MENITMM=EM RERALI34 -- ‘ - Exvit , taa I==3 MIME MCBEE =SG • 14' ommsz...llV`r4. - JUNE" ::14461 In'orie of the'atiitets York may be Oen , a ,sige,„'Ve;high ,reads ea:follows.— " Martha- Bigai Ores:altitude of weds and kansur, tik dulleroo, teciays' work; and all other nervus diseases. White and other jobs done-" otr The London Standard, speaking of manufacturers, says that Ready all-the (event Mechanical contrivances introduced into their factories for dispensing with human la• bor, are•of American invention. . (Itr.The Louisville paperetof Saturday last elate William M. Meredith, of Bal , tnnore, son of Jonathan Meredith, was shot throtigh . the heart, by 'Harper, at Liberty, 1116.; last week. They had been playing cards, and 'quarreled. • • tho city, of New York: and suburbs, there are six thousand and forty!eighmom- bars of the medical prthession. Besides these, there are probably a thousand_ more --wholtre not-4 , regblars,"--but practice cm-their own hook with "Mots and yarbs," '"lnjun medicine," hot water, cold wateratid the like. . • .ts • - CO:Practice has proved that Sixty:two de grees is the best temperature for• Dream at tho time Of churning. If below this, pour in hot water i if above it cold, until it is brOughtto ths•required point. Thispoint is ascertained, of course, by a thermometer. _.O The _ steAmboat Queen City, on its route a from N. Orleans to Cincinnati on the 4th inst., burst her. connexion pipe near Natches. Four deck pasoengers Evora instantly killed, and about thirty so badly scalded that it is footed but few of the sufferers will recover. Six persons jumped overboard and were drown ed. The,sufferers were chiefly German em- igtants MR. S,,ima—the man who munches sau sages behind the Speaker's chair—has - been perpetrating a speech in . Congress, on the bill to regulate the appointment of certain of ficers in the'Exeoutive Department at Wash ington., He complains bitterl that his par ty friends Cannot geroffiee—thatt e Presi dent turns a deaf ear to his, remonstrances -against-the—Whigs-holding r olliee r in--eonse quence of which he has tq put his hind in his pocket and, pay the office seekers, way home. He would . l6ll his constituents he had the,Seeretaries who gave him the cold shoul der, he--h Oped the time -might come- when - they would be served according to their ° deserts. The—speech was rich throughout, and caused a geneial laugh in the House. MEXICAN PRE6IDENTS.—The billowing, his - tory of Mexican PresidentWve copy from the New York Mirror: Gm. Victoria, the first President, elected 1824, with Gem Bravo as Vice President, who denounced Victoria, but was beaten, surrendered and banished. Gen. Pedraia, was elected 'April, 1828, • over his opponent, gen. Geurrero, who used violence to displace hilsl,; he was'aided by-u large force with Santa Anna at its Wad i iChP MP& defeated, and made his Acape. lirlB2B - (October,) a mob headed by ex-Marquis Cadenrcaeized the governmeitt,'andPedraza fled, and • Geurrero was declared elected, with Busta monte Pr Vico President. Soon alio)._ that, fluetamento es jl ; • • c , w lie I ended in the execution of Genrrero in Feb ruary, 1831, at Nem, leaving Zustamenteeln iho Preeiclent's Chair: In 1832, Santa Anna marched from Vera Cruz to the Capital, made Bustamento resign in favor of- Podraza, then in exile"or Philadel phia, who returned and. served hut the re mainder of his -time_ of the 1828 eleetion; and then 'Santa Anna was elected. Santa Anna on obtaining his liberty; was in retirement some limo on his estate, then took the field against —l3ustamente-in--1844,- and drove -him-from • power; and. Santa Anna became resident in .1841; and bciing deposed by • Gen: llerrera, *ho sent hi to Havanna,' On "e3tiley,afid• - then-ritirrera U•ai - depoied by usurped the Presidency and' 41Sinilitar:y despot:: • 04 . 1' he NV ' ashirigton Onion calls upon,The Pemoeiatie•party to"ticf int the bill to reduce the „htt'itT, eiid says, '"Cowardice, 'n'ay,' in such a.; case, despair, betrays almost , like treason." Mr. 'Stewart, of ,Pennsylvania, says:ithet..duriTrig the - C - 11 - 61 war with — GiTtit Britainohe tariff was iwreased, to support it, but uow`it islpvpostid•to:reduce the torifl; for, the seppgri of tlio war4ith:Xe§,isco! -,.ll4j . ,egislatiir,e, of Louisiana has,.with commendable equanimity, ,voted a Buford, to heineseared:te , Gen:Taylor, 7 , o reCognition ! ,hitt ,:service's and bravery- Gee; T4 . lbr Avail 'fight all the better, 'brat 6, 1 . elk the actual cost of : A Imperil s9liNiklLE:t.- , T*l3 ItidSOr Vi. Journal states:that at Cornish, N. IL abont ' tltto" weeksn,tr,o`,7bee'6l the most jaats was'irieiTetrated.' ; widow '''Jadh,:Aft* married - aasoond,:husbenti - ,7who, Jo , her...ltidtion - ,Twas' det;eogOod , aittbeffi.rst, and she told Mtn the far* .waty:.noCab well Itatinaded , ku3 when he ----= "(thoArlit*BbittO)iva._ itr -= At-this .-=- '4 l ?hatfipitlitfa , Vitttant - tt7wtrttli - wttrit - to - the-1 - ..`biArTiic'po;lliik4,ol . l;A4.l6:A . eti:tyoiocoeded to 'thegrtOtrikntand'tistaally - reinirins ''.3 thifirs4usbana—earria thecoffran iliomeethst _set ii'doien-kin:lluiLkYclpan—*PliOn4 t hat "if Iwit•yroald make so much, ditteren ,ee should,or,bnoicw.o.po :.BoAsyjua,s ume yauyeo4llUlps.opl,ler saa , you atioul4•Tnaka-Uk-youeirkind'. never to Gi l ; b A.bouster ' "If any alairolke.oW 3 '''' 'i ' k s ,"i t h . "` in fil iur Y ' 7 4 t i f aupiriniiti f amt . lia ; keeps a . 1 : .bt, dbeatly..aftm , ' An . tLyau: o h_a e y ri ti 11 ,, _T r.. 4,!_ ‘'".‘ 64 Wi r lj j o4 t Vrci t.l3... 7oc ‘ '..o rl itl i n bi et4.:LbilL;t l vh io pn ii it s; ,I'2',7'illuiteidiero4:W.7l• 7/ iii - atainteli /soak: wOghtin livill ' ali, "' .7, rut l iet*byenaNiftit -a -: ':!rozooytil0 ql'ii,,iiiiif,g,.4ato,Ailw **l titirgg , tooritill'iaailia :)iiitl" V i e , s!4',.'": x• ^ s cre w 4 '•Onif, tell" 'A I ,, At e CPt B WW , 4 64 - au ve*,,,, , , of,. 4 .Y.,04" l redu"' - ala swam :;K.,,,botlitt* triv,d,Stirlyaig—icein 1 El -, 44. , 4 0 : 4 ;30 1 !)'' , ...., ‘: / ,l o 'lo o , '''' ' ' , f" v ''' , 'S ''':`' , ,'',• -: ::.'',; 4 ,4 6 tW. 7 " .. ,3 :-'• , '.: .i,;,.,, r, l i - c,,,.. 1, .. , ~... • ". ' •• •: ' ':',',,„'":', 2 '`:'!":.'.'-,-.-! i.:'.''' , , ~',,'; , ~<;. w' ' ~, ? .• ' ' ~, - '4,. - ' .?.! , .z. •,:•!.' ._,,•=:..,,,,: a- , . . Caranfldr ,roc - ss e • oi.Ac k iii4 6 ,6 l 6,„t sioiLt G.A., .4' paq Op different qualigeo of , „, 1 ,14: sugar 7,QPite'essufra*e4 *4l. , • aMet. - ea , culture . rha 0144 Hint. &anion and Cod fish, keg and hux Resins, Curraiitei•SpiessOftill•kiods,;Paticy etLother. aPs, with many other" articles. too numerous to toentiou, •all of whlch - ho will sillfaCilie•, owest possible rates. ' • N. it, All kinds of merchantable produce ta4nß!,,exiihrinte Ihr Groceries.",-,1 Carlisle, 'April:2B,' • i2=ll • ' -c I ME Drugs!' ' • TEV.,E - NgON — St . ;L4NIERA4 , 4"EY respectfully inform their euplomerend i fr . .tenda, e tinkt:tl, l i r or . .. have received , in addition to 'their former, ST.OOKo •a reelect went of • " - • DRVGR,. PAINTS; O:L./IRS, 'PERFUMES, .I.)Y.F.P.S'TEI.FRW CLIENICOLS; !MEDICINES, LILES, _Psi TENT' IIIEDICIN,E'S, `arid -4.c. 4: r 0.:4:4% . • • • ? bey return.'lhnnlcs { o • thdicbinnillrAty for their piaronOtP. - 1441totto:i4,,otowadi and.hop,e by iiniewed'efForle Mirt.c:liiiCitittUtioll,to i buaincsai to, merit a larger share o f pu blic. opprobotion. Their' purchases iititio been•made vith great ki v o,.aricl the articles bodgbingi:gio. 04 ieit." l onable terms, so that they=can fie disposed of L4W,EIt than they can lie )had' elaaoer.e r yin Abe . 1 county. .1.: '2 . The;Ladies are apprised that, a large and moat chnieri:varinty of Fanny At...idles and Notions', haieliecifine'eltreittisitt,tirkittim ready either for exhibition or sale. • ' ' ..• . „ • • _ . '- • - Sales - and small Profits- ! 1' `N. . FPO theinege room•onAligh Street, owned by Mrs. Knox, and nearly opposite the Meliodiat 1 Episcopal Clinrch. lie will in future give alt . his time '(when not engaged in- Proteisional duties,) to the interests of his Store, and having secured the services of careltd and .experienee i t Assistants, he confidently assures his friends and c he public; that their order,s unapt tact iptiontepall have the most accurate attention.. DR. MYERS 111 , 0 inlormaliWfriends that in addition to his former large assortment:of DR CIG S, • , HOOKS ,. . ''' PRINTS; . . _- '` .. • • (School and Miscellaneous.) 01 ~ CORI\7IIITUV .1.1 -- .dß.t.i L 3 MPS , ~ . . . „ ,14 ~. : . '--- •-' D V E.,SrUP FS . ; • SP.RTIONa R)",• . • SPICES, ' , p..‘; r 1 . , eRY, , . , _ - --FRUITS," --- - ' , Fa NC .I.' ill RTICL ES; - - P E RFUMERY 4.c. $•a.... lielinitjust 'Opened a splendid assortment of . .. ,- .. ~ , , • . , , ' F A1...Y.131 L V. . a_l?-0.,C E .1? Ir . E S of every . onrirty and nrieesrned as be'infe-mls.floiog business noon the pormlar terms ,li " gmejs' s . t i ki i • m i d s u lf a I iii•Ofits "-he Ili th..terniined-to• Srll Groceries RIO - over . ). ntlier al ti eriins low an the) ean-liepsoldlo-CartioleLkle-gis.M".....t.,Kftettriiiitrittilt it! to his frimiits .Le, en IL . _-”,.. ' ipar...For the tomfonomalat om of his I'riels, - ;ol....My . ersfs Drug Slain a .rimt nt all hours on SUM Tay 3 for-the sale ol AI EDI Cll3 ESUN LT, .. _ . ... . . . . . . . Carlisle April_2.2,_l 5.4_6, _r_ . ___ _ __ , . _ _ _ .. ! A 8.111 . Ico.,4,se„,,Clu3sitOible; - between Seventh. end Ei . gll . l, streets, PIIILADELPIPA, . now prepared to offer Wlrjesaleatill Reinil, u. large aesortment of Fextw aad,ST.teLy. t=raDOclClEmst suited lo the Country as well as City Trade.— lie continues the system of 'ono abatement of pm tcrs." which he has. pursued for•the past ten years, and desires to (mil the special atienifon of the public to it as the only tree system of re. tail business, and which is decidedly to the in. (crest of the purehaser,to promoter.' It id quilt time the fraudulent practice of asking a high price, and abating to make the purchasers he. 4ieve they are 1110 0 favoured few," was .done away with, as, nine times out of ten, they ere made to pay a higher price (however great the reduCtion,) than the like style arid quality can bo purchased at the 0 One Price Stare." A. B. M. is in-regular ,recuiPtof the newest and, clienpustseasanablo goads. and hen any esui nrw. smiarraramuswatant marked davi;iiscOliw:iltatit : eanticCbe . Hy this system the -purchaser can at all Ones buy will) confidence °nitwit isfactittn, and with. out. waste el% time in iiseleas bargaining. lic, has at this time a complete,lissortment or jilaok hustriunc Ottoman; "Faux do Snie. Mantua, Graaf 'de Rhine: Armure, and •'other Drees end Mhulilln Silka, Aloe, - - . Fancy'Droas Silks, troin' 44 0te..t055,25.per yard, including all tho variety cif approved and intend styles andmomkigation .of,eolota. Li,ning Silka..Foida - rd'Sdke, Silk Gingham. LAWNS 4,111 D .ORGA.I4O - • , Paris Painted .Luwna and Organdies', of Ihe newest and moat upproved - 'style, as well aa the cheapest in the market. Also, ' at very low pricOlii, ..„. ‘ 3- •••••• ,, . , FRENCH OINGHAM6, . . . „ .. . - -"or itie:ilAv d` eV . ' id; ,'iji kn,Soptch Ginkl . iiiiiti and Gingham L awn:l;'veiy , •Ctienti l .'" I'Vtill'd Earistunp9d; Muyt . 9llosttir Glit4liaine - fur' chi!. dred'eVicii. ' " '''' `''' '' .''' ' o '';' -.".' ;FRENS-NOHlikfzis..l•6"!l.,iy Light, modi ooloro, Attig,Anot moke,Adn bintzpndCa iooes, of. the itow'potorok, itittmtk , ,Ter„yOrd. , , L °film most splooslid Orobro oaf 1410, down' to tlioyrdnrch. EtiglikVaid Ainior,itin, 25 etel—Nr. yard.. . ....BAREGES AND•fiALZOR!&`ES,:•'; - .. -Of variottOf de/!diP: iiiiitod nil tnetesi• Aian, embr7ridered' uni-C Ilyndore Pollia'drussea;: Lit d durd - pllo4.l.•uhit tviss • • .• , /11141;'N'domilli--Jiipcmic , t,-Lam- , brio .1 1 0rth,‘90,.41:11 , 4/10m! ,ti ;llufil oPs. miipti Vim)4o.o.,cv)4rlPirOY:. '1614 Shirtitig 1. 'VBSIT44N,'!_,II(YrEV-ci"•- :.,CORNER o s iliow, & . SAR6TOGA. STRElitny• , •TR lulacrihoir : has tiiiiiile , astdo. • of-iiiihrintrig-hisAriends_and.the thal he. blibh has •ed'PoPuler Hotel, yeermily kopt',by7Mr.•John : tri Watkins. and , hating provided filenlf with ibis means tor eonduoting',it, in dmanner e i that "1 11 4 14( 1PrNIA: to hid / elf and to those wiltrcus II upon' am, he *ill bolhinkful for a ipprlicin,Of the public pittronage. Transient .board per day. The Housostii,3 , equates from Baltimore AtrPtitrt-••••• 1 ". .••. L ..•_l; 7 `'"V" 4 1, ,C'' 4.{%.1.• r• , p 1 'DAY d ci fat Ostierli consfil tly in 1 1 01- "'-‘,* iTeare ppee../,f4orses taken at livery at 42 psi:• , lialtimore;•MailBo4l34s 4 ;," ,ErCiANlAMial:*;o4,,kaireitfor,,s n struLtotocol. c `1.4.2° ilt•-P- t-1:,;: nAL'_Ol,l4 11:;r7te4dr iniftht' W yt l ittP4l l:V4i r'•t b 01134—, ' , - t ; fo' sr • to -r1 t; 04 . tteggle;11111 - 5 : 30 . ...; ~• - • , . ANOTHEi::'tRESIC:ABRIVAL ., :':-. . - k‘: -' 0:ip: ' m 41 I .'►IV'ERS has removed. his - DRUG AND BOOK STORE, ~~3L~.L;~.~o Tnlllo Cloths nii - dNankins,Lung Lowis,Fronch Linea Cambric and Linea Ut elioap Shirt ing bud Slieqing Mustinn, a n d ouporiur Lgng Oath Shilling. ' MOURNING GOODS. Borgbazines : of all qiialit leo, and the .various shades or Black, Summer Bum haziikes or BriMantes, Silk and. Cotton Warp Alpitecus, Thirekres, Balzorines, Ilehawse,. Grenadines, t4inghains, Crapea,Crape and Love or Leisso Veils, Kid and Silk Gloves,. Hosiery, Plain Silk, Glatini Otto. man, Thibet, garage and Twisted , Silk",Shawls Scarfs and Cravats SHAWLS AND SCARFS „ . French Caahniere long, Arid cquaro Shawls, Brindle dn., Printed Barogri, 'rid but. and Teclior. ri do, Glntia; Tir kited Silk. Grenadine, Minio n' and Mohair do., and priceddo• INE2IIIIr *:.. uzag-ei-ai4-4itli itlijai Searle. Mon, Cniva tn. 13!ack . f..si3 and Silk Besntillps, Yisili, CapCs nifd CurdinniF, of new . stylii. F,AIPROI DIiRIES AND: LACES, • FtrtilM,Cags.: ColJarseSifencers,!atid 4 Chew i• wits, under • Sleeves ,and Cuffs, English and French Vaned Loces,.Edgings and Insertings, Linon Bobbin Edgingsoind: I iiscrtings - i- b''d; Swiss and Cumhtic tr...rllkl,afik - and White Lacji' Ve,ils, 11e0 Shawls truk &WB, wide HlOek La=` ccs for Mantillas; and Scarfspand Ellook•BrueV sple,Lacejor i frirryullig do; ,afid,dtof9iett.:t . • -i •t • . • English whild - a . uir black' ,d tipcb worked, and plain Silk Jlosiery ; white and black half Hoso,4lbli'd did plain spun Silk and raw Silk do; alsO, drithrS'Utuis • white, colored, and unbleached Cotton 'du ; , open`d;-drked'rilso, Childien'eXciitun - do . ; and Ladies - whiteddelini t - .. bleak:had Liale Thread d0.,0f variants ipialities: a scarce and desirable'artiele; and 'other: Hosic.;; ry of various descriptions. • ' - LINEN • CAMIIIITt VVN I:I4KE'& ) • .1 inusinnerind ganilirlo'inid'Lawii,Hfaudkin44.llt; frohi' rte, to C.),(f.ei4cit.,„ A Diys;; forsee, Green Barego for Noils,_p l iuso yo 11,4„. th l oy r Lead co d, 1111dAii10 " do:; % Vaimi line, .f c. • : - FOR - GENI'I,kI(IEN noi,vidyles rich and ch,iip Scarfs ail& -Cravats: Kid. Silk, Thieatl t and oth - er Gluveir Conon • mail ,Cambric Handkorehiefs'iSuspendeisi'dite;; :li;i:`.lv,lo: t vilAtv4; 1081 Ofe:, , Ar* - f:opticti l i i t:y n in..l,, ( f oi tii r d; law;if olficwhor. (iT INTlCllsoirfrs,vh. - Atte4P)na,olloa Jew:instal* ly aiding cure '9f !iretsig . Yeager; y'o`tf' are ; iiivita to Cali and, iniren.for; 13,,1846 - '771 • T t'S TR r 1,4 ri p :; Inibli4 tiati LA,tiavinvolielied Smith Hancileh • street, ttearly,optiosite the Poet Mee; ti pareti;to practice DRNTISTItir: ' its' bran? chug.. Good Teeth are essential to health, besides natural, or era ()Oat Wiles;reOticit ebilf,tielb I hat ornamental; and, ad. 4 Inetertally.l3'.tht , fet4Tor( of, the w earer .. need .siel sta I te4what itattrfie• "doac tO . , the "Iceth,"salliaelt to sayi akererkile,fief lie remidiird, asiil new Teeth, furtashatlfroM a aingle - Otie to an ,antire set: "paving . %Nal:4lEl,olde. rableTraCtiee torsi htitnhaii or sears,goed 'reran. e4ea'aiilrbei Oven' to 'Seib'. fnt regains theniibut the bast iirOot lithe operation; ilhich twill. in'gll 'ogees,Aite,...motioi , efiaiiikininer, and at pricer todit.theocCesion and the times. Tersonssveitited t cur at their- residentice,'.either Amen etatedrYi without: extra charge. He elwa sbe.bonn, tat•,h a ,otiice;as'sbovc,'or•al lii. resittsteitlicr l 4.oo6„dap,,friorth nf 11 undePII j i 1;•,; , ,tr 0 +44 . 4 " . e:'*;. 0 1.v a i .4 " 1 1 lattiglarti - 11 14 Iis r Also IfAVlNO.neittl,t,iiabowl tetE,'*;sitta, ntlOgiit , i liior kt.te l lePlt** l4 6 . .*4o l o l . 4 .o#l l 44l,tl'Oi .„. i'l'!'l:464'o.4'Sf EINEM . ~.~'.4 1 t `. ~:n ~ ~.n7~`: NI tlOOrijiklillieliirittkilt"iiititik ~- : LL:LA ANSI/EA -CRY— - , • r— ouis, ra,l9o:pv io hi'r_efspeettelly inform the, , . littilinksif,Cayilahlitad-violeityilthathaejet: 1 4#AtlibiAilia$,# 41PtilNtii 1 4.WohWireaec ouseirot 3: H. G rah am . se. , in.. South Hanover 0.0..*, ifliipelltpliPMAtViht rbat litflOthii ia . no* ! geti,a,To49,d9, 0f...41n1ar1.0r.. 1 'fik93,6,144.a0tir ,'WT i lts).ll 4 ' l ...: ',l o. 4.1.; '6' (4 1 "'' c:'" .. 4::) , I . i '•;' . 4 14 4" . 'fl . '' • . E FAC 111 0 41 i: e1 . 1911 . 0 ‘C k erni ,ao FASTIO . ! i .; 40iffiti.O.ipt*_titgi , ;(;.NC'906 : iiiit,*h• 4.-,,..r., ••• - :,,,.....-.4L i : (telt efigl7ig.i . l .`e?l,l!:i - ,1 , 41`1. ; .Gentlemen'a Libraries easily , litteil!Sizaiiireep.iiir ed:-, M wile. and Vteriatlieshvtiteihd *.htfiaterJ l . Ladies!, , Serapi. Behker , Alhuintr end TPollihpi , vralLdaterivielye . madelo , oydOt. 4 [ 4 +l;lTZ?.. : : h.!..':,-, ''" IBIANILVI T :PRILL.e 2I ----.. ' - ',.. He.woulth a150dn; ,4 1 , . - I! ,l t'"" : ''7' ,, 1 V' t./T foravieounty leffiaersi il 1 i' . \ %-,,-.4„, " ''' \ -Heeehantated, EtaniFarr. ,.,- , \ Ithat licis also - . prepa. , ... , \ ;,.2. ~ .t.! redi Ao. , ,miiiikfitotural , * ' •‘:, 'W" .. '- i " IiLANK. IVOltit -el 01-1 0 ,- .. .. 1 '„.', everiNdefterlPtioin ouch' , __.... . -...,.,:-,. ai Dockets -1 ., Ileaordi, Deed:110 1 / 2 4iP , Day;flepka, LedgersonitirnillAE,Merapramhtme, Check Rolla; -kcipt.the-finilittwillty-of.pi!per leii - styjene_4l le •±4 - ady i raattf)tiiTihe eitfaTttP r hilikeifiNi,cii : . ai l'irOkcinAhe PiOtreiiii:onablii;t4rall .! ."..4- ..,--....: :, ' - 'llleihVgiP4sliellikr'lliiatiktatoisiltble 'ra ea " ''tile ,k s espaiiralti, solicits 11.Cpi4ce , age, cif the ..iiiibif6o6.frfrilyeduding - ihiC;td dO oil work ii a: vitjiim'aatialhei:egto Ils - aistaii4eir. 'a ' •' r ,f, .. Feb I l--Itha: r '. .. BIIIMM E=EMI lEEE .GREAP !DOW& GROCERY' STORE . ket.epi.po.- —i.t..-utti , be, hadd ,aisio'ooot of he' Weeds torielritr•odircel - pidofi;:tPoNiiiterrean be aur,7 plied at the following. , • - . . rarnilitliblen• •GoodSuhool Bibles; • Good SiihooljrestOmentag morocco gilt-edges 1,00 'S'ehoorliiiilltatill the genet:al kinds in use pre- PP l .qOilVY:lOll'. l it* also a , good.: pesotientietitl'itif4Atlifilraphic Booksand Boll- Heatso earl:feign theilfnikahmiliikilli:tunness' wbere.parsonscan bintifilfOrtild. - :bbekaTeka tin d, al ooks, Deekept Act.' inlideltilfdi.r. This t substiriber in connection with Ids Book and s Shitionoiy o 4tOre,lins established reivrEvir GRobzwsr liE lies now. on haild . a large: , end getteralaisor,tment of fresh tSirpocries, spice:l4,a. uf every description and of the best.quality, selected' with care in IF in the city, and 'which he is enabled to sell at reduced east; prices to cult the times.' Thailkful for the patronage extended to him (luting the few days he has been - in the busi. 'tiles ' gib 'hopes. by attention and endeavoring to please to merit 'a enntiOuance_thertief, kis Strong Rio and Java Coffee, licat,,rind 2d quality Loaf,-Sugar, Uptown, wiiito;lllavinia and criiAcd SugaTa' - Young ligaon , irriperiuttind /Pack • Sugar. House Syrup and New rgrlcans.:ito. _ . lieaVand 2A, bort Spertn Oil. Oancllea. - -Spicom of all kintla_froiah-ground-and -uogiound,..Choeao- and- Oraplcors ; Lcoadils, :Mee; Cit,-&h, wood,' A erica nod .Loniion-London-Atico_flomoopatliie-aull kite hiial.*Cliciii.oluid; Raisins, Almond's nod Fil. berta. . - Cinekery, China and, glass war!. Also!lmph -es, Tuhri, 111 - Anis Churns, !Ironing, Red ciarcis, -ileltersii-PloughliricaterionsmO, Car pa elterk Lines ' Beat ; Cavendish and Mher.:9l4lilit - .C!,1,14d arrioking,Tohneeci, Span- IsliOinlkBMttninli and Ceimm?ti ~ Segerg. , ...A geiteral. treacirtment of good ,Spool cotton, thread, tapes, thimbles, hooks - &loyea, Pearl but one, plhs and _needles, tooth brushed,` heir bimsliescembli,pewter, sand, oboe blocking and .AltioNO. I & 2 mneltrekaneked Herring, tialtrien,Cranberrieg, dried Reel i- December 10; 1845, ammov.ED I REMOVED i ! JOSEPII M. KN EEDLER ha s* removed his cheap Rook and ~Periodical Store, in West litgli.street, next door to Beetem's Hotel , Where ho • intends to•-keep a general assortment of School, Miscellaneous and Theological nooks. Alsoot large, asiturtment 6141;the cheap publi• cations* of the,dayi , Jnsephln Kneedler reek thu ri k ful fur the gatroitege hereteftme bestowbd, and hoges to iece:ve a continuance of . :thexame. TIM 'above hope will Race, for f as- „. . . . „ in Siker ~ .Vatilfko speak , illy ofeinptybOxes. AOri; 8 , „) . A . ard. ~,,, . npliE'ithctersi g htil.ilihnliful fee plist ravers, _11: Would respectfully announce to his friends 'firid- the'public id tentriil;thiu. he tiivi Noti , die •eontintied” Vie' -biraiiiitia.- of , . 113 Ai llill‘Grail, iiitoile , muliolOtivi re.Fafikiit'ool:4lollli Wave- ropoii. Tdo.6 faallitidetliar; !ivri' , :bliiiitiaerPaitd! iiiiiire, lainonfloqheitfoiiitii itoblAbio thdt 1111, aftviiiii' ;Ribfitcolit'filivitrfriitt4" NILV:-IntgAilf4Maae; or - tlielDeiit'bre , thVg!..9.frpfiileci,-!CAiq.pSc Cain., itiii'vrnsdo to ottleri' and 'Cdrsta lair oh hand. ~, 1 '..; .; By !Arial: tittontioil eri hoolness and Custotneis, he , hopee tate vb . to: tiOntinuiteaol. ritptibij a 'Vat- • [Linage at the old ittind'in NortkHanover 'Ariel,. + 1..v..n; .V- •A‘ I't's" '-'ig. ElilitEll.lSLEN.. - : Cirlialo, Arl!iy 13,4846,ti - . , ,tr..":. . • •vi'i -, 417" , . ; splend id .assortmenvot'rE lP:gyitiqn; Baraze.andll4l6iie ilelLai no siavls, trarato low•fok oath. - h biSSlAlEt s giCli: VESTING& ‘, , c 7 Al? ,l3 4tElt -49t-RTn.1.9t 3, 37.4:71,rti3 • agoliftrnaiit eltplitin mid fit ncy, ne‘ styles, jiust fidetitkeitiitaktialOsPokilly.ldive by ' • Altip t teneburgrAny 20„ RONTSSELIPS'PERFOOES. =lll4:4 l .W 9 , l; t rit hnn aut. 4retmdis, AaplnVol In koldis ~1 1 YZAIP, V ontvLI P ,rt,,,'AIT,Q..rd•NintarY.1 0,0 0 m ilir nuN t a,0 1 ,)4t ratite. , and, Oclintalglo for,o4,YeeiVNltlis reckoeoidldr:4llli -191;1 fkkitihaffayi pp \!M , ;tro mo o re q h ar t i:t .Q in u ott u 'r§ s e pji i 9l ., lia liv iy2lj u r es io , , ooneisting 'PoWits,,VO4:o4,Ote3iLfOr the Piiinti Forta~ ' lute, and Violih;roliKo:voriety or pepulair rt o olvOltioid.toe idlifOt'Voii, : 4.lltilitrr litistibsii!**ilasjustopehed Vidopm.Lit ioe et Retiiiintiente !V hfead ;Glovtti; it avery 411triitati-tittittio fqi; soktomitrAvettr,;.4,,r,,,,t : PINE:O AINFt , 016;43(P8 t ra., hirmi various • • 'iiiteeFi; with' a rioiiiimitiestiliFirtdr 'Pine ror aolti"st Dritifid'Bookletot% orY May 20; CI ft 13 Ar.' l lllloterlaitki • - • - , • • d rioNrty 0f*. , 41-t 4, oriorti4 , 4.!ti s itigc.PPcr ffs. 4 .,` • ' f , „l.o4ll.4lo)9taltlPsejr. l, '-' leiimP'h'Pr 4 81 1 7 .f1 1, 0 11 :04 1 .71 0 ,foloitli, , Iir911' iTpply.:9o4,lrAliluvitlitikod oloquioys t joiett . )Oeirod for:Aleiobovigttipruff.ll.od Book store or , Havvitiok. Or r•tzvAw. I.—, it ,4 3%, tl7'A.. I "It 43140 ESP'' , rar, 04' 11000 "iiiii4:llllll,4l,l;sl.lo,C,.`t.A/Stkajltrf,.,r T' ' - '"k"..w4g4irCeitiilltop:irklit4, 6 "! op. 4`t - , ~.I. ' ig*- .1 1, 41* , MEM JWIVIES LOUDON'S MGM $l,OO v 50 11,2 4Mttitt*s3"'nliklitit.l =:= 14THEITRA KIIIN3IRE•iNSIIRANCVOY 4 , • • .... '- Ol; Raziaptui.u.i -':.:"'..: 51, 1 0 /0 - imote -- nigi - ua0 4 1 4 4 i - fi :-•.;,,,,,„# 0 csX .6 PitoeiTrtoil-i.. , i. , ,• • -.. • ; iNIAIKEI :§Ulf4NC)4;eitlierpecnisinenforliel; tted;tigaiiiiit esiorilaitiiip,birpO t oeptOßEßrit : 'did .47 . .Fgpl'S .6(ej , i:ry;iyileriptibp,ie" tgin ee C,sion'tlie ifichst r4iminabreteiliii.', l Apfolteik.: , ' tlifies;ing adeeitliet•Vekonellikeio . bit letter, 'Win be. liromptlT itttentledloww ' 4 _.e...':__'''l l ';' .4; ' - ' ' ' ' ' S.:4 '" I V; 1 ,7 '.4 Vi'l rqIV4. ib - F.l•OrisLßANCkilliifireit,: .. . „ , ,.Ratesothisurance , Reduc , W.4,RPETTIP9W RISK: S Brink'urStf , from =,r. L 2.6 to 3 p e'dos. tChArchei ~ .24 to 31. , do i . doTaxemis ; , • ,. A d o Atitnw 2 ,l4 2 to 5 , , .. ; do ' do do' Stables (private) 4 to, I 00” - 'do Stables (pubtlitr r '6 "to 74' 4 do il6 G riot .1‘11118:- 7 Water'' • _ Power, 7* to 10 . 'do 41 , • A 7 VWUJIL'.I2IS K. ' Brick or Secnii and Fur:- tuce &mit 3010400 slooltaltie doe" do Stores and Ideralutd= dist? 35 to do_ - 4V 2l l4:l i i" TA tFTtaPdfurnitilre - '6fi -4 • .:40,4111Ons ; iitid Coritelital'iT ' do 1 " - 85i6 do do , (puldio)' - Mikllood Stoetc. , - Frame ' niture' do do dis-Sthres 'tint Merebtin- • tdize • -65 to 85" - do dow do Tsi'veilniandfurnittire `. • _ 60 to to, do - - ' c dbirContentsc . • • • 90 to do dd Criaellllll* ant! ..TtOeic 2 • :110.44100_. do !. - '1 ••• The subset flier. sgprd Nrthe above company for Carlisle inditermnity.:4.llappliettyinisfor assuranee . 'ettber by visit' or pe'r'sonallh' , will be promptly attebded tot,; , SEYMOUIe. •June 2. 1?45. , y•-33 .D.EktiWAIIE_MOTUAL INSURANCE • - _op..r_flitaDELPl-11A On the Mutual. insieran •• u 1., wilca large join&stock - reduced to nearly half the - Usual rates. • • n y. the Act of Incorporation the stock is pledgiii . for the payment ef.'any losses which the Coinpany - piay. sustain. -And as s an iidditiondl security to the maimed, the nct re quires that the profits • urthe 'bußnees• shall be funded and remain with iKe Fotporation, as a gliorantap•and the insured ngninst 10111. tend will .b.c_rcpresented_by_acrip issued by tlic.Company, bearing interest notex. needing six. per "ant per annum. . The insured are entitled to a pro rota share ofthe profits of the Company,, and will receive that proportion Pf7the -cloresaid - r-funt in scrip, which - the a mouneof eerned•premi inns paid by him, bears loth° total suin of earned premiums and capital stock. Vie scrip thus issued, to be transferable on Zhu ilmirttweempiiity as stuc NO dividend of scrip can be made ~when the tosses ,and expenses' exceed th9hmount of ear,ned: The. insu red are protected from loss guile . _ _ . customary rates of pre:MMus, without -any. itulioiduiti liability, or, responsibility 'far. xhi, losses _or exponsps .. .of, the Corporation„Thit assured. base afFilie7rigliii of membership,—. can vole at all .eleetions,. end •are eligible ifs. .13itreelore of the 'Corporation. The subscriber has . been uppnintod agent for ibis Company, and. - e• the mutual principle q:superseding every other tondo of Insurance, to xvoillthca,ritidentlyrecommend it to liiikfririids arid : the 4 ' • .". The North merionn'Co'inliany''hafi.plii‘ed their .41gency. Those having policies spiting in that offide can have them renewed in the Deta*ate Conipany' nn much' mote fmoraide terms. • For full particulate enquiry Inter or person to Carlisle, September 10,.1845.-1 y.- E4ST PEXIVSBOROtiGh MUTUAL' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. r il H E Allen and lwapennsborough Mutual Fire 1 Insurance Com panyof Ctt herr - and County,in eneporatell try an set of Assembly:is now.ftflly 01 - gatil zetl,a nil in operntion'tsh der the managetnent.of hie following cornmiistonees, Cht.Stat snart,lneoh SltellOV mit florga s,Le w is fjy . ne,;Ctki•iitiatt Tijzel,alichapl Hooter, Henry I .ognnallieimel Conklin, Ilenjamin H Illosser,Les Merle Ilreneman ntl Ss m,l Nowell, who respectillly coil' the attt.nticitt of the . •aJ t d a•, • • vantages which the company hold out. . The rotes of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company Of the kind In the State. Persons wishing tobecnme members are invited to make application to the agents of the company who are willing to waitrupon them at any time. •. JACOB SHELIA lies'!. AlicriArt. HOOVER. Vice Prraident. • „Lewis Jeri, Secretary. U! iohncl '.: Coekl in , •TrCniiirer • •ss:inne Irnotcer,o etteraen genioneolianiesburg,. M; Oocklin , Allen,township: 'Wm It Horgais, Alleii,lownslitre •• . •• ; ;Christian Titzo,lslien!ownship.. .Intir„C,DnitiareAllen township: - • • Teteetlltirnitart; Oast rutmsbol'o!,towoshi (kJ: ' David Alartitt r Olittrelitown., • • w it, • - Henry Zearing; Shiremanstown, 'Simon Oysterc Wsorrilley.sburg, . Or. JiaeOli Ageht, ftir Yorlit:ounty P. O. • ' •," Henry Logan, York,. county.. Jolin,SherritikOrclrk''oollniV. olityßinkintireirk PP"14.1.• , Yor cOunty.• Hownian, 'Vcirletionnt.y/ ' 'Hiit;eet - O7.Stetlret, S. , ••: • Fr OiliaritfentsVill ittiEl CUM St IttiA NIYVA MEV, Irwt . aUMBERLANII-V 4 ALI,AY'U;IrU. Gl'. PRO'VECTIOI. ACH AI PAN Y Ill' be ;tinder/41;e Managers for the enshinkyear, viz:—Thoinai C. Miller" David , , , John. Moore, Jitruul•WenklyiSuOlt.Coyh3,A. M Spp r uel' Galbraith, Abraham -Kurtz,„John Paul, Saineet.Trat . ,and 'l.',. , c 4.l4:34hiney., 7 There ; acqltthm,;a lumber of AR entti IN:minted' rit.thi adjacent alumet!, who Avill,'.reeelvd fur Ward them immediately for.a . pOroiatici.tbeeflire .01.1149"6()Ilialliulyoi'bon the+, pnlzy..willlieJesUed solllsll,4t,,deltiy,,,,kr,o.kijsigier tolormatioh . ,see.,tbe ,byzYttyploQhe poretpm_ly, 1k1.013,. _ll:;,Girillp;ryeat... thetilliktirig4ofitleklo:',hare, ~he'eq ,a ppointed tut• r. r4o , Ulna i AC, vi i e t, .tlr, Ira: Day,lMahapooilbuiv. , . Geortillfrindle,sgeq.; - Mo9roe f ., , •.; A.. H. Williatua,Eaq. itireatiiennidio Etiq.,..NeNburg. Jo ~ h • . -0,!?,ti1?“P1443/cipo.P.bippettaburioy.. l' ': '" - R EMOM*L . , i ti l i t . - ,,,..4 1 .4:1,7r fj ,,,,,,,i, ii ..,/,,, •0 i ..un ti irne , s wop maim a rola or 1 , . thOlandgrAluttlie public in - general, that babas Temoired hie -, a ~,,,.,,, .., 0, 1 0. : , ( 0 1.0:'; b °.14 ,: '''''"" rikitOßlNG ..ESTABUSHIWEN*I 4 L ' 1 1 rromito"Pol mtvio Alf hawmtitmoilek 0,4 occup.k9c7o . PIT, lemtott,,6wo'Aoco.Rmoo of PtiiienitrOk 910./TAY '''qitre:rcArecilli, i PPP 6 Aii, IPA. P 140 0 .440 seX,Vlo6.'"the' 0 „- and ugly AK% foR4 vim., c loilitnerdek piktraur •rki*thalqa - tier halm irha"..iot ilatalfphalti2 try hbra'for G,to Itirntio asitimailiie- HO Infld 'OW, 400 40 1 11 11 491141copliorfisislottii*tt r 4) h 0,7 0 14,1 00 1 f0 , 194 .11 4 1 NPILPktf99 0 A114elt 14 1 4 in3lour,4telAWt a d- ,f0), 1 ,4 1 1100 gentl9h , .. ,1100,11 94q,-ramoriko - qa.a, ~,,,; .$6,04= .4 k e r ~,, 1 , ','" - ' , -,IIIYIIi,PTABI ROTTAMPOD.4 .1141* 43 , APO !lfi , 2 * ". 7 ''''' ''. 1 .:''''':''''':' tjd ..,..i..,. „,,._,, z - ,=:.4..Agiftli g i AMU in CABiI r fEICVAA4II,I I b4IIIIIOO MS ' . 117 , _ rc.';44.16ff,',P . , r,' , ',1 - 04E' , I.Tefil) 'f: ~4,, : !; i f . 7 440 1 ,411:4:.4..Rt1M0VA,1 4 14 , pp- , ..teY - 4 ,23 1 'Firtilt subrieribers would Inform ,tialliiienda'itiiilhe , POhlii•rioncially, that they .„ s .i h i*1;1,:/ -1. , iakii? - Ihe; roonilnDirtiv,.- , lf ; t , .11$ioViifidie6fiorediieaf4:-,7, (/ 'iddfV ; Mt,ElellceKiiii=ii, , -"' '? l i3. - Ma Itinfab ori,.ihero.:--:- i ? 47, . they 'will : Fietr n erinninjyV.y . x . .:. : . ifilar i 1 ifqr, rtietiviMan_i_t% ges l 7 - ' .. . 44.Zi11t i 1 , ; . ~-.-' „ ipant,or, 41: All SW al,T,t \ ~., .. ' :& trAzakanduns.:) , -,...,. such as SECR.R . 4.IIkos, •,' . --- ... 1..,.-. ,BURE*IUB i . t tVO,rbiltinol# ..:,, ,;; ~. , '".. 0- - ;': Itoluing -and . 11fdakfradlTehldef'OeidrPie .., an . d ,1 -Ciiiiiro,?ffehres:- 1 French, field, iiiiiraliid lo* . post .Bedsteadri,`&n: T tl e k hli ,to ,,i "P" i ltjilw4 ' onlirilieffirSlititp tigaikha+4 huge elii!'dleinPt variety ol:09H41,1% of v ,eyecy e z,dcse'ription, .to, which tliefaro'6l4' incite' ilia littenii on of house, ke e pprsi 4nd thOeoausp.coinirnineing, , eopfident they ,Will :find Ortioles .; of , sock , riorkropniaitp., laid .di Odefata :priceicas:in'ost tailiallifactlary tO i “ ~ poreliaters, ~.. )1; 7, ."1. '4: 7' , 1 , - .P .St d ',.1 Thor, 4.1et0-I,lop irmla: 114,4)ns:ivy arrange. -mentifor lb e-ingnufacture - of : '' . ' - . ::. • ~ .c.-V,MW oradlazi in,azzials.t - ,ofall :abd , in:astyl e in:a.aiyi : folly. cqualloziloselnadeinf Os tridieisi togeher: 4 Vita ue set y , .. -,pth i!rr , is rti ele!' of Cabpact . AVrreell of which-they will 'cull , re rti-eheal3 't . ori.:CASH: or. exthang 0, - ,, , for s Country Tioduce:mrtniikekek price 5.. , ,.:....: ,IS.S',.; .c..:,,.i, ~A. 7 s '.st•;" f't ' '' ' . 'f ! i: ' ''i . COF'E INS Mad , e iinrotson'ableAoit' short noticei...ar4hop.wkllattend funerahiliiiilth' a splendid Merin', un s 'iiriii , n or coontry;Aria'Of "eitia4.liatc. 7'ii:llarso 'iiill:aliiti krketo,CfOr -hire: *i....q t i..' , '- , '....--- ', 1 J • :,.' •'' `-, I. ' '` LUMBER:: - ":::,„ ' A retie rt — inititiffilatirotitilLieation suitable ;for. Carporitere .ond.Cribinet ore, kept at the,aborementinned shop, consist ing of,Pattels, first; second, '9O Third Commoh White' Pine 'Bitards,• PI ail& 'arid Siantlitigi'also, Chetry;;. Wahitit; - Poplar; i Shitlig lair; Eciblist Nets, ; Wagori 'sleiker's -Alta of - Alf kiladic! lee.• Alen, Bedstead Pofs; icirdy'lainicirtligdther with. elptslciriVenielfan Blind's,' all' of • .11i • will be A uld at inotler.ato.priccs4t , • ' They respeitfully solicit a share of public, -patronage, , etiblidiintlitlitiliek'UA render gen. oral satisfaction. ' W EAVER 4Co Carlisle, April 15,'1846.°-.- NORTH AGAINST THE "SOUTH! U. =Writ, ik,v ours') respeethilly inform , his old customers end the public . - generally, that lic has REMOVED to illiuttstretottrojortuerlit_oecu pleb by Mr. Stephen M. Harris, on-theeorner cifliorth Hanover and' loarther. streets, immediately op. posite Leona rd.'s §tere, where be will ritaoufae. Lure and keep constantly on band' a ; general assortment-of Gentlemen's, Latlies'• and . Ohilften , s BOOTS AND • SHOES, made of the beet materhiland in The most cash ...—. ionable anittictierior„stile,.and at prices locar than Zen be had et-qny other Establishment in town- for CABII. "Tay to=day and trust to itru - lec - iiv - ," is his motto. Ile would respectfully tbe_p_9thlic : , to °amide his stock, con fidentillat'lliey-earinot , .fail of being, satisfied, with - bush tl o ' rnntet~ulp arid -workmanship.. Ilia hetn . jntoreeetni and 01161 - - - fine maiiiials arc. pttroheeed'in — theafeit with the utmost - care;mar - im c...empoys none but , na beat workOicn, (eels safe ill,warrant ing every ,6rtiele whieli goes out of his' estab— lishment. All rips repaired gratis. Country produce tidies' in exchange for work! . Return ing his warmest thanks lie past patronage, he . respect lullly ,;elleits.a cowhide - nee of it foi 'the future. _Carihria4nril IS, 18.16. s • 253 1)12 6 . 03533 wr f _talin4a,2a L WOULD reepeetfully r acquaint his 'friends and the public, thut ho has retwived • BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, to South. Hanover Street,: neatly opposite •the Post Office, and a few doors Wow. Burkholder's Hotel; where he will manufacture. to order, OENTLEAIEN'S BOOTS,.in the moat imp°. rior style,ainl keep eonstonaY on hand an ele gant assortment of Leh DI BS'AVEAR of every description, manufactured by himself in the best, and most lashionablc style. Me pays tile highest prices in order to eccuregood workman,. and only asks that his w6rk may be examined to recommend itself. He aska--the-- .üblio-to- give Ii M a trial, and if itis work in not natinfac lory lie will not &aim a continuance of- pat ronage. Wood and Country Prodneo.will,be taken in tizoltanac for work ot market &ince 4 Carlisle, April 8;1846, • • .REalio•T•44•E, FASHIONABLE ',TAILORING. Tug subseeibeirespeelthilfinformillis . *oils and-the' publiirgeneni I ly, has reinov ed his Tailoring EatulilishmentioNo. 4 Harper's How; in'the - liouse - follnerlyailnpleiliii, William Spottswood; immediately' . 11 ' the rear of the,KlPi copal wherdhe is prepared UPO6 ilia old rriCllll3 Rtili Such new ones xi, may,iiivor iiim withwith'theirMiStbm,at the shortest notiee and on the most reasonable terTs..„.Frodi his expe- Orme. in the tilliinese'; he hi einifilledretrendering general satisiletionio those .w Inv 'hay' with their custom. . EDWARD 'HUTT';' iLlarlisle,'April 29,1846: MEE LD•:L -? Cf; 0 Ugk . . miIE anbseriber 'wotiltrrespecittial l y inform his • friends and the public,' that he ta)s gerpoied -to the rkinin neenpied atrefneakrJOhn 'Reed, in West High 'st., heat sfooi,to •st ore, wherFitil I - 4 iarntintse' lifeTy7:Orifllie • •,., 'and to repeive order% for:tr . :brie whielrhe pledges himself tiilexectitehrOniptki in sctielt,fisitiettable'runt Warkinattlikapinner. lie latest fashions will he regularly'teeehre.tinil no pains sparedmirendergeneral iiatiitholloli to lholis9 who may,,lirfopitlyrr;aftliliheirretiaitenn. Cutting nf,garanenlaliane on moderate !.;311,11,t-Og .51PPPRS9rt• ,"' ' •• : =IS ‘cAtiliON ABLE' Alaiß • IL Jr+%•11.111E47C , '... , '. ravK ES thin „method inform- Jai eriondie -..... 1. 041 1 ),,i1/.9b,1 1 0/;graeriitly;4thai he he ra 'TAIL,biATIk - ESTAI3III9OI4,AIy O$l4P , ulna store; in ;:Weer lgh alreel • oPtieale Pliotel• les , than Ea* , rqugkof hate torepikred. fed° all, ,Work In' his IWO - hi the. ely.beet emilliferf :From r ode' th •fliqter,a hirezelr that:,,hemil[b'e;4l)l6' laillease all who.may i fyikkli ii'bcipc,al.4)rfAhecle4 • > "4 1? 116-4. airMoo lll4 4olo, " t9o l 3 4 lfitlP-+ tb e elw, and thtieoliVilthil Wei ,1439:11r malty; are requeitiettellitelliOrFaitill•Wilio.fooliaeon ldeet,thatheihurA , . r 10eptirelit;ialaelitinla the 'moat faatidloite 3 Ile tilairlaterriathhOlhstrilciltObisq farmer frlaridorifid deithineill,aeid s hepca that,Aheyi'Arill callatie Abairhni iideb4l,,and - hilneai niaiiP riewifrierela air - ther can them; till hrptleea ,1111 be eitalikate CbbsUit itie . (iitilea: AVM 18443.'1 ',lf • 4F4. r , • .!...i I.q. i : Onba,;. A k., rtl • - .5i....# -,....- 'A• 77 : ) .., ' ' ' '.'' • - iolvei iteiebfed liP - . l 4 l;Niertone'kno'ilni: 6 17 , n otk kr bookie. ) ; ' _th e subscriber,' - Other. ,y k Alidnitotorward 01 ! 'ti'ou' iieWte,a'rebti.,%'*"ol.l.l4ol:4;.thti.lit ~ . 41044441""....r"" th0 'an i• - i - riduttgoott,wllF ', 21 Aptikeeld;F4l. kilt- -- :••:•,,., ', nolo:pm .be. is 7 • - art aturaill 0 40tnnli ng /,'#T.,irjohrei.,olgl4Wt!.,l,• Iriiliiiit'ailar4SA' ,:1ia0,37,77,,p-4,43-,, ' 0, 11,116 1kuiv0i. , :q44,4„1 -,..... . , • , • 44 4, 11 1 41 V *lnert 1414 r4.71.4C49 tbir.o7Bb7l436lllll**ift7 ; 411 ;1( . .1* .L; I'2'4^ ~c~~<; ... .. ... ~ 4 . 1 %, 1 9. ,,,N 1 ) .* 1 Y115TAKE.•44.4c011()1111(.1 4.1 ',l-41=-.'lol{-DER4O7IIIIWPAVI4""7.` " • - • ••, • ~41, kaYiR ' l6l 44l M a g4f l o`,PAONVitiiiiiii . ad ja4 gri Ted er, leifolteMpuicforAtttiirveriditfinaiitiirerOh.. "ittrVati Fodder, &c. The, the'satiafaction pacipgrAteing tb the agri m eulte 'comeility.,lhatocitlVllai,e—ptifebeied the Arbcof,,manefecturierendWendint.thirMbe ve mentioned.machine OiWyfiinit ebblthktß;tt~ii`ln 14,14.0iittlit;hPehiliktiWitg;lf,Orki aParreekezecuthm .hoeing hem eurofoiielbefllliey;lperlarer '. ~'ranted,pleßitiefilitViCiii3,oo;ffikkpfMAg.l,4lll V.o 3 :l l o4 , o,',4l(.olYACtikea . Nrs er-i - uetuf‘ • Pesa.lo - ,whieVitAay de - signed:4 Fee: olefibil(ii Andlobiret , dt tieo - eiNdr9k.,4l#l,AgiViAto chines Keiented toffe4444itatAmmob. ariiiehiniete;TOtharc ice .4 4 0iferoiererithoi0iiihr!leittlijOeled it - giviPtheiri'driiiet ire ' anpeliwrltY comas,* ikthiy, , iha t ,it,,idiy,,,be_mteil,.hy- 'deem, horiaPiVateeer 'llCit operatioli;aid,iddes perfeekirianner..", auViegatmelfiet MtithssddeaVillit t qr;',Arki. --- the ;operaOil:lel r .Mete.gtiod fied.l'Oft,lmE.arh . olefooritateidthfirelit.ite root toile. Jop, twit cute aCidgrindi'iirOreidieeAberateck eo pee that.'444.miNeZtWaheeksenetteCtibi• Of.'ZOinidgeepfli , italablea the farmer ,to feir4v4Y-4,"lo.olpOrkilitii,g%AlOieP:lo. onewitli Itideaine:q .04 ! belie "ds'~t~unger ; 4bepi Wirt Rd:maces' mitOiLl'n,4sit , Abt:sornlidditiouqicipp, it t . 4 ? 4fttlY Amr.headkohea,ileiMtiienty.iminilfeeiTab atmtchcd•LOAMted i fpfdriin - .Bii , gii6Tangi rnietnela *efficient to feed BOY - heid.of:cattler ..',Vorettiting hay •or ertnei;there ;ildhirictit'n.:egokiio it.: For its innipilcity beefulteei_ttAirdoitnetida itself at once to the • farnierVand-Mdy 'requires to be seen fo be dilly appreciated" .;. , The maohina 'Coy be ex amined and perches. ed, , pfeiMer.o.f,i l M4ecieraiitnedtti.AiAh'64'ilnigh M,onurao°l7. o - a tß b r i lN ,l 4o l !l.4 l ,P,',Pro. o ;VV, ll ' )1111,10;:cerriberiand] t eeMity, Fogad,' , dl,,freikitin,GaiAner, , - PLANK, , . T.RA.IIISI:IN__GARDNI C a rl i alei7D-eiemher MIE • - geltZgogiViaWa r geW„4;r: • -..! Coughs,'Ctiffie; A.sikitia; gpm puha; Stiifink , Bitied;'lliffienity . iiErliaatkiin'g v Pain ii the Side 'and p • reilia; ofthe ken 'Coast • 1 / a bility, and ill • Disenaesof the Tityoat, ' firrast and•Liints; , ' "the gipsteff6c. teal and" . , speedy cure evAr known for any 4,the ithoreflia• eases, is DR. SW A VNIR'S COSIPOUND - SYlt - UP OF W.11..1) WON,. I)EttFUL- CURL OF coNsuMpTick-N: . - F' . II.OI , 4I:IELICEi'R.I., 'Sept. 9.0t0;•.18,45. • t ReSwiegnr..-Tllear - Sivs=l -- feel , Talletrbi - r . ease of duty 1 -owe to sulterMe huminity;, to lac nowiedge my . grniefid• thanks for the wontleites. - Areas , or your " opm.rouNo , stricUP OF '‘VIED CliElOir!Ou me, afterhaviP'',ol4l-ele4 mnnlhe arttF month's withihi'Mont arlfintinimf all diseases, Goiisurnpliqu r with7tictircelY-a-rtg of a• - " be - aiimlight",.'to: weird me namst any own horrible forebodings. ' The ciretimitiinces - which first letl.metOthe wftil state tirdehility, was froM hiking:a 'Serf hSavy:celdl=Wldefrseenrcil > i:tieTUpupjthy lungkAldelLgralluully;gre*,:. 'arse, with pi o'nsenigheilaseut,ii lacking ceuglf,; ppreissilin in the breast, ipitthig blootli:10. 1 / 4 cud. general.debil sty. ''M;y-lap'pstitutfo*s•- Amen • imiLuer_y_ = ;awed, wit s girl - he-symptoms ctl ennfitivi . ed,.cen sumptioin I went to Ph iladelphiniatill;.iv' etl there by physicians .Of the hr l est resPecla i , but still grew !verse, mild they up ils incurahie,and etkitiril me to g o SbUlli r ptit be ing very poor i ief 'lig 'sh froth my . work, and having Spew a ll my money ribus "PatenMe'tudilvs" while) were-recommen ded serbikhly Ihe' , lncifibrir. of Hie press, I villas unlade- ttOak their 'advice.. liking - s mem ter ort4 OYiler• '( h td Fellow's, they'sappl ied Me wjtlr, tnoneY graluitimsly to. send me to my rienthrin Sago, was treated by physi ians:of the , higheit standing there, hut received no -bittt.,.Wliatever front them, but gradually rew 4 W se, until my physicians and ° myself glive up all hopes of my'mer reenveling, and !felt like cn.e wj t p , la about AOss,thriatigh die valley of the sliminw'of •At tjtinidiire," I mild of your 'COSSIPOUNDSVIAUP OF' WILT) ' and knowing yen ,t.) be a regplar ructising physician in Philadelphia, .gave me more confidence iu the Medicine, so I conOillgil s a last resort, to Make a trial - alit. I.!ietit lo min* agent.' in ßo sten; and 'pOrehaSed on e - otle, which relieved me-very-winch. - l'Alten'ProcUred wo bottles - more,• width tim 'hiitipt , tii4l6 , en limb, cured me, sad I. atn.mow ei.ijoyinik.ibigttey maid' 'than 11. ever have before eemed,so have .4 beneficiahriftsst„at..•once.••• I ained sleenglll , raphllyulthough reduced•..tu x ere .nkeleton,--antl4 feef-sithifiett • riff e ects n my own cased tilt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Will ethic- tiny Case of diseased Lungs, If taken aceottling!.to:tre prescribed rules contained, in' the pamphlets's - 0. nompany Mg the vnedieines. Even t itephysieititis who witnessed my case .are highly. reeemmentl ing it, in similar. cases—and I wish you to, make this wkthatMilers who are, haveheen, may ktM'w where to . proture*rewletly at fitiit t whith pinch - thew disease, idiom t tampering with and iwinlog. their entmettitiona withthe many - "(Maid: it u stVu mi the whole , conntry is 'florledVperpared%hy'perinns Who halm uolttowledge of the seiettee . „•'br eintilitilleory,l4.l*netteei but are got ,dlipinerely with, mereetair.y,yl9.l.. •• , .1- • I[lme a St.:Nrl! . . member. ol'the Hope Lodgel.O. 'of V.., lit ,IN•ovitte:aee.!l.,;.;tted, .he boppy to give itniinforrit - ation tit ,regertlf-ilo the' , ellielleY of yoei..otediekoe' aliCeith proof that my‘eake kid 'eittfittentted• to the,',l l st ea. "" '- ACIIER4:I4fiSS: 0".• 1 To Di:lll:l**ittis,N - ...1r. ifitker and 'Mee. streets, , Philedelphia,4.7k • • CAUTIOI4 , ‘ 2 -'..The aralidd themans'• , . Bailie's" a tid . t9iitti StiPs" °PM Ml' hieviAapriiiig.Vvp"iii parts of the country, th porting , to. be pretibred'br .phypiciaoi,.all of which will,ba replulta be ufalie' by a little Inquiry in the towns and they originate: 1).)1 - eirdlipstes and statements in regarti„todd..§wayite'o,Dompound Syrup of Wild Cherry a re - A‘ittrietty,tglie,V i n - tbe,proprietorme daily relt . ievi r g - them fr.ont,persor,s, yon haieiteen eured%) , I he' 'eeletiktett Tbe,(ori4bnika and only) genubui ottore nn.sWAYNE, N. ViftVel3'ine'r to F. RACE - Streetsil rbiladellphliw, • • •'• , 116rrieviiher; , :itlf4preparalinti'Orlititd Cherry coat !O'er - kit str,it. shit ?mg ,qt , (tgnatiii.4"{/WaXsfsf„Th iikents iti qtilhde arrti - 3 11 MRSAr•V-14A 'STlCKlatitt S 1 ENEI 4 ISOWSVIVIV,II:OI6Ir 4 stIad !c6 I T • ititokie.iniftO bl ( t 4.- R te illf -..q , ., 1 ,.m . .d , i. , - C ~ A D k:ob N piraxii..- , -I‘ PERSONS In Rhliadelphlk-alonb. - 000 can teatify-tothe-wooderflil-crtooy o _that.,pnwertll .:renedy:--THOWMON'S COMPOUNO,torizup.s.OPZ.TAIR AND qW 4 ROP. , 44grif4 4l l -Anil ;3,Reattt l ::l4o,44_ .fitiniroickgol.4lfi,chi9oo firAnchitilt , V'' ' - i/rtl " 11 h ' '' ltta' ,i' to • ''C' th ' q i . d.ll lad,p ia; play 2 3i. ,,, ,,.: • '. ':,filii,S,f'priiiits f olt - 4D,0 , siT.:‘,pacielpi.ii,tlW °ll4 Y C Ma . 1 7ii i: a d 'gr.3o4,'greiarupy,4ll44l4 ~wittk!iff.ACCelio !lathe thioat. 144044,1444 p 'igloo pronounced ;f l ,,Chrtinje Bronchliia.l.pkull: ' ad by repeated and -neglcolericoldli 11100, Irene infrared iiindescribableo,-111) 4 thriistiiiii ~. !literally , reit , ' trill -"' Violent • ceighiltesi* OW', ' blocid,broUld;iiiimA ficin it: aim? - gt e t tf „4) ? 1 ' O iii . iiii.' , pt ! in aod o i dit o ess id thaO f orann: , —in short 00 iiiiiikpahnolery,,,a,Miticalla___ ialiailiail thaVriativel4lsParadthelnidia44**ll4l mOtire.loo. 4 hatol!agarit4 , l93rAlloatles . leached And, bliid ac ed:ovar:Odi avail% sio.„ It made Irlaloreteltibilliwl! relneqYriql dill sl its, • rent petlfaithldtheZadvice or six phys 1:. • ' 1 4 1 4 0170111...19,(!1° , 14A:4 AbgaMtviiCiVoll s' . :aig o ppipi l iicp IA PLYTlitt,conntr, f 'kir,' it ,)Voiad,rl4lo4a.orq POW°, ,„ ittaikn • illifil tViart Ottilip(V I„catdoiki6 'ililil, I hid.i* e'l:,io:lol:44,o4`tiMiqii?:4 s4 it a. )14:2•10 , ile#S, ,t! O' JO 1,10 tj ; t,rgot ,41610,.ind T firmly - *vet. , n'aidi t noi r ViltvAnehtlrp - OoFtfOr , t' Datiile' .• *,o l6 Jiltr; ' .',`. , ::'.,:'4 l LVE'l',fttor.l.L'; '''' ' t' rr 4 'f ' 44 ".' 't'''' i '423l3liihice see '''': Principal , giviA ts. , iiigtarlis t 'iir Ito - . *raid atritita. '‘iiici*Oiiatitiope, bi) Woo' 11.5 dozen r 's -- -t r • a ‘ , 40 , ,q, 'ar, —t .a .4-.;;11,A .r...,,, ,, a1u- '‘ .. r. ' or. , eattig wllon'Arlisiii t y.o: ~. ~ 411 14 1 4 1 7QP1' ' T,'...4'' cB s ii 'rt '', 7 r, .F,,,,, WM 45,—fte _ . , ~;'"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers