tr .4414 , 601 , iiigi'egiikAr oifdidio.*,iiiiiiittlivhistooVirhich y0 ; 114)00. dirply,,iner;ihenimrnien ,ytfisir frolil, SlORMA.:*iiiii:hlioo4 lo ,i l :4;:so('Aiii of which a doxen' rails. ;; This :man iiniihr rifirer atty':-Wgo c ari!Ower,fuly-Pppastoia lunltts,Aai4eittein iiatidsligk lie ..AwftYtpott,,tlfre?:hotast large plough, jed it. ld f ,:screnev,,ten inches • `11.4. - ': o l'llits44Plifitititlifitg ha' l'Ofittitibly Ppiaatiet4;linetnluyated thoroughly after sevepty bnlthels of -40. 7`hie;;tjtajtl;fiail`a 7) biether'bbotit'six of.folettleo4-..**elt , ;•witits ,, . rivor, be'itont land farA4fandWitile-tlie black, jack clay, soil yielded seventy bushels to the sere,' ' • • thief laVd . weold not average 4 die r 7tAittigi .' r ivas 'steadily " growing • • riol, on-pnot" , :lantl, - growing'. poMr. enrichland. • . • . One !bottom-lend brother came • - •4l"eyWit to Bee thofilackjack oak farmer, and about, their crops, and • 'farms, as: farmers 'are very apt to q( - K - How is;it sSidthe.former,.that you man -4 in • ,Lege er ; poor. s to `heat me crops. • ”I• win* myland." )6;i: 411 y Some men have. bitch rich laii l'that itycia!t work it ; and they boylind where-they began. ...:r 4 -i:0re..:0106-.the • soil, not t,n . labor. or : , t ilf.:l1;• - lpr,hcare. - --Some own expert their loy'reorkp and some men expect to to work their fand;and this Is just the dif ' lernne tibetateen good:and a bad-farmer. li T heitzhaTiadAvritten thee far, and read 'At to our inrortriant, lie three years ago. . I,frayellid tbretigh that section, and the only gootifarm4 saiv was thievery one of All the oth .: are ~ t litirey-'desolatei-ufensies do w,:b•••=cabins abiti‘,O.iiW-tlll3„iettrWs.idiscottraged and. movinglnitY;el,..:tbomgkt i c enov the name old stable liii;i ' llitoging . ".bi7oholititte, that used' - before ; .and - rsew no.chauge 7 except .the Worse :in the . wholmettunty, withllo.:etception of this ' • . _ L.,"•,,..',;-.Nt3W EiNGLAND'AND VIRGINIA.-4-large litinberial_New England and - Diri - r—r — Or k farnfers litAie;W - ith in a few years, gone itit6 -Vitginia ; principally Fairfax County; and --- ,"iitii;elia - C'd the waste lent, . that is, the land exhausted by N had cultintien„` Tbec liave gontiiiii Workfin.•the• Ne 4 nghind style;, with' theii' awn • laredlheti, and are 'deein'tig 'the•Boil ;. re t • a bringing,back • the means of ..wealthy , - providence hat . ' ' placed in the 'lnischt or the earth. The L a ecees o t is.enterpriee-has beetvbeynnil Vol - Tit"; ratifUl earth Onile '• . g • P • ';hottotifullY to the kindnese - of the - busbatill -,f,Men,iand his 'brow ;444 - 7,ov.‘' , i'ii - 4(iii:onottiv the fertility of the I.3mitii,-,t . .kieriettpondent of the Alexandria observer of this in. jhe manairtand'ettaMme of the _'Vii it ianii, has,written a series of edmira.t ;blepitpers upon the impyavementi made, ,and ; I'feet : 4l'6'l6los - that:Virginians shall 4*4p(tlie mode of , life and' encourage' the metas i 4 . 1064. proves to be em mi. !len tlyisuicetisful to.' their neighbors. He • nhits •ti) "CiChtleg•iea_rn-'l4 , eXhaveLlindlfrequent -- fiPPPeale - M;lhOrpooPlii:"of ,-- Virgint - a tatik-eititers of Itte`fl,pithero';States in the " .. 4' , lMprovomem_pf,our ;moil •al-resou rces ; - by oha,conatruetion or railroade and eanals, of rn atilt the : „ tutprayqmente„olour agribulture, 'and the, *ilii.n.lll4:l4:,l ; kr, - Oeuint 'e roe. '";l3tit :-:we • • , i4ireiritaird*llm means etiseittial.ii) - ''",,ic,,ltilicag: bring ,up. ' wait,' rod ilsiMwel'oeci'. 7 Can' we lab' tie] p roe . seriri Ice de endettis P. , P , • Wiirwe. prorrio!o-ihe•--intichailiaLaitii_;by • encouiegitik opt. apyfalo leara ;ham ,ail4llave be a jo ioil t s c a r d , those , prejudic e s' -` ;b` `whiich h o nes ,t labor live ileen depressed - engentrefaii • • are ". ebtablielie.d'in;Caynga`c ol ' n t Coney:.. 'Yaantr,:maa'44l4 ':tp `..'', 4l9l . ll l} l lf4 l ,kLitttr,got l ,, Im o pTa#tip - ,r. 'Arming' • :I•4o,o:aire infiditiate„ and health; Ao:f. `1 titi,etfiatiOn‘ - forM liedittirtd, t arid ; „To and Optima, Ileining relit eanildren ••teathingv fir :sale. withelh*g . .. , ~,,,14—;,!•10,Piltitfit'ffillt OCOOtringog, 1 ' 1 * j Ai 131 - ;4111. reipiquilr,JArqrmi 414 imbliel , -.# ,-4,ll4,i##”mivtotlit!l!..,kit,!!--01; `', fci i /41 v4 ITil i)4.xt re i; ,# ; o ii -- c; rfepleif: re u,an,f , y4111 , )1 o r bell*l'llsiit Woo f'orFutrly, si,eii , ,/•4101t ( i,ati 4faa li niti to i , 01,1 ' who - hm , er.entrys‘ed•him . `.W o l l, l#o,ricisind theltgozifideitorittil 'being Able Iv i Ngutit 011330.'1444b" PnVeiti(v,ltibtfkr4,4l"'" 1441itiCigmtimumme Ocpatromili r4 . , 1 , ,..,,4,,, -, • i : -4.• WimMbotoonstffikkhift PAN ;iiii gitt Lmither, - ;.., 116 * DCRit;#lo,',QoWtedi 1041,1•Per49)1A1,,q,:t ‘' 1 , 0 24 14 1 0.5 11'14b ° 76 th• 41 dOrt h"!•(• .• P r ' P. Ik. t# , 11 ItakeißPFA!,lo2.,lnt ,q tk i p ri l fi, 1 0 1 1, - 0 ' - ' , IWZ' " -- ' AN ,I F.F 4I II fI IOY-FP 94. 1 ,4 01 1W4 1 ." I P I .' 1 1 0 1 01 i„Ult 0. -0 19 , 1 11 Pirga. 4 3 - 0 . 14 `-' .i , VON ..,.. ~", 4 ; 4 1 1 .:. ti"TPActipi. 1 . I loote , ,' :* Ali , T Xxt 711f t'i , ' ,nlliihi Linite i rlintC, 4 *4: - ,-,'*1f0r.0,. , "' izike, ~,,,Y,s l. -tr i - i 4.1 . ,,,,,,,, 44 .- f t . ~ v i i -. 4 .• ~, . Att.:o-1 , 14n- - P • - •,• ,, , , V,nifilit, i *e4-4•l3nl2lpfliki"- , 'C'; '' lOW itfhtOW • • blot'!" ''' 74 '''-let . '" l46lllo : 4 *Pir t k4iiki# -': 644. 4 "11 4 P.Vr'..: .. 7 i;''' ,: ;:kA`:,‘-' : :':V''''. '•'',' .l ' ' ''.' r ;'''''''' : . .-. '-. .44';•AA , 5.,1 1 :P :1 : ...----- , -' , ;- z -; 7 , 1 ,, , V4A , ,t,--7-' 7: t.--;.' ' , , 4 ; , ,,,, , .-•":•; ~,.41.!,;i ,•:; j.'S , ''..Lp:Vi-1 , !4-1 .'4 , 114: , ,,; , , ,•':,;;; . ':A'.6;' , . 4 4'..;:'N, , ,i.; ard.3 ~]:'! ~.,::.:' ..f.'.o ' .":':" , k'r; , , , '.:;•;•71,' , . •• • • .'.:7".' ',.,•!-: '`.•'•:%: • r ;::"7 z.',"•,•.::' ''-'2::-,:;:s'-..,:.4 ti , "i r t:- - ilitit i llfTl-'94--- Itilii toittligfationj/rigitAntl4llol - ' ltlitiontism of rii , ; puillip to, tito jiitle itl, , stil*nritti,tki;rt . ... - , it, or' Willitfiealinti ',luweirhylisi'yeeeived tit his I -shithl ili tlYtiin Sirenflptitnisito"lrourintes _Drink StottO and inlittle"Weeit or I . leten:4l l 'Hotel; itolisist•- - ioi.of t Gold hitent_ , Levbr =t. •• , 's• qt sr , anti • 1, -- epiii - O7AWATCHES . F - - i r ii, A' —„.,!, . . c ~ t,' the ; - maudt sextk.iisive-,1991, '., ' ii ~,,,. , ,clicapeat ha bpsoveitp,ftoretl' ~,, , , - a ..---,--” to,,the Citizens of ,punober- `;:,,..,' 9, i a:- --,-- , ---) pind.comAy, sit k. er L e y tt i. ~, ,, , ,,_-4 . is, t ,it .-- ..., _ rin();;t•opiike rici.' Gold 'and, -- k . 'B:--7 . ‘ . - •,t r' .-- Silver - 111rentie - Pins;.'llVOl , iiiiintect insiiiit is, s,Vatell - ralali•fahili OW Speri ; tncleis, ke.i,,lso' Slims tureinitne; thiiiiris;Clitiips;LOOts;lthito-pinie,Ear. , l'ilip. Finger-liqsillethillicins and itirit•Of very iu-, 'rotor , ,r, .I• in e., .e. , . t. - Z e ,*. ) vieV - 1 r —I ' D /a oefoi) dvointOd - rein i1,: 1 , 14 ,- -- 4- I itv.crY ilitifiniblVartikle =for hien ot r . Biniliieskiine-1 111111 3? iLtAgether will' rpany_sothur articles in his , iiii ", ,rit busingss uunenebsartt tottvisiition."4 t,. --; • ' Persons.wishing to,tiralinsvitiy Oftlio above sr..' tioles n , oulri ilo well to (nil itgqii, ris it is 4 ,,, , the t hs , diriorist,riiiirtheaprist rissortment aiet()worm tri this. nommintity,snsUililr,beisiniriAntter_doEinitilt_than_ .they...calLbe..puiiiktattlat.ronitiiiitie..c.ititc, • ..... . • , , t TIIONIAS ,CONLYN. ' July 9, 1845. ' '' , t- !LADIES , TOILET LatlietOte. iisitted t 9 lonk at the , apfetiilal hrtlelew , for , _the y r ill i et i just reeelyed 11;41te.ouhsct ihrr, conic jirising Poinaile Freriels" ;h • ofebritteil liege Float mg Sciaji; ,Ittattisel'aWlmoial nail other , bOups nine Beir's'oo ; Romisel's linlesmio Blisii. for the teeth Itoutisol'a - for elliTkir hands; tictra'Et - Tni , Theltaiiilk - e . rehierf,heaiilea Varrtilty of othfiti (tOrfilme.a 'which ei ttttt ol fail to RI rAe, alitrwhieltwill be yery, low forkash, • • ; J1e18,1835 TEMPER/AN - 1E HOU,3E. Fr— . . O'necointhodatellin felepis orl:ernlierance hja_Coulity,:aeti-tr:vellers--generall-y r -who may visit Carlisle, the •suibseri her inducert - at. ' the Instance .of many. decided end 'respectable friends or temperance in thiabornagh,toopen his house for the oecon medation of the pohlice where' he , w ill use every exertion tri melee the mamot, : d :lira - mane:has' shall merit MCI Pairimagerat time friends of the Temperance Cause. Ms House irr 100, and earthn' m eus, an d eli gibly situated upon the corner of North Hanover -and:Lnirtlier. streets, one square North raf-the - public:equate, and very convenient tu thebirsiness parer:4'oe town and the Court Ronan - and county offices. His TABLE will always be supplied with .the, choicest productions of the _market, aria, the bailie 'Ann suf fi cienCSTAß - LING tached` to it (or putting up a large number orhoises.-- Jprors and others attending Court, and travellers generally, may rely upon every pains being aken to secure thernini.nd r inme rind comfortable era:um randations. . The patronage eflt lie friendsrof tein pare Kee .1111 respectfully solicited. - •WILLIANI EGOLF. Carlisle, Aitgest 6, 1845. CARPETI NUS, OIL CLOVIIIS,Am At tho "Cheap Store,":4l Strawberry Street, Philadelphia. WE would - call the attenbon erporsons in wane of new Carpets, tn-thefact Of our being. enabled to sell. goods at very lOw toces,Mealiuse, in one. protein: sit 'moon stir renfand OtlMr exilense, are very-light, and we Offer for this. season an ex. , cellent assortment of - 'Beautiful Imperial-and} ' Ingrain and 'Venetian of CARPETINGS. Also, FLOOR OIL dLOTRS,Trotn..2 M. 24 feel wide,,cq,sci vaorns,,bolq,Etca, - -ittil- hearelcrogst ilnor baize: table cove rs, stair rods; •matailite. SIIIE: or retail - , if( the lowest prides. -•••• Supply of the low priced Carpets, say from 31 to 33 cents per yard, always on hand. _DGE hi .BROTHER. No. . . one door 41L.Slrawlierry-Street, one door above Cheinut, Weir. Seeand-st reel; - • ' tieptettiber‘24; IS4t---3m.• - •• • - • - - . sq aa r le Ppgfcra:ipi Foreign 4,l)ompstic •••>..„rQz:3 , cab — • I:North. thilvarti street;•ute stairs, 2 donee from. ' 1.2 Market st., offer to Country Merchants Goods on following teems, VIZ, All, gfintlalit cost, 10 . per .cent. iilded t 6 months] 5 tier centolf for cash, bookableflitols, or its etiivalent. "I"iir gtibds 6eing rekularly ',bought - itt.,• lowest rates,..the terms alibi. which we offer therm must met't ap probation of dealers. .',On no account. wilVinoce be na1441 or less. taken. Merchants ore .reopecifully invited tecatt,,,eanupne,,sur Judgeifitc_ uLel ves.—Orders promptly attended toion tame _terms, VOLLINGSWQRTH E : t . WELLER.: .I.4ltlippre, -•-- To Keep:4. iOl Bower's Inriint 'poi•tifilljor. die. core of „elolie, looseness Of tlie.bowate .6 , severe n pellet ocealtiOneil from, Teetheig, - . no: deliglttrul-to ilie taste thnt ishildre - Oldreto. toko,iti far sale 11-Ste vellum IkAlititiffe;y4''' filitlibliiiillAall3: - 3 . H .00 fluBY, - bas just•returned from-the ; city,andlineiw opening the Isrgest oind most geM- end stnele , Of Ary; Conds,Groceries,llootis and Shoes evzr brouglif,to'Carlisle, part of which lie ha's pur chasedy.t.Auction and, can be, SOW lower flew here and teould resecyfeilly insite i blikErletnif SYlio - w .helof 10 _oul..:thrie 'money to a'gocultidyanlage',t(Ybeiptiennil ofo r titlll R callheforeirmtreliftsingt_ati,they_eari_have thelargest,.. most, choice rind freshest stock ofgOods to select - fronilleill Catilore.p 'llia Meek consists in yifd; Ifroifdeltillis from $1;25, tns7. pr yels-Cassimerea from 11, to $.2 pr yd.; !Cassi netts from 5 . 76 to $1 ,00 ol I colors; Tweed Cloths and Gass' rtlegpi Of the ;noel fastrionahle kinds very low;yeatings Min, 1 gb to.s2,,pr poternoew , est stylel 2 1041 wear of all ;kinds and:priers - (I le' libel also' refielied - irlargeloi of-f)resa,Goods, such, as Organde and Bxlzarine Lawns 1 Paris printed Marquise of A rew,and.,sup2i , view stile"; -Poinssfulare lialzorinety hil'k •14174 - 11ontliashoes; - '' Alpaca. Lit streirassorted , onloii to it Qutililles. A eery general.aniorhneut of'Dooki Mylll,.,(aconet and •Ca robtle;Afuslins new style ppera Ladoi Moidini for 1)n, ssdi'l k ithhittete i , Ginc tatiett,rlficknett and Wad:blonds front. 10 • n yd.llFreocily Ilarwse carfs ;Ind Shan li.lotes importritinny also, a; large. assortment, ufkthmtkei Silk( F nficeriihiefilin'rriwiiamnuMernus to insert. 11,01torine. oott:Lovrtth for mourning; iFreficlY:Sentoli' ktiieriCim Gioghoin* assort ment ; elegant plain nod lied Also',..a.laro. and, illtletcallsserrtineni..,oft 4wlia.::%Tilwilettl and „goo ;Igo , and buil; age; Blond; -, Vateritid add. Pairis•Laces • sslitrge pod. Me fine: issortment ~Of 'new style,prenilini VYsilicoes froth .. .the hierirpack: 1)41AT:roil and nther:oboine'llictories; a tremer)(lniii star kinds of ligtmets:. ;The lArgep.t stock of (ssi ni mpy .tips', Ofre'red RI t kihtfif tof nritl hitelkusl hall Shectingsall qualities mul prich lower cYeTlZridFlPgi ll'oP l a 7ill . ifferOitl i hfc ' tor l eal , l 6 .Yery itrettY itelectial o CPfica:PloYesstid.Mitl,ofyssno: ed f • , *mit CI; le re i,tom7rtmptt ;of leni pohiefliitileinbieTs n iycia . tati ifinehis tiggp , ,eirerMr ; ads, ", A tit , s(,Mege - striek or hiteti's addlloy's wear of yillkisitkotalides; color,, gripes, mixtnreki tielsl k aid :1101inet,eaPwor'thiii Peen'ett:Etikt h !Nlyierienn mike, pelt itytett:`.l....The lirgest , steek^ cifliOitts *MI Shoeswe;hoveeverniTeitfl. otheipublie,ofkllkinde that esti( be, yfileptloppl;Nais 10}4,' on s qualities tittee4., -, ; SOOEIO • - • • orTe n pi Cog . ..sec updttriA tee Allielf lei - Stilt the iltiiio ,4 lll•ShiMVlielists *fade( and the.. 'seriptionS (if goods atitt:4'iinhitti'tiiiiii -. 444fditit*: Onsto all. ho, ' wllllayoo 0. srph 'lestthe , old'stil , fftird4tßoihei ow , the ;hfsrket Heiusdlrisftligp a ttltieritognegrti oftpcilltThe hp; Sai.theforitfeily'Wattierreti!s:' lt : Cimptry3;t4efttutYPOssitylfe%:sopplfeit'itellittitly lta.aatalino,l l. o444lo4o4ll. l efOeitiqmpfdisitigi .; • EIMINITI 4111,":1, 41tictrilriP,k r i.iift trig :Et f.,,;• mgt. Up • coliviet. l,„ aproehted , pomio ortoPiio Jr“ alevmaign 10144, ...„4,ldlfidig,Am stom fiPtliret,-;„o, itithrAPll94' r rife h afr ,q7.' , r • i,,i,"111001r : +. Blrilt/I'; F 4.4),r0J;tV::.11(0,1 .043 thit _ Bale at, the' thaatt*ti; ~,, ~,.,P, . fm ~«„\ ,:i fr lil 11 "'' '-;- ( frirgitti' ,-,-- "t - t -, -'" - - , - r:. -, • ,_-,.-„.. ,i 0 1 ,, MilWgiiiili.lllVONialk% 9-_,YtiLifibAfil , krif(rofstiova'yqyzi)ii#oly. AIYOMIN4he:, 41 oat. weard•he,r tirifieOf eOspftf", : 4 , .4 . 41 a,VraVgald4Oftii,#Oi*l4s4illeor ' ',' ~--•- 'eig* ...-__.-17,Merff, 4 4 11 1 . ~,,,', .._,-, !'„ •, , 'W e lk "' 1 iso.44)Mit e i t li ttwir = 4 stapls anA Pallofecp)fSttnilNirk.BtCl6ltlta sa 'metes; Eattlaeta IWO, Garnbeool,: stl,r Gloater Vestieo,-• ilii,' DotobatiieS,illaiiiiiiise lit4na,Ortipe•ontl-IVlOlia fliataffiefia3witlfeahliiiiCls, sekiiteti MI 41 lal,rtlfe.pMedit aiflolpslins, Calieoeif, Shawls Ch eeks, - Tieking,Nelvt,roritte,-4.oaitea 00 - qa of All dew:mil - 410mi, Carpet chain Mid, cOtiClll, 'Atil; Urn Wel I n'd;Parsi ioli; Sttiablideg qj'eiteii, Ho leildke.---.1...:,N.1,..„4“..4.,,,p4-0;A74.P.:t, , z A iscs, imeholce . and' IV ell ielleit iiii_CVjili t 6 -I), _ ell e d - , enicaratiiielh - P - arti a Cards; Suit . ti4;lif4iltakt=. 'es, 'l'eati,l'iibseeb•, fiPieva, &el '' ••• r•-• "" '- '' • ,4 t l, so`,Orrieli4y;alitialiipt qtaeilsolfir xsiri , _ c' fi - ili4dirciiiitiolii'iiiid quantike,tdgethiiliilWhitilli . tis oilier irtieles entripl-leifik a'etiaVefelaini'rett relr apsoi;,tifie . lol-011 9 . 1 rwhiely pe, O'er') flui jade et cry loin 01 , 4410 CAA. , fie ,re!pe,clfully „invites fairieritlisittl-the#Pubfle pa meneriti - t4 - eFlijimre cull,,biiisoricii,aB,lle teolsoonlidmitilikfilielti ootaasleiv to any other horiseih r thlrliiirlimfgf . ll:,,' •„, " ' ' ' ' ItO,IIERT-lIIVINEv.'ijr:-' Carlisle, April 28,1M5: 'q.' ' ' ',-7,,,,,,,c, . . - .- .'HONOIi,T il O•WoNtlioNort-I*IITA' , Pd - • ~..... . 16. .... • , .: 1 'r t . f : 1 . 1 7:',f;',.iLS, t '. : 2 ' ,. 1 . - •-, ~ .. truly sail , , • - ' . .‘• . . 'that no' one 'lnt . ' - . , . cites , been eo telueordt- . • . • .. 'lid: in . - enntgooltdiiiit7lA--..L ...7 • ' , 7 'mei! ieinerole iiel , has •done so' • • - to re,lieve the hunion fettrill,r,xn rots 4 il i 'of itiletirors,nnillo restore tits • 'll4siliktit liestlih'andib . hifort, is the Inirets. tor and .Fr4prietel•of thid Most t.leserredlf pcip-. ulitr.f.sinify• tnedieine :na:i sliepri4EVcompov r xrn svnur or' ‘‘'siLD7:onr.nAli otid tiorie..litur, been SO gotiernW patronised by the Pro r feision antFothers i both fit this country rind in Eurord . , not lqui there ever been • •So great 'on elfort.lEn' the riberi;sPiteg.. of: bnly six .or Leven .years, tti.:deseive'4lte 'eriduffitts am Wittiiiikingibyi. patting:Op,ostN --- f --- t - m — f.ofTistiriotts kititls;ty •variousitlt Weal sinflixiitethessamocif Wild pherry atuLarmuell Or the nonte.O.Cerigigal. prfraratiorots will screen them from limPsHr.oftlie IoW, Mid one of the Impostors who pule eistt r kiieorn-', .01011 parejotic.of the'shop end' cell itthelialiiiiri:oll i Wild Cherrylisi hod the nipuiletie:Olilinitifidn'ihe piddle' iigninst• the Qiiginal PrePArol : o7 , 7c:,D- Switytie's CompounilSyrutra Wild •Cliegi7: -. 4Whieh is doing to mu.lugood in the wiirld.4 - ..., , 0 , P.',..r . 1-'5l; i. WIJEIV. Ala: OF SUCH imPOSTk.USCD = ~' And . parch - me none but the ;00060;itinK only. vii nine.tirtiel e, as_ prepared by , Dr"....,.Bl4iiie f LUdtieli" is the only 011 C compounded by n regning•Fhysician, obil arose Irons' many 'years' close t e P.rnetice dram Profession, and wnicli'liadfiliiii s. grunt:discovery. !Tlionsitinlip andtenrof‘thisiisan ; or the liest,testimnaiithitsf the Miparolleled sucee • _ of Dr, Swsytie'spompound Syrup of Wild.tilie: y - RA. the 'cure of .-.. ' . . •.. 7 ; 5..; Wm: frebh .• • CONSUSIPTICITI • Coughs; Colds, Spitting 13,1e04, Liver, Complaint. Tickling o fli al n . the 'f.ltrcat, Yer:vouS-I.leldlity, Weakness ) tirtireice, PalpitadOn nr INstaiiie . !heart, Pain i Side or'llrast, Broken 'COOkti totion from Oiriniincatinn;the abiise'of Caldtitykao. Bronchitis, Asthma, Wlederdfig . Rough, were declared to the world years before any other.prep- Mlle!) 01' Wilei e.lierry came olitt - Tite•rnimit tical may satisfy themselees its to7th,e, truth of -the ;tbove, by- a tilde inquiri,m, Philadelphia.. The gef'°lne article ,Only hy;Dr.. SwOne; I whose office has been removed to 1v7..W. corner of ath and Race streOts;_Philada..:Ti t e'llyal car, k_ a ;id_, taii - spottimmarticleitofWild Cherry has beet, sold out,rind the peoprietorsaio obliged to.resort to Pal schood and Stratagem to, make their -own out . of it : ; ;The -genuine articley.ii.put ,itp is plain ityle,lu ,aquare bottles . oPaert'l with a- blue nraPper, - will; 'a - yellow - Ml*o7*M; tbe proi;rietoes rognature ' '• , tr:r Tlie. , PuOrtiiittlyeguisfeilvt4i-Terpitiltier that it is. Dr. Swoyoe'iLCompOttnd Syrup - of - , Wild Cherry, thee Ilia, nOd• is repeatedly- performing each nil met lourcures of (11(eates, hate horned - pie skill Of the'Thadession, and set akdefiiincethe whole .cattilogiie'of"Patent - VWdichieit , - .. iv4tith-- are daily . 'puffed thriiiigif pietei-Ilierefore ask for SwaynOrtlip:', PottAtityrtip of Wild Cherrv, and purchase no ptheryt; • .• SolkikLarßide-Ity-M-1ff.115..4 qAygasTidK-0 sole fclit' this boroUgh. , t ' QUEENSWARE & GRITCERIES:: . - • A tiprilqx - A - 1.,)0 a ,new tsupPly --Of. Groceries, are - to supply of the latest stylosii.atl,PatternoVerabracine White auboss'd anartilsetl figure(' Clu tot f„,l_,oni_siof Ten - SUtta, - inililieii;filte Granite awl Live,r6o74 setts' Santlsome sty liiibosldes getieratassortident of Livrrpetok and Granite Plates, 'lnnis; -Dishes;Cups ,a,nd•Salietis;?Tunlblere.of iaricius.gusl hies, kid' general assortment otcommon wareot tent finish. We are also in receipt ofa new,gssortinent of Ce dar wstre, ineludjag Tubs, Cburn4p.stiketsi Wasl(4 . . boards, Paiute(' . Buckits t . Keelers 4 4oo(l gencynt - vat tit o g!iii z r• - keepr • eepott-1110-old amok-or, • • = PATENT' Catch fu,plTß, • IL' - stili'oriber;stgenl firAith 6t . §Jitter, COO" And . nen't "" 6141 1 1.6i .' skt 'the ithorellnit'lli =superior to atiy:hrtiele or the .kind no ,liiis;', tin tlt forAfintitlihiti"antj- thirsbitity: They' 'kali iiitti illiSsettot -1: Pt, 'Lytle's er ototiSener'S 'Hord, ware' Store,: North' 'loonier street, rof Suberribei. in West Louthee street, Citr/litlei'S-They heed' only, be seen to:be itloilk!ed: .'" ' • • • JA - 51E5;TREVER;:e!igt:' ril po; 1545, - - SHAVING 'cOIVIR.01;t1110` ," „lio,l,lBSEl 4 `§ . fQ artiglq.jusCi t ecolvea fpr st , de Abe )4 070 , o r fit evepemi ar;l,llclinfrey.. _ , • ~Apri , • ~t 4ror. . • • qivil*;juist+!reC:oli.ed• and for eai at C/ 111131- FORAPRODefidigi' 00,er all tinier' ,for aU kinds of CriuntryAlProduce,,Py J. iFULLER.a. FULTZ. Ilpltieriore, April 2, 1845:,, • Halleit have:just received-n. ftirther supitty.'.of the above -valtuitytetiiitpiii-6;Av'ELL.I6I7I:.. .r l f_t i g e MPPi3§,Pl l 4l l s• Atre-w,arr p 4 filto,;b o , ll lVeriTe9 . Pni grfMarir, ti k r ,o ilittatti4 l ,!Altlittaft . iii*furtfisiiiii!gentlepen . " ? •pptite ithbatidjutitiettu* Igor Ma at)lfifitiiia lq,core'p fr:e!th lovaifiAiablegrel;Sioiditdeltigi :416. rolaide.AiAbe Aimedir 44NA, NL 1111, CA 4 Rp][4,oauitti l i a IforisiitiiiqtrkilotseL • • , %411)10$8 . , " 'OPIranY. Julr.9 18454 , .;1; 111&41 lid ) 10114 1.1* 464 09 0 4.! ”.Ftigt:ifi'; ••••••r • j.kt.13•10 • , ILLAu• .aka FT: VTtltl!!!!!1120r441:144, *a'l ~ r. ,ity.sw%ifimiolorY.!,Phronle,:tot 0 11 Oinaklia,4Foriale ai We pray ajtom ' ;. 44 t . .fritellensori '. t 20 fehef i / . 4 41 A . , 4 2 : 12 , . , tonam IHEllittitliNintOßtfarteTY "" • a ,• - -'" • 7t44;KE . tritifltAflCW,aftiti4ObittOientOr.lito itedoigoinstlifitilipfdttitz?gOlOriOtolii,'PßOl.EnTY' and EFPEC'ES? W oCestdeiiiiipttdit;'-10:4vtry or; Countiy;imiAlie , titost-"reittidiiidde'teFant* . 'APitlica . . tionelitndeVelifier.lptaietalt7 i ,orl4.lo.ll#,,tltlie. prosupgy attende d - - 1,4 isANqif.4% . : - .. : , rest,' Rif et ,Inistira Reding:ea .11 41; 181C4 - - 'Brictlurßiadd ; ih 'or itore'i' drum to #.1,4 deposlte;" AO, do' Tatefni • to ido '1 1 '''Sb Narita• ' to 5- 7 ldo "do .-;If Jo Itrisatel. -to 5' ,'llti ". pObRI:t) j:1-6 16 143 rst 'WWI ' 7.7 -- P61761; - 7'377.71".,7.1'40 - 1`073'.' - ddYilti 'ANNUM, Riax: -7. i Brick or Stone dwellings and yur- • niture from .' -.-80 to '4oc wa 0c $lOO de' do do Sores and Blerstian-, ' dine • 85 to 50 do' , `f do. l'"Cdo Taikers and Purniiorn t..,;;,40 to:60 r;':' sand Conte do anonte,-, f ,•j i ; tslo Rs' 75 • do ; do • '''..- - • -- 100 - to 150 do do AO..Gristlifilland Stook. . 75 to fitt d' I,P F ame ; and 1 - • nititri" • 50 to do Sihtles dize - 65 to 85 do do . ' Tavernsaml Furniture ••• • - 60 to 100 do Ba r n. and Contenta U.. 3 ' ' • ' . '9O tit-100' ' tld• - • 90 to 100. do =I • . the subscriber is agent for the above company far o Cacliele and-its vicinity. All applications for •nasnriinc6 citicar by io:Ot iiiorrapt/Cattended WitD. SgYMOUIL IrL33 FIRE INSIJANQE. rpHEAlletir itiid bastrietineliabhglt Mutual Fire Insurance Company of CuilriberliiiiiiCounty,in-• clirporited an act of AMerably, is nod fully or ganizOd; and in operation'under the management of uofollifiwiug comudisioneriivizi sAletvis ;.Hyer, lchrisiian; T-itzelidtlinhael Hoover, Henry: f..ogan.„Miclittel Conklin, BenjiitOlit H Ittusser, Levi Merkel , Jacob Kirk, John Snavely, senr iind ohn Rankin, who_reimectfiilly eall -the mitztition"of - the citizens of Cumberlandand York-countietto the ad. 4-antagew, hich the company behl'ont. - ' The:rates of hisorance ai low anti favorable ComparVor the khid Bribe State,L'P,eiliolis wishing to become mernhirs -aretitiviteil to Make' application lo the agents of the company who are willing to wait upon them at any time. JACOB SHELL), P'res't. MICHAEL Tlooyza. Vice President. ::Lcuis /lyre, Secretary,'' Michael '• • - • . AGErtTif. . %tichaei Hoover, Geneiiil Agent, Aleeitatiletihnrg. Rudolph Martin, - Nt cuindierlatul. Al_ W iii• R Gotta, - • do 7 , 31 D ' .li)hf Dunlap, • ' dorr - - Pet& litritharti — r - Eaat,rennaborn7 ; • 'lbivi 'ClititOlit 4 f*#; " C. liaimon; Kinvdo_wit,± ' • 'llOll7 Zearingi Shiremanstowpa. • - Simon Oyster, Wormleyaburg, ' - - DK - Jacob. lianghmitn, Cfarileto,', • Jacob Ki,rk-,otterstl. l Apot for York CoutityN ow' Cumberland - • • • ''• • Ircirft-lohnkr;"."- - :1 John . Sberrick, • •", do _ ohießanktni , ".. • do • • ' ' - do Philip Ilretkhill, • ,Ctintberlanil co.. ' Otheragents.will ho'added hereaßer , : . _Ji110r.',314184•11 - ' ' • ""*", 2tf-40-1 PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS L3 5 Z:r TEE • CII MIIEELAND•ITALLEY it UT UAL. ~ PROTECTION C9BI!ANY, being incorpe.:' lied by an net of •the. Legislature of the presentsel:' ion,and fully organized and in operation' oder tile , irection of the following board of Managers vizi.' I, oo ,,, s _ r e n ,miner r joh n . I►loore„.•Davi'd..LW_. , :!lll6.: ;IA lonei, James Weakly,Villiam Moore; Samuel :albraith, Thomas. Paxton A. U. Miller, l'ltiliP' ipangier„Samitel Woods, - Araltern Kurtz 'George. trindle;fileott Doyleosall the attentionnfthe inhabit, - nts ot Cuinberland.Valley totheeheapneasoftheir, steamed:the-many. adiantages whieh , .thls , spid . .. of, isumncelar over soy. other. , -,- ), 'rut , i.. , /•;.f "', Ist. Every person sneered Jineotitet , te.moti ,''‘. heti Of , to comptiny add takes part in the choke SI v., Akre tit this directioMotiticiidee rel.., . - 241: Forinsurpnee.Ob - more ' is demanded . thart is tecomarydOwieet the expensia of the Com:puny a 14, Aletnnitv against losses which may - happen.' i' ', 3d. The i neciiiveniens# of fr6luent renewals 13 &:' voided hy...lintirink forst term of. live_ yearly .'..''Btit R °ll. o!Olt...o#Tbe - tiktOtiffOqifTlicried - fc?,tEe. n ve 3reara t ~"..,,,-..,.,„... : -,,...',-, • .. "q ,• • .•• 41h. Any iterlrfilie.fi4hir, ing!ral*iniist,e4, Ids prer9lo4,hiSci (Or the nnottPearelater at • ' mite -, of five - Per Oetitniti; *toiniviit ne4so on en, : for'which II ii, -, ,,iol,i'r4ari,;' , 4),3iittmkso ror . I ye , "' ri t,1 4330 and st,q9Jdr iniispy 03,04019', tunIJIO int counsel ,lie ohm oustlikeil4trs;greate i r.ankeent than the faun' on-hand!i WM ififaionAtien tuisikore-will- I requie; ed than a ..trifisl*Au - , tre...A - ,, , „111m„ rates I re mucr CmTpe.Tf:thap (hosed roiii - Onmrniea, exatkit such as " are incorporated onithWsame riticipter i ..',. . y ,: ,-. .', -4. YA.:: Toppi:ie.% IILLEIh,rOOI. ' A. b.,j40:1,0,geey., _ , ',7 ::`" .f , ~: 1. , 's. ..r.: . AcheTh fbilerni ; gentlemen kate been Optsinled , d 8 T3t . ::.,, , ,.., '.. : " ' • ' ~ :: - : ;.' ' • • - liteilni 4 .o_l4;The.ifitlealttii*,..2:. . ::!._. . : liiiiiiricanedytotio - Ndivone;' 14r .:. -- HHAr - ,: .• ,' , - Ged6o•lBrindle," ,Esq."'hilbinire. '''' ' , ' ,l '''', o.i ', ' --. ,‘l. .. • -Clemens MciParlasse4Nprlisfe,'..i '.';:4 - .•::. f.:!' . - Jacob Rheem, ,I ` , . ; Ai.' -,".- I . i , : , : , .' ,1 ` , .4 . , "I'ss4l.':Williarani,Fisuanetipeonsimretrr. i, - - ,3liiiteiticyleiltevpin;`,., -. , ' - ".--,-, .70.,,,,...i f. , .i.' 2 ' CoLlas. Chtiatent,Liii'a*llnidel" r , '641 , •;:#), , in0." 34 .' hicititoilklewherk.*:. ' r..!jr:.4,--; ~.,,',.4 . 4 1 0CSArainiCiailii , D,Tglr.',CUVIiheiltiliti . " . .I'.'v,' .„,. ~. Joke. Chmtenin, EsugliMMetowit'Sßl*.% , , • '',' a Stet - then. Culbertson; S . hippenstut .:' , t 1. rg t e n 'mctowtqin.A.4ltiro4 o .ii' , june 5.1844. . ' t: y ~: : •: , 1 - ' . '•7 1 ..i&..., - 1 , ':.-‘'' "' '''''' -,, l i re , , 4:t 11111111110 a. seaaittail„ . WANE" init-:1441i.,.!it a lot of Pion tz . t4 ,J ;Mears; crellebratWcf taught: 4 'soli ITharponink VLOUGES, 1) . 1444 . riwitit cldition ortheiciffie. A o•23_ it , Witter. -140,014 m qt • , NOTICE I iliCiletAt' ‘ ltato, ,thitappDeation ~is" be tatOle, , :jty.the'uoileralgtifdit aria iitheri„ 'LOgislitture'6l the CothiCiallieealtli or Peritiaflvitila; 'ford's! iyidor_fmratibit ofi , C6l44liifp',bb - *lid the, •!Caltusts Dsicisri:Bsincsf*lefil it,,lOcated .114 Doriotrkkof Carlisle, Cumberland cpunty,F I: Isave.a., capital 61 , thirty. hisuo:_ dollar*. will, Oki. oriel le c.atincreasinit it to' tO;cllo4:4o4_Thousaiid Dollars the;o.kisatihelog. cogs. - to' Fecelie tiepietca,:fif Jacaley k ;aqtl tfiiscouat affluckklepiriry;;3t..11 411 0119"011141 11 111: . R. Atigue# • , ltolrfrt ~tariltsi t,, ,: I° -"' GePrge'VC. lB begkitti . li'' :13kIlei:WoodbuW =7 , ?ltobest Sikedgrels: Agnew PatTilfok - - IPel Woad' Aaiun Longodore ‘! .10119, Stop's{ - 1 George Santlereo , n,, kisonuel Ebt. •t. , 2,[..18.15. • . -,LADIES'IIII#MANUFAtTORY. ~,•‘ Jicsintaa.fiA ROVER' 77 - • 14'4',Firptut. roi , ihe 'very Itileikinotrinage he, - , hi! tesehreit would Inform au Lode,4l"Car- Mk ARA its vicinity, ihat beastlikAmplOpe,. Wrap -11 -, l l4AlNAsUfilOUtr:of.covery 4iiiiiift lel' 'Y ria l Zat 1 4 C l i t 9W infr , •lnif e .k, 4 l - 44A:11s a i t!t ' ' kiep , ni , bo bk ii ~ ..., z ,, c t: -1, 1 ,, ~ - . -..,,, - ~., ~., „„ 1 Itaidigliveyr4Oh';'siiiiroZlO4s4:4l;,V(;_iii(Sr . !, ~.I,rilicies,,Fo - ...4 - _i - A-ktii;i=,,, t gAnlie* Walkifurthtielt r - lw-. -..;„;,'' ''P' 4 cCalteirehlieW l TVoP'.. , '-tk°.'...l''' l ?;l ; 1411 "?.. ' RIOdtetql ,11 : 11 0 60 111' 1 1 V 0 1 , 1044 .4461 1161-4460itifitteiliNi , roied 4 soltii-,0ic1h0,14i.,6040v,e- - Aw ,,44le*Arvanibi46;waidiksidier, - ., - ' , - 1. oiaiigortal . ,7, o ‘l44!.-0 -,:; ,LA • - 'lo' : , -V`Al' ? '; ''':', '', ' ( "Ti.'k , l - 10.1 , , ,-- • ; ARTICLES; wlkelk 4 . .0ff0r eithl* ,!.' ' "6",:gla May 2V:1545. notaeejhal They.llove just 'meet e'ed new law Wasteirtmeot of DRUGS, PAINTS, .OILS, :IPUMERY, .PANCY :SOAPS, Bto. 1140, 4 01 of It they will twit at n email odvailee fee. GiWil t 4 their stand , opposite Winrott's Hotel. '"SPEENBOI , Iidt, ME H AFEEONI! -Vl.; • WE ~„ -Stesernehegairiota • . -zte untiersigned, prpprieloytoftlie . 4116(10119nm( Carcand Bpats, retoin thena cette Umtata to Weir friends in Frankliti'and Coin. berlatubsonnties for past_ favorb7W respectfully in. form them that they nre dow prepare() to reCeivo and forward daib., - sta Tide Water _canal, ''Proltuce*:'auidAllerchatidiZ' _do do "ero:;iNti FROM • " • PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE Produce will be•dclisereti to any house-in Pliiladci Ohs or Bithimoye to which their Boats mull:wetter seas. Their agents in the citi*re Wit iGHT 8 & NEPHEW, Ville. M. 'Wharton the Delawa re; Philadelphia:, Nfessrs. Jon's McCuLLonon & Co., • Bowley!s Baltiinore. " !' " rleyvi.lll also yeceive for , ? iird,dfult,to F 31.0- bitrganill titormedinte FreiklititififUTiissUn sorb also foC the Nbrtlrand.7lYeik - licsisiCh'Ciiiralii. 111411. TIN: _Harriskturz,-May 1000 Peksb litk phis alolfe;Can testify: to: the:withcferrtil.-6fficacy of thaVPirwerfol rimedic.PHOIIIPSON'S COM POUND SYRXTP - O,F,ITAR 'AND WOOD NA PrgA - Read! ltOad ! Astonishing :..Ofire of Chronic 13ronc!dttet • .. ; t: 4 . 4 -, • Pliiladel ph in, ; llfity 45i1R44i". Mr. p..Tuoniioii—DOor 'four years past I had been_dreadfullt . affliete ! „ with an affection of the throat,4.hich. clan pronounced." Chronic 4.l3tencliitii . !,`. •caused hy..repeated ancl,::neglontid .orahls.r ;The- distress entforadla ly iats.trith thelblbed Woidd come from it; filen:great oppression, pain?..und tightness at snit fev.cp—in thort all.thli ueunt.pnlmonary symptoms ' showed , lhemselyes; Omed_tifemeeirce_. nooelog_entire Joss of neCes... artry:#o.4 4 7 - riir.thront;lls,l . eached.andblistOred ciyernridOeklitaitt !4 l ,, :l tinidetrior of'Apiijcporn rein'eAjr, rie s tliWhidT•tEe advico? of ,f44pliyeicinnoinott-02*ft,b,•no:tiviit:-;r4f.oue. twoMombe since • r mpoun • trial ofyou Co SyrOvor,;..Tpr7iiird - Woid Nriptlia; and'before liodlaken.tho 'fifetbottlal . .p.teltroliel: I eontinni , edkonti,l3.,hadtalren.tniveit'lVottlerytvitieli pletelY4eintniid tho:-disease itnd restofed"friet -IW4c.ltllialtir; sod JlFfirrrilyz beliaye, ihruild not now ; bo'living c had it 110 C bconi.fOr JANE. PI3RRY i r . • .• 'l2l..lproce street.- - Prfncipal office N.. 2 .-torner'ol -Fifth and Spruee streets. -:irice-Sfikeeritil per bottle lir. ; SA. Ttrictniii-ff22.;1 é MRS IFOR: GENTLEMEN. • • , . The: enhaerkher homiest receitzl and ii non , o itening at lits . stami . on,Mtain ,ttreet; twolloora from the public square,* large.and elegant assortment of . , actiales for. mtntlernsw'stsie-ant) wear; to IM, respett folks , Jnyitee attention: :RoussePin .rtratled , Shasiorcreum,iniarge : and Small: jars; PHs am, .Perftintes.l4, the }lair se large variety tif, Soaps.r . .ffitir Bruahmt;tonthielot les itn&na Wit rtt Bk. :etriefall7prlcesrltalorkaTid t , 41173 an elegant assortment.ofkentlemen's Ilnen,.madeui) in iheAtept-eed , mo,4-fashionebleetyle- such es , Steeke,- Cellere,llo44,ltoq all , ofirlicits'ild at 11k/Tredt pric4 for --;.„ • •)- ' t:frm:';ll7ebb. ~.v'Jppi 808:1'5;• " " - II 111 0 014 ':11 ,1 1pSig1Arg , ,COSIIILTIc T4eb'e eveh.f inoyered to cora cr pre rentillijihieaa, et oanie the head, idol:make lie hair soft andAlirelOot- elle 'alo:Diug; Or,Ste ..yetiatiitli-',ltieWrov, ~ F. V *i -- • . •- • .."111allockilvCastor Oil Candy Testixoellentorristoi-11jren icitikeot or emelk *Oh _111716 1 IfifiFk tiiore of • ... ~ ALDIES•;... ~.-r; . --;, • - ' .. . . . _ , I:4.3rit We Tetan;a isnrtment of perfumes,•aosp, e r a eases, visiting eurtiripursei. triountedaqtail 4 /tie iss and -sled, I; -anitaide. eoliths, motto-ailts r 'CT)! leviees, tlitabliebttiithe:rwarlikuenrrespond a • • diarist' e) itirtriiiiiithe mo47aeleet houses in I itilattelplitti., t to,yidoltAre.,woultianyite iheatten- 1 .tipo Prilta.)adies,,...iitt i... ~ --. ro:,'i,;•‘ . ' ' r• ..,' ', . , B.IT,EatiISOIITric.,MEIIAFFEAr. At.ovi3sont7o Syrup of • Tar. .11 1 4 -. 4kbrthi, sil4 'Advert infix every - day; IWO' (Nett elkitfirfta core rtir sate Fl\nießnh t or, fetailja the din? r,St ethicte* Metetfrep t:',ltooPm A:l "t ,e .; qedri . ci l9ll ;lCilltar ,cal)110 pa 1,064..,..50,byate,e,i,0ii : gmchorpy„, '"j - k‘ s'.o,lLttitAittti, t • s.: 3:116 ilistrairiberi, hire Waifmpplr of P.srlisolicl; 'mil 'Sitiirs: Al-or %ilia& the,y will sell lower than be .bntiglit else./ Viler sillesbiSte*ensoli . • • . • . i,0...ir0• PolviOS;.cultx,O.'&4:4""l'''''...•- The, igulpi!riVc:r)ise now 'au tied ittliqre;vAtieti fir Wit Of. conelstits* of filch octal ie . guarthree: I t rekqe ier- y iVice,lqihr AVi a;theicotereue *pi-low-So/1p; Smllty.wiiii.ii 141 . 111 e9me irvitliy ,or...iodlesE,Curis- AO „tick apd , Creel , Off !siglr he offer* at."the for ca Pile"' • 1 1 ,tht*: Ikiti ..d.' •'. s•• - • -;•-•-• - ;P., •••,'fhNl : ~ 7, • o ' ll . 4 4irar Mt. ' Webb. • , 414. elk:11845 o t .., . 1:. •.•. :, .4 , ~. ~fl. :"stl7kittu.. - .. a yiiz.f liglietijP-:'' . (01.teit.*:;s^! 1 °V . AW -,- 711 5'7 51 w.- , "#•• =' • '. ' :11011EMONS who - a terdesliota el elplidsti a Wel . .X 7- liable literiry. newspaper,- aril ideligirkirls- , ii. oilateil-ank.leta price than it cot bi?iii4tlyiliendlog. to ill. publitbe.r.v , i . ~ -• ~,, t 1.t1 , 1 A ,ZW.Ora .•:“ :10 • 1 ~ 4.: hikKitttoutli will' reateltif4idtebstririleraliir , 1 the I .ttlornitrDollikr Newt pori0; 1 1-litt 7 1e460 „Book and, l'ertoditat Sioir,Carlisle, Ind APIA& It to iiibtoribert at iintlow retell!' Vat, titotqd, vbit. rr , btin g tt en ty , s ve n , dents`, le , ss O i : ta * - 4ilt i o b . e , sitl , iciliutilnrbiltdelplis.,+ ilktke subiariberpfsrphalrnir s 34 , 'ic/:S - -Seplefqet• 17,1.05.;1.4.0r444.41,:: - - , . • yoqi ,mwitio, :ouenicratilhkitoft of ertiAiiiritiklfrtej %.? 200 bunierl pog;rinttfilratel' 7 .1 01 1 100 .. Pita '94* efial, If 1116400.7,', • " 71w, "; 4,1* 401* iy rA ,l4 If • $ I • ri'I. ; ;P_PF6 A • , • .4 rt i f"; - ;',' Vf#l4' n - 4 mi c , iiritc rro. qnor; tionspolli d sireosotql. , „ h ju s t rescl,ed, and ror iil,'ai l al r-I it' Chem'. Il lOrt r X s p) 4l ' ire *.a. •4.` E INNI nii! ti 4 I J I I,' Lit TlftsijngtOttlitiO, Artgig AND -1 1:11:1(1 a.largeeueply. ctlpzuge,..reintu, yency Ireffuniery. -Mau- - - • ; an StiA eionary, 4 ,U11 'of ivbich be,:soiclh*olciato • arl4 retail, tChakrzulhaii i thet. - ccuiAo , Vid qOwlunlqn the county' ' ' ' ••• May 5fi.,1846. f- ~ • _ _______ .. --' ' .; ' ' • .. , - .. - 1 , - • - -,.....::. • ;...:f• .- - • 7-tf-i t-, :A•• 1 -j.-... t.. _ 0 ,; ... .' ;. .i4, 8 , : : , : ; . , : E. - :: : .: 1, 7.ilijiiiimEE,U).4o,.s. ...c,......4. •'l,, 'I .440:00t34 1 66voliazi* att'''' , -. 1 ..le t o olien . o..a 9 ,ll. b Rul9litt in, .genotal;tlnlthey- . haro retnoyedibeii.eattilk.-1 . II altraent';&:,thistkootti lately obiupied•by . J ohn P. ` 1 toie'tki.COßt.l o ttiiikjitilinsit.O.tthe"ibitaiul" 4 o4(6 . - , flag of Attiatj : 1-141,0ateant•-Yhe Tao Suipo , ....poNiottli Planover-lito4 liektifireinu‘ollitr-ittativa fa.ature and supa,ljtitheinf,ustompra anti the Vehrte, both at hOme and froma_diittruce -with.-141-4inda-ol- • •• • . . . • • • CA — saimbs, . - . tit flue shortest nofieo Mid of the best quality.' .Thep;', also keep...constantly qtrliatt.o,Vitelll;tembrieftir; all the' thegdiffcsetit iciumna r besd girts lotra.' — rimitliiiik:cimprid.i in phi) Such'is Oranges, tithOnii itaisfrik Efiherttl; rrintds'ArdeS;rreitituntita;,Coboa_ NUM, EngliiliVVihiete,CrOund Nuts aml a variety of all•kinds of. Confectionary; usually kept in such an establishMent, all_.of which.they Will Pell at-the• most reasonable,prices fi t tr CA;SH. ileelineenconritied'h the %try litie r ialpatrotilfge Iteretnforeibestoe,ed att thereerlpSve fteskftw, (laced to add fo the riboicstook, all the various-air ticles connected with . • • (3a . /X l cIR i3D.CIOrr . dCEDEZ/Si • aonsiatingtth pat+ of Stigiiis, Coffees, Teas, Meese erselim ft, ol aircs - , - 43h,mpahltc..Sisiicerofirtt - s, Brnibea, Bakerbs and clay 'rextru'lliC• Combs, together with a large variety. ofQueensware and other. articles too numerous to mertion. ,Segdpfrs, - ..TobtlOo and Slfteff; rt ottlie beat and abetment ntialikle",alwayi militant], and will suit thoso who may tavor them w lilt a cal. TYS of 'every description also kept constantlyon land. For the very liberal support extended-to them by their friend's and customers„ thee return lbeir suteera tlit ke,anlliwiil enilesvorim rutiiretto merit emitinuanee -of;tligir favors hy',.sparlugmo *exertion& to_malie r-eatablieliment an agreeable retreat. ' H. lit.• M. • . Carlisle, April 90, 1445.. 't • • _HARDWARE & CUTLERY. ,!..,n.F.ll3liNs tat qiucerth_.thii 3 / 4 1141.r0 44 1 .5 1 ra"" hod 'wile* to inform leisaudited public gen erally, that-lee has Inid in a geneiht iessortmeett ol I-I A Iti/RtAltEthlid GI./11:FLERT- of h/fkindsaude -as A xes;k:erkkre . e.,diefereeit makes,llleteleeter, Draw log Ifini tea -MAO Oust , - kitakei, sels, aml Cooper's Tool's Fran kikkdkiia-lilito„Lisegksessoe kmenr of - aueit'-aiNoiyeettliii;Forka,' front" the enenpest aiol four bladed to genuine Roger's and 4 114 . •;._19„Pc 1 19'. 1 P•'• IPAlnu.rfiefurSil,tible.tea,_sot.ip' and ;‘tt er„„po . ,..frosiqtingeet Ofoll kinds ahallize.; every 'ileeeMperniqfPfleei; 'll rielta spit Of di 'threat tiros; - actewli of differene kinds and size,; gtiog6ir, anti - 1)180u' cue; Vouble. and .single lionsTAnieirS;blahk-teed bright of all size's Cargo' tbree , bitted Alugura'4,lkees'anl Bias of tile best . .make' atra3V-polored Blies ; Knote„eleest, cupleent d etehl, Intel4eyalkvetek,:rkeelke,--Pfed.--,aPa6eblelekArati '001(11014a plastering.Traw is . ; Traces; airtight OndPi - eseks . rsllffeelteke, ehalnatl,4oavy jight Sriatleir iiticrStibvelai_. e , sieelk.; castanet-2 Seiel'y'Ameheleirelfed ; Fro - Wheat, ankreiiess-Ciet Solis: Rhea! Kiiireat' Flirt bone nnil"Tsiln're'pecte, Flee round Nina, long bandleerFrying ,Pan.s, , wrougl . st Iron Hooka and "' p oses,' ilifferenpl aiztthe:b''d as ntr.G ramp Scythes,. "made of ; auperlor:..ateel and Inferlor'lo'sndOe;—nil svarrantedgood c. better the markekeiiitykokieretlnee, - Entire-stitistlietion Will be gieenef.emaktlfalkhotle. as tcrprieeloitt — qualitoOTify - rertioo ir.6li•4lnny call 'at theihld' stated 'so - well known' s-..n4tailterre re Store;..leirmerly kept-by Cowls - I !Arlan Mid-next' door to Common!!! Tavern, anlta iso-adjiiiii lug 9eo,' Xeller7a lint • Call and Atee,the,oid faabioned .BC} thea,,liay and Ilakiss:ated-'rarions Other artleles which demo it enpeeessierv- to irohnt ion, but ealroied ei4rire!, lee lei- remember they` Arian .war:- rmined to:sell at small preekiti and give entire aaliafaction. • • . ' • . . • JACOB' SEN CR, qCtilititile, May 21;144.1. ' r 01 4 1 :14-11i110,-Itilaga r •‘. ! ..- 1 • • ' AND canzipiumPa iscourpfrove nann. CgiritEfergAritible, disilveiy'llai reeelied'thfr. , 1 AL Ithiliiiriail aritirobation of `the Medical pro; .fession of Great Britain, and. has now been Arlin ctently long belbre4lin,Arocrican public in giro it . fat 064Rin 7 :91 . ,i . t,i, . oficaay,; T he :Gitivolnitge:hirect'brenliinarit4i:aositoTtiilllWri :purpokor'forwhifk-the.ntilistriry-hlalveinkvidat• tarn' bt't.letitiic iihil"lllagnclid MtiChilla Wet used. but ariviviiliOtie itrifof iho Injurious ihookir ;which' aodainiihny tho ~ applicatfons by struments ; and ins many other'respecta are rithie aa re/Int:roe r fed O' in 4cartpiisliting tic desired ob. ot. - ':The : q pr . iFn ' ie 'Ri 2. 4l f , l- r' t , f pnre d.yri . tli p er teCt'iiceete in ilf'caseti'oflifieutnntfain t 'oeute tir" ehr,onle.. a pplyipcip , tba i lielid..: face ..ezi. 71ItYibs;- 0•361, TM t Dointeuz.., Or. NuothecliciiiiiihiltkitiPi .Vsiotivi,LNertonsnar Sick Headache, indigestioti. :Priralysiisala iscy.'Epilipaby.; Film. Camp ; y ralpi., 'ation oldie Rear; Apopkayi Stifilieis' eifjoints. Lumbago, Spinal ComfilahLts, N.curiigi s a l Gener alpitillltgliegittnildriferlcioil Energy, &rid all; piers , g us Disordera.-L Thplr;..e.xtraurdinaryiffect - up - iin itYattnit'intietc.he,Witnessetf,to*c c bolitiv. ed, an d es a certilitbi 3 Ontio . ..ifor'tkepreco'eding i i i conifilititti; kilitizikprik4.:loo,l3myinirisled, The - b 444 labga.a to Corpoovafperfnatly ita'intliMi i •iiiiir iiVirloold,* ilOca lobe iiiiin,;the rinii . litifitile • titkiitlia,. ilittitiodEriti d: ; ii . ..,Oped ikstocfeettOn'silthlhe . ,llings, fn " rendel.theicef,• 'Reif t action s certain,dir.cct the Galvanic 'Ono co ,iii particular pails Olivia arc, affected. 1: 'Nnrilei oue , eerii Statoi of the boriefid al' cltects tit Dr: Christio's Ring end' flthd can tie sinatirrt • ....t , Thecfollow ink t Ca titiOntia front the NeW irtirk • Run,'Of J isly - 12thi4ShiCh folly' reengellfs 'Ote era intof , - .Di.:•Crltilittis , the Onfy proprietor of the genuine Galiardit Rings' 'end htegnctic , lukt ' - - Cissillcht44, Air • Public.—Wo &silt - a duty to caution the .ptibliti:Oga rnst porchasing;any of the imitations °lON:erode% Galion/6 Ittrigs Which unprincipled persons are attomptitzg fo d ‘ tfposo 9f in; various . Ogees thtungliOuf fba ei11y... , Vt . °. u r. , 7111 icnntdencit Inltl , truth, Utilities° io9 , k Posivii nq . 4 cPatoill'influenco.)vhat. usitt{ .4 mmt , ttojogartiodin:no , othar,itgljtlhan *drOci agdt' • .... ,H.i: .- i•;:. * l'S' . ...!; •:;‘.,,' F.. 4 14. 0 4N4k,T , :o. lo . l N;kpipi,A If.Criiiie . :ror l 4lTi .hYfil.P l 34. viciri.Wv,., ..., - . , •%t- ... •• , i ~i .4:0 10*dt PrP 'TO"' 401(14"' .• • . p.:.TiArkiall,Sgatarl l lo,T,Oimuiebijuattreeelviiol3dlo . • • A: At might Cant Arkii,Spituipi) • a k t .., f•i Rawl ceittinotmei ' . ifiiitia rip% Nil colas; Cou_ett, ha' Ostia*, . I lziirthe ualmap Il ti t it 0. '' , ''.• ‘ 7.A Z/7 1 .7;it LcAilx '. ' 4,, m , ' ', ?4, :lidtgili A 14. 7 1 0#1 , 9#4,0 414 ., 'O r .. / : ~#it'. '~rlt Yfftituar:Saftity O.44IV,UACINsuRANcE PniNging ctlo YO4, "with' a large Joint:'Stock Premfums reilueed to netirk Mt; hay of the ttinfal raies .. - ,', .s', - - • '.. -'. ......" - 1,.+:::%',..;'... , 4,, . • . .Iflttim fiefildeoprOration thetitepkis plerli,;— '6ll Pa dd n r y or m t c h y e.p su ay st .nl ai e ri n : l , -. . ? .ti f 4i tid ri* lt :l i ci ' lt‘ ti s ri 7 744P ad il il ic it 4 i6 i na ha l ' Security to- the behured,.the•ect re'quireathat•the ' - pra.fitit of the beAriesefithall be funded and remain 'With' the corPoratien;' , aii a anarciriteir . ,irrd.protee. l ' i p n't O -the, instired , against.tao,..::, , This fund liclrepreleritcd ' by , aeriti - Isined lai.ibiCOMpany. btaring. 'thereat nUF.;.Saap4,unti,ala i parment. per Unita nt.'"'ll'he les ni n a , (uCentitkid.lo.:4 2 pro_rata . share-:of the- pr ofi tkiirtlia - CorriPani;lntl : will re' eiffe;lt lint : prepoitia, '6f - the'.,. a foreaahl ',Thud in Serri;',Whien the amount of barnetr,lifaillitimit.'plid b.y.hiao, beiretotlitittittainitiiyttiltnniiiiteirlietes and es pile / stock. - -.'....„ ~,,:•;,,,',..:,,... -.; -., the„rierl P litnelas itedrtriluFtiliiiiiiiraWkittlia biSoks'. of the Company ts•Shinktk-io'Nl'ls:f?'.. DinAlliden d_of - strip,Aignxiii&iiiiiiiii4hentih n lesseteaud expenses exceed; Caeres( premiums: . ' . 7 15i.iTti: , ,:x . ,tf . fi,... , :t..-..: ~- I TN!, insured are Projected r ent : lOiititt...The-eirs, ;ternary rates' ef_preptlitnttlquisi,,,its,4ivitl iiartititi/ttir or 'resjigriiisitititAir ..thti r lesses or expen'see of the CoiporatitliC,s-.llWrisiiiiiirliaf6 411 1 the ' right ' s of •membeititfkkftioteTit *lt Shictipne, and-are eligiblet aioD,iredetelgoi.the' Corparation..' - ~. -,.. • ~. .._ The.subscrtherAtasatew app,olpted:egent fair . Mil; c ompany, and:ar the mutual principle ' is' eepetiteding every' inber:ruorla, of Apreirpfte f hs 4 Would ant dently refei :. zt itt i / f f i , filfr: en ls tut . i , thhkilille.,• ~ ,i: . .la-r ! ..a, y . .F,0 i .. heNerttrmerienn Compairlies ctoted their4ol4. 'Ehosehliirii polfeleiritSPliiing itr.rhal office. can. have them renewedtin ; the. Dehiteerif ieDiepae . ad - much mei e potooluk,..4eiciii . t .., ,„ ~t' or full particulars enquire:ieither )kilet(er of person' to .: " ..1 1 01 - 1.1V.1. - MYERS. Carlisle, September)°, 10.15f--1 y:.. . r' I - FAR - Ptl . FOR . : ~,, :..,... - ._ _.__ • ..,3-5.::1 THP' enbscribers offer to ' Sell ~ at private as ! . ly - tract of land itt,lVest__Perlasboro' towns iti, oriiiiiheflar Ton nty; title Galf 'lief le east of .Ne wvi , - ecuitiliting , 11,1 t.. - . r - '" " ' .. - •-' " .=rP 'oipri.giii3teiiiii' E . .p 6 ..'",Alatt, iitprie t.and, ii;',6:6o mi'ite4'criiiiivi., tion, including a large - prOpertion,or it under good and thriving timberi d'fi lft -, .iihlliVV4•- - - ' .. ,'. - nienla are a two Sfory'Stoor.rH ouseot Wr ., fit 1., ' • Stone Barn and other out:buildings: '`''fl? : . , r - Tho above described property;the' ,",, r, ~ ' Subscribers offer 'to sell either siiiint . .,f - -" - tract . , or one half of it_scparate from the' rest. A good tit le ati,j, possession svi!l. tle given ors the kid.. of April nest. - . 'ROBERT - 7 1 1cCACHAEN, . ISTCHEOSiti , LAttgIiLIV. ~.. . .. July .10, 1845. - -- ' ' '-: ---• v Vea l2 4 ol Prarai Foil .. _ . 171171L1.1te Sold nt tiriynte sitle,S‘lintrrirnl-ffrnt— 'VT rate LlAilis i ouNE LANA:simile in'Sbutli township, one mile 'west, of Cluslinfe, quinberinofil .coust . ty, I) t;g. the; . Walmit "Bottum routs; • at:l,z) rnat:eW:liss, halati therenOlersethil stiritiyiSto'ne Ho g n se, - a" lafge4iittna 7 Barn, a well o' wate.r, youpg_ (Y r o ) nm.: - Aim to:: re he sold whir the alfra:re tract Gve stereti:of firat-no.u•Cliestniit Tintlmr. , • The IV/thin( Bottom ltond''pass6l"th`riiregli the firm, irbieligtvel.4oMarknf ear all' tli. iro trtivmhice that is raised kiwi it, liyArcireillia'aillig'slug,h,to , flie [serums wishing to rtorthnie tMort .31r.. , Aorfrew•ri tir j Lri Carlisle. artm this:ll4Bml bar at . 4ia . - 414113 '4 Miles West Or.CaTrllitie.• JOIN HAYS. Mr, RI 1845. • • • 7 4 'alifaltle grni - ~.„,,.::.-. Tilt stitiaeilbdr 'otreiti'itArpriVatiA'enteifirielor., - lOWitig de'ae'ribeil Valuable Real Eibiti;'tilt.: L u u t e n l y n c l s i e o iri r t t u l; fii :V n i g id i tl .s le ct ta A n c t ..n on c •t‘ti , l !i ii i ii o , r e c a: o ili i y e t . l a t ti,o d t - ' PAI-t..l l *o:lAlinili•abciut 125' 4erei,KWliielf are ~ :161eared.-and in -ahigli .state efcaliii_afiriniand 'Mil residue covered with thriving. ycl.itirliinber.• The • improvements are, _a TVVO ST ORY- .'- • ' LOG , VOUSEv Rtbne fßiteltenislid-ii .., ' - Frulne• - Barn;with - arwagon Bliediiiid: - $ Var, carp eritiinint,a:line.yeung tfirOitii ' Dal ~ f Orelpittfvii.thielnake_frnit..;vl, IV, ph =- ----1- . lavvell••eaxere . cl_Wiil)aeusktlt • riand-a-number ilfWvisr, -, failitigtr,itnighlg -' l ,O L Aqa'F, ilia door. The `Mini& inantioned t.rbet: j i ' I L imeatona Land, mnd.l6 , In'•ii-:houlftiy.•ilcig . ' '• ; ..ctii,within we ' Miles' of:Carlisle, and one Mt / lijitithe Cumber. land Nancy' irii iltoad,and'ly . ~,,. 'Abelconotio , guinet 'Creek. •• '. • .• ~, -1: •‘3 . l' , A - .V" - i 1 .! ,, , j. An indisputable Hilo Win beg ~ f -4 4dr-term - I' apply 'to the sebtieribstAlpiiindike -'hei: - .Walnut, .00t!ortilread, 5 Miles triitia.,7.iii fi ge• 4',Z A '.., , , 7 : ...,,, ~: ~ ...„.,_,..:. _ .'A', :;'.. -.1000 EIS r,"ir, . GetegctiltMS,--:':t-;..%:-4k . • H i "VS , 10; , 'rtiviii)bici_litrm, is,totivymelktilo tho Carlisle market.., .'.'; -,..';'`....'",1"i2...,,,p.•:::,'`''''' tt•:- • The uniterOinCti .agrecolaj la the Cc o iltuuenmpit l a ,!;:',:tlietCOmtnotiottkith of Mono) I Vantil, that they a' 3 1 1 :'it astomintes will = mate opppeotlofislilllWhe otrurt!TOllPiftri'a rop.EthotauediepoitktliitiVof a- "Unger the -'name iti0f744.14 °(,r alie-raliEntra not.‘, nice Book of Carlisle "to Nip-R:4.0 Its (hie i . riooah of earliolo, $t 1.1 Coiltotatitiojcihare a capitol of ono " , Xunilreill thotoopd dope with ccueral itattkims!OAtiraotaniingifitilis ,'tk em, I . .. = • Joh' adi, „ ! •„ 1 .,,p r t.,-. Jcv, ienty, • 4 "i! l •"' , r'' fr t ii;t• ita4er, : ;Murray, • A • • • ;.• rauna's is-41 .N=•=- 4 - :0 •ciArruffs. , :stES i 7 - 6. ~. ~. , .., _.,,.....,,,•• .4 ..,i,c_.-4 _,.vo . • lre'rettrrn ore invite •ror use pa .ii e. stleosily licatoijed en lAs iit i oni Vi eof .busineisthe ciiiir.l ing4,cliphcageiri . ays i ie s*ap•nroptS**‘*iibrac- Writ, - Fmil is thrripi; nem; abilallihciSe who ileiire tiS gefilitlytpll and WiiifFp,clothliikramli arelinied &null - grids° sPbtliiiiroii wesrllirSigaih;-vrill please 0 ye, IPA A "0 /k /',1 ,r o i. `.1 . V iR o ril!9( 11 fitt.i8kMIC 'The collars o f '4l Oilts, or any sp°tS, will he, eteaincil islifibbet6iietiiiig the outer Instki lir 'ive kiir: A niv . ir fr.eairvir. Our pritei hill be In briiportiim tb the , jobitalzhx,rrnm .42_1 -.2 tents to ji l or i k tlullar.— ~c Scull Siaworiranitiaits - :*lll(449firroink, dwellings ihP!'kr.lttiW iIYSIt killr.Pa l l o•9:'ilt§k l rllkiotv wi ish to .o.Atilil.l4orf4 l ots4l4lo7ohiCre "'initWlAiieto4l49:4luitifielot'otKie;atoiilesr • ""' •'."'' •; . ; 0 117:. ;',.:.1$1 , 2a.B11110111::;• •Iltili r dllll4 - 51'R,37:4.. c 4 4 .4 . 1 .; ,-. l.. 4, rvtr".mr-' - .-N 8 , - i e ••' .. - *.iiilekti AwitkilleNtilt • ilfr . Btoph es 1 ismsripsoll • %101 ' :.904 1* 44 igli Mgt Va ti ll4 l : Z.19 . ft.;•,age.l at )l.nX t'ioiti:. ll turikillCA , . • ' . otrilltgLt4l.l•ll-:*.t9ci.intilt34lllkttl.l lik" ti,mlSllhitel :5 . .. ;slti'llslolii...%. : • . • • :•.',.. 4 7--- .1 . 1.10,46 - 110 1 N•• ti .... , . - 100 - 41 - : ' i'efLOTHili . 64ittoriCtfitSiVatcl,. " '•''t,,,ir,iiiithit , m...h.ileitit sail 'h'iiil fe.bishelP.'a .;: • ttr 'earl and examine, tics he tOp asp . si a e 4, ;, Assortmest air Cloths? Oisll I'.II.CrITS: %P&P . . '. :. 64 .1 . '' .lll. 'be siifirat reilciat il l pi iii,*;o. , 0•-• ' . litva:4ii i.... —,..-.} •'. . •r/r • t`ii,r4s ,t,' :, i :c . ....1:••,:r'r : '-i- , - ~L'7 :- ' : ;*:-.*;:0•:1 , . ' I . : , it s clillki ' ', i - r rrh; ?4,' .11 1411160 111 4 i ' _ .... 50ThirAtiotimpAbi . Salt, jud tieei „ si4lo low et the Stollt Ohirred S. v s •-• ' ,\~~~ ra.;~r EU it , g L l,t e ~. "i Clegg; • Ititilibi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers