Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 22, 1845, Image 1
~..o, ---; -- - '', ' .•"- -- fr • ---• '. '''''.:..04r0i5j47441.,,, - , ...... , T. , 77 ,, ,N,!r•rt ..--- = --, •. - •-77 - 7 , •7 , . •. , . . .......-_, 7- 7 .-_-_,..___. ( of r .......,4„4,;:.,, tt „.4,”...,,,,..,...,,,,„ .49 0114- '0 4k r ''' 11. 2 ,44 ' " 1 : 45 4P 44 1 44t414544* A"' ;j ' 19.14.4. -t" , t 4i 4 111, ' "it '-;:' : 14 " ‘ itifi,''''" ' ''''' t .''' " '"'"-' ''''',,',, 14 , -., , - ......5Wg6,•?,..b.• 1,„ , , , ,,,,r , •,•,-;•.• •,•••,,,-• .•;:::.„,.. rk ~.,,,Atrp jt.• ..-.., . .... I ,:,.',...„. _, , 30.4%...51 . 0.11,1MA_ . ~-.; ~,,,, , 1•41: it et v - , f , ..11 - ."• - r 'V '''•-• ..7._,,..,....,V.i.'':,-f'44 • '''''''''ll'''4;'•4. y' Ik' ,•'*1• 1 3,4 . 30fi'14;': tlnll.,*tisil2'•'•lkr ' l' ' ''' -.:, -:**l-0 1 i 5 0 - ',. ' ii. 44.; 4 ',q,, 1i44 . 11-..At' ' ' l il ';- - ..i. 10. I/ 'i. - 04hiri:1 - ' ': ' ' .4i 'V;‘‘ 'I: ' -;-; '-- ; r "' - '-. •.•:,,.....:.;:'.. -AP ..- - ''' . : .l)l W 4 k,WCV; 4 ' A li::a .........4..., 4 • : *.t • : ''.. , ..1. 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Afi ' , 1., , Tit.. t''';', ..,: f .•;i' k.:.: ' • yfit f 1t:',4•41 1 , ;i4 4 . ,t , f .: ik t vj.,N . 1 , .:• : 4 : ..,` l e,' :-.,,. , „fi t , • - i •• ~ T.' ~ ,.,:ii h ..i ..,i,-:•...,1 , , , ,. . ~• ~, '1 ar 414 ~,,,,_ „ r , .... t , ...., ~., .0 :, A . .',.t. ,, , '• - , l' t. ' )'ll , - , ....x 4 ":•? ttt-4 'l , - tai - .t.o N3 , t - ., ...k. , .P, . . ),:. \ vzrq ... r ~ .-. , . .1-4•-• • , q 1 •-• I t •YI • t . I . 1 ' tirl '' '''', ',,.., _ 11..4, •ii. .....1. i ::'''' ''' . : ' :::1- '' : ` ' ./ 41 ` tI'V '' '' • °41') .I°Vl '''''':'''' t - '''' 4 ' l: - i'"". , t"° '''";'. 6 . 4 '''`li •-vir, ;5.-.11Kr. , :i , til . r-oft -6' zrl I:: fil .',:-.1Z1:6 . 9 ~ ,:,,,a i NV '€1.4±t#, , ,Jq...r41„.. , k,!`... , , , ..'-' ' .'‘..4 , -F ', t ....., . . ~ , '., ~,., , ~ -,_,' -s• ~ - 4 ','''' - ~..• ' ' ... --'-`.. -.: ..- Vv . .' : . , f , " . ....PK.: , . . ' •7 , . 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' ; - '••'''' - ''' .--;, ,', - - - ' , - - 11 - -7 -7r-1- ' ll- ;1 - .U1 , 54/ - 5 -41- ' 74 :..C.lrli - . ;1'..,'5,).:1;; , 1 - :`:•1+-.' ' ' !,'} •-:-, 1 - „'t c--- 0 1 . 1-, P , . , ,,' . : - 2 ' 2 2 , i4:)'i' , 31:',1,..:17:":• f , ';', - 1 - , ' 1 , : - .:•<o".' - . , nT5'7 .- tie''4K- - -- •,, .•:-•i;-..`:::' ~~~;~~ • 8 , .34" e a_,` • • . e 41410 tiVAIE War 1 44. &' E r ViiiM D to -. 1 pitigiRAIDANItELLIOENt , pOtiIit Tl[SiNtA.i -. E,OzirrlCSlLineenA,Wiralr-MoiCtLiript, A RittirorvitE i Altits Arvit . s.elitilimEoosfarligNie ~• • . -,•.. • , , lz 2yr,, 4 10. , ,, oft „fa 01.1 'rj '4lt7lc?. t? i - -‘. • . . ii ST ;: tom; k. - 'Side • f:z;-:.T:ilijklEtat,4l4l3:l2,l. - • •. , • s• Ist - liiiitAllo - • - 44 I • ....,,,•,;‘:-..,,...,!,, -quir_, .-,7.,,,,:;,,,,,,,‘: ---tar cr i.: ! o. ' , • _ • :. ) z , i- reirB: . )CortiOat* egil;4Ste - Mai; ,y 1 ' .• :'.., - - - • - '7,lrOttltWOr kpiltiroW.Tlol the Illaiiite l dk eati.'cigtioßAl wiektii*i . :aiiilip,l?ler?yalituiet, a ( il l ‘ •0 litialliatrfilkurt, liyablekkinthre frte: 't 10 itlie 054 yarlbi Aiitim'We' l elnOii:iiiiiii: A t, 10'114 rififitT Na ratte4llol V i!lkili' 'rei OW .. 91 fiti I liv - eilliciktilididAitt 4.. , r r r'ir -• “ii r iuk A ., liti ,-..i i ,., , e t h -opt jr , ,,14 1 9K 4 1,5 ,ra Int ,„ a„ 1 1 1 . 5 , - 1 --., inn PiiiirtiLl4,- 014 fliOke 0' ViiitlY ii tiboon„tinn; -iiM.l-14110.,,,aaailfdaYed a hO l quindem'exit._ /4.6l l l,lotorviiiibiad4diillo - Willa lope. • ° htlalifitoltili'dfdOtelitibil ititibt!ibloet p*i.i. ~ 4 toi 10 'CiAlgril ne kOPV,"TriNgili., _ 1 ,1... , ,t0ii.,,Vy at LOAF.: . *, - WTLL pkdetice in the , 'femora Colirle of ale' City -11.i19'tottritkigPhiladolaile. ' • ,•, , , • : 'rnaliktri42hbit:No. l 5 Smith • FOMITH• area, • taiVeen r Ctidanut and Woltiestreeto , , ; --1014011i00.80Pk_P41-1844.!—5m : ' ..-__, . .. ' I , rt—k.',Vit,p2.l.,?•Ws4s , •;• , , .. . ...t.,•.-> -. -09.. 174 '- P. EN R - 0 6E r " " . : ' . LatqA2ll,oo)l7,bl;(lie„Tre.iisi!,r.:yf the, •=,••,-., „1 , ,-;,',. - , tiii . i l P 6 l;k 4 iesi . - ' ~- wlLL, f; in . the.sereral Courts o .LanpkteNr• Cooky.. . , • ..(Nllcein South Quepn - Street, lat.,ty . Occuiiletl . 1;) , .4unnip:.,1845, . - . . . _,,:;4.,•,,DU,K1LA1P, AMO • . littotney at Law .a Smith llanover ' street „a few doors Inlow J. H. Gratinmitsq. "July - 16 - 0845 , , - , ' NVILL4OI . H. MILLER.' , • ~,..Attorney., Law, 41 1 *)Iceat11pv,F.f..yi to lieeterci!s Itow,itt the Vir I,tamtoi:Oterly oesegilied by S. U. At titkiiitt4",',olll.:3;lB44 . trsls • i .~oLN~R4t 041 V EtLi4, MT IA 111.. • • - Attor ney s- at Law, • itrompDy to bum nesa entrust et! to V' them in `the°tinkles of Cumberland' and anklln. 'Ofti peat One dant . west of the ell'', East I I igb strict, Carlisle', air!l next door to Stamhaugh k llt over's Drug Store, „S s hippenshurg April /1141A4, ' D2/0 U 0 Og 2§o 'DENTIST, W tl4°r*r 1-; . l;f7'.treenttons - npun the Teeth that, are reimiredler s pieir rreseryation;soch er.,r or—Will restore the liisi - oedigert ^ , ! fiyiaserting• Artificial Teeth a single Tooth, ton full nett. • . _TOWtee-on- Pitt itrectin'few'doore Smith' 01 the •itaifrond N. IL,p7. Loomis will he absent from Carlisle thelast tend 'ye. in each niontli: - Joms 11,1845. . ...-.__D&ovbm , ,Do mIIIPTIS s jypanuticopatOtt . Mgoitian, OFFICE: 'Mein street, in the house formerly pecupied•by Dr. Fred. Elirmenx —•- , • . . fi ANSI It-HOUSEAOTEL , ../10?7 . lott4 ;.: IAttAVZI UNT,J I 46 Wks 4.,TUYT.k—e—,p(lifiVer-1--.IY-9111FOIllMtifejtitit -4hakidttiy,-the sobeeribdr;.;• ,, rt" le iievVty - firriiihAlend•ttai.been tliorivtAlWy" repaired. •Pas% dengerrilikttretcirei - etriingefi, --1 re yellers -end v is -1 ; itere "le, Fir_9,llited to call. x o o r t4lo4,:cratr, uttFrpgn co F tVeAfic,o,oftlio/TI , FIIo patron. • ' ' IV,I 11110 „:11 ; v: . 20115:0345 . • ' , ,1 ,••• • :.SIGWOF WASHINGTON . ..AND . JACKSON - • - Ir v.. would ...reventitilly inform his tubi to that he has:removed from t High street,tujlie public house pleat' nutli klanoverotreet, it cif;Witslittigtoto psi , 3Sigkeiln. lrpv?}glad-to se frn,n t i vejlersoitiiintoomnoothite thetit orittirttiblO Mintier. iionotnntrrouppliesl with the ItleTA LI LE wills the beet the ,k..eilierfullYSTLEit always train:ft spoil I ellundolie 1 - Witifliim..,:' pn O 'I4I)IIPe.V..'HEIL Si M chi kei to '',itill*ing i cuTLE.Ry •!!!stiinu,'ply. ':4i' r ...4L1,r'• ,, ......''.. , - ), . ~. 11:1! ~r,;;ll,Y...N,p,i,..respectfully litlfocma , hip ~. ~'. a n ds and the public generally that he has .'......;:kel ' 51. hie 'stock of,HARDW.WR E: CUTLERY .=S::irifi_'"BADDLEILY449-th,eeW ' hotieo• - On North - --r4titiiiiiii - tlfriefr tsce - Otwire. South - of - the - Post .01 1 : ,, 'fie:olerid ihiaktropposite -lice old stand, where he '- - . - coisiintsee'fli Itelni7tii , lieretothro a full and come. :: :4-pifatiiii4iiiiiiiiiiiit'of e Vorjr; .hiiiir- in his,liniertpri ' ''. 1, .. , Y e atilt iOM itliers"ard , eiiin,estlY . :liivited iir r ' Coll 4tilVioeititide"i'lipleildidiei - rif 14if#X?ANY . ' . ...;.VElig9,lBo?stfie4gliefirdailid'ijiiiiii . knif . t 1611; .. :d r ioilf",*lll.lfriet itti.-Odelleitt r ltypttmqqt i?Cpplalleei i 4i...11:401,14 , , , k01 . 13,09 ,, , , 04 . ..!°,0! yailott ... ] ,or wfw e i r i ziOveol g bit. lip' ueed4Yriegad Also ;-Al.,_ . 4 l 9%°o4'licto,!!tprl i 3O , Op qr„41... A, wurrvi. '''':-'iolcilt:irl°64,lltlill.tlPFYorg,lsll3celr,-, ishio,,gurt unit ; roe& ~ .....,;,fp,w 04,5voilnicti14.::',IthiAafi Faso., fot.bluotitia i'Y' ,00keifiliaN lltaidillpall'et,'Aiva,, Window , Giese . '' .. ,,t, ' pig SiOli trgAintfhl Vile ;Old :litarnishes;: , ,Ccdoc. .:. 414FQ111Oliiieilpfiti - Bill'ors; Drilling Mathirteic 2,'iif.trr * " - - .iirthellarilieifie line; Neilliliit Ntll'finci it ‘ jiir,pl.tiijitilg else,: f* A nl di l ? 'l :l e * iii id: 'tv,ifti: Ae, 4 4479 lllw,' Itia D9oo4ehilie, 401 01141140106,‘ 140 . , iiiik.piediK . ),, ktiii Itmythlpli,litime; 4640t160614114 demitillot4;r:AP 4, 4041 it:`4l;i4loii&L-,64,4 , : .. " I 4 144 -.. A O ; ' :. krk ,. ; 5 3;.;.: - - , f,1 1 4,..41, ~..:N I , ' r= l ''' ~ , : - • l fz*q.V l '," , ' ;, .'.l -M..; , . i. c•.: 1 4',4g1h,C ,,,, Y ::'''' 7" '"'l, EEO rectlYlti'feat ulloc a Ghair Factor (N. z iintlytir 4) l ls:hero hellteripfcconstantly off hand, and will manufacturq to 0rder, ,,, ,. 4 .„. ;;;;; , • • ' • ' fltid• ter esertption of ablare w,ltich lte,will poll : cheap : fore/fah, or:eirdratirre for country prlnhice at market prices.- He will aftioltike'linitber'brall deaeriptions in eicharie for ' - in rid 'W Ill' 'attend fithf3thla Add) a 4iwa 'Or Country.' -A Marie will alai? IT kept for , hire. ; . respectfully solicits a Ware of public pa. trenage,cOnfidOnt that he-can render general sat. istaCtion., , ; • •, Atcy.o 26;1845. CHEAP BOOK-STORE. :,' 't 0-'. 0 ; -.; , , ,•7•7-... •, .- i 4 -,,i , i ,'1; - .:1 . ._ . rnl , 8 - tibperii)er has A few days since • received from the city ti 'general iPiscirtinent lir Siehool 136oite and Stationary, whick he . 14eptlei ko_ sell at rcduccg Purchasers eon he supplied Willillibles,Paip64ll6: at the followitigrates. . • ' .. .. . . . . i • Family Bibles,' ' -.•-" 0,00 " , , ,GoodSchoot.llibles,. ~ • '-. 30. ' . Good School Testiimente ig=g . -. T -rocket bibles.moracco, gilteilges 1;00 • School Hooks all the genets, kinds•iii "Ise pcopon. tionably low. llisStationary is . orkooll quality, all. so a good assortment of Lithographic Printsi Toy ' BooksOnti'llocik's - siiltoble for ! . He also-carries: on: the , Ilerik 'Binding bustiv'ess where persons itan, hove their old .beoks rektound, also Blank,1:011CketS gr.C.: made tii4lutee. •,• The subscriber iii connection with liliZooleatd' Stationary store, has established a ..... ' . — tailtirit Ir wito - eritit-.. - • ~.. , ... „, .. , , I it lifts dew ,en' hatid it l a r g e El . lld giiie r , e . ral aesortroloitroYftcsli Grocscricti, - dpitei n .1 &e. 91-every arici - elthe bent at - nnl n quality `and 'Or . 6iCiis;W:felin.ibled to bail it:'redoeed 'Cash prima pi:*.duit'oo..ftititcp. T ',, •1' • :',,' ': 1..' ', , - - • ' Tharik NI 'for .-- - t fic;fid t rood tre- atm tied, to • lik'm *Wing Ilitir te*%dtiy!itjuyliae'lkeilln . did . .b'uliti etas, . he , li opes hy f it Ite t . l.frcitt, and - endea_voringAo. pleas° tO.'inerii it euititjoutinee Ocreofjaila stock irrpoTT consiiiiir.of.l24::;fv • , : i. 1 - :, '4" f, t;•, .. R. I'. Iklcei.unr tf4ll ' - .. • • ' Stfoui'RicAnd ;. Boit andid3ialty hoof Sup - 4'omm, white, ..tlitaannand - crOshed Sugars • •: ' • - Young Upon; Inverlot and Black Tcaa. , -Sugar !louse Syrup and New Orletina.Mulpi . beat and 2d. beet-Sperm-Oil.. - - Sperm a ntl-Menld Candlea. Spices-pr-all.ltiuda flab ground and ungrountl,'Clicese and'Crakera, • r•on , ono) •M a Pe: "tPle. n d ign, , Sta tell, Saltpetre, Logweiol, American and London, irMalatd. Rice, fletinepfmthleMotlitilLirkbest:Checelbiii Rciierns, Almmislp - Crockery, China:end . qlqs ß. Voro., ino.,Brop :41.( 41 • 11 a!lkti le chqtnte c f:•RteentWflettl;:tiiii 4 doi ,F! .. oo7 4 l l 4l6lfilihorslVltilei.iii" and ICaperiteri -tapei, 'Mirka . 11hiskets t fleet Cayepdiell pnd alba Chewing'aite' 4 4 'Paha:tie, ‘_Sp2irilali, tan nmmon •• 7'B A general .assertmenit - ,of. geed Span': cottontb read, tapes, - thinild'ep,lieoksA eyea, Pearl ()a tone, pins itittiteedlei,l6iith brushes, hair brut:hes .erimbs, , patuter — sand, dine :I)lacking and iwiety of other 'owlet articles. Also ,No. 142 machete', smoked alerting, Sdirriim;CriinberriCa, dtled heel flame a • , , • Deeeinher I_l, 1844: y ..,). Y lEEE P6iski ts.sid ciclktiis Ak,esicy. 61.1J0R - GrElli tiirS'eastiry Eippurttnent, bur ciponed oincoi Aids pily t arid will attend to the, prosecution "and colitic4lou of 'Charm .. beforc.Ccitigiceis' 'end tbri'rereral Execir. tire, baps Itniontu .of the. averment,. such 'us preemption and other land ciitimsl claims form- Afalidi :dal; lie l solutioniitAltlifilosi,'S Inift.pag ticusiuus dur, itevululjope ry, set tics?, ivhCl heaps comnittiatti , alf ia or botint landi• for se Vices. 40'1 te, Settlement 'of accounts of disbursink of the Government; to - the interest ,of bidders for 'eon, tracts; ,obtaining remission-0.-fines or forfeitures for alleged eiolations of the revenue, laws; cgilec thin of Trios to - ola ims "and tilt business brought before .oopgresTpor the. poblit''ottlects. riquiting tha terilces atilt Agent, to;)he OrttereltithezhollteeK - _ All lettereltiustlte liest paid. ,' G. M. P. will 046 kind to tikelifiOlinrd r'eltifidg nffinuses, latsi , &o,;"milleettiln.or..r9nts pcgotis k 77WilliUnniiU-IMTOT3 '' ' ' " 11X1ILAVOISCESwii-, ;',;• • ,'lEvlng*Vsztitttat.w.aißst,' • • . ~....., ~ ..........,F,,t ~.._ :., Tendeuhoccifier oireni aki ,ftror,l. l, (TAIP , c I K : G ( 9d and Silver Patent 14 7 : ''' .•. • r :iiir 'Viniehee•6l: ; ili6lr• - 64p:`,. " 1;0 ' _—..' . tinportation, SilverSiwone; ' "• / ~ 4 , ' Forkii, 'Veit &Agit and otimii , , ' 1 - .• <2 :." ) „ , -,- .:;.••: 'Artktile; 61%491;terilyorti•; o , -, , 9 'a ,':,,,' - 2 'Omit.; own -Inutoaacture.- ;Z:-' ,- 4 • r ‘: -,,. 4/: 4 9. , NV'Octi , Cbilainll.•Aenls ' • '' '' -' '' - z-'' • ',.efl ..,2 auti ' Kg'', ;Eine -Gdld I irrioust Piot', Finger' !tingle, Atratateto, , ,Gtatril ,Vhot no, Gold mai ;Sayer Pillini 4110,;.SPFVOet re•PF•0 0 .01 1 c1; .., .i 1 ;., ~ ', `.1. ;;',, , A •,, iratiaiond) pointedGOld Pengt . iligetiter-wrilh /a . 'generataiddirttlieniti I.lcifelirjoil ;elay4 Plated enstore,'CiVe •Illiskelli; COn tild Sticks, Fanny •Ilugi t iPurmllr,'Fant,l3rittitivile 1 Vir*r&•llClietis IlltlAPhigle pieces, Time P,i eaca, , S liver Filmic; Uht4l4; f e rarthoillnia:ripa, - ,Fttaorli.eatt Ornaments Ir:44foe eateai the lowestClisli prices. Watcheo Itepaireil. • ' ~L, . • ~ •• , 01. ,k• W;;44,•WA IVO; _.; 4tib r dliesilut atieot; r !?p . poitte thia Ft•alikittr.kiouict: ' l'liilAlultitilie,"AuAgii;pilB4l: ~ • , • ° lab of , n DEBI) IP tftrn de. and < Pc,nionn d make pay,rnent IN la Y N - Xo. 25 ..Verth Second. Si. , opinaik(Ziriott. ChUheli i e hieeili:e4Airi;mpiiine a velyexteniire and beautiral iiisteriteitie aufrmilvf 1 he rsoMEArcirrkehroto: cr. DOW r e k — g puraiwieuolgerpOly fr....CASkt„tlieymill be, sold stihezlowflet tik'efeeliebrt irk ilert elk eprehitid 'BruNsellifis(rieb„wipirn,h) nemisifeWinvetild 14,1 f; - Sudety EtiA legrafri,"3l4,"46i, 5-B,' Vetilt tlitpx,PticHo ftPt MOE oy? Creipvipirarrikhbedifutar j i -wyt 'il•mi ~ )labadie , aietairl 010- Bost moddbf tiireoirn* 'IiP T a -litta'herebyeini ...c , t43ety'oeitlllni lire,o. -- 105-Clioa Itietpr.ll! tioteli 011100' irotk o 1,611 4, 0010 kt IV ~ gait.' Coate nats'ilmi •Prclel4 AI na',ll2,li) - 1.11,4ia1, PAAWNEII.I4!‘ y INThAlf#l6lo, flaptlmor_quality_l3:4lltngilsh Bookinga,-*ith -tv • I large stook or wall spillf*ill Ql) Cloths of all width, 1 Rugs Piano nod ,Titbic i Cqtens, Slitcr Skin a,,Stair 11104/ , 'llliiilingi , lkostrllla Obirdnirsit - itatiffiatriti of fArof , q i ffultPiltilqiilSoWlitAOCntEt.4onle- lilio gralni of good jlatteint avg qavaity;for 97*ilti 50 Mg, pmr 'milt ellighlaitirerips: f Y4iftaisteit to call:, add Shgjaiii,..reat a :ZA111 1 *4'14, 1 454:! / . I * aq. ll l . mm-pere. ir-rna...lx ,y. 11 - 060trrt* t w:iiiar6w . ~, March 4 t 45. 4.tfia- , , ~' - " ~.. 7 111%?'" -6 1 • - .r ~ 1 . )., .7 .41' 1 ; .i'lliginle, riSiFilnd, Y.' thOfiteltir.'lV. i qVl,,ll;otitiltional alltipli. attic•ibtlfit'isitiiltbla Mall- InVisilellogliillliwilas , l4 •$-'o 44 ';-,t''A 4l, / 4 4. PqAtutia r : r. _ ‘_ '* 411:9/A r letarlintie4 r ; 11 . 1 1 0 / .I(,ifi r tl i i'',1'..4' 6 4 14 T0t 4 3 1‘f Fa i lri Pl s 2 o e l et; 4 ,o' . :4 1: i r !' k , t v ,4 '1?. ,141 t lO'A.*ll ti24ltrek ' r 4 S ' ~._ l; ,ImQt . 10400404, „, 0 , . . ,- ", , j, ,e,, , 1-"iiiq' Erztorr, . it y ir, ~ ~,,,,,,,/,?\:. 4,"-;Airi,". k.? Cilrlisli* , • :5".',7!Aq,..,ri1t,1,`,..f n s , , .--- n%-t.f,4 ,?;.• ~ i++ir''niL:: i ii:.~~.~~~ Ef MEM 4=l rf r".- Vt:LWIILT L i k! " ,7` . " !Pillt 1,3 -'- PFL4ll;4oa4vaißEP,anaEleLfai'.'L :. , Ml7l-te APW. , 41-Nrui-1" - - red • • " A S. '• . , • ••• ' • , • '' - ^l7l , •!:ii - il7ll - r - r •-• , , J. R. WEAVER.' ROE ) •,# 4 1 . .1 5 1 1. ..11 ?. ,144--AOR 7 , 77, 7 • :I.;tt • • 1,1 •. L ? t ti4tl7ilSlii.l7C . *lLLlS . 1 9q!!!)7Flt Peq l l4 o lAcl i ItclT, rn.i.“, ilenth of n!y!ingrt.k. ?.r pop slnriesl IV'kli add awYfßded lea,ei to strew' r . eit!in • ObtturitiretOty.;*etittiii'atiii:. f.. qtr , • ' b:.l-4....??,rE , tft,;1:y9 .11-1 ;, llfr ,Th l / 4 . g'/FaM, inoAiliitjA, lion thy voit , It t nits mylantil ofolhcid ye • • .1 1 g!*•Y,lOYl o omrfilizCi+ , 1 " , .. k) - h t Prlg ll trtql!•,P l e?'4 4, , ? 1 rlt••••4 • • Whern are: raporel! new.? I oak my soiliet • • lisle:111i pale andTei4'rid lircgv ' • I look--to-nottiie-ittnibeltold: • - - My:life's dine embletnrrusiling ratindi In huns.of crimson *lnd ;The yeae's.dend honor! On the pound I. And sigtiing„nrith,the rinds, 'Seel, ..„ Whale t(11'loy pinions 110 1rPir,bii; Hop thud. theie.,asys!itt ng . tone! reve4, iffenod inteniu.deittlni ytriteiti§jitlt?ii shpne;' T." zephyr:a fr4in the west; • " inettihg time, The stirred the - blikelike's ghul' breast/ ' ..,“Thretigh.statimeri fa utittg to theJaeat; , ;:-:-.Therlitlgeeed!in-the.hkest:ehade.l-;' , -... , ..--: • , , BittAthatged:andstectigthepett .now, they heat storms seertmootttsio and glade, • Dow likelhose`t`i , insp:orls nr thetit:east, When life is freili'alid'JO:lS neis, 'oft oath° halcyon% ..And transient all 'asilt4'at e true ! ' They stielhe !date's In_ that bright month,- ' 'hope aboutlherinkhead twines-, Till4Griefs hot,sight• around it breallie=- :.,, its'amiles resitna. Alas !itir,Tiltleorit beat!), and Care t Like clouds fa":."All4np3 , yi,ehiriit;dgejint ur thein!- 't4'e Siemed dethed'in then o f triOder ,„ :PFeTthpiiilViiskington Bee. !oral, of .the„collowing sketch will be productite pf much good,— Young men-who-are amlitiOus e of. success in the 'niatrimortial,line, should4studi well the grand seeret. Our friend. who fur. nislted the • sbetch says he sees no reason ut yilphottlil ; ttal,,bo,oc,, , • • , • A 'young- lady. of eccentric character,-.but sitrahrrN• "riery' r perronal'attractions, had live stlifore . eipially'oi4tYbu;7 in their attentions: . • able tit deplle,oppo„whichsho wottid be stow her . !and, : she, gave them police, .to u_pon.- her Att a,,certain hour. on -sta tot) day, and each,state-his claims in the•prei r On'co t of the Othets:-: , A t-the'time 'appolhteil , the arrived. ' "overarrived. ' "poor ''of ther jwere -'titit * fi uth hl'# downcast look anti sighed when he mitt upon •the object of It lA, devotion.. '.oentlemen," ssitilitei-you hate hon. hied me viith propose - hi' tof marriage:Ti'l lorre'as - yet neither 'refused tier accepted anyone OfiOn. " j'nOw lliat 'each of tilt . will state, ,our to , hatid; „-,.._ in ordet that I-may know upon what round I•may be juatjded in befitogiokitt'l,:: ;,,,:•„; . A answered 31 - f,,t) , APs4ll l. 49u'lliard me you Shall livelin A:1414114W 'rouse ,'• ba)t , i ildiiiiiilii 'arid ea r irli‘e f itt cviStiii i Jinii'iiihtuf; and enjoy : all be JUxllris clf •Atelijonitbil life -- . --- t - sitfTicVt: - .- 4--- - - 7 -, - -, = 7, --- - -7 , ..tiziititike'itelii-:wmy 'rimil hail' said dept' trulritivitjie - islickcantilleroikr B 7-yon - -1 strong inducement ; but I am of nobler de. beini; -v oisitjziiftl4 . otlier .Wiis:a‘ d'ulq;'Suii Otil9DiN 4 PYYcaAti r i't.iiio'.;i: ) i . ;';,. / :1 11 4 10 5' withwhom analiianpe•4'iinitt tteConsidcal 'Cif 'aii •tiOn9t' 4 3r ihe ' 46 , 4lll v A i E " i ttl i •• its Pp 1and4t . .....„-. ; ... 4 .... •• , ,1 C state d Isie.ciaima;,thos—Mit:um,.tiipol 11141104indlItyli, now , tioetfutatiok ?, ! o 0 l API:Iii - 17gs.,A4iZr: I ciii:',4 C ''' , 'E l'ii c ..eit''! tof:all in f i t ' ir%.o.9,Wrilliin;AP, 4 ,,t ffilliiv,O.;:!l9 u goubt.,:o fr: a liOc ems. •,,,,, Byi in anwi it g. In tx , you I' name-will:be handeil"dbAi4icititii tali ty,f , , 1 ,}t; , I.V . VPJ , 3 ai: MVO i*r; I, .;,‘ A, ::- Ii iwisted ;lois Mustache Isr Alb ilflMatr., o oanl tatlbisiteandatiiittlittgello isr'esitirb i,..l'm mr. , !°!l l ! :0 0" r , w 11t1..1 i t..7 qTr l . fil i 11 1l u IRa'?! ;' :7; 9 * - 1 iikWi#:ii - `I n -, , , 1r0ty i inCw how I ' m adiniiiiii. ~.)Atiti c ila,iiti:ptopt faehiOnibla 4,tiretiall.,:ifipthilitv . ow lid ?td hie 'fiiiiit'fi'''VelAitifi' , Nis , - -- ,t • • li , , most fashionable,placeiiti , ,Vil hot is..,:at;bet; ter jo o . tt the gr O zoi ,:ili f ep o I sa ys c D but '''siti‘liclinii.'l. l M'ilartifideit• . ildflif .-•.:!” P. ,; - 'f ' i ' ' ' ' ,t . titi) t'll. 4•1 , ./.4,1 ttOrts I,nll t , upon ii,..7 i .-. , •,. , i , • „,.. • I „, I ktt .::_•:,.,,, ,; I ;It; 0 ~ 1 14 R., ;161y, la, 46+01:43 V. A t 44 11, 1 . 1 APi! t .,FPRIP),*Al t, it% RATIO All_el :MA k Paugem;tkieY oo -,wslaclPprait e myiv4, likki:.,:. Poilirdp liiiirh heyia..timatlfuly;.eni ; bi gtit ibd. 2 .1.• , ,, } 1,, .a.ti: trt , , , rfitev 4.iivA ,V 1 a . 1 I:l!44 wiiik . iiiiiribeticiwii, - sqiiitiry4 PV,.214.1je '44 i4,f n',o'',l 'f, ,11.4' 11.4%40' PI of. ilr:lt t i) '! Ci . X1 0 , 41. ihce ,— - t 4.1 ,- ddltalhe ft i 2 ,) ?7,7 1 ,4A1ad'1" 40Awe n • 711 .13" ht'le' the eileel!toge o) #ittiAterittelKi f t:TAJOLiki.q..tcfail 'lo*ifii • i,n 4 7 l,, '" k 4o.',, , t;,,,,iltYs l 9 l ',„ ;1: ‘ ,.'l . • [ , A .. - ~ 1 , . ai. • 05j0 , , ,, ;5fi1k"...1, , r ..,..Ittitop' eiiirthe 'llidY "IM! e rp Ycut ltilettient, op matter;how , humbii-Inal*i: AO iiihitili:7 , *.e ., z.! ,, ,-o'' , ) , ..w:vii4 ',wl9-!:',„i [,./. :Sr ' 3.4 ' ' Ol- 4 4,, P ' }' ' W IE. r° '.',: * l 44 4. n ;1' !,! . :M.N. Ari:: ifpri4l,fitri'l 7:47114:1P102,144:01‘' jo t t, 4e. „ir , wi, - - 4 - ig.l-mtrai , : iqopriosl 6 olt.l ilgutiiK4.o.bittliali9e.44‘o4.4l* 't :lAMS,l*9llCiliti•rmMt4wir ete•4041.1,11015.., 1t ..., - ,„•;,,-- . 5—, , , I? - Irq 41 amp --. 4` , : ',. 'f"- , i* , - , t .2, - ..,: " q e40 : 1 ) V° 1 0 " , ,e,0.tia, , • , 1•;•-•' 7 ';, "N0.matterpr0cie4,t. , ,,...•.:,2...;.: ' ',E,,. •,,,,.;,- •,.:..•,;,' ' •,;. N .., , ,? .„.:.: -- ~ • •! '., ',,,,.,', f.:.• -.4'4 1, 5"' ' 3 141 1 ar. l 4 i. id Mir ity l pOksi. 0 3 ,1 a ma • • on' f it)r ;"ii 'Take' c's At irdelvteA:niit iiiAl , ,loud ltiti !6a.tiovelroir 161116tractionl-4inie in t ;y' all • ,t .>,;:;., ~_~_Y:,j 9=ffi= • A tl . thee again (Jae(' In oessiOn : the R - iel:o4ote:7no,t--rproduotk4e7-41 : AigitPil ',Scaijiiiy-iiRblo•Oil• is .-ihe poprefitpflrecoinrnetiditions,!,' „ ' ,"ratite ialteeling:l(and i haAhat. has (,but. the outward garb Of a. gentleman pitied.? I have ialsen'the-trouble to find, out the naffiebttliepaiihrii-lcij.ivliich you Laubscribsoiriii&have_aseertaineiGthal. ,none of you WhP,bave:bbasted of your 00l bility, weattlii,lsrne , Otrashion; have paid the printer t , : gentlemen, this -is . dishonest. I , ...earitiovillink of 'marrying a - Mtn who if>filtYitrri - ifirilifrifelleffel. I taieleayned thht Mr.. h. nOt,'only sub-. scribes frir ' brit the' prinieg- The'reforolsei his the man:'T give film mj , ' band with the fidi cOnvictiori that ,he one Who isiOverY why .dalculated 'to makti , mo,hhppyi:• • , • , NeeiP 'esifitiod our • , ri avrative ! The dlisariphiiitedgbiitlemen didsap'paer'ed quite suddenly; arid.i.bri'lbehy' suitor Was fed to the otifeelif of bis . de4iiiinn and in hecarinelicit'on!y . '• a distinghislied, "but p :weal thy'rtian`, hist] was 'esteemed by ell whir Wile W .teeng men . : he paid the ilihrelio . this • , • , •.•:01•4 1,, •••• • . , _Thriftife7 'cteri,kehlirg-llecorder-=in vrging-thOUl*.likoflliii:tOWU ici;ell C 0 er age their tice,4tieelynake's the following retharke: 11: , ftli great force to' be economy tri pay ten per cent': irl'Ore` the - prthlucts of na-_ tive tiltill end:lnbar; thdn the same articles 'might be Trent4,othor),TAlOVl.„ol ,oentiii.:.eveilik4f9ol . llkl4"l'o , ioy, wtt4C I atia which he knikfit, net' do mestic", Setae, zany rifile thin in the larger view of national policy=yet . O'oglit ee the _all vp else, of having,prospereun irighhors, ,an4 f eontrihute what, her can coniistentl i+ With his,, own Kieft sis;. .to trene,fit them,, Instead, or WHIR , wlw etlti Alie Ad ictorn: 1f We nupporlournre• ,Opoipe-pp- milli suppOrt us, antl by this double process; the ,town-ritself-.wkil-recoirs an impetuit. in a fetryears Vo4lll,Materially improve its tulp,eot. The prepercouve is What we Can nt home 1 . ;the .rpsult;Woillti,bo seen in the more cheerful.4isages , of 'our labot• , • . , ing,populatiou,And ; in thepspringing , ttriw,Aosurttntorraino. - .4oila g oiLioatoi_ pots , eilo,Tpug A ;:res Olio Woultki.oti*etO.llol,'titttil lrtose who OheerfoPY-aoo#tfiguctuille f this.:teitilt; would for ;Ifni 'i'ie riiico,44,et atight listOnaiki.tcFprothlce•irt:'? giiinittilicrion.o4.eirenuntrr , carres , .. .. • ' • PP II delit - i#4l.ig. PoneordiaLst.ltileltigenoet, -giyet9he-follnng eltstoh:•of i his .method At treating Alio: fever , of hie 4tiCillityl .. ~.,•; , i 4 !! ' Pie , Ayql9k fayetY3V,e7 intgot,here-is the 01 1refni#eT,;.,74'arputtyntight4 cense.itinsint Jo hang' - on Jongi.bui iiaint nothing like "'nkat.firthardif * lsittitellitii that trieY die iiis.rovei , 'in' thstrilhiV. !!.` 1' IV k n 616 :mostly , uiefilvuo.liirli couple' of Oiiiio : l tin a' tootle •mle fiAtzpitiaL'=itioiCl4lf strhonclifterriiAttliie iiith i re ''' 'blithe, ~ 4 /ii' inVheriOrin.,r,i'dtili#: 7 Veil; tilidn r ; : 41i tfiti•ineni'lookiiAh(:' , l'`iliVitliden ii 4 1)141: sl?f ( , , "T0 , 1 1 1 6 :17 - MY 11 .91!!S zt vOi t y, , Q,l6;piggel: i .,1P., 1 ,. t f"! (°F.WRilt e t9 l l4ogifiCkiAiii,iftiti •• 1 , 9 -4 1 . t .A n 0 r-3 111 ,t2R!P3 1 , 1 1t, , P,9-rIF,,a, 90,,MitP.:.gio 'h4rlyl,, i iicl ig n I,has I g o, igion gi ii 11111 I , ellgAipolTplptiiiimig .1h9,,E)1t OTPk t i„ ° rA l 37'tP)lll,o I. !ilAe i tl , .k v i r llitiltqL 111Alli n Agrflikt e !?,Aktl„flee. 1 19 1 ,041,10 , g9pix , q t gl a xer*O v ik,lirainilOOP9 B "Pl vell7 l l l if i til)ll l, d l imr - m•Agslrpi!ivit s, pp 4 vl. ,i Mt mq.,711- 4 1,,,i,atattlirkP11)0014!) - by — blemlnt- 44, .,Aite-wrcpitOrfl4l4, l 4 ills by ohi,deink rifoselt, ,• I .....):oroy - ig lemmeateg T... ,, t ~.1 . 1 , 5 1 i i ldour t v e -r _k k o'k g : L. *lO'ffeliVeit`'eClVi el mt r liitottoto` `e%No lOgthlti llii*AddY liivitikhAiitiiriAlkadvitili'ipi;iiklili4olo : 4thigifitinortwieheetifelo-ata -- I* - 0* 1 / 4 4 , w0 istl 4 ol,lntm.mioiitOrii'lqM*) tiiii, leil'en:iir , JealiVtat bfrfahes' `er iiiiiiiiilleo i frilnWils6lo„Aoftmfarii, ipsit , (4o/ itlghtlahmetiirlai, iiiiiiqtridtnaViAbliii4 ; '4iiiiiiiv 3 viyoliiil4 - V. , 111 - gt ii i 4llll4l* vitibmmar, i4 l -fiiiii4 - 40tii:talitiali , rodili - 0464. 01 if -to-- - ! , :f. , t:p#l ' l4' ' , * 4 ,N lif',4 fit or Re P * ! , k'44", i'1441;:t",041 I ai ii v v, i i„ i -:td, Politt 1 ' 41 ... ei'Atiit* r ' '"'"- *.FthittAeLol.,!lo l tt OPP !! Wy; IRV g o l,, i )lWoA*4 ll. - 71 , 1 0,° 1 4.014, rOgla 4 . .if, 1 4 14- _ - .4. : W40kakittt.,440 2 ,.' it`9,7tP4*7ll'4ll'. ii .410 -4 0 4 ,:#4 1 1!V0,,i';'0!',YSOki l ' 1 : 1 00ii i e , ; ;. 7 11 ? - ,; ( iiii. -'- '44ol*Cr:irellkloi:iipie'fitliAZ. 7, ': - - ' M = ISM MIME t, 11.,, 3 . 04 1 i rrom the-Piew,Yo!k , tc - 111 - 7%7711:77 , '. -i i .# 0 , 10 : 4 / 1 1 MPRtsIN , MM IP M I CI . It t 11r of; Oke.a#9%; - knA - 2 - P50. -- , Off c,clii.pon thg i le9. 7 , 'P? pf ;94 ckty!, and its influence upon the ,clulet,and- pump' , Tt- f i; ( r , Ott7,„,illAct; • pope - of thh„eintu try ; - -N 3 ,4"tr i f!'v c •! ,9 01° P9IrEIPY-P!!Ar9 c , e , r-- ut • coming : ou.l < boldly, anti ~fecying ,rho :gVMillf"cP l °S - --. ll qq 9 PV l l! , , Pnts jf . :1,to!!0 cn r t t en i e d therrist4ea i whli the , bi t ttereet,tepitt,4l.l . at.,thela.oguage affords.:ft n st_the ! *tn,* I.l, l llB:exp ( re,d them to the deep detestation and abhorrence of all liertent and virtuous people, One of the •Mtist tnnytifilng•enit teiatiotie cirpuma etancbs t attending . the trapeae tottos that • • fLtNe...' e-comp Toattre-o Irj4 o lol:igUipg .th 6 pa'rty3 t ''tv,bo,to..the.4isgrace ,of,4 4 listy. York, pre inshlents, of; thls.S.tat4, a'pp'eara,' under, their .o.wn .. ..hands, .that a, system of profligacy" has ,been long -in f force here,- . and its-pernicious influence ,141:Se)t . tehtletl_fpr and . wide through Aim Union. 'that , it existed bete, and that in .carrying on its operittions, a gang of selfish; corrupt and-unprieeipled persons wpre etl gaged,ha.s pot_b_pen,. -secret,to4their,oppo ueutsl, but -they hatre:never , :before had it in- their ,power to prove by their - otlin .acknowledgement-, - to-•t tl"-"iomintinity at .Ittgee That difficulty ta now removed ; intid' the Penni, the - names, the plane, and the - object of the-conspiracy are W-Ily before thepublia. And it ihis been placed before them. not by,: z tt Whig; not 4yy a political opponent, , b4C by One of thtnseliesi who, 'haw, been,atimitted behind the seenes, -and has -had-toll 'ooll6'i:wilily to become' mately,acit uninteil with the '.'-dratnalis pei torue'—the-entste : nat . 's( the actors in the comedy', or tragedy, which et , er it May be . called; ,-What his , ntutives , w'etit in betray.; ing hie -forinei associates, is 'not'-,of the slightest iniriCirtance" to - the! community , at, large. 4 They had. no , hand In. Producing Zlie , gaploe one nor i~ 4t of thteleast - mo- - metit wherefore, or by whom, it 'was .120ugi)I'about 4 • The letters ate eanresiecily genuine, and the statements they' contain are those of the' writers of them's Tlie eor respentee -ie before-the--publici- and being -their possession; it is ientiossittfe;"bfanY , ittemtii4O dratc--theivrittetstion away' tit a -.poin yet' no.importanre; -to - Shut rmt-its don tents•:. from their ithowletlerte"ot to :prevent its •liaving ita.propet effect, •- • Forsi oifeeou rite ill 13 the ripfionents ho:a ni - to 't on et - at their true'ilia d'derk oar - toiler 'thf . Obt ;ions'it'A'me orililie--:lffine'erair'=.4 'title teal rte Whe n `objects, eitilie l ten , l4ll upon ifi ' e"~oriiiliiinitq ' at afge=iiii4 that artk 6 - Olen - fig' trie'nriiiiiiltelfto; 'c i oriiipt"iletierli;tatit.itilee4 , ing that `atilintit of pol i 'idle niij itVthis §taigi re' Iff.!llll'ebot' tom' of this eOtifederiley okainst'ifie rights and liberties of the te'untry. hgtbbg the aetive and thihil b"eani rkbadd 'this can fete met ; w ere - M - artitr - Varr -- Bar,sr,Jamr,reSident - of Ihe - Unitetl-:Statee;-•- William L , lliaret ..onNe I,q W9,;!4F,P. 0 Or th! 8 "5.,44. 0 4 i I 9 . W/A 4 ,#rlP l l! ar Q. - padtbteleeg Benjairiln But -191:. 9ace4ltOrtty paneral, apq Attorney, of - .the I.l,niteM3tates f apt" a host-of,etlhaltertia.„ tmd,Atitlet gralipatea t _ In olt, tcle. i namerlt!o r te Sev ..c.N.Prlfthejr•t°lll t a,s,l) a ' rig I 1; i .; ntiW , ,9ov, th,e„s4te,,A.•c:Plaggi Cmnp 7. ,CiR1 1 05...,F0,0 1 ,01,r1,./Y/Pp, l 49re!N.At,t+lr9PY: PPPer Bl , 4 4 ; o!e.Pt9te, ..q„(i.; , AsTot, polio= p.r. of th'i!,m,birl,y.„ A r g ip,,,i4..atp, pewe*sf,,cif,'?tet , littlfl'ttop.fcr34o,,lWleig4 Act , Pcooq'the.semPrimPEN yFoll eptiY, cly , 07:in4 Qml)ina Iffy.; cl.-,t4ttteefotili'ltd-ongrotta ;b4 o ‘ll4osl.offigraor...thp. tkioni i k NO:111 1 14. ‘9.1)14.1 3 . 1 d..1 11 i1 I**4 . .t, aaff,iptipeedei white theyate.enyiehing thamapjyeajtem the. p4pe_treassira , - , Atiriehtianrs Oeiirk •lierafe :tliii.:6citilitejr;=fisitl riiffed6iiti;o l. 6ol. tidOil dr iiiiiltiteralMili . . oliititi‘t ifigiq kg!?.;lp4 i m, wipolf,letV) t e ,R tl l I n , I PIA#4 9 1 .1! 51 1 '41711P11.3.N I AIPT 1 ,Velf7 lYiP i t l iPAsilelltlo°4o 4, lPLlOlN4l,ll 4 1)1 1%.$Ari: stn l'Al_ 4 1:op;1410,1i)i_ipm10141:0,_ Opir;arto coatifit4 lit; TICt .111 . 141121 . ! it 1: 1 • 11Will1114*MRN e r i nakke lVartliat:=-of, 4 -a : /, t fa re eB _,; (4 ,RtirAkt4Ril . nt i tarflUt 093 1 !400 1 0kiiiiii‘ 1 ,0,k0 i, 44 ,rfaiieilfo4 l ll4 ittO r ileNittiat'ilvPW4ollWcidnYiajoktisrdi's . rtthS :4101 4 , 1):!1 . 1 , 1* - 00 . 010. , a , t4 166;4 . fe , ia::q*,*frlc**riltt:#it;*iy,tio*seeo,'Rvr' NUMMEM k j e . e. " ll' up TR"; it - 17 ,—;' ",.;tfp. its jt, on . o} whtcli was , The . eppesitin - cepaying. - specie lb bid friend JeBse:Royl~'it_ Ibany, as fol- ol 4 , e) r in Troy,"'lmO i disburk;'and:• Albany' , fttilli;: iviutf , r yolY,oft.poshibtei , tir!Cortimrij know-thiltjk:shall.;uked' 4IM tit • I) be T s ffi e'en; - tyj bat to teaxe . ehe""e ' n`emy, far theet'oft?Weeki'll vvitili 'it .liBpettiltidtant: in,*.ant.of it, to Meeta demantlonlthe-bank. . yoir., to, lay ,to,..the: benk, - - the t-yfm want small- change, andLetir that; yptLAyll,l give them current bn the 29th of June, he wrote to lease. 1-1 - eff; that "one •of the 'peribriS j:teld to rvaii-:utUtlorr; MitTib i; ‘'‘Stio lid 4 or :sB . l36•Ter. rep': clue • " f -knew" him=a.4 y —I Wish you wouhi fall in ?bide llitir.drid ask 'his opinion. I know itiwiltibe faimr .able,,although J did irotpayAiini because,. he sate with me Within .4ny ~9?up,Lcrp anif ~caliliefipapere,_ and drank wine With 'me. • for two or theme hours beforellie`'Ganit~ 7eloilethitiritt - tieW - etety - litra'WhOliail time ,from a.dietance, or was poor: and:'needy, paid "without a .moments delay. : • 7 "VOW, if his -opinion' is friendly, I dare it will Pass'elitrent, and'lM'a legal tendtr •In youe hutch metropolis, • Mut it - would ansiver -for circulation."" •.. - I How the "Young PairorM" will relitib the hold insinuation -here made, that toint pose upon him a fala/ p piiaf 63'0 the condition ofn the bank, and of its ability 'to -meet its'reaponsibilities, he was Ilrawrtin by the addrriis 'an(' -artifice of 'Mr....Butler, to, drink w'inu for two .or three -hours . .with him, -until -the latter ilotibtlesti-• Opposed 114 4 become so muddled by a show-of paying specie; and . : went 'away ;With ['Ate belief Abet •the- bank vies -safe and sound, • tliciggb f .lte.-ti te. jil_notget his owndemand 'sat ! isfieds 41411 more thad Shafli thati-Undeelhese imprecisions Ite-cotild publicly express hii opinion at "the-Dutch. -metrepolis.l. l :;- . , . , . .1•‘ , . . . " All d , , tb is ttotourit prodgOdii• friith'e'rtien who,-bait two days before had Wiktien' ito to Htirt4 dint - hii was — more aila , iiloii3 pleas; ed with tilt. ditties' ind•iiayine-ihtit .- 'l. , • • '• : L. " -I rile , Only difficulty here Is like wrTi ilfthe stated preaching of the Gospel :=-1 Had ire'it fattliful' and 'respectable ininistei, and viefe the' people 'Mote antieue for find' attentive to rierligion, I should hate nothirtg 1 '(ti tUtlt"fair,ltitit•the'eonlititnifiee eithaltit, to i ' mate;thie illeeti'lleliklitittl: The contrast beitveleti - 14:1(ithrfand - iaerlY - Flilf fiegiliaii: You do not at all esiiiiiiie'ai Ycite : iinilit s ille-fte . Juli4i. fpirdifedeli-ritviniW = They i aie'rerhaikahli'great. 'yhe 'Cloapel 15 - #l. 1 th'ef a it'.. o "sitithoi4 -or'ilfo ) tido' life, - dr' 'of WE iitk ttnii; diiith".:.laililr'liott 'eiti l ;bo w l iehilifle4titi inegleCtitieliatiOn i' ' ' '" -t4 4 U . '-"llitii osel'lntN"'_iiihs" prit'a6heilf fi)' .16i - ` . lei Huyt: On the I Ilth of 1k;l o Veto bet;'• 101intie 'Writes ag a in JO Hityi if--: '' ' - .i ' : " I an) ,sorry to obser,vd that •tpti,qfe "obliged 'ttt ford eastiiefinlitfei to teduncile your SuntlaY- tabOre'tt:V. :floor otvri'aelliir'n( duty. . filo • trhe nonsalation. ddn—even , h,e derived fro city tking_tbat_rtquisea, tile _ - NJ '--- roL neglect o( a religious apty, TI ettNre,_eently_tienct s unink u stilts:Ll_ itlig.#l.:___P !_l no wi,doui - ; atiil'of wisihA inifji i `are wayq pt do nothing to.imprcforoce Matta, 'Pleitot iitneis.'' . her r iitliti ; find '. he .i .' "'"' ll i r t i Goon rfifiritistts.4 ,, OtTf•ftfaitN'ivert ‘:are f pathis_ a peecol ,l 4; , ' ' ' '' - 1 artiong.thci.heathen,lini lteekleityilieslbeen l' - "Yriiviis the. time „'Wit, ' , Merlin 'Aran - Meeli . ... feli ., ol ., ,iravio ,,, ,n d atti sko h c i f ,l m i s ters.; in , dr- • eatifet outlinr • 'a'''i:atiilifl a te" Ml' 'pit ii,liSt otCei E l derwt fridial .:4 . thtifees - tiett i me ,, i i il i ni . ....31i.i D.- F. L -- , OIV d e't line We' til hif deO6lM ; _ 7 - 4 , 16 - i - cmfi i ii i i i r a- 414 . 0 i g0 i- t i l i o t„ tiiiii , l * t ealotle;4 and bide fa tTkahlti `tool 'tinti: ikettii" ,w _ autiliita rti a h ' i i i i ev e fo r if , fiti ... e i titeives.. 4, l •Viderise of this; is eeattel'eti ttirmfgh [this_ 4 'We'reati , -4ifillef l olibkifi r titi l obi l iif : 46 . 4ii. fun 1,144 2 I bit t t •it 'is im kola doable lb huVett .4141.:1 hew , 1 " 1 4 1 ,- /thirliv _ ii , 66 4 ,2.K , idAko i, to the proof with the particularity i ialiesi, , ivelatiliti iwit , aciee e tr _ ru vo ith ", 4 4 ,, ,, • wo ; rable,, ';:, IA 'ttoPpriniectilibn- Of ' itis,agincey_4 . fh ate ., y nea i r a t i w i rd i jdo t 4* ti : O.& .111?: 'Omit lilated' hi -'4itre 'qatriz. ehat' i l't 4 r • areiailiii , bo.Vß*.<iifirii4oiiii, ... ~ , -6 , few of the leaders of a paiiir %Would •Intie . „ e i tid liiii tt oiiii t i; 1:;22.L..2114 - hivt- t itzt-At-Wai, thi , lite hirdiheiod.totodeilttike 'ttf fil 1: - • ,3 1.1i-kva 1 ~, ~ . of gliia t .:ibitartalloe 'Jo ins rtilitrtiit Nati' Silt I , Tmo p orzos „minike t oftalloamolout. ran, that any unfavorable impfesaidnir ie. 7 , ,,t, phit osop h er l srepbqdr,litt 'bbota a 4eitity 413,:elit'iti,iileilki4;4ii,ippauvoiloA-be.' bbat ieleiiiestit talrettilfirOirOitlitiog6lll3-- 4i ' ' A t 41 4 74' ' r• 6 ' 410 - iti frefthe'liideritalit re iii6d(l 6r , iiiitkqfP2' iNitIO lb, sli e 1 , , 0 40 1 1% 4 0 4 .t g , v • itt,i,„ ~,,, , 'iteit'iii Yntii:gdirti ;We rif i lltiiiifeliih,""alyklifi 4 ,l „ . r i t h inol i e , r i , ir h gt 4 0 4 Ideltedtiatedi 'it() Zviiit'liii hitnliitig f ife liF told'il i di ff igtOP Oqi..Kl!kr,4lintetiell ishi rtiroortotbillicnreltditt , 'lniii/tielliciiieiitiiitieMiiiiillthi!illAtioliiliiNk-tijohiji-Apti;i--a)./.z4 -- It•4 1- .n:f, roa irtr- 4n, " echo Ili eg v PrAt 66l 'lillirill l o ll- t i'iif litia 4 IrdihoAtiftilot4hiti .4 rePtiodo' l ' 4ll4 4l (6 4t itiftf f)i)iii)6l,llin'if atftth t itatitjki(' l Aav-i, sorryo r 4l :3 o , n ihi l i aT t e siot ,:toor , iftd,h e t gent , iii?liiilitta s igolpi:'e iiiNit4 , ifuthvtiaitt: d 4 rti l , 3 14 , f ew i g i iii it e 5 ~ , ,1 fter, ,,,,1 i d 0 , 6 ,4,4 1 44 eih , e.. iii Waal cctiyaiffifo, W'lliniyfeatitilifihii (lel 6 try - man `; 4E 1 ,4 ow. ki `e , iiiiir! i,thttiii4 f '6 :4 %:iiii .„ rziteeirintliii#l 7 l ,6 B 4 ihrtehi.,ei ; - mothematici r#777. , - ,:' . ;t.....,*_,?'' . . i - ~ vkrz , 6o,o6lol4ytridoilibitehlpii6hibrbf 10 Th i s 14iii4WIT;viteift4iit'ikalpililiod ih'eAlciiii . gl ikhkhiliblibrifoialice.ltiiWiiiiiig 1*.4 , 4..,7=1, y f l T 4.4 110_whS!!!,4 , r 1 , f , ./ti! Amethioileff i iig , vg-kano.tifil negle c ted twArgli,AA'if.iiiitit l plit s giligir#,lpTo. , ifosifri - oigiso%ituiarim , P l 4 '4114"1 " t 19 ciliVillaitg*svotiVctilliitl,lirf i 'Mll Aill;e'lntirsldiilktiiillilib liii4ol.l %h *dr t .6lli i - , Althifaf4iitiplio - i *isV f igiiie.4. 1-646, , Ito l koitia liriVolliiiiiiVtil etifbi; gl a r — k - riii if vl iifirtiair A nr Ahafti----- 7 obwitotieeforAWlsAbaikzmitilidniiddCA , : ,N ai kal, .14:7!grillipAtIgictd. 0 44044 1 . - him that wiearrirArTlK4t4,4toner ycl i 'V t./ tn441 , -.,411- . 9 . ';444,-.M . '"*:' 4 A' l.l i tigri . itr - aii}",i itei4aotati o r iin ink' hpr „`,! 1 .L1 1 ,, , i0e„0 Atig=4 l ,346 76t , ili t i, 1 v.,.:,...,, w _ i; .;,,,„-.1 .y. ~,, _ i roo';•,?•i ,''l Axon.. r, 1 i4 , 4 ',. r.;, t. ,1•,1 •14t, ....._ .4.7 11- Ft itiOnteltv 414,,, '•;.'.' • ••,..-", '' 4 - ---- •• ' r lllitik t itiiihYpAileilililablitii l li .., • " , - - ~. , ha ' leottAkfifihtftif*,;;Vieir4lV litA' 1644ifirliftisifilit` tit 114** I iinit-.5 d•.- ; ionifti itii - '' , IViik . • lei b iliiraitgee !tf. ZL - -; die, , f4L or 4-.. t - .'•• ..., , . ' • •.. :_...-.....P-, ere-'--,,,,,,. rell;0 1 0. - 7 ,. 4 T •--=-. - 0 1r igg i tcic i tY,ll c iisettoA 1 4,d1f7 9 4 •01.1 1 .1141J-Mtir'jWl-/ 0 1 4, Lil ' nitt jb likt)C Bll o/4 11 ! E ACM010r • , °tnif/V Iltigr'r9iO4WiSfiftoe it ~. , illitt bottom, ► :,',',;,,i-wi,,W, ' ' 'ii,4ltimil.Wl4, 'N Or ilf "1tt5..,4 - 10outlf . ' :iii:MtgAlN'' 'P :.'• d ' 'V:,' ' 47 " 7 - . 7 5 , -• (driven . ' IT ' i i. 4 o ol4,t r liniTh l : .„..±.41044r -100 n 043."'-'' II:9, ' 1 n 0 :4§ l , l : 4 lV!r;', :.::•, he :M l ' . :: •,.!: tAitiOA - 4 , lo74ll44kiiiiii,k , ic,itoe,- Repai4*- - 4 ., `: ... •.,1, . ~ _,, , -.3, '', ' '{'( iv,ioikt s9stitl , ..- 71 .i-,.'40-1: :.',....,',;,r,i142•;‘,14.1,L'4;:x,;:'• ''.',,.`'..:,,-" , , ': . ,•.':,., -.' ''„, '':','',;l-:e,•,t`::;e1:::P, ,-,:!#75y.:.v,',,, . • : , . •a. 4f, 041 tiNgirlifialrefo4-/ -i-•J••----`:1! I T -„,„.,:y:117; ollni:qicirl.o //' VitrOttift4 I 1 .4-:" Si am ithitanding Atotnye v ig ~,„,,,,,, 40 ~,, ~,1' o ‘ ,N, e i ,„lneKailvio • :we lipoil!ny,0All'10.0 -, rre43n g , fr;. , tritti.; ~il7s}„ 1 ."^ - .A.1 . H ., 11 , in, ii g oi , 'hipili,, L 7lll49l:, tilt UP .. .T ts, "matte yeas, ;Ni i i t ll, iii_rltihat e i i g,, wi t , F o s ,yi 11 ,4,1 r ,, .. ~;,,... --;,-- 'iticilll' ot let en in . -.'.. ''' --' ' ' flb ''' ''' 4) no* 10 biinkraillOptilutt 44 - ' ‘ 4" I "o444 o. l t g rAM- i # 01, 4" 1 01, ' ~„t, i ~,.. ~ .-,,, . ''''" liii iterfroxcperity4o*eiblre. - in,: piti4e `-T'', hi,,Mite :to :;.!:0 #t ... Mil ; th ee _ for;',. .. - . ' , r • - %);„;., • ' • • ' ;':' '7 , 1. , ';' ,l l•' ,:', , C , :v.i.-A ,, ..• : , • ~• :~1:~.~ i;:. LEEMME K t _ _ " \ll 6 • afto44. I. iiiinailpieWeliffiraiiiitillittertirl a leVnti.„ . 2 4 - liiink . etikflt•by'nlP,r6ll4349ieapin - dol"-- -- :-:,.* ' `I knit th.i thel cater tanditii: tet*tiiiliiiii -perfeatlfiittiged ithit;itu4s;rattite:ol,44 . with thirbwiiii'iisyfilio_siffitittirkiokotk . __ • - sbintiruch*ciiettiit.trib iiiaitt PAliskiatio attack upon the hankl/4 ttlitirefpefititid . 7Y?7K 4 ;\W!iVigerw l l lt c l i, - il l tr t . a. 4i o rta or a monies „Inititu,tiarr ittialltikltd- . <, y-. 2; t..:w„.,!,r.40. , :c*,.,eL1t•: , ;iti".15,1' . v 414.4( n't., , i4 -P I I n I . B rr 9 P , CT I A t l le 'P l !M %* llll t. e•"..W 1 1 aF-V:frl 4l C.Pir r ,Yl, th lr a A r .! llll • B l l44 • 4l-di ' 1 feol;jlA .i file- 4 'XiCeiltfit.c4oVO:difilif„ • Afi'. d'iiiiiiistiiiii'c;p:,.'3'_,,,,• - ; ,„. :• '''''''.T ii ;''llii;i-: • We n e uit . 4 l44oWotikTeAiitit.,trenit . soma other.a 0f..),1ie jitnioingli t a:iiiitizer °PPortt?ll4YA,•; -.-. . 1 .4 , p -ii,-. ,1 ,'-'1' : 44141 1.59' ( -, :l a, 14. ,7_ - ,. — .7, , ~,.' • , i‘•;-'1•• •• - - , :n - ' 7 - - -.• •!•ti . :riiE Ditplirayt,,.7,-,i ~,,,. , ...... 0 ,- t f : 47 1 41 1 a ' 'l''' may,iave a look at you a . Ward, tipt v,.. 1 1 , .f , .1.1:••• .. I •9,lin•it.flijlitlYrilii ), _ OM 1— • 0 • C UrC; ,-- r- ! --- ~ . , ..,...,..,, yaw : . y91,1r: r 4, ~' 6914 qontiiditli,, , ii r tii; ii a r,(l, 1:. a a day !1,,1.e d , ~.....„i L . ~........n, F!..,..5pen)ing..,.7• ,ii i ig:iil 4 r.I Y 5FTt4v;e,..._.TR,.1),..,:`:'.--.=.7;-., -f-tzst,ittfittcf; - ail anil.iiitjah;la be T,!:77 r ,7 ~,,,P.'" ''. ";' '—' ..le'n''' lilii'lifiNl . agif'' lllB ll,- 1 4 3 in or 1 . 3 T,! 1 9..!„,P., :,.ipi i t i ill a tfiforitidt 'if g's'ilik - titicr Eiatita. ; , !i; -, ' - igi:±i4ilt ' -drink-the. p: . Ort!ftl. / r , ,ipto a cant 0;14' i d C .such extremity ,were; t[ : vied ttim,for gal pri Np,t,,,tp,mtyl:fhis4 s 99 l from f 1 . 1.4. etar,.PPi,Aot44 ,l ) , 1 9,P,!° .Vit4 •ikterk?i l J; fr?# l i) l 4 l , ll % l o*ezi . h 4 g'- .and sucking,:dvi)pcjiito;',:ylliiiic (moot he,toFpa AT fp 11anled with O. nob on the f Pd . 4l7jM?, pf r a.atich".hv,Ahp - ,piref s pc*Oppl7t . o . AP ,i avhich ratitet wbuld_ submit* even torbc in some clegrga 19,5 i, 1 1 01..) 4 t P ei ' pe to Ett, eq41,1bar,0 38 ,,R ; ar4iP-$.l):9elRl ex- Y.TvAii l a t ol#2 )/ fi s :ji 7 7 4 is-I"'4 o Ft47lA4 ° l4qt` - ,P119,15Vi -s iT i • of, iiis:skifs, is t meagtt . souncl aft the •Pnictl PC44 -0111Y-', 1 3 . 791" - ikr t - r ittlgn!T o ttoit_ro'nveqhu:#i-a,Topth befdre dja!On 419,9,,It!t?Tol''4F0:15i11:4dilli hero re-no occapitioll:EPrKT: A I Fiii 4, I!!FoMMO :Or importani, to,`tuiti. for any longih,ofotimo,llitiliant.fihiEqbe.tql.o. s hi , ;heath , t. I*W Cri ISF ' ‘cr Soar,s l oNyEp.l7,o3l9 l l:r - 4 11 .4.;JA Ijuste frelpiewly, ;OP tiOdick 'grains, 0n4,1 8,1 70 Al'Au akkl?.P,4;l 44 k e 'FP.Pl ii. SO-4.*411.09,19‘31190ge11.t, gifgolPPA!"T. then 4. , u oiled TnalsPuPitlie -.:-,a,ithß:olo;frAfgh *: ApaaliAl.-waTaii=-Th40 1 4 - 0 16 ficir otir,e,r, pelt:( inkrl? Train;'' [•thf• 1 . 1 1 4 9.14);"9..w1440011V: gfePtt,ooo,l- try, ; pdtkvity . vsina . VPiritr. , ,M4444Fß. , 9 ,o- 1 1144erce$ , ,priiv1.0.0,ANIO 1 041 440 ,91 31 10 0 . 1 11 t- - Alti.4l4ll9t.negilifflAin., fig . 4 .44 tp 9f.,apy Itingtill - Priz:(4,MittidniTtlAt# l ,o4g Adainfq(9,lhil ~,13 friend,pf, , egti eatiotf,Atlio:ltinists "Nu 410a111/04001011Perior:ttiihe piement, is, butlPll,,,t4,,dollic port:lowArd4 faciliikesf, „ ao •euemiffgeltionts,, tly:Livilic,h • 4tistY,OP zulgikiretl. 4 1 4We 011.fill0C07:010- tttiltir ' ' ~'.._ ,e_Ar;4l, - A'AT."-4 141; LsAP-1. 4,1 44' 1. 4 ' 'id , : - zlJf~ "• , ;t 1 ; .~'