_ I.e_ ti itnt . • tifou watt' ivAlett •-• UVo yeti wjelvto perches° alma and ' , ehorcit i article of BOOTS AND SHOESt • call at GRAY dvolitoNS,,end'exemtno Wurits:' sortment--:rwe, have , just leaved , thirty-caites of 001%116.'100 .fine boots and elmee, of all kinds and qualities, both fur Ladles' and glptitle me me . ware. Leek i t oorpricesand iipird 20 percent. ------ Gcnildmelys - finercalf - sewed-bciots, city-made,- andAvarranted not to rip," from $2 50 to 4 00 Gentlemen's fine calf pegged, 6 1.25 to 2 . 0(0. Metes thick boots, • .. .1 50 to 2 0 '-• Water 'pitied; 9 75tu..9.. 0 &able wiled Gaiters . oo - I.n - ,37 Buskins, '6:21 to 150 Children's winter boots, - • 87} to 1 00 .Mena' and Boys' coarse Brogans, 410 tol 23 Ladies' and Gentlemen's water proofeocke, 627 to 1 00 Also, Ledies'il and Gentlemen's; Boys' and Misses GUM shoes, Of all prices and qualities. JOHN. GRAY di SON. . PARG.ILWS - 1 - 13AltGAXNS I --- CHEAP, GOODS4HEAP GOODS. THE CHEAP CORNER CAN I T BE BEAT.. 11OHN.GRAY1r. SON return their sincere thiinke to their friondaund the public, for, the liberal-ehare of patroonvextended towards thedi; and respeeifialy announce J het they-have juitilreturned from Philadelphia .with a cheap, choice and fresh selection of Foreign and. Do ?oriole DRY GOODS; GROCERIES ANL) Q UEENS WA E, .• items AND siximis, "TA - RI:MARE end NOTIONS of all kinds, ---Orirjr-they-will-ealhni-chid-p-mir-arry-hoirse-in . Vie county—being determined to take for their rautto:'..Sinsll profits and quick soles. " We would say to all, whether they be purchaser- or not, piva us a call before buying elsewhere, for we uie Convinced that you will notgo from the store disappointed. Remember our store is on the c. rner south of tho Post 011ioo, and directly opio. Re the Second Presbyterian church and Robe. ts' lintel. nary - 28; 1846. . READ Tll/5! ('ST received .at KNEEDI:ER'S cif Cheap Rook nod, Periodical Store, 'l'asso's Jerusalem Delivered .rice 50 cents. ..TETtreaFdrnen, by Alexander Dumas. ['he Jesuits, translated from the French o =3l. NI. Alitchletand Quinel; price 50 cents. Manche Vermin, the Actress; 12A cents.- The Cliinbcarcr, by J. Fonnimore Cooper. 75 vents. IVhig Alminde for 1846; 12 i• • • Arthur Maguire, or the Broken Pledge, by Carkon prico'2s cents. 1\ Statistical Companion •and Piato. 41,1 Almanac for 1846i'forice 25 coots. Montezuma, the Last of the Aztecs, an His tories! Romlnce 'ON tho Conquost of Mexico, 2 volutnos, $1 011. Marston, or the Memoirs of a Statesman ;AO, • dr,il-17. Tl , e-Citisens of Prague, translated by Mary 11ms en. Ti c Ludy of.Mthin; or, Fidelity unto DeAtli .1: nuuey 28, 1846 12:4,:itc of Pritclenno lVlichao), (he'd F.:I"I'F.:RS of AdminiFitrutink on the enta le A of Prudence Aliebuel, widow, bite nt h i‘d bounty. deceased, herrn been granted Lv tl o Register's Court of shid county, to On enli.criber, residing in Newberry lamas-kip, in ‘: York county. ~Persons having claims will pre - sent them,- and tikose indebted are requested- to make payment to ;28 JOSEPH 51 aCREERY xrAld AV, - - ACOUSTIC OIL! THE OKI MI EOll DEAFlllii_ _ ARPA'S Compound !Creosote ACOUS. 'I'll: OIL, for the cure of DEAFNESS, rt.in+ in tho ears, and also all these dinagreca :.blo noises, like the buzzing of leseets, -falling 0. :w flier, whizzing of steam, &c. &c., which 1110 ,y mptome . of approaching deafness, and also genteelly attendant with the disease, for sale by S. EILLioT, Solo Asent.for Carlisle. Jan•2B The lifealing art - • ll'hat is Life without .ifealth? TT ire not necessary that man should become uwalking Apothecary shop, to preserve his health.; but it is essential that his system should beau regrilated by Temperance and by pure air, Amid require bet very little medicine. Then, let 'that little be of the safest and [nest innocent kind! The proprietor of the following medical preparations warrants them to be purely vegeta. te - ; and as safe and harmless as the feed we use* An t 4)lll gentleman who has devoted •many years of his life toihe important slurry of Botany and Cheniistry, and -the nature and virtues of She veretitra herbs and Monts, and has, made and r tried rnt4y preparations of them, for . the cure of - i = W : tliffereniViseases that " flea!' i• yrishingi. 7 lti r do all the goollido his fellow man lie Al 6, has established an agency for the of .them_ at Carlisle, in their purity, at ti;st „cost, so - that perilous afflicted tarry proliabryfind an the Corner Of Pitt.iiaid ris..f..Pornfrot streets, Carlisle. `"Catalogues of diseusesi• and testimonials of cores, may, a few days, be seen 'at the Collage .4 , • at here 7.arious medicines maybe had. •' So manfideit of the efficacy (Whitt preparations ts the proprietor, that when lie administers the mcdreino and attends himself, ho returns the .mditey paid for Bid it fails to effect a cure in Indeed, it is said to seldom or never ^fail when proper care and attention is paid, and when applied. for the purpose for whichltis Candid. . . COTTAGE, &c. Mr. 26; 1845. • • I US'r-received at J. %VAC NEEDLE liS ep Cheap Book and Periodical Store. p rior Polypyitt Uibloa, Celli/4111111k maps .and plates. Carolina • Saara,or_lieston...collection.of Chuiah Mind°, •• . Q11:11 . 10 Bildes—price $lOO. • • The Ladiep Inittructor,in .Millinery, Nltinitta. fita. by an American Lady, price i Santo. '';The Ladies' guide to Embroidery—Winter t. Gilt for Ladieg—Ladies-Gox CannniMl- r ciirtia presereafion:pf Sight—Etiquetta i ror Ladies -----76",9142i Cents., .. • . --1* • ,!' • o • .- , r4IAVE jOit.ollen)edie•Oplendid.. - a*orinien... 02:- jar 4in and:capa . -of, 4.KNOLD.%. ded-3147 fr t . t,, virtue- of ii I writ'iroiri `the Han . :',,Dla lna0i , (11 `' B.' Eldred, PietliiienVJuidgn of Wei 12th '13,..."•• • -dicliul djatrict ofgennaylvonia 'ltEidring-atite *IlT• • liarElphyrgvtkeJ?lh dayzagelobor, A. D. ii, Elks, ' T"arIigE:iIS4IETIEBY—GPT-F15 , ,1, , li - thira Speolal Conti . I a held:by, ta , said on; ; NathaniagS. TEldrecl, anti the Aiao - olifte .113ilgepstiftheaertrt t ilf , PornnialErlaig ot alio. bails nil,nourity, al-,the,:pourleffouso lil'Allif hnr: chill of Otitliale,,coinrionolng,ian r illo,NPAr, ' the 1,6 lli ( 41 ag , oftPebrunry,-.1 8 : 1 6•1 0 a nOntiono one wieWor , the•tilfif of oerlaiti;'oadies thipen. ding In:the' Cirort of-,Common Plias lit Cliiinhalo: land 901,1ty, In whiok the lion;Sinn,tiel , llOlbOrn' waif congarned era' ociuns6l for One of the paellas ', Ptiat_to Ina appointment na:rnntldent*.b4E‘ r of thlilly,4 , iiciblai;,Plßklot;, - ;apd atltl illfm,P owl , -,--- oklitnogiAliAitaia4oltilinlthiitiforoloonOttitthti - Anf•or thtrPokerat A , imen tilhetitetliletftiith k o t . i /nT' 441 - 740ilil 19 4 4 er°tutrio" te•lha'Zjiniitiihtllidi. 4 cdirw*neihte,l -- ,Ofiaid pdodottlw%; PO4Vl'COOoraeLoli i*it 1 j AI).AIt ' LONG OTTO lar r rk l t : AP inisoilCarlisigit.Vtt%4- 11 .tt',.c''' 41qatif05A604,,,,“.-...4N1,44>7.i.AF.,. rani 4.10104 1 401e4' ..aboreViek,o744 l l A friAtilT • 1 0,4040 y. , 4 • T'• , ' ' 4, • • = , ' •;,•,-„fAtlll4 . wl4 *t , .r. *•1 NE 'Con); ' Spitingillood, Difficulty . orDreathirig, Pain in the Sitle4nd , ..Drettift,'Palpitation • • of the Heartilnfluepita, Cronp; tiro ken Constitution, Sore Throat, Islervona Debility,. and all • • ' Diseases of the Throat, • - the.moiteffec tual and speedy cure even known for any . of the above : ma: ,gses, is DR - . WAYNE'S COMPOUND SYR- P wILD citgratiAllOTllEß WON . 111.FUL - .CURE OF CONSUMPTION. ' , Pnovinstfcs, R. 1,, Sept. 52(itli', filth; - Da. SWArcre--Desie Sir: it - feel' called by a . aense of duty I owe to suffering humanity, to ac knowledge my grateful thanks for the wonderful effects of your " COMPOUND .sity„UP. OF 'WILD ' cIfIERRY" on use, after having suffered menthe 'after - months with the ninat afflicting of . all. disea se ', catisuniptien, with scarcely a lay of hope, - orie"heacon light" CO:gun - 4n e e against my own horrible) forebodings.-: The cifeptimstattoes 'syhielt tp . tim awful stitfo . of was from'taking i.e'veryllieitiiicold, 4 3,iliibli seemed 'to 'flx iipnn.thelurrgs,3vhicli graduallfgrew . i sweat,ii hi - salting tiough,, (Min'tesibn in •the.t.firettstilisittifirrtliiod, with great geticral debility. My constitution 'seemed . broken down, and nervous system very much' int paired, with all the symptoms of confirmed eon-- tottoptioti. I went to Philadelphia,and was treat . ed there by physicians of the highest resPeitta bility,init still grew worse, untiftlie, gave iv tip as ineurableontl.mdrisoil the to.go South,lufl be ing very poor„aller losing so much time from my work, and having spent all my moileY tingle va rious "Patent'. Nleilicines" whielywere reectininen ded so highly through the meiquin of die press, I wastutiable-to lake their advice, Deitit. ti mem -her...of Alte - Order - arthltl - ri3tfo - WlTtliey supplitrii ine With money gratidtvhsly r to send me to my •friends to Saco, Maine. I was treated by physi clans of the highest standing there , lint received no benefit whatever from them, lint gradually grew worse, until my physicians and myself gave tip all hopes of my ever recovering, nail 1 felt like one whu latabotut to pass through the valley of the shadow of dedth.this "Dale! juncture," I hem d ofy our 'COME NI/SYRUP OF WILD 'CHERRY,' sod k uowing you to'lle a regular practising titdiysielan in Philadelphia, gave me wore confidence in the medicine, so I concluded as a last resort, to make a trial Mit, 1 sent-to your agent in Boston, and psi dieted one bottle. which relieved me very much. Lthen procured two bottles more, which I ant bagg e r to say en t irely,eured_me—antl-1 niztiow—eploytiug-bettr health than I ever have before .iii my lite. It seemed to trair a beneficial elfect at 'once., I gained strength rapidly,. ithisough reduci;tl to II mere skeleton, and, I feel satifilicg from Its Salu tary effects in ni p own ease; that 131.:•,,.wilite's Compomill Syrup Cherry Will cUre ease of diseased Lungs, it taken norm ding. to the :prescribed rules contained in the pamphlets ac companying the utedi eines. Even the physicians who wimiessed nay ease are highly revoninietl itg it its similar I wish von to make this public, so that others who are si'llYering as I. have been ; may know where to procure ti remedy at first, w h ich trill reach their disease, without tampering wilt and raising their coust:ttitiooS with the ninny "quack nostrums" xi ith shich the within country is 1101.11J-14' pe t plik.ll by parsons w lid have no knpui,dp• or the •of turd'_ eine in tliroryni. priki tee, but are got up merely w ith a mercen ary vitm!_. - am - a Scarlet member of the Ilope Lodge 1.0. 0g,0. - F.. 111 Providence R, !.,11111i will be happy to give - any information iii regard to ,threllicacy of your medicine, and can give ampie root that my case is not exaggerated in the least. tnEtry• A ROSS. - To Dr. IL SWAVrie, W. etwoe t : I';igl.tla and Race streets, sli oat their guard against the inapt'and ' \listnrrs" of wild cletTs, w Lich hay.e sprung up in all p a rt, or the ( . 0111111'F, POI porting 1,, lie- imei,ared - 1, • ph) sic' is all trf which tt ill lie timid it/ lye ktfiike” ...10y a Cite inquiry in the intim% aril cities v here they origiatife. All oirtifirtite; aid statements ill regard to 1)1., Swayne's CtimpnneJ S 1 imp of 1l i fii Cherry are "strictly trim," ant the proprietor is daily recimi ,lieu4,,„ni-per-E.14r4.1t..--Itit-ve In-eo cored by the celelsiiticil remedy. (original aml oil') gimitino article is fatly prepared by lin.W A I'NE N. W. t`lll . llrt . or EIGHTH. :mil 12 ACE Streets; Philadelphia. Remember, Al preparations of Wild ("berry are fictitious and counterfeit sue -lit tied...bearing the written signature of N. Sws ON c. The only agents in Carlisle arc MYERS . k 11A VEI2 STICK. and STEVENSON & NIEI I API.' 1", and M A Irl . :1N LUTZ, Harrisburg, Domestic Muslim. 10 BALES Brown Shirting and Sheelings. from 3-4 to 12.4 wide, just received at the store of C.Ogill2y, jolly Dlarines. JMUST received few pieces Waved Marines, asserted colors, at the Mtge Dry Goods Store of Charles Ogilby. . . ploy :41 . Tickings. 30 Tickings from 3-1 to 5-4 wide, from 8 to 25 cents per yurd at Ogilby's. - Groceries. ALARGE and general assortment of Sugars, Coffees, and - NroliflSC/1, which wi ll ba sold cheaper Oman ever by C. ggilby. fq,jany 21 • BOOTS AND SHOES.• • '1W -received a lot of Women'a and Childrens' Hoots and L4.hues which can be sold clulapere_by---fagilliy--- NOTICE Ir"Eclass under the care of Mrs. S. S. Iv. oat. nod 'Daughter, lu Meeloydeablirg, closes•its Session in March. To gratify their - ftlends - they - Iniee - -Taken a cotniTiodiniis house in the central pail , of the town, whore they can accommodate a-larger millibar of pupils.— Tho next. term will commence on tl . to of April, next. All the branches ,usually fought in Awlamirs will be attended to: Vocal and Irmintmental Mfisie, Painting, Drawing and Fancy Sewing, etc. etc. Tonng ladies' from a distance can be accommodated with boarding in the family. Thwarts:Noss—Rev. G, t Morris, Dp. Jacob WeaVer, Dr, P. Long, Dr. Ira Any, Adnin - Rie: gel, Ecq : ,., George F, Gain, I; sq., John Cooier, Esti. - Mechanicsburg, January 21, 1846-It. \... , ..9 • 12.ca4a5•En •Cat)C;)calat DIECEIVED at the stor.e_of A..RICHARDS .Co. a general assortment Of seasOnalde Co JO, consisting- partot 'leaver, Pilot and Gold tutxthro .far'OSercnatst Also' Aldo, Dine flack, Olive, dreen and Adulade broad Clol hal Plain; Striped - and-Barred Caitihnorei Cattinotts; Kentucky leans, 'Jeno . Cords. and Pwedcs; Linsey,' Ilan nal:4, !richeand ccks Morinoes, Alpsecasi and - 11o,ni.ba2inos;_'Rep, !Guido. ' Lance, Decesst;qlhd Shu silan,'for Ladici:Dresses;llesliry,'Ulovee.and M ilialleaos,,Chintzas. and 211insi ins; Plain, Strfpcd, nd • Dar red J a ckO nc t ta; Laces,' Edgings.; and 41;1111;1gs; .and,barred sDka, With. tuktin'orai aiSorfinent'or Cilicensware arid, CrOcerlosi_4l4e,oktatand.: , .. - • Carlisle Jan •• A, RICHARDS St.',C6:' .. . , - ' - • ;.,.. ':, ..-.., ',',' ':, 01' L6l . I..lii.relig I 1 0/113 V. • ''."-: ,''.., %,,i,juSZreoolyi4i,e.'ititige-eitplity;qf,SObijiii.,El,. ferilittfir; iy4lii: . Et!rid 'Flet! . .pileLAB6.- r4i l P ikrill ,Liiiriedd . .9!1, ..y.ey'y .14* it . i., tlits..Drug, skcire,of .4ripiiialjil)Avelatie,k,',..'.... ? : . .... ..:"".!,::clegp,24: /-111 i I OR. , ---..,, --. ' l ' liiiitilil9:lin-pfi-Plyoowt;rl;er:;44-01:41:8Tttr 'tIST ineiv°' i l l ' aorta co 0411'thn•ViiniPP' d' cle niflid ro " 1, Drug . and -linets -St°l!? -a ' 11 niedroinen• ntit M Y ~. %l ac y ~14 r9lll '' • U f l a rorin i " : "'..' ' `` '' - opf.Yora•un ••„•,-;'!, 4:117#2119 ..,.,•" ' Eng ond•r°l4l Wii--pn- kAs 3n,cno,Aitinner, . i . _,, __.• " - ''' - 1,) fin ' ‘ltinning fet 4oll ”" '' nAteigneeo 0, 9 . ' account ' in ' ' "'• bore. settled their; , b ' 'land 'efit'it ctelli,,,t,•°,rkniic on :Pliniitmr!Ouln e t • Itlin CaPrt- wni..7,111 ,-i,--d, ilp,their,;:,N9p".oo,*twg'g 'county, end ine 'w il - .7 li thti4l.jrndilitt,e4nnwar- InittiNte.iil-d—ta-4V—: 1 .- T, a' detnen -,kk l!itd cald deed! ' i•n*Tet-rgr . '4ii'd •,iiiiiirAnit2s2... COliti;l:'/I'e' ._ellibeircifill4tinei 16'41'1(-11k..ma.4. nu& And'd Itif,t,l.P..tittni4fq°,•rreeni4d-:11104C(T arl.4acilltortilt.nni orl:oilit't - . will' attb El at i ; 4vh°'.ara ' h°,6"ldteliiii,,ql,ll'lltrlAY.o.le ••44, „4.0056,-Ai•r ~..,,ii.trok:)or,,?Artik,4 i , • ,dity,‘;aoPBl)Palti iiiid idettela , I hifitt i o), n i . inentlitird‘Ofedi. T- i t.. 0 441, 6 ,4 tiatiihril 1 ' t , ,,it-,,,.4. stijiol4,ll , k n r ir ° !if's; titAIGHEATAZ:4I l t , 111r , Tifig.4 1 0 k'',!.eM '"'• .1•• •• ' . ,' An "" , .140:11 446*:'"' Y"; 'v'',.• • '- '-' ,4 l''''''•' i -,' , ' -'•'''''": -'` -'„ , '":J''•'• ..' -,`'''-'", .z.,‘ , ,'-f. ~•,,,,.?,-... ;,,,,,,,,? ~ • -•.•• ~...., !,,,,k&i• l ,-- 7 4,.-,-, ~i .'f+Jjiiih.a • • - - 0 1 C • •INGISTEWS,::2NOTICE.. RiMisisn's 1 Ciirts3e,%7Mi. IQ, fliktoTlCE.la hereby/Ili : en to ,all persons tireetid, ,that 4 the..following 'ace/Mats We've been filed In this:Officefor' examination by the •actooontrinie:therein humid, and will be present, ed to tholtirplitinioentitotCumberland-catinty- Tor confanatien and allowance:-onToesday , the 10th day of February, A. D.1844: — . - • • 1. The acemint of.loseph Diehl, AdmitJ . 4dr°- tor of George. IlaiTach, tale township, , deceased. 2. The +web:tint of Rudolph kryelie'r, ExecutOr of Magdalena Countryman, late of Mon roe town• ship; deceatied. - 3. The account of Henry Rupp, Executor of Sacolil2 . .upp, late of East Pennsboro - ugli town ship (now. Hampden) clammed. 4: The aciount of JasoU W. Eby, Executor of W illiam Koitb , late of the borou . gh of Car lisle, doceased. ' _._.. 5. The account of Henry Snyder, E.:neuter ofJohn Mosser,la to of Frank fad t owneh o. The account.of James Andavreen, Admin. lekrator _bf.Aleihnder Andertion;_late_of...Aßerl ..townallip,j_kceased. 7. The account Newel:m : l;er, Guar': dine of Nancy Bricker, now intermarriad with :14tirtin-hoover. • 8. Thb necOunt.of Toblaa'Detvalt, Adminis trator -et William S,. Smith, late of Prankford township, deceased. r. 9. The account offrotiry Bear and John Exeoutore.of Christian Rich, late of Allen town ship, deemed. 10. The account of , Georgoltoalt, Adminie. trotor. of Samuel Sullonherger, late of North . 11. The. necodnt of John Trimble, Adminia: trntor of Martha Trimble, Into of Silver Spring township, deceased. - • JAM CS MeCULLOO4I, Register. e 1 i lp(1 ~'ice. T A STATED Orphans' Court begim.,...on ra -Tuesday the 9th day of December, A. D. 1845, and. holden at Carlisle, for. Cumberland county, before • the -- Hon. Samuel. Itepbtlrn, President Judge, John Stuart and Thomas • C Miller, -taut,' Asseelate - JOges, among ether things the following proceecingf were hod, viz: In the case of the writ of Partition and Vain_ alienoti the estate of'l.ennerd Wise, clocesao4,_ the some having been confirmed by the Court.; • Now, to wit, Prh December 1845, On :notion of Mt, Riddle, Rule on the heirs and legal rep"- resentatives of said deceased, (to wit, Jacob. Wise, Michael Wise, Emanuel %Visi, Leotta Wise, jr. Catherine %Vise intermarried with John Wise, Mary lirenizer, widow, fate Mary Wise, Rebecca Wise, intermarried with Peter ‘l74:laughlin, Jehannti Wise intermarried with Samuel Johnson,) to appear on the first day of the hest stated Orphans' Court and, accept or refuse to neeept sold estate ur a.share or por tion thereof-et the valuation. Personal notice,' or by writing left at their.place of abOde to he , given to those living in the entity, and to those resident-without the county, by advartisetnents t:',r three weeks in two Papers pqilisher,in By the Cowl. Cumberland Countn,ss. . • I do errtify.ilint the ahrle is a true copy of.a Role on •the, heirs and le [L. S.] Gal representatives 01 Leonard Wise dec ti7TSs -- itifita — tiruTs7s - 1 . .tho..Orptranal Cuurtott I.sth Deecynber r A. I). - I=l for J. Centlycat7Jr. Clerk, J, ifot trrr.R, Cleik C-'nrlisle, Tatituiry 7.-18.167-21- ISTOTICII IN THE matter tif the appliention offlot Jam,. ,\ leKeelian to the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, for the appointment of a Commissioner to take the deposition of witnes. sew" ik - fierpraliniirct memoriam," in reference to his title to a tract of land situate in %Vest Pennsberougli tow_uship, Cumberland COMIty, bonntled by lands of Samuel McKeehan, (noW Kcrr,) Rev. Robert McCachten, Jacob Sited and others, NOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN, to nll pnrties interested, that the undersigned Commissioner appointed)hy the Court of Com mon Pleas of said comity, will talte the testi mony of such wiltitssen atn may appear before him, nt bin /Alice, in the borough of Carlini°, In sniff county:on Wednesday the fourth dnv of February, A. 1). 1816, nt 10 o'clock, A. Al. of !mill day, to he rend In — eViiletMe di the - trial - Of' any cansa which may hereafter be brought, and which involve the inniterg in dispute as Let net in the application of the afuresaid Colonel James McKeehan - WM. M. BIDDLE, December 21. Commissioner NOTWE. ALL .pertmna_knowing themielees indebted to the late Firm of L. • Reigel & Co. of Chnrchtuwn, Pa., either by book account ur ortherwine, are hereby notified to come forward and settle their 'accounts on or before the 20th rtiv,ofTebrOery;,946 ; as after that data the accOutitaL'erenid firm wilt be. placed In the hands of a .proper otlicer for collection. The hook., and accounts of said firm arc it the Reteolaniexborg. Mechanicsburg, January 7, 1846. • • • NOTICE. ALLpersons knowing themselves indebted to Adam Hiegel of Mechanicsburg by Book account, are here!, 'iitificd - to conie'forward and Fettle thelraecounts on orbeforo the lat day of April, 184 g. Mechanicsburg, July 1, 1846. , pin "FIVE_ DOLLARS REWARD._ . STRAYED Or driven frohi thi; ALfi s t,Wst premiers of the subecriber in New. on-lownship,,about the latter pact :kW of October last, 2E( head of SHEEP pareof thetn a mixture of the Merino and part of than] the Southdown brood, and "nuerited• with a halt crop of the left ear. 'A rcw.urd of Five Dollars will be paid fur.,any information which willoituntre thdiurecoruryt, • •'. ,4- • • jau 14 - ;.:ASAMUEL. IRVINE.' . . . SiX iCNtS- - REWARD,' • 11111:•ANAWAY`' . ii•orn --. tge sttiStritiarinn tint ..1111; 27ili of Daaarnborlistrin . . - in`deiituted np prantico :numsdk PHARES us's, and 5 .feet 6 or:l3ipplies. . orbid anybody , said bn, tm_fny_acCount, the larr= which !swill pat forcei. • Jany 121846' '' JOH N WiftsTL.trt. I t r trltiti of Adtnh atratloo have beeri 1. - . Sued by thellteuiSteitifCiyn . te Mend county; 'tticiiithseillier . ih;eti.,the °aisle ot Jentes , Pliier ot.West Pen nabero'ugli. to‘ipekip, tieepeso,' estate' ailvroiebst44 to 114itf:.:thoso. kayjeg , :. eluites , *lll,oiesentlipiii Tor_ 11,0 • 1 -, l'entisi ? qoulit tikj : r%.1..011kT,5;r1,041,:•A1!,,r)19k(i1pi11.4„tp. WM d state_o _ lam. ,o1r? eeea e i: . Rtyvimfkin, Le0_1: 11 A 0 -9 1` ).41 1 0kf , ;14Availlii6 bcre 6 gt 4 110 1 .. 1 6 - 4ua 1bt.01A...1.14w c4e wn 4615, dokto thwebtal4 piCnid4 l .,oll4.lmCapcktit , pritseoo4lflaNtOtle-, ' ''AND . REW4CIIIII:IIIII/ 0 1 i '' ' ViinY ;1"4 e41.;;: -. ;,r".iilacicY4' (4 . ' iT:';!F*sielalCit " ttir ;4114571 i lir rvitiHti2:4o:., ..ft.„, , A.l POA 4:: itte 4 1, ; , .x, ..o,Actz' is: htir,,b,tiltiflgigitiltir trot,' x,,,d„,,,,,,,,t„,..1,1,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,p. ,utitz ', th OtaY 'fIli'll!-t6---:411145i ~Ctillah' riltbli it A to, brallhil-w- nik"ethei,gqiiii,C,,Lr IT " gicirlii; the' oubscri r 9; •viiii*siitfePlVA? limit' 1017,109*, l'itkw,A; -to ripaka;PlfrilAnk, 6-4 eotge_ate l'Alb?tA l ijealitterti iv ,11101111 '4'l , of f iloid thaVi r ttiendarititAA ..tOiimit bitncookterti,VtVotwitgamßlA„, ~,,,p,,. Aluothoiv -- , .. t % • 7' ' 'il'i. r""i •• i4' I s 46 e-- 6 t., t l''.:. - - :.','' v' ",----.7- 4-' liposav •t- ... • , 1 - • J -,-- -,..—, 7,--7- EEG ==== ;;;~'*~;;;;jiuyf ' ..h: . _ _ -~~ lIRRIIXI • l io,osicoriti,oir g io ibi,ien ! , ; , , z i, ..: frOm the-frstorAlriltiiit,( ..4 c tjoATCRE , ,ROON tiltlyvllipk,4lt t '... ~..: . 'bodge, - ilitoitio4e ip,'Ei(s(l.ligh 5t:, 7 .._ , •-,1.; , -„,..:_ a.' row- cloOrs . .bolow_"4ho.- Marltot,-.i., , .....,:- :,^+--r. now.,-gouio,in :,ttip ;43,Ocuponoy .or„.llo;tjiiinhie, Bernitz. :,.- . • . ANN- ALEXANDER.';'! „1.1041'0.04,-.11348.' -..-......-,-- 4,-,,..-,-,'-',:j‘ FOR TWOIIRICK HOU:theifilited • ■ iii_.one-Of the -moat-public Ones Of hey- ara-partiou 'stilted for men of .basineep,--who, ,wielao:h ke..thei r en 'fierce:l_o6in or shops in the same hedge. Inquire of jeny 7 JOHN WEAV4,II. • • . FOR RENT •i • • and -worlt 7 trunm ob'ove the saine,eituated,on_North Hanover wee , r/ now ,oeeu. 1 4 ,.V ! , pied by Mr: IL C. loy. Ptei= Acenten_given_ort_first of._Aptilitext. A, MID to dee 3f • •• ' -• JOHN B. PARKEI4 . ...• ..,.- • - ThIE two-story Brickilwellinii 4:.; . ,.41111 House, on High". street: inirnadl. ';rfV:lCriv, ately opposite Diekinson Dollege,,. i.4.n!: 0, 22,.0,:; , 4%, now occupied by the subseiiher; l. D.bas two good sized"Coorris on both' flciorii, , and a good Kitchen,-Smoke . Douse and othdr out buildings, Taking it a convenient residence in a most dosiragc.location for a small fainily: . or for a Boarding house Tor Studonts, Pos. session given imindekitely, or on rho let of A-'. pril next. 'Aleo wo other „Dwelling _houses Oh I. sweat de riftt t•Cereke,tildillftiEld — fer 1 , Irian Isinilies.7, Y,..13. MURRAY. dec 31 - 1 FOR RE.NT.... • the most' ocitilibrtuble if g ~ houses on the East_raid uStreet hi this borough, nt present ' occupied by Dr. Jame- Noble.— Said housecontains six finished rooms, !titan and ecilar:o _brick eiternond good - karden with uniumber choice fruit trees. - Apply EDWARD A RMO lt, or juoy 7 SARAH Al2hlOit -- 111111 - 07tdr.rstrred — ortilliiiir ran on moderato terms, five. neat and j j coMfortable dwelling liouses inAlea • ' under's. Row. Also, ,the two new Tratno weatherlmorded tenon - fords adj-Aning thb public house at David Motto. Also,twohousey on the North side„of East Loudoor steeet, ad ioitdox the property or - George dee 4. ) .1-3t ANN'S.,A,LEXAN DER. rort. . - faENT. • -'1'111; .I . AVELLII , II - 1 11017 SE s'i l 4 1 on Main street., hclunging to Mrs. 1 U I Maria Stevenson: Possession :-.-... ~ - .2 given immediate)), irdvsired. An. ply to ROBERT EMORY. . dee 24 STORE noOra 'OR RENT, . Kyr ri I.: store nomn, in North Hanover street, 0:,..i. lately inure occupancy of Mr. - A. S.Sencr, will he rioted from this date until the first day' of April, I t 3 ,16, Ent reaso'nahle ter - nisi Apply to A......5.,..b,',EN_ER„t.r.,... JACOB - sEN.u.,. - - CtuliFde, December 17,184:1. , rap, 11%T.' . TJIE DWELLINI - 1- T10U5E, 1,!:277,!..g7 nAl;N,Nrid Two LOTS .-Faiim-ToriNiy-ls-ZTOI end' tarnann _ now , 14 , upied by Iso, FIVE 01 around d , ..I from Carlisle to Waggoner's bridge, & ONE LOT North of Diebitisoo College, all the property of ,Innies_M ogre, Jeceu.sed. The ilwel : lint-and - out lots will be rented together or sop crate, as will be must advantugeous to the /Ars of said deceased. In be ohoenco of :tub scriber. Frederick Watts, Esq., or David Grier, in authorized 'to cent the above properly. Pos. session given on the lat olApril ROBERT "LAIRD, Adie'r. de book non of Jatnea Moore, dcc'd. dee 10—at FOR RENT. • . - THE threo qiiry !wick DWFIL et ING OOIT.S1.: on Smith Hanover st. turf, in the possession of Nem.) . " 1 ' Ifitter.—For terms apply tri W:11. T. BROWN. 110% 20 MORE AUCTION BARGAINS, AT OGILIII-'.S! Tu. subscriber This just returned from Philadelphia - and is now- opening one of tho largest stocks of Dry Goods, Groceries, foots and Shoes that has been brought to Cur. lisle fur many years. The holidays are coming and now is your time to lay out your money to advantagd. stock comprises every thing in the way of Cloths, Casslmers,Woolens, Cashmeres, Velvets, Calicoes, See, from the most costly in quality, to prices lower , than ever. The public, is it:tilted to call at the old stand, East NI tin street, four doorebelow the , Market lioust, and opposite Martins hotel. ~~ • Two Stray Steers. CAME to the subset-1b ... 0r re -111. J siding nil/Drill Middleton r,fttirKiA -township, about one-mile West , of Middlesex on the 11th of No comber, inst. two stray steers,-one White, with a black spot on his forehead, the giber Black, with white Spots, The owner can haYe t hrn by calling on the subscriber, proving propecy, paying charges and taking them away, othe wise they . will ho disposed Of accerding tolaw, r • doe 10—* t. - JACOB .WEARY GUMOVER-SHOES- • AFRESH supply- nf. Mona; Ladies and Chi Wrens Gum above jiiat: reiciived and lovaulo low by.C: 0G11 4 13Y. , :deo 10' .• „Note Paper, and, ',Envelopes. TEVENSON St •NIPMA.V.PEI” - Lnvd Jost re -I'' eetyectii lienntlNl:ossOetineni of.,Note paper, Envelopes, wafers :tint- sealing wnx, to which, they iuvitethe,attentton olptirslinssrs. 7': ' • Tattint Galvanle Rings. irk ti. , ClllgTll."9 ll. lratent ,Gavanio, Ride, tvar,ron o, A!eo, , Gold )tinkfri',orni, batulo, just. rooitiyoil L "' - : - T -'l. - to;.tbeir m fgret:: . blinOptone,essertm - e . n . • 44ijiitg . : . 'cif./;114JC160 , . such'.Pr4 o o 6 • iiVe a idt .1111alega0y • forl ' 64ll, :Cutit4' , C'ik ,, Mtei, (0010094;0f*.9ii! , ot' a nd pocke iyeei'n 0, 0 • 'have which wia'Anvite ifee47:lsT-OVENS1)11-VM-B1.101.V. BEE _......,........ y---,--,4, -„,, ,, ,....4 , ;..,. i x . - 74 - i . n. ' ( lb' iOsi iiii Fancy; rtrgTpro, !,.,,,. -,‘.,..,...? ,( , ~ , , - l- Imola oNtipli, ' lithn” eived i'bfittui Ai 4140 t, ~,, . , .. „,,,,- l e is c s , ,„ d *.; so u v `IYEL'In • - lierOnd,ls-: ' ''''''''''..---. ‘- ''' di' which WT 441-09'0.71 Ailey landlh Ol ftil,l 4. K "'" fitia 04. 1110 ,Af,',,03?, Ultill.lfreadrityleiio ,illill,le. ~f6iii ."-Alss,Atip sitOlourit 'fir ' Pa t °I! ~,dS , C.l,,h oa l i d l64x W ilille of Liorp.ry bo o v,P ß l,ll.l 7' l "';'4' tio dry' ofur'.;•HoH, 13081i'4 Oilnos'"a,,F4lllsf- ! I x i t7 tlA n ' , r;iii, 'by ."- Apy;pl.9.4(pitei` ~t,'lrilAlliloVa;t3rpitsl:loF. l j ac 17 " L. ~ f .!. .. • .co„, 111:111IliliCillt:f411 41;i f: It:P1 ,71:7".0011eg ir l' nkilittet” "Afitfil li , . 4 Ali it rfereaTqfq,f4ipktg,M, 14!--.1t,; 4 , iif.,,,t ot4dpilts. iii otetisiA,ol„32:Al 2601134 ,04,00.4-'ility, , ; ?frliPtill'll•7' Oitl'oililllP:4l,llkill°,'l,(i,tilat litlill t i r% ll.l '' - ..iii , tit dttaltel;ac° 4 inlilf bT4 I )0 , 1 , 1 P, , °A , ';41..A. 1 k,,-. . , .' 1 lai t Arrogome ;, ,Pf tUn or• le n-,,lnotegtprOit i A9 . , 1 ,..4-, - , - '- `=' , . , , 11,1„ 1 11 , ', -.1 :--"- 4 .:41 ., t , i ,- - - 44- j - - ' J u t '''.4 4V :3' 1 4.- ","' - ' - ' - 7 . -"."'''-'' ` ""' v FOR RENT. FOR RENT. RITES -0(111-, , ,2 2: 4 < CROor AND SHOE STORE. spllitslig)torillei. hag lost dpeaed a largo and ~good esedirthneitt of Beate and,,Shoea at thCboripac,,it;hfatri and Pilt street; ln fhe :hintseieeently dePo.: Bite the Itlptbodist debidkidlcaLftoote, do, do'dd . db Kip pegged • a, Ceara° de do - Calf4thr t iCip t 'apdtbaiso At:hatOar, BOYS , - rdo - Roots, • • , •do - de • , do Motirlie,r LADIES' Gaiter 'Boots do do Shoos, 40, . i.eathpr 8ci0,167, , do" 164,44,t0r00cii,:5r... Lciititeratiushies dotiblepoled. dcr•--Kid embrace° French Ties, d. soled polka,alippere, 9 Kid and Morocco Turns, MISSES Leather tonts, do` lJllel6Y • • de cubit culritxn!NnTiViit'aWe - insi'Jt description. Alaff,'att rweertment of Ginn Shoes, some of a, silky 'superior , Tbis Stolk has` been oerefully seleeted; with the advatitego of-ranny 'years experience in the kusinces, and Will be sold loy for cash, or op kreeed credit:. Ircirci - eee; Wangs, 'Wodings, th road, tte; &e„ which he make- up to order, or dispose of to the trade; on liberal terms, elPeesonz wino have been supplying themsehoe with Boas and Shoes.from Phdadblphin, may depend on Arpttinitho same article Were at city 1 1 1 T1 I -Alt-PriiCESt - •• • • _ • _. _ . Country dealers and others' oil!' be supplied with. Ilnotkand Shoes by the case ne dnzen at wholesale prices. -WM. M. PORTER.. N. 11. All woth wurrantefl,:and If it:rips, it will. be repaired gratis. itsleTttert. 7- - 7'l-. r -- - - int rtilczN COMP 3 - 'B' No. 30 SOUTH SECOND STREET, - • -- - -lietween Market and PllitA DELPHI A', A.Vilconstantly on hand,und for snle,\l hole saltFand A VARIETY" OF •Cllolr E . .. FR TAR TEAS, AT LOWER l'llll X.O, .Aceoriling to the trinrict7lan thi , y can he bought for at any other establishment it, the city. • ca - TEAs, exclusively, are sold nt this house, 81111 seseral varieties w hie), 'entutok In, oldailoql elsewhere. Any 'real whi c h In not give moire satistatetion con be.retorned and evichatglid, or the mo n ey will be refunded. tin' ci 7.CrIS („Itherlatio county two re-. speetfully joshed to:g ve 11. ZI1?13E11, Agent for, the Pekin Tea CpmpaLy ()umber 1, 1114. - A GREAT SAVING MACHINE, AND NO MI S'r:‘ K EPONO N"r4 IF. ORDER Of TIIE - DAT ! , • - lint „,,,vs PATENT, for rutting and grinding -or crushing Corn Fodder, which entirely ohriaies all the objections liCrO utfure wade fur coning and grinding or crush. ing Corn Fodder, &c. The, subse'ribers have the eatisfactiou-of announcing_ tOlte agrieult Tel corinnunity, that tliertave purchased the ofma,ndluattring. And veittling - tiro - tibove mentioned munition in Guntherland county; and also that it is in successful operation at York, Pa. Every difilAlty to its perfect execution having:been luny slirrnonnted, they feel. war ranted-in stating - that-it is the most econem teat and exeellent invention of the day for the par. pose ).9 which it is designed. For durability and gnaw it has no cp.,' in the many mu. chines presented fo the publie fur the saute oh. _fret; and all scientific men. Mach inists,tnechan ie,s and Iltrtners, who ex:lnduct - I,oi. foaled if, 'give their verdict in its litvor. Its ettperiority consists in this, that it may be used by steam, horse, water ur hand power, that it is mote ea. ally kept In order, and it perlbrms its cutting cud crushing by the same operation and does (be work in a perfect manner. It is a great saving machine both in fodder end labor, as itt the operation of it the farmer earl maim genii feed of the whole eurnstock from its root to its • top. as it cuts and grinds or 'crushes the stock on line that Moses, cattle, or sheep, consume the whole of.in consequently. it enables thr; farmer to feed five head of homes, cattle or sheep, to ono with the samoqua wily . of fotideri'and - ma - kosT bettor and stronger feep. Willi this machine one man can cut corn fodder sufficient to feed ten head tit ca,tle in twenty minutes, and when anatched to horse power'ean cut or grind and crush in fifteen minutes sufficient to feed. fifty head of cattle. For cutting hay or srtnw there is nothing can equal to it.. For its stembeity and usefulness it commends itself-at tome to the thrmer, andmnly requires to be seen to lc rfnly appreciated. The maahins may be exilmined and pordhas; ed . ofeitherof the undersigned. At the !lough Manufactory of Juoob Plank, in, Alonroo town. ship,,Ctimberland eounty, or nt tho .ruuodary :if Fraulslin Ciarilrier; Cnrlisle; Pa. , JACOB PLANK ,FRANKLIN ,GARDNER. Carlisle, Member 17, 1845,—if: • SCA PA It IL A TITTO43 A C CO, For fornokinr.,• in Pipes, and of 2 - 51111t4i0l• 111111,- lity (just received and or stdo at din chuup drug , 'store ofSieveritton be ZEilnitll . A FARM', cold full assoi.lmint of. 4,11 yr 11.Wors teclo ()fall :uolors nui(l shades just re ceited by • GPM. W. II ITNER: ,Sliver , thithbles. A SMALL Int of Lest 'twenty sllver Thim blew, •jpet received anti for sate by nov 26 ,• G. Al% lIITNER. ' r To . Detect Ounterfeite. •. • • WEIOII and.guage - flulf and gliarter Eagles, Moore!..Patenlfpßalance,' rooted so correct th at pr.4.4Aitt.erfeiti f .11111ror or Eagles of ffi sticiatit tyol lit. tOurti tlte . ce, can possibly • go' through (ho gtiago, justseceiyod and fdr, sule.by ' "k, , . cec 10.., 1111',N ER.. . - - Fienoh and - English Olsths;' , Cioilas.or.auporior te.t: titkieb, 'overcoat...cloths or cfualitics Lind cotors 4u1 . 4, received at tho store ctlitoliort. ro c 24 es't,roceive4tp,larke*tiO tArStioa, and. ,Ta - War -§h .11tOrttaa 'e;Morot co, Kidafundtaiood,rWaniaiVa pink; yeik'iiv. and wkitel:44ln4 Bkiini, , Black arid afri., pa - d.coindinici , o 0; the aloralit :"" JACOB BENEIti • Ap o V It‘mr.4l figs I,jiGlt , Omit- t and arkdl, kilt& ' fratir COWS foe tt. Pi'efif44ife. !oak iiiito" - j2 l Vriton . .i, (4l lbY .: ' 4t h,iitloiTtt# , '„ no, rof-entry-nuor form 144100.thi j*Pililig 0(1 To um OrlirOka' , 0 9. 1.1 4*:, 1 00,t) !Pk 11.011 , 157.64 fr ?4 1 P,tF r titi mr „,,,,,..zt,...,,,, .4... ...q""Pc., , 4 04PlitiNI/Waif:li Vo eafkAtlificiatfloviaii, e•tAt? l,, , , •+3Plitr'l l ittiali4lo '•'•'0 .1 .ti,•1:•,••=••• 4 , 71 . , iV , A 4 t4f •• 0 'ajVt. f pflin it• •,,, A , ,4 1 „,•• . „ i ,f,,.m.., ~;,•• , , Itwit ,41.:AN , -,Ai"0 ,,, , , , ,;••' t, •, .'• 41,. ~•i, , •'••'• • ',,v -• A ,•• -•-',••-'• • '-: t t , irlhOd 4 liti 1 11 0ligrOi:,#,Plik,1 41 1 1 4i: ' '‘ . .!,i• C, - ,' ' ~ ~ ', ' 64 o;`,'",i4iii lib' 44961,1i10f fipi*4l4:lof . : *44 iiiqc9, ,, --rw ' "' Pi Altigst*,4, tmc s vol. 0(104 alicbAos ind 'tilhakitlel' ,Fk.'t '4 4ll4,llett i i *** ol; 4' l.l4 q l Y°l'r ''''" l444 o ; '' Tfigii;:,chilK`&o:- MPli wilt ! llol!t 11111 : 1 '34i :40 ' 4°a* 151 iitOn(*0 4 'Mee& 0,,k; 10k , ,*,114Aleritthit :1,..11.' i:l4 ; tl-?z,P `''', %z i '..t,:‘4V'' ' : !. 4 . 47 ' 7, 1 ,4 P ' 0 r- 5 t r 148 ' , 9 , 9 114316 '' ,47 '''' ' l /1 11 '" ' C i -, , ,..---- , F-'---• I','? - , --•,1 ,t't - pi,•••r•^1:•,, • r.;-04v•i f '".•+' 4 . 7 •o.lo . ' s Q' ' 4' 2 '"'' ''lil: -. :'''-'-''' '2 'P ' ' '' % '3s l 4' ;" ' ' '", ! •;'' 4 ' (~ ,,' , ' t•4•., ,' .'.•, , A•T:ti'•••it,',•ll 4 '; Y't. , •. , '`';';,4 •, ...'t., , lft,l'j . (t . 14 . t, , ,44 1.144k*5), , ,- ' .e i z:lo' , ~it .... 1 ,,,,,,,,, ,, ~, A -,----4•-•:V•4424 , ,d•t4141 , 'AA 4:4,0,-,41-.)--.=•*--,,•14,,a-•••44.4.4Y-..3 - ,1-. , , -:ii-. ~ , ti., : ;'itAAk 4, ~... CI , ~,F,2,+Ph, MIEN L.?rBlMlMMiit..ktiM , iogtVlA•l4Yetat.VlKvaWc:Yli; J3QoI "_auk`° _'Q toi cueYo: JAMpig , GHEAPIOOt&GROCERY STORE. T"k.Soe4riber, koala, coo,. .stunify. °unsaid a ....general: . a ssorttnent.. of Booki str,Stotionary,.whiub 1Ut. ,,, 16 to sell ixtrtolOced poiees,',%:rbs ureisers {Oil be imp plied with flibles; Paper Ike. ai•the following —7- • • -Family Bibles • • Good School • A . I) . Gond School Testaments' Ponitetbihles Eforonoo gilt edges JAM School. Books , ell dee geaitt al kinds in oso liertionslily low. Ills Slattonany.is orgOod mtiA, N good assortnient af .Lltbogt•nohia Booki and liooks imiti k bro f or tr o ll_ . . . . . Ile also Carries on the Book Ilindlng, ',damns where peAnns can have tlifiirold bolts rebound, slap Blank Books, Doalcets kit. msdlite wider, , The intllrribor in connection with Idsil.lecit sicd litiftii?2otry Wore:has ciiiii iiialied a . ' • riatriTiZat . GROCERY. .: ....: HE . liasitihw on, hankttlargli ina• . ,.....,:,,„: -general aitierttiteht ONO Urooortite,f VI - spree's &c. of everrticeeription and of l' ' )li 4 at tile beet quality, eelacted wit h care i ;l!') a. in the City, anti, which lie ie enableit to sell at redniied,cagh prices to auil, the tittles. - • T,liarilt MI for the patronagb extendo to him during the few days ire hue head ih the bus]. ness, he. 'hopes' by attention and endeaveritig tolileaKi to merit a continuanoo flatted', hie, much it] part' curia i , th , of Streng•Rio and J'ava Coffee,. • Ilcat end !..h1 quality Loaf Sugar,Broivti, white, Havana and crushed -Sugars. . Yining I lyson, Imperid and Kick - Tem • - Sugar tiottiesSyriffi iirtiMarrHrliens Ma lasses. . . , , . RetttonOld,bont,Sperrri 011. , • Spoirh and, .Mould Candlon: %Spicle of nil irnia frosh round itrid tinground, CiliMIN nod 'l.:loiters . , Len - ionic Ninon Citron Indigo, ------- • arc ri tpetro, - .ogivom . • Merman an London tobalard, Rico, Homeopathic and Ha hors brat Chocolate, Raiding, Almond, and FiJ . , . Crockery, China and Glasorrare: A Ito Staab i-afirrlATlrnfl, Brooms, TfR curai,`' 'llnrltcre ' ?Jong hlines,, :kfaspas and Coroonters Lines, Market BusketS, Bost (.7aserislis4 and ' other chewing and smoking Tobacco, Span• lolt„ ball Spanish and Common - Segarra';' A general assortment of gond Spool cotton, thread, tapes, thimbles, brioks & eyes, Pearl bat one, pins and needles, tooth brushes, hair bru.hes combs, pewter sand, oboe !cloaking acid e , v ar i e ty o th er oveful. 'articles. Also No. I & 2 mackerel, snaked Herring, Sahnon,Cronberlies, dried fleet &c. • 4 I)ccellihyr 10, 1845. • .Another Triumph over Consuniption. TIIONIPSON'S Codiitiomid Syrup Tar sod %Vain, ConsumptiVes read the. follow ing : 11 a nti isarno,' V oven - tiler I A, 1845. Dr. S. P. - 11i.....p50n :—hear Sit•Ll consider it n 1. 1 ,1 . 111ef111 .41111 y to publicly acknowledge the 1...0r fa I 1114111111 , 1•11 ell rout' the use ofyour Con:point.' Sy :r ilp 'Car and \\ pod the spring of 1844 1 was ta ken sick With Bilious Fever, and was' very ill for a longtime. Aft erd had, parti'al I y recovered; 06' pl.) siclan inforined me, toy lungs a ivre Ireatell mt. accordinglyi.ht.!. '6O - tifp...o. 111131.1.1111 of getting better,l daily grsw worse. _l., was titially_•inforthed him that .• I wns itiothable and m o st die, and dint in:IMM; remained but promu•ation for alma er wOrld."— aly weaknees increased until 1 Was confined to iny bed; I had very severe pains in my breast, sidc and bock, shortness or breath, and I. was so ve.iy hoarse that tar voice could not be heard un it/Si the 1.111• was a pplool clo•C 40 my mouth. My cuut,•lrP,i 'tai tilde, ha emission; me 'light and dnv, 'so find I mold obtain sery Brit, rest. While suffering in this manner, with nu hope of relief, saw y iir itill et. 'set:m.)l in the I•Uniti" of ibis borough, le cc... Monte of A 'Hay or ridift; t i vlpl";.l. wl ich so nearly ilesskibed my case. that I resolved to iry 4.11 11 F Well{lllllll, 111111 its Virt1(1111 upon. me. I accordingly sent to your agent, Dr. Nlaillerson, moil ,procured 11 11141 . !1% had not used more than one third of it berme the lina ...mess rat ioe: I then took regida rly ; the pain m my breasi,Nir: frit 411 e, shortness of brenill and cough eenicived, awl 117111 now able to walk about Doh renewed le•atil. and strength. eau make What )mi please vi this. I sin w to . e,ive any sail:di:lien that Mil be regain') of into 11' milled on 1 .,•t 0 „.0.,.. • \VIII: great I remain yours, Re • .1 Aron SquiF.R, ail. STEVENSQNF & %11 , 111 A FERN' are.lbe UNLY - Druggists the . liArensh - nrenthity,ilin are a. evatn, and From whom the artiCle. can be had. Beultire of ,puriova vnitationi. deo 17. sciixooli BOORS._ - • • eVw111:1CNEEllliEll keeps , constantly on 6 }rand ull the various kinds of boolts used . in the Public and Privnte schools, and is deter• mined to salt tlicnioat kless price thun'they con lisle, tiotwithstunding one of the book-aellers sending notices to each of ..the teachers in Cer lislet ho read publicly in the Imitable, that he would sell the books at a less price than they ' . een ho bought elsewhere. Those fami ties who bought books bektib thoinbseriber deltic tit •CarlisM. know tbll well that Ile sells them at least 25 per cent less then they-could be bollght and that he woo the Aral.; who re duced ttLe_ Supt. :24, 1 845 cAamiramai Ivritult TI- u rhe t respoctfolly,informs thb Al_ citizens of Sitiolteytdwn and its thnt.hti has cciniziOneiid:tho ChBINMBI ING BUSINESS In that Village; and is pro., pa.Futi tb inartufnegutb ordetavery artiels ih the tine of his profession.. Such as • Bifitaus, Sofas, Secretaries,. Sitfirids sins 'I I A EILEB; ,130001'ADS, Ata, He respectfully-41014a a Owe 0f .. -oa4lia patrona g e, confidaa(tilai ho nn render kaadral aatiafactina. DI.ITIIIdS , HAHN. • Decontiar 9.4, 1845, . . .• siriurrt F•••• OR. Ma cksmiths use, together with fine Gym and Lyken's 911101 ml sitwl will beliolil-at the, lowest aloeaibte prit.e 10.C.4.54,?t , WAI. 13; Nnv. 5,154$ ,LAilles*Work Baas. . A FURl'llER.i3apply of !Allier] Work •ttoicsat stiltablo for Ehriotans, Prsents, Idtely re ocivi,l.o.o(l.,.;ror, Baia b W—ltitfiv.- : „deo 24 . - • . .D• Cashmeres • AND'uin.v. de' LOnosoow jiiiiu . nappfv, 44 1 i 'oubsiiribcr: R. InvIN,EI ,Yr..r 34 . „ • it . )..skile"' by 'AettreNioe 4 - " PIASTER ;It. Lone :100 barrels I)rin,d ereite§#4* , ki p 7, 44 - 4464 , 14 21; ~•'. i t t *trli: l *AF- iFi4 •""tsjigirSivir4:l°‘:,,?,,„tfriiil4;::''L:l:',,.`,..-..1 • ' • .• r-'-' • it2T fj68 4 1 4 '40 i'ng itoxt.,,ofj Ratio! Irvin., I ,44,;N't:oriffj , !MlClicor ; prilire'ru k poio. 46§ - R4 ' EMS=39 , • "•?•Sup ioAtieryi • rmat:4'o 6 oi vo(1.41;• )Iv-z4r,nadorik id)vostgiuhpiji,mtisa l • " • ainaltatilts; b If!!ft'Plqi.tt,ll ( 4 . 12, the prtig antflioQlc Siopi coPKyell ' =I MII=S ZiE110:15 '<- 1 1. 3 5 itw .„ „ CARLISIr,rEMAMSFMINARY; - - ZOIllgc)FION -OF /Miami -Pliebo',6l4l2-titietriotte . FfirititoAltD, with fuelellghts and*ltshing, udil bo.fufnished to you.nt indaei 0it.91;25..nur, ing enamor month:4 atid42'so , tlitrlitg the winter moittlii. TUiTI N.—Common Enklish stud-- as Ge grephy, Citatory; Arithmetic, ottding--and'Wrltingftdr--- gr. - sg,cto Astronomy, •klashre, Cooaletrytr!lit.,"; Mal Philiainithy and Eviistipotoppirt. lion,' Higher branches, ei Botaay h ' enri.. t. try, Rhetoric, Mental an(l MoralPhilo s n' - .•• rtfihy,•tho Languages, I .thawink,'Paltlicii, tag, Stc.vvill.inyplvo , an'axtra-ottelie-ot,- , -'- Laotians. in Instrumental Almelo. by :" Prof. E. L. Walker, for art citfachargo ;'of • " The-Tuition Will- he • reqiiired gOnitorly ind the price of Board monthly,in adiatied, and rid deduction-11min for cbsohed hot imposts of sick ness. TO the bonriing animate, the utio of a ver,y,exeellent piano iN furnielled withotit churn° andistr-angeinents linvb also hien font nithrng two or thrie uddlUonul hrlarders With he, gratuitous, ueo of tetct.tiooks, tr dozro. The next quarter of this,. School openibtajtli the.first day ofJanuary next, and heing.'aniong those wiro have bud daughters in.the 'sc hen! during the last _year, we avail euttielifeislof tit Is inUllllll_bf expressi ng the public, and'especial. gly -to,, the citizens of this and-the adjoining counties, onr conviction that , advantaged et a very ligh order are here fi &Med for the Oration of Missee and young ladies, such in deed, as aresearcely'execlled in,the`ceuntry. the intellectind trukning given le systeinutic and- therough,-a bile the manners and morale nettle pupils are most carefully watched river From' Personal observation and knowledge, we feel entirely confident, in recommending-this ~ebool to all such as would secure a suitable -place -for educst ing:the i r-daeight ors— M. CALDWELL. ' • W. M. BIDDLE, J. A. G ER E - • ----- -- • WM. Pfll:l 4 PY.i t f AN, . JOHN McCAFF4EV, Nov. tg, t 54.5. • CHPANGALVANIC RINGS, diseevery Iras received the universal approbation. of the Medical pr.i. frasien of Great itri la in, end 11118 win' been rely ficiently long before the-Aitterican public to g, vo fair test of its power and rtileacy. Tbn Potent Galvanic ItMgs have been found In an. sever all the purposes for which -the ordinary Galvanic Bdituiy, et , Electric and Mive ' netic machines are uteri. hut ore without any of Ihe injurious sheets which accompany (lie :midi. cations those instruments, and in many oilier resin...eta are inerii safe and certain 111 .41.7. desired object. - The Galvanic Rings. mined in 'animation the Magnetic-Fluid are .?lifielently reconi.. Mended in oil disorders which arise froin'i. ifirfeehled br 'Unhealthy state of the nervous "l -e-ital. system, and these complaints are among the Most• paint - id mind universal to which •te rare-sub:fact. They-ariee without exception,. froin ono *Ample cause—a derangement of the nervous system—and it was in these cases (het other remedies having so. often faded , n ne-,v agent was wuhted, which it in confiddlitly be lieved bus been found in the proper and judicious application of Galvanism. The strong doses, and at irregular intervals, in winch Galvanism is admihistered by lire Machines,'have been pro. ' - isr -, iinced after a fair and imp - aril:II trial, to dqcidedlyrhjurlous, while the povver as applied Ii the Galvanic Rings is in every ivay equally perfeetly_safe-- and twenty dines it cheap. . The Grdvatileltinga hors been .used with per. lect success in all cases of Rheumatism, ocuto, Ar cli•-onie, applying to the head, face or litn La; Gout, Tic Do!omits, or Tooth ache, 13ronnliitis„ -Vcotigo, Nervous or Sick Headache, Indiges. lion, Paralysis, Palley, Epilipaey.: Fits, Crimp, Palpitation of the Hcart, Apoplexy-, siiffness of iota La Lumbago, Spinal Cern ida lots, Neurulg ia, General Debility, I.telicient yf Nervous Energy, and all Nervous Dimdere. Their ex nary effect upon-the system 'nest be witnessed to 'be believed, - and' as - a certain - preventiva for the preceding complaints, they are equally to be recommended. The' Galvanic 'ands, :,)raoelets, In 801150 comp ...igAirs of o. vet y severe eliarric- • ter and of long torhiding, the power obtained by tiksnic Rings is omit eufflCienCto arrest the rogress - of disease and ultimately rk'store: " i proved rinalifientiort m.thn-r4s4--- - vanie Belts, &fuels, Dracele(s, azo.,entirelroirn• cities this objection ; any, degree of power that is reviled can easily be obtained. and no die ease Minch the mystet ions agent of Galvanism can effect, will fail le ha pertnuneatly relieved. The Binge, &c. are of different prices, hying made of all sites, and of various ornamental patterns, and can be morn by the most `delicate female Without the lightest inconvenience. CIII2ISTIE' Airiva.r_s_lo•ll.3 FLhli? Js n_ necessary accompaniment cases in AChich the 'Calcunie'Rings anti their 'iliddiffeatiOns are need. By means of this extraordinary cam .position, an efficient action is rentieracertsin, mud the Oalvanic intluence.tiliebted to the upr limiter parts .vhich are-affectbde', contains nothh.g - ca pa tdiy:oftifilifightest injury.; its application is agrecalila;dnd ft i 6 as hat:micas in its action - as it is beneflCisl:in its results. . . Corlifieares froln physleinns and others of the Highest character and-respeCtabilify i bear. affects the-strongest viitness•of the extraordinary affects ofthese -artteles,4 aro constantly. mum. Mains, some of mihieli.may tic seen by cilltog Son Op agent. in Carliale. In order to guard against fraud, bi;CfrIST4.: appoints' but ono aganCY in each .tenfM• ,The only place ha_Carliale where tiro gennine Z [tics and fluid oan be obtained is at the store of 00. W. HITNER; Al,l itnitatiMur edld e4e4bet.o are 4Orthless .ecittnterfeitc PaMphicts bap be obtained grafts as '4503: • .• :•• " ; Cabinet efilor:clang., 70H1 enbacriber takeir thia'rtiath'ad rinh ...forming, Icionda and ,the erallythat he carries oh 1110.11E11NE1 MA. K 11\ -1:IUS I NW - in - all `,Tarlinfif.bilinchig, in • rei t : 0f , ,P. , lonlils'quiir•Fantoiy Hannytii al,), ri• barn he kePs cqllo° ll 9Y hand. tna.overy - .4lfar,doonrir unlit" all or lib lek rheDge tox.oouptiVilorinao,lll,lllllqtli 1:1O ivllra)o6:4orambii:Rr , , f. a i*ln • Wilialgi*O:ietuo SOranlb.-. IrN 'made on. ta,iin abort 46 . w 7 , ti a' sPle,Pdid fill I.°ll6zi,t • tronngav: con fidapi, ;3pe,oarr,raiinf..geripirgi t c-, 7. • settifileolipn:l :R.. si t gayngtrom.: - • a lien isi Ihh • • aceat Ji~Auritzel-rwrjhe .43.4:, • _ Fri figoi - DRE :FAVV - AR - 111:1111Titif NSVR t Aveg COMPAN•Y." 4 6" niteTlq!El!k* 1 4 Jails kick ' cißits!, ilsks on ' . u vo lry t1 t 11 ,9rIp0 01 1 ,61. 0:; 1 1 4 1 1 '1,0 1 1 1 ogrlY oniqd,it 41 0' iiiiii4C4Ast O r4ini 'l- , t ; I ; 441kpoiln`fitiffting biisinisnfo tt_ o t-M;;M:it drhO rjgrlbYWVigikPledd4ilirt th lf,t r n iltibrie,•ti 1 6 itOSIPY, 4) 4, n 6 s 6 '''tkithPA 6, ,c _ u l Atl o •; • !; • V i t . , : fi t l i L4l4, r Ula r * " l : P 1-4 MV.t t }l3l ' el " Callitsttitiltirrci;t ' llo (144¢i' , Vedr . t. i\TDoei.it t 6o: Robiiilrl4llol Jtd,3 •• , • 4 7,,i-.771":1, ions if►'.'r, ZEE OE