,matitasm latplaavea E. -- BEArri; treoicAND-PtiopmErtr; SAOARLIMILE, , PA. ' , ;I:.;-;;Wfillr1N-E0DATii.Dotober;2%-4845:-,, .oteene jf. the lead- erisft - thrt,,, no_ fn'stolterty in the United Stiteei vOil:;be found in the article on our - first • - pageentitled - , - the --Meekenzie7P-am— ' give further mantle from • rst ealtdritionnt the Cumber !anti ptiurtiy . Agriitiltttrat 'Sociky, will take . Pitce - tri!:*riaw near tills borr,nigh, A annsi4iiicti7:disril - iii'';:ie stock, agricultural inipferr;ents, C*pected, a cdihifie - w ill •-• • also be a ploughjog . ICJ"Mrs Pir,imiLlicniEtt, of north Hanover 5treet,ge . ..9 . 3 ... a few days since an evidence Of the ince* he has met with , cultiVition oCilici-grape, by a present •.. -".'-' *lfge - YetiltAnniikqq . enft l4l4l-154 e 18 er tastedgra - pes.4.,tt More delicious flavor. They are of the glsinborough,stock, white aolor,end, ; akillonglt „ pot, quite so large, Are decidedly superior to, the , Isabella or Catawba. The trObble•attending their cut tivatimi hatt - iti Mr. .i.echlcr!a experimen been - Tr_it,ll,:rettaid. , : "'NEW Diises. Our neighbors...,of the ' out We organiof•` the demoentertiO • eek,in quite a handsome new toifs),`rpil . r.i'. , It now 'presents an opPearakicitire4 'Oretlitablir to the tyirogra , pitied- take 'aii(.l skill.of its publishers. We may'. ail 4; "toe, that its.' new s edito-s disposed to repudiate the sent • rllloue peraonnlitiea which . have so long --/tnaa-itteliroeperity.-Of the.lneaoen press aindpaitlir;-iind conduct paper with. , • a dinfiegard-to dignity of tone and •eigarac- • or course we shall not let the 'llerald' "be • long e clipsed. v peed;- - lire-e---ttow milking artatigemeitip',fer prtictiring new and beau= tifui tyPe'i4tiiii: l cif that Aid arel at present - "tl' h • t • t - 11 uhing,--an --expec -a II y- o presen o r . .pairr in :a siyle -that' Shall aii Well elicit admiration 'of its external ii,Ppearance as commend if to the'Airther patronage of the community e-: But the change-is t r ot tai° wrought in a moment a d our friends - west - '" HISTORIVOF GREECE, ROME,---ENGLAND7,BOd- AMERICA, IN voturtics.:-11iieseriewbt - School historieu was publibhed in liorolon by '"the Society • • for Promoting the Christian Knowledge:" Tivei , are Said to be•the ablest'bOoks of the kiiiil tAnce•thOde'nf :Goldsmith. • They did iendially'-usetiliillie Behinds nf England, and are recorriiitentletrW the iv - orks means - be peed - aVin, thl departments"orhishify which they they relite.; 'TheY are , eticohdensdd thatetiltile:thi coat'of 'them ta,bur- a' trifle — and 'thespitly:pf..,,tlionven' ea s t taek, they - --pyesener(cleitqiiikplecasiiirtiarratiorretrat *that inifMriiiiiOn ihdliistories of which they treat ; :',: they are -well and etionnil,'aiidmontain.alarge number of illus trations. 'They -arc,published Philadel- phiaty Thilmaa Cquiperthiiikir& Co:'and for `e,ale in Varliile.,at-jthe book" eioie of —4l4i,iAciunoNNl4—.lslcommenil-Ahem-lo 'Bll4ho4eiejititiiestddin education - ' Titte , TetiNG Democutecr:l 7 -...48-3one 0 1 the truite. o(iherecentcleetion, weare bolt Vie.ToMlirderannyaer is rainpant:and means dCklierestfler - i4 4 4 14)1- 0" 8 -e':*--:- Ydung ii4sMocriny 10 progressive, and it seems to Ars.considered s grak,stch,l)l4 limikers • as ~ WpodhuroA , O(-,piofiilr 4 O 4.gg, „Stuart others 1 47'0iqgrOfte4,0ioui it 2 e:fAr as , : mitnyaljimo3 - -, : t ~and. therefore hoerd 1, • None of tlteue 4 ,ll , ' o. l oT .B ":: a n: he PP ef °"h• ! ° ! 1; ' wire pulling,. or_ nit- gitt:le , . . Aug dele s'itt i tkef ;sou n y onVen _fiet*liPiely'stiiiiikAtiim..!'manc . itckliy .the2b:Og •,oi9ilo#reetyi' . ,y„,oletetrielFlUi, • ¥y.iight ()C'itee•ce .lB • ici'be the ftedW tt next: - 64; Arthite,s; Pir Con 4ere se 111 ed es) ud ari i So's. .oP the tyoue gz deme a` •re ; qv; el nee'; - `-nok•- , :oecteogorr, to nape , thew pisi Wil,fholk ; kWitiolLt . :the,:progresi of 'Abitigs•:', o .!id o o l ooli )l4 :-re.kinfrei • V.: 4 • ". Will f!?:fle'PP bY 1110 •°(,0 1 04:14turos; 0)4" OFlSbeyosrtOt :toireAt6i , o f the;POo6 fa~ " o • oppcmpi • .••• • • • • . ,Y9 . oPpliegkin! 4 •,•!l ( l on ly. liowa good' ° .Homyt;liffair's,l646&lnto 6 7 ,a410pa;Z m i. • 'ilatififir tiporo,peitipps,6lmi . •4 i °, - l e t!:? 1) . 3 ;.•# / l t o e t. 1 .4PAYIItT e P 1 li s .0„ ° ??R en ! • ot i ii e -f-z- t .. : 1fJ• 1 0,..1) , 4 1,1 13 0 11 t VP• aia MYelr&.FAigti • y'ity‘Ft l " . . fOr,ed 'l44fiF.eigiri‘;' , lsreVilt,*.g•tii,iia'fitiiii of 04F-4.44-;;#4,l,;l4.*giefiviK*4o4-4,41c0t--,_ •••• ICeiltrtall. •o -,' • •••••=6%;, The tnrn stfalte",eleetitn in f ,agstre ,s,;• ' Ha . • ' r,l " 7"-- 1 able l li a v`#. l : tlnfligiNtorur)y,* deg t e joist`i, _ u4o'• of perhaps one:in `she Senate.: Boor* the loco foco forCatialCiirpoilii 7 ,to nee t is ntsy elect 6y a very cons) era.. • . me cul grit} ..,snatt!qcame to present a correct_tage_ _thnemberi - elect tothe Legislature yi to Phila le phia city-the whige liuve,car ried ole-ticket.‘ The vote:4)01a: y?ywlts,lot" w ift (late, 062"—fitekijr,'gati4, 4b24 r anti a plurality, over-- If.syser, l of-,•438. 7 ,-This• majority 'was not sulticico lo overcome the locofcco majoilty in the county, vs.lticii: envies tilt) election of the locofoco catlf.' • dates for city and , county. officers. •,• " , In PitilstletpltiS county this lOcofoco Can didates fur. Senate; Assembly, &c.titiceeed by a ninji:Oty'',sl 558. the city • have beentotuilionted in the city anti County. TO Lancaster county the whip linve elected their. ehtire by majorities. varying front, 200 to - 90'0, over ,the Denci crate aturNitives. • . Yoik, the 'entire,locoroco ticket with the' 7 exceittiOn of Treasurer, was•. elected without. niiitosition. • •• . In Bucks county the loco limos lave elected three members of the house of Representatives' by' a majority of about . 250. - • • 1 Cheater county the entire Whig cdunty fiche( is elected by if - N . l'o iiinjori-: ty, with the exception of the .Prothono- In Montgomery county all_the loco foe() candidates are . elected by a majority of about 1700, except McGlathery, the can didate for Prothoeotary,urho received only 200 majority. P , In Adams, the gallant -Whigs of the lir flung Guard, have elected their whole ticket by an average majority of 300. The Whigs of Franklin havo-thorough ly _purged their bounty from the taint of locofocoism, by the election of the entire cbunty_ ticket, by about .2.00 majority—a victory worthy of the intelligence,and pa triotism of the citizens of that enlightened county.. _ _ . In Huntingdon- county the loco foco-di• vision catuJidates.for Legislatote are cit.& tellirra mall-majority. • In Cambria county,•lllmitAn...DAit"lVlA omcnO, Whig, ,has been re-elected by a handsome majority. . Letia - nc - iii..the entire Whig . ticket is, dented : by majorities ranging front-one to fl-Y,o,llUnktui • • ..:I.nßedforti,..thOntire Itkorocrt elected by about 300' majority. .Lehigh has not - :" dons_r beiter"- - she is Into foco as usual. ' POUR Westommlantl-isof course loco foz7o, but, by a reduced majority on the Senatorial note. In Allegheny the entire ! Whig.anti An ti-masonic ticket. _has _ encceedni. hylrom 300 to 500 majority.. Nativeism is corn • pletely routed there. in Ferry., Ef.enzits. OWEN the Inaepen (leo locefoce candidate is elecietl . ,,te the Assembly over, liieho,k, the restilar. nomi pee.• by p majority , of. shout 4(lt,„.,Jospli MILLER, the Intle etttlept ^Wbig . candidete or Prpthonotary - , is,elccted by' - --orpr 200 • • majority. In Dauphin the_Yihig candidate for-Sen; ator has a majority over locos and Natives and Mr. Ktinkts . one of the Whig cantli•;. ; dates for Assem bly .is electell by.,400 ma. , jority: . - Harpetthe otlir Whig candidate, 147dsfelited t . and Mielfi — tellCMler;'oneTirtbe . W big,ai d Incefoen.etiedidates for Prothon citary,'Zinb and Bodo, are a lie—in this ,caskthe Governor appoints for one:year. The 1* candidates for Sheriff and ?Free surer, are elected- r theloeofot ecainiadatets ° for the remaining Offices are elected. §cheylkill•emmty tjje whole.locofoco ticket .is elected„ by. several-. hundred. Foyette, tb9 ”.I,oimfoco :R4road riket" , hap, prevailed by a majarilly,of %. Green. county has gone lien loco as nnualwith the exception ot,Registerantl Recorder., 7 ~, , • ', . , .r:kmitijor,4y-70(k!".144.!!- 00Ain-Monroe_ aonnty,,fortlfe - ;re„g Oa rlyno minated tipliat. P', 4,,curPs 019. IX-0 1 (111, of Mrfuirs. Hincline Ik ,- a 4401.00 Snyder, 1..° ?A''n'l o9. . 9 9'" MPief:4l. l l9,- 1 4! in(1PP5!!5 1 ,.!0„..0..c.M,;. , V,....a m 'ajority - or over WO vo!ee • , , % 'tll :41 1 11 1 119411. ,01,JW hie 1 karl . 'of"niPd, theirwK ti WOOket bY a bout, AOO ,toloiity. RePYll.ll:'..,rt f? p3..,;oo ,§#04 ) 09 1 . , , , Pis rict composed - 4 4 liti, nista , ,Uo l oll::'ll„ll4Miillini 44.1'f,i' 910 4 kirc., ,' ffirfigelrell9r4 , ' (4 17 -1 1 igt) ,is, elected 43 , ,,,1,99 pp.),ollAk9 ,4up i ath Aild. ' N___niir , if MVPIroi:; - A l CP9!),lY: , piti , ; -, crpipi ( 1 U,VP1114.) #o!tteciPO•Kealtlllo -,,c411 , 1101% 1\ (lily - 1 ?7, , , pricliti Rf AP l'ainii. c In, blip fip, Agna.,,(4 !;•) - 1010id?to,:f:er'::CX PI PAMmikliollertille .., ,r'lY,,oooMiajority. • - er ou, ."' , ;‘-t ' • &tin . fliterifr '14.4 &Matt % nag ; apOinted am ~...,,2 ; ;,..,.., ~,,,,,v..... , .„...,:.,. A?? ~..,- 1 1 1° !':174,..riTylOpw 9 . " m1 9;. I ""ll,l, 3 iß u lt S Ml l 4il i trO f e e : 6l ,:*#. o .0 1 ? ie W. 3 011f* ( te rati l e ! thfli c?"l il li b jr . 4:l l Alt.:4o:(YOMblirr"iir: ii t P a Y e ni d° ll l '..ki V I tail,T,3l, id iv a xl l f t -Ohmt oittf : Fr: , I‘ii ft .. 4ipinfifthaa'clutia; , geii)the , pie:fr .- okt 40)1(16 Who were ,1•0 , : .1(4,01i, el* itje.":ilkt 4l , l ;i 4 i.Wi'dielo' ti4; - , *4 * imiti4l7,— At tirsi;l l 4 ;'4l 4 ; ! ` ~.- • 4.. .. ,, , , ii , , t, t ;44 ~ ',..,5,.,., r...., ~..,.,, I!')!AuP l Y il° ' ,o :: , ,kr,°);!' ) '",, :tr I MIn bn iti- 9 -004,-titn-xi -°,;iispot) - , , -. ~ , ..y.i.1_24=:', . .--Wj (c'4),73,10,044.!a1iti0tti for 404. 1 1 ,4 1 0 4- riV ll oo4:Of t, , 6 o:k!ii ido - s66 i ) * okieo)..o4o,oolknei..r/At:4;•:' , :t;o , P; (Sf s , :s'o 4- 41 • 4.0tiif44***A0d 4 16 .- ' ~-1)...:,- ,; v,x.: 7ci,...i , : ,, , , !,—'l: . .f . . ..' =V nil; m-» 1315 .33,“ ‘s'; 7:74: 4 ..4. ~ . :'4 ar ,_ :, A s : t; I:9llnsving-1, ,. r jr :1141. 4:ifil f`r , h. ''' •:''' ' 7 ,', i:f . Z : '':.,' i „- iit 4 : . tiliniofbit4h: liric-/-0-, .. c r o,lti 0 4 ,..„..i,„:, Ltli A o6l.4. -isi..!.. 5 ,.....rt4.--0.1 r.1.0,-tilioawciettlie,:iii,..iiii_yeio:,..:(-:::___4...., ~ Is ,istrik es its'tlisi....coniiitlgring thaf-timn kniPths eireumstancei this , ' is:tt . ..-,Mqt4ttly , - ~v- --. 4- ---: - --I •edixi'•e ' l i iiii ? -.'.', L ,'-. . vyarrit2tc% ion ktnALa g,ittA.,.. ,_ 4. t . .. 'ill'e c 4 i 411 r 1 04 `,PracticP-of -1 .4../h! } lr, 4 -.44° n;;*4e'si it; iiijiii,citht - t ireli t tlii - 1 op 4 rysT ,'n u i' , , „,- ~.. -.."...pi; v: - -....,.,- .. --.....1--- `on l'hursilitylStVlth aMitetirrent y , ro). - ported 'that the loco foco candidaterAhr rem,' iif.;thet.iPoor -sass ~ ",f.,...P.. ird hibli"Pl , iii* - T X 14; !:4 • ‘ 11 i e40i i nl '' lr -i i lEttgr -. ^", j -Wleifer it — Fliiiit ' litk:"l. - kti.ach Ifelktreif hieti i iii4ecii'itiiiorMikAwa'Aliiiiiissall. from th Stewardship' or not, ,the feat of. 'ilin'Ttli;itirilir 'W`tinfitrilrer ttiPiienli SCI • any's.' rate iti.:llase-4nenlu'ced : this-mnef-precip- 1 , , hate liaste"in securing him hii place 'for Mil ntlni 3'ear ! ' ' '' ' ' '' ' Irthe People of CuMbe•land eciuntrliik i.eflect a - inoncett lhektilll Wee laWf,ilo:, 'appointment )Viiihnes',all right 'find completely :presto/A! . p - ii6ticiiiirtliPtir wliich the late - eleetiott ; shOwil is i;o,n , euglify.aroitsed in regai.d- to, .lhe'ientlition and m:OtagCmentaf.Ou(Ptior'Houtte: . Myerw.been elcefed hrwould now have . . no:clioice in, the appointment ole gteward -Ihr the ensuing year, and almost every poi• pose' of. hiS election thus rendered a corn kis not necessary tliaL.w should 'comment farther on Oh 'inotit,elitrip i; ordinary trantactiO'ri.2:l . It will startle' the unsuspecting - Peeple . ,of this cduttir 'who have so' confidently trusted the .have had the management of, otii4etiiiii affairsiaful - will convince them thidiciiiid t thing-must be "rotten in Denmirlf,"4:Wheit itudr - extraordinarylsroccedidgeuleeWee as the sboveby the• Directors of tlie - POT3I.:' If there is any thing wrong . t-iltherela any, corruption• any where, , the' .People will now more- than'ever demand that it shall be fully, and iViroughlyexpolled. • , A GOOD JOK6,—The• following is corn inunicated" to the Richmond Whig. don't know how true it is, but names .are giilent—lt. is said that the day on which Mr. Clay" arrived at the. White Sulphur; Colonel Singleton, of Soutlr,Cainlitta, had invited Mr. Andrew Stevenson, Juage P. V. Daniel, and John..TYler, to take -tea, in his e.abin,„Mr. Cjay,: . 'lieing unaware of the fact; determined- about Awilight,,to.visit the. Colonek• The three worthiea'above alreaq arrivebefore: the . candles were - Colonel S. .was standing: in the_lleor, as-. : Mr. Clay .93. preached. "Wu/ do you do, Mr, Clay?" said. the Coloneli.irv..a loud v6iee. Tyler sprang Out of the window, ditto Dani . el and Stevenson following suit. Whim the lights. were brought, the Colonel' was stir. prised tofintl•tita.viaiterarbati sloped: 11E7-According to IVillis, the practice of street smoking is universal.iii:Paris, says:—every mart smokes, in the streei in Paris. • And what is worse, (or better. as you chance to think about it,) the ladies smoke very general was sitting by the side of a lovely English roman, yes terday, on a morn,ing - eall, when sad denirthreaded her„fairfingers ttirotigh„the pracuttion, of, blonfie curls upon herelieek, and laid : " I hope my hatcitt not, tlinitgrne7 oble I looked antazetnent a.t,.the poseibilit olnourse. "Elecause,7.she..ed-:. .!.Ihai , e,, : keett . !smoking alPin moot': one's hair The Istlies l smokts small, 'papa's. elegant, metle,of yes.y, igsceo.. - They,:se.out, the idea of ever giving . the pramieemp, and 'are, only . .astonslts4 st - so,loog having left this charming„ikought-softener to maln:mono• E:1112 ' - Wiii'"The IV higi of New York — SiStei are preparing for the Novemtper Olee , tiOns*iih• tlieir old spirit, and eh epeikVAbt deiterves,if it does not comm'ett success The'parrylere•;.oranized evety 4wltcre.- 'all third partyiem, of every narne, "is cliewed.-4he best men in 'the ranks take the field-and the arteientlirei of WhigCsin are re-liiiipted. lost." The brilliant - richt:Averment of 'the .• higs of Geoigil, — Whcriiiiverelietili'initv fields May be . *On, by . vinnitig - 'the rnrwit brilliant victory-that Ilia 4 - faced' the , Whig stiottard'aince the glorious 'days. of - 1840, nOt be - without . its' . .effeat. , The noble spirit they bo':eronted•ilt: the lir!iiiits - of-!fie:-'l l Vliike-:irlsewitere, • and4l# 'Whidflag the` feioti•• retleemed - fiein 'the' errors of èm: , L. 4,.. 47, - t _al ._ 1 '!.••• •-- I t.r. _x lioq„, 4 , i • KrThe 7 ,u. s. ,Mazetie. of yesterday; , cave, the opinion Jitts':,oftw tifijecii,e,xtaii eieflY- ellen, th e People of, the city 01 , Phil- Fidel Pttiii 'hid , •14ecq Ruffte..klif s!' 1kre.g4 ,1 1 3 4., ctiati'llith)erilleiaatiee PeAwciett;ilt rilY , Plid F,!iitsborp...The. - cleceliett ~,! ,,, M ll!,hVit, ohaii - liti,m_a‘le,brfa:,c),tineFiTi qthe.:9 ll 9• - ticrienti laren,ilY ;Road Avith.‘the:paNniMi - -stal'Ohjo:scatd, Or hy, a direct ; tfou,tshy the ,Iceietc•river , p . ~.................I, L , c: . P. •• .-, i . 11itrOliMMOdIrit 81 1 4 ,*arliiiii 'Pub 'shed . ri - Itint'statit'OteitiliiihO,'N: Y. cittiiier' in Yepri:U'i'ii,lattiiPtaiii`ildirs r'eflOicalaitiltriti, -iiis, 7 2-iiiiiiitatidr.incrii-,criniaintiil46; Itilijaill liikeitidtie tatoli taitillsl4oolT, Irci . ii,"iithit - taitilNal?:"Y.ltil!iiritiftiakitiiiiif tlWrifd-bitititildeioit'.-atiiii4 eL 4 .tatieratlt!s_ feWkiit'''iliittii*ciiii ttiirs'a T toinidiiiiiiii - oi leets, 6111oPiliPeciiiitihii0tie.. 4 1 ',', 1. '' .." --h „ 1491 - 1 4 `k f : j ''. - •: 1 4, 77 -- - • • ' ' ,' - "." . ".7 - P1: 3 : '-' E r Vl ) V[4, 2(;ll ! i i , $ l 4 "• I N ;PAMNIM/i.r 7' IFORVII di4104, tll ,1114 protracted qaoSt iii*4ll4}ll4lo,,49 440 1 sittiptiiiv,glwis ' e s 04 i i i II IPP 9 C O 'P' 4 lt:st:'? l 9' r eif"ltib':Ouktolt *i' I SIC I4- # ol9 t r ' , Oi r leiT ii i iil :o: 4 ' ,gi At A .*.0,),, 4,,,,,,,„,,ii ,0-0*,,ti0,,,,,,, ~,,i, ; i :,,,,,,,,,,, - ~,, , ,,,,,10-,,„, 4 „ f.000,, i , , ,,, , ,,t,: 4 , ~. „,.....,_ ,6,,,,,,,,„,,,,,1142,-,;Y&,,; 4 1:;,c„ IA , , , „, , , , , . ~ :::,e'e,4'l,,z.e, BMX i .tifftTyyll)--iii..i.olgie.. , c ., ! .90.; ?0v,,1.,, 1? , q 4-: * - rild p(c. , • fi,tv"A t ik,!lio,dos, ‘..T-6,_, : ;o ' ..ii,,iitiv -i— -ite.,:tv& "41° 1 '41 C,Ok!ajii.k4o, tie 16484! rim iii0P2,04,9.—.' T his, li aenpii, bilen.o4ept - Itiray bi - Aliit„gaiiie alieady - Teo„oived, whic in.,#ddiliOnierms`siclbar . , : mokly. , 'of fro oo • ZIP RP : 1 0'.: - tr*PP0 fat, I.qtiqrioopl, ,- - . ;. ,, ,' , I.s . .alie;roturpaAt4 i .fpiliCaiiilliiat4lllo4li)g:t ^w ill 6 tiagiiio 6 loiot;:iiillpv*tW , . 7 ,legiiiiiiiiii;;;:t...--4lict , -,Eloniiio--..ivilit.prObabib. e. 1 41; F',.,k , 7,4!4.0d.5 5 4 1 9 - .0 1 9#9,5r4k90k , 414 3°F47- 4 , 1 74-thailbcllY.,;OF.q: ( 4.POP,which' will be moro - khap -, l?illinOeii., EtirLal _whit Inajority:ofiox opeight iii ihe Poutle ~ T 7111 is tineiticetett? as , it is brilliint. and. furtiiiihes cheering evidence' • That the sOirit,throughout the lanti ISi...coot/cr . ing iiPtnthe ;hock susmiped , frotri, thedisastrons:nyeault,,tof the . : Presidentiaf struggle, with - it' 'determination stand, -by o rilg anon and long 9h Ille.P!txl„;lli!!is:llte.r!ght spirit Let it be, adopteiLtvi4y, where 'and vietc ry will yet perplOpop osc,kanners. ..The hetrogepeoue , inatie of:Mcideht Democracy, are too weak loog : „lo,( t Withsiand a, warfare as active as that displayed by - the. jadorni= -table -Nyhigs,pf:Geptitrint tbe-recen test, and by ; them Pi'clienteil , to the count 'ry as worthy of imitation and ' adoption by , all , friei• .years /mince to, rend them 'asunder, if not soon diiiupted by the corruption• and and. profligacy so characteristic of ite ele. meets. - • . ' Ohio is - ..CrirThe returns of the election in Ohio la's.far-as-recelved:are-moat-tattering-to-the -Whigse-and-indicatelhat-we•Shall have the Legislature in . both branches 1 . . CONNECTICUT TOWN ELECTIONS.—The Boston Daily Advertiser, makes. the fel= lowing summary, of results of „the .recent election in Connecticut. The annual elec- Aiou in Connecticut, took place on Mon- Jay last. In a large portion of the"towns the 'two political parties supported distinct tickets. The Whigs appear in general to have Well sustained their ascendency in a majority_ of the . towns„ , ! A question of great interest, •in _the gt 7 ettler part of the State, wa' the choice of toivn.coinmission .ers, under a new law, to,iyhornie,tieleffe• ted the authority to decide v)hether9lieen• . see shall he'granted for the sale of spirit , ous liquors, or.,not. ftlarge _majority of the towns the Temperitnie party hos prevailed in the .rhoice ommissionera knotin to be opposed to .The: grantittg - . of license,. It is.sopposed4at not . more than twoniy towns in thii*eite have chop en comniissioners in Tavor7.Of proposition for . . amending the eintstitinicke, by "ehrogslfOi!he:f,P.Ope!:lY qualification for heing n.v.oei f .was , subMit• - ted (Or tae consitterOv Ot i the people at this election, There op4iito, !Jaye be e n a very small _vote on the question, but.:of the votes given, the majority are in favor of amendment. VERMONT. --The Legiqlpture ofthe State 'of Vermont convened orMantpelier on the oth inst. Whig officers irete elected in, both branches, by decisive niajoritiei.: consequence of a•non-election of State of ,fietere by the-people, the dui ,:of alijipin- ing the .:governor; - Lieut. Governor and Treasurer, devolved - np - On'the Ledislatore, which •was promptly.) tlischarged by the election of the Teenier . Whig iand id William Slade as . Governoilliorace EatOn Lieut.. -Governor , john;,Nalding. jie Treasurer. ,!_rue Green ! ' Motintain I)IATH or worms A. Conan, • editora6liirljohnetnyiwt 'Gazette, diet' on .the,ttkinet.3 . ntitiiith year of his age. AirAlinaii , iv'at Ynong man of [Ober:ling. maanere c attd Amiable disposi tion, ,and•poaaesseirafair:dogratp,o( intellootoal ability; "Irlie,'ficifunintstr4 had . with ititn,lgave: tie an .opportunity•qe appreciate his worth and excellence 'oeharacter;tiind it was with sinoore regret that4,ite•reCeived the intelligenecof . hientinteifiliCaitno • • • ,11171 The Weitingtert,correeitontlehtiili the :Acres! of -Commerce .speake:,,eakf tlentlyi Tariff', he -.broketi 4owii,by_ the next„Cofigtette,.•.ll,eoseye,,the 'Pre,4tlent ,eml_ll4l.,)..nel i Or4awilt: pursue euc action ,to the friends . qt rree-Tradcr :Ne lr Ott.' 1 e "ptibliihto thei htt'v3 been :keel itell, l lhroeigh highly iftOetiblt ihitti, !Wit • theiQoe ,peridint ) Reliobflo;§ h re' to p:rieirtid:*r kg ! 'oeived*ni Odnfivo cop 7 ; . 1, ; I '.r•Yt Z;-* ;!, - Cillsk'" - T/ 111 ' , PanteriAN ,the; equesl aif French Mirisfer, to • • k e l t :P. + 4 ; i #4 g j a 11 ;"%' ;.1 I i rfif 1 0, ,Fe aro 7g :ll)44l,o'qoYClnlnfiKkfia°'ilevar.:‘,Prhiti,j,44l 14,cmrksii,a 9 ',401,0 9 p. ! ..,1),ut,enk$5'?PUghtoici enppreee Aq4+po ki!)Ltye yro wee . Chinese , L felei k al lf, li g i ?P:ifC t b# 4ll4 lriF , ! e t ll " ikA ! 511110MICQ w,rq9k.,,14P! should , 'AeY '!hO!% , flAllT - ztOl i k telort l'iliitg i litlit;lisilo4ollet! 4ll Ml 111 0 1 1 1 tIklii.it '110.114 41, , ) 1 00" . " 1 A0001#0"Fltil: 'lO6lllO - ett3 ire4r,v<t* ,:` .. - ',..r:',' . - 2" '41. ,- . ^):- P 54 ~,,,"1 4 0:4'EPP0 . 1 1P r. •'' 4 1Piviriiiiii- - 0 - ! t: . stioire):l : ‘ --' - _ _ ,.....—...-.,:a ., . — 0;_ . ,.,'" '''-,,,,,,* 4 4 ; ', - • "' ) 7l it '' - ~.7 . 4:0, ,Q. mon 0 3 1„,,,,,, . nahlpWdehrilify.hc . Lifted haveltad.nu; ; ittlai4tenee4Urin l i,tg : iiysOV'lle present `paw . ' i tore of)tirairm In ,183 B ; board orDie rc -- . 4 -tori ' of-this townehip dividgd.tflinto sub.distrletafor . sepsrateAChhohr,iihtaXidfoiclicohe voterkuPeactiL, t ui ? i Pkt r k ct i.i l i . 'Il )91 14 ) ! .. .?(*PP 9l ! ) t,krit : .:A° li :; Uctrit' re adie r Midi' ttie - .pupervisi oniii.., the board. , triToB'.;i*i'liiiil:', arTilta s:i.qu,l Ifni .fri2 .iirileiiiikul„j-:.g V467*?E'fiillitOritiriiiiirlinal G'eogripliy;'.tithinklitigitradilired-liiihiiii - .iiiithig: tliiifiare', at thus by necessary. nfrence [0 0,40:iit ,,. .i 110 ,900 , 47 . .titigiq , ;thi5 , ... 1 051r40 10- n.i4 1. ; liorioduit#o7oor6,6 - #tiiin:li;*tiguiyit,-;114 ?I'd° - 4 -1 0i;ga, r 0ii !iiii# ll.4 o4 6-6 1 1 .4'iilAtAd 1 0: - fije t . -- liktli.__6 - otwilOuiiiis - *!iii!; ! :viic 4 1110dIroctorei of every school'ilftgl44rC., 'shall examine every peraon,wishingio be, ..emploictl : as a ? _teacher in, their district, and if. found , qualified,"and of good' - rii;ifilt - cTiiiiiieTiVihill7ffit lier - fritgaliteaOlar, - 'dinit ihdVito person 401 , he:eh97' ley . 'ea'cliidtk:kther; urtliti he suatkuiii:Pacuitrairr; ;lit eh certificate, saki shall fie orieweef-arputaky.!'-;In 1842.famat Elliott Esq., wall sciectidoisicacher of-the -joint. school (made - uf. , ,Pq41,39f; .WPl. , rentlahato'At l 4 Dickinson) by the,:pmernittee k 'ana%conatrnteed teaching withbut havin6i..fakipeared .before _. the . board for Ixamiiiatioti;andiff enlarge Withent Lao: ing • procured the..Cirtificale,' although : l,6th, he_ and the.cocornittee wetter distiiicly informed' , that the bihmd.:..nogrd 'hold it indispensable. Several meetings meetings of - theldtrd`weiti held Cipreiely fe'r'tia . purpoie of examining the Squire; bat he never appeared before the board. 4i ecititrnitteoOf the two beards wailippidntedlo meet at Mount . Rock at a time , agree. upon to examine t cn.., A ma jority of the committee; aselso thel3quire and, his friends, attended. But if we ; should , judge. -from what-1001v- place, we must' sal , that the Squire's object 'Was not to be exsinined f Lodi to abuse the committee. At the nail Winding of the board t leading member of that distrtet, and S. member of tho committee that selected the Squire, and with expressions of regret . for- the failure - of:thelait - atttsmpt, , nained.7t4tisnethhers7 of the board, whom he requastcdi,naiiht4ia pointed to meet with the Dickinion hpaidoirid conjunction with such a tine as theirnight'aptoiiiii., to examine the. Squireepledgingelilifyrord - and, honor that the Squire should,aubmit to then:taint. ination or they would up tied 'appoint .some other .Tho board acceded to his request, and the persensaeleetby him attended at the Stone tavern,„pitiensillerable sacrifice ,of, Personal comfort, in the fond hope of putting an. end to disagreeable and unprofitable coateriiton; All parties interested were there.' The tmnimi heel from this township insisted - epon dolortlic(iluly assigned them, but .for soine'leauseUnkrieWn'tti . me the examination-did not take place. Our board anti our coriiinittiie: : Adevery thioethat could 'resonably be done in the matter; and blame could attedh to 'thole, lei wherd h may. -Distend of appending another' reacher agreeably to the, ple'dgd. Oven; t h e Squire kept posselisieri,e.7lhen . iii,-kehriol4house.tor.four months, andgo. cernmittedisusraoed him in do.. log' so.. , Arid-thtt some-person Who. Made the pledge wenkallarrillihrgto procure if possible a' decisirM":egaiiistqht; iiiarik , irieenied: : the report of the 'School atul - deem - oder' , payment fur the Sinirie,okto 'time 'soliciting; arid-rigiintlireatening t he 'terrors of legateoirelon,:and forAlnetrane. cessive years themoststrenuous,efforti linve.been made to gat on , implied et:indented/0 of the loaard byjarcelestlon ofAli r ee!prlrfevorable to , the - S(julie, Totge credit otkeitlieni fripoisn' 'that 'atter`rMiti !hie Sere hatoYeiiii 'ally - felled.. And now as a last resort, en. rttipeal.is maileto tlimcourt of Common', Pleas to: dismembdr the township: =limas:Miring this : Aires, whiltr?qqlre, , Elliott was demantlingld paildfor.taling, pos. • session of the public School lanuea,,aedtpriehing in'ile rF euj the Scli. - uellaw, that lie decided the consent of thi board Wee' necessary to 6n tillo.-a`teache~ td It-is hard to belieie that,' titiedecialen was eltegether,..impartial: = '; So much, for that part of the subjecti , ,.. It has heen,said ,that the - division is asked for. because the uppe,r ; end have been imposed on ,by the lower end in the,locatienALthe r Superiiser for tipj4i..piii), , and havingio contribute to the Malting' urilie7relds ' in the lower end. This I have heard niiself.fronione Of th 4 i6itimit;protiti. tient. of 'the divisionintity: The:allegation' that the north side of the upper part etz. the township with .the lid of loWer.end, have ,prevented the south and west side from, having a due share of the' Supervits4,,,The public imad from Mount inCeinites, from the township recinrde:oricihie:!point give the result f,retn . .1136 to this:Jim°, ; 0 4. Wm.,iloyd on -the Dig Spring one mile Irtim 'Springfield: ' ". • A15129: 1 Vivid Driekei*On the Dig Spank . 100' and hilf miles from Springfieli - t o - , , ,- ,•: 4cihn,•Breprrt;flarypes,,,pne rpho: from 1631 .:3Aif•Ptilaltip 'Turnpike , in& two miles Rein 'dm! ; ,:• . 1832, li t ild;.ltineion the - 141ount - rßock road ',Myers ' the Motiet: . ROrilt'o'ne pike , ,eaet ; ,;:.: t - 034,:-Nrtn,,Donlep,:44he„Tu:ritlilite : L , miler west or lgotiot roils. • 1835.:Simitel. IVlcKeehati horth - 0014 4 310unt nook, 1836:..farnechlontgcnery, Big , Spring,. two and a,...kal(gOlus,rfo,t9 1637. Jacob I.c mgn tiire3= l fciatifeiiiif infra 'northriir therMiNnt:ReekrOid, r:lo3k.JOniee , btinlaii.l on •the '. 2 l 2 nrritokol about . "two milk; 4 0 4 . 1 k! ,Pfil?Bqqa.ll„,l: ~i‘! 1839:Bann:el Bwman State'road three „miles , north of 316init , Ittlelev:-. 7 '7:V , &.:4_l - ,c,;anottichogbrfMalniCßos.Aroork?'.. two miles . 1842r'GOOTige h oner Mountßoo k." - .lB43:Mor4epAllop on the TalppittO ent.tnilo. frOnthioont , ltooir.l • q .8 slit,: hicCul foohtlyn ;eq.holf,; m from BpringfiOkl l end, thresfin , ,thi: lentil' of . gm tdoinit feetlCiOodl - I , i;i . 4 445:.isaiiii,Lelevro on'lhe Statctouds,t,;:: - .11..;,_:. fl. Veett;tite;ihrekoingistetemoit; tt,A . Pit 3 4ii th.it 4!1-0g11.te!" - IMP' 10cTisivt'lAn POP)i'47:° been ,;lean Aeon Stipervisers on and west or, the Mount read;•while for the eamo time theYe,iiee'iiei :41,4- - olii6&,'di,;.Biiiio'riillid,'ilOillagti the i o fOiibittilibirthefilietwieidtuni:thejetcnikjo ' one milii. t4iiiiit!iiilfruilt."*H.Oe. lo l.4 4 'tl! . .i -....--.4:441*.':.' 11' with 91 , upper .V4440,1:011'' T°"5Y, Plloo:lll;i4.l,l,b4il'ool.f4s9prOtTiv," 18.10'.16141,1164aw!fr0at - Inlikiel6 te 1831 , John-,Thiplap F' t ki."4rsg-.11ta;1*? 1 41' 94fitrOA ' In 1888 111~Davldiiin 4i4lootnikbovp 7- 7 -1d37, •-John-Dividsoi" " - -1894 • 1:10191 Pamir, '1,4.r•..4- 1 pr .I'. '17009 5 1 .41' , 5. ?•55t5 -i° l 4 ; :to)4, oo Y n a;ii f 0,9 - ctLiksioiter;.: 04 0 keq#4694iiirilu,77# 1 0 1 ., v s,,„#4,.Pi, 4 -$ iiiii;i 4- 7101:i,:truibkfrinco*iillnimtvoirt fly , * fO - ,*'. l / 4 :.iii'tk l l l 4,4* -10 0. 61 14.140.40100eit vrTlk frk .. Vga 11,11.icKtd , reHoilifori4itin t ,''W!'ask the paid •lierti,Yl!Atiite4tlkitili4petore'llio AO= led ',. jilisii?il*tThrkiriablqiromtccit - tl tyLi•juillirtfinvtle., iiil64oll iliOoii* Wii3llioiEtt iitio'012100: 1 : Of- , tiii(iiini( 4 , I ROkillegf inus. - igii•expelillied iti, 'the ofiiiei witijiincr6oo% thinower on.- Tlii iiiniiOrAllifilli'MaliOyeltfledio build• hetiiiit:hice mat )c .13 94 exPP,noq iyardipti!.l"9o" . frilbti: During alj coulplaintsMotc . heard fiom nbove,abdut"rooney . : `paasint- tictrotur,ihe - -;:lino;'but ', -- tac o thaf4=4ipci crosses the other' way,. then yen hear, of divisrun. '; hat a~e , s tlie,gffaaia . OfdivJgton rn- TWoofiblink toe'eicininifelfn:Cliffyykcip jng fthiuble;drile *1 "r-nivia3lW"Piftl,;(! fsevoiaidip.ed. 111 J614*4? i3ilifikiiiindtitlP-Unt 01' 'r hat grenCSO°P,B,9 A , 4l4;ibtlielPra aud ig•this4 6-I)B4l—eug for.w. , Thinkidirl.6 61Milgdiiiiiloi'yoliiiionttesy in pnblie4ink my statements I. trespniin you 4u.ilbOthot: ' CITIZEN 9,E,IIIEgf.PENISDORO'. 6aciber;.4B.44. - .311NEUAL .RESODIWEE 'OF TDN UNITED STATES.—The' hps-ncor retipodelit iJho occasionally furnisirq that paper with scraps -of truly •nseful. inferma-. Ott.' - In a' lite ntimber he glvei it sketch 'of the 'mineral resources of the United States, Gum which we condense 'the fol lowin, l'he'.ratilte of as *1 . es Um- granite of all other' countries, beak in quantity ant! quality,. in Maine , : the granite ,quarries are more valuable than in any other part of America. The Whole expense of it delivered in New York; •is $3.62 per ton and is worth here S7,CO per ton 'leaving a gain° 0f , 53 , i 3E1 per ton. tvrcnn m_an eaetu'red in Maine is about 700:000. • Casks fslued .at 47006,060: This is mare in value than the Reduce dell the gold. mines In our :COantrY, AtLone Limw•Vottory . .on the Hudson--: tr kiln is charged! aoinerirted every- 12 hours The amount daily manufactured there is :about 700 buihels, to mate which amount, iecipires about - one ton oY Anthracite coal. 'Che:du•tchees county Lime kilns produce annually :15,000:,0t0 bushels, worth about -e03,750,1 • •• , • . 'l'lln qitarrfee of gypsum or plaiter in are very Val . 01)1e, In Wheat. :land . ; Monroe eounty, :41114'tene; are an 'nualty in _s*e/iyaAl the ' ileburn• and - 6 - : - :ROlraCia,.-'30.00 • tons wete7obtajnntl - litttw'eeril Seracuse and marble tinarrietint , hl itssatiiiiitetis,"Connee iiiiilNriv'Yorli are very valuable, and are very *.. produce marble of great beauty and excel: tense: income of the 13erkshire ble quarriAs *Massaehoietts, is 'anat . :illy $7O OM. Farr:chimney pieces'af the Pert, Altfigue - mi!lkieNereOlitainetl , Frorn- New tmliing 7 'flieliiltarti of the. IVFereltants', Exchange in Wall street, are the largest states 'ever Torn, afi 4 . 000 - eacii. -1- :%thekarefrall gainer, 'Miss., tire'satut mateiLl les the Bunker Hill , nicinumetir.. The .same 'granit‘ is - even ttikeif N:Orleans. • • . INDEPENDENT ( )ATHOLIC CHURCII.-W e Understand there is a movement in this city, says ilieT'Clocinnati,aazette,to es tabl i. 41). an Intlepentletatatkolic_Clirclt, in accordance With ,thti ev - owed principleS'of the Reformation nowAn progress in' Ger. . many. ••• Peity German paper contains a call ftnsir Oa new Catholic Church. It is understood that the substribers to this ehurcli.ere Aniine_roua L and the- main object of their : association it the'esiablijiiient of 'rob, iirgefirthderrt---of—titc „Pope-and.Q3ishops: ' Pi tistierg'.:G ette says ,the (00pries7sre•ell idle of course and the girls doffing nothing.; • • •Neither side appears t'isposeti uo yield—oh. the. contra. ry,. both ysides are becoming. more - and more irritated.. • •1: Ultti.iouitTeven generally begins with.y.awn. ing, atrectlileg, po in-in the bones, languor, giddi. ness; a-swelling shout the region of the stomach, 1 -bilioini-iiiiiiiting, a tid-„othet-tinoleaaant.-ay inaten . Wrightl'lnitinitYeigkehible':Pilla are one of the `befit-piedleinesln , tho world ,fnir.,the T cure of , Fe: ver4 - 14iiiise.'ih'efiarge"• - from' the body 'those • -Morbid-- humors, tvliielil pro tho, pae s it,4/f, .every . toiletry lielgintlo nien.';'.;; ! ' , -..,,,...• • 4 ~ , In all desti.of fever, from,lfO l, ur.;to eight, of 'Paid Indian', Vegetable 'Pilla,tilosultVbe taken .. every, pight;:.4.` ;, if .thVeymitniis tio;.ittiile,,nt . ...nlight. and morning. \,,T.l4lati; if prope'rly(eirried tnifi.w ill' iiite:ahortT,-..time;aulidue,theLthiast , violent att pelt Orlfaireffdt A r la;t : !tiiiiiiit ti th e- the iiiigea tini•orgeni • to ,Wkealthi torte, and.3lllolood , SO.cornpletely ,pOrified,; tha ttfeverai:arwell. atiever - Other dia.' ease; will he driven-1111m the -hod ' ilia - With over and; ylier 4ill,licillien• tri the Whole simea: , . ! ;-; It:pinitia *um, : ,he,roMembered - . Matti 'Man ~b y ~the name'uf: Wm :•.11C Spear , wlio , sells' 'Medicine y porpor ling,' to ,hetlndloni:Filltc-iittllie,-corner-tlf ,4110( and front- Streets,l3 noi'an agent' of Mine, Meithereatull!ginirenty4ta'geriano' any , that, lie 1 iiiii-for'sdle': ,, , 'r , - .- ': - 4 ',.,.., 0 ':'; ~ I Ti - . c..: ~ . .1 ''. Thii 3 Onlkeer F o,illy.'a g ain st im need link; iati:oni. eliale`frcitnl)ebnle:Of,eablitnjaiied,,e r hAragliTThr at the, , OfErce and ' DeitOti:NO — l t :6F - 193eti - titi Phii*Mphia. - -:',:;:.,,;-- , AYA.;t lVitia iir. 'For aitfiiihtiliAllale 14.dIAtit'161LBY, able . ~. . agent for thia.borotigh:,, , . ~',, ....c :..,:„,,ra,',,.,.., v, oth P4iltiiielpha, by'!hti Re‘i itk: 1 0- ,N 1 50:, ri.gnif:ck,").4:l l 4, 0,41)81014,4q - • , 1 uI- • , •• 1 . 11 . ! - '•;' 6 '01""1, , ~,H /El o. 3( ; l t ', l•C r'''44 ' 44";lt •,, (; )00,1VIrii. 4494 , - ,1,1 4 4 - 41.1 4 • 13 1", , • • iticAteph to " h "' inllhe'aftlileisik- ,- pa 0177 ,, .4CONINION SOHo,ol3.llreOVL.r•!'?"7t , ' . - .3ELEt - be gl •t - 2Al 0 ; 1 0 r . 010 5: Io ." rireoCt.,thil- 114801 A u°t R k t ipolrenaleUgh„ so l ou; .,t iki:.4t • r ii" - t 1 04,ftss; 4. 4lllEAMtliroN, seel. • , .• • • . ~„ ''~."",J.' . ~;t .St*:' „', , ....:7; :::',-; ~4'. .!! , VI-Ig mutts fi. iiirotild' - '' ii letvejeat - reeettiltsitnew - and' -- viten. iiitiO eji rting#, , - DRUGS ., ,iikArtrrB;- OILS", !eZ,.,AFP.M„Etrgi!ij'ANCY!' SQl•gifittiWBr.. !, itifell taffeta for .CA6H . ! at their stneii! - !eipposiie :WI protrit-Hbotel: — STEVENSOI4,&-lIEHAFFEY. "tip Fail'.s7ll 111 .e to .Inform _her. edsto: re_ii nd ..1 tid ies-le that'. she Isti - reiurned • th e ~ oh.y-rind,.. heti' opened. large";.aisiortmeilt• ?; • BONZ . t . lat - 3 1 8; . - J.4tVziii,;;Bpenpoisr Cor t.,Priettesr AOset-,-111e0.;`-,trill , hek` and for ,- *ltrit#,: q. ,ices SilifoirCligeiiiie D 0 608801 totiot:43titto; Plea togitOr4l.•&ci • r r••-•= irrl3,onpFti illeied of ,thelaiektAtbi,; • Suit - Milt 'Slitiwls';', , ,Ni -itisT REatroir qpti N i iiiiiii ,, f.iiiikhtt ty liiikeri - Slititre 6611314 U liii..Pl;, fti tip, ",l'hi'bi at, ditto . Silk Fringe e4i 4 biOldeleil A ti ~, pja i i t rp ., elm, piirititit, ca.hriyotA A nd;.`zilVSl qkindi or Sllawliciii I,ci pil9el, Call ' boilliedil ' llatONit i i 'o '''i ' ' ''' "-,.'".•'", ' ' - ' COAS.` , ..OOit'BY ' HE_twin: story- idiiteii)4.4lo . tiii # ,;: j ea r ds o; 4 4 , ! . ; lutely eireot, cmpoei,inythti;.;_reatdtce , .bf poneria Armor, is fue,rent fienktiikfriCni c- Airilrnext,-or r will be sold, if desired, on..nocqm tidstinglirms:• The weather bmirded ~;garden, -S O. at' present or:tented by Aarri gertiiii!Weetenth' street, adjoining the.pr rty of Patriolip `MO.' ~. • 'Po the_Beire , atql Lego' Ittipriiiientativell'a. LEQNARD-, WEISP;..;late of sputg• Middleton'Cowhtiliip: faIAICE NOTICP,that in liunniancedf tirit, .of Partition - CH iottued 'init .the Orphans'. Court, uf,Cumberbind'dounty,.and to tno direetc4 an highest Will be held on the repl ester) of said decensitd,Mt SATURDAY: the Bth day ofNovember t A D 1848; at 10 o•cloojiti 31 - Atlf said - city, on the premispe; for the pur. pose of making partition' and valuclion on the rest estate of said deeeaind. .ADAM Lf NGSDORF, Sheriff'. sitrifl's Qffice,.Cariiele, • .October 23, 1845. s'• ,Cloths and Caisisiteirts; i ftt N EXTENSIVE assorlanen.l.. of English'. .11 and French Broad Clotho', IfOtzt.s3 to $B,• Brown and Pilot Cloth for Ovarcolihy.a =war: tick. Amerielin Broad WWI, from4l 25 to st' a splendid assortment n 1 fancy Cassiperes; MEAN. Black c od Blue CH unimeres of all qiialitic:s, • very low, at the.chourraturp or • . Oct. 23. • tfI'AS.'OdILBT. Bobbin nndl relit( Edgiiiigr.4.. geileral ussartmeni of Threa.and Beibbirt 4 4 .4 - Siiiiiki; just received, slid . forsnle low, by . Oct 23. G. 111.TNI5R. - ..111Va0. Pit's, enetel assortment ofJetond 4:44 of Colore'd Brcaat ',mod Hair P.tnP. just opened by - 'G. W. AII'AER. ----- EAD, D igte rind Berlin 14'6oriktlilneeri,jleir 1.,1 received by G. W. filff.NEl4. . Black Fristge;i4iitir Laces Ff additibra exippli of Clack Mips. and .c.f. tgla Lofts, just 'recet4vdt by' • . Out 2:1. C. W. • Bonnet .Velvels :anti Silks. fulisoortincnt.orthis ta,ticlle.alry(dors and 14.7 P.rcatqlcßibbonsi.eilii-ArtificOprupw - and lieritttifutitila;*ltie " - • • 5.: Oet'23. : '": ' • CHAS,: OUILBIir. • A Trerno,nd.uf_stnek of, oo :ss.iP oll3, inat rogOt Chi% po;i6.llnivei., piias goSjP:v:riealilkiit the_ojd'igtctl'it*#litorA below the Oct. 23. 1_ CHAS: oiattay. N ENV ,SNXJ,E.IF`IIi, NUlPAC:lrOiltir• ge:l7s Yard ; k"ririklin • Street, near A itx, c in,. - - _Hia-AvinuecilAh-TIMORA • 04 - . 7 - ~?ft' 12. lb am. Trot: i.a7kicarrin, c ' ESPECTFULIcY infeinis the' lhstho . in has Cointnenced the maw:timid en. urn caster Rappee Slid:as was ma lute Chriitoplker,b/e110411.4, tht.originatioolool' and foiinder.iirtho , find which recipe, is In Ake possission of nil Okber . bit ,adiortisorci 4 l4 ., tic1.41,16(0- prb tor of the original recipe (for,making4 O:cel ebrated Lancaster Rappee Snuff)" ind be found a finer and flir superior - nrtilgiOt t CP.silY sold:as Lancaster Snuff. •-• N: B.—All orders for- E E. DE)11:113fS GOD. nine Lancaster Rappeo,enniT rice fur 'OO4. ut Ver 1, I Y• - •1 1 ,.. 0 . 0 .' F'' '-',',--. ..t, %;., '.. ''.•.f,,„,. ,'. 'i.g,' , :p • —' ANAR V, 6 AVE‘AKLEN'•' . .S'eSpeCifitilitili r.,pitit'itho os ~,e t iviL e tilaldtriAribibifirFeriiovetlio ihe,l ' 'lately occupied hy•Ohcicie Flerising,itnititil.htt. it smile - the Atansimiiiiitied . llowl fitid'. Mir: ", :.; - lii‘;' Where.alte -13- prepacesl . te•atteply alklike " lane '•ste.Leinitlll ea HMS al kheiirsirsintsZliiiidi iiiltho sliolicat notice..Groceries,CooVotioriati Queen-, ware Toys' and I Fancy Artialet , F a 604 . ' ' h:•hand, Mac; will bosom on as fasorahlti , .tectn#4ll4itssig• ble. She solicits A share wir pisl!lia tiatrayii t a; and anritaa:holorinai , caatainetavto . 9ll-44 litt . .Xl v tat location. • . • •-- • ... '..., -•'• ;.•,...,, 1 ,A , 5 ,..-,i'N ii i k, -,,,,i, M Cu i lisle . i.Ottober;Tail 1343.',; , okida, emßolixi s . petobor- IS, 184 i., N.deation tor , Dtiugurous thin 11.1114 idiot) • lute tit for tthe yetkr: l o l l/ be held . 'l4 ibe,littokisig,i(puse, on *° 11411 7 , t 4 .17th of Noreinber . ,pot, lit:tweet' Alm bodes At tetk50.194. • A. AL, stitd,(wit 9Nitititk P{ Mo" ' S I '9, LY9 Itrelrt. 'clob er -1845 • * BOOT • S • -ANI:Y‘SHOESiii.- r A hi. ith'i"t`tAiitit.g" colOs, bpAs, j it'iltl'ithnett, ,, Borrie or ititemviveet iluklarge, Mossablitowlbk . 'l lll WnOW 'PrOtIO' 7 to7ofren to - my old costumerrand 407 - iwbp,4llor every artiolt t 1,411 greatly reduce!! e • - ..`j booli rroos $(015 to S 4 OOP• : 144,dies shoes fronl,4. '..7 4 , 1° 11 24 i*P:' ' 131110.04611h6t51621i 11 10 fll . Gum abries stAl,l twlces. *- - Don't forpt' fl io old sistiol„ East , store below 1114 hibirket 1110111!4:. •"1" .4 t-- Oct. te4s; 4, '7 . ;q:Y , : , ;; l l—lctiAtL , TParthei•ebliiiki`etaiir ti ar tbe 0..11. firm of !AliNol6o littePare. • Obit daj ItimoiTed ilMlamilmoliaont4 2 l. l t lOILS ,thi lme i rejk i ni i e ho i cimp the mc vuT o ' MIMI lywvaSt o C 4 DAvid..ll#l-4111041with 111.1110 boobs braya tacifOoli,And AbikViAigalahas ilt Pratent4ll1 0 * 09 1 ) ""i• ;ilr, AMID:ft: ?" MURIUS , F3 'tslNgt, 1 1 014010 will be eortinuekbrlWllit- A e We s ekofiitleNliava a N ISM imk, r r ` etl whirr gnOttitilikThe Ptillp !oxlip , .. '*-7,-."., - ~- liallt.l. \ . .. , . A •,/ '.l .•ile;.:.:a . . ..,; -.--• t.g , ' aillON'inc""PZllo7 111-IAS: . O . ~ _ 0 111,..0.tg0 i v._ t) "abd ebeaPCltt.,,iniOsilli °21.4.474' 'W.. 11 ' Ie ; ' It ' 71 "eltiti. .Vula h rto rt. ' a r ~, 4... 'h.--- ar - . stligivi ;9•111. it, t;ernro.Y, • , miortiot 11 . 's' ,. ,:, . 1 ) 1.6,,,,, 6111'13""4 WielthiltArls cioila „, luc i i i , ,„_,, .diii4lo* Y140 :iivt0..0,60 . ' rkmaiii,"o ...,q.4: of my' bi.i . th, .„ecjilttritirrile, ':it..,/.7"Aii4e,... nid-sonri'llY..Mcwl...Z.s.'.'f,''.???; i loi ,iiiii,o!Ok, . • ...vi,Wil Higritn,,ek • --* liioAißt!Fe.,74,l,o . 4ig•c'")l!lt*:4.tp.l,t'fi'k” '`l' '. , , i , "01 .V 1 . , ':. • -': 4-'. ~..‘' ~..;.•:•.1 v4 : 4 - 1 1 tR 1 , i.0 ~V SO r.f . ,, pA' ',,,..1,,, ,i.:71',,,d: ' r gr,141 , , , ,, ,4 ‘ , . - .. , -,'.1:, ' • - ~: :-1, . .9,::, , '1,..;:e. a...: • •, , . ,~y~i►lZs y . , :. ~ Casginetts: - 1 21111 NIVENS A t o inqie -44°
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers