Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 24, 1846, Image 3

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's ' .;. 114.i V *to,l i nitirait. ttra.7y..4 , 4,. , :, -- e
• -t -, 4 , .5 N . ;,.. - -
'..1. ' .• 0 65T.Inkrodaytheldthildot."141 4:.A.1-51iturrsy4 Mr.
• ' - 541;EXANDaRRTR.Fltaxrptiml,litktafiltEATONFo
MI Of York goultti,:': 's' . 5 "-') -
Chi Ornldtrtiiliiitov: - .Er•iliiiiihkithaugh,• Pdo,
- "4 LIWOHAW TLER;`of :Irditflln' tii.`.to Ilakm-lELI
.•:,`ZMETRAVF. .Zakrearnalo.V.;' ,-. 4.';'5415:;; •,
0" 1 :-: ern Old , tatikrtnai,l44lhri'Mrinihdi , Alikkfli 4l . ll4 .'
IINCAR 4CY/45oldtddletonty."to rdni.ANN•OIIOAP.-:of '
' ."40"lieligeittP:, - 5 '' ~ - , 5 5. - 5' , 5: - .,0' ~ , , , ,',""5-A•Kaii-.A=•; . : .
. ~it.510-3.4: 5 5-o. t •,!.; ..v..,filtkirdir.7..,:-, • i ic..,55ii, : *•5,,, , 5 „ .
~ .
7.1 i. -1::fit , t5. , 7, : , r ,, , , ; -,'. - ii! - --•,.. , '•-..- •-• 2 0; , .
; oiaggeltaMlalA,M;aged. 69 yOarki. sTherdeceiosed n•aa,
`, ' ihihEttlendond for many year. a conotankonent:
• h-lniotthe Treellterhin Ohuich. . Iter itioliopitibtx-yrait
• .. .:u.ProyerMally.mild, kind l'orlditY qt. ailtinooteirnitions
.i - .charpOir. - v.ff .10fiktioniunder!whitinabik lahered.for:
' n long time r . a !pante oaith exempt; y ineeknokka• and'.
ilia l
' -reilyntitioh;! - Minn ' a :prarnlcat-Alt r eatrallon \pf s sthia:
' , sovereign pan xof dlvlnolnicalOtaed,pre'rbe dead
. 5 ,1010011 e - , e 1.-ImMr- limo. hedicittarrh;: Ititi - Minh
" 51fLeirnixtrah -- •s l - lit" - 5 . *es — ilk'sff.. thit . . l oilberd . : :and'
1 h. ararko 'Wallow them •..5 . , 5 ... `••` : - • o
',l'Ne,o;' . 4kbugtie - eittento.
, •. .
•-- uglibmsktiberitt-ok:igrimettatcso..
-v irralgunnuu,mee.ting.o t t • unmet. Emu ht
. 41,.. - i:Olioeiudif.'Sootler4 ofDlghiaton tollege,• will
•bi•held In the'lllttleni Etall,Oti'Wedtiesday, July the 6th,
o .:elgellt.t 2L.:M%LiThe'..anttivetrary. of-the Society,
he:ielebratedlab theevenintof the name day, at
'.lls Addrela
, W. If. ALLEN
;o?.'btiaiintin the Standleg'aisunitteer'
Jitie 24 4340...,_
.7 -4 4032 1 4d*ENDFE , 4 9 cgializrc3.!. 4
, •• , 3 .
Philooophitsal' oS'etet .
?,-V,...-toOsiebr! , jainii.V...... - ik of the tilliioll, Philosophical
-; . -- Illoc - idtp; will lieveeleketed in.the Methcidist'Epleeotml
iMiuntn,itiOdellelaionlne'evening ttie dint( July,.
Thcelt li,e4 or the BortmBl4,and.the - publid in
"tieral;nio - r eepectfully intrited,to attend.. "
• ..‘.J..REDDANi CONE; ,
' , " - CLINTON:LT:OVD;. • '
•. . ennutzs,B. , youNci,..
, _
Committee of Arrangements.
-_-Carlisle; June sp, _
r*icklizid German Langaige.
ttoki§oß.Oß*.ir;piirposes to glire
the'Frimeli Language;to
young I:adies 'and gentlemen; w 'o'km-desirous
to beaome awlimititell'iwith those branches of pa
.lite - education. Mr: Peek Will remain in Carlisle
.0 year, : during , which ilitnei an sisiiiltious
under las iriturnetion, ran learn to write, feud and
speakAlwitie,languriges—witkeise,--Reja-now in
atrueting-,a - elattei to r "MlAs', Minfidently 'refers
for the evideime ell.htlibilities and the superior
ity" of method of teaching., terms are
-- Lessons in Ilebrest; Mid fill other arc
eient languagei,will be given if desired.
Mr. Prey - would ' , ere" to the following gentle
W. n. KNOX. Esq. S. D. :iDA IR, Esq.,
.1. ii. PA REEIt, Es ti. Prof. 11A HID, A. M.
.Carlisle, June 24,1846.
. .
. UZacisirJcidlnastmanca C.CimAlactskaaso
NOTICE .is hereby . given, that all bills
• 11l against Dickinson College, should be
ire Od7to the Treasurer, before theist of
July in every year;. and that tho Trustees will
hold.theinsehica responsible for no bill thatis
contracted 'without a written order from the
AV6I. , D. SEY 51911Ri-Treaa'r
Ciiili4e,".llitle'24; 1846. .
tri HS. Proprietor res.peellitilOrms.:,the
public ih gerieral; that the Springs are
• re•aperied for_tha ,r eeeption_of
— 77-.4547 -
, Boarders and Visitors, • The
Springs are situated 41 - miles
- • - north of Carlisle, an the road
l e adi ng _ to Bloomfield, in a fine healthy and
romantic plaCe. Bathing natittdiahments, both
warm and cold; and every occommcniatiOn May
be relied upon. Boarding to be CIIKAr6R than
ever to suit the gimes.
- Mr. George flendei.Will take , pasaengers - to
or-from the Springs, at any hour -"r day in the
Week, when two. or more apply ; at ttirenty:five
,cents, ; each posaedger. Arinlieutiente be made
at his Livery Stable, in • pia strieLnerir lye
corner olPitt and , Primfiet: streets ; Catlisis:'
June 24,1846. • ."-ft , ,
C o Firm P. several Collector. of State and o y
.:' Taxes, will personally appear on SA' ft
DAY; the 1 Ith of July; 1846, at the Con mug
oianers' Office, and there pay over to the T as.
4' carer, tha•Stato Fax, assessed in their seve
duplicates, for the purpose of meeting the de
mand Made an this county, .by the common
, wealth. This must be rigidly compile I with,
---as the payment must be made fifteen days prior
to the Ist of August; next,
TIIE State-Treasurer by his circular of the
9th instant, to the ell4LOßsioners of the
.County. has directed their attention to the ne.
•-co.ity and4mporta-nce-of --- cel - ' . o ' ute
'.. Tax for the prbsent year before the let of Au
gust, to enable the State to most the . paymeint
of the intereit'due tit'• the . tithe' and 'tillers Ole.
• dui:Hong five per cent from. the TAX 'of ;sneli
counties na -- May pay the ;itistrife intri . ::tlM . 7 State
Treiiiitiriiiiiit ',ILO tbat:Aatii. lAiilli,ioll4l . ld,go.•
byl C . ~ ~'., • -en
,O er.z a .. • x to psi •
icar ; ,reiliTed she sum-of -eleven -hundred , dol.
lars,ndeduction from the State tax, which was
received by- the •cilunty -Treasmerfor County
• purpoies. Equal MempineteleMtholiart of the
collectors and tax • pilyerspiiiresent year will'
result in the sameadvantage - to our county, id
we hope , nnitthii morc *ill berbmired to en.
ourethe MiyrriOnt`nf'rine State tax, iiiior to the
first of Angnat, than to call: thetittention of our
citizene,!to, the- atjeantages,. resulting! to: the'
`County;'parfiCtilay;,tit thistime .when a cori;'
alderabledebt has been incurred-in the erection
- • ofthe, °time, ileum, ntidmlsa dint payment is
yequirell'hY the Commonwealth to enable her to.
, maintnin;,onlitruished, her -faith, and cretliti , in
-- tlyrpioniptyniiiiiiiit of the iirliiiition the, pub.
liedobt. - ; , ,(:: -• ,•• •L' ,- ' . '''''' '''' '''' •
a-TurzEr, • - •
. • • ••• • J. - W 0 Itl'H /NGT9N,
ceinniwioriers sf, Auntiirion4l. County
0314ei,orfl.tite OFF/Cg, " r '
', :10A0 0 ;449. e : 840.-
ESiate :of ,aqiiieii: Ritte'r, Ciced.
' r'. l.. . OTIOE iiiii9`febigiViri, : p4i(lettekar . „ .. toFZ_iii ... -
ilgentsiiie!alan; the iip
':Ast,_.:Of;i4lo 114 E.
-'' TER,.eciailect; late 4#'.: blpiiirciti,iqviioJP.
N .
1 ~ t'inittie' iliti'd‘iititii#yi haye - jtmien
..( • A be
!. ''ssbratibr; rialging intheiTie?wlli4;-
. 11 P trinflilimgllalni;e7e;;e
'4li;=i .4.4:ithiitiold i foi,
' 7, „ajji r i,tnt; 1434A4e4n,debod i make p a y ment'
• _ . ~, . .
-- ioiiildi4o -t ri t: l 7' -
. i•'„;',',: t, F.
fi Vir'l '. — :'- 4„ :. '. l ' 3.'.46: :-
..,-., , - i
___ _ E d itii-
. aFI . i:AliulitOest Notli)o.3 ',•%"
7.41111 E ealleiaigneil-AWditoe.:akoeleited`,ll;4he
Agrphiehal,t•Ocier(bfjCithiberland , Woulityi- to
selale,augl atettrtha ratea wadi proportion. o f the
~ . itatOleltetljp.e - mower:Neat; Shellyi,Assignee of
afilG to
` - _7lllllthriateretteil;tlitf he will Intendlor, that
r iatepetelat , thelathlia bailee 'of Michael longs-
Vtalfat-, _ 4 l l 4.Blilivnatilitaireit SATURDAY the -
3Stlejet faillettexti'al - rlateeloek; a. ni.:trhetrantl
1er41,1*,. • 047,-14tend'irtheyAlii4 - toro lk e ri ..- :1 :
• 1 4;,,,,1.• t,. to; tin ~
.3.•• , w7 1 4w- ~ 4 ' ' ' a s' 'l44tiining i r at illtioiei,:
di ''tP lics ' PI*" ° Ai id :.I 'MI ' ' . ". '
- /.1 . -I, ' IV" V ad : bi g hl s` Y lsr, ,
'77 - 31 , „..;.,. 1., 1€1•1!;7:1 f ',WWI , . 1.. ~ ,,,...i , •
~ ! ,r i
~ t j.. , .:,. . , . P . h i,
~~•**~g , ~ b 1 tlit l ineri pin4,it+lergor (11 4 1
' " - ,t •
L• i 1 %..t ifto zt.o lll ,' 74* Compa n y '. i
~. J0'0011,430 *pi th,t_f#,F!,,
. ..,
Arr L.' . ~. l 11 a lir, h.t. m j i tg : OOP, 111904P/1111.,iy ..
t -1:- $ 4 q l'"
, rorif 7*, Liid' 0 14 ;4 , 111N
;,, ,,,, , , 4 *. r ,40,01,v, .,.;
.....4i,t,„ lf:44, , v...-, , , ,L.
i ' 1. Viii 0 66 it 4 r talon,S;'fr 0,,. ,1 1 , ,, .
,' .. , 4 4 .': j' , .if iliditighlier"uruAceildth7t:
' 'to rg:- "tl i rLlllOre'‘ , 4 , 9 I. 'T' i l hil b l vr
T:,-pti ' 0tt, , ,4510' s 4,0,11117,_
)"*.--2 ' ? ' ''4',.."'''',' ''''' • '''': ' rh44:=Fiovwf,i,
.-„- • , „J ••• - ~, ; 7 '.- • •.+, ',,,•• - . ~,,- -A•3•l,„t,
;FA e
•-1••.. t:
w 714 - 610 tigiu tr I t - 07
,4 ;' , ;' , .'4,YRE:11171011111[T505',44!,:::c
J tStz,Rzegivirm.4'.&ifi..iutioteolVeriti;
it, Atimth Rao
ting siiid
- ,ifliple?;.iyikf s ilp.-:541 : 11; Pr,' ROC ttx.logs::.:,
; - , 1 ~i 4 s
- , i t g a
__,-,-,_ ~, ~,
.tioti- i;;nic.sairy ?dart:
.' ti,tpttElyb,P4, - lin', aiul.barr,,.ek73 .
jrjr,5.„,,,.,, ~„r0u...,
~ c.o. . ~.
:,:::.iy.i.pAQ : 4 - . - '''
b y ,t h e',Wa L rt L i " , .. or A r . ,!
'%1 1 11 1(flir"i#11c cALP
r by,
i;:f?"!-4 4 ` -• .
Boer, jeer.. receked- end for 'sale cheep; by
' • -; Ort•EL,CROOKS.
danotiali;'*is' ego Supply: of
Just received frotti ; NEW YORkand
• - P H ILA I)E4 HIT kat, the Cheap
Whelesale'ltHetraii Starti'ot
• tinazzins'oananr:'.'
THE sabscribor having purchasettlie last
:itoek in York mud Philadelphia,
can now.. accommodate: all his Customers • and
the publie in - general, with' elarger; handsorn
,er and-:cheaper, assortment of. goods-than 'his
`ever:been brotigh t: to Carlisle. • •
-.11.-is, impossible to. enumerate , articles, but
ith would call the attention of the LADEVA to
hitniplendid -stock of ••• .
Fakßy - GOMIS
end the. 'beams/ma to hit . ; hlg Mock for 'SUM.
MF.R WEAR. I huge edified to 'my, former'
stock,o,largo , oopply of
MootSMIT - Slitie - s: •
Alio, an fitensive assertmek of primo_frosh.
Remember thettld Stand, East High street,
wit* you can at all times find a,big stock of
cheaP goods. - CHAS. Oti I LBY.
Carlisle,.lune.l7, 184 e. •
N. B. COUNTRY MERcBANTt3 supplied
;rid' all kinds of goods at city,prices.
• • - 1
rgHttli3 ; llAN- WEBER, of' A I len the:maid p,
) Cumberland county, has executed to the
undersigned, a - voluntary assignment of all his
propoWfur, the benefit of his creditors. The
debtore of the' essignor are requested to make
immediate payment.
New Market,
,York county, Perim
June 11, 04 0 . . •
MUD undersigned - Atidtfer,, 'appointed by
the' Orphans' - Cana of Cumberland
county, to-settle and - adpst the rates end Pro
portions of the assets of the estate of JACOB
HARNISH, deceased, to. and among the re•
spectiya - creditors, hereby gives notice to ell
persons interested, that he will attend for that
puspoee,.at his office in Carlisle, on MONDAY,
the 20th day of July, 1846, at 10 o'clock, a. in.
wheir - and where they may attend if they think
proper. J . B..COLWEIX,
Carlisle,' June 17 1846.
Estate-of Geor7e Kissin
IIVOTICEjs hereby glveri, that Letters Yes.
tainentagon the last wilLand testament
of iTuorge Kissinger, deceased, late of Maio:
son township, Ctimberlend county,-have been
issued. by the Register of said county to the•
subscriber,. residing in the same township: All
persons having claims or demands against the
estate of said deceised, arc requested to make
known the same without delay, and thoseln:
defiled will make payment to - .
Tune 17, 1846
. •
Photogiapher's nutuishing Depots;
AWARDEP the Medal, Four first' premi•
urns, and Two highest .Honors by the In
stitutes of Massachusetts, N. York, ancll'enn
sylvanin, Fir the most beatitiful colored Daguer
reotypes and best Apparatus ever exhibited.
LirPortraits taken in exquisite style, with
out regard to weather.
Instructions given in the art.
•A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock
al ways on hand, at the lowest cash pricep.
New York, 251 Broadway; Philadelphia,
136 Chesnut St.; Boston, 75 Conn, and 58
Hanover Sts.; Baltimore, 2115 Baltimore St.;
Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue; Peters
hurg, Va.. Mechanic's Flail; Cincinnati, Fourth
and Walnut, and 176 Main .5t,..; Saratoga
Springs, Broadway.
To the Voters of Cumberland Cunty . :
reporta havd been putin
.hy: curtain Interested individuals,
thit haye,,deeline4 . , being nocandltlate for, the
Office of Vieriffilmattifeitty -. With the fraudulent
Mid dishoneit intention of tajitring . my . prospecti
int 7 m , Lcancing-their-natorthts is, tit .`o •
c, for the
ptirpcse•of positively ond;flittly contradicting
, tittle fai:se and =divans statealcots, and it,form
.ing my friends and the public generally, gild I
UAVE nor IMILINED,—that I will not Decline, and
that if my life and health are spared until the
election, 1 shall be much gratified •hy receiving
their support. . . Very, Respectfully,
you r ,Oh Nit Serv't,.
.11,1.81P.S HOFFER.
June 10, 184fi
AlfS7l.7,.oponing at the: store of the subscriber
I P- 7 ..'•0 biro Jr,iloolc of Hosioty-ond . .Glo . yea, which
he offers at extremely low prima. •••
lEstate:ot decease,d.
ETTEllta 67:ailministration on the Estate
L Ab i iharnVillerolec'd., late of llig•Spring
toalishiP,Voinberland'eounty, have been granted
to the sulieriher, residing In West have.
towii . sl4 1"-Wif persons indebtedto said estate, are
requesicOOlimake , payriseid: irorMediately, and
.thosuliarnectahns.wll,l present ; them. properly
authenticated for settlemenf, without delay,•to • ,
June tp, MO. •
-- - ,
'Ur G*l{(iN a ' v..; lumina :i4itu rneil fronm PhiF
JLALV antelithis4i tit *lot of New, Gnadi, among
which .arc Prints, lAtiOs`i.Bitficirineit, Bleached '
iiiitileitilied;lllo,tlinststmillion, Black Italian
Crttejslis,`.; PisiosOletees' - ;.BonitetlPfriiiiih"l'worked
Collars tad' Clielisliintts7 'All of sell_
f,'srlisle;June 10,1846 •
ypting subscriber luta just opened a fi'enh _ bar rel
- .1..Y;o1TINI•11.)f Lorlocielte, ot I . 6 . l ients
per - iiiik litree)di by ifiC rCiluot
makestitlhe' mow "Coononlicallieit
that can lie'obtainedlor.Olinralies,:Halls or &orris::
-- , Atian'On-hand, - eineVillanirLanps, and
.61a!es,of d iiteicant
,ki oftwirah, an asiortaient,or
. 'Jane. , • • MOCK
. .
ANMVAY Irani the stihserthe . r,66SntniAny.
,the, gith 'nit. '7lO Indented " nt,p*Line
. 0 1
.ihenhteininith"bnsineni,ifarried ."
.1 „Washington ,
aboUt.lB years of age; and. aiiciaini:fre4 , .lnntee
high' All persons are forbid barbering or runt.;
ing,*(lbPyrP4 - v ely*Pc9p.nt, underipenikkrOf this
• 1
:111t1dtti Lead_
awsr.,' , ptras.WJE-41Tlit s IZAD-Fic l oo
VI" Wetherhilk-St., protbers, just rectelpsdAtol ,
odoiat the !eleeet-Ve1441/ bar'',
• i - I` ke 'llrfi:?4 , i7",• ,- .' ,1 7. - Atel'enr* k' e.
.„2"/:e:;,"•:;. , 1111:1114 * ;",
ANlTSlG4 l44 o%6"4 l 4:ol4looigilimmiri”tdOit;
„ .41
- ,
Ve' off'' tip t roltiill t sth,4• 49 0,
; '
Auditor's Notice.
e'r deceased
National Dagnerrian Gallery
"'New, , GOOdg
THE ' Office haying been ;lately .
futn w isheit4ith',' , blegard.,,,neW 'Press 'rpm',
Neelebratinlniatinfactot l y of'YOes&lZO:'itt
Vork`legellier large cot .
new Fancy, Typtis'Of,The late:4mnd mosfat. ,
tractive designs; is nowprovidedTvithTkel:
,ities for doingeVitry-kind of JOB PRINTING,
from. the largeet posting,wl„ to 'the
imiallesimardz.nrbiretilar, , in.themostsupt:4,'
rior and: eiegant..,style,Autd-at - .lltellewett
paid fciiiit CASK '
Handbills, tor private circulation, or 4o be
Used es wrappers, by . Iderchants, Shoplseeto
era or Mechanics, ,printed it very moderate
rates when ordered in latti:qualttitiee; iso as
to make i4adesitable,object to.beliness men.
Large - posting; bills, circulars,. ,cards,.> and
every.nfariety of Job Printing, on ,white or
fancy colored' paper,' executed in the-best
style and at. the most leasenable, prices.—
The Orders of .Our friends and the public re
/111 110 MAS.CONLYNaelies this method of
returning hie sincere thanks to his friends
and the.publie higeritirak for the very liberal
share of patronage bestowed Innen him, and begs •
leave to inform* them 'that he has just received
the largest, ifindsoniest, cheapest mid beit stock
of Watches Jewelry, isv. ever, offered in Car
lisle, eon'sisthig in part,of Jewelled.
, . . . .•" Go 'd . Lefler
• , . .."., I ateAt
:.- - • - • • ..,,.....
-- -, ,-: ..
' ,r ftom 45'to 75 dollara, and
—1, - 0 c . , plain . GELD & siLvipt
(:\\ ~- , --_ ".,, ',..... 'Watches or every kiiid,
""s - .. - quality and price.
. ,
Gold; , Silver&Common Watch-keys;
of calk var:et . y, from Si cent; ttithree dollars.
colt near, rmgs,- Ear rings, Clups, Lockets,
Watch dune, Bracelets, hledalliiiris 'it Breast;
pin., together with every 'Crack of Jewelry for
and. GentlerneWe wear.. Gold & Silver.
Ever pointed. PENCILS, a great variety, and
'a fine lot o rtidelebrito - - '
' Diamond Pointed Gold Pens.
. A .&elit' vaciety of nottons, common
filmy and low Otiood DrOiletidiiii, Watch ctiatns,
Steel beads, Fancy Hair darts, Miniature eases,
Guards, Silver Thimbles, Pencil leads, Ste., .
' Alm; a large and very fine assurlment of
such as Butter knives, 'Table and Tea Spnomi,
Sugar tongs, Salt spoons, &e. of the very beat
quality-and_manufacture, and as cheap as they
can he purchased in the cities. Alim, a vary
urge lot of Gold, Silvei• and Steel' framed
.41 , 4fmmL- SPECTACLES
to snit all EYES and ages,.and at all prices.
His stock is large and extensive, and lie re.
spectfullvisks the public to give Irima call, as
e s Very article offered for sale will be of tho beet
m aterlat, and sold CHEAPER THAN EVER:
. Watches arid Jewelry, - .
Will he repaired as nand, in the best style and
on-very-Moderate-terms;—He-Moy he: found - at -
AIiVOLD S VAN D, in Sifeiii;ii WW I
doom above _Beanies Hotel,_ and.opposins-Mr.-
Loudon's Book stare, where he will ..he happy
to attend to the-ordert of hie old friends and
customers, and as many now ones as may favor
him with their patronage. •
Carlisle, Juno 3, 1846.
WRRANTFID equal in strength to Russian
Isinglass for, Table Jellies, and of great
service in 'Reenact) . where delicate, aninial food is
required, and well calculated for long sea voyages.
It improves by itge if kept dry, ind can be made
into Soup iii a few ini
notes., andis of great service
in clarifying Cider; neer
To make Table Jellies—Use at :least tiro oun
ces of Cooper% Refined Americiso Isinglass, which
should he first soaked in cold water, for '2 hours;
1111111 i off that water; their hike two quarts of cold
water, one and a haf pounds of sugar, put it iu
the white of "threeeggs, the
. Juice of three good
sized lemons, the peel of oin.,Mick of cinnamon.
a little nutmeg, omfige peel, or other spice Thank
the taste • stir all The Ingredients well together.
while cold, then boil the whole mass five or ten
minutes, and , then pour it Trough's Jelly Bag,
whet, it inay-be put inThglasses•or moulds and
when cold be fit for use. The moulds slioulil
be first wet with p little whip -of ca and water,
just finfore the jelly la pUt in them, In order to
i. :Ake it easy to turn them out MI dates:,
The Jelly Basis Made of flannel ir.vr l 0 inches
across the . opening, and about Ralf a yard. deep,
harrowing to letioint s the bottom. The liquid
tlinfigini t tl a i v rongl) first, should he poured back
i.e jettr 1111 t rlllll,
until - Julttbag it runs through cIiMM:
Add' one, Mk oh_ wine liithe *Orel- forMinie
Jelly; other, liquids r in,prese~ses, mad be
jellied proportion at' the Isin
glass.' - • -
Plano Mange, May lie made by Using atless,
oneoun - ce - of'singlassßir two quarts of Milk - Or.
cream, the peel of two lumins, sugar anti spice to
-et-i t the-taste--brMg-therwitole-tow - bolhogiteat - ;
strain it, and when nearly cool, stir it well to mix
the-eveant that will rpm while coolingipour it in
moulds, and when perfectly cold, it may be turned
out and 'will then be ready for use. The moulds
should be first 'wet with cold water, which' will
prevent it trowsticking to thetn: •
For sale by John .1. Wert. Also, REIP'S
which the above jellies can' lie made- in -a h.w
minutes. June 10: 'JGFES - 1. MYERS.
• DOCTOR' 71111tEIRS;' •
INFORMS hie rriCililii.thitOisliatijuit retur n ed
11_ from the eitiiisiol is now , olieningthu largest
assortment of .
-intu Gs,
OILS, • • - -87.1 . -A riOrAitY. .
Junumeruble runey 'Nrtinles,ereribrOugla
whieli lie will sell BC peioeu so Low. Halo
ASTONIaII' 0108,e, who nitili.;curlotts in iluit wey, l -
Just call fee the amusement of, the thing, ; .
- June 8,'1848.•'
. . .. . _ ..
-„._,...,01uti0n,0f pa...ship. 4
lrHE_ plittnerepip!,,Peretofor4 ; exieting
twoieri 'WO 'untlorkienai ii 'dleiliolvid:n—,
.The hooks of. l tho. firm, are in, i..the hand! of S.
Hutilak:Alii;tr t r.sq, to i rt
. Ifvn ;ail porions, i iii.
AiiiPted arc peke inuntiOtto,pay:.
;t 7 EORGE W. cART..I
corliOpi.Jiir,io:4ooB46; •
Itate -of eter Sw
ni ctngerAr..4 dec.
1110715TicE ,je. beieby given ) , that letter s ~o r ,
101 , iiiiiipinistratiPn On'ahelostate or . PftER
SWANGER - ,79loeeitedOiitelif 86et Mitt,
dletoirtowitehip, , CuMbeiland ceurit,','Mtve'been
Manect Reg(ater"fiCeigid'eounty 'to the
atibsoti Ve Peitionr,i -liVilig - in 4tlie toi liCaeni9i eniop„aleee nle:nta aa nitt .
ittid-detetteni-atereepteatial lettiakek iihow thei
same - withoncdeleyiand those make
Illayment inunidiate;y:ol . ;. ... _
June 3, 1846:,-'.
AlP"°'Bl .. ,,lceiiratidGreitii4;itlinelor tale nt
ere (if J tine 10.." • H: Grove ,
, jOggi1(111,111011.
A.Or trith"Linens,.smitir l io'
Itol oo,'ffroid At i3e t
nolitilill' -The! highei VA I el
,akikirr9mtbe-baikebwoho6, , ~id warri iced
.free m cotton. Also; Itegiatittamor tor Shiie r
'lngo.'4lpkoened Ge ltr
ati Wittlefl
Ott edtelhall'anot Tabte peeigmbea,: . Nye
'Ar 'ideated theie‘ Winei , :eaMt
gralt 131101414
j geOliedelitipritkintiiiint Weis '
tee dee , abovefpe
_atii,l2lt*s i g f a il tasl , 4,l v .0, 4
1, indOV6El44, unit 11C.S
yri:4lly * k p
n i oteAo r.o,l
. ~:r.A~.~_~7:
4' , I , Z; - •
• • -
- n '
.14 •
It A
, t l l , Y AND f
the Farnieriof Cumberland. Adams
Hifi and Sie n edjoinlng counties, r 16
rightiomake and-sell MIX'S T
1 bls yH&iie power + e; mails _ on', the ' principle of
110 0e1 10 .0ell n ow o ine
Micbinel has been•in nse in this county;fohkbout
four:years', indium .fulleAmstained its reputation
far being the n best Macttitne hinee
W po ,
e respectfully cult d e so un wl
are hi .w.inrof.lLMachini Found
and Maihinii Shop, in the rear
'elkor,Ritti f l .o ll l : ,1 1 1 e
'l p ur.ouse, .examine for. BOLO
ch44he der
" lire 4
• •
gnitnitonsly 00'6 , 0.4 111014 , 31 0 1 .+cfig
W. ~,,- s h?7l in. use
anctsmka highly. ot, its ,
•' •-• ' 1 • " .
that 'lrehtive,,im• use' one nf
T.l - 118 la to -
Mix's' Horse 'nitre!: andMachines,'
and do consider, it itiperiar.PAlVa2.
hare eier:seen :fot•-•,0411,1P°!'.7,17:3"841'.1
serail t hreshing, and "dtir l ol.47o!.
- * 'superior.
tiently—renannend y
n n
Card& Kutz, - . onoim Pi bbnrn
• Jacob lints,. 'Peter
braharri Kurtz; ••
- -
TILE • subscribera
zenaof this and the tyljningiiig
such as Mill - Gearing_orali.slesckliitlons, Rolling
-gait -work, Corn and. Plaistee, breakers, Thresh
kern-aniline castings; Flotighti•ati,9 Cultivators.—
They,bnee also on hand a S heller, that,
- will ihelEl96 hitshels an
hone: Mors of all de
i•seriptionew such as nine
plate. fill,:atana and pat- -
• . • 1 , terns:"%.,'
as Eintiks','Zeigler's and
Lewis' patents', which are the : best' now in use.
Threshing Minhines relmired nt mod2ritte prices.
kinds and finishing ii general.
Foundry and Machine Shop •in tiro ; rear of
Hour, Ittionde Warehouse...
F. 11. - KF.O.NIIY,
Carlisle. May 27, 1846. •
• - - Awn -
Founded 1840:..`• ..•
A .
WARDED 1h e 11edn1, foniefirst. premiums
two 'highest honors, by the 'lnstitutes o,
Manoachesetta, New York and Pennsylvania, re
spectively; for die most beautilitt Colored Dagen , -
ecotypes, and heat npparatus ever:exhihiled.
No.-205 Bal I I saiorelt. Rol it Du ore,
•• . ktijoining Campbell's Jewelr .
Concert Pennsylvania .fle:en'ni , ;. Washing.
251 Broadway...N. V: 85 - Court street, Boston.
1.36 Chesnut street, Phila. 56 Canal street,'New
I ()dentin.. 127. Vieill line Mi.Teamile. Parts. Ai
Church stlLiverintol. 83 Main Lin: Louisville.
- Nraidc - et sr - ST: Louis.
Main street Du teme. Ilroadwer,'Saratega.
Don w's Buildings, Albany. Middle. at. Portland.
Main at. Newport. Nottelk; Va.
'Petersburg, Va.
May 20;1846. • •
UE* subscriber would' respectfully informT
the Citizens of Carlisle, and the pufilic
generally, that he still continues his LUMBER
YARD, on the west end of Main street at the
corner iormed'by the Newvslle Ruud and the
Turnpike, where he will at all times keep on
hand n general supply of. well-selecicd Lumber,
such as .
Boards, Plardc. - Sion at Hag; Build
• lug Timber, Shingles Sm.
wbicli will be inild it th rloWeif prices.
• ~
His stocii.''of Lunt her.consists of a 'Oil asort
ment of Yollow and, I,Vkito Pine,,Poplar, and
Cheryl+ !tortilla and Plank, from comMonparinel
in'imality, and of different thickness; also, Ash
hmkj - White a colltellow - Ploc. Poplar, CW1 7 .1r7
Oak and Maple Scantling, ofall sizes from 3 by'
3 to f 3 by fit' aiiiii:fallAtssoitinent of Pine and
Oak Shingles;. also, Building oCany
length and thicknese;,,,lniorverid ; Rothersi of all,
sortn.and.sizea, together,with-,-every otherii . i'ti• - . -
Cle. • ,.uiruelly to !NlS:mod in'i , Lurnbarcifird, . Ho
will also keep constantly_ on hand a supply' of
.t e , i grant kinds of such as
Pine Grove, Wilke/Marro and . Shamokin for
fainily use, and Limeburner's and Blacksmith's
Coal of the best . quality; at the loWest l priees.
Grateful for put favors, ho,respeotfUlly so
licits a continuance .of the publib. patronage,
and hopes by strict attention to give satisfaction
to his customers,
&Mini 1161)VE11:7
Car Hole, May 13,1846,
HE'Ptt'rtnershift., beret Mello e;t ni-tiOt#eet .
.Itt..-%VutlerTleh;:au;Lthe rioerciottle:
,Itusinest4 . Wllll dissolved by noltuttlCcontent;onilie
s-The ,Thiokii and ACintostlAkrejell: lit
the hands of H. H. Grove, wlto:t9l etdiduolle,
intolhese ly,the old ta.tind,,. 4
8113t. , -C lENT44- . 0BWARICO1: 12 : -
. bianteti , apprentice' to..tbeTario- ,
bill ItorhOririg iilf , trusftLeitt(Ylioy,
oii' m 7 iiconiltit,'Ohilee.penoltf
• •
• - ,Mtver:dish Tobacco. 2 - •
tiVORICiIi ta:lpOPy
)‘.luue n lq.' • ••••Allii. Tr, Grove'..•
• -
scivetstt-,yeini, ,, iniCwhoisiitploi)iicht dick .
will, unva4leliiido:supois
curtngTerniniciignthose , inataiOrablci, And:**
(nowt' 4liseastilyvapsig; '‘.l.!et jiatd.O'nl at
prog.;Sttiro * u n q gcbcppooti k:Stulia trey.
• :...081.001,11*A . 10;1***14,0;•w i t. • •
jUirr;foo;ii,;4l gii**llo44l.lot:ot Orog4, ‘ Rid;
1 01 11 4,1404 14 _ 1 9#4. tit !lie store At.
June , 15. ffi t i ,, A; Kitshardi. ic
• •.. .2•P NE,
~jvW, 0 bitrralirirtrWPafie. 9R at
TOURof,el:l#petitre+kt 960 CENTS
, gagqa. .4100, CorAilliAn blur.
*by A; 0 1 );;PO, ' 8 0,e,/, 1 11 Wont%
"!4.149.4- 1 14 1t7,
V , TArt l )o ll 4 l " " ntA
Alatitnit4 ;just.
iv ilsodis' seVoird iw srl l .
lees Larivziliatti.4.
-00 0
I" 0v4,10 writ • ILibit;l,
' banilinrivre ciflo*l..
e‘Y 995*,
'el Si 410 k :" .';*410:4000170
orr A o ,
- •
. •
.i 4 eb. •;, - 4 4 0,1/4
~,„:. •
. • Dl*, , t ,i, • -...* • --- ~
~. •.. .. ~.. ~ ;, . b•,,,;.-.,. • ~ ;, ,:_.„..- ...::: ~.;.,
..;:,,, :.
. . ,
,„ts luat•l9oened; Clit'ilic:itiCiiii formerly.:oo.l
. .cupiettly_Mr..Henrylligeld, - lEisist Corner'
0., arkiiit Sileitreri'elfolee'lliiiVelegansittiek , Of;
I.lZr,..iilUi l !!, CMIOD, -"- CD2/DMi6,'
71Cmon i ir whieli are English, erenehvAtrierican kind
iwc ,.. . ,
—ll L 0 T - 31 130- ..
Sattinete and Ceisimeres •of, 'variotii kind's of tiie•
latest ' Myles . - GembrOons, .Linen 'shit. Cotton
Drille;Oregon and Californiellordsomil ands-grant
viuielyTor men's wear. 13,ALZMUN S, *flanges,
LawnctiHiljte• and. •Fiitteryi•,:braduil cd ftnhea„ - -..
french c Siottilq:and - Dorriestio Ging ins..i. 01ng"....
liato Lawns, M oust In de Lai nes, Cali ors,lititiehed
and anbleachett.Muslins, colored C nihrhis,and •
;gelierilFaisiiilthciif a.' White Gonds: Thltiet,
Merino •ittnlherage' , Shattle and Sonde, Latliee'
Cressy!, Heritlemen s black Italian fancy cravats.
Silk. and •Gingham • thiiiillierchiefa., New ..Stjile.
Siii•lng' Bonnets.. -. latest': Parte :Otiiiped,:chinette;
' Prirl,•,l3ll4.•Florence Brald - ,'• - Hen pol itin, Modw
eon and: 2 Rutland Straw •flonnets. Elegant. rich
. fetngettiliblions, Liniati;-Xtigings-arid- Insert ingv
. FAMILY:GROLERIES . , ouch. -
:.Sugare - , - .T.tificStilefiliiiill'iibaren. -
-. Ati ll' itne' determined to sell IoW for CASH,
IC reirgeCtfolWiniite ,the piddle' to'call and ea,
amine %my stock hefore riurchising elsewhere,
411PCpinalek4orit fn. 1846.... - ' -
EIEtS (31) s6Q. Eta ca
VlVlDOULtiatinopnce to the citizens or Car
'l7q/ 'Bore:and 'the Ptiblie general,Ahat.he'
hie attire to South Hanover street,
one door below Burkholder's FlotoLin thehouse
he woulaidvise ill who wbortifirliCliiiii - Clieap
Goads to give him a call.
He would 'inform the public that he has just
.retturied from Philadelphia with-.a large, and
splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Geode,
which added to bia fornier stock mates,his as
sortment complete. 'He will sell-goods as cheap
as at any other establishment in town. His
stock, which,bas tccn, selected with care and
attention, will enable him to give such bargains
riffeefinot fail to please.
He would therefore call the attention of
yubbe 'in wane of . OI.IEAP GQODS, to give
inf a call and examine fur themselves. His
ck convists in part of
Cg 2 OS 9
iffitall colors and quality. Caysimeres,-Casst
asats, Tweeds, Vesting, Flannels, Silica, A Ipare
nfa, Merinnes, Gingko nts,Bed Tickings,Shuw ly
nelicoes, Muslins; a select and general assort
ment of. Lace. Edging;' Inserting's, Gloves,
Hosiery, .&c. &e.&e., together with every va
riety of goods kept in .any store. •
titsb—;•A very large 'assortment of GROCE
RIES, of all kinds that may he.wanted . for fam.
Ily-use,-very cheap. Likewise, a largo flagon.
I •nient of '
•Queensware, Glassware, &c o Sic.,
which will bu vold very low. SE9ARS, of the
best that the 'city could afford, can be had iy
calling at Banat:. Cheap Store, in South Han.
over street.
. • .
Those desirous of securing the filieliChOico of
the most select and desirtdde goods indholnar.
Icct,tenuld - de well tocall without delay:
_ Cnrlisle, ApriL6,..184.6. •
JUST received, a new and splendid assort•
meat of CLOTHS, consisting in part of
French. English null American Broad Cloths.
Also, Craton, Oregon, and Summer Cloths, for
sale at the reople'rrlierip:Stine. by
May 6, 1846. H. Anderson.
mtlE subscriber hereby intrirrus bit cirsto
-52 Bern and the public general ly e that he hue
juat rgeeived and iy now .eponing at his store;
on the - Siruth %Wet corner of the l Public Square
a Splendid stock of
consisting in, part of English, ranch, and
American Cloths; Cassinterrs, Sattinutts, Ken.
lucky items, Cotton Goods aril! kinds, Summer
Cloths, Vostinga, Lawns, 1: ingha ms, Balza fines.
Plain and Fancy Dress Silks, Shawls, irchoice
lot of Calk:eta at all prices; Chocks, Tickinga,
tlusliiis Prirairals",Stin.slicis,t3loves, Hosiery,
Also;-‘ Irciceries, _Easton Syrup, Sugar
Hourie,.. and Orktairs - Itrolasses, Sugars, Spices,
Ate. together with every thing else initis line
of businces. tirwhich he Were at the vary . .
lowest prices *Aldo.
• ar is e, pCi .. • , -
Anollbee.lLArgeA - rri*al olf Cheap
and Irioishlouilble Cadds!
,-- 7 NEW-iiiylelliAziw,lncli, - 416 fine.
- • Do' Dawes, do •
Do Lace Tarltans.
• Do-•" ---- Print - cd - fatssnie.
Dn . Balsorine do,
• lk) Silks.
Just received and fir sato at the Cheap and
Fancy store-of - - J, A. CLIPPING ER.
Stiippensburg, May 2O; 1R46.
• : 00A4 1 1410. '
lckE - ED - ehtYPHS : i - Qntclolideilvpr mixed.
:! . r. _Do , 1 ",- do • :Plain and FirnerOwd.
,rnerer!,and. Oregon Clothe, forTnele.nt .thrretnrap
Arndifordrinonablo glom of
Ntii)pensburg b • May:2o
t...'"!..11iE 11i p,1-I. IVI VAP' s just reecived_a r nil
:)..7.'‘cii's - Ale of 14e:,tteup ,
4:C . 0;41640 . 6g:Cn AS. 1/ t 1444 4,1 t!
1 .
May`2B; 1846.
'.strutiv - . •
vnriety of oplrmilkil Shx vis and s c arf ' , i n o t , a6
Buregv, sliet4tiil,lte. just rcceiceti
• ••:•-• -• Ittireit , s •11inlery ' • :•• • -*1 •
iiir g e: , :ass c itt:ment;:or:yote; , unbjeache t tl t i4
' siiknwr
6coDii received
, Georrge Ilitnim
.4.91C - STOVIES:, ' *
niii*TVfitalti6sitthWsti•#k:Tor 44sitl'I-41e14
itnejust beim reOelvid .
QUE.ENSAVA:4.Ip;:,-.;e'-' ;
. .
, havo-ft-sionlU-loi or(Vieeinswiiii:44 - ptita ,
li.',..w.ii-ro;*liick-1 ;will . so.ll)lM7thilt*o-cloa . e , lll . ii ....
4 . 7, - ,^:',;'•;f4S , ,Po. ; ',', ,s; -',;.. 49iiirles.:BoVpiti. •
7.it5,24,„, •., •.,„'.',,-, ~ v 1..-_,,' , lS-4-2 ' ,-.,-. .•
teetrio oz sPqrull •;a101•11
Apir:theb & 'mt twapds arc 'at iiiiii4, 4
-, VlY , lo.*ltrices . 'br•' ll ) l4 3 - 77:'' ••• :. ac - Eiliat. ; ,
- . - -
- Ov I, SPERAIInta• 11Z'.
n one doilar, Pet gallon:
1y ;J '
• •Joiniai John...l:M[l'nm
41(0111..tiV&:410LASSES: ,,
1101 !fate.oo-p:
fAISTERINGI..LAT#OItoin4 Vaitinoi,
1 ' - 1 0 1 `;9 44 .0 01 S 1 10 0 . irAceilia;49ftkr
i", ii',, , -,' t01kY,29,,,, , , kw ‘, UA1ti401,1A1!.;f16...i
rev/4111r*, 01-putpo, which
pi,ll bekialti choir chee.%/bArnitx.:
CialiNGtly,,lper,9o 9 s4 glitisi4Vri"ks,'Floketis
Nlr. , Witt Airiteiluet diUd fur, stife
t . 4 7
..., ..: i .,: targkainii.ir4 f isiipt, tmotloo4l44lroto,
~ 1
r' l triatiNiit , etn.tlti
,I7X: Aklttiei,;*'.s6'itii SiWiiiikt4'
1 .4-s,:.'
moottkposio33o.l47: - •••ociapirs...-
. E
f ir; 'p
hnd ',Wen ; imitable:lM. the present season,
whitith L lOS SelliftCat'JlOstliostAmlytes.
Hie'stocli .comprises a variety, of - Gentlemen's
Calf,ilo = Aforrocco nutl.Senb.Skin Boots.. D Ad'
o. • •
Do. ' ' de. • Punipit and Slipper;::
Atins''icarse'lloottinitti Bl , ognns.'
Boys' Roots and Monroe's. • .
Ladies Satin. Morrocco Slippers.
. Do, Kid, Morroceb and Leather ties.
• .Do .-.2..d0 do_ . _..Bronze.
Do Black and Fancy colored Gaiters and
half iGaiterc
;Misses Kid antl-lllOrrtiooslippers and ties,
black and fancy'. colored. .
Do Gaiters and. half goiters:
klhildrens Boots and Aimee in -- endless variety.
Ilattii4 also a large supply of Leather, Kid,
MorrocitO, ko and tompetem workmen engaged,.
'he is prepared to manufacture work for custom.
orsi of the, bestrqUality. .T.
..ilootiadd.Shoea sold here are warratited,and
if they RIP, relud'
Country dealers and others'aupplied ati di Boots,
'Shoes and Brogans, by-the box or doien. • J
- Also, -- Kid, - Merimeo, Lining s , Binding, Thread, 1
&o. at retail
• _
Cal I at . PORTER'S. snroz STORE,
Corner of Maio ti.tOr.Ptit Steeto, 'opposite the
Methodist'Episiiolod Church. '• . .
Corliolo;Mav 10, 046..
I hate juat receivr4l a large addition to my for
mer stink,. consisting of IVjEjcfiCIPTIER,
Pm NTS, TA' E-S T VP - PS, Ftul.o IEUy. and
P ANCY .S.lrricLES,,Which I offer either whole
sale or retail, at the rawest prices.
Country Physicians, Merchants, Marlene
turera and other's are reapec,tielly invited to call
at the OLD STAND, where they can be supplied
witlr articles which can be relied upon as being
of the DEWY QUALITY.' • •
48.ZZ8. ZW4?ara)o
IJ • sires to inform the pub
he hai jiist received 2-f
-from Philadelphia, and is now
opening at - the Old Stand, on'
North Usnuver street, one or
ow moat ixiensi - Ve 4nd - elegant ,
sasortments of
Fancy.' Articles, Miscellaniidus 'and" School
-Iloolui;Tdrfutnery, Fruits, &rt. &e. which has
ever - beeicepened in - this borough, all of which
hare been selected by himegf in person -with
great care, and which he can confidently re
commend to his friAnde and customers as being
'equal if not superior to any itt the market. !tie
stock will constantly comprise
Brazil Wood,
Alum, • .
Wethersll Po. Brother's White Lend. Chrome,
green and yellow, Paint nod Vnrnish 11rttshcs,
Jersey \V itolow Glass, Linseed Oil, Ttmlientine,
Copol nod .
Lktharge 1111111 lietiLend
Whitilig'sthd Parish tireen, constnntly for sale nt
the old tstnitlisliedsDrug, Book and Fatt . e% Store.
Lard Lamps,
An elegantvariety ofrardianipsoranofae.
lured by Cornelius, of every size and! pattern,
and at greatly reduced prices.
Fancy Articles. -
Cornpriaing an.ondleas variety of every notion
in the fancy way, which it wrinld take a col
, • • ; • • • ut—ln—which-will bo found
'every:variaty of article for'ornament, inetrue
thin or Oniuierient; and et prieee..ftom a ponny
Ilia stock is composed chiefly of
. .9cono
Hooks, in which may bo counil.tho various Last.
books, Lexicons, Historics, Arithmetica,&c.,
IC4lcgc and the public animals, all
of which will bo sold as low ad at any othCr
ustablishinent. ,
Groceries 81t Fruits, .
primagnci freidi, and of very superior quality,
at pricy' astonishingly low: In short, a little
or every-thing that is useful or ornatnenfill may
be ftiond in hiC'estahlishuttltt, to - which ho in
vite. t h e a ti e nti v a m t 'lie toddle, confident that
both the illicitly and prices or his.goods will be
found ejualty satisfactory'. .•Remember the Old
1 CLIPPINGEIt. ,Stand.-. • - S. W. IIAVERSTICK, .
'r Carlisle, May'fi, 1846. ' •
N paint a; Oils, Varnish, Glues, -I:yestufrs,
IVetty,'Sce,-&-.' &v. No. 320 BALTIMORE
Street, (Ponr - deors below Howard street,) DAL-
Ttelotne;'ltasie on frottid and yffer•for'salo allergy:
assortment of
Oheiniqats, B[C,
Avhicliliarei been selected whit' great'ciirO, and
whickihbittrit Prepared . to stilton Idler's' tertrie.
enrclinsera• will do .we 1 1; to und o.lllC4Mille
babri thoir, purchases elsoWherei, ,
orcs'initis: oble to eit
oho*, they ~ .ptsfur Bonding tlioir- oidori. by. lei ,
chileoom, 411,.articlge ,shun bo ~sold to
thein loiv*iis thof.were Presentvolid put
up with grout care andliestness.
• dilLijia,` Lightning
Ind Oi kr; Paints; MIS; & (Juba-.
'4ogte - .4,B69l:4'l•lldies' ,, MorroOcs Leather. I *
•,flOot4rtiOlatid,:tifihoemakeryt klailingL.'of lir
Powder:end Tip` ware •wliolUT
retail.,: , _finnan aid ':Darn Spouting
_doU.oUn'edannl . l9 ' • - 1
unit.tillsalemito4 east oftCailiare, Pennayfyanin,
10 highi;at oAsii- *Hi la
lithe:V.VOrtnetri ,
FA3 E,L..
' • 'l ,
ca r t •f: - • -.,
.;11&,.ing t rain'aml .Str ilied; from. IRi ..poor yard
oit pii;:foetale C. r.O.rhomif!,
BMimeinsMirga May 20.
' CALICOES. •it , l: , :, , t ;:. ~,''
ir UST ro
. eii veil, at Of f . t,coici,i!fliloikrt 4,140,-
4 liii , yeq' lore lot of x.liika.. o ,k.t.*lfs
~ , 4 01 4 .!prievintAmit I .9l 4 4l l, MM , PrillEt
Airri t 0.0,1
. . 4,1:14 11KERA11.: , , Aliet,o l, fk.!
, ' OtibAll/Pg6: '4l '"eitke ~4 Iptittgat '
..,,,k ' Z u . •Alt,T.,-.4",'',-,1,
• ••
May 21. 1816
Drugs and ..Medicines
Patent Medicines, !lentil' and Extracts,
Fine Chemicals, iiiiines,kriniuti &whole
Instillment c'• , ' gstenceis, •
ruin Essential Cilia. Perfumer), &a.
Log nut] Cum-Woods
_. of, Vitriol;
Paints and Varnishes,
Sohool Books
tifT71.41,46 - 1
iSiftli oval 'Of tiprilie - 110 - cids.
pnilAvlDlVAßNotajiiititifies tit friends and'
sidejliihholfOOTaiolfoilt ;wilt an 'entire 'near
and fin4liiiisn' tifirjstisak or:lGibbilv,;;Witable for dui
season; alid:Mdelsititiredeteitalned to, sell lower
pdrishised hi thee,
spring.- " - Niii:sloolo embrafica , laPalas a large sa
riety n Helfand' faakififable ,
— ,T. — biliritain. ',stuns - ~ ..
4, —tranisp
Et ALZORlNmetc.?ileo,_on:e4,l„9„47.,_etto:.f
iieWllileCainets;of - theitifeat,and ernes( !na .
N CENTS . to one- doll
able figurea, Mak- TE - ,
.., . ty - i (s)„any
rim ,- yord, and of a ,quatilt . fer : 1 1 , Derr _ rat
g . .
evr=otrireil for - ilie eanie . prieel t'hig, ,up,, h .
,04;n1 fortet,lbtlefOre,' In.
-North- nanntef .preet.
opp_oelle corinnares.Hotel,..:- . i .!. ,!,...,,,...,„:
• cailtre, jutiel; 1446., ', . ,
• • ~ . „.
- a UST. received end opei;lng, a'splendid
J 0 assortment , or Dry Goods and. Groceries it
the Vpople's cheap Store in North Hanover
street. one door below S,W IlaversHeys 'frog
Store, where the iniblie CO be accommodated
with cheap goods fur caslii • .
Spring and &trainer Gonda at , the
JOHN *RAY Alit. -SON. .
LI AVE just received from the.eilf; as large
1.1 and extensive an assortmenVof.Spring &
-Summer GoodOtte have ever been brought to
Carlisle. • Tlicir-steck.having-bee . n-ielented:-.-
with the _greatest Bare,-they-'con-confidently
assort, that a cheaper, bettoridr Prettier assort.
.ient, is nut to be found any where
stock consists in pa rued' blue, blue black, &den,.
olifc -anc mixed, English, French, and Ame.
dean CLOTHS, striped, plaid and plain.
Cossimcres do. for summer, superior -white,-
striped and plain Drillings, superior London
gold mixed, olive and Silver Tweeds; superior
Cashmeres add Oregon Cloths, do. proton
dc. French and Englieli Vesting:l, strip.
ed and plaid do., black satin Vostings.ofis Cu.
limlor quell' - very 10-
,) for quality. Alio, it very large assortment
of plaid and striped cotton goods for summer
pants and coats. _
We earnestly invite' and
examine our elegant assortment Of Lawns; such
as plaid e striped, shaded and corded Organdie
Lawns, corded Gingham, lime striped Organdie,
rich style 13alzorines and barages, hide striped
muslins rind cambries, extra Gingham, and
French lawns, splendid Calicoes that surpass
every thing ever . offered for the price. Also,
Hosiery, Cloves, mitts, Laces, Ribbons, and
Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Bonnet Caps,
Ste. Also, a la•ge assortment of brown .and
bleached Muslim. plaid and striped Cottons,
Portland stripes, checks, 30 inch heavy
lingo, 7rB,th drilling, table. diaper., . .
_C.C.3 'ma) cSt ufa,g57,7 41. En as. a
consisting of splendid Rhino China tea.setts
46 pieces, Liveipunl cope and. saucere, plater,
basins, bowl', __ A. largg sisortnient ei
Glassivare, Crockery-Ware,
ware, this, Paints and Dyestuffs - , 'Unmasks,
New Orleans, Sitgar house and Syrup Molasses,
Porto Rice,' New Odium), and Loaf Sugars,
Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Tens, ll ace,
Gingor, Nutmegs, &c. The largekit;liset.ixti'd
cheapest:assortment: of_
over ciTered to the people of Cumberland. cdun.
ty, comprising in all over 5000 pairs of the
various kinds of Mons', Women's and Chil
drento Shoes and Roots, which we will "war
rant not ta-rip,n„and warrant them to give all
reasonable satisfaction to the wearer. Then
Shoe. and Hoots rrecwill sell 20 per cent. cheap
er than city retail prices! A •comptete neaten•
meni of the hest and cheapest
g •
such as Beaver, Cassimere, Brimil.Aud.Ftir.—
Lhuablii - mLsintle Leghorn enirgeniirsoe flats,
with a very large assortment of Palm-leaf Hats.
We wouldsepto one and all, give us 'a peep,'
before purchasing elsewhere, es We are deter
mined to sellgooda as cheap as anystdre in the
'county. Remember, our store is directly op
posite Robert's Hotel, South Hanover street.
Carlisle. April 29, 1846.
N. H. All kinds of country produce will be
taken in exchange for goods, at market prices.
The Largest, 'hest Selected, and
Cheapest Stock of Hardware ever
CVOIIN P. LYNE respectfully infirm' his
friends Mid the public gettierally.thet he ham
just received from the oity -a splendid' stock of
Cheap Paints, Oil, Varnish, Acce, tobich . ho is
determined to sell cheaper than ever:
-- -His stock-consists in part of-tnc
Builking materials, such as Locks, Hinges,
and Screws, nails and *pikes, window- glass, of .
all sizes. Carpenter's Mole of all kinds:such ,
Its planes, saws, chiseils,augpri, braces and bits,
compasses, superior sand paper. Saddlery, a
'lull assortment consisting of brass &dad and
Jizpunned Har how inountingoaddle trees, blue,
stirrups, bnekels, hog skins, raw liitjei whip
stocks, &c. Cabinet. Makers' inateirialsonich
as MAHOGANY VENEERS. Glass and Ma.
hogany knobs, drawee and chest locks, Iled
%tend screws and caps. Also, a splendid assort
ment of fine pen and pocket knives, table knives
and forks;-fine` scissors and shears, sheep
shears; razors and razor straps arid shaving
crcam t ,.Also, Can - dleaticks and sentrera,.ahos.
els and tongs, brustas, of all kinds, tubs and
-buckets. shovels and spades, hay and' manure
forks, halter 'and trace . : chains; coffee milkr,
looking glaseceond looking glass plates ef ell
eine, mill and ernes eut,Saws r bir, barid, round
and hoop irdn, east . ; sheer and .blister eteel.—
A Nu, rille(and roe powder,' oflhe beat 'quality •
and safeiyfuse., Together, with,'.oviry. article
uraelly keptin a.lll.a!dware§toro: . .
Call and examine . before , purch a sin g : - elso,
where as I am deterinineit not to he. beat.L.
The brinks and . liceOsiiis_Of 01
Lyna & , Co.;' are in- handee mi. per
sons knowing themselves indebted to ,esktand
smile is ilia .books must, he settled ..up ironic
otherwise' Milts *ill he instittitad With
outgo espet to 'personal,: . ;:.2 OHN , P• ;LYN Eng
. .
8 0 1 .1 1 1 N (1401t ,- ,SLITNOIEFI -: .cjods. - f!ift,raceived
(3,chto, Nuoteens'icilWoei,
1174iwn,K ::40c000kroi,•er,
, 110(1
„ --,••;;;• ; -‘
s it IniiiiiilMMTltrZaellibici •
for goods' being ,ttookrul for pint .Evora
we Iwl~o ook friO9da'vril,l,ifon;iniii.3 - 006pattrotOtof
wo itrisototykidatti an ivho•mv .
1, • ,'Cittlerti •
la • se _q' _ r"eor~%t i c• t r r6iket,kowt, ova;
is Of , th o
_ mu i r ior kriy,
ri sui ' d 4. lPOo l lr. k To7r1;01'"
jr.,;:;;#!nit Pg0, 1 4 1, ,C 43 ,R0;Je-,f.t.ih;r;
jUSriiiiiiivit:di igolitilittool: SDI:MRS
orthe thoieetwt , brintiOthif44:4ll
poviatihyTtibikomitAtkly4l.9o4oos o 4
4 ,1 4 , 1 1 t 4141 :fr4; lif 8 41 " 4 • : ! kt!-F.1;k
'4llitiß' ' ' y,, d'..::,. fm -,, , ,-,,,--(.-.--
i tt ll air
-I ;litipt C l ' ' 4:
A -MWP - iir' 4epearkt----tn
.~.K{~x; r 4 j'
New i;koodso
1r "
L .l fii . ..ittit . ' ' r: ,,
i" , , 41114004 .` ‘ ' , 40-
-. '-s - Al k .N. ,ik ICI ' , 1,,..
,--,;, ~ ,1.-.., . ; ~..,. 1 d x ,, c ,,,, ',J.`
- t',7,4,. ! ;, . , ,z; ' ,,. ‘i,