Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 10, 1845, Image 4

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    4 w
Ti . IF.-.,.?,17..71 . ,
2,,. t I'll il 1 . ' '',- .. C• . .,1 - -
.I.ii l' ~,..,. 0 ~, .'k
~.,,..,;,;:.;?,• ~';', ,', '. .^.,,- ..- f . ...:" ..'. ''.
--'T-T----74-I :IIII : ATtEATAEPANICMEIII4 - : 7-
, g ,- • t
---------,'-When Geit,JAccsoirvetcied the- b ill paiiSed`
' ail tOolltrl-linisikeA congreig: in: isai:.teo.,:rh=
• • -a4bAter,the..ll;ol4latik„ , .and nrl33 rottrolcii
:,dttlitillegokites EOM that Anatinttlot4 lewillibe
,; ,. . , ` , aittneiniberedthatitettold'4ltirdeguilitiYill'Be±
latixitirtfmtiothat itlyhadiapplie**hini,fbi the
,--4 , , -. pitietf , ailiinli -he -* . oliagtiiieltirdithe'sl;orie
slinti'ar elrolioethariti. :44'MS-4V/64'080 g lut a
-,-, : -- National - Bank - wart - unhotititinitibhaP-Wekel- -
*ther:l4,illetthoUght.-I.ll4tiolitinkigi Book
":- : 4 ' .- thirOPtigeft.tAatial 9f, light Ortrthemoverneins
. r q '4 4; Mkilattn44lB of Qom Jackson at. that thd,ol
. , s, AMtellPeciaPy Ades ikruakeit perfectly Vain
2.: hthat.tho , objiatt.of the:lslebar Yorktpdliticiati
Van Buren, Butler, IntOrende, Canihreleng
;Yoiantietheret-Atair4tofpUt,;dOwri thblitabltutiOn ,
~ -awhiehAttatiklettlatAlßidg4tiliiiiiiati&chtirter
a•new onelehe-eatahlitihed'akllicrui York.—
: - :_Thltafted:eblosviik:P:erii*liaptit, fOr-the
c larrpoliticif l iggi*iditirig tlie.Erriptip Biala;
i • tuittPlaeinetleChntibt of the money power
- in,the,ls,9,Witliamle. The folleivng, letter
' . '''''‘ l ig ttettili vYluChington by Mi. nwr,t;Fs.
'' 0. 1 11!iiii" 1- ', ' Oiterethe-Sandy-041-,-Bank r ' -
'oh Me. tin Otrgruary,.lB34,lo JESSE HOYT
tit*w.Vorkily ark its-Itutguage.:
° 41 4!- •3' il4lohonie , l4-14gliqrotibiirtfirat
' - 7 - : ,p' AW7l.,Brink might; ( t F-.BY ALT;
•. . ' ' ~5":,,0 W tube put down-.abut, on the other
r,.:*'Az WA •
.never. Welt'. yurfittly satisfied! that .
. A i
* „sce could gst.totAbith-the•bustarss of the country
..... , .without • SOME BLT.CII:;AGENT. But Mr.
- . Taney thinlif we can, and Crhe is the judge,
'Atli Gillniiii also onc's toliiine we dould.,and I
• ,
~rtm kirous TO ,titY lir; because if• we can:
• 'idt,ini 'lciiiiiilit any of this • machinery, I think it
"tbetti tii'dispenae with it, for it always has
• . ',heft?, ,apci aluve mill - be - abused. no matter
:,,igio C4ntrol`, we or our enemies.
, _ - 4 tome what , will, 'we -mist adhere' to the,
. f.'refidAnt'spoticy_Foa. THE PRESENT, even if it
se„ndkus all into the minority. It would be
better to go for ten• years into the minority
tom. to rezcharter THE Bank, or make a new
One NOW'. - . -
• ' ,4 Truly, B. F; It UTLER."
•, .
• ' 'Fr9rn the laregoing it apps at Mr.
Butler's hostility was aimed only at the then
" i prosentAani,” • hut lie was by no means
. c . nYinced that. €,'‘N'e CORM' got on with the
bindness of-`'the country without some such
%ronq!., .:No do u bt: some compunctious -roe
-ollecttetti3Of t his own connexion -with the
'luckless Sandy Hill - concernrprompted the
'candid acknowledgement that a Bank always
, would be abtsped in the.hands of himself and
his friends"; the imputation on others -is not
•NvorthY . O. so much acceptance. Hear also
'.the ifon. Cornelius 'W. .Lawrence then 'a
Jackson member of Congress frinn the City
of. Itlew,York, and lately taken from the
Presidency of a Bank bythe Anti-Bank Pres
ident Polk to bda Collector of Caston at
thlit INitli--- - '
1 : 48 --/rOvuEtICE PrON ' . THE RecEsstry OF A PRI
~. . _
- 4 1 °71 : . ' C I - -W; 14 *TOIWC,. 111." C., t 0 Mr. Jesse"
ninjt; .1 ,. .g Y. j'rartkell, per mail.
WAsunitez,..2Bth-Jan'y., 1834.
_ .
~ ...,. •
,-41V1rDstste Scrt l 4 . itralnuelr obliged - a) you
fcir ran. letter or tlie:glat, and I AM APPFLE
JIBINSItt OUR poirneir:.f
.FIDE - stake
~,,i isti,S
BANE% bat I 3,vi1l hat-c the pleasure ,o.twrlo4-
- '.. n'frntlitaytilielPi.''; ' :
'' "' - RetTectfullY"Yein assured friend,. ~,
"".- ' ' 'COWS:W. LAAVIIENCE:'f'
~, ....
ifTol4to the! tarns.
31st Jan'y., 1834.
-14 triorktEritirirmy indiMuZrimicrip,
KtitA, -- MITONVAX, 144,N1C Ipfoper ve•
_ st : Rthii" , l4)indobjeo to Stc4..trixett,,4•c„ , YOULD
4 - 3 -lum l 4- l aiid,7lhere,afe., other in
di , Vals itt COitgris .0( iluit_snrittion,' and
Otq ifAlittoftatlnuch,as Ido know. •
• ,; • Remientfully
„I : , ;CORN'a.W.,LAW'RENCF.. ,
.Now Ilthitughilie 'Attie mere 111 r. FANV*2
--reken"4 candid, opinion's; "nevertheless
votedneifiuMlit in Congress against the Bank;
notwithstanding he thought:lll3f such an in_
atitution would bAsdffuciefulito the government
and Country." • is* We!,firui Mr. 'C. C. Cain,'
btble - rig -- also KitiKAO'iti - ** - 11 - 11taii to
Jpiii,Ai9Ai! s : WO following terms.
4 11 fr: Canthretertg on Batiii. 77 7
ill - WAsinnOvon, 12th Feb, 1833. :1
, regard'lelhe 4E74 it ritinot„ werih,
while to have anY'ptibTie,niebling about it!--
a re c_e_aganit t_t_ip'irioughl-dontt
' • eneelthtk,_'' ehatelor:a montli-:4IK - -Mets"
senPnat .cloon .}.I.AN or' A BA ifx=iihich"
1 liairtietumixl • , Asithitnto send me a copy
-.. , . Very sincerely yoursi
0. 1 ; - - C. c.'S44,IIIRELENG. _
!Am r• • . .eaCa., overy.ordmrly
intelligent politician knows was agreat lead-,
er in PAT - etutOitinkl - erussileis ; but it scorns
thpr o be ,too could: see. merits kr the splizi oft 'a
Baak,and as it is desirable to know - what
kin f is , taloojesthe.viduldpronotince av er ,.
-, ..t •M: Mac kenzie ,givno th e .
/ .f o li ow i n i
r, Tibbet'a pipit—
leng i mue fora : think 'tote , lodetted'in-,r eJi
- • Terk,fastnite,isiatiernai Union ' ank" • with'
a capital of millionsilwhicleWbuld begin
buitheiwithevientent the 'citaithitifthe Pbil;
___ a d o w at . ,„ Loiser_z_whick4gt:iiiild .=,
Leided, lig trpiretdr,''.li %iris to finia 'tiiiiio 'ea'
,eacirriu#of,tkitilitdori, with : the consent
of- itri rejsglittUriS was notio:,CriCidatejmere.
aft rstilli# l 4 l g- t rappr, aJonce i -Arnd tri
`fig a 6 - 100 - gits, 9 ii,e.llP,Ki'eeP thelT l k b 3
Het '' ' falkiW .e,OO-cerit l ., on goyaif
mdini" - • era,' :7 !*.fl'dourpt,„o,,oc:7,
i a i
cal igi -:: air hiPily-',' to be, *4 41),
'pa ~„ B- .Vi_§, ll A . ' , OY - i. y 0,80... ~,.,''4‘
*.i.,...X. 0 „ • t,(11•4, .., ~-,tl lllo ,o l l . _atit sthe
t .,"11.
_.1,. L _PPfiniPP .. ' v i ;dott Newts Norkiiu
wiil l 99li.„9l B 4Y., l Lioiso. s .se th er, speouhttor.
O(P 11 , ,D ll ,?lrfieclUtOld.,what-the secretly
reatilrior 17.),PPLIPPYYwrIxiteri that - ti
world lqii At enongnyto• lit! ) Aii,pian Mr.
Tibbet,6W4 416*alon'e lefor Arpreeent"—.
let, lßettilit sir4' . Poland ask Congrnse lora
Bad jail !few York can appear to fo ll ow,
"blPACl?"l "lo 47olqlCriAblil* , * Co.)• pro.
et tr , ,a.n.„, 1 .-,, , zcr,r, ~ . J .. •„,
, ' ...-,,, , ,a. : •
~emosipsi m et whale , secret
of A .1-1 - thfte . .. orierWAYork.learktrs to
.thet 4,:
~„. ; ~, ~wwe,,thop.twent against
-, .i150• '7, I •P'.4ltkvellhOless. , thiclarektkiem
''seltd,,,' (—lBlttO433suirL.' , Mr. Butler thought
%OP*, couid l ,tet get son without some *inch
~ : i n mourn , b t 4, a*,Bedgen , wits ;to iier' Oat
: • :dojitai . liliiikaittn*Oitli, "going into a
~, Wittlink'years"sto effect such, an ob.,
ieat , , - r;i 4,l*.shealli B feaill ; kot thO people
'-,•;,:s ll .itt - . ..1..; . lisP.ePP*,
° •,0•010ii• .' •Or•- • • • lii tr
'lmefti 4WA
'--r0bi1e54. 1 .416046. :. ' • ,%fidly-* ed
s ..
. , .
'S~7~ti '.'k:;j;:'i~~...
Are e l atrad9ttota,wluchlhey
Akra - RiPtcroilkOtt
•• ng.Abt . !Sial?•,l).grPiti.463llo4rLitsc9rtdist•dydad:
.give ijiein:4he.gontrol ,They
effecfaillithr firiit'objebttVatthby - had etert
-Idltiletehtlio4lWileitilliktilla 4 403#11iei
in thtir manage." "The' 130 C &porn
00.,Phi1a4Wihkia *ink? I° u tt htY' 3ll Cr9-ibikeil
..4.theirNew.Yo4c,projeot. • • • ".11.•
)11tiltDatt - 4Z , r
0.14 •
cf,PlVienditeind the publin' genital& OM ;he .has
removed. his etpcirof lidis t ßovvvAttp,;pvxtz.
:Rraiid'SAD,E . Lpt r.',AoLoia :netv,',he n se On
' l '...4fPf4,4o':iii)d'ites,rly. opposite, his old stand,
wheielln Cointinuos to'keep-as heretolisrerfull
end cosnplos assortment of every thing in hie
lige.d&pr, than -Sven
';'.Eabineiplakertrare etireeitly Invited:in call
11nd:14=116i a "'splendid lot of A/ HOGANt,
lf-ENEEBSHnst- 2 --reeeiyed, : qarkenters-,itnd!
%Miler* will find Wasortthent of.
Letches;• Locks , Belli,' flinger Screws, 'Tina
Jecery_viriett - ofilulldiri
PLANES, warranted "!geiOil.lit rived 'respect.,
.Alon, gun and rank Powdef,..warranterti-Pirety-
Pnee, for blasting rocks, Blfot;Leadi Speller,
Witldow Gioia of all siiee; :Paints, Oils
and Ys rnishes ; bed orwere, - Bleeksm itlei Bel.
.lows; .Drilling Machines, an'ttevery varlet:tad
articles in the-Ilardw are line.. Persons common.
cing Housekeeping will find it in their interest
to call .beforepurehasing diSliwhete; •
.The books %Lid 'accounts of thelato firm of
3. P. Lyne.dc. Co., are in my tandS, and_per:
requestedsons indibted-sre requested to call end make
papnent to save further trouble.
April ?1, 184.5
J . . .
Acon SEVER returns his sincere thanks
ti for east fuvora and Wittle . B to inform his
friends sod the public generally, that he has
laid in a general assortment of HARDWAHL
and GUTTLERY orall•kinds,„mo as Am!, or
threeilitferent. malice, Hatchets, Dritwing Knives
of various makes, Chisels, and Cooper Tools
of all kinds. Afso a large assortment of ,
Table. Cutlery,
such as Knives and Forks, from the cneapest to ;
the most superior quality; two, three and four
bladed pocket Knives from common to genuine
Roger's and other sUperior maTufacture ;
tea, -Soup Sind other Sphons ; Hinges of all kinds
Ind'. illicit ever)* desariplibn of Files; Horse
11Pspyoe4iirerppt sizes; wood stud bed screws of
different kinds and shwa; gouges and ••planel
eon, t, double and : single,. Iroilit.,Augurs,,
t b i lack and bright, of all - Sizes; also - three-bitted
Augurs c Heaces and Bitted the best mike; straw
colorecl:eitts ; Knebr, - claist, cupboard end pad
/9CCII and ..sitarableat brats Candle
sticks; ! brisk and. plastering Treads I Traces;
straight J AM • twisted, chaint; -heavy: and
light.;':„Spaties 'and 'itSlinvels; 'hay. 'and manure
f01... 4 43:41:P;1bnee Land four pronged; Anvils and
0...4,4nd-shear; Steel; American 'and En
gl!ah f3i l Olee eiteel't.'hand i iron•back, 'mill and
cross-cut--Saws - -and
Tallori geese, Fire Irous:rouisdandrovill-wrought
Pans, long hahilled'Frving Pansowrought Iron
_lfYrnita 'end' andlalso:_the_
• • . .•
made; of and inferior to none-Tall
**Roiled .:goo;d, better the. market cannot pro
doie: BiltiCe.saM?fitoilonwill be given in every sr
. tlide bidhy atilt° prieeiand- opal ity, -to every-person,.ntilkaS the.old.stand so, w known as a
flaflnlll formerly booby liar
an'd dezt:titior,,to:Cortiman,'4 . Tavern i Anil 1110
adjoinfog c qe . ii.l;eller?* flitit.,Store: ; .. •
: PA, II lattilAsic oldfashioned , - .Scythes, hay and
grit:, in ; Ake', and various other articles which
,we 'der& it uniieessii7 to mention, but call and
'exaAktor„,ine .yciurselvei,andlemember they are
sill' tarranled. We„gie determined to sell at •
!snail ,pcolits.acid give ; eu tire, a tisfant ion:
Carlisle Many 21 1844.. ”
MA.I.MERT;A: - 05‘01r ER,'
Wholesale and Re tai'.
----- Uft — i;tkorm 'We en Ban • .e_puhli
that, N a
t, therhave removed their
eitabltshment to this' room'lately ocCupie,a), by
John P. Lyne'CO. - mid 'nearly opPosltta - thler,re'd
mid,white dig 'of Arnold & Einsteiri,-+—the Jew :
Store—Oh - North Hanover ' - streetiiihere they,are
prepared to manufacture and supplY their neatorti.:
era's, and the iTublie,both at home from a
ilistauce4elih ..•
is the - shortest notice an of the beet quality.--
I They also 'keep constantly on hand FRUIT, em=
Oneeng all theVelfeacies or the different • sea
sons, besides NUTS of every Their, 'Mock
commis; s inkart such as Oranges,',Lenione.
Sins,- Figs, Almonds , Filbertri,Prunes, • Dati.s;
Cresuo:quts, ..'Ctottnir:'Nute f -' English Walnuts,
.11rOundlittts id,* Vitietr. - "pfrorkinds of Cop;
:feeljpestry,,, flanallyiltept:lw, tenth , tit establishment;
of,eVetrthy at
.the Mosnreasonable
Toc I PA:ak:'. • • ,
- Peeling ) Mieeitrind - hy - Ifie - ;very,
herettifiti"bistewedli 'on - them - ,the have
• n nano 4.. o I o , e • oye Ito; t al
yoitiouipartibliinnnitieeted'aikti ' " """ •
; —l:P b t , CO- --•"glifMaao6:34o
t enosiating,m'ivart ;Or: Coffees,' Tete;
'' . .ghtegiiCraekera;ZgolartewCh - e - doliftiVbilitieictlC
all,:kiosla,pruabeit,llitteking„,Bu'kekoe m id ci, y4 -.
togetber, .with • a large variety ,
Ctusenlyi,Fl• 04.9 01 0 !krthoo tOo,:ottitteroua
;14 • . • :
.;: LA; ;•.
Segart, Tobacco
4. the .fleaS jtotilliespeat..ttalltie.q4" t9waye on
11: 4111,1 t: th - die3;4llw 7 maY'ttivin.
call.. Toys of every demi:4l6oW- arsik,-
kept -esnstandy,nd,,kottet,o,raotst - ,
srport• S?rtemled to them by- theirs end. apil
e steeper?, Ally repro their s incere thanks, and
willendesior in ructirmit9 i!pvrit. g popoiluanem,
their fivora -byjamming
.eaertiOtel: to: make
their - establishment:tie. agreaabhs retreat,
carli sic; tiorll9o.glB4-se
.‘. ;:,,, 4 - , . 111)41.1730 4, 211112111Va1, l '?''',',.
' rrAi. 13 'Chesnut- striktiliZji:/Eop/AT
~., ..
4rlh PEERS for 44q tlorfolliiirtfidliofortment of
. kir raTi. 1P. , N.,n i sv W i ck fkro o)Optioed ,
i a lkei nn linii o ft:°s'l, o !:''WPot b-` , PR. ,9P9,q44.14 1 # - 1,10041
,7-3''''- ''' • - ib' .I , . , :-Ili,4l:ii , :4: ,t; •411. , "
P , IIIP. odtiv Sol° °Pr TEAtsl;;:. „ /
• (lb ' lit,i4gyOOg ;do .... , do. _ .'• ' '
' 1 500 !tali eheitfi 1 ~1 . .. Ao, ido 1t,..,i-do;"' ...
1000 do.— 'do ^ '•••ltioiiitiOng do, .' ' do:
~ , -,
'.• 5100'do' 1 . 2 ' '-..440' line II
'o4ldvig Vii --q , ,d 0 . ,,, , i , ;. f, , i
1,0040 ,t ~ F , , di. When • do'. • dO. I."'" '..' '
SOI do I, 'do Engt . iih - Breakflir',? l ldo„ '',.. ' l '' t . 1
' , .1, 100 do.' -. do : • i , thiConulto •I:="fdo„,•',•; ~.; !
`-- .c. , to Osseo . Pouohiut cook ; coolohdrie two la
; or(
O.lnixes—the.fineocldook , TAjblibieNta.ili2l
' ett i/ten enil Y t
'!, •!, ,25 I hats hplio, Yduotkooa,TE4li ~', ~(
',l ; 41% .. Oil' :-' i'' (to fingi,t'Ybdt IfYitib.lpdgMblt.
'lT,'r I!zueic,",:,,":i4Tl, ~, cip - iisoh;•o 4 taiOin g
L ''' •;_ -_-.......,.- -""'.'; row terf lb,obok e k.• .-: A •-,-,,,., • -, :r••c-.4..., ~,,
I ;71 asebillikeits .04i , i. , . ,di , -"1 ,""" ' '' Y-''''' I.' ' I '
! 7 'ti-i ISO '':•dot„ do • ~.. hipirlil 'Prei t t.'!!i', '! , ;,1. , , :, , ,A;.
1 .7,i j 440.- eases t'oqdrii!eic • li:iiid i.
I • •''i- . '-. - -Ir , ' ogoolll/14,4f thiPOS..•;- ; ' . .. : '-''':'-' •.*:". •
l it
I . '' ' l ' , ' ' 5 4 I ra"' !*.gnitit -ii.q, , 41R1 , f '': ;.1-ialifY.?-iv .k , - 4 .
' :=; " t *1 *,11.741n0rfig,0471). / j 1 :1 1 , 6 !;,
1 FA .:- 1, ip I ' 44407 ; y.0V.ii ri ripi,."l4Ticikr:l,o, : ~
A: ' V Midfiidiska`g, , f . ''.',•.Oillift;ol:!..,' , 4it.'.? . :
','-j: 1 '117:11 , .;ki iTi0:4, ,,- ,,ii - Cifo.b* 4b.ti i vi,J1 . 4.1.:
~:., ~,,,,:- i, :04,i.:04.5164...,0,4,10.::ti,;, , ,,,,4....
466 t44ll 44l4 Vatili 0 1 4404'*iiit'eiiite*
2 0, Re 0,0a 2UVAtyilOW , 0 7 3#"0"
ti . . i.- ." ,••:•, t)
eilitoCoiddlio. , 4 , l , ' ~.!•,2 i 04,tt 5 404 1 ''',P .,
I P4lairkell.itl l fiW4 l 'i,tlVlV:tcilA,lif!el'A''•,o.4-';
~)4 / li iiiiiitglid koiCiilf'olloithili94firif- 1 44P1
, i"litilliirlelphi ' , ,'otti)liiile 10;1 84. t. ~- t ti 4 2 4 „..71'"V
-rn-",,,4 , -
''-'*';',.: ~ ; '. ; .-;'''', ' !.'a, C P. ,o 7,".;.Va. i ni,il:•S_s. : l, i 4.? ? ,''''''.., 7 ... , .. , :• , ,yie:
, ',l , .6''r ~ '''',',,'''''. ;'%.4' ; . , ),..'...r. , , 6 . , `.'1' 1 ",., ,-- 7:',.•-' - , '''''' ' l :•:';::''''' .
:: :' ' ''-. :. 1 . '''.. - :'''''''.: 7 ' . . - ',';''..':' , .'",'.-:4'.'-' .. .:-;':. ,. .."i:::;' . .'•:. ',. '''''.i.,-'4l.r,;si'iti:.
,• 4 ,„„10rt4 o , oo';'''ct,Spri;••
_. 7
HE-Subieriber has just opened in - the mho' -
ip (fogad - kr occupied by. N. N,. Woods) yachts
South Weld corner of the public
1 '" ,rifiLis Ai' 14 40frieeff
, - IKEtw-45 4 9480ara ".
sfa'filetOnit.raniin ooriststing . in; iartio loths,
r4erGioilis',Viatingli, Silks Bortibiralpe,s,:llaor.
feel, IsAvnb
e,riPette'd'filo'iis de 4 Liiiitee,' ivlsi
Giunliiies,Jaekiiiet,' , Atli! all•rtherlinils of:Mus.
looks, 51461'041 ; 'Cheek
.vet birds; `Cotton gotalS ileticri
pet chain and Cotton:Varn;UntbiellasiTarasols;
Sunshades,-Gloves, Hosiery, km. ‘•-• ;- t ;
ALSO, ..A. well,selected stock of
Groserles consisting icpairt,ef Coffees, Sugars,
Crockery,;Glass and -Queensware of
ousvari diistiriptidnalturqualjtiep,_together with
'numerous othenartiales comptising a , compleii
and' general s o sorttnent—all dr which lin offers
for sale at very lois - prices for ; eash.;..His
pectfully invites , his friends and _the" Public in I
getieral give hint aeon, inasmuch ss'he feels ,
isonfident that he ton sell. goods as • low ea goy
other house In' 'borough., -
' ROBEitIIkArfNE - e
NEW 00 - 01111LNEW - GOODs
out sitliadriberl thatiliful (O. hia .M 64 end
the: public iu•general,:for-the•support•they
.'laVegiven-him-ie lintrabusin4s, taltes-thfa
inethod,of informing them that he , htisjustretteiv N :
ed, inct-Ja.-now: opening,-a' large add • sitletidie
asaorintent- of . ,
Consisting in part' of superior Black 'and Blue
Black Wool dye Cloths; Invisible. Greein:Cmlet;
Blue 'and Gray. Clothe; 'Diathend and 'plain
Beti - vW — Cletliall3lickskin, • /*Mr Cussimeres;
Double Milled. Blue and Black Cassimeres; sppee
plain, barred and Striped Sattinettsifrom 37 dents
to,ltt,oll per yard.. Partinetto .Cloths;
du. plain barred Old Striped Alpacca;:„Lashmere
do, tos..Borithizines Red, white findltelldw Flan.
nein, Calicoes from 6 1-4 to IS 3.4 cents perYped;
bleaehod Muslin, from 614f0 13 3,4,4-4,5-4 and
9-4 bro. Muslin. Checks,. Ticking, Canton and
Dorskin Flannels, Limy wolfs'', florae blankets,
Mackinaw do. Kentucky leant+, colneed
riaMbricaesper muslins; Thibetf,Mouselde-laipe;
Alpacca; Bronchi, damask, blanket and Cotton
shawls; edging, insertipgs! and' Swiss; jae-_
alien, book and CaMbeie Muslins. Bishop's Lrwn,
long Lawn,. linnet' cambric Handkercbicls; Irish
Limiensp Black, Italian Cravats; Fancy barred silk
do. . stocks,. susneeders, black cotton; mournful,
cashmere and Alpacca stockings, Gloves, Mitts,
worsted Caps,' Vestings,glazed Fur, seal, Vel
awl Cloth Caps.
Also—A fresh supply orGROCERIES AND
SPICES of all kinds. which he will sell sit the
lowest prices for dash, at dm 'Ord stand in 'North
Hanover. street, one door below Mesail. Myers
. -
Stlinverstick's Drug Store.
Carlisle, October
84 CUR
MBE eutraaribit - haviner'eoncluded upon a
change of bustnesi, offers to hill customers
and the public In generaLlds Sack: .Gpeds.
At - POST,'diwisistitigef Black, Brown
and 'Mixed Cloths, Cassinferes, - Sitlnotts,,Corda,
Jeans, and a-general assorttnent , of . ; •
de Una!, Linneis, Culippes; G inghatits; Silk
and Worded Sharhi, Dries Hdk'fs.
With 'Ai- general asicirtnenCoLaloves;.llosiary,
-Batons, : Tritntnings; drc, Alec, Shoes, Boots,
Hats; Cape bmbrelldi , ~c,. Cofi'eei Teas; 'Bye
ffo.purchaaamol. a dietaries and-Merchants
in tliffiebotry, an opportunity is now offered o
o A ify per . ..on:or ptqatutoutrof nngag.
lag in' the
. mercantile-luaineis the - .Ohniaant;
and. healthy borough of Carlisl, e, an opportunity
la now offered ; aa,the oubmeriber itili dispuair,of
his 'entire idnelCulion aeoamduidating:tornia
either for' nosh ty for a well-Improved plrni in
a goad neighborhood. • CS.- NI: 'HARRIS.',
N. B. All personaknowingthemeolveatridebt
ed to.the.anbaeriber t ,itilt.plarwo,oalLand mettle
theli , a'neounta wlthriut fuither trouble.
Ch r I i ale , .N o vo nib e
l ettili:6 1 1:10 1 600
DAVID H. ARNOLD, of the late firm of
Arhold*& F 4 jruclein, Hanover street, apno
ea° Carman's Hotel, Carlisle, hes just opened
a new and splendid assortment of FALL , and
WINTER ,GOODS,,consisting,, of bbnek,
black, brown, green, a'ndet, tliab, olive; French,
English , and American.. Cloths; diamond
lain beaver do • black blue and fano Cat=
Ilidmeres, .Ins,, blitch; - ,iliked - rtir. wif,:efidet and
fancy Satinet and 'lContifeky"learfsr, also Can
' hmere d'Cosse; moue, de lathes, alpacas, . bom
bazines, black,and.calored dress silks; calicoes,
cloakings, wOollin - plidds for , cbildren's driltres,
iadies-apd.septlemen's host, thibet, silk, black
and. colored embroidered damask, mouse de
-laine and broche . shawls,-gentlemen's' lifitin
septa and cravats, stoeki,iollirit,' breasts, Ate.
Linen cambric Thindlterchiefs, velvet .nbbons,
bonnet and cattflo., black, and- 'Colored mantas,
and satin do. Also, ladierdan'd tendemen'isilk,.
kid, wool and - thread Illovvita,rit, laves; .bleached•
and brown - ibeeilisp, .willte'and , colored flan.
nels ? lrhih.linens, , dirks, *Mill add bOok
bishop.b(Wn,•iiiiidietriped, mimbrler end jaefutift:
WhichiWill be al,-the 614; Vok4icig.
abie frices, for , . '•
Ile-ketorne hie' thanks to his friendi 'and Ike.
puldic,for the,*itkinsgo.bestawed On the hite
brin.of Arnold di' Eininsin,rnid rOspectfuill folks
a continuance of h_ti ini9ge toward himself'
which he will endTavor to
,mmit by attentiosy
to iisingidirend.low prices.
Carlisle,; Nov:v'_ •
rilOvV-Is-THEAr-‘4IE To
. . „. .. ,
, 4,,A;14 4 -17,,p,1Ncr ER,:
•reeeiwid 'freq theeitateril cities, Untie ost.
did lisortutep(neral.y.le . .
,Q 4L OD. GOODS; - ;
evei , offered In this place-4a which he would
ievite the ettetitiowet poteltsort,,,lfis - sttick
pow complete;:ild•he lii-ptePared , to' offer the
Viiiiit'littliordfUffodi to' Toitititillit
learkets, tirieas`att loveitai s abi ethik
jishmentt abitt the oett'ety;i - ,7,..' , - ,- ••••,
'o7l(yOu. Wilk Id purehesP'4lafialita'pew is
.thitittio; tittw.l.'.A. Cliliphiger'a cheap Strii"
ihaithiaerit'ailluthe ffolitl,'Sfifiktielitaiii !
ShiptialieburgiDetober 1,
.1845. •• •-• •
• ',l! 7 •
1 . : Tfi.Fulinloistriber has .reisited his' Fill' Elttiek
of 'Ory , Goodsventbritaing the !nodal Variety'Of
Fancy; shd Slaplet Goods; tindf. will ' be 'Old st
•Icrr. prices for cashloll _ - _ , ..''Gh•NV::HITNER; •
--- Clifibletvgeothiyit'lEhld: : - .' , ' , 1 , .y1 .'..ft:- ,',.,
*eta: oz vats* „,
4riIIA9:OGILBYI is, nits' opening' , theliirgest;
n.,/,...tirst, Sod ;,cliespest.gsbick on goods Wee mien
tpiCsklistit.. ,It iropollibleao sosinersto
we thsl.ts 161 11090 k ITCI , parchascrsits:would ,
_sal. 11 cilic;4A 1 111 ,14 0 iciTtitamtiittiotttiOssh.
andcopyinisn, Yrin_ilis ve , 4 Ara 4 he WI h t rptti. ,
joid'or my' big arni otinsikatocit *goo rii i ~.., Hoc .
Icst; din' old' stand; 4th Alta , ve.,t tj,fifp,r '
oun , . Emit Illifti:4t,c • 4. : t - c. :::.., vv . , , „ ,,,
'-- N-. , 11:: Gauntry rikrabliqta:kit'hti anplithalrpli,
goOdir at illy litioes. , ,A, - r' ~ I , .i- , : . ty l e- , 4;
• i 11 ,0 ,) ,J ,.. -i 'Ll , ) : 4 ::2 ( i,ck ..*:4,,:g-i; ail.
'' FOT
- ,
, Cuithi;chitmotteMlo•ykSTlNGeo,
ill colbill'ith4 itelkOriTlNtsrti '
i r nCe AlWre, Olifit4t,ififim,k isitail !got°
114,00; tfthionittil,opiti)Eoofoittook'ol I - 4,90;
iteiiilitTieVO.lifiAkir••'fißA4o , 9ftntii,froolos
} ....aihi,indOcroati6,4wipt pelswd,puil for,
Oak 'lt, Priori, that isitOnOt. mut ',to ptesoo r :-0411
raiOioq-aC"CAVA' , Cit'lrrgiagg'S`CWOl6
' , "':l'' I. \ " .' a 0" , ,." i . 1 ' 04;0 ,N et 1 , 141
P ii 'o t w-piclis , 4--- '-s ., '
0-, , ,,,,..pp,m u?g, ,c 0 .. i. •'" 4 'cl ' ' '`
Another Ounce for Bargains
Selling off Cost.
131r `
. i
RE I 'otiblierib; r ionb*
of {'RhitoPAtie..t}tro t t•do,RlOolto,po4oliog p Shinglei
will be sold at the'rlyOr.l),riOis; with thiadd4lool
of hauling, for•Ciiii, at the Warehouse of •
: ? o.atitile,..Novqtftbers,ll,l4sii. . •
- . - 7 ,------ , -- ;, - - -,- 7 - -;:;,;-.. - 701 --- • ,
„.,.,-0-_, • ~...,„,._.„ " 0_ ~.
" :.---4',.,-,01,-..-,... • ~... ,3 .3.
IPIVIE undersigned, proinielons or'tbe , Syit(lin:
a la t
, A henna. ILdne,of are ind:elhnilVti4ll4 return ,
leie.idneerObenk,!Ad their ftibiedii4W , Franklin
And Cumberland eonntiest for - pest_revore; ' , end
`ii,tießtfully: - )l,Seefikqbain . 4'tbatsrtliei itt;e t i d now
wpey.ql.o i riepejy . epipd :(9,e.wetd Aelly... Id AMA e,
~ JE'rgiiiiici. aisti , eVestiOrtrridite
_.,-,--_-! ,
_ Philidelphie And Bel 'ore. -.. *
Produen will be
,dekivebedln.inpbeikedin 4 f Sibt
:MAW Oi t '4•l34liiinere. tis ,AtidehlhOrpp?,tebsin
bi , reiieees; ' , Thdii:'eientri4l.tbe;plo - eoaps, i ,
Meeire:' V. aWnibiir 31,,113/iiiin; •,::. .
? V bielti Whinfith tke D'eitivisire;f4l , ,PadePiii a;
;AleisrsillimeMbeirLi.ondiek Co,. ' , - ..
-'.--tH". r7 -- NT,k?-" ,- a-Bnyleriev !limi t ilia um re,
ti..Tbey.ifroill also , TeeedVe Arid intirtrd'Adill)fi'to-
Pigtoburg,...nd cinterniedtatti sponite:;Prefght-shd
- PAseenget)ifilibldFthli:NbTll )1101VeriCtiiinia"
rcito Nc ii;- 1 ,,,. i , ..
i ;„;, ~ 1 :&I P.711/ARTIN:
i!,rilnirßl.N l V..l., 1,8.44, ~....;
..,.,i 1• :..,
• '',.' ''_ .a.A,D a Initinzis, , .„ . ,
1 . sathsi g lgh. greet,.bdow -Market sti PHILA
.DELPHI.2I) Agents fora''''
r iu .iitentiott- of' the 'trade is mliaited to a
..: ' , _tperiect-nrtitile dt-Titi-pluted j..EAO PIPE,
manufactured by anientirety 'new. froaess for
Whinhjetters patent hive liccin -received,. Which
&s' the pipes on• the inside w lit An even: coat
. ofpnre. tinsed„tin.iv The' ntiventaget ' bemired • by
, .render,ing.,s?„ , :sp4-ankeasily.-ozidated.:a metal as
lead Infect and anthorrosive; hYsplating with tin
'itillieliaine time
. gly ingg addisiona I Strength and
to t
prdiervitigllwi heappess of ille fernier metal un
impairett-',4 4` . chticiiis to require. comment.
Great . p e rfec t having, been attained in ihe man-
ufacture,tbe subs u rlliers see enabled to offer this
superior arlicleat tlictipnice charged for common
lead'iiiiM. .All pipe sold lio tie is,starrantreitit
to burst or split, fromhiiett, seaWtrntlier
imperfections perfectly uniforrn lit thickness, and
Mit cattpaiiied in huility , by that oranrotber , min
ufacturer. A
,which-we:pan recommentl-as supetiqr to any at
3mtrie market , and which we will sell as low
ins ttnyotherl,catibe Procured for. Specimens of
the above 'Lead Pipe-inny_ be seen at GEORGE
RECEbS Tilt Shop in 'Chamberstkity or at HEN
•RY .LUTVS. in lAtertaburg, who- are the au
thorited • 'ems for ifs sale. •
Oct. ldt'il4si , -S too': ' ; . '
Windowliratter,l76.toh and Bolt
'OM Subscriber, agent for the issle:of Fatten%
'Window'Sbniter,Catob and Bolt,,would re
spectfully inform 'the public that, theabore Solt
is superior -to any ititiolie of the kind nos! in nee,
both •fgr, chnplicity nay can
be purChaied At ,J. - 1". Lynes, or Sener's
Bar, dirarer.StorliVArtfeHanover Stre'etOirofilin
ilubsrnber Sin • West Loather Street, Carlisle:—
They need only tie2seen•to beldepted:..
Aiwa 1845.
-rAitxti.igts ;raoou Ecntual
IoA3l; , •junt.recotvod- lot of Ponty and
"Mg4r4'celelTated.centre dcaughi
- Self-Shexpening4LtillaW:;' - '
which I will sell at llhiladelphisk prises, with the
addition olthe li•eigbt .
,Pilitiable Farm -
70• R SALE.
rifloWlig,de b s7ribed VE%sl ,Pr e i t a slrL t t h e e ,
si tiatu t io,Aprth,Middleton. township, Cumber.
land captaining 750 AORES,more or
Thai, of Patented, Land, about 125. Acres of
which tiro. cleared - and in a-high state of culla.
cation; and the Yeilidire covered with thriving
yoUng timber. The improvements • ,
tire, a TwpSTORY LOG HOUSE,, -
Stone. 'Kitchen and a 'Frame'Burn, erg
with - ,a wagon • ailed and earn crib,- I t
a younohriving Orchard _
ce freit. nib farm covered
it timbermod a nutnber of peverfailing
springs near the door. The 'above'
tract 18411 Limestone Land, 'end .le
thy neighborhood, within
sand one mile from the Cumberland
ilroad, mid - lying on the Conodoguiriet
Innings Ms will-bogiveni-Fei terms
the subscriber residing' on the Wel.
.nn Road, .5 mike from Carlisle. v•
Mitchel. 1, 1845. ;
N. B. The. sinive farm leconveniprit to the
Carlisle market. . • "
HE recent payment - 4%M' State, Tax. by the
Coniinisidonere OfCtimberlandeonnty; opt of
tim,tnads•in the-'County .Treasury; renders it ne
°every, to:;,requireilrimiediate and prompt pay-
Ottbe Rtateand:lmunty lutes to enable•the
CoMixdiSion c ra o'ms:et the current' e nmi ty ex
. pensiti, and the, payments. becoming due 'under
thecontriet for the'crectiOnlif the Court . ilouse.
the - ,:provielolif Alit of 29th A pril, - 11144., if the State tax of iriy-comaty , bp ,nrit paidlor
the 'State Treasurer :before • the 2d Tuesday in
,January each y ear; tile Ile:miens:lr is .reiluired
puid'diit br Or money, in ther:,,Qaumy..rrea,"
airy, and any *State tam rermunibeitiMnid by any
isdividual or corporation after Mid- tax lic_p_mys,:.
ble bytthr nouifritothe Co — timorsealth t slat bear . "
an interest of ectril; and be M 'hen' on the
ettatc-onn-whichit is Thorgefloill bully paidliiiii
mtivtletl._ • ,;.1' ..
— ' - Frout - thcfsregoing'it will although.
IniStatetax has been•paid MUM Stnie,Timisurer,
eVeryltai phyer who does not : pay the Cohector
before.the 13th,s01lanuart;nex4 must ho ohnt•rt
. six per cent. ihterest • thereon pitid;" whiCh
ter.44,eer.y Colletlor musticalenlite land collect
from,caell individual named in hieduplidate whim
damn9:-, , pay his tex,pilOr ,thatlthtte, and' tehl
f9gethet, itlf:;tho t totereecthereor 'Wendel
a r lian oti`tha ot -
'esergpo lector s end
xaa , ',Astiyer -wilViteei:thitrty?tiOvtiiitee ,ent!'nitleitekty.:
of paying the irtioje tat charged the;dojilleatet,
prior. t? the'. IStlvref :Jaiitlary viett; ; :to''avbld -the
Woubleitiullriiiiiiiiehieneh of calculating Vtid
eating interest oni eiery individual tax, which'
' . must. dope not collected before that date:
S a ri,• . .!:ROB,EILT '
, I • CHRIST! 4
_IT TATTZEI.;: . •-
",r 7 ''"";:f":.I`'WORTHII•bGTON,;.• ' "
Corohtihlenere of Cumberland Connty;
:'Consmiasibner'ooificei ' . • -
• September: i7tliftsto;',
rirti .4NutiOroßEti.froili`:-I,6,iur .o s t aud.
yllTM:fiiiiiiitOirliterlile, • lan'd :3Seiraiitad.f free,
fr om :411 deretAriiiiii: drilie,, f ,'ltl4' I. tlejii,Urtr,
Eat atierti - yNC. TEA Rem* ,
L';` : 114,44v9 ;initia ll ed p. puff'sare , seppliiid , ta
'the trade and Othete on liberal. terms, add';all . ;
tirderi promptly atiendidfrol "''" '
w CAUTION !—Boware - .art ipurloua article
ftiled Latioaater. Snuff. , Midi palmed upon „the
pu,blimfbr - the , lystifnitirrDernattesifBMilreoo,4li,
arty, tv roltieelod ''.ll '
.!Birduger and Cossarke,
56.-Veyer street': slriorki",l34llbii. inti
Pratkribreet ArlierfAlititiMorit'fA Anthony,
klitoutNo..l4), ,
Yrtd t 7, . :E#Ni t 'AV'est radii 'street; Reading','
~ OWpwiric PAUNI.:, - •
..* '--)
•... Nti t tr .. HUNlHlo"ll Y l q.,F't,- i r ii , , i) i ll ' a V e f.
"CP ,„11pAr tilhopsaLOP..l ,: , . i-_ ,
_ I , 1 ' ', i . g l) 'W, r4l '' P.'!! 1 : 111 9,!AT
i . •, . . , - 4 40 .... -
.f.,,, vaaluirayiErbit --7. Ts
•o I, ...,, 7 tvii tkrl'l4."'ll '';fe4aiitaitAgail
ktekt e 7l4l ''t. W44 lo -4 tlßi ll ipolifalipod i' ,..- . 1 1
-,.wt11 rpOtipbl o, 77 ' :
, F3P: 44.3W-Eff
4 'c Y e g t !k ai ilY i Zt( l' 7 -7-7W' ''
'',-, . '''
r 4
h j ' '-t,
:•,:iiv .,-, ~: .:.- _ , . ".'1 , 2'.7.;: 1,:: - ;",, Jh;,71 - 1 , ~1 :4;;,, , , „ . / , 4:, - •,... . 5 - ,,,,, j
. .
'isitticiit to liectit hay
11110 Y. ;hi
fcor theAniy,n - tent'''Offiiiijr
, therCetrifiung•mliy* ''..1114, - aa 'an
tmlrertinitthelorykiriit UMW be'
filtered , pit:lretpaiii
guard:lli/ an piatictio* io tfic
- leas:, 4utid 'l4lll l biilepresitti tiid by; 114 i
iseuect'brthe CloinpanYVbearintinfireit
Acceding elx.pernichtj , 'pei'iiiinnin. ' - 'l l lkiyiedred
'are - entitled to
,a rata 'ante prcifiirtif
- the Cinnpany, 'and , will fdaitive' that proportion
.f. , tho; a toreatild " fiind -` the'
amount iff earned pietniuine paid Itim' i k
Itothetidelinintof ecened . picallntne and capi t al
Theserip thus . huted.,tO'be - transferable on
the:boolis °litho Company stack: . .
No•Aividend • of scrip 'can': be 'made; tvhon
the losses and •tixpenites exceed theamount 'of
earritid , preniloins. • .
Theftlnsured are protected flatti lees at the
customary rates of priirriihms. idirhoirt 'any,
bosses .: or :Eiptinsas Corporation : ' , The
assured have all the .righis of •inthisborstilp;—
- ctni7vottratttill , eltrotimiK7aninfro — eligibl - 67ris
Directorm:of the CorpoistiOn., - • • ' •
The subscriber 'bad been appninted ilea for
this Compeny i ; and as the incisor. principle
is .sepertieding , eVery- other mode of lotto ratios,
he would onnfidentlyrecormnond it to his friends
and tho public. .• • -
' . Tho AmeriCan • Coro pony has closed
their Agency. Those hdving policies 'expiring
in that office.can halm them .renewed in the
Delaware Connpany:on more_favorablo
terms. • •
For; full .partietilsre enquire either byletter
:Or person to JOHN J. MYERS.
• OarHite, Septeniber 18 1845.-1 y... •
OF 1 3 1 . 1lICADELPHIA,; - •
Cherterrerpetual.—s4oo,ooo CapiWpaid in
Office 1636-Chesnut etreer
ited,againstloasordatna& by-fire,on PROPERTY
and EFFECTS of evtrs description,in town or
Conntry,on the most reasoneble'terma. Applica
tions made either personally or by letter, will be
promptly attended to.
C. N. BANCKEK, Prost,
• Rates of Insurance IteducedJ.
• .-
BriCklir Stone dwellingaor stores
ei to S p e depon
do do Churches • ei to 3 do
do do Taverhs •3to 4 do
•do dp Horns 4 to. 5 do
do • -dB Stables,(privnte) 4- to 5 do
do do Stables (public) 6to 7/ do
do do Grist Mills, Wider
Power, - 71 to 111 -do.
. • 4.m.Aruaz
Brick9r Stone dwellings and Fur
nittire from • • 30 tb 400 $lOO value
do do Stores-_ and Nerchan- -
'thee , 95 to 50 do
- do titi,Taiverus and Furniture -
40 to 60
do :do Barns and Contents •..
' - • 65 to 75 — '7
do . -do-Stables (publio)
1013 to 150 do
do do Grist 61111 Sind Stock :
, • 75 to 80 .
frame -Anil I...ogdrelllngs and ifiur- -
.• nituris 50.50 75 do
do Stores. and 7 . •
dize, 65 ti - ) 85 do
do - do Tavernsand rurniture
tlo do Etarni and Contents-
90 to 100 do t
do dd Grist Ming and Stack .
90 to-100
° The anhteriber is atthil tor-the hboieiotopany
for Carlisle and its violticity. Alltuntlitationsfor
assurance edher — by — mail or persoosilly
promptly attended to. W. 1). SEYMOUR.
pi 43.
I y-33
.ALLEN & pg,,,veysßoßouGil
FIE Allen and Lampennshorough Mutual A.lnsurance Company of Cumberland County,in
corporatell by an act of Assembly, is now fully or
gan. zeti,ind 19 (monition under the managcmcm of
toe following commissioners, '
Cht.Stavnian,JacobSltelly,Wm It Gnrgas,Lewis
llyer, Cl4',9tiatt Titeel,, Michael Hoover, Henry .
Ai.sogisuMiehael Cocklin, Benjamin H MMoser,Levs
Merkel Kirk„Melchiorßrenemati soul Sam '1
ProwelLwho respectMlly call the attention erthe
citiz.ensofCumberland and,Yorlscoutitiesto the ad
vantages which the
,company,licild out.
• The rates of insurance are aslow and favorable
•u_s_atty_COMpany_of.the_kitulip.the,State, -Persons become meniliers nee invited to make
anilicationto the agents of the company who•a re
willing-toivait,upon them at any time.
• JACOB SHELIA , Pres't.
Minium. Hooves', Vine 'President.
Lewis Byer, Secretary.
ltiiohael blicklin, Treasurer.
. , , I . • -SOENTS. •
Rudolph lilartinvNv-Cumberland township;
M-Ciooklin, Allen townalti.p. • -.• •.• •
Wm R Hcirgas, Allen townsi9p. • '•
Christian Titzel, Allen township.
Jour 0 Dunlap, Allen township.
Peter Birnhart, East Pennaboro. township.
Dafi'd,Mis H. rfits,Cliurehtown.
C. ermon,. Ehigstenyn, • .
Henry Zearitig, Shiremanstown;,
Simon Oyyer," Wornileysberg, .• ,
• Dr:•Jacolillaugliniti9, Partiele, ••
laonlacji-kltionerisl`A.geiltfOrYoric. Caul - ay ,
CueibeirlatittP,l•o: ' • • •
IleneJtamgats. - 39ric-county, - .L. - . - - • • ...
John Shorrick. York
York county. -• •
rDicniel Rally, York county.
J. • IlniViMan, York county.
Pfillipileeekbill, Cumberland county.
Robert-C. Sterrct, S.'lsliddieiori township.
Zellther agentsivilllte added hereafter.
• Jul, SI .1845.• ' •• •• -' tf-40
altitteat i!rotecfPli
. .
, -At. 'QQAl,e4iNir.,- heir%
incorpOialid by an'iiet' of theLegialinlirti-of the
:Orefient mission; .and fdlly organized 'and in oPfr"
ease owlet , . thesdireetiost'of the .followinr, hoard
'til Managers, viz B—Thomas C:•Milleri:Jiihe
'Moore, llavid.W. McCullough, Jamea'Weakly,
William. Moores , Batneiel .Qalbraith,.'lkomas
Paaton,..)4; G. MGI er, : l'hillp Spangler;.Ssiniuel
-WoodniAhraham Kurtz: George Brhislle;Silett'
Cayle, cal lt he attention of the: kilbgibi tia hir:citpitrti:
,hertind7Volley to thifeheapnesi'of Chili , rateeinid,
Ahc,-, many: advantages which this mind 4 or inslti ,
aisle has, over any.other; .. - ~. ~ .... •,' , 'sr '.. ,-..,,,,
'' lat.'_ . yck.x,pci,..oo , inered.b'etorties a nwnnhat.,
'at theinmpany, and - lake,. , pari in oc, choice .cc
otiii.iiind'fhe''diiection of tta concerns.... ,;•,...
Sid. , PtitiOtieniulet:An'lnore isi'demanded:ttum,
'is •naceastij , twin eet the ezlienima 'pro' e,Cco tiany
aid indemnity againiVibilies'ivhith May lappet....
9d. The inem'venience of frequent A s .
lividoleid:;.4 l 'iiifurinit fon ii.'.tirm -Of -MM.:- yii - in.:. , -.
illutpolicies on • be- taken for any' perlcid . ' irt l / 4 9'
one to, filo •yelfrs. r • -,J ',, 1, ,i.' '', +. ,' 4 __.• • .': '• :' '
;•4th• boy Per l4 9A ' s!PPlirg tOr 'insuran_en mugs
itly4,l,4pycniiktn note Prl4.o.hcoligat:claiant
ths ratierlivi nee imitum. which mql„h.c. $5O ,on
,C 13.0300 ibk. *Web' heli ll , l . l tave'4? Par, 1.'4. 1 9
foi , II ve ‘ - earal and $l . O lor .avvey and policy,.
44n..4`010#103.1nlesa , loicitianatikined,to_a grcate.
a,monnithan thwi ihnnda on handswitt:enver, and
then ho more: % Will.! I a 'require ,thi,i..l l l - prp.-rat4
share. -, ,Theae rates ' re . , toil e 'iocr:thilinthoe,
- ef.ather:encapasilea ; anise - o'l9o lilore inaotyn!...
Mid , Wettingplcl.' - • • '—" ' ' ' '`. ' ..''i ' :
I •••• • •'' - i' r '• '" • ••• • . .71108." C. MILLIFeII
;17 A . G. tiLta k Sca'y, ..,' -. . - ', . .
~ T.hi 'f - .kokkijkii gentlemen ; have . s heen appointed
.; . .... , ....AGENTSC ''.'.. ,'
ji, ~. tv•lrri';:rlo; , meahoisheure. • , '.,..1.• ?..- -r!i
.• , ' . .lforiiii; , .Kenhedy:Eiiiraiii , ..olll4i:-' 1 ,',.. 1 ,, , 7 „.N , , , s
r.... :00orge:,Brindleri Estiii-MOOnei..'" , :' '..; '.'
,!., i( e l e n te i nf 4lo ol.l 4 , l o4° lll 4 l 46l'`. l. '?.; , ,
.., . JACtitt Rtinenl;,:,_ .. , ' , fi i'.. :do , -... '''','.,', ,'".':' '' . iA,
'.,.' i:
L. 11 ." - WItliante,Owl::)veslpt4ilii). - otui f':'.::: .
Itilvklic*-w4..i . 4, AO
.k,., , ,',:g3t . ;'1 i ti1 1 tr'ri,41614 1 41 1, 4,„i - 1,0-4 4 11 - 41,.: 44
i4i-:' 4100 T10044A 1 041 - ietiwirirtil,*4.4 4,l '
,', l ahlk",,P lit l e n ' il -, k 4 till!?gt l o 6 `kt.i. r.-- ii•Pr
.?, •,..sttato6:-,q*'Fre.4o.4.lilpo4#4**o.'V4*
, : 1 - •.; - ', , ,, i: . ;,, , :,,..2,:...,..:;..., 1 . :,..: - .. 1'_..., (.„ .q,;,:-_, ,- , . :', ‘7,:,-;,i.,h,,,,,!,,,...,,,..1..z,.::
, - -, tAtAn.i , , , sterh..:,:ek4`x2iß.zir.C.
110 yNi— Hokostr
• A '
" '" that fie'one ho
, I •..everlieettsoittesidattytt7,,qi!...'`.'l,.
- intialeine;whictChiiS;done
•• • •:• to relic relit et liumaiast 't . . l t 4 •
disease:of itsterritrs;aodto.yeatore
Invalid to health andootufoj•t;astite inven..
for and Propliciar of that fabit' s 'ilelieikallypittil
Altar Cattill t y,.tuedicioetke;• § - #.s..Ntya.Ccuttsturitim
S VAIIP or VVll.:6''citinitr- ond -none has beco:le
',.. — generitrilfdirdrifie'etT r ilie:Pro — riikain-`'ind nth,
crsihoilrin:thisoccpti7,ollll:ll - ti Betcpe; noy,..has
there , grfit-64.431RirA in , theihort
apace "-:ofithitl'or,•iev'en t the
;credulous ; and y inutting npi.Nost-'
i.unitt•• 'variims--kinds,•hy . cart cus - riadt v
Alibiing the nettle 'Wi Id Alieceie sind tniach' of
thoname.el'Acifirtai , prepanalion , as screen
them from ash eithe law, and,pne of the livi•
posters whiiiititiotit tfiecomition pdOisoiii• nfiln3
shop and calla' the Balsam of .Wild.Clierry , has
had the impudence to Caution ,the public against
the Qrigiti4t:‘.p:rehn}xlll:o74,
pound..Byrisp,of .WinlCltcFry; (Wine %b .
muchgood in - the Vivid
. .
' And purchase theociginal and only
genuine artiCle , , as prepared by !Dr. A'itsytte,
,which is the only) one compounded, by a.regular
Physician, andaroaktioin' rainy yearns `close
tention • to the ~Prsotice of the .Protexiliftliamd_
ware h teed Arlit7discoverp _Thousands
and tens of 'thousands of the best teseiraiialals of
fife - unparalleled aucedsanf
fi - orWirdTheififorth - e - euri
'Coughs; Colds, Shitting Blood , Liver Complaint,
Tickling or Rising hi the Throat,'Nervinni Debit.
Weaknesi of ,Voice, - Palpitation or nitwits' of
the Heart, Pain in the Side or Breast, Broken
Constitution fiom various canoes, the abuse of
calomel &o. Bronchitis, Asthma, Wh oo pi ng
Cough, &C., were declared to the World .years
before any other preparation ot : WilthlherrY came
out. The moat- skeptical may satisfy themselves
as to the , : triith of the above, 14 : a litVel inquiry in
Philadelphia. hh genuine article is prepared
only by Dr. Swt,yne, whose office .has beet, re
moved to N. W. corner of ath and Race streets,
Pliilada. The }Wean) and other spurious arti
cles of Wild Cherry has been sold nut and re-sold
out, nod the proprietors are obliged to resort to'
Falsehood and Stratagem to make their ownout
of it. - The .gepuin'e-4rtiele lit put. up in plain
style in square, bottles. entered with a blue
wrapper,with a yellow label witirthe proprietor's
mgnsture attached.
tgtrThe Public aro reunified - to rernember
that it is Dr. .Swaytie's Compound syr u p of
Wilt' Cherry, that has and is repeatedly perfum
ing such tuirsculous cures of disunites which hnte
baffled tne skill of the Profession and set Ai deli:.
once the a hole- catnlngue of Patent Oteditines z
which are daily puffed throngli the organs of the
press. Therefore nsk ibr, r. Surnveht
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and purchase uo
friSohl in Carlisle by MYERS to. HAVER
STICK, - sole A ge Ma for this borough. -
February 12;1945. •
1 000 PEPONS in :Philadelphia 'alone,
can testify to the wondertlil efficacy
of that powerful remedy, , THOM MON'S
ishing ere' of Chronic Bronchitlit
Mr. S - Triosirson. Dear Sir. Fur:rnore - than
low years' petit I. had been drendittlifitffilleted,
retth an affectio nof the throal,-wilicit, my pity.
olden pronounced - . artlifto
ed. by .repeated and neglected colds. The '
tress sufferell is Marscribablo. My throat woe
'Morally raw with violent conghing, so that j
blond wbuld -come front it ; also
_great opprea
=idan, pain and tightness the chart anti fever
•*in' abort all the teetal ry sy
showed themsolVes, showed themseliies, ceasing
entire JosestEn eceesne_y_repoietny_ h roe t-wa
leached and blistered over and deer again. I
triads trial of every known _remedy, and at dif
lerent periods boa We advice of six phyeiciane,_
and till wttt oo a ail . Altiffit two mouths
since I made trial of your Compound Syrup of
Tar. Arid Wotd Nnothaoind before] had token
the first 6Attle IjolLrelicE I continued until
had-taken seven bottles, which completely re..
Mused the disease andrestored me to perfect
health, and I firmly believe I ehnuld not now
be living, had it not been for your invaluable
medicine. JANE PERRY,
1:23 Spruce street.
Principal office. N. E. corner of Fifth and
Spruce streets. Pi ice 50 cents per bottle or
$5 per dozen.
For pale in Carlilac by STEVENSON &
January V, 1844
• TilFfiliqittjar•pr
perties of this spiv
did OIL, rendersil
tn mry
tlemun'a toilet. U
lots not soil the Lai
but gives it n bri
Haney end beau,
unsurpassed. It pei
etrittes the minut
pores, giving to ti
dry withering bull
neta'.llfe and sigiu
opening. be copilari..
tone' and action se tieeessary io the proseeve io n
or protlestidn or aline 'head of hair. ; ' • "
• Sold at No. .2:Fiith•atreeft. Phibulelpitle„f'
by itorekeiners kenerillyat Q 5 and
,S 0 cts." Sold'
iy Carlisle byS. ELLIOTT. " •
October .13, 1844 '
Pension _and _General Ageriey.
4.3i-41 - 1 E 0 Et pE M. Pil I LIPS, late of the :Trees!
urylh3partnient,bar opened an office in this'
city, and will attend to T tlui prosecution and
collection-of claiins--behre-ControinTTarrthiT
several . "Accutive Departments of the Gov
ernment, such preemption and Other laart
claims; claims for Invalid, navy, g.ovolutionary,
widows, and half:paypensions ;lot Revolution
ary services, whetlietforoommutationl. pelf p y ,
-or bounty lands • for , serVicea.dorinethe last
war t to , the settlement • or atrootints
sing, or7,6ilmr, .officers ' of the Goierninent;
to We
. 11 )tomet , fif . bidders fa liientraels
taltOng remission of lines or fOrfehoresltliralleil
gad vielationrief the 'revenue Jewel belhictidri:
-of private claims . ; .lind all-bosinels brought ht 3:
,pmgreari-er. Ithe,,publ lc; offunis: requiring' *the riervioca_of :an
.oharges will •be . moderate varying., accerdi
leg oheinature of Abe , letter - a'
PO post paid: ..I,'
0. 11d..P..wi1l also anent] lto thisalellitdiinifs,'
ing oNiouses, Jets; &0., collection of itn4a,
Ort4Oing, •
Washinghin D. C. June 25, 1845•''
• :Applica,tiopftlt:Bank.Ohtoter. •
~orl E,. 'ere y-pren;t at appllcalion4lll: ,
na.ade4,oie tuidergi&neti . stoii,others;td , lheliea
Lrgislalare OF;tho popronilmaslth 'of Piansylvt*
ft, Company to., ho
gsk9,!TretlazsF,'Y,./ eis in ,
teadcilla Cloeattal in Ain
Camberliail enmity tliat: it Shall
oaolta 61 lAir4 thousand 'dollah;:iiith" the
viteter arli_toireaslog'it` to' Oak , IlltbditiPrlitiiir
:Psi Dollars tithe 'Object baloglo.reselicailetiolitli'
.or ranan., , and disookintraotes. '• ; ore
,fiatuuel H epburn , _ 'Michael 4!=!=
41. A agoey • Robert o..Steritt.
13kilesAVoollburn Robert
John Stuart, Bikridniion'''
Samuel Whet ryr. 1,4,4 1 5,. ; 1,11 .ni7
Ilit!utidetSigned i)terebY_gilletibc4l4phiiiikeig:
bly to, the, Conatitoticut andttspatoultlie ensnitholt,;+
'wields:Of Pennsylvania, ,tbat they' and ; their eoa
,elates Spill ; malice application to-the - n eat
Arsi of,Pente,a4 fog-5 Rank,
tinderAhe' and Atirow, ,,,
ofear,ll44 aced in t e
Innetionlei have a' eapllat 01 one en' , A '6 l ',
sand tiollkys;vitlijitryspik,iiitni,tinMOßicop
In piMl ..• zh
c# l4 l4AMMiao , .T 4 libP , RbOot'h
Ifkoo t y,, i„ ' ,
„pic j ';r
yi , L
qlunff , 514'11145.
- . ;
• ''f.v;!'..'Ares:,;**.4l.m4-k,it,.
I 'l' ';!
• ••Ir "
-YotYvyip .iE zr yen
eafnet;tieiiatunimeaciefli,iesielEus in affections
'adinrookilit Hilroin::,###,Orleps...dotru Atthe
SicROWP*4 Ll 4 .
TETT: 2 4 I '7 I P ;r1 . 91.0 2 V-414 4 a.:
• " 4.iVIDY‘§ - •• '" '
x:C:r -- "i -, `.sNMONts'.l.AlDYBlit'ln x;,:,' l
blElifdATEß,:,..Egiplipai L OF/AMRHAP
" •
Thoso 'ea - Medi - 0'44, s n ersair,",knorm and
eniVojellihienshOotilielgnifed stnteS, Mtlith , or
the West Idies, f.f - e.,to • ' ! ,
, geePßred• titet-arsbY 9r,..1`k B..tiehlf; a
- regtilarlPhYsieitiii,aderied to by Drs."Ckt.pmatt,
Jaekson, Gibson; .Hornen Hare, Phjiiiiki - Cox
Dewese; James.
Adel L. , LV: thvihdiliniite, 01171 Be.
them' be.ernOoyed 'with, more confidea 9 4,that_
rn etitetnestitepare.Okiketifitid'lgnoFant,..
. ...
. .
are F itie, only Pills In eiietence. porit,ntsittik
tivilliiiki.theit,;.aud,ir cite the first. e'verititroducell—
,prepnred, byjat hers Colled !Blood , 'Purify
mg Pillii,"Sarsaprillar Pills,' Ste.oSittelt areat
tem pied rotlmAialmed on tothit , ,Ptiblio On the
reputation of only ..true and genuine
Sarsaparilla Blood 'Pills. no other than .
'Dr. Leidy's, for.they•-Posseits all: thettirTfathat
can bes,ophined-in - , PtlllrYdletn . ur as aiiureilins
'Or "ettertikpnrin'er 'of the blood and' fluids tit.the
body, requirinteMotestrainefrorio6emipationois
Ind course of, living, or fear from exposure, and
may he eft-Splayed with equal astfetrat all times,-
In addition
. to inure then five hundred certifi
cat'ealtiivitig been heretofore published, their in.
eceaning Bales pint) ii strong proof' in
their favor; ttiore than one .hundred- Boxes aro
Leidey'a Meath Enuftorium,auti
thousautla throughout the UnileirStates.
. , .
. . .
A ini'lott hike one Or inore, as ma hd hetes
gory ,autyiling to your disease and the leneth.
tif ikne afilioted, mecit money
.saved i n :
doettirs bills, isid instead of trrinethe various
Quack Pas and other mediolhes forced upon the
public by false - reasoning and manufactured
tifleates. -
()ts Directions .in Gitrintin mild English.
Vegetal3lpW'orm Tea•
is Tits Mtiar POPULAR
Besides biing the safeat„,,hest, and most effestua I
tleltro)er of worms now in use. Thomannis ju
!I'Lilatlelphia', as bell as elsewhere, can teitify to
it, as it hue been weed in Omit every other.fain ,
ilv in Peaasyhataa, New Janie'', I)tlawara i ,
Marylaud, ta." Eta.
Ta avoid the treat etpense or pribilabint eer
1-tifleates of its elfwaey, .11r. Leldy wycild Nunes% to
those who here not . ured y., to ask t eir neigh
bors who have, and they will be folly wharf'
Parente that once introduce Dr. LeitlY's NVOm
' fantiliortt ill t.t;vt r flee one
'tin so pleasent- 7 so
. cule even - •
u ways erretold. L •.• •
It, is put 12i And 25 'cent pAcii.ges, •
, . DR. 41 , .11)17'S „*. -4 "
"Fetter and Itch en
• f•- , •
• Never fnils curing ia - iliiietties of akin, sue!!
at ' fetter, Itch, Itinztv.nrintis Dry
• pi in 01-it of the Face,Neek awl Hotly, Salt-Rheum,
been used by numerous Salon's,_ ilaintp= .
ries. blityd 'or , ithele,•ttit"l , -fttiotlies with 'typal , .
to it
hut •feel w d elioaey, in piiitlishingiheir names in
co ~,,, •vinti with.the ilisews of-the akin, some. of
which are even rousidered ilisgrocefttli besides
Veiny; ctilligreable. Try fir!-try
it !---try it !
Mediented Sarstintivillit Ist, for the strongest pre
lim:ditto of Saresparitin - extsnit - arlifits beep tilt
quently tested both by its effeetsAtitl
It is last taking the piston atilt - other Preparations
because of its eitoseney, tt.uinerods Flertificaira
being publi.sited front time.totime)atid beetiuse of
its superior strength (cte bottle being equal to
six pints of Syrup of Sarsaparilla. or two !Janina
of totv other estmot it
~n tileheopest, requiring , The nitken, marchit-:°i
fa 50 anal name Boettra,
• $4 fur Six Bottles. •
It is partiettlarly reennimended for all Rlicti.
niai affectioos r Ulcerous Sores or the Nose,
Throat_ or Body t Dist NOell of 'the Hanel% Disea.
sea of the Liver, Lungs, Spleen soil Kidneys I
ikflections of the skin, or a breitking'ont of dry
:and watery pimples iii - ihe'Fate,Neek Intl Botli
_Scro(9la,Erysipelosi_CoostitmiamalAiseskell arm.
,:lOg from gm uAe of Mirenrysinitother
and'Yetsereal 'Affeetitnis , ss , will as the'
Igreatest puriaenot :the , Bloodlantekluitl4,-of : the'
I,hddy Ilutt hailre'Ver' keen ,flrmriere4.
Leidy 'Rif tn ref,und
morigrutriiiiietory proof is given ofittriticifieacy ,
or of his ssserdook prosioßomroo.,-, e":
6,!`r . flenerol:Drpot fur the above niedinines„Dr..
Leitly , a Health Emperiern. SC,
near Vine (Sign of the olden Eagle antl'See.
rota) IlailadOnlna. IT CARLISLE hr
cAUTION !It) Ali : )
-irrrtill the World utke pot ige t ill , 4_ber 4 4,rOul
riottii bilk' the (Boger ioatedtlinProytrindiart.
Vegetable IPALle,aniesamrery bow has on'lt the
Written, stgoXtbre of she arig•tnal-iiitventer ] actl '',
patentee. • ' lll ' .
.. 1.
if ' ' G."Binjuiiniti• SViiit II C2ll:'''.lY ' ' ' •'9
.1 , These pleasant 'Pills passe.' Poweri te. oliet,
ALL the natural , drains of the systerer.alelltlno
Lens, Kitineys,,,Elhinlwed;klowelevAitherto, un-_-;.1;
,known le the,practpco of Itletillipe:t.,and eettorn- ', '.l
'lete listsben their triumph over ' al) other tied:, )
tables, that manyhave been' lecrte slikididihey '
, contain acme potserful„ mineral; hat , epoofeettiv•;\ ..;
itaatibn'hy bottgre'Gtil . ltiio; llbpdolp.h.. 1ip.,00/1 - 0 , '
064'0411 4 of hewthis•uppositrtmislq Con'ec . proveu,
~ ~
tu t s s mund llot ,-1 - ' 4, i) ;,7 ,ll.trar.el 11104. (41'04' ~1
i ' col ' lailsrew x ork; at tha pripelotticliTlSSllPt
GreenWiehlitretit, kildithielY , MVEßS & stritY 4 `. 1 .•
R S T!fSI4 I4 A? ftg,nitfor_,Poir/isie.l . Q Preillteo43k
i. • :,, 7 - -. - -1''' ) . ;;4,,,; If4& 41 ": 1 P 01'‘, I
.. •in °bat/limts - 4(44 , , .- 14--
..,„ . , - r - ^.' ':- - ,' - -,• 41 , 4 S •
, tli . l a_ . ..V i !'d,g40,01 , 114,111 ~,,,, ... ~,,,. i,'- 1 , -
r ti. re,..A9dretw 6, . ~ .4,, .v y.; g ' 5t..,-.4 L' ,
~ .' aifs.4-The 'bow if t Dr Y ;Wit , .: , Wro ~,,,- 1
MiliMvottAn4kikVeiti.MbielP u' , , ~ . - 1:4 - 4 . _ 6 t ,
,yett, some kpq,#koopksti,:,,v).--; , Ficr 4 Pr ‘ . 4
plldatiott tii titj Meier abet; . ,i,y ~.r• 6411 1 Wit
l_Flekkllliattilliiill , rdlbOVoll GOA ' :i - i;ne - Ivbi -. ,. .
'tor some years, very delicate, ii,Aegith. aniverjk4 - ~.
innish subleet to feter 1 6 4,410,,1114/1P much so Rs , ' . ..1
ie.-create alerrnfor -,"Fa., ptraleekkisli,„,And,, , ,far „
tiro bl'.ihree-Yeare we had to keep' hint front °;;:;
eitheol.. the anessAthftinte: - , 1 am:virile tViONV,:/,
,4ktiowtedie - till, complete restoration ,op,,,hlwv ,
A calila and a fair paosp , aot of Its perniliteidetuor , i , l
pent:--..2„..........1.::.,:J:A:!-S'AVOSTOIth- 7, -4-
,; PrlnclOrtilifee;l7o GrinviiiinqiiVviTidik• 1'L1. 7 '.:
1 PAti t iT4P/fir,7:AllAttllttiserttblonifolistiatt thicla. - , 2 '
Vetef.inida l 4 Mg nilnle OJAUrfactrol l fi g i : t ot:/
4 4 Altedrieryptiii be - 144 iimt : , . nee amlp v.,-
'B,rn I* algoestrcli 941114, 1 4m 4 Prilibokr ,!.11 , ' ,
' StoOs Sirtt% Celuiic VW to ;'.. !-.) e AN T., ,
A' l ' :' otlibitti*:3; . , di " i tt l ' -ilt-t;..4311;5:'
hltingstowVileyembi live , '" *- ''' '...' li , -
14Fillf,?,t!let ;1 Igel't 4 t'="•' l 9 f ll ' totr: ,
ijoir i tiati , f,7_,.,,,,,,.,,„„,,.7.,...,64 ~,
i J. ,. ..„4vd , '011 1 iii0 ' teri. - '''''' l ' L ' l 1
''coveltiouotkg- grk. • , ,: 40 : 41 4° el, . '..
i), t o o t el coo*. eV x J' t ! :.
, ' ' 'll l., ,l'i li : ~ ' "17 r e , i i i Uslrl s 3 7o
+I . %in . a i ~..._
, , 1 1 0,Vitt:
t oll
ii p a
i' WA l lO hiede 4 ' ! ' -04, AIM* 4 ,
iil x,AttiM siit r, ltltlithe'diee4o..Lrair,loile by.".1...,, t 4,
7 ,
, 7:',3l''Ti'',. 5. ,- *4.,torr.,
-....l'.l'A'atilelecOetetieriVilli4S,i2;;i::::." l ' 7.- /-:s . no t ..
i'i.4'''C'?;•''''"'''''''''. '''''''''''g\V 44('