Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 11, 1846, Image 3
j eg*., ~..~.,~, .-:-. eiVerO.AOOeXtUICM4l OO • , " , l ' 41; - . ..N . .1. ,. ; 7 , ? :',1 6 ,11:12.110 2 , maga '''." --, •. 7- 7'.1 - '' ••WILL.I* 'atti 'i , publie sale, on the.26tit or . n''lleiiilt InatOtt , the 'house or m .: Myer*, • ev meaiNottVllle;ihe trollowinropeily, y.:iat ~.., '.- -. '' , i?r:-4 ; >,IFOVR U M I.*ESi';•... ' .." --- ..ithti..4.ketii id Geiirs,. 2 Wakens. Wend _ Ifid. P ay : . tittid#4,2 . :Pliiitqhi,;l‘,SlioveKPLottilt, I HaVririo . 1 1 ...-Wltintiiittif,lll •II •, ties i•I v laity, .I.' good m 119 h • 'Cinki ;tikes and inanUrn'Porks;-Otite . titid lilah 1 PatAitleilikt :the bushel: , Sale • Iti'imiiittienbe . kir _____.:lo.ak.lookiltil44 when' , the te rme i 111 ;he to ad e ltainWo .0 7 „•• -.:, maulkm - 1r SEYMOVW' -.- . • A. , ,° . ' Guardian of R. B 1 Steveneop • Aflttettt4,o l -3.2 4 7 3 K1 4 ; 1 : , ::- ,',,t.A5 '.-''k., .. 1-.100-1104104:1;.;.:';;;':-*ii #l, " ...:,:. 40*04titTAii - 44iiiifiteli . r.4411f . alin._ 1 :.., 4Alt*sti;.lit , the. Bawl - eV/ 41 ' 440 0 4 i* I 2 1 1 4244( 1 0101 26 1 41 0.*9104 2 h , •:0 011)2 0 1 '.-/thi2lol/ 1 4 - for' , .bui ding. w &its. Inr*iish444. • ;flip t0.....bi5113,.s3:•ft44..coilingjillikOiliht, I • i!'iitikutget 1 # Inch* elaVett windoiii[ipitt with. 4 R I OII9NA 'ens tw d:fu F e O w g .i glit W iAl i i i O c d o 4 t al a l c n t : I ,dForf : furificr,•:;pairthitilit.fot , ..•tiettit: otrAtio.whoirw'pemed: ,SetintilSigne44.4ti.l- otO:mitatstiatieortier_Loruthe;: b.iiiizothr,, ,, .;•ri•plAirf-AlLLlilkiii;-:•IIIy3CORD:v'.-, •••-l'aV °ll-4 i I 3Mlii4i .4 % *- r•-•- , ~, .1. , , • ~I.::-.,1, !,, -••• t, .. . ,• .-,--), 10 ' . 11 ... . • 1.1 1 . 1 0. I t. 0 4. :: • ;01:: . v.;,Act9r4ig,7o,*-Norili,%Y.O.q.4R ii -a 1 if. . Aleittiltelicaret Areart ~ t! 41,a,e p, ‘ l, ''' 4 • 4 "'-• ' arid :' , -_.'.:..i.:,,t ;itli s iVilalilrili:: l6ll 9,7, lo k c , . ~,,,, ~ . ~; ( o - y1t, • ja,,•25`00:14 - islttn.l'', , i '," ' ' ~.' ~, 7, _. ‘, 600 40, Liguitat ," •'."' •• -.- ''• ' • ''. 7 "7‘,A 11 . •-•"-* ._- - ,..200 : ; rtg,..l4nritP4dPot- , " '• ' ''''' '' ' ... . 40 . :13 ‘ 41 ' ) 1PE4 1 "'-F -.." ' -•-* •* •'' -" , ; 400 ' 41) ; 4ava,- :: ~ ,I. ,I ,•,. , ..- , o ' " Ili ' lit - test SuPerlorrOunir Upon •• tX4S-r.., 11. stICCI. . . . f ~, 0 ~ ; -,' ' . ~.2002.40,fa motility ~.,;.-. ~. 4 .._ *'',' 7--- ".joct, ...,sta,lmporial,',"and 9..noPosysler. • . ' • • ,I,4oo, • Thaxes Tontehong anoLSouiltoteg,:l 4-• . • ' .200 r .40: - ; - , -- S:thorlsif. extra chops,.. --' • • .•.' ;,..•.t , 40U-•Cattjr bezel Green,: . _ , B(YOARS.-300.. itbdo,..xters 4, !rip . , U ., .., Orleans and „Porto Rico••, . ,1 • :iotl tibla',Xlarined,l4w priced. i.. .1, ~ ''. : - 4 . 0(614. bulerioc;:white .ernghed . - ''' '..- .I.oP„lnigtand bk4s. , Loat & Limp. •- ' 1410148,803. ----- -' - . , tun Matt — nzera' . l,'dwinice. -- )00,,10, ,- Bugar 4 Howar.: bidc ;New: Orleans. • _ 100.---do- , Byrnp.andB.-Honss.- 0.10E5.-1.00 bags Pepper.and.4llspice. _ __.so_,kegi _Ground .Glnger, _l5O .do • dn' .PcpperSt 200 - lbs Nutmegs. • - • . • -4, , GroundClotiniitud'grairtthi. Cinnamon in Inapt and groundin kegs, Mustard / in jars kegs, bottlea_and tirreanixters. LIQUORS.—PuIe and; dark . Brandy. Chain - paigne do; Holland Gin; Jima . . . • .. . era dinrits;, New Englarut. 'and -• , ' WINES.— Nadel ra, Sherry, PortAikablin,lo.s. goat; dry dvinuettrilralaira, :ChanaPpgitn.' TorfACtOiCrirendiall, Lpdics tcrist, s's, B'sZ MACELLA NEOUS.--Sfmtat:'White-.oil, fl4kisi - large and small sacks, gatiiatns, Etith• iittnie, sal soda, ehoeolateoer*- chalk,. shot, tiowder„ lead, indigo, Starch, rahsymlnhegs and bases ; alum, trackers, copirekasZ , .parkt, haat: lard, hams, butter, cheese,Fdeitliiiii)niekets, l tnadder,splt.petre, ipgin , no(ll3ol4oTAkt(ii yellow I ic0n),MAtti?1,44,646 r 'CARPETING& AND '-' . :OIL'',.CI:OIIS." . AT Tit*,.7i,4l''PH.g.Al-"..SioliE)l7. N. 4 , p) . l-*ll 'Aar 4( 'A REZTS; ,, Oltii"o4ll7HSit: holeaale and tatail, 1414,- lowetd ptiyeajn the eiiy, and ingeta , 4l)l . traittt.ateitly tf,tticar;advetnageettr• rail andexiiminethe lifrgitatnaittiatint - ite egret tin. pFtd!^P. of • Itenutiful. Imperial 3 ply, Every-variety of IngroinPi CAR PETINGS. Twilled and plain Wititioin Together w a'litrige-etnnit - of CLOTHS frtnn - li , tn• 24 leo wide, , very cheep. Mil:tinge; t•OplIN &c 1,.1ke. r`dit)o l, a good Ipgrsut •Vti rpets,:ilutn,2s.• to 50- cents.- Stair tind„Entry Carpete.‘frntn. 12'to 50 cents. , - • • .I:4I.)FtIOGR k iIItOTHER, ti!n. 41, Stta wbnrry et,-'nnwllent-above-Chneaut4 Stant Sedarldiit. •• - ' trillant LA VD's VALID. VrTUF I O, I ,Protection Cowl". „ • .. . . , E : fitlXl 11KRL . AN A JAIL,EY, Ai.,,px.ceEur.toN..comi.ANY; rill ho an; er it!eidireetinn . die filltowing„banrol of Nllanagein frir Ale ensisiLlg, yenr, viv—Titnloos C. 'flacid , SOW, :Moore. James' XWeality; 'Stott .c,4 le, X. Ci..lllillee. sam qCl Gmlbrßith,,Olilip Spangler, William % L ame, T: A: mqc . are lsn. a ;' nitmtit r. of AO si I Ott li, the ..adjneant,eotiatteo;*llo 411i' receive f9r;iiisur,ie. sod. loeT sii;l them inpuediateli for o opproyal. in Ot, Odra .'the: cOmpit,ny. ; ,10iit t „he inn!!! - aithout `4616;. ' tiv7' • tifluiira hIF the „L22 . l; gr .rxest.,l; Tlr • •,' .. 14136 0f. ,1 9,;,gertleTen , hari; been , appointed i• • • • • :•• . 7 • . • . • ... . - "11,11. - Nitilliattili.1 1 ;eqc,Wootpennotior.' • • . „ 11ngeit0r5t.,. , ,•,.• , ,,; • •••••• *0 144 , tl i ' ol ,° !'t•kiPP"d".o%;' ••.•••,' • ' • NEW BOONS NEW BOOKS , . • t . Must, at," J erCheafi)Bobkiaud'reri.tidiciii'Nfoii tttt "' .‘ 1 T 1" '-'.',4* 03 -AlePf !re . kV. _ • Awes ilt r ie. 2 4;Oigftoi iiii.4lh. •.? *Mr eii,Stasic* byJndie: nakibitrtes, tratetliboseentsit ' Arwed,Gtllenaterint tor Hai` 'Whiter Captain's " 'Bridcr.o canon. t ,•-t•" • • .:Antlg Millboorn; or the ReitirittO irtimr,tl2l. :litittose Stab. V ..eatal IS Tale of Reeve: ita. .rr.itTragody,, Edward ttloor4' Provabild'PhilianPby , .lltertitykrimehar.: The' Cfror.Vrif t 4 .'4141' ,do 371; Tivolopliesnonla i gfCPKl t tllkPt if.d.,14.41 : 13 qMP; wit errs g (In #.4 s, • • • isle* !ova a vont .bp.Ahe Amber :of the !lob. • bir othe fiblnr42s.lcents. , :. ••••-• -.• :. isham'a Magaelne fur ilifarels . 2s.conts ' ,vedifituntifd4 V 6;1; , do . '9i cent: • -iiitionat , s., il<K4c:" ^ 'S, 46, ---" - ;.llolreii liteiOdeit Ouquiihrtb. - • • ,1; , . —._. ~ , ;:COPPBS -Wipit: - A - finc - 7170 - ii • . ,- iFioi it - pontwand. Mktylstrk 'give: . Igo ' : 011794349y10rri0ts ore wapatt v at ie" ; - et 4110144 4 31C91411pnr,C0r4, in T i Pi - 4 4 2 1 3 d a r f" 16, 1V, 4 1 1 ,.'... ~, • . , 4. . 4 OM .‘'=" '1 ? ' .., . -,,,,:..... ,c Is , :T/Waitglitie 7iittliPtitietSfkit;. ' '444; tit'Aigirril ' jeitkliiiithlObilititOtili. ll4. ; .11 , sienKstnytaariiii4jblitto, o 4,4,l,4l 411 1 1 $ 1 1 1 / 1 1 ,**Itliretitti 0 P:i • .14.,,` 44ist, open: p,oi! ninottabro- ,I. ( r. z, WAliiiiitirt‘ Si ,reetiarri' 4 l9 o r - Ule ll l- 141 1th '"*lti:lfortblidc,:k!„: , " .. . '•,- - ERM . Vili,rotittlikilon; !Melo i'sboliiiitriMithiatlpAtit" Nortor're'veysi ' l i° 1 4, 11 41 1 , ii i *Wit : At4.; t4eo l rIP- ' 1 114:464140 krigs'Andolori,l?, t.. 11$10W-rif ito• '''',.'' `:. , tW V 10ftenth • - TICE is tiertiht apply sit the';flext,,,lerno, or, thti of Queiktet.Bebsltine ten orOtetrien'thitV eoe.lqi a hpinse te keep fm2,,lipti;ot,l!gblieNc;use t In-the hcieeempr, ee,eypieq, i .hy otti , -ae ipiteh t tgt the Wciat,Wrird s tif tlte;bet ? tagii,4Cirliele. , • , WINROTT. 1darch,1'17,11346:16.ri" • .--AkeV-,tite,Augersigneitti.;4jitiocof: , the ,, Wtiii Ward of borough thclof IClViele , fn'ihe county. Cfitkihkolori. do ',,cortiffktoke we oye r woll /10:: 4410mmuwith the above Aimed !ea, Ivo thiche to of good topuoifq * .tonioitv - Aint fotOtOdioiie r iesi4o , well , :peoloidetteeithAVoiO I rooain ti. conveniences fortheltocoinioodelleh. 'efitriegeioqoad. trievollkot;i94l thel maid lon tie• Wien" it ne yto - ftookohniOdiitictlio4o , . optertaip,otfongoo:an r .006. : .'T; H. ailed.. Josoiti, Fiat(Oh.GOOfto . ,YlT. - HilicOi.,"AhnotiOneNotile; -Vole47Bber/Ediveidirni7;;lo4qo•"gehe' 4 s t i gitl"ttiti*Wer#:fei*Aol,4e. 77, PlONtie tg' tigit,.. l ;l ooo - * * * , th k allitoM r4.44lo4oeitS4Wiitfalfaß ,S 8„, Cum lc; keoti.e,taiirn et pub* house,iiilhet littera 1. it re!eot - Occupy:di iOch iti :the -WeiilV.efitaat. the tiOroligh of Carlisle. A =qtiENßY:linitADS. Match 110:84611 4.0" the. undersigned; ~ citirena'bt the'Nect *lard of the borcnigh,Of les illsle; or Culnherlandido c i ertifttlitit'_wO;Ute`Uell . an. 'ipielntrid with the ribevemertiedlicur4phuktd.i; tliatAUEbilitiOikt ielnkta: ter.' limiCiity, And_ !Op- P,Crence o ;Arid proirided' ikith ,houer,room 'end eCuitOtences '.flue the SAccernniodetion et stieniori -and .travelleri, - and they such, Inn or •Tavern Is iteerluary:tnectogninudate the public and enterteididrAngerst and travellers. ~Robert Plum ..Aelcn P. ,Gures, ; ,lnhn,ll.. f 3. *aria, :Roliert.A. nlg4ie,.Ed. WirclAhoseer,,John W. Hendel, Snederatu, Porter. Cicero,. Taper. A. Noble; JihiltDrotilOoseph;Wt-Pet . ~, . : AP tto plicart - fdirTaverntLicettse/ la hereby, given, that 1 , iptond to op ; .:_pliat:the-hort-termortherCouttar-Qoarter eisitoni pf cunaberlitod county, fors licthse. to keep a tavern 'or public , holm CI the,housel. now 'belt:vat Ward, ip the•borough di . DAVID )1114:4:01.. == We, the tinders mird;,eitiienti of the FAA' Ward of the borough' of Corliale, do-cerilfy that we are weli„acquainted ; with:; Abe, 1 1,1 Kni - 1( 101 e4t !Wan; •that he reilliteihr litineity and temp'erance; and is well provided with haulm room and eonveniencni - fOrlitelinign - tididlieiMinifz" flout of stranger. and travellet a, mid that such Inn Taivt:rn ii neeesintry to accommodate the public aMtentertain 'strangers and traveller*. 11eGhmia, Oheries illarnitz, Wm. Bentz, All (Sind a,ThoinPamt Ilrighter,Joint olto W Fottlk, John Petera v William h,ilJers, Glancey,,Gliarles Pleager;John Agnew, StewariAloore,lV,llentz. . , ror Tayern 1110) rICE hereby` givetilliat I intend: to 111 -apply -at„ - - We-meat term: of the !Court !•iit ' Quitter- Sessi ono - of:- Cum berlaud ,- courity' for Lit - . - e4l-aTavertilir-Publi s e thC.• Muse now occupied by me 20 . such, l a the Mat Ward At tbe r timptighofCe rhea: T ' - • • kOUDY.Z 7r4lo"l.l‘l.4;:jfki: We.' the grideraigned • ellizenirkif -.the gilt, ,Ward:of the borough of" f-tirliale,, in tltovottnty of-C.:timberland, decertify that we are will as.. sitialmed with the above named William - that ..litiziaof - imid 'repute( tar: himeatr and . tern neranee..mitt and for title' strinters and or Tavern ii-neeemary to aceoininoditipltii'iioditi: and entertain otringera and travellers.''Jaealb'Zitg. Jaogb Baiighman. . • - ehristiat l / 4 10 1 ... 0 f4:" Anha;Ginen, EdnikWkiikiow. olkillltint.Line,- (46*<-501rtcbri,, it4 4 00, 1 0 , in. • WAtiii - Oaiimander, ...oiv olit y , Bhip4 viz-r‘l'liffierniet•tret4l96. NM AP l t eityitoor7:lo , o:.Lionse. OTICEii-herilig give' (bit intend a. plyingie ti O pest Co*, or Qu”,terSclA oinn of Cittottertand' county,. for a Peenve•tsi keep tavern or 'public testae; in the stand lat prevent.. ;weepy': as ~ .theiwough;of Canielo:. 4 : • • We:the dersigned ritizenaoillseWeat.Ward or bornegh , of Carlisle in ibe - tounty,ef Cumberland;^ - quaint - tido - With - the ibere named Peter,,Oreibli that, he liver. ineni repute for; honesty and kin. penance; arid is iiiell,prMided with hinuto room. and emivenirnees. for ; the. ;of oirangereamd aucilil,lnnti4 .Tairern:AaneriessiO:to anii.ohtittsiWairskiiterisindlirevelliinuq• rni , T4Drerion,' Andrei iC. Lechler; . Henry .loseph T.; Wari,A, eirDidinel; C4riatien Jesepi; Digit • , , • March • • 'A 0,117011 . 611 rer z t4.47erli ' ffloi 4 V sij IVtiTICE ii bcrpby;ttivco,ittiti_, , r itiitind to 11. apply ,to that mentr,ourt. of "QuirkirSon. itono , of.:CutottotiOnii comity ilik kcop 4 tioton . or' Public( 1t04404111ii. precut °e,"14." !kip ioouttigidtticiais,'Citribiolsoid,'`octtnty.. ALLEN M. 00010 - ,;( 3 - ‘ V e.the nndetFk'nellot 6iticQm ertise township of Elouth M iddletgti, In the eneitty, ,Cumber do tete , tertiary' tbel we . 4011 ' qedihtted Oil' he' is "iif geod . thiite•Tot honesty, end 'tent 7 pent wed;ded'that Ire is viali pine ided room and cic!fiveoo.Ces for -.l4.eeeottitticeletion' oletvedgeritetitc,trikellers, timid thet eulih or' ,Taietn 1111,1%**.gar,i attmniiitidete the 'ptddie Outitttittaitt r 'strie etyi ' red " frjlielidrl. '{ `.lelfti*Adt4firoilie D. Or 'l4dodfd;', ''Gisiditer.' Application for averif llKTOTltitf'fr liefel!,g Dietl thatinietid`to 1 . 11 Vault. mons of Cumbarlaad' elitin4i; fa , a Ifoehao - to het? a,tovrroor publiallsousl t ,io house I now, ocoiivii";:ro,3fi."l.lMtirtkiiiiioll,ttivvvilqiip, in thli•ciltW,tY'olCofnbottandi. - ' .•J4CO6 , TYliG:fi' • blttaielB , t I ;'lB4di , - 7;" . " - .'" -....W0 thekihitoritiknikik7aitireltirlitihttibWtrt" slop ertHeltinsoti o in Off tiviii* L 'ocelorrilleirliin4 dotortifi 'that *44 fif),*rteod; ropoe,rpilwrieits .l o 4 ,ti' 4 oo/iii4rio,4s **hied whth for itie;t4oo 4 iio,_ ft' , Rtor itcpqat• And:two.; um: cad .thicsoi. l .*oll:4 o .44l.l)ooo.ofy , to !k"cominod 4 tofiglaboulm . ,tosaq•iiiik gev. otiditavellere.' ' • • itdieri:l!o , l4' Lind* 4 I' A. ' 3l MillOt Di iVnoterffeirt'WY* , taltelidnlr;:/nnfifMAlOi i ?))11404;; n W ir"ake*Niiglcilitkintito! . lO)ti , rielOillsOrerOniqrP;lsc*llua.f " 4•irs!(l, - igiiitj?•,,stiitifi-44;i40t, , ati.27.. irn r . • ii t At..", , , 4,114 , ..b.....,,,,,,,„., .014;,0.,-Lrutri, :,,, iii•.,w Nies. ;;01'107.141' 41* "'t ', 14' ••'sl'llto.lll4so-'lab::• ,4o,'- , 4 i•'l, P,,•1i4-*;l !e,m72,L1.r: V4i;,t:l-Aiilo4A,Tot2i-r:,110'3,-*. t 7 rlo ..P ' • fw MOlt-114400,eiw, 'taWaii'kam- ',,, L....'1,• y: 1 ,, - ,'..•••' i.. • • -' -;-- l''', ',,,.•'..:••..,,,,:••.; ~ , ApOcoicoyfcfriy,Orerr r,L-iebns lGF:'la hereby. given , that ; t iat6nd *o e, ! - 44 . ...appkfactbektiezr- !inn oetti&court ichtitt,ler .oesidnini of Vuinberlaiid tinityl'fbija jiniblioliodiie, in house .now= North , '4101e : ton jooniihip#Cumbeiland ronntv • • , -..A.I3II,A.HAMIVACUSIONER: ..March -'`We. ihs , undersigned , cititttil of: the town- thip 071 North INiddietOni in ahe cOquiy of do; OnifiKy . .A Mit ~ are:*eii'faC qn libovonioned Abrinagn Meg: : e,efic.g9 1 . 1 1,:k 0 Ar e ZOO& /opine:for honour sod ?JO; forma ItDclla and goo vOnionces",,forte ( reedit: tanditiou,nfitrangims avid Aravelinhi, istsil; 40c,li t Pin .47ayeroja nitesoirtitolidoonunii.: is,4A.Olicoi, And saterininhatraiiotoknO4 John Lehr, at.,, R►chsed , Parker, S aojamin Ode ()night 11,,Inhill4lin,IGentigisApigho i tharge, r,l r ifonen , ; WOW; , Samuel .91:400POSORon.b.lintnts/ rgitc! •tor,Tayerii , Icense:y. . 1 01+0TICIOS"'herebjjglielnithillinIend 10 the, nett'. 414 - theo:thitix. Quitter SessitiinFOr Citaibeiland coilitY;fef-:a• Aitienin iteuee;lit house veined bYPhitieWeiditi4yedintreSi ll ei, 'Cifinbetiand''cohnty.'• """' • c'__" • ! J P roll a TY; Sri • aforCh%ll6lB46i' " ' • r r, , W,!f the , niidenfigedd;'ellizeni 'Of. jibe foisn, county iirCuinheirenil; ilieeeriify . thilterWirekerveilt neve:tinted' tdetintiennid •Philip'-Pytoill , 'lrtiltit iit!i*iti 'repute foi honesty end temperence;'endis w ell . Provided NiOrhirimei room' end eonventeneiii for . 0,. 0 4 in 6no mods dna' of stianterif and . liatfellcka; and ; such tianr:or 'revere is tteceisOty itocipoormdate the publiC',Ond Oiteiteinitrinj4eit and travellers. ; • ••• ,'•' ,. l- Philip iVeavt4DaleielVeller, JoiittiebeitEe, Ja ileotl ' 4iableyi William Ircen, • eu on•4Wrerrlleihit•LiihaucT)b Goodhert, Jacob Chisnel,-Jamea, 'Christian ,Wahrly, -- Jease Kadtar-: =lll Mien! MicpuSe':' I:4OIITIGE_ia herebyglimn,,tthati intend to apply at the next -teren'or the ''COurt of Quurjer Scullions -ot Cumberland 'connty,tor a icenee tolterp'u tavern'or peblichoure, in the stand lat present oecuey, ;the borough of New Cumberland, CutfiberlaMi county. LEWIS-YOUNG. A 0, tjto undersigned-, Oran' of ihelordugh of New t timberland,: in•the county of Ctiesbef.: lend; do, certify that We 'newel!' sequel eked with the-Above ,eamid-Leitis'Yedritt that 'he isrof good repute . - Ihrlienevty end tempevenet;. end ir well provided 'with liouvis reern VerliOlC4 -kw the eieerninedatinn of. otiAnerere arid trivellericaiid tbat'incn-Jri:-eil'Averci iii nreeftintry toircennonedo te the public tied - enter. and traveller,. Kemere'ratodolph..Mertinilli K Church., JoliOtoner, - C,-Hopklne, Thomas Holemitii; Killlodionn, :Vali 'S. Crlyti; Henry Brentieninit, ibi:fritvern•License,, -- . I e:it - V .gT;;;;,Tr;Zaiiite;ii; ig;, .. 0 1:ply to the hex' term of the einwt aqua:rice Seisions oftpuroberlaffit otionty' for a licence' to keeksAtlieeeti or'publie house, the hotline! now °eon& os lien Curs. berland county. 11301,1i,SAKEIL, 111,184G.'846:' , ---17tre;:t1seiulideritigtiedi ,eitizeoti Ailenloon , iblp,ln 'the citiont:y_ ocCuraberlingidA «miry that A re welLitetputioted.widt:the„ojoire, named David Brutiiker;ltuk: hells, Of repute for hinieity iatt z Wfli. provided Ihrikkhaii,l'S*4 - 4411r.C119YDi t ipecitir Ake lodi k iff* sittd 'ti4citumotfa‘tim, 'of !rairifers i noirthaf''tciid' Inn 71"titrern,tr, ettiOtiiitt6ieltiOpohl,iti . ,i t ii,4 titF44l shtoogeri god teare Dittiet ArriehOti:o4itir; ittlitopt s t.geCloim., !fetal' 516teer t ,' 4.mOrt Ztormerloatt, J. , Friettei k:(6 , 60b Sittapp;Smottek )hick, ItOpo. Iremlinand Itoth, .I4ielitiel;Littigatlorft s - Eredetioit StoneK • ' ' Application for2Favern Libonso.),s •. • • • OrICE7 is hereby given.. than interhf N apply-at.the-neat - term- -oUtlit-Cooerc:# Quarter Session Ofl'uniberiarni ctitipt,y;:fc!r a license to keep a . Taiern'Oc publia:•Housi;in the' lionee•nove -.43ectiylFd . Eeaid Swath Middleton iowriahjp. 11111051e8 . 04 wEAxLey. PETER; WEIBLY. We die ,inuiereivied Citizens of< Soutii dleton Rurnborirind County; doter: . tiCyy that we are well acquainted ii:ltlirthir 'above twined-I Tliorrivient ' keiy, , ,tlud, 4 ow ol proirldifit. , ;witlf", s i' and 'conifii, iiiineire fi r :the' tpaon i t-*4.,Jip4„ tho o d ro,r Btrisrigere Opt Mit sucli ; Ka e ,or trelrn riee4.o4ytniipeominedate_tile_publio end eiileMain Strangers and ire vellere, —' • ' • • IV:in.:illopro. Peetondlle(tiewlifoore. Julio C. •An d son, J nC. Culver,. /nob Spil: lor, , ,,Tease Myer., AdentfOillir,i,&fieldifrinfu. Tilonise Bradley,.!; '1.); Crrailiittaik 13enjoinin RoyerolsOotrZuivir.t ) p qr- , ave ikfOTICE hereby glveh lbal4 n Op -1,11 r iA.4 th L ollmr .C ll 4ii trke e t!PIT, slob' o • Curnberland' iourrcy; The I**llo, ltaellbralenserirjublin'hiMap "14 Stand e 4. 910m7 iii:Fuoi - , boyFok-psnasbprough. -u'EtazilocivEß. L t .1 fr ' Wothek undersigned Cilium* of the township' of %V ert.panosborough4 the: Ocent• Orem:, berhind, de; eirtily that' virtOara WOO 'sego:anted' with!tha abio.a roitorcl Jaclo,llcltihoovarlhat he is VrAindd repute 'for ' hooiaty, aticf, °Peet end is well Preltiele'l le#6lmee loom, !pd Ili?..,c 6 rianri4ilfon Or &Wen , giia,aspl,traiallaia, and that mush, or Taus ern 4{s WeetteelkeY accommodate ;tha public aad , ttaablioro. . -411,- Atooh am Go:W/port, Simla al Tat*, 4fOh cro,Aodrow. Davidago, Jams _R. Shaw, WWI. :aktl l lSalirsCli!gtry'Aohtrpulib4ryfp,torf n Jolla od ;-.f.4144i Shaeffer, withs ::; ~ J'aithae'lkittitit 4, 1 itr46: ' ' " lietiiii -1* .... ~ . . ._ • ' , ••• 7 'App n .o.r•iyaveri) , • Liceir!lci: 't: 110tatc like PP", g , p ..1 AC • vites,i 4,. ) . fitOng 0 ihe ,neX , e' ro . uWot, Olmrpirfigi, owt" f ri :. 44 CtilirAiiirallit . riiiiiits , ; . toVa . ticeilifi; ici kioiiiiiiiiiitt: lOialiau.e*Fiiiro.l94 . 6po3. ilvidt 4 i'l vo P irn i 4qM ittii!tltMliqk /41 4)" .° 1 1 ' —.:....- .....41,a:- . . 7 .e,;.' . J,.,, , ,,. I .'..; 1 31.4VER. 1, 4 , BRVAW '' ..:, c ;71 ..' ~i).;- . i,i).;'i ';, , 11*,..0:,-- , ..";,‘414: 1 1-: ri i,nn'f -!f:1-1: ;;AV- 4 4 11. • undmittioiiViiiiiitic-;4-. iftii4iiiiiifi' ji t i fp 0,-Niiiitliii, iii.o6.:6oltirjr , ,r_of Clitalliityrid' dticerki 4 44 l 4Ve4tige*lnlial4tl(llii )ibitiia49lo-9 1 i*i'COPeArNiAki.i4olk - t:tit gaiNtilkt#*tigiiiiVAndtirosie l 4 - 1041* wilifpr,4 l oo.l.eiikhoui l 4l)PmtlaCtiii.iniiiii oiocrooktoolisodatio - iorAittotiii :**4llol4 l odith4visidillur:4os7tretli*it .papoi,:„ . 4 l :cikati.ooiaditill4C.Ottlid;iliei.: Wit'istaniteriOsiti*Oalfletir. , v. -.- :s , '4 - :...,. - to . 3 104 !.i74' . alflitiai,b,4ohr tr eathofibillimptitW ,ileiv - lisikerilial • .4 0 4 , riNilifBrOX Irlsi.' . . . ;. Pettir-Tolo.i. , .PhOlp-riiik,l4tsivti 'lo' 'i ' itiligisid.liaw•iii;i4Olin '..%44 , 09#,` : iiiti - 90.1byetkil : I' 1 : 1 ;. , :b:t 1 . 14 " 3 :, , r 1 : 5 7.T - ; 7 '. , l,•:'k' ;Piiil)l4,llifilil44B4‘,:kki-Aag. ;.4i7. , i 4 ,44 .7-,,,::::: ,, z=';:q .i.,LY:' "...-- • • : ~, ,, „',..., , -;.;.;,;6:- ' , " :4:1-Wr:-I; ,;:..ja P 4 ' lEVP • -17 ):; , - - ;';'-;-•--tfls.-'; , . 114.1z.:',1103:V.1 . iti.:04, , ,,,: 7 7- '1 . 4 4 ?-47...A ..-. l fir,." - ,;:;4;;;;-7•,1-; , is, [titan ~..,!:;;;;,-:,:::::-...-,,,,:,:. ; :.; -:-- ......,rt',..;-;,.....-.0„?.. - 20-.i -- ;: ‘ ,. , _,:t.4 ! „,,..7 ,, , ,, . A. , - ~, r ,, : ,,, , .-,.! . ,....;, , ,,...,!,,,.,, ,i March 11, 1846. Vilfirriffilf:Z , iriaithT#lll(4 4 4eafford I 40 4 1 . 1 Z4 4 9 . 0A ' 1 01.!..t,..,i4...2n 4 ii, -,,n1 •s 4.11.1.r.:..7 ..k7.1 Vitt, 3 0 6 4#04;,. oi n, t titio 4 I'l 4 !ii'lliiiiistil ; .„klEttit 0 Ikt..jto. 1 — ' ',, 11l )viditiAol9A o I n d . llikartfl9 •"'—' aittorpontebt, ..,„ar , '" 1 • teleo4, ..:14) Wit* thette@Witott —4 ": , ,,!" • t,T o utr,-,91r,,,,, , ...,' ..,•,;,:, ~,,; :tiivit'tii:l,V7. i q.t. - , , f;'.-e - .. 1, 4''' . „ - .'",.., :,;: , -;' ..1 ,'„ . ; " •• • . ' k,t1:51: .i{;',Applicifiticiii. ,4Vikrj444l**.!,; WJOTIC •iiss sit.wion td ..••attply,sstt "pli)6.l4lfiterdsaft 'QuartetSeession of:Cosmbeirl,sotsC 'Osatlistly The,* , 14tehie tcaeip alartrit issiptiblk ItOitsre/140 itansoousso Esovtosso l t i f sll4 3 4l ' 4l otialairdhl ,irs,Wsirmlepuburgi its ,nast • , •'•• ' • ,1 . 16 047IP9URPEa6:q;i :i• ofa'r , -. ! 6-18t iPutlf th .h; e :C 1 3: 3 1n R it a tt i la g d 114 :7Colut i t s rdtb "t ettUr at y,:thld •,sv ,Rftwssli.asvplintstdAsithLitier'sdievaf itFnstif 0 10 14-9;P*beekr.lll4t4iliticbt , 'lo9 ll xtePoicrOsi • 4-4;o9CaffeelpteillPlP. KIFAVItIONTided, ql , P,Mul#lcistsissd. tOkessitinftellt#44lol44. ysif#ol4llo4 , :ftutigigettk *lll4asiollSitit iint sgOliAtstsfOriaystsr Istositisirr ,s t esumw lmm i l i tAKlng* rad ftsdestOst , ollacteisibild snii.N"rintey i Misty Killhireralma `erty b avis) ft; all,urtstsiar Molt& Bossotsfr e d., I 41114,•11i ,IS4Sitst : 4loVert;:ThSSlA: Itsisik - 41j i * Rissisitrer: Aaissskgsaistus-t , ',.p.•; lquirlislis 'March 4; 1846. .f;,l 'irA Aga op- or- a a •• i nseo:-.t VQTlCE.hybereby 'given; that I-Intent? 'Et; : L eiPtityMk , Sheertintt terner,or'the;essirt , ,dr . miller fiesshMs of. Coniberteid ^ cinihtyo i t * i i ; ilieliOrkilit kiiP"ir'Taveri: or 'PAW nolitrtik the houie now occupied Ity mese. eueitOtt i titifq C'ttrobeeleinto Cinnberlsitd , ementy:t. , 7' . " l',' - ''' ;' , p;LiA. , :q . 'iv si'..:lt'. WILLLkM V.4ltellite • ' ,•i , ,,,Arehrtidry,1N4846 4 . , , . w ,. , - . .w-, 'On ii'i . :ef,N7grl.:: , ; 1,,i4i.',' 4 , ,- i . ' kt! i ~ ` , l' :;,-M,h,, 4 ....m31 , :: \ ,056.:,- fti the undersigned eitisons or the boroiithi: lior kte*Rainbetlind.in4be mitintr.of Ounitieir:, .land,; t o pettity.i•Outt thivsteLivall , aetp)Oitii: with ,toie odutre named WilliaM7P:Hughemthat Imieurgood repute for honesty 'end temPerehoik, end is well prosided•with'house room'andleM. : .X. 3 0/e,4oel:log . , , the isectionividatiOnjoUsitraneis and trgv,eikr.tie littirshat . such inn oilTaient Is neeessary,tpuetteMtruidatellielpublin and en eerie's. stranuers,adif h./yellers.' -' •- . , .. I AnfriftrilltiOsiip , - AtAillifidliiis. ara. P .' V I lism,lk rtAtseil k , James IL Doak. Lew is 'titrill s etc.. ' , ...)_oh o.s lid.= __... __,,, -, '''' , ''''''Xsith''.4:lCitterit AfenriL'LlickMi - eit._ ThomitiPolerii`iiii-. 2 -:',li;juslifitnet. , , ~,, . 1 -H. Rdirgereri''' ,, '", 4 AZ. EL Ifiettlesk '-,'L r. .'..LrSiiMnitPliCtihn; 'ldiejit--(fti-9:,--'-: ." n: c.'irai t ltiii i i:::'' Satin o:.ritkalei t i!:,,., - ' =- ;' - 3Oktrfr. - 'L s rh'rt;'t, liiiiii'vilidhiff7 r---7, • PrOclamation, -. Hipp.. _ .biitn:::Preeidentltidgii•tirthit'aaVerai Courts of Cominon,, Horns tbe. , ;Oritintlea; of Cucuta:lris od,, Parrir , and Jti 4 niata - in,Penniylia• nia;a`nd justice of the several Ziitliikoro,l,3er • and , . Terminei , and Gensral•JallldellieryOn JohnStitti r rlt • C. Mild; judais ; Of" theenu s rt IVei`ind fdr• miner an d arrA.ra I Isil'ltelivOry,;fOii:the 'Oat caidtal_ and 'other . otki;dent, in raid coifing .ot!Contherland ..thei'rv. precepts to me__ditected, have' ordered the 'Court .1f Oyer, nno et tid.Ge ne 1 . 44 it ' bit hnldenslf6Cirllele ,, on S EC:O N 1371110 N MONDAY `of April, Ifilelbeelirtilhe',lltl44lrY.Y. t 10'o' clock in the hirarroopod continue two - wee - ha._ jiEREItY - I ,GWEig, to: ihk-Pirooliri4listtcei or the - sauna and Cod:- stables of the _said county: i Goober:land, that " they 'tre - by - the -.4'pree s pt" continkrided then and theralAin itheir-irtirisisperialns, With their toffs, records ,, braneoi inquisitions. ux,aralnstioria. whictita their oillieli:opPoeuliP o: , Y e :4""' •" .I ' ll all tt!tta that are hOttodC6)--otoolenTitincoo. - • prosecute agatitititiooloonorMitot-oso ortitin • shall he In the :Graiiiid coat i s Ate" to be there to prooeciiie i;ott ADAM, LONODOII ; Sheriff ; - Sheriff's OfficreCarllalsoll.t{ ' rx, s3o64ei- . ;-; . PEE ,".. ‘ , '„ , i,k.c',.' , ) ~:.,. , , ... , ! 7 . ' '': , .., ; " . ',F , ', ' • ' eh, Carltaltte2.3d . of Vehrliarl. t 114..6.1P ore r. lte Hon. Siisei.. Miami a u d. htsi :, a tea, thion,ttic.pepttiin of..lannt r a4taiitriong,.-Ailininis-' i•tritor ofto_liifdirpiatrAntOstitni s _the linfonsh ofrgilidio,WeitWalimitng ttlai'thelnmdoOher has.settled an .aecount.of,the ale atWof Ins intestate soil s n - theAtatu Itioi±marnin. to !littif - P , knowleitettmseittitstairit ' tiasseiSiat:. .ennfirmed by - the,Cauvq‘in;itterWth'brlinntlet; 1 kilf,and .luis paid over,thiikiilisitoe*hitrintkfii i i , • ttr t hoie to - w la onr. the - sameTtivioiyitlitiirmilliil, ,intim. a Tule. titninlites Iteirit wannest! , trill al‘e csase; if atty.:all Ite, : thiliv Mit tie„dieeltaigati . 14 ..Yolminist rattle aftiresaith ~, . 1 ; /,,:: ~ 1 ,'.:V.., . ,,, , :7 ,,,, 1 , i - Now - t(i , witi.2lroraMiiiiiii.Yr 04B;1triieli granted: noticetolbe see Ted Mr,lt.-o. , l)uey. guar% diinsorthe minor children of Ell wait:Armstrong deceased, anti aiteL.ialt,tniters , hy: publication lat two pant:min this county, , H} . • :the emirs: , •• . r 6 enmheidand ehnitty.SlL , '.;; - ' . .. 1 - , ., , is's . ;' , ' --clitereder;eertify-thatlite-foregithit4ll4 , tfile.. - 17-talicii irotn'the reiOrds OE ihe Mist Conti: ult.: ceA,ll.csa-uttliindivo - tki'imiircittheolacciait at Carliac.4.sllll , eiirtitryiliVi. - : , I ^ • . ' • For.VGobilietir;j&Clerii; ' "-" ',- • ..7',..1..-7! , C!': - . yt:`,, t-Wf1.,110/14PLI,.DRIPtr!" , „ ..11)11i4g, , % , -,05...7 , : , ? : TMERCHANT, ~..441 1 1)ZIOILIENTC'e. ; ii: rilli 'Orli iita ertiensVeiliter' ,. !. :.,.._,. , ~ -.J:. Ji. .ering_MlLLattachedAp-lb - ' f .[f' Carlisle Iron Worka';'il'offereirfoi : ,- ~• LI 1 I , . t, rent. . .._& h,2Po, sses ll alo ril hied fa iittf,lid . .. .-- dtt!Pr AlF;ilSW,reeTtetail pp4 g-,,i-.:?„' . V .•. W underaltried Wain akitqidWitil. .`t+-{ j : ; t: , s srpEitiolieri 'OO, r DAGUERREOTifFtztMINIAIURESe lit: IFELCII, wettltiree'simetrol ,ly siihottnee .to .the Ladiei-eml Carlisle , and vicinity, that he has opeitettriams st nevtem'a 'Hotel,„'where he would he' hippy.teji wit toott . LW those who may wish itoof; , liitteir t at,s . IF glem . actri ve -" i ng 1 ,151 4 #'4 4(1 1 1 9 4 + . ! , - :' ' : . , , : ' . . Iteeniathe'shisOmi tele the ittlOsice'redie,;! ~ orehottek -name we tovionel pan? , re fo,p , ,k - He ' 44o.pectrally- invites the Ladies ara nooks , men to eel! ind examine nticettnetts. - Pekmaits taken erty Vett in'Olenir orlalutoiy L ts4ilice. When s . tiretteve tohn,MlieNtticieltr4r gilill be Seth ' ''llittllnitis !ietw . Ccit9 44 3 :Via . 'Ai dal eiite? , lend' riiitettia t t ...'pr.'itie '441'004 1 UMW to thittettiiiita 'hi itepreekiee l ,:ttititieri t , foillitliee,eilhfieepeeihrih3qiishir feeeelit'svhilii . ' 'light filpq - ee;io4l3 011ie litaloi, isifistail br firtti4 neertheitetst- fai+ , thentiroosio: VI ', A t' ' -,- '' ‘ 1. 0.:4 7 :,' '1 ~ L 4.lvirsoni U 414 lnreeMettilettietiriath'hOilA etse tioi httnividtme-ieatittlabl e--Miens.e: pisipitifklh, ‘.'. 17, . ssit and a ; tl i i-lon itys firil , itted tto olsealitlii'aW .. , ep 'Csrli*le;'r 4 l ,o4 l"l ll4o ' , Y;`''l7 100 'CHOPP,ERS;':,WAtif k l"t ' (y h e„ c0 ip . c i k.,,.. 0 .. t 4 , ,,,,,..,,,4` i =" lre ' rug q' B ;'o l * -4 " : i l l { w -v .'''' '""l ,, m , :: - ;: - 0 .EANB COO S'+ z4 i b ,— UNy 0.1 pursuance fon, , %orAtor 01 •44 1 1.4 mr I ck *4'. 1V -1100 1 13:9 1 :4M43 1 ,4 1 11 4. 0414,Y4 1 Pti1kri# 4104 004 laikiii, 101016 irrnid#4 o o 3 Nrini V? ; Tio44th-40-icsiarthvileoriclorettM 1, 4". M. of aaiCdeSilliefelideaiiil6.loollCl* 4 . .fi lite.lete theipttifeesq 4r4forwnetp: t .., i t dftsi,c 4 ;At, l,, ,;:lo:::;;l-Nt• ,- 4 1 , - ;;is',e;l*stlf ` , °;', " i -, ,,43: , **,:tratiVotsouraiiviiritic:li oiii. 14 - Vreit, lavi;lii4 or. P il it: l y p t Ifittht 40k 4• 1 4., .. E*414 111 . 4 4 , J , .M i . L,*11 1 .4 0 4'4 0 "je11: ; •.• Agri+ 04 4 intigAii.DabfriOnwomi „ si ibtoo the*ltheingthereetilief ittIitUKAPOUPEt - --- - - 1011 nitetitittlf,*"-'w,.- ;.4,,L.jl . . . • • 4, , , _ .•,-, , ,===' 0 ‘'' ', - -. 6 - '='"'' '-"'*-?/' ''''' ,4 -; = -°'4 , ' ' , ~ , ~ wi- - POOR ROUSE 'STATEATENT.=FOR - ---184M.Iii r , .-,.. - :.-. , ~:ti- _ ,' , 1-„- , ~, ~, , ftstopefivb:Aollllo;lo . lt4iti PirrEßs,,.sict-pkirtis ,WOisr p :Esquire,, I '' ' 1 : ' ,Pi OOl l4 Arlfikr.:9 o tiiii4 l Oroo Haase of EVlAorheet of ComOetlatud',..oo9ty, I et', 06-401;4 with' said - COthtfyi Non illo;, - .,4.,rit.:.ciay of January to the , t h i fO r- urst, c".i`rolayrof‘Decornher',Avt i 1. 4 ....45, .n0.u...0rgAjp.,;,,, .... --7 r...- ,, ,r , :kii , r2_ ,, , ,, ,.., , ,,, , ,n , ., 4- , , . j • .".., 1 14, 1 , 4 , ;/ i cr . 7. , :Icritmoung dos Incoltutt • on ,at /440rd:trot '= i 13yds meat ~on, lend ,p_a_nhissed of A. ' _•-• .A i . - -. 161541 . Jaco,b'Siptier!..l lo 4ollll/ , ' 9 . o ii -:" 1 ,, 1 iWt3llW , YECtiir• "ii ., •-,,t;411.:. 4 ;f3 1 .5, 0 3,4,0-,7:: 1-4105 1).'" '' '"' ' • 1!:': ' '", t - ,•-.`.."",'L''s scrt ,u 7 1:0 lortit 44itteritet oti'doivit I n •.. „.:,:: Atill;iirolticUi 7 frcm eitiiintiVriisitteiiaospoo 00 - • .iror:ormro. t:l v lrrien T JA lho Aid Pi" ,.. 'Received of Irvine ileGodtim' tor , Nair . thiriseii 4At W1NP ,1 41.10'1849. 3 9' 51 and atria, - `,.., ,' ' 115 15111 cash for pcterries, 'merchandise, ..elo.„- •;.„ ,-, 4 .- -0 . ftecovio,oo 4 4,*, i i ol - 0111413otii* ---.-4,4- cr-thiar intttroldtor included;:-: ',I" 'f. ; 1 1,399 515/, 40 . 4z2tirm0ake4t...:, ,, , Le-57 iiP tz 14- :lA' 110 00 (lash' for stdoirri'' , , ,°" ' °, ~ ''v '-- 647 514 Rtitilvt* rot hdatiltp4l4lliiii;';;, : t.--1,, , !,'„% 79'4143 ," ~, tge l tiiii),;fichlt tiiii,lititidinit: ', ' 3 77 ' 1 91 14 *-,_ 16 0, 381 f°,0 1 1541+ 151 ,f• - •.- 3 ;.--' Le € 44 °°, ,' °for , hider an& COnstable's feel, ',. G6oo} '', , , , ',u .4 -... , - 1 ,, , t_ic• 1014 5j0 4,, ,,,,- - =-'-' l, -' , N $ 7.50 ' ' Tirladitter; -'" ' - '':-. e: -, -87-994 7 .'',,it • ' "'ortireett , sapore, " wig' 9 11' ____42:•fointaliitiot 'ot-',Oill-4044-0,11,14-1013--35- '''As.;47.lkrrioulgit_4so aii„Pl,s.4 17 - 77 -V 6- k-,-_-Y'l'' . ;foilititoring*-iiiiirplikilt l e' r .,- 7-- - 104'?18i - 44=.7 f1 ,4 f54 1 411 f 50 *-... , -",; „ ft 79 '• IL - for saddler,r.iiTieviiiktnethttirii. 153 01* i , "4,?;', , f0r. 041+0: , `,*l,, ' : ,, 0 00 - for Outklioo iiiiiiical sid,;.;;‘ . ., - ' 4 " "'- _, :0 1 -t--1 ' ; ',"_...z - 3 ''' '' ._,"4,J1,1-00 f. ' ' Z' ' - :: " .. i f i qtre - ioiiviiiifid_oiiilii , , °I - - gr 111 do tig ,14 .. , liflitti„,liek#s l4l ,idtc T:ll . Zf '''' '0 a: ' - ' L °b=, , ,-.7 ' for uktr4oes - k ., . , _ , ,-, • ":, • 775 ;UPAftttbila i b lntßefkLt:tn l, l‘P, , i'.l,l to . f. i i ktitil i rri 4;01 1 #0,4 10 4 , :r, s9i, ,: ,p of .1.• glaiiii i ..actit• D. Sinittirr'' ; ; ~;,,e , °.e . t 'Oro rola:nary paid )- '' 4 ;t• 70. ; EME MOE : P;kb. T . - 1 , 1 3:,11 1 1011 ,2 ;! •. , ' • • ;:' , s••*3•l.';'<•", ;14. r • ,y.. .1.4; FE EMS =I . „ . . JACOB SQDIERi. taqii Trettsnier of. the Poor House and house - of 'tlmplOyment of Cumberland Direcitors of said iiistitedii;ifichar'llid day of JanuaryAo:th6- . ~ . thirty;firsekidy .• _ -To amouiedifil tirtettarrieii4 4 ;' r • $ 900 80 :Received from Cgim*y:Tteagitirer,, ;6,000 00 kyfins,46aepti ; • • Troili,:diffnepnEibutcet, Its exhiol44. • foiligolok ijateirieint;:_ ' 4 - r " 433-36 i RENZI • • Ilalapce diieby_Tr easuief;.. • _sll.4is 04. ; 7 •. • ••,I,l`l' •' - StOck on the Faint . Ist "jonirdit'y '1.846. - . • - '7 head of lioniea,..34' heed of horned - cattle, biCeding t iotre", • piga, aiidhillecl on the :farm in 1845. • .20,14etre4e,nrage,,t,veight;61. P l q nd , Rt.( 12 . 320 6 4" .1 „ 1 ,tiONS:fe 1 14P ) "* : 1,41, 1 % 4$ 4 iTikildot,(44 l ; o lb o 7 .t'aill;:tivers/10 -1; i1f.41#94 4;tti I bey); , _ „ M • ~, • ^ - ' Farming-utensils on e ',Oren-Ist (of January,'B46.: • - -• • 2 , initrbw t 'isheide& wagoisi",'V'tritgon tied: pair of wood ladders, 2 pairs harladderti t 2 sleds; 1. dearbdi•noadd its ness 1 Cait• 's' pioki f .t ! :< 4 - Ifarrema; vuliiVat ors, Goble shovel ahe 1 atorin 1, hekriarce",, I horse raiit , K o 2 - .l4iihfilfririnfill;l 4 ./Arthigirrerroleettrn , ,iihe,iter6;l,,gtatn' rnlter, iipli_e_,Attotitovbsaf* 2 arindlab/e5.(3.,10ii seu wtteort , geirei: 6 selcof , plough treare..2 aril or carpenter'a tools, -lonlp, l siett of hlaekslnith ItiOtei-1 - setti4& bill tithed g , toolsi-and-a-va riiiiy of ntnrir ' 'such, diraFea,cgruhhinglidee: ehovole,,tepaden:intelOnclowbbant, corn hoes , sittigietrees, double . - trees. idytileikaainew; Shilifee:iakea4 'forks, wbet!lbarrome. Stc. Bc.. - -••• Schedule•showeng thepreedslat :•••''' • • • 1100 hoshels , A•heat; 575'0f Mite. 720 of.corn. 735rollyitarcies';';40i'ofturriii4;$S oFnitiork. 50 of beets. .40 of parsnips. I at Weed I'll of - heena andline,ll4446ita. sedrl. lj .of timothy seed,lsOf.. - *,liite , ,apples. 1 of cio'velseeir:l;4 4 o,onetnolier;pte,kleri.3.9oo.,hearte , of l es.- 34 -loartECotitsk.:4 l o . 4irolodderc4 - ' larrela : neci4ert - 1.0 - pnundtraf - .lroprl3 bliiiffelaTdited - 101 one wagon load patmikina.' • . , • - Nagnfactured.and made in 14c;riati,s,and'Shiiiii- 3 • • - - 40 ya,nl;ll . 0f,11u,'.1114 . 06 isliir.:S.,an6-itheinisr. 33 °Mlle° frorks, 35 cfddri . frocks.'2s:prUirnats..iltapions, - 25•rapir; 10..sonkoknaia; paz biatar;la, 2 8 pains tooted, 20:baiieta ids 'aria p,Sp'poondeliard soap, 16 gallons apple hillier; 16 rillsff !rags. 58 attoeti,' • •,•- - • . • •,. - •• ~,TosErwrionon, =I . . . _ bireators`kr;" or tiaid4aidtatit.rt,: - itittt . k t h e . I It• nfPx r latn"s4.Pe"' nPd'tY 14 , 0 Alatron: and - t 'd —inuary•to he ta.rly-ann. of 41 ~ e*lcoffins:ia t . 1 4 11 1 ' 1 11 • +Awe . nit It • ltpedil'dipbieritite!q) toniiil4l "0411«ii,15e‘ ""11 ' 34 & ° r IbIt a rraIi i ;5 °I ,'''ailifida'fkii',hMaiiiial;enf.Sti'iNtfittivet ., d7, I .;;t u t e ;sgt s , ll -4.. - ft 'n l e. 13 " ° ' '' rge ' ll "' s • bl9llCl) illiliknit . 4 l 44lEcat iIUdAI4I:ICAR fag st r ' •,•• .. „ Srbuahei,. btot Wit s ' ,9no, t rocA+, oi .orierar iithi t : Nthatiq 'of:paphiri - tht -110114463 i ;i I. anu a rq,4841,,c1 Id,ph g 5 acre conted .. and'4'aniair' • Nnappeandltqfp to 31st DecenilieG'lB4s, of..wl&ch''' , P. 9;V ‘p., • . • s 1 0i which It ' . 243 ;I .; „ 09T P , =. 1 . 1 P0,114-128 ktOtie ,:At‘Yele-C9l9!e.!kE! , n adminad andiiina diapttoro+4+-• V o, Out-door piupr[a,apppq► i 4 at ttubhckxpci t• tllrou 4 1l "4', , `.• A . 44' iWit'olo ninitheiArllitropiColl4w4fJaMtry,,v• , Ily. -- . -- ;; - .....- , L-. , : , J-• -*---- .., • ' ~ -... . -.. i.,,.: •,. ~..-‘..;..,- ~!: . T.A..,....,.; . ,. icjr 0 ) s bye i n - egingiii.i6cl roti(Floatsi! l 46li ileicslmtle.iii;l44s; , Ailehtikrg),!?-.L..-- , 4„„---, : .% ,',-,' 4t ,° ,, ' I 3,V , ~,10 . r. ' ; '•?0,1114 %1,4(:.:.4'qji.11.111,0re,,e.010pi5ii.2,-.114,2i.Y....`,1, 'e ',...1 t ,,, ..4,21 , 1::1.1^ , . ~ .t . .., , ,,, , . .414 , 4 4" -;,---44 ' ; ' - t -*---I ' .-..; ! -- viariiii h , ;9 4 1,..thic .41.!< 0 ,0 616, edt ''''', '..-- '',''''';`'..` ''.' ~r'`:!- ' ;';,''i::- .4 14:..1,'''- - . - :'. i , -. :. ,: . Cligao44,otlnt Oi'::*2 o lt1 i ~p '; /, 11'2g.'.44'" 1 1'.2.;' , :„:` ';'.:,,,,,,--,-..,:ft,:„ti- , '• . , , ..,,t - ' 4--- t -- ~ ~',4.:- -,-;,!;-, 0': ••• - 2. 4 . 1 40 4 ri . :+•°" 0. " " t "‘ ":, •' ' L1 . : , ..*:: , i , "... , Pr".• ''''' v.P0.;4 ,,, i ~,-; , * '.*,,- 1 ,1 - I"4;:;''''.:.''-'-j-'-',-.. - ,',-,,,., t t ~ •'•, ~ ', ~, '-' : , , : , ‘ , `'Ut , . 'IT . ".),.':('‘. - '.,...1. - , in ''_.- , : ',.. ~, ,,, , v4i,/,..i. A '!-t.w?-, ,,,- • fc . • ' '- ' - ~ ' , i t ir. , • ,, ,i ~ 1“i"1 ,-, .. 6 , , . ~-., ,1 • ' , -r - I.' ------- , - 'IWO illieiittNirinki l fd undetorplr If 01Fli (nOr in 0.„ ix, 0t . .p, ♦ rii ..,.., ''''' ' "rr° are N isi a ap ' i t t.fiftep"e,"exiii;'2o 1,406.:001,L 'lrliiii'tcl;vs.lbill,pie."47!l".4)l),i'ill:.@'l..;',,,...l.',s-',,,, 11°12"; , .!,„ 11 r ', "l - 1 1 tt4PAVOCIA.-liki4ii• fit= - On i .i:r 76 '4 .B i z . I M T . I -,;;4 0,0 iii 9 j 13 . , "4 14 § 1 Pt 48t rI t g.Pili'':''' • -f** 4 '' , I,rl, 7.--F ..:441 1 ,17.r , i i(4 ,i , ... , ,',1. , , --,,,..,:,:-.., ~ .:...1.;,., • i'r 4R7?.. 4 ~,,,,,,,'- ..: -0..- t.A., ,4 , -_ , ,,;:, , ,;, - ,,4: ‘ ,, , ,, , ,,z4...;, , ,,,,, r ,,,,,,,......',.1 ik lon e-f r e ak , , 1 , 9 , , . ...dr,.,;.'; 4 ,-,4. -,f6.! , ~, • ••it''N j..- ~.,. ..?....itve !oi ,0...;t, - ;-•yz'4;°-' , ,-7.+. - f ...-.1„, ~,, ~.., . 5 .,, , ..„., ,, i - ,,:, 1 , 1 .. k 7- J, 3,i ' " - .1i r :',:;:',! . .% .'‘: ''!-----.'• '' '. ~. ' 1. 9i 4 M 2 -4.0,t .1 7,7;,1.6 ;4,4i 4 tiilt+ily , "'''"Py'r 4:l ';'''', . 7 .' - ',' .'• ''' ,4 ‘'''-';'`' - - H,i , : - : , - , . ..t.141' - z.;.•:;1\14a. , , :(1" ' 1,4 ,11,74-,ric 4 :•,.sJ' ''' , ..r1..-: '01MIC:-th i lt liolbitif i l'llie P6iirOolli f t . ,iitit,lo I.o,ll4"l . p_fif ,N ,, iivOy A r t i f m!...,,ls, , t inib l o rk a„,‘ o o ..ntwo ,ho e i l i f s t:. l'lti. l l ,- va,t i z.l , ei - 40,10,10r - aki - ip . ..41,,,t0i, ii itial 80.ytie , exhibit :?(:„1ti1t*. 1 .1 1 .1 # ,1 1,,,4 ilf II P.11 1, ' • • 7 ' N i k a , A d d i v i t t h ee t, e .), : aiw i e stakrde-arqffsling-toilip heiVtiltAlifyjttlie,l.4:lWW:i:`l.l-T-4 '' ' ' 'F , f , ' 7 . 4 .;o l ;frin,,,..... 4ol 7iide,r " : o ` ,.. it' ri .; 114:1f e d11 4: '1 , 11 1 - p t li'e x tiri iv ;i1 41 1 1 6 , f lt !,th , ; 1,.... 1 : -., 4 1.. A .,:..,,,,,„ 4)4 741,7 ' '''''' f '-l ar ' '''''‘`l7-: ., 1 ..,,5a , .. :, ; '''' ,..„,f_..7.. 1 .: :ei: , :: :_,,, 5 4, - -4 : 14 - 4 : l =''' '..ji ''''''''." .''' ',-: 'd- .;, t '-,...1,11;ri, , , 5 , %-.' ~ :k. . .... I ' T V', ::P'k P 4t#ilt+ ,-... :7 ''.40.1.-W4ll;l,<l74.Mr`ll''' I P s, FA7r L ilz - e.g.... , .......__ . ' , itk„Z:q ,, i ,„,„,;.e.,:4V, ,' i r:.. ,, ,4t. ~ ,, ,,...., i ,( - lA , v 1 ,.. ~,,-. - . -- :.,L,. -. ' ,'''pl , l _ 4 ,, . ..: -e.p r , _.,v. -1 ,, , ..,.: , :v-.h., , F, j 4 ;-,. ; .., ; . ,.,:-,,, r . , , ~1v -o,‘ i, ', l‘ i , ? - A .''* ,11, ,' , 4 ' . . ,.'-'........6.:, - ,1 ,i. , t'.....-" , 1. t •-•/' .ii- iv • l '4' ~..,, , I• •• ,''',` ,•!-- ~, , l',- , -,- -,---,- ~, - -;:i!,:` ~ .' .., .;., ~, ::,,;,,,,,,..,".• .- 1 -, -4- i i i t ad ; i h i j o a t gg eo k „..., ~,.. *--,0, ,, ,A 1 , , ,,havtn -„,,,, It ' '''!* l fid 'l ' li ti 'llt ili C! ' " ii l / 2 -4 6 0 411141*! ell'OITP S: 6 1 1V -4:11 i n 4 111 ; 5'. ‘. li'difl' :i i, :- tr,''l,l l l,fifiMkr .' ' ' I .', ' -O R ° 4 .Plio 'o r - illi. 3 ' - ,,,L r ,,,, , : rro-th - lit., 4 o.4,..64 l .liiiiiiiii.:o,,ilie4i(si ' I?Pfral, try,,AOP., 4•;1 1 "% 9,,ii rtikll'ol' i ----,-'- -, 4 r . rw" . ... •y 4 ,, tru tt i. D'l , oo l ol o k q troppte ytamenak.ipituragrfm Itria storonly*:., i ve , tr i lls i t iti lo, ,;„,, . 41 10. 1 ‘., in r otioc ,, !10 , . ‘0 . 44 ,1 1444 . 0 ... 0 . 1.11ii ~.., 4,4 i , 0, 1447, , 41 ,. , 54 ., ‘ 10 , 1 , 4 ‘.. ii .. , , ,. . /*ti,ili_o i.,. iiir tiiii,ll, 0 . , . ~,,,,. .„.. An . , 4 los ii , araki l soimo l t,,An ti,..., J i ~ r 4 l-4 . ,;, ~, ..,1.„.1,4,,-,,,47,,,t-,--4„:_„..,..,.....1.,11,.,,T.,.:.,!..,:+5.`,4t22.1,!, f. " - 1 13 4 "Aily" r " .-s tiiirrit . obigatiAiiiitVeNiKttieVikro4'7lt.f 4 0..A4 g, , ..c.M . ;1046.., : , r''`l'`,':`‘ i.:;'"1:1A',T,',4,4n ' ''' • ' ' ‘... ''' i'l ! , :,i''' r :::,:' -''',!,--..:,'":, ',:'Z'',7,‘'Z'lifrl.l}o:ilarii:(-Mar;:;',' •'...,:" uN. Se.llOllT. -' . i ll :. ~ , - -i,',, , , i , •-•,, ,' ~; . 0 ,4 1 . 4 ,13,t•?: ;,,,, -,..:: , ~, i - , .Vioxiii•goit4m.iii .'t..'" ' ' .4.- :' .- ;'• :2- "'• - -'-' l .i;`. l `* 4 '' 44 3f:Oitl , ,4-- , 4 ,,,,- ?- 7 tt, , ~::, ,.. .1 . . ' ' ' ' ' il - -1' ' 1 4 11441:1 1 846. ,- . 1, ..: -I ;'•" '' ::' ', te..7-. •••.-4'...,.. 1, 4 .7.! 4 k`' '44 ,. 9e rt0 4 410*X " ligago-"1. ''',llPlol4h 4 0 v b thougo.attiorniir r, :Atuut a iovig s ipu.vh,§2 ,Uh ....• 119;nialioViblitti;490#44,0 :o* *l ;' # ikrolitsk • ' BINal % ,err a.t 11‘•-• dtioim!At'.(l* - Tep)iiin2icnitstositp.l2 88 for dintd.platlfunetat-expetiviea. , /‘;: 43 784; afror 81-Set ), fat, ''.. -•' ' •' • • `85:41 . } ' •- ,for.frrighi imd,hanlini,` 83/: J 7- 1• fulling; and eardirw„:-...... , ;, .38 - _ri.,(: Imultori• ,`! • 1, , ?106 1I foe and ahept-iffm-rarit - and tricli ' erlhg. • ••.- 80 36# • • • ••. , - ,- -for•fai . arinO•utenaila, ( toids;'6;c.;' - ' - 19 • •roe; stformary, • .• "• ' ' 20 uo tiriek;' ' • - 23 40 - • •TOtititllPriAlfl, improvknente, 69i fot , poitajw„ • 4 - 4 1 0} sundrit , s., ••• , ; 4'70 for, of "rujipipir ttpra,ratilfi, 045 lostepl•,:Cotiach!a .8 1 ,lary -far. year. (liireling'a Dr. JAc(,h panghman's "salary for, ° ono yotir,;-. ea 00 Jacob Sgnipr. Erq.. Treasurer, sale ' '404 0 0 -. - - io btr dP• 6 00 , igyete,-:414...3 . .., 2 04; .-4-611-,- •' $5.859 01 Balance due by Treaiurei v . t. 1,375 7,334 lof 0 • , . CR. 43. t \iaah• paid nrders;' , aw - abova'atated,ls;Bs9 - ,011 &Mabee due - county Treasufaf '.1,415 15} , . • - A • - atlCOltft BEI f'• 'C.' WiNIMSDir ro , erstiritel-9001190tOit iberatyrigeo state road /Aloe. ' aura 4, • IZiOTitrAL ' NA; *Alain knowJne ibenumdiiariblibtklio die . eubearitter; W ier by.,ntite 9* book on. Sonatr;'o99'..hireby . 'notlfied otinieloriard and . 1 1(096ibeir:aodnunts, on or Woie;, : tbn Ist daj 7 4;01; next. as no hir9.liej indolgenatjarlll be , goy. *taut adrifotgaqingioniamota=anuitAbef-seftlaa #l9ll9outsle, 4ACOIi SENER. rp.Catil.M • _ , - --• v . .0011x-14.44r.4 , ' - '-..Trni,... tirea;ouili brObonier'zoialrir '''-'''' 'lid"' bred - b - th fate . 43ett:tril tie s 4 1, • . „ i enter ofl Minge,!flearria, and nth , tap,d . "s er• celebrated race' boric" Jarrr liii, -- : -w, • . lila Is Of_,.flar„elre ned,ire eg_ and , I ttwit one nribe larde.i'iberougli bred bonier in the Unickl;'ilthei berae ein`be 'ice n'anirtho tirmeof 'intleTtilideldit - itr'Kly , callitVeiVililli_. - : - A4:4:00 . .. : itrobtiftizracicomlic#lii4o:. j ~,, ..; acti r .h,.4' 1845-- . • 3/12LAUXISX . :110PF.;002 1 : q''• ' . prHE , iutionetiii fir. h . otitiiii3ehett'br tiitittars of.;a private'; hatsitti, yt r mere particular atteinit97 , l; is obliged 4",;ro!stry tia,d gt.teens ‘ werit hitsfeeisfei t;eit season; I t s% th'efefihe . thitir'reet hod of. thJaiii.:lshinas s sus. tontehratstr fur ..the Vary li bete ettkOtri'lvtleitifect hirevi title la the ke.. the yeti elopes? will - titi able6plß to;Serve“ thettt agile es furievtly„,: , I ati not asking tea' m'ech'iOitri'We ieqiieSiiitte : filenda that they ba:to.4o,- aartutifettiat-itieloiting . .jtp•accoustis as we hs psti,ltkeerviugAhetin., . . ': . I r PT• Fc.D _ a ki;111 OC,C.,I)OjCv, ft 4; Coffee, yonngHyonn, I in pe.ritil;'•Giiiiliini44 . A4Blitelt ZAN, Chaco. Ein"?m -1 3. rritble Oil, Market Bookish.. Sugar Bawls, Vba.Pet). 5 1100 -blacknioll tie:;ai• • ' • ‘ • _6OOIO- I: lior , . • ;lipligrirett - S iimOng which are Pitelier's, , Cof ee & Tea poor, Aiii.herPlitee;_.llOVielaiiguiii& - F.liiiludinir Liverpooliplijna , and. common - .ware, bee Idea. Stone Jar. Butler. Diplom. &c. All :of •weiiiii we. intend veiling low—come 'iii - Ciaitiniriltieet . and - i4idi being to ClO3B Immediately. - -.-- ' ' .• ' . J. W, .21W. r „ Igargh_4. ;846 DESIRABWPROPERTY FOR - SALE • rinHE •subilanbei Otero. at . private sale, tha t amply tiracdtintrelyThimttid -. FATI.Iff: eonteleing,ift'AOßES'arid 38 perches. of oi uelleni.Limostono Land,lsituato within the lim, its.ottlio,hprough,er_Cartisti, 4/b.out_a quarter fir niiie smith . tirthe Ciimberland Valley Rail . Roadi4iid full the•U. •••••' S: Garriron.- - • ,imprOveinents +are -`a good story.fplastcred STONE - . ; 11 1 fIOPSE, - With a Reru and other . w ouf ith a , tlidet:Preits,'.aed 'ate: inittiZtved ntiltßir' grinding iiniie - ?Witli; sL good- tnetel horse_poieerattaehe , toit....';Aleett 4 thriving - young APPLE OR(' --Aff Weiintaininetho'nhoieeetilifted ear' ,teeether with a.verh4 of other fruit --Thoplacoiti In alue:siate -- ThisfetWis -- very — h - atidsittnf r ;f 4- ; - 7: 0 7 3. end tifeiients Tdre inilucementi ly situated desires to the . eiortar any one who nrOxirnity;tet the borough 4'heitor - trrerwini every lacitity,"fai,education ' yOrtstiste, where insoe'College and' Otheetria ...offered Ar Dick. of the ' beet .eharacter. guroheueir Tv.i 11 1 11 . 0 . • a94 3 cqn,tlin,aufteeribe g r, 0 1. 4 the pr - 6•01s ' m all 4s-til El — atter-at Ceti fie' also offers `lnfo' ordr-iitnuntaln Laud;, -LSoutb • sidtrof the North .blotintnin. about Oran Cartiite • Mara" 4, MS& DEM i 7,33.1. 164" ' SHERIFF'S:- SALES ~..: . -........, ;.... ~ i . E .y.-virtue ef.Sundry'Nrits of•vendition ez, Ilk imeas and Levari Facias . to , me-directed, I will expoeP krilUblid ' Sate; at 6 public house ultitorge,ReWin - Eith.7, - Wthe Ibrough - Or;C' -- ... lisle -en ....Egl•DALAhs_2_7_th2...da_pz_ol March, 1046, at..lo;recleek ' A. , -M, the, following" Real Eal'atesvief ' " '' ' *" Attract Orland eituate - in'lttenioe township, • . Cumberland county, bounded by' lands of Col. Jame,- .Willitainiao, Richard, • Perlttir, David Sterrci arid othete,containing one hundtod sod sixty one acreannd .tl6 perches,' more or less, having-,thereon created a tererStnrr - House and kitchen, Logandifiame Diarn,Cont-oriti, Wag. -' on shed, Cider, prase', Well ,fir water and an Ap• ' pie orchard; about 'l4O. acres 'Or cleared land, the resi4eo in thriving thnher &c., seized and tiiken,irt,enculionee-thaptopetty . of Johnston Ittri'rtin. • • , ' • , ... ... • ~ .. , ,Airotii•treettiftendsitualeinNerth Middle. finkcivieship, , Duirberland'county,-hotinded by • lends'of '4,apdh,Corriattut on the tlorth.& West; Gci.ripi.l3riiidle int ,Ilie , baSt and ~David Corn.' man on the - Siiiiib;;'Cii;itiiitirotert n " e acres more or, • ,'" ''ingrithottuireeta*TdA o di - ha re story Log flionse,-bgaittable;,- Dark,houenand other hinldinge4tri3. - Sailed' end taken iiknxecution es the properly nil 'Joint flintr.Pf:''" - 4 "11, 1 9 a• , ,'lnt of- groundritinstsv)ri Shiremstui. town ,puniberiand *.county;',.,haniiiditd by- the gillilifi . rilis 'FO`rVi!.daill'ifni• t(iOiNortfi;. .George - Riunt - Ohlt*;Eizat . ;` , Osiirtl • O'ciii' thialleuth, and , fhillid - ,Mase-P,lsthe Weet=•Conteining 40 feet n' tient- and .1 u feet, in,; n depth, i jiayiug thereon" iiitiAi ei . isii`i, si.;irl'ilnuiii and 'fraidied Stable &C . ,...,•,.Saiztid::'ait'd ~ taken', in . eieCiitioil ns the --. likontirtSi;:of.,!David-G:.;ltiipp. ~,, :.';' - '•:t ' -Also, ail wn'i,ory trig, Houle and - , Rake oven, 11 3 let ef.',.•4/rotAil containink,ene 4111 anore or i4iibein'Ailniliiijirin - y.bekee ilia' eltuated in )IcitinionyTp.Wilehip, , ndjotoing. , iinithi'of T. C. filie'rl , :iiiA'aii:thii,gNaitn, - .4el,illt , Pilis no the • 8 0 9114'llie,Stalentiota ,, leading' Or ' Nowville tuPettialinik*44,,eiiifindr. , !....---.—: on the eati;,,..:Abiiiiejnitictogriinand,. etijinettl:theritto 1 1: 1 1•Tiing,JniRt:04 0 9FrA f tPesaid P cfe n'kut* as 'iney . ..l.iti .rier,essetylbeitly,iirdlniiky, and use • no•lntroriiiiiitalilit triqhll4:::'Siliteid and taken 1 i •'.i eel ... :-. tioi4 o Fllifiß 4Tu i* . . - , V ~,, F ,-...a,...e t 4 -% -- Itid.all u-h,o NtA 6 Lto k NdalonF;sh•ri' , "'Shiiiir idearitailialtlitarib 7d,1846. ltlf 'Orton of , thiiliicin of : thetnnivof '1 1 ` 4 7,,, , firii131!4. 11 of ContOirlsoi#. I Connty.l /API° .P4 1 4110' , if tilts hon. G carte' Recta' sokv thlt' , l4siougitiit Cu 4 1 1'40 1 r 3 h ,i44.`A'OrtiOn.;PPti!ot it fpugh':.4ftsfrlis .•itukta .60 Pre% litiietant,lxinCided4iy I'll*, an -11 1114#113e,ottfiiif 414'•0f lit., • Eiatrinel A.. "wliat w.ins kr'? ,thenivf.olie *it , - Porches: •:„.• • c = r lh3i O 3=42o : Aar 0 4 •"- '''',Ckailkrfnaot - X 111 • 03, 1; .4010 aX- -=- M OtOolotfothii4Atliilinotain • -IL •,tif F,r41110.# the:9o'4o "'wctliCiv• h r' 4l i* l ‘ll4o'' EMI lIIN 221 rii,vnyeitßom 'firl ~. NOt•f;-L . -L-I''''''''' v*W,-,"-..,,-- um, , 401.4 - 4- , ••:. , •K‘ 4 9, maa' . -I --- iiiiiii.fanaily, idi, hit,. hlflit of A I at Notealo 4 01•4.4 1, •NY,, , ,,.. , 04 q fai,