Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 31, 1845, Image 2

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    q-''t 4:•;•tici!,Yk.u/ • ,
E R*ll I I Bt:4lE
, Otrlf. B. PALMER,. Es '. ; at h lBY ceNV45:l),a-;
per Agency cone of,j
_ Third _and Cheetinit4PtrettiPhiladelPiiia, , ie
autheiriied-to nitidiAiiP a kaketipiions and advei•
tisernetits for thelteraiii;ititi EXPOSITOR, ank
give ritoeipte.for theOiatria. Merchants, Men
chanica 4i nd tradearaitgeneriliy
their Inisineaaby,availit!gilkentesilvt':tt;:pliNiet:
p4verti sing
which 'hie agerlePilffordeo.,,,,,,,,,,,L,:r;.
atdiete lea'"
of tttgtlViotutt 11(019'estate, siteated about sit(
the depth of about twinity feet, within a vcri;
sport distance of fh'e fiuttqC,A'a vein of iron
ore,.inconneciion with(Cb.eil of limestone,
the excellence of its quality, tibun
--rdaidn, and facility of-ty'ol4k,iiirontige:i to 'be
one of the
.it valtialfein'TatkiltlOT irate.
TAitzir a We
in another coltimafilie
of a mooting held a few "o7iiing,3 since
Dickinson towdship, to remonstrate against
any change of the 4 proatnit,Tarik: .. s. , Yrom what.
4earn inegli*•*l63. lOge, and
composedetithili`Otiniiii'.Whe have
alWays acted with the , hicorodti,4itlity; and
:;klrieeit,Of whom Votecl. for James, ',ANAOtiae,the narnOlifh4 one •Whigiin the
- - , ' - proiieedings. •
- - - ,z,'Coming from ties :Locofoens, this
tient ifitrigitil and proper—it shows that they
are.not:yet pOpared to sacrifice the country
No' - 'influence that Whigs could
;noW,Ort would. ar ail'anything. They gaze
.due-warning of what might bp expected if
Jiiits K: Polk sncgeeded, and our deluded
ciplionenisiioiv Fee the triischiel that has been
wrought by disregarding 'that warning. "'lt
now remains for- them ,to say whether they
will startd by Pennsyb-Sina,.inioiests,
baself,deserting therm give up all to enable
Moritia. Polk and Walker to crush Pennsyl
vania by repealing the Tariff and carrying
out their favorite - system +of Free RadZ. •
The - Frl44ir,.Courity people seem toihave
wakened uP,on this subject in earnest. • The
Bast Cliatilbersburg - • Whig' has,an elaborate
and forcible article in favor of granthlg the
rigb,t NN'ay through Pennsylvania/to - the
Baltimore and Ohio railroad cernparry, and of
liras securing CrilialbrPittsburg by making
n ' n .nn i vl E L ollw ith--A I MOA9X I I I OiY-OPY--
road which shall intersect the Baltimore and
Ohio road at the mouth of Little Wells Criiiek;
in Bodfcitd . ceunty;,a.'distance of 115 miles,
and the - Otirriate:ircost cif about $3,-
000,000, Thu. <Whig'➢arguee thatlYnless the
right . of Way is granted to the -B. & 0. road,
•to Pittsburg; it must find a termination on
the Ohio - at. Wheeling, or perhaps farther
down, which : will effecutalfy cut off both
Pittsburg and - Philadelphia from the south-
_western trade, and transfer the whole of
trade to ttre city:of Baltimore. This matte
will make an interesting subject of discussion
for the coming Legislattreiatlil thO - Olaims of
all the conflicting parties..will °be faithfully
Oz The deeeription of the admirably-trien
ni:l Farm ,61 Robert liaaolk, containethin
the report of the Cumberland County Agri-
taulturul Society, and published •in the Herald
;one the' entire round
of the newspaper press of Pennsylvania; and
many of those in adjoining States. Our So.
.Ciety has thus bgeNhe Means of diffusing
valuable inforixiatitm among the Farming
community, a:fa:aft:oll6h shotalB , operate as
an incentive to its members to continue their
4 exertions to make the Society still morcuse
fitl in effecting, its great object—the improve
xu•ent ,of Agriculture. .
ast has
(t'r The passage of the Texas resolutions
through the Senate was given in a postscript,
in a part of our laSt week's edition. " Further
particulars of it will - Ix, found in , The
letter of Oldsehool,' on our first page':
xWfien the vete - Was. talcon - 4 - Treeaibers of die
Senate were present; 10 abserti,viz:, , fi.whigl,
Messrs. S. It Clayton,: Pearce, Jdheson of
Jalnagin, Morehead •an t d Crittenden,'
7 - 7 nd - 74tr*Warati- . - .-7 1.
,p 10; lii s repuffie and Bright. Five Whigs ye
" Jed' fOr the reSolutions—Messrs. Archer, Man
...-•:".".41;•Bett•ien; Barrow and.3.ohnson,
are nob exceedingly scarce, as
ever} , hOuse.:keiper 'knows. An old gentle : i
man wishes uc
,to say l , for--the benefit of own
trp.of-pouhg.t.AhaLbones well.pulverized and.
t2irown - in the food of supply
i '4oideratuin, and pause thelrtto yleld their sc.
: , .eiiatritiVed supply of eggs.. • .
~ , ,,f)trlaclslultrhas.beim- l oopited—the jury.
siliindta'AikiP 40341'0 await his tsial - r.;n other
b hr i
lirdipiiiiilytsgblittitis'inotpro ea co 17,1 C.
t hp x540 , 000 i,000 ie going!
' But -
4 Or F, 1 4+ 2 ..t.'.'1 1 .iP' fr°l l *
4 3 3 e ) .i:Eitira: l 4: ll ' .4L ''7o l 4 o-i 11 1, .., -f i r
. 'occurred ' , 'occurred '
- C4lO Thus,,
, o a , -gl„: 20 4 1-
iiiiit.;:lrideh'oorisuined,a-nlinvber of vaNable
860.15 Y
. 00 'feet' Vairei
?aind memo . r,'' . l4,d' r aloili:_erahOui?'4 : l,46,o6;:
3 r;u 18 :1 11 ' ifrd 01 144 160 % , P ) Rtlitiet
• erne. 18
7640 . .0 7190 . 9 - : ejt , 3o:Ej 13f.
41.68 4,ll_lllaktity:WlAM_Et few weeks ppt. 4
, r tir - p im . — rp4 ii :64.:,.00;;Pi.ft
.".166.1fani'-e, -T,.,,thir," ..%;g:fear' !iii)ni .:b.q.".r
ildwaani!°Yeti77—. ".
ailliAii.no44l 4ol # 6i n a i t' . 4. ..." 9 "' 1
es- -..w1!..
r,:•:vst.'i.lov.,••,-,:gfei. 4,74:,14-:
`.1:;4r.--wo-Aoti, 4- -The 1-li'n'jitrirria
:•,..,hraipairfftlo7,,w-v' 4f..7tlitt:itnitrtramk '
O a ti l t - !.' 1111/4 e. 4t h rs4 ••••• ;Ingiis ii'llif.
Atf 1 1 ifi1 f 44 1 . 6 '/ 41" t aur It Of bitiOr
7.A...., 'l.: . :tlie,iissimig
,:',,i , •,:, • ' . - ,
• ,
&114g.-44 , /• , • ,
P4:,154`" . ' iiiriirfTl4l,
It'BadicfnuteNt4••-• . a' —
of et
.1. .. ci • mili66,li ttalT7ll4)/e • ,A
-k7-1„`...4,3 •t ' l 4 •,1 th c• '4,4* 118(dikmlite ''
i lhit, f, ,rpTes,. - „, ,
,a .ii. , , , g ,
~.., ~
c6 ,, 4,ii. .„.. i. , d) ,.,...
'Z: :.`ik-
. fittk- :1 9 Sift -111 ..,
.r - .
' . sttgy :F. and acquitted.
5>4.,',.;...,"/P.,444,;,''. "--:
'.. z,ezi,„t•.:-.....tf0wi„.
.'y~~~Yr.'F c:~
.4 7 4*:
• ,• . 'fg . `' - ; 41 -3::::i'...' 4 , ilgialitit.L - --- ::-...
liii.g'6 l l"'
: .• ti‘ea:4',.s.litrAitrii*.oo.l46,o444olo
TOOfir t 6caettpaice iNitiii4.46:liiiiktrygThe,i
kertiitioV ,. `'teii'' '' - tik • l'*Vrica'
. t ' -...t , ,,-- , .... - -4., Pme Prc. ~4011,,,,,,,,,T ,c
tri9,*11,03,j - *l* the inqiipt liilitteithigh:
~ ..15iiitOtTp^ t iligtiiidshreii6. Pura 2I
- .l:6il 4 ,,i P tii:stilityrtl). Ille,Talift; it cafe* keelis
2 irutgtview the fd:ellhat the - real object and;
ehriVef these gentlemen itiAd; intysdoee a, get;.
Kilititem of-FREE' TRA OE by the repeal
``.. r tf i .4lt.'in'otective duties. There is no. attempt I
to ditignise-illis design-in 111rdllult. ? 4r's Re- 1
pbrt,tillid tint the English nianakevrers per
lexi(l;;-14derstand4ik.„-T'9l9Bi!i6n Lis
provedlsy the following ektritcl limn thp
:Livettool eripiesjilceiNtid hv. the ./teethitt.
"Ceannicree is alWafs . the soother of angry
plucsions—the oil upon the troubled waters of
contending factions,' It is upon this ground
that; irrespective of his 'war purklensities, a
largo party . itt this coontry.(Englend,) wishwell to Mr. Polk. They diklike his pugna
city, hlit The,tiare olitiht„to' the:President,'BE-
to revenue." -
Now while tl,l6.Eng!ish manufacturers xo
clearly see kl.r.-Poik's truo pogition as an °id
and out Free Trader, does the Volunteer ho
llow, that the friends.of the Tariff in Cult
herland etiunly can be blinded any longer?
We ittive tOo'bigh an opinion of `their intelli
ge.nee to thinit cf,Nre arc not 'utterly
mistaken, they will, when tho - "day of rea
rming" arrives, -visits terrible retrityutionmpon
the guilty heads of those who have been In
strumental in so'hasely deceiving them.—
Curnl , -;land,county will never aesert the
Morning News of Wediresclay ) .says " A
report m!as in general circulation yesterday
afternoon, that,n letter had been' received-in
the city froma member of the Cabitibt at
Wi,isliingon, by the afternoon's maii;lo the
effect that a settlement or the Oregon boun
dary question had been mut-hada in, Lon
don between the British Goveftment are
Louis McLane, on the basis of the 49th dez
grec—the proposition having,come from the .
forrner-- , We have not seen the,letter in clues;
tien, but have reason - to regard the truth of
this reperf as die highest degfeeifthable,:-.
ye k.n6o the British Goveriirrient is ruilious
for the speedy 'and amicable settlemezit of
thn - question, We know too, that it-was ata
recent day ready to_offar the 46th degree',.
before allowing matters to go to extremities'--
Nothing can be 'more likirly than that -outnof
this -anxiety on th - efrisaltintiVed - With - ffe
. fact of our, Government having recently, of
fered to accept the line of 49 . , has 'grown
definite tieaty:bOtwoen Lord Aberdeen, and
Mr. McLane." It may be well to add, in
connection with the above, that Mr. O'Sul
livan, ono of the editors of the Morning News, I
-has-just-returned -froin , :Fingland---in the-last
steamer, and may probably have had en in
terview with Mr. McLane, and hence " his •
reason" for regarding the.riiiiidavell founded
--51 3 1te-Lifonte 0714,01.-et.
CO- The beauties of depending upon a
foreign market for-the sale of our brenid ;tuffs,
much dwelt upon by6eorelary Walk er end
other anti-protectionists, are made' strikingly
manifest by the effeets , OT the late forelgu
news upon the prices of grain.
The rapid decline in the price of wheat and
flour-is but another evidence that this coun
try cannot place any reliance upon a foreign
market 'for
. the sale - of the products of our
agriculture. Foreign nations will only buy
of .uti when it is their interest- , -,they carefully
provide a market fuethe pioducts of their
farmers, to the exclusion of other na
tiOrts,,Eull 41 experience proves that a home
imarket for our own a,gnioulturalists is the only
desirable one, as being more free' from den-.
gerous fluctuations in prices. After all the
hue and cry about the, increased export etif l
flour, it seems to have scarcely exottaifdd
that of forwer years. • ."
It is therefore fell}' to rely upon such ant:
'insufficient datitand and !met' an
market, Nassachusetts ulone, , since activity
rtatifi.of 1842, has consuined of Western
'flour annually over one million o -dollars
worth. The profits of this home trade result
it by charges blade by foreigners,. Home,
inanuftictures are neZeiry, to the profits pf
our farmers, and we naistake the character of
our peopleif they consent to change the cer
`tainty of a - reliable home market for the tint
certaixchances of a foreign libni,knd,
A 07froirr-the, .ce,,, - ,9tlhe — laureaster
(Pa.) liniorkAad flentinel,%fonris us tlitatoi
the 16th Inet..tibmati tutraediLevi Zell, was
arresied in.ratt a tiiiinfliitt charge Ofluif.
.. ~,,.•./ • re s ' 1 i p.. 1 -1 4 'A'
mg lorged tke d , Of'arri ll l l ,4Av ~, , n•
Jacob Smitb*r*, 44% /21i.:14,14secastor
Bank to which', fte' liaise' placed - liislarne as •
endorser. It is sLta cni alio thetuturfe,Aus..9lh..,
er foiserieeliave been v ace re,kik syrucll
' Ills ielltti#tliNhtifiliiciperigiWatri2ng.
ly,in3pilcated as locesinty; 'all off" amine
saalanied - w,ith. name. ,
....- — ' -- r" - ,
.•! r atrytiltagl "Ina!, teeentri made appli , ca.
igin tekt.court in Vo'g,iiiia, for adf Or" int
lierhasillind, Ex-Gove rn or Thomas 0f,,1d t ry/
!arid. 'Tlie husband had previously, aPPlied
fArd l 44lYtece uPPLA 041 k 6 1 1 74#1 4 4„tditktloi
CoiFt ii! tip Patna .150claml?iafi:Thiivie l
einxte;dn ' tin V l 'ao , The Hon. Raver"
.11” ,
..,:—: ' , , oinas bad
isilise.querdli r3 9::9oA*" i,'Aw/l Ue . 4
ilred*; (ll ProPiiill l 4 digs Nei 144 E4'
fitited to Km'...( slohaeoni); . - h . !s i rsisld •
f 4 5 4,"/ a nd all 1 .- *.loiFl'votyo,! 6 .7 ,l , ,
conailiauor - , T ejtitiiiiiratilviiiitonipt
lylov.the di , co, which aVM., illarti fi ed to
'la d tlyiVitAl•c n ittiagificnitik 7'
wa. • ' 4 - 4. 0- , -.., . A , .. , rttrAtt 0 r 1 ,
• ;,ane .i4).44,ol:g r gapptil age, that if .a .
wisira lakeAsidlha geverninelit would
rittlil , 10 " 0 41401411 1 ;bni bilve tO >MOW td
least a hlthdiii*liniapl'Or dolllrs a : year,
for: first lawyea r ic7 Th e p r p e obt , ' ret.
from imports 4 * hand ialaei would Yam
noarly the riiiortis-odd,bi wholl
to`taxes• ,
c 2ott li tins inolemer4 l lllaithlr44 . llo year
4 4 it& l 4,iiik , g'l''klQ l ( l -icinOanbeiCiiie. '
And-:-/a.y , thoPkoter/ ' :='7Y.;! ''. .:;",
~: 0 ..
._ 43.
: --
Itia ...,,,.s ~,:.
,-,. _ - - -,ry.0.7.:•47,-3.7....,
t;.,,,... , .;,...,. , ,1ik,: 1 ;.g:
titi4g#A*ll4 66 7 t tt' '
W 99 11g o
o•fctorigres; did
silde"4",idilitolday, for whicif;lli4s-±i4 lf* ill`have the 4„.,
thanks of rePeiteis errcorres
poqkitel narfiely,M adjournover:lM' Batt, Igclerittand4.Aat
adjoarnthent would take place on-that „day till•
Monday. This of &firs° gi'vps:rn4mbitiMitfill'i -
I others connected with';
nity of visiting and spending` Christmas with;Christmas ithl ;
their; f unities nrtd Aind -- the:TeislAV
'was the necessity of puttilig'extrii"cars • upon
Philadelphia, &.c., at half past five o'clock.
Brif:the wild which thus bfillv so 'favorably_
for ilia railroad r emppany, waSlin
the Hotels, (item being many,gliests
them lo:gight thanifinm Was last night. 13.9 t
the _tide o visitoMflowsend ebbs to , and from
the toity,. i of therocean
or•o• - •"' et • .' • • '
tr(tho 210u59, 10=000 •engravings neeessar)
to. aecomiiatfrilialsgspaideritisSsage,.i - vero
ordered, .and a motion eras then made TO ad . !
journ• stated, and carded almost
.lOhe Senate, Mr. Webster presented are=
nu:irisrance against the admission of Texas
as a.slaye State, and - ha doing so moved to lay
l'it•ora the table, saying that it had come op
! too' late 'for Tekas,_but mighrdolor '0713A .
hereafter, Whickproduced a general smile.
The various subjects in the President's Mes
sage were referred to appropriate committees.
• The bill reported,by„Mr. Ashley, to extend'
the laws of the Unit4aoates ovor Texas, &c.,
was=consiflpred,*:•„anicedinent offered.
!by•Mr, Westcott,• giving the. President Rutile- .
thority to establish ciolle - eiri districts, and ,
appoiht collectefai,of revenue.' ;Mr„llay Wood
was An - willing to . olothe,:the President with
this power, and, priforref that -the subject
should be referred to the Committee on Com . -
me rce. The amendment was then Withdrawn
and the bill passed. ••,.; •-
.The Sonafe:. then lvent, inte'election of a
Chaplain, and re-effected Rev. Mr. Tustin.
Mr. Allen tailed up hiairesolution advising
the - Preeifient to-give one Year's notice to the
government of Great Britain of the termina.
tion of the treaty of joint occupancy of Ore.
gee, and, ern_ his motipn it-was referred to the
Committee on Foreign Relation.._
'lt is said that the nomination of Louislqe.
Lane as Minister to Englund, was confirmed
in Eaectitive SesSion.
A large number of nominations of Judges,
District Attomfes, . were sent to. the Sen
ate by the President, among which was that
of Judge -Woodward, of Pennsylvania, Colin
the vacancy on the Bench of the Suprerne
Court, occasioned by the death of - Judge
Baldwin: Though a very young Mho to fill
such a position, I have reason to believe, the
nomination of Judge Woodward will 64 con
' firmed. Re is perhaps not younger than Judge
Marshall and, Judge Story were, when placed
upon the seat which they both illitsfrafed by
their profound legal learning, by 7 their pre
eminent abilities, and by their great moral
worth. Should his nomination be confirmed,
I trust that the brightness of their fame will
lighthis path, and incite him on to an equally
splendid eminence. A .citiien of
was also nominated as District Judge, to fill .
the vacancy occasioned'by the resignation of
Judge Pennybacker, elected to the Senate of
the United States, Judge -P. it- is said, mired_
his electiorf to the latter statiOnc to 'the fact
that it would create a - vacancy Which many
gentlemen f proniinent. actors. upon thelibli
• TA gta,ge; Were mere than willing to fill. ••,,, : !f3nt
for this it is believed that Mr. Dromgbole
would now holethe seat : pccupied:liy, his
more fortnnate , •
Official informationeit 'the admiision of
Texas as as ttate ?, ;is • no'a on its way to' that
"tone Star." , q,orio' no longer, and_ ehq:
will probably be repreSetited in the Senate of
the United States,..within' a,lew. weeks. The
_most prominent candidates, are ? -aen. Lamar )
Mr. Rusk,..* • General 'll4melon: Sa'far.:.ate
persorml feellfiOs.:go l l would be tia4f:to see
the-real-" Herd
• ko•
- Locofdeo ,
Messrs. Ritchie Reiss, editors orPerk'a
Official Organ,- have been elected Printers to
,both Houses 'of dongress at an expense'to the
mation; as it is stated in the'lltrited,states
DOLLARS, above what ,ptber responsible
Priritenipffered to do the public printing fer;
This is the way the Lpeofoco party are cai!
riine'out theirl9s profeiTiontyaf Reforni
.$1 . 00,6150 asjutaßfred away:to keep up an
eiecutive fa:l(4le'
Qto7:l"he ICiltailOiogiTa. Press statl, that
, 4 1 /41,ofigr,:;;Jpiiyi:McClelltini:1,4tRed..p4o,
itok;rytirie,loviil l ir i e,cepreiul•so : rapidly
thit4l4.l* be ti
could co
olaimolto , iejegatkof.
, ,
m Jiiaiitit, asking ;the
.! A ..!e:.rr., •
ktonsiop. OF4r W B, 9ver theFlar#4446 1 1-
- - • e-• ,,
t ies from theli-purnsionikllbigiali,ithrol..o4'r-
44 , 4 13
* 7147 4 1 - 01T IctTYrf -- ',
,4* l l l llo l / 1 ° )4g
911 4 44 W ibr-001-411 ./Aii 3
* Pi? VP*4 . -* , 4,_0;00. ove
I s*.o qamPetitctr,;
, . .
Si pr .
friend•V the other'dol,ooos FOrt.,lllg,Wle
• beautiful gotta% lady, Ip,:r4i mouth over oil 7-
, thiee - *Oare• "Oet•MaY:deeiAtliii;lat me ex.'
rite to you tliehilltetlidia." - • ANo you abut
ymotr o t yotr - obantinritiferrtmtoCtim - charming
!neaten: with,vivacity; at.tttetiarne.funo cox
. **Mg •her face yitldket : Nu),6 l ;-(!not.L.lyOnt
ifYou • 46! :..Nakeig,she riOcci.*O'
, /t'clutid
t r.e10004,, ,
lend ahriek an 4 . t r •
, • ' , , '•••
• _ •
A',:lt „ ,-•,;:is-.:, ;,'0. .. ' , ,i4C4 4 !: a i:.";4,4 Ar ,.*,, "
~&i i.. / ;47. 4 i .e 4 . 1 .- . a„ , n i •. 0.1. ..1? „
tt; .-..•-•, , ,,0:..f.A ..-..,r,....1:1 ,- . 4 ;.:-. ,,. !A` , ' ,-'.-'.--,,,,,-....,', 'A "to .
Vijl.'„O'o4,, , ali 1 0,'” litTP., .; - ii,e .• "i'ierge'lled, tear.:
do. ,'...
4:s4!.sg„` i ''"„ 4 0 11* i ;",,, : .', ..:!°tiPi9kitillP.i?,,. *A
01:014,W4M5 .5 40 13 , , :vaned' iii'theitiblie' itll4 l
1 1 0 1° 1 #4 1 ,k4* 4 44494,-.Vviday „ ,theAGth of iivii
. ''' '''')i''''''.4§o , -„ . .;;4,;r ,, .. , . „ .-. , ... ~,i ..„ , ~
0 era et a vard., •-•.,,--- - ."- -..•-. - . , and
-.-...c,, , rikti-,:i,, , , , -,,-:ie,3!is ,-,, , ,-:f! , :,;-ky' •
. - , - - 4 ---::!/- csrs,- ir itie
:_;olinione 'ile,*l4,ll;siiriiiidtby akieintiiii . cha
~ tiCOre.Bi.4E#?.theiiiiiii t, and .hitriillit'f: seZeiu
,ltMill sJisii...KtiN3Zlls3ill':Bnerefsf, LisiEs M.. 1
't llP4eit,riAdAcolite64'WVait'res!Vide,Preat-.1 Of th
, :detiteSaro,ll , igreilt3;o4.Vstrrei' qee!defal..:-J 1 :coin:
•iii - eiWtllSie6t - t - of•liiikOlfj• St a r e if.,. it 1 case:
• ::'':,3 , - Att•';- • tieing • ....Z. , :. , ••,, , in -sn
Wafij*ltilikiblf'";::4r4l,, .4.0, ia.•''''..
• ,
._-.-11qsai e !
lAT 'li!., tlWsprlyiltee;-' oflhlii -J .•;?
e?,li.,' r il l;: fiPoiitP-TfiOri"-i444die:i airdltiioln- la lit
Lions express&ieotitheAttislief
this meeting; r a•..l';
whercupon;-GiiriiiirrillVinriase-Milioi-,-',Joiro- ',Or,ltr
, Mayhugh, aridJoalma , Siillors wciteitppointed
, saicl!..eomirritirConfieliivisgli'efired,for e- the
Slitiit-firrie; rtipiNnteitt'lheT following,:iaddresri i min
preaihble aiitt:reooll4onsi• viz i ,•••,;'.. , ..... -. td fro
ib 'dui'. DernocrirlicllZ/bie-Cilizcits reCuirtbcy; ,preii,
- ,...; . /qad.Coloity:::' , 6= - ',':'" : - • , ;'7;!- - • '''.`.:, ;Mier
iN-N--;.--,-,..7--i'.fkl,-.417-:---:-r-n!--4;'-iirr.,--'-- - .- i s.,.
... it watt:De remerrinetea that aPortion, of :fait.
_ bemociatisPirdiffifberlitudjOunky,,bit ,
1034371:5 - last PresideritiaTele,etiOn - weinalurtn- stand
ed at certain.inclohorts,ferghothng_attalfpnipt -riay4
as they.theitilWitil*OftftlfoOlOn#.6h timeerished c
schemo.oftrotpotingoar:e*WAmerican Man in the ll(494i:ere; , )w;ivelli'eApi . .oqa Tariff; ogotim, , rr-sh
. the conlyietiticarfeliNktimnports.: • l'hat.,lni-
- der.ra,Vressfiriraff,.suolfterfpreltensiculd- tiltdi
feellnkThat if ii!Rtifitifiiiifstriliti'With'fkinth4i.' iings,
feelings,,eleCtedi'reeident,he would nt To
f 'ci'l l a ll111. 'r iuj i le 1 16 4 1: 1 1:1
„ prottably,airOrd:niaWlruiiiiiiiikirOotlecinetlie
Tarilf;ltrid'tlierebk,iiilii*, 4 6`6letilei'the..beEit
of as were lei' to':eppoaii,: the' elpotitin of Mr. inieni
Polk; while reititY otheni,,stilU . gave-hinitheir:.
.confidence arid suffiiikes.'. ~.4sep,tgOtion. from
theit...politicar brethren WOk Pairtal to those.' sulij4
who pursued thciforinkreourse, anil-mosepdrZ, ' re the
ticularly sp„as,they.cenderred in ..alMost'!tal
the, other essential-principles Which Marliffitp:- :men d tile political- character iltlitirAislingtfialiedittz' id ptil
dividual who was theCoodidate-Ofthe Vento ! - of.thi
ere r tip,,Pp.riy . . -'..' Our fears werelniputed teEtinr:,- email
Why, and our -apPrehensions Were.- derided,- . - mitt::
as the offspring of toe:much cnnfidencleliii - tho so E
• misrepresentations' of our politicalsrppeneats, - -sts if
or 'too little, in the
,judgmeif of Our :former ;Me;
friends. We ill, liriwaser, concurred iii . ." l -40 -it Nal
great abserhing principle that erurewn Mail:, Iron.'
ufaeturers - ought to be protecterlby a 'Dalt!
: inns.;
against foreigii !imports; and that the ae... ediug
1812 Watt, in the Main, such a onnas our in- 3 u Tell,
torests not only required, bill demanded:— '
This Wes a, ptstidac with the Democratic 1 id sill
Party. We only differed as the best Means ~ ig, wi
of securing a common objec . . The elcctio i , It, p it
in Pennsylvania was carried tinder the•han- I
nor of a 'Protective Tariff. We inward node ,
ing in affirming, that it could :tot have boon I - . •
carried under any other. NV° - have silently • '. afiritifiti?v -.1ree1,4,1E AT ..-
but anxiouslyo3Y.alleitsucc eetlingl _al. cuts--- t _Thil' sua i,j_u-s.p i ,Lli c _ jlot i c _6._ fk i. s fp n _ i * .lh o _ ro
althoueli 'nothing has occurrtid to change a ' snecii ,. - IT 1 - i • ~ -,•• 1
newspapers ptt , .ts lot to ~ itti, e,
Single opinion on the subject,'and the Tariff' i' - ''' -- , - -
, Cumberland - county, l'onn a a : number of the
of 1842 has continued to work like magic
upon_ the,generaLinter i•,,i E ommissioned Onicers,ef-the armys„ol-the--
--munitf,„ Ourjoars• and apprehensions are ‘ i'rrited - t'illito 4. who Ferrrtl In OM seenlid IrKr
fwain renewed, arid are based upon evidences - -
which do not admit of dispute or denial. The' of. ind 'l'''" ;/ :'''''''' '"^' ''' AT'''. public
latm_Alassage -of the President-to- to - Congress, . c house of
reupon niti
ana the Annual Report - of-the Secretary of lee. 1 .-Faulk .1:1 f•a`l hdy, whe
_tier, Col. GEORGE :1.1,31:E.1,1 - w a appeil ;
the Triasiny, aro clearly and distinctly op-- , l e chai,,,,,:m and or:1814i it .
~ , .,,, ,, b, ..., , 5,,,,..
posed, not only to the Taiiff Of 18-12 by name. . . ,„ . , . . - ,
un-.- ..1 nen t his /ode !mu pr-. 111.140 aj; i l re:-
bet-to the principle's upon which thin act i.---. - , ,
founded. And a - stteng appeal is made to • olutt ,, ls were unammously adept,',l..vii.
- Congrete, -- t& - dO -- lhe - Ver".,-ilireg-whith-the-dr=-H-- - 1 --- 727.7117 - t 7F7:1";;; - :TS. , - - ill'itl`r rr , ,l- T.7 -- ral ,•. j
moeratie Yells of P.mnso:ivania, in a voiee of „ i i iii o ,: . , d i d pi i isidc. ;1.-it tilt:, '., , ..rd , er.a. it art.ol, I
thunder, declared Oughf'net to be dorm Wi" , d i , iof i h o s', „ ii ~,1,,,1i ' ,.0 , .: ~... ~„.,li o tild r e.:
regret the More that we are compelled 10 re- ' ,-,,i s •i' 0 t,' t-'s ~,41 , ,,1 ; ht . ,' 1 1 , t ..1,, , A cra ls; a : ‘ ,.
iterate our opposition to this painsmlar pad it, the t im.ti did lollow the suite g00PE01,..._
!of the President's .Message., beeatise ••.ve - seq.; iilipu!... A:e,l ai , ,+ropl:.i . its,l tilike't`isr Mt i • set
in i t so little else to disapprove, and so much riots, ea.: (dice., ti , ..1 , t•treritigs. We, there
that has our cordial appeobation/ We (10/10u ! tote, alive 111411 . 1.11 , . C 00124.12011 AI.OLI •01:14.1/.41O4i0EL
to follow him in hi:lolly arid magnanimous , at the serviees te, the ...di( cis and •solt-tirrs at
views in regard to .Texas, N1,...‘iv0 Oivgon. 'both. NA ii'. 111111 ;,-, 1.'..- , ' , .. v. i,: they ff' 1 "'" 1 ( 1 . 11
and our general iiitqcourse a lid •relation 3 w i,:i be twitted di - Theretere.. Re.-s , 1, rd.
foreign powers. They bre‘dlie the true Ai e- 'lliat we f orth- v. i' ti pe'i'idn l'oe.g.e,s. Sir a
rican spirit. They speak to the. heart, and , grunt of Laid to be 'sl.ssi..ll.:l rat liereitn& as
.rouse the patriotism of she nation. But to etas- be thon.zh: mod ads 'sable
give full effect to those views,-does not, as it , k••:"/red, That a,, rocoo intend, to every.
appears to us, require the surrender of our °timer of Ilse IN'ar of 1' , 12. ii , di' so Moos et.. I
1 cherished principles of Protection. And come I i 1 1' I
a:A. t.i,i' t.ic:„ ,te.c. inee'r:. ,, t thi'ir re•mo..-
what may-.-peace or war.—WO see 1:1 o.:ss" .. tit 0 counties dr clistrie , - , , intila general trice.- 1
-event- f oal) , the-moreunqualified -necessity cif , inrn (rifTilt who etri m'nkr - ir vonvonletitio at-'
ilieseSalted States maintaining their lade- , tend) at the seat E.i . 40V Ell% men!, ljarri , slitirg• i
pendeneii,iiiiikingtheinselves able to fabri- ; on the 20th of January nmst, to order to act
erne forthemselvts whatever maybe required' in conceit to carry' out those views.
in every possible ehieraoney. NVe desire, I iii.solecii, 'that WO reconirriend sirrijiar
with3aurSouthern brethren, to see our Cotton, I i meet Mos in other States by the officorsef the
Sugar; Rico and Hemp plantations extendeili i . War of 1812, to co-operate in the . MAO - 111 - flee I
an we desire with the Middle and I,Vestern l of the above object. '
&idea, to toe the bowels of our mountains I - =Resolved, That the proceedings of thisuiect
torn asunder, mid' the useless pre - converted ; lug be signyit by ibis officers and published
into metal; and ire desire to see tho advan- , in all the ho.wsinipers in this county, rind re.;
tag-es which these labors would diffuse, en- I commend the different Editors in tIMS:ale to
toyed by the agriculturalist, lahoier, median- , give them at least throe consecutive notices
is and manufacturer -,, and we also wish to 'iii their relC,liVet papers, -. • '''''
see the Eastern States consorningithe'N'arious bigned.GEO. NleFE'Er.4:oleuA ''.
agriCultural products, and furnislifak a Market l.,\ \ -...sNOW-1)13,;Nt, & A i, sp.
...,...,,.:..-,', , &: ; ,. i . , 7
for: the
: productions of the !'.. ; outtitorti ,States.
This can be done. and -would he done, if 41.
restless spirit of clutagi was not ..eotistands
-working again st,,tltoi r- (tern mon-indlecip rocid.
interests: . We must have,!orennit,•and- the
Tariff Act if 1842 producoslibout tho amount ,
....tieqiiired;: This is raised from imports, esti ;
Stated at ebout- on o .hitndred. inillions of deli"
lam. - ',tint if the Tariff was reduced:lli:cline g'
04,4:iia --- vi:FT :10,ecretelyypf.111oTr.01*O‘ry )
we 'Would; instead ef one \lloi . idred'''.iiiiilioiiii;
hike - re ireport:tuki.liundred ; raillioi4lo raise
the, same aniVtia(cof:_revenue.l . E.:thie:latter •
amount si ,r ta . bitld lie itelserfed and !ttrlp,ltYvoutil'
relielictdri . ikrehutaireti!.:Milliona,„'Weith of 40'
reeiitinifahries„, oriatherattlittihnejbreipt for
doliiiitii: nig; it4eenislOsOirsterfdrof q l ii,-
tabliihing intr - tindoperident#-91. fereigh nor
ticte s tf4 :4 , c914d ivaketitelhelt.l4llfirlaves. flat
;Ettippolidit...would not itterense' the amouriteof
- iritp,ortaticinal then our revenue would fall
. :allert,:hylieLhalf, and it could only 'be sup.
ttlfeill,liedirect taxation. An, aliandonnimit
VPtpoent: Torit4 at thisiime, cyanid seem ,
!'tt, - ";patlibitlarly u„ - riVii,,' whenio ib is Said the
itttOteWit..Warareitel4 et all improbable, In
cane-of 'a War 'with Goat l3rittupl`'ont most
ef4etti .Sautee-of , anneyence-wcfuld-he:inte , -
faint to Cake -their kbncs., and in this way
• US - 'produce 'discentent,lrebellion - and 'starve
, llilinitythat.laident. dßut if inipotte.should ,
litti'so,'redindi'wheri , would ; our revenue
corriajfrcim'.3is etirible.tis. to cry on the war?
; :Bittitisnot. otit-purpobeigeergtte-thialuestieni;
i ? „-,11,1rtzteriiittk.„,to ; .,the . „Pettinerittin fraity,-te. those`, .':„Wlity:liti*illi-fitytil-iiiifelied'te,.intanteiti:.the'...
ericiplea;to, those who. hit-ira'
liustaintittli.every.hlent.,g,x . eoutivor-every, -1,0 , -
tislaturepevery, mem ber of-Congress, for. the'
' IliatAh. irtt„ar,eers:,on . .' thef,Proleotree iirincipfra . .1. :
ittid ',' to , ,thesti: Whe.'ity,e 'seen iPenrisylYen at
, Iredr:siakia:hor'fiAperityT,tin4lltrAeOPio.'
ef,!,!i11.' , ,0t0e5 , 40,-,,emPloyrnetitti;,,rojo,39tag ift
.pkoliptisrity,, Or „bi apre:ssed-,hk„edvetaity', nailhp,
;tag -: scale; - 'esti4o''orilqvis4:: - PY,-09iii,
.greri.44.3,-.:':.;1i. , ;;A:`,-;..-i:!-:.:ii.:::„;:nf-,22.:Ya;,..i!e,__._:•...::
;134- ilAiiidp(ibt tiwr."ipsideni s'3t,iliti .United
:StittetiP,ner:f.of Op SkOretiiry : (;4 l 4; l n.l.intiutYi'
I.o . Yegulat'thia,'ettlijeor:"., ,W,i3s,!rnitiit . look - .10.,
-'0 13 4P1A4-:44iii**.iariciiti*.to_liOneni4i
,bocfr - oftv...voil T isyl,ganials-Thor,liovb:.oyek
'ool:llo.66iftrioti-otkieofiiiiiiijgor iv - I - Ar . iyir ~, t,.._
rifiliteriellk4naltegthesitte4B42,'.A..liut; ey?,
..ititnit . liledg64llo.tintsistebey . :Cif...iripitiii% 'Mot
i ,
~„,,i,,,;,,,„..„,,,,i,„,b:5t,,t,„,,itkbef;Vietim'0*4 1
,ilii,, 4.40*i0r40: . 000. , ... , 00iiiig ,, ,ti0:14 , ..pr0i.4
4 . oll*:eartifaiiiiilntittoltlittitiltinititeteriftef,
I 042;f4iid..t'Wilkl,i)dii - ClitNfolifili ! f;iiiiih. that
1011114".:1i#eal..0111:e.:`Oripral.. } bpei,ii*kkgiktk
;"§(4ltOtki: - pglittiiiiii - Citln;#.o*.x . ol l .Plodleoill.
neOnideOtOrillttertOz - A - WP,Ofiltiti.W67
43,Eta ! 9eilittiongll 0100130 Pr I gip'pnkld44 l 6*..;
- ,.pePatintre&bk"fftolialliOrY;,?..4iifOiltOiriefird.'
1 0' , '"flY* , 'Iiii4T' 11 - 01,0 *# 6 0: 6 ' 4. -Ot'ciii:Ylo.*OtOilii
'.lllosrtiplii4fcricralLtyi:, , b;,l
.Ai,` rhF.,zgho r leVe_pjaticui. , tio . ils',..o . ,:or,
, =“ri.,,d,ow.,* . q.#ty -- Fiti - vylol'!.tlip,..%l 4,01de7:
, '3 . ., - ,ii'cf. ,. ..'L 7l ' - ...V:1 ( 2 . `i..'.1, , ,:.,.1:.:?::.'„,'T:.;•6"..' , ”
ud 0 . 01
in .Wash.:
4: ,
• ,
t_•••• • •
- 1- r''•% • .
ittan4,4l-.llclive'"4 - Ortlen#dostalt..." prilt irt their
:Stresigth,"andleritiSelond:,.o*.246.lo . .ty„ - etiest
' iir4gs euritoVeiftlei the nt h em=
Ai:6;s n- is octal
jveis ae rwer ty . ! to
,P rellettgetOihitt - ,hinther of DeirtliiipihY;
otittStandielfWitli "PRO,
TECTION'r rescribKlVPoll' it, an if ire did°
ti el; , to a Man, de . battlo ,
intdrests, and. characternro,
not 'only acknowledged, bat- soZtared - by an.
-.everlasting treaty.
Ahereas,- ; lticigovernment ofthese.Ufted
• 'B"tal:e;ailiat i . lrembotlimcnit a the . 6410n5,
theretnto:seconi es thiFilitty
o eyery - one, particularly in -cases of enter
gilineykto put forth his voice:in such way as.
hel,mtay- deem ' J est calcillated to give aright
rlitacticitti - to lnrhlic alfaiisTAnd" -- etsr - o - ii - 4 - , --
public. 'opinion in Pennsylvania has long- de.
(dared, and now declares, that aVariff of du-
- ties uponrimports-s-Imnlrl
not only to produce a sußibietit.revotine for
Government v parposes, btit-at the Kahle tirot
, to r
-afford protection to. onown maitufnettire
'against 14mill - truth:les imported front :thread :
rriVilfOrdeg, , ,,n. crisis is not-
_presr:nt . .ie the
adieTnietratienofthe CleiteraMmierninent de
. signed-to4Ostour.
. :of . ;dhly, irttbc conummity to gri,(l'look
,on with indifference, anti.
,itniay,,,e tett-late
-to Attest thit ey11; ; that ex&lence teaches
that ills easierfel - tirtia.ait evtftn die adniinis
tratittn.ol ptiblic,ellitirs,.than to retltesslt
it haslArti .iallicrdi and that meting slimed
-tfiei'itte c tl.b.6.,ti - kda,7.willi as matiltdespatch as
,peattible:; i i.fitizqal:l: : '4itblic. meet itigstd• protest
'agaitist - nthercp4l 9f the.resent 'faiiff, which
hes doncinnastillisle*Sti,mueli fior eyery
:branch:of induSth"ll.3.reifghout Pennsylaniti,
ThatkinOting of tie people ef.
urnberland county recommended to:-. : ,be
-held at o pe,Court Room; in Carlisle, op Nov
day- everiinWilie , IV: Jthinariiincxt,
._,:u.lopj sect' Measures uponitne subject as:rna:Y
seem. -best C aloft Int eicio . 'seitre the, gfearia
terestsof the country':
- ....Resolved 4 _,Tbat it , I,l.l,receturnepided to
peoplo.of Pennsylvania to hold public
ings-in the Alffe'rent rotintins of the State, to
annst•aiipeedily and. as,, effectually as -may
be, . ,,,Alerts - designed to oy crl lit it .fi SySteiri.-
whielvhitirproverl itself to lie so essentially '
_cennectail with thttbest interests of the Stale.
....Resolved, 'That Iles meat ing most cordially
approyes the acts of the present National Ad
m mistiat ion - in refnic nee to 0 retro n 'I 'e x:t s and'
Mexieci, and-with foreign nations....c , en rrall e.
_prilcti.e_dint - rf
-meeting bo' published in all the - papers of the:
'Wliieh having lt(qw.rt rPJL(I antl -ithmißr
the cone t idelatinn . ofthe inert ing: wow nciopt
ed,- JAtOB•BLYId
JOHN 'W. Slinivr.a.,'Sper-z4nrv.
fla,3c !pit
• -
FUR' ere.. Nv ore •'.hoy,e..T,llll4Y.Priy 112
- tlAviparket to-slay tor - etry.tept,
..madi? at §:mgi i '144 il ik. T r . zwa.if refused itT
nioreffhh market clos•;i'
ink very. Ortepsl4.r.l sente'lnetera .hale with
-4ca:watheir.itecklroni the roarket•to prosoio.:
A•YEaI..O .—Wct.tioar of tio
i,eo.ll;.\T relf
yonia, wag made at $3 75,
coiltinuo.i inactive.
we-quote'Wheat at 81,09 and $OO.
CORN.—Soinhorn 68 els. and OATS 4.2 etti.
CLOVE Dis dull, find quote at $6.
IlaArmarrii's` Pi !—This Medicine is ac.
knowledgcd 1..) Ina 'One of the most• valuable
ver discovered as a .purifier of the braid:flair
fluids. It Superior !"te r Sarsapurilia, whether
as a suderifitfer alturatiVe t :wid stands infinitely
,hefore all the, preparations and combinations of
Mercury. Its purgative properties are alone of
incalculable value; for . the pillsmay be ta Von
any period, and, instead OF weaken.'
ing, by the eathartieflbct, 'they add_strengh ;
by taking
~a we y "the cause' of woo 4 r,iess. They
have n one 'a he in i drithteefibe o f that.
.speoifie, Mercury, This trifu. I
red=the:tiones.ittid paralyzed=
isdi - tbutTinstead-sof these-,-distrOssing syinptons f
navy-life and -consemieni animation-is . evident
maielicedrof the body,
;These.. for, tnessof
thti.cheati. Rheint4thitti , in. tho , '".° 4 o r.'
willte - found Superior AO ney„thing:imagihed
the Pewera:ot ; medicine e fryer
tient.; diapepsircettbin , , , 311 dimesspe l. peehli‘r to
mionian,•lltey : should-. be;..resortt)ii-, to -, at 2 0nce,= ; ,
These alit ttroth'sPillkivill, hp, foulid;deserving-
V.tirelfaisethe.gefitti no Medicine of.t)ll,AR
-B ARHdrFZ, solo , agOnyler. this Liorottg r .j1 , 1
t o , .‘
~, : SAAALT,9II3 i rc generall.f,begin s with 'languor. arid
- wearitless - , - oltilluens:andAyernhiug, soreness of,!tfi;x,
Ilti`izatigktAt Oivf,i,u4o (Halt)' pll4;F : ylapleaitall9Mlt
it. ne
-- snialtpox; ietttuso4they-Ftleuly-iiolitlttotso
vols.:4oms hiirnOS ithieh'cifunes eat'
groull'. Otis' lota 'eciMplainte; , but` of
.evebeithilittlyineldent to nuitt - ....viTrarst hroo
Ot'ila .Inil Ise , Vii - ituhl ti 4
.944Oini to bed; will itti Shortti me Vet teltaispte ,
'n*, , tierfest Ora:6olM isikwfr. , atige
bUtv blood:.,and:othee , l ,
ofiturity l 0 001 E, 11k4ei fliteg
iW4 1 '9. 1 ,1f1i 6 4 0 )C',i' 4 90 1 -41VPI L I6ijMOCiAlier
feeketirelo thill '
r t Afi kt iat
r.ial:Lit' A zt.:4tileilLbi;Ctloo9.l4B 4 W
Selo 0 . %;r0 th I n ••he kill
: , ij.',,L.'..7:ti';:;,,. , ,''' ' '''_:',':i'.,
:.,'.`. i': ~ r,_, ' ?'.,!%., ,, , , ',, i ,;', , ,
o 43...
j • Si
itY VI R. iti ,oViovari
•••!!,nias to rife directed; will rohtic
snlccta eho,ntarlie limas of Ceo. Realm. &N.'
tnifilliorotrgh of Carlisle; on FRIDAY, tho.2d,
of Vinunry, 104clock;Ar the!' fol.;
hawing r te4.citate,
A certain tract: picniesnentAsel
nle in'the townshlp . of pain, 0011 "* '‘:) Cum.
lerh i mb, broth - dell by lands of the Dan
lel ItroDonnell,:fico'd. and oth'cr landatif the said
John Harper, Esq. enntaining forty-four acre.
Tore or less,being the some tract of land which.
Iwo sold-and conveyed to the said John
per:Esq. bY Robert IVl'Eurinne,ndministrntor of
Daniel IVl'Donnell; dee'dr-togother with nll and
singular the heradltaments thereunto belong ,
&"c• •
Also, the following described messurige and
tract or piece of land situate in the township of
at a post, thence lands of Banitie,l Ramp, nod
of Daniel MeDorinell's heirs, north 32 degrees
AViet,'"4B perches. to a stone, thence, by land . . of
John Me Donnell'S heirs, north 541', aegrees eat,
1.91 perches, to a stone, thence by land formerly
I of. A less oder and.MeVartnne, north 28 degrees
Ltnst,.43 1)0Th:es; to it'wl 2 ,ite ealf,Aencet by land
oI thninrslleCormicks' heirs, north 78 degrees
, perches; to a white oalt, north 57
- grect - past; 75 perchrson - n - prist; - titerred - hylaThl
pf James reedy, south 40 degrees.east,,4o per
; chtsiria white oak, south 161 degrees, east, 1,0
I,perehes,la a white oak, south 44 degrees east,.
1 - 14' a stone, thence by tint same and
!lands of John Darne; jr., south 36,1 degrees
.west, 100 perches- to a post, north 871. degrees
west, 'petares to a post, south 601.dcgrets
WeFi, 51) perches 'to, ,post, south 54 degrees
west, fi7 perehiitiAo a post, in the middle of Big
4ton,altenee north 43 degrees west; 23
7perche's to a post, south 501 degrees, wesCl32 ..
Peithes: to a post, thence V ra
land oeOrgn
.are4eris nor . th 451 degrees west, 40 perches to
, y te"plti'ea , beginning', containing 200 acres,
strict measicre, be the sanni more or less—with
a I thoi;.iialldings thereon erected, &e.,
Seised, and taken in'excetition as the property
of Johnilarper, Esti , and all Co he sold by me,
141 . 1421Tr111it - N4: 1 .1 P.xpon•
as.ln me diverted, I will eviinveln
saleitit the public house Of (.rover Itertent, Kvq.
iu the borough, of Cat hid an VIIIDAY the :1•1
11/11z or January; 1846, at IO o'clock, .I, des
following rent eslale, viz:. ",
Also,nt Lot of f i lrou - fl situate in the Inernml n of
CaOitsl6;Cumberland County, containing. 4i Teel
iniTrolit, fluff 4 240 feet in depth, Mere or less
totiiitteniliy:lcilini Gilmore uni the nisei!, ah alley
rain it,k Dawson on the Wont, and
Nritlin street an tits north,- pitying erected
half sit nry rennin e litsitNe
Awl 0 Teittle-slnlii. 3‘1.1 .nc evt.el lent n. h of.
ivnler.—Sl47.e4l noll.lnken- inn t.iftinfionn as the
privily of 11 zolnell
Also, n lot nnfireentend situate in the linernigll of
en) minty, feet in (vow, nit
pH t fa.: % ile of au slier and in4ft feet in depth, ,
nti4 IV or reng:larqudell by 'Alain nutlet no they.
Cad I lily on I lie Einint. Liberty alley on the Soinfli,
Plitt nn, A rtuor'nn hies on-thn.%Vest, lulling
thn reon eel H •.IHlllll{} t wo-story frame
intherlanarded, a brit k smoke innnae,vniateton i Zev.
S. ;zed anal taken in exeenittion , AS the In [inert; of
Edward Atlitor.
- part of a • tra nt'
land.-14'01111c , Xim.tiot, ton ii_attip, (intuition by
-Samuel- Irvine, 131.11,,,it, Annoys,. Share's
Twira, I;oltert•Nlyl'itolinni and iho pig apribg.tmao
t:l.llislC IV2 owrz , :' no 1i•a5;,,,i711 hatise
a, .1 lag bare lin-oron-orretotll.—Soorrrhonot-talcair
eNeellialli . 111 . 151!i - MT or !Nitwit,
d. reaped, nail
ADAM LON(;•: 4 111.1P F. Sheriff.
Flicriff's I)yr 9, 144.15:
Nup,>, („..
Wisses Pitolie and ChaziAte Paine
BOA RP, kl 11 ntia teat.Liec, %%19
be torithihe .1 to
.% (mew latlieq at 32 23 der.
leg the summer toehlit , , ; Intl Llt..dusiztg-tite
71;11 ' 10.N —1%.11,1111,1 nt,341-
111., ' lts GCogrnpilV, /11 , 0 rv,
Rea‘iing and Wi it tug,
tir. e_3.110
AN:robr•inv, Algebra, Genum trv, Nut.
oral . phy and El.gliab (..nnivort
-1:41n., • -7,.
IZIn Inrie; :Or ntid soil N1,.r.k1
kph% , r•jrs, Paint
0. will ins'..lve.t rtn crt ra et,,lrzcnr
InF.cruti.citbd ;%lu-ly, by
I'rot E. E. ‘N'illhyr, 101 an extrachargv:
of kL I 9.,01
'rho Tuition wtil by reihiled Ttnrtetly and
thcoprice of Hoard monthly in ndCo nrr, and no
deduction motto fur uhieneo hot ie cone ol'xick
bcrso. To the ben riling .rh0..r.., th , 0.4.'0 a
%cry excellent piano i. ellarffc
I r-uugcments have .‘lne Leto monde fer fur
nishing two or three alltliiiennl b n,drrn with
he gre . u,ilous one of text Inulcr, if Eljoetl.
The nest gnorter , I this Sehis.l opcns u'ith
the first day lifJunintry in'si,•nnd n fining
Ihosn ytho linVit had illinalityrri in Illy Fenno!
dutiog : the lot yeer t *o avail ourselves of tit tti
!nouns 'of expresNinir to the public, and especial
:lY' in the citizens of this slid tic adjoining
counties, nor full 'conviction ths't nitraiibigea
l'iu_Ne.ry-higle order ere lucre - alliirderlibetha ed.
tiention of, illissys and young Indic'., such in
;,l4e,'irs Are
. stplrttly couutry..
tin int It truining given is Pystemulic
and thorinigh, while the- , nannunret snot murals'
orthe punileSre most ecrefillly watched crer.
Front . personal °hoer:stint' knotlillge,
Ve, 4 iTeel entirely cinfitiorit,
snliuol to nil (1,4 ellf C
plueu for educing their '
1:.11.1)W ELL. •
V. M. 1111)1)1,E,
J. A. G - • •
et IV M. rut:veyAtAN,
Nov. 26 17;45%,
T •
• - fCabinet
1.1 E: subscriber takes this method of in.
forming his friends and the public gen
erally that lie carries on tlic•CAlillslET
.111.151NESS in all its various bran9hes,
in Loaccien Allay, directly in_tho roar orl:--11.9b.
lOck's.Choir Factory,(in N. Ilitinnvei
s bekocps constantly . hand; and,will
facturo to order;' -
• .
-- Seeretaties, piirekus; Tables,
and yary: othe r diisartininn of Cabi net Wurc,—,,
nil ofiu . tuell sell Opal, fur cath,l9r cx
ghange lhr country.produeo at, pricpsi
-114 , take Lumber of al hi usctiptinnii in
Voila of,
...Tabhl.X.pgli, - Arirep tin n
on and . , „
in . aoO`no
hurt notice, lid
.gpleindid fraarao, -..i95v00r.,
hearse s'll.ll 41p4.,b0. kepi far -
ra n4o.general ,
ioloiltrafon; . akv
treat - Act‘titligilin 'ific R'rfce:.4?.
I_,lisiiitir*isnti. . .• ._
Tg. BE LAMAR g- - 1141)71/.1 1 / 4 r a .:INS1.111::
-liiiirir -4T-loileAolntstooc-cip44titioliO T Eilio :
0116 Ull;'eveiyclesorlitiOn of Foporty; it. novlsil,
• - oliuholfrttio,amooxitsiepriinittoirik)47*.P.ONlfr
initomparrios.doint,bopiooes:ontj.lie old rttin...:
afplo‘,..Thi3 suhaoribetiltnictocofited the 4gcney,
of. this s Coni pipy, , AndYrece6inm'ehils,,ii".jo'.!bo
pobilv lie , b e i ng g,;• ee tty ail peylorto tho ,01d,..017 :
ficoe;:botk in .cheapneis 'pmd e , e gsrqy. : 4 , .-,. 7 .- . ;. , .,:, ,
• it, For., full liertionlari:: see.,. ginerai .liiiio!!!!!,77t
, 7:.. ,.
~ ..z . ..-
..4 _.. 1 „.. ~..,
Oiont,l: or: Ipply, OoilooOlVar , NY , len o r O r rilx'F .; -;
...'P• en -t! I 4A, .. -1 1,tY',.,-,,
~;.,-,,,-;,- .....: .I.': M.JH1`1,1•14,V,:P•77 NCY,tI -I: CP:PAIP*Af. llll+!"l4‘,l°cF
' ' 111 :,-,$ t ' 116r10 , 184:5're4-,,... ~, A. 1
Car P e? '','.. -,'. ,- ' -1"Y.'...- ' - ...yc ~/ ,-,..,.', ~-t Arsl3Gll6l3Y----7.
Of )1 kiqpi avill pill t r 1641; ,,, rot:ol,4ox , ,
Negig,i . , 4 -ts . . • • ~' „ : L . '' ' , - .. -'-,i'',4 /. 6 i'v.: , ,,:; ~.,;:, 5 1 . 0 10 ! '':,'- " . ,--J-,, 7 , •-. , ;,...,--,'", ~
oc,mts4-E ,0,,a, ~.7, 4 4,;,v,.,, i,, , -i7. 6 f0, 14 .. . 4 - 0 , . 7 r, ~..-;
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, . ,
~ •,,,,,,,1 , E F, 0 4,., . .F.Ft, -7, ,,, „ „,,,„„,„0 ,- „ 4 ... , .. ,, .... , ,. . , ii ,- ,„ .. „ fl ..,. , :..,, , I, t.: , !r i " . ,.. e'finidlik - :,, -.
litr Aiih erar t rile rl o i;ioN F t ti i ii yii ‘ t Li ill.:: . • ... - ...:t-4 . '',, . 4 '!•'' ; . , :,t'i : er'rii '' ti,.tb:Y4-t-"--,::4
1 , , . "I"T`g v .l-'oo4iittlift...', . ;'IP ..Y:4),(N-Vi--, ~, Il i '' . ::Tlti'ls-..0 c 4c,...,
t.t 3,,,, ,1 1 .,.„ 4 .,,,-.. ; ,- .. , ,t1( , .. P. 44 jfk,i10•:'e.•,! , - 4 1:t '?•," '-' qir .•, A ? ::•',,::;', .. b, , l','/;••''. , :1,
w WiiiPA•.l . 'i'-'''' . •,- ..1 1, :r''',,,'''. ..' . 1 • 7„,t,,g,,,,,T.riq1*.; eI:Y-:1,±: :'. 4 tii r‘ ,, ' ~,,
i;i''',,, , V,'n: tie4t,.l,-,...:' , '-' •• , ,•,e.;,..,44 1. ),,,,,.,,,,, 1... - e.,...) . ; •......, •• „
tv - ;,, ,, , ,. .. , :c..,k -, 5:Pr,,...1. , ,-.-->:. - -... . . . .
'' Otttl an ltccnccj`
i, , : . fr,-'• Protlatino,tibru
VirtIID4EAS tho.flonorable Samuel ficp.
icy buin,t President Judge of tho severest
'COitts of :Common Mast of the - counties:of..„...
„Cumberland; - Parr Pair ',..,a.erd Amiens, in Phinsytii . M...
'lla, sendlinitlieci ' b. tscvorsil Courtikr.,9lllw, - ,
end' Tarmineol I. Danes:al Jail deliveif*Q . ..
Rd,' Counties', ai':d • On. JOhn Stun rt and ThiSkir
C. M tiler, judges °rare Court of Oyer and .TOSV''
miner and General 'jail Delivery, fur the trial
of all cepttal and other offenders, in llth said '
county of Cuntliesland4.-by their preceti . ts to
me directed, have ordered the Court Oyer
sine Terminer and General Jail Delivery, to. be .-.
holden at Carlisle on t heSECONDI4ONDA.Y.. , -- •'
Of - January isii:it, (being the 12ih 1111S4V(1 0 Is`
clock In the forenoon, to cautinuthogi'voqiii .
`TheTeforc,. . " ~.>.. • -
-011 . 1 e Coronerolusticeerofllic-mttrffn-d'ai fS
statics of the said county of Cumberland; that
they are by the said precept Ichkshband,cd - to be
then and shire in their prOjihr . ;liethonsOsvith
their rolls, revises's+, inquisithStisiiiiiliehittations '
land ell other remembranecS, to rlcolbektithings
'AV hick to their offices a mwentitn,ollelt's, and- --
all Nisei: : that' are boned 123 , rehOitilistncces. fn._ _
p ens eti tritilsh t s is t the prisoners titathro*tirein
,hall lot - In the Jail of said county,
there-to prosecute-1 hymns-shall:Ws just;„ •
Shot Ws Office, Carlisle, 4 •
. " Dec. 17,4840. . i - .. , •
Dl' virtue of ri wilt limn the Don. Nathaniel
;.LE) B. Eldred, Piesident judge of the 12th
dicial district of.Penneylvnnia, bearing date et
I in!ritibbre the Bth dny of Optober,. A. D.1845i
r-.-NOTICI tS j.lEn EBY
-that-a, Specie] court-will--be-heihrtha-staid--
11nn, Nathaniel B. Eldred, and the Associate
3 udge- - dof the Court of Common Plena of Cum
berland county; at the Co‘ort Douse in the bor
ough of Carlials, commencing no AIONDAIri,
the - 16th My of February, 1846, to 'continue
one week,.for the trial of certain- causes , della ,
din,.l in tly Court 4Common Plena rd hitnber•
land county, in which the ilon.Snatel llephern
was Concerned as caunsci - fer tden of the puttlba
prior to his appointment as President Judge of.
th. oth Judicial Distriet z und such other cries;
to as ore embraced withWhe Prosisiontuof tin
Act of the General Assein.bly, , pnased the 14th
April, 1834, relative to the inganizatidn at e-
Courts of Justice. Of said- Special Ociart,Jio
tors, and all persons corteernrd, will take nd;
Sber'ifra Officio, CarliMe.
Dec. 10,1845.
• •
.tpplication fbr Taventlicence.
"NGTicE is hereby given that I intend to
apply it the' nest terni • nr 'the . Couri, of
Quartet Sessions of Cumberland county, liir a.,
lii , erre - e - th keep a tavern or publid - linos° in the .
house I .0W occupy as stieli in Carlisle:
We, the imilersignoti . vilizens of Bost IVard,
Carlisle...Cumberland county,' do certify Pint
we ore well acquainted with the above onintil
Willis roulk. pat lie is of gond repute for hon.
rely and ti'mi ;ince, null is well provided witlt
bruise torten au . conveniences for t lie licenin m ti. -
tialittof strangerg . andlravelkrs, and that such . .
inn OT tavern is necessary ;o tic`aommodute the
public and entertiln strangers and travellers.
T. O'Sullivan, Michscl Boyle. Henry .1. Kel.
-1V : 7° Jartios - lictmcdvv -1- icorre 7 l.l7lll.lhTitEdiv - iiTir - '
Armor, Cliristion.lnitrilY, Ja moo i?.ll)lntr,Jacob
Low, (lei:irk(' lfily. Nicholas Ulrich, J. Si.
Kiwedler, Jacob pa kiglinign... ....'. . . .
ri — Trrt 7- LICe Ise:7
1 .11 , !ir - ritturO7fir
aply oi the pryt term of time
goarler F•PFinnft of county. for n,. .
hvip u laVe4ll or public bonne in tho
I tuily occupy nil sifcli, in Kin2SIOWn,
Si lvcr Spt togJ A f.'o ti WV E.
•w,., the linden:lan ed citilensof the township
of Silver Spring, is the county of Cumber - Nud e
do certify that we are well atArottited with the
:.born named Jo cob Gr.,: iN that' he
t......ttttti lutttifora nee; anir
is well previt'etl with hotter. room and canto.
nicnrea tor th.. nrruninintiiiiinti of . ifriingerri and
t I :tvellert.; and that !melt Inn o r rem i e ne ,
ottesary to accommodate the public ilLtl,. enter.
Lam strangers and traveller},
Jacob Ktominger,Georgr' Sal4pel Senor_
Anut, Jacob Homer, Iletiry Johnll,
. Dunlap, David [tinkle,
George Jacob iaortiz, ..Atiatrew
S. M. (anew,
A pplitation for Tat•crit- Acence.
ithereby given .-lint I intend to
apply lit the next terat,44:,the Court of
Quarter Suse4"tle3 01 bc_riiititcpaniy, fi,r it
licunee to keep a tavern or publiThouse ' in thu
house I now occupy RR such,leiliterSipring
Township, f3AAF;I.2:OIIAfIIAti.
We. Ilia n_ndersigneti itenaor thetownshirt
of Biller Snring, in the county of L:umberlund,
do certify that we arc well acquainted with the
a hove nomitl Samuel Zacharias,4l4t, , ho in or
Food repute f.r-latneNty anti tempi:trance, and
is well O - witted ttlth Mnn, reowattii,:cotivenit
craven for the necentmodation of ntrhngers''ond
traveUers. and that soch Inn or Tavern is nee.
cssuryto a ccom mode la the public and tntertaini
•ai ti. 'Rupp. Jacob Miliefi
Ul liatnuel Ikea, 14,
V. Comer; David 'Lyidigh, Siauik:•Dtownnweli,
Win M Mady,',lp/in Sam!
Brett izt4, Inseptt - Long, Peter Glitter,- Charles
Shreiner, Jacob Onrgas.
- 4610 - Orie El is hereby given tharintspil to
11 apply at 'the nest ternnA
.Cuurt of"
Q wirier k l esrl.r9.letciiintreilanil;*949ty; for n
beeps° tilkeep u tavern or . public Inman 'ln tinr
}im m el now uccuPy us such, in SoutoWiddlo.
ton to . w.iship. - • • JOHN RI, KKR.
We the undersigned eitizenaiiftliii,iiiiiinahip
of South Middleton, in the county eirOumber.'
land, do certify Anat. We are well: aCiinaintod
with the rrhove named John helm
of good Actinic for honesty and temponinco,ayid
is well provider house - room, and cbAienli.
'Crces for tiro acconimodation of stratigiiii:Oil
travellers, and-that anelrlnn or Tuverni.iai9ap '
emiry to„actionimudato the public and criteitalls- • •
strangers and.trovellere.
Satii96l•Erb,Ja . Cob Myer,' p
111 yet, Samuel aililychie; John Gonilyear,'Jaiolo'
jr.' locub.
,I•ciii, - Dentel Ritter, Frederick' 'llider,'Berijamin
Rider, %%M'
riin.kokeif th,"
' ' .
ji r ,
At , pl io4tiptif fn,F - .Ttiv'ern7Licipiia" • ; , i, ,, -, •,.,
Oilotis: hereby given thii :VIII* ';'4 4° , '-ii •
- apply at 1 1:,a,. aa . ii.: term . .'2;atlpitif:qa )i. $0,i,,--..,
u u rip r . Sesalaiia,:ntea tit lia ilaii,4lliiiitr'lo e1i,11 1 4:4,&•`-
li cacao la keep a .1a vain or. - 4 4.-:1,, •
,Ijoilba :.• I .• now,,,c . )yeikpy.'. ap..;:aual'i,eia,.;lfkiir.' , i'•' - i.:•.:" s."
township.'' .:, .:• 7,, 7I'IIQAIAS•,!:VVItiI . , i,V4 I :;•:'''' - N -
•*e;:' 06(0 - 60 rtligiatl;;.ajtizaitetirk .xII - J. ..ertr •.::,... .
',idwpall'iP:Alii:- iiii . litlifip,t-4ire., , ,d - r v , - , 4,.1#71:!4i,
led 'wigiAlia4Laivl.•irwicAff(3l4iii,ak....e,l4ll42::,::;;••'-
thaVlia la, or. 6 0 ( 1 \i'OutcfQ ." i!,, 4' q. Ititet! , =:.
. OPange •Oltflig via - 1; Pi!Pvsi . . .' '. 1;`'.!......T . ,,k 1 0 6 1 1 i .
a ad. pon i ii,g pja !mail; Ibr 1ti0. , 14 .' . irirtia,'! . . icc9l44"- . .
tipicicititiOf vet tiptop+ • im4! ,•., •': 0 ';.:.-...'-' :: ;-*.', ..
Ptiiie - AVileissittl.oh „ i' • '" tilittit.lTYsiguit" -
tch 4#4 4 ;br0ti,.;1 0 .90,0 Wl§ It . " ‘ Piiird F:lli.eniiiir,, '
.40,04itier.:fri'L . A04/o..64)4lloijiteeClirix,finii... . . ..
Baaiiq . -Bitgatain e .'OrolievOrtililiOti.-':SilnkliAti f- - - .
etdry,Sjil dr ' iiktisitut.O'Vlit:'.6i:ii., , ,,, , ,',L-.....-„
.. . ,
1 0 ,
..-; ~, r,. st :' , . : : 14r)iorxciiga, :
' Afirit49 '.4`ls! ' CePlarl 4 3 :...•'-'OP 4 . ' , 41trNglr.: , ',:',: ._.,.
71.! , ci c ' i;''it :-. 1846 ..;, , '"iY.'AYi' , .': 1 .' ' jc-;•i!k.',l.%'.'-''-''''".".....'"