not eriiv sate unfelt in time," J4tor.higlqe,larly_tudligirtk,witttru rtict l ed,sw,, row'hild distils° ; bow Much sintering add less of life we flee, through n want or colter attentiim and proper remetlios ; therefore, let he thif:dufx of mothers;inease any of heir, children should allow any of the nliove symptoms, or proudre immdci niely, the proper_remetly—llitit- remedy iyin flo hensuelcfs.Worm Syrup, n medicine. that.lnismet with complete success. um' cures where eyery other lots entirely lidled ;. which numerous certificates of highly respeetablo persons testitj': 4ec pamphlets. . e ltividifittile Medicated Wovit. From el rly infancy,. lily daft b 1• frmehilts,itakbeen, sorefrellljhteflMtli ~ ,W e ortn canisitik. tlni itiost ,, seeere'teid..•distressiti ilie wetly he. Onion crinlieont ' o perfeetly inimantigeithlo it would doa• li the floor, and knock herself tniconahlenifl)'tigaitiilt lint walls.' Per a look. tinwee . Wece:AppfortifitOl ihr cease-nclengtkoving ImpresaedwAlt Ole be lled*: Unit. worms...were,.llle. ent4o,:wet,commeticed giving . Several medicines for such*.'oodiplaint, fro" , ‘ ,1,1 0 , the whildtierived po lteriellt whatever. .As‘st oMtfee.of - ceitrseyihe'l.kene'inneh;tic4Jfietal 1101, nod ;tile f,yinptoins ;of . !Ugh 4 ,coo. ' Accitlantally..incetjug„w ‘ ilif.,Ontfl, of your cunt urs,.lr'.c act! . it: bid 'lrfew'-Oni e "firer eti't' !Lichee mid 'scores; elleying in:size one to fottr.ttielies, 1 child Was 'speedily : relle‘rti, tool dial too we 1,„,i eeta Aren't!: nr , piiii• .Wiwan:l She is. now eta il•, Wool tlnksiq,dis : , Pessi lig pains, .abtfrilitingweil. - ,-,-I>,fin•!-::ilittf.'ll, , pint rinr,tlM.tc_nivinionitOlittiltifilfretatjeni:L.td4 I:ii.eifinthenll4§in• coled..lV oven li,rilpes...a;bl(lll4ibbritliatii44lb:Rll..% llenkrit4blNbt rerk:7148013001)1.y..:, Ci. iir , Nlo:it9;l ll ANOtt: tliff COI One most 'sceptiral • 'tif shoehlfoil ii',ielox‘satiaf.fet mit, • '• . •. ' • PREPA RED dpo ME . . . , , --- , ,c -, N. ar,: - 44;; , 1C-lioßeilisAcKi. : - ATl.:P,:: c oi l i c ; i :V fi tit 4.. Gree3.l,sts,•,l trfi lag.. ',•.."' '' • • Ptic'Ol'ciioii j•Oz,!ti#kre. i n-:..,:, , .liltel , itlidi teodii(iiiinlFAb 4 / 1 1 g,iiiiie-0?-4kiiifpllt - - • ~' iro side titiolentle a int' rani! by')...N . , ,•11c,. 0:S . frabeninvkiDl 4 tikginte end • I.trintlieenri4. 4 .ti, , N. t. 'cornet. nr Seedril (19(1'Contetiiitchels: Phi Indelp hin ; ' where Stnrelieietitiri 3 OiiYiliotetis; Meelinidel end iracnielli .iningi I, o ; •nitteptiptytiviikciPpr9ol;`',ol I i; a listi l Piilnili Cl ELie t' e n t inii lP 'Venhilfiew4Witite Lend ;., and evitle ` , ,t, (lie . 4 nitride ,iii , MOti'•:lliindn eini, " ffki jobAtt"lt9liand.liany4llle;r44,ll i tittept in intreti#.;l:' , 44e4e,- 4 -`'•' 4f,The.godteoedovoruOypiiii*M Y*ffeiC er'ir'riletitlidir,:loty , ,enteZ4,tv,ltAlt s tiollifitoetA*nr , St oreNlind ; , 141: . . litleePellitra ' WitiCCF l )!7,44l l ;o* the , United Wintettr:ii.." ' ....;' ,7 ' ,1 ' ,1, :i.;t7 , .5 , A . 4:4-411.„,A § 11, 1 1 .0 1 11 ;.Qttnilillei `itiiiti#94l,,.4.t(tieLit' , ' . 1: 4 1.41WXM ,- .. 4 -:•;i ,, c , ,...,.,,' t it! _,, c , ~, , iyfaigic i=i :_rox0 11 ; 1 , 1 % .sFaistiti,t. troft !,,!•• ff. !ilt , oseY .rt • ,:2. 1 .M. 01 P,1M0 ,':',% it•i•.,:. ,1, 4;4.-".' '')'o4.44::i#riw, , ,;Lei: • ~: ;:, ~., ;:: r :IP,' +s,,!' ''; n., a ~,,,- • . 0.74,7 ,i t t ro y* . tom'.,itcw', 4 1 I Lir_ m nd'AGPIPAIOM I I€ .71r317:0471-STAlek It.‘ - 'al „ ~,,,. ~,,'1, 1 .!,1 ~., ~ l' ~,,,, 1. ~ 0. 1.0 C • ':', ':,, ' ki ' , -, , ', i, ''' ;Y: , ''',. l',`;',Vi , `'';'•' '' , ;.:-.r'P4 ~; 0 , ,4 1, `;,',. ,, !. " , ,, , S, , ,::` , I'Y'MV.YI';' , VP,&, I "'”: \ 12 time' vem•moyomissmior e ra • Quick Sales . and smaa Ofits !" ~foricotrAirs has removsdkii. •;•• • • : r'f r '4ll 1 .DR Gr AiND BOOK STORE GROCRRIES, 01 0 IMT YOU Mut.. HOSE? SACK'S IMES .7011D7 ter. lIENDEL, 001'1119 the 'Millie; thilt Eli has ing opened an race in South Hanover street, nearly opposite the F'ost ()Ince he is pre; pared to pridlice DrNTIST BY in ail its heaa ches, Good Teeth are essential to health, besides natural or artificial ones tire not only useful lint Had add mtucyudlr t-1 conifo,rt of the wearer. need not lie stated what clinThe done to the teeth, sufliee it -1 o say 111-1 every ifeftet eon be,remedied, and 1/rit, Teeth from a single one to an entire set. Having had conside rable practice for it number or years, good refer ences, will be given ,to such as require them, hut the - hest perm! is the oper, ation, which Will in all oases be'perlorined in the most careful manner NIIII at prices to snit the occasion and the; times. Persons waited on at their residences,: eithee iu town or country, without extra charge. Htvinay always be found at Ilia office, as above, or ,at his residenee in 'Pitt stecet, flee door north of Mendel's ivery 'gable. • •. He will also promptlt attend to the repairing of , {Vetches and Jewelry, at lilt office in South llan-L' over.strect. Also, gNfi RAVI N G neatly execu ted. By attention and skilful execution of his work, he hopes to receive and hereby solicits a Ithitee of public patronage. - Carlisle, AWN 8,1841. DR. DAVIS'S COIE POUND Sy,: ur OF - - WILD CHERRY AND TAR. For do cureof .Poinontiry : Coiststa, C.Vdds o lima,' .10trozzir,;liron- Pleurisy; - I;),Wrctilt . ,:y. of Bread/ring, Pains in. the 7lrctig .1.* (4 ) ,(27 inkb , 1V444..qn;g4ATi. IV HIS Medicine .Is ropidly.guining a-deser ved pOpularityin Affections or the,Ltings The following certifica tea from respectable citizen.: of Philadelphia. fnlly,,tittest.: 'lv has perforine'd •nutricians 'dims in'severe ses and where the usualweinedies, had failed to give renal. ' ••• ° ~-••• • :‘ . •• •.. Philadelphici;•Sriitemliet 20;48'4'5: •-, 6lef3Prii• Robinson , Col li nsafiv : , ..48pijj g o f. tlicled • !last spring -with Milli liaip in- my-aide ;and breast, toraiieti . d. •weaknesi:aaf •tho-litngs;'slicirtness'nf brit' 'lois of appetile,•&c., , :igried. , Varli7llB , teinedleit,• Willa aoodlefleat; cough.atill and growing worse. Such was the distrisiiing; nature grtha slough that,ll;cauldbautlia,Aoo' night aor,q9c,.,,bat,yeac,abljge4 ; -ta ai(ap could not vary little at bear,, eanotqaally;'l" recammeaftd:: Dr; . , ' Coin poiihii fun title in' niinie pect.t ? titt . e frecly, ma.mictl .m,y. tijmYtityinilttiyed the' i i , iiqij irii iiii;,-' h t n h i t ell OM" tqr:..otie"' si ofv', mii.Y .'l;Aikl, ilid"rtroiitlemil qilinioi.ciina!i;i* , fitre4lMlMoli: 'lhatmifnri, tilitn telpotties' .. l 'il liitrypiirotio toF6if.ilo ' l9iilli ITiOvi . goiied"' .ioneylkililifo'ilY4l.'l.tlnt'irtkhosl 7 nii. .lilpiigalclie,hildi?4,ilitit-hdffh(tofii hiihei solliii4l;-Ql4Vititt*iiil4lpavitfiCiiAcifliiLl ;pitiiia - ' ntfiloSfe a. Oell6iip hatii?fiiticrOgit te autil:AuliOk ,liiptkilii ?tVhilireaiiiik - tVe :616.4kitieZrAiiii riegVorn 4 iieilikieii!te : ,ituaril,g,ili,treicouioo. id4jib, q kib, 'coeiflilß'natkOlfii-Oilte oraio ' ,t'etfiV :I . 6;(I)ENOI h it eyVi4,atll4)i"AO'Tmji , i l ic '_tikrimile4thtl.ttlythiiii iliOper'.'-i . ! 4 ' '; '4PR I 4c4FLPARNPP 4 0, 0;ifr4itivt4,4 Sevarki ' nkina hi. eincoi my &Mi lit tre f.,ackodi 'with • ' ir ti iscro 'ttiiiiii 4tttiptta: iv ith . ."it "mitti;'lll, her ahle, , tv b ich.4from: , its titAttitiatts - "coiithimmc'er,, . 11 11i r it;iith. 14 iltc.40:* , 'NWIldicie40)!g' Co ti . fmtilta 'S.ittll' l 4 . .,V., ild''ClteirY'dritl Yai'rtf-' 1 441.4,ht51'0A, tilkilAti4,iiithAti'd;hy:- - int/A I trrelie:hiftir..ttißefritilne EitottlCitil'ago' 31m . tt perfectly. cmiittlf,:SkikiirictOtititildod e it ' t0 , . , ', , r ;49, , I i rkle t ' 019,6,1 #1: 8 :t.PuPP iti t%i i ithittPtIOMPted:) ,i IqA4O, Pk-1 1,-0 4 fP.rO9. - 944 1 15trAPay,Tmilii , ;44 , 4h9; tnegicinPitOvdttA9StallYalioo46litlilo4l,44,, A.:', Atio 4.706. qt, rp com iuiindiul ,i,titeraliatiral...tiNak .: -frlpnektini*ha,-;wpip,-,lobeAcivemuted, , ,,biiti4:trlito. .4,m,mtp,P,lsilP4.Rsl4lPraßifitogxedioingifood' .i 4.43 tot AuMa ion k0,g 9 0P01T10.0.0.1C 4 P ' i 'vifitYi' bfee . - '-- '....i. 'TX ' 'l' Ilitiop- -= ' ,ifi' WWI • ~- GREAPI3OOI(*i6IIQtERY' TORE;‘ ,7n4El,Bobillmf,berh !!*e.t,t#knq l !;.!' eFPP,e9"=: oi3k-s'ii Slit* to fitiefhiced t r aterken).!:, 1- plied4ittPitibleti 4 -Pripir ttig ~ . • pociAS o ltoollitags,- - Teitinnenrs , . - biass' niiirannii SOhool-yßooktvell•the!kerioial kinds. ifs . Vrtit':, I%6'4lo:inlay is fk.;::' a••:.'• good; 88ebrtiirietit: ••(if PrintsiTtly Books•and Booka'snitfiblf for 11611:: ••J-tle , also Soffits; on , the wiiefe pefsons can havath'elf tad honks rebound; elan Blankinnoks,..DosketiiiSic'. 4 fiiinle , in'.6rdef. '.'The.'itibscribeil In connection Bonk , aria 7 Stialoniiiii Store; hag: esinhlislicfr' ' lutivxtrar clatoc3nzdr now,cin .' 1-- ganeralassorfment of fresh Gr acr ca, mo ;Picea ko..ofeveryde'sariptfo. lititt A ho best quality“selleated.;wi clitfo in the city, firOLOidll-, he la:enabled to soil at rcuithedkorlnfiricon'td.ou it tho•tim:l4w l ^.- 1 . , .i • Thankful for filo Intronege eXteoded 'to hint during;tho'faiquis Ite has been ih•• the bist. none, lie"hopes . fiyitterition and ' i{rideuvoriiig to preied to itforiv a continuance theroof; lila stock in par.t, consists of - Strong,ftionnd.ifilya Coffee, • Best .nria,4l..quality Loaf Sugar, Brown, whits, ifavana and crufhc.d Sugars,. ?,‘. Young filkon, I inperial and Black Teas. ' • Sugar House .Syrup and New Orlcinfs 111 o: Bestand 2d boat Sperm - Oil. '••' . Sperm and Mould Candleb, Spices of all kinds fresh giotind'arid ungiOund, Cheese and Crackers, Lomons, Mace, • .Citron, Indigo, * Starch, Saltpetre ..Logwood, American 'and London mustard , -Ricearomormathie• And Ba. kors hest Chocolate, Raisins; Almondsitdd Fil. bench,- • Crockery, china and GlasewartuAlsortrush ee, flaltors,PlOughlincs. Lines, Market Baslmts otlieFehewir:g sinolting : triboden,i.Speri: ish, hal( Spanish and CUMiitop-Segurs.. - -:-' , •:.. A'46nUral assortment of good Spool otigon, thread, .Itipoic thimbleit, hooks &•eyes, Pearl but mis,•"pinsand needles, toetb Arushes, hair brushes combs, poirtor sand, shoo/lacking and, a variety other useful articles. Alsip No. I & 2 . mnukcrel,eoakod Herring, Salmon,c.ranberries, dried Root &e. -Da.cemher-I{l;4B4fir-4 BOOK BINDING ANDFAO BLAN KOFIV WORK MANU Tl'. QUIS . 111,1 SK, woolayespeetfulfyinform the , IL/ Carl oilo' and' vi ei tf,, that I la,log 1111 - 0 4-tiVike.negessary, oppnrattin ili,l n he now stone hottie, of inSrittli" finnovvr otrepti direetJy, ppliosi!e the Pnst ()Ripe, he henow prclinreit kititio of Plaid Fancy , English Freneh.tir-Gerlnan Style. Books rebound in Velvet,. Silk or Muslin,. with -" Gilt ed; , in& • "-{ Cemtetiztrall waricp.ticaily ec pp Ault repntr or. Mirgits Ludici i Serrifv. hooks; Al6nmy mai Pori fvlios of allilivitorra - msztpla - TirTicv. -- ,, - ~-':j„::-RLANK WORK, lle a ould ohm igt form= trptt9it'idlict'l9T-1 -Merelfams nail Banks,' • that lielsAdt9 'prepa- red to - ,thigt9illiettim AN"011K of eye*. As Dockets •41.9Corda,•Deell-nooks Day-Books, kledgerit 4 1 1 It!.1110111,111111gne:Clieek. .lt ul la. Eto., of thetifent utinlity.,of lamer, ill a. style emelt _0 G ov Philadelphia or New mg the int:lilt - reasonable terms. , • 4.11 " . ° ) eltlmits bound trp at rensonntile rotes lie respeetfully s'olicits'the patt.nonge of the entifulentof being able to do all work to n. stile satisfactory. to ,his customers. Frkll-41,6). A Card. undersigned. thankful for past favors, would regpecifully announce to hialirenda and the public in general, that lie Jinn NOT din. continued tile business of WIRING, as some malicious person or persona hove report. ad, to facilitate their own Iniiineas and injure him. Ho therefore announces that he always keeps on hand fine FAMILY BREAD, made of dhe best bread stuirst also, CAKES tUCItACK• 1:119, Made to order, and constantly on hand. By Strict attention to budiness and Customers, he hopes to have a continuar)ce of public pat ronage at the old stand in North Hanover street, S. F. GAENSLEN. Carlisle, illay 13, 184fi. • CASSIMERES & IrESTIN GS. ArlASsjm Eitp t s VESTINGS.—.A .lurgo 11U qt!spriln . erit pf : pl , ainwptl func'y,netv,.‘ptylpa. - us!. sc . .ci*Paiiilror said ur.usal* Ioiv; by " • 1111"61(0:" A good assortment or, Quick Ste , Ot,' NVoliies, c2n:ll'lllNi, Polka s, S co g orron , id;(oiA!o ?hip° J:, p rto„ a n d,y.'ofio,'*lll , julit ire'eciyed iibt!,(by,sa!slgt ypiyJowepriees by' "1114'437: • ' : aeon •••; '. /itte ' E : TA/JP.•440 . GLOVES • TIII Suliseribrrifsis just Openei4 l l•2 lloSen, Ladies, •I'lireiul Gloves; is - very,. desirable Ortielelor MAY 2 7. • ••-•' • - :• , !:•GeorgO Ititner, .„ , , • • • " " tibrqPpY - liffi'vc',/t - g,s,nire,r l , 6l. qt, l4l oY.ikt OPPIICIi 11 Ate.' 4 '0,17;1111* gq . . ELLiorr 01,42.1111 r a *' "Sperlii:e_a,ll--411110ntuzi: oF ELE I" " --,,• • •;•-•,- , 41itti§: "- '• - ' • , •• ''.kbrentilifilli';-,,,Piiffliiiit'li:4o.dtielleliiisr:;titt,d - -' Ltitiinel'il'tivOrtgle4lol; 4 -#rie6;fiviiii-laill I, lint , PIY,or ti! . tTies'iiii,i,torlitoti mill 49jilat I.663i'veli pild for etii4 cli6iret - tiik thli n i , ritia 11 pok 4(tt•Ll qf rtlbly , 20 , 7 , r , tn- , ~r;''''. l -0- ' &LW: Ilitvehliok: " 2 '''' . . --j-7-4 •1 : '• ':/ .•. , • _ . , /• • ,- labtribe 130)(1*Aill ,Siiip,:' , Bl, ,. Ahis, ai;ted immeiliateri-,,lttlil6* in,z-,----Ath;; re Dt" - '' ' '' '4.- - ' :!7 4.11 iltty`li - t8•16:7•1'"'- ,1- Ttiellnida ti, - Co; - - 2 SPERIVI 0 L. • , • RI St lICI 3,111. 1 0.,9M ' Plisr,f)er =CAtti",ETINGP' 7 roiit'plibbik tl?till'e l k‘• 4 4rlllo4` ir Z :4 ttt , tti `t- . 7 , 4•.1 • • •, atiptirliot Ml4.9rtialv,olllllll/VMA 9140t4t, tosartinitt bp3fitiketnjul '2s,il34Bk,b(ll;jtiiit the,Drai O 111:,t May 24,,4,y , , 1..,.;r` f t, 81% .1 7.711741 rWg11 1V0011:3 1.t Uil go fottimile a 4 the l perigiAti4:lloolvil 1,:z; Atin • ... 44 '' ' ''' ' '' ', t v i ikttlttel 4 k;4;irr f ,k ai ‘ ' , \' '.4l2. ' ..,, .... v, t i tle ` e t , 4. vgyll large aaaorttieetut ri9ftet lute a &mark . 11 01k 1 484 1 001244dAktil i Wllla I'ol I war.., , ri , iit.fili s rMOSANel4ll4 1 0E 7 12 1 2 alPtlP4lipaptiF. 1 , 11 ;1!),f195 , 0.9,...44,Yr0b}P,P.7. 0 .7 4 ?4,L1iti%*4 z: 4 ~:,in , ll, itztA v :,,a,,,,,, ,i i ~,,,5,,,1-E1in.... ~, totlr IT . IgrilTPt9airOankiX4All hm l lo. or' rilti'• - boJfti niebtid bt : 'l.4 o alknigtle'dthen, iir; fLh. ITC l3l9 rleigitiggh ,, tre ,, . ,, t , clil? - 4.1.41 1 c.. 4 ' .temmof1 4 011 , ROoq:.1„ 1 ,4 1 iC' rtip et yf, l l 1.110-4:tribl.J, 1,..• .,.„ . 40„; ilksigik9 rklyrii,lo. i- - . utf. .(-, !YalitiPil'it. ii)410006 lt-I, 4 llltrtf':iitltfProvho'Prtint. ~t41?4,q ~, ~ ,, ,,."4",,, - . 4, 4 ,t4,1,,,,.!,, , ,,,, 1 ,‘e,V--,J-' , , 4 „,,,.,....L! r " THE FHA** NFI'EIIiS 4 :1 "!%:14 ) • ..okaritPi S a;PC4ll7l:4s4 . ol2 , oo - 0 - , ...t'?; 4 ; - ?' l ' .4- rOfficifit 01 At CO otit .t ilfiee4l/147. 'emibriro. -ogwry , l'ETlPtit . .frtt,Mrytplintftici CoOntif;iinAlie:iifostrditanintlo6itiipqApplion.t. ticini-roittle-ciiltet:-Orsotinlbitor-by'jeiteil,will 'be 'pronaptlyattundedlo....,-2"}- 40, 4 ilktes of hunqancelteducedl.-14: PLAIO.II . PtEIL' RISK. ' 4 1r ' 9.1 to 5 tie tleioi! dd_Churehdi • - " to '9-- t do:r. T :tto 'Tivertis :‘S , Ale tlbAllirrot 4 to *5 do. ilo dd Stoliltiv(private) 14-to 5 ^ -do do do Stables (public). .to' 7+ do •do -40 Grist ,M)11,2,, Voter , • Orickor tong weltingrlindyrU~ „;T •• • ni %pre from 'to 40e sloo.3mme Stores Mere Mm-. •'•' ; ili a 3.5 . 10 tot ' do •-• do .TaVeron'hildFurnitore' 4tk_to_6o:- do do.Bartis and Coliterds ; : ~ • 65.,t0 75. . do do,..idcE * • ' 100 to iSO . 'do* do': do • GrisOlill.sda Stook 110 .• • - 7:5.10 80 .Frame and bog dwellingadnd•Fnr—:' nitore , 50 to 75 do (Id Stores nod Merelinti r tlize , '65 to 85, do do Taveitniand Purtiitnre 604.6 100 • do do do Barns and Contents , . • . • 90 to 100 do do do Grist Mills and Stank . • 90 to 10d . •' do . . ali ~.. The subscriber lii agent for the nim7aoroliany for barlisld and itivvicinitr. All appficatiopsTor assurance miller:11 . mai :ot personally - w ill' be promptly attended • to.. W-.D. SEYMOUR. June 12.1945.1v-93 _DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO'y. OF PHILADELPHIA, On the .161utual--Insurance prltuiple, combined will' a large Capital. Premt 'reduced to nearly half the usual rd/es. , ^ll y the Ant of Incorporntipri the Atonic is JUll pledged fur the payment.ocof . any losses wadi the Conitutnrmay 'sustain. And as an additiondl security to the satirised, the net re .nuires that the pryits of the business shall be funded and remain - with the' corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insured against loss. This' lund will lie represented by seriji issued by the Company, bearing interest notes ' cceding six per cent: per annum. The insured are entitled - to a pro rata share oftho profits of the Company, and will rbeeive Unit prejuirtion of the 'aforesaid fund in scrip, which' the amount of earned premiums paid by hire, bears tothe total aunt of earned premiums and capital stock.. The scrip thus issued, to • bo'tratisfcratilo on the hooks if the Company as stock. -No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. insured - 7M pfelated -- frorwiess at - tim customary - rates of premiums, without any individual liability or rettpansibilify for - the Tosses or expanses of. the Corporation. 7 - Vie assured hove all the rights of membership,•—. can vote at all elections, and f aro eligible as ' • The subscriber lies been appointed , agent fair ibis Company, and .as the mutual principle q superseding ovary other mode of Insurance, to would confidentlyrecommend it tubas friends and the public. A;. _,, ,:_,-,.. ~! ";= -TMLNurtli American Company .has'eloseil iheir Agency.' 1;lioso hoeing policies expiring Alist (Aro can . ham them renewed Delaware Company on much more faeorable terms. For full particulars enquire either by letter or person to JOHN J. MYERS. Catlink, September 10, 1045.-1 y E.IST PEA:NW-110R ouGn MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. • TtlC.Allet. Riad PAstpennshorough Nltitnal Fire insurance Coogan.) nt Cumberland Coma) corporated bean act of Assembly. is pow fully 0r gani5.tv1.,.....1.1u operation under the managetneot of .tne folltoving . commiasioners, viz:, Cht.Sinytnan,Jaeob !OR Oorgni,Lewis Flyer, Chnistiaw Titio , ielittel . ',Hoover, I leery I .oga ...Ali n ' flinja m It Mu er,levi Merkel e lneobßirit,Melehior Brenemanand Sato,' Pronell. who respect!l.ll)., the mitt otion,of the .e.l tizens of Cumberlitodand Yorkeountleeto the ad vantages whit!. the company hold out : ." rases of insitrance are as lovreenicorablis as any Cnniparirof tho-khol the Ste C. Persons wishing to become n.cmhers ,ore invited tp make application to the agents of the company Ville are willing to wait upon them at lily time. 'JACOB , c'res't: . . MlellAEL HOOVER', Vitt: Pl•Pliidellt. • - Lewis flyer, Secretary. Michael Cocklin, Treasurer.. „ . „ _ 2•IGFOrrSt: Minimel Hoover; t:eneral-AgenOteolinnirbiar4 , Rudolph Maetin,,,lsl. cpuberlanKtimiship. • , M Conklin, Alleil'tOwnslifin::' , 4 WOl aorgnai 1, •: ')! q' 4 , , ' Pelee llaenhina,P,aat 0. • • Davi cl.Martlir; C. B. Ilarmon,•Kipgatuwa,, -„,. Slarpmanktown, Simon Oyster, •Wialnle,ol.M.g.,, pr..Jacokllu9gbgittiliCarilele, - - Janob Kirk.,,Cieoeral Agonl.forNork Coupty,Nex• : :Cumberland P.l). . I..iigan,Yark county.. John Sherriek; York county,.,, John Rankin; York' Daniel Ilaily,Yps•k•counly„ • -.• .1. BOWITIIIII, York county. Philip 13reukbilkeumberlantI county. Robert C.„Slerre,o; , ii"o l iliptlagente 4•111-lielichledgbilreithee July 31,1845. ' ^ . 11-40 . MEI= • ''': `TILE CtI.IIIp.r.ILLANIO4UI4. I CYI :Allatual , l'rotection.ool. ..'• ~,;‘, . i 1....... ~ ~ • ...:.....,..,41...r.:,N,..1,. , 4 , ,•••• - ( trir.VALLEV hatllC..l:. ilk;;;PRO' E , .O . ItCO3IPANY, will be niter •Ihc dir . iiipik.,Tibo follow,ioß , bOard of Illiirsigerii first cr.initui . g yerir, vi.z:—'t Mince, David . : UM Cullough, JOIIO, sloore, Japes WeakliiSeott Codle;AX; Ajil.loil,Surn liiircollinii liN l ,'hilip Spottier', NVilliom lit oore, A biidiiiritil ICurti,•_Joh o 1 3 q111 . ,: I . s:3liputt Ti . qtlipid •triAT.lfiginiicy.4 rlie're • are afecr it familiar. a iAtionta nepiAuteil inilie:.:adjaccia tiouilites i *lto will rkeuivkaliplloptinos: for! inSUFfIIII3O•RmI for. *O.O them, jlopitOil4(eiy;foP-apercivai io thcoitoo.. 9,,.,1 1 1 P - .CORIP , !I!/?„`re.n,aili.e,•Po, ll ,47rpl l l . ,bostleil . 1 w.ii :tt.'delry:.. i fftr' lottow Jusioknplii an sek,the i It* ...)/ or kic bon , l , ftlik.:' i'...7se:' - i . ) .. .."..;,A LI .• . ...• _••' . :' .I.lips, p: - . fittiri/:lp‘rlst...,; . .. -, • 4 ;.G.. , r y , pz; , .1.1444,1. 4 'i.1,. ~. , iai .: , :pip folio ng c tic c : IITIt;11ccli pilpOt .); I:l ll4o. l.k 4 t x :'''..ittla v e s -r i ..;. P: , 111 404b 1 . 44 igV;dai;iiiAe;- 'P. 44, ei,, 4 .7,y . 1.' A . i; t rit 1:::•' Dr. liii;Dayi AloaloodOsbOrgi r';';tl... ...: 1 1 . : 4 1i.GAorgio.,Iiritilllo,Esq.,..Mptli•o.e. ' •s.• • . ; , f:•.11;',11; Wilijnivti,E4q.AVEnipeoinibuiril:' -. 4 1 ri ,i0.0 . .., Al. 11±6,tc4no, Elm, eNaw.lio rgi`elolcOOr r( I 'am-:#1 1 -9:44_cr i Xo.L.Ftki. 119geitown021M1,.. 1 vii.t, ; eon, !‘ bgypqß,.E . lhippvt . libm4iw4i,T ..: '1kf0r.9..4 1,4 _ ' 4 1 1,44.,,,...1.,i0,,;.....wr,04 wet ,;; ... - • r • • . ~ , ~i.,......,,,.,,,..... NI , . 1,6 , .." .r , i ~... E....,. . 0 . v.. .. . ...,. ..... .... nriHeunatACl4o g,n0M ... .9 ~, i . 49 , ip13 , R1.1 4 1 n l o ly r ini i i i r t ;41:44)1WRiffin.10/4111:"9144PA').4;".4.1 ... .11014 ViiiiV9 lY6 4;VArt' ' Y .: 4 :''''fi:'-'slit ''ii*j ; . "Rl TAlLORlNGiltiltiSii%':f , . ".41...if * ' . T '616#110114+ fityhookypebllZOV, L I V O WA I° A . O-67"Viit ekr ucoB~iabd~ arm ,entlflowlokoir stovent,on ar, 11f0htlf*, 0 oit licitr., 0 Lsito Ow tinro§lools" .. :':W i..i ,onnor can anclfTl 4 .iik - 0 t!' 1. 1 .141P8C A ns it , 000000 aSl' t ~,IStif9ndliAila,liatrflocl ti t r* lsli tl ‘p liil y4l . l r )l 6 ltl767l,.l.ll ° ,lli:o"iip dfillP.,trt„,,_,W lre r l O' Ilk elocersPitfinki Wu! kiadt:t., - qt l i i i:r nt ii r. woe' oncourgtitOro4/: !! ":110 Ia , - 1%4 91 4 6,0 % 1 'M: 1 1V A*. Jst,, 11 . r. 'il l ' .l '1 4 4 ArriLt 1 4 • , ,-, • - ',,....i: Adis e, $ ' .". MMM RFTIP. ,4 1: , 4tv . , , „ - i - a 1 4 , 1,..": - . EVAND CHAIRAIIO ' gi , ;',' YrKV' ~ -4 , ' , .—. , y.;; , ,„....,,, ,±:lr,r4:-4 . Al.,' "';..,,, ~ . w .H - "t• .. ~' •:- . .1-4. ~..4J., . :y, , - A11i.X../ MU! , W. , itikl4 : ..: ....,, ,i - -,,.. ~ '-,,' • Bg. .eolvicrklidnefiiniildliiforni ill ' oik liTendi ...Wl - .. , ;ind , t fitil.o 6 l(?;4foneially"-Itihiiii y" :I a . v ihkitilOeir..crotii ,, ' iirlliirili . '-. -, +:•-' - 7- ,. .' 4 .7)..:1 ° I !.• , - , ..:;,7 ' (ire ' d bi 141 . 1,' - pi nciitatic;.4 , : to ..: r . , t :: 6 tkim 4.. - fOlifiti:l4l.anneciakOli,,lierii - l'-'.`-'-' , :- l''4 , : - .. , ,•,--- f they ',. v:;'lll,'),ic:fectrisliiiitt: ";: l r '''tVi '` j ftf,i34941111-;clegani.,iipsoit;.: 4 ! 0 ~, 't lentPt 0 4,332 N E !A: '.i7 4 --" ; :4 r rr., ..j WATA:.E&13734.13113,,.. -.. . t -S\ -..., ..::, \ ivali i;tistSECIR i IIPARIES;t I 4'; - • i):':' ~' '7':'i• BUR EAUS;. , :: %Vbr kataildx;' , .. , '., . • • , Diungdii I an t d Centre .Triblesi'Frenah'i fleld;,high post -Bedsteads; &c. Theyri have - now andhwhl continue to keep on hand' a large elegant variety - of 'CILIA IRS , or' eittiy.Veserintioa to Which iii'ey'w...acKineite" theattentiOre'ef house-, liiejierii add tlic.e 'Fist ViSnirdenCingonfident they wilt, find articles of iticti;rworkinanabip Efintniattptitikiirtaealnttritiat - trersatisfactory to , purchasers ' ' p„,,„ inenta . for tha Tnitnufhetureaf • . - Va1t 1 2.0.4131- al/5130i_ of, all cotora,,,iriges amt style folly equal t 9 those mono in the eitics: together With 'ever . i of'tvhiOli,they:x~ttl sill '.v6rycheap ;for CA H, or etclitiiiio' , `thr Pre:Wiles .cke market Cperflirg buk46 , on reasonable, 'terms at. short notice, - and the y Will attend funerals With a splendid Itearse, in . .towo,cr,countrY,'free`or extra .Charge. Heario be :kept for - • . hire. • • . • TIUM,BER.t.,,,t .‘• . A general aludirtment.of iVelreclasbnild Lum ber, suitable for ,Cai•pentors•ond Cabinet..NO ON kept at the above mentioned shop,•emptlid- Mg of Pifalls; (hitt pecOnd, ortd Third Comnion White Pine Boards, Plank and Seantlingf also, .Cherry, Walnut, Poplar; Shinglo; - Locust , Posts, Wagon Maker's Stuff of altkinds, &d. Also;' Bedstead Posts, ready tumed,' together with elat9 for Venetian Blinds, 'all of which will - bmsold at' moderate - prices. • • They respectfully solicit a Aare of publiC patronage, confident that they. eon render gen. oral satisfaction. J. R. WEAVER Co. Carlisle; April 15; 1896. NORTH AGAINST THE SOUTH! • IL', C.' MALAY, WOULD respeotfu lly inform his a old customers and the public generally, that he has REMOV ED to the store room formerly occupied by Mr. Stephen M. Harris, on the corner of North Hanover and Loather streets, immediately op. posite-Lemiardza-Storeovhere he will-mann-fac ture and keep constantly on hand a general. 'assortment of Gentlemen's; 'Ladies' and Children's BOOTS AND SIIOES, innde of the hest material and in the most lash. ionahle .end superior stylo„and at prices lower than °Labe 4(lla:tiny other Establishment in town . for: CASH._ tt.Pay_to•dap-and:trukt morrow," is' Ins motto. . . - Alo- , -weillil-respectfully,-inyltod-tha public-A° czdminu hie Stock, confident that:they cannot I fail. of being satisfied with-both, the .mit ter hits and — iiMantP. fits best moroccoir-nrid .olher tine materials are purchased in-the city with the utmost care, and' as he - employs none but the best workmen; he feels :info in warrant ing.evqry article which goes out-of-liis estab lishment. All rips repaired gratis.. Country produce tuliewili exchange for work. Return. ing his warmest thanks for past patronage, he respect !Wily sOlieits continua - nee of if for the future. . -• 11. C. MALOY.. Carlisle, April 15, 1846. J; 1 \t;" W o a Ti n T d , r a es p p u ei%f e ts 11 1 3 . th a u t cg l u ka u is ee f i r i !c o edde BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY,, to South Hanover strut!, - nearly opposfte: the 'Post Office, and a few doors below Burkholder's lintel, where he will manufacturo' Co Order, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS; in the Meat 'stipe rior style,-and keep ounstantly-on hand an ele gant assortment- of LA DIES' WEAR °revery deeMiptien, .inneufnetured by himself in the -best and most fashionable st.yle. He:pn.o the highest prices. in order to secure good 'workmen, and only asks that his work -mlit hovel:Mad to recommend itvelf litasrs the - public to giom him a trial, and it . his work is not satisthe tory he wtll nut desire a continuance of pat ronage. Wood arid Country Product' wake token in exchange for work ut market prices. Carlisle, April 8; 1846. • , FASHIO ABLE ° TAILORING. Tti F. stifitiCei ber respectfully ioforms his Mende , pied ib.geneim I ly, shut lad has roman', etl4iisTiti,loritig Establishment:W.-N eil:A tiorimes Row, i n the house , fornierly.occupled ,Willintri ,Spattswooalviinnialnuittly!it oftllerEPlB - he is pre11111;000 "filth upon Id friends'. anti 'such beie ' onea:es . any liven. 'him' -with their ContonOt . I not lea Mot Ma Vie most • eitsoeii ble terin the bushman, lie iiiiiiticl4iii'ori , e.ioering `goneriil antisritetitin to those' aalip'lntii, wiilh their contain. t:DWARI)44.I:I7r., CselialerA ‘29, 19. M. ' mEgtsY-zatie...l.o-'l4. • TILE subscriber would inform his friends ntul.the itubllei-thnt to tbq.venni, liktely, ,nctnunittkll n s,sit,offleo, by. John Iteott, El West. 1,1 it,. item door loth's' 'stot'e where Wlll'econtlfiue to Oarry the . • TATIORING:;‘ BUSINESS • 4f. :Yee ei 8 ortfers 16F work intliie l ale; 'Ali tot which pledges hi rusellto: execlite:promptlysin. n nent,rusltionnblenntl workmanlikti enitnneri • The .18 t a htslijoit's will. be, iegulttrlE melte" haul- u m • - r - nwfveilloy_etwlet ••• ••• 14414 1 400th0W10 . 61 OTW Who 'tilt; voi °r PVPY9`!-`l9l) ': 3 l4l, P itei : . ••• . . Alc A: : :l: ‘ '.. th ß w iff t. ; . l l l: iit; A ilii i , L ,..h O ili ß ifi a i l oi €:: (i . a ; -5-17 . 7-7 iCji'lVOrjettge -' ''': ;I'' i "iiiitirthelluiilie Ipiridritily;3l3iiVfal'h . -, :j r( ..- b v i(d/ i ii,X Atit i3O , YU . - t v . ... fl .r . 4 , ..1.f.`tp.5.: r ' ' ' l l l?4P ) /til i tOi:.EorAtiligtk s Eill i -!.' Asztdocir tci. , Mmlrvine's.stnitr,l4 , 4.West 111gb (Arcot, opposita Mr. 13Octtmla'flotitt, in , tho , liir rOugteo(CaVliski,iiviiiiraha.leprapared to do a I work in his lino, in thcrvery bosC inti s firieW . ." .. `Frbor hie cnicriFnoallt tlib basilic's:4'o' Ilattaiiif. li ',RAW'. tliat , ha l ‘ilill bii fibltitto'phitise ale ..Kbo j aay, : la s cot• 1)44•111,.lt.IC-Ottl)i atothatabKiniC 3'9...,1iqui 0 ::*.; VI" 1.4 ',jai. :N. iy;cl , , •,,,: --1 /.., z .040-stomys#:trmusbicacrogularAi-rediviLthit, . i... 01,14191,1 tligeo,,w,bo'..,dtiairoltC.Coat• to'fit neatly,: ..Prgl. l .9l4 ll o ll. .to , ,givai igmAtnaiitifi,lia;foolafcatt.. 100 11 P1 1 / (1 1.4 ( 14D'..111i5 1 0,4611.° 4 t 1614 C 1 40/ 1 T!6;11.*. Fl,CHlittillOggq.l..l44.lNlr*otAl.' '4 . 01'4'0. ro ,. i.t '. , t,t4talap,,co,t!inabli.l2...;tbanka-,to •Itis- thrall')." Tr s iottlia and customers and hopes that thoyiwill' 'contipoo,itlyOtitclotidsliip, and, bang as many, .naar si tajpiti s di tastbey can WM1 . '1110(1\2 .!'lliellelcitil wlll4e,inoderato-toonit tlnzstiracc .ii J: It:. *, ..'.;.z Virll6.l4tilifitiftb,4ll9llllflM......;-. • .....: s ., .t l ' 4 , ..a...‘ • a - pf-`t,''t l ll! 4iir , ' dit - ' ' - '''' '' '''''' 4*.ris*tattz* :n r... , P k;-rfeek , " :' i . - 4 . k.l.4..,,persoutkoisiriniMi, es:thi ' „: • : , astßiberTettli r.. -Jai o'cl , ; 50 14 10 aounqatio , horob s i .I.,atlfled-ito , coaic lbrwarda • settle tlialcai.vounta;on. on' bolari:l4 l lo.l4k V ikotirr.ast. an ACllartliet;i l ;dtd . Weci," , ki, 1 1-0 0 '„ _ ... .tg , 4llo,Bll,autittandltigi aciounta:-..lnitsakutett tt, N I,. ailliout.dottiy.:64y. , a,ll4oditlt) 4)e# l -ga .: .Carllslo,.lllarlalial oi ,4.eq ~..1 k 4Rits .64.1 Ct ',.41.5. 3 .. . ^-,/, I'I4')PIAGA,C-81001t7 A.'"' •- -. il THIS 'Roar and rnaliforilitifil Stoe% , 141 14.0 41$ liaejabt bran ea ecivial by • r'. l3ciirgt , W, Illittiiiii. s ' _ . . fINQ • ;;;;N0*414- O Vl_ l O - - JAM - - • :1444,00,1004Atgivv - me - crotiiiiifit o ntii . grindfifiVor -qushi . pg, •,r,rgoddq,. 41)MCM J cii . .. A M I SOtittl i t0. 1. 61iKljete , - , pfjitelnadt)i-,k,coingon ,gr,if(cinig:Ar tiAre • . r. the ea kii action dr . api4oUpCmg4(4l J . :9, ,1 3 gyellitil- Vir -T ianltliiiliiirlAliatqllikiPfitive l •puriis_ektho_ liiii - M) xiiiiiefigittu ring l'Offti'Vo.o(lieglihr •ed/bie it ehtioried'aithhhieinTurriliortiniroko.A.6i4 also chat : it 11," in'itieeeserdl 7 .o46l.4 . ,...#KYAk; ri; .p)e.rififitiikiiiis , ztils,ro,p ? rtopoickixo r - ' 1 - t . "hill" ' ' ''' . 4; A tvoy ? ol' Warl . ,!" 1 91g , e ~ /. 1 , 1 1_, , 0,"..n.v4P.. • e ,e, ~ , ... ~-„- - kad6.916 itAlkii.k. l 4tlc. l 4 ll f 6 : - .094-.299"!4;4190,i and excellent, htvgrition,,,.,6llbe,day . 1 0i , :fili:Pri.t.• pose to which' it Is designed: For . durability 11,ril PP-IV. -4 .01 0.. ;P - qFWIjP ' ,t4,° ; * l o3s P.: a ‘ cutOcv presented to the puolio.,Tor, 019- jt . •11,.....t0r feel; mycl,,alL.aci4'ilii fi ii'mon.m,d6hiiiieltili'meahtuk• ice and , fermers, :Who- eitamined,ot , tested. it give t hei r werdiet, in , its : favor 4 - , Its superiority consists, in this; that .it:iiirty , be "uSed l 6Y`.stoemi horse; Water.'or bank power, thet,itlsinefe-ea airy. kept .16 1 order; andit'Petfotaa its.'cutiing and crabbing by AEI jsaute ; operation,and does the worltrin: eperfeer:manner , :-,ltlefi ireat, relying 'machine both in . ftidderiind latior;,ad Iby the'eporaqon 6f iV'the lernier ; - 'i , tin nyako'iolid feed,of the"whole coinsiOcie from • 6 ite,roat tef , :ito 'tali ,us 1 t --- 01 - iihal tei ti - cf#'6l;" - dfifi346, - kili!WCF,' 'WO find thathiAea; e ;We, 1 . '460;66681m:1e thir whole of Conveniently, icenahlea Abe-fanner tbfeCilAvehead of horreWcitttla or; . ahe4p, to .one*itlith6sainkinifatityPor,fedilit','alrinakee- tietler.:..and.elriinger,!fe6p; , Vtli:jthyanehinir ,arienferiein . cut corn:1600 - ;ififirekeilt-lii' t 'e eel 1 667 1 3'ciiii 41;90 4 liri:i*...oo. Miniitoo.o . .wiliirt. ottateher to horse pewci.,,u: caeut.,ofigring ;: anct oCiish.fn..fifteert ,mintitee'Vulfieient to feedifitly . heed - cif eattle.,', ,For nuitieg ~hay orattry4hrt to nothing lean equal: tli 0... ForltaTstrqpiltiti cndusefulnese it'coruinenda itself at once tiitha farmer, and only .requires to he seen to•beAuly appreciated.', , -' .-- , .. • - •- , • - : t T.:: . The - innohinir ybe examined and purchas ed of either bf the u der - Signed.' At tha'Aii?ih th.o „, Manufactory of lace Plank, in Monroe teetie slifP, Cumberland tity; or at' the FOundary olpranklin Gardner, "Carliele, Pa. - .. ' • '''' .I,ACOEVPLA.NIc, " ' ; • FR ANICLig G ARDNEg. Cirji'sle, .Doceidierl7,l.B,lllf.7:::;:7' - 'l. " -...-... • 0 - 01CQVIZEM• IPECISO Coughs, Bronehits, Liver Corn 'plaint 4 Spiting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, • Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation, • • of the Rear;,lnfluenzia,Cronp, Bro- • ken Constitution, Sore Throat; - • Nervous Debility, and all • • Diseasesof the Throat, • • ' Bream and Lungsi the nuos)el ec tnnl and • ...... _ ; speedy cure ever known for any of the aboTellis- - eases, is SW.AYNE'S CONIPOCND SYR UP OF WII.D.CIIEIIIIY—ANOTHER W 04.- _DERECIs_CIJ RE. OP ,CONSUMETION._— . • Anovinetcer., i., Sept. 2041,1 . 1145+. DR. S*A YNE—Delit . Sir.-1 'feel . .ealled by sense of duty 1 owe to sufliwing 'humanity, to at, knOwledge my grateful thanks for the wonderfes effects of your " COMPOUND SIaUP OF WILD CHERRY"- oteme-, after havitig . ed 'months niter monthi with the mobt.alllictutg of all ilitiases;Cmisumptioia, With ticareely a_rity of - hope,. or tr"beacon. I iglifTtti . guard me itgatnst my 43) o,Jjfiti4l)le foreboclitiga.' The' circumstances Whielt first led me to tbo , awfeVstate'tif debility, ....wes.frotu A takittg.siisryk..' avykeldovitich seemed .. to iia..itselfmpon thelitegrs,;whielegrailtiallv grew worse, wititpr o'aseiright.aweatia•haekingeough„ roppresSion-in-the--breirst7,spittinx-blootr-witle- -- great gdneral debility., Myr..constitution. seemed broke!, down; trul ilervontraystetwvery-ranch.ini 2 .. „paired, with all the symptoms of confirmed Con sumption. I went to I'jhihulrlphiii,and at Street ed.there -by physicians of the Ith;liest respecta bilify,bitt at, h grew Worse, until they gave tae up as inctirablirvadd - liilViktlitte girSotithluithe ing verYi,l4,, ,,, Esn meek:time front my work,midhaVini.i spent a ll env ; vie; rions "Patent Me wererecenunen tied so highly pie. tgl. the Mediuto of the press, I Was Unable- to:tak their advice. hieing a-mt m buot the Order. "Odd 'Fellows, they supplied me with :money griituiti maly tit, send tne to my friends in Saco, wnstreated by physi cians of the highest standing there, but received no beitelit , ".'avinitever from them, but gradually grew worse, until my physicians and myself gave lip nil hopes dl M) c 112CMe1l ng, and Itch like o.e it ho is Abollt in 1):1,NR thratigh the valley of the outflow of death. At this "ac fill juncture " I heat (I of 3 our 'C(1:11 I'OUNI)S`OIIJV OF \V 11..1) 'CHERRY,' soil knowing you to he a regular practising physicimi• in Philadelphia, 'gore me more iionfidei.ce in the medicine, an 1 conchtiled as a' resort, to make a I, tat of it. I sent to your agent in Roston, snit purchased one bottle, which relieved me. very much. Lthen procured two betties mitre,' vrhitb• I . am happy , to say en tirely,cured me, still I am now- enjoying•better health Alien t ever haye.-.helbre in my lite. It se'smed to base st beneficial effect at once. 1 aained stre6gth rapiilly,, , although reduced .to Inert) . I,feel 'salisfit from its.salu tary tny.,.owit : plait, that Dr.. Swayne's 'Compound Syrup of Cherry core any ease of diseased Lungs, il;laltest according to the prescribed roles containeitin the pamphlets ac companying the medicines. Even the physicians Who nituessed my :ease nreAlialtly recommend ing inistisattirl,wisit you to make- Oita public, so,that ethers whe'are siifferi . Og as I • lutVe heel), may knoW Where to Procure a remedy ° t lirst;which their disease ?. without t0mp:44.1 . 0 ' with "Soil 'YortiTiCihill:crousi!tiitioos 'With ihe mam,' {te "' with which the wind° ,criantre is ,flM.tletl, - 110 , 0ai!i.(1,10 ,- .1jeratina whip no Imo OHO tlia . scienc e of tnedi one, in theory or praelic4bfirtrVgitt - . O . p Merely 4 ,j am is Scarl.elmiembor"ofthci,Rope.otige , F.O. •or IT , NOTi(lotle:ai• - ; Wand, , ty bcOmpoy tolive any information...lir regard „to-lite , eifyinacy yciuir motlichrt,?„ : .nniCtfin.3oyu.tunple itrOMWmt my enialaliat eaugge - frated • .41i , ROSS: To - Dr..4l:*SyrAyste;N:tlY,, - ,:doriller .itiglith anti 'lla'CC'iti . 66la,lleqlatitll;bie' - ' ,- raaeil manl/91411012 Clterty; which ,',,th,Oil;!•.'Aii*tures" ijaKta ppititiA,MAlM,pmati•ed:ihy, phyldejsbainll'of lotted KIM "ra k e " - '''' Cf - a "'" rl - e toiletry in 1. 0 . nit . gs. 'ere tlmy tifigiontm , i MI OirlitiCofesMioMteMeottOht iogit hi llmSwnytte's . COmptiofitllSytOp:OriVll,l Cht•fry , Oio` .4 fit Het!). MI d;9-etfil theropriefeirt- is itlellyreeloVinglitemifroM.Pfitsbes.renS , hites`he'ett. cured Ity the clitelirareirretnedy.. The. , (ariklrial 1))). $ WAYN 1;0.1 , 1; Remember, till . ltrcliaratioas-oi:~VIld(~ ` , lll Oct ntq fiVkliom. l 9t s jAgfrtlit rittekt e109t9 T. or ,•-v Moy ra l ient •I i Car-11110 , a ri:M.Xid . S 41 R AT EV gN,SON* *ld NI A tll>l. i t r lSOrliSolls, CO PON !..)S 11v 4 = 1 " , •, -- 7strito - Optw , KI 0.4.43*„..)r. ov ~:ser.`l. 1 t •-•.... i. tO(X , PERIONgritt:-Phil...alplialit•asia.... ' i rdhigfindlfyktdihiriitraiddriNilidlitgly .or:tiini-•Wltierfl3l , ' rditiddy'S`ltSOMPßO_Nla •COMV(44/ND' gr , ittrP:).or tyrAVVp :poop , Akt i. ilialtir AK dP:crAgo v , l #44b4itil l ",.;, A 1.. t.....y., .... • a-r, r1 41., r•Phitidelphla; May 23,1111 , 1aif: - 'eibf: l9 7(nitliailina t tlatit:SiMFOr'ilikmrtkenk flftiflo*_viti. , :t;bolillin"9"diiarallilly iiffll ad ;9 0 . 1 'A1NF 0 , 13 .4. 0 Wortrig , Ordt:ilifeli !V it .- Ag l igrP l 9, l / 9 13 PFcI.S4ielfi Bleiliiii -/, f AtI.I . I jekiontid and ingglitcttAnn . ( 4.,,,y , ,f ~,r, ttnentuktlared,iB Indescirdtalt)oll69l 1 !li, '` littencilly•lani-wltit-v iolentrg9Vg • •- 1 - • blciodywdd , corno,froin It; .ithawintintd. • , tkni , final/ OalithiWil, tightwad tit 1 t Wit dltiiozti • '••• ftl., .:.:tity shift int thap.udual phltrilgiii*ily 1 ‘tilpn, 'iddiied:thditiiiliteliesl.ddlidclietiiii4ctinitnir •, 'nntien, InincorlieheirrifOerft , :fliriikedqs • Icnishciiiineallitei AO '3i,M,O4iir k yld." I. ..intida,,ltlia,6r,pl9r,y ,ixt4iilllWAy,;':dtilf 41r. foligt ruliglillatibtlAgsPNWZak-Ri .or to 4.4, ik l ll4WilitiA l l o : I'l'oo, ;A I) 9U.C. vim. 99,t1u; dinctatinede trtillytinurlloinpa, n'nd gyiup or 4erais.and s Wond , thwkliii, , and before I /had taken "Ifs ollilitt tiOiltelr, 411 titlinf t 4 . I• • con t 1 n lie dli i l ia, r • Nutt lifturANtio niit.,,_6l,l*.qt-'..?w11-1041rPle1414"" --- i., Iv ra aa. ilin ingti , red I, jig !'eat Xi , alto,. 4,41, „le,;lnatort pow :...0,11, )1001:PP laff‘ l i ptit" ittip• p,..00 1 . 1 170 0 0k , .,5ti . ,: 4 l'rX. rior,- 1. 14.0 v,is i 44. *Ast, rtim.... ~„..e,5bcip9 , 4.04100 , 1. _0rpqr34.4..., v ii i Bmirximitattopopl 0,10 1 4 , ,w, . ,r :: INltinfti•dirtm - liatit ~ ..,'‘-e.,,,,t0 • -rfa , I T 0 ,,,, ,; ~: ~ f „!. . qttritif44l,loVClKll4l4lolllll4- .) hirHdifirMr. 4 , ,- ;• ' , f,i'-..-.....'-'-' 'L . ' ,-• ~r ) , , = =I