. . .. . . . . . . ' , . 4, :.1 14 ! .0 -W ,, vm , ' ,?,,,, , , ,ierr" , ' , .:. ,, F2-", , -, , vr ,,,,,,,,,, .. ,, ....g.. , 6*.. 4, .:•...,...t0t...."., , ,v0 r f.k.......wra...fi010mi0r...4....,0mV.,,,M4...."41impaityreeiVe5.7 , kermry.ry!,..4..+1.5., . tVitAfatriblvnlmAgidlermgeifoctii.tscrlV , :o44"l3s4o,4o: _AM,tll4s4 . 4 l, Cre.. /'#t,61.,t4Pgi0k0p .. 4.., ... _.... • . -, . . ~„_,,...........,..„,„„ , , .. - . . ~ ... . .. ~ M - 11 - 4 - Wk SENS OdUai - IS rtPi‘TEtligir;.JUN.E. p);, ,- . 046 t _:,....***tonrr.—alienarrisburg Union•says, :iKl7l4o,Ylp,p',r,,,.conteMporaries anxiously hold outAlik„ . : ea that West Point Academy had tiothiiiitb.do with our victories. on the Rio Grande.,:We would, however, ask Abase 13f.:tAtyemeri what enabled our little army Jo trinfittkeireir such fearful odds? Was it not :,their•perfeation in military science?, And viis.can 036 no difference as to whether that perfection warizabtained at West Point or in years . of hard service in the field.—Let us do AUstitio: to _West Point—let us have all the litilitary skill that can be drawn from its an ,.eient halls, and from the vigorous minds of , gin scientific countrymen, ,aitsl when this is united with-American energy;buterprise and eouragdove-can bid defiance to the svorld.' 4 FINNEGAN AnrtEsTzo.—The Gettysburg Sentinel . says:—"lt gives us pleasure to state that this individual, who entered our county last fall and kidnapptid afamily of colored flersensfrorn Menallen township, and against -- rliotriticatTiriaTfryfbiliicra tiu - e - bill for the net, was arrested oti Wednesday evening .last, by the sheriff of this county, and com mitted-to prison," Finnegan is, we believe, a constable of Washington county, Md., who Maims a business of arres . Mg slav_es., , , _ 11~ to thq,?lst inst:, four complete reg iments had departed from New Orleans for — tho - seut-o A, a,. We--obserVe-that-the-ga l lant officers, who have already fought, ar • roceivingoomplimentarY,swords, and other testimonies, from their frion&. (e-The Pope has created Dr. John 111c ___Lapghlio;_gpnlmandant of the Hudson Bay 'Corriparty beyond the - P.ocky . 111ountains 3 Chevalier of the Order of St. Gregeiry. His -Holiness has centered the honor in acknowl .' edgment of the services rendered by tho Poetor in the 'cause of religion since the ar rival of the missiOnaries ill Oregon, Aceounts from various parts of Maryland and Virginia, mention very great destruction in the wheat-fields, by the fressian fIY. - Qtr. The Legislature of New Hampshiro-is to. assemble on Wednesday nett. The see- . siert Will be an interesting.one,and first atzong. - its important duties, will he the choice of . a Governor, and a United. States,Senator.-- Halo will, no doubt, be the choice for the latter station. The Natchez (Miss.) Pree Trader says that 36 persons were killed by the-tornado-at Grenada, ;Ind 50 wounded, many of them fatally. They have 'been luxuriating " greer oorn" in New Orleans. I:E'‘ MMS 9 suited to the Country as well as City Trade.— Ilc continues the system of "110 abatement of prices." which he hire pursued for the past ten' years, and desirea to call the special attention of the public, to it as the nnly true system of re tail bnfintss, and which is decidedly to the in torekt of the purchaser to promote. It is quite time the fraudulent practice of asking a high price, and abating to make the purchasers ho. lieve• they are the " favoured few," %vela done away with, rier:nine tierce oulorlerOlre.9 are made to pay a higher price (however great the reduction,) than the like style and quality can be purchased at the " Onorice Store." A. rt. M. is in regular receipt . of the newest and cheapest aresoriatile goods, - end when any article depreciates in value the-price is at nose marked d.,wn so low That it cannot be undersold. ty t h ta.rquitern_the—purabarar nit alLtimea_ buy with confidence and ollikinetion. and with out waste or tittle in 'melees bargaining. tie has at this time a complc‘e assortment of • EZ3 Or4drx OF THE CAP OF LIDEETY.—In former • n Ottoman Pour de Snit. Commodore Connor is said to be a native of Mifflin county, Pa. Tho Bill : for the increase of the rank and of:the Army, makes an increase to our Army of abcut 'OOO. . ' The citizens at aw Orleans have despatch ed to j"4.7lht Isabel in the - tteamship Alabama, a fine 'steed for Capt. Walker, the gallant Tex as Ranger, They have also opened a sub scription' to procure him an elegy t sword. There- are n in the i•arious armories of the United States— all ready to load and fire. onora e, caps .ecame By degrees it became ages, o age was emblems of honor. the badge of freedom, for none were deemed honorable who wore not free, and when'a ' slave, was made a freeman, he had a cap given to him, which its mat permitted to wear in public. The Pilius or the cap of Liberty, was simptelit itg form;in the shape , of a sugar loaf, broad - tit:the base and endiiig in acove. This .prefigures that freedom stands on the broad , basis of humanity, and runs .up to a pyramid, e.embletn.of eternity, it ought to lasi:forever. It was sim . pie. Tor.Lqiiirty-iciii:itifelf the most shining• niMaynent of man. , „Ithiiighone of •theOlded trappings of despoisth. 'The Cap of-LibertY • was white, the native color of the und,ed x , showing . that it should ho untainted by lac lidn'.or tyrant. . , " ,ROVGII AND RICADS',: 2 --ThiiAsllle •orippellation by which the gallant .Gen. Tay : rin,svill'herealler be known; We have men •,exceedingly 7 Btrack with one eentene.o;in his --- offrei4l - slepateb,. dated : . Nlity3rth7lif - beicife ho leff:Point. Isabal, and the slay preceding' _bis.fikarbattle t eve, the enemy op 7 pixie my maridi in Sehateve jOyie, I shall fight hili":::"Tfiereziec , plain , and 'direct iaiirit fhb - 8400race which indicates the.isharaoter Of. the writer=-4..inenof few' words, - 'and of prompt atiti Itiarle - si action. Tim crisis de "rriandOd: fif,titti',Without - ,regard f : m thit-tirisii; and lie r.ibtain, pit iii c ,ovtikcir,:c .r ‘vbicii,t4e4.ilive:Arniy 136601. 7 : cd •allant IfpfcV=Balt: pat. . - - U, :s.:.S.ohniet-in"roon shieralon of iished "services this galtant- , 05 . 01(40,:ha5:-Irodiletia: , hig country; , ii rrionali? don 119tridatiOn s made. I:?,ltlol',Tindiirarfaisinti, him to; the brevet This d'jtist • Tyr:l9;4l4i ialuilesa;al/sown in: , and honOrable Oborkthe (Canna 0f,.1,,Vdr 4uis•ftirowri i oatitspondont of 3)t - ofhat , lesio +.171\ a9Ftlfairtitz' 'I6IIW ClciiiiatottMaya, ilk , ;" -i-W " I "I d the Ameriotiti . Genoral as, V' t' O hi ll k . f ie' l l i Pfel lii n n 'v`; " -ta ilOri - 0 0 ) 41 "/!: -' ' ''tftifli''''tlll ' -VI - a' 4: - T4l/ofaztia make a moor. 5 44 -",""ifiali_ekili 4ftiiid4itaa,stailltt,titkr,!7; 4 , iu:00,4 1 443',.- ' 7 ll A a/ f 4 X P ., N t -:":A' -' Rntri1ii......._,,..,—:_......, ...' "'''-irtellk Ives intl4.todtl9, n wisi . tbe,firle ~_. or btpas-, ~444 kw, L I sr , eittier P.T. ,AN..4... . h ^ 0 , .. , IttrrM•Z ) ' ORM ia sont,a lo .7. d i l ,a , V o kiat• o thereby , on r' o ed am Jibe St 11 7,, '''4l' t''''' A SiOr "" 1 " bli irdul once yill be'glY", t li f g r '4l4lslll4l°"fart " P l i t:L taint be settled ' r * r tittinfin,gr'6o9°•SAcopsENEll:, •,",,sn al 4 ' l , , .'f' , '',` , ~,,,,,,, .t-Ifr: •T4' "wit Othligat(•_ . _,, ~ I , ~;, ,t'.4...,a, '4" . l• l i ,k w4Catlialai MM'' ' . 6 ", ''''''lo.l.l *'. ifit°' Wit''''-' ''''''' lig ‘ lB' ito 6 .llo l.'' 4 fteZ l ine -, of 6rLoinklit•,4, TELlitlu :41lak717iirt; iirt,k,ivioti atiAN :'',,,,,, ~-, . .. 'V) , -,1" I:lP4;.J''`'''', , i . ~-' 44, r . r . L , ,• ' s 1 ,91 .I.' ._ .'y ~..,,,...„ ... .,: _ : i,,. : .:.....,.,„ :, , ._..,, ~,,•,_.4.)., ..,..,,,,,,,'.........;,....,,,,;:ii•:,-T.144,4•;1i ~ ,1 - ..4 , 4 , %,, — .l , . N* ,:: ~. n..- 'l , 'MS/ 20 •11,,- ,-, :,**Arli L ., -.' , ."111;!: lI,Zi. Vt..ri D 01 ••••,,,,LD , -.-v-r-irm ~,, , • „.„,.....:, .„,..„..5.„,-., ..., ty, 7-- Y" p' . .t . •'• ••••• ,-.., ------' • 1•. - S'. - . '-'-'•,=-- - ••- , 7 2-..,,,,-;.-.. - , -,•:,-- • :.1:;1 0 H , - ..- . - •-•_ 2- .-• •, \s' -.•:. J .,.si. st.,-.: ----Iw o •',-- -- ~,,. -,4 ,': , ; V. ...Pt , ' = .. t:.?. 4434?;.:4. ...,,z, . . :', -' '.,_ ..` . ... ,-. , F. T ., .. :. ~'1,,, , ,,,:';•:, „ ~ ,1' , !: 0,L•320..V.,%,;,% 4: tVtit" 5 ='.,:::::,., !'•-•:'4 Y'' ';. -4. '''''t '';' ' ''..'''' ' ''' .'''''.ii;•A . a . :i.' ititlyii 11 , ,C.:,'4 . - c.,-,i:"-,,1 ' MOTHER IR SU-A ftistiv..., ~,..,..--y.-,. ~....,.—........!.1., -,',.,f---,-------7.'-..'.'".''.4' '''''.en . ' =^' - 44,:'...* - 1 4 V.. TEVENSON & METIAFFEY respectftilly iiiltirtp , tiiciFdustorners end friernitlliiit•they , . 1.0 hove received, in aidditiint,:to their 'fernier. 5T09, 4 , , tthtige . , and well' Beletedresiritt.l - . • - -T ' -'.'"' .--'',.:.`=-11-4,-'-'.Nt',-,.. EN= • -- DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLOSS, ~P,PARRIMIES,‘PrE4T,VPM, CHENICVILS, MEDICLVES!,? , H_ 4019.9 RE, CLES, P. 9 TENT MEDIC IN4A-5 1 ;;0 CTITS' . S 'Pa PIO Ikra R 17, • 4-c: • 4 4 c. ,S•d: • •, .• • They return thanks to the community for their%Otitrottakti, hitherto renewed ororts and elose.aitention I.l4nsfacett; tO'nfOrtOrlafiter share of-pahltAiapprolitition Thais purchuses a.nve been mode w}l44riat cor,o;':Vid'Ate artialesi . bonghfop the most rca-' oriable 'toms, so that they can be diolioirTP.of.Loicin they can 'iitV.ltritf2aliellihatir„in,thtt: cOunty..:•• • • ' The Ladies aro apprised pat n.largelarge ,most choice vartely otruney44,4ntes.'Plku'..&l9 ll onit` have hecn received and are HOW ready either for exhibuion : tir sale., Carlisle; April 1846. • - aeMovitail Quick Sales and. small ,Profits !" - OITE RS lags remoyea hts - DRUG_ AND BOOK STORE- . . . . O the large room on High Stmet, owned by Mrs. Knox, find nearYilippositictlytMeltoiliite lEpiscopal Church. He „ill in future give all his lime' (when ..itatengagefl in" ProlessiOnnl, duties) to the interento of his Store. mid having secured-the atty.iee .4irratAluLaidlptlidkOtteed ssistant a, lie confidently misfires his friends and ;he publioithattheir akdeetkand preset ilipOttaaltill. have the mostsccurnte attention. . t . ' '' . . . ', '..-',. ~..4. - - ',: ill it. NI N' Elt S also illlUilllN his friends dud in addition. toliS former liege asioarneni . " Orirk. li RUG 5.,.80 01CS;' — '' : .................. .-:-2 ---, - . • . . . • P., 1 IArTS, . (School and Illiscellancon.o:) ., 'T . . OILS, • ' CORNELIUS' L 4 RI) LailIPS _ _ . - ,D3 F E- STU FF.'S; ST./I T10N.9 Rr, spicles,._ -r, . FRUITS, Fel 'NCIr .1 R TICI ES , , , P.ER F II 11l ER lf, 44..4.e. lie lit, just opene(La splendid asset tment of. FAMILY GROCERIES, of every variety and prices, and as he intends doing business upon the popular terms of " Quick sales and small profits," he is deternlined to sell Groceries and every other article as low as they can be sohrin Carlisle. De give a general invitation to his friemis.to call. .. Q(}-For the accommodation Or hill friends, Dr. .Myurs's Drug Store will be open at all hours on Sundays for the lilth, Ot.. MF.DICINEII ONLY. . ... . -Carlisle April '22,1946. • . '.. ' Carlisle GEORQE R GrOneries, in CROOKS is just receiviiil the room lately occupied by . Mr, Thomas H. Skiles, in West High street, el:mei - sting in plat of the different qualities of • ~ Sugar, Coffee, Tea,' gamma ...are, . heel Sperm Oil, Imrd - 011; - Fi ne Oil and Whale Oil. Ilnme. Dried firer, M. elteral, Shod, .lier. ring, Salmnn•andcod fish, Reg.otto hox,finsins,corran'hi,. ! Svieas of nil kiiiits;_l'anps , and diner 0 tips, nth ninny other articles loO'llilltlerOUS . , t7O - nienrion, rill of .eliich ho 0 ill MI at the oweet rossihle rates. _ _ N. 13. AllAwla of merchantahle-producc taken in exchange fur Gyoreries. - - Carlislc,.April 29,1846. • . , - ' . Truth is mighty and wilt prevail ! • . A. B. MOM-ALL,. No. 186 Chesnut street, between Seventh and Eigth streets; PhILADELT S now prepared to oiler Wholesale and Retail, a large assortment of FANCY and Srarta Mantua, Gros de Rhine, Armlye. an Dress and Mantilla Silly; - .. • • . - Fancy Dress Silks, from - 44 ets. to 52,25 net. yard, including all the variety of Unproven and useful styles and combinntion-of colors. Lining Silks,.Foulurd Silks, Silk Gingham• " LAWNS AND ORGANDIES. ' tycLLutvnoainitmrdiess of he. newest andmost aperovcd style, as well nn the, cheapest in the market. Also, Scotch Lawri's, nt very low piicen.. . , FRENCIX GINGIi IMS, .Or Ow new desigsio. Alen, Scotch Ginghoms and .GinglinertAnwne,"very FArlaton ayid Munchester Gingh re, lur chit; (ken's wear,•• ' ' . • . • FRENCH CHINTZES Light, medium. and d.iik cOtore,-4-4 wide.— Also, best make American (Minis and Calicoes, of the new paterini, at I eta. pct MOUSELINDE LAMES (Mho most - Aplendid Ombra.and Friutod style, down to tho Froneli, English and,,Americalltat 125 ctsTporyard. •BAREGeS'AND BNIZORINES, , . . •-• o ' rell.qualities..ohd.everY i vrtriV-ofdexizna, suited 'to all 'Wiles": 'Also; iitibraidtiPd' arid caltrititaltodßobar;; flyatinta sod PolkiraieSics.; emb'd Swiss' 'Muslin' end 'llishnittLatiort pottarns-Titrltddits and 'Col'd pleid '-andiditpa Swiss Muslim.. WHITE GOODS Plain '-.67441110.1; Jnecanet, Cam bric, Bunk; nnqpnrielon ;17n.lsnp, norbad and fig!d Canibilin and ,Swifi.s - do:11318!" pinlit7; r N ''FIOTEL' ,:, ." - ` 7 "-W. 4 1... R- ,',-- - • .. ',.. , ?. ~. eo . : ' - '...; .s - ' - '".: , * siiti*ri RN ; : o p llcAvar p ,SzSAn , Al43o4 l. l ,_„ .. . ~, ,. f , ,,: , g,., r' ; ' ~:. :;.'lf,ii)lr 1 40- 1 * . i : !:: - i-:.. , •;(.i.: -,, .. :... • -, L ...'', : Tfig,qiihsribcr; /liii..the INFWErt ~7.41,-i,;.int i nforming biltr;on.clii,ati!i,thp: ',''')' ii ti. ', nutilic. gencr,iillk, Abat. , ,!ie lies , EL.. '''l , l , r l, ' '''' ' ken tise tlo9i,ong 0 . 10 4 191104 ' L ' . 2 " ---- • -"; ..r. '''4i l tlx Itfipt ' by. Aly. John'. and :papa 0 ! , n 1 . 9 . t ‘ . 1f , .", ', iidea)iieettyii,tli ' U. Wii ; l Ebilie 0 0 , PPNA n gl:, l ° e iti:ALiiinkinriF4 hitt' ,Ibt r :ffiCani lP ie N i gk l F' o i l' r ge .. , iji(iliti*lit) :call ~hill On qa n d e it' ,, tr il ill . in o e thankful.ri e for ii,_..ioio.iloo or 1161111111Tilicitrimage. 4.rfiruilaPt"b"rdi!lgt: 14,y r :The . 'Hutiie; Ili 3 sciti,,neeafpz:lu!.. ;: ~ ~.,„ - . c,._l ol ' Zlii3O•o4* V . ' . '. i ' i 'z ii i i i i :4ic § i A elie .•i di 4 „ A l .•. nj l ia; care. tut:o:thili aidiylivi,Nnocr•;,ljortl&akin al !Wiry-ai SU toimonto,,?',, -'4MiuiTiclol,lW4A#o4NW:'",,; ..ij: 1 Q....l,4F9l94ol)l,!eViCtellibr 61W't k i:"; . , : S"A i!.arid, iboon•jiirroplor)ial . " • ge , ,,•4;4.!,' toi Ar** 7 4 ll Wfig # l - : . lOt off'r. . lorinotion. Alini4 T ulkoT 4 Carii 3143 :1 31 1 18 / ;' ' - 7 • s~3ife ?.5~~~~'~(' NU ~..',.',.,',;7 : ;‘,, , :,"..,":, ; :j. , ,'.:.;,.i.; ' ,i ,. P.'. ; ' ,..; ' ,.,..:'i,,':! , . `,- Ili LawnsYrench Linen Cnmbric• and I.iuen Lau en., cheap Ain. ing owl Sheaing Mutdinu, und nuperiur Long. Cloth Shirting. INIM.:IINiNG GOODS. Impin's Bombazines of all nonliti,s, and the various shades or Binelc, sooniner Born ha OWII4I - Brillinntes, Silk and Cotton,Warp Alpabcas, Mouselin de Lames, Ft 'rect.., Halzoeines, Marques°, Grenadines, Ginghams, Lawns, Crapes,Crape and Love or I.ebse Veils, Kid and Gloree, Hosiery, Plain Silk, Glacia, Otto. man, Thibet, Mirage and 'twisted Silk SI/UWIS- Scurfs and CrAYiltS French, Cashmere Tong and square Shawls, Brodie do., Pruned Bnrege.,•l'hihet and Terkel-- ri do, Glaeia, Twisted Silk: Grenadine. Hernu -ni- nod Ntrdiair dri.;udd Inw priced do• Silk, Grenadine, Mirage, and other long and short Scur6i. Also,Cravais. and Curdinulv, or new styles. IBROIDERI EF AND LACES. F:uth'il cap. Collara, Spencer m and Cherni. lefts, nndcr Sleeves and ruo4, English and French Thread Lncea , Kfig I rigil and Insertinge, t ',leo, um Swim. and 0,1111)H. (1,,, Black mid White Lncc 'Voilp, Leer. Shawls bilk &aria, wide Blnek La ces for Muntilluii, and"Senrfo, and Black Brun brie Lace, for tritnniing do.and drepapa.,, A Iso, English whits, dud black iibb'd; .emb'd open worked, rind plain 'Silk, 'Hosier.% ; white and black half.llpsa v ribli'd and phiinvsoun-Silk. and raw Silk, do; also, Englitill end Skrnis white, colored, and unbleached Cotton do ; ribb'd emb'n clocked, and open worked; also, Children'e Cottnn do., find Ladies white and un bleached Lisle Thread, do., of verlogiOlualiiieri; a ecarce and dearrihlo article , enind.hcir Hoak.' ry"of various deseriptiOa. , _ LINEN," DAA.BRIC AND, LAWN 'Plnin, cardod'hurdered, riviorr.,.musiquer, and omb'd tuien,,combrio and Lawn Handkarahlfm,, frorn.l2k.rti,•to sat nadir. Also; Bage,;Pul*,, Green linrego - for Venn, Gauze Noilnr"llla#.! Lind), Lead cni'd andAro..wpdo.,; , .l%ji,tr::Aliiii,r Rim, 6c. " • " FOR GENTLEMEN. - "••••*f All the now . Searle and thOad.'and,othet Gl4ias; Cotton haw Lip6,Pimbrid POoket naidicieblets,sospepders, •rot can fi . nd:at Itr.DISIIALL'S.Ne;;:If 4 B: Oheenbt street, almost every attiole,lp Goode that„you :tequite, and at .prjOes. low, it not low • or;,thnn ' olsewhcr , ;( iT?e' Td tits. OTT N N EST TO EINLL CON AfT=ri OitikIiNAIN.NODIONOtr- tho;:netvont.apitobOopuot. goods, you will . Imi sure:OP b6ini roguleri you ;are . Invited to call and, juitiov.fiiie ; ursllf j or, elphin, May 13.1846., ~,,,,, 0, - --- , , ,„,-, ~,: • goigN ,W. 33 1 1 1WATITP, tl r: , Ts P,SPECTPLILLY Informs the' Outdia", dot ' lutifogfoiletted;efiofFiee In' Smith ^iflinpeer street; 'Ally Opposite file Post Glfloe,:he , hilre.' ~t iared to prectice i)ENTisi 11.1 , , hi all ,ini bran. elms., • Good Teethiire eletentielin health, b es td' o p tioturiti or, artificial , oinfl ate .nOC 00 ME,, 'usefullb"l ornatunntaliaro wild materially, tl t he CO' t ga , the , weeren--li need not--be l eteled l ndkat , ,can-be dque to the ice,th. solliee it to fay thltretferß defect can be remedied, Aoki:ply Teptli furnished - 4'mM it , single'/me to ail inttrti set.' 'Gat Inc , lied °onside,- • table lii•tatae. for:it number or i eali,Adotr eefer oneeke,lll;lnTl giTtefOto iiiiih.oe requiter; enr o bet the, buntprpot,ln Om Operation, whinh _wilt; it , CI oso i l 'b e 41 performed . klit' mqst curctut-MAnnet and At, prmen to, suit , the occasion and'ilm, Owe, p e ye en e welic4 on, iilltiodr.,retddeneekselthet , In: .41M.Pc,nountrYe4v/thout ,, etitranliygp v ,..ge mil -4 ,111 1.1 m 1 V 0141 7g 11 , 11 flOoffirkIII)0, or .14K - Ille :I'oo9 40111 P,l4;strett, Ono dpec ItcEilt 4qt:inlet's' t Ivel•postire. ' •', ' '' ' "" ' ‘ ' g,.• lie 'till Alen pi‘ximptly attend i s o tlntrepalrles id Watclkkeift/ /041117.511, big Orts 4 '^lo , oPoill Mop. i le cle , r , liefoft , ' , ttlittog4o l lA , Vrti needr, eau telL 1 7t. 410113,1 1 1 And ',WIN ' 4 iteo l o lo lo r• ilia ‘+, , iii4ehir bon receive tiiill'hkfitiy.no) its a 'ltYnft e rObfrA fittfielo r '''...t.tt:''Z'A i'''!.,' 16415 ;4 ,:';-'f,. , ' A , great itairinly iirillietliteltint iceetretl And ~41, A n, lifieW 3 rAlt 4 4 ,7 ,,bl l !:'" , 4° - '' ';' ,c -,,- . '•(''' ":" . 4. 1 : N : c :: 1 ' ,. .-1 , r , '"t".ll:' , :ff .1 ‘.,,..:4,"/. t . ... _~.. _. `. ~y, BM ME IM Grocery. SHAWLS AND SCARFS 40pIERY. , ... 1 1,, , i .. ....1iii::;11::iii . t o ,'" ,2 t 1 . ..1i tt :, - . 1 4 , •: c , '..i. 0 , iii.., 0 ; - " ,- . . i. ,: i., , ,. .:1,. , ,,....... - : - • , ~....,..4,........ • • • .„.4. •• - 7 ----....,=---. --., -------..i •::-/OOK , ,BINDINGA M NWOLANK. WORK •'' '`. , 2 , .; - ',••• • - NIANIV-ards.at - : • 7 144t4'''' , :•:'-:'4,;';' , :' - - . • ~,,, ~,.,..., ; l *Pgiiri l l Fr P t cn g 7.l l', !kr o4 1 t e !., , • : 1 43.1 zdnko 'ISe. an ',it 10 ~tav n 1 g' IteSui44 ..; itetieldtliri,ittfpayattiti,ftktlte..,t,telistone. '.. ' bi...:4K:1.01:31. - GrahaM.Eidpi . lif•Bouth 'Hanover ltfeet,direk tly• opposite - . thTPost: If Nice, tioir - i -- Dw ' 'Oreliklid'4s4 - do all ' 4 ltifills• Of :Fiala' tied' 'F hey: 11 ILlii,frifiIll'':1•;' '''''''; : i.l..f'.j.'' '.'• -•-'-''-':''' • '' .- ' . %sEitgliiii , Frenoli:or Cte StslC - 7 . , Bdirkrtebbund irt. Vetrietj'F,ille' iir. , lt, - .li4s . itryrah , ' .. !';''''''' l4. ' 4 ''' ' ' 'Git edgrrig • .-- 4- ,-. Gehtleiderisiiibrtiries neatilifittettpp.atitfrePalr& .ed..:Q-Ilf , tisi a and '. peri odica Is lboond to,pn`tient— .k.adieti ~ Scrap ,Books,„ Albums Itud '' .Portfoltos .Pf.allifescripticipsmsde to order. "„ a ' - .• . . ' •':'' .F ! t ; ; ' .'- '''''lll.A.Kli WORE- )j...,04iii also, In •• - • :roflll , retitutty Officers, Ale,kchitP!ti and, Banks, tlitifhiija'allialtrepa - -rffid - ,:, tit .MU tinfacturP , --'BL'ANK ..•WB If 8., of: 'everrileforipti9ti'Auai 1 7 .... 7 -.. 7 ,-- , Hi Dotikifs; Itectirds,"lßtell.:Beroks — , Day-liotiki, Lidget;s,Journals, kliffilorandutnit; Check"-(tolls, llte4 °fate. finesuiptality,of limier. iii a lityle•eiral 'oitity.faitile in the chi es- of. rhiladeiphitt cir IS ew `York Oh the most:reasonable terms. ,- • - •• -., • Files of Falters.bound up.at reasonable rates 'C.-• Hi , resPectfully solicits the patronage of the ptiblie,Unnfidetit of tieing able to do all %resit in a. Jape satisfiictory to his customers.. - Febf 1-6mr ' - tii • MEM LOU-DON'S CHEAP 'BOOK & GROCERY STORE, Hli Suhicriber has received and reeert eon atdidfx. en hand a mend., nesniquient elf te Bell weduceirprices.. Purchasers call he anti plied lEdiles; Police &c. at the following rates. . LEamily Bibles, Good School Bibles, Good School Testumenta‘ 2-2 Pocket Whim; morocco gill edges I,oo' School. [rooks all the , •-enet al kinds in 010 ortr.-“- portninablyllh s stationary Is gOod.tinto ay, also a good assortnnent „of - 14Ithograohie Prints, Toy 'looks and Books' 'daps. tie also oar* ion the Dobk flint n ',bastitess where 'tiel.soils ban Intie (heti old books ilebOnnd, aisn - ltiank Bongs, Dockets an. made to order. The subscriher in connection with Isla Book and Stationary Store, Intaestaiblished a FILIVEILir GROCIIRY HE has now on hand ii large and ..c k an general assortment of fresh GroCeries, jr lan spices &c. ofevsty desciiption and of N N I I the best quality, selected with care In the city, and which he is enabled to sell at reduced cash prices to suit the times. Thank forfor the patronage extended to him Miring the few days he hue been in the busi. nes§, he. hopes by attention and endeavoring to please to -merit a Continuance thereof, his stook in pelf consistit_ef: . • P'Strong Rio and Java Coffee, ' • - ' Beat and 2d quality Loaf Sugar, Brown, white, Havant-and crtuddld Sugajs • young ftysor, Imperial and filed Teal. Sugar Reuse Syrup and New Orleans Ate. lasses flestAnd 2d beet Sperm. Oil. Sperm and . "Moold Candles.. Spices of_rill kinds-fresh ground and-ringround, Chorus and Crackers, Lemons, Mace, Citron, Indigo, Starch, 'Saltpetre, Lngsvond, American arid London mustard, Rice, lltvcriathie cud Ha. kers hest Chocolate, Raisins, Almonds and burls. Crockery; and Glass ware. Alsoßrush es, Tubs, Baskets Churns, Brooms, Bed cords, Miters, Ploughlines, Masons and Carpenters Lines, Market Bushels, Best Cavendish and other. chow irg _and - rotiotti_ng -T:etttr.tte; Span• Mi. half Spanish and Common Segars. A general assortment of good Spool cotton; thread, tapes, thimbles, hooks & ayes, Pearl but ens,. pins and needlestorith - brushes,. hair brushes °oaths, pewter sand, shoe blacking and a variety other useful orticlea. Also No: I & 2 mnekerel,sonlced Iferring,'SalMuniCranbiirrias, dried fteet &c. December 10, 1845. REMOVED! REMOVED!! . lINF.EDLER has removed his JOSEPH cheap Book and Periodical Store, in West High street, next door to Heeletit's Hotel, where ho intends to keep it general assortment of School, Miscellaneous and Theologidal !looks. Also, a !Argo assortment ofall'ilm cheap publi• cations of the day. Joseidult. Knoiidler feeli than k fdl fertile, potronagelieretoilma'-bestow ed, and hopes kor.Ccelve a continuance o! the same. The above notice I hope will suffice', fort as sure you I do not wish to wake up the dead, or iry other.words to speak illy of,onapty boxes. 846: - A Card. THE undersigned. thankful for past favors, n would respectfully announce to his friends and the public in gencral, that ho 11AP NOT die. some tnalicious person or persons have report ed, to facilitate their own business and;injure him.' lie therefore•annonnees that' 116 always keepu eti hand fine , FAMILY„, , BREAD,...made Af,tlio,,lxist bread . stuffsy , iihro,',Caxas &CRACK. scas;Uviride ;order;:an d „cons la n riik-liand. • 11,Y.Striet attention to buidness andCustorndru„ he hopes to have a continuance of public put., runup at r tho.old.stand-in.North Hanov.or street. S. F. GAENSLgN. , • , New Style Shawls vid-Se4rfs. ITST iceelve . d, a 'splendid assortment of E . ;,, gyplialn Baran and Monad° Labia Shawls', Ihiraze Snarls; which Rill be sold,loW for cash at ‘tLe s tore of ..A.II,NOLD. "C 11 arllsle A 01 . 1 :5, , - fassiAlErups. VESTINGS.• ApiAtillutvilEs, YpyriN9p; 7 :4,Nrgo ihincy;pew just icoeiVod un !'for tiWprthinitillyloW; a *, . J, A QUPPINCIILA. MPY 2 0 .• r SSELVS: ERFUIVIES. , l2iPClLlNE,;PikitOoorne,E4troidiroiliaqd" , LII"./Orchlgs. smcliett's.ColognO in kottlee,and. 6390 k pint, lOse. and,Onont , Ens' Soaps, gone Tooth Ponii, and, Olron!nlgio HMO?. forithe Tentl!, Jost nnil for'sale Sierctigiop.U.Nchuirey,, , . • A, good innioi•tiiiOnl'or rot • Miirelle,-.-'Qiilak. , Steni; IVitltzeisi , , Aoligii I les t Polka,; ko-est.morla 'and - Violin': with - n varietrnt pot: receiveooo IM itri e6q, by , - tas. tlrilf REA, p LOVES: . 1- P4 4 Pe I it' di:l'6W r l ia let; tieutlenieiVis.tfiele".MhieidiGloyei;* .Very ileoloilblejagtioYaToAfinitsiner George %Y.'llittiet.' :‘ '..n.. • .: ; VINIt A 01 0LoLAJIIIP'Ssc'„4. INR °it:7,l.AM ps,4olillie; lis&4(liaktaill' teutersewith it constant AttoOly or rreslijEtiii )i , ror ode sit .thesnr,og intl'llook store or.: 1... l . ;, ( 11 , 11uy .40. - ....4 , 4 , '....*.; iy.t..ol 4 ?SiV;lfarreisttek.' N ~.. xiolslEY ,,, .ora,ve - 6 , ilsupariokiguftilttliitt opthieil 111;.:n. 4 .1. :rap,. (),f A..1'4 4 .' , m: , 4P .r.. ,, ;,,i f , .m.toi,rre.: . 4. 4444f8i0 flirOlePtdF4l' ''.'i (414P,°Ye4,1 • 11 / 4 i,1; ;,';',::',4 l4llol l U T Pli i . ti4V/11A4W14.-.1 0, 8 ' • , 4;;r1,1111 tt. . •PAk,Nly,,hfo' Vis, q, s) ,,cri t r- pkon • pouirip,tm(kAt,„%drid •-:04-1F*-4-4-:::41to7i6 AOl .pittorti!, , . 0 ,,, e ,„,, raqoAkf",fifig° Oiriii ilkuptiti r,,„ -, k t - fazA , P -4 I ..-u. ip " u. ii,geTp.al , -, - git:4l : . 1!' ::-,,,-- - - ,, , t n—Q, .. ~,,,, I. Y . ~,,7z,,,,,,i;i1,..-4,...a,m.,. ~,,..„,7,44, ~ 1,7, otAti , ‘. P W 14144 gcA? rii" '' *lir- It keittokk. ~Js. . -....,-,: „,:',.. tilt At;. lAothtr, V' •,'+'ls --- -. • '-', T".Q' 44. t/- 4 " T "" r' ' ' .?'" 4,e., ma' lir ' -.-7,.-- ~..,,a r p - v .44,- ...' e . .y... ,- ... ', ~ ;411t, .00 , -- • ~....,„ ..-..v. ~. ir,,,,...1,,,,,,,k,F, pip - .--.-c ...,, , kO 4 , p .4.,..., 114,A„.iv.f-4--4- -,-.-;-.ll#‘ fAiltlUalAi".44l' ...',A., k. 0 : ol_,-pf:-14;1+,,..4 ?f.' 2001$ eel ilitiilv#iind fay' ."and eiT, iek4` . /ived (01 4 - ate VOA. a liobk Iktohe pr, --'4lot7eot':•, St,t • .QtA, Ri atiarti o & • f' '' "'• 1 41 . 5'': . .. , *5 5 11 ,41 -,,,, e. Kt r,ti , ,1.4,0 , , -, ' fi,;srerie4oo44fitagt, ,4,4 1 , t ,. 130, - liqi ll 2', o ,t x JTAO! ,i, ~ ,t . '' '- mfir 5 0, #.%. ,4:-.la 41 '... . , ':::4l!teii#:'oii(('lo . *o:iiiiti:' ==MMIA:M=I 01 ,- 1111; - A - 13g1, -- P TAT' : 7- 1"" -7— , Chakter Pelpettial.7,94oo,ooo.,.o4pitailaictin. °Ate 163 bhiinut 31A ISEINSUII A 3TCE;ei ther n permanen tor linl ifedogai net lose by damage:by: fl re,on PROP Elll'Y 4 7 tubt.4 1 1 2 EC . :14Pof-everptleserilititiniin , 4,.Oll4l4irti Country, on the most reasonable tern s.,l4.Appli . t. tions made either perioually or by 14 - n5001 , 111 e . promptly.attendolio:-., C. NoiArttis.r..l.; • 'Rates of Insurance - P A7I:PETtraL • . Brick or Stone dwellings ostortti' '4; . from t• 26 icr9 p do do Cbut , cdtes au, do 'do Taverns„-.' 3to 4,,•-• •do ' do do Bot' oll 4to 5 do• do do Stables (privutc). 410 do do do Stables (public) -11 to 1* .4o dodo Grist, Mtlls, •Watir' 'l l 4icer,- 700 10 , ANNUALS— ..„ •, ••,. • - Brick or Stone dwellings and Ecir. niture from • '• - 3016'400 $140. - milue ,do do SioresMitf - Meri)f4n. dice - . 3510 50 • . do.. do - do_ Taverns indFurnitiiire 'do . do Buriti sintl.Conteriti • . 65 to 75 do do •do Stsideti (public) . • . 100 to 1.50 do do -do Grist Mill null Stock 75 to 80' Frame and Log dwellings and Fur— 'nituye, 50 to 75 _ • do do StorCa mid Nlcrelinii . dice GS . t 0.8.5 do do Taveinsand Purniture • • - GO to 100 LAO UO.to 100 do 4 do'GriSt Milli and Stork • - 90 to 100-- do \ Ift, -,A, . : V.-+-.. - 1- .-i- \ Va. " ,--. ...., - = The subscriber is agent for the gboveeornpani for Carlisle and ha vicinity. All applicationsfor assurance either by mail - or personally will be proroptlyotietuled to. W. P. SEYMO,UIt. DELAWARE MUTUAL, INSURANCE COW. On the Mutual Insurance principle : rombi»M with a large joint-itoek Capital, • Prerni!_ reduced to nearly ha the usual rates. BY the Aitt." of Incorporation the stock is .pledged for the'piiyment of any lasses which the Company may sustain. And us an additional areurity to Vie assured, the act re quires that the pees <_ s of the business shall he funded and remain :With the eorporation, as a guara.ntae and protection to the insured against Toes. This • fund will be represented by scrip issued by the Company; bearing interest notes_. ceeding.slicper cost. per annual. The insured are entitled to a pi'a rota shore ofthe profits of the Company., and will.reoeive- that proportion of the aforesaid fund...in scrip, .Whinn—the amount of earned premiums paid by him, bears tothe total sum of earned premiums and capital stock. , . The scrip. thus issued, to be tre nsferable on the hooks of the Company as stock. No dividend, of scrip can be 'made when the losses end espouses, exceed the amount of corned prenitutnit, - • ' The, insured are protected from loss at the customary rides of • premiums, without any individual_ liability 'or r esponsibility for'• the losses or expenses of - the Corporation. The assured have all the rights of Inembership,— can vote at• all elections, and are eligible as Directors of tfie•Corporation. -- The subscriber has been appointed agent for ibis Company, _end' op the mutual principle it superseding every other mode of Insorance, te would.enitfidentlyrecommeddit to his friends end - The North American Company has closed their Agency. Those having policies expiring in that office can have them renewed in the Delaware Company on much more favorable terms. , For full particulars cnqiiire eithcr.by It•tter or person to JOIN J. MYERS. Carlisle, Septembar 10, y. A LLEN & EAST rEx.vsnonotzwr MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. • TF. Allen and bnlipennaborough Mutual Fire hi suritnce CemPatiyrifeumberiand Cott iity,in corporal ett by an act or Atitil , rolily. in non fully 411 - gani zed and in operation untlert he management of toe following commissinnersoiai Cht.So mati,JneobSlielly,W mit (1 0 , 7 ,,,,T, m i,, Christian"Fitiel,Witchnel;-Hooreri Henry Loglin.M Mtn el Cneklin,l3enjam in H Muiser,Le, i Merkel,JacnbKiric,Melchior Wellman and Sam,l Prowell. who respectrully call the attention of the citizens ofCumberland and York countiesto the ad tantnges which the company hold out. The-ratetriifinsurnnetaw am a corahle nanny Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members nee invited to make application to the agents of the compnny who are willing to wait upon them at any time. JACOB Slli Ll.l Prbs't. MICHAEL. UOOVER, Vice President. Miolinel Ilooser,Genertil Ageni,Nreelinniesbueg RudolphC : unitierland township. 'll.l';cocklitt . ; : Allen.to%rfnithip. . 11. Horkne' lowneliip'. 'Christian' l'ittd,Allen township. Joliet' Dunlap; Allen township:: Pelee Barillinet.ttest PeiiniaboVo' township. David Martin Cliiirelitown. ' C. 11. Hiirmon,-Kingstown; • ' • . fieney...Zearing,.BliirenitinstoWo, • Simon Oyster;.Woenderdinrg, Dr. Jabal, Ounghmanitliritele, ' J ibol3 Kirk ,General'Apiao,t yorkesmitity,New ,' I:timberland . • • Henryl..tigAnOtork cou'ii T: John'S'herrlelvAtorli enfintY.' John Itunkin;york - • • Hiiily:: - Vork county. J.' Bowinin;York.county. • , Philip li reckbip t Cumberland „ 10bert,O.'SteFeet t , , ittOdier nit:ante will'hc udiled hereufter.. 91;18 5.. - ';;;. _ ; THE - CUAIHERIAND qltitteat . JE!'iotectioir • .CtllkilliatlAND •VALLEV'M UT U • ." A I Pit ECTION COMPANY., will be under the dirention . ...vii.r.the7 , follewjpg board of vic:-Thtimns 0:. Miller, I)avlit NlcCOVltinghl.l ,lOhn:3laore,. .toineo Wealtly,.Soott M Moore, Abraham 'gneti.; Johir Pau! 11114 T. A•.llll4,Kini.o"; • There are itheciiithlirithor of 'Agatiteipliointed in the . udjagositt•bounttef, wlio .*!11. -receive applications -forJtiouronee, otal tor :word thentioritundinteir fo - r4stivprxivokio the office of the • Corepony - , will VI . homed , ditheiet ther latgeeflhu interointlon seethe li y•'• • ,• - iOntlittmdn44llite f:.• I Ur: • 3, ita4orge firled;n:EtlyitMon.iroci4....lz,;;., .„ John ~Ciniutinin;4. o ,9[:, . HotOidoiink,:,_,. • .9 • • Stephen 'Culbeifjoy!,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11:1[1 r ; i l4llritirl' V A' Ir"")'''' • flt-'311:,!!'41F,}1.4-o'-11"*_. ;,, _ , hp 1 = MIIENISM OF PIIILADELPHIA, Michael Cocklin, Treasure/ GEX7'S [al '. -- :fii.'t4iiiioit . 'lii gin(' '— Fll - 2 17 sl:ree 6? .sr u 4e67i4:oldtlTl4o;4`gOpe;at. ; ~. assortment of , Sprmg: nod '{ z Sulninec :: Goo s} swill - Ming lii - Unit of - • OnmbroTTs-antl•Cassirneece. ' • lar - qri 'iltVra - Sados fu.r.fiummebbK. . , Also, n.ieheral- : ; #osOrth'illikr;Q:Osonswaresn6 tihoice43rdedl*ii sf,Aelfifig' , ,Y. o T l 6 -11 Yio6y lniperial Sugars llrul'SfOlaligeiv . .. 6 which we will-sell et short .protlts.rO :and fellow citizens at ilia.6l(l stair Of " May 6, 11146:„ • • • ':•• TU§ST::reeeived, TT gross cit.;-11114tohes tindlifr • IVII4 •SteSinSOlfir:VelisffOci''' SusqueltaimofiLme under signed, priMrietiirii hanna•Lhre UT Cart' Mid CiMirriblviiiiiiturii their sincere' thanks to their Menai seal Cutnberlantl comities for tome Clititire - ,;-:tuitl. respectfully inform. them that Oro' Wenured to receive and forwarthlaily.vriti - Title. ater Canal, . 'Produce and .s 7 tierchantlize • Philadelphia and Baltimore. Produce will be delivered to any !must in Phila.. , Acrphia-orillitltimOir—to_iattubatiß P 0441 4 41 havolictebilteiragentsio,the.citles are . Messrs. WRIGHT & NEPIIFAV, Vine se.' Wharf on.l.4:Delawore . Messrs. J Ist 'Co. t " • nowley's Whirf,..llalfitOore They will also. receive 111111 • torwardoliti4.,:to Yitttsburg and intermediate points, Freight and Passengers also for the North and Weat Branch Cattail!, Harrisburg,'Msy 1,4 844. IPL Jo lEEE • .14yne's Familyllakines. AN additiontil supply of the above valuable Mcdchies.'eousisting of ' • --7 - Jnyfie"trEsratortmt ' . Timm Vert - Mine; - o Hair Tonic, .. ..Sanative - Pills, " CSrmitudive Balsam, • 'Received and fur sale by • S. ELLIOTT. . Agent for Carlisle. Ball's-Pledkated -Flaxseed- -Dandy.- - AT Tlll resi nest or 111811 V _of llie-custirners,the miluseriber lass rowel-tell Isis fa mossMEDlCk rci, r ldo csc:E D svoup into is delightful and paints •ble CANDY. I ebb assure Iris friends and fix public generally that its Its present single, it pos sesses all its foamier virtues, awl in addition thereto,-it has the great. advantage al bein#in n consessicist and portable orm. It now can be sur passed 'q r . 's° preparation for the cure of Coughs, Colds _Atilima, Bronchitis, &e. It is au excellent remedy for Croup-- children will eat it with avid ity. 'Elie subscrshcr . is confider I, from the of Isis Syrup that.this .Nleilitasted Oats tit Visiscly will be the instrument.orimich good-to those afflicted With Coughs, Colds,ime. -- • •- 'Ear soli? at ti Deng Store of STEN' ENSON MEIIA ' , FEY. Sole agents ler •• WOMXIS - OTIVEDIELIVI% • YHF: subscribers, agents for: the sale of Me- ALISTER'S,..ALIpIi KA LI NC; 01N T. MENT,"or the feel - confideri from•the beneficial rcsitli's - on those who have used it,that it can be recommended with safety —there being si via al persons in the neighbor. hood who pan testify as to its gond qualities. A - detailed notice of It will, be Picini in the columns of. this paper, to which - we itirite'the attention•of the'publie. • ' ' Price only-25 cents, and for sale at the brug and Variely,Store of , • ••. Stevenson SCMelialft.y. Carlisle, March :18, 1846: . • --..• ,13oarbing Orliools. BOARDINC SCHOOL FOR LADIES, TO, 3E, -PILL. , . F. HEY having obtainxd a auitahle CP - edifice With — pleasant grounds forlhe pose; will oven on the tat day or next MAY, in the borough, of York, --- " Select Boarding School for Ladles. To the unrivalled advantages of physical im provement, peculiar to this region of country, the Principal is determined to add every facility Tnrina.—(To pupils providing hed'and bei ding;) Board, Wash ing,Tuition (in all bunchy Stationary, Fuel and Lights, $l5O per annum Muelc—On Nunn, Guitar, or Hurp, (by ai experjenccd amateur and teacher, Mr. [knees $25 per annum. /iatto4lent--Etre-Ai . Tot Books, Music or Drawing Material to be furnished by the pupils. Vacations-1n April and October. Payments, invariably, half yearly in advance . To thoset-who have known the Principal, re fereneis Weinld be' superfluous; •to others, only IMpe rfect end , tionbtfbl - assurances. Upon' ap pilimithiM perstibally or by letter, the' most sat isfuetery•gunrentees-will lie submitted... ors,•April•,.;',lB4f3:. . ^ • ... CARLISLE FEMALE SFMIhARYp yNDEI2 THE DIRECTION'OF'•I Misses Phebe anti Charlotte Paine, ExrESiSES InIPAR to, with fuel , . iighiattrad washing,.'will JED li:u'furnhdied • young-1444A Se dur. ng the-summer munthe,:and sg,so. during thi Winteeiniinths.' TULTI.ON.-ommon. i. Tgriglish stud.. Geography. - H ;Grammar, and - Wfitifig; per . Astronomy,. Algebra, Geometry; Nat. era) Phihoop:ly and: r. g lieh,,C l omposi- r . Men „ . 7 1$ 0 „ branches, as ,Ootadiicheriiiii,, kthetoria, MentelttedAl4l °PkYr , ih.e.Lang'i n gPA"Di u 'q u g;' - ing, 4a. williniegye extra eharg'4l,Of...'L2,go Lmaaaps in : linktrutiferital Prof. F. .1" .IY.ll!!ir9r; , : fer;eif eitrtieherge o f : :* ' r4 4' 12,00 1114'Tuiliont will .liefiequireil"quarterly anal the iirice of, l floard monthly in ladvanee; and rib `Octlucleif,firialfil r ' ibseeee but Pe ease of sick. ea55:.......21,b,ft1et.1b - oarslitieseliciare,_ the _into 'or ‘ very piEejlentpiano In eherge' decl.a,rAtginielits' hrive'alie - been made for fur, niehigiatweN: , hnarders'iiith • ha. gizit.?lt9us nem iir•.oxt..boolis; if daired.-/. The:.:i l o l, l9nrleriir ,th,is'iStihtWOO:eni - iiiiiP the fiOteclql e f Jetteeti Nang " 106 i. li"'se'liad'jdatighters 4 ithghilast year, *4'o' klieti i elved'op ; thia , ofPAAr,rik-ro‘tle 11 3 6 :4fi , i40 , Olt7 lo,9tlii, (l l4lnn'g eoentlea, our !ehoppvlcfl9ttil4tf e. of , xyary , biigh order atehevarefforchfd "t, t he tid. tigAtion Idebal 'nre.i9l.4lsl'6Xoll°4'lOrilie cquiitry; • - ' ••1 1 'GREATISAVING.MAcilleflEi= AND 'NO - IVITiTAKIi.--ECONDItiIy THE -:-.I:4I)RDEIIe-01"0-THE-DkY-1--.`' 4 , 11111,,.•;;MIT.J.M.R'S PATENT, for cutting and ;MILLER'S crushing . Corn Fodder, ily,hdch-pnli re 1 1,,; . 5)ti i fig ice ell the objections hero. ...titferiunadteXer,••cutting . no: iidi ng • or crush. Th. tSi,, ',o ; ;_rhjek, 4e:••• -The': gpseribers-have 7 'be satiefaCtiitri:hfiinnounaritohe agricultih ' ral communitY,, t ht, they '; , ve„pniebaeed the right`cf iiianufac„ ping` an ending the above . ? 41, mentioned reach halo Cure erlihd county; and also that .It' is i3ftiiitiOcesillitiejlethtionAt York. Pa. Every :dif acuity to•itil.'peffeet 'eaccution •Iyisingbeen_fulty-sur,eWdßied,%they-tbel war. ;yetitad in stating fliant WOO most econwnical #4.:oacellent , ,iiivention, 4,kbiAsy for the pni :petedieoiliefi it is Aeiiiiiiil:" For durability . iiiid!ti . .iiitirtit.has nei.equil,'-iin: the m,.antns'!; Chineoin',eiented telhe nubile '- hi thn!‘aaml4o.4. jectpintalkiatatilitiainen.tichinlite;tineatitin• .teiVand.? , ftirnfita;7.iiiia. ' eialnined ni* , teited4t ilYo•;thel.t.Verdiat,in its fiiiier. It. superiority abailsta;telhie;ihat, it , nattyilic' need' by stein; lierie, , .#itei:;o l- .4ii*An4r4,lliist - it is more ea. ;itlfy,keptlitAitter,'lnd' it fitiffirrne it. cutting `.trit.nreehitt by,lhe,adme.bperition'and . does ihetiOW - **perfeet miifec.7 it jiil-grest :Aeileg,qneline both in lodder.aidlibiiam'by :Itiiii'Opgraticin of it the !armee can mike gond ..1;04 orf,Thi, wholc.cornstuck from:lts root to Its . ..top. alit cuts.and grinds or crushes the stock' So fimi:that hereof!, cattle , or !cheep ; consume' the 'Wholeitif ; itt.atiniegnenity •Itiinablei the farmer' •to feerkive•headj . tif home.; tattle or sheep; to .one , tsktirtha!ininstattnasetity.of fodder, and makes betlei and sliesitis4ep.. With this machine one man' can ant•cerrif- fodder sufficient to feed ten head uf.ca,tleiiy . ,tentyjrnieutp,rancl,„•yeh en attateljed to luarao,neyter but ;Ca but or:grinil and crush'in fifteen jninutea'sliffiOientle feed•Tfly head or cattle. For cutting hey or art w there ts.,..not ng..ean.oqes -o. : r--- wro :city and'uiefitlncss It 'comptpudaitself,atante to the for tiiiir . aiia . Only - reiiiiirea 'tole aced hitic duly \ appreciated; .+. ' , i The resehins may bo examined..andfureljas ed-of either of die undersigned., At the. Plough Manufactory of Jacob Plank, in Monroe town. ship s Cumberland couuty,, or cb_the;,.:Foundar.y, of Franklin,Girdner; Carlisle',.P6. - • , •7 ,, - , - , - - '' - JACOB PI.ANIC ••• ' •-• ' • '• FRANKLIN GARDNER'. Carlisle, thecinher 17, - 1845;—tf. .• • OLVIZZotgaitTUIUM9' eonetti, Colds, Asthma, Bronchus ,eom plaint, Sigh . Spiting flood, of .Ptim it! the Side And Dreasi, ealpiiation of:the ,Llearb Istfluenita,CroliK.Wor, ken Consiltution,,Soi•e,.Tbrnat, Nervous Debility, rand all Ninnies of Throat, _ Went and Lungs, . the pipit effee- tutu purl' speedy nitre ever known for any of the above di,- CHSI.9, 13 DR. SWAYN E'S (0 NI N D SY It - U P OF' W 11,1) CI Eft 11.1"--A NOI'IIFAVVIt'ON DLit rut CGIIE OY t;ONSUAI.I1101•11:-.:, , • PROVIDENCE• li. 1., Sept. 0111,11345. Da. Swssrir.- - -llear • ' Sir.—l Seel callefl_hy a Sense or duty I owe to suflering Istininnity, to ar knowledgeMy grim. fill thanks for the wonticrle' • effects of your '. (A . 1;11 POUNI) s S'ili IS I' OF WILD CIIF.IIIW , on me,tafter hasirig• slat-tat Months sifter months- with , themost afflicting of sill diseases, Consiimpripti,A?ith _scarcely slay-of lib's°, or a Pbencon lightlitoinaid ma against toy: own • horrible foteboilingsz• The- - circumstnnces -whibh first tee' 'me-to the awful state of dehiJAly‘• was frninttskiisg a l's ry tfenif coil, w IsiciLsr,einar to fix itself upon the lungs c uisielt 'grailital6 grew worse, wills pro use night - sweatos linatiog.atlih.- oppression in the .breatit, spitting blood, with greats general debit sty. Aly.enstsputt . no Ie ( n11,11 in•DkVII Amen, tool mucous system-very - much im paired, with allthe s)nustions of confirmed Cons stimplinto- I went io.l'hilailelphin,mol - SVCS &eat al there. lay physicians of. the hi g hest respecta bility ,Isut still grew Wlittie,'filliilllieY gate me op akineurnble, and tilviseil me torko Snarls, but he. ing ‘ vet) poor, of alosing so nmelititele from nay work, sihilinhiiig Teo all my Clone) pe l'•st vs- Nous" Patent-Ale clans s" 13 lite) were t'easllk nit,- sled so_itigli. thr at gli the meekly, of she press. I was nonlife t t al k their stivicet....Jteitig a no ro bot of the Prier „Odd Fellows, they supplirtl 11 . me with motley grata's usly to oust pie to my friemism flitett.„.3lable., I - :was treated by pls)si- . , antis Critic. bighesitstptiling there, but rreei veil no benefit whistever from•them, butt ers.thislly grew waist „mall soy ph) sirians utol my self gate opall hopes of my in er recovering,. slot I :elt like 0 , e WllO IS RIO3III 104.m6° through :Ile s alley of II shadow of death: At this "awful jimehlre." I - heat il ofs out...C:olll'oU i'i 1) til . IC Ili OF NVII.II C11E121111'; and knowing_ you :3 ne n rt.ottsc practising physician in Philadelphia, gust, me more corsfitlence indite methane, so I concluded as a last resort, to make.o It int of it. I sent to your agent in fiostoti;nisd porehnsal one bottle, which rellet'ed hie ref} mulch: • I:theit procured two bottles inore.lWhitlf ritin happy to say ell- Irl'iry - i;iliTAriiiir; sitill'iiiii-.OOW' muniiiig lieu. r lienlth 'than 1 .ever ''lstive befolite in. my life. It seemed_ lo' hose..tt_heneticiilLplrt - ntitt °once. I Ruined strength rapidly;.althinigh:Teduced in n users. skeleton, nod. I.ferl 511116fil &from its salu tary eflects in nay own CRP!. {hall VI- ,'• ' , nu ininid Sic-- ' - enlnillotottf SI rop,of WII4I. Chi.l:v3 - vlll6l - 14, Ahy or Ilinettmill Ltings t 4 ti.ite4 l stecottliog'Ao :the Kt...001.411111es cm tooted io the paniviltletit oe compniging the ti*.jkkhen, 1:',60 tfir,,lthyili4lll,,, i ii who wittiesktql 'tv'.'.etustoWtip.lify're.cWoinii:tt i lig it in 31iniltie --fr:'•6.-Niir I vistc,v nAivigya., thiti 1,11151i0, no th . Otito% who art ;litri:illietis I at . first, whiell ',wilt ;reach I Weir tt - without tampering with snit ruiclug .the iiwo with .11;e malty ‘Nitewtic nostetams",lAs at t t wltOltoht Omit COI.IIIII'V is f/erparc4l. ho have no keowirtlge of the, science. of, itswitii• , line iu titeo.y or, inwetkce,49t tare gut np nteryl) with' w'mel'eelisii , lam ii Scarlet member of th e . Itope Tic T.O 'of o.l o .4i t i r edeitletree 11.'f:,ifluFwill' He tappl to give any hiforrantiOn' iiiwkarilAO!itre.• Were , of your Medicine, and can rha my ease is not Langgerated-in thea ...... A I.lrEitT A ROSS. T4) , Dr..l(4•SvrA cori,er Eighth, Race streets;Alkikßdol44l• CA ull; )v-,:rtitt, public.. should +be thei ri med against the many of Wild Cherrn wh)clt. 'lnce aprting„itp„ parts of the country, ptu poetmg.gt, be' prepared b •ph)aiellana t a4 of,p hi?h bpfoul.ii bp' 4, llllfir by a little I iry t . he'.lii‘ino Atey:ijrtgintite.Y ,. ;/ 1 11"MillafiltteleliniV'staNtlienta i regarll to pe.S'vay'kbitiConilioliiiiitSili • Cherry are • thefri ii O fe° fit e • re,d' by the' :imi o intylioiiiiiiiotitoi4c4oliy_troot..p.i._- Dn.,NV , fit --E10111 1 ,41 ItACIIS L ii*ta; Phi bytoljibiii.' :041AViiiCOficp arkfiatitVna , nuud counter ilti, o6 *•ritAii . dlir ,. _'N'-`9l?A'itrtr:' agehtiu:,l 1‘ . . titivEi ',sl;loloinitS'l'F.yeNsoWsemr.iNftryliti • A.RTIN, lAITZ,4IIAi 0410'. • : - -THOMSONS' , .OO,4O - OAIi , SY. iiiir:ttYAß •-• ,,. -•-065141- 1„ ? At,. skia.e.gs. •',''''....,'' I" . .i . 1- vy.f.'; v . . " t hrit,i 'o o ll o l ; i s l o, 4 o '.- if.b ,I.dlie pbbOtitne,-- . Ukji"),,..eeq,"l,4llo4o . loC.:o:eiiiiir I,:iilleacy ::.: 0. ,•:,(bei , .pnwerfulirefett;AMl I.'ACTS ; ..C O MPOUND - , ,,,5, .-kt .47,==:-174i 'sr st,' . 4' • _AV r iiV.o9.l),At4dllll ';!. f " ,c " -: • 4 ' ' • fieliing l'.es Lite . et .chipcile. r•••,.- i :/' .1. ,, ,a i:+.•' . ..•.- - 1 , 1- , ,,r ;•','....•.'!: . :,,....,, .•',,,. 0.14 :: , :`,4ii,g'.1?.. 1 440 , (-7- 11 of 4.0 . 4.. 3 , 04a, p.egdiljled'ijol 41tik.en.,it'ffeatioinofebe r - Millen . proriciunced,!‘po ed , b,*.repeeteid•ind';.'iiitgli ' , treie - suffored:le'inileildTit. Iltfifiely 4 te*.",.iirith!!itiole 'tilde3i'reld#,Liima, Ocifd"l :erfitai.j)e . ikejedki'ilitifeek —.l9 ‘V3 ••tilitt."till'ihe'"ueet4 i sho4:tli9naglilei.*lii*? - °liokii.l94 2 :o o oiolirvik! 4 1 1400d:4i:1dr I.lllo4tekieti:v .mede,lfild . Oretety , linaier fereiittoq,toliehed tf**o! '64411 ieliiiifia:ll4 4 4iPii . ..iiinelAiiiedi:taiiiiirri,lit ~ fT4r4Cl.,•We'lll-Nitiiiild,-.eid.. ....,,...... llt: ,L, :39011411d*Iikklicat• - • ii,, - :., ~..;.,,,,*tif7ti .joi;,4A ' n',,ilattb44 l lrl„ . 1 ,, ''. ' ; ' ~ -. '.. 40 • ~ s k y * .i .. .W. i '', k; l ‘ , ,, A , iltlit 9 , : : , 7-.3iii .'-: '. ;v 1T.. - •,) otlit - •-,...-m) • , ';• V .. 1 :.,.., . or ; ;, 1_:;;f041 ) , -, i4l W., V.+ - . •.!: ..: ' , .i,, . 1 , 14,A '''''''''''''''..". ' .4 , ' ;' , ,,, -Vr , "l 4 ' :` •.• . rot i v ~ ',7,-, , A :N,Fi..;,',",! ~ '1,....,'0•,§ iitif - 6,ttit,i . :.'" , ',:sd N .....1.,.:._,,, ~., •-;,•...::„.0 t i..40,41t. „0,..1.._..,...,..14,4,„...,,, .._0,101AT 1 ,Eyv.„..4.4:;,.,,...,.•..,.•.„.•...,„.„.,,,,...„...„.„:•„:„ ..7.,,,.,....„.,„,7.,..0.r.,.,..:,:.0../t•...„,•‘,...„:„:-.".......„,„,03,..,,,•••••.•• ••,•,.),i....,....,,,...,.:1,..i.„...._„........:•,..:„........,..:.,,,,.,......„,...„.,:,,......,.....;,.. ME '~~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers