Sliscellaneoug. CARLISLE:FEMMIEMINARY; UNDER THOMRECTION OF Misses Phelto .oharlcitte . Paine. • EXP - EkSE 'BOARD, with fqt,llKlits and washing, will be furnpliodlo Young ladles et 94 I 5 dur. mg , the sumtner mOnthi, and 92 50 during the winter months. 0., TUITION. "Common English stud. lee, lie Geography;;Histioy, YGrammar, ArTfh - Readineand Writing, per qr. 95,00 , Astronomy, Algiltilitt,'Goonietrv, N at. ural.Philesophy and English Composi tion, Higher branches,e9 - Botany, Chernis. try, Rhetoric, Mental and Mural Philos• aphy, the Langungee, :Drawing, Paint... ing, St.e.will involve anldxtra charge of 02,50 Lsssons in Instrumental Music; by - (Prof. E.- L. Walker, for an ottracharge of 12,00 The Tuition Will be - required quarterly anti ..theiiificti.of—Roard-monthly-ln,advanceotind-no ` tieduction mind. for absence but in carte of sick ness. To the boardlng schoera, the use an. 'very excellent piano ir furniiihecl without charge and ar-angements hove also been made for fur •nlithlrig 'two or three additionill boarderertflili •be gratuitous use of text : books, lit:leaned., t • 07" . • TO next .quarter cf this School opens with ' xlie that day of itinetiry next, Sod being among • hoe() who have had daughters in the school during theilast year, we avert ourselves of this metind of expreseing td the public, and especial. •ly to Alia citizens rif title add the .adjoining counties, our full conviction diet advantages of a very high order are bete afforded for the ad. ucation'tof Misses and 'young ladies, such In deed, as., are seare,ely excelled in the country. .I he inielluctoul training giveti. is systematic and thorough, while the manners and morels df the pupils are most carefully watched over: iFrom personal observation arid knowledge, we feel•entirely confident, in recommending this 'school to all such as would secure a suitable lilacs for educating hi. CALDWELL.. IFI. rriDDLE, • , J. A. GEIPE, • 61 , 1*1T-A - JOHN NcC'AFFREY. Nov. 26,154.5. may be truly said, - that no one ha ever been an sueeeta- . .. nil in compounding' a — iiiCtliFine7tTalch bits done Be tordlieve the human fit m i ly, torob • disease of itstetirors, and to restorethe Invalid to health anti cofo, tie the Inven `CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC IGNGS, tor and Proprielorof that m e sh , eservedly one tiler family.inedicitie Da,- SwAvive's- Coatrotrxn SYRUP OF At ttn Chr.nar, and n o ne lien been on /WINS remarkable discovery has received the _IL 11 i patronised by the Prolession and oth universal ripprobation of the Medical pro.-• g . e -s n , e l i M a tli in this cotintry and .in Europe. nor has fcssion of Great Britain, and has now been suf. :I ' irre ever been an gtcat,an effort in the short fictrittly long before the American public in give I space of only six dr seven tears, to deceive the a fatr test of its power and efficacy. The credu'ons and unaliink ingr, by:putting- up Nast- Patent Galvanic Rings have been found to am rams of various kinds, by',' viirlotis individuals, ewer all the purposes for which -the ordinary I affixing the name of Wild 'Cherry and as mitelint Galvanic ll:vary, or . Eleetrie and Magnolia i the name of err:gel/al Preparation ns will screen machines arc used, bat aro without any of the them Mt. the lush tif thelaiw, and nite of. tile Im injuriousahocka which accompany ow naafi.. i postors oho puts nut the common p9rezeriemfthe rations' by those instruments, and - in many "nil i n"ii call ,it the BRIP'7, of Wil‘ l , - Cherq.,haa other respects are More safe und certain in tic. had t h e i mpu d ence to cunt ion t h e t pu blic. against the O, ;gin al preparation, Dr. Su eyrie's Com complishmrthe desired object. onund'Syrtip of WiitiCherry, which is doing so The. Galvanic Rings used in connection mu It good in the world. - withtthe Magnetic Fluld are confidently recom 01.'14:WA la; OF SUoft TMPOSTERSZT) ' mended in all disorders which arine-front an And ptit•dhase none but the original anti only enfeebled or unhotilthy State of , the nervous crl:" rnoine article as „prepared by Dr. Swavne, vital system, end those complaints ; are among , u hi,,i,- ig t he Tni ly one Ac T int ,,,A„d e d by a ,egul,,, ~,, the moat painful and universal to which we physician, pod iii .d..l roiii may veers' c l am at .-' am subject. They arise witliqet• exception,' teutirm to the Practice of the Profession. and from mm-aimple_catese—a derangement of the wnich lead :to this great discnver . y. Thousands nervous system—arid it was in these-cases that .and tens of times:lnds of the heat testimnerals of other remedies having co often faded, a new • the Unparalleled success _of My, Somy.u_e's Corn.• agent was wanted, which, it is confidently he. pound Syrup of .Wi Id Cherry for the cure of - hewed has been found iniheproper and judicious ' CONSUM PTION, , . application' of Galviinlitm. The strong doses, CrMithet Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaint, and at irregular intervals, in which Galvanism Tickling nr Rising in the Throat. Nervous Debit , ty Weakness of Voiee, Palpitation or Diseses of is priminiatertd by the Machineryhaye been ore. .. -notitictd after a fair and impartial trial, 1 ° he t h e C n„ i s! it a ti r t t i ' n tiPa r l i n .orn i II , tI A 7 I, IT enr comes,li r e ti a , :t , J,3,r, abuse c o n t. decidedly injurious, while Om power as applied'' eninmel &o. Bronchitis. Asthma, •Whooping by the Galvanic Itings is in every Way equally r c Abg b , N.A.,were declurbtl tO die world f die benegita, perfectly safe and twenty times a • before any ratter preparation ot Wild Cherry came Cheap._ . -out.. The most skeptical .may satisfy themselveS TheGalvanieltings havateen- used -with per-' T a CM, h e truth orate above, - by a little inquiry to feet success in all eases of Rheumatism, noute i Philadelphia. The genuine article is prepared or chronic, applying to the head. face or limbs;' Only hy De. Swilyne, whose office has been re- Gout, Tic thilbreux;or Tooth ache, Bronchitis,'; moved to N. W. corner of ath itnri Race streets, Philada. The liaisons and other spurious arti- Veotigo, Nervous 'or Sit!' Headache, Indigos. I e n te i s , n , f ,r t i V t i i i m tl e C he ri:y h t t i ,.. l s...beatr•rei obliged ,ntt it t.n nri € l . - s e o - r s t -i t tr o l t ion ,Ta ra ly Nis. Palsoy, Epilipary,', Fits, Cr a i n p, : Palpitation either -Heart, Apoplexy, Stiffness of P i h i lst . .hnod arjr.S ( Trol ' age . m to nee their . own not Joints Lumbago,:SpinalComplaints,Neuralgia, of it. The genuine article is pith main plain ' General Debility, Deileient of Nervous Energy, style in sqAtire bottles. covered with II tiler and all Nervous Disorders. Their 0 k trnordi• wrapper,with a yellow label with the proprietor's nary effect Upoll the system must be witnessed ' mgnature attached. to be believed, and as a certain preventive for 1 vr The Piddle are requested to remember the preceding -coinnlatitts, they are equally to' that it is Dr. Sams ne's Compound Syrup nt be recommended. - ' Wild Cherry, that his midis repeatedly nerfnrin- The Galvanic Bands, Bracelets ( Exc, 11,1g:',`IhInmcisiu'iell"1:r7,,„.p",,sor'efjios:"ses lai ,hset ia t IwA, e . A , In some complal,nts of a vet y itEvere eharno. (ince ihe whole entalogiic of Parent Are& eines ter and of long stirticling, the power obtained I which are daily puffe , ' - by the Galvanic Ring; is not sufficient to arrest' press. - There - fore the progress of disease'end ultiniately restore itoptli 'Syrup of . health. The bnprOved.modificationin the Gal. cititer. vanic Belts, Banda; Bracelets, tac.,entirely rent C.T 7.'"..° ,sole ("^ A S'l ICh. ge , cdies this objection; any degree of power that ' February 12, I' is revired can easily. be obtained, and nu ,dia. I 'ease - which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect, will fail to be permanently relieved.. ..-----Tlte-Itinga, &c. era of different__Pri es'l made of ail sizes: and of various ornamental patterns, and can bet worn by the'most delicate female without the 11 onvenience. CHRISTIE'S MAG it , FLUID ie a ,r‘ necessary uccompenim nt,in all comae in which the flelvertio Rings - and 'their modificationa,are .. need. By means of this extraordinary corn, position, an efficient action is rendered certain' cud the Chlvanicinfitience directed to the air ticular parts shich irre'affected. The FLUID • contains notlithg capable of the slightest injury; its application is agreerible,nnd it la lIN harmless inits action as it isbeireficial in i results. Certificates from . physicians nd others, of "thethighest , ectabilAy, hear svii ts Inv the 'strongest wittress of tlle- extraordinary effects of these 'articles, are cutlets ntly acosinn. elating, some of which may be calling on the agentirt'Curdiele. , .... In order to guard against fraud, M.CRISTIE _. appoints but,,,,olie agency in each town. The . only place iil , Carlitile where thei kenuinc Range and fluid can be obtained is at the store 01(4E0. W. MTN ER.. AP : imitations : sold, ,eldlewhere, are worthless counter(cits. Plininilleti can be obtained gratis 'as above. . N0v.1815. . '.. ' „,..- . . . Cefbinet .01Eak titto. , ..._, . .• . . ~, rinHE imbecrlbor,likeithia: - melh - pd ) af fi iv t , i l forming hie c frieudii and 'he pelvive gen ; orally that he carries', vin the cAlilislET:w4.:. ,JC !NG 13USINES in 'all iii-vaiitius'brenehes,• • in Locust Alley, dlieetli in the rear of E. Dui. , , . leeleePlairFActeryi(in 11.1.lanover et.) where_ be keeps constantly ; up hand. and will menu facture to' order, , • —, i;;, .13eotetttAekpuratio,,Ila.bleililro.:2' ,, ' and every other ileacriptiorpof Cabinet lyare,i ,, I ) 'all of whielv,,lie,*_lllvo)l dhcap for cosh, or - ex:;. change for countt iirciduce at m arket prices. Re will also take Ilmliei-of ali.descilitions hi ~,, ~:,,, . . _ • 7 extepgefht+.woriK.--,,, , : - .. .. - - Cdsteuidlcate.of all'delicriptions avid vises., TaLle, Lege,nolittifor:Venitian Blinds, 4c., uts9 on ' stand: and for tvili.',-';:` , i.. . .„ "r:t' , f :1 :::,' : I, • -Ll O O-IPFlNS'initde rot- terma-Teasonable at iihoto . imido;ritad.'he,eilll ATiond . funeral!. WO. a Splendid. , Hintise q in " or, country: . A, -- /leotiOt Williliii btiltiO'for hire. , ~ , ", ,' - ,ll' . .ffiirileietvielfully solicits a shar;ivf p'ubtiii'p#, ,tril6Sgevaconf‘disne Mil tie can'render servile! ~ . .rilivitti4tetjlia,t-, , '.:..;.44[...R;',1,1thp,WER 4 , c0. • 7 1 ; fictiots ik the Price of . rifffittis , :iLAVV`Ali AN Ar k . NAIL& tfir tp3 6E llar C iPlo r tnt strick r Oupital, 9 , tkeTWlre •.; riiiiiron - evcry description of properthotstemtp . ,halik the amount of premium •that 11,1:4,4kr,g 4 ; Vig,a f aith l • - o d r o i l b n ef t il e i • j a n C7lpTe2 h thtVa d k i gl .4idotriptiisy,and--stioonsmendsAi, to ".tipt italttpimagreatly superior totinst9C , j,(lre fiF.eaiir Rn 4 4g r i li t ril For „tat 1"1”...!211417,-g-flut -7- 7- ' 47 MVSOMMIOIIWI . .t ':• " .. `Ccrlisle;Septembei; l o444s , - Ig e - .iF ,A-4'''Lll'"4r'yrliesoAa.rl...:,.-1..:E,-0,. I—FOl * 4),••,,:,,.' , ~1,; - ' ," :::;::;.,'t'rith Rpf°i.l6 4 g ' - Te• ,, i1,1:...•i' pi,„ , eitaMt`itf ,I•.sr- "-:,,---1.:4','4,;':•re.J.';':;',...,,'*p; Wi'l',4.R.#n%:?..,:':-::.'2'..`',',`.:':' ~:i..,,,vi),:r;,,,.,;qt=•-.,,,•,;-0.46,;.,-,,,:,..',...;,...f,,,,:,,,,k,•::::.,,:?,.i.i.,,:A.,!..- , . ' • . ~,.:•:;-::.::-',;,-,":.;,,y ..',.'J.:',,.;t:-.,,,. ii''''.;;.,t';:'_'.:-P4',...',l,'''''''''. - OPOS-4 NEW - BOOT . SHOESTORE.- - -,,,!•: enbecriber has just opened a hil:Rand • g o s tl assortmentof Bnote,end!,§lntes at;, the _corner of 'Main nu t IPittSitret,its, • in' ;the' hosesceently,acchied by ;vl4 Weakiy, oPpe:' silt; the MeibodiWhiireh;..abfqtlitifi - ': ' MEN'S Calfskin double Xleeflonts,' • do do light drethrT . do do Kip pegged - do do Coarse " .. do, do Calfskin, Kip, and Coarse Monroes; BOYS 4--- `“,, = to --- • ter do do du • do Monroe., LADIES' Gaiter Boots, do , dq Shoes,. • . du Leather Boots, • do Kid, Morocco •& Leaky 13uskiti's double soled.. • do Kid & Morocco French Ties, d.soled do do'Polka slippers, do Rid and Morocco Turns, , MISSES Leather Boots, do Ellalr do CHILDREN'S Boots of every description. Outn - Slrci e tta , some of a very superior quality, • • This Stock)ps'boen Carefully selected, with' the advantage.ofoinany years experience in the businetei, 011 be solcl.low for cash or ap proved credit' . He has also ah assortment of Loather, Kid, Morocco, linings. bindings:thread, &c. &c.; which he will, make up to order, or diaposa of Io - the trade; on liberal terms. - Persons who have been supplying themselves with Boot, end Shoco from Philadelphia, tony depend on getting the same article hero at city RETAIL, PR 1p ES. • - Country dealers and others can 'be supplied ttielloots nod Shoes by the case or dozen at o hdesale prierp. %V NI. ill- PORTER. , N B. warranted, and if it rips, It will .be repaired gratis. Carlisle, dee ll—St FE fIDNOJI TO , ,WHOM HONOR IS DUE! Dramxtr. THI . peculiar pi -pertios-olthis_spleu did OIL, model s to hevessnry appendt to every Indivor gt tiernavOa toilet. U like alrother oil, does not soil the In but gives it - 11 Lr iianey ynd hell unsurpassed. It pt etrates the minsh pores, giving to t' dry withering .bul new life anti vigi opening he ()millet og .oy !one .and action so necessary to the preservation or production all line head of bait. Sold at No. 2 Fifth street, tliiludrlphia, and at' 'storekeepers generally let. Sold is Cnrlisle by . S, ELLiorr. . . - October' 23;1'844 . Pension and Gengral. Agency, • • EORPE Al. VHILI PS . , late of the Treae: IX dry Departmetit,hartipbned tio office in thia city,' and' Will attend •to the prostoution and collection of °Wins before, Congress and 'the feveral RtecutivA.:Depaittnents ef OA pre.etePtion 'and other laild claims; chtfnin 'for ut'vnlid, navy, Reiolutionary, widinve,.arld lialf.peypenniontr; for'Revolution•A: e'fy services, whether for,cononutation,; . bouniy es,- 'fo servic doling .Ihe leer{ war the settl ement of accounts of , disber. sing or to Offibeili - of the Wive r n I 'to the ..inteieet 'Of. bidders 'for - Cerialiete ;• tattling retnisidon-of fines•m• foifeittivele for elle: god Aiolatiensophe raveiitio--111.wa ir collection of private claims; nndoll businese•hrotight be.' foie Cengreati or tlie'. public offices. requiring.. ' ( col oniri4gunt. 'Cliergeti will be modeitite' 1 / 4 , aiying ofecOrd: 'inki , to the rut (Oil); of.the biidittotie. ''All letter's; ,inust post:paid... G.; M. P. vollotoo attend, : tetljeatile.mid t•ent t , hoboes,` lots; acct,collectioiVtif rents, ,negotiotinc Wane. . . - 2 Weiltingt ' ink D. 'C. 11'ene.25J84.5. . • =I 'fteleattle EtAiLitetallTremium,o , va4tallutb QV: SERTRAND No. 120•chestntd s Stivet;:Sote.;;'-`foili'dOdil:- below Fourth Sireef • • • • " PHILADELPHI2I44: • 1161, ESPE . CTlFUtLit.inftirms thCoiAlterT,,Of .11.. 1 L',Conibeiloiritictiliricy,7iNitilii has tertleii send 4 1 2 14 , 11 "2 0 ,4 400 #1'? - kM . ,!. 1, ;149144(!,1 1 P9t..1. 1 YTP,rt 1 4; .tuf PO' . 1!! 1#1.:out? try f A tato,, ; pp ° n!if , f i v; • n: ria • 'odd rgpleudid style of - chlliko!elioti4 ; rur 130 Yo fo! e-C,OpeOijO i irom. T JU4t curve Per S 1 1 5 1 1 M.51 1 11?.9.1PASWifteiTd. 2 iiiiriikerovalicile - or:Lardifif,ll,lole7lll4 - 4; S Fr i.41 . 0 4 44 P,Wthin - ektili ,14 *10 1 041 1 !:?;014t"Ot ;ttetiOtryi o•Od iipto.lbi.supop'seil;ky,. 00110 ,bf4t A'r'l#:Ylqr"* 4l4l 4oi,4o l4 any °4Y.,11A. the Union • :‘,t• •• • • P•,•••:• 2 ME ,7i , • ---- 00gOttif - Eanx=2. s7 i) . I,vPOuglip -1,- Brotwhi 4,,Lma yom, ffinoltytrbratthing, and Breast, FailPifitioßlV.:4 • • mf the Heart • infuensin,OrmillOp...,w,i, ken :eopttiutiot.,Snre.Tht•Oat, , ,.,. ~!. • qercens , , - Llfietises of the ThroulP_O• Devoid and 'Littige,-:,;,111, the most effeC. , • ' tutu end " f iir. T 3 :speedreure own , known Inv any of above din= easesoall tt., - ,S IV A V NE'S COMPOUND ..,Sifu.; UP, OF V3r/LO,DIII.II{ItY—ANOTIIER WON. DERPVI..' CAME OF CONSUM,P.TION. ,••• • -. .jvaciyanstoz, It, 1., Sept. 40tIt, ._ , .zrlo7.9*ArnE4•Dan:.SlriA..L.f'enl-Taillliii;b3 , sense arduty:l 'owe to-suflering-liumanity,to knowledge my grateful' thanks‘for-the wonderful effects of your ".0031,POUSID SIIYUP .OF WILD CIIEltilY" 'on me, niter having stiffeted months monthi with the most affiiottni-of all diseases, Gonsumution, with scarcely a ray of hope, or a "beacon light" to guard me ngatost my own horrible forellOdings. The circumstances which first led the to the-awful state' nfolebility,, was from nuking 0 very heavy cols], w Edell seemed to Sr itselitipon the lungs, whjch greduallYgrew worse, with pro'useltight sivedt,a hacking oppression 'in the breast, spitting blood,...with . -great-general-deltiltty. My. ontatitutlociseemeo - broken down, and nervous system very pinch lin: paired, with all the symptoms o f confirm e d COti : sumption.. t went to Philudelphia,and was treat ed therm-by- physicians of the highest reSpecte bility,but "still grew worse, until they gayeanc up 'as incurnble., and advised me - to go South, hut be ing very poor, lifter losing so muck dine from my work, and having spent all.'on this ea._ rictus" Patent Medicines" which were recommen ded so highly thi•ough the medium.of the press; was 'unable lake - their advice• tieing a 'Mem-. her of the Order of Odd Fellows, they supplietr me with money'grattiiivmsly to send me to my friends in Seen Maine. 11 . was.treated by, Physi, lentils of the highest standing 'there, but received no benefit whatever from them, hut erstleally grew worse, until my physicians end myselfgave I up all.hopes . of my ever recoyering, and halt like ow e w ho is about to pass through The valley of the shadow or thlttli. At this "awful juncture," I hemii of your 'COM POUND SYRUP OF WILD CM:lila,' and knowing you to be a regulai practising-physician iu Philadelphia, gave me more confidence in die metliciiie, an concluded An a last resort, to make tt ial or it. I sent to your agent in Boston, and purchased one bottle, -which relieved me very mulch. •I then procured two bottles more, which I um - happy .to -say en ti rely - eured . me, and '1 ant now ernoying'better _health than - t ever have before in my life. It cermed to have n beneficial , effect. nt once. I gained stret.gth rapidly, although reduced to a mere skeleton, nod I feel 1111116 fit d from its salu tary effects in my own ea soTtliat Dr. Swayite's Compound Syrup-ot Wild Cherry will cure any case of diseaseill.migs, tl token according. to the prescribed rules contained-in the pamphlets de -1 cotnpanying the medicines.- Even the physicians ! who witnessed my case are_highly recommittal , itig 4 it .lit similar eases—and I wish yon to make, this pn bile, so ihut others who ore suff e ring a s have heen, - may - krmw - whereto proctwe a remedy at first', which will roach their disease, .withopt tampering with and ruining their ermst:m Onus with th e many "quiiEk nostrums" with which the whole country is flor.deil, perporeil by persons who have no knowledge of the science of medi ehm in theory or practice, but are gut oFmerely with a mercenary I am a Scarlet member of the Hope Lridge orRs.F.. is Providence R. I.,and will be happy to give Roy information iu regardto the elllatiy voiu• ineilissioe, and can give ample p.rool : that my case is, , aot exaggerated in the least.' • ALBERT-A . ROSS. To Dr. 11. Ssysysrm, W. corner Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. CAUTT4N--The public should he on (heli. glinittlnpninst the twiny "lin an d a. mi xtures .. „ r wild - ch r ury, which have sprting top' in till parts of t h e enuntrv, inu porting tole_reptredlty• sr - iTne round Ili he 'lake" hpn little inquiry in the towns and cities where they originate. A ll•cirtificates a4l statements in reg.ll.lltn Dr. Sautyne's Compound Sycup or W Hit Cherry are "strictly trot.," and the proprietor Is daily recioving them from persor. a who have In en. cured by the celebrated remedy. Tire . (criginiil_ onlv) genuine article is 0t.13 , - Prepared by tin. SWAYNE N. W. cramerof EIGHTH and RACE Streets, Philudelphix., li.•member, all preptirat ions of Wild Cherry are fictitious and counterfeit except that hearing the written signature of N. SWAXNE• 'rite only agents in Carlisle ore hlYElls Pc -II A VTit- STICK and STVVF.NSON St MELIAFFYond NI A RTIN LUI'Z, Harrisburg. Another T tnm over Consumption. 10101( THOMPSON'S Componoil'Svimp Tan BUI) :did Wood Naphtha. C oanmpiiven read the following: I I RRY4III:RG , November 18, 1845, Dr. S. P. Thompson:—hear Sir-1 consider it a grateful duty. to publicly aeknawledge the benefit 1 have derived from the use of your i mat uable medicine, the Compound Rryrup Tar and W. mid Naphtha. In the spring of 1844 I was ia kensick with tuitions I , ever. and was very ill After f bail partjallr ECcOvertol, (mned me my lungs were afFre mt. according!). Ilia skill had 'itemd or g ettin g iJyttry, I daily wils finally informed hr him that In and must die, and that nothing reparation for anotl Worlil."— tcreased until 1 was confined 40 err sever e pains In toy ture:lbt, uorltuess at breath, and I was So my voice not be Itintrd un 'pj,llwtt di, ttry-nrort+444-y -1., hurnissini• me night Hutt Mit , obtain ices r e st. ‘vi,tt e manner, with i.ollnu t e ntirtilief. 1 isement in the “Union" of this he rt•rlsicataof.n_~ttly Phi la_ _ I, wLich so nearlv, lived to try your Medicine, and ma. . 1 'hecortliogly . Stout to. your herson, and procured tt hurls, . 1 we than one third of it before the Inci I flies toiik it Tegailativi ttie 15r,t. - la' rile; Flintiness of fireiiiha . . and I am our hide to wallr Shout with renewed healili ,nut strength . .., You can make what use you please of this. t nin wil, ling to give,any.salistaction that may be required of lune if milled onlpersonally. great respect, 1 I:etuoin yours, tit c .1A COlll StailEß, .STEVENSON & MI lIAFFI•;Yare the o: - it , Druggists. lit the borough or county, who ore a gents, and front whOtn - the•GFISUINEArtIeIe con be hod. :Berate of spario!ta trnitatione.::. ,dca 17, THOMSONS. COMPOUND SYRUp s OI TAR ..,... AID WOOD N AFT:IIA. ~! . ,•,.: 1 000 - '• P e tra il ' testify 'S°llB to i fh the 1 :4 1a :41 1 11 1 i l tl effic i° a n c e v ' , of thaw poWerful remedy, THOAIPSON'S .CCIIIIPO LIND SYRUP. .OF TAR AND "W POD:Kr - APT - HA . ...TT eed - f Rbif`d :! - ''• lAaton - - lathing 'clue of. Chronic Bronchitis! P.,: - • .., ~i Philadelphia, Iklajii23;lß44. Mr.' 8 I Tltcnirsort--Dear Sir. For -more then •lIMJ 'years • past 1 had been d read fullyi agl icted -with-ameffeeflofnoftite-throat i whiclv , my - pity ,- Melon pronituneed o Chronic-Bronchitis ' cans.. ed •by re pita tint and neglected colds. The (lie. treite - sbffernd - ,ialndesrlitablif.' — ltirtlifiTitt was eterelly, tow come violent coughing,: ao...nhat bland'would dome frotn ; 11l else ,greal.opPrve• slim; peiwand lightriesivie iho chest:am fever , in.elicrrArall the , until pulmonary - symptome sheiwed thentsblvr, showed themettleien‘ialning, entire loss de necoleary roriosp•=;rnyl,:thrkat wee leached and blistered over and over, again. .1' ;metre itriel4f every known remed4,"end ta,dlf.: ferent.periods Midllitfildvice Of sis...iihibleleitv; nii'd;irli,,,wlth; ,p 0 avall. About,Woi4ntinilts,, since I'm'de trial of yotir:CoMPsitind.,SYrup''Of end , troi Fernba, and litifoitiViektalten totthe Sim.. tle'rfeltrillief.:• 1.640143te8 until I.' 11 a dAtiken emnbotfloa,vvhiolLoWneltiltilY • A moved the' diseeses.: end restored - rne,lo Inerfeet , i .healtiyand T firmly ..belle liel I slmitithlorlidiv .be Jiving, had 'il./tot , been. for, Open , inwiluolde Medielne.. ' •. I, :.- .. , : JANE T e LltuT l :'-'- ;;„,,,.....:,,;,ii„ ,k, i ,. 123 Sprnen'efreet. .. ru - PrilicOillf - offffir - , - N;- - oafs - ifiiiV., - iiri - 11061iii'a: . \i p ',ElFiruO i rtiEpAtei. . Itritki . 0 :aritte".-pi!r: bt#ilioi., C;1-PliS .0z15 4 .' ' ' ' •• —.- :• .. • '*or , , J,:n le ,in • Carlisle 63! WrEy,"lB9tl &.: !SIEITAFFer. 1 , ' _.: f . l.TtiniAllik .02.1a44i - 1 .' • : ''' " . ` 41 ., • ' : , H ~ P 'i~id .~grtlferi~ ue}_ rs ~I~ ;ed d'~[y !~h4~ead'~ , A~~ili4llarda ; -,~,~'~0 ~ .~'d~— .• , , 3 100 /iViikpilmi , itash 13141 4 g, 'For.#ll l ,b9.,!' zf.:llaMpburir. „ • , -;,j t Joolit tri.rotrie.o4. j . r:; - ,JAMESr LOUDOV i IEARBOOK , &'GROCEI,ST '31 0 % l Ei , ~ ,,,:1.6,1,-, 1 4, -, " 1 ",i , iy i r, , , 'l . 17- , 0 r , 44,1 Na it , Li: i- ‘l, ,!:. HA:Siltsoy)l3cy , kal reamscdt.Cd, ,epeeo r ,startly•.o‘ iapl s . 'ocsfa 4 "assos tmuarb( setrnlil.BOAS - end. Stailonity,'idilelUrdiikenda to sdtPat red ueedliricer. (-Pilsen diserinith he 5u1i....- P l 4.l 6 riatiPlN,Clislrl9eß.St•P.'..q )h . ':f9 l / ( 11 1 ?); rates:' ..,.... Family,Bibles • „ • ' $l,OO, -' l'....'igcsndSohi36l dibles,: ,4• ' • 4 ''' ' 4..!' -'.' 50 ' ''' " hood Sdhonl Testaments). .; , ;' ; .10- , 12-$1 .• ~" Poeketblbles moroeco-giltedges 1„,00 School 'Bolifcs,all_the_kenetal kinds in-use proms portionably low. His Stationary Is of good noel- 1 ity, also a -good assortment of Lithographic Prints, Toy Books and Books suitable for Holi days. ,Haalse,earkies on the pock ,Bindlag, Manse* where-pei'B'one can lrive their old" brinks rebelled, also Blank,Books,DOeltets &0.. made to-order. The„iallicriber in nonneetiOn l .wßh Mb Book. aaeS fail ontirytSinne';•biti , Moab! tsWiti a P itASocrarti*ocram"Sr. id . Irrata i•i'odir on :haud a- arge and. ~ .6 , ;,.5 , . ..eileralLis4ortment Of fresh Groceries, sour A - --Pines &an f espry•desori nt ion- and - of qt 1 1 .t . r L .the best maility, stiledted with earn Wir [,. 1 '.!: in'the -city, and Which he enabled to eel) at , reduced cash prjces to Suit; the time... • .-,.,. . Thankful for-the patrontlge mitimded z fn IBM' during Vie few doyen° has been in the busi ness; I.t; hopes` by a ttentioii -rt ad rendeasnring , to pleaso to. merit a continuance therabf,,,hia stock in mist consists of ,- . Strong Rio ‘and Sava Coffee., ,- . .. Best and 2d qthility ' Loaf Silgar;Brown, white, Havana and crti;lied Sugbrs " Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas. Sugar House Synup rind New Orleans Mo lasses. . Best and 2iThest Sperm Oil. S.perni and Mould Candles, Spices of all kinds fresh ground and unground, Cheese and Crackers, Lemons, • Mace, Citron, Indigo, Starch, Saltpetre, 'Logwond, American and London'imuitard, Rice, Homeopathic: and na. kers bsst Chocolate, Raisins, Almonds and Fn. berts. Crnekery„.Gliina - and Glass ware. Alsoßrush. es, Tiflis, Baskets Churns, Brooms Bed cords, ' Halters Plouirttlings,_Masons and . Carpenters tines, 11.1arliet_Baskete, Best Cavendish and - other chewing and smoking Tobacco, Span ish, half Spantsh and` Common Segars. A general assortment of 0:mil:Spool cotton, thread, tapes, thimbles, hooks & eyes, Pearl but Niel, pine and needles, tooth brushes, hair brushes combs, pewter sand, shoe blacking end 0 variety ether useful articke. Also Isto, 1 & 2 muckerehsonlied Herring, Salmon,Cranberries, dried Beet &c. Decomher 10, i 845. SCHOOL BOOKS. lir o M. RN EEDLER kieps constantly on hand all the various kinds of books used in the Public and Private schools, and is deter mined to sell them at s-less price than they can ho bought at any other. ebtablishment, in Car lisle, notwithstanding one of the book-sellers r.ending notices to each of the teachers in Car lisle, to lin read publicly in the schools, that he,Npuld sell thwbookmot-n—less--priee-than they can be bought elsewhere. Phone ;fa m • lies who bought books before the subscriber came it) Carlisle know full well that he sells them at-least-0 per cent less than they could be bought and that •he Was- the firat who're duced the priers'of books in Carlisle. Sept. 2.1 - , 1845. . • pup cm IDECEIVPID at the - sto!e of A. RICHARDS & Co. n gtMeral - assertment of seasonable Go A ti consisting in part of 'Seaver, Pilot and Gold nitzturd cloths Sla Overcoats: Also Blue, _Blue .Black, Olive, Green and Adalade broad Cloths; Plain:Striped - aild.7Barred, Casaimcres & Cattinctts; Kentucky Jeans, Jeno. Gorda' and T.wedes; Flannels, Ticks. and Checks ; Merinocs, - Alpacens, - and Bombazincer - Rep. Cashmere; Aloes de Lames, Decosse find Situ. Blm, fir Ladies Dresses; flosierV; , L.loves and Mitts; Calicoes, Chintrp and Alnslins; Plain, Striped and_Barred Jaeltonetts, Laces, Edgings, end Qnillings; Plain, Striped and barred silks, with a general assortment of Queensware and Groceries, nt the old Stand. Carlisle Jan 14 A. RICHARDS & CO. ' LOOK THIS WA.V3 • 1110 yoti wish tops/chase a gond end cheap artmle o f 800 CS AkID SHOES? then call ut GRAY St. SONS- rind-examine our as. sortritent—we have just received thirty cases olconrse and fine bo,uts and shoes, of,all kinds and qualities, guilt fur Ladies'' andGentlemens' ware. Look nt our prices and save2o per cent. Gentlemen's fine calf se . wed boots, city Made, qnd "wet ranted not to rip," from 82 50 to 4 00 Gentlemen's fine calf pegged, 125 to'2 00 Men's thick boots, 1 50 to 2 . 00 .. : Water proof, 1 475 to 2,M, Ladies' double soled Gaiters, I 00 - 61. 37 •1 , • .... . , ' Buskins,' : 6023; ISO Children's winter hoots, .87. A to I no Mend'.and Boys' coarse 'Brogans, .50 to 1 35 . Y... , ' •' n,_ G•, I •I's water oasocks, . 6 to 100 Also, LNdire nn f .Gentlemen's, thly? and, 3.IiSHOS GUM shoes, nfatl prices and qualities, • JOHN GRAY & SON. NEW BOOKS. JUST received at J. M. KNEEDLERS Cheap Book and Periodisnl Store, Author's Daughter, by Mary Hewett, IA seats. The Ileum fivertahlied, by N. I'. Willis, 25 eta. Tortesa the Usurer,by N. P. Willis, 25 'cents. Ailtenla of DIIMII6I2IIS, by Raul Dawes,•2s cents. Preemont's Expedition to Oregon, 50 cents. Storks of Waterloo, by W. H. Maxwell, 25 eta. Morris's' Nlelodies, set to Music, six fur 25 co.. The Cries of New York, with 15 illustrations,2s. Beery Lady's Book; a new edition:ls cents. - lisi ors' of Napoleon. No. 5., lei cents. . Niue BettotincSoogs, by T.I. /14 . 1ey, 25 cents. Lights and ShinlOws ol Scottish i Life, by 'Profebsoi -25-eente. - • • • • The Alargnis De Ceorieres, or, the Art _of Mea nie.. by Eugene Sue, 14 map!. The Poet's Companion, awl Rhyming entifeining every bllowable , rhyme in the En••• ghsh langrtnot n etents.-.- . :• Morse's Geographie MOB, Na. 2, 25 cents. ThePrrate'S Caye, the' liti:tyittr; WantleVing Jett ; onnipletit to oneivolume.". • Waverly-licnrelarkr Sir Wl+lter Scott-, ramplet& ill five volilmes—pricelt: 50. ..e • ~ , • ' Also, Thomas Dick , A.r.ompleie*orks, tiolUmei bound in 4—vricti $2 SO. , '",•• • , N'(- .. ; carlisleiWorOli lker .4, 1145,4 : ARIONA.I3IO. Ci013.1)0„,,, • elorisisinio,lll pg!tt,:of Rept ;NO :Plain Otteria;latdat' style „bennet &Ike( and velvets: . 50 . pieces Bennet Ribbons,very Olean; new siAir A ill ' rilind 'op Shawls,' ,of eiFery.,descriptlon. ' ", mica' c,ravatee. dep., just received and offerineett the verY , li•WeaV 'cast! prices; J.A:, Shippeneburg, Oct o be rr 8,1845. - cAzinnwr,memaumrcik:l,,l.4-, , Trim Subseriber respisnifullyi inforinilhe , citizens of employ tovin nd • Its I ti? .4 Ito :lit? the ICA PJPI.. ma:_mtsiluttet ktit4gtijage,,,Linit, ip .gre pared' to ma hilfininite to orde r every n irrifcleW the'lineof••h_iaprofoasion.' Est • fur t S 6 ISeerkiititib 1 "Stinds ivq; n r jr,Es.. 61:isrEAn &a, lac:— patronagni confident that ho ten reqslez general , Decembei.2f, 4845 ? • • • I • t SMIIT,IIICOAIittit9 :VT! 4:71": • Fe R-L:B I 40k6 91 41Werjarel pine Gnyii.iiiittOcofits9ViilleY4Co4liiegOt . li94,M.Vbf'ksjiLbit ll 44iiiititMW4tetimlo l -Akthelastes. Wi kr e ld il m ilk . INUR .04'4f. , 4nd, , Bosod 'CI aps.? 01; , . 4 11 ER'on'paly. of-mon enl7o l oll l m caPe ~`. .111 r. • - BAAGAirrs.l3,Biti*.orgs.l". - f:: tHEAP'-GOODt•CHEAFGOODSi 'THE - CHEAP;I3ORNER CANIIIEBEALM OHN GRAY do SONrein ntheir eincere far thanks tolheir friends and the public, for the shard'Of piitronegpni ► eriaed ' to'a arils Ahern - , and iespeetfullgtuinottifoilliattFiflitivir just returned 'l'V'om ehiladolphiti -with.e.:ctreapl ,choice and fresh selection of Foreign-Ands-D*4 'inestic . DRY i 'DOODS GRODERIEtiAND QUEENSWARS, MOOTS AND sin ittit HARDWARE -and NOTIONS 'which'they will sell as cheap as any Noise in the county—being determined to take for their motto: "Sniall profits and etick salmi." We would say to all, whether they be purchaser-or not, give us a call beforo-buying elsewhere, for we arre.conyinced that you will not go from the store disappointed. Remember our store is on the corner south 'of the Post Office, and directly opposite the Second PrishyteriOn church and Roberts' Hotel.. . darnel°, January 280 so. RIC.HARDS his just received and .4X la now. opening et his old stand, corns or the' public square and South Hanover st,a new end eleß of ; ALM . 74 4 04)1D . Z. staple stria Fancy, consisting in •part, of Cloths, Cassitneres, Sittlinetts,Llnens,Gambroons,Sum mer Cloths, Vestings, Silks, Bombazines, Baor •ines, Lawns, Crape anti' Mous de Wiles, Swiss Catribries,Jackinet, and all ether kinds of Ales lins, Calicoes, Shawls ' Checks. Ticking, Vel vet Cords, Cotton goods of all descriptions, Car pet chain anti Cotton, Yarn, Umbrellas, - Parasols, Sunshades, Gloves, Hosiery, Ike. ALSO, A choice and well sileeted stock of Groceries, consisting in part, of Coßes, Sugar!, Molasses, Teas, Tobacco, Spices, Etc. ALSO, Crockery, Glass and Queensware of ottsvari descriptions and gualities, together with numerous otherartielmccomprising a complete and general assortmentall of which he offers 6,r sale at very low pricel for •cash. Carlisle,danuary 7, 1846. NEW GOODS! NEW' GOODS!! • FrIHE subscriber, thankful to his friends and I the public in general, for the support they have given him in his line of business, takes this method of informing Ahem that he has . cust receiv ed, and is now opening, it larg4 .and splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS , Consisting in part of superior Black and Mite Black Wool dye Glotlist.,krtslble Green; Cadet; Blue and Gray Cloths; - l)iumopd and plain Beaver Cloths; Biteltak,in, Tweed C;ISSIIIICrCS; ,)noble Milled Blue and 111 ink Cassitierest super plain, barred mid strittrd Sattinetts. from 37 rents to $l,OO per yard. -Parametto Cloths; 11..1i - anu do. plain barred rod striped A hymen; Cashmere do. cos. Bombazines aed, white and yellow iteJs,„Dolleoestrent 0 1-4 to IR 3-4 cents per yard; blenebod At.usl in, from 61 I rol 3 3-4, 4-4, 3-4 and 0-4 brp. Muslin. Cheeks, Canton and Dorskin Tlnnnels, Liney.wolsey, horse blankets, Mackinaw:oo. Kentucky Jeans, Drillings; volorell cambric; paper mu II ; 3..118; Alpneen; Broneba, damask, blanket and •colinn. IsLott_ edging,himsrtilfg_9, novel IM`e!” Swiss, jas:- onelt, book Mid Cambric ,lnctlra. Ilishop'strwn, long - Lawn; linnet, canthrie Ilandkereitielsi 1 - vinnens; Black - Italian Craynts - ;l 7 anty barred-silk do. stocks, 61/ swirders, black cotton, 1110111 . 111111, esslinieWsind Alpueen stockings, Gloves. "Antis, worSted..caps....Vestings,p,fazed Fur, seal, Vet vetteep and Cloth Cap, Also—A fresh supply of GItiit:F.IIIER AND SPICES of ail kinds. a Itivlt be still - sell at the lowest prices for cash. lit the old Stand in North Hanover street, one door below Messrs. Myers fgliaverst.lek's - DiTgStore. • lIENRY ANDE12..(51%7. - Carlisle, Octobei. t, 1843.—D. Another Chance for Bargains Selling otr at cast.. THE subscriber havine conCruiled upon a change of business, offers to his customers and the public in general, his stock of Goods Al COST, consisting of Blue, Black, Drown and Mixed Cloths, Cnssimexes, Se inctts, Cords Jeans, and a general assortment of I=l . Also . ; A Ipa Cashmeres, Merinoes, - Moos. do Wiles, Lioness, Calicoes, Gingbants, Silk and Worsted Shawls, Dress Ildk'fs. &c. &c. with a goneral.assortnient of Gloves, Hosiery, Buttons, Trimmings, &c. Also, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Caps Umbrellas, 4-e,. Coffee, Teas, Dye Stuffs, tic. To purchasers at a distance •and Merchants in the country, an opportunity is now offered of supplying themselves at Philadelphia prices. To any person or persons desirous of engni mg in the mercantile business in the pleasant Atnd,hettltity borough of Carlisle, an cipportosity 'is now offered, as the subset iber will dispose of Ins entire stock upon accionmodating, terms— *either for. cosh or for a well Improved farm In n good neighborhood. S. M HARRIS. N. B. All persons knowing themselves indebt. ear o the subscriber, mill - dense call and settle 'their accounts without further trouble. Carlisle, November 5, 1154‘. itirtisrapis"tt% - Loo k before you Buy! • DAVIDH. - ARNOLD, of the late firm of, Arnold & Ern - Stein, Hanover Street, oppo. site Coinman's Hotel, arlfskt; has just opened a new and splendid Ossortinent of FALL a ayl WINTER GOODS, 'consisting of black, bhie black, brown, green, - Uadut, drab, olive, French, English and Amosican gotlitt; diamond and plum beaver do;; black, blue and fancy Gds.', simcres ;.blUe, blaelt„t 9 r iscd, brown, cadet ancl , l fancy Satin'et and Kentucky Jeans; also Cos : , Itmere d'Copsconous-de4latnes, alpacas, Boni: 'mince s -black and Colored 'dress silks; calicoes, clookingty %%Mellen plaids for children's dresses, la - dtes end gentlemen's hntte,Oibet, silk, black and coldrcd 'embroidered =d mouse de laine and broclui sMiwle; gentlemen's satin scarfs'and cravats, stocks collars, breasts, &q. Linen cambric handkerchiefs, velvet ribbons, bonnet . and Cap do., black and colored mane us add satin do. , Also, ladies:andlentletricn's silk, Vidi atml anthill:Mid gloVes and_ Itteetat_bleached avid - broViif. sbeetings, white and - colored flan: ncls ' awtss;mull'antibucilt muslinsi hi - shnp plaid,strlpred;.'sambric and jaconet db.; all'ufwlll,Ch beeold at the most consort. able, prices for CASH. - ' He'returna-his thankiitaa his fi'ieada , and-'thb PublictffiC•the pationage'hosiowed ,on the late, firm otAtinalt.t& Einstain , ,imif respectfully sake, w , ru - Th — tdeliTtifrilfiaMe' ttmetti — hir — t --- 15C11; - . whic6 , lle,wp! Apciotiv.zool'peritz: by,attentloa, to business and low &Wei— _ NEW 4001113 - - jiiit returned .1 from the I j c,tl7 ivith' a freati l ve . q4mankoroDs;da, cone aiatpg,:t n part, pC,Plbtlia, Casa i ars. tittitiaatlai, Tweld4.'lCantualty;:laapa,;olalci,elbakipgih gio - 4.o.4 4 lfmi c iii ti 4i-ecibiluvi:C l oth•, ndaeri itki tbaat I am. p rid.eptcoa'bf ikindai ftUpTel ity!Nz, . • dio 24 9 _ - 01 , IfAST,' Pp RASE CHEAVGOOPS' I .- . . J. A. OLIPPINGER. has just returned and reepleeflfr,epi.thgetketett(eitlee; the meet eplen. dbfautattnont (if , : GOODS, :ever offered in this plech—to :which he would Jo-Olathe atkett (ten of etkro-hapecs. Hie steak is pteratod to offer the to-bd fouhif irk the'eastern inetketstittithatlitiaexitialittrtie itny other- es ish meott Xhaeguirt,,*!' j urchaao Rarely' n 111 01,n,c1 111 . -u it - Al IPA nglits - late bi pal: l, 4oN near the Roaci„Shi . ppoo-sbitrg. ;t , biliteinsburg, , Okstobets 0345. , • es, .VVOTlEll;,elioditt l fitikeles Week Boxes r., ll l4o,9l(ftgai*SW_Crlisentsi r-Tl.n349f4rArgim#. ,. :dect33 , : MU NEW GOODS. MEI " .4' l• -•• j r 1--.,p,Notkegs rfsZ,4 2 1 -• • - ,! • 1, REGIStER'S .N0110E: • . rtsanrrittes OrrricE, •, • .11 to iilrßerlynts terested, bee filed .1n lexa minati on by the. nttrric,4, and.will be ,present,, ed t 6 ilia Orneinri'Edlift'of cuti'beeltintlippitY 'fo'r'cohilination and alltivrence on .Teeidtiy the 110th - ddiof Febtu rY,. A. D. 1846. • - •." ', ,, 1-41.10,accoUrit of Joseph Diehl, Administra tor:of,Genrgc 11ar , ;ack, late of 2; ThViTedairt of Riidoiritlliryiiher,'Excenioi': 'of Mriglialenn COuntryintindate of Monroe town. ship. decealech. 3.. Thu account of Henry Rupp, Executor of Jacob Rupp, late of -East Pennsbotough town. ship (now Hampden) deceased, , • '• 4. Tho account -of '7eson W. Eby, ExeCutur of William Keith, late - of thcf•hurough-of , Car: lisle, deceased. . , 5. The account of Henry - ;2nyiiiir,•!Execi4tor °Hobo Musser,laie of Frank flird toWnoii 6. The account of lames- Anderson-, Admin istrator of Alexander Anderson, late of Allen tow nshi p, .de'ecifsed. . 7. The account of .5(11:n • Nowcomber, Ontir dian of Nifney'llricker, now intertuarrit,d with Martin Hoover. • 'B. The account of Tobias Decyalt, Adminie- Valor - ot William ,S. Smith, late, of Prinkford township, deceased. ' 9. The account of !ferny Bear and John rtjch, P.:tecutore of Christian Rich, late of Allen town ship, decoaged. • 10. The account of GeOrgp Knelt, Adminl9.. trutor of ttamtiel StillOnberger, loin of North Middleton township, deceased. 11. The account of John Trimble, Adminis trator of Martha: Trimble, late of Silver Spring township, deecosed. • JAMES McCULLOCH, Register. SPIEICIViii COURT. b) Y • virtue of a, virrlt from the Hun. Nlithaniel 1113 B. Eldred, President Judge of the 12th JAl dieial district ofTenneylvanis,,boaring date at Harrisburg, the Bth Bay of Qetobcr, A. D. 1845, NOTICE IS JIEREBY (MTN, that a Special Kinn will be held by the 'Said `lron. Nathaniel Eldred, and- the Amin - chits Judges of the Court uf Common Pleas of Clint. berlanci , coupty, at the Court House in the bor. ougli of Carlisle, commencing on MONDAY,. 'the' 16th day of February, IB4G, to continuo one week, for.the trial of certain causes cleOn. -ding in the"'Court of Common Pleas of Famber. land connty,4ll whicb the Hon Samuel Hepburn was concerned as counsel for,One ofthe parties prior 'to his appointment as President Judge of the 9th Judieial. District—and such other cans. cs as are embraced within the prmisions of the Act of the General As \ semhly,, passed the 14th April, 18;1.1, relative to 'the • orgiMization of Courts of Justice. Of said Special Court, Jul rove, and all persons concerned, will take no; tire. ADAM LONGSDORF, Sheriff:. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle. • Dec. 1(1, 1815. S rvoTic ALL perrons knowing themselves indebted to the late Firm of L. Relgel.& co. of Clinrchtown, Pa., either by book uccount or ortherwise,.are hereby notified to cotnc.forward und.fictile tlitir accounts on or before the. 20th .day. of Ilbruary, 1846 ; as aft,:r that date the books, and accounts ofsaid firm will•be placed in the hands of a proper otlicer fi,r collection. The books and acconuts of said fine ure at the store of J 1 & L. l eiKcl, Mechanicsburg. Meeliaoicsborg,, January 7, 18-16. IVO'Ir/CE. hlf Class under the care of_Mis. '3.S. Is. .41.0ur. and .Daughter, in Mechanicsburg, &Mies is ~senior in Nlarch. To 'gratify their friends they have taken a c'emmodions house in . the central part of the town, whore they can accommodate larger number of pupils.— The next term will continence on the 14th of April, treat. All the branches usual]) tanzht in Aradamics will 'be attended to. Voc a l and Instru men t a l Music, rninting, Drawing unJ Fititey Sewing, see. etc. Young !allies from a distance-can he accommodated with boarding; in the itEPF.RENCES—Rev. G. P. Nl.orris, Dr. Jacob ‘Venver, Dr. I'. Lon , . lir. Ira Day, Adam lire. gel, Ecq., George F. Cain, Esq., John Coover, Esq. Mtchaniesburg, January `2l, tBl6-3t. . • NGTICE. • - ALl;persons Itnorrrnrr themselves indebted to Adam Hiegel of Meebtuticsburg by Hook account, arc hereby notified to conic forward and' Fettle their accounts onr.or bellrre the let 04 , 1 of April, 1846. Illeolutnicsburg i Jnny 1, 18:1i A GREAT SA: !N0 MACHINE, AND NO MISTAKE.- ECONOMY THE ORDER OF THE DAY ! is A. , or cutting and 4 • I. g to. II w Welt autirelyobviairs all the objections here. tofore made for eluting and grinding or ernst ing Corn Fodder, &c. The subscribeva have the satislitetion of sonouneing- tlia agrietiku rid community; that they have purchased the right of nuinutitcturiitg and vending.the above Mentioned mitt:Moo in Cumberland county; one also that it is ih successful operation at York. Pa.' Every difficulty. to' its perfect, execution baying been fulls surmounted',. they, feel war ranted in stating that is the theta economical and excellantliivontiom of Oa de : titan. • the per. pose to widen it (is designed. For' durability and power it ban no .equal in the mahy chines predented to the_ piddle flu' the 53n/0 ob. jeer; and all scientific mon. much 'nista median- Fos and: farmers, who examined or tested it, I give their verdict in its fitv'or. Its superiority consists in Ala : that:it may be used by steam, i horse, water unhand power, that it is more ea. siiy kept In order, and it performs ittOeuttinK and crushing by the same operatitia arid does the work.. in a perfect primmer, It Pe- 4 •geleat .saving machine .both in ladder andiabor, as by the operation of it...the farmer Can make gone feed of the whole cornstoek from ita root to its top, as it cuts had grinds or .crushes the stock, so fine that horses, cattle, or sheep, consume the' whole orit; consequently,' it enables the fainter. te feed live 'bend of horses, cattle or sheep, to ' one'with the same quantity ciffitdder, and makes tidier andfilrunget.flinp. With. this machine -one man Can, cut corn fodder .stiftibient to feed iett : bead O . l,ert;tle in twenty and cyhen ettateliefi'lis Horse pritior 'CitrO s e grind and crash in Dicier' minutes suffittieni to'facd fifly .head-of-eattic—_FoEcatting_liay_:ok_stinw_them_ , • is'-'nothing con equal to it s For its,aimplicity and usefulness rat commends itself its 'onrcatothe, fatiner, and only..riktiitee to to sect? to be dulY: . appreciated. - , The.Maahiaa may be exambied 'and burbles '.att Of either of (he undersignedi.4l;:tholllough, '.6lanyfaalory 41,,1ae0b11-lOnine.,!town . ,'• .trhirictur4l?erlands,il t ounty,. youndary. • -"' :IA'CO W B"PtANK,'' 2- • • • •:, 1-FRI 4 ": r tailialeoGeeeiiihtii"l7; r84 01. 5 . ,tr. • • • r o 'l .o ,10 Olnr - Arar • • ,-No.-30-SO3lnt-,-.9R.CuivaAnittEr, , - Between Market. and Chesiiul, • .P.uti.finzt,tinAs' "NAVE eon . sisnitly - AA sale and lietatl„,..thic44.:i;a4,,,iiiiii.;;..l,4 r,•l '. Aeperllngla•tiigrCty.ian iheymn be bought, feibllshment thOilty• cannot be obtai ne d '';avab.l l evol'' A ' iret whleh,thi kicit l tive entT•taone 0 81 ' 4117'14 ' ' ' ' - '6'"et a tirneil.'aiiii - Aotity,lo2l`cir'thilc ire 141E10On - 4A d . .wl,ll be re% e _ - 111y.insitatcL.Sive-MEN-,,".!--iwymn -- • rblliolehilllePO9kilEorelits44 fi'4, l • of th e lse* irt 4 1, Af f oestent • e , t , 4 4.0 ,111 4, 1 1 • Unit FOR RENT. rirlHE subscriber offers for,rent, • • .t,he first of. April neict; ,theAT,,QH . V.j3,9OM,and hour, situpteiun East High . roleti' %Oben bbtOle-the Market House, now-in -lbw:occupancy of Mr : Charles BarniA, ANN , ALEXANDER. January . FOR e,XT. • • TWO BRICK HOUSES,iituated littiin • one pf the wurst public parts of carlisle., They are pirticularly "'•• • •—• Mirif' of . husibess, who wish to Wave 'their dwellings end stints. olnees or shopesin thi seine j any' 7 • JOIIN•II.!WEAVER. .*-,, f ,': ;FOR RENT. . • _ O grs •' T g (Wo-story. !rick Dwelling' , House, on High street, inimerti. ately upposft Dickinson College, now occupied by the' siibsosiber. It as two ooti Bind rooms on bath •floors, and_ a good.Kitchen,_Smelie House' and other out buildings, making iVii convenient re:Mance in a most desirable location tqr. a small-famith. or for"; Boarding :House. tbr Students, l :,Poo. sessioni given iMmdeiately, or on theit of A pril next, - Also jars other Dwelling HOuses on' West street near the College, caledlated 'fur small families.' WIII..B. , MURRAY. des 31 Ton IET. ' .THE undersigned offers for!rerft au moderate terms, five. neat and comfortable dwelling houses inAler ander's Row. Also, the two 'nett, fame - weatherboarded tenements adjoining thb public house of. David Blears. ' Also,tospbodsee on the North aide of East 'Author steeet, a 8• joining the property . af,George Heckman. dcc 24-3 t ANN H.. ALEXANDER. . STORE - ROOM FOR: RENT. - IM.HE Store Room, I n North Hanover street, lately The occupancy of 51r. A. S. Sener„ will ho'rented from.ttisn date-until the first day of April, 1846, on reasonable terms. - .Apply to .• . -A. S. SEN ER, or • • JACOB SENER. Carlisle, December 17, 1845. FOR SINT • rirHE DWELLING HOUSE, .!' BARN, and TWO LOTS of ground at the Nortll'end of Hone- :f r :1 vcr street, no v . ucCopied by David 'Grier. Also, FIVE LOTS ol ground lying on the road from Carlisle to Waggoner's bridge, Sr. ONE LOrislorth of Dickinson College, all the property of James Moore, deceased. The dwel. ling and nut lots will be rented together or sep crate, se will he most adviintageous to the heirs of-said deceased. In the absence of the sub scriber, Frederick Watts, Esq., or DatiieGrier, is - nuthorized to rent the of prOcrty.. Pos session given on the let of April next. ROBERT LAIRD,. Acn'r: de banis umi of James Mock., deed. • dee 10-3 t - FOR RENT. . three .story brick DWP.I.3.- .... 1111 !NG HOUSE on Soutb ILmover rt. • IN . reel, now, in the possession of lleut IS . s..lBitter.—Por - termc uppty to WM, T, MEE! MOREAUCT4ON . BARGAINS, AT OGIL,BI"S! THE subscriber has jos).- returned from Philadelphia and is now opeailig one of tho largest stocks of Dry Goods, Groftries, - Boots and Shoes that has been brought . to Car. lisle for many years. The holidays are coming and now is your time le lay out your money to' advantage. My stock comprises every thing in the way of lot.lo,iCassimers,W, onlens, Silks, v,u4tniereFi, Velvets, Calieoes, .ke,sfrom time most costly in quality, to prices lower li m o ever. The public is iuvitrd to call at - the:al stand,:East Ninin strect, four doors below the Maritet House, and opposite Martin's lintel. dec 10 CHARLES OGII,O V. Estate of Prudence ?liclincl, deed_ lETI ER''' . of on the e-t.ite of Prudence Michael, %%idols', late of Ca,,- beriaruf county; deceased, have been guild,' by the Regitner's Came of said county, to the subscriber, residing in Newberry township, in York county! Persons haying claims will pre sent them, and those indebted arc requested to make payment to kin 28, Estaia of lames Piper, deceased. LETTERS'of Administration have Igen is. sued by the Register of Cumberland rummy, to the subscribers, on the estate et' James Piper. late of West Pennshorough township, deceased:, Persons indebted to said estate are requested to make •itnneadinte payment, and those having; claims will present them for settlement. Ell JOHN PI l' ‘Text Pennshorough tp 1 • piny 7—fit* • ,Estate of W-illiata Low, deceased. T r, ETTER'S sTostamentury upon the - iejtite William Lotv, Ltha of Allen howl - ship, dgceastrd„ltuve been granted in duo fi.rtri tifitrw to Andrew Chapman, the evneutor thore.h,:awro. od, to 'Whom all debts due to the estate niiitho lurid end all claims ton it presented for nettle !pent •, ny 7 Estate of Elizabeth Stayrrian,.dti . NOTRTE it, hereby . given, that .Lettm s s4of Administration upon the estate of Eiji& both •Staymen,tate of Hampden townehip,Cum4W berland county, deceased, haviplieletrgritnted. Ihe aubabri her by,. the Reglateir Otattid cone tylti.'i; all persons knowing themselveri indebted to said estate ere reqUested 'to male payment without delay,,and those having dahlia cvlll prdsent them immediately, duly. .aUthenticatod 'for settlement. SAMUEL •coovEß, Administrates. Januar.14,1846.-6t.* ' - 'SIX CENTS ,REWARD; ADTA Y ,from . the sOhstriboi;' DO, the jut 27th 'Of Dccomber' last an' indent:o94 aP prenticc to the Shoemaking busitiese s lisined PHARgB g011(1AP. Ile Is 16 ortfirs of 'age, and 5 feet 6;:_or..B.inches high orbid any-body hiarboring orirusting sa, x bo iint - tny — accotin), 'tinder the iiiiialty.of;lll:lflin whfeil,*lll put in force. Jany 12,1896 -JOHN, VIII811:Bit.• Superior Cutiertz iiIST-receeived..ii full antortrioeet , l'Ofßedivisiv IN 'Una Wostoeholind pocket kavini'and'llazore& hick I* 111 be 'sold ' , cheap foe 644 1 or thi oitd. Book MOO of Alyea 'WC; ' • Narhies, • • . , IUST eedifiv.eilor;fecf pieces Ws ved 'Marl ries, ppeortedv; c?lorsvat...,,the Ictge ;•;,Dty,•,'Goode Sterelf.qticilee; jeley4 . • . VA4jii4g, ' ; IGATlECES•Tioltinviltotta -01„) Irmo 8 to 28 . coots perittall:lol6,rl77 Groceriesi , 4, and ` general Eirsortrnon Sa are 02 1 4 0 % Ouispee,,thori Aiwa .00,Y101ky.t • • 10 • • inn IN and v t e it, 'ti and-PligeVtkinv,.. d''olll4ollltigt.Dherelcdort.t*- I %44500 5 lit O n „Powde r • I 1"1167"14-4 oh w),4roil isor: r 4e a"the Thbmr. 61'A;MINnes at,tho 1 • jS 4 1 14 , 01,bioribet"R.IR Csrlusk redstVi 1, R. E; 04 4 ---, JOSEPIi Mcf.'REERY ANDREW CHAPMAN. Execoor BENI