Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 04, 1846, Image 4

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    16 : 1 4, ,i , r411 , .. , 6t . ey...r , ..A'( ,-,- : ; ‘ , 4 ,
- =- - ~~~lt~t~ liritreo u~,—_.
Moos Phebe. and , :gharlotte Paine.
InibARP, With fuel, lights and wnshing, will
ho Ihenishesl to young ladies u't.32 25 dui.
ing the summer 'numbs, : andl2 .50 during the
. . •
'lTlTlMsl.—Common Mod.
ice, no 'Cleagraphy, Iliairy, Grammar,
' :Arithmetic, Reading and tWriting, per
<lr. ' - t .$5,00
) 111,. ot
Aalronny, Algebra, Geomeirv, Nat.
areal l'ltilesoplty and tlrtglisliVoinintai-
Ciun, ••• .
izy„Rtteictric,!entailAnd Nloral PI)Ha.
iphy;•tlic languagon„pruyeing,
ing, involve, an extra tiling°, of '2,30
I#ssone in InstruinenLul Music, by
Prof. E. L. Walker, for un extruchargc
of 12,00
3 1c Tuitiqn will be reqluired quarterly and
the price Qf goa.r.d monthly in admire, and no
—alednetion-madofor_absencebut iIL (1/1 ac aaick-
-the botortfing schonrs, fha uon of
I M1:13
very excellent piano i. furnished without charge
and ar-stigenients Imo also been fruide for fur
nishing two of three additional If-waders with
- he ,grirtnitolpf pse priext books, if clesiied.
, The next quarter of this School opens
the &tit day eti . ttilUflry
. 111 . 1 Xi, and tieing among
lhnetl•who intitc.lind daughters in thu school
duriog Abe tort a
means of expresnitip to; the public, and, especial
ly to the titetetin of thin and the adjoining
count ice, nor full conviction that advantages of
a Very high ordrr urn licre.affortled for fhb tol;
oration of Mienen and pion ladies, such iii•
i;eed, an 0 e scantly excelled in the country.
intellectiltil Xraiiimg.gin-cii syst r einalixi
and thiirno , gb, Chile rlic mannore apil moral,.
of the pupils iire most eurefully *Melted nest - . u-
From taeiniai observation' and knowledge,
we lontirely confident, in tecommemiing this
rOlOOl to sH such an would secaro a suitable
- ulaue for udii-e,iting their d.ingliter,
M. U %Lin% ELL.
J. A. G ER E,
.101 IN MerAFFiti':Y.
Not. .G, 1 F. 4.1
r, R ims equarkable discovery has received the
approbation of the Mediral pro.
fcksion of Great Britain, and hen 'now bean suf.
!illy long Lief , re the American public tin Ivii
fair teat of its fewer end efficacy. The
_Patent galvenic Rings love been found to an.
e er all the for whip!' the ordinary
Galvanic Ihittory, or Electric nod Magnetic
machines arc used, hut aro w ithout any of the
injurious shocks which accompany the appli.
s talons by those instruments, and in. many
ether respects. are more ;ate, and certain' in no.
.complishing the deOred objeet.
-• The Galvanic- Rings used in connection
.with the Magni tic Fluid arc confidently return.
emended in all disorders. which 'Cris° . froni an
•*enicohleti or unhealthy state of the nervous. or
-,oital system, and their, complaints are among
the wins( painful and immerse{ to which we
nre entject. They arise 4vitliont exception,
from n u n simple C41.180-1' derangement of the
- nervous syslern , --and it erns-in these cases that
other mitiedies: bevingtaa,often:iliilcd,_a_inaw,.
I , gent was wanted, which it Is confidently be
.. heved has been found in the proper and judicious ,
implication of galvanisin. The strong daaes,l
and. et irregular intervals, in which Galvanism,)
is administered by the Mitehines, here Wren pro.
twinned after a fair and impartial trial, to be I
.decidedly injurions,_ vahpo the power as applied'
by the Galvanic Rings is in every way equally
' benecial, perieetly tufo and twenty three a!
The Galvanic Rings bare been used wttli
iTjet success iii all cases of - Rheumatism, acute,
or ch , onic, a iTlYing to the head. face or lint be;
Gout, 'Vic Doloreux, or Tooth echo, Bronchitis,.
Vernign, Nenoun or Sick Ittladache, Indigea.
lion, Paralysis, Pokey, Fit., Cramp,,
Palpitation of the Heart, Apoplexy, Stiffness of.
..loints,,Lumhagn, Spinal Complaints, Neuralgia,
General Debility, Deileient of Nervous Energy,
and all Nervous Disorders. Their extraoi•di
-4 nary effect upon the system roust be witnessed .
to be believed, and as a certain preventive for
the preceding complaint., they are equally to
be recommended.
The Galvanic Bands, Bracelets, &c,
In nutria COMplalfipl,.of a vet,- severe charac
ter mid of long silhding, the power obtained
by the Gellanic Rings is not sufficient to arrest
the progress of discus° and ultimately restore
ficalth. 'l'be improved modification in the
vanic Bch" Banda, Bracelets, tee.,entirely rem
airs this objection ; any degree of power that
ss reqiiirc'd can easily ho obtained, and na
nee tillich the mysterious agent of Galvanism
can effect, will fail to he permanently' relieved.
The Rings, &c. are of different prices, being
made of all sizes, and of various ornamental
patterns, and can tin horn by the moat delicate
feinale without the lightest inconvenience.
necessary accompanintent in nil canoe in which
• the Galvanic Ring!' anethclr modifications are
used. by moans of this .exteaprdinary coin
.position, an efficient action is rendered certain ,
cud the Galvanic. influence directed lo the apr
titular-pavte4shich-are-tilfected. The FLI4-ti
contains astliii.g capable of the sligliteat injury;
its application is agreenble,and it is an harmless
in its action as it is beneficial in ite,reaults.
CerOficatee from• physicians and others of
the highest charager ',and reSpectabilify, bear
ing the strongest witness of the extranrclinar2,
effects of these articles - 04re constantly acclaim.
hinting, sonic of which may be seen by calling
on the agent in Carlisle.
In order to guard agirinst fraud, Dr.CRISTI
appoints lint Ono agency in each town. The
only pluco in Carlisle where the genuine Rings
and fluid can be obtained is at the store of GEO.
• W. lIITN ER. All Mutations sold elsewhere
arc worthless counterfeits. Pamphlets can be
obtained t' aria cis atiova.
, Nov. :815. •
Cabinet ellaking.
THE imbecriber takes this ,method of in.
forming his friends 'and the 'public gen,
really that ho curries - ,nn the 'CABINET MA
KING BUSINESS in 411 ifs various branblice.
in Locum Alley, dirently in the rear cf.E. But
lock's Choir Factory Oh N. Hanover eh) a herb
lie keeps constantly ,um hand, and will Mann
far:tiara to order, 1.1 ,
Secrets. Ties, Bureaus, Tables, .
and every ollialiewiptiob of Cabinet %Vara—
all of which - I.e willt.sall'elic;ap for cash - Toni - 1:
change_ fur ..eopotry..idliduce at market prices.
exchange, fur. Work..
•Bedstead •Pontar•of nil descriptions and titre,
Tit lola ,Logr, Shag foi•YeniOan Illinds,.&c: citati
on Ihind'and for '• • -. . .
'POPE INS nude on ternin trattoria blo
'noti sir!' Nr 'attend ~ f lincra le wn.6
epllndid -, ifenoq,",ili , :itown . or codniry
d : A
Hearse wil l ; :
''' ih'cie 'of public
_ truni c.cPOndellkimit, wean ndor, general
ji - mationctiiire""r* J. - rt; .W BA re SER - , 4.
i in,,,,g,fie. Pr !t..'6l'.
CirCaltAwriercitet:ivist----- I INSUR.
- ' ": 44-i' A '‘'' '--
stitgt,„tAl r ;AN Y, PHILADELPHIA - taitiorire_
', 4,i, T AliCr, ' . .. - 1L",.1'14-i-o-rififink-biliPlitr.L.T.ttnentlir
- 7' — ,-' triffiiiritiv-iirgcoNcriPticm-f rg, i ra t 7.etia l it :
—:-_, Isklllel-61er ant of PreiTi ou the old pr he=
'AelMtbe.al2")filling businessemed the ?genre,
toupwise, „bar has gee r end , it to' t
c h Y'44.- TIO-411.11R7and "and-,recommend,
to rho old of
-7 taCP4PBO% sturirigr.,„ : . ,
'P . 1- 01ii"Imieg - greatly
and eecu ''`e ' Anti
'.: t'lg I ' " itealtgae
oilers -1
,2.Pflr'ili");Ot,111"414110-lea-41b letter, to"'
; ir7"-giiifult4iel
nil or 31.1, IVI Y ,; .'
'' - k . ,-,l: O TcP, ' CiiirilTPA I X: Pk ` J OHN"
'4' ,
„.„ -
".''TF'4l'4*.e.s-,ir; ' ; %::t'• tior 10i 10451 ' ,, .
~,='-7,,4 4114404411
~, ~ . , ,
541-'-17 ',,7, OI4AMT4 I•
•.."' r bisp,' 'try
Pt. i4,,,,13114aA '`four
. eldigtol.FAii„, .
v..,..,,1iirtge,(14-,R.r.....,,,,,v,.;,:,,,-, ~
~,A b - t•Teeit?o,er7 ':.,.‘,...:, :0-
go er ~, ,
..` r-','", ,•,--
, .
gi'V.OHN P. LYNE ills
UTriends and the public' gelfieretnitlint he hen'
removed his stack of iI.ARDWANE,CUTiIt.:
Y and' SADb LE RY ; the.**9 'louse on
North Hanover street, twa'ildeirtisol'ith or-the
'Poß"Office - and - ricarlroppusite7hicruld-standr
where ho continues to keep as"herelpfpre a full
and coinplete assortriiont of every thing iri hid
nc at „priers cheaper than' ever. • •
Cabinet Makers and earnestly invited to' call
nod examine a, splendid, Ict7of mAnogANY
VENEERS, pint received. Carpenters,. and
Builders will •find an cicollont assortmer'
Uwe - hes, Loeks, Nattrllinges. Screws;
every variety of Building Materials, at rei
prices.. Alan a e.tiw and superior aril
PLANES, warranted goad in every ree
Alan, gun and rock Paveder, warranted ; Si
Feet; for blaming rooks, Shot; Lead, Spi
&c. Windy w Mass of all sixes, Paints,
und..Varnisifesi Cedarware, Blneksuiltie
'lowa, Drilling.Mnchines, and every, vari
n r tic les-i rdwaraline—Personszon
eing Housekeeping will find to their ini
to cult hulorepuichasing elitcwherei
The books end accounts of thelatAii
J. P. Lytle & Co., nen in my halide, nue
sons indebted are requested to call end i
payment to save further trouble.
April 23, ISits.
yACOII I.:Ntflli returns his sincere thanks
it! fir past lacui s and it ishes to inform his
mietals and the pfdflie genertilly7 -- find — lte — Mas.
laid in if etferal assortment al IJA lilt WA ItE
Al ( • Will .1.1121' of all kinds; soad• as Ar. 95, of
three different makes; i•lafehets, — Dratving - Riiisma
of tarions makes, Chisels, and Cooper's Tools
of all L finds.. A Imo a large lisBoll4l3Clii of •
• Table eutleaw,
stirlt n• Knives nt,tl Forks, from the Cllrapest to
t,14 mmrt stipettior ceality I two, three and four
bladed pocket l'it'dves from corn milit to: genuine
lingers and other- superior tnnitufavture.,•
ten, sour -and other Spoons; limpet of al l kinds
Judi Size.; ever! deseOptitni M' Filen ; Horse
spa of differenrsizes ; wood ,niati bed strews
iltlivretit kinds. nod sizes; gouges and planet
.roes; cut, donhle Mid single (eons; Augurs,
black and bright of all sizes; also three-bitted
Augurs, Braces and Bitted the heat make; Straw
eolornd Bit to ; Knott, ehest, Clll/1)011111 /11Iti pad
Incas; Olt Tat s and- apnrables; Lynes Candle
sticks; brick' and plastering 71.011,18 ; Traced;
straight and twisted 'flutter chains; heavy and
light Spades and Shnvels; hay and manure
Forks, two, three and font- pronged ; Anvils and
ices; cast and silent. Steel; American and 'En
glish Miner Steel; hand, iron hack, mill and.
cross-cut ,Saws: Straw ; Flat Trims and
Tailors geese,Firelrotts, round and oval-v, rought
Pulls, long handled Fry ing Pans, wt ought iron
Hooks anti llinget, different sizes, and alto the
Cradle and Grain Beythesf
resole - oPinportnr - sfeetiindlnTertor to none--aii
sarranted good, better the trutyket cannot pro
, dime. Entire satisractionwill be given in every ar
ticle both as to price and quality, to every person
who may call at the nld stand so well known .1.3
IRIAAVare - Storei - lormerly kept tic , Lew LI • i
lan and nest door to Common's Tavern, anti also
adjoining Geo. Keller's lint Store. .
I Gall and sec the - oldfabbioned Scythes, hay And
gruia' Rakes, and varlomi-oilier articles which
we deem - it unnecsary to meal ion, hut cull and
eximlor ice voarsekes, nod remember they ore
warriinted. We arc determineA to sell lit
4re;illpr.ifits cud give entire ntisfuetion.
MaY . 2l, 1844.
Ssescrtiehanna 'Eine
; OR Zt- / .=
u rs`ralf:
i MI! IV. midersigneth proprietors of the Stl sqtte
-1 1. Minna Line of Cars and Canal It m's, return
their sincere thanks to their friends in Franklin
and ('imilierland enmities for past favors, mid
respectfully inform them that they are ttOW
prepltrlN to receive mid rut u gird doff) ,-) iu Tide
Witter C.IIIIh I,_
,_ _. , ._ .. . ...
Produce and- .47erchairdize
2 .„ .AND FROM
Philadelphia and Baltimore.
' , roam," will be delivered to any house in Phila.
de'phia or Ilaltimore to which their Boats can
lISVe Sines,. Their agents in the Cities SVC
Messrs. 3 i; WRIGIIT Sr. NEPHEW,
Vine st. \Marron the Delaware, Philadelphia.
Messrs. JOHN AlCCti,l.l.ql.l6ll & Co.
Howley 's Wharf, Baltimore
The) Will al 1I o receive and torMardolitilv, to
Pim &burg and Intermediate points. Freight and
Fa sincrgt pa also for the Norikand AVest_llrunelt
Camas. .1„ & P. MARTIN.
Harrisburg, ',thy 1,, 1844. l II.:
Wholesale and Retail Premium
N0.,-,20 Chestnut Street; South side, finur dam
- hclou• Poo, th Street,
Plll LA D UPI lIA , , EcTuur.r,v informsi !he-Citizens of
111.[Ctunlicyland county, that he has refitted
a d ripened the altove establislunctit, where he
is repave(' of all (knee to furnish Beaver, Nu
tria and Moreekin Hate, equal t.ti any manufac
ttired in this country. Also, a superior quality
of Cape, for officers of the Navy and Arrtiy, to
gether with Dress, Riding and Slfotting Cap
new and splendid style :of Children and
Boys' Caps, wills. a great variety ofrictr - Faney
Furs for Ladiber,
Jest rteeired pi4Steam Ship Great Wertern,
the approved stylarb`ff ,Lndithe niding Cats';—
also, it beautiful assortment •of Childrena'
Francli'Ca pa.
I am determined that my Hata, tn - poipt of
beauty and
,qmdity, ghnll not-he sopassed by
thole ofi any other, catebli•b me m . l n any cityin
the Union - ded3l6tn,.'
41 - 116NF . .IST,ING in part",Jtupt *nd Plain
' lLLCaellilifld Do, Enns:in, new styla:; Rick
'nl3 - 161'niii - Dottairinv.iligniini &Id lYlain A•l=
.ricrart:: rtttort •• stYle_batinat'Ailliiitind_Velvets;
611 pieces new sfylts . flonnot;flibbotio,yary chirail;
now style plain and fancy Shawls,
of•eirery'laseriptinit; I.aniesi,pravats, &a. &c.,
just reenlied and . offering at 414... very. loiker4
oaeli pricei "` j 7; At' OLT PflltipEg.t
Shirfilinsburg, 0bt01iei,11;11.84516',11-iC.::
NEW. --‘',. 1
i U 'i' rileel yodel 1. i11:1{ NE BDLERS
" Chriiii Hook soil Perloilielsl Store; "" '
Author's Onuglitrr, br Afary lloyett, I :4 rents.
The Heart 0; ertnskjil, by N. I'. Wi11ip, , 25; els.
'Tortesslhe Usurer, by N. P. Wiiii3„2s cents.
Atlienta of - Dsionseus, by !tutus thivres, 25-cknts.
Preeinonilii Expetlllion,to Orrgoni 50 tduts:" ."
Stories or Waterlop, l bpW:"}l. - Itlaxwell, 2.5 Os ,
Marrit's•NlelOtti 'site ic191414 six fur " 25 ..di•:„...'
Tho pries of'..Nelblifegilltit 15 II rustratitins, 25:
- Ever9 -14111 .1 , 5 1 .1106 iblifiv , editlotli l l3 , centil.-.'l:
. 'lll Sl l P lll,6l4l4 nCli,ng i r D tredifi 4lSta gs,tilryi rri , fl 4 :l,yliy l .4 2 i l st 4" er s i:.
I.4alits and 101(13 aof 5 Isl. -4 ,
~ F . e a it ,
Wilson, 25 'motif; . ' 1;• - , ••• , - .., . _
The Nisrnitis Po Leorierrs, or ; tiie Art, ot Pleat:
mg, by Eugene Site, 12,,,teeeti; -i, , ~„ , v,- .„,.. ..<
The Poet's Companion; awl' Itl6 mink 'Alcti4P
P l l* ecinialoing e , ell' o llowsble the In the .
,telisleleelteatramet 2177 7- `7".:7 - - .-...
Morse's.,Geovalitill` , Neils:No. .2,,25 coito, ',,,.....
: fk e tige l itps' g ri f: , , c a 4 l 4:lltedti a ne f s , nl7At.f . f 34 l , , l
Waverly Novels,b Sir'Welter Seblisotan ' acte
In five'veihtillea•elirfecil 2 50. ' , ~r- ~ Z.!.,
AlaOs rippal 0 eft i rste9Plelo ,Ircirlili 8 7004
1 o'l , l
?bool44l 9 VVent et` il4r 5,
Icle °4 t 145: 1 ' -,'. ." ,'". '
• t
iiruggiata, Dyarn,
1 •:•.?;!iii lora, Country IVleichants, and aid.
zator keneraity iavitadAn examine.tlio Jarga,
and e itditatvo tiaaattnent .•of
FIARpIVAAE, rdocitcti.
bytho anbacriElere;_who are iiciarioitted to keep
1119 lieat,c largest,- any Zheapeil itaaortmont .of
any in the. borouah.,'Eall anti, aeg , for your.
selves. , STEVELISCiN'Ar. frAFFEY
Carlisle; Nor # l:l2,l 845. - -
. .
I have just received d large ndaiiid , i ti) 'raj' fr
t atcick, - ,„„cau4itaittg-nr...,IIII.U_In_C•IibILIPS .
i 11.11r.FIJM Is./4 V. - aud
P A NCY ARTICLES, it hick I O'er either
sale-or retail, at the lowel4 priers. •
Maw 21 •11i.15,-
. IF'rices lteeroTed.
111(5_1(.:1VCS 12 ET AIL
-Ens aq-pror.t.rt lire
iutitud to call anti exatninu our
' 7 ' • stork ,o hinlv is now HI and emu
late, and is offered at pones
All low if not lower than any in thin market. .
Wetberall & Brother's AV kite Lend, 'Chrome,
,green attryellow, Niel sod Varnish lireshes,
Jersey 17Vi,,,10w I ;NIA, Linseed Torpeatine,
Copal ;fed Coach sroish, Litlistxe and Itedl.vsd
Whiting :Ind Parish (Ireen, for sale id
the old established •DrALt• Bonk sod Palter Store
Ctrlislt•, flee 17 North Hanover street,
& MERCHANTS are Incited t.,.4. r •
to cal and examineour stock of Med.
ic.ins,Paints,Glasz,olls, Vurnialres,
&c., &c.
•• • .
Herb" norlENtracta,
SpiCes,ground & -whole
Patch!. Medicines,
Fin!) Chemitali,
rum Essehttal
. Dyz-
Log and Cam Vdods,
Oil Vitroil,
Lac Dye.
Wollicrill & Porn Lead, Clii•onie
Green and Yelrow, Paint and Vnrni,.h I.lnts6c•e,
Looking Glans Plates,-lers4 Window Glass,
Tiff, oed Oil, Turpchlinc,roptil and Coach Var.
flash, Polished Plate Glans, Lithargo and Red
Lead, - Al' THE
New Wholesale Drug Warehouse,
N. W. - CORNER TENTH . AND 5/Augur
sm EE'rS, PH ILA DEL Pll A.
W11.1,1A cAmrov.l.L. CLA 1 TON,IMENCII
Octulier 15, 15.15.-3 m.
Jayne's Family Medicines.
AN additional supply of the altos's vnltialife
Metleitivs, Consinting of
V.‘pee.torant ,
Tonic Verittiftige,
01 Hair Tonic, • •
&math r Pills,
Carinint tis c lialanm,
Received and for sale by
• - .
• S..i.i.torr.
Agent for Carlisle.
Ball's Medicated Flaxseed Candy.
A T reque , t of many hi3.'custo•ners,the
sorrit.l. 1.:11 1 sun ) riled .his 111111111 S MEDIrA
TEIp rr.Axwl:n 171:1111P 1110 a delislitful and paints
hiti Xin'. tic van assure his friends 111111 LIM;
public generally that in its present shape, it pos
sesses all its Milner virtlies, and in addition
therreto, it 11E1IF tile great advantage of.being iii a
convenient and portable forrn.-"... it nOwillllbe sur
' .A
Colds sthrna,liron'thitis, ke, It itti a eseollent
s. for Croup-- eldhlren will eat it with avid
ity. the, subserilicr in conricle t, from the impar-
Idled sueeess'of his Syrup. that this Medicated
flans ed Gandy , will be illy instrument of
good to those tifllictcd with 1 . 11 , 11g115, Coldg,.ete.
0. I). IS ALL. Druggist
Enr sale ot tle Drug Stnre.of.STEVENSON
EFIAFFEY. Sole agents for Carlisle.
N 0.73., Chesnut street, PIIILADg.LPHIA,
.irb, FFERS for sale the tlioning assortfnent of
Jr FRESH TEAS, in abieh are comprised
the finest chops that bees been imported thls
soot •
400 chests finest Fader Soneliong .TEAI • •
500 (11 do Nine) ong do do.
500 half chests do do do..`
1000 do do Ponchnng do do.
200 do do finest Oolong do do.
100 do . 111ohea do do.
, .
• .
50 'do do English Breakfast do.
~ 100 do , do do Conngo flO.' -
20 eases Potiehong each contalol.nk Iwo 29
be. boxel—the finest black Tea thatbakbaen Im
ported Itir several years.
. ° 250 half - chests Cholnn l'onchong , 'TEA.
25, do • do finest .Young Ilysn indouble
-14 eases - , (id -do each;poptaining
--. - 'efcor 12 dr. boxes. -
•_._looo.ltoltebeate do . tlo . • •
do. do • Imteriat:lTea. .. •
io'oaser local Veekirig - .l4ortowderi",eaey
containing !I 22i .Ib. boxes.-
100 11211 chests, . • do ez. :Si
10 do tl9 fine* Componv
25 do do • •de Ilyson Twanlqiy.
Jo t .; ;
5 chests do Flowery. Pm° ~.tld.-"
23 !tall ehespr • .Oratige.Peeeci ;3;4'do:•,
:SO . , do. ,• do blackish learvi'4 , .,4lo;
oltrflutch Goveriirt4tit lora Ocifiwn
50, boxeCdouble and treble eennetllbstrsU.M2RSl
100' brls..erualle r d- stud polvoriyett,, - ;
500'inotiCosida. •'
5 barrels Nutmegs., -• '
hakes genuine
October 29; 1845. 1 ,172 .
- 1 • . C • 4 .
.200 toni Lime tiurnetra.Cool—PliieL'OrOVei
n do ;S : t do; : NY)lks44rtg,_
,Pine Grbro Coal; - •
/ 4 :T6i maleviii the Warehouse of - ttr.
• , P..uptsm..
~,Uarriltburt, /11i 21; 1836. •
— l:4ltlo7l4tiepilaTtitiiiiv Dye !
titialkdomilekinivhfr, Log Toog, tiiasil s Wood,'
Nifittigi*Mo64)sl4; Ova ;-flidigc4 XIII' Dye;
cochifieakniciddiecArit,Nerj,rlth Govy
nth,o ,
14„r 1 411 103 )Y. 1 0W,,b9., ,iinspatie
G®b ETII4O,1 9 1 1 1,4.1
• '4'
~24A:it6t8' os.-trOO'st'
Drugs and Medicines
Ntent NG(licineP, Merin a n d Kxtrarts,
Firm Chemituls, Spiern,greund &relit&
twuruinent I'OISCIICI3S.
rum Eseetuiel Oils. Perfumer), 2 1 ... e.
. Dye-6111.11"s.
. ,
Itur!gne*, 1 Lo ,, and Carn-lVoods
Alkl!kro -1 - 01 f of Vititol.
lirnzil VV004,... . I
Altuit, Lae Dye, - - ' - "
Paints and Varnishes:
. Prices Reduce I
• ‘-..
On the thelllittital, .lAttiple,
reduced to ne4rlyhalf : llo,vsaal rates.
. _
11113."thq . Ant 'Of Incorporation.l c;,,steck. in
•pledged for, tho payment of artY . ;tosicis
.wlii6H the , Coin pany 'may' anathl And' a iati
additional jecurityto the ''aseureddheiiet re
;qui' es (ha t the pntlits of the business Anil be
funded and remain with 'the vorporation, - ha a
guarani ..e and prorectionto the itierted against
Joss. This fund will be ;represented by scrip
issued by the Company, benringintereht note 4:
tom:ling six pfir cent. per annum. The insured
are •entitled , te , n-prirteta , -shafe-ofthelitofitsnr
-the-Company;-analwill-receive—t4 . •
of the aformia id fund in strip, widen the
amount of canned premiums paid, by Irim,..zbears
totho o'redrne4 piociildme and ntipital
ThesSerFp thus, issued, to bo transferable on
tho• books of the Cotiipany as stock.
No divide - n(1.1)f scrip can be inodo when
the losses and expeniee'exceed the amount of
earned prenilums.•'
.Ite insured are protected from,loss. at the
'customary., rates of' preiniums, tatthout any
individual liability or responsibility .for the
losses or eiponses 'of the Corpofatiom The
osSurcd. have all the rights of inemborship, , --
can vote at nil elections, and are eligible
Direetore of the Corporation.
Thtssubserther has been appointed agent for
. C . ordpanz. end 40. tunt.uuLpvincipl e .
is superseding every other mode of Insurance;
ho would enofidentlyrecommend it labia friends
and the puthc.
The North American Company has gloved
their Agency. Those having policies expiiling
in that office con ,have them renewed in the
Pelawttrc. Company ou much snore favorable
For full particulars enquire either by leiter
or .. .person to JOHN J. MYERS.
I Charier l'erpetual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paidin
Of/ke 103 Clyinut street.
- 11fA10E A-Yer,eit he rpermane orlim
iterlogninst 10140ot-dam:lv by lire,on PRO PF.RTY
awl EFFECTS of-evt ry descriplion, in town or
Conntry s on the most reasonable terms. Applica
tions rondo either personally no by later, wt II be
promptly attended to.
C. N. 13 AXCKEI: Prear,'
Rates of Insurance Reduced !"
Brick or Stone wellinv or 'Lorca
l'rom26 to 5 p etlepos
do' Cll3trilles' • 9.i to 3 do
do do Taverns S to 4 do
do do Barns 4 to 5. dh
do do Stables (pri.tate) 4to 5 do
(10 do Stables (public) 6to 7+ do
do do Grist Water
Power,V I 7,3 to 10 - do
VU,.././., I MX.
Me: dr Stone dwellings nod
1( . 001 . 50 to 40c $lOO (.auks
do. clo Stores anil Merchan
dise 35 to 50 do '
do do Taaerns antiFttroitor. ,
40 to 60 do
do -do Barns and Contents
• 65 to 75 do
do. do &Mile, (public)
do do Grist Mill and Stork
75 to 130 tic
Frame and Logilwelllngs and
niture 50 to 75 do
do do Stores and Merchao
' dine . 65 to 85 -do -
do dp Taverns and I , urnittlyr
- 60 to , loo do
do do Barns and Contents •
Dikte 100 do
do do Grist Mills and Stock
- 90 to 100 do
"I • he sithacriLer it agent for the above company
tin• Unrlielnitl•d its t'iuitiitt•. .All applicationaloi
assurcticu ctlhcr. by, mail nr ttet•arm:Allr will Lc
pronipth attended to. W. I). SEYMOUR.
.110,4 , 12, 11145.
)1 1 .11' Allen and I..nstpetinsborough Mown) Fire
lllSllllLift,Companyo(Gunillerlantl County,in
corporatml by an act of Assembly, is now run )
auu zed and in operation 'miler line management of
roi low iu g cmumibsioners, viz:
Staff mun,ineohShelly,Wmit nocgaa,i.en is
Inter, CI. 61,1 'no 'ritzy!, Ai idt4o_llooyer i Llunry
CoAfin. Benjamin ILMusser.l.e% i
• NI eArl .J acni, K irk ~.A1 elrhior Itrencipan and Sam'l
Pron ell. w 6n r6sper% itlly call the ant ration of the
citiaens of Camtberla litl and Yea coutitiebto the ad-
Tantwges wink tlye company hold out.
The rates of insttranee are as lOW and favorable
as Company of the kind in the Shp. Persons
wishlog to become me.nbers Are 'knifed to make
application to the agents of the company tt ho are
willing to wait upon them nt nay time.
ItlicitAt.t. !tomtit, Vice 1%14441(4'H.
, Ilyri., Secretary.
Michael Cocklin, Trea surer. ,
.4 GE. TS.
icharl lion vol., (leneral Agent, Mechanicsburg.
Rudolph NI I'l . ll in, N. Cumberland too nship.
Cocklin, Allen township. •
WAN Comas ' Ali,
Christian Tieccl,
• trr - elltutlitii. - A - .
Peter Ilarnlmrt,,nal
David Mat tin; Chin,—
C. 11. DormOn,
henry Shirdmanstow'n,
Sinion Oyster, Wormle) 'burg, •
Dr. .Incol..llanghtuan, Carliele,
Jacob Kirk ,Gt.neral Agent for York Coutim i New
Cumberland P. 0. . _ .
Henry Logan, Vol k county. .
John * Shop-rick, York county.
John Rankin, York county. ,
. .
'Daniel Roily, York County.
J. Bowman, York county.
Philip Ilreckbill i ; Cumberland county.
Robert C. Sterret, S. Midilleton township.
Other agents will Sc added hereafter.
3Uly 31.1845. tf-4•0 •
alutual P rotection foney.
incorporated by an act orthe Legislature of the
presentsession, mid fully organizedand in . °per,
ution under the direction oI the following hoard
of Managers, viz i--:'fhomis C. - Miller; John
Nionre, David'W. M.oCulicingit James Weakly,
William Moore:, Samuel Ganiraith, Thomas
Paxton, A. G. 11191er, Philip Spangler, Samuel
Woods, A brahitif•Knriz. Georee'Brindle, SOOtt
COYle,ciall the silent:ion of the inlialdtants of Coto
keriand V ‘ alley la theclicapness of ltar rates and
the many 'advantages whi oh- pis- sind -- of, inset-
ince has over any other;
• tst. Every person instired.dmeomel - a'.uszmher I
of the cemonny and takes ;port in the cho ice
e c f
OR s •is and the direction Cl. its concerns: ','
, • 24.. Foy i nstimnee no - more is:ilemanded'than
lineeessary to meet the expenses of: the Company
U,:sil indemn f itzugainst losses witicionay happelf.
•,. EMI. •Tlie heotivenienee of frknentranietrata is
avoided: by insurilig.for rt . :tern), of live yeire. - -;.
Out Policies can
,ke takes:vier any iierieit friiii
,Infeito Poleall. , , ',,, `, -,.- •• c: ~r , ' ,-.- - ' ' .'1
..'", ,, 4th: - Any perion'' aiiplying lei. Insn'iane`e Twit
give his preminniiiiitsilforliii eheiMinit' clan at
e au rntoof five per.celitum, whichwlll lie $5O oit
t'te'Stoao for 4,01gh..110 rerillhhave to:,pay,,o2ou
for 6 f teara antr-$1,50 rdr.,lFlle,iie Y and,PPIICYP
11111(1 no , nu 4.4, unless; loss he sustained to ingreater!
I Po 3o 44o lll l ll 4 o, funildli•Onhanqs , w44:oov!r,e,sintl.
then arae.e. fo
- wl is, reispireiltiiis iia pro rata
, .
"Share. *I heso rates are 7, mush cheaper thipitire,
'cirntili iiiitilr4 ll l , Wox o PGStlcifit is *rill fiecirPor
ated•nn thOsamenrineinlet;, . ' -',..-,, , . ', , -,; :. y
~,, • ~ ,-t , i 4 ElflOS'ifil.J.All: 2 ;ri:ort.
' A ;,.See''.Y.'lf ' '. ,. e , ',. :i . , : ''' . .,:•,t, , ' - ::'1' il, : iii.
I%li - following 'gentleMenAhdy, -- 01?eTti - ass,joieil
~ : -'„„, , - ' :AGENTS l',',f- 4 - - ,4', ~ I , ('‘ i i•
, -•,tiai, , .maholoictiikt - ::-.,,, t. .. 1
:r. - c ,, moot KeinunlyyEsq.l , ,Nefrilleo 4i , ,:' ..4i.,:,.....
.t7aithgritrilhlitil.; ~s , ItollroP7Tlt ,, ,'•.:i‘ 1. , .
- 7 ± '" - " - CiO nenlo / 1 19 1 04 i1, 1 ,0 4( ii,,,W ,t , - .75
:,licotinheent, l :.. - ,,, -, 1 ..:-.,*%7 • ?I• *' : 1 . 1
.r . ,- . ;') L., ii. winiaiiit,gett.:Wyttiltinnethirii o. -31"'
:: * ; l ', James Kyle," Ne*tan.''' l.. .' ~ . ' ~' ': -; fr.,fp ,. ,:'
:::' GoL.JaI. CliestoutiLen'a.X,Roiids.;;;: & ,`,,j,;,ii,
~ ,, c'i,, l nc:l‘4;•melinit;Fliklte'burp,.l ' ,- : i,
'''-' , ' , Jou;:,lifiiiser "SitriNeCCuitiberianit, 4 ';''', '`..',-
h l o ct . s n 'tgp ri :
. 1: , ::,: i, l:'-'',i,.
: kl - .,:,•:-'.*'k . ” . : , ;'i?:r . : , 'Y':• - ,=.:':,...::: L .!';'"'.:•'..-.';`' ,,, ,'- ,'
i;- --, iititiOß4i'' .'':'l'-ii.--;':.i.ittli.tit
- -
,said;,; •
iitat no orki - lin' —
iyer been eirstiecess-• , •
TM in ,-compounding ttf
, • meilissinaLwhich.lias done•so
to relieve the hunian - Ilintily, to rob
" disease f s t erro re, andto restore the'
lnyttlid•to healitratid comfort, °stile lucenr
for and Propriet nrcf that niosideidi,veilly pap.!
Mar family medicine Da, tVwxyrta's - COstrouxli
'Sytreur 'CiiEnni, and none has beeMso
10 1 grtilifitatrOlt -,,anti,othr.
era,both in this country and in. kurOpp,.nor laws
there - ever 'Leen so great an- effortAtir th'ihort
space of only six or seven years,si deceive:the
credulous anti unthinking, by .puttmg-mx-Nost
rums of various kinds, by various - individuals,
allixing the tonne Of Wild - Cherry - nail iss much Of 1 1
the flame of original preparation screen
them,from theists!' oil heend one of the
nos ors w to pntsout t m COIIIIIIOII paregoric °idle
shop and call it the Ralson of Wild Cherry has
had the impudence to caution the public — a - gig
the' Original preparation, Dr. Swarm s•Corn-
Pomrd sirup of WildC h crry, Who,,h. Is doing so 1 1
mu. ii, good in tlie world.
And purchase none but the original and only
genuine article as• prepared by Dr. Swnytte,
which. is Ike only one bompotmiteti by a regular
Physician, and arose from ninny yetutj'elOse at
tention to the, Practice of,' the Profession, and
war)) lead to this groat discoyery. Thousands
Auld tens of ;holt sands of the hest testimooinls of
the unparallele(Vanecens of Dr, Swayite's Com
pound,S) rup of W Id - Cherry fur the cure of
Coughs; Colds, Spitting Blond,- Liver Comniiint,
Tickling or Biting in the Throat, Nervonallehil
-liy4l'l enkness.o43_aiea r -Pa ipi i on-o el) 'sea ett-ot
the Beam, Pain in the Side or Breast, ileOlten
Constitotion from - various causes, the abuse of
calomel fire. Bronchitis, 'Asthma, Whooping
Cough, &r., were- declared. to-the woi , hl years
before any 'other preparatiop at Wild .ih err y caine
out The most skeptical t?ray satisfy themselves
as to the t( h_atlie.above:'lty
Judindelphin. '1 lie genuine article is prepared
only by 1)1.. Swaytte, whose office has been re
moved to N. W. corner of !lilt and Race streets,
Philatla. The Balsam and tither spurious aliT
elcs-of-Wi4tlfiherrrhstreliit2Eil soft and
out, and the proprietors are obliged to reams to
Falsehood and Stratagem to make their own nut
of it. The genuine article is put up in plain
style in agnart bottles. entered with a blue
xrupper,witi a yellow-label with the proprietor's
mgnature aTtwelied.
The Dohlie are
. requested to remendx-r
Odd it is Dr. Swayne% Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry, that has midis repeatedly perform
ing such mimrulotis efires of distims which hove
hailed the skill of the Prufes..ion, and art nt deri
sory the whole catalogue of Parent Medicines
NSllkil are daily pulll.ll through the °epos of the
- press. - Therefore ink for nc. Swnyne's Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, sod purchase no
other. ,
r:1-Sottl in C,nr'isle iv 'NIXT.IIS IlAi'Ell-
Sl'll . ;K, sole Agents fur this hormigh. •
Febrnar '2, I 34.5.
PERSONS In Philatlilphln alone, ,
can testify to the wonderlid nfileary
of that powerfol remedy, TDOMPSON'si
WOOD NA P TRA Rend! Bead! Aston
ishlitg cure of Chronic Bronchitis!
Philadelphia, Mar 231844.
Mr.S—Tnomrsox —Dior Sir. For iPhre than I
foul years past I had beery dreadfully afflicted
with tin offeelio nut the throat, which me phy•
richt) Pi ontnineed Chronic Ihonrjgtis,' caul.
cd hy ‘ repeatedand negltetcd colds. The
tress suffered is intirscribahlti. My.thrpat was
littcrally raw with violent coughing, so that'
blond would come ft out it; also great (mores.
;don, pain and tightness ht the chest ann fever
plinrt all the usual pulmonary, syrript,ims
shoWed themselves, show ell themselves, ea nsiny
entire loader ncocssary repose—my throat was
leached and blisterCrl over and over again. I
made trial ofevery known remedy, and at dif.l
rerent - Periods Wed the adtiee aids ply sicia no,
and all with no - avail. About tiroi months i
since I.madejriedoryour Compound Syrup of
Tar end W. .o
Naptim, and before I had taken:
the first bottle I felt relief. I conttnued until 1 j
had taken seven bottles, which completely re.
moved the disease andresture el me to perfect
health, anci,l firmly believeshould riot now
he living, had it not been For voile invaluable
medicine. J \NE PERRY,
123 Spruce street.
Principal office, N. E.qmrner of Fifth and
Spruce streets. PI ICC Sll rents per. bottle or
itzi per dozen.
For Hale in% Carlisle by.STEVENSON &
January 21,1844
I DErEnnat.
TIIE peculiar pro
! perties (dila., spiel,
I did OlL,rentlet s it a
tiecyssary appendage
to every lads - or gi.-ii
tkm.., toilet. Un
like nil other nil, it
does not soil the hair
but Bites it 11 bril
liancy. and lictility
unsurpassed.- II pen
etrates the - minutest
pores, giving to lb, r
dry withering bull e
new" lir; 01111 VlO,OO,
opening lie 1.011111114C11,and• securing thnt lienittiy
tone and notion no 110001,51111 10 the presurvatiihi
or produrt ion of -a tine-lima of hails ,
Solditt No. 2 Fifth MllOOOl, ellitudell.lllo, nnd
by lito l, 4i2r-PYrr re , ..1 '''i .etatt-So,et-s—....SaiL
iy Carlisle by 'S.. F. 1.1,16 1 -1.. ' • .
. October QS, 1844 ..
Pension and qexteral Agency.
GEORGE M.yuiLti's, Into of the Tress:
ply Dept 4inent,liar opened en office in this
city, and will attend to the prosecution and
Collectiow_ot before- Congress-- and the
several Executive . DePn ttmems of the 'Gov
eminent, such- as pre-emption and , other la J .
claims; claims for invalid, navy, Revolution
widows, undimil-paypensions; lot Revoint' 1 7 ,
'ary services, Whether for commutation; ltalf-pn . y,
or bounty lands • for .services tinting the lust
war ! to the settlement of accounts of disbur
sing or other officers .of the Government
to the interest of bidders for contracts; ob.
Miffing remission of lines or forfeitures (Or abet
gcd violstions'ol'tbo revenue lovi . r.; collect*'
of private claim's; 041111 blisiness.broughille.
fore Cengiess or the public offices requiritt
the services arm. Agent. •
Charges will he' moderate, varying accord:
ing to the, nature of the tinniness. -.All letters
must-bc. Post paid.
G. M.T. will also attend to thesale and rent.
'ing drhouies, lots, 4c.,:co4oction of rents,
negotinting-kans. .• • • • ' '
1314/3311L.Tr"dt. sztrOrrliza
.scluih-Eighth .street belowAtarket-ifir-PITILA
• • ,DELPIII4, 46 , pits for, .
rivE , :allention of. the . iiSubrili'solinifed' to 'a
-1;--pkrf i cct-nrtic4 of. Ti ti. 011014.14 1 E A - PE o '
~by,„ikki entirely. ne* process, for
fetters - Patktkt Jowl? been riceireal;A.bieli
'pintos Ilkenpigkei okr'tike likstild'islift in even coat
;cf The adrantag - md secnred by
rcodering io ;soft lilt Cal;ly,ozitlatill!km,ol4l,l4
iwcetifill''aikti=olorrnsire;lky plating,,ssitistin
strength and
proton ing she clicatiness the former metal-oil. ,
impaired-urn too' obviOns to re.rikkire .contment
Great perfection Inksing_hecara,ttakkabd in the man.
unictur,e; the, sgbacribertrartienible'd teks:dier 'this
stipc#9glirtiebr4ll 'nice , obar . geft for'common
lenut Pipe; :41rpritie sold b y nits arranti d 'not ,
to buret or split. five Irony flaws; vießles ;•fie• other
iniikOrfcetions perfectly: uniform in thickness, and
not, insrpate . oo 10;41 hr . Sikpofony other Olen
-1-T-,-14EAIDP,,1.whteNtio•chit‘rec ttiik oportor to any , Wt.;
,§11:'!” the : ww lt imii,, 1 941: wiiialis.wv will ;Bei, le!•
iS.peeimmis of
411:10K -4 8•Tiii Slidtiiii'Mablheos6rokpr at HEN
isinnyttO lib
9P.4 stlioiixEdA o l l 4 lt t"C:
',l•:mkpla 3 / 3 1ZA 3144)31,m§,ami1:.
pmi foi•:Poe.ojr,tiio:hoiiee .'foe: al :sties .R4pr,
tr-Y.IbUArAL UE: 'll EA t4TiT t. if,eo, you.
fiiiciAliii! , ftiOrSolloivingpi*re' P .-
Intreet; beet And most efflks!!ziotios In alreetions
14'90,4 to.:all,loto:.gtownmei*Otol:Woivo -to Ilse
TETTE - lt - AND.ITEII OR ['MEN'''. •
• .3)11...LF.11)Y'S
TJ~ciee,ire 9u etlis_nes_uniArtlidiy__know.n_a .
- employed throughout:the:United :State.4lllexicti,
the 3Aest. Indies; Ete.
Prepared as they ere,'hv Dr.' N. D. i.eidy, e
regular l'hveicinn, nttefilrti lo by Chapman,
Jackson, 10 ibson-,---ll.urnen - -Hare r Pliyeiek r eox-,-,
,Dewerie, Jones, Rev. W. Rob*-t
A drino, L: LAX; 4. L. Diddle, &ei kc., causes
6611 to he emplo, ed with ntore , .iiinfidenee'then
enenteines prepared by the tuiskilful and . ignorant.
C LDY - •
SA ifs : A
13LOOPT. Ptt
, . ..
are the ottlyartils in existence contsinifig.Snesn
purllia in,thei4tual were ilk. firsrever'harotlueet
by that num2,.
itrefutretl,by other-stalled 'll'nood
he 'oilfired on to the public on the
retituntion of "Dr. Leidy - 's only true and gentiPte
Sarsaparilla limitl'illst" • Take cc other than
Dr., Leith's: for diet the virtues that
ran a coinitincal in i',lla, ahe titer ns a purkolive
or g'citeral juirifter of the blanch nod fluids in the
c tlyafimirintt restraint from oevityntionots
teal course c.f lit lag, or fear from e;posure, and
may he' entplot ad with equal safety at-all times.
icy YOUNG AND 01.11 A'Nl.) PENIALE...`r*
In ndation to more then rile hundred cretin
enteslinsing- been heretofore imblishetl, their in
creasing sides and th•nunid is strong - proof in
their Ins nr; more than our hundred Hoses nee
sold daily sit 1)1.. 1.0(1 , 1'1.11e:dill Empnrium, and
tlontsninls•thrtinglmikt--tins--11;mitetl-Stnirs. . •
THEY COST - Du - I .- 23 CENTS A 110 X.
And you Pill take one or more, as may be Tweet.
envy, accm•ding to )011r disease nod the length
of time afflicted, nitwit tummy will he saved in
divines Lilly, and instead tri log the various
Quack Pills and other• medicines forced upon the
public by &l ac reasoning sod manulitetured cer
CO Directions in German and.Engitsh.
Vegetable Worm Tea
ilesidesbeink liee safest. 1:::st: :11111 1110 Si ern Hind
dement el ol norms inin in use. Tlionsmuls iu
ns elfil•W here, I.
it, AS it lies been used in niunn,i cscry oilier Inm
ilv in Pennue . el,unia, N,Jcl sey, IN ! a w are ,
Niuryland, k^ ke.
the great exitettse of itoJblisitiog''ette
ti nettles 01 it; etlioney,•De• sng , e m to
those oho -have"f.q of,,i it, to .0,1:
bore.,lllo 1195 e, to falls sotittied. •
P 1111,1114 that tniq't.• intll . lltlUVe lb%
111..11' mlirs a ill lie. r 119 t. MIA pOler—
lis SU pIP2i.,II—MI Sole k raro ear ilith4sll, nnrl
seam rfrrolnin I.
fl is put nip in. 1.; urn.e. 4.. rain palilles.
- t•
Totter and Itch Ointinents,
Never Gals FUNIIZ - Wit eiSIIISPSI ni Ie ;.kiit. , fiet:
as , r,• tt ,„•, 16,4, 01,1101 1)1 . 3 anti. SVlliery
pillll/1:s qf the I:llne,Nut k :tint
at ho 3 ,'td In toitivr:
Ties; bpni3l - of revsrk - , nui titmilius with nt;trir
tifleled stir in yr
Timus.o. mull train to Of •
isat lirl f11.1v111 . 81, in itnlai•hing-ti,cic naau•e
connexion a 1111 the ili..t•Let.”. of the shin, R 01 1 ,1• n
Lie) ear erg n ron<idrnd disgrnevini, 1 ,icle
!icing 10ta1.,11, and di.wtgre•n6le. 't•ry it-!---les
it- . 49tey it '"
2.; CTS, PI;It 110'1711
Met' dated Sorsopol'illtti, It( t h e strongest per
pnr.,tiul; of
! 4 111,11O11•11Ill 1,111 , I. n, Iron Orr',
te'ttl In•th hi its efl ' el 111.11 211:11
10$ loot t ki lig_the plod, o1 ' (t11 elltet_preporolinos_
'tedium(' 61 its etne ..111.11.1111.1•T . MIR curtiftrott••
being poltli , lted :con, 1101, beeottm/-
.c bottle ht log rrviol
1 1 1/ .01,11, Dr s ; rii i , of
Or M. 'roll!,
of Bl,}' other (41rtei it is r , ,,((qtte'Ay ;) the hest
ond'eliestpest,e,quiriog I,s, to he IA( it,turd cpot
ingiessbeit mol/1
,tTj I oil .\
31. t-. 41 'I norr. It, TI I
$ i for Sic Itottl/ A.
is pn, tkularly downit folell for All
tatait alreetions Ulect•oui Sores of the N use,
Theont ot• Ilyde ; uses of the Itoncs; Disco
ses of the I i , t r, Longs. Spben Atol ;
Allectionm 01 the shin, cc n eAt of /IQ
and wt.! •ry pimples of the l'acc..Nart: and nod"
SOV01111:1, ./liscr.
fi7on the 'ow of Intl ennui and other Initterols,
N • cAtm I Al A fre(iions, Hs r ell as the
greatest . purifter of the Mood and Flui(ls of the
WO' that has ever been di - diner • 1
e. ,e 1 t the proprietor., nlft4fs to rr•rll the
money lilt I tiitutot y prpor of its inefficacy,
HOC Of his asseellnos Arno jog. ot.oute.
• frf.R.Putral Defint for Ihr n! n e nwiliciars, Dr
Leidy's 111x1111 Emporium No. 191 N . ntl .St..
near Vine St., (Sign of the f frthieti Englc and Set
punts) Nhiladcll.lnn. 1.. 1111 .ISl.l'.
cloher 15, 1E45. *
cAuTioN To.
I. all .1,, world lake eet ire , unfl he careful
the [Tiig - pr coated', Impriived-Intlinn
epqahlello, uelesse%ely box. 1111/I on it the
Wrltiqlll BigliatUrt: Of the oriw eel InVentor awl
patentee, - • •
.13enfiuni ,cnzith, „11;
These' plinisa lit Pills possess powersto open
ALL (he 'intim:it drains or ilir: the
Lungs,'lciaileys,S4in and llowillPillitherto un
known in theiprzietseelif Medicine; sodas° com
plete kis heen'their mer all other infeik
teines,Lhat many hare been led to suppose they
contain some powerful mineral; but upon einm-
Motion lit Doetors Chilton, Randolph; Hunting
doiyind 'citheis; thisAtilmosition is at entep proved
to he groundless.
S.cll(1-.111 New Yorkisit,Thr - prineiptil dfflce,l79
(freePwich street, and 2ilF9 by MYERS "Ez.IIAY-
KiRSTICIk, sole Agents foe Carlittlei
Ilultimore, Pcli.• I MI, .184.5.
Dr. Hasp ‘,..... A tOlrems, -•- •i ~,.. . e.. • ,
-, Flirt. --The bni of Dr. :Ser.ithi Segni Collie('
'nips:de . ..oo intlinn, Trgctoble Milts 1. purchased of
You, ijektet.tro„montlis psst,,l ibuml in their tip
, pliCit,tion ie. nej :. son-,lof ebept IA .3 cars oCoge i l.,
the most , h A ppyalbet on'tliellystem:• He had been
101 some yearh4e6y,ttelicake in liesslth;,,,enti,seryi
00441 i mAliiitit to- retpt; ,04,.•!!111,111, In ,stspeji;io as
to:iir'eate,tilarttalir, his futeralienitli.;;.4eil, Pr.
two or three yrars •We Ni to keeii.hini Trent
'sehoul_the mosCof. the-time. - I,tim•noir frank' o
Oehisswieilge the - complete restoration of - his
hcHtli'and, , a fair pi_c__lspect or I tcperml nentemoY-'
rtient; -- : . J. 'A,: - SANGSTON : •.:- '
Principal office, I?9,:prt.n*to je„rreir4ik.
CACI lON.--As st, , misersitile ,iiinitop .Iteg
Weis; Made by the melee ef'Kggir Coated Pills; it
lainetcssety Ads-be jiiiii. thotpr.: . M,lsllehjansin .
, Sm lit Its signoture is siii -. SII - ehei. , r ,Price , .2s.,eopt!‘... i
1 ,
:Agents for Smiths Kitpi. CoittetiTll4, ' ,
f , .AfottgestoielisA - kb+ - ArGoYle = -
i'.,,Kingstown; Koley,Es Gll#rrio:s3 'ir..,.: 1:4 - ; . 0
, hril.gllms 1845 ; ,',..- .. • ''':''' •"' ''..=:*4.,,,.546i.1.1,1
B 'met raVelil4l ' ap;
41:0 II itigortth taf
4".. Vitenitlband Att/6,c1ar;17.
f„,14,4 chottp.'i • •
and beautiful
cnAS. OGIL I3I .
' • ',ParbtAia"/" •.;,0 d Gl)ns ot
r dlr'reCslPd rt 2P l . 7i f llliplitil A ti P 4Oralk it
tithe beg 94 1 / I a 11.'..'7,r•furrNE ,
d4`':~i'. ,1
coltrotrm. SYRUP , QIF •
For Use. iu a of Pumonary Consumption,
Cotighii infittenzfiy'Xion- •
n ßleditsij; . Difttattlty of Breathink,
Papts , iti , ilie Breast or Side, Spitting of ,
Blood, &MA . I).e.
J .ved,popularity in Arections of the Lung.
The feline/in. certificates.from., reepociabio
citizens of riiilatieribia fully attest
eir.. -
Bee and *here the initial ritnais 144 felled to '
,give rehdi:
Priihrde/pAir,ZS'epreinlfeir .
Measya. t ßohinson, Coiling
Meted -last; spring with a very.leverecengh,;t•':-4 - 1_
with pain fn my maeltlid breast - . Domes and
-- virealtifess- of — the 'lungs, shortness of breath;
lose Of.spcletilet Ct i ried valious- remedies;
hullo no good etivet; my-cough still continuing
and growing worse. Such wan the distressing - -
nature of thecough that could nutlie in bed
night nor day, but wee obliged to sit up in my
chair, and could not sleep but very little ittlest.
confequedtly; I wax wearing nut very feet, till „
'yOu .very kindly recommended ' Dr. Davies I .
Compound-Syrup atw ll o.Cliarni.and•Tar; 1142
fitst'bottle'of whinh gave- nin relief elieekednlY I
cough. loosened
J IM - . phlegm, caused me - to ex:
pectorate freely, feidored my appetite, rslieved
the pain,in rliy aide, heated thesoreness of My
brettst, and strengthened my hinge, causing me
to breathe freclY.. I.ha l veinntv taken ten bottler
it has entirely cured my cough. -I have gained
considerably in Beall. ii think it. a most value , .
_Ted. itnfitAnkl-orte,lha (olight4o,he m univer.,---
sally known, that tliose , tttlicted with colds arid,
coughs may have a medithie and sore
to cure, if taken properly._ While taking the
medicine, I drank-freely of and water
which I found excellent to . keep the Rowels
open. If this statement can be of any benefit
to the afflicted, you are at liberty to make such
use ail a, you may think proper.
MERRICK BARNES' N 0.6, Bread Street.
Several inontla r sineo, my wife marl( cited
with n severe cough, attended\with a- am id
bet aide, which, from its obstinate con nuance
'began to a larfn her. A few doses of r. Davis's •.
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry nd Tar re
-fieved the pain and cured the colig_ Atiristbr
'tire - time The bad - taken hafts ettlefuf she wag
perfectly cored. °She recommended it to an
acquaintance, Mrs. Bannister, who was ended
in about the same manner as h:rvelf, and the
medicineproved equally beneficial in her case.
XI it B. a lso rerommeitQcd it to several of her
friends, who were, •1 believe cured by it. This
is my linowledge of Dr. Davi!.ts redicine, and
1 &err' it sufficient to recommend irate value,
his nw. CnAIIt Es Di wars, 144 Rave St.
f.nte Ifigh_Constable bribe city otTiiiittdciptita.
Philada. titopi.2o, 1845.
The subscribers hner obtained the Agenny
Int the sale of this medicine in Ca rliele.
dee 10 m VERs.& [IA VERIT7M.
Olt the little solTeret's entirely Vr
grialireill.Cllllllllitni, demi:net:on .ot
• Al'ol;ins. Atisice to motlirrs. " siitrli in time '
spat rs nine." di non ing our IV orm S . ) ritti''to 'he
the yet, LestrilediCille COI' ilestroying worms, now
in use, say to (at, )our children
.-shrailtl uppeor
. pithe ellial•ift•IUICII, la/
tiAr Itrciitio 11/4111 ill
• jiiilliS 81.11 limbs,
appelilV,l,l,il , (lSll/11.4 h , Slliit'tql sterling in
11. ie slt cp Will, 41011 , reentoihg, sense
the Mrind.;ti liing of the arms,
simt amishiicss. nalista, Lie., immediate!) ;
1:1111 it 1101111: of I 1 0 6011 ., 11Ck ' S wor.o S) rip, Mr in t
nlnings oil will I.ot II stitch in Dlr. "
imin g tioeti
• Hy and hcaltli u lierc reigned tam- e•
.11(11 ilismuse ; hots much solt,;ring aml loss at
We see, through a 0:1111 of proper attention and
proper remetlios ; therefore, let it hr the antc of
01t,2„1,,try4,,,Pix45e tiny or ilicis• elsiddremidiuultisfior
any n die satore symptoms, or procure ill111111ei• A;),
nh Is , the ; proper 11-1111.11y--111:11 lIn t •t;
hn ;11 's Worm Syrup, a metlivine that has
plete 'miters,. and .cure..- where cony
WWI' liar entirely failed ;„ to width into_srrollkL;H
tificates a high's respectable persons
See pamplilets.•
Njessrs. J. N., f. 4. C. S. lloly•,ns;teL,e—rtei;tleMhl. SV;. ,-
l'n'solieiteil, I scud pile this- testinititilal imtmeritii.l
in; ; - our invaluable Nfetlieitied Worm St rep.-A.
1..,.,,,,, rely ha n n t y, my iltim, ; llii•r, how :1, 1. 1614 0,1P4. , :,
IS months, hail been b.. rt• ly :. in ieted with Wormsk" - ie.
eatising flail) the most sesere anti tlistresairti'
1 .:11.1a. At (Mica She. would he almost frantic, iii'
,' '
perfectly tonnanageahle ; would rmt iittaitiltliiiiTi
the floor, and !twit+ herself unconsciously:l l ol4st. •
II walls. For a long time ce were iguneatit iit
the eause--at length being impressed's% itliiiioe
lief that worms were the rause, ere cotnrit*ticcil -
giving several medicines for %itch h complaint, ,
froth a Ineli the child ill.ri veil no benefit wli' toyer.
•As a matter'6l"cmirke, she wiiiiiiXili ret pee IW --
f 4 . 0, m id had-all t h e symptoms Preach a''.*ln
plaint, 14,scitleiltally meeting , with one' of skittoz. • ,
,„., ni n e s , we were induced to try your inedleiti, -----
We hail not used ii hut a feie" day s hefoi e a great:7 -
nin'tly a trios were brought from her, one, full ...L ..."..-
in, lirs in length, nail mires., %iming in size tiC,,.,..
one in four inches, I need mrinily_adil i tlivt lie.: , -,''.; ; --- . ,
elitist war 'filietitilV relietoil, anti, Ilait - too . b4itttiqg'f„,,
we 11:1 ;ism] tam d 5 cent ',midi 'of your Wohn ri , ,, , -;
Serum. She is iinw.entirely tree from those ,:r -- -jiii
t.:essing paint, and doling well. I feel., thsit I - t - 4
"would he unkindness on me part' to.withliol I trot
you Mid the nommunity this informntiiiii. I'do 4., 1 ,1.,
therefore, unhesitatingly reepinmend..your Medi- ',::',..
clued Worm S) rap as a medicine i °awaiting la. ''''
per-excellent qualities. Very Reif ee,lr,
C. . -
. - 11r.l' i ItY P Lt i ,
-N - -. ,1 11
- ' M 111 i ster Mille Cospeli...•
Sem-shall St. I deor below Brown. ' "*":"
jr - Oite,trial of this article will convince the
most sceptic:o of its unprecedented virtues,' and. '
the money will 'he refunded in all eases. if - it. ..
slionlil fall in giving. imisfoction. . '
,l' tilt PA B t.ti 'ONI X 'llt -
.... ..
N .MlSsteag4'
E. corner off. 4. .BGreen_sts.'Phitadd ' ies:
Puce SS cents per Rottle. '....,., ~'
, ' cliscoitut made to Wholaide partdialra ...A -
L. • Por.itila-wholestqe and retail-by. J:-.N.7:kraili-77:-
Illobetiaark, Druggists Juid_Spathetairiza,..,L_WL....,_
corner of Secand and Costesstreatirioiidelph)ai.
_alieriAorekeiTera,._Physiciliffii-MialtaalWanC,-- : -
Farioers may-'''he 'he • supplied Witlo. -- priipi,'o:erid. :
,Class ; l'iiiiits, , Turpentine,' Yarmhilies, "White... • ..
,Lend, iiiiifteyery.', other art iele. * :ta - - the 'busineirai.,..: ',
nitteli 10,W,cethamilt any ;other i`atiliblialitttetiki.....
Ilie eltr.4' - iir',4;ill o'4: 'i' i •-,..:. '. L....' • ~. .ii.,, , , . ., ,- ,- i . --- - ly. - A,' ‘ 4 .,.. ;!.
.... ''l'.liolldieatiili Worm Syrapi'ar.pttle'Sulfatte . . •
ciol...Filenil;fs , for; sale at the , priiiiinif 14024, . .
Sitires,:and;'l4-.. stlrekeepe . rs . onsTsll7; all, 01 , 11 .. h
-- the Vnitelf 'Slates: :- , 7 - .., ~.., . ~,
.1 or sikieln.Carlile..ii,tho Artik•storts, of, -_,._ k .
..,,..-..': - -', STEVERSON.I4--MEtt!IAFP-X*-.
•.*.'' •:- ' . ' - ". ariit . s;' ELVior, ,'....!,.7,.„.
For ihteln'ildg ., olo . 7n; b e y:?ar...l3,* i ' !. ~ 0t .i ,: .,,
. . .
raramas zoos- sit
NAVE' just, received ii:JoCof.,l!oriii,.. „ iiVid.
iieletiraietLe entre draPßht
Solf43harpening• PLOUGHRiz
•Stil un Ay.
• : -
• • ... •
I . 4rlghEkcg,Y ; and: Aida CIoIN .2"
trrincirAlitercoalin g ,fttak:
$41.00r Casaimerca fVoin PAO
-new Titylaray4lin g s, jvariv . , ,
:Fo'hUlnablo!Pi4valii aiiii . ;itill'reativia4 "and foe' .
male /tr.,.pri f i aa ..illai. cannot fail
J.. A. plArriNpF,Ris Ch e ap,
.3 .
`---- 7 •
. .