Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 25, 1846, Image 1
WIZ ...,...,..z. - ,'•• - • ".•\''''',.*:'".. 7::"‘i :' r' ' 7, -,. .....' , ..... , :;'"'''' - ;•' - '" , "' - t,'"" 4 7,7,:: • :'-r - ': . ' , - 7,1. -, 77. - %.,. ,3 , ~, .. s !it:,4,1! Y.±....,, ;,j.§: ; , 5, - ,. - ,:.. 4.,„' - 4 , - T., , i , : 6 1 , , i,..,44z, i:; : kft. , ..; . •., - ; , .4. 1 0 " . 0 ,.;:....--,,1„,.4,i,.3-,C7414 ::- ~,, • ~ ,,,',.-7 ? ! . .vi. , , ,, :f tzmi:-. , . 4,....., .:.." .5 e.. 7 , ?'-',' ~.1., "'.,.. •*.' 't, 44 ; i t,,,i • , ..,, , . i . , ?...!.,,,... ~,- ; 3,-,... ,- P'...-•. , E - ' , '• / - 4 .h ., :-=4;:.??'' . 4:7;. -, ' - ; 1 1 , Z,ll t,.111.qi , - 4i .---t-.. , ---- _.,,, _ ~_.:7 _-_- ' 7.' • A --. i,-.. - .-- . i. , .---- - T - "..." .'-'-'* ' .31:.':. • 1 / 4 :-4•• -, .. , :5.,•1'.; , b - i, .:cf,:- - -.ii.Q .. -, :r5..!:;. :r4.7 . -1 ~,:,,, .... .• • i .-.. Att H, , ,-..;,• ~••• ..- --......: J ., P,' . :_..,••• t, 44, •‘! .4.41,'; ,17' .4 t••• .11 ,-5 : 7 '' - . ) ."•'-' '•• -'''•'. ', • . ” I' ' ,••• . ''''' ' - . l Y . •!!' '''.f ig. "' .7'''. ,- • '" . - 1 . ' - 1:1,"-", 4 , i'vYf. 'iiill. 7, 4 ,,if . f .11 , ,-, if. f .: :/'"1 - ?- `b • .!;; :' ; -1,. I ' l l '' , -t -. ' - :-,•••; 7, :e .... ' . 7 ,`,..; '.. T•'' . "; -. Vry • l ~ . 7;T', ..• - A - ' -- PV; --7 k • ' 4'7- JP:Kt:rt. - - ^,-7 t. . - :7:7: ‘ , -'" .7. • _:* 1 ..... ' 7t .. ,t' • • 4•• ' . • *.- • ...., J. 2 7 E.. . ...t.g: ~~ r~~~ `7,:,'"i‘:*l , lIMEE i:,_ :`,, t ,,, 4 :'l , -;1. ',-,,, , d . z =EI J..ii+r_::l~ 1 0.1?. .1 =lll Eli 'TOUM LE A"4 ' :I;ijaiSD 'EVERX OFFICE ...Squore;:batk . ottheCoiot.llinisi ,„ TERMS-OF' :ItkagORPTION... ' I.)no:Dnuni.andllity eifitlit4fiartegAbi'Aieca• • Twb Dollare,if paid , whhiti th,e Var. ' • l'iimeKrinexpilitkritidly.atihered to. F ADVERTISING, . . Adveriiaemenie, ranking ilfleitiJiiies or he :rilafgad , htithe s trate , tif cente for one insect ion:— !area-1410de for,Oao • Dollar, and twenty-five cents for eVery'ettheequ'eittl ineeition: Yearly adVertidera Will' be,c.hamt . katthe following . rates Onilt% e Coluniu, with the paper, for one ?ear, - l ectlanni, • ' ' Two.liquares, with quarterly chupges, ' O. tininess Catilk, with the paper, • • - " • 0 ff . :PR INT I Nk OF. EVER Y- DESCRIPTION ,. Etslikaa Dandbilli, lilanke, Circulara and-every'otheri 'tither deacriptloptlf Printing,. executed hanantriqy and • 'expeditiously:; and at the LOWEEM"PititiEIV. ' • • • . . • • ZOISZIPEritiVer; +TORNEYAT - LAW; (Istti offittfilicrk,' oratt'ioe in thq Courts of bdrinnd mut . l)o -- 14011,ning:puoties... nnAVtiitt High street , " nest iitioitOJ,lfitirtiliSti t • October tZ,1845 Tr: "COLIXFZILL'At IVE'CLIIRA"' • •,!,.!•• ATTORNtTS AT"LAW: . ILL'atteetrprbetpt Ira butooesa eittrost to.therri in. the ()unties 'of Cumberland nil Fs uTIIin. Qffieelijoile doer . west of the MI, Kat II street, R I and nrXt. .1144._ t o tittonbitogh kAicover's Drur Store, Shippens aurg.... • A pri 1 44,1944 .C.TIARLES- 8. -imputes's, Late Solicitor of the Trettury of the United Slate, - , • I.....pcstetice-Luur-in_t.he_sextunkl_Cdiur_uk.o • - Lane/wrier Comiat.,.. Office in South queen stiTet.lntery occupied liy John It. .1110ntga,m cry, Esq. - - .3uno .18,1345. _. ..• • • .. . D.)111 AP, GtV.DAEIIP1 3 Attorney et Law. OFFICI: In SOIIIII liatinvet • street, a Few door Irlaw .1. 11. 111 . 1111Upl, JUI) 10, I S-1.5:" IVOIL )30 eteeet„ in the - house - Fai reedy occupied by 1)r. Fred. Ehrman. CantiAe,, April 9, 1845. _ • ILOCC I .arg.Z9' • • .. • Arev . -.1. V"' perform pit OpernWlOß upon the , Teeth tint are required for their nreser ' iltion Skaffa - as , , or ill I; rrstiror lhe los's Of them , 'iv inseruug. Ar iiticial Teeth, from a single , 'Penal, in a full sect. 114)ttlee t oreet, few ttoorsSouth of the ttatiruad UN el. . — N. 11. ' 0.. Log mia will be absent from Car lisle Ms last tend sys, in each month. June ii, iB • _ - THE 'MANSION HOUSE HOTEL ,Fronting, on thr Cumbei4antiVolleyintiil Road, • ATELY 'kept by GC7I. Walla Font k, ban jus 1. been taken by the subscriber. ,It is newly flirnialted - and - his been ili:Or7MililirEntilied. Passengers i 4 the ears, atirtitzers, travellers and, visiters to Carlisle, ire invited to e'en. Twins •morlerote, ma rl everY attention paid to•the combat and convenience of thesis who . p41(01 . 117.1.1 • 1. 1. WINItOTT. • - _ lATIVIBEILLLUBMBEM ker - wpti of W laminae lloar : ds;Plalika;Seateling,Slongles aihittgling'and - Pinstertag — Laktlts, - , - Istorall:qfwltlelt l will' be suld'ltt theliver lHeua t Wltkalie!addition 01 baulloisoftte.Cian;itollieWart l hottsesqlfo , i , WILLA A-N1 11.4.,MU Carliple.,'Noyeinhr.,S,oo4s. _ . ' . . . beiRAl3ll . PROPERTMIR: SALE IIE atibiteribet, leers at private !air, that ,small but; haidaiiinely,locatetf . .contaliiimr 13 ACRES and 38 perches, of ex cellent Limestone Land, aituateJvithip.the • its of the borough orearlishi, about a quarter a mile amitli - iif thiiCtiiiiberland'VPlley ' Road, and in Mriiit4l3f thdws:Garrifion.— • The • imprOvemetita: , ..artr a good; a Iwo.i 'atdry' . plittlerad',! - A3`olkl E: e' I g t 3 intlSE aittliii''O'arnAd other " but .buildlngt . t e k )ult r ellter r ,li , ith' a Cider Prese,:abil ' aPnies,V.ith a good motel horse pnieertittached to it. Also a thririnlyntilik APPLE OECH.. Allftetitf.tathirEptlitreol494llllll.l6oPkieteif.. to4cther ',44o.liffkifinAt , trees.-1 .The rduce is in a fine r , •, t,1% nticitiereti tit_rare'iindimenittlitit Nti *MY dfieltiv desires to -retire: tii - th,a , -oi.olagek being-"inOuse' proximity, . to t(te where every facility 'roc et„rtyo,4 offekeikkii" , .Mek• inson an,trbitualeSehoola: ; beet- :Alt to the prernisettoqddigelit him lailetter at Earl isle. :Mountain at; • Win tain,'about - • Mitch' 4;:::141461:6 , 14-1 160 -A t , E t c t PR44 I .9AN I Y‘ lii,;.,o;4o4eppro la,triag' e en-. 1.. tlreiy,pf yegintlifennitteiritinit liosaeases the: ull, sinalltles uipite74iie•lthek:VtlA,Ortr;el4ihe;; 7 ;,--- 001 4 " re a.° -" 6 'letit' 4 'f ,oo ;'the:4 ll o . nnildlelle .4 lAnteSieie of . altar ploninot, rtnfrini Isk,ioer, tide to , ; • Alte'elp:s4 .4 tliioPelliiiie-1 0 91 . ilitptt''C' • Peel laiiiribl&thintatenn titnit* Ste venson Pd'Allithilrey, 1 1 .7,X ' o,lP!Pirund,liskril ' '::l amp . Glas es of various klml 4liff; ,4 for[stOor elitiOnfibt;insttesnot Oaf?, •Ilot4 InaviOet nideratestenAk,,Viiist kept' - Onnitantir-onhisod Feb-, ,fr;l "no -safruzi c,-, '"M.i.... IR* , 474=77 i6,,trii-iiPt7-.':1; Ajvichit loP°4, dralle't r. 4.: IstfOttGAV4 4114flir • iithlie hil f•-; " 11.e4 r. 1 55L,,--*''''yeicri”Wr-.- ‘ it .d,diti, oft,H4— .31. A. 7•; , • , . Fiti t ESII'GARDE v iI e #EItOS, 2:4_l2inkAlSKlZiatid tittup Wahl 1f..,C#411',, 0 04: laff4 Rod ol l tnicebt` oft. 0 14 ,9 t =lZtittlr4 o l k il t kr o titirt!e i •Vbfgl4:ll4S;l;4lfa.'-'4';ol=4:;:i,kl;:4.''' riWal -:•,, t; t • ' A. , " td . • 4V4 .4,-,t44; -•••=0 .l, • • = IME MESE ;~,:Y,;;' ~~ Vie; ~lr' 0 ''' ' .' ' ' '; 1 l'' . : l 1 ' 1 ' ,.' 4 : f; , •:"' 11 1 : ‘. V . ~.. ., I .;.:4 :. ' ' ' ''' i.. 11-1•34 0 -ik,4l lutialtzllttedrAVOUT: IIFT _ M! ilriin ,eenseqneria.or: Mailers pf ii private: p nmiire; •,alainAng ,bis more . 4tiiiniitV"aiteatioit; 1 ,,, a oliiiiiiniiMinfidisli the' Gronei,i4bd:Qn4emeoarariwinishMss - ,feeti':ltiriii tn&: Bo 4o o 4 . hea.: there°,•il'iketr , Vilia,:tnekbad,:aC ; -rata pnig!hia eineere,ti.ianksAo hie, illerids,,,e4., Idnie'ratnir th'eppiaje'''gkiiierally, liit 'lll6 very liberal: eniiibili% extended • to:f liiin 'fvoidle! in , the . business, and hopes. hie. situation crc the yait ; 'elases, wit! enable him to serve ;bap ,agaia, as .tdrinerli',',:.. ..„ . *e--,i ... • ~ , - la*WiaiAnsinkliirili 'we n ‘ re',i , ' 6 t 41 1404 1 toa miitli''.l . l4dM we, rentMik.O;nr,cciiiida'fliai,'t . 4y,' •tiii.idnfi; . aa:penolinil'in'.e/Osing'iterOinis na vh , lnt Vit . tieen' a freivliiiitieai'' , :-7' '' . .. , ...YET ,POO - ,SALE, '.- a araß r int ot;ehoree Ri9 E uffee; Yon ng :lly n so n , ,1 1 ) firlal;04n*Wdei iiid . 4lseiTpua;*Oirea lale,ftarin,,rnerald,Aieirtion 044141, Stereb, Ensoin - Bala r Vernaelilia'TaWciiV,:Vi i'rkat Baaketi,Sagar'foyle,Tobance.Shi,e.bis4iiing 4:r.64 iia ihiiii' ' : ~ ..' ' • - ' -"' ' ' "./ A.lO ..0 „Queens-ware: tone Ware, . . . arriiino which arcPiteher'a, Cnrce &.Teif pets ; Dribes,-Plates, ,, ,Bowels, *age , &e, including I,lyerpuel,..C.hinn. and • oatmeal) ware,Lesides Stone-Jors-Butter_Pielma_ Aix,. _...,___'....... All ,of wiktpn we :ifite:wd *Wing .low-‘-4*liorne I. Cost—our "_object and. wish being,,,elosa ithniedlately4 .1. W, EBY. _.. • Carlisle 11ii;cli 4; 1846, ___NEW -10.0.11 S I NEW.. GOODS *VILE suhseribee, thankful to his 'Aletnis end IL the 'midi': in general, for the 61111101'1 they have given .him in his line of iteNitleSS, takes this method of infoetning them-that- he has,pist eeteiv-. ed, and-is now 'opening, u large and spleteliti assortment of ° ILEM I FATAL AND WINTIEU GOODS, nsisting-In ' Black WOO. dye Cloths; Invisible Green; Blue sod Cray -Cloths; . !Bannn! 'and plain Beaver 'Cloths; Buckskin, Tutted Cassitheres; Double Milled Blue and 111 ink Cassimerest super plain,harred and striped Sattiuetift, from 37 cents per 'Vert!. Purametto Cloths; ludinita do.rplain harrt - ql•rnd striped Aliment Cashmere do reosJiembazines ted, white mulyellow nels,Calicooslrom 6 1-4 tq 13 34 canal ptit•Yarllr bleach:o Muslin, from. 6 I,lto 13 3-4,4-4. 34situl• '94 Cheeks, eticitint and Diirskitt I.iocy wolsey liorib' blankets; :litykittaw do. Kentucky Jeans, Drillingifeahred eniultrierfPafs n i t . uslins; Mottfailile4tiittef lir - teeity . 'Ben. i , ir .shawls f edging, itsertings, and laces; Swiss, fie nuett, book and Cambric Jtustins. Ilialtop;sl,ms it. long Lawn,. linnet; cambric liandket:chietsCleislt lilack Indian Crstralsiranei .do. stocks, 'cusnenders, Mick cotton, mminittit, cashiniveUnd Alpnecti -Cleweit . .. Mitts, worsted Caps, Vesting, glazed Fur, seal,-Vel seiteen,antt Cloth Capi. . Also—A 3m -sit supply of 011010:111F.S SPWt.:S.M . -ail kinds. Y. hivlt he will sell lowest prtees for cash; at ilte oltbstond in :11e-tis, Duverstick's Drug ANTI, I lENRY ANDERSON Curlirle, October 1.-18454—1 L i3ARGILIZIS X .E! - C k CHEAP GOODS. CHEAP GOODS. THE CHEAP CORNER CAN'T BE BEAT, ROHN GRAY & StIN return their sincere • thanks to thew frtonds nod the public, for the liberal share of patronageextended toward*. them, and respectfully announce that • they have just returned Pi•otn Philadelphia with a cheap, ctiiiiee end fresh seleCthin'nf Taidusi - and Do: mestic DRY 'GOODS, GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE nod NOTTOgS, of all kinds, •h ich they will sell as cheap es,any house in the county-64in! determined lake fir Fhcri and quirk hales." • We woulid"say to ult whether they be pUrchaser. not, !Wows n qii before boyin, elsewhere,Tor. ii -we-arerconvre itthat-yoti-willneitge-friite - its store disappoldted: ltemerither ourOrli'lli tini earner southnf the -Post' ?Mice, Sod directly opposite the SeisOild IPreebyteliiiii - lihitTegifffd lftoberts'• • • •'; • `lHailisle,.Jaifui_ry 28,1846.'. - , • More Bargaini at CLIPPINGEB'S • HFI. subscriber has jest received Irmo delpnia a froth astrort . tirent , . of Seasonable Goods to whic't • he would invite die, attc”tion nt jriuCeirisers. -Muting the goods jaut . .re'eearetl are aisortineat of,new sit) lorintis, - • •• ; 'Amoral rinairadig‘Vrinta,'` • • lionact.Satio and Ribboos,fashionable style, • • LAnstatyler.Geotletriett's.Prorey Cravats., ",—SelterriOr Satin, Yestings.. , , ,above,, gouda e‘ce . eillUgly Tiiar iiChies A: GER. i 11146 ' ' KW GOODS. . tq. A .NtIREW lIIICHA GUS illtlfjtiet reeei;ed and in now ape • g iiiltitfold 'hind, enrlal of the ; I,olllloAgunre..end , Seuth , ,lttnteter et,.11 new . and , !1M i t' l .," I ° 1111101, t or , ~, - .., • • antT 6 (Da • /15 1 S5c1‘ ithPle;ithd •I' Amoy, consisting ,tn ini - eJT6r „oin•k - , 'ewsdinc,r , e.„Epttittetti; Linens,Gninhroahti.SOrn -nieedtelf+.'Vestings;Silke,:liohihiiidiee, linor'- ince; Lawns; Crape and Mous It: 11;.8101; Swiss Vutednie44itekinetiv.:find Alt `other .kinee of .114 u a 111411;X.ilt*W''.Stralvtkit'Cheaktri,l'icki?!SnYei- 'tick:pm:4s t C'ottpo gootlit o s el j kOvilyrtoinitic, Cnr eenl chain. end Cotton, Ytt t n, Umlwen.e, PerNioli;, eltiidei;`...Glenite,!lioidery';llie'.'• •:.`.•....' _L__ . F•j'ALSO; - A! 'choice' and well'seleetnT , itoele 'of Groeeriee, , tioneistank I Wittier; of Cafrets,Sugifri:; Mutinies, , resis‘Tobaced;gleiceitT4o, , r .- J. ,, ',' ~91 0 ,-.E4:4 grookery„filitsit : aftt,, ; t4tte,coutivore, of ousYttil dascrieii9. l l 'l4 4 19" 1111 ' 1 . , t#FHibri: w i t!! Tioiertios otftentrpelle,it efteroeisto_roo, epto.litele. And' &tient,' itesortment'--al lOf eviliisli he atilt e flit , sAle se ierr:ltiV , !i)rliai for' visit.' -'': ' 1- ' l. etteitelieleatinuorY 7,, , 1846: '- • ~ • MORE RUCTION ; EIARGAINS4: . •:: , : , ' , ,. 7.V ., ' , AI: ~ - AT . :oGlLityis I i t 1,0.4 r -. . 'I ars ~ Zel,:,' .t : . ,%,0' 0 ,- .t. '1 , ,.. -• 'O,O. %V •• Teubscribek, hae jupt returnep , filpft li atlelphiti`end iti niite'opettiitie orp - Of "Pt 'tho largest ,titooke of -Dry Goode, GroetitNi r iliktte and',Shoda - thiit'llathebia firimitiVidrOar.. .1 kat. i'di rthiAi-iiidia:: : Xlicrldiliditylqiirdeiliiitig - add , fluil , lieldili lime to'laji ouilout lilig#3 , to advantage. • my• stook aomprissa every thing • hi. th‘reCS / 4 . 0 or dative; C'a sal the rilOVlto lenii; 811 k s, qashintires, -Velvets; Callabes..2 ate; troat the ifilblit"'66llllY,in,titialst3fit*.lPriCiti'`,lower 'then ever. ,, Abe public 14 leinted'til -0 4 11, 1 411111 K old stand, 114 it Miin,,streot,'leue doors below%lhe Ilikedlet liiigue.,i43d•pppcialte Miarlipfilipiekt L 4. ..I.27ilati JO . ; --- .T., , CE1ARkE11,1:11,11:4311.7/ - .... ritod.,. , , . • 1 FANCY: ' I t EIDOIMI , ' , `--r. .41PF1 , r e , 4 44 1 ' PAESIK WietirOml ikgrail hai Breast - 17prillittettetcBatils Boteti) tetrititliwe ', t 4 ---ti-f-0-.* ,, 1-.4ft-..4 r - .%5..M :'Silt Llr "a• CO- .1[;44,.; -,, -4-) VO it, Illoi*piiitti4tyksifoi,logettieritiA4 VT:ll l o9 . o,44, 4 Bi#Wilyilt C,Y9oolkket4' ..Inn i r.u.y 4k" 111114 o* . t t tho lOties 'pet 6ti:Delidrtitr 00114 i ' liitaitillA: , rl4& 4 l,W°i' l, f''4*- 1 ,01; 4 ;:kftk* RAIR, 4 t t ., A1i4f14 4 :1"44 1 , .. , A,•: - .w, ,, ,,,- - 3 - „ , , , , . ~ . . ..,;, - ,4'; , ',,, f MEE MS IZEIBEI S 1 1410 - 000 : d*rt NEW GOODS. =gm MEI WM= ;;; , c , ,Aark,-per,roctri• . . • ' Ar ?inc. r ,T 3110670,•,.. uSt f , . I .et the It.dr- "and OM lON In elealen of sait pleasure; diet syran - grill- x . • •:;.„ • littittkirrseakitier ',Where. Malady rinickakt filo heart ;ffilcor etittifi , .. • • tVhfle hersidttenieictiliiialliieilhitiiiiiirWilliilekf And.wliateonkl tife;taslattilisl4Dy..qaly - 1 'la Slander, the lietiny'4l - • t'nuke:idle fur linkpineroOnak.i .For. nie—l ; bat asili,(o: hppy,al., fit At ;home is:titae,word,:tf - 44. Mid brlt , whin visions lif,bettuty , nse atirr'dl I ask nue-that:Lintury eUrnilif spyreitine4 :tr With ddinaik.fratn,lnillelm s e pinkie loom„ • And nntalinle, if litaainsion,firee,;l , • v _ The. eiegatit tOlflerof and-Wealth need:not—Lank put, for. , ecisOstAiaikea/tlit,-,.; I ',; Wilk th ese saul.iiiy: dear pals; 1 enrannt to mind, . . For, oh: Lin n happy; urosr.S .Autpky at home •-• . . , .. • ~,,' ~. -ofierbright little ' r oom , Wheie the itiltdieienntY PLY, I ttifiarful of 'spoiling the coltlytamtyr".' ,, ..; , ... .4 - :'.: -, .t Wheie lieloo,-our dearest of all oti„the eatllb , May.tiud the liweet tereledmeolieltivei; athhiltiattht The fire binning warnity,thakolo:dralin nigh; .. . .And the star lamp alight`elfthelable•elatie-by ; " ''s &Sew Nun nnticturea iii.shnidefrainez ahrined.. r , 7 , A few preciette volt inee 2 -the iielathnOte'niind; And here atuttlie tregaured•zaine threleme`oPart, To kindle the fitn &or - so ft en the heart; ' ..• 'ritnellehlyearr utdedi , why,.whyaliould I mewl Ohl ant 1 nnt happy—mel t -"happy at Jamey , ,- 7 - . .. .... . , 'MP linWnnewwearr9f - hoolarami orplay -,-,- - Nestle down un our I/MOMS—our Ellen and May I , ~ And “nnly the simple. n net formic. prayer, -tlocends in theplodueus_oLinposenee therei, .. . And now ere they Wive tilt, iweentriseUliiiilLfulic• - - They lavish, repentinc their merry "good night!". , ti \'hire 1 with me needle, my honk. or my pen, 1" II converse with him, nm contented again. And cry--" ('ant Lever he tempted, to roam,'" . While blessings like these taiuke me 'happy at home r, We know not who is the :author of the Ibl / lowing, bat it is exquisitely.beautiful:, In all climates spring is beautiful. ; In the South it ' • • ntcrvicatingTandsets-a-poer--beside-hinr self. The birds begin to sing: they utter a iew rapturous n0t.e..5, and then wait-foran an swer in the Silent - Woods. Those-green coat ed -musierms, the frogs, Make a holiday in the neighboring marshes. They too, belong to the orchestra of-Nature. whose vast theatre is -again opened, though the doors have been so long ;bolted - With' Seellei'v Ming with snow and frost-like cobWeDs. This is ;the ptelude;which announces the rising of the broad wept c u rtain. Already the grass shoots - 10db Tke:iwaters leap' with thrillitr pulse thrnegh the veiiiiiOrtlio tbronghtlie 'ye ins :of the plants and- troosount thallood through - the veins of-man. What a thrill of delight iii spring, 'time ! Winn a Idyl - ribbing and moving! 'Men ore at work in the gardens, and in the air there is an odor of the fresh earth. The leaf buds begin to swell and blush. The-white blossoms of the cheery hang upon the boughs _snow flakes,timtpre 186 , ±. our poor neighborS will -- be - complete' Thal& from - us` - by - the -. dense foliage. Thu tloWers open their sob eyes.— Children :et loose in the fields and gar den's, They heldbuttereups under each oth er's ebinalo scoff theYloVe butter. And the little•girls.adorn themselves with chains and curls of dan4l el ' ull out the yellowleaves to see if the school bay loves them, and . blow the down from the leafless strke to find out if there mothers wantt hem at home.— And at night so cloudless so still! not a voice oldiving thing, not a whisper of leakir wav ing bough. not a breath of wind, not a sound tip ni the earth or in the air! And overhead beads the-blue sky. dewy and soft, and oath= ant with innumerable stars, like inverted bell .Of some blue flower, sprinkled with golden dust, and breathing fragrance. Or if the heavens are overcast, it is no wild,;storm of rain, but cloth's that melt and fall-in--show ers. One does not wish to sleep, but lies awake to hear the pleasant sound of duo drop ping raii6 .. - _ . AN I) at ❑ie North 1113 Ti : i.ti $ .-1G oolr . tcui-EsqHA—B o stot- , M ore - ..(telsivviY InolFnAt 4 -!Wctcf:tYuiPYl?!. 3 rqS toesntlY, : ip.S'ewprlqams, op,ayisit., ; The liiiiirtrkSrf - refpeet shown felin-hv-the ruthoitiesiriWpelple •- of that•eiryikave; :been of a. very. o:ratifying character. On the 28th' ult. he held,: trf.request, a levee at the rosi deice of Allied Mennen, Esq. at which a . very large number of children. were present. The Picayune, speaking of this -pleating scene. says-- :: • •••'..,•:,.,.'''• 'II was amusing to heat'y'. as lltriehildren -came into the:crootn, :thc6.4"generptiiluestion • 44, 1\ m:.their part,.,;,.hlla, . wlttrol,' --R,etet, T Parleyr - • Tjib blandness Of Peler • , rfeY,•:,tor Mr 'GoOdrielt, ~to' the - - children, ' nfi• if9Sr • irbre intredneed to him, seemed to wititlitiattentien of thefr young 'hearts 'most efreetnally, ter 'tlie. , ',= tiltleoecl 'With as much eageitiesa to the iitltifesti *Milli ' lie• Simko `to''thein 'as they hare doubtless often felt while 'reading: the ittteretiting...storiee ..that his : lig 9k5 ;abound w4:11. •We give one extract ham thiagentle, inau'i''' adtlreSsit ' .speolcei Irp_mpet 7 torigetl, alit] '•W i 11', we• trust, niiit'l?st 160 I .sit,iht :Of liy — t:inr community at• lenstbeingrasit- is, bit, the.. eye: of ,a,o , exv., edttotltiOn'artlt ,r l 4 !Mittlecalitlfll.X . lhe `he said, aitraighteniht O laAd linarled oak. lel: .the forest With' Witte; Eiiii'or and,streoghf . ,he possesses, but the - ,gar4ittiy; nith - Tra . prolong-. 'knife iii:.969' , h6ipt tifid:zy,watertng, pot •:.itf: the Otli;ii, ooan rear 'tender'. yenng i soplings, and modellhete -sci-that,they- grow; - up •taW Mitt -grtoefrtl-trees,l-Sitifititirriiitillinblems-oflthe., Ortre;heStevend rte:lliEirrt.m . ?lfirea!'n'hii.ppy: fife;tio44','lMit'Sy.,tit' ,34 :iiinf"i'enierent 11 7.A.11*h0 - ,Wiffe.p - rii4Tit•i liiit reddriiii ayourtg... ri • LI. A l ' If . prribet , of ,dlOtirotishert,pe . no ns I.W•em,". ..;Oies.elif,...4.4,o(iii,.3yholnt;Prefe•l-Itiliti;o"...Ak . -ithilithe7Goy - cfrnor'7andi'dilnuteriantrtove'rime 0.0,,,,qii,iiikir',1,,!.,';.- ',-'' ,, : , , ,, i, , , , . -, -,, -, • . • . azotte 4ayea, nfati'lo irit i o. • ialibira / , sellers, both in thisiarm mg9ths since, the-country the wilosfltranlrthtiChygx taste for the low anthvulgari-ite r d ihrt :pried scooted, in o re, department of' itteiliC rattans. do4ratiedsto impure'and i improper- feelings of : our nature' 'ItY,WaS 'AO liOartetrattaft4ooo)4fo#4,'*hl4:**:ll6o.o6r 'tweed. ..It.-,awakenedi, prudent :anal rig ht-: ;thinking Men ,tr - i ,tbri , d . at!Of.,•of , thil cp t itin *icik`a dilekarehisho; „amtthaaniiignritienep .of their effOrtilatbeen.thempid publication Of,v,ch.iMes*.ktibsttiritird:Meritilate MM.'? 4 11 Ortei.aii4 W/Otutor; iTi3lsliiitiiis ..haver , commenced a the ; p d u t blicati t ng:tt up nets irdcharact Nba te:V #O , , migtidlotolthecti-tind - a battertOto,ho;,heen, :4 1 =0CliftiCAlkfte 161 . 111 LizzgO r e4:0' 11W, ittaroldig of w h r • d• a•YiV>,:, Z.. r . • Al . lO . ~- , 1 I 1 -", ~0 - ”co , i t e ,'a .. 6 ,.„.- 6 %,, i ir, c 'l . l o. lbllocting . .',4f.A1l eat 6 I t t 11 ., ?11, iii-repi , petisy9 vet Imam' ‘ 4 A pprsculvq!iit begr : , ACAolot*Octlie 14 V 6c5 1 Mkt 6 ' 0 ' 1 W:0 11 04 iiith liii%i Ay** OM ~ 0:0 1 403$1.09100 '4AliiiVb.9rmwit t`' V1E44 1 2 4 1 4 511*(k t it'l 14 a ltiacoViejtlC 4 l*l t , 10CoiiikiMg.:12#,,, t3T;?i," = - - '";l l *ltltt l t , Nr.; ~. • etr , t 1, , : ' , W,"- , - ': , h, ''• 'V- -' • • , A:',:i:, , t 4 .- -- ` 0 ' • ' SPRING, =TES ; fana,Rpfer its Nurser'. !s!nOy i yie learned,mil etneas,#iefe.-prer;bnni tddti toil t evlry • lin Is•eungfing, and, §bai f.sivillifOroftitnuri;4 11,Alitilcil?#.1X 1 1 4111 1 ,ougage in gar epic •sett*tketl;:iintieftirrit pla'ntain(outtirigettfil ,t(l4hPpite93o.fgOrt out are usuell.#ea. OiVeoia reaping fair daily. itlrkpum.* pi planiq ismo limit 1(6110?-16.1)d is , a elfanie-ihati, a si great.cittes.tszdestityt , Trans. ,Fruit is die eheaoeatAlik ntiostpapa ; abfe,'efii,'isetlirCreda'fazien4fidlit proper seasons cine of. the MOst*lfolad.ooa Males oftfoodw--:- A cl ay/8. toil: wiltAitheti6o,eartlead of ,it,,where the y baikeiti. , ka, , ardireetly with ' mother tiittliiihiiiialt thei- isyei if Se cond-hand' edleti gives the it;iBo . ~,ot:a day's Jaborer.:.for-a-bundreithlpattllielt ithli,t.3"._ll - A single, aere,judieiously deliett;irt• _Ugrecs and .vines,. will furnish one.fourth,'et t;';:,food oka yireity harda„finillY.T.With`eiikrextlinii - thiOe. day''''s labor of ifiai thirdly in - tho4ear, while its daily fare:is rendered.rntiph , 449,re:ifaried, healthful and desirable; by': thts'elt)ment. No family is so rich,that it can propeffralford,t6 be' wittfont fruit of its ben gLitiWing i none ought - to be so.poor as to rernainliestitute of • _ : lur food to notoriously too gyoseand Ant va tied- Stop ,at a Niue-try. tavern,L , tin - ti region where the choicest fruit if griitviMnost spon taneously allowed to, and yotifwili 'be re galed on tough.. stake on trutiAbacon for breakfast, With bread climes,. Alf 4 they,pall it) and to-so coffee. kor dfrinet:`,Abat again ' ...-ilrobably'pork,- : and - for sti . o*,tbreatl - and butter with cold meat or srriontllboef: Our - . average farmers face:in,no bettet,-,Now all - arelaware tlfat this is Wrong—thatanirnal food ongat tb be eaten Sparingly - , ei*eially in the _warm teasori_;_and. that fotchildrekond others who de not perform natich.:nijed:labot, it were better eaten seldom if at - . 4 ., But all "must; eat .tti•live, and_ if the',V, - c - r - Wpbtatti,_the. bent; - they intik eat - atieh 'as thisfearrOt..--- The first mistake - made: lei thiflefcirgetting that hung are-truly food. Hairtbkpeople eat Ahem other than afirneat i timeilleit in-the evening when they are positively.hurtful.— Nothing is wholesome when nothing; is need ed. But fruits properiv - pre - ptirekto due va riety and season, wad('btprefeir - eiTTir meats by - two-thirds of . thejturpatfatni . le if - they had a fair chance to'beennwirqttpinted with - them. ' And irnineriitt Waste of life and health which would-be prevented-by a general infusion of fruits into •themornm on diet of our people. But this can never be done until Fruit Culture is rendered far more general and thorgugh among us, so that each dwelling shall be surrounded by its Apple,• Veer, Cherry, Peach and Plum Trees, Grape Vines, &c. and!every month, both of summer and winter, - have' its abundent supplies of fresh or preserved fruits. The wise - and phi!- anthropic must help to extend the butte for these blessings among the -poor ana impro vident. , We vish it were possible to imbue every man. but especially eivef'y young man, with the desire of having it home of his own—a home to be adhered to through life. Next to the home itself, an earnest, everniting desire for one, would be a great blessing. There , are few vigorous young• map of fair ettpaci ties who have pot missedAppodueitiea,to' save the cost , of a cottage and ptecp,of,groutid ti.„ir the nui tithey tiro 'reiniectivelY ivyonly : 4%-e years ofage.- -o Afte - r that;wlth - tufamily grow.- trig up, generally seems and often is Impossi ble to save the first dollar. But within a mile , of us thole - are thousands of .oung men now in destitution, , cursing their hard employers or hard fortune, who have already sqnander, ed in idleness and disipation, the cost of such a homestead. Many have fooled it away, on theatres,, liquors and tobacco .alone. 11=e 'knew that there is anothenside of this'picture —that the poor suffer:much• thatthey cartnot avoid, yet .which :Rigid be, obviated, , Let its consider . both sidekalways.' ,But the deplo rable fact thet-thouitinds'who - might Anvitieett in.comfortablei oircumstanees are sadly ottk i .wise should ,be , specially , pressed upon ,the regard of the ming 4, , ,eneration. ~ , ' " We wish Ouilifecluinice, Cletlis, &C. would every4herelake to - lid:of the impedance of owning, , ,a homel we. hoper our young ',Far mers and Artistpos of t the couttdyqwill stead, fast regard it. A man *, , ,,h0, ownOtte-reof that shelteaftlin and' the' son 'ficim which he 'drawl-his ertbs s istericelartnil feknereriare're quisite'for that-:•:need not envy any, NaboWs -great forfune,__The_country.mechtatio , ho .ownehis cot and ,hiri fertile acre is,well ,o,ff, eaP;pcially„if the' latter W ith '1 rl t r e e s_.'l But. fierdaritlholdide' Web ought to 'Ude, the-.. ritlianiagesmf.plaidi4 ;free's , vigorously ant - , - OltnityitTall,V,, - A•11 - 6 - age - auttler, - (where the' land is not too costly) 01.12311.31q.Ye,f1q-tte -eonsideietl -ilitipletewithoutlttiltirieri - any: Moro than-thotigh -the bruise Were' ivithente im'•eE-.A place well etOeted , With f nfititrees le orth ilar*snthanw , lthout.themand. - in ";silt faCrui46. - I '6(fog man ! prant,nov? for; , yOu? riperyeatahnd your - children; old Min! plant feel posterity and ,WithAlautlable,eitx tety to lenya;litityorldieemelitingintter .for, l ouriiving in it, Hp,, who ienves to those, who siiiiivwtiwrthdy-lx fliwi •=: . a. .• , ill-vaia r -t• -' ' 21 ' ,44 - 2 4 1 3 ,'' ( i - 7, i ''..l- ' . -*lMSEfieleirgen 4 ,' t , ..", It; 4.1..7+•! . ::, 1 1, C) Y V 'r ri /Ce PPRe t 4l 5 - I, Nr4kio f b° Yl§l/f a lrY; is meornila[abli less' interesting than the a c eh-, cute, yet manly,,r,ottteh of,,,,g3ntured passi o n. 'lie v° 1 11.°Y;Triziacitte,fipomy , * , al. IckihEt'o'll4 , wite, tifejattent , to ttootore, ,to ibintielf the; full-grown...infridi , wittk - leasmh, ttfiste; and ' fiahliMfttlfsollit§44o:44**o l . ticirapd , fi rdity t : oarelring.lam it i way peach' av,.groiipg•tipttlerv•a4l4ooolsif botleel •ill'A,liirillgitrig Att 3116`,40.#04elglielti ;We; ineart-a.Nirpuid,inako vita I own 3 , fosterinir its , ‘ Whitt littueeV yielding' Ict ile:Youhg ifiLltkee l i,' , .tratning eri jle,ttiril , fanelear 4 cgallg - iliceitlual r . , 411 , 'separateridefitilYin thtlir'elnoteriut feht. 4,030!fi1l at , ierttioll6' iiit'Ott . fito4.o4kOki , '.. ,ellqraling Part lol / 4 `b 611 m4 610 5 - Vor l 3 . ,_ ol lfigt, W I :liyti i ,lialdii, itexot *liktipr.-42rinot ittia 44l tiellialhr=dliblol, 1 4 -41 x1 , ,i ! .oYMllittlktoi , %4'g7 '-' , ‘‘*''''' ; ,':its-V. i. - ''‘'il i n l 'i # 4"4 - ' '''' if , -, At \ k•I - O , V . ' - ' .. 7 --1.-------- '" ---- - ' ,' 4 " :.404, L , i 7, llloiisP 21111 .7 '' !'4off ' i3U.,}loei 4Dt r iji ' : ; : ir :i :"' Y'' : 4 iTOg tt* j k ', • •;!'54. 0 i• Aw 4 gi ';t 10 4 11 1 0 41$60 T-"• '+ , r I' u P - A..., ~ '..lWilivi,., • •",,,:t, - ,,"ik,4 - ,•,.:,,,,,,t,ti4,, , ,,..0•441,,ii.4.•`;"; t ,f ' ' .., , . -,,' ' '..iri',.. , 14.,-+ ,i-A)----j•---, e., t': c 1 i r ~~GAs viii Z'rti ~O.•s. i,: - .r . .v. 4 .- It' 'f..;. ! - 1 , !-; ..,•:;:;,.. 4., MI=MM ti.1:114 SHO Al • ' tit % 6 &culler . situatidris; gentle; I.•*as once in a; ' rather. singular; 4 - .-71 - rayself.' z l. "How, so=hOw•wai that?"sairt we. "I will tep. yop. • tigers and myself: k'Oic C figf it* ' f o it - Of, f ;ion in& jolly, 'Auntig ,the.•'hottest Sea. sons - ever "got p j 3" - on this continent. :it ,N•as intensclyrhot!' , ..t.pers.'pire initensiliti when • tb in k ilaye,you ever I . )eau • at capi t 'ls-: land geptleinenti.,!;, • nehrsthre;shalre of the head lot- iaw,ed thErspesttott, .1 • ..', • . • rite, as a„ . fiiend`,..and 3.x.t'sli,er, to , warn you. egainst .the ~plaCe.. A •m9o,urrinviting.,re,rtort_is not, found., j hays,goed authoritylor,statirg that,;it is the only unfiniibed'pornon,of creation.- juti - e ' ruore,tharr;onCehearti It:palled . the ..titetipivg offpliice;° imishingAnd semi knee-cleep,arc tbp,sttonaeseindueem.ental to p, a , sec ;, Sure, tbe i y, isv.,somet t tits arivantagarrof i3lealtratlting4-liuttee, -raithel risk.. If iolt ventuie.beyend year - .nerfe,..,•,the: roidertiow.,carrieSibu out,and dpaili_brBrowit • WPt i e r. h.l oll _sl:f;4F4P - .i ringlrons,"And .tocti lug.. , Y9lgnTtiortt . `f l :eor oner's inquest!" The spots disting„rtat;dihy: a half dozen stunted trees, two or thret.lapbt,, ogies for- hotels, and dire° or lour catins pain ted red."' "But the',' btor j , Mr. Tatem , --The story." 0 All fa goo:0 time; gentleinen. j said Sa-. gers and niyielf--were—ionlish—errongh-m-go down. Siimplwo or three thousand people li - were There ivheri - weArrived,. and every nooti-,1 and comerwasajaUi' full." After repeated solicitation, we finally succeeded in getting a small room with the privilege- of sleeping Two in a bed. - Thtolte.rnorneter at 90 - and two in a bed. The drought is a warm bath of itself !" Don't descend to.partioulars, but give us tiir-sto ." • "Certainly. In the room adjoining ours, slept two' beautiful girls--sisters—who; for reasons best known to myself. shall 'lie name less. One night, about a week after our ar rival, I had gone early to bed,*not Wishing to any of the abominable ' , hops" that.were giv en at our ' • • . • - " - Pooh—poolt ghost story,!' said . . " No—gentlnrnen." r ":Then you were ducked with cold water," remarked Mr, Blanchard, . "Wrong -again! - 41thOugh a :cold.Thath would ham been acceptable at. the momenti .t had.hweett4asleep for aorne.time :when Dues the - most music:4'l'o . We. intible, which said: "Kate suppose we lay ppTifasition ?" "Lay how! enquired ." Gracious heavens! whero am I V'. ejacu lated my unknown bedfellow, jumping three feet from the bed ; and she (for it.tVasa-wo.i man) wovld have jumped further, but want of room pet mined no striking display of ity. Here. ."- was a situation for a modest-T. ! Before I could say angelsoTAmjuislers of grace defend us," the 1.0 gathered" up tier " dry goods" and made gAod her Vetreat from, the room. lam not a coward, gentlemen--; yet, 1 am free to confess that my nerves were slightly agitated. Who can she be? What, eau she' hdve wantOd here ? Were questions that I could not answer: Tail. I been a be-, lievcrin ghosts, I should probably have gone down to the grove with the conviction indet ibly impressed upon- my mind, that I had ac-, Tally been in hed - with one Oftlielong=taCe-d -'gentry !" : " what tools place then'! Who Was she V' • 4 .4 Be patient , you shall know everything. The two.ypong ladies beforcp,mentioned. sat opposite to me at the table. I had a, very faint 'suspicion that orie or them was a party , to the - tmnstiction i and in order to remove all .doubt- e; tiext mon . ' '-tJar.: fait 1 ed, Rime. 1' 2•111 h " -;-Itif-Yiiiizpleeiti;_iirl?'_ ., • • '• •• '• • You , have it 'coon pihied P' said I carelessly, ; ; ~., , ;s , ~+++,•- ' C • tleep„blusil that mantled her hanilsotne facie'told 'mere plainly' than words that she waste:it:ghost of the preceding night: Hay ing:geneiup without a light, she had - keg:l4ll : y ream, for her own, end, but : for. the Kappq,a,,fashio,n'.? , ,armagetnent,•Sagenswoulil prebably , lkia,cliscov.ered tisja boil together. Viinn.liappyto gentlemen, iliat the' aft , B. land . Myself:are how eiigaged toe te marriee i.When llte.pere pima_ yha ;shall be present,a9thilyntOutiot,pratiourice her :the hitmlietit attil mcist' : iiceompliAiecl of her • adi,. theel• tinlielsitatipgly • admit that , there isAno rornanbe; is the .phrueei• "spoon ," ••••-, CERTAIN ciptAcTERS.-7Men - , with , no en `orgy who' co i ifri v e to liye',h4;their "; wits,,or 'the lack of Wit; are ' netimcisaniituit ' eliarae, Mere. Thetyare free to . cativo red;ranti v'gi ivq‘ their. opinions on . an yi subject.> w ithont I be i n g t askek_prvrill.lutroduixbany_topieol :graver, : option, :, and talk till, midnight, , 13ei t ug, in,n6 1 'regtila'r 'biiSl,neas,;.theY now" all ,the gossip qtioenctillinkv,"anV - Will :- tell ryOultbdut yc'i,ur . neighboi'satfiiirs and ; your own, ifrieceSsaiti ttin - entusing - to7seerzwhat-airs-titetpet-on 'and heat with what earnest:lo , le, they.. speak f or thl?" - lifist - tio*r.n r iltikfiiiquig;',-114 lain' fed: :urear . : marriage=--fairiii,l 4 quarthl Or'. knoek .tioisizi--tlie conduct Of this,rniiii and that Wo4 7man4--ilijact.eri.ry'thing .thuds , ; going:on rid the shop ilf lc jitelipp,,;ll -- ,t4eir#4.skr - gar(er, 7 o - rf cry where and any where. ' ~,r , i ~ t - There in no denying, tho ' tnith—thel are • . bli , men , in'onenidit-ndiheYrdiftirrl not Ao;be, eguted.ont Or labelled to Wriest _ atedi ...Pikinicf,e 4 01 .att1Y,01.09 1 701T(4,41.' At'Afv?rY,. lounging. ehork.; t jf thero wereitthersgrnwmg. - , ttp• Co'take ihetrAacea,llie`sheitier such '404 tbriiy,pijfitikoluttictenViirefetif'die'gra t ii l 'for indhstrioui:an iltelAi*".t4 ' fc ' rgu k o tlPY:itrabut ideadleneurn A brancos,,on:the,,puttitek and,; their ,r.iluil,iookel, 'imitn Io E p ees are`.;,,,enough to -cast. a' 'obit 'over ' .the' Ni 'ol i o' iiimi,i nV643l:tivitay iioiliqiiot their.dolorons.wdinalwhenever. nheittiteinliti toliya utteranc e to their loiy,thotightliiePorti F1 41 0 0 ' , /i ,::;t:, rp r . Is ,..,f, , ,.414i414 ,;;&':"1 , ltt-ipii- it`,ll' i ' t:Viirt:tlit:-VEfOlileon," ort4 Ppeln i S, h . Or ml i , the'coarie'el tWe?tw n ineitidoi-gtWe , lielOitlffinttilipiiitotht hcehelOriatta;ottlito . 44oettetax,Y.'or Sialor , iiith a 51 . V 'lilt al , !hd.heil^r . 9! ) ,4, %Pin/Jiff 0 1 n high-: er f1inP1i91PM 4 9 1 i,.019,1, 0 ..3M14% 5 2e.a1r , ItfiktiiineraolkAoearPaattlphOfi wallop!. ..efXicitgiw:-loitlniinatatist tiva3! - - ' ' hat.' b 49kAgt‘ioutivAtt' liPti, roPro'ilett4ataPitstyio,tget;l i, I IOE6PIer fightlFgslo l4 Klt.i.l 4 44 t ri r te'llim,, It it rOjrniitta.l37 'kat Ptv , ' o ,, , . tv. Aiiiiilin.-1110(64111:1(V1 itpliiyeßt.firatA:* 44414'001m Itl4lfl o ** , 4 1 40 , 4143rfi . ..,, , ~, ~., , _ ' fkOtlogotil . „AIM, ~ .,-, 04: ; ' t °4 1.5 1 "4, 4'.6 , 0:4;4 1, 1•i1,4 ~,,,,,,,,i, ,-,.„„;„.,44,,,,,-„,,,,i,,,,,,,q,:-,•,-,.]..,,,,,,,,1, r4t- 7 , ,, v , .* ,, f- . 7 . A , 4,,, ,7 - :m.7.1± `fry - ..i ,-4 . -- - - - --. .' , . -7 , -- ` ”., ; • . :4 . , ... . 2 . MEWN 11,' 1 (ij,~Tl7 aIY.~S{~ ME jlt Me,l-folloWing- humorous , ".look into thefuture,'".kom - the U.g.Gazette. From the tonfinenfuhtitues Feb, 2.9,,-.184: ' -; WASHIS6TONi.i'eb. 213,% i 11346. dear Sit'.;••••Messrs.-Shortleg,s are Sealekiu from Greenldh'clOotik thtlir peats,in tliefien• ate this morning. 'Tull 'rep. resiantatioefritirh‘ allriestm-eithfY portion of, Ainerica, and I am ;happy le congratulate the' Country, the people of which have-,succeed ed so well in carrying out the wishes of those gloriothi foreseehignatrioul, Whose cry'a hue dibd, years ago was, "The' Continent, the whole Continent, and, nothing but the Conti nent". appropriation Wits made . tp 'have the chairs of the„embers' frem Paregonia lowered,.while.thoie of the Greenlanders are to lie made higher. This fully proves that Congress is in favor of the levelling 'system., Mr. Fuego Do Terra, from 'Cane - Horn; pre, tented a.petition from Messrs. Penguin. and' others, praying that the A ntartic Continent be annexed to Am Hition—Alr, DeTerra, sec onited - T fiefi htifirrhylimbitlij antSiiiseelf,:i ii whiCh he glanced at the pte4;thenresent and the fuldre. In alluding to vast Acquisi tion of Teatatory, Ire said we'much resemble the,Rooming Empire. He closed with' a splendid allusiOn twi , stars and stripes floe , tine triumphantly. at the heads.of the North anirStaith Poles. Mr: Tattoo, of New. Ze- land, (not, perfectly' understanding our lan guage) sprang to his feet et the word "stripes''. and asked if the member merit any personal .-allusien 'to him, an esplanatien was made -with-sortiet.diffiettltml i -and-the--New-Zonlandcr set dOwif:ic-Thia'bOundary dispute with Rus sia is not 'yet ciateluded-,:that country asserts her rightio -one half of Me country ermine the .North Role, while our-Government declares our title to die whole to be "clear anti indis putable." A committee has been appointed 'to investigate thiltruth of report whichl say* the Russians. held a war dance round the pole and grossly insulted our flag. In these times --1-thittk-sixh-a-dispme-m-be-mirof-all-f-itit-nde and believe it will end-in Bought. A bill has passed in Committee of the Whole providing' for the placing of Drummond lights-at the northernand spud - mem portions, ot Me Conti nent during the sit Months of night peculiar to those regions. The lights formerly suppli ed by theAurora,Borealis it-ia said.has en• timely failed „ as-ilte inhabitattaiAmpt ;Jhe exis well greased thus prevething it from. throw ing off snarksby refleetirm, which it is :well known' Were form erl.y, ,tliesanse of the Auro• ra. The • ayes-and noes-.'were called for, but Were also not acquainted With the' do'uble meaning English)---decided that it was unnecessary as theme were evidently .two eye& !AY_ every_ nose.. Quite a Ilareup occurred in the house between- Mr.- Long of 'Patagonia, and Mr. Short of Greenland, in which Mr. Long stri ded across - the door, and bravely-dared .Mr. Short to pull his nose, as. he had'threatenoti ; Mr. Short politely declined performing the feat, as-he was unable to reach it. It is very amusing to observe the effect of the-climate on , •differptit members. The Greenlanders insist Upon keeping, the windows open, which very Much oys' the' I tbrierabl 0 - • gentlemen from the Equatorial regions, who sit 'meddled together. and shivering mend the stove. -A large reward. has been offered, for a plan to warm and cool the hall, so o suit the va rious temperaments. Mr. Sealskin sleeps in a patent refrigerator; and has Sent home for two or dime icebergs, which are ,expected soon to arrive. The, members from Brazil are particularly chilly, while a . gentlem an - froth the' South Seas declares that he fast loosing that which he came here to snpport, i. o his constitution., Many -are the misun derstandings relative to language. An lowa member used a westernism, by remarking that his eosistituentit'did a tehaliagbusinessin pro dues—upon' • which..a-Snuth, Sea .rnam asked for an. explanetiou r stating that,he thought it was his constituents who follomkeid thatbranch ; • •'OsiertioniZl4l.vaikiiii., t,their &tea-party of-161100 Mat heiSfeifir4tent ,itroill,emi 'a PatagoidiamtaitkettthiOiyinage height of,tbeindianittes'. - Siielvemuffing . riiis takei are constantly hcciiiing; bait hoped 'they ''w be soon.rect Melt lOW iTOMPetterit English teachers whom the Governnietit has in its employ. I believe there is nothing neW Or strange, and as the mail is about to cloSe;reonelude 1' ours, •Sr.e. OLIVER NE W SCHOOL . .I.aos F ,Tr9...ttho.w_how , cheai) l 3 7 - 1110 ,:,n/1 3 ln1 - 4k, oblainktd,an d how the Uri echanicalslAll bnr expendeddpon • it totally . o,VershialtlW4tP • ihn'origni:il , price3;of 'metal, We - take r•a • quantifk-ol iron, worth £t sterling. and attach. its fmoney value, when, cod veiled into .finish ed.articles:--13ar Iron is winili;wheficonver- • 'tea into horse shoes, .e,e 10, :Kidit'es: (t'abl'e) £3l;, Need 1; Pen kiiifeldadeS' -£657 4 „ -Polishing buttons an d ; bucldes 1107, Balance 'PPrings ofwnlchna,, , Cast iron-worth: - sterllng,l%tortlf, when P.931Ye.r31 3 0;411}1ni-' , larger otliatinen.tal work 'ZI6; .".thickeli shit. Bertin:Work"X66o: . Neck °hauls •&o ~ .£l`l 386 Shirt-tugene:Xs;- 7 We reity':remark that ; the . same',general: vieiv,applie§'to. all sorts 'Ur :A' pound - of reW'cOtten-inade tete a fins fah laciest:4d yalue , a hutidre4;(old:—, isth4ftations.fiaving...the ! Acikaad lociestr . m tp,,,iitajotia*.mel:kyv,s ; tycon= • 'il4nck-oveetheier - thaVpt,Oue.ll4os e ce;7 - : . ereeitton' goes Seelig T.* , O. leanCto•Liirerpootiati(ll)2o - ;sityfe;iii.lbeislia* of m,itslina,, is exportedi•)sgainil.t.e.oiAegland. —but . iorimetfiely. ;!' end' the whole beifefircirtYiegifiariC'ed value is ' *eiseikeit toethil',l3litiihefifiire'-faiinefahture , ltHb eetioriveritelOtiktitt.iii•thealeipottt,. .'ea'Ore;cifr:mitatifeetered.J putchatio for:. usl,fen'ar?•tweatr `ediaineditlds'thettVould)Ak4 of a targo.;ot raw ootton:J o , ' ,f Lt '',' i'i ,,, • 9 .;., v i '...',Therimportaticepef_PieteetiOn3ri;:niento:,,,', turirige'end' , lmbebantoal;liidust(ltkiStlMlOd . , from the fact that such indoStry - is . the "Olaf, est ef all -the4sairceiiiii,:,•*eititlir ilittiwthe: :most -productive: Bert, of industryP.ciohibitiitii in itself. the laboivoklathamis and - the, labor tgtheAritallsouti4PlPT* n r*lT' ,4ll,-uieful arfi'llewTroni it; ciivilization advances VS, its .me s 3 man onabtod by; it to subdue ea; _ iland.le'Voltrytitititery oVer'the .. elements. . Mantles , Tlviten " are', shriply 're - grieultinitl ) , 411 cliVeiduee MO the taw ninfirldfoi other 'aitin((iog,niene ingenious to Wert; iiii ihnifitiii. Alva' vitae's, are not liliiiljUadvineti beyond -the-simpleststages'tt:alvilfietioin- 4- --Theyafl-' a. ford no :occtitiioerfoi4itVdevelopiditot,PD dm. practical inbtkiii.thiedzeMitnity,'; they must -be depiindint:on fOreifoinftlestfl,t,The kti4' 'end , o4l*dttett , tit _ gia**l44 l 4*l;l l l)" 4 ' '440041/Oniohlt 4 44, . tja . : jhei °mil had,been , einOth, _ teiltdy,..hiai liiiiiiii - .frif TOr - eiglik;Atidnet - 4 7 .1":"11:4ea1ikni.1491 1, Litt loal4*_4olol#•it tliflit.toit;i ll ,ol 3 . thi44o,No/3140M-,ti Ilkinftllttl4r,lnil Alto* af' b Oft eflV9o0 1 1 1 :9450P 0 , 1 00# 1 410 : 13 $; 04 r' rirtltOMPVA l gil l PO . ~, t .-„.r.:... , ..4 , 4 , .... , . : ; - .v.L , :i , ii.....:; , - . n.' , ' , :-. , • ‘,,,,';,,,,,-: ~... ,- •,,:, 4 MMi!:=MIIM . , ..„ ~„- . o===ll 1 0. T . T 41: • ;"•: !4: - 111 -1 i 44 11 x l. • _.... ROW CM mr'J,~ .i )", ~ V , 1' 1:1: g. mai I tt !S. ,tr'SLAVERT.4' - "" The tilocti:ntwar :Yorktnikti, Commodore ksinnets,'ii.tleing local end ermient - service, on the coast Ofricapirt suppreasing . the ini• 10 11. 0 ar4 1 ;i 111 0lig 1 40 1 0 61 4 q: ; . Finir_ied' eels hint° been :gent' lo:41ie . tnite4. Statee, - which were captured -by :-the ; Yorktown, for The" a 'r being engaged in the alive trade: • The" que Rona arrived at Philadelphitt,vn F day last,. and 'Wag mraireds:iinder - the gun ot •the Nary Yard, at Southwark... • This siessel,s is . the one_ on ,board :of.which '.:4; : nine. sun- dred 'sla . ..ves were. found at the,time.ot her capture. She was brought-to. Philadelphia, after landing the slaves on the Coastlty pcut. - Commanding Richard 0. - Cogdelli itirdit prize - ` . .. brew ()Finn - men, wiih Snia. T'ortugueie hers, taken On Ihiard •at the time ol • ler eap‘; "CAPVIIIZ OA - AN.AMnnIOAN'.SLAVE.R, rtlT • 900 .SLAvEs.=Captain - Ryder, of this,Otho i f. om Port Priiya, hasfurnithed tis witkilitort= rovia papers to Dec. 10, and a Circular fiont the Methodist 'Missionaries at Menroyla,ida led Dec. 17. The Circular gives the particti , lars of the capture of the bark Porta, of. Phil: ad el ph irt; . :With -900 slaVes, :on - the lst of - Dec. • by the b. S. ship Yorktown; Captain 'Bell i in . . lat. 3 south, 3 days out frrim - Cabenda, bound to Rio Janeiro. When - thaPonsWasSrat - leen , she raised-American—colors, supplaking-ithe Yorktown was a British cruiser. but discover ingthe-inistrik-e;-.itriftediately Inguese On boarding her, atidideinand ing her of the Ponugese captain, he replied, .1 have thrown them everboartl2 On being asked mind Nast Ids. cargo, he said "about 900 slaves.' On further / examination it was found -that ' she had • shipped 9 f 3„ be t Ween the ages of-8 and 30, and only 47 of -them-females, and - lefrat - thelketoil4 more, which they had intended to have ta ken in the same vessel, but were prevented •h}'' the proxitnity of a British cruiser, from 'hich they 'narrowly escaped. The Pons was put under 'the charge of Lieut. .Cogdell, and was 14 - days in.getting' up to Monrovia, during which time about 150 of the poor wretehes:clied..-,some of them jumping ova boardin.ll.Rfof deriperatforiand on 110; rivalabMonrovia, several of the slaves.weie ink - dyiffg — • etrste; and 'many were so eracia ted that their skin 'literally cleavkl - to their lioness - afui - ateneli - of tlid . enirrtidenield was almost Suffocating. The recaptured slaves wore landed at Monrovia - , - andmeastires were .aflopted.fer..... taking _care _raf_them„..bitlie,.4l S. Age nt for Liberated Africans-73130-oriliem by the Methodist Mission establishment there, ' who have issuedra Circular, appealing to the -Christian public for aid. The Pons had sail ed for tho United States, (sused - for Phil adelphia) under Charge of. ieutenant Cog. dell. •Aletterlfroirotierof - th letifedial-Mis sionaries gives a' horrible account ofthe suf ferings of lite . slaves, and says it is..-uttet•ly inapossiblo,for,language to, convey an appro priate idea' of the, horror of their sitnotion— the living 'and the trying wore huddled to- Bother with Toss care than is bestowed upon the brute creation—the themometer at 100 to i2O in the hold. Most of the slaves were in a state of nudity, and many had worn their skin through. producing putrid ulcers, whiCh fed swarms Of flies.')' 3.III7RDERER- AliftEitED,--Of- the,horrible murder in Cayuga coUnty, N. Y. the Albaitv Argus contains some further details. The murderer is a full blooded negro named Will iam Freeman, about 23 years old. He hes made-no formal confession, but does not .tiv. ny the deed: lie has been.five years in the stateprison,fer, stealing a horse, of which he was. convicted through 11r, Tan Ness. lie carries liie:arrn ,in a . sling-Arom a.,.wound 'M - Pikiliaroltn - owledgewhe - received - frTmri. - Ole knife•breaking against the-brelist bone of,Mr. Van.Arsdale. . The Argus gives the, follow. ing partietilars of the murders—four persons . have:already (lied, and it is protable - that° a .tiftlr.victim will be added.: ' • ~,,.The facts with reganite this. horri d b. , ail mr, ' • that havetranspired,: finally show that, this Freeman-procured A knife to be ' inade re cently, accorilinglei'i:inVel of his own,hav ingthree sides sti as to out every Way. On ...Wednesday night, at half pant nine of the Clock, he went tayan Ness a house, and de sired to belet lii the family baring, retired, except 'Mr. V. N.'held'a parley - for a foie mo , 'men% with'him, he being.unknoWn' to Mr. V. N.,,hat was finally so far deceived liy him as to unlock the door,. when he mshedin and ' stabbed - Mr. Y. N. to, the heart, And lie telt - without uttering tigroah.'"The monster, then ran into thebed rooMadloining; arid stabbed Mrs.,y,atk,Ness and.phild ep. fatally,•sp neith er rose, tittbeti,“ ; lls. next , went to, a 're'oni'WherethiOnott,er,llllis. WYekeff, :Was Iyirig;Vild 'Slithliirdliefirrthintlideinip,: cut. nog a..largetisK) iiiiielinteitilderatind. • has PTPYR.d.,f.alllth - t4 6 ;44tipgAletilast. night or thi s . morniig...He,theif etarteAppetairs, but pet the hired 'nitini'lqr: Va&Ateditle,.whi heard tite erinviirsation'biiliiiv - ;‘ ) ,betiveett'Thereqgro and,lldri :Van Ness , iffid , alia heardlthe ileum' fall, , ,atnt,mas, cerntogt.diiNyhi,when on.i.Lho 'stair=case,, - lie-Atha 'acciii,itect by 'tthes,ttegtP, , , • Witli:' , tia - there';aitiali.OPitaiiihfitito with*. '..ll'll , :r. 7 47ictretesilrthitte 7 ltasi' , The' - 'ff - egto ---- 'then ittibbed_kinio:n_dislighti!Soutilis °leek plaesTbetweeniAherriet , Freetnan was . : 'preelPitated'doWttikleirgepd:PeOPed;' ,, ,Whe ~ 'hired, Welt 4 4 19 1 , : a 11 1;00.Y..4.54 : •xpec4 44 4t0 r ecover.: 7• ,' ~-..,,,..y,i4,(:';,,,-. ..„'' , i'. .;,. :,- .. . ~...„ ....,- ,- , „ ~,.. “,,,i, c ~.1- 1,.44,..irt , :-0 . • ''' GEsiti - Nl'a'ritiriCipatuS.--,•,There , ;tamnpr, 'liillOtge* fitiltIO*111111104,19.46 , 8; (44.710118 . !BrOgi 3 OtareltiOt)lk o ftilt*o l littild this ...,w-4ffortlkilk-erePlphitetiVtei-uliscipirei___ 1 ifiAXo9 4l taP4 •Pers°"el •Jicer#E,.thr vogige . ptikelatiff -of '_lB4 there - wero - .14;.100K,,pr : 1 iiilis'iti' blietritibli;toine .Of tiklm buti ethally, . ,Worked; and the workmen,*Otid,llo:The operatives are new' all..effiregyit4 T . aud.'peir: ' • WagetilhittY-tliree fibil:''Pett e,bighet; thirtirt 1842, and the'glaloo l olPeirfantattblo' We 49l a iing.i.gllisltregif4g', tire,ctAinillieruCE -4.oar,P arq a111A 0 1. 1 4 - r•Pßa.d4' , teioklPAttiPtke ' rriateiriale.aitalabor T hr'.oar '.rtionufauturorajn • thia'briutc:lifritliii'd4. l W44:l 2 _,.,KttATtf ai. Q"' iliobitind'aelliniarlOrmiCß.Proau°' s :' 44 'Li. P r QPPPP,4 ,t e .4#o4,: e lj lio , ta mg• tit icr i v!Pf o,i t will 111:0. OKI:O4*A 64eitrolvo!:-Nur . . MiktittfliatoileCtir;lfiet4.ltfeiVttP*,,.' 112 ,„,„e _',., 'nuitiber,o*Ciintplerytbelltilittoilleinto , Yia . ,cifv;eungittiPeAf*iprodurits , pf,Areitivml&i' lr "l 9 , l l ' , Tth.tapitiuronntioNtitsillietilithAnk,ltitilef- 1011ga:it Thiii******, ol *4 4l ** 3° '""-: twigl iip _ t :', _Lc Zuni ...-. . . •.-.. _ ..ILI:4N. ' .„,_ *wt— . tarelfmt .tt i ril - .1,14r31 . i - ' 7 ...9.P-lii' ' • 4 .; , 1 ' .dr .- .Zt ' ''' i '77: • . gar-:..- n;' , : qiiiiktii • benefited hater " , lo - .VOltitellhq s. " o4 *l .66 .iiiiig.: IrcilWAiOtixiNTAWOt i c , soor*Wsmtbktr o * ---- f 6 #M f3„0:4- 44 4 lltlk , t*iift#4l.i.i„ , : ~: 5",,...U.,t, .S.-C :jP` i ~, ~' - ffifingigla UM