Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 15, 1845, Image 4
ri t , NEAFIN d:BUSINESS tiiillt4i,l'.4,iiripu.s - sbrditaiii;•iii' , LiipuitAlt3;yl . di. 4 0' 'Char •riictory-.(N. I,rao, )",1 1 1.42artr.P - •• 'hand, ttanufactorc 4cpa,constarat y on to'orderi. . - ; WilVeatis) Tao °deecription' of Cabinet Ware•-r-ttll • Voli , 14411)Sell chettp'forCualt', or- exelianko ItiKeinintifkliroitunelai-4tarket - pricti: - .tre :will ; a so ali t ; L 1 ' ! - Oi aor ardeserapponte in eichango .•• 0 r ternits reasonable of shoji:notice, and lin-will ,attend funeral!' with a arlendid , Rearse,in,:town or country. - A. Hearse will-also be •kepttfor Hq tespoctfully solicits a share of public pa , '.iirOtiate,confidant.that he can render general eat. ':biaroh~2c;lB¢G; 1, I..OUD_On • ''k-1 CHEAP, epok STORE. ' THE -Subfeeiher has a low drtys since received from - the 'CAVA genernl'assorttneo of School Books and &ado - nary, which he intends to sell atredueed prices. p ig rohaiersean be 'supplied with Bibles,Paper &e. at Ow rollowitikrigps, "Good School Bibles, SO ' Good School Testurnetite y 2-2 Ponbetbibles'nrroceo gilt-edges 1;00 • School Books , All the gene's' Olds in use propor tionably ilisStationaCy La of good (nudity. til e° a good assortment ollitlingrapliic Prints; Toy Books and, nooks siiituble'for I 10l Way 0. 9 lie also carries on -the Bonk Binding bonnie:oi where neranns can have their old hooka rebound, also.Blatik Books, Dockets Sm. wade to order. Thd_subscriber in connection ‘t , ith'ltis , llnok and Stationary' Store,-Ita s.establ ',shed a- • • 111,1111.111* GROCER F tae now on:haud a large and gene: - rat sortmentoffreshl:roceries;splees wa 4 of every description and of the best t quality, selected. With care in the City, cue and which be is enabled-to sell at reduced' each 'prices to spit the times. 'thankful for the patronage ,extended to him riding the-few days he has been in the A businesS, be holies by attention and endeavoring to please to'merit -a continuance thereof; his stuck in part consists of Strong nte and Java Coffee, Beat and 2d quality Loaf Sugar; Brown, white HaVana and crushed Sugars Young [Tyson, linpertal and Black Teas. Sugar House Syrup and New Orleans Alulas eta. Boat and 2.(1 ivest,Sperm 011. - Spdrm and Mould Candles. Spices of all kinds frost:eo - end and unground,Cheese nnd Crafters, Lemons, Wen, Citron,-Indigo, Starch, Saltpetre, Logrimod, American And London mustard, Rico, HoineOpathie and Bakers best Chocolate, Raisins, WM - OW& sue Filberts. - • Crockery, China and Glass ware. Also Brush: es, Tubs,thisketS Churns, Mouths, Bed cords, Halters : , •Ploughliies, _Masons and Carpenters Lines; Market Baskets, Best Cavendish and other chowing , •andk smoking - Tobacco, Spanish,' half • Spanish and Common Segars. A general' assortment of good Spool cotton, - thread i -iapem—thiinble4liooks & eyee;Bearl but. tone, pins arid-needles, tooth brushes, hairbrushes combs, pewter Sand, Shoe blacking end a variety ofother useful articles. Also No. 1 & 2 mackerel, smoked Herring, Salmon, Cranberries', dried Beet Danis &c. December 11,1894.. ' Penedon,..and - Gencial Agency. GEORGE-AI. PHILIPS, late of the Tiiry Department, has opened an office in this city, and • • will ittiLend' to the prosecution and collection of ' claims before Congress and the several Exccu. , tivo Departments of the Government, such as ' pre.emption and other land claims; claims for in valid, navy, Revolutionary, widows, f ind half-pay pensions; for Revolutionary services, whether for commutation,, or bounty lands; for ear. vices daring_ the _root wart to...the_oettlement of neciiiints of dlitiursing or other Officers of the Government; to the interest of bidders for " tow , tracts; obtaining remission , of fines or-forfeitures for . alleged - violation's of the revenue laws ; collec tionoprivitte claims; and all-business brought before Congress or the public offices requiring of an Agent. . 'Charges Vlll be moderate, varying according to' he nattiro of tho business, All letters must be post paid. G. M. P. will also attend to thesato anTrenting of houses, loti; &e., collection of rents, ; negotia. ting loans. - - _,._____Washington,D.-Di-June 2M-845 - - --I WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. Tsubseriber offers an assortment al .Gold Palm - ver Watches itt" their own insporintion,Silver Spoons,, ForksVl'elt Setts and every article of eSilver -work koll their own manuliteture. , -ri Alio, Watch Chains, Seala' w.i o and Keys, Fine Caltl_Rreaut. Pins, Finger -Eine> 'lancelets, Pinked Plaine, Gold, and Silver Thin'. ••< - bleaMie . etuelei;fenelle and . , Diamond,. jpcil fitted' Gold ,. Pen; sheralassortment of Ladies jew el ry Vitutnr4,,Cnke. lbakets„ :Ca ti Me Sticks, -Finoyilltiletf r Pneeek,..Fahl;l3littania Ware in setts • and slogleAceectias me, PiChec, Silver Purse Clasps, Crimba, Ruif,,Pine,,Facry Head Ornaments Ike., for thednwest Caskpriedin • 'Watches Repaired. J. ,& W. L. WARD, 106' Cheinct streec,o . ppoilie the Franklin' Atigiist 1.1;1845 Otißt.lif WALKER oto.,smo r ore4;s : ,:ion6). d..,!.i nk t ! sit c , Christ Church - . I. .ehihichrlphut,' pet rice:wed and is how otieniagnNery extensity and tieadtkrni, nitsortment ef.,CAUPETINGS. I ;7.. 111 e is are 14sit,prel ,or , etr;stile , . und bei 6 K ° purehused principalizjiir PA o K) ;:they will be BOW at theJowest prioei they cheers( i eliart , or splendid fahteensi)'lleithtirtti let 'erittl-S.ply, • ‘SaiieiXTEXtra'irdgraht:' 3.4;44; 54;Twilted'Veni.a "' • ~•SuriertoPidility o . 44 , ;En*lltdi Elhekinga; _:Jsigesteek . iirW'ellikshiltiedl),ll titathesif iill .4 4ollthlr 'Russ:fritJhplend'lsTOble, Corers, ,extensive assortment otylisp*.rridetr CaFnidtti'goi!oratil deseritovens. atidedliitiezdittnd geed ity, iltrlArdVPitridissers , pre •LetittestedNd'adilkind heYl , spistnesured - orlrelEg tiletiirtfraitri 066'147 •gtaz t .. .gistillMirwr.M A dArreo 3 7l,26.4 ,t+ r,sd:., r llblvectatinfliiit ,y ourefor 'itTatt Mier, tcrihildettitcteittlitit; t r* 7 l*l6 , ,V t'ud fiteventioi.Br. MfOk.i!treso.',;.' /.I,lo.llcrilEt.Se 6 l 4l l. luripi A . espectfully. , lorarnts ,, tbeqabllt ayes - hrearl', ow the. bulgtoliti:it . ..Y' • ' , • tarnieate:eSnli , ori,*(2lati;tbatarai avlse!. . I .;'.,hlkifalayte:At . lle *Mayes that ha has (oraierly gryea :krtikaatiabiallcin .tci ; alb'arblit 110 , e, onttuatell. hiat: atinfidaytt atetfll;beitig.abi cto. ',O may be 11= ;rede c itylo,l9tottiutk! di'vellingi,t,m Piot VOlflilet'. l r; drre~g4," • 1500T1111414 , ,-$ v to t tii J. It:Terie gm:41%141 ,1 S ' p r . or , •h a ren . rfiekthlng Pi. saleyakit it ,clieNt;•.beilrle f .,, r „1,7 L i vq,„ . tat'ere`, Al i • • - ii , ' •„, ,_ , "'i' Z '''''''''' '. ' ." -' 4. '"• 4 ' ARilt4s, '7t ..7%? ‘ 7 . :. ,t , 06 "tPeo °f Tet a& Hav e t a tli 04'40 ' "sh r i , V 4 ' > . ` s il V l lP,i,lt i - 11 - 4 7,4 1 ite i l ',„ r tlea,, , ,4' '4,,,e)0 . 4tti1k0n0p.:,0-tt) , F. Pi- - L , . 4 _74'7', ~ 0111lejr, 4610; 'r . ,mioci . 4ritz4.4 . 44imiti Ikrate4vivriel , Vik .' ' r. .7 .' . 7 1 .'" 4 .015 ' 140 61 40 ItOi tt#,Otilbr , lo l l, l # de, fr oYl o l# l /01y ! 4: , 4 , ,; 1 4$ as, 4: $ l ei r l '" ` ' t i '' ", , 1 n 4 1 6 . 1 40 - 4 , 1 V ~ ;1 1' ,'Ptug5 , 4?r,F.,et'ell441 4 --, '''' it ' t t i.' ' ~..* . , . J ,y ) tt:. - q.b- 1 "—" ,, LV.m.., , ''' 1 ;t ,.. ' ,41,4... .r , t it c''lTl, vi , --i ~ ,, - „,t, i . , •:!:70 . . r, .fAhit Ikei 4 11 0 1 7 fiA li t ,/ cte 1 ~.1 1 , ! 4,11' f,',' t,' ',./ „4,,„ f. ,j,,4,, 5,1041t.3,,4 ",_ - v :yel? : t 1 4410 . , 'Y. , ' ' ,' .5 . v ''' , '' , 's -' ',','!•4'4-1-''':Pl',4^ $ 4 .t 0 :- VW , ' ,'' .: 1 ' ,. ,. , - Pat4T 7.7 , ' "'rq4 , 0 14 sl . '... , ?,7A, ^ , ~- .0?,,,,i, ' T ;?l c .V . , jlol .l A'''' ' .. ''' '''''^ a ' :' , i ' '' ..4 .2 , l', , rlii. e + 6 Y , liy,6•Ariti'-' l Aft..o4'-' ,, ?, 4 l :i , fi t i a r:::" --- ' ' - s'), .' • ' ~, , , k ,,',''a ,-',,, ',' rr 'h . " , :iv it.t..,A.. , ,L; ,- „ri-A, , , , f , , , , ,4 ,, , ,,, ,, „ , ,, ,,,, 14 ,, ~t ~h 4,,,, , ~,, . _, . .:. : =I • of tholpublhirtti ienehniVateltes toil .44welry, jeaerteekeil athia Vitand. in Main...aireet, Opposite 3,ontlnn'a-floqk ,re and .a little Weistat Peewee's; Hotef,'conaiat:i ..aLeohl Patent'. IArine.IWATCRPSi • •,y at eitetisiv'e and Ac4Pe eyer . eltdre'd co the eithEeni•of landTottlity: Silver:L:ol6lW un‘Lcyiioe do.' .Geld sled , Silver Ilrenst Pleb, Ever-prinileu: - A ir ! pin :: , : ,r l tifreeasel,.Gmtircle;Cinsp riv; _ - ID9:~ln'tinil:iininteil, I' us: article : for. men of, genet stilly; together wilts nanny Othei•Ortteles in hisihie of businessnnnecesistylto mention.. • vi --pertions4fsiting•tcrpOreleisc-asik-orille-ohnve Or": titles Would tin well 1113 it io thirhand somest;onti ehenVest assortment ever of In this commenity, anti will he sold lower 'tor cosh' than they . can be mireliased at retail'ln Alin cities. - TFIObIAS CONLYN .fnly LADIES) 'II)IIk.,EIP. Ladies 'arc Invited to look at the slilenrlid articles for the Wart just received by the subscriber, corn prising -Ox Marrow, Roussel's Pomade Philocome ; French Bandoline; the celebrated Chinese Float ing Soap ; ltousSel's Almond and other soaps; gen, Dine Re:u•'s'Oil ; Roussel's Balsamic Elixir• for the .tectlir_ltoussi3l l a-Ainailitte -- for pped halls; Roussel's Extract for the:handkerchief, besiileg a large variety of oilier fashionable perfumes which . Cannot fail to please, mid which will lie sold very low foreash.- • I; R. WgAVER. - if-21 Jun 6 IS, 1815 TEmpgmAm 11E. H0,193:E. EVE P O accommodate the friends of Temperance in this county, and travellers generally, who may visit Carlisle, the sithseriber .is induced, at the instance of -many decided and iespettdilo friends id* temperance in this his house Ibr the accommodation of the public, where be wil use every exertion to tniTkeihe accommo dation! such as shall merit 1116' patronage of the friends of the Temperance "Cause. Ills Ilonse is large-and commodious, and eli gibly situa fed. unorilbe corner .. .fir Nortli Ilanciver and Louthey, Streets, one square North of the public aquae, and very convenient to tile butiineme part ofthe town and the Court Flamm and county= offices., His TABLE: will always be supplied 'With the choicest- productions of the market, and the house has sufficient STABLING attached to it for putting up a large number of horses.-- Jurors and others attending Court , and travellers . generally, may rely upon every pains being taken to secure them handsome and comfortable acefini mcichitiens, The patronage of the friends of tem peranee is \respectfully solicited. • WILLIAItt EGOLF . . Carlisle. August 6, 1845. CA liPET.INGS, OIL CLOT LIS, eice At the "Cheap Store," 41 Strawberry Street, Philadelphia. W E would call the ottention df pe'rsonif int woos or new Carpets, &e., to the lite( of our being enabled to sell goods utok.ry lair prices, byeituse, in our present situation our renranil otlwr expense, are very tight, and we offer foe this:seabon.ufi ex cellent assortment of 13eautiful Imperial andl Ingrain and Venetian oil. CARPETINGS. every Variety. ' Abe, MOOR. OH, CLOTHS, from 2 lc 24 feet wide,' cut to fit rooms, bolls, kc., and hearth rpgst floor bid ze,table covers, stair rods, mats, S.te.. whole- . sale or-rentil-, at thelowesiinices. ' cCrA supply of the low priced Carpets, say from 31 to 50 cents per yard, always on hand. , . MORMON I , : 131 , 1.0THER; No. 41; Strawberry Street, iie ;lour. above Chesnut, tient , Second.street, Phil dclphin. September 24, 1845.—F n. ic• TPeller, Who,fesale Dealers in--Forei , r t ,ta ,f•Domehic - I North !Inward street, up stairs, 2 doors from JL . 2 Market et., offer to Country Nlerchants Goods ou the following terms, viz: 'All goods at cost, to per cent added, 6 months! 5 per cent, off for cash; bankable funds, or its ell ent. I 'or goods being regularly bought - at auction, at lowest rates, the terms Imo,. which we °Mx them must meet the ap probation of dealers. On tio account will more he asked or 1e99 taken. Merchants are respectfully inVa,eil to call, examine out goods, and judge fin. themselves.—Orders - promptly.attentled to, on same terms. " , HOLLINGSWORTH & wELLEng - • _ Baltimore, July 23, 18 , 15.=-9m. To Keep a quiet House. - _Bower's-111( . 1mi Cordial, for the cure 131 cholief looseness of the bdwels, severe griping, and pains occasioned from Teething, is so delightlid to the tante that children lure to take it; for sale by Ste. census &Melt:ll:fey. MIMI MUNI CHARLES OGILIIV has just returned from the city,and is now opening the la great mad most gen eral stock of Dry Dtotts,Groceries,Boots and Shoes ev:lr brought to Carlisle, part of which he huis pur chased zt Auction and mut be sold lower than here tofore; anti would respectfully invite hisfrieutls anti the mbl' a , who wish to lay_oqL _their. money to a food advantage, to be sure anti gi ye hint a cell before purchasing; as they can have the largest, most choice and freshest sleek pf goods, to select front that ;sin' Carlisle. - __ .. flis stocreitirsifiti - iii - fnet - of ilroadclbtlis from $1,25 - tos7. pr yd.; Cnssimeres from $l, to V.l;py ytht-thisametts front Sil to $l,OO all colors; Tweed Cloths and Cassimeres;of themost fitalsionable kinds very low; Vest in gqi - fPran - 12#trilitatrayitif 16fite;rEtiii.: est style; Plaid goods for Children's wear of nil kinds and prices lie has also received n large lot of Dress Goods, such as Orguntle Auld Itilkoritio Lawns; Paris printed Marquise of a pew and mope-. rior style ; . Poinsaadore Balzorines; 111'1: and Moe 1111'k Bombazines; 'Alpaca Lustros assorted colors and Qualifies. A very general-assortment of nook, Swiss; Alull, ;lacono. and Cambric Muslim; new. style Opera Lace; Nlualltta for Dresses; tiobbinett, ISrectittictr;Pioknett nini Wnshblonds from 10c to $l, pr yd.; . PITTIOII %raze Scarfs-and Shawls latest .1. m paint' on 1 -al sn,-.4 -largo assortment-uf -S ha till, - Sit k Handkerchiefannit 'neaten numerous to insert. filltk turd White Fillet Shawls with bullion Fringe; black Barnze, ilitlzorlym• : a nil Lownsfor , moormogr 'remelt, Scotch and Ame ric a n GliigthuMs full assort• menuf elegant plain and Ned Silks. Mho, a large and general assortment of. Striss;',.laconett and Thostad 'Edgings' and Insertiogs; 'Wood; Valentin nolll'arii.Laces}:a.lai•ge.ondJ.cery floe .assortment of new ;styl'e premium Calicoes from; the Anri Meek. Falliti , er :and olluiC choice factories; a,tromendrali stock'ot:,oll ,k 11 1 .1 1 ,! of Bonnets. • 'Ebel argest stock of llosiettf over, offered ~im qarlisle, 'comprising 'all { t h u ds H O colors; 1.000 pa,hrown am! whom Muslios, Cait:Shectiogs 41/ .9u4lities . and -. fii4ces , lower - (IMO ever_; 'Pickings from ,Il 7 tlifre-fellt , factorial a , very pretty metal* of, LetlieS!l Places Cud Mits prsissort, 1 ed colors, mid qualities; the;:hest.. assortment :of MeOte silk pocket , haederolliereacd.oravatc,diat'hai been offered dlilii:ifiri6P:A • ,, A4Berrlarite 7 iitnek of Steti'sOrrid 111py's.wela'r in fal i,ki odlli quell tle 40r:talent: ,Igilliesil•liacji,,MixturesAte. •, ,.Artifkaal . . , fiihiereithd - Bonnet eqpisgW rlAreriblt;Tnglish 'and American 'make ad'slyle&T Thelawrits, stock ..OVllonis.:and.. 8 meawe. stveTaies - IT:feTvd to theladd ic, of till IStrOol t tit .cact einttie n(l'en o p.Pajarletathitti , of wllahs. • I 1 ll • qualities Codliniticts.i ~;44 f t 11-,: '..5 h. r . ' t l . ... 7"-4" , :e 4 , ‘,..(t ROO ERa tEe i ; ~:h ;-;_ , c, , i ‘ f .'.." A fresh lot of Teas , Coffers Stigt . trit,Aice • 80:ides' alallAiddie Oltith; 4.11115 e "Sold'Cl.'tety chili; l'iiroll to' Aiitiult theitititeCelia• She r 1; helikeilkk i tolilithl 'de:: iseriptipOs;i3f gebdi soil, is anxiousto givegoO4 bier= galai ., iliallletiii,f4f,fioac hitti.willt C tall. ; -*eol.:. liet.the c, old6ittiCdjahilli, `,, 'stare . belan , the. Market Ijoitie'ltiltllfkkifet:i(Ond-rigirly mipailp'o6-hii.;,,- 4crof - StsOilitd4liiiliatormaciy,H.thilerlleli's. , .., - , ::.i:Clifisotry:•, , ..l4erehahts;.soin.he ' iupplieti itlFihe.eity„ 1 Attiii*tittd.tiOe , ietitlested' , t&osit befortfri.rahasipg.. :-Anittbidie11a1Y:fie,11.145V:1•;.r.,!=,:',',t0ic,,,,,,:,E,,...;;'„.;,:4 ~, ~ I .~.,.., tr 1,17 V to < 2l 4, my. LIM ‘r cifOitriiNElVS MAN 01.1;114.'e .nomio b Ahoq,s .bt ual t s Co a 44 . iePoom,iofivOlfoluol., Pylon rile,' CZ* bottleil riny;',lttoflitilye4„, 1 flfor efilelAV . l l lo;l?)ltikti , :lilli. t tig ?f Meholreit , , la • . , <3 !Pin. Webb TSOUNTY MERCHA MIWO "_.•.- i„ the. Obin, CroiniiilV.olpsuolo 'n'tirktini9f;4lsliding. Cloths;Areptifizelcicribezi rice, ' z ßitorirviso Crati.e antl;l4foluttcdetaineES'iriatitiiiiklirtis; ~; Tirckiniet;- n nthtlll- : itil4ektridirliFlVrtigkinT, -kcitton goods nr al l 'desoriigiii4p,, Carpet oldlip Yarn; UmlirWittki Paiiist4siSitnaln;cles Groves, Ho., tALSO, Arclto;editnitlVell decotattgoilacr Ord. carter, consisting In part T or-,of - 'itei;Tent;Tobtaio, Biiiees;Std;''' • ' • descriptiOlisitnilittnilitikctikaliir_:witk4iuin _ . _ ek roux - . c6ll - 161161‘ artietesuomtritioWn entrolitntOuld 'ten ern' nssortrneut4z-all 'adds!) he' offers ror' side it veo.- - low prices far resiteedtlV 'invitee his (tient% niut the Public in genera) to give hirit'st call ,•i bnimuelt h 6 feels eon fi detirthil he can sell goods us low as any other house in the borough. - •' - - ROBERT IRVINE; jr.• Corllsle, April 16, 1845 HONOR TO WHOM :HONOR IS :Pr'E may be truly •aal,di . , tlint no one ha' _ ever been ao auccean.. ~ .1"til ii,componnding a • ' medicine, which has done ea. , ' to.relicve,the hu man faasity, rob , disease of itsterrgroond toretore the liividid to health and ecomfbrtop the !liven,. ' • for and Proprietorof that most deservedly pop. ninr family. inedicimylitt: - -, ,Sw.a . vaix's COMi'OUND S'IIUP or \X 11.1),Glinnity, and none has been SO g erally-initrotdaed by tfie Profcsaion And ntheea,, ttt in I. a tiOnntry and - in - Efitnie,,,mir_hast. . . ever been so great an effort in the "short:space' of only six or seven yenta, to deeeive,the credulous in uotliinking,hy putting up „t 4 lnstrums of VAI•10118 - kjuds, by v`ariousindtvitlnals,affixing. the mime: of Wild Chei'ry and no mach of the name of -Crilittol preparation all will Screen (Item &dm the lash oldie law, and nue of the I mpnatoriwito pots out the cotn mon pareknric of the shop and call it the Balsam of Wild Cherry has had the impudence to caution the public against th'e Original preparation, Dr. Swnyne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, Which' is so mit , Is good io the - world. - ' Kt-lICWA 110.0 P awn - . txteosititscs) And purelmia none but the .original and only genuine mfiele as prepared by Dr: Sivavas, which is the Oily oneompountled by a regularl'hysichin, and arose from ,nianv yenis' close attention to the Practice of the Protessioni and 'wide, lead - Wilds' great discovery, Thousands and tens of thousands .of the hest .testurionials nr the unparnlkled success of Dr. Swayne's Campound.Syrup of Wild - Cherry ler the mini or CONSUMPTION, Coughs; Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaint, Tickling or Rising pi tin Throat, Nervous Debility, Weakness of Voice, Palpitation or. Iliseaae nl the Heart, Pain in the ide or Ilreast, Broken Conati tution from minus causes, the abuse of calomel Sm. Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, fte., were declared to the . w odd years before any other Prep oration of Wild cherry Came out. The most skep tient may satisfy themselves as to the truth of the above, by O - little intjuirrin Thiladelphin. The genuine -article is prepared only by Dr. Swayne, whose - ,,fliett lots been removed to N W. corner of ath and Race streets, Philata. The Balsam and other spurionsorticies of Wild - Cherry has been sold Mit and re-sold out, and the proprietors are obliged to resort to Falsehood aml_Stratagern to maketheir owtrout Of it The g enuine article is. put up in plain style in square - ettles. covered. with n Woe wrapper, with a yellow label with the proprietor's mgnat tire attached. • WrThe - Pnblie-ltre-requested to remember that it: -la Compound- Syrdp -of Wild" Cherry. that has and is repeatedly. performing such mirsculouti cures of diseases, which have baffled tne skill orate Profession, and set at defiance the whole catalogue or Patenr,ifedicines, Which art daily throut;ll - tlie organs of the press. Therefore ask for Dr. Swavne's Compound 'Syrup of Wild Cherry.,nodlittrchase nu other. Sold in Carlisle by-M..ERS & HAVERSTICK,. sole Agents-for this borough. February 1',2,1845.,, ---AIIEENSWARE 81. GUDCERIES • DiwrioNAL to n new iniapty of IfiN•onerieN . pi we are now penyntred to nutaply - nur nusteonere With at general assorttnent of , ig and ;), Tea Setts, as also white Gra n ite and Liverpool setts offiandsome styles, besides a goteral assortment of Liverpool and Granite Plates, Bowls, Dishes, Cllll3 and Satmet a, Tumblers of various . qtuditues. and a general assortment of common ware ot neat finish.. We are also in receipt ofa new assortment of Ce --dar-warerinelutling—Tnbm-filturns;l3trekets, MO= boards, Painted .11tickets, tteelers, nod a general variety of .ntlier articles—as usual at tie lowest iesiat the old stand of March 12,1845- PATT'ON'S PATENT — Whitlow - Shutter; - . oatoh * and - Bolt, . • agent for the sale of Patton's lVtndow Shutter, Catch -and Well, would re spectfully inform the patine thatilte above Bolt is superior to any. article of the kitulmow'in use, both for simplicity and 'durability. They can hen pur chased at .1.11 , -I,yne's or Jacob Rener's' Hardware .Store, North Hanover street,orof the suberriber in West ',anther street, Carlisle. They need - linty: be seen to be adopted. ' - ' JAMB'S CREVER,Agt. , .- -- Apri130,!845. AN At!lg74°R . i ' •R4Vg5. i iOt;, ertiele, justliknOirld — alityfoi.!„salCtif gle Store of StevensonSKilfelieffey. , • • 401.39,i :Lard •Lainvp Gilboa 11.9 d" Clalsik 7 ' • 116T's cira, hamlet:me ; qualityjust retiftivoB an for:sal " at thO Drugstore • 4' .0" -84evgniti• • mahaffik , May 7,1845. ~ • , CA.IIII TOR.' pi,Rp ß opie , : , ..' , ". it6.14 4 e0t. , glt, of Coiinyy j Protb'N'e, by :. ,t * g;LP::frt• - ;4 t' ;, • ... )1 8 1 ! 8. ir4-I,ll 7 l CAo4 . Mar4aPari,ila I have juae 'recetved - n farther supply, of valuaNe snediiine' S LI:410117.' Th hoirifs*rpl*tirriiWil stiOrmi•lir.any ' other preOrition for remoilog aU kAdiorikesse lio:o9.lount,`*a?e4Sio;i; r riiiti 111( 1 1604W 01100' 611 n* store' tr without is urhig ttiuti:,,niit #lO , nt thitrii* storeof Sievetiion bel,lllelialfey4 , fob e@le a 1 itio Sore iit4111741:13t-Sch*---,' . ; ;, of,,E,kciphithowd:M*RßlALGE, :-pqr.ona or tw9.11,preqv,v,:,;,,y.itr..7...--,-,.!,,,, I'4 '''; 4-i"clos,t•Gmlly. , •.ruliqq , llro; '. •' • • ...••••., eene, e e li on j f i e • e s ., I cri ., ,t ”, Y::n'lltliered111 17 8 1 ;r4 1 etcfrAlfr agar Ett,9YOstq'44oo7€:-:::./.1!?';!A,:, er• Mi i" l6 4 4o 4Disk.nterbtaiOn'the' ,l3l6 mtich 0r bo* V Al i f2t1 1 ,10 tiOnegIOMPANIVOiI ". 1341}, Atottort.l.;l,.`•,f.if Ar.: imAigAttolgOOlky,.': THEAtiNkj,)Ny';::Flo,Elgl; . ' - :AtEffijit!ti OP' 0 1 . 4 j04C4r 414 i.. .meccl 63 Argke, B ,T#CM',qi,-; .•- • , MA sug44, iiad:aiatridllo4 oildi rejig° k radii` ~di ylire, pfifll l B FWXY I'EFF id ECTS:Id' cscattciot,''. *o".ts: lfoa tiOns mode 1 ”1: 1% , ;4 1 ' 1 0 .4P4%;,t,' • ti Ralepot.insinfriiiracg , lteduced...' EtitkEttitAiVßittitV ' 4(l BriokorStone-dwellingseratorex. ' ' ;X " tb ip.o.deftti d eite: .;, o • — 0(446 1 -tOvOrne 1;:." -24 • diriViron ' 4to " do (15' Sttibrel (prirate) '4to 5 'do i Stablen(pubtio) - 6to 7# ,do do -do Grist. Water.. - • . • Power, • to 10 do •,,_ATany t t y lts.oc.. - Griot: or StOro•dwellings - suot For- , niturefrom ," 30 to ,40c CVO - value' do .; do 'Storeii,nnd Merehtln- " „dizi • e 55 to Si) do do do Tann and Furniture '• • ,40 to'oo . do Act do Gott% and'C'enteen (4 to 75 do • do do -StAlds (Volalle) , . 10010 150 do do do Grist Mill and Stock' • • 75 to 80 do Frame and Log'd wellings and Fur- • , niture - . 50 fo 75 'do do . do Stores -and Mardian-. - *- - (4e • -05 to 85 do do 'do Taverns and Fiwnitiwe • .. - 6040 100 do --do---rdo--Barns-mul-Gonten 90 to 100 do Grist do Mills and Stock_ 90 to 100 • do Tlicaubscriber is agent for the above company for Carlisle and its vicinity,. All applications for assurance either by mail or personally will be promptlyattentled to. W. IX - SEYMOUR. Juue 12, 944. - I y-33 FIRE INSURANCE. THE Allen and La stpenasbo'rough • Mutual Fire Insarance.Goinpany of Cumberland County,in cntrrattil hv. aiiSet of Assembly, is now .fully or. gpmzed, and in operation underAltemanageomitt.of in - e - rolitiiiiEgWinnifiiiiaiiirs', viz - Cht.Stayman,JacohShellg, VmisGorgaa,Lewis 11 - yer, Christian Timi s Michael -Hoover; Henry t.ogan,Miclanej Cocklin, Benjamin H Mussr, Levi Merkel,Jaeob Kirk, 3ohn Stiavely,senr• and John Rankin, who respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Cumberinad and' York counties ft) the ad vantages which the company'hold-o'ut. Thorates of insurance ore as low .and favora as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are invited to make npplicationto the agents of the company who are willing to wait Upon them at any time. • . JACOB SHELIA, gges't. MlcttAzzJipovEtt. Vice President. - - Leal* flyer, Secretary:- Michael Cocklin,Treasurer. • • AUENTSi llichael'Floover,Den'end Agent, M echa nicaliurg. Uu)olph Martin, - N. Cumberland. M Cocklin, • Allen, Borgne, , . Christian Tilzel, Joiir C Dunlap, ' P;.!ter flarnligrt, Dalid Martin, C. U.. Darmon,.Kingstaum, _ ,henry Zeging, Shirtinanstown, Simon Oyster - , Worrnleyabyrg, Dr: 3nenlittaughmau,Caritele, Jacob Kirk,peneral Agent:for York Coulity,Neli Cumberland . 1". 0 Henry Logan, John Sherriek, • John nankin, Daniel Daily, J.. Bowman Philip BreAbill, • Cumberland co .(OLOlllegdgentawilineaddetl_liereafter.- Julv 3t,1844, PktitttlitON - AoArffirwr Loos tIE3IIE'4,I4L•OL. EW. •,CUNIIIERLAND VALLEY MUTUAL M - PROTECTION COM ['ANY, being incorpo rated by an act of tire Legislature of die peesent sea sion,and fully organized and in operation under the direction of the following board ol Alanagers,viza John Moore, David - W. Mc-- _Ca Rough, James Weakly, William Moore, Samuel Galbraith, Thomas Paxton, A. G. 'Miller, I 'hilip _Spangler, Samuel Woods, Abraham Kurtz.GeorFe Brindle, Scott Doyle,callthp attention of the inhabit ants of Cumberland Valley to the cheapnessof their rates and the many advantages which this And of insurance has over any. oilier. Ist. Every person insured becomes a memtiernt the Gonwany and takes part in the choice of t. .cers andhe direction °NU concerns, 2il.- For i nsuratiie 'ne more is'demanded than is sidiestarl to meetthe eepenses of the Comp:toga - Id indeninitv.agninst 1016 Cs which may happen. • nil. The-inconvenience of freptcorrainfvOiakti -voilled-hy—iiistirfigfifr a term of five .yesfrs, But policies can be taken for any period from ono to five years. Ath. Any person applying tor, insuranceninatgive his premium-note for the cheapest class at the ra.,(e of five per edition, which will lie $5O oriVia slo3o' for whir . % he will have to pay-V2,50 for fre years and .1. 50 for surve and I . slid nom:areal e I PS susta net to a greater amount than the Sinn on hands wilLeever,and then no more wilt,' erequie ed than n pro, nua'shnre. These rates s inoe,r cheaper than hoie of other eo m pao I es,elsoTasouch as are incorporated 'on the same principles THOS. C. :HILLEVI „CPO% . A. G.,Seo'y. The' following gentlemen have been Eli - plated AGENTS s J. W. EBY, )r. Ira •Eny, Meziianicfilmrg'• - James Kennedy; Esq., Newville. Ciente Brin.die, Esq., Monroe.' Clemena•MoVarlane, Carlisle, vlo - , . , L. R. Williatne;tsq..Weiapennstioro ) , ; ' • James Newton. • Col,..Tas, Chestnut, Lee's ,X Itiikaa:=7=l: JAL M. ,Afeans;Esq;,,Nerblirki;•• •• ' . . Jos, Musser, Esq„.;NewACT,Oarlanti: Jotitt Clendenin7 Esq. ItoOslown,.,, Peler..MeLauglOini•S - .• Middlitan. Jiine 5.1843: „. ly (1 •01.,;:i11.'-Thle,ij;q...A • Dizatilllllllili c s9ol4. 321111 . r• • H A. YE Ittec/fe'biiid., tt hit ofyi'tiitt)':4S't" Mean' cel c brated ddition:of flit *Mkt. e 4 -.„; • B. MURRAY: ?: ,Atirit4P4.- (7 , 0 ,14-;,,,,,,;;:t `• ; ti( tmati!eh l iin'bothi,tioldlettinit-:itit be made y the undersigned soddttbers tot, eneet Legillett edit'', Cofionpnweilth of Pithily ennui , rorther6 ortiortitibh of Cititlftitiy to' ll' iii the `t'clAuLtst Uttrostfßautte'eLlt 'slidell'de iiilotire it Melt - tell itheltorof Ueriliter eintherliout call"t' i a t i Ci l t° /11 '1 1 7P A o °l 4 l orgiirgY Mow anditatt rit,";e h tge, privit* l O liter. it-'to Ono' Hu deed tfolutscol Dollaes:ethe dbjeet lfeiog leg to•r calve dettniiteo or mah6Vtiottl• distiimot 1 eetel°, =9, .., ..;;;'..t . i^ .l'l " ' ..: •:/e.:" . ::1 i.: *, samuklJ Fnbuot, ,' —0 ' M i chael , Cueltlin '- , , , , U. A Ungn v • • , liol.tert, C..sleritt ,', ~ , / , wilt' lies jr. ~ ".7GrorikelV:Shaille! 0, ni Skllei '‘ etullourtt. L - '.. =Ra t ed Stitidgetio ‘. r , = +John A - eo , 1 / .1 ..> - d •Mlehael G. Beltzhoovee ; ;Talk kir. raloun ~; ~,- ~,,,. J,..,13.eugh0u01;,, , • -- .. - "oltoi - Sartutel Vaods o A'derysl j etigstittrf,---- 7 ..----.11. • ;Tohn SitOirt.... Siiitittel Where, - 7 ',, '''`, J. W. y.' ..-' .. ,- . ' Julsjili 181,5. 4:',' ~ ;•,, .01 4 ' , ' $r,.., :i 1 • d m ; ' ' . ~ ~;',lq t, , ' , ,' , t , •-• i I.` OIES' A ... .1 i"0 ' '9 SIWE'MAI'4UFACTOII Y- -' ' 1 1 4 .TA1,i1r,p.!.4,, ~, ~ A:it,..iciirt, for,Yth' . igni; liberal ltetee ' efte he , ~ , , X•Juet,reeets94„.tY9l3,4 1 0.05 0 IhP 1 4glict - fki.c.°l - ,1 Vile st'llite OW ntty; that he stilt, condittubb to pen arubfur ''fLADIESt 8140084 f ;elver littel ItY' end' SieteV. et the rePerteg Pelee° , fer, PASIII se tie' l keeftl l ltti l l°l 4l l.? lii lt , t ~`',1. .. 71'. .. +, -t.Cf,.5 41111 . 0.:F.tee1it,4444 0 , 0 , ,i,ekik, l4 / 9 ,4,...N49tAt1e 4 . 4 (4 ° 11 .i' i ''' ' if he / 17A - 4 - 11ilviiTY1 . 7 .- W - iti,gria C / :4-4 01,0 ,' al ° Wit ff, , dtee's `wt.,,t ~, ;.vi.l-:.;,,q';'A'l -1 ' o , l „ie , 1 ' ; l' i a ; 9 °' 441,- 1 111 , r 4: 14 ; 4ta t,. :1'ili i ti Op i l o'r itei 4 0 :rif t . , • fgargi ',IOW '''{ CI,Vr t - 414 16 10. Cab r 7 Sill 45 ;& 41 4:. -," " ' ' : ;r: ;',., - ; . - - r, •', „- '', ' '-‘,. ''' '''. l ) l- , ENE tail;'ni'ihe - Cowc'st~ii~l,o~ii N sfET:2!.:44: S r Vi--V-- REsHE sAbsgrlbers, wonl4respectfully...lm-, noime,e that they -Itttye juSt: recoiled:a - new and. assortment of.DE/UGS, - PAINTS,. OILS; FUM lileiri..FAN,ClC-:-SOAPS, 'Ste. allot It they WM sbilet n'small Mliance for. (LOH. tit their Semi! 'opposite' Wierott's rioter.. •• STEVENSON 'lSt, ME E.AFE.EY: . .. Carlisle. . • Susastehattnie c z te,-,t i t la • • MBE undersigned, proprietors orate Su sgnhanna Line of Cara and canal Boats, return thettCw• eere thanks to, their friends in Franklin and On burled-comities for past limit*, and respectfully in form them that they arc now prepared to receive andfai•ward daily; vat Tide WittM.Catt, roduce and .1, erchandize,• TO - AND - mom .PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE . Produce will be delivered to any' hen Se in Philedet Oda or-Baltimore to which Shea iB oats detelinve an cuss.. Their agents i n the cities are Messrs:- A. WRIGHT & NXI;IFFAV, Vine st. 'Wharf on the Delaware, Philadelphia. MessrS. JOHN McCuttotiatt lit Co., BoWIeSr Wharf, Ifid!imore. •171 .111 I anleylVl,l 480 me yew °mart RI y, o aft. 1 fi burg and intermediate points Freight And ;Passen gers also for the North anti ' Weit BIWG ' t4I Canals. • P. MARTIN. --Aarrisharg, May -1 , I 844:-. H 1000, Persons in ;Pin phia.alonei can tostify . to, the wonderful effioney of-that powerful remedy, 7WOMPSON'S DON. -POUND SYRUP am .TAR AND WQOD IVAPTHA Rend !-IkeLoL: Aston Ishiog cure of Chronic . - May_23,lFl4l._ / _ Mr. S. Titorirsorr•=l7ear7 For more then four years past I had bean dreadfully afflicted, with en affection of the throat, which myphysi. chin prondunced “Chronicßronchltis , , &used by repeated and neglected colds. ..The distress suffered is indescribable. l l My throat was litterel• .Iy. raw with violent„qoughing, 730 that blond-Would• come from it; also great oppression, pain 'and tightness ut the chest amilliver—in the usual pulmonary symptoms showed themselves, showed themselves, causing entire loss of ncces l-sury rellose-i-my throat was leitehed - rrrdbtistercd over and over again. I made trial ofexery-known remedy,xind at different periods had the advice of six physician's, nod all with no avail. About two months since I pindelriel.of your Compound Syriiii'rir IVorid Nacitlia, and before I boil taken the first bottre - 1 felt relief. I contirip ed uotill.barrtaken seven bottleg, which corn -1 pletely removed the disease and restored -me to perfect health, and I firmly believe I should not now be-living, had it not been for your Invalua ble medicine. JANE PEIIRY, 123 Spruce street. 1 Principal offiCe. N. t. corner of-Fifth and Spruce streets. Price 50 cents per bottle or 05 per dozen. by C. STEVERON. January 22. 1844. • East Petinsbdro Churchtow n. York county do tf-40 The subscriber bas jest received -and is now a pening at his stand nn Main ttreet, two doors Prom the public ,genre, a large and elegant assort rvnt of articles for gentleman's use. and wear, to• winch he respectfully invites their attention. Roussel's un rivalled Shaving Cream, in large and small joys; Oils and Perfumes for the flair; a large variety of Soaps; Flairßrushes, toodt,clothes and nail Brush es, of all prices; Razors and Razor Sti•ops t also an elegant assortment of gentlemen's linen, made up in the best a..d most fashionable style such as -Stock*, Collars, BreditsJ',„c., sill of which will be acid at the lowest prices for cash. .lane 18,1114 R BRIGG'S RUSSI AN..COSITI The heal article ever discovered to 'core. or pry- Tint 'Mildness, 'cleanse the bead, and notice the hair soft. and lively, for sale at the Drugt Store of Ste venson & 111elfiffq._ . . • Ilailacles Caster Oil Candy. Is nn excellent substitute for Castor 'are generally tillable to Ilotteet either tastethe or smell or this nauseous, article, just received and for sale byStevenson Et..MUliaffey. , It#EUDIA TIC tiIcIIIIEIM..., . ow e cc e rate rheumatie 4 ,. perveand ,hope Liniment; certain cure for the infl ammatory, sciatic and chroje. rheumatism, for sale at the Drug and Book atom of Myers & flaverstick. LADIES !• vt:Ve - have vet tui• a ; isorthient.of/perfames; soaps, card cases, visiting 'dards, iniescileotinted . with - I(fitf steel ttitik — ailit a its; lomhs, , modo siesta, (with deviCei suihiblcv ter, theito:whn correspond in nuptial a!7 al(...frons ,the most select houses in Philadelphia,. to which we would invite the atten tiotiOrtheiladies,. Es 111E,11 - ArktY - i , t June 1S; 1845 . Tlioniso is' Syrup 'of . The 'edee Areli 4OrdittittiO eTet; Af4f, and doing wonderfikeiii. , eli;:,:the wholeiniespe retniretthe trilg=stifie.orSieleoiloe'SCSlC . • —,.. 4 1 40 - 0- 42 4 4 , : l tint00 1 .1C:0 )A-1 1 'inWeitiiittl' n4ritn. f .lting..llonn..Snasm, Wind. .Gallg.atid..en flins on 4wrikes; lon Side by.Steiinion !iilgeln4ttiy..,:q: :i :- - , 0..,1 ..:',,,,,, • ) ,,, t+ ~, 1,- ; .- 4 , - ,; -, • : -. .:4I:LESIVAARIVAtii ,,, The giihkelb6:;llol6 , reii . al464 fieVelipply." Drukm,' Sega' i'3,i110•51" ,vlbrel iheirwßl atiere,' , 'F6r.i4l4`brStebeilionlp-Aletiliffey: ' ' • • • PrAgi, •t: _•`l Vs•i' o,.,"l4m°CriPor ollt now,' ost honcl.,a)lorgai,nrietr Of' Wigs lzo. coils' sting oCii(e,letifiliili titrep , quiti, ter, f*Tig ,otominonYtplinW Scott) ; !ogethok .1614, q lianilsogielvir)ety of toil i es , C u And. Geeleand frooNElpi!dsi'witiOh b. otters a pe • t 4 ":: 01447.. uralBoNsll4 ovvkit iris!! • tiithireitti'Maii`ndw 1%06 bait' uow er - 11000t11.. iuoilated ot Dirk'oe oit k ip,Osk# lOtkby.sendiog..l to the ppubliaheet,• . ' . T.' tionne eori OM OF Store; to otitotaribeheAt t theiloili , rate of 11 - .2sli4crottiolt , .; AO; being,twrnty?*yen-. cenuk:le .gum ~ . b.r. , 6 1 44F0 0 41 . 1 1g % ph .2. 4 2,l*.yll! , taktii AmPiet 4o Frt ;;:,11;p: ,sl6 'Sil4tilibci'l.4 l4 " ' •'- • „ .--Tre,l-- , 44._111)N(1VE0( 0 4 , 1 , 5A A3P etilslglbosietribmiglib 'opeiiiiiiiallebtaitAit ' fiIADA,MINSWEINI ';:f I CArll4epAprl 0 • • j )g 71tik'b0.000:silttyAktheedoi on 4 tot*,lolit ,Farilin!und , l(kreosote Toptiht , Voth Just recovedaiitraWkritagrMitd . Chem I-' ' • I,B OMPE E, APArWkW44; 44^4 1 oi°er e144 6 0: 41 0 ,4 %** , O l itiVOih r , dWVeg f iatu/tifirikAtlO'iWtiWilglta . 6, L t 14.43 4 M 9 Stat Triallq;:ri , ':;(i I:titi v ,ol l 4 (t ii,ti,;)„ - - - r;:ir s iic. 140110,,,,M-t , , , .ii‘l°:. f , ~ '-'-, :,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,v::: 1! Et a '1 631.1: Y+~i JPOIS fii ray 1r Au Ppm raw. rrm. fl'ebb ,1.1 • vqli " .• PoDri 6ti (if Y. iiierildinfoiy , Afttriiiol;tr O iftepiii.:•6lMedd4 glh rWhie.W*ll.)*43l44:liblatilii'"tifipt'tett VOlCktiAliiittiliekYtaft*led4:;elpio,§.*V, . 66 , ;;:;.tlt 47) nt o 1•821%.,?:. „ 'mtir.ll , l9 :Q.. ?lot1113,4"77; ' l},• , ;;!X i' - „jaA , Otatn6monvzia , L4 vosibveizac4artlalro - • -WOULD.InteO-rtheitfrientirar !a 1011 .1 -4'*-tigtenentlithtititherhitve.renitiv&t- theh.tettib , lishinBiltAo'..t.W3rbemolattlyinbioiell•bYSObl, P, yne . Bt:Co.;nnEnhnt•lY:ogbOajt - e - thes'ttand - v.hite. llntriirAliiTolaltryilifil -gA r eii:v.S'Or e e=-0h Neff _ , finnbver:street, , ivbeVe they ; lireptired• .sninu faeture.alldinipply theli-custmiicA HO 'the public; both at hemp niniirem , diatttnee; , '"vith altkindi of • 'CANDIES • • - • • • Ego MEE df thekliortest aeffecedid of the , best quality. They• Mad constiatly baud RtilT;tyrifiVacittg the of'different Allllloll3 t besides Ark.lT.S' of every kiml. Their steel( oompris:s in port such as Oranges; Lenient], RaisinS, Figs, Al , mends, Filberts, Prunes, Dates, Cream-nuts, Caccia Nuts, English Walnuts, Ground Ntits'and a variety df all kinds of Confeetionary, usually kept,in such nn establishnieat,alk or,whch they will sell at the Most reasonable prices for CASH. Wang encouraged by•the very liberal patr9hsge lb heretnre bestowed Upon them, they have 1 n (hived to-add abovestock, all the various ar,. titles connected with 1• - cam - _Zp_.[lLlZikii,asiiliiit; .. . ' .; . • consisting in part of Sugars ; Ceffeo,,Tesi, , Choese Crackers, Molasses, Chneolate' ' Spices of all, kinds,• Bitnithes,lllackingi Baker's and Clay's exoioilii. I Combs, tog7ther with 'a large variety. of Climenstaire and other articles too numerous to Mention: ' Tobacto Sntrir of the beat nod cheapest mmlities,alirays on lined, and will sdit those whh may tavnr them *ilk a call. Toys a ,e've'ry description rasp kept constantly on lantid: For the - very liberal suptioiCeXtentled to them by their friends and custotnet's, thcx_return. their sincer34lllo, anal vv7:l;entle.ayor in - future to merit n continuanbe . of' their ' 0: 40 14.15 f il ) '"ing "'- exertions to'make their estfiblishment an ng•reaatile retreat,. . : - • ; H. tP2 I Carlisle, April 30, 1845. •.. • • HARDWARE & CUTLERY. • JACOB SENER, . , TIETURNS his sincere thanks for-plat Wore and wisheti to inform his fel - olds a oil the volt! iel.ftiii ertilly, that he has lititl lh ti pietterttl assortment of H ARDWA RV, null GIiTTLEITY, of all kitolsotte4 113 Axes:, of three cl invent' makes, Hatchets, Draw ing -Knives-of turiolismakes, - filiMi,lTittfeitokieos Tools of all kinds, A lion+ Istrg6itsatoimeol ot - _Tble Outtlery, _ - sueltittiKiticen antl : rohts,. from the etienvest to the most. superitty,tmallty.4:t_tr_o,..thred'undfont• common to genuine Roger's and other superior inatuditetttre table - ,,ten, s o ur Mid o her Spoons • Hinges of all guide nod sizes etvery ileseVipt ion. of Files ; horse Hasps of different sizes; eood 111111 bed screws of different, kinds amt. sizes; gouges and planel m ' ita double And single Irons; Au g urs , black "nt.d bright of All sizes; also three-bitteil Aitgurs Braces and Oitts of the best make' straw.eoloretillitts • Knob, chest, eliiihnqrd sind ptol lomcs ; cut Tack s and; sparables: brass Candlesticks; brink and plaste,ring Trow Is !frames; MrHight Htio...tripettnakttrAntio.4.l..,..p. atlas and Shovels; liny,and _manure larks, two, threennd four pranged; Anvils and tires; mist Mid . shod. Steel ; American and Koglish BHA er Steel hand, iron hack, mutt and cross-cut Sawn Stray Knives; Jflnt Irons and Tailors geesd, Fire Irons. round and orsil+wrought Pans, long handled Prying Pans, wrought Iron Ilooks and Hinges, ciiffercnt sizes, and also the oidfook(aned Cratlle undid Grass Scythes, trim]. of superior 'steel and inferior to none—all wayrapte4good, hem-1.411e- market name:lt - produce. Entire,satislitetion will be en in every artielebotb as In rive and fp , 11111ty; to every lierbOo ttio. rony call at the old sand an well known as a Ilardwure fotore, .lornierly kept by - Lewis (Firran 'end next door to Cornman'tt Tavern, and also adjoining Geo. Kellen's, lint Store. , • s • Call And see the.old fashioned Scythes, bay and grain 110, various other articles which *- deem it ittitieeessitry to mention., htit,eiiil and eX-4111.• inelor yolie%elves reniernher they are war ranted. We are :letermined to sell at Smal: profits and give entire satisfaction. JACOB --Carll3le, - May 21, 11344: Galvanic Rings, • AND CIIIIISTIer MAGNETIC,' FLUID. FrHis rerhaitioble discovery has received the univevanl npproinition of the Medical pro. &salon °fervent Britain, nod lots now mentlylcmgrbefore in intrienn public to. give a fair test power and eliieney. The Patent. Galvanic Ittngstlttive - tieen - aiiinct toanswer all tha t purposes for which the oidiniii•Y - Gtilyauie BSt. tery.,' or :Electric' mnehhies.are used, but any of the injurious shocks which aecoinpiny time 'applications by those in. strtiments, and flora many other respects are safe atm certain in-iiceemplislitng the - desired elm jest. • - - • The Galvanic Rings have been-used with por foot slices/is in /Incases of Illieumatism, neuttior fa . Gtiut, Tie pplorcux, • Tootll...che Bronchitis, .Vetitikti; Nervous or Sick Ilcatinplic,..lodigcntioil. Patalyssis, 11etirt'40cfplesyrStiffness orAooi to n I Ine cidn Wit Naiinfiii En'ergy, upon toe`eyststn mhetho'witna_eyed"tolHubelli t.' (edi.incl a s The Galvanic Rings nralrivvery way.p4feCtlii tsrmitivsituiciAo itold+atritillacitoAiti WithW the 1 11 4 .0 91 01, , Glifinikegii•Af aineticuFluid is O deed) ptt ; congoetionhwiiltthet,ltings„„to.rendei,Attelexf, 7 ficiSpi„optiork certain sodi tdirOttither,Gatinniw 111:Ap native ; to particular. parts'imliickare , aftn*ed.. .Nnpm9nni„Sqrkill4qtes.optheitlincificialvati, ; 0113r. pini4ll4wg, Silffi' le 9r 47 oft 6qt clai :Tri'vol) l Itil9 t lie ime gatiliiiidaafltiinlii Imitations of '11.1.60 441i 1 / 4 31i imitations aid ail 4,lilpti opneo . bflio,isstioice pluooGthrinlhost 40.otataroiilitacinfitienneinlinetriitlit•'thitqlnliter: SSWarithirobt , lis it/ 4 , oolikt i or,',iiit i ji - clireat fictOd. .•' 1 1)/ Oitingirfs t V6l4i6l6 '' an4,vicirity ! . Et . , . . - „ Ripictier9— 4A154 " • et F ri liiitre, ro , ,0 * T e tt the --f—e,,_osignfrigoiA, • - ' 1 4.yrtii._fo,t; ' ‘ Co )r, , sehawe . y.. ' ICOA.L) etat'.• , '4ol)' tolifv,timiLburaeri - ." do ,- do 4 ^ - - Z. • -04 • • 100, 4$ rfn ~, O P,r° tti l mAnTO dn 'ott cr,‘ 0110 Kg Tirg7-44 ) , \l t\ 4 • 3.10.-"' 104 ang !40.4,A-ii,, l • oN THE PRINCIPE combini. 4:8, Joint 13t0ek -tfe • • . P retrilumftktpilft4ffeark brit haft • • 1. " 4/ 0 "148 # 41 1 111 44 1 . 11/YlJl l 4:A , ,e,t, il,NeerPeroititin thlintpekt a pl e a g . fe rl'i?,PeZneeet ( 4. r fieNJ9elete'letideit •the "WY zi ra, 9l Yi at l B Afkinc=AltdrOirsrallidifirlihol a? t ifik to -Pie aPtit,lFith the eet tedelree Hint the krittl ItsiV/A"lPPre',lltell)lbehtltdediati'd.tentaili IA (lie co inirattonN w3gottcnfee.endiprotee. 167146'khe'llistu Aeiemet be represented by • scrip issued by, thji Comon,y. btaingifit'eieginot4iitedadfiit Idept 3 2'oget• Per enhurn.ii*ThO• share, o fthepitifltifithtitilinpatiO n ti 11- mcivoithat proportipitiof,thci ‘ntitreiltlif scripoQiien the animist tif earned prefriiiitlie Peifi by him, bears to the total nom of_eittdedhfoint omf i and'opttal truck. • Thc strip thus issued, to be tranatertible an thd beaks ut the Cohmiiii4tis stock. , No dividend of scrip' one matie when 'the losses and expenses eiceed the' !Naar)! carped Premiums- '• ` l'he insured are protcoted froin loss at the cue: ternary rotes of premiums. urrthout any individ. tad liability, or responsibility: fer the lossea or expenses of the Corporation. The asistired have, all the rigfits of' membership.—cat',vole at alt elections. and are eligible as Directors of the Corporation... The subscriber has been appointed agent for this Company, and as the ratifier/l ' principle hi tluperseding every other triode of l nsurance, he would confidently recommend it to his friends and t licpublic. heNorilr American Conint› . 37 , has Closed theii Agency. -those. hdvinir'nellcies can. have. them rerieVved'lin 'the Delaware Company on much more fieveiablelerniii. `For full-particulars enqUire • eithi+ hi.letter or person to ••••• •• • . • JOHN 'J.IIIYEAS. SeptemberlB4s. 7 —.l • • .FARMFORSALE - IriflE subscriberss-offer to sell. at- 'private sale, a tractor !audio IVesfPdontiborot sw. onshin, Cumberland county , ono jkairmille.east4f4TewvOte7— onto-Wog r Z:I La% EIS of prime I.ll»estone Land, -I u. a good state of eilltivs. lion, including It tarp propprtidu of it under good vnd thriving thither. 'Ube improve- melds arc tt two Stuff Stolle 11Quse0 Stone !tarn and ether Tho attore'deserlbed property, the subscribers otter to sail either in tract, or one hell of it separate front the rest. A gond title and wtssession.will be giTen on. the first of April Mee:kat-HIEN, 111 y 30, 11145. .A.TCIIESON LAUGHLIN. 3 Valuable Farm FOR. ,SALE. WILL he. utld at private aale, Farm ni first rate Lt. MSTONE LA N li) Sent l . • Ileum tirtinbliip, one 'toile *4'o or Chiltat€4 Cu mberlnnd vomits,lllog on the iValtatt Bottom road, eon la i fling - o.acE) more or les. Iniving therenn mooted n , . .. two story Stone House. H large filmic - ' '''' ,7 ; ' Barn, a weli Mlirst-rate water, il l'Otalr, n n And thriving apple. Orcliard. At•o to Sala ;f.. he soid With Ilia above tr4etGeaeres of ...... fieat-rate Clmstiett - Timl,6e. • . Trte Walnut Bottom' Bond passes throb the farm, m_biet) gises a market for all the proe that is raised Span It, by tirovers passing throt it to tire , east. .. Persons *ied TT fn port:base will plea, call upon :k r. Andrew Wow, in Carlisle. pr.on fli subseribee fit Ilia igitls,4 pads west of Carlisle. JOHN HAYS. _ _Altgresl 6:fire. - • - Arlttillterate - 7Par an - - 1? 0 It 'S A L E . THE subscriber offers nt.privoto sn ;I.loett lowing described Valuable Real stiiitOrii. note in 'North Middleton *township, C , ' nand couniy i eonfaining 14 ...0 ACRES, muter 4:: Mt Of Patented Lond e about 125 Aereitgef i A li nrd elected and ill.ll high.atme of enlicAtistii rid did residue entered with thriving yiniketiffit.. The improvements nre , ALTAVO-STORt:',` LOG 1101.144 Stone Ritelterinad'a' " '-' / I Fname-Bartiotilh-a vangewilli - eoAir :at' , . earn crib; Intil n fine young_ thrytl*. I ,_ I 1 ...:. Unlit] rd wit!! elfele - e - f? UK, ', 'Pitf; OM is well covered witli'lne#Ktl; Xitutid ipiumber of never failing runnitienpf Cheer. ikte door. The above Mentioned tract fen': 4110 m Land, :melt, in a healthy neighlMriitikitti; ; ,*i in two' li fi miles of:Ctirlisio, and one milA'fi*gin * timber.; fund Valley Ruilroad,und lyideoliVW tinroditi: guinet Creek. '' ' i- 'At •'.'' t " An indisputable lithe will bn Itte n.s?l o oC'' terms apply • to -thirsubseriber - reirutt trV - TUTA Button, Road, 5 miles from Calialti.'7 l t: , ',.• JOHN FESfifilfßlC. Itr. °etcher I, 184.5, N. B. The above farm is eo.v, O ieot to the' Carlisle market. 0 - 11: Prltenorl - craiwy.4l sere ty4 Oltee;iagrtealtly . • to the Constil to our ails) o of l'enilaylAttet,..tliaLthey-ailiEt 4.lthsocites - CNill Make application to the . nextliig tglitre-ofTenn'a , for tho, ielellorration of II dame and sit le of rho Fa; mess ttot r elianies flatiVor Carlisle "to he local ell 10-flit .13iroitith . of Carlisle. Peanay I vaitia Saktl,(7itrttnyitioitO 4hve.p capital of one Itoctlr,it-illotisattl iltll4.sot , h general, J r !molt:tog atyl-thaeoutttiog. • Jacdi Rfecitrt, ~ ... ,Jdliti Rippads A_b_eiiKeEpepi _ N4eilier; q y, .Thoi.—Patton. June 254 itas. , C LOT II ES C 0 ditlltti• ' ' . ~ ...A Wy return otir,thanka• r 'he , potronoge niretulY bectowol ilTi 4 in° tiihr'llirl'oVhtiisinein-thd cur 1 increyft,,:lotlics,N6: : ' with;4lnVof mur own manulie. turn. 'Tait ic, f h we i,,, ,g . v e ikr , a Alt . those v ( 11,,o desipe., tii,r,4 tlitit . r ik ill,pirwiliter , ,o thlng nelory :iTlenncFil ' Ilion! greose *ola l bhfore`W''' •;ng,agein, mil Ocoee t give 'tin " wcull will Wcl,l orinfret:Strect. , The; hollore el"Con'tsoielink'At ul,' 411144 ,1 -tteimsr, tl-7- - -_,, without tottillihn t the ttlier rts'ill' , ltie'girritkipt h, 1 derir o Li our,. prkes • wilt inlirtitioiticeto 11,6 job, and ing from 112 1-2 ce ato half a n0110r..--•, f se" us' wol:dittlel tO e.' will n 6 C'tititkirAwellings ," l'oT p the,‘Vnrk, ,Frupi tl(oce, ( illui mat, „pet...44r tor give IA 114 ithielte'e ' , ,wilt , k#ktopuit s of ak s liinkyrt„., can' ttie.•- , 4 l!' , " , ', c 'l' ; , '' ~.. ' ,iftuctiOn' italet lin tie. 'Atietlen to' in tian .1 ~,''' country,' and , oh- mat ket morningl tit ..thelr s ii.u, ,*-,--- ,, --,.w El 4. - XY - 11,111; ..-,` ihrot r Alb' 2 , 1841-'' 'dir,-., ',-, ~,i, ' ,-.. itl • t•.' 1,. 4.2.'.. ~: q , 1 N. Iv 1 111_, , ff OCClCtited it reeniennneell4o ll l , 'lt" Slel'hP° qPlleet! . !rinner Siti in thn . ,..,_, ~eir the Nrorltetlionite w,ltere I INvill[4 . - o #°%°l" . " goodie, pr,o., at:an time +Turin t e dot ,s; n lite, erenlngi,,:, All' ace . onto - wi I. .m ; ail '° 'Kr- il T l rr ili t te lr CO '3l- e s'. ',..' ~ ittia ,:,!,.., ~ r.. 4 lir . • it f Ir. , , 9 t . CYA I4 t• °°°l o le*S°4l‘ . / i‘ .st.!. l, Pur° , ' • 1, ,c7,1, , ,,iti qntt tOrtiti 3 OreittO • -.': - . l crvisillin _ e arnitip at.the „Chesil! Slocerogi P u 'V' t 'llei4 f'`' Clothe,.,L'ai elni6res:lma4,l,l°!, 6 0 4'1+, 111 ° 11, M), t° -, ealti l ik teillisorliticilol. li 4.•;-' , l . ' pi-' . .'',.... t ' . •, initiate eberei lAltita et 13,1145,- , , R. " "13igairi!toVe,P1"e‘t" VaNnina§ri:9 l l 1 1 ,1, 14 ' `'" receiY(l4l.,ll,qpfq I 't,4l 2TI NI-WA NI)" IltiM r l o [ 0 1 41Vrt 4 i t "l. PAS TALERITX4RS . II . 44r 1,0 “ iii - AV R i 4I 47 I : *Ofiltiel . kilf lit 4 ;PO.* just iiiiVet t for sa1010) etetensbn,o4,Dloi#4,'. ' • WM, tt; lIM , z, r y. ~'s~'