Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 10, 1846, Image 1
I r v` x l ~F:::~:,.w '='- ?i~•rH+'yix~,'d.~;9ie • ,- k. • ‘,.... " ~ , -'..., -1, 4, .... 5 ,.•' ', 5,,,,,,-45,• ,',,,,, V -, 1 - -- 1 45,15.'55,,5 .1.t.k.,;5 , 10-' ,. .,- - r, -, ri:=3,tp.....,ty " 1• - -1.,. 1. , ' ' , - x " ~, .„ ~ _ _ ~.,..,„, -.,•. k, . ;,,,„;.•.-.5.;,; "„.•'-•,„ 1,..1 , ;.• , ,r. ,„,, - 5 - • •.,;;";,., ~, ..„. 1„„„ ~ -.1 ,IVy4 - "4 . ...4t,,,,;. , (tiliierie , AnX ~70;t31.14TC:47', i• ‘ . ', ' , " , P: ~,." , `''- / '' ', •,. "% " ',.' . ' + ."' "'''''' ..- " '. • - 4. "* . 1x 116.Z- ar . ..2.F3.firkiikeg,'' '... ' . ' I 4., . 1 . 0: +.N'tA1- w iltif , a 4 / 7 "/ - ftiff' ,3 .' ,... 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One .Pollarktarid Fifty eents.eyear ix,-ipvarres ---T*T.llO laricifitaldiwithin - thn - yeaT7 -- ,One Dollar:fer ste.rnonthi: l ' 47 ( . .These Cermewill be rigidly adhered to, —......... ,1141E - S OF ADVERTISING„-.!:. ' - Adieftiseindi6r, iatitilig lifteetillees oi,lesi, will ha' ,charged akthe.rate , :of Piny coda for one Insertion,— ' threeites feel:lnc' Dollar, and twenlytfive catkin' for. ~.•,Vary; bsequentinsertion , Yearly advert:leers Will' tirAhair n Odet the following rases: •‘ . • , ... , ... . olio' diduiiVii; with we 'paper, for one yeai, -- *is Ilalfereolnron, do. do. • - ..• *l3. • Tifb - SqUlltoo, with quarterly changes', , , 4,10 Belineseeardo; With the **per, • . ~..-. *3 . . , 100PRINT(NG OF. VER Y. DESCRIPTION • lif act!, as, Handbills, Blanks, Circulars and every. other ' othitedeseiljition of Printing, ereetitbd hanserneli and eapeditioosly, aiii et-the LOWE ST PRICES, - • tubs. lED_COE'O3I MII•TVaI,9 • HomeopathilPhysic OFFICE:Main' etreet, in the boils . ° for merly occupied by. Dr, Fred. Ehrrnan. • • Carlisle, April 9, 18.45. Dal E 0 LOO CUEO9 Al 4, • ... oilw"i'e.ettet;if„otrrrercquued:inftoirontisiziT,ir'e-Ai.,'.e. Plugging . , Fee., or will restore the loss of them, - 'ty inserting Ar,- tificial. - Teeih, from a single Tooth, to a full vett. a7otfice cn Pitt street, a few dcors South of the Railroad Hotel. '- • • I): Un - mis will he absent_ from Car lisle the last te,ndAys, in each month. JuuC lI,'INdS . CHARLES D. PENROSE, Late Solicitor of the Treasury of the Elicited StateB; IV, . . . ILL pramiee Law in the .several Courts of V LannAster Conitty. Office in- South Queen Street, lately occupied by John It. ..otatgom cr.', Eel. - -- June I 11, 1,R45.. _. JOSEPH KNOX, A TTORNEY AT LAW, (late of.Piltsborg, Ti • Nn.,) will practice- in- the-Courts-+d Co beiland gild the adjoining , counties. Office on West High stracknext door to J. llamilton, , Esq. , Carlisle, October 14, 1815 . COLWELL. & ATCLURE, . ATTORYFA'S A.T. LAW.. ILI, attend promfdly to Imaittessentriuded 4 0 them in the counties. of Cumberland. nd I•} an ju: 0 Itirea, nue door weal t.lie Past 11'0% at reel ,Unit i ale ,' and next door tu Stnetlutugh it Mover's Drug :Stores' Stifppe,ns: Mn•t . • 4.4.24, 1311 . Attoopy, Li4w, 4 • • IUIP G "r .lull I , 6,1815. • • • • • . _ THE MANSION, NOUS -HOTEL • Fronting on the Cumberland .Valley . a;,L6 n - • I AWES kept by Gain. Willis Faulk, linsjus • beds' taken by the subscriber. It Is newly furniithad and 'has Ewen thoroughly repaired. Pitiletegers id the curs, Carlisle, strartgors, Travellers miters to are call.. moderate., and every attention paid in.tite; eninlart and convenience of those who patronize the establishment. 3. ‘. wiNuorr. 'Carlisle; April 16, 1845. ^ DER! LUMBER! J itlo'scriber lope will keit on booed all kiouls a LUNIIIE4, al'. 01 W.11)10;Piole hillitiglit%.lool Plastron% Lootlts,'lste. all J:orAiloToill ,` 4111 tor'splorat the river;.Wiili,tlte foe Ca.sto. at the Val•eliiiiti*.' - cir :"' . ' • l•-• WILLI %NIL I.L.'4llllll.ltAit:' 4 53artisle,Noreallier 5, :11145.1;:' - • ...741): ROUSE KEEPERS. lusp, .nt.the store of D. S. AIINCLD, ista eplegdid h t oftl2l.llPETai ,1:1s sold ut tho fullowirtupriees.t,'•;.• - ' ;'Stoirreurpets 9 . cents .per Yarill . 1 yird wide Arektlun Carpets. 25 'arid 31...Stcir eurpetii, , l2, cents per-yord; 1. yard wide.lnFittin.e.3ll, 4.5, 56.i'15, d 5 und.sloll,-Also:-Matting, Furniture, and Floor AN The above artieles.were. purelinotcd qt auction, ynd,will-be..spid .5.0 per :conl.,clusuper than erer,mns..sol,ddic Carlini°. • Apiil 1.8410. ,• .• '.3.4l39YtE4tfi zoolc,*Eztsviti fl '!:or ;P:outY-, )44!;,!.r:elyclebrj!5W:g_i!irA11:10ght ,„ , r: Belf•Sliariering ,PLOUEMS( • vblith t will sell etTlailade!phia pribCsoritli the Addition of thp rreighf, ' , pril .o B MUARA • • ~ . :.... . • . ~,i ffill .:.,ss. ~. .. -: .; l43 :,: inp i, ify io .i fi l i f 6 i, ........,:, .4 I..koff Lfirg. p_is., .141”1,1.. ' .110.'*Irle,F)Vitlill'410Piir iligtAullol,.lie.; ' 791iFf.,!Leiibtigil:41.01?.1-w.dei:niWterrn°4,i ;- 1 ''"ittl tiJtit tt 7. '''..i'l if tleo4o°°t rfirq'wEANLYfr,--r-- : ~.. ilgien,9l,,,A•pold/iR :,101!!: ,:.:fe l l-,;ii ithrvi , -a iktif:cti ea , r Core 11:1 Aticg%l4llll( c iiresi aid ( t 3. 4:g i t a Ze g a:V k e a ti oy:siit 10.4 T"tt tMi 4 eh r25#40): 0,• 11413 Y. Smiriit.4lo L.. 11 / 4 .9,1 . 1 ,4 oVvoße-tfikkilkipt4,l:iso, P 're Ct“Il LY enle ,5409 P. -- ,n e - - ft a I :I ' l6 l `beiotct ilklowePt• . ,Friflatitly4Quiltiqui ahm N1,1,1),,i,151,Vitikr.f1tv4484,41. 8.7.10uFP!,,%X1i , • t' ~PY‘T 44Y,40043. omtkl--'o - 11:- 0 ,, t'in..,. 12%- ~ ,o, ••• ' , l?` 4' " 4 ":' , 1" ' JAW - fp EAT,',Nitietyeor3 root pArtiotql. on, haw! Itt,Mmindir.4 , l lol ,o.43lldAtiit diet Dr,ugAnd irtirkAy• 10 .0 ~.,_4§k4MO°l4l4irilii.4'4;kl4ll`'LLl.,. na I‘ei tiailo,t6iititv , ' .., .. : 4: l,l6l o i d4 rige rs 1 ,1411 i —dik , - „"-... , :e4 , .. ,', ~,,,att- :1411„0.t,Aki i ..., , 0 , 0 ~x _ a ,.. ah.. na, I. . 1 . , "I'll U :. 13 , , c !AL -- ,l;4l. , :ysrpt:t4ekifr, i1+.44 41 1.7 ' k U llft!ril4!„ , itbliAtEL tioi.comgA,,, o f ' ........ ~ . ..„.„ tt i,... A .......,..---,-, ,....„,.. ~ -, ,204.11q• LeKl O 59--.'--- - - - • NEM .., ~d:~...,;.f.;:.yy. „,.‘ ,•,,,-•,,,,ejogon:l.'':: To Meßlic4or; Sol'euTm: - 'l4l-titTer myttelf3to.your'eao sitf!rtitfooltitc,citittfitlate,for.the u~-tho.n'est'Geneh I Election. =Should Inc 'hotiOr 'me With c 'Aiinjoeitror4oVti:tittfrrik - ke' t,4llleilge mvself,to discharge - •the - dutteiref the 'office with fidelity. „NiptA.*N., Soutf Alidgliefon.towhithp,t , . April ,22;•1846.-,46. Eli . ,Td the voters Of Ctimbei .. • Foffer- mysoli. to your consiuerakionua tt,ountlidatu for ,slui • OPPICE OF. SitERIFF; , of cum'berhuul County'atihe next mural. eleciiou suttl:wpt your for vour support. JAMES F. L,ASIBEIt TON. pic4innoo Ip. Igny • To the Voters of ciirhherlatid county. FEl.thiv.-.60712gXs : offer, your cornsiderailOrilortba ....orrlCE . ovsnmuirp, at the approaching election, and shell ha thank. ful for youriaupport: Very reopecifully, you're, JOSEPH A. EGE. • Sauth Middleton townehip i l • April 22, 1846.—te. . J 7'o the voters. of Cumberland county. jELLOVV-CITIZENS.--1 a n myself as candidate. et the next-election fur the OFFICE OF snEtrarr, • • and will bellmol; fill to-the citizens of Comber. county _for theta votes. If lam elected, Will attend to the duties of said office with fidelity. To the Electors - of Cumberland County., • . . irARLLOW.CITIZENS:—I offer myself-in your consideration as a candidate for the. • • •OFFICE OF SHERIFF.' of Cumberland' county •of the nextr:Gederat ~Eleotionr a ttd will'foel grateful to vim flir your support. ;," ANDREW,I3.O4ERTS. Carlisle,•Apiil.22, 184 T 9 - iliOtiiiers 7 6f , mb - orlmfsr,oo FEL . LOW - elfin - ENS !—T offeiriny'aelf to your consideration flu a enneitlite for the OFFICE 'OF S:IIERIFF . of Cumberland county. nt the 'approaching elec.- tint', and will be thankful tly• your Adpport.— Should you elect ine,l pletlgtiniyg,lf to perform the said office - with" fidelity. DA l ' _ 29,1846; Tolllo,Yoters of Cu in berland county. :--I offer m &elf as nourolidatieforAlm. oketi l 4 , ;k, if, Lmokharlapit,cnonty, - Va(t the) , :tinit` geeeral diction, , PPd .', 11 3,114PAT:C.,9-4ciitit,F!.o4lWk,;;:you,r, 4 .1 4 *.A4fi'0911 1 k. 011ito willi fitletilY; ANI ES IieIIAFFIE.; ktiuth iddleion township, / May 6, 18 , 16.—t0. ( tf .2EI To the Voters of Cumberland county. I•ELIAW CITIZENr3:—.I offer-myself the •yoUr cmiAileration as n cat - Adam for OFFICE OF SHERIFF,. M" Cumberland county at Ilia next general election, and moat respectfully solicit your support, IV! LL1.4111 gIATEEtt, Carlizilc, - Ntiy 6, - - Td the Voters of Cumberland county: FELLOW CITIZENS.-1 offer myself' of your considerattorifor the OFFICE oiF SHERIFF, of Cunibrrlancl county-;pt the runt genoral pipe- I ion. Slinulq r , no!d . aftpc,.l'n.4ll' endea4nr.. tio (1 4.0 1 01°. tie 0.1416' • • . ' IJAV,II3` StIMSWEI.X. "Sfiipinilisburi, Aril :30, iB4O. - To iho Citizens of CumborlandCo. eft ENnIi4IEN-1, O'er niyftelfuett aandi. t' l / 4 4,11i° date fhir the „ . , orrice .• or Cumberland, coenlyogt, olection,,and split - reqtsottlillY atikysur ottp,^ port. Should, you elect..rfiej pledge,msell So , discharge the duties of Silk! office will! fidelity. • ' • RiDHER,T,VegARTI! Y• iilt.crlaild comity. • - . , 1 - 4 1 014;0 rrizNAs Offer myself , to yptr, corisi4oraiiiirri au it co nd idutu.4 for thu "CkIFFIC . .or Pane. ral eleadoin; - - and .your 'our 4ragisa'for..!helearne: , rSlidtild'..fisti ,- eket• 'me, I `pledge tiyielf:Locdlieliafg4 ; 4lBtAutiOs , of said • office.whtli fidolify.andirririertlpBty..i 111 . ; ;,••,; .1014 N v,WYNiCOOP. L i , 41•igy:c.'; 'To ilia Voiers a Cumber ap emiuty. •,.rnyeelf _l:3Mo,_y_ogr_vglimidtarsion,,aB.6muxclideit_fst , OFFSIDE:Or' SU IFF 44: MZI o e- e potion to ec. i ' A gny onii; tie If .1.6 filiplinr,gti: the ditfluilaifqheolfloe fidlyani ,oooilline to Ant: = Gezieially'" .FEI,.I,OIV.qITIZENB .AND..IF,RIENDS _ 'respectfully, Inform you that I „ era A -a can 4ltdato for.fthit 'll - ± . or,gl,oo,or,stitatturr.) , 'of Ouiliberbiritt.ifouhfy,/, anit , mo worthy And elect me, us Naa fi' • la the next' jegolttOl'.elealMi;,l ,l -PlediblinyeetrY te.lisise mg,' ~6..pr11)120/1.18411...tere, .T 0 the QterSp LAW Pr an leolintr ~' ElELLOWANTlZENitY=llliiiitiiwaii#44; i ...42.6,01Eitoxiimiri'llorpadifrattottibil if:e al id i di d , 44 I,rdttliii9o,llcEr OF,Bll.Ettlffi at thi*Tacti 0 44 . Platkilet`tiOxii ifnil.piostitjtiipapcflillivirequesis ToileietiWfmtlio antno.l,lBll6upi It lidata#,Ped; IPirmaY rut aseur4d,, 1,0,1,11, doilho,;iiitritiVU #AlO,9O_ 04 1 4 11 0)00 , billIPOilluid POOthI I OY'. r TVlllqtfoP9r*TV E rptl,lw, 4,,,,, -4_,.;.; I -- := 0 " . nj , ' SO4:WSOW7PT'e!" -r ' T ril , *i! 4.4 , .:LAit ' , 0,4444A,,,,, , ;, 0,,Wi; A'f" ;',?'' ,rsm,. ~,P4 - febtrw.tiptkit4APpv..:,--ti4,,,, :747 40.1 :Ai 4"r'r P-o.:stirotvoioyf Jbp,r;' 3'. if,-',,: PEt 41Wa l , 5Eb- ° Zr .021 'ittifacitirio.-.= • „ , 4ie huncellent • Alt-ehtvalious:andlirat • 'The yoling'iiiid ardent:Seidler' dreamintritehlairravar , ','' ' . lichee fallen Lbit hes fallen! • With a gloty'on'his armlet Ilit.thetuddiqg of hli Inurele; • • ',And:the Morning Of his fame; Dea(hl tiMuiart. called beantiful s . " • •In the;lnnoeentand rdir; ' 'As thou'comestlike a blessing ' • .On the evening's..scented air I, Dieth I thou art More stations, , When the'yOuthfhl beio'lles„ • With:the flag of Freedom.wafving • ' , re) ... Like meteor feer his eyelr• . ..„ „. Have you ever read about-the villa..? of Hard-Scrable, and. rho man who-had 7bben twice at the capital? If. you have, hunt up the old paper that contains the story. But it you have not, which f believe is the case, let 'me tell- it to you. This village of Hard-Scrabble was, as its name indicates, not. very well to do in the world, and was moreover, almost out of the world, I eing hi the newer part of Arkansas, and at sortie distance from the capitol of that I" ILLIA WOODS. There was a malirrfhe village who had been twice to the capitol; and was, COUR , quenilv, tt,greateharaeter among. the [lard- Scrabbler, was mach looked up to by the young, and his opinion bad much weight in difficult marers. His name was - Jones, bat he Was more familiarly known RS' " the man who had been twice to the capitel."• This man had a disciple, or hehger-on, or shadow. whose mime was Thotims Meek, who looked with-grcat veneration MI '' the and. very "bincieentrecingraleferd'him One of the greatest travellers that ever'lived. Indeed, how conilhe help believing 4:0, when he - Wris'so often assured of the the best, the wlarshould know the best, the "man whohad beim twice to the capitol,' ,Did any , one build a new house? Mr. Jones was ready witli the story: ()lAN: that he saw going tip at once in the capitol. Did somebody in the evening throw a log on the fire? . Mr. Rules had gi..en iron stoves, where you could boil and bake, and stew--in 'em. all at once. Did a good woman let her tea k — effq ben over! Mr..10-es had seen a steam engihe ! Did any one lantich a canoe Mr. Jones had Seen 'a stetfrriboa'. - . What ,was >Tung() Park to !tllle man ;W:lte been twice -to the iP,X#F4O-o*-44:0441 1 04-44 rt ,„,t, Mintre n iy. 'a. wtlW 2 not,:tiolfeat a man as Mr. lotto', or at least did not feel as great. There-was one little failing that Mr. Jones hail, in coalition with other eminent travellers, he Sommimes stretched a truth a little. To be sure,the truth was never stretched so far but Thomas Meek : r1 mouth would open whio enough to swallow it but this bad habit of Mt JoneS led him one time hitb difficulty as you shall .hear. ft chanced that a familV from the east-ward.' attracted by something Zlesirable in the loca: lion of the village which form the .scene of Our tale; tiAriieldritskiif Some weeks before their arrivalixarions articles of furnittne arrived and were . safely -stowed away. Most of these articles were seen and duly examined by the villagers, so that by the time the family took possession-, it vas prey v,g . euendly nuWit withwly new tangled DAM MARTIN, i ttnil ,fatigleclartniles ~theirhouse was fill• ,ed. . ,was said (but,,mot,one had. seen; it) _lat they had brought .tipianp with them.—' What was a,piano ? No one, know,- or rather only ," . roan who had been twice 'to the capitol." He knew.everythim , .. In answer to the .enquiry, whether he had seen a 'Mine ,at the capitol, hereplind, with an "of course" toss .of the head, "Oh yes, they areas plenty ; as black-berries there: saw loads of Ahem in. eve}yy street." Aeek's.eountimance became solemn, andhis rest was dishirbed by dreams of pia: no , • The. pieties of, , his dreams, however, were,sh4eless aditirs;.thore not being' any diva in in his-mind to tom instruments et fePtiatsProportion.., What would not Mr. Meek give maga that piano?. Why Ito mot, then, goAtt the ,house of the strangers, request=ilte privileges'a seeing ill, Mr. honest and diffident men,.and ra o,llot *now that, . he th . plight4 . lo,i ,But explaitied his difficulty to Mr_J nos, • anii,ttee. V- . tittitl.Mr. Jones.. ..7"..(14 - iihsets,ift,!:fialo Mr. Nlgek, donbling . whP(bOßlte.../tAkearti" , yee;goped :pee, repeated,..Mr..jenes:' - t,A:tte,w:fig4 . b.core ht, upon igi,.Meek.s3;—.. "Gilead seewould be agratifieationl sehLie,Aat uelegly. • ' •• . '4; What4reaKl►-.f,;,ion9g, - • UM; light , Wayiqha(te'fell • The' plum). may: b , outeille r , and K.*. eto go two the house t gccat,,isaye er asktated,fer, '61113,1r:4,th muss be;fold,, he *as a more bash: ful numM)hripaph . 2llhup,iu'lip,td-Scrahhje. U \ t ne have geOft-tk.‘g?9ikdeal of 13(''3IYA gtsggestell I . Alr, ,l ° l l°llA(Pri l hen iilil've4or'Cideniltea ` t ';';eePrring ;11,5Y 9 ,), , PPP-s ° l9 , -,°P,OPullli° l o6mi,t4,, , t. too,. astY st e tAtAbAl4b,RBA° °4 l fi'llew,9 ol nPro• trilonflot k 6 196 . 81L4 , — , .. tiltdieP; „Whq it ; . / . 0"i l litIMIT41 1 "0P-J 0 1 1 109 1 d; 9ntl ho c ; yaii 'the;p‘en'ikes , „l,Nle.,t4,l,4lE:was liis lasCleari" proved barp i tiad,p - A, - it vas, PrAttyr.ev,ideilt, 'Atom PK aPPPrOPP al:the f L a t 1, V 9 1 9 W L /lif t &iiti h . a - t,01 9-f a mol7 l s l lo'7./Rkittt' aOYIVICIPIV .011,a4MIST,,gero Attßil9tlttelx.ip,44 . 94): Ph' 3 94 copy.- , • 11, fAticlePi'l,P?f A O , lll lO ",. I ..'°• Jl3, #0 .1 042;#14,1.8,: i . r. 'Mcektptwhoi ', e 91,104 0( f°10.P.t Bgen a yrear, tlvordesof paPet# : , -44,1 Ntraths - this1 ) 10041d710710,1 - 00111 roc k 0 0 ,0 46 5' 2111a4 V 1" cc 44- 10P. g I.4 l Abel e .of rollers, and bY 11 ` °o4 l k; 10 /W4OO . Mpaql l ; lll, 9l 47 'FA'atiewt'ittioiff I de s ' :thd•man , :yoho Ihkst beep g, • Mr, , lfeek•„Aims 4 11 e lft4ltiid 41 , f( r distanca, then, carefully a'iimPaelh BIE!SI 404: ' • • • 7 , 4 b-sti? ffiffiZei '; \h " jPaattaW4.•i . , He has fallen! he has fallen,' • For his countr,Vanir and free! , In the foreniost ranks he's fallen, For no craven heart had he I • In'theaunititer bind they've placed bin, .4. . blsath a sky that's ever blue, • .* And /leaven never smiled miens a hfore•generous and trap!. " • • Sillwrdttalmwmz4 From the:Musical Gazette DAVID JONES' PIANO, MEER! %i(. t : -' r:y..~.7+~. =MB 0 ~" slash 'on APl:Stile,: dit-that - Eon 0105:inii, I • atlastifitlia boldness-wlliah'in - rp - feedlincself took9iioliVof's The eranlfilahil ,i • A...thu ietniithei;turrqtnatio 'With airearnansotionxit fear of , daniaging: ths -.instrnindrai) lan isanni--:.--efrecc-afterwhistrtlegfelitanatid -disiplei•departecliihe• latter- , aqth:a!4-lidliter heart....aini;tnate, buoyant Steliti! There were, frdiri-tiOtteeforthylWo , ltiord men in Bard,Serabbli3,Mr, Meck .had not --el f 'airlry se the , piano gb.,4The . eurtoattx , a was; now nd marry we 13111 - elook - Trisiii 101iMiltieeTafthe piazza where stood the myeterioue instrument; but it hail now disappeared, and .no,orie pos sessed hardihood enough like. Mr. hies, to make a call for the express purpose of seeing . ' At length, however, it Seerned that all were to behold-the 'Piano with their OWII.eyQ- and perbirtis feel,, and,go,.as..M.r.-Meek had . done. The.netily.arrived family,..desitte rous of cultivating .geod feeling with .fheir neighbors, invited - the major - pat - Of the Vil lagers to spend the-evening When' the evening specified arrived, as might be supposed, not many of the,invited were lacking. The assembly was rather a silent one, despite the efforts of the entertain ers to make time. pass pleasantly §Omething seemed weighing upon the the - guests. There wore various whisperings,-and glances in various directions, as if for:some. thing that ought to be present, all of, which puzzled the kind hearted Mists exceedingly. But the evening had almost passed, away, and as nothing conk] be seen that answered It.leek's description of. the piano . „l-lard- Set irbblit seemed des.tined to.sit.ont thorns for a time longer. At length however, some one suggested that several of the old ialMbitante -_ the ntritrfo' on : Minnlit beg to have the mane perforMeu and these, after sundry irresolute whisperings and gestures, sheceeded in raisin?% ; , .e.ottrage enough to say,to the lady of the knse,-that they- hoped that it wouldn't give' nOffetice, but they had heard a greadeal aboupa piano that people said they, the tua:coolers ; had, . and wanted to know-if they would bk.sci kind as to oblige them by making it giiHk!eiltrest so modestly made was cheerhilly,*Aented to, and all eyes were . instantlydireeted to the -door, expecting to see the strangeOtachitte• rolled tn; but what was the astoUisMent of all, when one of the yOung -ladies of the house went to a thiCk high table, afinie side of the room, and turning-over parpf the top, attached by hinges to the other-partAielosed. to view a row of white and bleck,keya, which, -she shortly began to ,strilie - ifelkii?, - With . her lingers, producing troM the iniida,-Kbeatififiii tuhe. "But Meek said thabit:wlts agreat -modern thihg, turned by a trunk 1 1,tAvelaimedi some one. "Turned b - a what ?" inquiraphe. new comers; "A crank.. hie said it stood itialiet : porticto the other'day; and lte„saw it ati*itie it go." , "0, bp our wasbitigachine,' said volfi of••-thell aurittots ThCeom patty rcp.rtti.eot4de-tey.ark , mou its iL}tiite'illiiQfly"siohil apparently uneoncions that it had been the theme of so much spec ulation. There were two men who went home be fore the rest, and they were David Jones and Thomas Meek. ,From that hour Mr. Meek ceased,t9 reverence Mr. Jones; The great name nIY the man who had been the capitol" began 'to diminish. Ins word was doubted; matins statements not believed.— His star began to drop davn towards the west,andotobe day when a Yankee trader entered the . . village, advertising a number of. ."Dave — Johe's — pianos"'for sale, it popped aver the horizon and. he. was no longer a resident in Hard-Scrabble. His pianos" however,, are -in extensive use, and it you travel that way of aMouday, you will prob ably hear them a go." ' • Comes Noreen ES OF 'Flit: VIOURFPATitir.—: To our-mechanical ' , frientierwho take in terest, in,,,cigures anti Mathematical probletne. the follotving properties of tho figure 0 may be interesting and perhaps curious : It may afford arnosement fora' leistire hour te-per form the operation for themselves. If with ing more, it will , be goodjeorcise for the cal culating mind. • _ - Mithipli9 by itself; or "tiy any idler of tho digits ? and - the'figeres of , the product' added together will _amount to, 9. The coat poinnt Bowes or the amount of , the multipliete (viz 45) when Mltled tcemther make 9. , TIM- amoun t <if 7thik'scvyrtil protittetA or multiplies of +'9,1( 4 105) 9, 1 (405) when divided by ,9,, gives a quotient of 45; itini the, competent figures 9f ; either, tlividentl,or, quotient !nukes 11itiltipeyrifir itivelif fi,il'AS'eltherbir ;hie, or by any one of thelloiodaets of 'nide' irialtf; plied by ono , of, the IligittVas-Ify27-,-,061 'os' 51 i PA 7 2t.8 'pawl AllSPOnta l l 'i bielfigiM w s cir The produer,added teemth6r rill aelyviiiiiile, , Multiply , . the o.Talitite' , ,:itt 'thet lollovri lir; :. or-, , f1eri. , 1 ,2 i4. - 4 1 ,,, 5 ., 6 1 8 . 9 it,tif..tlinet r.erillY, ,, ailf -.° l 4er•Rfttho,P,retletite.ef.nmeireelietted„ , nt,tlte hist partigraPkhnil' thiti,preduct will com e . onfhltkiNolicisfimfte:t;iitSpelhe pitied bf lma, Which , will lity,an nottubtlia.figuie , Will be the core:whicir:roulp led,into.9,(supplies the; 1 iiPtl!fiFile,4*ataiiyi ea.„ectlecl,9.4sfims,rtfhl -tiller, thilt - 'prod9c ill ,tb9 . "(excepillie - Auce, ' of lefts) , ill 'ones i if fciu`skilcet` 'IS,' all twos, - err on. Omit therSlirthelnultiplicandp anti , the , st - will aissi' ; ,,, , fijiiiik-srpra the, produey lettying Atilt, ones,,AdAd i lt eics . , Scc.,A.xtlett t!a ikelli aY 13 - ti.!--:forinei" Off h ith : clf 1 n je: • ..r .4.141 , 114 10.1„4 ,, tA.21_ , 24 . 1:1 3- - - !... 4 7,••••'11.' t. , ' . =• ^,- ie 4 0.). I .1 '.7 .--",' 7 -: :tp ;0 ‘.. '1410 .1 .O.'. Lectent teem Vlratlongtcni,thile Mid a Mead , illile'red 41We Wrarseleiti'bisert iitiiiiiiiit bY4thettAdeliniiirritie4ie.relationsto _l,34n:' A o ot: ,','lt:itlll'+, bri'q'remenabere4:ools • il:t.v.ll: , ge.grttitotaqopo4:o39tgit (11..erikiwtit!:,0',; "Had, to'fake ,ecommarid ti il le amp fOco 'called `inlettalcfirilq flcV,ofeifiite ligaimit'llleZP co Would • , extbetver,4perhtione becoMillosaj!, eltsary„t ItutAlordtdmratiori,-;emil it ~,; , (q,• AotY?Jtiogiktel,lhlst MIR P.'41 1.4 Xe Pon' _ooctrul,4 Ir Lthonzit g',,,49,o:4ppoulfineotot ;tiiiiMajo r ifs*if fedi'stlrigadier 'Geerirale; iti' adpion tVothe'lisinieiffigriilitary,, , oBfabliqii:•' •inerit, the I fbieec'4belegr'lls , i& bolioYeA t ,t6' sr. 4 i i .olti'4itcAnlls.POlrg4tkltrliP o Fillion't6'whlOV .his'...elOreOert-r,bideserpoimMei4raukv.cpilitlo . ,irit t ;',o tl Vß!tsuil„ . 1 1eN,09. 4 1r1P.8 411 t1t1.1;q4c9.40' 1 ,stenswesnungere l y,-o.l3atems thriest,,impsvgq'a: , bliiP `..• .'" '.‘ 4 "'"'"' •,;0 4 ', 4% .1r 4 .' ,4) 6 neral teoitLittill*ldtitn6 - 4, yofisiod. t 9, Open:tette; Pow Taylori dieing .un_tv tiling tin t . ,.. ;PYOYfi 0 1 .0ahleiferel+tith:,Atiethritier%Of th t 0.14 9 T0 'lO- 1 0 ,13 ,l4tillTriMwmfrie,coi r *tom - , , actqopt t 0 ootortool4 crtne t.lagt,Prdore : I. '' ' C9, o 6 4l4 L4R 4 4o:tukctiil,Wwkibiht'llo, 4 13 4, IfO! l a i li s PAppPAsitiOi c ' ,0144- PYP 3 ft: ' .471 . r;:'1k - rr i t - -Z' . , ..'tt ' '-• ef;44 , ',Vf' ' t. r .'1(44 1 1,113 * **l . AsaTAXabisee .41P 4 ph 0, hal:0 , 0004e. • 11, A . 4410 Wilms of, -oSimtPers - f9r he 4kgl4 . e Igri' ,,, - ,, :' ,, ;-:. , ~,,,.-: y li tr i7 4, 6 4:*);-, . , '.,"; „ ''; '., ._ ~ , ' •• - ' l .‘ , ,ITV . ,' '''.1. , , , i•-, 11): .63 t.,;•,1, -,,f EM===ms: _ F.3_': - =I -d9IYOI - 11 ittcrt —JsytilllT4 [ ient the Baltimeire*nieiricati.] .of Ore Sthi,atid-: 904 Ma' ne iy, in - Wluch our gallant Army wep for themselves be read 'a ith deep d' in'teiest, it.ia'from the pen oia _b:errife"'office6llio nobly. bore big 'tall share 'of 'the duties and Llatriers of °den.: CM OPPOSITF: MATAMonAi; MO 13, 1846. OR the Ist •of Alay-the Army under Gen. • TA1(1.04 took twit:L(oe of. march at. 3 o'clock. P. Al. fdr Point: fsabel, thirty that in : order ,toforce up from that point Orolds ions which were necessary to the. maintamr ance, of our Fort here, .To defend it in our absence Gen. Taylor left the 7th Regiment of 'lnfantrys .thiaoo's batterpof few six pound ets,:Capt. Lown's battery of four eighteen pounders and some convalescents as a-garri son— the whole under the command - of Ma -it:103110w:: of the Army. We had heard of -the-crossing of six or seven thousand of the enemy to oppose ourynarch to our Depot, and expected to fight theM going down—but did-notrneet-with-them. On the-2d instant, in the afternoon, we reached Point Isabel, 'and on the 3d heard the bombardment of our Fort at this place. This bombardment con tinued,at intervals for several days. In the meantime, Gen. TAYLOR ; having learned by express hem Major Bitows that he could hold the Fort, put his wlaikt eon) tri an d to work ih the entrenchments at Point Isabel, the basis of . uur operations, a d having made it siiil&Miniy strong and loaded aboUt t reo hundred Wagons with provisions and ammu nition, he determined to proceed at once to theq.elief of our gallant in this Fort, and-to give battle to the enemy if he, cessary. He commenced his march at 2 o'- clock, P. M. on the 7th instant, in the tenor - ing Order :—A scfundron of Dragoons, com manded by eapt. May; hr front: the third Brigade, composed of the 3d andAth Regi ments of Infantry. and Ringgold's Light Ar. Hilary; the sth Infantry not Brigaded. and the Ist Brigade,, composed of the' Arrille - ryr. - -Bat. talion serving' as_ Infantry:. human's Light Artillery ruaLthe Blt R egin en t of Julio it ry —to - which must be added two • eighteen. pounders drawn by oxen, zutd-cupt. Kerr's squadron of Dragoons protecting the rear— the wagons on the march being in 11 ,rear degree interspersed betu ecu the Iliigades greater security. On the nighi of the 7th we encamped n hoot 12 miles from Point without seeini r t the enemy. On Me Bth we had ad vanced about 5 when we desci Ma the enemy some two M des distant. ition n up in great force on the open Prifirie, pying the dies! of a very uentie slope ..vitit thenr hacks to the thick bushes, called in this notititry f'ehapperal." 7:--- Wtt : imirneaiately-lorfile(Hilte 'to-the -front r . and - advaneekOalmly.-and.quiefly,to . the tack.: Our Wive ailid'eorig r iderlife -. 4firGerier; al, finding tharthe enemy waited to-receive us, and that we were passing near a lake of water, the day being very hot and the 'men thirsty, halted in full view of the Oversary .. and. directed' the .men to fill•their canteens with water. We had now a little leisure to exernirte the force of the enemy and itscom position. The horizon in our front and to the right appeared lined with cavalry.(Lan cers and, Dragoons.) The' woods in their rear were giving up column after column Infantry, which - were mararuvered with great regularitt; and batteries ,of Artillery were observed takingtheir designated places in: our front and on our flanks, The ;owept estimate at the limo of the eneunVs lore was 4,0130 of all arms—bur 'own being nut1et...2,000 . •iit4 . rg men. , We I,ece t/l/egl 11,111 - led that . _have 81/4 ~ on this occitSiolltho enemy had over 6000 I fighting men. But-the-greatost difficulty en- 1 der which we labored wai, the absolute lie ceesity of protecting in an open prairie, from the enemy's numerous ea airy, out num inous train of provisions and am mun iiion, without whieli, even if wegained a victory. we could not relieve Our garri um opposite Matamoros, M. maintain our po.itinti t hei e. Besides we.were miserably deficient asde the num be r,ol our cavalry, hay lig on Ipso m e 200 Dragoons, whila_. the eilemy.,..could, net"' have hall lads liiilil,Bo . o oi''fi,opo. 'The hen 'being,. refresh tiirrotir' General °rode' to — eabh, Brigade, told the men to keep cool, and when the enemy charged not to lite a shot until they wore, repulsed ,with° , the bayonot, one, had Ittrited,their,backs in, flight.. . ~ ''Chir advance then recommenced slowly, •but•firrnlV, 'Wagons add all; arid when WO ar rived wilhie good girtillery range, their bat teries.opolleil upon ,ils, , patne 01 their. balls bouncing along the, plaiikand ,piling us in itifechochirr . others ~..flyngl, river-our.,piling liiiir faliir to the roar:chewing, irs'in 'a few motiniiltsiliiit thair , pgicraf6kre iierved,With' Skill and,''Preci'Sioft '. A°'rribyenrefir wai Wow obierVed, nit,loiß, the'etrerny's ca:vhfry akif,ii..., bout Itiuchilnye. - ind,the 'llißilllentsotobreit, them were t w!, o . ,. ~, °'' ' '34 t Int '4gildie - iii`fiirinclioil r'irtipikatolf,fd the siituife, and so' illii`p&ell la.s 'te Ilroteclivur inVnl'itkillery ivlie,iii? , yer.ii:Wris. (Irs l ,o l ' 43 a: lo "fire' Auring.ibi'sto;.Pl' B 'l7 l e fir igovnitri-tteye,,- • iinl'err ii ,, ti ltW i tC e V - Ww i, " ai t d : are i fi g th ;_ da P , ' Di ikon" liaVilklieen ordered"r • tie open upott, Ilreln, li:iliiii`eVillili'lhii.r4olt:eallant ITUttl [lO r; irplucitmlOW6i I " - i I:* pti4iticiti td, be fire fabled `by,iftli° itifaittrii,'hls,o6ll2tliti iiinhtny'g , eiivatiY,and Otte iVitichlonld i ntilibli/lih at" ,the same time to galltlitlir cavalryifwd`oms- , ‘seis of,,,lnfafff.f;#lll, it - l'i,i4lOrinfl'ilre t n:mong Ill'afi; Wllicli'cre - dted'imipe'cotilitifilit Anil lilircliVAfiliisAleoy)mr'ollitiies r qtnfaqf lii' tr. oti,e,likanOffnultaiteoug'slifirit; vi-itich' Izcwelt..4o , ti114 0 , 114 - 11 ;PY 4'ore l b?, led to 1 til•'l}krirgo,'*!,' thiei.'equld'o'ot bo. ;illfilpiole:cleMieectlet'olvii'llio",stiOtigeCt ov. *Mai; 1160iliagiilh'al,!,134.041:1#,6-fui exhibit, 'Tti'itAitd iigliiiotires l'ol',,liours•nollthe' fire' ',6Cifiii.baril) , :g 0 11103 r0 (6 '1'i t 'SnAt t finn lite'in'elkyp. etivalty gni'. P'4rn`!.'aitil aryl kofiri l tili:rijk r iniSr,sto;moyfiiTe4ovp 'le du e ' 04 11 ii,lP,PiarilthZ 4 .: 4 l . obit. ; tiA, Vlionlin_7 l oAAdi' , .. 'MajuiAitigg6l4 0 tlikcl er lyivir heard on'the 1 'yg t hrewcji,lo44 't , ,ital,n."„th6l,,glit'atevr 4 i), Pelllcii . ' 4tttill‘t))",ieneirgi r N 'Eatigries :14)6 -0,, th.: - .4o', % wltitlicOsipii i io ,tigtleO'doet fidr'''' ' itaatiir4oo).„ifh#l, l l4 l l l 4 l ;Vtiln• 4 16sebblikdlOheokylitViorref011 e ii . Rctka 'pli?,°€o.o4Pulill)69)?/f.o6:°' I'lle:tiitlfs corns , `, elije 4 4 1104 ohlettlillidt;:r.'w, it Lad. 4 litOt*Viely liell C@Ojiliddy pf pilitiltit'r r l i dn e ' itel l a To 4l3 4 l6s-ttriirr.- 'gp pitylt ' hail t' riattitikpif Out wagon' , le ; A 14 1 044 re met ,witli the most pli'rlett fttailailitYyt'fittc.,,,dis oll arile• of,musket OM t,t3l' sth' (Gen. itreek's) Regimentpto is'ilitnit„fttier '3 l Kl7,ilitk,Pr,,t 3 .lotat°l.if lea • 11101160 f hOrtielt,,antr gihdontr,eroth "fgilcl, In the meantime the ivhole. older,efi,hettit BIE ~, „ EMI MR =EI had been thangedto conforMitt the mamma'd• vers of' the enemy,"fiiid' bur Brigade, the Ist, which was Ihe left, now found tiself , in ad: •,Tarieo ancl'on.the right—the Artillery .Battal .l4 being on the extreifie reOitin advance. meat be nbserved - iilse' that in these difrereifiehingee - iiMr'Generel was al , ways slowly but otoodgyloonog:grounti to the frentolnd .the enemy gradually . falling back. ~ The enemy/s. fire having slackened, and Then ceased, Oen, Titylor, from his new and moreadvanced„pesition,. ordered till his batteries to open, and iii his turn• attacked thgenemy'wth• such. fury as to cause evi dent-destruction in Ilia .ranks; but still they remained firm. By a charge on them they -might have been routed entirely, but . then. we must have exposed our wagons to be captured by.their cavalry, and thut,could not be thought of. The battle had now lasted from 10 minutes past 2 P..M. to about 7P. M. At this mo-. 1-ment the enemy was discovered coming down with his left (lank in peat force of cav alry and it fantry. on the•Anillery Battalion' and the 18 pa - tinders were served by thirty men, and the Artillery Battalibn wits about 360 strong. Both the battery and this Banal ion were ni-such,position that they could not be supported by the other portion pf the army, and at the time the charge commenced the Battalion had deployed into line.. However it was_thrown into square by a prompt ma-1 rurvie,- and awaited steadily the Mexican charge. _On they, earns, “horse, foot and I dragoons,', shouting and yelling, when a single horseman rode into thesquaennd said, " Men I plade myself in, your square." The.' General was immediately recognized by the , men, who gave hint three cheers for this ! deuce of his eonfidence. At this moment Lieut. Churchill discharged one of his 1S ! pounders, loaded a rah pane into the ads creating gliKTi - havoc,but not (ilea ing entirely then onward movement. 'They . , marched forward to within good niu.ket -range, some_ 150 yards of us, halted and de !Nei d their fire, which our men received quietly at a shoulder: Finding that they -would--come no neater, Col Childs, corn mantling :his Battalion, ordered the - ! which was given as if in parade, when the enemy immediately retired,'and and the, as ended for the night. Our Army slept! out then aims just as night found them, slid ; occupied the position in which the enemy commeeced the battle. The tveo armies.slep quietly. almost in presence of..each- other:— I The night was serinid beautiful the moon easdie , the softest light on everything around usi=an7l hat for .the groans of the wounded and screams Of those who j;,ere Siffreting un der the knife of the Surgeons t .nn,ene could hill e imagined the scenes which had occurred but a.tew hours previously. On our side we had filly-five killed and ' wourinleti.—The gallant May ' r. Ringgold was itiortally•wouude7l, rind his noble steed killed I,‘,' the same shot, as he was giving his last ; 11;e tor the night. and after having distinguish ed himself by the coolness, precision and of- , feet with which he managed his Bane, y.— Capt John, Page, of ; the 4th Infantry, was ' lrribly—wourided,_atippOtied,'to,lbii'titinfaßy,- ' '4l 4l .q9 l Poo: } SattOA9,o l ,44oi.#4oo l ti. 00. 1 411.41040 . 16Pri11i Mcintgotheit'dittlitsveraPohers:... o Many Dragoon horses werealso the escapes were almost incredible. ffill'ag- • ruder's company two men, whilst at an order - had the.bayonets of their muskets Out off by. cannon balls,pasSing just odor their shoui -dera-and between their heads. He had'also a man killed on his immediate right, and left Some of the balls fell into the centres of ,the squares, and ranched out again without touch inn• tiny one. Others fell on the ,outside andbounded- aver. To stand- patiently and cooly, in square, under such a fire, for five hnurs, withodt firing is shot, is the best evi dence of discipline and invincible courage that troops Can give. But more; the effect ofthis conduct, which none hut regulars could , bIC account ~7..... w , .. , , ,, ,,.., c......... thorn riP_,P the enemy retreated,, leaving ' the, field strewed with their dead, and having lost, by their awmeonfession; five handred-ip-k Med 'and wounded; but we,havo found - .out slime that his loss is much greater. The enemy's unitary was numerous and served with great rapidity' and 'precision ;'while We had na little. cavalry,fatid they. had an. beteinense.',...propor of that r ann. Alence our..sholl and grape shot ,tolti briskly among them. In short,-we gitliVed , ott, that,dliy . a great 'vietCity. - When We' aoliSitter'The en eiriy?s' . it uni berti," his tinerons:.'erl t titifferaive..ifegulart ..eaValry . ,iat Id' 3 , 4ol7driNdl ipfalitry 'and artillary,and Above ell th a t he . had ehosen his-iva -,. ground, That MienwhiCh '. he IS most nectiittolnel to fight. I —the plaint;=Lartil 'compare alf.this' with 91.1 r, t inlet ill nil arlflti, And.; that are were 111 r 1 cumb'ered by a trial! we conk], not,,..afforti to lose, we can only account for the 'resat( by the "impression Made' on 'ilia pabirt'y'by one , firm alai , unshaken advance; by the-steatii ;ness with ; whieh ~,we, repelsed-, : their cavalry,. and,lV,, tl,teutt ri,ralled.,sk ill: ; of „dur aaille4 "Ofricets' and in en —to which ; inn 'he added `af:,pelfeet'khealedge'ton the IptrTi - Of: liciiii:ioon, attil%fliditirs that if ‘i , tilosi.the . butilo:thil‘Fdif at , Ntatarn,ctratt , WoUltirfully : „tba.tArtay . --4o:des.:!- ppyad, a 114. ota ,depol; Pin qt.,l;=r4n,l, ti - e . .talcit ti . ,, '!to.thtettlernal aisgiltce or the ';:tniyrafiln Nrrily , , '42 ratid... ru in of the . interests . df , o'ilt!.(4pV'e).n.: (in ~ tp!for." 1301116 lane - al`.leitstrfti this par or 11 . 1 - ;', 1ar.15.1i, .., I V-P's9ltici,tnet,elk-tril . lchlteJttr.iYet) I IN - -Inielltt il—Jii---Prit. l4l -r!!-4 Itie : itay.dting',btattetreattttt: 'l' ~, , -;''., i '•-,'-_,- i ''l tr.,: Qpr . the,:inor,tiing-Of„,,the 80i . the. N:l4irttn.) iir ink r ie left t lie_ (told at curly_ l,a,sztii,-atti. l ,,,a It n t , - I . arratniiil'g'iiiirtrainri:d'iSiiultiloinil tlico i7r10.1 "lothit - as - toorfoivot•tilis• , ,filtic, , ::-itc.f;2•:ol4:l,),i'k 1 i.Pc-filiwo•fequid , trin'Onnirik'.llraiir•Wilit,:in'dtiin! ~ .fdreeitsicanpyingsi(ttrayiticl, ! , 30:1104., ,, , , 1fu'ret441 '!uroisdtiviiiii'lhielt.' , . o ":olial)P9toE-'l l Ol likirliY i .' ' liaslies'erlijOthee'illtletbefokoqit'illttehed., The' "ritinno,innil'ovkinti , "ofuitttii'Ort. - eiiiilo'.sl - (1,4„, whore it ereiticid , the7ratifrictleansti;,uting A corn;, :t110e,; : llefilti: They'tverivildoo'..strortg; 40 . !wertvsi,iiettkir:tiniwtlie pre v i ti titlaii4'.Thii, .'GonernifirdeftiO: citlinfin'ticlinti loinckiikii:ali . itlies . .4r4.SotiVfOtOopy: 4 oie , ftrat'•:%piigncio.;44•lii•Oli'' 440 k4t . ii.til,;mtif.iiini;:nliii ,, iiioiohe , taitling.'-, 14:6' , ,iii.,, , ,iitisskiitty ; .I.,i t iogiqd •iiith ittie.'-'• heavy: -soiirtirorratillery, alinOuile(l44o , coniftititice:: 'm — e — mt" .iirlifitlAiStionv,! 4 !,l'irst;potnr.llna 2 kliWtif.` 3 hik,ptisp4iii*iiiif 41 - I','CiinWeeesi irttpro;gnn,.: rbicivai . "( l / 4 4itIli!uporioi-..19 widigutintiorl. FaniiiiitiVee' . 6.- , pie.cor of iirtiliotf;planicio in the'. iliiill4iihioh:Civipt:ilii*yoadr•witifgraiE9,,atid7 7 ‘dhiohifY vetsitbtiollatoly iie . e . eoarylkipkvel'. - tif'• itakiikOknitthei - Ociulit,bb'bOnfoir.ghtificr '0,:i . 0.' oeti-I:lli , erd•flalike'd l- baseiihr- - side . - bki`t. ajt9g:iit ltibilt:orbi4vo'.velb*W(o4464.li4W.Tfutitqcoi‘' *lll,-.o6 , rveriir';ogligetitrib,--,isti*oo,Ativiit*fo '.show" --- -- 4 1 and. " - pa(' 'soth '!lY,ikl'k• lt goons Aid! lAver,l NE " ""4411 .* ';' ol',l, MCV NIME.RFI - : - X.XX:WIT of ffiehead- of is men,and.settingo at full speed, ivith cheers - and - shouts, dashed into the defile, where he' Was , greeted - with •an overwhelmingdischarge-of.grapeanilballet s , which •;imarly annihilated the first and as c-t4no , platoons, but he•wris Seen..unhuit dar ,...ling_hke_lightuing,..thiongh-thie-Mnrderous- hail Storrn,-andin a-second ; he, - -andititfriiiin drinie - away or cut to pieces the'ertilleriata, The speed of his horses Waa se; great, - however, that they passed.through.the batte ry. and- were halted India 'liar, Than hu rting, hi-'charged back, and' Was jest - in time to rescue a Mexicali General oflieer, ; ysho . wnuld'not leave his gulfs, and wlio Was ..par -lying the strokes of one of the Men; :11e handed his sword to My, announced .hirn.: 'self as General Vega, an gave his-parole.— May turned him. over. Man officer, and,. gal. lopii g bark to „Gen -Taylor, reported that lie had captmed the enemy's batfery r and . the gallant Gon. Vega, bravely defending it, whose sword he had the honer to present his Commanding officer. The Generallvas ex tremely gratified, and felt ho doubt that a blow had been given, from which it would be difficult for-the enemy to recover—and so it_proved;for a 'portion of the sth Infantry,find nig that the enemy had • immediately renc eupied and commenced serving their pieces, gallantly charged and brought dli' several, - ' w hen the Bth, which had just come up, marched to the attack, by its gallant coni c , .mander, Cpl. Belknap, seconded nobly. by Captaisti Montgomery, and took oil the re maining pieces. Col. Belknap, leading Regiment-into the thickets of the - fight, seized. a Mexican standard, and waving it. over his Bead, dashed on. in front of his men, until-his horse si Lllll bled over some- dead bodies and threw him. Being a heavy man he was helped on his horse by d soldier, who in the act received a hall • ffirough hialungs;and the -same moment a shot carried away the -- , Mexican flag,leaving but the handle with the Colonel. lie dashed ahead-with that, how ever, and his Reiriment carried every filing below if. At thla moment the Mexicans gave way entirely, anti throwing down their 'Arms, fled in eyery direction,lcaving all their • stores,- niunitiona of,war arms. standarda r &e. I Thekilled,wolindettand prisoners, including among the - killed those who were• drowned in the Rio. Gnuide r dopot,falf short of 1.500 -so that the enemy s loss in_two_ days amounts td - least-2,000 men, Something . more than the'nurriber we had in' our army. When Lieut. Alagruder introduced General i Vega to-Gen. Taylor, the latter expressed his deep regret that such a misfortune should have happened to an officer whese!charac ter 103 - So highly esteemed, and returned to him iris sword s which lie had won so brave is said also that the General gave the I eaptive-etlicer an-order on his private bank er for_a large sum, for his use when lie RN I rived in the United States. • Inimediately alierthe - victory, a regiment marched into this fort, and was received with cheers and open arms. All had done their duty—those who were left to defend our fort --those who marched to its HOC, - I had nearly forgot to Mention that no ciffieer til•the %battle ofihe 9th was'inore distirigtrishedilnin 7,f.irstrt..Rantio)ph Bidgely, Jibs conduct drew r arattks - k ) ":A9. , 4Pepofe9 l o7 - 40cer. But giiilt - lifiOftoiiik 4 tif.ilAppU4ke legs of persthiril where ofileersrand men foughllainne hand for hours with the Atexicans..,,l shag there lore conclude with the_ hepe'llint in a lew days we shall be in Matainords. The New Orleans correspondent of the Cowrie: & Enquirer writes that .•Up to this moment the Quarter Master hero is entirely destitute of .funds. His Sup plies coptinued to be bought on credit, and but fo oho liberality of one or more banks of this city, who have advanced him largely on his porkonal pledge to refund it from the first moue placed at his control, he would not lave een a e o utve units e t e menus fur sending forward the volunteers HP?, If this delightful Administratien.can only sneceml getting.two.. of:tit - tee more - Wail on baud, the Tariff cut down and -the Sub- Treasury established, with such agencies as Robert .1. ‘Valker at the head of itsTinatices and Jesse Hoyt f r oe.Sub4'reasun3r bete, the "divorce" of the Government fretiktßank - a and of the Amy and Navy or rations, will be complete. Although' it was k now if. that thd stolid of),Wat'" , iy at any ondment to buret iii the Sputh-West, ' and our., Army was spat as. far as .possible from its resources, to. encounter it, while Gen. I 'Fityl or was authorized to call for troops from the nenrest Stabs, y_pt it not seemS that riir i• money Was' : provirlod to artir• or provision , 0 them, and, with thirteen Millions lyingidlo • in, the Treasury, the Government's agents have beenbp,irlyg Pork with drafts at Stli When hEE might have. bought any quantity of - it for cash'at sio, hiring Steamboats at $lO, . '. 000 per Mouth which he' Might. have lioeght ~ • with mopeY fortivei.,•or three. -rnontlfs',llit'ec • • and so on: (If any suspects :ganging ••,-• lferOirdon't let ~Ir irri- sjly:w et asserle4l92• • •• An d . it sestina_ that,b_ut hir,, '•• the, ass ieti ne ef , ..v0l un-, .'ordlirl}lose-rascalltPTdeidl s SYlii;'Aris- • °lEeraließrltiik•Engites, th`e - 'linke;l „ eloss to -the , :i-Preasury- - •Would have Veen' much greater. 1 ,- , ,,,clope,ftlic.oree'••••the', Government • front all rlealingS , with"' Ba,nhe, and the.. Wa y. 'Ake _brokers....fui d :sh aye rs,Wil l-m ake-thei f-ten . i!liy,,tOr[yriter . - ., - Fetrtoturayer.r. perchaselviil-no ! a 'calf' ton, fo the'. litir,d'S ''' auci , the . Taxpayers. 1 :=:-A r citi,_l4lth.l.griirrit - 'F';' , '-','••`.'• •'' ' • ' FT,,,, - ;:,..;!.;•• 4 „P.•:.i."..""*.'• .... - ,J,. .:-:-lll': , '' ,. ..4 .••,, r 4:"..,Miiii?r sßklittoo'.; . i lf.)tW4cPix'e r l,', l , hi* death' W•otind Iri'..theVitle•blliii•Bth, .w. its : - a••P I sontOl'OerVllilfggiiiilydr Vi r riSlin!gtoli"'cribilly, 1..fvl arwlatidl•. - l I e•;,..Sv, hM'Alit !Oliarf.poEp bably• - , o;ye,itrli'iii i lig,P;,-"Por,iffiiiellitil4ojor to his ' dripiqtliri•fli,r,tliOLlSeilthrhp"wtti'etrittaifilditt "•'. Pclft:llltili ' opryY dliiiiiiifple,..•:;.in-derinifand of 10 8 '.,..,4 . 1,0.F#1P4' . .Tilliitt.11"A,Flifng r Artillery. , As an:of fi cer, a•scilElier.rthil•O priVabil•gentle. 1 mutili• : ,!ip . ',,itQpd : : 4etkity c Oly:high:, : kliiiiiidot- ' ~tinfitte- , ..fate., , is; dei:Opli.dOpl,oracry.:•::4A tt .• ~ • -• :.•.,• r..;.'? Ilietit.g.iiigley.,:whb . sepeidiAiiiinn - f0nn•41...-'i in . arid;l4itiing RS I'4, OPtilikiiitilkiWillif theitii, ?.?, 1- "" 'OLD Mita•riAtin 411ef _the fall , oiltAgal. ' ''.•"- Aant_MiTtior .100 , toio-',sig - -l j ke',, ,•:„. AliliAjck"ootagii*Y.. 4 44.o4 l;i•AA9ri;•'•::"...• I .pa, ri,', thti:eolg4o4 . :lfilii,o 6 ..lPAPY,,t...,' . 40, 61 v0 i t'..". .iippii, J iiiiitho.;LMkry'• rind_ ,Plieut;;; . .KA3M,litTit , •,•••_ L •Rtecitt,t,, On rorPetk,W. liiidogt - Utteral,::, - , :friiiimitt;eAr*tej,iiak , ,:lrf thtlii_igyfe*RO , „ofi,.::: : :. lAi'g_EiSiitiV;iiifinitoTkithli' 4aeutilitootki:, ti Onittett:fbtol, '.,, thr.ktlioa._orixod f lojci ., :--, 136:crtoiir:0,74:;vi • - 4iniajf'4AMOtiVciOlt:-._.' * AnicLOtiWatAb . : 001' 0. - .tr ..,. p4.4...T. , ±_, thielfsiviikitotklnif43oo ..i . 10?,n94 . . 111:0-004.60:4.P.,.,, -ff irr,7', 7 •7 7 7 r,..•.i• ' •,4%iii*:-Xkili`.4 .. "4 , 004.144i3kei5 . ;',:',' Aotr pp 4 i t .:o_.,,,, i .v er s4ppp.iiiict,.,,,-4 • ''..'''-' .1 .0110400 - 0. ibigic, 101. t.,; i„! 1 . : ' . ) 1 .'4 1. _' . .bt,1... 0 ..0004i,i44"‘ - itititFlt,m..o', - 11701i , - ~:::',!.:.--, ..'::::,, ,, .:'... - '.i- ..:',...---.•-. ~ .....„: , • EMI - 14441 , , '41:41, , .;644{t',1!,ti ';‘ , 7.?"1 -:- - ; , -Y: t - -14: i : I. t - , L MEM Thoseitorrialcanksl . i GI =NM