171 .. ': Vit i MbOtt4l . 6 . o l 4P, „ __, ~ -- ~-.."• - ,• - ~ , , '•, - El Shrifts= ,SaleS-_ direetedg.W.l)l expose Jo AuldlerinloratAdCOOrt ifon'se;inpllikflor e agls the - 2414:49.1'N.1fi/.#;;1114,60t:: 10 - .6'elock; 1 ..C4:14.. the follow sing - reel '.esttto; VIZ . 1' fra C,:lan4,,sityto.t . ,ip,.. ckili ,bounded _itlyler:Ba* nSourn, Seined Woirda,"sr: be th 3 , Nitoods ' andTt - he - Trellidi - Xio — ieltes Tcreek, CiontAining 140..atires,Jinore' Or: less. . iireyeinenss ere A good 2 story ifwellingliOUSE: a new Banklisin k . Wagon Shed; . :Cdropritnri; a well of water' and.nif-Aiiiiletfr 7 eliartlOSti,Seited itntl'tliken in daeention'as - the orqpoty:ohtaitiribt (43ads~ Jr - . . A Let or: pteco.4l . GretuidOn the Borough' of Shippenibuite.linqmWty lota of NPattrAlartin,Alultit Oker, - Georgelliirtline and —.Street, etintaittitig'.Bo feetin . front-'and 230 feet in depth,'more or less; having•thereon erect-, ed aLO HOUSE and Kitchen, Seizetland taken in execution as life property of Jacob Green. • D` A - LOA — cifinece , O roun IC {? instm townshitlibontided brthe Pine 'Groin road. on thettasollie Pine or .Shippensburg.road on the south,a Clarkon the north a tpd a 100 uavidsog on the west, conquning seven more or linth baring theritinefeetedn: two .atoryditelling HOUSE, Ke):': - „Sistietrillid - fliken lii execution as the Drop= +Oktfeotl. IC 'Ferree. m land,' .situate in Dickirt+' , _ OM township, bounded ,bklanthrof Philip Ebett,, Mrs.,,Myers, (widow.) Israel Grilfey antrotbitrai Contenting - Irk/Aerie, more or less,havitierthereen it:recteila one andll half stery'Log:HOUSG,-Illg' Barrhnn•Apide Orchard,'llto. , 'Seized:and:taken; . in exeiti t ion as the property of Mlliattilhingole. Lot-of Groundaitiittte..in tlitkllortitigh of Carlisle, bounded on.theeasilty Hanover street, on the s outh by a lot of George Brown's heirs, and on the west by an alley 12 -feet wide, containing 50 feet in front and 228 feet in depth, having thereon erected a 2 story Frame. House,- Stone book heading, and Ware-house, Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jameejirdlfath. A Lot of Ground in. Hogestown; boultded by_iolin M. Martin on the west, an alley on the north, John Fireovid on the east, aq the Carlisle and Harrisburg • ttiropike j ived he t south, containing .. t2 feet-in front and abou:o feetin depth,liaving thereon erected a one and a half story 'MUSE Frame Kitchen Sr. Shopi.and a Frame Stable. Seiietland taken in execution as the property of John Wiikine. A tract of land; situate in DickVn son township, bounded bylands of John Peckert,' John McFarlane, William Carroll and others, containing IS acres and 14.perchus, neat measure, • liming thereon erected a one anda half story - Log 110USE,Stable, &e. Seized and taken in execu tion as the . tiroperty of Francis' Smith: A half Lot of Ground, in the Bor- - ough of Carlisle, containing 30 feet in front and 240 feet in depth, bouhded by William Spahr on the -west, Mayberry's heirs. on the east, Locust alley on the north, and Loutlier street on the south, ' having - thereon - erected a - two story HOUSE, &e. • , Seized antl„taken in -execution as the property of John G. Gilmore. • All his interest in a tract of land in hlililin fownship, bounded by lands of David Ferguson, Miry Leitne)., Andrew Middleton, Thomas Elliott and others, containing 120 acres, .more or less, having thereon erected - a two stogy lug ROUSE, log Barn, &e. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John C..4fitchell. All .the - interesti„.(beingthe_l2th part,) in 11 tract of , IsintWituate in Newton- town-. -Ship, bounded by,landrof the heirs of Sinned Wild, Henry Kintlig, Row and others, con- Wan 133 Acres, more or Jpie, balingAhrreon erected a large two story stone HOUSE, t!one llithrtimrintut - ot)ibritarirwrinentaTike -- Seized and taken in execution its theatroperty of Richard Rude. The one 11th part-of a tract of in Mifflin township, bounded by lands of John • Stitillenbergyr, Peter Weaver's heirs and others, comitaibing 20ttacres, more or less; having there on erected a' - doubly one and a halt story_ log (OUSE; lag Barn, ege. . - A' tract of land in_said - lownshtp, contoitling twenty-three Acres, more or less. A tract of land in Hopewell, town ship, bounded . by lands of.tolin Hetierling, Philip and David Dawn, Leal Diehl and others, contain ing 2.10 acres, more or less, having thereon erect ed a two story log, HOUSE and Kitchen, Wank Born, and other improvement s, Seized and taken in execution as the property or Joseph Hoover. All the interest in a Lot of Ground on the south side of in street, iu the borough of Mechanicsburg., bounded on the north by said street, on the east by F. Wofiderlieli on the south by , an alley, on the west by widow Bowmen con taining 48' fee( in front, and 200 f et in depth. more or less, 'Two undiided sevefith'parts of a lot of ground, situate .on the sol.th side of High street, in the borough of euu Male, ' minded on the north 'by said street, on the east by a Frame I Millie and lot of Sarah' A rmor, on the south by SI 20 feet alley, on iIM west by-a-liense- anti lot al James Noble's heirs, containing shout SO feet in front and 240 feet in depth, haying a- two story stone, HOUSE and Kitcben thereon erected.— Seized and token in execution as the property of Edward Armor. , A lot of Ground situate in the borough of Carlisle, bounded ly__Pomfrret street on the north, by it lot or Mrs. Williams elf the east, by Chapel Alley on the and a lot Of N. Siditiclunanivon the west; containing 60. feet in breadth end 240 feet in-depth, more or less, hav ing thereon erected a Mg DOUSE and. Kitchen. Seized And taken in execution as the property of Jacob Cart, deceased. • A tract of land situate in Main township, containing 75 acres, more or less, hounded by lands of Soloman .Shaw, Samuel, McGaw, David Whistler and John Miller, hey rug eim erected .tvro outs and . a half story . log HOUSES, lokßarn, Blacksmith Shop, and other improOmeets.' Arstgiall tract of land situate in said township, bounded lands of Peter Ja coby, David Bricker's heirs, and others, containing t 5 acres more or less, &Mut two acres or *hie,' tire elettrVll soul the residue in timber, lieieed lie taken in,,CkcentiOn property: of Jo Jut A-lract of land..sttuate. . in South aniptoh township, bounded by, lands of the.Car7 Asle Bank; ,FUglesonger , and, others, containing lo4tutil tine fourth iiceee: ( mcire.or Seized 1171 taken.in,c4zoldkcn ni property of - :Jacbb :two, story T:og , Howse, 13 feet in ZnitxU, feet;,in'ileplhion'the griquinleor.lind .ow.4n4ll,Jenry Ofiker,,situate taw nJ GN breath , and.otherei no " . !}iriudigr'olindimiriedintely . sidjiicent and belonging iteeeditts , , tor' tile. °Minor/ and u cer • fift•ptirtioxes Of, Owl building. Sei zed :And token _•e execution - 4i tiie iirojiertrolii!Onry-o,Lier:•'• 4 :_tktract'..Of - 14111 .akkaa!e a' -Sterrett - PS . -- Giip;.iii',Nokh Middlitori.tOwneliiii, in the &flinty of Conaberlandiand in the iownships of. Ryit'ond OtertiVin'the county of Perri, and State of.Penot :. t bonnded Illi kil fetes, to' Wit t'., Dee Old og at a past , .r . thence bylands'ofJacob Sailor's heirl,nOrth 73 de "'--,-.2reel,basst /89:pereltes to stones, north 21 degrees, :,-...westl9.perehes to , a white ' oak, : north 611:degrees ' ..Nost",9l I. ,perabolloi • , post;, north - 8.5*.' degrees, . . eaSt'Oh perches to , pine shiest); thence;by lands - ." - .. -- iir. ...o.iiiiirti4re i ii: heirs, it 16 - 011 681 . . - degrees,east 411- perobia.;to 'a:stone; north .79,1. degrees. east 43 ...peosheit,to arWhiltidaki thence by'foods of James il,.)Vid,te,",nArrtfttlt-I degrees, east 140 :p_erchis to il . __o . 4Sitchellit . thkeitse by landed( robe' White. south :,4154 argroti .sitt 93 perches to a deed' white :oaks: _,;.4.titeng,e, by Isn't origi nally surveyed in ,lohn ILlngue, ::;.c . .1,..;.#411074. , dogrees,., west 140 perches to -Amway . 4 . ". - ' . *148.1 . .hw0e1, east 80 . perchestdm chestnut; .1,.... . .80.tiegreeth , es,t ass.perthim to O`olieitouti 2,,,,th ' ifs . ....degreeli: omit 9Z perchet.twiti-liekoist. " - .l.tlitto by lane! Of Hugh smith, *Ow, 1-taideme& 4, li i ik. T.",..0b- ~.n ol ifi„Sd degrees'.t 99iporehes.to O - A . ,iiiiilit , ikatir4tilkiruth three Anrd.e l 4 4 l ll 1 8 *Tama .._....: . ,,, q .,„. - oh eam4 ; ;e south,to•degreesort,..st:42l . perches_ - i to a idiestoptratnith 511P,delpiles; weet 34 ,perches .., to. it.'..'Whlte4talndtt . north: 85 'degreei, - :west 'ss' .4i,, , 0 1,, t 4 3 , 1 0501,4,u_ti,,k, , Aunith az degrees, west . ' 225. perthei.lo ' a'elteslnitt: oilc,,thentoe.hyllfere. ":.Vitieysytt, &nth 561. dcfrees;West 28 Perches. to . . ithestnut Osb.c.sotith 80 Ala' grew, 112 perch - - .1:4 tit;irtdieitnuteaciuth 1 .4e2twe, esit'43 Perches . l'fiiiltiPinet:4l l l4 Bo ".:b7.landspis; , wsuittEr'Ottmdent• ~ M4gthslriii ninth I,Bl::degreos; pilt,;s4' iierOtie4 Id . .' , 4 4 ' 4, iukov.=! t.- - viriqt 9 ii'irP . "3-:44: 6 -kstrirsort; 4 '.4l. ~,.., riatiokto...ty , itoirowrrookesi,i Tri>7•mith . J.., ~li . , - 4 4 8.)0706. mood, a moir, ' ioame,. s ril. 77:...._ _ i44.vxmithiblsOioutk V degrees, .. , 5 . .' .4 e - , inifeliOaleato"htittotitt .6021117,1 ,degre - - `4, ~. .. ' "sethefttroptosktioco;:ohirviOkgrion. ..7 , .. ... _Tokrokl,4ool4,gloodlikiiiialor *cc, tit ,;•.:]."F...9Air 6 ,, 911 ?.. 1 041#004* . i44 1 14100040 . 10 ft'• ''' ' ',s ' . I AY' 4 •F - 4.1 11 4 0 01 1 : - " I P I rgft e e l i r:i0 : ,4, . 'r,l , „•;• • •• •, ,•:' •,:, -.,*--4": ,P.l;-_,-;".ie;t , i,•• • •..'•, , ,, , 1•3' , ;:ti.j•g,teq .,- ,..Z . •' ',.. 5,,•7,1':• ; , . ',','',1'.,•;•;....i.;.1Y,Y-:.•"/' !;, f ;• . : , • '',li:, ', DIE Wong; Jima' el 1. egreee - east .2,,p_eett ette..to,- chesfluti2sitilii . Bsle,•'degetes;;***ltElteriihite tit stones iindllronrtiaiselFeAttotit.:±soith.V.,tlegr.ii, east d, perches to Vomit iltencellillittidiFtlninib linnet:7e thies, WirthSS. tAtteeci, west Arateetthes to oyindsi2saiithftg stonesEnorili — bCdegr,gps,*est.tbilieeettett-teii finatt,lncrth, r 77,:degreesi , l west • 14i perches ituinpoiouthA2slegieeir, *at 40nierith lett; south..n -slegrc'es; east 53.`h erodes to a post; 80;44.76 dt greesotest. 88 perchet to a hickory . ;-thence by land of Parker liiAtiiiintfinnoouth-Sti degrees, west 168i,perches to!sionetif • .thence by hinds of Samuel Miller, north lterh - ev,"4 - ostligriteridiett - to - solosto.hemlnee fil o ,heglnning;conteitiing :FEE It: II IJN,DREP-4C 11/NETEEIN ACRES. & FIVE. PERCHES - qui Cutiberlsntrcountj, and.SEVEN HUNUIII4I .& -FIFTVFIVIE AC RES sind,SIXTY- PERIGEES, in Terry county; c ontaining in the witole„ . • - • r 1 thousand, 1 Anndredikleventy-four ACRES and SIXT•V;FIVE PERCHES, and al lowsueb of six per cent. F . Or roads, lise.:'moresor less, together with all and. singular the heiddita ments and appurtenances ,therettuto belonging, &c. Seized and taken in e xecution as the prop erty of Sterrett Ramsey and Albert C. Ramsey. And to be sold by me - . ' ' • • AI)PI4 LONG SDORPt Sheriff. Sherifra Offlec,,Carliste, :July 1,1846. , Notices.- . . , SlSdast2zatteuzseinga 111111eDalaalgrea ' ;11gOTIC.P; is hereby t , iven, that 'all bills .L 1 against Dickinson, College, ' Phould be ',repented - to the Treasurer, before Cc lot of July in eveyy;year; and that the Trutdegi will , lipid themselves responsible for no bill !Judie dentracted.wlthout a written_ order train ' Abe_ President. , WM. D..SEYMODtt, Treas'r Carlisle, June 24, 1846. . LAST NOTICE To COLLECTORS. 'T HE' several Collectoraiif State andtoutity 'Vexes, will personally appear on SATUR DAY, the llth of Ju1y,.1846, at t4e Commis sioners' Office, and there pay over to the Treas. urer, the State rax, assessed in their several duplicates, for the purpose of meeting she de mand made on this county, by "the Common wealth. _This must be rigidly complied with* as the payment must be made fifteen dab's prior to the tat of AutguO, neat. 91 HE State Treasurer by his eirenhir of tI 1 9th instant, to the Commissioners of the County, has directed their attention to the no. cessity and importance of collecting the State Tax for.the present year bolero the let of Au gust,- to enable the State. to meet the payment of the interest due at the time; and offers a de duction of five per cent from the Tax of such counties as. may pay the same into the State Treasury prior to that date. ; Cumberland co. by the prompt .nay ',flier State tax the past year, realized the sum of eleven, hundred dol lars, a deduction (ruin the State tux, which was received by the count) , Treasurer for County purposes: Equal prOmptness on the.part of the collectors and tux payers the present year will result in the same advantage to our county, and we hope nothing more will be required to en. sure the payment of. our . State tax, prior to the first of August, than to call the attention of our citizens to the advantages resulting to The County, particularly at this time when a con. siderable debt has been incurred, in the erection °film Court. Huuscond also that payment - is requited by the Commonwealth to enable her to maintain, untarnished, her furtli,and credit, hi tine prompt payment of the inlertTial — EuTili - 6 pub, • C. TITZEL, - J. WORTFIPIGTON, D. STEU. Comincoioners of C'limberhind County. CO3l/4188IONERSOFFICR, Carlisle, June 24; 184fi. Assignee's Notice. CHRISTIAN WEB R, of Allen township, Con.berlond county, lion executed to the und•trsignedoi luntary assianment of all his property, for the benefit of his creditors. The debtors of the assignor are reipissted to maka immediate payment. • ' JACOB KIRK, Jr, • New Market, Yurk county, Pcnna Juno 17, 1844. Auditor's Notice. • UE undersigned Auditor, appointed by T the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, to settle and adjust the -rotes and pro. portions of the pasets of the estate of JACOB lIARNISEI, deceased, to and among •the re spective creditors, hereby gives notice to alt persons interested, that he will attend' for that puspose, at his office in Carlisle, on MONDAY:, the 20th day of July, 1846, at' 10 o'clock, a. m. when and whore they may attend if they think proper. J. S. COLWELL, • Ca rl ne '17;1846: Mawr. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Crtinberland connes4o settle sad adjust the rates and proportions or the assets in the hands of Jacob Shelly, Assignee of Daniel tiravbill, of Allen tOwnship, to and among 'the respective ereiltters;•hereby gitres notice to 'all persons interested, that he will'oltentlfor that purpose, at the public house of Michael I„,ongs. gorf, _in Shiremanstown, on SATURDAY the 25th of July next, at 10 o'clock., a, m..when and where they may attend it' they think propsr.• Lr,Vl Slklitli/.g; • Auditor. June 24,1846 Estate of Abraham Diller, deceased. LETTERS',of administraiion on the Estateof Abraliamlßller, deed., late of -Big Spring todiiship, Cumberland 'county, have-been granted Mthe subscriber, residing In West Poinsborough townships_ All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to ~t. n ahe ,payment inimediately, and diem having. elainis will peesent them properly authenticated for settlement without delay to • SAMUEL Dl LLE It, Atlnt'r. Juni. to, 1846 Estate of George Kissinger, deceased. Nal: 1 0 1 w hereby given, that Letters Tea. tamentary onAles. lest will and' testament of George Kissinger,deeeased, Weer Dichim son township; Cumberland -oeunty,'hase .beep issued.hy the Regilter of. said . eminty to the subscriber, residing.in the same township: All poktione having claims or demands against the estate oflsaid - deeease4are reeuested - to make nowt 1- same wi lon slay, and 01080 debied will niults imyment to • • • lIENJAMIN MYERS, Executor. June 17,JR46 st4 - 63i , -ef.Pdier-Sw-tmu•irsNldee,d--- NO.TICE hereby giVee,..thefs; loiters or .Nadministration on the estate of PETER SWANG4II;. Sii ,- .docossed,•loteof South Mid'. tOsyneldp, Cumberhied onuntii bsoo:betin issued /by the Rogistee.of Said openly to the Lltileg,.. in . the, township , All petsons haying claims . or'denien s agents Slid dectident'sie reifuissted to make known the ettmeliltbeut - delay;ari.d - tboseindebtedistiiindti payment lionied.lotely to !, ! JACOB RITNERr Adm't. ;Jtme ,9,1p45. ' E6late. ig POtlieliXiiie;; dc,C,id..' 04'fbE to hereby glren; ttiot:lOtters'tosiir; mentor) , en the,' gotote :nt' GOTLI1111), .TER,,docenred;ltelit-MotirOinvirishiii i Cumberland -county; have: been gratited-16; On inbsdriborilmoldlng *MO painelorimililii :.,..;: All verOono hovingeltilmo against *4ll' nokole *III preonmC'them•properly' arithontirlotoll Id entlletneol,intf, thole IndelAntri mai payment. inemedistolj'le, - '' . • .-''' '' ' ' '" ' '': -' - ' • ' '' ' " ' "';'.,TOHN'LUTZ'c'-, Exttentoir, ._, Jilne „. . , -. ' • •• ' ' i''' PO' ' ointcd-bi7ilii Tow - un`lii"itle:4;4o'n!ttL,,_r . itx cu.b.,und . :couK . . 4 2gatimA,dioribu w . l .he. i tsi dt o !il t'itaintifit`.;to'.l4,,, _r...7'.....2'hr2.-..niihev,l'Assig'neil'prDor.l. v ai t yv h i e e irn itite . i t e itt r u tit . :, , Q .C . n :rireliam,,iia:nr9it:7....hp-itlli:r bie-ot:a-iti.:tri,:irs:lll,et,Wl:Datri:Caiiitn.i:TAtiliL.:ll-17, DA Y -: the.3olh P.Ur gy s, tt,i,_,,.. ncjes 6e , , t h. ,, of 414.1111°41*6.41'neiii! 7iitlia:rvottoAlZ mid , iyaiihoiner k, 7!,,,,,!. , : 11,.i -..try'..,: kereik lP i, T ,,t i! ! ! d, :;•',:wl t tis*dizAig i. ' „ 4 1 &i''.• 1 1 ,Jui t tW,..,.- ..;.,,.;.,,.;,-. - , -.,..2).,:ktiq,t,. ;',\`'?.:','1.:14.-..‘:',!,.,,.. ' . ' " , ; - '',:". , 4 , ... , -_,...,, , ..--,,.!.,--.,- , , ,, ,, ..'...‘-ixt,:;:t.- stinettis.::' . ~ .., . ...., ` m i1e,. .....L.:;,..-;.....,:;.; :;;.GAn.t. irsEt oRINosi.,:: -.,....::- T "' , propriet.oi.reerpti o tfidly:...infOi r sAhe .:-, '.,..4mblic'in,. general,. that,the Springs . ..Aro. ,4' ;:.:;.-* ;:.,:. • .:':, • rit.ipened-,fOr....the'nfeception_Of fi . ...Boarders. and.'"'Vieiters, .. The . ' .- -, • - , . ... .... .. , . ‘,.. ,dSprings Aro 7 situatod' 4rrniloo .. -.... ..nOrth: Of.'Parlisle,:con, , i.he LAead: leading,, in:, Bloomfield, 10.0. soo:,healthi.. an& romantic place. Bathing'. establishnientshoth warm and cold, ondcy.ery accommodation.may; - be - relied - uporn - -13ttarding , to'be-cuestorit-:than ' .41 ver-lp , suit-the-timic '', -. ' - • Air..,Georgo [feudal '.will'take 'palsengers to, or.frorn the Springs, at. Any, hoor or, day in the week, when two or.rnore applyylit.,twenty-five cents, each possenger. • Apnliciation to be made at his Livery, Stable, in Pitt. street,'.near the. corner. of Pitt and Pomfret streets. Parlislci. . P., CORkIMAN. Juno 24, 1846. Opp elcga . l4 printing' . HERALD 308 OrTICEI: THE . ' Minix Office having.beeniately furnished with an, elegant flew Press from the celebrated of_ Hoe.St _Co._ in •New York, together with a large variety•of new, Fancy Types of the latest and most at tractive designs, is now provided with facil ities for doing:every kind of JOB PRINTING. from' the lamest posting bills doWn to the smallest card or circular, in the most supe rior ond elegant style, and at ihe lowed price:eespecially'when paid for in CASH. • Handbills tor private circulation, or to be used us , wrappers, by Merchants, Shopkeep ere or Mechanics, printed at very iTuuderate rates when ordered in large quantities, so as -to make it a desirable object to business men. Large posting bills, circulars, cards, and every variety of Job Printing, on white or. fancy colored paper, executed in the best style-and at the most .reasonable prices.— The orders of our friends and the public re spectfully solicited. - French-and- German Language. PlmeE§son PHEY,purposes to give instruc tion iii the French and Herman Language, to young Ladies and Gentlemen, who are desirous to become acquainted with those branches of po lite education. Mr. Prey will remain iii Carlisle a year, during which lime, no assitlinnis pupil, under hiwinstruction, can learn to write, t end and .4speak those languages with ease. He is now in `ramming a -ohms, to which he confidently refers for Ilia evidence ot I.is abilities and the superior ity of his method of teaching. His terms are inoileinie. Lemma in liebrew, and all other an cient languages, will be given if desired. . -Mr. Prey . would refer to the .following'gentle- W. R. KNOX , 'Esq. S. D. A OMR, Esq. .1. S. PARKER, Esq. Prof. BAIRD, A. M Itec. WI LLIA sI UEItBERT NORRIS. JAMES S. COLWELL, Esq Carl isl e 24., IM6. . - a CARD. rpnE person who sometime ago, borrowed I the following ,books from Dr. Creigh, viz: .Eberlo's Practice of Medicine, tat VOllllllO.- 4 . Cullen's Practice: of Physic, 28 volume, and Punglison on NeW Remedies, will please to rclOrn them to him.- 4ul' 1,1896. AUCTION! T . jj LL lie 'Pohl at the Auction Room of W ULD; -- on - Saturclayilhe 4th of July inst. - at 5 o'clock A. a quantity of • • • - . • Polk, Beane & Rice, being part of the. Government Stores, remain lug at Caf i`Sie Barracks.—Terms, CASH. M. SANNO, Gov: Agent. Carlisle Barracks, July 1, 1846. • • Ti) the Voters of Cumberland countyi WHEREA.S, reports have been put in circa 'lation by certain interested thrll have declined being a candidate for the' office of Sheriff, manifestly with the fraudulent and dishonest intention of Injuring my prospects and advancing their own; this is, thercibre, for the Mirpc se of positively and flatly contradicting these false and malicious statements, andlnform ing my friends find the public generally, that I 11,teE NOT Beni /NKD,—lillii I Will not &Clint, and that if my life and health are spared until the election, I shall be much gratified by receiving their support. Very Respectfully, . Your Oh'tit. Serv't, JA M ES HOFFER. Juno 10, 1846 .inother Large Supply of New Goods, Just received from NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, at the Cheap Wholesale' & Retail Store of . CBAB,LIII3 TllE.subseriber. having .purehaseittlits last stock in New York and Philadelphia, can, now accommodate all. his easterners and the public in general, with a larger, handsom er and cheaper assortment of goods than has ever been brought to Carlisle. It is impossible to enumerate articles, but he' would call the attention of the' Lames to Ma splendid stock of • Fancy Goode, and the GENTLEMEN to his big stock for sum. num WEAR. I have .added to my former stock, a large supply of • Hats, Boots and•Shbes. Also, an extensive assortment of prime fresh - GROCERIES, ' Remember the OklAtarid, East Higli street, where you carrot times find a hag stock of cheap goods. - CHAS. COGILBY. Carlisle, June 17, 1846. • N. ft, COUNTRY MERCHANTS supplied Nith all kinds of goods at city' prices. • PLIIIVIRE • National.,Daguentui, Gallery . PhotOsfaphelos',Pundg ; Dppids; AlVit.ftbED the Medal,' Four'his . t print. -utuP, and .Two higheet.Honiits bi-the stityterof* Mgtegachusette, - N. York, anti Pe9n. vaa4 t fth thentroit b - 1 - sfirilaye - d tentypee : botd 443 or .exhihlted; • ETPcirtr*ltti taken tilt, tee style`, - Milt.. -out regard te,weither Vo.??+,' . . Inettnitione • b/en . 9 , 4go'neeorto?ent of , A pparntOe nod, ,StOok always on AliOlowosi sash priceo.„ Yoek, 251. B.foadway;: 136 ,Chetilaut ,Boolon s .Coitrtair.sBl Hanover SlL ;fl plhmore ,+ 2115 Baltlrcloru Bt;; Woollingicio;.'Peonairianla , -'Avenue;; Mcciiolo emit* -Saq444l :; . 7' --111) °1 0 ,TOR.Ifirle,RP/ t"u a - 1 1- 1501 1 :r m t i t t ieiti , l or c . e ! .to t ,r e t?; 9te.lar rn ge l lt it: I ,". Ititiornerehle r Anti - Articles; eiet 4 leifoght to Coe *ol 6410' Loiri-lle to Aeroiceopthinieliyhti,ore 'edrious:. 'hit( :wa y ._ Jam cell for the entitlement Of., the tbitig:'.' 1 7, New With a lut ar, iti, Na‘Y Go.ods, gmo,n among . whit4', It ra 3Prinql, pktiros, Italzoriner, ostohod• and ilokhillthed , Bovoriorl Black !Wiwi Crsergi,: , fairviolette*.',lloonoto. French' Norked gillhOW"nti Chemizetti.: ,of which It 101 l at th e laticat ptieea for, ~ , C eskrlisfor, June 10 410 ,-: x' , -id -.-•' - U ,;‘ - S t u%'- dii iiTr".T,, q1A113•2.'"._P1,7P4„: . 41 , 7 -,- • = tl - ,t, , , , ' ti t for. a! •"I ':up' " ,*4 l{ ' .1 4kat,",r01'if,,,,,,14-to,' ~Sartli "T: l i. 4 ,"' ' ''klP,, 777- prir",;i:,:t-441*-;',A';‘.Vr, ;, •''''' , ''.7- ' 'it. '', ;,'''f',:,,NV-.-'Y,',/'''.7B," , '‘, l: ''. ,-''." '.'• ,'-' '' - ME . •. . 4en ate Partner% rioek'to vita Zaterests •• • • ; '•• i, MIXIS - PATENT HORSEPOWER • AND ; .' ,: -.l ±l/RESIUNG IVEAOXLIZZ A.HE subscribers would respectfully inform the Partners of Cumberland, Adams, Pruitt. lin,and-theadjoining counties,that_theyhaviethe rightfo make and mil MIXTRATENT-HOIRSE Povv&R AND THIIKSIDNGMADHIN This Horse power is made on the Principle of I conWe'draught.and is pronounced by those liav, ing thein,in use to be the lightest drau g ht or, any Horse power riow in,use, This Horse power . and Miehine, has been , in mein thitcounty for aboat four , years, and hair fully,ansmined Its' repidation for being thq beat Machine hi , use. respectfully nail tl-e attention of thoseorho are in want of ,a Machine to call at our Foundry and Machine Shop, in them:ter ocjilicesle, Ware House,sinitexamine for themselves before pur chiming elsewhere, as we are determined to sell them low.' The following Certificate haire been gratnitously.fiffered by those having them in use, and speaks highly . of its valuer , - Certificate: _.-THIS-is to certify. that-wq hate in title ohe oft Mix's Horse pewee and Threshing Machines, and do „consider it sitperior to, any machine y.t, , e have vet- seen or used fqr liglitness of draught, speed in threshing, mid, durability, and, do.confl txlieunetliythierrin recommend it to Farmers as a superior David Kutz, • John Fishburn, Jacob Kutz, Peter Tehlay, • A braharn'Kurtz, William Shriver, Wllliatit_Dunlap t f Jokri THE. subscribers would aisq inform ilhe eiti. , zens of this and the niljoinging counties that they are prepared to execute to order tat Wide or . . • C6Atings; .. • such - at - Min Gearing-Drell destriptiont, - Rolling mill work, Corn and•Plaister breakers, Thresh kg machine castings, Plotighti and.Cultivalors.— They have also on hand a new Corn Sheller, that . will Abell 100 bushels an hour.. Slime of ald.de -- - r--'- - ---A-- _,-- •, • L ieriptiotti, _such as_ nine f..-,ii-t,..- z . ,,, ,- - ~,,, , plate- all sizes and pat- If ~.- . .;f.T, ..\ tern. '... • Coal 4` Cooking STOVES - ofdiffekint)iatteeni'auch _ _ Lewis' patents, which me tligliesriforinTuseT Threshing Machines repaired at modziate Prices. 33L.A.08S.MITIC WOB of all kinds Rod finishing ii general. . _ Foundry mid 'Manlune- Shop hi , the rear of i s tenrj Rhoads' Warehouse. F. 11. KEENEY) WM, ASK VL n Catlisle, May '27,1846. ' . GIiEAT EXCI,'ZEZVZILINISt. -.-: WATCHES AND JEWELRY, :_. /11110IVIAS CONLYN, takewthisinethod Of Ji. -returning his sincere thanliiiii his friends and the public.in general, for ,th9.Yeryliberal share of patronage bestowed upoiihini, and begs leave to Inform them tint h 9 hattAcatreceived the largest, handsomest, cher+ PesCind 'bast stuck of Wa,tchcs Jewelry, .5-c:: hver,-',Offoreti in Car. lisle, consisting in part' of' r:ulFJt./aled • - -._., —GiildV*lo%-ever— __ _Olt, — T rip.:,,__ A -. :,- , A L : • . ,c ,- ; ',MI w v..,- , P. l 4es, ) / /4. a , , Via' fro i n r i - 4:1 - 161 4 5 - - - dollars. ring .' .0 ).. c., plain GOI.Pr.& SILVER itk , ' P e "4; fik Wuteliei• :of:: every kind, -,ap h . ,-fl—f , . --:J'a* • , • .).-•, rj ~--..---" -., -- quality...an . d . prtea. - Gold; Silver & CommokliVateh-keys; . 'or every variety, from fiteefite c toihree dollars. Gold Finger rrnge, Ear fingsMitsps,_Locicets, Watch chains, Braceletsilledfilliiiint.kllrenst pins, together with every "artielei)rjewelry for Ladies and Gentlemen'e 'weiti.T.Lbald lk Silver I Ever pointed PENCILS, ii IrCarittriati, and 4 -fine lot of the-celebirated=e44,±t ;.... . 1 Diamond Pointed Gold Pens. A Erma variety of, notionsoucli as common fancy and low priced lircastplee,Watch chains, Steel beads Fancy Hair darts, Miniature cases, Guards, Si lver Thimbles, Pencil leads, &c. Also, a largo and very line assortment of such as Rutter knives, Tablo and Tea Spoons, Sugar tongs, Salt spoons, Ste. - of tic vary best quality and manufacture, and as cheap as they can ho purchased imtlic cities. Also, a very arge lot of Gold, Silver foil Steel framed SP GT.ACLES, to suit all ergs and ages, and 4,911 prices. -- miskick Is largo anti extensivcrand'ho re. spectfully asks the public totive him a call, ao every article of for sale will bo of Alio brat material, and sold cilasTElt TIIAN EVES ! Watches and Jewelry, will he repaired as usual,' in the,best style and on iery inoderefe'tertne. fohnd at the OLD SrsarllD, in West Bigh Street, a few doors above Beotem's Hotel, and opposite Mr. I.OU&Orefiriiik 'store, whafe lio Will lie happy to attend to the order& of hie old friends' and. cuitomers, P and as many new once as may favor him with their patronage. • Carlisle, Juno 3,1846. • . REFINED. AMERICAN ISINGLASS, WRUANTED conal'in strength to litussinti Isinglass ler 'Pablo Jellies, and of great sersice in diseises ,where delicate, animul.fobd la, required, and' well calinlated for long ami voyages. It improves by age If kept dry, and can be made into Soup in a few'm mites, Rod is of great service in clarify in Cider 'hoer and Wine. To make'rxible Jellies—Use at least two oun ces of Cooper's Itef ned American isinglass ' whirl' should he first soaked in, colttWater, for il hours;, drain off that wider; then tak'eAwn.quatittl Etflio/ 41 wsgar, one 'and W half ,06 . *if' ia.,sugar, put- .it,iii: the Willa of three rigs.. time. juice .or, three'-'9d sized lcmons; fhb peel. ol amyl! stickof.e)pos .o inon, a little nutmeg, oonsgit peel s , another spice to suit the taste r.iiir••all the ingretfienti.*ol , tet,eilier While cold, then boil 'the whole. initiaifiv'e'...r 'tett • minutes, and then - pone:it '.th r' efigh a Jelly . peg, when it ' may. be fnet.".intr glasses or moulds, .ond _when..oold'arllthe.fiefise stse.l....;..T,lpeinantlda slionhl. "be firer ect•mlWa.:ll4le.wldier•of ',egg and Water, jest - nacre the ,•jelly, Ittvnt,..l6"'-,thifii;:ht o er. o. tritkii it enay,liktifin,therelout on plates,' ;•:'.,• :... 'Nhe Jelly Bag, is ontilediffianial 8 or lit Miffeal iieress . the 'opening, and . latent half ~a yard 1149; narrowing to a point at the' bottom. , fi t he liquids shat rBBB liiroiligli Orst. alioqtti be poureihhielt - hr , the hag:until .it rope licretigh clear. --• ',... ,',.Atid,otte .0,0 of witiejo the ..sbove IM-Wine Jelly, othir li quids . matictfrt tu_preAcryes,Mgy_be. jellied by, the seine ,pregorlien of the PAS . . glass., _Blano!..74lanio,t,nu4 IP? ina4 ftti.•ing'4 l 4lt one.ounoe'of •Jain laurfoi•two'?querte of milk' Or. • ;b6 t eFooftwo Irifer7aTiorgarian poe silt the taste....lirkati the Whale 'le a heiling'hatif; .atrittit i ican'il Wiirn .nraiyeoei ; Oil' il.*, l llktin, kc. VlC:ereitiwthat.)*lii 030 while 'reettilif's Polir it. iii niotildei'aattaihreiterioctly ciiild, If pay ae Wilton out and ;;VIIIII M ii Ale ready,for mem: , tri i i 3 n *M i i• ilhoUldliellest';WWVWlill - . tiotil'aiiicr;elitch•fyill prevent. t roes•st e ,lq to eat , •- - • • ••,, ..• -. -Foe sale ,by:John `.J. My er s.: ...11,0;.• REIF'S. CEGEBRATEIn.JELLy t,fftAlNßll3v;with Whicii,,thefabosx'jellieria6 be made lit I..fcw' ~j.niantea- . L.:l:...4tinerliN7'...r'4tifliii;:a: h11Y.E11.9.,±...; ...,-;••`. '. 1 4. '''' .. . , ..;. .'; - ', • • ,' ...likifilik' siSztc , w, ,, •-• -, '• - • . .• ''• ' 1 r• ge neral: isortreent.af•trlah Lluensidtery kis. is" '; pram 4.ttitiedikt to St :: • Vas highrequaltlieti CAM * heal bletaiserlek, and_starranted to free frinairielos,:t. , Atse,igagattit,Joittena tor . Wild' , itiglielsid-fitetrilti• •.• :.,-.` • "-; G.,,W..llitnai:p'- ~iiiiticackt, VI/LOOM and praudbie , ,' ;• ~ ictOfillthraliklriptinid'.r.iiibti '1 011 1 6814 .; '., 4:44Lve 'iv.m. 4 1 0 04 3 ithesei.:Winip -,itist.ssiStitalltisi:,.:Stlth -great care; aatkcatieohtldeetly regt_ - Mtn, foi'VtdAlimellWill9, l6 ,tv: . MVr,slilll.. ,RfPVi'''it , .!' , 1 , ~ la n e siap,l4, . .v;:!,,,, ..p.o it@totit i., , ffgera.r i. t ,....-- , .., : . 0 ,4-1, 4 g biros/ ~, 0.0 eikligiii*,i,nal..i-00,,i„,,i,ii, , 1 wialtvi.dwitioirv;_ool,, It -- , 41?),..,; Merials*lbailit -AIL tkoet tut tain m . 0404 ~, . L e vilteOtiljps9fiii-f PlI. ' 01110i,:4,4".44,,,1,r-jP1'4,';151ti.Z.,,•,.......41, .t.4,' writ, ui3O • • , 47' ‘75 . t „ . „ : „.. ii _.. 7 . 4; , , ~ 1 ~....7, ~ ... _ ~. . ~.. ~_741.,,0*..-„,-,...,;,-vitv, _ 4,,,,,i..,.?,,,, d . 7.- . zai3l,ol7lrs''" , ': - - '- lAI3-Juat otiened i - (In 'the;too,nilbrieerly_ecr_. ;-- . Copied by. Mr; IlenrlAltglel4 Net 'Corner at arketl3lqt.nre,y,ollMeaslalreregaq, slotk ef 'W,-W3 7 .:SKSe. ; CSCIDICIDIX4i . .A.oioniallich'iireEngileli;Fcerieli;Amerliatiend: ^Twce- - . , . - --- L -- ---Clai_O_ r kll , o 1 - .: .. . s,ittiifeti. tin& Caesireereii - 2of.iiiridni-; kinds of the latest -styles. . ; Gatabrottnat . Linen. and. Cotton • Grillsi Ore* 'Mel Celiforma,flards, and - Si 'great variety...for men's Weir. BALZORINES, Barages, :Lawns, White and'-Fancy "Gimleated ;Robes.— French, Seotehi and Domestic, Ginglianis. -- G ing- It tali' Lawns, M ou all n de Laines,Colicoes,ldenehod , tentliitahleachedllinli es; Colored Cambries;and a . general -a,eortm e - Goods. •Thibet;^ 11l erino, nntl I , gee wls and Sonria„Lidles' ' Cravats ; Gent rnetes - bla k Italian fancy cravms..- Silk . ..and Gin ham Handkerchiefs. : New Style i k Spring:Bonn s, • Latest . Peria -shaped Chinese Pearl, Gimp. renct Braid, . Neapaldttn, Mod, • enO -and Rutland Straw .11nnneta., Elegant rich fringed Rihbona jLacias, Edgings and Inscriings. Also, FAMILY ' G HOLEGIES, Such 'mi College; . Sagars,-Teas, Stokes and Tobacco. ,--- '.- '• . -,-- A 64-- atriz.determ i nail _ to_aell.lowiarlVA§Hi -1 'respectfully. incite. 1110 publie la call -end cx. ;amine' ray stack heforepurchish% elsewhere. - Carlisle; April 22, 1446. .. • 113. 3;Xt t Z:t . c. • coxiiitzts' simunirt; • • .. , . ULDiitth ounceito the citizens or Car. • IN Hale and. the POlrlierin •general, that he has removed his store to South Hanover street, one door below Burkholder's.Hotel,in the house formerly occupied by Mr. N. W. Weeds. where .he.w.otild advise all who want to purchase eliertp Goods to give him a call. He would inform the public that he has just returned , from - Philadelphia with: a large and splendid assortment of. Spring and Summer Goods, which added to his former stock makes hie as sortment complete. He : will sell goods as cheap ne at any other cetablishnient in town. His stock, which lias betn 'selected with care and attention, will enable him to give such bargains l as cannot fail to please. - tic would therefore call the attention of the public in want of CHEAP GOODS, to give him a call and examine fur themselves. Ilia stock consists hi part of - 08 EL:2 CE) Pa' GM 9 twill colors and quality. Cassimeres,•Caggi wigs, Tweeds, Vesting, Flannels, Silks, Alpac. ofadllerinoes, Ginghn ms t eed Tiekinistv , Shaw Isi nelienes, Muslins; a select and general , assort mont of ,Lace; Edging, Insertings, Gloves, ❑osiery~ &c. Stc.&c., together with ovary va riety of goods kept in any store. Auso—A very large assortment of GROCE :TIIES,-0 all kintlin.httnitay be wanted for ram : illy use, very cheap. Likewise, a largo assort. litent of Queensware, lassware, &e, t. &c., which will be Bold ery low. •SEGARS, attic best that the city ould afford, can be had by calling at Barnitz s licap Store, in.Soutli over stret't.• Thoso desirous of securing the first choice of the itiost select and desirahle goods in the mar. hot, would - do well to call without delay. - • caduax..sAmiugx Carlisle, April Bi-t 846. • Caveodisb Tobacco. SU PERIOII. Cavendish Tobacco for mile by June 10. 11. 11. Grow. ._ . _ Window-Shades & Fire-board Scenes TIIE most besititiful assortment, ever brought to Carlisle, aul nt prices so Lou , na gill astonish buyers, ro sale by John J. Myers. Carlisle,Jime 3 1/146. SPRING GOODS. TIME subscriber hereby informs his austo mere and the public generally, that ho bus just received and is now opening at Isis store, on the South West corner of tho Public Square, a splendid stock of rpm= SPRING GOODS, consisting in part of English, Frcnch, and American Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Ken. lucky Jeans, Cotton Goods of all kinds, Summer Cloths, Postings, Lawns, Ginghams, Balzari nos, Plain and Fancy Moss Silks, Shawls, n choice lot of Calicoes at all prices; Checks, Tickingti, Mullins, Parasoli,Bun.shades,Gloves, Hosiery, Ate: Also, Grocories, Boston Syrup, Sugar House, and Orleans Molasses, Sugars, Spices, &c. together with every thing else in his line of business. All of which he offers at the'very lowest prices possible.-- - - ROBERT IR VINE, 3r. +Carlisle. April 8, 1846.' Another Marto! , Arrival of Cheap and Fashionable goods: - NEW style Dalmirines, very fine. .. . ,Do Barnes, do Do ' 6 f . Lace Turitons. .. • • - Do Printed Li W ne. . Do Dalzorine, do. 1)o Silks. Just received and for sale at the Cheap and Fancy store of _ .1, A. CLIPPINGER. ShippenAurg, May 214.1946. NEW Bt.• EXTENSIVE LUMBER AND COAL Y.tilta From subscriber would respectlidly inform .AL tho citizens of Carlisle, and tho generally, .that he atill.continues his LUMBER YARD,.on the %Tit end of Alain streetat the .Corner formed-.by the Nowville Road and. the . Turnpike, where he will at all e nee ittelf - OTi" hand a general supply of well-se , cled Lumber,. hand. a : Hoards, ntling Ituild- • . lrponber,'llllllllkiglo4, 'which' milll be aold.ittlhti Prices. His atm:lief Lunt, bet" tonaiate of a roll assort. ment'uf Yellow and White Pine; Poplar arid Clierfy .floarda and_Plank;fromvmninon pen - nel ariliiy; and Of, 'different illicit nevi.. also AA; PleidcrWttltd nd - Yellifiv - Ptne'rpopli;ti-c . fierryr Oak and, Maple Scant litigl'of ail 'dams froaf.3 'by . V 30,6, 8; . Ala° 4,1411. nosortment or , Pine aril Oak. ftinwler; also liuilding :any, and thicknoosl 'Joke and Raftere of ail -110118 and .aiatfi' , .tolfriflierililev — tirrotlair abi -nodally to bo fourid /.oinber,raid. i ll f lll. e . 911"91 it stunt .l i " kin sW4 s Pii s4-4 ri 4141 T 11 1! ( M. Plirii' 9 rbye s . ilkeoharre aridirOuitnokin fbir faridiy ki'mOlitiyrier's and BlabkanAtk's ',looataf the. unlit'aViheolo': Oaf' tdoiaa.' , , , e. rate . peat : ,_ p,Sfl!Pf t ei; wow. na a P n 0,0 . .4; 1. 4 1 44f PftitCYfirßi".. 'pas bY bidet" ittleatkort . .l4'ilid'eeetyffeet,iiin , -I , l4lla.oustoterp. -•• • , ..• • ~ '' - Plit , ;31 1 11 16 '' ' * 11; Rail %AMU • NATIONAL ' Pikewi ---,-,` , ~,, , ,t,.‘ .. ,—AN '-‘ '• - • --- ~; , -natiegai- iizzroTO ' ' . Irlalle!,*?* .` /' ' t ')—;'' ' _ 3l(°W o o4l ,f lB4o: :,, , I ':',' AWAD,DUI iht l!ittellii),; . four ficit pirejniNine L ~. two bigheit °nor., ey der 4 4 111 1 0 A ,, „14)%eseheseee.`NeW , Iroek iffid 1 4 0111, 1 _, 1 m g • vp . o . iriforthoinnabottPleiTißtd:t. A' r toty p es atuL heetittlfoll. 4 '' ,'NOO49ALIO . 01111410 ► , 44 kMP„ ,2 , 31 r, t., ; ,, ,. , 0,, , „,„,, , ,400rri,...t0rc. !citikarf*AfthAit,„}tootiolgokfi ' r f. ''' SS'• - Coini 'it leo.toi). , ' 44451 1 341 41 10- 4 11 i..74 - .. 1. i p t Ztrieet'No : = l filMiiiiit na h: d e — lir - Pii.7l . hist° ;i41141:11411r:Lt'il1-1411:e1411-ittlit,1,491n111‘t .:40 At 174118:114,_*,,40704, ifaretegki: , . p t 11417 1% dilit a lig i A llianillitil t d r iT ie rrithotg,,,, 4 ",.: l ,! AVQ"OI7A" '7!:''ir.kk,l.ll,,lot,t,' .-. • ,0, , t7..,, , ;ns,„ , 1 , , , -,, ,,, xisoc,,TA P 1, , ':(s.. ,' ~, •,,s ,- , , " - _ 1:", 0, 44- , ;,?• , .. ~ 41E, ~,, ~ ..,1 ~`A, •< , ( , , 1, ,,;, :.,',' .''' .5.... ',,C A, ' :4l ll,o 6Citalteolls4: ,' ':.: ' ' '. ',' riE. , 4Y. ".,Yi1D ,r ,,1ik;.,, , : , n , :' , 1- - AW - ;,:•:,::' , ' , i , :', , '... 0 . , , • :. tooTs,'-rsztoms,-, :- i'x-A-ottemm lurAs_rdecii ! ell an - additional . .of.liffots s c asoo; `.flifhick he lielling....at.thlitloWest prices. - . • lug stoat inimprises w Taidely o( Gentlemen's Calf; Morrow.° and Seal-akin boots. . Do. do do '• do r.."had Kip Moor - pew ' '. • - • 'do •• Pumps and Ali prier:. Mgrs' iioarsolloots.and-Brogans.----- -7- I.)OysiThlnots.and Monroe& ' Ladies Satin. Kid and:Marrow° slippers. - , Do 'Kid; Morroeeo and-Leacher ties. Do- 'do do -Bronze.' - Do Back. and Taney; colored Gaiters and half - Makers. Misses Kid 'and 'Morromo - slippeh and ties, black and faucy,,eolored. Do Gaiters and half gaiters. ' . bildrene Boots and Shoes in eiulles; variety. Ravin& also a lame supply of Leather, -Kid, ,Morrocco, &e. and compctent workmen, engaged. , he is prepared to Manufacture work. for tiostorm era at the hest-quality. Boots and 'Shoes sold here are warranted,and if' they Boots, • Country deiders and others iinfiplied th Boots, ! Shoes arid BrOkans, by •thenoz or dozen. ' - Also, Kid, Monroe°, Lining 5, Bindfim,Thread,, . • • Cap:at PORTER'S SUOR STORE, Corner of Main and -Pitt Streets;' opposite the MethodiatEpisriopal Church. Carlisle; May 20,1845. . ; -••• • 1 have just received n large addition to my far mer stuck, consisting .9f leD PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, LIWUMEit . and F ANCY-ARTICLES, which 1 offer either whole sale or retail, at the lowest prices. • Country Physicians, Merchants,. Manufae Curers and others are iespeetenlly invited lo call at the OLD STAND, where they run be supplied with articles. which, can be relied tipon.as-being Of the BEST QUALITY. . . 11TeT 1 21:1116. NEW SPRING SUPPLY AT THE OEM grre4.lllDo - SW.-HAVERSTICK de. ' • sires - to inform the pub. - lie that he has jost meeived from Philadelphia, and is now - opening at the. Old Stand, on• North' Llanover street, ono of • - the most extensive and elegant •MM -- assortments of DRUGS ! PAINTS, OILS, DYESTUFFS, Fancy Articles, Miscellaneous ..and School 4hroksrPorfuriverylifTeitirdetsrkerWltielr-4nts- I ever Leon-opened in .this hero:4l,Al of Atoll have been seit.etcd — bf binntaf in person great care, and which ho can confidently re commend to his friends and customers as being eltual if not superior tinny in .the market. Ilis stuck will constantly comprise • .Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines, Fine Übeinitials,. Ismtrattseikls, Pure Essential Oils. Dye-, louligocp, 11111,141 cm; Rruzil Wood, Alum, • Paints an Wetherell k Brother's White Lead, Chrome, green and yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, LinseectOil, Turpentine, Copnl'and Conch % arnish, Lititifferand - lteell.i.ad AVhiting and Parish Green, constantly for sale at the' old established 13rug, Book and Fancy, Store. Lard Lamps, An elegant variety of Lard Lamps, maniac lured by Cornelius; 4'oovery size and pattern, and at greatly rediatld prices. Fancy Articles. Comprising on endless variety ()revery notion in the fancy way, which it world take a col. umn to,enumerate, but in which will bo found every- variety of article for ornament, instruct. lion or amusement, and at prices .from a pentiy to a duHar. School Books His stuck is composed chiefly of. Scnoo. Books, in which may ho found the various text. books, •Lexicons, klistories, Arithinctica, &c., now_used in College and the publio schools, all of winds will be sold as lon, as at any other establishment. .Also, ' ._ • . Groceries & Fruits; prime end fresh, end of very superior quality, at pries astonishingly low. In short, it little of every thing. that is useful:9r ornamental may be found in Ins establishment, 'to which in vites tho - ationtlon of the public, confident that both the quality and prices of his gundsewill be found equally salislactmy: Remember tho Old Stand. S. W. HAVERSTICK. Carlisle, May 6,184 G. MARTIN.* 'IIVIIITELEV I . - WHOLESALE D RUGGISTS & DEALERS N f i anits, Oils, 'Varnish, Glans,' tyestuffs, PuttyiAe. dc. &e. NO. 320 BAL,TIMORE Street, (Poor doers below,ltoward slreet,) 114 TIVORIg, bars on hand and offer for• sale a liirge • [assortment of DingsCh r iLioai 'Et tu ,e e eeen which - itro beell'aeleeted,Aoth great care„ and which"th4. are Preintred to - aell on liberal tortes. I ,'Yavititiera ~ .. 4 ; 011 'tvellL-td- telFami'exurnine their p urchatea, re. We are. anre,ii!eialklj. be able to 'please . , them, or should thieyprorer sending their ord ' er's by le • , alt; articles shaltbe sold d .. lhom as th6y..were. 'preeent. and put up..with_great:oeitind Iseutnuee. - - ::'..;lieliiin,ore; - -111e$ , A 3 7 , lBdQ • • - ,H.• RDWAREI* HARDWARE!!. lo'w,` Lightning . Oila,•Painta, Wain jtr„ Ceder. _,,EA:wolootag_" 'climeAlloirocco Leather, Liati, Aitit,..treee' , ititCphootnalt.ot"a 1.14din, , •151.1111 , 'Huse kud.,ettiur t.t! 4 )uting ' ', ' • *0.%!..;:t - v4 . i.y -- -.0'.i34.f . ; - ,: . •:':;.: • ~ 41,1 * :WOOO. , Cllo.opOis, 2 Walllltdd, lin modNtely,at, the . ' Carlisle . lien 'Wei gat 'four upd ‘o,l 4 alrmilloß'F4l4 of Ctirtisl47Preesylviielat to• wluuni . 104 1 :4PPo,4' , osi;Kctrlelftet" .. ; • , ••• 1 - • :' , ‘;,4';;Ag4 ,4l )PitietjaklAtiGt , •t; A...linierittiiakfresti from the atoulketei t 'jtilit, moie t y, e t t'te aerie& to.vhnOketgkeris t0,V . 11 , %iitot*lo% , : , • 7, !. 71b1 oa' GOril DAWN, /111A141011,441rtg• 11 lirS.ViicelietlitAdipticinal lbi qp r ome l , 'wmatandstiudat3.lo , Th p .4,6 , 04, q ' tii0, 44 t11 41 401.01 61/ erl• 4+s-I ;it .V tb ' ,.,D i ir tlitlrl V 4011%, 1 4 -,leffit in4 l6 * (lll - " iiiitleatikli C h *Tatiticts PIP/thAnk l o Toil t , ~,.p.,,,,,,i,„ ~.......• Q uit :'!, .: ,: , ),,I,'. , :-..,i.;. , ,imi,. ,;-,,,"•r,„.1 ~; ;;v1,,, ,,,, -e, T ,. /4 , •, i4 , , , qf ' , N 4 ,,,24 ,..,z, ,,. „ .0.,, i., ,, , , :* , , ,,,t 1i1i .,,,,, ,@:; 1 “? . '' ' '',.: " . : itP , ' ' '' ' 43v•;•P•a•z•ca•lArcen,v7.4-.?“4.4.K+.1.1gy,t;Ate... • • ..01Ce ' Arri 446 id 1 , :. d vgl,of p g ft, p.A.VID IL A 10401,0 innifieihislriende and 'the htt 4 ) l othif.:. - .llc.tKjust. noOITO new naliidell'Afi.nitnii.Nefe•Y•orlciwilkanCentire Ind fnelitonalinr.ittielk '•..ettole‘Agnktable • for•the .B e al *ii> .l6 4,*hitiak .. o.ir =to aell'lbwer than, the annieietinlen eaell be'Dukt!insed in the 1,-Ins ; stock etutineenw .!itrise nety nf NA and: fathionitile'Z. • • - • silks" Lawns - f•-•-• , • ,•, . • • 1 1 Ltzt)l4.lN.., efp A4O ;: ttn.,extenike lot of . new:ll6le . Carnetai=o „lite intearindlitaitfaationf. able .figurea,lrom TEIsT ,cr.s . ro.•tar one donee per yard, and" ofti 'quality fur anierlor to any &ver offered for the sante'veioe in•this'Boroughr Don't foigit the atore,,Ja North . 'llanotreec t ' opposite.Cornmpn'e Hot6l:' • Carlisle, June 3,1846.. •• . . NEW -GOODS.. -NEW. GOODS . JUST received and nun , opei.lng, n'eplendid 0 arisortment of Dry Cootie and Groceries at the Poopli'e Cheap Store in North untiover street. one door below. S W Haveretiok's Drug -Store,. where :the public 'den be accommodated with cheati.kootis Fot cash: . - 6 ^ • 11. ANinitsoN. , ,;7't:_-•11 '" .1Z - ' t r ,"" , _ Spring Eirui Siitnnuir Goods ) at the CHEAP STOitro_Or) • .Tonar & sort. IA AVE just received from theeity,as lams jl and extensive an assortment of.Spcing & Sintimer•Goods as have ever been bieught Carlisle,. Their 'stoat having - been,;,selieted with the greatest care, they can confidently °siert, that a cheaper; better, or prettiot assort. ment, is not to be found any where. Their° Mock-consists in part of Wile, blue black; green, olive and mixed, English, rrenchiand-Ame. neon OLOTITS, striped, plaid and plain Cvssimrres do. for summer, superior white, striped . and plain Drillings, superior London s gold mixed, olive and Silver Tweeds, superior Caehnicies and Oregon _Clothi e do. - Croton Cloths ' do. Frenchfaml English {Postings strip. ed and plaid do. ' . blaek satin Vestings Of a su. perior_quelity: Also, a very large assortment • of plaid and striped eaten goods for summer pants and coats. We earnestly • invite the ladies.to, call and examine our-elegant assortment of Wine, such as Plaid, striped, shaded nod corded Organdie - Lawnsccorded-Ginglium,Jace_etriped Organd ie, rich style Dalzorines and barages, lace striped French Lawns, splendid - Calicoes that surpass every thing ever offered for the price. Also, hosiery, Gloves, mitts, Lanes, Ribbons, and Liman Cambric Handkerchiefs, Bonnet Caps, &c. Also, a la-ge assortment of brown and bleached All mil ins, .plaid . and. -striped. Cottons, Portland stripes, checks, 30 inch. heavy Dril• 7-Bth drilling, table diaper. (Mack Gs) as, cams Wen tr , , consisting of splendid white China 'tea setts of 46 pieces, Livereocil_eups and saucere,.plates, sins, bowls; &e. A' largo assortment of G :aware, Crockery.tvare,- ha rdware, :Cedar ware' "Oils; Paints' and - Dyestuffs, Erodirles, New Orleans, Sugarhliouse and Syrupliblasects, Porto Rico,. NeW Orleans: and Loaf !3itgare. Ia • • Ginger, IslUt.fft . T . 1 - oat, haat and cheapest assortment-of - BOOTS ANTI SHOES, I ever offered to hi slide of Cumberland court ty, comprising . in- a -over--0000 of the vgriops kinds of Me '; Women's and Chit. drens' Shoes and-Boot which• we wilt "war rant not to rip," and warrant them to give all reasonable-satisfaction to the wearer. These Shoes and Roots we will sell 0 percent. cheap.. er than' city retail prices: A. complete assort ment of the kat and Cheapest - MX-Ala-VP -643 S. ELLIOTT Herbs and Extincts, Spices,grounil &whole Essences, Perfumery, &c. Oil of Vitriol. Copperas, - Lao Dye,. Vainishes. such es Deemer, Cassimere, Sigh and rue.— Double and single Leghorn s t .,9llBmagraaa Rats, with a v ery lacgeassorticumNl Wo would say to one and all, give us la peep,' before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter. mined to 'sellgoods de eheap as eny Marcia the county. Remember, our' store is directly op. pestle Robeit'S Hetel, - Seeth Tlinover — SWeiff: - JOHN GRAY it—BON. Carlisle, April 29, 1846. • N. B. AU kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange for goods; at market prices. HARDWARE. CUTLERY & SADDLERY. The Largest, best Selected, and Cheapest Stocy. of Hard ware ever brought to Carlisle ! ! ! 1 - t.OHN P. LYNE respectfully left:ems his 4/) friends and the public generally that he has just received from the city a splendid stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, Cheap l'aints, Oil, Varnish, ate., which lie is determined to sell cheaper than ever. His stock consists in part•of the - followingi ' milking materials, such as Locks, Hinges, and Screws ; mils and spikes, window glass, of all sizes, Carpenter's tools of all Riede, such as planes, saws, chisels, augurs, braces and bits, compasses, superior sand paper,- Saddlery, a - full assortment consisting of braskplsted and Japanned Balms wountiegoaddle trees, bittsi stirrups, buckets, hog Skins, raw hide, whip Stocks, Stc. Cubinrt, Makers' _materials, such , as MAHOGANY VENEERS, Ginn and Ma. liogany knobs, drawer and chest looks, Bed stead screws' and cups. Also:a sPleadid,assort. ment of fine pen and pockei knives, table,krilvos and forks; find scissors, and 'sheariVshoop 'shears; ,razors and. razor straps, atatshaving ~, cream. Also, Candlesticks and snuffers, ahoy. cla and, tongs, brushes, of all kinds; tabs and - buckets. shovels and 'spades, hay and manure forks,, halter and trace, chains, :coffee mills, looking glasses,: andlOoking , giossplatea of all arias; mill and cross cutjentwtottstr,,band, round an , oop ton, east, ili er , -and binder sfeel.— Aleti, rillnand sae , ,liotvder, of the' best irniiiry and Safetyltile:j.%Together with .every. article beastly keptinca:HardWare Store. .": .-- ' Call and_. examinn:befortt purChisier clic ! , where as I, am' determined•not to be beat, „„,, he , books and, I) ' itelate•firar at -01.. Lyno di Cu;, ate in my Side,liftfper. , trertfistl AO s knowing themselves lade d'iocall and settle, fai ihe: books ' ust,be set kid 4 frame diatelyi otherwise suits will Nil stitetediwith - clue, avast to:persons, ” ' JOHL- ,1 , ",-":likt-NAL, " - - ,':i - A -- firil - 2 - 97 . 11346"."'7 -- , , , ,,--, ""'-rt 4 ',-; , - , -- ,. ..- -- • Goodsi , so4l,,_Gainbroptui_am uin r • ekittii Choilinietossiljgau,lcoenti; , (Aillifoati t anditro rkeikietto , "43.'" • ' • ' •;_•• *MARRS . plit4riinii7or,Coutiiry Prtithieg"tAltei "ogeroe , ,;giiediiikeilig fiabrAs, ill coittiptici • ct.•• 1 ,61. PfEr # 4 ,—*,-.4kipl-....ri5.c,.* I,Nes pq... 4 ,,,,,0p0, , , okpff,i,l2l6ver4irch . r a:n...in,Pi, ,Z -8 111 4 , -'.. t ,- 0- , I: A.OLltrimes.. Alinlpperiab'qg r g:y go o . ' '4' t' ,''4, T' . . IFS;: ..' ' ,4 4 , ',1'a w , .... ~,,..i.,-).;,' 7 i!' i P.:oi l llolfp '4'l ly w ntr o k ..„'PJT.lit',e,ll',o.' C 1:41 t 0 r1.. 1 . .p : •,.:.,,,.p414,4ya,A: 'fiplotß i.kkt,m.tiiP.,i ~1;7.1410.10 14,talibin)4 : .lOsi , t9 .r,a4 . ' .44440 9 SA;S#, ,lO * Ol 1;7 ;•", - '' . ;,:- i P:'.'iti.,' '...CoiLit' ' . 5:-itfeliikl, ; r` . A clit., : , eyc i ,4 4 % ..4.,,r,,7,4,,A, 1, ' -,4' i. .:'.. 5 4 , ,• ,„•,,;,-,.„.;;,:;.-. ..np. „v .4,, , c4t, ~. ' - kite - ;. t , •-• '. • : ' '•,,,, i , ;0. • , 14,i i : A. -i,t ' ''','.4 f.S5r: ... % . ,::........,4 il,' ,iiiit,!l,ll,, -:ft,..i*,,...:4,,,4 ili, ,'....,,,,0*:;.fim5v...:..1,109,,*'.'...: ,i3'..-i'',-,;.."4.e.4:-....':::.:.:,:1',7,'..',“;.6;Mr-:',..------,,,,,,,,,- ' • .. a ~~ ~~. GREAUARRIVAtr II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers