), ?2.4 a B~k a% 1,04 0 4 1 44 *O i l a 1 1 4 24 4 : ) N M i l S 'J ri 15 ' : 81 U. Piihinit, Eau ; at •hin.Neweinr, per Agency 'Officir, Nii;lo,est,",tiniteVer TilitATßlP.ll3qt,4ll9batal/Alkeir4E*4 s ,, prawn e • receive ;eibeeitlitioita an 441 , ,0rt. for the linnAth vie ExPolToti; end ''giyo;reeeipts for the, ittine,':fi' Merchants, >le l eltaniere ped,tnitleemititigatterellkmey extend thairtuhyrdes tli f eOselites-'4;th§: 601u,'hi0"ibt a#veiti 4 in4 JrCP-°l ll /,itrkilitC7o:' •lelirdVadY - Jifiliaig s . 7 ' • t''.• A:l,',l".arnce,•intends to deliver nllornso -of Leetufes 'oii `olhq't,Oleolo ) in sent Atinter; The subject is. appriiPtiate to • ,tho litnedadjho , ,,lettiTer in every respect :,•%ualifiefftif*ki3iffeinlinteresting. rT s.°". "a ftyVa Se.nEen.--Poisen and the ,1 , 5:1124, , Vroluptecy' coMains the t , .Aol i p-; of .111. r. Secretary, ilrelker's% ' , *o!•t,., and as; a thorough expo i4ittfiliiiii4lll its ,greSs fhllacies, soplaptiies,... Ep ,, _ , ,,tho the; speeell,- ot the ifon. Andrew,,,Stewart,,pf the 'FayettWdikriet, of this State. ~ fit, fflope our reader.4.:avill •give it a, caref4Regtsal; mid theniend the paper to th'trldbokek friends whet may desire to haveiliti-myii6ries of Mr. report unravelledlll(6;', • Mr, Stes:art's speech• is .liiitiAta as the liVe:opened their columns to a bold assault upon the Tariff from one of tlke most notorious inlvOcates of Free Tradija the country, we have thought it proper and necessary to give equal space to `so triumphant a tlefeneelf that'fariff, as Mr. Stewart l o t4i .here -furniihea. "'rho Editora . tfie "Noltiuteer,? in . obedience te the behest o ultthe ptiwers that he-id Nirriithingt, en,-Itace, ifseelliajleut themselves to the powerful at • tempt.that -se,thifireoti-, -pylvaitia : froin her ancientfahh4:o4;Thal iaitifi, which the fathers'llhAt= " dtiiirciOiey" er Chili to dud "hattletiO:Ais. the' A i r Olityst intercsi.-I , t . The expeihnlikie onkt,-atni its insult Vicriiajje_priAierii"Si,.cif oui yielv.cind pewerful Stilte shatwait -to ep j Attlfe:k.:tholi'', l ‘deinocracy" C'umber shinVCiAinty:Liltint 'be • ; asain juggled anilk.t t let ceired , byun_pfincipled deinagoguee: 3VA11.!--4t will be-seen by our Congres sional proceetlings (hit certain members of the Senate have been doing . whAt they could to 'kindle the firea orniar, lief reen this coun try a Itnidatid: iakss'r movement • is: 'probably, however; 4derdiii , viciiv attic; neat PresidehttalvlietiOn, than obtii Rattail , • Should thatihnad talarrillyoecur, , :however i Mr; Mengnta.4B batl . truty spoken the reol, tekes . cone man. hi defence of our soil. But there is - trothing in tip:, little strip of disputa ~;territory in Oregan, enti truly wake the 7f,Vtrit - piripr - people; . that, as-IVIr.;M farther remarks, only the pittext. If war comes novo it will be for a mightier cease— " it wilt be the:long end bloody struggle of the contending influences bf klnatblicanism and IVienarchy. for-the:aupremaey-ofthe-wor/d÷ Kr-vtr",4o not stand convickd of the Charge of "petty cleneiiiiin," vihich the 'Volunteer' *ekes in' l the the:Pliiadelishia 'North i4ne4410;,- Thai... Paper lms at its•bc4d the names Of _a, George Iti , " - ClO - tharti sitidTtvelati; ptifOti"4.ll' pippAaii,A* , — boal ivl;ptii were, ,aid ,still :are, in their politiical assoniations, But.the motto' of thelfpaper i.4— , -"dnvoted to ,Truth." ' And ;hit n:;deniounne . . x.yith, ba sa4-ntinglindignatiott the outrageous fraud by which Periniylvania was deceived .and' betrayed: ' Onk Attendarn friend, Jim Walfacti,, - (a.goottfellOw and a brilliant ivri ter,), may • be, and probably. engaged.* - the . Flitorial , departnrent of the j)a&i, but-ho does not , ! 11 4e:ttil( - rehi.cniiii)?ility.7: 'lt is O s al i spluillYtPltrgeni4 o ,•*igt. deentiooP. ,- JY.4eti the. qicket 'The*fittiitif : the - dhiirtheihbUrg, -0 1irrieS'ii."1 ' c alsfi."pini;tiosTo !his fa:nt.',,' - „ Vire S4v . t.; rOwEa :seernis toruive paid dopinien in cengressi the petitions of thouitTilti:nntitenti.?ef' thonbendS,*.in,gh ier'ine; contenifitii -044 .krown.- er ehl h te ft oug signers,were ;i thennudies slay lesi instead'f in . dependeriffreenien:l The; harne of eme'nn ~; froiri 'tl is .districts; } fie' . nnlice appears in Faii!.!eineiong3.the,rnpetrators oflhese. ..outrages:; 1 '•T'' • ••• •", . • our *tiele'entido' , The Swindlers T.Trainesli-' 4 q# 1 .q6. - 4 4 :f e iic4. 4 * 4 dr. 141 ,F1 1 ,00" - iiiAo 4 t r,,lY€4l4l4a P .4lBloso'l ; 6tbe ;• l;iiir area .4 4 ) 4 ll :dick' i''4yl:24kt,;4l:efai! , ( .?iit;44:eet an i.,,1L1, - K•il.'l,o 7 )igh.a/kifili:q 1 our,n'o';hb`Rrslsideas of 4' l Aecesocyi , ,u,r—att,t 1T,04, 4,7. pqpq! 44) R W3ree/Y l.o 4o l ,i'det:oll',oo h9toughtert•l 1 °rat irdbrit ell lillosey extravneehe itt t the ollit'Veliett walls hadYbeen •gloted i upltAr), = Ff I;aI ACitIP #49 cll°irefar'll.A6•l4* rttlllo4-Ne i 406, arcUii' will eesiire' - ;11. I vAte-fj* 4 04‘40 skeeter& ' we 116 `7 ,efe'reeeeh) ferPwiehiritc 6(tierivtlth'. 7 bit, !hal, • ioiilltliiiii,e44 e . '''''' ° - " 4-414', , t i*,,• , •-, r.•••••••*z•-•;=••--4 , 4" . 7 .-:.• ~ ..I . q, v' ,' '. , 0" I rlf " 1 " R ' ltu rt a I ''''' Ph 4i 4llll o, l3 VOrkb IttLthe' I; 4 ? llt k li3 f olosifoolismi4Prhafi , I.loti:iiiii:. ' RfiftlertittiVe 60011:ile , 6ticel • 4, XA9,;l4Y.lo'ko.SCrii4fgrAtdeNi' '- ,, elkl'*, err bel!,," ,lll4 , l :l 64 oogoWitAlttrib,,ttiao fC4 401"6040400ite* qt.iim 4 4 4;,4 ii l / 4 7-4ridtliAkpi . qq; 1/1 1 ._ elan fkhiritkgwo)RobliTwerft ' 56 qOE ~ twovifilkatvikWititlOhlur. _rtittrk iikiltwi t it474l,,Ewef t 1" yi T+ ' yeyol*o4 4„,.. i s Ilit , i 1403(e''''t 1 419 f* 41 4 ./.' 4 141 .Y tC "C Q * 4l 4 7 1 r 4111 04 0 Y . 4K .'7 4W 1 4A ' '''' 4 fr' , '.," , ,1 0- 1 4 ',' I ). t I."' I 1, , r 4/I -1, I . ' ' '1 7,c ,•,' 'r! " 4 . I ' 4 •a 1 ,, . ~ ~ ir I r.'. ':' .: ' ,,i' ..- fkiliiso.iiiiik;:::::.:l..!;,l ' ' l ii -i'l.l• ~4! ist - A - 0 - 0 ,-, Taii4gaty,o4ww,.Tcw D.Pl.:frai*t.*AfeatOtty , ;l_,f4ii, - .' ; , i:ii . ,:iti:#l.4oi.:#.4l.::av,. „-::. , *.#.4. , a04 , 4Aiiiii0 I.li, 480:04.404koterolAilloot** ': . lioworP . ifil*O.'ilrn•l'qe. 16 .'iitiit'ciff&Okihtfi, that iii•tiiii l ,4pict flight of time ei6etVilitbr luialingein• its winge,;:cilletne L iilftv . -_ : .eall c s; iiOelfe'iViihdeilinii-liieiltyffii 4 64far,oiof, J. railiityt - with,tinitiles:of those whiihavpleAp: long . separated. ! .care • finds-no' :el)iratiee to tlid)ieart's glad festiV4 thristibas.: hi hie-Igc4roy . '•--puhliehei-1,-htLelyeti:Dict9;&i: 11 . iiwf.isi'iliftiliii.',44aVii . 6tii.4 , ifisr - *aikitg' 6 6 .6iiti6i6,, - 4- ' (Tbefe'aiolniinklltiti Which.l Might, haVeAer . lvsid,,g . e . ,,,y j w , 0 ,! fhaye'not . profitettll . ilytqlat t 'iretrotedf:ltlitc, nephew : 7. g ' oll4oi , rtitsz..o*Okilhe' rept;i : But). •am-Sure-I-110.6 . 414 "!'llitillllo.4GheiStintis'. time, ivbet 11 ,, , • • .. , e:4lCaindliart.'frOin -•- . Ity. zlit •I, t, ..',t,,...i.:.-......_L the-Ven- ":o,!i' , 1 • Iff ajteraiiiie.4ted , ,,drit': ...,. • - , •••.:w.••••• - • . •-• -:.‘, -.4,.:••••, ,, ,z0 , •-• ~ -, g!n;'•if 4 1 1 t a 'ri; . - - , , ,.og!tl,lo(xWgpit.44'fiPart: fr•e l **ir 4 1 1 . ' ,:.!!!TAY: I . V' . ;,,;kilq7•,foiiiilli4i.. elittritable4OStf 4- I .,tl4o.fil'lt'AittA . 2. 4 T, know. - 6f, tub e ors ' ' 47, - A ':':',c k w„'t • - '''-`., , N0 '''`.'„ , l'' ' ~ .- I ,.';':` ivlten men arld , •wkitbOli l / 2 ":4P' - " t, !„ ‘l''l . dint lo open theli einin4Pliai4 v , Oita'. to of people lielo*therniKikapiraij• lyyere fellow passepgers - t6 the'-glatipad.. not 0(06%. race •ot creatures li °Oil cf)A7bili:r: journeys. And, tliciiefOre';, uncle, though, it . , hasliever-Illlt:tvgcrep:orgold,*ellVe'r iy nci'§ - Pocket, k believe itytifs• done' me good 'and will do inn good; and limarded:bless ialor it is goon be oldldroyftiplYiiines, and . nos: er bettor tbariirti(!thristrriati, wlion_its,miglqy_ founder was a child.' " As approririate to the senson, we Copy torn the Kniekprboeker:, the following beau iful • CHRISTMAS CAMHL: A P. 100: sing - ' VOW` hale old king • Who hns }signed Air many n yeat . With hisJovitil.traln. lir cnines again. —The whdry - hours to ettoor Though lorks of snow . Rest no his brow, And the liont , frost drapes his 0110, Vet his eyes shine bright .. %V illi a merry light, Aunt his heart beats warni withhi i „ Tn old anin l / 4 crung . • ills gifts are flumr. Agile sepeils oil hie eleesonicif, And.our spirits hound . At the.joyous.soulid, Christmas comes to-day I'rl The Int•ed.nf Are met once mere, And hand is clasped in lined; While I•'ricndehip'n clinic, Long rum plied in twain, Is linked at his conithand. With one glad voice ' Let earthleJoice, To weVome his cheerful yelp: Aud•a warmer glow Our helms Will know% As we echo beck thp strain. " • And.)ouoily • • Ainilon praiim„ , While our tands.iettii.Mpiiietl4lll - ; , • •'l'o whoonzbirth; • • •Brought • And-unto men good 0•111,:"...... (Qtirgobd ntirghh ors .cif, the /Volunteer' tkii;enii nettled. ppr. , ,,r4ferenee -tO ...their pub liation of'.' Gouge du banking' nit(' kindly • •F tirnate - - -7- tY --- nCiivicelcl`,he • more' Drop er ;to confine goiself to 'catering for our own read oni•V , Tiffs filth: ftnit of ours is in 'finch flind I • iastecihatit has:offended their exquisite sense of propriety!' Our neighbeni have probably unintentionally committed a small however, •in putting themselves in such close identity with "small potat,oes !"—ewe never thow , ht of depreciating them so Much certainly:. Speaking ,Of taste, howitygr, :our neighbors will be, sadly, mistaken if they thinithat a mere matter of taste will prevent us holding up to public reprobation the new fangled Views of Scrilfing ':relifrictions, and. aboVewill, the, which the loco foci? preis isruisiflitsily: engaged in disceminatingond-whicli.are calculated--to crusfrthe eneilit,'es.iniii sink the prosperity of • be , a poor thing if yell take. finnirtheirmontlis that bread Which trie - Tarifilid.s sbetiled'to'hundreds and thou saiids,Of YeniusylVanitt'working-then'l AN ARMY of 200 000 !—A Washington correspondent of the,New york e llorala Mott . tiohs a ,rumorpiitpoi..J3entpn . •iii,teivii., biting' in a:bill for organization of an army of two htiudie'a . thOuiand men u an d • the au of a iyin loan of $10,000,000, to prepam,thti countiy — iiii any contingency that. May grow out of the Oregon -question. • r• The Ilnirisburgus' seems to be!Ae cidedly.in favor_ of tills scheme, kind enters into'a ettleulatioa qsr x,Ying'. it :.out. ',The Argus' •sai7s :it 'would-re quire one out of every' newt of our popula 4 , 1? to. Try!lT'up_i le to. u site number—the (pieta Of Altiphiri•cr2unty ..wouid,:be 353; and of thisipunilier . 7 t:wouja be required of the 0. bor9•;:sLfTrarrisbiit&(-,:•Uprfn the same e.A . P . N ' V"l?„l44:ll:trireto abgt • - • ' 4 COl:kprrlTUrp , iiAtjriirAtri'll - TAIt/FF.-....X40.. /,, 3 :! . .tica, *silitlgt?",/ , -.c9loPdfillPti_ ,t4"-i,47 0. !,Y olutlteer' is ,iii, eestaoiee at Alr,-,lyalltees 'dieCovi3ry t tlia4. , ithe:- . l'!Fiff,-is.:.oeliei4litiitkitia/,'2 *all Oleos hisliaiidaln the' eielitfait:4lii4 le now ,felt,by 'lL l r,ihill , Airflial 11 0,,l een , MTFa before: "Oh, yea ta-Wa:sliingket, Jelrerson, l M.P..qi 8 9 11 ;• Mmito°i' :and lickeoP4iYe4iind AiPa; it Bi. e ri' l;''S 4 9 t h °I ?tfk, 10..111g that's T4iii. I#4 u , ),, #itqtiNtnja, 4 .:Ailt*_ - 4 7 .litippvPrt;sy* left , for 'Ye., Profitteel ~i ttleilect. of ~Robett 13: Welltet! cr . Vhet art. ettliklitthiedlege , this le :r : 4 , :viV ,.. ~,. 4 . 1,4•', v.'' , ~, ';,, , , ,'L „';,% , ~, ,T 1,.- J , , , • ~, . ,:ej: OP //4 ) 146111 7 / WhPAPERBfitit01. 1 )4 1 11;4, eittitigell `have-issued gieit:.'n sei , iirel , hoopoe. foie's' faitateniiiiiiigetishiiii' l of; the teeslq-: :4W to ,,,,,.' ' 0; ~' ,/, r 14 1 1 ...,,., s „ , , , - ', l ,1- ~' ' • Po% '' ' ' +,A3YOYN,._ t .°9II,4IV AVROI I 'i I P 4 IY O xe— tiOilit cle4 be.P.Oliehea,M foll9Niorliz: , :)i. 44' , I-0 -,.. • Ar ~: , ~7,- , 1461 1;t# 14 4:trELtOnA.Pffi ' (Willgt) rieb• 0 .- Foin r splii6i,+ZokiiiFwee)clyt'dtiri ri etb# It - ttib.siOn,`.§ 2 ;'`i s oo,,of.t4o4ylidlo4,a's7e4ee ''' -11 '*eik't*§?,:tiOtviibilern• `N'el)i= 4 s 3 ,,*' • ^ t i? '..letliTegt-4at:-.'syilV bit:lfOislie'kte'e.: '.l.rtlejii*ats , t , :;l; ,‘ 4