Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 17, 1846, Image 3

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    1 ' „
- 1
_ • :
.1 1 -lit&
- • `14212110., .mootria
gPRINW jr-VPUbgni e
- pdie6 7b 0141 g„ of New-W e e.dur the
'-r ----Tignßerpn;eiPur
I la.theAQmli be- oiellirere ..
lus2l4llWP3Qc3l2-tlit do4ton
234 Install; Whe n
- vv21.34P3231111111..0rder end PP? :
!".11.0,4111A4der-offbAlle.m. •. -
Large Sui)plg of
New: foods,
JitierdOgiied`frbto,NEW . YOßK and
-- .VII,II:AbELPIII:A, at ;the ,Cheap
Wholesale &,.Rettig:,Storp -Of
TFIE salisOrtbdr. having purchased Alt but
stook . iW;`,2oiif•YOrtg'and', Phtladelphia,
can no*•acelnittnOdata..all.'hia, '
nintromers and
the public' ' larger handsom
er and'ohniper: tietiort*nt of goods than has
'everlbinn brop`g lft to Carlisle..'
- It is impossibio'td:ennnaerate articles, but
for itribii—reutice ro
. • -
4 1
andiheAterrititiN to hie big - stock for SUM:
MER , W EAR.' I have added. -to my former
- slack e n:largo .supply of •
and Shoes.
Also; an COoniive anortmelit of prime L eah
: Remember the Old Stand, East High street,'
where you can . at all times find a big stock of
cheap goods. - CHAS. OGILBY."
C Jolt 17, 1846. - • •
with all' kiwis of goods at city
. prices. . •.
11:esig . nee's Notice.
• CIEIRISTIAN WEBER, of Allen township,
Eutnberland county, has executed to the
underaigned; a voluntary assignment of all his
property, for 'the benefit of his creditors. Tbe
debtors of 'the tfasignof are reqdested - to make
immediate pay Mont.. -
New'Market, Yorkcounty, Penna. - -
June 17,1840.
.Auditor's Notice.
ninta..tirpdersi g ped Auditor, appointed -by
11 the • Orphana'• : Court of Cumberland
county, to settle and adjust the rates and prO
portions IC,r the assets of the estate of JACOB
HARNISH,' deceased, to and among the re
rekective creditors, hereby gives notice to all
persons interested, that he will attend ,for that
puspase, at hia.ofliceln Carlielo,on MONDAY,
the 20th day of July, 1846, at 10 o'clock, a. in.
when and where -they may attend if they think
proper. ' .1:-&-COLWELL,
June 17, 1846.
Esf rgV-KiMiti ger, de - 66a§ - ed.
0:1.!C& !,,a., r getyjiy-given, that Letters-Tee
-and testament
of Peorg9 Kissinger deceased,'luto of Dickin
son township, Cumberland:county, have bean
tenni - rid by"..the Register of said county to•the
subscriber, residing in the seine' township : All
person's having claims or demands against the
eats% bf-said deceased, ore'requested to make
knowti'llitt same without delay, and those in.
debted will make jiavinent to •
Juno 17..)846
• .PLUMBE • .
National Dagnerrian" Gallery
AND • '
Photographer's Porru - shilig Depots;
AWARDED - thrrMettatFrittritrat ;re
Inns, and Two highest Honors by the In
stiku,tes of - Massachusetts, N. York, and Penn
sylvania, f.r the most beautiful colored Diguer
reotypclo and best Apparatus ever exhibited:
Creurtruits taken in exquisite style,. with..
out regard to weather. _-.
Instructions given in the art.
A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock
always on band, at the lowest cash prices.
New` York, 251 Broadway; Philadelphia,
136 Chesnut St.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58
Hanover Sts.; Baltimore, 205 Baltimore St.;
Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue; Peters
burg; Vs. Mechanic's Hall; Cincinnati, Fourth
and Walnut, and 176 Main St.; Saratoga
Springs, Broadway'.
To the Voters of Cumberland county.
WFIRILFAS, repents have been put in circa
"lation• by contain interested individuals,
dart IL have declintad being a ca mliahate fur the
~Foillce of Sheriff, manila:atty . with the fraudulent
'and dishonest intention of itijurite , inv prq&pects
andlildvittaing their own; this is, rierefore, Mr the
potiiively sand 6aflj cnittritliefitig
these Itl and malicious statements, anal inform-
Inuintfriends anti thelitiblic generally, that 1
___..sua 4 s , ,4iir_Rre LIN ED,--that 1 wilt not decline, and
-Amite 'My life anti-health are spared mutt t
cleulfon 1' shall be nub+ •grigified by receiving
thelesit*l3ll. Very Respectfully,
t:'t"Yip!.Nl Serv't,
a 4-:.• •
. "Jone:10, at
.1814. ES Apr
JUST opening at the store of the subscriber
—elargestock_offloeicity and Gloves which
.he ofrecji at extremely low 'prices.
Estate of Abraham Diller; deceased.
LETTERS of adminiatration on the Estate of
Abraham Biller, deed., late of Big Spring
township,Cumberland county, have been valued
to die:subscriber, reciil ing, In Weal; Pennaburough
towaihipe All persona indebted to said estate, tire
rciNeitedi to make payment immediately, and
thosnliavikidaftna will Preient them properly
a 4
uthetittOnEfOi• settlem en; ivillaint delay to
~New -Goods..
BROVE,Iuss jus , returned frcinn PhiI
.jUISIR-;iiodelphio with ;got of New Goods / among
Ln*tiS, adzorines, Tileached
ind:Ohbfeaoried,Muslitis; superior 'Black Italian
4Crisi'otii4;esirsiOlettes,' Bonnets, French worked
tairsritand .hemizetts'... - Alt - of which I. will sell
.ciwtheloWst tiricos for cash. _ •
' . •" • --
• • . , ••.. •
- firliikiiiiikr)ber , Was juotfiliichicl fresh, hurrel
t jIV- - otkrlNE AlLiarh olf ILO vents
per th e
than lit.infek;'.iriotoits„,lhe . most , ,econamical• light
Obit '44hbteOtitiihthif hir:thdreltri, Halls or Stores.
raid -I.4irtilitottliold
• G.' W.
...;:?niglitAtitOOtinult,:lin indented apiroutioe to
tl t e : pinehiuni*„butlitiei. it minted -
„--.;4 l 4i 7 4yr:Tirsittpingt,op , -Gould,
aboittl feet 4. Wells -
;Air* aikittnestitikiafii:forbia harboring or trust,.
.hargitd4fo,4o otraoount: tinder perla_ity of-the
WO: 411ii..,,j•.4.`,....;1•••, , ft , •':.. , GEC)4 1 C1.4, 1 •1r.4 4 9EL ,
• .• : ,it , i,V*l, ll l le .i.7 3,4 MS. l 9i . . i ifA G i. , i•
-wptire White 'Lead; ,t ,
.E ,141 P. forn
K u, iviithdrbin t.t. Prather', just reP9ivl4 4 1, 4
(0600.1E5*(1 . °Y." .Pr
'...,, • J3tAvAnr4
04, zustrume'4 , ' , .'
,4 r, ',l46o4oll.{fli,Mluqup,
'' '-...,---,:- , ...i-;;;7,A , .,.2.;:,:,:..7<•:,,,,,,...:..,,,,,,
' ...
' C l i '''''''-''''.-Ai l -i .. '' .-- -'J. 41: 2 )
I nintAXo l 001110 . 3 - Pitir,
furnished-Withari ( olegant new Press trom
celebralidquan-ulittten Hoe
New A r oik,Jiagetber_withir.*)atgeari'r
nee FandyTypes of th e 'latest ;tie most
trued:ie .- designs, is now Protiiht wifncil
itienifor,diting every kind afigRPRINTING,'
..fitiri4ilie„largek_postbil;•fhails ,down the•
rior eledarri style; and at thikTOweiT
prices—:espktally. when paid !Of in ` -CASH:
Handbitislor. private circniation,
s oy 'to
used as wrappers, by . Merchants; Shopkeep.
- ere or Mechanics, ppnted at very.moderate
rates When ordered tit large• gut - entities, so as
to make it a desirable Object to business men.
Large' posting bills, circulars,' cards, and
' - every variety of Job Printing,, on White or
fancy colored paper,. executed in the' best
style and at the most reasonable prices:,
The orders of our friends and the public re-
. .
T",±,,,A. CONLYN, takes this method. of
returnidg his Sincere thanks to his - friends
and the ptiblie,:in general; for the very liberal
'share of patronage bestowed upon ltim;und begs,
leave to inform them tqat be has just rekSifed
llieliatachiiiidiciniiSt, cheapest - add best stock
of Watches Jewelry, e. ever offehd in. Car.
Hale, consisting iti part of Full Jewelled '
- -srms - - , Gold Patent Levey
i .. - .
r - - - 14 - 177 at C
.h e g
. ‘ 12 ;,. . e • , P
•. ( 4 t, , % 4 P,. front 45 to 75 dollars. and
V:. “)..r.'": plain GOLl2l...&.eirsEat.
. ,c . . i -.. 7 : ..!" .4 . 'l 7 -1" Watches •of every kind,
it......-.-.- - quality-and 'priSe.
Gold, Silver &Conirnon Watch-keys,
of every var:eiy, from 64 cenie, to three dollars.
Gold Finger rings, Ear rings, Clasps, Lockets,
Watch chains. Bracelets, Medallions & Breast—
pins, togeitier with every article ufTewelry for
Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. Geld be Silver
Ever puinted PENCILS, a groat variety, and
a fine lot of the celebrated
Diamond Pointed Gold Pens
- A great variety of riotions, such as common
fancy, and low priced Breastpins, Watch Osiris,
'Steel beads, Fancy Hair dnita,' Miniatiii e cases,
Guardi, Silver Thimbles,l'eneil leads, &c. . •
Also, a large and very fine dssuriment of
such as Batter knives, Table and Tea Spoons;
Sugar tongs, Salt spoons, &e. of the very heat
quality and manufacture, and as cheap aathey
can he purchased in the cities. Also. a very
arge lot of Gold, Silver and Steel framed
to suit all Eves and ages; and at aft prices:
• His stock is large and extensive, and Ito re.
spectfully asks this public to give him a cull, as
ovary article offered fur sale will be of the best
material, and sold CHEERER THAN EVER! •
fWatches and Jewelry,
will bo repaired as usual, in the best styleand
onyery• moderate terms; He may be found at
the 01 1 , 4 B_Sl'AND, in West High-Swot,. a few
doori ribme .Beetem's hotel, .and oppoSite Mr.
Loudon's Book Wire, where he will be happy
to uttend . to the order of his old friends and
costumers, and no many new ones as may favor
him with their patronage.
• - Carlisle, June 3, 18.16. - • •
W 1 . t h 1 . 1. 1. A 1
a N a : o r :. )1;.1.1 sble il t
i r e e a n g t a b u t d o
of t u;s i ta a n t
service in diseast s where delicate animal food is
ratriired, and well calculated for long sea voyages.
It tinpivives by age if kept dry, and can be made
-into Soup in a few lii'nutes, and is of great servise
In clarifying ej;ler, Heim and
To make 'ratite Jellies—Use at least two oun
ces of Cooper's Ilefiled Anericau Isinglass, which
,should he.lirst snaked in cold enter, for '2. hours;
drain off that elder; then fake ts'n inane or cold
water, one and a half poauds of sugar, put it in
the white of three ; ggs, the juice of tin ee good
sized lemons, the peel 01 Wile ,n stick or cinnamon.
a little nutmeg', in-nlige peel, or other spice to sUil
the taste; stir all the. ingredients well together
while cold, then boil the ;thole mass five ten
minutes, and thus 'emir it through a Jelly Bag,
-when - it may he pm into glasses or models, and
when cold wi Ihe lit for use. The moulds should
be first wet with a little a bite of egg and water,
just before the jelly is put hi them, in order to
t. like it easy In tiiia them nut on plates.
The Jell; .11ag is made of Nand It or Id inches
across the opening, and about half a yard deep,
narrowing to t'velut at the' bottom. The liquid
that runs throlfgh shotild be ;Awed back in
thc jelly bag until it rinis through clear.
Add one pint of. wine to the above for Witte '
'Jelly, other liquids made ft., to tirescrses may be
jellied by Using diessuae
length and teme,ituauni
Blanc Mange, maj• be made .by using at least
one ounce of lninFlass forlom, quarts'of Milk or
cream, the peal of Iwo It mo a, sugar and spice to
at it the taste—bring the wholtr to a boiling heat,
*train it, and o hen nearly cool, stir it well to mix
the cream that o ill Fine while cooling, pour it in
moulds, And when pertectly cold, it may be turned
should be firm wet with void water, which.will
prevent it fro' sticking In them.
For, sole by John J. 'Diver?: Alan,
which the above jel:ies Can be made 111' a tlw
minutes. Juno 10. 3 Oil )7 J. NlltltS.
N Plitt MS his friends that he has just returned
j . from the cities and is now opening the largest
assortment of , •••
' 'AMAX%
• • .
• •'-' A ND
IttnutherChlOlNtney Articles, ever brought to Car
lisle, which he' will sell at prices so 1.45.1 stet°
Atriums!' those title arc curious in that way. , --
Just call for the'amosentent of the thing.
June 8,.1846:'
Dipsolutioti of Vartnership.: '
rbdE pirinership heretofore existing be
' , tweet': the undersigned is dissolve,'
liti'ukeof . the finii' are in the handsel 8;
Datilail!:Aduir, Esq„ - to whom , nll - persons - in:
debtoth lire requested ' fu nuke immediate ray-
101181t40 • ' June 10 .18464. " • •
ofFeterSw4pgeT; Sr."l
IgrOTICE - iii -- ilereby • Olin r that letter. of
_.LA:_ad in tn PETER
134rANGEI dbienkied. •
toiiimbijil; ixiimlOtave boon
tinted Ay:, qi!si4:'codOit
10314.1061/ei. , Avine-tiatkiLtowilililipqqaanidi,
41(7.persono!lbo.y)ne*Rjrni , Acdiiman'aei!ktrtinst
mididenede4 afelequestigid, to ' ilinke ; linown the
eerrre without delq; d9d ihosolnddbied"4linqici!
plrie!Atimuipt,li,titely to ,
, • "• 4- '..jACOB RlTNER;;c4iino:.,*'
juilif 3; 1346: 4,•A'
li)tiot.Bi )keis and Gra* - 04ytf!es- tut/94e4at
Hie alcirg-af•-;:lt.11106-19;77--;1•1!;'POY7';
, te4:44
i _.'"Vitt
~,., .4 "La- pr huh -.. 1 114,, , , e,p
4 , 1 - gporsil,AraortlP ~ 4 s t , A,Wlil3 h. - r 4.
lase linniA4 aqui. !... ii.- . and ninlnu,.
•i e - ..4hci . Ilia 41 4° 11 " 15 °' il k tintruagp,, 4„,
.411• W oottOn Oilr,1!"!7, ,GOqIT!!!F:...
(lig': si. col, :14,4 ' y,;: -e, 'v. ~ ~.., --, ,
t ~ . ~:~~'..: C'.~-.
~~;~ Y.
Y ..~wM~4.
F 9' .-.
subscribers •Atoul,d7r'espectfullyThiforni,
tlidnirmeritof Cuttiberlatid; Mama, Prank-,
lin, and the adjoining counties, that tbey have the
-right to make and sell MIX'S PVI'ENTHORSE
Mils ia l torso poWii-Ji-tniidc•-•iriit;lhif4prititilitleof.
vientre draught, and is. pronounced .Wthose likv
ing them in use to bellie.lightest.dranglit of any,
Horse power nowi in use. This Horse poyfer and
Machine, has lieen in use in this county, for about
four years, a9hl hiss fully enstaMed, its reputation'
for tieing - Pie best. Machine in use. ~• . •
We respectfully cull ti e attention of mow
are in w.iift of a Machine to call at our Foundry
and Machine Shop, in the rear of Rhoads' Ware
House, and examine for themselves before pia.-
choeing elsewhere RD we are•determined to ,sell
them low. The following Certificate have been
gratuitously offered b r those having them in use,
and speaks highly of its value : •
THIS is to pertlEy that ve•lutie in
_use one of,
- Mix's. Horan power anti t'hre'shing Machines,.
and do consider it-sisperier to any. machine we
bate cane seen qt , used. lbe lightness of—dre
speed in thres hing, and durability, and do confi
dently recommend it. to Farm'ers an a superior
Machine.. .;
David•Kuta,• 'John Fishburn,' •
, Jatcoll,Kutz; • Peter.Tobitts,
Kurfai.• William ,
John Sti , oyer. •
. ,
Til Ft subscribers would also :inform the isitie
zeni of this and the adjoinging countiesilint they
are pruluired to execute to order all kinds of .'
-0 a.' tingSi
- -
Such as Mill Gearing of all. descriptions, Rolling
mill - work - Sprn - sit - Plaisterbreakers; Thiesh•
kg machine castingsePloughs and Cultivators.—
They have also 011 band anew Corn Sheller, that
„ ,
v . _ . will shell 100 bushels an
- hour.. Stoves of all de
.-f7,-E-1.-:::j..-:;„-, .soriptions, such as nine
- ;:-.,.44--5 ,,, p &;,, . Plate all sizes anti pat
'_'r, - ---77... -- q1„!'..." , terns.
__L ir'o
c' T - 1) '(
- - - 3z,, - 0.- ..,...; ..-, , ..0..- Bc, docking
,"-- ..11; . .
6.lK — "'• - • STOVES
...._,...-_—_,..____ _
—..-- --- - as Bucks', Zeigler's and
Lewis' patents, Which arc the best now in use.
Threshing Machines repaired at mod: rate prices,
kinds ond((fiui,hing ii general.
Foundri• 0101 Alachine. Shop in the rear of
Henry Rhoads! Warehouse.
F. 11. KEENEY,
May 1:7,18113.
Founded 1840: -
AWARDED the Medal, four tirst premiums
two higlitst h •s, by the Institutes o.
Munsttebesetts, New York nod PeonsllrAnist;r
speetively r for the most beautiful Colored Dupe
recitypes, nod best tipperstits ever exhibited.
No. 205 Ballissipre St.Baltlntore,
441j(iinIng Cnmpbell's JT.yelry.grore
Comer: lAA Pennsylvania _lvenner-Wasliing.
ion, 1). C.
251 Broadway, X. Y. 85 Court. street, Boston.
I Xi Chesnut street, Phila. street, New
(Means. tieVieill Rue du 91
at4 . l.4Frpool. 83 Main Ist. Louisville..
ITS Market st. St. Louis..
Main .street Du Buque. Broadway, Saratoga.
Dou tr Build egs,AlLariy. Middle at. Portland.
Main at. Newport. --, Norfolk, Va.
Petersburg, Va.
May Di, 1845.
Tn. subscriber would respectfully inform
the citizens of Carlisle, and the public
generally, that he still continues his LUMBER
YARD, on the west end of Main 'street at the
corner formed by the Newville Road and the
Turnpike, where he will at all times keop on
hard a general supply of wall-selected Lumber,
such as
Boardti, Plank,Senßiling, Build
ing Timber, Shingles &c.
which will be sold et the lowest prices
Ilia Monk of Lumber consists offs.-6111 assort
ment of YelloW and White Pine, Poplar and
Cherry toards and Plank, limn common panne'
in quality,-und of different thickness; also Ash
Plank; White and Yellow. Pine, Poplar, Cherry,'
Oak and Maple Scantling, of all slzee from 3 by
3 to 6 by 8; also a full assortment of Pine and
Oak Shingles..ablo Building Timber, of any
lengt liThT-Briellgrorrhicirand-ftafters-of-all
sorts and sizes, together with every other aril.
cle usually to be found in a Lumber Yard. .He
will also keep constantly on hand a supply of
the different kinds of C 0 A L, such as
Pine. Grove, Wilkesharro and Shamokin for
family use, and Limeburner'e and Blackemith's
Coal of the beat quality, at the lowest prices.
liens 'a cOntinuanco of the public patronage;
and hopes by stria attention to give satisfaction
to his customers.
Carlisle, May 13, 1846. •.
- ealitin g between
TTro rva i l c ic"•Weiideelielt i ',itt.ith,e mercantile
business, was (Ilientinit by' inntiliil.nonsent on the
gist intl. The 'Books' and WieibuntsoteitAeft in
the hands of H. H. Grove, Who will continue the
business In the old stand.. • ..
• - H. H. GROVE;
• •:" 11.13, WUNDERPCII:
Carlisle;-May 27, 1848:. • '
RA.NA‘VAY f1:4393 Alio cub-scriber,,living in
Ihcitanson township', Cumberland county, tut
cindehted :apiirentice to the Fat3n
. .• ~ing bneinets, named -
-mulatto- loy._.abmiL 13
~,yeara or itge. '
, ,peraoni arc for
bid barbering or trusting said boy
tan , my 'account, under penalty of
. .
Nlay er, 100
jll l? Cavedi4lFl6ba lt Tor -salerby SJ:ll( n .
H. Gr •
Colltieli t ti Ant/ 4 4 , ,4 1 . 13 P, OW • erg
ANTIIAL.(:'9 ' A nt . i,ipispep4 dm' :a.,
'lltr - t' - eiroedvw)liose -elfleaefhas-beeteitecti -' ho'r
severel.,years,;:- anti whose , en . tploymeilA has:: met
with"- untisiittelleil:. stumess m alllesiating 'and
cluing permanently, Moutneratilsr,a94l..per:
plesing symptoms ittP.r. l l44 u . rOni t Y l t t
;mown I.4rim'epaia., • ,or isle 601 y, at the
fli,...„§teietiede blehafrey.
04/ 4 151010 1 Ar4:BAND!cO l iel
tir,:t4OOttt34l:itiiiicilliiititial lot olotoltiltsiti,
Baklit'O,itd Butktiot
, .
qed. NY9 IMTvi*Prni;
OetilS,Per, eit Pine la 1,1 l.a l'
ifilirmis .
Tiirpenti:e • at • O CENTS
rt 4 rta r°l sV u iiis6leili iti4ll1 m p,
, it 'ell tci 4.44 yens
e qszyn
1 , r - 3
—:1 ~. r )'
111 .i
~,15 -0 ,
gAslikile v iancid: Oro fitniyeit
At : iiikell.S:iluares . ;),O ottoyettktubbl
'•.Ena,, , ,,, 1, Pg , • =1. ( 0 .
lAn — to - 111T4itsfiitie17E41411,PMic'tf,
,T,i!..esd'N; '..;;'..• i.- : ,••"..,..-• :,•-.. -•-• :' ; 2
- ±Snitliilrajellath ' iTliiii " : qr! , jia ", :9l lii - Jads t; thei
..lateat,..stYleis:•:XlAtnbicirins, , Lin.eti ofid. : cuttettr,
DrilleAlregon'and Cal ilbrit ia• COO T. bid. 'n ',gfeit:
vntietY'lbe men's wear: fiALZO.ItI 7S;Flarage4
Lawns, - fWkito and : Panay OradMi :7Rob6e.- ; -w
Frdncli, ScoMb, and Vomestie..Ging Mini,i,Pide4 . .,
ham LaNansiAt ouslin Ile Lainete;Ctil OpOil ti!fcliett
and Unbleached Musline,.enloned. a rUtirliat 'midst"
general assortment td7.Witlie ?G ils.:7lltiet;
Merino, And hartegc Sint'selejaiid S iflf;lLkditik!'
Cravats, Gentlemen'S blailaittliiili ailief:;ektiritts:',
Silk' and--P Ingham '!.11 fandkerehrifti • , ,eart. , Style,l
Spring Bonnets.- Latest eirbi , riii .. t Gliiti v V v i!
Pearl, fliniti, FlorentinißraitlAso an,'Mod;"
ens and' lltutliind - IStrsyr,,rßinitiptu - , gaWifel4
fringed itihbons .ILanar - EtigingCatf. , Sertingta
- itiIiforTAMILT I .•CROditRIES'Onto _.lVo6'ecier
Sugari, Tess, SpicOli and Ttibacett- , •fP•, ,-,•.• •''t,'- , •:,•••
As I_ Am determinust , :to!tielllOialT '''..CASIK
11 respectfully • Melte' . thoTpliiiiikiiii ' lit - Ad T ite.. - '
• mine my stock :before Pfirciiiiiiiii'4" here: , -`-' "
Carlisle, -April 22; 1841).-r..)!.'"L-.• -,. ':.:•-^•.• ...,' :'• ••
•. , . 'f' ',. ''%:-• lt :.:‘; '.. i '., ?: i ' 7 ' , .
. , , ... -, -•-
LEI 1.. W 21 .1..; CE);Ntri
, . ~....
. . ,
,134M2 1 1 . " g i n
• A A \), OULD amidurico to3he . mtize
' 1 7 1 1,11sloliirl' thsepjidilie I'o , geiii#l
has removed his stOrild,i;aikliatie
onedoor belovißurkhold'er!alHatel;iil
formerly occupied by, Mr .
. N.AWW,
lie *mild advise allmitajMarit itfp#ll .
Goods to give him a ; eall! - ;:.%7 - ; :':`,14:'
Ile would inform.,the . publi , a.thq ,
returned from Philadelphia with-.'
splendid - 'rtment of - ' -
tom . assortment at , - ,-. 0. : - ::,* , -N:-
~....... . --- -• . ', . ~ ,,-.,,.2:t
Spring and Swnnier ir5,....;,5,.4.
4 rt
which added to his former stock 7 : iti" - litiiii4;
sortment compiete,,,tio will sell g oo vlisMitati#:-
as at any...pther establishment Jit . :lpswio , -Ithi:
stock, 'which hattaittn" selected W4ll -earls - and'
-attention, will eniblc.hiny tn:giiii:Stiiih_birgitlils.'
as cannot fail to please. .;V:li, .
He would thereinto call the , a'ttintion-of the
public in want of .CHEAP .GOCIPS;To give
him i call and examine fur -thiMielves.- -ills
'stork consists in part of ,i. - ,
, (Mi 1-- CC , t Us ch thEZ3 0
toall colors and quality. Caselmercs, Gassi•
floats, 'Needs, Vesting, Flannels Silks, Alpac.
ofa,,Aforl noes, G ngha ms, Bed Tie4ings, Shaw Is,
nelicocs, Muslim; a select and general assort.
mom of Lace, Edging, humans, Gloves,
Hosiery, &b. &e. &c., together With every va- •
riety of goods kept in any store. -' -
Atmo—A very large assortment-of-GROCE
RIES, of all kihtle that may be wanted for ram--
ily use, very cheap. Likewise,.o large assort.
went of ' . •
Qiieensware, Glassware,Ae„
which will lux Bold very low. SUGARS, alba
best that tho city could afford, can be had by
calling at Batches Cheap Storth'ln South - 11am.
over street.--
• ose °sirens Ufsecuring thd;first choice of
the most select and desirublu golds in the mar
ket; would 4o well to call wiilmuu delay.
Carlisle, A1) . 111_8,1846. ''
- CLOTHO oLorms -- i -
JUST. eceived, a new, and splendid--assort
ment of CLOTHS, consisting -part of
French; English. and American:Broad Cillths.
Also, Croton, Oregon, and Summer Cloths, for
sale at the l'eoplu's Cheap
May 6, 1846. It:Anderson::
TM subscriber hereby inPorsils - his Itusiti
mere and the public generally, that he has
just received and is now opening at his sums,
on the South West corner of the Public Square,
a splendid stock of
X'l ESI3 srnnvG GOODS,
consisting in part „of English, French, and
American Cloths, Cussimeres, Satti netts, Ken.
lucky Juane, Cotton Goode of all kinds, Summer
Cloths, Vesting'', Lawns, Gingha ma, Balzarines,
Plain and Fancy Dross Silks, Shawls, a choice
lotofCalicoes at all prices;' Checks, 'Pickings,
Musllns, Pa.rnsols,Stuu , shatlcst.Glores,ll43rizz3'.
Zzo. Also, Groceries, Boston Syrup, Sugar
House, and Orleans Molasses, Sugars, Spices,
&o. together with every thing elsO in his line
of business. All of which, he offers at the very
lowest prices possible.
Carlisle, April 8,184 G •.
Another Largo Arrival of Cheap
and Fashionable GoOdisi, ... .
, .; • c_lialzaringe,NAry 1 .
Do • Mange% do
DO Lace Tarlton&
Do . Printed Lawns.
Do - Belzoriue do, •
Do . Silk.. .
lust received and for sale 4nd
, .. .
. COn Lingo, .
T WEED ,CLOTIO3, Gold and silver, mi xed. •
Do, do Plain and Fancy .Cuaai:
wares and Oregon Cloths, for male at the oheai)
and faahinonable atoro of. -,• .
HAMS: 1., , ,,4.1, ~ 1 ; •. , •(:•••; 441?
V, UGAR CURER4l,Abt.l2;i4ttilt:reatifill 4'o :
S for sale at 'tiidOliftip ; . 1:1711.7,G00d ,- .0,4 trpti
cery store of .. .::.. - r..CIRA".IIAnat , b:54..:,
k, ' ' 4 ' 4 rli a 1 e ; Nuy '21f1,18,46'i,.Xi5,,p,/.:-:. ~,,,;,,,,.z.,,i
„..- ~......-, :f:,.• ~.,i.
." • - SHAWL$.•trd. ,
, .
Attrie4y. or splendid Slut , if
Bureau, Muslin, Sliellmtul, hie. just reftliseik
t,y- 111{iy',27%, • , GeO,
. .
... • Chi Id v. . ),00:: ,- ,;ren'eAlloslery,
Ilet ,„„
A, largo diticrtmCnt ,'of. , tvitilei•fittibbilibite - 'lnf.
nosed Cbilikeit's - Stook ingit.".?•,tkisei, l •lloyo "'MA
lip,srorjutiqi•ent sizesoik9wii;!.4toii.eisii ;di
vottaii stockings, of cations nOlors,JOSl•fitiblyi - k
•by . -, %.• may t27,•' • !. ,, ,.' . .:( 4iiege W-:!4itace.:•it,••
- ,
THIS new ned fiwitieniibit;;Siduk foe geetlifille
I~ae-'ust teen
." •
I •
Io k'llcr9w+l
a PM"
'WlllOhl4l/PWII 1e.;1314.404-.:
"4114 n ,
- 16 - spAtiiPolirri -;
OF the4eht oreofrei•iiip , -4414,01,f,A
prices by Alley 4,74;,V“;i 1 :4 20 " 0 4. 160 : ,
• ID EST Sperm
U. f°,r7.4!SbY-'
tly 01' 014 A SS.E '
,IA s and ,SOgar 0 1.4 EY:,
u id f or awe §holip
blollimi "LJ un `,.- ° k °
,- 7 4.`
6 ,
1;41110 " '
Pot Garden Nam justk!r"ceriid
May 2Q:' .
.:;...:rrcholgits BTirira, -
• '
11E7CAlt • -I•Viyiooo449.
'-18141 4 1 . % *'•
' -
vo4ltnks'9l,4, - •
om s "
'coin ••
Shippensburg, May 20,3846,
• Shipponaburgi Npy 20.
Ot at one dollitqper
•!-• istatancott. - .
,'.,;'..."t; . :I''',,.
I 90 1 10' -214f,MILOCI r
MORTER;' ,, nr ,
AS Tiidee'litedi* taddithiritil7ittppli
V : . anir-Sliciequjtablc fort:the preitenk tigiSott,
Hid 'stook Cipktprtsea n.variety oT::Ginidlentpu's
Miiriqctio and Seal-Skid Ilooie. 170. do
1'dr , 44 1 .-'dd.94-att&KTp 2 tiftinroetvanclAlaitcrs.: 2 :-,..:
mid SI i
.2' kleuie-coarsedSoots and ; Brogans.
Lltoya' , Hontatinti Moorhen.
1)0 Xid,Moirbeito and
0. - -i:llo433l ' nd: Mill : Fancy colored'. GailCis7disir.
half iGaiters.• •
- , hltddelidtiftincy,Aittrad,
Da , • .:Guiteitiintiil)ta If jolters. •
entliCs rnriety.
ulsoitlittlet -- ; Supply of. Leather; Kid,
Motrciiicti,-:Bo.Xnd competent - workmen engaged,
,' - d t ialtreptirCd- to . madam:turn Work for Custom
+SCOtt the bestguality.. , •.
",:,Broots And 'Slines sold hrricinre- Walranted, mid
,fttliey repOred-kisitis. • '
dealers and altars supplied wi th.l36ots,
1..-Icat'S add Brogninkkrihe box or dozen. '
tWitli7o,litTd;liftitroOrrrLiningarßititlitigr - Threti. l ,l
oriikitt,:orqdiiiii , anal - Pitt Streets, opposite th e
51Othitdist.P.1itindpal Church.
kif,18 , 16. - • .
~q 4Ztt
M.114•10 0 '" - .
41*wAr - 1
i J or Oer
!ha A he
er sista ,
I the bowie
!e bee
let: e and
.I-lieveust receiveda - large addition to mr for;
mer steek,ecinsisting of ED lel NES:-
nvv.-sT U FM'S , F. It u N.; ~,,d
FANCY ARTlCLEs,whielt 1 offer either whole
sale or retail, at the lowest prices.
Country Physicians, Merchants, Mann fac.
toren find others are respectfnily invited to call
at the ot.rt wrist), .where they can be supplied
with articles which can be relied upon as being
of the SE-ST QUALITY., _ _
Muy el. 1h46
. StreaNtibbe
. .
sires to inform the pub-
lie that. ho has just reaeivod
from Philadelphia, and is now .
opening at the Old Stand, on '"c.
North Hanover street, one of
the most extensive and - clogant '-
assortments of _
Fancy Articles, Miscellaneous sty School
Books,-Perfumery, Fruits, ..t.c: - Acc: which has
ever-bcon-opened En this borough, all of which
hare . been selected—by himself in -person with
great care,' and which lie can confide:ray re
einnlinTrid liTlthrfrierrds - antl - custornurs - as-being
equal if not superioi to any in-the market,' His
stuck will constantly doinpriso
Drugs and tifeiliat iii 3 :v..
Ps ttint M edit:llle% II c vbs atilt Portrtrcts,
Eine Chemicals, - Spices,gr?ural &whole
Instruments, -, Kai
Pure Essential Oils.
-4-- +•
Brazil Wood,
Alum, •
Paints -an
W e lber:ll & Brother's White Lead, Chrome,
green and ytillow, Paint Intl Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Wiadow Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpentine,
Copal and Coach 1 arnish, barge and Red Lead
Whiting and Parish Gt. , constantly for sale at
the old establisliedD• Book and 1 anuy Store.
An elegant variety of Lard LIIIIIpB, mnnnran
Lured by CorAelka,:_of every size and pattern,
and at greatly reduced prices.
Fancy Articles.
Comprising an endless vartqig °revery "notion
in the tancy way, which it•Tvoithl taken col.
limn to enumerate, but in which will ho found
every variety of articla.for ornament; iustruc.
lion or amusement, and at prices from a penny
Eci a dollar.
Hik stuck is composed chiefly of Scneo
I oo • 9, cirmoyAm--fgulid-alle.—vatiou
books, Lexicons, Hietorles, Arithinetiee, &0.,
now used in College end the public schools, all
ofWhtoli be sold c0,.1,uw is et Any other
eatablislisnent., Also,
prime and fresh, and of very sopertoi quali y,
at Oleos ustortialtinglly . low. In short, a little
of every, thing that is useful, or oreintental may .
be found in Ilia estehlishunentoo,whishjso. , ht;
vices the, alto nt of, the. puldt :eolifiden t lin t'
botlt the quality' and 'paces ntnis goodi, will be
.found equally suifsfactory.ltetnenther the Old
Stand:. - •,, S. W. flit VERSTICL
1846. _ • , .
.; ; ,.191ARTI.N 4 IiVUITELEY,
111;00Inte,' , 011s; Glum, 47. - yeiniuffa,
&c. &: &04.N0. 320 11,AtalmoRs
j 3041, (Fear doors below Howard,stieist) BAL..
.Tswiats, have on band:And'offer for ealc.a large
liesbOroent.of • , - , • ,
..;#;Dritgt, Ohemic
Which here been : selected with ,grant co and
.wlllOl they : are Otre:Pftred t:O sell liberal ter 11118.
.willdo Well to ',Oen'. god - cieridue
,fibleee : ln sit n the u r nit esc else w o re, - ^..'4yo
it'Onro shellr • be bble to (il4`tise''tretii, or
'' . oseuld they: kefer:ilehdlog':their orders - 1410t,',
ni":"Oe - , otherwise, alVertieles .shall' be sold'i6
.111.titr us low 11 , they were prescntoind put
tritivitiugrent: care' nod 'neatness. =
:031iltitnere, llltty.'l 3 ; 1 1 06; • '' • -
. '''-';'6H• ARD V A Itt H EA I itIYII - - All •
• .`
,4'4l '" ,V 11 1, , ary low.' Pl ! tinn ' ' '- i ' o . llr
A fie l l p in 01 rainteilih4 4 °. 4 1 . •
" j. e '• au • nints. 1 8 , ~"• •• t b at h er , Jatto,
4" 0 i • 1 / 2
i ;;;,., floo , t z, Lidiine ;11orrocop •-ttlif f-% 111-
'.".- 7 - Be '' d43hipesiitiliCe , w4li, , g-- t e? .
0. .
- '• • 110*'Cti°16* ii e_ witokiptil d 1111---41Y-Ilirliil
-"26,4 kita..•'ilY sl .!°•.. °- % f in ant:- Pcm
~;,;' '',,,' iiityietaii,—Houue-
~.,, i
Mbo:'.• Cr'''''' % ' IlableYjtiTiN . l' • ' il , -'.
2- .lt l V au , , . •,' t:::- ' . NJ "A , 1 : ~,
... ~,,
.;.,,...k - c ytil.ilie ; go" F 9. , .!8.40; ~ i - .q: '1 -! ',-, - 4 ' 2 .
- itt;the7,Pailusle' , lron Work.. f.ur
, aud litlrtiniffi(ottet:of
1w h t h ium.,, priips 1
, 11 , ' , ?A!1# 1 / 4 6
. : ;. 11 , be
paid. 'Appl y
arPcttOgs.',-' •
!NlLYtilhgrain'and, Stripedeftora
end itti~ ibises 1?y Ji.....oaot.itrYKOLC!
47.1 ii it : lo4 lar dlgt'oa coca,
‘ASOOI6#I3C°EI!'I9,•AP,t. tic for' i lia.9l433g
i ' ll*l•4lsP togatioLtb t: Avitig
witiiiiiwele:prOfkiorqk4 ,
,w9, -- ,ttictmpLiaied , t7bBo4:;.,
.„ % ••
••s - • •
0 8 _,
Perfumery, Std. '
to s. • •
• Log and Cam-Woods.•
-oii,vr;Vtirloi. ,-..
Lae Dye.
Laid Lamps.
School Books
cedes ar. Fruits
6: -4 0:111 ,4 -A
. . .
QM. kolOptan' . Et; •
pAVID. H. , ARNOLI); rietiteif Wit frlencis'aild
Alter.p . abytythict - h,erlifia,iitatpY4tucjietl i troni,
YorKtvilk ieentire f nek,'
apd fashiOnsible.fittiok'Of
4 1 eSt 8 0 11 • end isAefOnlineil to;6e11 doper
than the liamtifortiapp could ;he piiroltaped in the,
...steak etnheauba:,l4, Datt; va
rleiy-nrrich '•
. I =-131.1ks—Lawnsilaringhatkrilawnsv
BkLtOttua.q, &e. no' extentrve lot of
new style Cirpets, of.the !attest and• roost fashion.
title figures, from TEN CEN'IS -to one dollar
'tier - yarcli---iiil-a—u,-tpiality=far,superior-CO-nny
ever offered for the seine price in this Borough.
Don't forget-tht store, in North - Hanover .street,
opposite .Cornutan's llotel.
Carlisle June 3,1E46.
. .
"DST received and now npot.lng, a splendid
J assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries at
the. People's Cheap Siore in North Hanover
'street. of door below S W Hui , eratiek's Drug
Stole, whore the publlo,94n be accommodated
with cheap goods for cash.
Spring and Swimer, Goods, at the
TOIM dRAIr & son . ,
HAVE just received from.the city, large
and extensive an at:sunnier - A of SpThig &
Summer Grinds as have twer been brought to
Carlisle ; Their stock having been selected'
with .the .greatest cork, they eau' confidently
assert, that a cheaper, better, or prettier assort
mcnt, is not to be found any where. Their
stock consists in port of blue, blue black, green,
dive and. inixed,_English, French, and 111(. ,
rican CrlO l ll3S, striped, plaid and pistil
Cassimeres dm for summer, superior white,
strii;ed and plain Drillings, superior London
gold mixed,' olive And Silver Tweeds - , iiiiperior
Cashmeres and Oregon Cloths} • do. Croton
Cloths; do, French and English Vestings, strip,
errand plaid d0., - black satin Vestings of a au.
prior quality. - Alscto very large assurtinent
of plaid and striped cotton goods for summer
pants and coats.
We earnestly invite the ladies to cull and
examine our elegant assortment of Lawns, such
as plaid, striped; shaded and corded Organdie
Lawns, corded Gingham, lace striped Organdie,
rich style' Balsorines and baroges, lace striped
rnuslins and eambrics, extra Ginghunis and
French Lawns, splendid Calicoes that surpass
every thing ever offered fur Bic price. Also,
Hosiery, Gloves, mitts, Laces; Ribbons, arid
Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Bonnet Caps,
&c. Also, laic assortment of brown and
bleached Musli', plaid 'Mid striped Cottons,
l'ortland stripes, checks, 30 inch heavy Dril
lings; 7-Btii drilling, table diaper. •
UUai) ® 1:41_3 uE33~~ fl
consisting of splendid white China tea setts of
4G pieces, Liverpool cups and saucers, plates,
basins, bowls,. Sc. .A lyrrge it,ssortment of
Glassware, Crockery ware, hardware, Cektir.
ware, Oils, Paints and tryestuffs. Rroccries,
New Orleans, Sugar house and Syrup Molasses,.
Furl° Rico, New Orleans 'rind Loaf Sugars,
Black, Impel tel and Young Hyaon Tcas,:.Mace,
inor; Notinegs,'&c. Thu largest, best and
cheapest assoytment Of
rffered -tcythe prnitle-ofentelperiattal.- coon
ty, cumprising in till over - 5000 pairs of the
yttrium: hinds t,f. Mens', Women's and
druns=--Shoes we will
runt not to rip," and warrant them tt . .Tifir
4esilottnitle sutisfitetion to the: %rarer: - These
Shoes and Routs we will sell '2O per cent. cheap
eilban city retail . prices! A coin Pete ussort•
tuuul,of the hest nom citecpest
such as
,Beaver;Caseirricre, ilvoan—noktur.—
Double and single !_ieghorn and Suagrass Hats,
with a very large arisortiarint of Palm-leaf Hats.
We would say to one and all, &crud "a peep,'
belore purchasing elsewhera, as we are deter.
mined to sell goods au cheap as any store irk the
county. Remember, our store is directly op
penile Robert's Hotel, South Hanover street.
April 29,1849.
N. B. All kinds of country produce will be
taken in exchange for geode, at market prices.
The Latgdst, best Selected, and
Cheapest Stock of Hardware ever
brduglit to Carlisle.! !
Int.OHNIr. LYNE respectfully info , ras his
j frktiiiaind the public generally that he ha*
just received from the city a splendid stock of
a Oil Varnish, &c., which ho is
determined to sell cheaper t an ever.
His stuck consists In part at the following:
Huilking materials, such as-Looks, Hinges,
and Screws, nails and spikes,•viiinduw glass, of
all sizes. Carpenter's. tools of all kinds, such
as planes, saws, chisels, nuguts, braces and bits,
compassek superior 'sand pspettalillary--a
tell assortment consisting' of brass.pluted. and.
..kpartned Ifarhoss mountiog,stiddle trees, tilts,
Ittirrum bug: skins,,raiv Jade
stoelcs„ - kc.. Cabin.l- Makors'Atinterislii, sUch
hogany knobs, drawer and cheat leeks, Bed- .
stead screws and caps. AUG, a splendid assort.
most of fine pen and pocket liQiyas, bible knives
und forks; fine Hi:lose:is anti shears, sheep
Shears; razors and razor. straps and shaving
cream. Also, Candlesticks and snuffers, ahoy.
els and tongs, brushes, of all kinds,tubs and
buckets, shovels and, spades, hay and manure
forks, halter and trace chains, coffee mills.
looking glasses, and looking glass plates of all
sizes, mill und cross cut saws, bar, band, round
and ritoopi iron,
cast, sheer and blister steel.—
A1990 . 1110' Slid roc • powder; of the best quality
und Safaifuse. Together with ever); article
usually:4oOn a Hardware Store. • -• • '
before purchasing else-
Ia .detertnitted pot to be ,bcat, -
frheybpiilta and, accounts af,thoilatp firm of
Ca.,,are in my,liands,.snd par..
Suris,,kncyvingthentselycs-indpbted,(p, Gl:Rand
sett's, as ihrt,frooks, Must be settltid up impie
dintely, ut.her ' wiau ti,uos will hu inatittlitul with
out!, cape tto iairauttt. .; JPH 1.
April '49 1846.
NOTAT Goods.
.§LININIot raccived
m9oli TW‘etlll;_ GNlntirfinhg_ SUTlner
- . - .
• 11 3 11 ;4 , ••• , Quiutiumitatoto 79.,kpmi • •
Gliagliqh4.l3lll7.ct itkoeicod
. - - ..7Mt - A:2,II,IIIARDS - 44 - 00. -
SAS ' - • • - '
C,F;*,,Ail kinds or Cpunry tAp- c in •eX
01ai!gercii. 0641114 b'eltz, l'O;rijkiktrfAy.ora,
irO'hopii!ciur catkihitio (ItOir pOrozscgil,'
I F .i)o.raY •
eye ui'it ••••• '•-•40•4!"-A":•ntoti4145iVo,1
'Ciltlekiri Opt Ilci7Nr:
;A prge:itOiqVticr,4it .azpris
or. tti..,eiwi. , i.6.oiiiraotkioti:‘imitv
'riqtoit — efeetveiriiii‘kide , lllo - ii - the Cheppllirug.
oitlratnitireirw) • - • IVW:-1-litiprettels4
- Soutar' & .IrobaCco.--
jusT teeaved;a,lsirgesitearlent of SfIGA.I2S,
of 046 ehOloesehrinds; with a ' eiy.iiiitieriVr lot of
t ivehdish , .. 4 'roblet4if wilikh!. :those 4 * . Nhierthe
weed will tled•lnawn eaTE;at the Dint 10 - WOOK
Store of may 11/-« , - 0. , . p.w;maviroak;.r,
, 11 1 1 1 1 1,1,
„11V§T,%reitikcil. A, lo VO4 p. rritnAnt Pt air.
lArwit,v osni.ctliOistl:lvr olltillie
tkeAlig AN1, 1 4;95,,a1r'L frOe-1,
. '
:ul b....Orplatuil , Co rt. , J.' ':
• -
At•a stated , piphani Court, began. if Wert .
• ,
inredtv,'Llie 2904'4, bfliiiiiii.ll346,and holden/
et Carliele,lo`;.CiiiiiiberlanOonfityebefere the .
Hom'SastOttaltraintiiAlcie giiii`t.: it (2 - 414 tyyt 4 ,_
JOME:StuaiGich . dl74": 3ll 4.ol:".,g4C;ammiate • -'.
Judge!, among titheiAlititiaile - foiliiwing'pre., 1
eeediiia Were had, to. wit.i . ..'!--'-7, ', Lt.' . - I•''' ' '-' - '2'
' In the ease or the wrieidlitlition' , of. 'alone • •
tiolieFri OR:Testate of DAYTIY,SPqNgGr.II,dpc'd - ,
the same having been Congtiabi ihe'ionit. ',. •
- Nowirrwrit-15thAtirlIelfri6;; OW aliatietrOt :
M. Todd, Rule on the heire liKdlogalfaitesen.
tatififirOfaiiiedeVd - Matil . t;T:lffileirSPoifiloralieL -- ' •
vid Spengler, George SppdalllE. Elvine, l intar
married withilorman :Longlidorf, atidilharleir."." •
Sponeler, to appeal...on theiftrit dey.of the next
stated Orphana',Couft,aPdLatleept, Or' tortilla •tn -
accept NI id,esiate eittlte=•Olunttou; '.o6isanar.
notice, or by writing left„ai; their Ace of abode.' -
.'o be given to,thoee living 'irithin forty mile. if.
Carlisle, and notice' to theme beyond that the,
fiance, by publicatioe In two newspapers . for
three suecosei.e {MI eeka. By the Court. '..
tluanballand county, se,, . j -- . •
hr 4, Ido certify ',..ricat..the above ie a true
0, copy of a, ,. fruis.4o t h e helm and
... 1 1; ~,,, r, legal reprwuntratva °I lionsui Spun.
4,, 431..e1i1e7, - deceaettl - r—Wirnen - rny - hand •
:"`''''' ' • end' the saal'of said .Court at Car
lido, the St,h - Of May, 1846. - .'.
JOHN GQ4.I3YEAR, 'Jr. Chief.
. ,
ar:l6 in 042 - 4 . tens' Ccnirt
At a statedOrpliagg_Court, begati oil Wetlitea-'
day, t h e .20th day 0r..111.41,1846, and cm•fifilC, tar CUmherlivrepuniy..before, the HMI.,
SAmum. I lEenens, Esq. P res - t. Judge, and Jciho'
:Stuart aunt T. (5. Miller, Eitors. f . i'stociide'iludgei„"
btu. and the following proceedings .. were .Itud,"vizt
lit the lase of - the urn of partition tool valua
tion tut the real estate 'of ARNOW) IiKFFLIE-
Ni AN, ilee'd, the satue having been confirmed by
the Coot 1,
dOth of April, 1816, on motion
Mr. Biddle, Hide on the heirs and legal reve-
.of Said cheesed, to. wit, Frederick,
John, Arnold, Elizabeth4lichael,--111ftry-,-Jacok--, --
and Sophia—Elizabiltit, mho was married to
Isenberger,—she nud, her husband are dead,leav
lag issne six eltildren, to wit, John, Jaciob, Re.;
!leers, Arnold, Henry and Mal' Isenberrer-- ,
Christian Long, :Slary Heintiman.n ithJaeobSwit,
.zer,—Sophia I lefflonan was Married to Henry
Sink, both of ahem are dead, :caring issue two
sons, to wit, Araoldl; ( who euttieyed his interest
to Ja - cult Nl' I tradefrattj and Jacob Stine—Micit'l
Ileflieman is also deed, tutoring Issue nix oitiklren,.'
to a it, .1 oho, Slit oh, married to Tliptuas Conly,
Elite, married to h uttiel Dotiittp, leavjog a child,.
William; Printers, married to the saitlibiniel
Dunlap; Michael and .illii:f1111 Heineman, to ap
pear in Court on the Ist day of the next stated
Orphans' Court, to wit: the lath day of Angus!
nest, atal..accept or 'refit hu to acceut said rout
estate at the saltudimit persimat notice, or by - -
writing telt at the pie of abode to be given to
hose lit it,g,.Jo the coUnty or within.forty miles at
.and by pulelieutiott for three weeks it.
two Dow %wipers, priated iu Carlisle, for those re
lading nut of the eou.ty anti beyond forty mites.
-- HI THE counT.
Cut:Aß:ol,nd ,:ratidy . ,.. 4
i. ,,. x tie
t i r Lo .
~L o u ltv i . t . j •o t r i laa t
i t t l u l e fo o l n vi i .val . gl iw it ine a .
,00,atik, legal - represent aloes - 131 A:ruold
Z ' Ili:Rieman, deeeabed. NS itues's wy
-o."14 '
laud and the seal 6f said -Court, at
' .1 % Catli.le; the lBth day of May, IS4
J. GOODYl , ..aktt, Jr. Clerk
The London Quarterly ' Mcview,
The rilinburgh lttYvie
The Tereign-Quarterly 29.evieur,
The 'Westminster Vievietv,-------
Blackwood's-Edinburgh Magazine.
. . ,
— Tiro-l'eficklicale — riLerepfitithilln - ',/sw - Yark,
immediately on their arrival by the%bib steamer',
in e. beisuthill cgar type, on tine white paper, and are
sitiiful copies of the origlnale—littenwoon'e Mat -
TINE being an exact foe-simile of the Edinburg edition.
,i;! . .itle,-slirend fame of.theee splendid Perhitlicals
rere ILueediess to say web. in their praise. As
liceet-y...siatte, they 'fend far in advance orany work.
"Of a similar stamp now published, while the political
complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candor and
forbearance nut often found in works of u party chart
They einlirace the views of the threegreat parties
in 7,npla !Id—Whig. Tory, and Radical —" !necklet:tool:
and the London Quarterly" are Tot y; the 4 . Edie
burgh Review," Whig; and the Westntinister,"
Foreign Quarterly" is purely Lterury
being devoted principally to criticisms on to digit Con.
The prices of the Ito-PRINTS are less than one.third
of those of the foreign copies, and while they are equ.
ally it ell got up. they afford all that advantage to the
American over the English reader.
0 , TERMS: .
For any one or the four Reviews, 83,00 pet eetteet
Fur any two, ilo. . 5,00
For any three, - do.
For all lour of the Reviews, 8,00
For Blackwood's 51:Igraine,
For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,W
. .
Four copies of any or ull of the above works Will b
. mmi
lion fur three—the four 0' copy •being• gratis
t* . Remittance and comm:identions must be made
in all cases without expense to chi . paratifieta.L.The
former muy always be done through a Post-manor by
handing him the amount to be remitted, taking his re
ceipt and forwarding the receipt by - until, - Tost-paid ;
• or the money may be enclosed in a letter, Pner•Paur
directed to the publishers.
N. 1.1:-The Postage on all these Portedkali la rade
cad by the kilo Post,Oilios law, to about obi third the
4•rmer rates, muking.a very importantaaving in the
expense to ;nail ibbscribers. • "
••• In all the priaejpal . eities add Towne 'throughout
the United etuteeiii*lllo; there is a direotAali- 1 1pad
or Water contnin Aleutian ftoin the city • w:Ytirk
theta periodicali be ;Mitered • EitEr,."o 7 , pole
'• LEONAIID SCOPT,./c CO., Publlshers;?'
112 Fulton et. New.,York,;
- - .
,STILLY 1106 S. -
O.TRAYEP away Noin'the . - subscriber, Not
. 0, on the'farta .3' Antliony,,Viesburit, oa . the
e x 5,.......
.' :. ; -:',.. - t.,.- -;-,...- ',.::--- Toed .linitileOivin' J.
. ,:...' •-" . i.K.1 7 -,: - -- , ----c:',. l -.. I'dol's lei/514_10 - 11w
• ; ' , fp. ` - , - ,,.zr:i...;,... Ithretifieikee;"ee - th e
.---', •17thel 'MAY' it RED
.46411111101%. sp4l.a WHI IE. Bee.
. .' • 'el ~...,.....,...., iimi; row Shoot ; tg. ti. white
..."-''''',-.7.:--L'''' L'..;:-.-:-.t... 4 - , .....-,.., SOW, (purt.China,)
iV" , '" , -, - .,....; '- .Supriosed to itie.„.witti
~.". of - ..; - , -t.:, • -----.---.... ing,..ana - tteliliii - ving
n slit in 'the. tight 64,7' Nny , persotfiftitii4o - o° . Said '
hogs,.anil girtakiiotiea ofAtieir whersqiiiontitAill
receive the thiiiiks of thit:ifianer,..with.all re:patina,
tile eliarge . v., , . . NitAIIOiIiV_WYNKOO,P ,
' Nri .. estventisliato'tp;Juno,3; Itlo4'i;'),"_,•: ~..: . ..
• ,
Copit of tho 1.1. - ,,States;: for, the
•'lE.4sterti:r.llii - t• bit of. 1?L. sylv on io.. ;,.
oliatt. or. Alio,1 1 ;.i 1 4 0 (ints Miller. nl
JUTprMKlYugh,u .. ll* . ely4 - iiki - Gtiutierlittid - ii . o9lith --
tons-.+iitereWuil lirulut.-b3 notified
t . hat ,woociunk.,4l/44ruilkon,fAitOO;o1; ;; :telqgOOe.
liiiolfated; laic mope Court re.
ogirol notion, - Hiljunfmerit AOR re. •
:part;oud hoto 4004 mod •Satordo . y.ll4 , l3th - day ; _
au fot , o• hoOr ing of the:out:at
frokitiog- Publio Squp•o r i•the , m:ear , , ”.I . leZ
T co.ok't ,}# go se. Corn 5i0.,, ,, iie.e.A1 1 :.: 1 !!tV•f.,qq .,, P1 ,4 t'1?,
od'y;!hsy proper. ,._, •
. - .., •
ClOileio Ain't' 3 . 16403: •
N 'co!sort mon C. of G
'4l for 'silo by." '
Anw ,
. iirkie r'l ddi 100 1 - 0 04 illitorf an' ) 1 0 L .' 4tll,
Aousolultaht,litkicips, Itt Pli4l
14 0 0100L".11/4beil#1111119Vtc_.,/,.:;)_,t ,
7 Autn!,4%l.-,,,,,...vi5Ati15•
*Ol,--,w4Ql-c4t,4lo6th* •
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