II BALD & EXP'II, CABLinir, NVERNESIYAy, MAY 0;184.'3:.'' 'CAMP OF TIIE U. S. ARMY, IN We find in the.New , Orloane Tropietho lowing acermnt os the GIMp of the Ut States Army on the Rio Grande, with the names-et all the officers. 4 Thu Tropic itatels that tho Fort with the batteries commanding Matame raS,.is occupied byrMajor Ringiold's.troops: 'Gen Taylor'scamp extends abont.four miler along the river bank—two miles above, and two' below Matamoros. The entrenchment 'to erect it required twenty-three hundred men. lot thirty days. It is made-of sand, and ear . omit .over : With twigs woven together like basket well:, surrounded by•a rely wide and deep ditch. The walls of the - magazine. in the interior of the fortification, are formed Of pork barrels filled with sand, seven tier thick,' , four tier high. covered over with timber, on which sand ,is piled 'ten or twelve feet.— .TwOlve heairy peteCs of ordinance aro so . *aced as to e.onmand•throown of Alatallio ras.. Five hundred men could do lent the ;fortifier - Mon against any force the Mexicans •could bring against it at present. • ' Maj. Mintrbe. rtf .fth Artillery,,commands Poinflsaltel. • Quarter Master Ceneral Majt , r Thomas, anti Asst Quarter !ft aster• Major MOtetr, with 309 men meat Point -Isabel.— Py the death of Col. C'ros.l NI at. Thomas is the senior Quarter Master of the ormv or or cupatiott. It is supposed that Col. llt nt, of - our city., will be omitted to-take Col. Cross MOUE THOUII . I.F: AMONG THE From various intimations-in NveKern papers : it seeing prohablo that there Will be another disturbance'betwecn some of the citizens of Illinois and the :Mormons remainitnz in the state: The Governor either has 0[46 about i 0 disbhnd the troops who have been protectin_ the peace of Hancock county until the Mor mons had removed, and we now see for public meetings of the citizens appearing iu the newspapers. Lrerst..moz:—Was probably intended --gays Jourual. r for-the-good-of-t1 Public; but for mauy years past it has been regarded by the Nation as little more than a curse. Congress sits as a huge incubus upon the country-,our State legislature as a lesser monster.—When the mernpets chose to go home the whole country thanks them and Airrelieved. Every ono is giiktimr=not for what they have dodo, but for what they have not done: Congress it is supposed, would never adjourn, s hut Mr the * warm weather. Could not the seat of government be-removed to New Orleans?. The_einigration from ermabythis year, it is r'epresented, will be immense. Prepare tiOne are being made on an extensive scale in parts of the country where hitherto there has not been much-(emigration. The emi gration spirit prevails, not ~arriongAte poor, but among persons in good circumstances, and even among the rich and the wealthy. People who own large and beautiful estates selling off their property and getting rea. to emigrate, with family and 1; lends, to America,. The immense kpltlerness of the %Vest will allow them plenty of room. The Earl Cathcart was sworn in as Gover nor &nand of Canada, on the =lth uh, with much of pomp and ceremony. Qomriltisti-olue-ellee, (John 'Bend) an In dian chief of theSetninolo tribe, is delivering lectures on Christianity in Louisville,'34;„ 0:j-During the greater part of this las week a dreary rain frovailed, 'which clear ing up with a stiff north-west wind, leaves the weather so cold as to make afireexceed ingly comfortable at the time we :ivrim. JAMES LOUDON'S IiHLAPI3ZIV& - GRODERY - STORE, THE Subscriber has received and keeeps con sUuitly on hand a general assortment of School_Sonks and_ Stationary, which he intends to sell al reduced prices. PUl . Chtiftel.B can he sup plied with Bibles, Paper ke. at the - foll•wing rates. Family Bibles,' Good School Bibles, Good School Testaments. 12-2 PoAct bibles morocco gilt edges 1,00 School Books all the genet al kinds in use pro portionably low. Ills Stationary is'or good qual ity. 111180 a good assortment of Lithograph's Prints, Toy Hooks-mid Books anitable for Hon dais. .• Ile also carries on the Ronk Bindink business where persons eau Imre their old booksirelinunti, also Blank Books, Dockets km. made to order. The subscriber in connection with his 'Book 'and Stationary,Sture,ed a • lIE ha's now xin hand a large and z general assortment of fresh (groceries, • nay spices Set. ()revery description and of f — the bestimality, selected with care in'the city; and which he is, enabl;xl to sell at reduced cash prices to suit the times. Thankful e for the patronage xtended, to him during the few days he has been in. the busi ness ho hopes 711 - attention end endeavoring to dense to Merit! &continuance thereof, his Steck in Strongitio_studlavn Cidria, - Seat and 2d tine* . Loaf - Sugar, Brown, white, name:and crushed' Sugars ' Sugar Rouse Syrup and New Orleans Mu- heid'and 2d boot Sperm 011. , Candles, Spices of all inenrataneitren r .-.lndfire... s' Btarch; ,;.S nitpetro 'Logniood, AmeriCan ind randon'mairtarili,; , lliC9, ; lfinneepathie "end' Ala -ItOrieltint,Cia*data;•Raraino, Almonds and Fil. ..;:crnekery • , China and Glaaa ware. Meoßryab. ca,Trdia,Baltkida Choi:Mo. .11roema; pod cords, • , ' lialtatiorlonghlineo,;- Mtioono, and' Corpaatere `''Paaa;:lgarked;:::Bairkete Beet andl • ' ntbei r and' arrioling:Tobaken;;' and' 00annon 'l;leg4ri: - f , ! honka'A'Airricl,Fa4l . but ont:tii#B•4o anti liitioloo r Aloo No. Irdt,2; • • • -.-3 d , '•i'4l4aiiittifio . 4B4s: l, • ,• an443tot D ot y ••• • • - 4"et:i`' , v. !Wm' S k CllEESECk6Wcritttl4 store !Nob** 4' co: • • '''-1000)betbeid' d t as at dif sWre ß c i t c h a id li E 4 Co l '; • 111 51546. _ .111.Vb11.00,1311101. TiIIiiiNTRUMERCHANTSAND •OTHEI,I . S-YI§7ING THD Cri r g PiifiLADZILTIMA; • , _ Tlitllt.otthscribers. DierL4ants, Manufacturere,, MeClititiles,ridilisheiiilmporterOON hole salc Irdnintiii -- nt - the Citrof Pl4lntle fj phis, being prepared to sujiply the demands of the Country in theirxespeetive departmeids, resitect 'fully inform the 111erehithts and all others visiting the City for their Spring awl Summer supidies, to call uttheir respective places of business, where every_ rPaStnutnisclfort will.hemaileicreive entire I.satistitction. • 'George S:Nprleten, lieeksellpi, Publisher, Er.. , --Imporier-of Foreign Books, 148 Chesontatreet, I,L4bW Seventh--Invites the t ttentlett or Use oilers, strangers, and others, to his very cc.:. ttMaive collection of English and Americo - 1 PuldocatiOnson every department of Literature. Ills stock of elegaulty bound Bobka for Pres ents, Portfolios, Statintrary, -Reaent Publica tions, bee. hi" the'most varied itrille city. Bedding, Feather, and - Furnishing Ware rumns.--Fniley & Cq. S F. corner et Sd and ‘‘ ' ll hint streets. . - Thiporters of Watches and Manufnoturers of Silver-w o e and :len elry.-Tlionma C. Garrett A.: Co. IV Chesnut below rourtlk street. WitOlosale and Retail Derilerili'Fashionable owl Metliuin Faiiey null' superior Staple Dry Gooch.. A. IS. Ahrsliall, 188 Cliesnutbetwcou ,Seveliili,aiiil Sweets. • S. \\rimier, (only mannfacturor of the real name limn Combs . " No. 7, South Sdemol art. • Mantilla:toyer awl ()ruler to new style Tor toi,e tihells, Iluiralo,tine liataliett imitation 13uf- Ilbln'imil other Combs. ICrrt.,ll. Richardson, Eagle Umbrella, .Para so! grid Pstent Walkinr , n CIIIIC Umbrella Man ' factory, No. 144. Market ',trent, nianutactures 1.1 htratnottal sells decidedly fewer" thro soy other home in the U• States. Sign of this Ea gle and l!tubrells. A. I'Am', 24 'Union street, Sole Agent for the snle of the Gristritte Demintles Snults. • F. J. Pressler, No. .17, Small Second street, Braedt:ts, t; tin r.(1,4; N Finbet rings, •c: R. Barhm, No. 50 Chestnut street. Dealer in htcnch Artitialatalnwers.ltibboas,and French 31 illinvry Goods, Straw and other liontsets.— M. Homer, Soup Second Street, ni pori.w of Trinindo, ,, s, ye, French, English and (.en man Pane) . Goods. Joseph Hoops, N E enr 11th and Market sts. opposite Baltimore Depot, Wholesale and Re tall Ihnnestie and Foreign Dry Goods Store. Oliver Evans, No. fi I South 2d street, manu factures .ItxrainitArons, for cooling provisoes, ‘Vider F t s ra, fur purifyiffg brackish wat er; Chests ; I.euer Cbpy ing Pres ses, ke. w bleb he sell, Wholesalo I hiLltinds Manufacturing Che mists amt ItcttiCra in White Lead, W tido w Glass, Linseed Oil, Patent Medicines, eliks su Family Grocer, Dealer. in Fine Tettii,. Loaf Sugar, Minna and Fresh Frllll3 of all kinds—J. Uousiy, Soul!, :41 street. Tho " ItoLLAR NEW.; revisit"—The cheapest nod best Weekly Fainily 'Paper in the United I•see, id only per cai—A li S1,111111(4118 tg, CO. I'llblishers, Ledger Iltubling-,-S-W - corner' 311 nud cin•smit.streers. 7 - Perkins& Purees, flog:sellers, No. 142 Ind Street xLore tith street-Llcioks sold on very low terms. Wholesale and Retail ('lock Establishment, Clilblll6llf.flt complete assodtment.—Jumes 8ar .....ber,.238 ket street, above Rh, smith side. F. , uhscripti\rins and A dvertibeinents are reccii , ler most of the newsnapera in the United States by V 11 esti Incr. Agent,'.V.' corner of Third and Übestao streets. Book Accounts. Notes . and .Clairris collected, and other business' regtorb.g the tod of an A:- tot nes ,•attemled to in Hite part oh the Union at V IS U. S. Untiection Agency, North West envier Third situ Chcanut streets,2d story. Wholesale and Retail Umbrella and Parasol 3.l:omflietory•—.Sillftfil SlECtrel . , No 344 Market street, Yd door above Teitth, Nolllll . lade. Manufactiner and Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry.—Lewis Ladontus, No 4193 Mar- ket street. ithiltrass, Bedding, Carpeting and Feather ‘‘ RV reams — lLu tley S Nioght; 148 South 1.1 street. (w est side) lire d - O - ovs alcove Spruce. Mannhte,urer of Stair or CarpiSt Rods, of the lot rsl st) les—Edward Jones, S wants ink street, between Walnut and George sts. west of 6th st. Importer and I >eider in Foreign and Domestic Ilautware—tleur) I. Elder, 493 Mardet street, between 13111 nod Brood streets; nod Branch I lard wore store, North west collier Ridge Road and Green streets. - - _ First Premium Piano Forte Manufactory and Wareraoins—C; Il cycr, No 52 South Fourth at. Cheap and Fashionable Ready-nade Cloth , log, an extensive assortment of Chubs, esssl mere and V estings made to order, fiishiotaible style—n C k S C Cooper, Merchant Tailors, ti•Cliesnitt street. Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy Dry (4 nods, et lass est cash . prices—T B Hussain, S W curlier ',hi and Vition streets. it H. Ward, llonnot Manufacturer, No. 77 North ill tell aey_thiag his line, at 'Wholesale or Retail, as cheep as CUB be ltought. Wholesale Clock and Looking-Glass FAA). rass (Sr 's tY lc case, R I . 1., .1 A Criswell, No '299 Market street. Manufacturers at Common and Fancy Soaps and Mould and Dip Candles—El% G Dallet,36 and 491 Market sire -A, and N E caculrlOthantL Canewhin.ereen. Wholesale Tobac.co Warehouse ann Havanna Seger Depot: Con .try trade supplied I ierhls.—.l A Edenborn, N E corner Third and $l,OO Race streets. Venetian I.lanufncturzr.-13. 3. Wik 'bans, No Itt North Sixth street, a few doors abo.s Market street. Venetian Blind Manufactory, Portable Desks nod Looking_Gloss_ Wureroom.-.- \V 11-.Bartut, ?in 61 Arch street. Wholdsale Dealers in -Laces, Embroideries,. nod-. Fancy Dry 'Goods—Solomon & Brother, 34. Blink street. Manufacturer of Thermometers, Hydrome r tersitichni•tiMrterii, for Brewers, Distillers, F111•Iller (in churnirg) the Weather, &e—Jo. sop, rritia73 - 11 - Chesttut - street. -•— - Wholesale Dealers in Alillinery Goods and Fin vera.—George Edwards k Son, 37 South Second street. Seed Store of more than 40 yetirs standing, 'Grass mid Garden seeds of tinest'quitl ttyand nest- varieties.—Joseph P H. caste!, No,, 49, Nlatket street . • Manufacturers and Importers of Paper Meg - tigs, Columns and Fire Board Prints—Beuty be Core), 118 Chesnut street. , .Manaufacturers of Sieves, RiddlesA Screene, --andWire-Werkimgcncrah—S..edlessind-Wat son, 1.441 54 North Front street. Wholdsale and Retail Garden, .Float=er and Field Seeti_storo,Ouriletting, Bunks and Imple --iiietits:—ltljt, Dreer-,N0.97-Chesunt-steeet,aboVe importer - sail Dealer in' Drugs, Chemicals, Points, Dye Stuffs, bze„--Dr. 11. Ja;ne,No. 8 Sottih - Thirtl'atreet. • • E_ Itidiviwkr. 11.' ERMCITI Produce Aferohants; No. 29, North Wharres,foot of Arch street. WhOlesalliPen- Jere in I.atrip Oils, TnotterirOil, Condles,Seop, 'pas. Choeolute,Piekled and . Dried FitliMitin led Petits; cheese, !lops; Ground and Calcified Mister, tee. all of ,whish will be sold' of the telrest tour tot _. • Mrs. hk Critn% BoariPig'Hopse r ipst. %lout street; het:Weer"' Fourth , owl Filth: Che4Vtinolidri "Mind Orders n'tlistititeciaretullyforwaHed.Aild blinds: : , ..retuttritt stittl.pulntedi-4L'ltt cdiceiL E•Hedues j 0.411 §uutit ~Sectuttl streot,,bc-' , --tlow:Dookiolutt 4 -sido. Rotineti'Maniaraist4o:-L:- Thonip .. -White - .No -- Aii4i4ilr,SelonA - itireet;lint6`,or Commerce et.) nipeirliiircifLW*lik6lntited Kt14780#1.900,f Nir!l44oolii;Wrgoli, Mies , ,mahufaciAdtoratortmbii4l2 , isAi . -Extetispip*Oes and iiiiill,Airofito4 • ' 'itia*Hion got, Cc),; - 1 . 1108 , moisi) eet. 4 MEM ,•••••';: - .,0X..:atil.jCig:Ritiiiii*coilf11 bi liGillirireer i:: 11741RESII , ,-!: , . -Licorie. A Piocikat ? = .'-' , l': - Ali#7ol.t4ioboo . • -8111=11112 C,LOTHIN4.ISO7OaRIUM, TH.E. Groi,itc# , PArgttina in , Ready.'3lade - Clething ar'i.u.be.fied at M. TRACT'S 0 D .ESTABLISHED PIONEER ONE No. 292 Market-streer;Philidelphia, iii.hli lias just 'finished ono of the largest and most, com plete . assortments et Spring and Summer Clothing in the oily; , consisting of DRESS 'AND ROCK ZONIS • - Sliring and Suminer'Sacks - and-Coatecs, of fino Casherett, ,Habit and Croton Cloths, Tweed, entailment, Brown Linen, etc. etc. Supor French Cassi moo Pmts and Vests of every description. I All tali ant n garments at tint establibliiinent are %via-, Lented, both ip fit and quality of workmanship. They are.got up expressly . for the Retail Trade, .consequently more care Is taken in the selec tion of the goods, as well us in the style of cut. ling. The proprietor of the establishment is a practical Tailor, (having served, a regular ap. preriticeship to the business,) and liasAiono but practical workmen in his employ. Gentleman in want ofClothing may . depend upon being suited in every- respect, as wo aro determined not to be:•undersold by any compel. itors. All goods are purchased for cash and sold for cash, which on-tiles us to sell a little lower than dingo who deal-on the credit system, it - being a self.esident fact that this 4. nimble sixpence is better than the sldvi shilling," Also, always on hand, an extensive assort. men t of Cloths; gassinieres. and Vestings, (which will be made to order at lee shortest notice) Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves, etc. M. TRACY, ' N 0.292 Maiket strait, Philadelphia. April P 2,1846- - The New-York Canton Tea Co., IN ADDITION TO THEIR OLD STANDS, ttg CHESNUT, 9,d door below Third street, nod 45 NORTH pi rni Street, below Ham, 11ANT.16PEN ET - A' STORE flfiT mAnKET Street, first door 'belmw Ninth street, Nort4 side. -.OWLNII. -the repel atilm their Th.AS have obtained iu Philadelphia mid throughout' the 'country, for s e v era l yeai s past, it remoins cnly to say - that every ever- lion will be made to maintain the - liberal patron age which has'been acca , tled them. The best xe'ections of GREEN and BLACK TEAS are made from each cargo; and, owing to their great facilitice, they are enabled to offer every vayipyy__Loporteo, cam hinin , in an emblem degree die qualities or power, (ft:l;6nm flavor, purity, and unrivalled cht mums& W , Citv mut Country liunilies and dealers are respecthilly requested to call as a hove. Phildelphia, February 1.8, 1846.-3 mo. PORTAN-T-TCHIEMERS AN D VEA RUIN KE US. . . . The successof the' PEKT TEA !,,; CO NI 1 4 . A NY . , No. 30 South Second 111 Street; - LW terwllirrkrt - atnri - Cii est, li I I nut, Philadelphia, has been unpar. elided. 'Our citizens arc now able to.obtain a superior article of TEAS, at rates much chea. par than have ever before been offered in this country, and they litiVe t h e assurance that there are no drugs or other foreign.stibstances mixed with the Teas. They arodano up in packages (lined with lead, to preserve their strength and flavor) of from ono quarter to five pounds, to snit tuatorriers, and are sold at different price's, from filly cents per pound—for an excellent article—to ono dollar and fifty-cents. CiAll persons visiting the city are invited to pay the Company's extonsiyo establishment a visit: . &gents minted in every place where thcg are not yet established. For particulars address, POST raw, the subscriber. G. B. ZV. 1 BER, Ag't for the Company. • • 30 South Third Street, Philadelphia April 15,1816. Wholesale and Retail Premium = CD -172. DEIR7PIAND mosn,, yo. I'2o Cheated Soyth Ai.le,ji.vr dour belorr t "k,irth Street, PIIILA )ELPIIIA, lIESPECTFOLLY informs the citizens of Cninberland county, that lie has refitted and opened the ahoy° cstabliAment, where he is prep:km(l,rat all timer to furnish Beaver, Nu tria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manutlic• lured in this country. Also, a superior quality of. Caps, fur officers of the Navy and Army, to gether with Dress, Riding and Sporting Caps, a new and splendid style of Children's and Boys' Caps, with a great variety of rioh Fancy Furs for Ladies. • Just received per Stain Ship , n• GreatWeeern, theapproved style of Ladies' Itidin also, a beautiful assortment of (tiding French Cups. I am d-:e:mined that my lints, in point of beauty and q.iality, shall not be surpassed by those of any other establishment in any cityin the Union dee 31—Gin AND 01 'MOM ALT TIIN "CHEAP STONE," N. 41, TTRAII BERET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, OUR store rent and other expenses being very light, we are enabled to cell our CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., wholesale -and retail, at the lowest prices in tho city, and buyers will nil it greatly to their advantage to" call and examine thri large assortment we offer this season, of Beautiful Irruerial 3 ply, Every variety of Ingrains, CARPETING& Twilled and plain Venitiun; Together with a large stock of OIL : GLOTTIS from 2 to 24- feet wide, very cheap. Also, Mattings,Pour Cloths, Rugs, Rag tan Cotton Carpets, &c. ,:&e. with a good assortment of Ingrain Carpets, from 25 to 50 cents. Stair and Entry Carpets from 12 to 50 cents. - -ILLIMIDGR k murrimn, No. 91, Strawberry st, ono dour above Chesnut, near Second st. • -March 11,1846.-m. =IV DAGVIIIRIAIST , No. 110 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Pet D. SHEW, who itas been operator and • condu4tor, of. the: Plutirbe Daguerrian. Galley, for yeareliesqii.ing openellrooms.at -the-mcove-place;yould,--niAteall-te-examino - lris specimens. — Perfect-colored likenesires guaranteed at . , Constant - and flill supplier of Apparatiii, Plates, Cesar; Chemicals, and every thing usual in the business, for ni thii- lowest rates. • holosale and retail; and all, warranted gded 111 Philadelphia, Apr 150046: • . of Philadelphia; a largo . ant sonara suet) yp ~GARDPC.43OEII 4 .t nlp .orialng .. t . roicY,yartety.-ni general use, unit jarra*llfrOsh and gennlne. t EL,LIOTT.'S.:, ; . .1 ; 4.-i--1-4111(0175 •DZI LALP733I . IIi. ' 11)0 of lotv„ 0100 tioiJa on 1 1 1 `vctir - mheap , rky, r • , G;.W. , }ll3'NE.p.et. , :•-7141Ltif0k:05;38.44,—, Ac. ~S carfk, Irer gi'tspendid Abilortenepr of lE styptionr,o4oll4 ginlitthrooli Ski* le; Barazo'Sditral , vilitiaiigi,be mold low roiMaish at Allo storekoC.; ARN9I.4 , 0 01 11 1 1 1 ', AriittS t 01:4p . ' - eittb.'.:'-': 1- a 'alto 'I have just reecive(Msrae sulditiotal to—rsylor mer stook, -consisting of l.E IS PAorrs , DYn-sT u Flo , ENJEAKniI P ANCY A ItTlCLES,'whiolil offer either whole sale or retullott the lowest pricec B. ELLIOTT. May 51. 1545. of . S. WIIAVERSTTCIC, Car Hale, april 13 I , fortli Hanover street Nusaisehaitna Line • • ii ,f t c • rrllEundersigned,proprietort of the Susque -1 lianna.Llne of:Cars Rfill Canal Br..ats return their sincere thanks to their friends in iranklin and cCurther)and, counties -for post favors, and respectfully inform. them 'that 'they are now prepared to receive and forward daily, •via Tide. Water Canal, Produce -dud .715Terchandize • to AND moat rhiladelphka and Baltimore. Produce will be delivered eolin T imuse in Phila delphia ar Baltimore to which their Boa s.can have access. Their a ' ventsjp the cities are • MI•811111. WRIOIITaI/4 NtrlIEW Vine st.Wharlon the Delaware,rhiladelphia. Messrs. Juni:4' McCoelotiott & Co.' Co., Wharf, Boltitnore. --They wilt a hro - recniye Pitttsburg and intermediate points,*Preight and Passengers also for the North and \Vest Tirana Canals.P.llll.A.ltTlN,. Harrisburg, May 1,1844. . . 'lll2 , Jayne's Family Medicines, • AN additional supply of the above. valuable' Medaines, consist Mg of Javne's I.lxpectorant,.' " Tonic Vermiculge, • " flair Tonle " Sanatist• '" Carminative Balsam, Received and for sale by S. ELLIOTT. Agent 1•m• Carlisle. •Ball's Medicated . Flaxseed Candy. -AT Tin: request of many of hi; custotners,the , sphseAbgr has converted his fatnousateutcA `rsu FLAXsEt:I) synur into a dagitiftil - onff pit a a ble CANDY. Ile con assure his friends and the liiiLiiti generally tharifi its present shape, it -pos sesses al) its cornier virtues, and in addition theiTtib, tt luts the great 'advantage of being in n convenient and portable forth. k now can be sur passed by no pretaration'for the cure of •Conghs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sze. , It-is an excellent rentedy for Croup—children will eat it with avid ity. 'the subscriber is confideLt, front the unpnr; Idled success of his Syttut that ithis Aledicated Flass,ed Cattily will be the instrument of much• good to those Ittflicted with Coughs, .Sce. O. D. I'IALL;P - Miggist. l~or sale, itt tae n Brig Store of STI 7 4 :I7BNSON kmEll A FITY.'SoIe at , ents for Ciirlisle.% VOTMLES oireTramwx. • VglIE subscribers, °genii' for the sale of Mc- ALISTEIPS ALL -HEALING 0 , 1 N tho World's Salvo, feel ointfidem from the beneficial results on those who have used it, that it can be reaummonded with safety —there being several persons in the neighbor. hood syho 'can testify as to its good qualities. A detailed 'notice of it will beJound in the columns of this paper, to which wo invite the attention of the public. Price only 25 cents, and for sale at the Dfug and Variety Store or - Stevenson & Mehaffey. Carlisle, March 18, 1846. Boarbing Eirlpola. BOARDINC SCHOOL FOR LADIES, YORK, PA. 1101 IN TI.F.Y having Obtained a uttitable edifice with .pleasant großtnlo for the par. vote, will open on the let day of next MAY, In the borough of York, A Select Boarding School for Ladles, To the• unrivalled advantages of physical inn proveinent, peculiar to this region of country. tho Principal is determined to add every facility fur intellectual and 'moral culture. TMU ns.—(To pupils providing bed and bed ding,) Board, Washing. Tuition (in all branches) Stationary, Fuol and Lights, 3150 per annum. Music—On Piano. Guitar, or Harp, (by an experienced amateur and teacher, Mr. flames) 825 per annum. • Piano Rent—Ss 00 per annum. • .m s win M, i.l be furpinheci by the pupils. i . Vacations—ln April and October. Payments, invariably, half yearly in advance To those who kayo known the Principal, re ferences siould-be, superfluous; to others, only impe dent and doubtful assurances: Upon ap plication', personally or by letter, the moat sat isfactory guarantees will be submitted. uric, April ;18,40. CARLISLE FEMALE SFMINARY; UNDER THE IHRECTION OF Slues Phebe and Charlotte P: se EXPENSES BOARD, with ftiol, lights and Washing., will be furniehod to young ladies at $.22.5 dur. ng the summer months, and $2 .50 during the winter monthi. TUITION.—Common English stud. ies, as Geography, History, praininar, Aritlimetro, Reading. and. Writing, per qr. 85,00 Astronomy, Algebra, Geometry, Nat. - oral PhilueoPhy apd'English Composi tion,ighet braricheS; ae Botany, Gitsmis. try, Rhetoric; Mental and Metal Phil's's.. "ophy, tho.Langnagei, Drawl:lg,, Paint ing, &o.will involve an'extre charge of 2,50 -ErTitiiiirraritaL - Musucibi• — - I Prof. E. L. %Venter, • for en extrachargo 12,00 The niiiiiin — frill - b - e — iermired - nuar,terly-and- Afaiirio ci _ o t.Boar_d_roonthiy in-advance, and n_e_ deduction made for, absence hot - in emoe of ilia"- , aces. To 'the is:en:ling insh.odra; .the use of n very excellent piano iefurniehed without charge and arrangeinents have also been .triado for fur-1 nishing two , or tht*.additiOnet haarderisAvlth ~ ,e _gratt, l ll of to fl if dealrifd..--- The next quarter of; this School opens will , the first day of January next, and being among hose-who;Lave - had. slaughters intim school during the lastlsar, avail num°lvereof.this meausisfaxpressiotto.the puirlic,and.Ospecial, lyt-to!_ tha'" citizens _ of ~thia and the adjoining eountles;smrfrill costvietinaihat: , adviiiiitageri of . merrhigh _order', emirate afferded fur the ea: 'aside° o and : young such-i n deer!, ahi'aearSely eise4l,9dfin. j ihe,:riountrf. .i.trainirig 'given, is - . :iiirstessiris itid:."thots'uthi..while ; thaolumneri - tinfi , o f,th epu jo k _ ara, mait_ciiroliiillAiratishod over., FrerMyreirannal,oblervatinn: and' knaiwjefige, Om feel eniirelyl.piefidali t in recomme nding we 'tsX':alkyittoh i!ip t vpuld r seeure it satiable p,lo.9*,e4oatinir:thehercliwtht 6 4 l ' • , CALDWELE,:H .- • "N: BL'BIIDD!;Ei y * • • • :Jqi ri—eatu4 QC ' i 845. ISM „ ripr redelied,' Kniyeo; 0r.0%,1 eket Curry Up,,lly ...... I,d._ entliole Stetra CABINET AND CHAIR ifooms. • • REMOVA,I4I wEeufiscribeta would inform their friend jand tho poll% golerally, that they have taKen the room in North Ilinover streer oacur• pied by AI r. E. Bullock, as a Chair Mannfactory, where • j they will keep constantly for sale an elegant assort- -- -- 5.4.„ 0 , P01 5 / 1 1 0 : ment of C/ILIIIIVET -WA= 6011141-113.13- , such as SECRETARIES, . • BUREAUS; Workstands, Dining end ittfeikfast -Tables; Card, Pier and :Centre Tables—Froneh,lfield, high and low, post Bedsteads, Sz.e. They have now and will 'continue. to keep on hand 'a - large and elegant variety of CHAIRS. of every eescriptioii, to which they 'woulditicitethe aiteution of house. keepers and those just commencing, confident they will find'ii . articles of such workmanship and moderate prices as Wet be iatisfactory to Fier chesers. ' They have 0100 made extensive arrange manta for the manufacture of 1.751381V221,1113 lataa3BoB of all colors, sizes and qualities; and in, a style fullycqual to those made in the cities: together with every other article of Cabinet Wrre—all of which they Will sell very cheap for CASH, or exchango for Country Produce at market prices. • GOFF INS inado -on reasonable terms alt short notice, add' they will attend funerals w ith a-splendid flcarse,'ln 'town or country, free of extra charge. • A Hearse will also be kept for hire. • LUMBJ R. A general assortment oell seasoned Lum bar, suitable for carpenters and Cabinet Mak. crs, kept at the above mentioned shop, consist.. ing of Panda-first; secondoind,Third•Common W'Boards, hite Pine Plank and I Se:Mitltng-; also, Cherry, Walnut, Poplar, Shingles, Locust .Posta---Wagon-Maker's-Stoff-of all kinds, &c. Also, Bedstead Posts, ready Joined, together with slats for Venetian -Blinds, all of which will be sold at moderate prices. They respectfully solicit a share of public -Mktronage, confident that they can reniler gen. _aral eatisluctian —d R. WEAVER 9 Co. 'Carlisle, April 15, OM NORTH AGAINST THE SOUTH! • IL C. IVIALOT, WOULD respeetfolly inform his .o old customers and the public : 4 4. kancrally, that he has REMOVED to ~p.; the store roomformCrrly occupied by- • M r;Stephen M. Harris, on the corner of North Hanover and Loather streets, imnithlidreiy op posite Leonaid's §tore,'whero he will manufac. Lure shd — keep conatantly.on band a genets , assortment of • Gentlemen's, Ladies' and . Children's 1300 TS AND. SHOES, made of the best material and in the most lash ionablmand superior style, and at prices lower than can be had at any cillicr - tstablialimont in town fur CASH: ..Pay to•day and trust to morrow;'* is-hia,rtiottn. lie' would respectfully invite the public - to, examine his stock, confident that they cannot fail of being satisfied with both the lento:hits and • workmanship. His best rnoroccos "and other fine materials aro purchased—in--tho . eity with the utmost care , and as he employe none but the best workmenriurfccis-strfe-in-warrant ing every article which goes oat of his estab lishment. All rips repaired gratis. Country produce taken In exchange for work. Return , ing his warmest thanks:for past/patronage, lie respec i tfullly solicits a continuance of it tot the future. 11. C. IttALOY. Carlisle, April id, 1816. r" „ W05 3 ..33 IMA OULD'respecliully acquankt his friends and the public, that he has rcunnind - BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, to South Hanover street, nearly opposite the Post Office, and a few doors below Burl holder's' Hotel, woem' he will manufacture to order, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS, it the most supe. rfor style, and keep constantlylon hand an ele gant assortment of LADIES' WEAR of every description, manufactured by' himself in the best and most fashionable style. Ile pays the highest prices in order to secure good ieurktzten, 'and only asks that his work may be examined to recommend itself. Ile asks the public to give him a trial, and if his work is not satisine., tory he will not desire - 'lnca of pat ronage. • IVtied and Country Pi exchange fur work at me Curlisle, April 8; 1846, I? IEOIIO IP QI L. 'MARIE TAD nig, THP:subscriber respectfully informs his friends sod the public generally, that lie lion remov ed his Tailoring Establishment to No. Ilarper's How, in the house formerly occupied by William Spottswood, isummiiately in the remr of the Epis copal Clmrch, where he is prepared to wok upon, his old friends and' such view ones as may limr him with their custoni,ui the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. From his expe rience in the business, he is confident of rendering general satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. EDWARD' HUTT. Carlisle, April 'l9, 1846. 4 .1-24 1. mail.: subscriber would respectlidly inform his friends and the public, that he has removed to the room lately occupied as an Ace by John Reed, Esq., in West Iligh,st., neat door to Eby's storc,whcre'he will continue to carry oti,;the TAILORING, BUSINESS,' and to receive erttersibp - workin4Sislineptli—of which he pledges himself to mtectitd..promptly its a peat, AIM onuble and workmanlike manner. • film latest faithiens will be regularly received and ire pains spared to render general satisfactioitio those who may favor him with their' custom. Cutting of garments done on moderate terms. • : WILLIAM MaIIETISON. Carlisle, April 8,1846. • . 7,50 FASHIONABLE TAILOR. . --•--------- m--- - . - - - er-inuori; ir.., ARES tine - m ethod to inform. his. friends •'''• '.., iiiiilthe 'Ptiblic _ generally, that'fie.has re - move fle :. - ----A- - ;: - .TAMORING=ESTABLISHATIMIT -- neit doer. to *lr. Irvine's atore; in', West High etiiief,oppoeite 511. - Beetones fetal, in the. bo 'rough- of Carlisle 'where ho ie prepared to do all flit ' ,work in,his.e; In .the ,very 'beet manner: , . 'Prinir-iric'e4tiebinee-Wilio:iblisiiimil; . -- 1 1‘ 'flatters himself that he Will be able please all I '.who may War him" with n nall,' at"the shortest :` He reielime the 'faihions 'regularly from the 'etti,ind those ,whoAlesire a. Coat to fit, fieatly, ire reqbeated'to'irivo'hirnn'eall,ite be feel"' eon- . 1 fideptthet , lniciin give entire eathdaetion tothe ' most caitidlione.• • ( '''-7"' • '..- ' "::' • , - 4lii-eleb-rintures7 his , - thanks:to-his ,former -1 friend's inni'Mnitomers,iind hopes.that they will eontinuer their:friendship, and_ brkag,is !piny" ;now-Monde Ili tlieyoin,with them. Iglu prices , •Willbilinedefite to sift: the times: , ', It J. B 1 - 14-Carlielei,Apjili.Ei-14840,1t.': ' , . . - ~ -- i.- . tf Informii .t 0 Tg°' ..4Pbeirib°r.' lisl4"Re t e - ando 'nway, t i mnne d 7o We~c chog. ,'-itl.rcoupadtor. . 4. 4 01 0.09° 300 ' 0 ,01q.A1l 'ODPIBI6Y( ttie;'loo* V . % with . :Efaisesi,,PßOOPG wel 1 0 01 ?0 14 !).. 1 T. carnila , 01144 • - . . , • AVOREATIAVINGMACHItgi AND NO NITS - TAKE. ECONOMY THE ORDEI OF _THE' MAY ! Mir _MILLER'S . PATENT; for gutting and .. ni, o -gr fl mg or cradling Corti ' Fodder, which entirely obvialee all the objections here tofore made for. cutting and grinding or crush.' ing 'Corti 'Fadderittc. The - mitateriljers have the satisfaction' of announcing to the agricultn-' rat cemmunity,.thgt they have purchased The right 'of manufacturing and vending the above mentioned machine iii CuMberland county; and also that 'it is in successful - operetion - at - York, Pa. :Every difficulty to its: perfect, execution having been fully surmounted, they feel war ranted in atating that it lithe most econ'o.nicai and excellent invention of the day for the pnr. pose to which 'it is designed. For durability and power it has no equal in the 'many ma. chines , presented to the public forth° same oh. jeer; and all scientific men.machinists, rpechan les and farmers, Ilio 'examined or tested it , give their vordicrin its' favor. Its superiority Consists in this, that it may be used by steam, horse, water or hind -power, that it is more ea. oily kept in order, and it peribrms• its 'cutting . and crushing by the same operation and does the work in. a perfect manner. It is a great saving machine both imlodder and labor, as by the operation of it the farmer eau make good feed &f the whole cornstuek from its root lo . its top, as it cute and grinds or crushes- the stock so fine that horses, cattle, or sheep, consume the whole of it; consequently it enables the fainter to feed five head of horns, crude or sheep, to one with the same quantity offodder, and makes better' and stronger limp.. Vitli this machine one min can cut corn. foddei sufficient to feed ten head of cu,tle in.twenty/minutcs, and when uttatchd to hvr.e power can cut or giind and crush in fifteen minutes e li ff i c!imt to l feed Pfty head of cattle. 'For cutting hay or loins/ there is nothing can equal to it. For its simpiicity and Usefulness it commends itself et once to the farmer; amispif requires to be seen to be duly appreciated. The machine ennyho examined and perches. ed of either hf the undersigned. At the Plough Ma n facto ry_ nk, in Mort roc towe,- ship, Cumberland coueiy;fr at the Foundary of Franklin Gardner, Carlisle, Pn. - - JACOB PLANK, FRANKLIN GARDNER. . Carlisle, December VI, lE34s,—ff. CJOYMIMIT' .17iSZYS " Coughs, Golds, Asthma,. Iti•oneliiis, , Corn iflood, Difficulty or Breathing., Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the I leart. lidbienzia, Croup, Bro . Iwo Constilutioli,•Sore • Nervous Debility, sail all Diitleiesof the' out, 4 Breast and I.llllgS, the most MICt- . • ttlal or.t! speedy - cove ever k ono o for 1 1111. of Ow SW,AI N COM D SYR UP OF WILD OIIERRY—ANDTHER WON DERFUL CLI E OF .CONSUNIVITON. DR. SWA VNE — Debe Sir. - 1 feel edict by. 11 'sense of duty I ,SllllVeifig litilunnity; to au -knowledge my town lid thanks rmy the wentlertc! efli•ets of y our " COM POUN shEy v ()F" \V ILI) CI alliltY" on me, after basing mini.' ed mouths after months with the most afflicting nil alrglisttses, Constfmption, with scarcely it ray al hope, ore `theacem light." to guard me num..., in, own horrible forebodings: The . eieemesllllllo,.S which first led no to the no ful suite of debility, 'WWI from taking II very heavy epld, it bleb seemed to fix. itself U(11/11 the 111111;5, on Inch gradually grew wo• sWeitt,a backing cough, op the breast, spinitikr blood, on ith gri thillty. My constitution seemed bit nil meet 0118 system very tunnel. MI -1111 tine 3tM11(01115 ot confirmed Con; sumption. I went to Philadelphia, and westre:it ed there by physiciints of tine -Id.g.ifits.t.respecta hility „hut still grew worse, until they g nye me up ors illelle s pltllllll Weisel! Me to go lint Ite• lug see . 0% of 11115i11, 0 so 0111 ell 01111: from my work, and having spent all tiny motley sa -I.lolls"Patent Me itches" whist') mare recommen ded so highly thr i tgli the medium of the press. I was unable to ask their nth, ice. Being a tut m iter of the Order 'Odd s, they supplied walk Ittoney, gratnitiwisly tic st•tal fine to my friends hi Saco, Maine. I tine (Veined by pity si +chum nithe highetit standing there, lint reed, ell no benefit m hateier Free, them, not gradually grew it arse, until my pin sicians mwd self goon tip till hopes of icy curt e", mug. 0101 I Nil like fit , e ,1111, is:ll2OM M 10158 through :he vtil (tithe shallow of th•ttilt. At this "am NI . itineture " I him' if pry our tEt)M is: I ) I' NV II CIIEItItX,' did know lug tie a regular prudish, physician in Philadelphia, gate me more cnnlidri en in 1111 1 111,14 . 1 1 1 e, ill I concluded as II last result, to make n t ial of it. I heist 10 your agent in 'Boston, Rllll home. which reliMel! fne very murk. I then procured two 100Iles mute, Vellidl I am Lanny to soy en lively dived me, nod I tun 1 • lv enjoy lug better health titan I der have lief., ti in toy lite. It seemed to hate it beneficial ill'. rt at 011ee. I coined streidgh rapidly, altlainc,l. ....diced to ft mere. skeleton - , did .1 feel fititisfi, d lentil its s:du i:try ellecis in my pun ensv, Oiat Dr. Swl9iie's Compound Sy rip of 11 ill Llterity mill Illre any ease of diseased, Lungs, it taken Recording to the prescribed rules contained in the Tamphletfl nu eontintnying tho medicines. Even tile physicians who witnessed nay ease are liighly'reenturnend mug it in 1.1115C5 - 14101 1 wish you to make this public, so dud others who tire stifrering sts I hate hey it, may know m here to procure a remedy st first, which will ranch their disease, without tampering mitli uutl linnet • their const:tutinits wit 1 t 1t 111110 V t yule • nostrums" math m tick the whole catititd• is flooded, in -pared by persons mho have no knowledge of the science et eine in (bent' or vitt:lice, but annul op mei ely with Amen:emu.). view- be taken in • lam a Scarlet member of the Hope Lodge. 1.0.' of O. F., in Providence IL 1., and will be happy to give any information in regard to the efficacy ofyour medicine, and can give ample prool that my case is not exaggerated in the lean. ALBERT A ROSS. To Dr. 11. Swarnr.. N. W. 6 . r:ter - Eighth and Race sheets, Philadeltetia. CAUTION.—The piddle slmtild be 61 'their rttarti ago ittst the many "lis tlmt".and "Mixtures" o r hick have sprung up lit all parts of the country, pm pot•ting l to he prepared by physicist's, all of which will be totmd ta be "falce l ' by a little inquiry in the towns and cities a here they m•iginate. II •eirtiticates nllll Mai MCI It (I •i it regard to Dr: Swaybe'sCompound Syrup of kV Rd Cherry are. "strictly true," and 'the proprietor is daily regievi tg them from peraor.s who have been' tired-by • &rated remedy. • The (Origia t al turd only) genuine article Is only prephreil Du. SIVA:I'NR; N. W. corner of ' EIGHTH mid "RACE - Streets; Philadelphia. Rernember, till. preparatirmi: of Wild Cherry are fictitious aml•entinterfeit except that bearing the written signature Of :s7. SiVA X . 1.4 E. The only agents in Carlisle are .AITERS & ',IINVER STICK;and STEVEN'aON & NIERAEgY; so d MARTIN LuT.4, Harrisburg. .) THOMSONS COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR- 1000. PERSONS'. In Philadelphia alone, can testify to the wondtirful efficacy of--that—penterfol_ramotly o : ll BS., COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR. AND WOOD NAPTRA Read! goad.: Aston; hitting. cure of Chronic llionChitiel ''Philadelphia; May 23, ,I#4l. - n-; Mr. S ,Tnou reek 7.F.or,'Enate,:thon folluyel!,rg pas • a. eon dr i bi/11 fattralfthsted with. an - affectio , north° throat.'whieh my phy 7 •:' -olden pronounced- a Chrenie Brencliitte,`: caus.ii MI by .repeated rind' neglected eidde. ,The (144 trees cultured la indeacribahlm,'.My Itliroatwmk, litterally raw with violent , coughinviam , that blood would come from it ;,,ablo.great , 9,litor ;don, pain and ttgiitnepa'ab the . chosi,.adn,feVill:. .e.yritptonia• .ahowettt,herneelveg,,,ejnwed,thanteelvfm,'Canliier. entire-lage of neceseiryronele,:;,iny'thrinkcyae, leached'ifid blietonld,nyes ariiii„nYeengain.kl: .inede; trial ofeverylnewn .qt:riedyxditflitt ferent.perbade had rho. adice orBtx:phyoethp.i, since /palate, trial •prior..oiiinppi l / 2 nd'Syrup ..of Vat And ffocdlitiptimi am/before I had taken I felt rel*. -I,CAnttnned until I • bed taken • maven which completely re- d lonise • andreastonid, too: to;; perfect' , .heaitNiand...l- &HY I.•;should:not-now. .be living tad ituot been. for yOur.:lnvelnablc: ,••••-•-•-•-••:=4: I ENE%-r-ERR, I 7I-.7i , t • • • • - .. /23 Spruce' • Principal dY11641 4 1:, E. C4der. - 0r.1,,1ith.,L0 1 2; Bpcuce moors. • Fria° ,3CY s3lpet dqzen. :; For sale in Ciitliale.li,ffil*,oo l3ol4 MEIikIPM. • • . C• , /! . ' =I M MEM M'CALIKERI-AII;IIEALiNG-OINTMENT T „ F. preceding figure is given to represent tai° INSENSIBLE P ERSPIRATION. It is the grea. I.IWicUATION for the impurities of the body. It will he noticed that a thick cloudy mist issues from all poitits orate surface, which indicates that the perspiration flows uninterruptedly when we are i n health, hut ceases when ve are sick. Life cannot be sustainea w idiom it. It is throin off from the blood and other juices of thu Lindy, snit Ilispoica by this mutt'' it ever becometim-, tango I . nearly all the impuri ties a ithin us. The ngol ge of Scripture is."in i the BLOOD is' the life. ' pure it-may be traced direct to the stoppage of the INSENSI 111. t Thuo• k ttlici -we -sec all' that -is necessary -w ,en: trie•bliiiiiHts< . • stagnant or infected, is to open the'peres, and le N relieves itself. from all impurity, instantly. 114 own hemmed vitality are sufficient, witlidet oti °article of medicine, except to open the. pores ~,,, d,t; aurtace. . Thus we see the lull s . tyf ttti,g. so much '„gernal- remedies, Al) yeacticioners:' however, direct their Allis to rest ore the insen sible pet spiration. ThZ 'Thompsonlan, for its_ SISISCC, wrEnats; the Ilydropathist shrouds us its wet iihtlikets; the lloniceptithist•dealt out itifini etcmitualcl the.Atinathial..itittedsooeLdescs_us_ with mercury; and the f hlusteriug Quack gorges • mu with Pins, Pills, PHIS, To glee some idea of the amount of the Insen sible l'eripiration, we s ill state that the learned Dr. Lesetthock ascertained that five-eights of all se rereTie into the stomach passed off by this means.. lilother WONIs, if w_e eat aturdriadoeighl pminds per day lve evtlemite five pounds of it by the Insensible l'erspirailon. This is monk: other than the used up particles of the blood, and other juices giving plitee to the nes and fresh ours. To cheek this, therefore, is 1.• emuin in the system live-eights ofnit the vim-, lent flutter that Malin.: demands should leave the Lode. If) a Sadden tealiSilloll frnM heat to cold: the !titres are Mll,lllll, llitt pr ritirttlirtit ceases, and di,a..• 1.11 . 011 . 3 ill 1.116!10 (I,l,llipe it,ell: flettue, 1 stotiyagt: rot !hi: limy or the MMus orishrars 56 mull complaint s. ' .. ' ._ . It is by stoppittty the pores 11151 overwhei tia mankind with congitct-Olds m 1410111511111 ItiollB.-. - . uci,ti:u 15.0 ..1.41:-.5f.uL.1. - ifiVb;oilLi iaeases in uta= rd by st Stollitlige or the 1310'h sible Perspiration. - Let -me tisk- ‘ , 111111"; every undid- - mintl,• what eourse seMns the most rensomilbe lo rtirStle to tlll5lOll the pores aw, 1111 y are closed ? .WOll - 111 ... MI gis t In sic't o unstop the poem? OrAVoili'i 00-apple sontethin,- that until,' fin t his upon the MIT face, :.‘ here fhe clogging actually is? And 3et I know of no pity sirinti 11110 111111,3 :thy cAtrylilil a piilielition to.rtfro it. ,11...itil.ii• these cireuntstom , cm., I 3 -resent to ph, siciatos nod mall others, I% te -Alister:s A 1..1..11E.1 ti N I': OINTAIEN . I . , or the NVOI{LIPS SALVE. It - has power to restore perspirittion on the tem, on the livid, srotind old sol . t . s,lllloll„tjte sliest, in rho t, npoti Shy intrt of the body, uhelber trISOISI•11 31Ightly Ilr 1201.e1 • tly. „ It LAS,over to NOM' ull c\u•rnsl sor.,s, acres= t • ulous humors, 7km lhs rout. rltltooott's Monads, to iliheltrirge their putrid mhitiTs. tljett heals iI.PIII. •It ;511 renu'ds that sweep, the virrTle euthinglie "1 . 0141 , ' , 1.3 disorflei 3 , , :11.111.3tores the emttre volivie-lo its hesLiti, cmarlit•lis. It ism re tuctiy, hint imqints the mas ssity of so Dimly mot f it•ktvrimis th•mts inktm bapltikr btontacti. remedy dint urtlller V s l%Cli 11111,0, 01 iS I 111 Irons In lite inkllillls piTsErve, turd iletel.,lN the 14•Mingemesit 0I it, rnowtiotol. • I= It is pierrve lo"rt-Nrvt. .the inl anti I)F.ATII l.uks ut Irrmvd Al 1-lical h.r there t!ntie, vsturoul or ilOrrool, third lime sett it for Ike last low tent tt 111,,C9st•M of the chest, con , linlptinsi, fist 1 . , iuo tits 11111.11S1 .. g. r , olio .• declare heron Ilontcn mill Matt, 161 oat its one lins it foils sl In livnefit.m hen the pa sun,; m Will, the rt . avit of Mortal nu•nos. I hay, had lestroill in the profession-- I Inchad itsititers dl the liospeLltulges of the henelt, Aldermen nut lams ers, gentlemen of II e highest erudition, anti multitudes of the poor, list it 111 esery %ttriety of inns berm lint onevoiee—one quilted, tin . ..emit! ing 31eAlister, sour bintonent is GOOD." CATNSI2,3II9ION.- It cat, luu•th be credited that n sake can I m ,e any effect upon the lungs, seated as they4 a rstwitl, in the system. But it placed upon the Chest, it penetrates directly _tn. the _11.1110,.-licpullalalli- the poisonous pal tieles that arc consumitq them, and. 'expels than from time system. I need tint say that it is curing persons or Con- - smuption continually. although we are told it is foolishness. I rnyt• imrwitai is said, so long us I can cure several tlonclind persons yearly. IIMADACHE, The Salve has cui ea persons of the Held:who of twelve years' shinding, auil who had it regu larly ever y week. so that vionitiult often took place. Denfoess and Earache are helped with like success. COL) FEET. Consumption Liver Complaint, pnins ikthe chest, or sole, dining ,orr of the !Mir, one he other, always accompanies cold rect. It is a sure of disease in the system to-litivc sold feet. - 'rile qulve will cum! every case. - , 1. , liv-Strolula,_ Erysipelas, Salt -Rheum, Liver Complaint, Sore Ek es, Quincy, Sorb Throat, 111.0110114418, Broken or Sore 41reast, Piles, all Chest Diseases, sueh ns Asthma, oppression", pains, alsn'sore lips, chapped hands, tumors, cutaneous eruptions, nervous diseases,and of the spine there is prohablt no ntedieine now kPOWII so gook BURNS.—It is the best thing the worldnw, Mints. (Rend the directions around the box.) • WORMS. If parents knew how tidal most medieines_were o children taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort to tlieUttifecially "mercurial learn , ges," called "medicated lozenges,"vermittiges," idlls, rxo. The trial' is, no one can tell, invarD viably, when worms are present. anke, let 'tie say toliarents, thatilds•Saliie will alwaylltell Wei dhikl has walnut. It will .drive every • vestige , nt • them away. (Read, the directions, around , the hok.) . There iXprebuldftio r motlitime ea the face St the earth netincolO Bura'and so safe in the ex pultdon of worms. , • . It removes almost irisrleiliiitelf and swelling, when the pain Ofoittirse - ciastni s •In alt.cosetroffesse,:the..diflieulty.,,lies the: pores]; spiration, eatmetviss„ eft:: least.moisiure • could: he ~started, :the crisis hae litiaspet r ,an4 the - .drger is 'civetct, TlierAll.7nretiThig , Pihtni'etit,will in all'citiles,effeier almost` instentif:Sitiloak tihs, • Itekiti and Mind forth the v e kiii ). t ru sk. , m . , No man,tan, measure its , value, Si „ long as th e stars roll'aleng . 'eyer, Ileaventifia - bing mat+, treads die earth. ?iidtiOot• i Oil ldlOalielk• of the flesh-to laninidiataind,sleknesii Just no long' willthinanMOOittreent he used and esteemed. hum•aensea from olfthecearth,t ' then the dathand - wil(aeite;and` not till then. J'ittdrtS;lltts.4.l4STEß:fk.''CQ: • . • `Sole'lireprietoraofl.ht abaft Allediaine. Trice 25-eenta per,box.. , ---• .11•1 Ken las. eet.t4reatly - Cininterfeited, to - the ysublie tho. , :e rn komtment i tiallibe‘gendlnertlhleaS . 111 i tieratiorlie,OrzlNtAllateri or; James-MeAl ti sit:e, 7 : .'biny, ; ,titi;Vereby.',dfrrr reiitirdix ss o b in be raid ix , nv i c ti na In, any nE,..the eonetituted courts • of StEits; for counter-, felting our name And Ointient;'” stet, le—L3 1 64.,0t,INEta ir t‘Apk..krr or.inoiy.telioili;. and' a** 7 -Mtrk i i i !o l . j.:';'.oiT) 110 1 7V :HIVY &kW:MK' • ' yaNsoN'aiin nxtf ' n. " E • ' ::_.,do { fit.DAbl'SElGlbly - 11tealianitabui., • ',Minh d' k '.. • ME El