s :', tolt .rr 31gC E YELL ,- ±:tmAgi-,pitg_.,Xiirivk4Aiiip l 4 o 4-te - *":41 I'At tl i'l U - gor i . 6l Ig iA: tl', 1 ,I;vl=T C, -f-50OprOffiOth'litiiAbif idiitif9f everyhing tnat wasiartioniartylnterpst- J' h ik!, Pg'Fivve l "k fr gl ß F: l i t lX 9 i .d P l,i° oPara,iffn ti.jifvel* :some idqegr $‘ll"l.9J B __Aoee ' ;',UPAMllilfittNrAt_thaingt.l9.l l - c 4 ;i t )0419 ° ..;r1 r4 1 1 1,4 11 -44 :;I i : ',. ...Vo4ll44'iViirgist. : 4 ,I t i 4 , ~ t c,.lo l ,:ii, tiki!.l!'f.eltve v rflier , - 'jrigtcOhealiftst 011 \ breii ilie milymmif tleAtid,Vllhlf4rp l e i r . alien! have 'iimciPorstioo4,lo,i4i4 dillisferilolk l Cillx s Orlei ii iilllo m 7 i t , e-el iecß iiriio . , , - A ( eorks - OR; )I(acl!iNkrrili(f!,.l"l°Y. 6' 3 300 feittaleVl4l4 o ,olinides '.. Thete" llB - ,0 - W - tuntle - 4 - nritialrk - ;=lAMO:tont .irit z .nitila! cite 'aal, 9,2'ool*ti4is of= vitiorl; 60000 bitshels of ettar , toalr $OO,OOO ponnilti - • of . •ittarett, attirl7ol,oo,:ifet i er cotton ; and g4,',,'00,..1 to thel'iiili:Olifteeirtier•sl,soo,ooo, a.yeat; ,-4.thei „aitti/OreTtiFe 20111811 i of -.. ;'-- elilionotidsi' a1:1°14./0;000,000' yartlG-alid _ 44, f,i ,1)4, 2 afoot:int there Is printed,.at the Vint i ttt9;47:4lii ; 4 l " ill'rianknlll J i P h i s or Yards ~ ! ,,,ho- . pre7;01111 .7Of, oataing, , Nliifiltig . and , v ,v‘eairlis'eciiitott. ia si7tgettersilltlintferstootl 7•:... - . --- iiiit4 - *ittillitsifit - o - Ver - t.. , ,bnt'the -Millie F 'nl : I , triniiikg,iii; s'tt,"49i,festant liom ' 'N.y . hat'' ion might 0,4 - potie , tfioTl will atteliTpt to give yoti . „%oniiitidea 3 oeiti . an,tfthiii'tno in i'ls brier a' ,manneras laseibTe, - . - 11re — LytTan. veb iiisiiiied 'for :jarintlng, is first 'erreini'T,. , bleacitedimiiich is a moat beautiful. opera , --.----,----.---i - - 11 iiiiVte completed, in- etrotit ten hbure. _the bleach extensive 'that fif teen:hundred-pieces per day catae-hleach ed. The web is then ,hut Intollie4i:tinting. machine, , Whinhit fit7BYlindee preie, With a eery' icing . apron' . ,whieh' derrtes it ,nirer • warm cylinders to dry" the piint, aUirso timattnieted' that : four-0y "aittt 6plierpri nti ng ralleitis with as many dilfeeent`cohire',ean ; hilt part , of: the' proceas is, -that the colors' 'which you see - peinted on.the •Web are not the tolisee'Whern-finz isheltl.s.4:Tio,bOloes ak printed by the press are.lll"4lliiiPiheielyrAftiiiielOqti the -*et, ,•••• A.:L:I Paal.0,A111:151i1/crliAlg'Yi:PirePli'lr'Irpp,n!!!ii- by the ',enlike - r filstP ; eobff or tilktiit(o43i!t-fllfAli)!*stki....l='fi:-100thkk enitcga-ntitittn.telti#6'lllo.lqaitQthittje.; the peculiarsuits ta n e, co de he tn =penuliar-Tuolor,-accoedingteAii4itture-of iht:•_ . iernedati t :and • rdyk. veto& The that ja . 4:on?thtr . printedfiguin• - 0h1yi. , .. The. mordants+ generally, use ; nee atumn „and. meanie, of Amin or: iron` :that is,: they from the aluerliviand coppirae;•aiid substi-' titles vinegar" place.'' `After the Webs — Teiturfililietl - .lltay,Ttliti:tralfeleireid taihe re may state "thim - with inadder.lemedyes black annpurple,;ticcoed ingitnits etreingtl k aluriin . 'ilyea red mid 'fa. .rions,.!.ehades, 'tali 'en - IXlltr,et" , of t6e, 04 , 6 4swt tat t e singular specta• mi;here , presontid of , 'iatiouit.,4lUka, • ttle"aebnidc - Ting to the . mortlintkitTuUniiiirigt - noliiikiiiii all fast. ';,:theiiii . Ceir-race. dyed ttey o , r eiF.e,illatill3Mf : ,titis: kir '''!iahkihg. Whoterprocess :the ~ . • r -''.--:Ther , ..-eitactinatter that struck , •juir ex± •ceedingiyipgenuous Avatilliti card entintitne.r, —:l4oanufatiarinceottoS and Stoo!enmards, In this iraciiine, apiece of leitheiA44e sTfifili'Lleeyed,is placed ,on a Isoriztinial slide,' thorWitB for tlie.teetli upcin a reel..L , The macti,ige,tteingeet,llmotion.pqrip,iica "lhts .110M 1 .7 . ot4sl2.o.beada the • - hP,),;: . (Ttltrj ' This re matltsl:sl4l . t„g i l i j i tt* l A -- -' l l l e4 '3I!A th';ll4#6 milk a 4 :tqusi:e - 54Onider; which forst/4a holes. While this opera - . tion is going on, the wire is dOtt,flitirard; bstWeen kind of_ cornplicats4;p)yar..iontlr it' alike' a•gtiag,s that gi v es when iti11011A11:§e, won . endaotptl in tktiiil3% •forpitl iiimpAgh the holeillijki ti*fi. haa t just left, iod. • • caught op. .ofithA,le_athe':by „,$0 . ,,.. y .ti 1 e*,._ _. j , e. .anothemfrTycrw;twii!oh ., give the teeth : .* . il et t= , i*Lto,„ -- I ; spr:: , iyiphlror.. th eiiiii ex •N' *•' hiir''aiiiiiiiioe's 4n ''Atiall raiiii '.• .. 114110 ...... .''. #l,,,!fr-e,iol-,4l.lellir(Aeeill so' rapt ..', .that yo mm brottphOri# l ,la. ' ' ;:;!.... , i l- 4(4,111 . 4,;i4fietritt,i.4:-.0.4)ici1Mr.R,N1.4”, - ioAlirps,lll4,:a look i • • indlihiiio..-)s-iwouyl iiti:*,.*lialtatigliKi=slWirakir;)ie Zkk,lo,..:o l 7Mikkg,loo4 l 9 ) lfiltOr d tw,itypedirp, iippe. ooo: .op. ‘ he , :h q wa ' viait:.4i n iiiiroigii*Aiefiliiiiittkk - , ...Tlittrialpriei OP kiipttar•siUt. b•Seiiiie *Pl: l , l ' l4 ' l AlROPftif Mwarkill,ron .•e . a • c 4 ;0 1 0 1 i 0 employed. ififtkubblQo3o64l , licittliMil4t ' sppeaiixi ,Seiliiiir,:• Ate: tuf 3 • 744 40taiii°04 ,1 0 .1 ii4iii,t 0414:giiiii.; , - . 1001110, 1 7- 10 ArtilwAirffirOet , 4. 4 .,4; - kri 11 4 04 . t 1 1 ,'*i*...* i11e44414. ( t_if OK: 1 4 1 004st Viviet?r tt x 'ol:toeitio6o,l7ll.reivivikei Viii:N FA' eiliiireile i gNik6)l t ,'i '`. , ..... - , . ......-... + , ~..., .- -.. . --" 7 -- ,.. - ":: - ..,--- -- ,47 - : - 17' .Ar , .i . ,'' .M• '<.!:. - ' 'fi ny , einit t liatwfilii ItaiTa ß etiiiiMer,an ill it`f;BVireoliittti#ilitlifigiliihiiigl Int 4 11 , ~..4 -- ,, _,.:1,- _a ~,_, ...: „ .. t.12.--11 atd.thetr owalitet r AWAILVIAPPViitof t, iii4WitiTteA4*4ll-,*ui z ilyie,ikpf t it .o4f*: battor.ZiLhiy*QlVBQektikigly' .), °VIII' -Ono fourth qiiiiilClitqaAlltlateare ei 11044 AriPA;Mchlgk4ftig4o" or Arlifiribclis lot Shiith4 ,s4iwoliffilual .thisr,jl3 . - etiO e "e‘llllThTeelit'it arayklr l'i,, itylbrakiviii , adAs7—:vbigkiattlFY. iili AV' Verei rattotiab) vith , syry , jp!ste et : tftlti:BM i l :W g : a 't§ t iV - 1 34 i 104 11r e5 ,1 1 teite& N lxhippr, nany);lt i iiii..4...o , , 44iigeliik'Sf it'ra - uirtiblelaiiibitibli: , ?-111itthe , loili_witt tet-,eyeni age, they, chtli.jiiietitittiPY_ ifi.W i!Stfitiineqiitipi!,hir' a, iiiaha,:eprigo a teacher, and; pars ';ll!,4kry : ;iitlip. I ii: i'tifnYiii to diseliottie's woe; ToI4IY - , ~,,,So,me -pi' theta hfive even g , ' ! " 1 1 1P .. ` up, a 1 i t.e,,r B FX qP-P . etY , 1' wheretilOY3titiol etog idler ti,Vdry" . fO'rtligh t, • to rend over their in.projte . and poetry, and the ,best pieces :are:sole:oA .or. ptil)lidatinn - in the . "Tidwell Offeringla that has not tli,e ad.. rniratipn ; of. our . cittiii people; but has been re-published iii Lendnif.'tinder the' sigtiifi: and, When die theiii'artlessiTl 664iffilrefil d '3%4, pertthe its , ~pages tlte_ i 4 tlea4i;lityolttnta:i4y, foioolll6elt, 1-minikarnong-41te-4-pio-ttlea,thon—in_tito:nyao \E)‘ tNEAP -,BdOK-'2.STORE. : ; ?Tirk titliscrib'er !IA low - kiyisince ietelied rroari lireartya general iiiert en( et", Set wal..Bnoks and .S(utioilulry,~,wlilcir;ii~,anlentlslo,;bial alifoducqd 10 0 e5.1 1. 1 • , i•- lasersenn 1w yl,ll,ni!)l9B,r,aper &c. the ; • • 7 • Bibtqa,„ Qb 1-School Jiihica; :sit • ; „ ” School Tiisivmente- •j 1.... • 't • . Pocket bibles Torino° gilt edges Silioid Books all (lie general kinds in use prOp4r tioliajily low.. IliaStatuthary is- qf'good quality. al. I so al - good assortment' le 'Lithographic Peints;_Tiiy Books:110 pinks suitiible frir-flolich,ys. • - • lit - alsU earrics on the 1301cliinding . linsiiiess also (13 iinka „Rockets &b. rustle to 'order. The, subserjber conn_eclion'irith stiitionat , y Sinve,lias established a ' "• . . 1 4 .11.71.11 Lim G 110 III! lia ' s , illii4'oH Mud d a JOT° and gene... c - zg ,.. , lirbeerics,linices ic'e Stc.edevery des6 ri io s.and,of the best 1 1 %1 quality, selected ,11 , 4h, - ciii.:o;inot,lie,City . , • , . • and which ho ' is cri4bledtiilsoll:at•.4olditced oasis ' filihaltfd ` l'd :tHit "' pefriiliifigq~elcfenisd to. hint' fir - vdeirli• - eirnli - n - fiiiiinktliereef i ps stock in -pall conaida . of t >=Stredg-Rio and _ "'.hest and 2d. quality Loaf Sugliti lifoWn,. white, Hadanadnd druihed, •••-• . _ _ rl Etjoati; Imperial and Black Teak. : atid:New Orleans Mulas, 1PA11At.4,114:.•14.bc.0 itloard,Candles.SpiceioE-all lands. Tresh - ground.aiiirnogr9'undX4 - oesked Lemons, Mace,-Citron, eintnin.Saltpetre, Logwondr-Amerloan-and .iondon mustard; _Rico, fo f irci,patitie aihillnkers-liastZkoanlate, Raisins, Almoode.u,de Criieketi, Cliiod and Ghia waro. Also Brush. ea.' :l'ithaf Backe In.Churno.. Brooms, Bed • curds, Halters, P.loughlinasc - Masona „ . and Car penters Li a rialQ4itirktit , Baakete,Best daVendiah and other chewing' and smoltint,T,obapeo,..Spaaialt,, half Spanish tottl-clnittmon- Sega rs.-- . ,* A general