Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 10, 1846, Image 3

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e. 9 4,04Ky i t4,.
, .
t . 41, .
, •
REFERENCES.—:-A,,,Suild 13a,tr'Batteey,
fetid tojAMigsi and Moutetey, 30 miles,--
. .
W ,
nstrength toßussian
s sinn
Isinglass for Table Je llies,
servieein - iliseatba where delicate animal food is
required; and well calettlatedfor long sea voyages.
ltiMproves 'by age if kept dry and can be made
into Sotip„in•ti few m'nutes, ned is of great service
in clarifying Cider, Beer nod Wine..
To nuke Table.l,ellies--.Use at least two oun
ces of Cooper's Refined Antericao 1%1110415R ' W 10V11
8116‘011 be first soaked' in cold water, 2hoors;
drain riff that wide; then'i.tike two quarts of mild
water, one Sotto half ponds mt . attar, put it in
-...tb.u_whif three eggs, the 'Mee of three good
sized icinntit7;The Peel of roe, n stic o e intorno 1,
a little nutmeg, orange peel, or other spitic to suit
the taste • stir all the:ingredients well toxetlier
cold then boil the wlinle- mass five ten
minutes, atsd then 0011 r it through a deity 1147,
whets it may be put into glasses or moulds, and
.when cold wi 1, he fit for One. The moulds should
be first wet with a little white of egg and water,
just before the jelly is put in them, in order to
I.•ake it easy to turn them nit on - plates.
The Jelly Ilawismoule_of flannel
across t to opening, Rill yorritenr
narrowing to - 1 good at the bottom. The litinid
that runs through first, should be peered back in
the-jelly-bag-until: it-rons -through-clear.
Add one pint of, wine to the above for Witte
liquids made fr m preserves, may he
jellied by using the-same proportion of the Isin
glass. - •
Tilton) May be made by using at least
one ounce of, isinglass for two quarts nt' -milk or
creani, thg peel . Of two 1(1110 R, stigar,susd spiee in
it i the taste—hiring the-whole n a boiling heat,
strain 0, and WIIRRI nearly cool, stir it well to mix
the cream that will rine while et - soling-pour it in
KIWI when perlectlyMold, it mar he turned
not and will tlit:ts be ready for tine. The moulds
shou)tlitv first wet with wild water, whi, : i t will
inertia it irnm stiekhag to Them.
For sale tar j. :Mem. sn,
C.F.J.,F41 It A TM/ Jr.ux .STRAIN ER'S, aid,
viticli - Ifie - atiiire jell - es - madci in . a f w 1
minuted..lure 10. .1011 S .1.. MYERS.
• - Docroit iturEats„
I_ N FORMS MR Mends that he has just returned
from the cities and is now opening the hugest
. 'assortment of
. •
~. ~... inn tralile . limy Art ides, ever brought to Car
is is ,Oich he will sell at prises so z.nw, us to
1, 4. i& f,;11 those Who tire curious in that way.—
Jt st cull tbr tile amusement or the thing. -- -
June 11, ODB.
91 ME State Treasurer by his circular rf the
9th instant, to - the .Commissloners of the
County. has directed their attention to the nu.
cessity and importancW , collecting the Stale
Tax for the present year before the tat of Au
gust, to enable the State' ti,societ puyment
of the, interest dito the lime; and 'oilers a de.
"duttintrotfiveltre&frpin the Tux of such
Counties aa may pay iho same into the State
Treasury prior to that date. Cumberlend Co.
by the prompt payinentuf her State tax the p
year, reulized the sum of eleven hundred dol
lars, a ?eduction from the State tax, which was
received 14 the county Tierisiirerlik-County
purposes. biota promptness on the part of the
collectors and tux payers the present year will
result in the same advantage to our enmity, and
we hope nothing more will be required to en.
-sum-the-psyttiettar-ottato-twa r pAor-to-the
first of Anglia!, than to call-,..the attention of our
citizens .to the advantages. resulting to the
Count ; artienlarl at this Aim e when a con.
qui,fLebt ham been incurre in t a erection
of the Cohn.' House, arid atm that payment is
required by thriCemotonrcoalth;to suable her to
maintntO ontirrihilidd, her (bill), and credit, in
tha prOmpt payment' of the intoreat on the pub.
he dot%
, Tlie - colleelora or 1815 in arrear, are required
to ['vibe balance dun. before the 10th Of Juno
or ; ilidgruent will be entered and the same col
lected agreeably In law. •
Coinfnisiows of Ctimbtylithd County.
Illla s Y 98, 1 848 . , •
-.,'"''''''ltiile'ili.O.Ophalite,* Ctitirt. . •
, 4.ctr aitatea ..oi4Aiiis Ciliitt.,bckan.;oc AVednis,
• iiiiyki tliiiititli lipy, if, iknOtit 046,.an4 11 . 914e1l lit .
(.441i4e; iitiPtc,oobrlcict. - Coucty, betel i the Han.
. Elikls#)44lmi,iluntEscl, Press. na il Jolla 1
AlaßitAtiO)t;',.(l, M 9 . 116 r;
,:klicirs..4iiiccia i c') Cages,
iiii:. t liftl,ilie 6114411% prcceedlOgs. ,OR"..lii'd,viz:
, IrcOilit..o4s,C,Cr - .)lie. Atrit,or, y4lllOOll aml *aim
' tifirvoif th . e'..:relki . i,g4fl; Or, AILN)L)...i.It.:FFLIt
.3I.I)Vii-iilgOl; the saute h a ving been,ciicdOicil by
.iiir'-e0gtVe.'1.. , ; , • , . i...• • . ):',1ri::.:...,. .:I' , ', - .„
,llW.l3,ldillc'',ll6le,'Cii,..tbsliCtric3ind'lceci!) repro-
eopt4tiOesitir:;kiklitz,ilit.cei,tetlOC *it, h‘tlerick,
Xohn, Aino IVElistabeth r Alieheal; 11;aii,"JecOh:'
and.Sophiit-;-Eiiiikheth; who' iiillaierriecl•fe ;;---
'• leenbergershe AT! 4 5 0 I,‘Ctilcmg are deed. lefiii:
11,1egiiiiiie?-ileceheidtrj4 jel , .:10(: - .Iehai' , ,Ieeph;_irte,
beam. Krentp,;,•;llleary riiiiil7.l4e4Aii=iitierp'er—,
• - l';hrietiert t.begiVertkieffleimaa irith•riteehSwit,-
.. ): '/Iraiiintihk.liiiffiKalea , Wiii7filiceir ii - 11711171 F.: '1761 ,
1; ~P)it!t;:tiith'Atiii,hent- e re'deall;:lpayiaga...•iiaueiwg,
i f jnnit r ici.iiie t :Atrimila . ,' [irho'cotiireyed • - ,140 interest
- -,, ti'likto'llkii Hiltleinanyano ascot' Stiee.tNi 1001.
• • o.,' , lrefilemeri4e'alici deed, leaAng hiettefiii,thittleen;!
' 7 .4 tiriiit; Jahit;i'• , Sareh - ," , -itariteil ..t6 -, Thoitisikenhly;
.. , Ellaaiiiiirtiod,teiDaniel Dite:ap,teavittgii child; ,
William; .Praneee;• Married to the saitl:l)piiiell',
~.. li 1 ; 140 . ..10,140 g u ll ',Jillittins lielliemap o ,to an,
. _ '',3.9,i.00urt-cin :ttiefl st"deji of .the , next !dated 1
~.... 4E, . nr!,coiiiipo! : ,*AiAltel.lB(h • -•, Aey
. of . Aagefit':
-...1,.. 1 ,1 0 441 • 65 91 1 t',.9 reralelte::meeeer lai4` ,.. :rtlit• '
• .6t• '. ' WpititOiraluttlinif '.riersomilknotice,''',.oiliy: •
• ‘ ;. '44 o tt iltie4Vit 0 9:14ik 0 OtAlballeAp . .be, 'given 'to:
49 . 4 1 41 . o. ,i til it thkodu,b,!7...'Pr , :*lilliiiifcifty; tulles
. 1 . ii i „..cbrpultuclAtion far th weeks ree•W
.., '' ei''' ''iir '' 'iii ICA 14'0 it' l ("if -
'''''4•4449%l„.P.':Ft4i:l'4attiatill.lieyr'o' 8 41. 94, , ..„,t94 , ..k!7...
- -i4yl'',:-' -.:''' . :,..7eci)14 - 1;.:6.',
; . ,1 4 . 4 1 4 • . ~ , I-,arfiiiii. . ',''..-""' i?,. , : f •l' , rf'..',•;Pl!.•?' 1 . j.
'!' ~ r . k .. ,...,
ail' Ili a !
• ;;Ehlltfi' ~. , ' '. 4. iiiito.*OPY. 'af ', , i ,'; ' C R14 1 . 6 f4O litiAikio . l
i,' ' ' , .. , s6llelegiqratlialittitiVOC:o4l;6tilif:
' ?t • ::. -1 41
.`:' aliill3lllli4-4eo47liiciliVkitiit*Aly - ;
.: ' -- ' : : 114nit Alia . .tilr'scAl rotslaid•ClOgrti..4.
' '' .114441 ' . -;
''IPIOI III OO I6 4 S Ik..OAYAr - 4 41 .0P 3 .
'., -, 74.0i - Aiyi:e.,..‘ , l.-.4:.,',.),; , .'4e,':YttGdODYFAltlx; 'Cleiti ?.:
'',•''' -11.4 . ':;,,,,,..1,;i Y'„,1‘,.:.--',A...., 4.
gull mid . 1 mortar.--B, Battery of 3 guns.—
, road to Alonteroy: 7 ---V,.rood to the•tnoutli-.o
. .
TnoMAS-CONLYI4, takes this method of
returning his sincere thanks to his tarn&
arid the public in general, for the very Ithetril
sharittlf patronage bestowed upon higr, and begs
'leave to informtheirt that he, has just irceived
the largest. 11111109411110F1, Chellile , dllllll libel stack
of Watotteri - Jevary, ofrerCd in Car. -
lisle, consisting in part of Foil levelted
frOni .45 to 75 dollars, and
plain -GOLD & SILVKIt
( 4 0 ,fie e l of every kind,
- quality and price.
Cola, Si 'er & Commoti Watell-keys,
of every var,ety, from cents, to three dollars.
Gold Finger rings, Ear'rin i gi, Clasps, Lockets,
_VV lud
Atel l ,cos,Breeelet., an 1161 • ttreast
pins, together with every artiele_ufJewerry for
Ladies and Gentlemen!" wear. Gold Et Silver
Ever_puinied.YEKOLLf.4,_avrtni_t var le ty, and
fine lot - or the celebfated
Diamond X'ointed Gold Pens. ..-.
A great votiety of lintionsonich .118 comoon .
fancy mid low priced Breastpins, Watch chains,
Steel beads, Fancy. Hair darts, cases,
Guards, SilyclAbimbke, Pencil leno,
Also, a large:aikd very fine assortment. o'
such_ms Butter knives; Table and Tea
Sugar tongs, Salt spoons, &S . . of !lie very bent
quality and manufacture, and es,ehrap as they
can he purchased in the cities. Also, a very
Inge lot of Gold; Silver
.and Steel framed
to soil all Furs and ages, and at all prices.
, =-511(7Cis large and extensivc, and he rg•
spe - etfully iialc the public to give him n call,
mery article offered fir pale will be of the best
m atetial, and Sold pltirtrEll THAN Oven!
Watches and Jewelry,
will be repaired as usual, in the best Pt yl o and
()livery ttimlerate terms. Henley be found al
the OLD SI'AND, in West High Street, a few
doors shave Beerein7e.lintel, und,opprisite
Lytednn' . tiyil~• btl ))I;miy
to 'otieija to yho 43i:dOri . `ur, and
etisteftntra;an:d es ninny - ne . w ones as may favtar
him with their pvitrednire.
June 3, I 84 6.
The London Quarterly Rcview,
The lidinburgh Review,
The Foreign Quarterly 'Review,
The Westminster Review,
331ackwood'.5 Mdinbiugh XVlagazine
'Tito alum° Periodicals are reprinted in New York,
lintooditttely on their arrival by the British 6teanierm,
in a linnet Ifni clear type, on flue white paper, and.are
faithful copies of the originalit--111..xenwoon'a
ate,: belay an exact fawelialle of the Mall tr. et
'rite wide-spread
renders it needless to Fay much in their pralia,: As
literary organs, they stand fnr.inrtwance ortiny works
irfa ,Awrilar-stump-nose--puriahmhAs , hlla-theimlit In
complcsinn of each is marked by a dianlty, condor and
torbearnnee 'not Mien found lu works of a party char:
They embrace the viewe of the three great parties
hi Ftigin nit—Whig, Tory, and Radical.—" Black wood'.
and the '• London' Quarterly" are Tut y; the " Fain .
burgh Review," Whig; and the ‘7 West winipinr,"
Radical. The "Foreign Quarterly" liffutrely literary
berng . dernted principally - to ethiristus on foreign Con
%lnman' Works.
The'prices of the Ita-ruircia are les!, than one-third
ofthoae of the.foroign coplee, hod whito,llipy ete equ
ally.well.ant up, they all'oed all that advantage to the
glue/lean over the ihutlialt reader.
• •
For tiny one of the fouellerlewe, 63,00 for annum
For any two;... „ do. 5,Q0
For any, „ do. 7,00 dt
For all ttKocthe Retilentai. " •
;For BlockeitiOilfi'Magaelne,-
For Blackwood and the 4 Ilevlows 10,901.", t, "
.; 2 .•CLgBBIN "i
Four'ioillakattt!y'or all of '6(1'0)&4-Works will b..,
sant to ono , n4risa on ptiPtcent of lir. regelareubicrip'
lion for three—tito .roarth . ropy tieing grails..
ft} Iteiairtaitati: arid communications resat lie truitte
in all ritraie -- *lth'otit tti:the.'pahltificiaThe,
‘ trty",ripveye . tm,donc , threcgb a Post-Ma
.hatidini,bl4l;thiitunoVllt itemlf.ted,taklni lila re:
ceipt ,
receipt 631 'plailfpoit:Vaid r.
or oi t y'l'oilp3%.*iiiy hat 11'r;
13:=MiC'Peetrige:e,iell! itieCC:Per)ipareile le t relu::
ceti 117 tiii late l'nar-011iaa 4w;10 aboiltoria'
7041nq.',illt,arlotilttn01 yeti, trAr3lnt.
4xo_lls44qllP4i'in nil the Ali°oloSii,:
the United Irateit tsr,w)4tilt,ttO • rartir` l it'llireriVi4l-I,lail ,
ppiii.divik ! illl6;4of.of . so)YßPALoT,
lxopoD . locott;:si, , co„,rubliefiir,4 ,
• • .
i fft l.
i; '''KtUlllll__,,..,_ ~. -y' .. . •id.,7- .
-''-' '
milZ,Qdnit/flik. T l, I rA • ‘. lvitriootom.,
1: cum t monn i . )- ss l+4l Y. - ; v q:u n il, tlnia, te ,' tn. Nri
1116'*80rd1 7' 91- 'l4l- li ttriolitiieti4'ntiOk;'ytz t
;1# Summer 4 " I° F' n : l ii liiiiinOii!GtimiTire %ntl'Seett
, I, :IA U. q *I:IP S , ' - ';Ailiiierr'4ll4"the +.llclrousitol,
F. , ,.. 0 (:, , 7 ,-,-,- sigusvoil v ert.:WoYne Artillery
.7 1 4-`, k,. ~-.,..* BIT Leer 11.1tosid_tt . LSplip .e it,
;•,1 , ; 4 " In; --c1.,--ffErd-vf;'l,irm'ff7ts7ll
..,-.$ nem ~ , nod .Cumber Rl,l e,
` l- ''''' ; -:5-4 ' ' ' t . FB. E.etel.,,,Wallsl,Vok•,,,e ,
aki fil l;b3 lll4 IIP "" 'Oc ‘iiiiiiiiiest iiii - ii? (W.
l'i.tgitilql. P• • I.3iru i 9 V i d%T l eii.e . iitilolt,6Cl4 It•iii,,i
meg yßulllpr v e 4 7 , t - 7•. , , , ,, , , vi se ' liviiiiittwi
.841 *011 .9 i 1P 1 :° l ' i l i t ,i/ 4 Oliai ' 4 ,140.a Ot,
:' , :thp , ) -.. ili 5, 9,' , A I" . , 14 . k 5 . 1 .! 1 , , 0 0 -,4- . t. ,,, '''' . .‘lb -
iiftiti4§. , ° ;:"-' . ."';', i '' , ?,'"...‘" r '' ; ' . . . , ~,,, t 044'.1 . "4
Tl: l e s V 10„,OliplirtuviitHa• Er el ~ ~,,k , .,..,1
re °Jar e . 4 ' W O :V I C YcIuII4 . 9I. • t'u n a. /
-i f i l ir, ~otit • -4 .I*.ilitrtilkok , 1011,i le! 2Vi i i;,,.
=to :engem it Wield fiit lillo-tr-7 i' i m a ,.
ttiiipKi4lo.i. - 14 4 , L,: r 5,.!: r % f.,,
1111,141*t=rritVet M. wi i lt t fIOUE:7:,,tP itAiitel(tii.
) i
TO ' ' , -- ;i;,.: 4 'llViik ~ 'Ai',:- 4, ,
~,,/-.. : 4=1,3% .
." '.
V , , 1 t; .:.:''''. '';,;:;:4l,:tf'. 46 ; ' .;"4'' ' * ''''.
' , ; , :':' , P l o . :','" '• ,-' , ..... ,„.,; Y'e.' s .,' i kT,,41,i'1l a
s : , !. 4,
, Battery of 5 guns, 'J and 0 poundors.—D
-talc river, 40 maps, ,
Aulo 41 prphaits':qouti.
Al a stated OrPhials . Court, heian on Wed
nesdoy, flu:2kb day orAprili 1846, and holden
at Curhale, fiir.Cumberland county, before the
lion. Sosuct. ficesunn, Esq. Pres't. Judge, and
John Stuart and T. C. Miller, Esq.; associate
Judges: among other things the following pro.
eeedings were hod, to wit:
Irk the case of-tho writ ofpartition of .value
the sonic hnehill been eoirfinidliji the court
Now to writ 29th April, 1846, on motion of
tt r.'l'hdtl, Rule nn [hi - Boise and - legal r2pres~q=
rid Spnrister, George Sponsler, Elvinn, inter.
married with Berman Longsdnrf,i and Charles
.Bponnler, to. appear en the first day of the next
stutpd Orplielis' Court, nod accept or refuse to
accept said ,estato at the •valoation ; par anal
notice, or, by writing left at their place of a bode,
to lin given to those living within forty miles of
Carlisle, and notice to those, beyond Quit dis
tance, by publication in two newspapers for
ilirce - gunrowlin wen By ilie Court.
Cumberland county, as.'
A t! . I . do certify that the above is a true
ot N f . copy of — a — Ritle on trio lima , and
410,',.,. r , legal roprosentanve of David Spou
grA3l. t, ,
.s hi l: i r e , , d t e h e e e 6 as t e h d o c
M W N3 it :, nc i s B 9 l6 m . y , hand
."'s i a n d the seat of said Court at Cur
~.. , jOEIN GOODYEAR, Jr. Clerk.'
lot of Si .I.els and (iiit . es-8..3 liars sale at_
AL .. ..!!!osioreof .lams IU. 1111 : (Irovo ,
_ .
ti `- - •
SOcond.Arriv - al of Springaroads.
DAV.II) Li. All N0L1),.6 - otilies his and
the public, that he has just 'returned front
Philadelphia and New-York, with .aut claire new
and fashion:lWe stock of GOO4lB, suitable lot. the
senSUII,IIII , I a Iliall lie is determined to sell lower
!IMO the An me articles could be purchased in the
spring,„ His stock embraces iii part, it large cis
t'll.tV o f 1 . 1. It slid" litshionable _ .
Laums,,Gingham Lawns,
13 4,1.7 , RI NIES, era, Also, an exten ,ive lot of
new style Carpets, of the latest and most thalami).
nth: figures:ll"th. TEN CENTS to one Aollar
tier yard, aunt of a quality for superior to any
ever offered for the saute price in this Borough.
Don't forget tht siore,4 North Ilanoverstreet,.
opposite Coratnatt's lintel
Carltile:,l3nite: 3;3 846,
STHAY7.I) away from the subscriber, Tiling
on the farm ..1* Anthony Fiedamn, nn the
~.. ... , :, r ...„....- -E,,, -. g.--P. , ,,,.. imad lOacting from .1.
...A"",-....,...`"'- - - , -.. - r .4 -.!. - 14 - ,';'. Paul's tavern to dm
T 4 . !1.,i 3 0- - ,,,,=; , !:. ,- t.T..L.1 , ' .' Bond H oust., on the,
. X . 1 - :;.• . 17th of 'A loy, a If FA)
4 .5.
) and n wurru T-.. `V
-11, , 510 1•-• V.... , 'M ~ _row Shoat, &it white
...._ - ,',.•
___...--- — , %!.,.L......... 90W, (part et.itta,)
.. 7 . , .. , ii... - ; - "'" ---- _ - -... --- -.=.7. - anpposed to be . with
. 7 .4 : 17- * " A ' ,-= - 4 :''''' ---•--' mgrlood each having
a slit in the right ear. Any person taking np said
lingo. and giving,notiee of their wherealionta,7ill
rvceive the llsoffkl 01 the owner, with all rcasona.
ble charges. . AI A THEW W YNKOO P.
W..stpestitslioro' tp. Juno 3, 046.
osso rtntent'of Linene, , varying -in
warranted Rare
free vont cottony Also, Regittiti Linens tin , Shirt -
mot, just 'opened' by Hitner. -
In the Distr;et 'Court of the U. States, fur the
Eastern Dfstrielot Pennsyhtnia.
IN the matter of 'the I.lstate a Jonas Miller, of
the 1101 . 1)41 of Nea:ville;Cumberland
rilllikrilllt,-.411C Creditors of said Bankrupt, and
all other persons hum este'', are hereby notified,
that the acenfint of Jamison Bannon, ' Assignee,
Mu it% been filed, the same-was by the Court re
fer,ed to me for examination, admstment unit re
port, and l'huve appointedSaturtley the•ii3th day
of .tune, i ar,t. for a hearing of this ease at.rdy once,
fronting the Pulditstptarr,.in—the...rear. of, the
Court, Bom:, Carlisle -where,all interested, May
attend if they think,'Proper. •
Cfillisle,.lun9 3, 1.546.
Estate of Peter Swanger,.Sr:.:dee.d..' ,
eareby .given; that 10tete •of
,, tjte,,estatq,oci PETER
SWANGER',, Sr. tleceased, rate of, RoUtti Mid.
lbe,..TßogiatiftWelrfiaid county to the'
•;,•• : ,t,leNtittytahip, •; l,lr9resaid
Mt`'pereone havii.clahi , ,ottlerhande(ilainot
,game, ~,ithnitt, 4 ola,Y4 elrAd 111, 9 sia, indelited'toirinkn,
payment; iintpcdiatelq `. tq, :.
\e;t3r. , JACOB RITNER,
•• guna'•3 : ;18 . 46,, , ;: ad ?: •• • ,
• .
CaWelrif Antf•DrOeptio,POwdeiai
nt yepept kewder,.
rCineily whoie . for.
I his' t
with' ifever 4 l.4o ,l /iAmo , 'N P e
uotearelled ',env'!" )it, Ogeviatipg nud
iturinencuttr A titose,,iniitnereblii,iio per::
pinking sytuptomit attenifeut 'ulnin'llniettni verbally,
;Town sinsii..-=DiFtietislel - ., For. sale only. sit the
Drug Store of'.June - S.': Stes'ensed kUtihefre;
011 EGON ' IliArNli ' ll 3 ** 0 - 14 .; r &C I
aa9 Hata;
Bands anflbiakl9,o4i - Oteitix.:e of
Juno 41 1 :111411akife.k
,te ,
"'•tU ,It*
Oil at,
imp 44,,p(?.,,;Fe'0r,
'4yT9)ol,4F,apol'at ms"hi
4kpino on IRu'vy is
z wht
. ~.
t.„, k.f
- ,nir:!,';444tt
i,,V13._,, eli:bkidqVUOK,gni;
Per#4 akiiiloP4Vihor riiinitik., ;:4 • 4 , !
... rolfeioAndit",isk brititli
9104:Pan. rs ''7lAtca.ls4l,n,
it ~,00,-,„„ui.,017,,,,„, ~.,_
i ~
4. ti.w..ipp.4.:, ,_
0t; , 56 , 417,1
tni t e l tO °4lhrlai r ti t:N * l ll6/44 KV.
„ 4s •
g4"' ' ' 4 4'.,40;
46,0! p
iettir ucr a. • te
. •
. • •
Acinnntrer . 3n 4
in, Roil the adjoining counties, thin, to the
lalit tOmake and-sell PATES.T ft _USA" ,
power4istritailo nn the';pritiO;nlol 3 !,
orintonifcedWY ihSte
ing theta in neat& liislliClightest dratight of py:c
HorsO:PliiVte'hfiiVlloo4 ifol'6l - 110#011"4
hegil ill' use - Itt'itiliontiniy:fotilitint;
fdur yetirs, and has' fully its. rein:44Mo
sr being the befit:Machine hi 'use. 4•;
We respectfolly-,call empaintifin . REthnic who
re in w.oil of ta
Alticing Shop, in the'rear:of itliottlis!•Avare
0115F01,4 ',4 . itirroine fur
hosing 7chie•witei:O, ne wO are' iletertniffidjamell
ratitifonsfy:ollM.l.liy, thodalititteiltOtn,:itt'bint;
04 : 1 P eli,1 4 1 T 1 )•"e 7 1!, 1 ','' , •
1114 S, i - tacertify that . 'r:e liatMth nsanhc 91.
11 iltht, horse . power ..Ond i-Xlir,estii , tig , ;MAClAßOG
00. 130neiderit -stiperityr to-any , machineeira
lava ever seen or used for lightness Of.. 'dinned,
tprill in threslring, and durability, and: do confi
dentlP. „recorittnend Rio Frrinera ni•
Machine' '
Datid Kuiz, • . .1011 n
Jacob Ku tz, Prier Tnbiiis,.
- ha ra Kurtz,. - llin in SlirivCi
William Dunlap, Johit SWOYer.
. . .
,TUFi r 'wtibiorkbors would '•iiirniqtri"lll
zeris or thhoool tllc odjoinging comitimoti
nrl prepOroti to execute to order.,till kin&
- •. •
mill work, Corti . and - PlalstCr breakers, T
irg machine cabtings, Ploughs - Mid Ctritilk .
'They Inive also 0,11 hand a new Co ro 51iell
' 'll - aliell 100 hull
our. glom.; of
;Hid:ions, inch an
late all 11:1ZeS soil pat
mm. .
- 00a1.&, - Cooking
Huelss',.Zeigter's nod
Lewis'ittents, which are the best now in use.
Titresbytg,Nnelines repnireil at 1111001• RIC
kiiittifttnct furit.hing ii genernl.
Foundry nntl Shop in the rear of
Henri Rhoads' WAN:house.
ASI(N% Fri I.
Cnt May 27;1846. -
pscroiriKAPll/C1 11EPOIS,
• Founded 18401
A-,W ARUM) the_Medal,, four first .premiums
two highest honors, by the Institutes o,
Nlionsacheietts, New l'Ork 'nod" "Peon qienniii; re
speetively, for Ike most benutifol Colorad Dsigur
reot)penntul best , •pparntos ever exhibited.
No. 2,9:,.$ IpappOore'St. Baltin!oFe,
k(ljoining Campbull'a, Jewelry Store
Concert Hall, Pennsylvania A ununcr .iv as h j ug _
; I).
9.51 n wi,y, v. S 3 Court strrel;
136 Chesnut sfreel, Pliitu. :16 Canal stack, New
Orleans. 127 Vieill Nue Ott Teniple,l'aris. 31
Church lit.LLiverptiol. 83 Nlitin
1711 Main st: Cineinn.t•. • Market st. t".•.• Louis.
street Du Blaine. Broadway, Saratoga.
Don w's Build Midille at. Portland.
Main at; Newport. --e—, Norfolk ,'Ysti
Petersburg, Va,
M n : 18.30.
.terelolor exiwiing between
Grove,, ; Ac, Wiikiilpnl nil., in ,tlm)inerenntile
by nintani ctkeid.
on Ibe
-4lnt lam. The finok n and Aterainte,nre rat in
the hands of 11. IL Grove, who will ciaidinue.the
business in the old ifidul.
4-. H. 11. GROVE:,
Carlisle, May :27, 1846.
ANAWAY. from the yobseriber, living in
Dickinsmon.wnsbi ii,.6lmberland, eon nty, H 11
4 ~ , - indenten apprentice to the Fuxin.
ing,business,naMed. . .
Ai' is a mUlatiO. bni., :about 13
• • • • Tears of ugLl. - All'perions sire foe;.
• - Liilliailloringertrusting.naidbny
• - on my aceow.t, under penally of
the In v. • SiEIPIIIiN F• WKAI.II_,EV.
May 2'7, 1846.. ;
tke- citizens of Carlisle, 'ond-tko public
Tonerelly, that he. still continues his`LUMBElf
YARDion. the...tiVit, end of Main street at the
corner lortned . tlto Newville Iteeditnd the
Turnpike, where he will at all times 'keep on
hard n general supply of widliiseleolcit Lumber,
such as
• ltig'Tl nbcr , Shingle ' ,
whi'cli will bo . sold at Um lowval,piici,
• Ills stock,of Lumber, conciata4f 01111 asaort.
meat of Yelroyv add W hile Pins , Poplar an d
(Marry. Pldnk,frorke.ndknrn papnel
Plaids; White and Yellow Popkir,;Cherry,
'Oak 'a bid 'ld a plo Soil oiling, nf;dl elies frort.l. by'
3to 63 . ! 8; alsO a full aasorrrnadfof
e and
Oali •Sluailor; ,Pulld,flac..TATLltii . ;?f, l tini,
lenghli tltickdriaa•--Juied.attiVgaifera'Ar
liOrtif and id*:erOriLiall ' ari-igtlfilVar.;i:r*llibt4rtik
ytlll else keep
the different kind .141
Grove, Willioe6urre r'ailtr.'Sliam'altin• for
aro g , and ,Gfmckarporliariti'liltickatrrit,ktic
Coat'a at 11'4
Grateful -lin, pastfarLidT, Xlta.--W . rilida!fulcy' L- en..
rriLlda.puid'omera:' 'LL
NottlEg-w-uO r pypn; - :r - -
le : ntoontitctoi•ri'ju
repe,ivetOtollst.offored , to t'plOodlitsturerti : lo*.bY
s't",so°4tY-: Kltiott. •
.4r . jJ;, 14 . 11tileS DBES* 0p05...: ';J
aashri rock of •IlarOOPP . B 01 zollitc.B;
•MilualitNidiaido;q)ficiaickflrwnii•Pteiicisin - wM p
.qiiAlkamand.OinOctip.bivrn4;,co sll, 44 ol 4 l llßt;
ga.d4E.4rOc'ei:4') 4 4ocll,,cliluiFo7.iin s , 4 ; o l ll 4 - eq
e. no, pe n tlipg.,4oja 01:4 , . sr;
:1411*W 1.44.7:'; :
)i,f ii , i6lll§Ofirrf z il ch pit
A varity of NI ent ..
A. large-assoli4crot ,- ;.,0r - ,arlAtak
mixed OltildienPi:23triaAciligt;'., - Aleok
cotton Qafot b, , pf!vretailvril
. ,
• rstAtix,clrrocAliw,,,-•
i!NP 61 !'!1!0P414:49,910We. 111 1 6 4 k;
yuir! , :relWiatt'lln4 l f; ll l4 l o ll 4 l i c h"
Tftort..44 . ,MilYsfar-'T'' , 5,0:4d 0 10 6. ;
'ft oßtv so3, , 43ofrpgi ,
'• A 6
: 6 ttgPiei t itt i'. Olivtl'i'V#;;;'
mt r
7 1 ,10 4
=~~,:: ~~~XJ.,4~Y~~ .
RTER- 2 -f
AS recetyeil Oditional ;of-loots
and 'SlilieCitiltable for the •present. season,
which sellini at the lowest tiriees.,,
Alia stook consprips4 - y l ielity-br,G,ForretilNitt
Calr, , 7
ooeco awl... Sent 613,d0f,d4T
do , ' -do-
";:l4ilillie,°9Bl4B° /11°Pt-• p p i L IfFusaiis•
Socks iiniDlonrol.s. • '
LatliesSntin.Kitl win! :11nerocoo slippers.'
- •Sti-, , Dce--F,i,di l M m
,orroceo itt Lealliertidsi
do- Brodze;t, ' -••
"Vane.? coroettlGiiitermtstid
, • • ;••':'
' - 1111/lias „Kid' rad Atorrocco
'Mack and limey colored. • ,
Do. Galleys and ha gaiters. 4'7!
cAtilthiene Boots nod. Shoes in endless `carieiv.
..liefttlEoilso a large. soma). or t io Nr ,,
&O.llljul tiptop' teitt - w - dek mint engaged,
jle orpqred,taiinantofie_ture ork. far cusionr
era of
Soots nnd here arciirtirrantecl, and
th'ey -
_c owi trFilealers Itfili others -suppli e d with 13trots,1
Shoes and Dragons, by the box nr dozeH.
— A leo; KithAllorrooo q Lirlings t Biitui 'L'lireittl;
Ate. &to, at , -
• Call n't - PorrrEn , s ST: 1 1021 S'AIORE,
Corner or Alain- und--Pitt Streets,lopposite -the
Methodist Eideeppai Church.
Carlisle, Nial-20, I/3,16.
, _ .
I lIRVC Jaat rcenived a IA - rge . Addition to trn• for:.
met' Kock, nips:timing of- Al 1 1 1 . 0_1 ON ES
PATNITS-,DI P,STUITS; YE li I. U ‘t F. li Y. a nd
F ANV A 121'1 C I .P.S, wli., II I offer either Oink,-
_We- ckirotail f At tile• I IMY estpriees. -
P hy sickants.„..lllannfac.,_,
turers and others 'arc respectfully inrlted to call i
at the. QLD STANT), where they run be supplied
mirth articles whieb,can,be relied upon ns (icing
Nfav 21 114
caU / 4,loXte
1,7 •.slies_to-inform—tho-p4l:w-
itc that he has jttst received
from Philadelphia, and is now
opening at the Old Stand, on V.‘'—
Worthltanover street, one of •
the most extens)ve and elegant
Fatn ., y Articles, Miscellaneous and School
Beaks, Pcrfniiicr`y; Fruit ,=fir: &e. which .has
ever been opened in .this all 0( which
hid cc. been eels eted by hinise if in- peryon- with
great ,ca re, and,,which he lean euntidentir re
commend to his friends and customer , : heind
cuual ilmilt-superior lousy in- the markei. II is
stock will constantly cmtprise
Drugs-and n es%
Patent NI eiliei /WS, 1110.3 :mil PAtravtl,
Finis Chemicals; Spires.crlllll/11 4‘.11111e
Instrainent., P.ssem,..
Pure EsseMiul ON. P(.1.61 MO , , N.u.
eye—S7 ttl):si.
Modelers. Oil of Vitriol.
Brazil Wood;Copperas,
Alum, Luc
. Paints and Varnishes.
Wetherdl f‘c Brother's White Lendr Chrome,
green and &low, PAi,tt vonl \'nrofnli Brosint,
Jersey Window BlB6B,l,inseed Oil, Toirnemine..
copol ond Couch arnish, Lithnree nod Itedl.end
nntl Borith Green;imoonntol for 53 IV rit
the old tstnblikibed Drug, Book nod Slore.
Lard Lamps,
An elegant variety of Lard Lamps, mann file
tin'ed by C*neliny,of every 'du and pattern,
lino at greatlyreduped prices.
Fancy .Articles=,
-Comprising,lin , emiless variety of orry notion
in the fancy eyny, Vvl . tielt it tunny. Inky a eel.
It_te_ elm meta te,hnti kvykis be Patina
every variety of article for ornanifint, instruc.
Wm or amusement, and'at prices ^from a penny
to a dollar.
School Books
wank is contpgacd eirielFy or Senno
,booke;:trodeinis, &c
used in College and the public nelioole, elf
el ) .Ur 1,
detalrlMliment. Also, • .
.• Groceries & Fruits,
pritila and fresh, and of very soperior qualify.
at prices astdnishingly lov.. 1.1 short, a little
or every thing that is usoltol .or ornamental nisi
be found tq hiishntent... to which be in.
o .. ,,, A lA to.a ,fe n fien the public, confident that
butktin; ..his goods „will he
rotund equally natialittory. .Renoember the old
(,;arAsle,' .11.lny 6,180.
; nl4trt.,Fiil 110VIIITELEV,
11V.Painio,',, PUN; I:yeidutn , ,
fig. .&o: St.o:No.32o,llAur
threot,,(Fourdoors below 130Woi,t1 streel,) DAL
,irstonm,thave.nn hund and ullbrzforfale
asisorlinbot.of •
!::-.:D.illo,.ClteiniCals, Medicines, Exc
which ' huge brcn
,O . leeted whit gre a t care, and,
wbich ,ilkey . aro prewged. to ii herd, !mire.
Ilitebitgerft; - 'li• t el I ' .. (4; mil, tin') exotnine,
lots , 'therri,fer
should 'Weir:6l4ll6i by let..?
, ter' Abell be eold 'to
"ill . Oll rm . ! ,
tiO,*ithtroureltie endAeolifese.
diINF all voryilnw: , Likhtning:
I'U r RiAl Paints, Oi Nit*, tilitstilv:CeikoN
mire; Boot 4ir...adicp, , ,xicvoiccol;atitber;•,Latta,-
I,g au c i , taca, ' l. 'o4lpg:pr... , -
Powder l aarcsklia4o,.
ir t ; co
airdiidnosoclllqlaWolOdC h pp lti e, 1 0 1 r r o ti r 2, N ,W o ak
i hlmk4lfeol duar,
to • wfifieri Almtl litgliest, , -PrICCO: In ' cAon • 4111 bc).
il'itiik#kitiritt Alio Wcirlirk in' :?--=--- o's, - -..'t ,` r'
v , 1,,- , :7 , , , ,, • , ' 4 .,•1' i ::. ~ 4 , - 1 pkTER.T. EGmt„,;,,,
"'Mir 11:',X$44;:‘ - ' : ' l 'l' -_-''' .',' ,;.•_.. 1 • '.!_. i ...., ,‘(,,,,
1 '' '4'l7.7-' ' 'M'C'' V l''''- ' 7-' Ol t . - iioikiiii % "•''' , '` - ` 7 ' . * - :..K . ,....,
1 41 At . 'ir.r- 1 44 , ', ~' a . .' ~ ,•;.., , C . ••• 4-1 , S 0
'' A R01'0;08. 1 4." .farga mm tor,
ViitPi-flguiTS , 11 , 0;irrViru:' ,1 $6 4 Pit 1 4 1 (
:an ..;0 1 , tor BOW tiff:C- J.A. ViLlg,i4Noutt:: it
, 14 , , i,s hi , eatietant,A,l4,qo;,..,,tpkt'tot3.l:4-IFT4
, , rvj
IF7 lll . l ,o# s #!lita ti : • Piloo 6 44ega .
914itvf;000 Of:00 A4r;
• , • •
„ „ -••••
ail'" Par 'RlVlVArtiNfik,4t;
t. t . A4 , 44
J *4lk' 0 91,14"
4` 144 .0.04 VTA
~ ,•4
a 3
• Voab
."="':Atiocirli,ts - Tzfil:4llltont
g and hi 6 'atiiiirerioloietael of kaart
averAliaaght taCatltete:t TfiehUradrote article!:
aut'of the gliatitioario r :itivintyo , oeeafy, the
ptfriencr. ,7 ,o4,4ty?tcimper. , 'Atiifica"
tt io
a4l,4ll4l6litilititte*Aviannii- d
plata assoittneat '
,Gtiodg, .Gioeeriet Eats 8i Gaps,
sows mid;Shoed; uneommcpily. !pia,
by calling at Ogilby's Emporium.
- ,Tracollect 111,9, olti - Allittd; 5' dirortrbelow the
Attirket-ifotise," Enetiligliatreet.- .
j. 846.•
Tl39l,rreeiVed 'n ail nbVir onet:lhg; a aillondid
`lO aliaortinent of Dry Gonda end' Gineerlea et
Cheep Store in 'Nottli Hanover
Otteabona door below S W HatierotiekrifDrog
EOM where the public eon be' aceonirraiditind
'WWI Cheap goods for 'Ohsh. -
Spring and Spinner pands, at tile
t; OF
:.. ,Jones.G.A.Ciar r4oIT.
A.V . F - jtist°feceivaTront the city, nn la rat. •
. aril exteIISIVC 4111 Iles..rtincbt o( &.
SuMmer Goods ag liave c'i,r been In might to
'!heir stock having horn' scleeted
with lie grca(est Clay, I 11 , 1 S rat; c o mide o lly
assert, that a clkaper„ better, or prottiergissot
merit, is not to he 'foetid whose. " n 44 it !
'Stock consist* in part' rd blue, 1 . ,1•m bLek, grrt
olive end- mixed, English, French, and Aloe. I
C 0 TI-111; , striped, plaid and - plait, I
Cessiinercu do. tot summer, toperior white(
I striped and plain,,Dt Wings, rtipsrio'r
gold mixed, olive and Silverft% ecds, superior i
Cashincres and Ort gob Cloths, d.. Croton •
Cloths, dc. French and English all ip.
ed nt.d plaid do. ' blank satin Vesiitu;s of no.
perior quality. Also, a very large- ass., OM 11l
or ! laid and Sfrifcd'eltit n goods ,1 I su.nnu I 1
_ .
.Ipnts' and coats.
.We ertrnesti,Y - invite - tire - tridie - s ftv -- eiTtl nmr - •
ne plaid, striped 4. shattyll nod corded
Lawns, corded to nglittm, lace striped Orga lid ie, I
rich style 11,117 J -tribes 'and 1441tnifcs,lacC
tousling Mid cambric., es.trn Gn+ghaif;s :cud
French Lawns, Pplen,'M Ca lierto, t that
everY thing ever offered - for the p r i, T . Ak o,
hosiery, Gloves, mitts, laces, Ribbons, and I
Linen Cambric ilandkerchiels,_ . liourket_raps,
-trf blotto
blenched Walk's, plaid nod striped
Portland. stripes, cheeks, 30 inch heavy 111 it
sings, 7-8111 drilling, sable diaper.
ce. cs• in .Q 3 7Nigazna,
consisting of splendid white China tea setts .of
46 pieeds, Liverpool ceps and saucers, p!atcs,
basins, bowls, &c.' A large assortment of
Glam. wuro,, Crockery - .ware, hardware. Cedar.
ware, Oils, Paints and prestptfs. Hreveries,
New Orleans,,Strgar house and-Flyrui; Nlulaseer,
Pinto Ince, New Orleans and Loaf Sugars,
Black, Impwtu4and Young.lLy_son Tens. Mace,
Ginger,. Nutmegs,-Fem--TIM knead, best..and
olteuitest assortment of ' .
ever ctrered to the,people of Clinnberlaitd
ty, eonTrising,, in all over 5000 pair - O r r the
variotis kinds of -?leas',.Woilletila untl 'Chit_
Shoes end Bouts, which we will "war
yant not to. rip," and yeerrunt them to give all
teasonatile salisfatoion to the wearer. These
Stars and H o ot.. we will sell '2O per cent. cheap
er than city n Istii prii 4 e,! A romplete - ussurt•
inctit or the tarot 1141,1 C11001)00. 0. es Benver:Cassimere, Brush and Fur.—
Double and single Leghorn and Seagruss Hats,
with n very urge assortment of ralm.leaf lluts.
We would say to one and all, give us 'a peep,'
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter.
ruined to sallgoode an:cheap as any stab in the
county. Reidembe'r; our store is directly op
posite Robert's Hotel, South Hanover street.
('nTltle. April 'a, 1846.
N. it All kind. of country produce will be
taken in exchange for gandp, at market prices.
The Largest, best Selected, and
Cheapest Stock of Hardware ever
. brought to .Curlisle ll! -
.OHN T. LYNE respeetfullit infirms his
Pllor friends and the public gersrally that lie has
just-received trom the oily a bplondid stock of
t I S II R Y r
Cheap Paints, Oil, •Varnish, &e., which, ho is
Ills Ntockeothdals its part of the following,:
liailking msterials, such as 'hocks,, Hinges,
. • mit.iie r wh • , •
ill sizes. Carpenter's tools of all kinds, such
as planes, saws, chisels, augurs, braces and bits,
coin sos, superior sand paper. Saddlery, a
lull aTsortment consisting of brass pilau' and.
.lapunned Harlimo issourstiog,saddle trees,,Lsits,
stirrups,Ainditels,.hog skins, raw hide, %% hip
stocks, &e.. Makers' materials,. such
ris ItiAIIOGAN Y ,YE,NEERS, Glass und Ma.
.knobs, drawerand Chest
stkad screws atirketips. 'Alsis, a Splendirl'eAsort.
merit of lino pen and !inches k ekes, hiblo s
and fork's"; lino and sheers, sheep
shears; razors and razor straps and-shoving
cream. Also, Candlestieks and snuffers, ahoy.
els and -tongs, brushes, of all kinds, tubs and
buckets: shoves and ,sModes, hay and manure
forks, halter and truce chains, coffee mills,'
lookingslasses, arid looking glass plates all
sizes, mill and cross cut saws, bar, hand, round
and hoop iron. cast, timer and blister stiel.- T -
Also, rifle. and rod powder of the tent onality
und safety floe. Togother/lt.K every article
deilnlly kept'in a Hardware Store; tt
• •
Calr and--;examin& before •iitirefirniing else-
Where "nal nm , determined not to be beat.
Tri - e.botilttl and . accounts of the Jute._ firm of
„Lyme, arc In 119 , 1 hulaits,o9o per: ,.
t~hit as 44;o1cs' ,;, , 2 10 ,r 1 . - "J;)';M
;1-AoriNthittto. `.• "
Q P4l.l4;Ai k pitzl .9,1,r,11:11K1t
1:n1Alii; - '0,iietkOr‘tiakre
1111p.6t14:Cilyi F4i.tlip.stora - I
CO:- . ,.`
' -
tOt:PAi 1 - kisits kit iCouool;Prltiliiec i Con iii px4,
islututiO for gobtl*;;;Lettig.l4ookftil,liir.lutili.riiiUy,:i
b' ikop4 bur .trie'!,llloll'Oritfitlite.ilicir patriouie,'",
:Alf we teirdisiipleil to`OtoomnigthltoOklVA#ll9 iUliy
glvb ult.' • '
, r 13.71 " .• •
Vd i g •-tt t i l7b Et ' b. o rt k r* .° 4 1 17.11•1; 1 9 i :el?'
, , • 1 ••• a sort tit of' SEG RS
ITSt irt. 6 , - •••
0ri.60 etiek ..11 rn alp p - with a, very stitmore,ot
Oifetidlsti'Vkliticcoi -410 h ,
fvFyd:+Qlll k"hs';ilirnr RAT! , et (104 ,-. lYrog-aniflltiolc.,
, stovi,or.v4.&;thay. ST.
-,,te. , .::44:4p.,...;-.•,44,1,, ,, uvr 4 • 0111)54 •
- 1 : 1L ,1 4 4t ,
• - -
• ty.(kiiipliitiiiw.sloi44 , ooo.4.
0 g .J. ) .-iifilOtl f ,Emst corner
of ;11, , IttieSqt.,104weliiiidiraiid . : "afeikani stook of
''gZiMgI S 2X9 SI :":=WCIPZIDWPip:
••• •
-- •
§ laitinetain nd;taktimerbs , 7bflikliiioOßAlLßili:o l , ll "'
vnri etylo niCWIEWC/11...11ALZOR1151Plii"ge8'.
Ltuyno, - Fahey
Preneli, Sentaf,-Rtia , DOmeittie
I tm.latwnw , Nlnnelln de I...rire?,,Citileoes
and it hleAellk.ll Iluglitte, ecdorrilearnb'elidgni4 ei
geoertil toent or Whitt fnodei Merino:Aofilqinige Shawl° B° ''' .6 0 • 101e 4
Crayikle, Geamlerneo'R Iditek Ata I ioni.limer
Silk nod I:11111d k ere hi ern... New' :Sfile
Spiioe j'itrj C4ipeso
Pimp. f lorenee Hi iucirr-
N-it find Sttn it; tlekstot4ieli
.fringed - lldihrotrw, Liteuo, F.d0:1110--in0
Also, FA NI ILY GRC,ERIF . :9,,sOoIt - st, C.;offeto„
t'itglu a • True; Aploe a fin trrobi% '
As' I 'em aell , :ki*Cciik" l :CAStro .
ittEitq 'the 11011 e. Jo,
amine ttl:; - ONO: lii•foi'e ptifebliing eliewbete:'
CI; rl 10e, A twit 1846,
d i atAZZIESI34IRII2 I 2Z,, -
13 , --‘7 °um) Daimaneo to the chfiens or Car:
In raid the public in general. that he
,hAY removed Ids ;tore to South Hanover.etreet t
one floor bulow tinrkhnldettaflotel,in the hou.a
Rfrim•rly urrupicd by Mr. N. W. Woods'. where
jhe would nitrite nll who. want to purchase dhoti?
1;,Jodo to 12 n
Ile would inforthf iiradir that he big jest
I et - turned fri.m Pleiltolelohiu with a large- told
Hileadid. UPS?' fluent of J •
Spring and Sommer Goode,
i which added to his former stock makes his t.
sorlierot lie will self-goods as cheap
t I 11 r tither 4-14 altliehtnent in 'town.
leek. which has be, n selected With care and
1 aII ill noz.l.le , him to give such tinning
nk. C 11 1 ,1161 Nil to pfsa4c.
W.oolil Ila e lore call the ifleUtinn of (1,1.
f riTiTA - p -- cnrcris, -to glvo
pall of
r , o •
r• aior quality. clasincrcs, Canal-
Fiiinnett, Mime
n select nitd - zeneral nmort.,
tetat of Lace., k:.dziadii...,biscrlingp, _Gloves.
-1-l-osir Az. et together with - eircry vs.
Italy of go. Is keat in !thy Hore.
A A very liirge assortment of GROCE-
R lEs, of all kinds tha: may he waptql for 'fam
ily use, very ele.erp. • Likewise, a la - rie 'assort.
mem or
Quensware ) Glassware, £4c:,
whirl; will be sold very low. SEGARS, artho
bei.t that the cioF - c - ould" olThrd,- can be had by
caning at thTfniteei Cheap S . tore i in Sout6 Hsu.
over stre,t.
Those desirous of securing the first choice of
the most select and de . sirelde goods in the roar.
ket,, well tosill.iiitimet_delay. • .
Carlisle.', April S, 1846.. •
• oLADaHi , '" a OLOTag.
"-DST received; n no w a n.l plr n did assort.
meta of CLOTHS, consisting in part or
French. En g liNh and American Broad Cloths.
Al.O, Croton, Oregon, and Summer Cloths, for
save,itthe l'en - ple's Cheap Stole ; by
May 6, 1846. ' H. Anderson. •
rn II subset iber hereby inferms his cesto
- I Biers and the public generally, that he has
just received 'and in now opening at his store,
nn the South West corner of thefublic Square,
a splendid stock of
olublir.U/ SPRING GOODS,
consisting in part of English, Trench,. and
American Cloths, Cassimeres, Sittirietts, Ken:
tricky Jeans, Cotton Goode of all kinds, Sommer
(Botha, Veriting,s, Lawns, Ginghami, Baltarines,
kliqn and Fancy Dress Silks, Shawls, a choice
lot of Calinorts at all pricer Checks, Ticking.,
Muslins, l'arasols, Sui, sibrd ' es. Gloves, Hosiery,
_Also, Groceries, Roston Syrup, &mar
House, and Orleans Molasses, Sugars, Spices,
I&c. together wit') every thing chic in his line
of Liminess. All of which he trfliqs art the very
lowest prices possible.
Carlisle, April 8, 18 46. •
Ilnolberlparge Arrival ofCheaj►.
and Faro*atonable Good _
sN style linlzorinee, very fine
Do • Denim. do •
Lane nivlione.
Do Printed Lawns.
'Do Silks. ' •
Just reef:dyed and for sale at tl4Sheap and
Taney more of J, A. CLIPPING Sit.
Sbippensburg, May 29184 q:. .
COat Cfings.,
EED eLOTEIS,'GriId find silver, mixed.
111 . . Da del Plain and Fancy Cuasi
!Hares and Oregon Olottig, far sale al-the cheap
addlasinnona tile itore of
Rhippnsburg, Mny 20
QUGAii cliitEDiaAm.s; just received•and
10 for bale at the cheat) Do , (nod and , Griii , ; o4::
eery slam (;f • cfIAS. won:lz.
. .currtaledby 20, 1846. . •
DOSNLY, -Vew Orlcunil'und sugar House.
Molasses, juat opened and . foreglelOeep
May 20. • . CIJAB. flaapap.
- 11211\a LATHES - 41nd Taitiligo,
den fence, just •reeefved-and for
iy • • • *Catar.ies!Billtiett•
IM, ,
a ud.140 e#::j iAt.± 4'o v:4; d , tonsils by
—2 44 - 412 p . r. •-..§..),l3maug..".4"ll:gliilf,tliir:•—•
1 1 =911.111t
A 1 4 'ealg . 4
vers , uri4Mi ,W.
;i• 1 - 6 1 1.2'`: ;
„,,-,..rrtr,tlst.l!orxil,,,graiG)o4'irt,;',„, •
,54” U egFre ! I ; od ;
mo s i.fOriallll4 • Wid , t)iq"pA icriditoAc
• .
.rlivirket anti Weave*lt'll; iwasketfo.
!rf,A'' , llliiie'sveortnieriCtir Tes;feillinw
VS,k Misketto, just reeniiietrottiAly t bli'sold choir
the I)elig aqui iic!iik,storta
ay‘O. ; S; lia;.eritiqk•
N hilmjaire.4 0
.f.9 ( ijelikft
j, foei6ld 6 ti, i,;;ARP6091,-
and fcr....iilitootitoktfbio' a t , 11P7-Y'd - , •
• '00,7i ;00,,
iktp,4r4W4 - ;leTsfl
9 4 ,2 1 04Rittqftwifidierleeng
?...„ 011 l.
Jr,, l ) ll t:tiolit ta•clostit , thlP
t, it , YWATI 1t'.:41*.',1 ,14 Hplii
hi:i ., .64, ~-,,,,, : , ~ k 410K3b4 4 1 ' '
K1*.:64,,1 , ,', '':•4 . '•'2 , ' , .041 1 4,01." -s, :it" l i
_.-;;.1.,, , v,'1i!*, '_ . '•:,, : ..,; ',,,,; ',': ?`, , ~.
.. '