fit= HER4III . BL EXPli` ^"RrainP Zl - PA; 77 :44 14 :" MT,DIsIESDAY — JANIJARY 9,1446; r -- , vicr, •V. rALVER, - E8C1:,.,13 1 tc,114115T,E*,, fitl= North-oiest "canfin.,of 'Mira and `Chestnut streets l Philadelphia, is, tuttliorizealo tbeelve subsonptiotis and adver lisetrtanta km the liza.ALD AND Exiosyron, and -:- - OtlYpetipts for tho same:. - Merchatits;Me tiltentis :and tradestnert generally may extend . ilielf,business - byt.vailing themselves of the -.nriportnnies for.a4yertisiag. in country papers whiclt his agency nffOr4s.. - re-of-neatfitimoriatee at this pattiestar time; febddmi tho 'fourth Togo of to-day's _ . .• . . - .Lti7;llle - Itartrcle' r .eiffitled -i llcereationa . 'fNatqat Ducar first page,, wdl cer _... • t lainly..interesttall who are fca•l of the.inar ttellOtts.. ''.We'glive the article r ah wg found • .it,iithout iicdit. •• the Tory remarks ble jizcts staioir, :Aiwa', be N disposed to —..,.-.l4...its_praterat_thililL;er of 'Punch.' . ejz;j—NVe , are Repeated to state that 'Tavid has settled and paid o?i hi full, the tale-Und•rriilitia fine duplicate, for 1545,... for _ 'East: liennsboro4,h and AlamPilen ships." . By, tliis tee presume — is -meant that Itlf. Hume is collector-for those townships, and — liiisTtillii - edeaeTiiitliePerferinance Of his duties. In.that ease he deserves. credit for. his enerp. and promptness, while-the patri-. otie4tTietisrof those townships deserve equal praise for that high regard for the honor and ereditlif ffe'State - ehiehitas ma need - them so promptly - to advance the amount of their tax es. Repudiation can meet with no enema-. .agement in.'Old Mother Cumberland.' niitd)N AND WAll!—The SOinllS or the , 'country / in WaShington are still utmost alar ining' loggerhuads in relation to the Oregon fir..:slion. A foNidays-since it 'was thought ••that thtt decisive•step Mr. Calhoun had diisipatod all tear of war p but the calm has again been_disturbed by _the fiety.ths iirnstration of John Quincy Adams• The eyieitiainent must now. continue 'mail Clio re intelligence froin. England; ,acquainting us with the effect. produced there by die . message On this question...there is party issue. imp vAif, , • , , witiv-tho.-locofocosobat onr right - .to. the territory is clear. But that the courdry' precipitatedinto g leng'and intruti it; is - by no means clear- We hear so much clamor about . "tt Fare' either, were it not that certain rants to the -Prosidencyythin)c. they see in , the wild - feeling they thus create, the means which Niill!givo success - to their s longings. lot the sober-m hided keep cool, and' Nihert the crisis really comes-do their • wholelluty to their country r - - ' •-- PITTLADELPIIIA AND PIJTSBURO RAIL ROAD. Public, feeling is now thoroughly awakened •anditia Otto certain that a rail mad utiWaitinAh s etw& >' t's 41•1 at no distant day bo secured. But whether that communication shall' bo by a continuous route from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, along the line Air ;lip Pennsylvania Canal; or. by a • contituiation of the Cumberland Valley road to an intersectivin of the Baltimore and Ohio -cead,,-AihiCb,company ,citv._nakutg..the .rig 4 of luay - throlighl . ii, Ivania to Pitts biarg-Jete guestions,of" , • 'eryl•seripus impor .•• , • . tanco. to tree people of our fionrishing valley. • • We yore. about to 'call the attention sifour to -the sUbjoet by soma remarks of our own, when the communication wo give in another column was received.— Wewefer our readers to that, as setting forth :the loading features.of theliroject more fully acid ably than would have been done by ourself: „ • • - . . -..,,.: ff :110 le gislature of thin 'Stain 'OCititinen: ask ita,eonnitl: seat!ion"Yeatealay, , and the _.•,PetiOrrierWritiOrtge'vtill",tr.o.p.bly'bo..deliy . 4!:(iiql;t t o4ay,:`:, , ,Tltiiiiieethe,„47llava large tria .4rittea).ri,liotitAinsea, .!atid . ,will..:of core -- . harriltititing4their,.own:4af, -unless they . ilienid, f liiii)*llii:la :Ci r idiret among theineelves. • 'We .pliktl'eei3';l33.3tErtiti - ).'45 - rttitaibl'iii3 • 1 4 1 .04 1 5X' *4, Y.4711J , refn, tO : grant or renew 'al l • Bank.oliarter without the ,Indi . 2 . ..i9tial,l,fahilittitatipe:•:.yl*re will be agood q').of9.f.AC*44:Poo . g : 49 : t ' aPPllc-a t kon ,foil:rail , gloada;i , endi;we . suspect, no arhall AOa (ili ,l'itUL&ifigt . doifi3.: 91; ene thing the :.Pq01k,441ii104:,.:0 , iiiii. 6 4; #.o.6that;iss, that !40r:TOPii*i 1- oc,b.iiYo.o l :4:go44rt i 'F liiore •.:003alifii , thit ! Itiiebioprif!:WilLiither be in.. lafeligdlninbdiatklYie:i eitoOrieriatireti, ful op .___:*aktii2;iiitki;r:iil6l4'l3ickoebitng**Autry, - etiii.#4,(.40 ; :40 - 9, %,0f,"115344::Y*Pi r ,i i Zis..; _ _ ~ ' ,:ii, : i...:0:.;•,.i. ' :, ' 5," 10 ' , " ." - ' • • - 44,legialatarkil ~: . °1 . 31 .4 504 1 ccO,Oned,at I.ii*afieliii , ;onlitak , idaylait, , .. ';• Vint ,I;Viii4-06:.a0iini . rpil , ,qiei'o4r0,,bp,f9ioaipe f !iikqt1 .. .019 . r.., ;Tii)i4o.l,''''.,:; l 4 f; 4,,lPb'i",fo., : #-P l O-g°;. ~on,,the fivoning„praeOding t t 7p,5!.99 111 1 11 P55.0.i. iiii4liti'iltt.. l *he is.:o:l.l4oste'r.of.thal'Ot/titil :. tion;!hariiiin:e.leetnd,Sprialie,ii--cif the,..hOes9 ' . 7..4.f„'Ak)ia4 foiii#: . .o.;,:o e j! ;'!.J.i.i , ;9#. ::14:41.449miqi-;i.T , ,.,six , i4,liory,of,.:trNo;,o4Ki ,-..,rillii,p4 , ,,ittia, - **6:.,)iii.A:7a'4l ! ahritit, ': 11 :': -114 4'; .., '3.kaii:e i tititi'',l.jei*,%2Tiati'it;,atitintil iiiiiisage'iVeg 1 1, ::..;40iNti '''iii 3 Ontsiit'isf ilie';finttiteha ''OfitNe 4' l / 4 .414 . .;:..,E1 L ,591.4 %, ,, , ,..cfpq10pn o*.7tc 4404.i.:/.. - .:,.i - :,,'..501,i'fffe1e144/0:i ;,,'' , .. - .,..1.:,,1,..e.:,; '',... - 41 ,, tZtr.ii i ": 4 ., ". , 1',f , ,, , ' . •; I 'I'..itiM I 7 I I,VO I MPOWNOMARIOI ' P I #RIOO- 1 1TY :: 4 00 . 001 5 0aining 'l;'' l:. : t4 l ,9:qtft l6 ,V,oo 11 1 04 4 4 10 ift ' ‘WOOSAOti,t.ittfillAo4 4 lo o .s l 4 .• o(47M#ol4o#.l 6 lo.:f4 ,6 lAtiAiy( :7700:001.01.:- . 1 - 0ifi:elyi*k0Y.,i 44. . ..140.ii0i,..'4.14t*0tf., - Al,o-04 . stf 01 4 ; ', , •44:#0*.iii?*:iiikOliall'''04#4. 6 11.0 1 b* ,:V4444ifeitaatat,A4o4ipeottibi.