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'4t . 1- ,•. ; .V.±?. --- "--: -7 ,..t- : , • ! -' :l l ‘ ;' ‘ ____ . . . • , .• • • . = " • . •'. -'•.- ' , .' : . _ . - - • .- . • • ,r:•• • ••••;•••• , t • ~; ~;,., . :477, •-•,:z6 • :.t.: . +••--, • ~. ,:= , " J AA,rs;•;••;Al>'-.4L4 N .4.,P. , ;. , :i.-.':5 4 >ii,;,4,.4."1.. , ••=•,• - • .•:::-.;••••- -, , ,f .-i4.,,,,,,, , .-- . ~..4„,_ _,,.,, ,„ , . ~_......., . 2 ~, . .i , :-.,.,,,,„. ~,,,,,....,.:: „.__-:- q :..,, 1 4 Vg - .• • , .(44,.*,•.."=?; 4 4;.;• - v,,• •• • - • ,-,-!• ..v.'t. l -; -,,,,••• . , .. . . , -4AT VI ' - Tt..---. _ .._ NO• •u - yr 4 ,33-•;:33..:3 ,• J...,--• • - --- i 3 .. yi , ~..... ~. ~.. ,:-. - :4 , . , -Aro' 'y IVEDNESDAY, • . • •:7-••Visol.N.t . •:7 ' OFFICE, in ihe.South'West angle of •the pub lie.SOire,.back:of the Court-Muse,: S'Orlo . BSCRIPTI • ont tollar.and.opventrilve ceate a year. IN ADY4NC.N, TWO ollancic pahl tyrthia t the. year. r • • Ode' - . "kTlielieliirtna will "• " RATER 'Or'ADVERTISING, will be oho ltmertion,— ttWOMlgailt , r OtraTtkilllarronOWerity.:l l, oc rs eenix . .ibr • Nero will' - 7.7 , 1itl kliaiie l atihe'rclloVvidg !tries Vaikei;lai , one yea.rj Fla '"Ej, ndlifijiilloll4 do. Fla tuAliienall,:arty,..t..iihAhe paper; • JOEORINTIND - OF EVERY DESOBIPTION, 'Ko r b (a, Ilanilliilfryllianks, itc l : 9lrrra,fin every -other detcriptignmt F,,r e. 413 cut dll Rugat,!l!e, , • - . . , . _ .. ~., , „ ...•,t 3i .i07.9,, . - .31N0Z , ,, ' ' 4 1 1 41 1' A'"'-'' n* Z. , Z4IT 141 Y, (lan of Pittsburg, i l / 4 ' . - Pa4t;iilliproctice in Alio C orte;di gaol ' ti erland: *ld •+.~1,~e. adjoining .tou liciAr-plltico Tin Went ffighigifict next door • to _ l rani Mon , • , = • , --/---,,--- Carliule, Octbber, 8,-1845 . COZW - LIATA . dir IVX'CLURE, • ATTORNEYS AT LAW. • atteihl proMptlj• to businessentruslyd .1r them_ in the counties of Cumberland nti. I?iyriklin.-Ofilees, one door west of the Kith nigh lat•e6t; Cmlisla, findnest-door - to litunibmigh ktitover's Drug Store, Sliiimens burg. A prib 24, 1844. - tf-26 DU - ALAI? All3Aln 5 Attorney at. Law. ^ 1'1.C1 7 . in • South llanner street, a few doors , 11,11 ilelow .1.11. hraLnfi, Esq. Jnly 1845.• CHARLES B. PENROSE; Late S'plicitor of the Treasury of . the United Stales, jimetice I.ww in the eeversil Courts of ' t.iineAster County. (Mice iii South queen itadyoccupied by Jobb It. M:intone .lute 18,1843.• CALVIN BLICTUXII, •A . O tr TTORNE ' AT LAW. • •, , - w+LL prnetiee in t •swiernl Courts of the -----riity-timlGotibt-y-of-11 ' atlelphin.......____„:______l. Ms Oleo is tit 1i0.'35 South FOURTH -virent... between - Chestnut and-Iyatnnt streets.- . PhiliieJAia,Sept , f44, 1845.-3 m - • . ------ ' 4 . 1 s ~ (Tha- n ar,10,9- - W. ferinr nil operations Intim the in :ire required for their preser yuriniToiirthits- Welding, Filins, nr .1 1 1 rfAive.the lo n e of them, hy ins.ertipg Ar tificial -Teeth, rynin n single Tcnth, o n full AVM (01)Ilice rn P:tt istreet, n Fete (looriStiith of the Railroad Itrtel. N. B. I)'i lor•ntiit will be aliment front Cnr- Iro.itclrflatraityll - CEttriraunttro - ; , , , i 445, ZOO ITOML.D:),3 .1(41.0,TM; . Homeopathic Physician. . OFFT# : Mein street,' in the house For merly nnetified by Dr. Fred. Ehrman. - Carlisle;'April 9, 1945. THE MANSION HOUSE HOTEL "Frofding on the Cumberland Vaßey' Rail Pond, L181LE , 1a15,9 LATELX kept by Gen. Willie rcielk i llasjus been takekby the,suhscribcr;: It Is newly .fanialted an Am bean thoroughly repaired. Passengers trt. the care, strangers, travellers .rind miters ftfertrhale, are Myra to cell: 'corms moderate, and every attention pard In. the 'Comfortend convenience of those who patronize the establishment. _ J. A. WISROTI Carlialc, April 16, 1845. ROBERTS' HOTEL, • STigm . of Weilhingeozer anil faCksron. T . fl E. snb.se.ii.b,er .respectfully inform Id sfrieddsitiatbe puddle hunt hellos removed from Isis old stand on West High street,th house littelk kept by David I,ilenn on South, I Innover - street;rin this borough of Wnsli ibnton add jilekson;• Whe're he will he always .1; Mil to.toieobisfriellialifrionitlie'Ount4indTrav ellers; mid 'steeommodaleztlieMitiAbo , beil:o4 . most. comformbleinntmer. • v- , II ig Go. ccinttoolly, DOW with the C.hoieeit....,liqufn:ll,,nnil hje ADLI with the beit Otin ruitiiiih: A' cneeftll pST: 'aft"OirlAtitee=-`tonl 'nothing ahal I bp.1701l undoirektri)rease. alh whO'oall With BOARDERS taken , hy woetc , month 'or ,r rli.N DREW ItQBEItTS. •Alit it f i 140., .3 '1 -. '0 4'"'Tiitbb nit._if4rancli: Extracts for 4.ch J ief. Otto, Roseaoari, ganaina French le Cologne cWater, tooth; hair 9000 and , Li 'll'ondyivary'aatnba;l hair • v l ipa,. with , pahri. Rose.' . lianaiop; ;; 9l ) ii ro pailticulip 'salve, • an d ,e4nll c alee twak,B tid ;side porn In tot 7tyfi would .6r fullyldvite-rt tio; ..,;,ZtgAtion• they, porch:pa ~....,:::::,,_ .3spnpox!',. mopir,l7,: - -' c..„, ~i '4 , lkifT.g!AieC44l)lli,ll.riii3l;elN ,Geniiiiti,lo,l '...":. , ,i." - ~ , Sinitlep Grarqmar, KirlOniiii'i Itinimmnr; • , :ip dal tali -:,Philiiiiatiliy, ;Cbinitiick!i'`Cliemisti k. '_; - 101,0-lieggltA!, l ll4nrtycistlihrlll‘nitt kallJn; 91T. 04701PRISnirilib!rarleY.'11,00graPhY,r Aktlii,n,tyl. ''''' 1..' 1 . 1 4.7!0. ~ triq*PrHintlnro4"lir4ol.! #,l h!I,. .-: -2 0. . ibliiiioWig , phe,Er,iitry,,sCon,iirie,s - Aka.: .:. ; 1 1 14, ,$ 011i0s . :10.4O6 , "cif.,ilie'.Uiiiii:it.Stiiiisi',1,d4: 44. ~ ~,h,,eve6,.atr i elty!# l' t.soliii# l ,lioplki liciie 1 ~ .qiit,..t. . olit,:glliKti .tit ' he , lll; , tio :Md. hook hail i.A . " 4% Ai , - ‘. Al YEllg '4.0 t fIAVEItStICR'.4,- .. . .-,.., - .:•:. 1i4:!„..., ? . . 10 - 1 , '''r 4143111NINCLEATZIMq. ; ;;;, 1r:! ---1..• ':, alliii'4iiiiiiiyo Of I; jtitiopreceilio,44iiillirOdiii,. "npeill*"e.-.41tii;40(t,06131mi is - streptAxiii --sloori_ 1 '- 'OP): ti*,,,p; . 144:4140,..gAtneokutl I.elogiklit'.o A 60 .V1F, , ci1. , ..,0 40,14§100,Agr. i gentipißoes.„ufg,,tinfl L .. , wear . ; :t9...0 F ag 4,Fvfotftilry, 'ROJO.; ij0.1r..47 ; .' .. lillkilil,.: - .411.41.4 I rot irol I Oil ; '..Eilieving ;Cr., m, A t :: l lf . 1 1:Ailj illP34l : 4,oili:iiiitg9l4l44F4 1, 6 1 :,, .'.W . , ,a .;. ':IO - iiir' jiii.l4o:oiirtilblitNl4lKlt idOlOroth t o • 1113rtiali:c.ii'ir All OritAi - / toz'. i"..oliiiidilkiot 4 OS Vil!sklifo'iii?.el46l)faiiisprimieif •-; :ilif,:ketifieliiiii:iiirllnet-410iiiii.1,4iln'llfellilieseliti,i1 rer#fraill l 4o l l:' l l)llll*Wstic 4 l tcigklyiCollor., .- , :-11i.esoitio,',14,0; ," ,tyllit.joy ova Titid.k t ib e l o w, ..:-..,.o.litirlookTOrmo ilip: - 1ig1fd . i11:16:` , , , , , 1,:,4' ! .. %:',). .' l ': r .',...i34ol l o4:ll4:ii'fifY , ' - '4 I Y-$114411.4' vvr,no - ' l. '' ,. r•7;Z7 . ;,:f- t.-'' . l'. ;', . . '. s, ::llltrg tt- -;:', '',''.*‘,.:` :::!: . :-" '''': ll` ' , .*i.V. 4- -.T ,• tti - -0 .7 1 - 1 1 -74 -7 . : .T te l S T : s ,i *tott;A'' 4Miii' . ltAllaYoptF.T o tt,' fir cheap, MO (Ore* IsrgeloVorlfew..Miii.4 ,I.T osill li i i tle i lotiil i *.gliiKgil'i9o ll tiAkillov.rioc - I t o, ~, : rr444o , 6l.4 u lsitril.' 04yrettputpi, ; AIM AIN* '':..01'.1 . i 1 / 7 1544#01 . .' ' lib, a ' complete. ow 7: - .7CAYB:. p r acii,...:... ..,q.,,,,,,,,, , „.,,,,,,..,,,.„,,, i,..,,0.404:5:, f.ii Ati , ito %::':;?,Pittl i :;:,‘,::.:,, , naijh ; f,„'' . '! : /.. ,- '0' , .•"'`A 4. " liw*" .71,17firrr,t'' „ itfiry, 'r ' OE efIRISTIE'S - GALVANIC RINGS. rip HIS remarkable illecoverY litiiidedived the .approbation of the Miclidir - pin.' febsion of Grepit-BritainotpthLias_nnw been. serf• tielentriTtiffii inifor - 9 theAtietßocoupifprol -- 01(6 - . a, fair test of its power-44. 1 ':efliedet The' - Patent Galvanic'Rings liaWbeen "found to ain wwer alt - the purposes for which -the ordinary Battery,'nt Elddtric and Magnetic machines, are need, but are without any of the injurious shocks whiclis accompany the .apPli : catiens -I)t_thoiirinitruments t ;mant other.;respeets ara more sakand,,cOrtiiiii complishing the, cinsiredni4ept.' , • • ! ' Tit& Galiranitt 'Write "vied in; ,with the Magnetic Flu id lard confidently-rococo. renfetibled ierilreattlftsitsre inracies system, and end those, comp am m are ao g the-Most and'. univerial 'arir subject. They arise vvitlitint exception, from ,oho simple ;cause-11 detangenie'n't iipritousay n atern—'-and it was in thesd'eastii - that utiffir remedies - having so often failed, i neit 'agent was ~wanted, which it is.,:minfideritly be-, lieved has .heen. found in the proper and judicious application of Galvarritim . wont-dosed; and-pt-irregular intervals; in which palvaiiism is administered by. the. Machines, have,been pro nounced after,.,a fiiir and impartial trjal,o he -decidedly injurious, whilptlid power as applied by the Galvanic - Rings Is in every 'way equally lienecial, --perfectly safe and twenty times 01 cheap. . • , TheGalvanie 'Rings hays been used To, per ! feet success in all eases of Itheninatismoicute nr chronic, applying to the head,•face or limbs; Gout, Tic I)oloreux, or Teeth ache, Bronchitis, Ve.otiko, Ner,voils or Sick Headache, Indigos. lion, Paralysis, Pa Isey, Epili psey,; Fife, ()ramp, Palpitation of the Heart, Apoplexy,-Stiffness of Joints Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, Neuralgia, General Debility, DAeient of Nervous Energy,- and all Nervous Itisorcrers. ThOir extraordi• nary effect Upon the system nett be witnessed to be believed, and de a certain preventivefor the preceding complaints, they are equally to. be recommended .! The Galvanic Bands, Ericelots, &c, In somecomplaints of a yea severe charge ' Icr and of long standing, the power obtained by the Galvaiiie Rings is not sufficient to arrest the progress of disease and ultimately restore, 'health. The improved mndifianflorrm the Vrinie Mks, Bantle, Bracelets, tie.,entirel,ii edits this objection ; any degree of power that ! as required can easily be obtained,,and n., die. ease whiclithe mysterious agent of Galvanism can efferit, will faitto be permhnently - relieved. The Rings, &c. are of.difFerent prices,• being, llionde of - alf sizes, and 'of various nrnam.-ntal patterns, and can be vi ern by the - most.dulieate -fernale-without-theffightest-ineoneenienVe. CIiRISTIE'S MAGNETIC FLUID. is a ecessaay accent min .all. caaea.in ;ell the Calviinteltinga and:their modifications are used. 'By - means extraordinary com insition, - att efficient action is rendered carlain . 'and the Galvanic inffueneejirectecl lathe . par ticair parts .which are affected. - The FLUID ',application is agreenble,and it is as-harmless in jts action as it is beneficial In its results: Cerlifientem from .physicians and others of the highest character and respeetribilify,, hose ing the strongest witness of_ the extraordinary effects of these articles, arc constantly Rennin. Mating, some of which may be seen by e &fling ,op the_agent i n Carlisle % r t In ordeo guairrigninerfrtniarD Tern appoints but one agency in ench, , lciwn. 'th only Place in Carlisle whore thn'genuine, Mime and fluid ran be‘ohtained is nt tbn stoii UTGEO. W. HITNF.R.. All imitatinwiell elsewhere are worthleas counterfeits. Pamphlets can be obtained gratis as above. , Nov. 26, :845. Poreign and domestic Dry Good Store, No. 30 Bank st. Phi ladclphia. Oat at. running south from Market si.lielno3d. • L goods are sold at.....Paokage or Au:llion costpricrs for nett cash, nr if on 6 in nabs er'etlit 5 per cent Is added to the bill. The sithscrilter int , tnis to keep what is stri ctly called a ' , true price .store"*And to seri all his goods at Package or Archon cost prie-s for nett cash, or on time for approved Credit, sod will then add 5 per et.. to the hill for the - credit. Ile has established his liminess on that principle and finds it :gives general CustoMMA can rely on hitying tl:eir Kotula at the very low. rust market, ratf's. as the lowest prices are wilted first, hr which, time is saved to both, purchaser tenth nrcesaPy'for - beating - dOwn. , - Ira has constantly on hand, nod continue to be supplied with irgontl assortment nit aciimp - mbh! Dry Cam's designed, for nod adapted to the near country trade to which he now invites the titten lion 'at the merchants of• this neighborhood, Im pressed 'with ItAteriffqhtli they like matirothers will •tiAti'PriFSe the 'system of transacting ,busi.' newt ntlottledinnl'strictkindhered to by the wirer.; .7 July :9,.185;.;, isgnienrciZr %%A CoPOANIr. No. 30 soup! sEpoivn STREET, Belnenn Blneketand Cheinut, . i r - • ; -: i'ir!LA 6 i PIA, • "' IVO% constontlf nII dot& for eale,Whole -1..11. sale and Retail . . . . .....A rAIIIETT 0 0010i..VRTAR TEAL, - AT:1.0% R PR-MRS . ,' ~ '. According In tite'rin I ttr, than therCir be b 111gIti for al any.othe es 'liniment in the city. : - • L:rremi:losch Tely, are cold sit this house; and, erveraiLyerintice_vhlch....conont. ,liet obtained eises•tieve. :Aify.,Teas 391110 h, do not give: entire extiolnnthon; cop he.returned and exchanged, or the money. will iterriunded... ~., . • The.; el tizcits - a r . ,Cittiberlaq county, at.:' 'vet itiotftilli inviiiil lo tire ex wenn; .1,- ' ~. `." "'''. ..., ;: ...,....;4., ..,,:.... - :0' It.',ilir.littili '''''' t .o'" ,, '''. , '...idi7t . fortlic Pckhi Tqa,otonenny. ; ?.' - ..`TliihuleltflliactitiOliir r .1;118.}5. , ,:-. • , , -• *:---- RIEI4I.DIT , IVIALT/11 CLOMIECINa:: inbiati bar badnaly cin:ibOnd ohs ; f theaoa ,eitotim ' arid - moan: inonla ..12oady iriride'ilothing `oviir.offeroif for ialo in' ; =Thri . gam mainar:ard all:thielirtlielnott ,fashiontible.mun'w nirlond , for Ytoorkmailighln'arid . . 01:ally or , maw t a -caoho surpass° g-- CtiME Lc ILL , L. To 141:Tricey'S.old Piliader Lin0,292 - ..11.10ba1t ba?intp" . .Orgiltinigiaat hot to bo undersold by any of his competitors...llo buys andaolla 0114014 c forAPASiI aonselluontly he can sail gy,atozdittigidinta thahl lunar who buy;oileredlt:„ . . , , vi . -:-'2-,:.--,-,';'-','• , " .' ' ' . " ,140010t' 42114*111,4t-' , - . 1 1 ---, , • i .7•;,!.-1-t,t, %,,,',,,,-,„( , --77-. - '-',isi•d"—rit,'liiiriA.. Vift4iiiT'oße=iT,-Cf4l' r?/ 1 9 • I tn ! khiiiiiAt • .0 ; ii ,e 441040 r9 c 9cA l 1 1, t: sir t, Pcittj9/1"s,"'1,1 t.,9' ic , „i i iviii'm moo 41%1.4 4 ,Arc • Inipki,_R._ l ox-,117, ii„f r r t if 44 , ft , efFecturilif,,ys . im, ' TiZut:tlg arilliii%iteditott'gur egivatt,it've 'IT , - arb- acrebY 1 id ,,,.„ eNeilles .61 0. i, I'S filiji*ey:•.:o:(llsl6ll4nuistrets 9 " - • th g:i ll 7t fi t : latit° l4 l " I ' la 'lately, witiie,':..l'94‘ in, 3 ' l i t Ti iii i i i p lot Ai rt.ovogrotor. ~ „ 4,ocfmthioni4ty,tou , . nro vtyypitgli9ll,a ifirgr ', taitajeityllintpart4ooW . corn tete • l,, elk-m34ollarVate ni,'„,„,, t:01451101,A491r..19411131.. '. i 'f:r s''',.. ' s4 ' ' I tinl4l; rdn ' i ' L- 1111f - itio pepok , o_mittrxfp $t 1 , aopto f5R,i; - ; tail. 4 , 54,00.. A .1.,i1A, , ,, i, :w. L -, , e, ° ' 7::,,01' --fi';;l:iii%o4:lo::Lh.,:d2e,;;7l.7 1: Aliwitt*lsi sf ii, ~ ~ ,- - ..,_ ,., , ," '7 ;,.' '' ' ' , • . ti. MI MEM GEORGE W. CROSS, G E . 6116 . CR4jSS, Nu. J 0 Mink al.-Phila ._ MEE , • " ittig': " • ' - 7 7 7- 77 - .Tt „ • 1 ;;..` EGEIEB z • •.4"• • • 4 -••••W . •-• • P, - • • ' , ERE lIES INIXE VVINTER:AND-AGE,' And liketli not the, sptirting.of thelimbri • • Apr tha,shrilttiong:of 'Aids; irketh,bilff . :i , 'Tttlieur • tlie . fOrest We though still lie givetVidencs hollie,roMan t,d 'that tvith blatk forelleadttand distended, clieeki', ; 'ltiutter:ltoarseilnipdertrob theit' Wrecking pith; • Ifs lays his finget Vitt the lip of ittrearda, ":* ' -And'they are ite,.and keys Hie inetry feat • `Terrace byt M errace,otn•lbkmoUntain's head. ; - Ito silenceth,the;purling of the brook; . • That toldits faieingenthiliimmer's ca , r, • All the diPlong eproachiess, andt'doth hitt " • •;'" --Sharp-IttadsAtiltiseat4chain-Aptillit-shrink. • • 'AbaSh'd " .• • • • . • • • ; With wthlicled face, • ,'• gttifidsite, - .lll:tit'epireiOniihiltir • • :'• The !deli trimping the' children • , - And, drawing nearer pante pleasant fire, , I)oth Settle 'on Ills head theveliet ettp;• • • • And bless his:stars for guief,:once again. • . Stern'W inter dikes thetruabliblintalk back • Tu.thq:dait =Vents of.the imprisoning earth, And dead'heth,witti-hiti drilled frames, the sound - Of-whdel and footdranip.- • • ' • .:. • ; Thus-it iit with Man. _W.hen the slid! ttihtet of.hle life.dta - wii on, 'The ear doh-loathe the winds that !rat it loved, Or,llke some inoodk•herniit, bats the door, • ' ' Though streetest.tones solicit-It, in vain;. The eye ggown weary attic. tarnished scenes And 01(110nd-shaken-tapestries of time, • While all thel _ anguid senses antedate • - The Sabbath of the-tomb. • • • The echoing rotted . Orgiddy pleasures, where his henft - in youth Disrmrted eagerly-,the rushing tread Of the great, gorgecius world, are nought, to hlu, Who, OR lie journeyeth to a clime unkPowntli Would to the skirts of holy silence cling, A toilet all.sounds and symphonies of earth Fall, like a thdethrestinent fiorn the soul- rinm Ifettil!'s Ilbok:of f!ir 1845 THE 'ANNIVERSARY. TtY ALAISIC A. WATT. Twenty rheenered years have pawed— rtt 1111 l ter snag and wiatry weather- 7 Shier oar hit in helicon east, Tire, the hill we dialed together. And the wrorkr 1)1 , 5.1re - tor lay, in lls brieltioit colors !rest, A a we took our Joyous way To select our place of rest.' Fort‘ttni , A - SifiliPs . We ronlit not.bnust— Fit WO —WP 11,111 nit around of Fnnu• l Frientlshiten When needed most We-iftul Ends' known—by name. • so.d,snisirut ttnyrnings.rich:., We tbutkett our brows With.littnablitr tit gs— Anil in Frientlshipts entitty.nlelw, ings t y.narn have fled, itieril o'er by good and ill, Ile tine ui tt !is beninlng !veld. • smite yotrug lionnehold idol stilt Ailictag:Triwyal.4 DVATII WARRANT . 61' Cmitar.—The Couri er ries Etats Unis. of a late date. says:— Chance hits put into onr—lrailds the most :imposing' and interesting judicial" docimiikut, Htirldrrlirisii - iiiiATtfiiirluts over be - en recorTICT in human annals Ohat is, the identical death warrant of one Lord Jesus Christ. • l‘re Jain - scribe the document from a copy of the trans latinu Mtnrirrrit Lit PoWiltiPilatr, Art ing Goperhor qf Aitzareth, soffeiAlenth on the Cross. In the year seventeen of the empire of Ti: bonus Closer,- and the 25th .day of March;-in the Citv of Holy Jerusalem ;. Anna.s-and Cai ' aphas being.priests, saerificaters of..the "peo ple of God; Pontius Pilate, Governor of Low or-Galilee, sitting on the Presidential chair of the. Portory, condemns Jesus of Nazareth to die Mt the cross, between two thieves--the great mid notorious evidence of the people saying— 1. lle is a seducer. 2.. Ile is seditious. 3. •lle is an enemy of the law. 4. lle calls hittself,Salsoly the Son of God. '5. Ile calls himself King .cif 6- He enleied !nth - the — re - M .- pie fellowedliy a multitude beating palm branches in thei hands: . Order the first centurion quhitus Cornelius to lead him to the place of execution. Forbid any person whomsoever,' either riel 44-poor, to oppose the 'cleath.ofJesus. The witnesses that signed the death ofJe sus are.. T• • ' Ist. Daniel Robani, a Pharisee. • 2.11. Jo:mutts Ilorobable. ' 3d. IlhaPlidel Robhrli. ' . 4th. Capet, a Citizen. . • the gate • • Jesus shall go out, of the, city,,hy the gate "slrenuous.7 ' • The Above 'Sentences are 'erigritve&-on-a copper plate; on: one sine • is - written . these words . similar plate is sent.to each of the tribes." • • •, . - It was.found 46:an antique vase of white marble, while acavaling-iolhe .citY• 71 - a -- in .the kingdom of Naples, in the. year 1826,; , undwas-discovered.•hy .the •Commis sallat of Arta, attached, to the French Artities. At the exefinitieni . iiiNaplealt Was foetid en closed in a VoNaFebany, in' the sacristy. of Gurtern. The vase is•bow in-the Qliapel-of Caserta,- The. French translation .was,made by the members . of - the CoinnaitsSioa of, Arts. The 'children 'requested earnestly ihat the plate might.nellie taken away from them,LL The request wasgranted its a reward. for the army. M. Denon y one, of the savans,,,,caus, ,ecl tr:platts to..bis made of the model;stn whiCh; etwaVeilihe_above - aerialnietil"Ot the ,sale, - .of calfealim of '; putiositlo% :at, was :bought-byq4id 'Howct - d;':for'.fiya' thOtisarid' 'eight hundred and eitility - taties: - .'C'`'' '•• , 'A *toper: J.ir.trix.7 . .r•Tl:toVfollorittletiati fill - . affectionate; ~ tender; t delicious.- highly eeneenttate4i,aiifl:trifical,ty Isliek Jeper,, ;filiii • iii,V.4ni.tii '&.4telikeiV.:iitice()Mil4fift (of the attetitiou of the -autkor ?,..coLthe , 2 .fiCeati)lete, .:Letteew r it6 t yl4; 'Avaiiki,qlliaiitehise'iieal; iiis.nexl.'g - Rion :._ ~ cA 1,, ~. ........, .., --; -,,,... 4 2.• An ~ ..31.,14 I,Ku3lAtaFj , Tay , 70 !'• D ear•,Naphew-, 7 •1 take this , epportpaity,•to 1i.i('3440 'fiaeNk,7.llfat:t'liViiiili',oo.lile.fk,t;l94. :,a,iitt 0,0,' y:pii,livi4,o ll iolo,iPpreqoo,litimniig..; 11.1ialkillia4 A'.. kilierfrem - . yoti , . sates:3ox '-vvcote, 'UK/filr Vafi;Kitpo4oepc rt4a , Allis .)ikalYobo . oo YP4t9rdaYll (Pciii)o,,eld ,?9AIIO2ceTPIRIPqr.4 brct;ea . ,l3,,eie4pg,pc ~neeo g taysle his f nnl PgaaljtOr: itette , Aiiib is - grl!yyl. i Idatih.kitevi:whioh - es MOO: lellAtite Hairs lip phinegOtkprepartyAilly-Avtkoich4; :2AT;eficS k .h,lid ; *triiiiittii3 and , onatk'di t yl t :tgazyaw caoof-t,be.eontiv,inptielly, ac - atOclettlireirit ,and. yo 'aver? , abet', feOhiiit -tgeuitirY, , f' li4. 'r il l 4 1*iitt T ' ,1 04 'Nfate tie aide Helot , p vecuiciti ~ : ailliiitititibitrpi.ivrititinbiiglii, .tiilysioireaAti„Lfqoiti_itiitct iicilitierii. - 60.4h0.: Aeldlio l oY 4 .'gfi".b.lo;9t.'';, i ft , P;' - '1, , ,1tiii#4 1 1 , 4 4 t,,Vp1, 'Mt fil CP, tit*, ; ',lii3 f 9 r 44 , ettl„ r:ei) olvp illiio . ',„ , L'f9pr; I:)464s4.li'lAqiikcfßlSil.l)4tric4ce,')viie .100,541, • 01 , i'; 1; 1, ripS 6 o4lYofil fl *:'omf.c4}9.ll..R de, , 0k'8M0).9. 1 0Mr,fir , t., ,, ,1ue . , . ~1 . ' X410.01t0 : ,Fl:.ln - tOrDiAli,t4... ' 1 !p'ot a , 9g.ae),7 Y9V; ' ' n'o re qtr; ee4onate,anktiotei,vialiaupt-,7,-,,1i -1.. _,,, ~.,,..,,,.,! .44 'i . r'006416 1 3C401'010f . -, lsf4 l ; l ;' , ,il 4 sotyleiid'Ailkio4lvs*Olveloi '`i).l4l4Ul6l..iiiniilti*l l .4l6" , 4462kV ": , :;,..11 4 1,i , .:. ';‘,'-.-:„=„.: IMEM3I • • MY! To•i4;,- ychbitr, Ahem art , betfothellits • thou • -=fiq.irt - Icnevik'„it;:Core,;;acid now, if liken; kelate* thee, theß4iry_ef tyi3r:early . : •• " ' • ' • • • 1.14vo•-:•3,04 ( hi ilii l• Mit Placid-pia, • . AlOtort bbert . effeesifriiiiiii.;:iO - -iiiir -7 41111ie litifliy that:Uow,.ertyyjny.]k4sllg. not , W.ha(blight#4l . 9teartS,:M"‘ - ,at - :mlitir4itYr.' palaces..,l.was file iitily,llolc4 l 4 obi? .49)00, . the sixteen, tlovedivitlil;all:,llUVVeryMlN97 My ] ardent, suSeepiible:iiiitfitii,lM4 - I;Ajliri';uto'ved - . • in humblef.'walki"'otlitalyetobeor.de vtio.diy,-rlov6d .. on his °An broWifgernuiflikiffedlrorfr'liki; e'yrii and his step was - as' - 'firilt skatelSr the proudest noble . in - the - lairdi7 - t...eiho'hid: - ever beenindulgedlir: . Wes, yieltledto:thi's‘till:abecibingiushlet . -seij'2:_ it. - • _ "Arid . did.l4.loVci yciii;:intither ?" ' "liemi particular star and' soirght•-.ld,"vi4 to.] lave' implied' to the 4lituid'atitailr Edith: I And yet I knew hif•ltivedthe,-;(thcitigh-4'he.. 'dared not tell-itl;-fin his genius, in every fade 6f ; i3Uqfrtseter love liness - that beamed frUni hisletifitairs,Minei could be . traced, so difierent, 3 -yettliu sataq, , , AK! little . did .ho knOW,'When'W:wedded• another;that he possessed thripkroirstrlpti'Ciii4 - . : less love of my priceless heart , lidigfOd. my vows to - one who boapted;Orirtg.linetef noble ancestors, whose rieluta.-"itioireiqiir might have envied, vainly .thkdring gratified pride could supply the, place:Wleyei;lol4 as I stood before the altar, Oftilt . promising . feloYe and cheriali l lumf mylqart %I 'M far away. But LordNyndlfamwaszny husband • and, as such, entitled;-'td;-all-my. .love, anti long - and earnestlydid to banish the irnige of another,- one, r2 trist , known to fame; My eye.WVl.d..briglteni 'and I would - almost leni - rriSlheart's-wild, tunutltous throbbings mightbe..i•heard: Oh! hour bitterly-would -, I reproaeh-Orself,..,..when my husband's fond look waslent i .ori_ .. 4 . . think that he, who so liived;aiiri tried -- kneltytty - sighs - were . itt* roe hiriii•tind that, in my stately chainlier,, hung:with, ger-' genus drapery, bitter tears . : bOdeiVed - -rrty. downy pilhiw; as I sighed foes: lo*liei "Misr children grew abed inel•;'aii'd• passed cru_, andlmy husbatid'sendniiiegkindz• -ness at length won my heart: . kwas -hot but a cairn, tranquil affection founded'Un 'es , them. And Everard Mortimer had taken a gentle bride, and found that happiness-Ma _cot, that does not aiways dwell lap:daces: and I could hear his name now•idl unmoved; could think of him with bold. indiffarencs and yet could never meet him . althea .a . titikukkuteil,pulag...... WhearAlsathottliet,_COOk my husband from Me, I mourned - for him long and deeply. I had aliva4s been • kind and geritle to him, 'and . yet when 1 thonght. of his many virtues and his 'all-absorbing ,love for me, I wept tears of angdishto think I had not loved-him better. And rrowlisten, Cora, when-I tell you that the one who now possesses all your love is thu,son of Everard Mortimer. Ile is a fortunein hirnself and is rich in possessing your heart's matchless affections. Ido not seek for thee a brilliant' alliance, ,for too 'Well I know 'twill be but gilded misery to sell your heart for gol4l-,- 'No, I have • wealth. enough for thee and Follow your own heart's generous impulses, and may Your bright visions of happinedlitll I be reedited:" Encc.vrioN.-- : -We utterly repudiate, as un worthy, not of freemen only, but of mnri", the narrow notion, that there is to be an educa tion for the poor -man . as such. lias God .. .provided forthe poor a'coarstir;edith, a thin= net air, a'paler sky Does not the glorious : sun pour down Ids golden. fiood.as cheerify , lupin the poor Mkn's Ilona as Ivotithe rich mnri'slfaiadel - Have-tot the cotters? chil dren - as keen a sense of all the. freslinesS, verdure, fragrance, melody and • beauty, of [luxuriotts , nature ) as. the pale'. sons of kings,? •Or -is it on .the- tlitt; God has• derived. the imprint of: a baser'bullf, so that the poor snag's: ohiltl_ltnoivsi,ryith an-isborrr - ectainty ; ',that his lot is to:crawl, not , climbf , • It is not so! God haS,,not.don6,it.., Mon cannot do it.• Mind is immortal. , Mind is .imperialc . It bears no mark of high' or law,. -9f rich ;or:00C. It liceds,noboantzhi of time' cii,'Plage, of :Yank .or circuinsfance„ It asks but freedom. ;It, requires : but • lig,bt. It is ohertven-born - and asptres Weak:. Mess does not unfit it. Poverty, caimotare pres. it. •Diffieulties. do .but stimulate its • vigor. And poor tallow-chandler's-son,, •who site up alb the.night,to; read .tha,b9ok an afmreittioe lends him, .lest the in4.44:',es - -dy,,a should miss it - in.the meriting, shall statid'arifl 'treat shall'idd neW•protrinees., to the,datriain-of science,'.ishalLhindllte light ning,with.-athempetEcor4iT,4bringAt. less TiOin. th&skies.. : The comition sch9ol not 'as - the . 'sll66l for poor Oliildiafq but tis thelight-anii ,Are arez, ccipe*ii;,:',Jt , ought: tot , be the :best: 'school;:becausa it it , ithe: first. Sphoi" f li, -- tin a I n, all. the beginning is one 6toupiO of tbelidie eleMent of And ,Watei•t i n ;infinitely' more thew thia-,, the ihstructiOaml Ate cetattrp founlain Whieh the mind drialo4„, and is refidandillurdifrengthiined loritg'cireei: of uiefulniiss. and fgloryßishcfp Doti :2, ; ' - • ; '-`4:'llitalletnuig,t story of Mr. bank vopt IWay, itis. : ,,roant!. ; th an, gh the prem.. ; ihitilyifti).pmentO, fAbis Ate'. between Itlai,irearithe3uid'atotrid , ten dollars' frO,, , :dx.p.6titiesk:revebri..*eek;l9r i Beare,. r 94: ' ,l b° I,clgeßdll,kl/4APTi-P°9T l 9fflYt iartabligl; tit httaban%. ta.'iscomrrLesqd:bust tYol-t-4-haVq.a.moanted4tw the.aura A:C.42600i, lAri;karietie and romance never 41 agree. '2./.; *lr 1 4 ' . ; ..-, ,, -. ~,... t+ .1,8 , , ~. ... . 1 4 e ir i d - 41 ": - , ;• ' 1.1 ..,07T119'Wkii of Phi p a qygl giu ig4.tov-liis prepark - ii 4 litillwitr,t* . ele.,__ti- *lit ,• d 6 d9iilhintiribiid: o ;Aslh7979rigte.!`9 9l ° . ;paviyinii'ctimplorlog'• tey ail- `pls,L9ot. ; hi'? 'a 1104 citoket, ,, and,liotencl.odowmgfte_liticohft lady of 4Ptztvv , ; l€l , AY, , Tl.ke,f. pa Pries. ,t# 1 , 53 4 - brOey'slO„tlio`ls,omqvabP'(#4, 'lqt.X' ) ,Pl! 'inaleriiiidlfiiroiitOi-weriirrirarWol.o4,4onoo tiAtotlV' itniriO;(ll4d; lifiaPqrl4 l W-fttiked:.'r , " 2 V, i e 4 l6 l l4 ll :l2, ° ::o n ra ll rgri ki ke l t i ,.i 7 4 l o7o 4 7,',ll 4l ,4t a. e: numb .. ' cal 0011Aui'-aft6lo,4'.':lt..‘,l4rtA A ittats' 444 1,11 u4 80 ,...ir„,.. , ?: ''' ' it-'' • --,, : , S ' '' - ' ',,, , _ - ::' , ,T4,..., , e' , , - ~:ift'V'' ' , - , - • • 4; SPEECRi . OF R. STEWART , A " Zil':ilcff~tite of (lie t: 4 1 )1. (a : mrfith rot (if the rreas • 1 . --,''`NYL'itP. si*AliTWl3 , 44.; I.49"A=44Ptoll•?*htah ici7shouldriiotice'; io ' en an end etit, The .'43,./A.,.Wpi!t:," lee uneirwalitied;.,tinjusti 'pfiliaiia:ds 'of the Ccinstititiom', •••,- • ' In reply to this;..Mi4biliiirt ritieted,alte,ge, riumber o• e tracts`.f rdm t r,annual,.niessa ? gos of,lt resideiits l 'as Di on,leflersen,Mad- Jaen . - and 11/foUroei all' - 'distiaJtly • and strongly assaitilig riot - only' lie'renstilutionefify•blit the eSt*Y•of a ustom,of;l'RO : . TECTION ~, A mericatrManufactureir and qiietations with the following I,p'-lsori, 'Which 'in.' the 'opinion of . containeci, otie of the clearest and [strongest ojadicatiers f tho power to lay 'duties for the purpose of Promo. :tion, +tliathail ever beeti giyen•to the Avorhl: upon poitkoriginally tielonged to the -several states.. , The right 'adjnif these duties, with a view 61:11m• eficeetageiiient'af iionaestic - branches- Oriiiditatri‘ ) is so CoMplefely identical with 'that fmwer, that it is' difficult to suppose the existence of the bee without fife other. The. fiiales 'have delegated their whole authority. over iimports to the gcnef•al government, with-- M . li limitaticnV or restriction; YaYing fiery inconsiderable reservation relating to the in spectiori laiva: This authority having thus entirely passed frorit lite States, the right to :O . x.oreise it for 'the pirpOie _of protection does not them eird, rionSequently;if it he . tiot"possesieiiTt file General Governnient, it utast be exiiiict.f.'• Oar politioalaY „ sfern would ;thus preireof tlfa - a*nliiifaLy`OT ffe - opliiistrippeir - of the •riihtto , foster their owifiiiduitrycaiidf o _to _counteruclilie_most-sejfisli_arid_destructive-. -palie3 , which .Might-be' - a opted byfore gri nations. ~ ; T his iturely cennetbethe ease; this. indispensable - petwerrthitCSiirreiidered , bj- 1 the StateS?reust _be,within the scopri..of-au-,. thorny ontthe subject expressly-delegated.,l6! congress... _ln thisOnclusion I ride. as Avail by the opinions of Presidents,Wesh itegion;-JelleiLseri,,Madiedei and Morime.,,whe± litriVegeh repeatedly recomniendedthis_riiht i tti_r_tlieeenstitutionaisteupAmt_p_me z : Lice of Congresq, the conthmed acquiesce g nee' ofilie_Siatet.....andlliegeneral_urulerehiseiu6T of the people-" 7 --Jerkseres 2d dipritffa Menage. ; .__A'et non_'_Cengress_has to_learn_fot_tlib_fiist_ time-by the Executive instruction that theyt poyelised no Omni Idiom!! power to protect (Mr.. ern home induSt4eLno p6Wer torcountervall the injorioni regulations of other countries no power to protect the labor of our own cit.' izens from the destrection which must be brought upon it bratiinrestticteeeompeti tion with the pauper of Europe ; but our owl , i , hardy sons of toil must he impoverished and ground down so long as the wretched ben”ers under a foreign Government were ceirmelled by their necessities to labor at 4ower tales than freetiorn Amerivant\. Bitch w'hs_theAl trine distinctly promulgute,illiytik President in his Message, and especially by His Secrez tory of the Treasury. Well might they be called extmo@inary, for such they certainly were. Were the American people prepared to sustain opinions like these? Would they subscribe to the' dogma that their own goV ernment-Tiiii-no- power to protect Hieing-- That wits the decline—there was no evaeing it ; and Mr. S. desired to know wnether this committee were prepared to give it the im press of their sanction ! This, however, was but one of the extra ordinary doctrines in this most extraordina- Cy production. It s contained others equally strange, equally nevi, equally . pernicious in tendency, equally'destructive in practical ope ration. Itreuld the people; believe it?. This doctirrient[frern Iles - Seereterfieberninencleil the imposition of an eye* eq,American ma nufactures --- to -take the dillies off British goods, and put on the American. Mr. , Jolinsoiail of Tennessee, here again' in and; ; as the , gentlertian was speak-, ing a grunt disal'abait'.the jirotectiOn of our home industry' and , domestic manufactures, Mr. i. desired to red; him another miestion. When the Government protected;these man ufactures, who paid I. And if all wore pro tected alike, what benefit was there in the' protection ! Mr. Stewart' resumed. ' The gentleniali , asked iiini,..wlin Paid"!. The gentleman ansl_ his friends held _the doctrine that the ceti sumei always paid the duty, and die Seem, tary told the nation that the poor man wazi• taxed' eightY4wo` per cent.' on cotton goods over , the 'rich' man, -Yeti; this poor man, seerd: ed a -speeial- faverite'ef' the honorable. Sq,cre lary.,' Ile had introducekhim td'slimes iii l ii the- co ur se of .twe'part%iit s lit of the reiport -- Ills .symyathy_was-gresti .4exeited t hat this tinhaptiy "'poor 'Man"' Wei it'sed - One hundred riudidly'pereent: on his Cotton sliirt, beeiese there' was. a'SfieCifie dutY en imported cotton gooN , of.tiine cents a-Yardri- - :Now;if thisspe! cifieidfity,cifinine cents amounted, to a huh drell'and fitly Peisciriti*.ii_ibii.edt, that liked; th) , the price of qbettelitti theY.paiii•iiireiT i nt but six`cerits at arclf.fer‘.;:fiilib'eceills ;wo.lust a hundred .au , fidly rte'ri',cetii.,..Rif 'stst'eetilie, So the practical effect ettlte-? Orrid toi ivitsy, P at •thi 6.. ". Poor Ilroin" ) g6tli" * *Q. at Mt ' al'aiX 1 ,peheo,;tv ..yaill.fr•/91(11 , 10 1 :IXN•bului 'loll OW; gentleman anotheilliiniNigiert thetseMe lt aboniatiable , rninieunis, WkOhliie exeited'llie, 'wrath <ottlierSeeretary; hedo4 4 been • ;intrt t , dueed iti , It 3 VI bi Willialo46„, tiltde 4-41 1. 1 • 3 '01 thmfmreatriota and/nMeittlinftent atateA. ; maw- tlott , ail ever gvatrit)f"therte legioratiVe halla;:midinatained4octi:liylohn C. Callteatii apareetrtiesa < Aititinguishitd-44 letlias cotton' ; gootllV • oMW"Vet'Vi 4 etiarao.it quali%, bewail Iwttiveolraiy,`mt 'Am tthie liy , }He. ninie'qif Itunyhurna, cost thirty•three 'cents tiyaid v'aii atzthe2ipenr ,171itn'ttrketOrithett 4 lAiAlirtid to-p,OlcurAaollaqh!prANtriyaiil . wpf,k,494 ilia...eireet 'Cif the infamous , x 0014110; liaA been that every pea - . intiti f irilhe'ecinittry tainkl. ' Atevt• ~ g et3vbetterat4cletto4oik,rtedt a. gotttler P,C9, 41 ',!:;Tb0 t :i9 4 :0 0, Y , 4,IFiL P e ßilk,'•Telit taxed Pid 4 oPPreasid" °Y"the Profe4ver 4):Fe, egr-, and this :y . ailleLmaiatereViVMCW tee '" 7 oirderritinlkAaegfoilina deisiiite the datitto , betiant litailettiliatinetteliitl "IhirSierittny iyerfaMaeetlijet,itettilnitie.,4l64l4o' , V4Ortaxlittl oiVitti-hve3oreopti4ote ganAberrieft , hitta:' ;and tlAtiAims'Oitek-lifkulreral?(iul"lialts4lo. only .six,c..6ntlfrAoesiAVll4.lcitverlAbit?filiti Il lir i <11 4 0"-ItoV a 'A n 4 11if0 -kgkr4q 117 : 21 4 1 1, t;P94 11 . 4 *; 1 4 ,641 ? c t° 044 Pf- 0 0113100 1 Ai t t:P F :P i rAVA /9 < / ) ,, *04P 1 444‘140ir Pctiefin "la.vti Om< '‘:::",! ~.`•,) ":<l'-; , " ' , ". 3 . 4 TlteWi'd,ridfal iaininialMitzkylpirtiliele s , lIIPI --,f.1. 1._5~~~.:.:..i!~ Vii',''_!_ ME =EOM practical the. fanners noarket, given their. chilthen..erniiloyrn, e country. ` erit, `with mad hail broUght...down4the,vriae,:of-lhe-poormao; :elothinifrern,tiliOtsax.,pents.a ; yard, down. i„):Atern..preeeded, till et yard. :Nizi,e,'.llle , *ecretary , ' , :erreiViiiiil44.lll6;ditty -en.,lhpie' - '4otteriw:xvaea-hiiiitiate.otr;filty,per 'ceut: ad valairriv .PriekbatlaAkihf•Pkiekiitettt.`dOwn-thii . dilly nine.; o,"Vir.,'PlitOtii,l,lalie.lwenly-five.percent.; at' :ejkLeetfWvtfidithe l dtitywoplt! be, !!!!!! bun- SOtirlelX*one Cent then tlie:dutY l ti out 17e ttiiie linfidred inn' cent plundelred, atid.,opp,ressecl.bv.4 dirty :of nine Jetturie.4., per 0 q t..,.,ien v i r ),,,.. cause Ale gets rt,yi4 - ef cotton reads. for 'erne tent.r-a matinfactirret . the price. to.thiitf-siX ;tzeritsat andi the ol?PreFqiir!!! , ..ialVo'Kef.4 - 11 io(1013 7 'dnint! eds . a 3:ard . falls jiistantly to, twenty -fiy e [al- cent:, a nioderato-riteittle: dusty. " ' l\o 'rout. ' phiint these'friendfi alit& "pent- runtifi' are - perfectly satisfied. • -, Foch was the practical operation of - those odious minimums which. had "reduced the poorinatt's cetton'goods titan twenty:ll%;e artd ' tliirty.per..ce.nts ,per yen! to .six and Alight (lentils,' Yet theiewas the system witicit 111 list be given lip; this was the operation which. ivas so oppressive-and miconsiili4inattlitit it must :hot be suffered -to exist upon-bur statute book! The ditty, was to betaken oft' the foreign goods, and phi uponthe,. American manelartures; such was the doctrine of this report. " • Mr. Johnsim. of Tennessee,.ltert?—ogign asked Mr. f,..,ke‘‘ trt; if Atte tariff brought down the prices of articles taxed, tt hat was it that brought down the price of other goods in the same proportion. Mr, Stewart re ilia that 'such was not the fact. Other goods not manufactured here. silks, velvets. Sa.., had not dectitted in the saine ratio, nor had wages or agrictilturid produce: because the protective tend' had mcreased the. supply of domestic - goods lit increasing competition, artil- had suittaiturd wages and agrictilinr,il produce . liy creating an inereaseridemand.for both. lithe gen-- tleriutic centl& - Ciiiii - Piihria traitile - in s -- iiiil arid` supply regulate Price, it would he'all plain. _ When interrupted„he;_litalleel:l: cornro, ; _ ceding the doctrines -pia forth by the SCete ta.ry,in his mewl. ~Ife hatirpferred to a tablh tchicli hartheen.refiertedllo i itliejlouse last. session by.ti.thelComitiiitee,Yo-4racs and Bleans,- for thetpUrpose - ,Plishlijcitictlie enor meurltax whielrwaSimPOseadii%r4ollP'lern" of minimums.), hut, *hog : - the i SkieldrY, ...by' -the assistaitce ‘ of. the li l onekhle - :drdidtap of. Ilthe_Commitee ofltrifs and' leano - :Vai me l t -taliaii l 4—v tl ` l gi' a t -1 #" ( t 06 0 - -. lii ' 4d .oocimient, he seenedio "fmget - tlvtll6" , cro i rl thtogwo-noment" feruislthfi-MatleidA4 'calrreilf of the PXiiet--I‘x.. l ent•Nce-ir. l lioi',Pre; . ' tOtion had. reduced 'theetr.4lY snricetting, specific, into• a 77 ckleretri 'tiutietiTrtiVdlityi rubs nyt'irrecirtelyfi4thequicte" - runs Attica; isti,, by showing:ln inciMised,rater:Of duty, the - gentlembujice,orill tilloWu. redue.O'ipriceii. The d'uty islivid, and - e'abilint vary. The ad 'valorem duties are &Ways the sarnire-- None 'were isiipifSed by• the %rill' of 1842 above 50 per c&t., Itoce, then, does the President, in his message, get duties of 200 per Cent:?,.... This can onlybe,dorte by con certing the -specific duties' into ad valorrm duties; and, when this is done, a high duty only shows a low price,. If the duty is 'ZOO per crint, -- the...price.mtbe one-TOM-Ili only of-the dnty, • Ihusr_wii are, Itildthat glass pays the etiormitus,duty' of Min per cent., and why! Becauselhe duty is Stl,per box, gad the price $2 per• box; but if - tlio, price went down to $1 per box ; timi„dirdit;:iconld_bp.4oo percent. -- Titus we Ardlog - b - Ythe'Steretary of the TreasurYithillaheqlhairinahmrithe Comniittee of Ways ,titrijktlqearier„ , tliati-the' people paid in all a tailOyerieighty-four: millions, of which but twenty-fiecen went to the Government, and "fiftY-Artypriio the Man ufacturers; and he gave' allist of -sixty or. seventy articles on which.thp duty amounted Ito morethan 100 per cent. Very well; and what did this prove! IVltcrsimply that the Prices of those articles find' been greatly di minisherl,- as in the casd of cottons: • The saine.dury which, when levied, had been hut twenty-five per cent., had now become ,150. per cent; 'simply because the price -had Ohre dawn to'one-fettrthrpart of What'it- was. SO the main result of'rill the labor and ciphering of the chairman cif the Committee :oft Ways; -a-rld-Kettrlst. had bun to_ fuitti r tili to the whole country btliciat demonstration that, pricesliad ' been reduced"'lly 'a 'protectice'trinfr to bite= fourth or one fifth of what it had heel" itt 1816. 'rake a plain illustralon : , ,the tariff imported a (low of four, ,cents ,per peund on nails; tie:-plug of nails in' lain he b ec t, in cents per 'poundcso,that the duly was then 25. per cent. on the price;: but the same. duty, ;we are told'iii this report, is. 160 'per.,cerit-T; end-how so;!- fie:cause the,_price had falletv from to' sixteen cents four cents per . pcnind. l'ery oppressive ,on the -1, poor-truilt ; •• who . has thus now,:i.tor-pay -100-Iptir s.ent. on . nails! 'l'he explanation ..of. all dlis , wirls , Per , fectly plain titul easy. The offeoLof,cor,ope; titian rind of American indusiry had inereased _the supply,Land--b - y!en" ,- inertia-red isupplY.,-in T „this as,'An..all 'other, case:3,-140 - reduced; the, price:of.glass,„colleili 0 , : A'lriie i t 4 V4 1 Po''' derail the Whole neighborhood prospinoti,S, 41 by'e inCreasert demand-romilllheirtodite= - dons of thiaTfarineti.';''''" ---- • ' - ' 6-7 -' '''''''''''''•"' : • 'l%lO-11tiviked.the. cli air n out rof thwg.diti: pitieeof Wayo MO AliellPll foriiiii (t9eulpßul. , it hail (urn isheil id ,birti . and .-, (w,tlic ,country; ' lit id eniable' prat' frorti' tl iP No if,A, tuitbririt S!, , fit wlgitinti extent prices lied been , rellnde(4, .inspinuclithlit I,4,4tlttlyolkoiltlnitiele 4 .tionigh; reasonable at -frrstphiCtiii,,x,,tit•eo .lo Ihreo.' bilniliird 'and eighty-nine par Cent. ad calor , . -ens; brought iibetitltelely'by-the'tetlittitidh' of, ,fite , prtee.r-,Mrt';' , .S.:,;slpruxl •eseape: lioirl Win, .05 140 . 0 .,,Pt - a9X .g o 4 llo TllT l 4,illit4iikt". r,t/vg,w, a nd'ex)RaT(3,.it, and the' ino'roihoy,exaottp .c4l, 'the'liiote. they li3Otild"'he eotiVftieed. flat' 01/B was 'telti r io , exPlanation I of 4 thei N tlielii ntatter.- „Tet t this wakilehl'forth,for,ll4,ptir- , t - pose of,".9 4 pitifig t itn:' '''''rip, i rt iliplArlifdla i itointrl o , l ' , .l l4 PAo'4oPelrrl4l l4l lloti:TniOt t ,l l 9 lo , l lad e l ei " 0, 0 , 0 P 1 ) 1111 "tOWIT.)Yits .01.''Oryr i!ii,Pr imj itd`;:Aheattul le-tilo l -a-Aril'. nt iS*ilat,dredl i i .t;ciint'.`,iiirlilii wilAch4, 41 1 4 - Hilma gtilF r4 .l Op Nmuld notlnderistati(Pli* iraVtlett s -,t , kidoller , l l .bOl t f •liWiiiittldr!,b#4'o4'"Plipttrl liikildOd:poi: ' 6iici':ii ti t fly ilifiiiWywvtitt _.,iiii,,thf§,. ,- 3ilitiosi.tio - 11140„iltvweifat7te c t ,tO 3, I °l ' .o iii.41 . 11 . 11V °lila .51)6 4 \l'llYailietti he -.fir ribtil ' Vii'l3; ii'44:Wilifiniii,!iihtfettp_ii tofiitv 'of e4,4lthbrirfateOettrit)VX ThiciVitAN . ,Itiffnoiolintitt l il`orlitie•lBorelatyi.l, PM, rh' :iiltil i'vtuited (6 1 1)14 1 11 1 foot Mins', litidille,ANO, 114 / alat.rnedthifit'kbritheYintelliorlo.oolFilll r i ,Wer n e,taptVotitl'eNiTerq.llo:44l4ll l ,OrIY,A% AlleSAeliteYzsv"• ' !Ottktilli,t 4 4 4.3 oKP L Y , ''' jhatt'Llik , t.wiedl 6 'l4,vo ,4 *; 64it qPo ti O d , ;trier *APA,o„,#.4o,roWrib,T,l3.oit ..Its , iu,,, u -.4 411 4 , 11410 y.,,,ilktoc,r.fho 7 lio eiris, ip '4l; Pr, oTo&Fetifi tlotin haglk iittOk*:k i l o l'h u kla'94' ~ ", , c „-',.','„ii.,44.54.',' '-.-;S. ~.,. 0 : , , .;. , 11;1. • - •,-;;t,• • .. • • ' = 1", - W:=0;41;'; -1% , Y! , '54 ~ : • , ,t, =MM= par cent., s . uld. ads,ha_brhught,,.down to 11 ' • whit • a 4 popitil;:; the, -- duly :ii,'opld:he 'four, hun dred;pei"cont,l • 'What' an" oppresaiOn to get nails•atiipkiityi!Waimil r-"" StuelyAitififmor.— TPI, n''':'ws&;:, 11,iery,- to" ; ;fre - utterly crushed .and mined t -'i•L.-.-;•‘: E., •... - Mi.: S. eatr4 , Mill wished 1b "paint nut 'some tither' of the • extraordinary,' doctririeii contained in this paper.,of • the 'Secretary; arid . • there. Was ertp.whichTi r ilid th e d'ilfaitto .couk , :j try; it Wei covered.rip in cautious leingnagO, - _ -but-Whatutli&W.eill'kes-dran:asidec T an4# er•-- truth' Oxppsedlie : agalu ~wsdis e digentliiiiipu . . that it.Wefild Aside' 00, Couritii:' 114,:fregi tradijS,ecretary had rectininiWided!iyootet„i ~ on_Amerleammaitufactruis4Uteal,ltkiit?A‘7_6i,f!- protectionlki,had priiiideitfi*Arkerienit inclustry;yli.:._ was _to:take-or lfin:Sdiitl4•fmine':- , toreio-tnariufactureS, tinttfint it,,oii•blr,b,Wii, •Iledr him t:' , ' . ..',. „,_ ~ • .* r., -z ' , ',, , 4,"..%vt, -, , , ‘,.• .I•,_ -In acenydance'tvillilltase , prineildesolf.'ithbeliEred " Mu t t the iargeetf practicable' portion of the aggrespint , revenue iholild,bevrante.d by Maillreithfie.renue , dtiritit - upon luxurkeiSchether-yrownipoduced; or. li9lfllic.. lured at'nome'orsuito„o." ... . •' 4.et nliefiliniti&- : and rxianufaCiurera leer thtit. - Eve ; Amerind &Risen., shouldfheur it; The doV4hi'lcilie'On "tiltaqt;''&c, Wheilier 'gioWn; PreilliVed, or nantifdet*d ai.Wis,ne , or abroad! Ilete was an AniericanSecretar'y • diatiuctly 'recommend ing_to levy:the higliptit - vale of revenue duties on gotidatrutintfactured at halite. " Ii hat wits this but an eiritte'l---:(, 1 What ' else was. to - exchte than a- tat:' on the manufactured goods of this country? Yet this .. w as, the ,tie'ertelary's-rechrunie.ndatihn. How would Arnerican mautilaZturers like it? . • Path in the message and in the rep. il Ike AdininistiatiOnitrid given. ins; owilliiefiintiott of What according to itti tuideritanding,' tereL a revenue standard of,dotv i, and this - was the language of the 'President's message; .. , . - "Thiiii6ii: point iiiiki,tiiict;'iiiiq !timed( tuition at t vhict.ltls ascertained from experteneOhat. the rev roue; icermitest, itote:mash k m rate' of duty ultieh can belaidgforette boo m, Parttime oreolleetitie litimey for theasupport of Government.. To raise .the 'duties , Michel than that paint,Undiltereqyaintinish the amolliit el)itellcd:.ill to levy, Aliem l fur prgiection„ merely,,and hot' lbi'reventie... , CAtqlont, then, ati_COugress may - tradintlly increase the T kate of duty on n given article, and the revenueTheintierivedJq such inerease,of ditty, they;Art,wittiln the:revenuer .standard. .When they • so beypud that pond, al, akthey . Increase the 11. dinunished or destiri ed, the art ccaseittibeVe fur its object the raising, autopsy hratapport,sardentnent. but to ferprotection Merely:: y`-',- -.'. '-'----'-r--- '--. - llere was the title - by''Whtek duties lime to lie laid. Thwmenten.t„tin,A,nierictin ma' - tifainurer ?lad succeeded" ; in supplying our - Wiix ---- fiiiiiiiic - Wdheglitt - nitiliVe in his.busi- lives; that would die •aßroof that the , difty; , Was too high for•riivenke:l - ItWan no r longer,a rev- anue duty bilk aproteettyw ditty, ;. andTit must' ftitiliwitli liti b iedueeth.' , .LAs•'.the ',A inerican .- ,fin t __ -niched-wore 2 gOilg t lO`thb country - ,'/oss foreign goods Icould,he,iii_iptirtedvreyennewould be diminhilied, : nnd - th - &;duty. twit coma down,: that 'Was .r !the'ritle... - Arrid . tiow Mr._ - S. - Would ask, under such a rule as , flical - Vkat WWI -in .-his 'senses would.!;vestf a `dollar in riaamifac- Jures t - l'cliat,w&sfire,prospeet . before; hini I •-:- .4nonnaut -- .,w_heiy.hy_indust fpand ever:, 'prise;Aie sliOuld' dUcetted„ - - in getting the - better , Y:of his fisteigli 'einniiiglifiii.; 'down with the 'duty. I If- a Shoeinaker or shatter,-- making better ;or cheaper hats .or:shoeS,,lnialot possession - ,1 - 01 - 45 - m ' ,arke,f;•lth ems . o fathe fr ee , Radii ays iem' was fiiitphe_d on himlike ivulture..T,he '-Stieretary must teas dithig toci-Wtill, - rid th e duty , must be", - reduced ; to:let in the for eigner. _ Such Was dm plan of- this Adminis tration.. The.mechanic, finding his protection , Huts a iminiSked„'and hawing no other resource but his tnisinesi, would go on to - work longer and - to work harder than -before; arid when, by working out of hourer,-hehad contrived to get over-the opposition :of his- own'. Govern alent, awl began to get together a little profit, the sanie_doetrine;iimuld repeat the - process; - the - Auty - Wofild - beli - videntlrmo'high - -=doWn '-' with itl. The ° poor-lira:o would neW' take his, children from sOlool.st ri bring them. into the,skop. - They.loowptdd viii work, while - the man liniself Wetted harder -and harder. (hut what would:be:theta:4ldt' I - T If WoUld'only bring him wider the Secretary's rule; the duty must4e ; againlowored r •and-still-go--on_to__lits loWered, more and More, : till At, last.the ve 'born Americ * iii'iOuet be ground clown by ' the action of his own CieveMmgritto the degraded condition, of an ,English pauper or Russian serf. ,The,moritent au American laborer suc ceeded by hit; ,exertions in shutting out for eign; competition'tiiii 'fdreigriar"inust be let .in ard, put. eirer:hirit:' '.. Whav'sOrt - of. a rule 'was this i . , For whom would. ".'etid.,sappose it to, be tirade ? . For-,the .Anierican nuutufar, hirer, or-theEu'repirn I , - . Clearly it was a rule 'for the'bendfif of ' t rP.foreigdpi. And, could an intlepentienten intelligent. Amerkin'etha. sent. to, live under such a rule l , :The mOrrient I the-ArneriCan-lises to his feeti ht , this struggle 'Willi foreigners for 'the American ~rharket,.ho its to be .k b noekedillOird; lit . lhis' gkeeut Iva lio . kfir- awl wifkiel'ViTO:Vrhy;rperehily:Walk-, -or: d'(ti.laugh.). , AndthiS ''tviii'. their .4>iter i • gni, System s. Mr: S:' , --ins4ted AR :„Wistea British systOm..; It waS!jUs!..g.f.? ; ll la: systerklthal Sir Robed, Peel:would hayelo9Panleired, could lib' have Poken throitglijrreftiktitYolk as his 'trumpet;`its priteti c al;'lll3 l ll,i'dvOrOl'Opeiiiii6n, ._ . v. , rathLbe_ndiat..he 4itid.t..iust :00#,+-Airlii. ,Niwrtiiiiild, the 11 ; noair ein.4broe.;*o ,3 rod.7iro ., 6? This wßs'iliii f.ar 4a P l ol . Vre e frosl e lc - • m' • te," no* foriiiiijiisr iiree:proirinigaiii4 x itn;''AmericaiiV fiscal', efliCer: ' Olti i 'h o , Ilils i lender - hearted Secretary did love ,tl4o'” Poqr l' man !'?::'.flit' lovri:slfeeilterit that he would ;bring hiiii tdori.,tii 'lt leVel'•iiilktlitiallritish ' •PonPq! l !.!..--v- , -. 4 ,t0 ..•:1-.,;-,-, --s-.-- ~,,,-4eL 4,..4 ..:-. -- -- __Snice-thet ; improl;amertis -htiteem f tlni- cost ---- ler franip:Orithion, , ,tas coriiParhttiiil'rnothing. - Take. MT the'ilfitY,...`arid" the BiiiiiikikerleihOps ,„*Oulddiiibraughtlo,our dopec':littpvcijse theie -SVititdlll.l.lNre.rl.ll:lkom':i4Aloo44'.4`',lY°r!tingr :litiii-enty:ltvii.cdnist,raljuty,..lnap,,sii. 10 hid its nal. id . igi'iriat' thaviiptse seen break'. dewn ;.Ilie.workinen - efl'asiliitigfoidj.:lke'ehiPlektir •t *Wild 4;tion"liegin Aw.talk- to ithein'itEw - vety . • intelligible'; language:: ? 1,! . My., pc,unpetiters 4n . Alex atitikikgetjaker,;;WlA - etlV'-fiVe ..ettlt: a - (14; dna. y ou .4nti - st; take thalSatke• 4 9r.,qait. l ,',,,, ?I , lOttiivilierkwii.A' thin differeitee;;Whether the ^t. •Iliitthrtee*thtctelittle'greiitiir:Of velittlij 16. 11 1 . . - alitamittelleat .oPpratiow of the,:liyetinii . voOtild. ', L b,qklpt.'Af! , :tpPitctr; , s itiaahii,imW#47.blettitied: • tAYsleth 'Pr-f!clfh!rculel , 11‘0•1": 4 , 1 0*mPfAln - Aiiiitliiitit irrituttireol4,:yorg, )altimipai.jhicn - f•;Ars;'tt Sail' fr - Setiiidti dectritie'lialitlhafWe • . ;mull - hay, wlitttefeet ww•CitittlailiteplitigOOC-• Dctivrt wout' the du,ty in Wittie , forektai.4slo B ; - • out tfeidAliteriCan-trioneykitu OUL.ap i9. 1 1 t ii:went,iitAtjt we hattno mookihentlyto send, ftina' ll } 6ls. o l o' - 'llAele r6 . o6 o *-iti n t;b aci t me ha , r. w ,- .- , . . 4 _, tt ,Az e ,„,,i ng. while I,ffie, eeiri . ; : "." - "iite i ',,it,:.te, ' b 1 44::* 1 ' - s,tiiiii flitftiliti - ..iiiP4' . . o )l'tlio 4 rit ' Ivied l'hitrilr::l.l-1400tightrlittltlioi.i.*ort , ilitieten -,- to,"s,A4oo.444os,C4lo.ohiti'lavAlirbuiti . haAeit i Vti l 4 s l - 1 4 )' ° . ' i!. /1 4( .,1, 11!itifil t il l ir '-hoe-?btf . ; .s2°• - 1 „Ot! Jin. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers