Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 15, 1845, Image 3
II =l== iirPil J(ligtei.eilieft, CO - ,•ttt ...• t , 0 ! er_o ll 9 Ail , .. , •.•- - , ; ,•)-7 - :' - -- - 7 - L \4 I 1 I GAIN IN TIM DIARXET! 7 !Iwlsdnitirrotb:r:oti'datsriii)lnatrePa:BaNfrisev.iPltil 1 o generally, that bole again "nt the' Moisisi,'• ‘nrherd he may be foond,every WEDNESDAy and SATURDAY intireillgti at hle old Mattock, ,th e n etth.s 6 est cornin• efthe Mead% House. Wheie bo wlll f be pleased lti Initial . 'them rlth the itilwitest mits °fatale ~ b,,mn ' ' i ' park.'vegilarAtniittolt, ito., yid isilth tbe Pest of iVDDIArd 4 SA USA G4'. Dole the fall mid win is months lib attendi I 0 • c .737 Atethtl a rar op, 0., 0 TriiralT3 tarnt icy, at their own residence, on the moat ill'iryo n tilrel l it r pt near the corner of Dickinson Alle,Y atltt WeerstreSt.- ..,. GEORGE L. MURRAY. Carle e OgtetiotA..l.B44%-,.4.1-- tit IIE 46: urt .Sale. ~•• EMS r Wile' on= SATURDAY the,i itt 14inettiber,Iii115; oleloeK P.M., 4,the ; Mansion House of Philiißaket, demeaned, . in North. Middleton township, ••' ; A FIRST'DATF. TRACT :OF AND,. ;adjoining. the tbansion 'farm, find • holinde'd by *William tind Samuel Alexander's heirs, potitaininzEightymine Acres and 147 perches, ,about onelnilf. of which is Limestone Land, and the other half good slate land; with iinever fail. ing.sireatn of water through about 20 '•' — ',A - cratr - rifit - covercd - Witirtered‘timbert — ilie - reaidttel ttearddand•in a goo4state•of cultivation; There 'are nn buildings on ,(lie land.. There is a gond. deal oflucust and wapiti' growing an the land. Terms de* wilihe ensy end made known. on the day of sale.. , JOHN FISH BURN. October 8, 1846.—tti. GREAT,' MI ICU A 1 EN'S. niO be had at Clippin,ger's Cheap Stdre near the Reileeid:Shippenseurg, among _which army be found the following: ," • .. ' dabs '-` from $1,50 to (moo per yard. Cansinette ' 50 to - 1,00 - " • . Flannel ' 25 to ,117 f .. Jenne . 18. i to 371 ~. Linda's's, . 10 to - 121 4 , . Palicoee, sto 121 ~ ,-De Lanes • 16 to 371 , ''Cciffee _ . 61 to 121 per lb. 61 to 10 n 121 ',. 'lloignSugar Livif do * Octobor 8, 1 84.5 • . • D - I sir G MRI4.cIIA NE NYciIIURRRAII, WOULD respectfully inform her lrientim ,the public generally, that she still eentindesCLEANlNG AND COLORING SILKS, CRAVES, ItIERINOES, AND WOOLENS, of ell kinds, in Church ellby, - oppustte.Educalion Hall, end a few doct t ri East -of the new Court -House. To her ohl customers she 1 enders. her unfeigned thanks flu- their liberal patronage, end would he happy forn - entitinitenee ef thelr favors. JANE MeIIiJIIRA Y. October 8,18'45. . 1 1 ,A.SHIO MAMA: er-OCUS, _ bOkSTING. in _.part of Rept _and...flairi Ctiidinvere Ile E.:os.e new styli.; Ricli style - PurAP_cro.ines; Fienrvd ord- plain _A innenosr lit.ACst:tty le .bobnet Silks end' Velveis; 5.11 pieeem . hew sqle Bonnet Ribbons, very cheap; new style plain and fancy Shawls, orevery de. .J..edititt..l.Srlies' Cravats, just received f Ydd .attbe very lowest easirprires; PPING ER. 'Shipper:ll:lw, October 8, 1645. Bociety afeafiag. TP1 1167 oughing Nlateh and Exhilittion of Agreuliurail Soclety oi Cumberland Cartiabe, on the Farm of the 1i: 4lrtilJitSl)BV the 2MI nl Oetm Wetitt , l''•Xlielititie . "seti`eieil is very convenient - acitimllmot atom. 14%111 he prepered "11.4° ittsticlel might from maul .,.4ll,ite' • ...tii,alititerh tee requested ro he . 1 : 1- .1 1 44 .15 )1 (OLIO d'cliftik at no. literiena's . , leettO n 1 5 , 1, 010 irnion e 41-4. fi tld re k ii , 40 , ....**70.1 . 0..,,igvi his comntitive rotet ON Idii . fritei s trA,e6,_.:T, their resyer tititrei,.',O . rl7, • ,) -- Fll7 - e\ii!fetiilllceis of Sirekity , bill', pub . Car4B';ooli resilent. 'l;4 „tte4ZER ).Evit b.; (T:?ltlieedlcr's'Clicnp Book 1,f0i. --. 1 c''nt'.' 25 " • do' ' '25 " , - - 60 1-8-1 " rtntent ollnew novel,. and nth- Y_Ce .T, ard "cow* vruhani/ Godeyee, Arthu_nt - Nn so B -Muipssit Also ti laic as er Supt. 24;;15'5. 'THE. No _ILI NI JILL Fmk I :,J' Accorclii far at at! 1 . gnvrrnl• where. faction es will Le r The to fully invi L.J.:.':"7,''Agent for the! riiiilidmip!)ogotobOr • 'bittikiroir mu i47l.ol4l:tlite._ . =3ixt‘.lesa,to 5 LlEtattla9 ma $ - • , RE' iiiibitillbr I'i Oi4 'on, liana '-'doo 'or thi 1 If '.". - iiiiist,:ii . xiihmiv..e, h lichiltiful ailsciFtwr t is at tiiiiitkifitt;i:)lo„tbini,',O‘orofflirOd4pe,stilo in the - , PAlLO.Flo4t..,ll.!,krt.l,Thi, goirmemo J iro ull,,Cut ._ igi , ifko ., l999 , : rWifm , o*iriaPner, ood for works inliaib,)p-and ''quyilyy A. toaicrial cintiOt.bei .istir: plsoffilZ4oet ,. ,,t4 ,- ,.. , ;:i5 -, ,..: •-i„ . , ~ ~, , •," - • y:•,,oit...;c_ c ympfki. p 1 C9,NIE,AW24" '' ' ' .rd,WTrisig i 4 ir.Vpgiii444;2pkiti;;r)i',ii:gi: : ._•_ wiii4,l 6, k , i o o l i ioni:44get,bing- grew: burgiting, t itbit ; it,:,4o4thip, ektipt i o 'be , Ondergobi.: by Inv . 01 4 .1iAtsompot4or .778-bliys.tiodiseho oltogoi her for:lMEJFlvo9riiiii uantly -h*,- can- aell,.i'reoto: bore ...,.. grilihr:than-ihoiso ho buy an efiiiit.., ~.., , . .5. -,-. .;1k4;.40 - .....4..1. ~, , , t r r' , , , ‘;*l4fRACEY,:i ..... • ' • .1 ., 4: 4 2* , (,:‘„tnli '..',,'. Li '''..: I: : f' ,, ' 191 , 141irket Stiehl, ''. --- I'Philidiol l igi' :: t:141,1845:, '',:- '''l '. - 7 0,,, , e,i), ,r, , -;) 0. , ,, ,,, •, , :,,0-y.,•!.. ~, 111 . 1...r.,vi , , ,'-‘ 1) 11 , VOUS' j 5 Retie ophatiliili band • , '‘.ll (glade of books 'Peed in Igo', thlikeeld 4 P} T i i l•chtPdt4end• deteiinloa to self kido' than they,cie bp' beopitit ef'iiiijudtliii; filhitterit, kr; corl,lBl6llpet etandiptfm.a4ryeolbire tending notices to deaf or la a:4i rifitticarilmje c eft jut ; tee& APO, iloi'he nomad teiliTthe „ books ,01 : ; ,1 6 ef i , 3 1 01.Atepn,t,thoy,pen be bought, 61 $4 1 1? ""l e bough - books b a r , cji to•Ceille10 Itnoht,foll ' Vi r kelle 4114 14kiliOit P1i.',14 4 0 6 4e 164 r ,40/0? , Aar he teei the fi rst ,Aikoiteig, teee'dfbool,cptliele, 11345::;) • ()au FOR ~" I. U^- ‘ tliep ;.1 , ..„.. ..,. • .4'77-7-7747i , t,. ..,- i . ~, lbw,hosicot !,► ' ' ff''• ' tier ll' gßen t i k '' --- ''- - . f d ., cl ' f " k_ayp. 4 g row;!i t na; s ar . ' 4 -- ,1,4,1Y itki,,Wl9;oofittliaititge". Turd Kr. ' ll ,': ~ r. ..!,-,, ~r,,c,:,A- %i:;f!/ 1 , i 7. '• ~.!':..: ' in-ikillP-41610i'i - t ., , , :''' . • • w, —. .16 - ',TOE - 171i0.11.6irc. — '' , ii5,1 7 1 , , , : , in aa p: nci' , 4e 4 o•PA:#44.ti p - ei beg nthe! , Tessolt: 4 o , *-IPI rThtlliitrioaCtiiaiedb . a'• , 1'144141d, , :.14?,''..40 , 1 . i1;441!), h • " ' ~`., b :,',.6 ~,-.,,,,:,,i; ,• , , Antrik ylmtaiminskilit 1112:1 L .. I triutlietutseorthelietliiil'l76f YitialiliNotteehtiatt.d theennOtotOoMmoOlilOPs . PiCtirtifiUlitp,d !MPH ty 11f.tilk..4tittOitRitineylisinht, 00.7,1 . 01`e.t Aho c**,,WhY.C.4.4knOmiOnett . tiltrailayStot . h 6- ittitiitintel to_ tate, the ...testitipm,ipf ..wittiesaes perpetuaril tel refergdee to:the - .title to a - trout, of land situate in,West Peonsboi:opilt,totiniliiii; in; the (minty . , and Stite aforesaid?boundedhy lands of •Kaninellti.cKeelutn.nel,,Whert,MeOachhcoOardea !Statilii9ShrLlo`• - site , !! 6 t1'.'.91 1 410t iihci hut) red-4iMi_siitenty.a x:.acres_„#loa . said trait of hind was deviserbyJaptea hitiKee,han;, itr,...deceased,hyl . a certain' paper' WritidephipOrt4, 4ng to be the lasrailliind festiintetit,of.tudd. tleCe. - dent, and tha',Altle;:iucathltilt 1 14 :1 1 4.0. 1 aid J 4inati : McKeehan the . petlilciair - ivere was 'tetifed in him at the time and befoiv the execution of the aforesaid; paper, writing ,Isurpprting to , be :thoAsist..w Ilk said! ftsatainalnt rot' . the iforesitid JarnesAileKiehan,. are, deceased.. . .;,.. illthAigust;lll4 ,s ,..the Court' Oaot a'rulrtin all , the ipartieclniereledito wit StininetlfeKeelianatimes MoPlUreiJas.'Methere F lijary-MoGiurerNanei-Modince,..jate...MialSte l and Ann.McClure,, children of Msrgarlat:-MCClnke,' deceased, John McKeehan , and , McKee. : h en his wif e , Henry -Mann and... Mary Adams wife; also do James Reed, William Heed, - Samuel , steed, - John Ileettrand-dohn CreNglt-and.Saralt wile, late Sarah lieed,children of, William and _Nancy Reed, the said -Nancy, bitiiSzjat_d_d_omdst, Also, on she following named . minor childebn or the nforenahl' William and Nancy Reed, by- their, lather and next friend ,the.nforepatil William Reed, 'in . Alexander Reeti 3 Oqopie,iteed, Tiliha r dl Reed, Niaratarld Reed, and Nancy Iteed,lo apppu'i at a Conet'deommon Pleas to be held n't Carlisle in nod forsaill calmly_ and State, on the ninth slay or I ) her, Anna Dom ini .1845, and slioWeation, irony they have, or know why n commission Anil not isone• tooter the seal of the enflet to 'such per: , son or persons no the Court shall appoint fo`r the. examination •cit witnesses perpetuath r"i meris. oriam"dor the peon' of die ma ttela..tifnres id., I.ll' 001.1R.T. STATE. OF PF.NNSYLVANIA, - - • Crmacitt.aren COUNTY, I 'Thomas 11, Criswell Prollionotakr of the court (11111TIQD coun- S l ' tr, do certify that the foregoing. is a trite copy of the original polftibn and )( proceedtags had therein terinll f entire HA the same remains of rtstord in this office. • Given Nader. my baud and the seal of said Court at Carhsle, the twenty-fifth Illy of Augtist, Anna Dgmini, one tlinhanoti eight bundetl and forty:fiVe. korTHomaa U. CRISWELL, Prothonotary.,_. JOEL'S" MAIN. MAIN. September 17,145. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditinni tr. paints, to me directedrl will expose to public at the public house'of George Rectem, Esq.,' in the borough of Carlisle, on FR IDA Y, the 3lst day of October, 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following real estate, viz; A Tract of Land Ritunte in South Mid dleton town , sitip. 'Cumberland county , containing 41 acres, more or less, ininnded by Ilionitts butts, Jasper Rerun.% the Partners' &Mechanics' Rank, and Major Saumbl Givin, haVing thereon erected a one and a half Story house and. three .unfinished • one and n. half story houses, Seised nod taken in execution as the property of Peter McGtoughliir. Also, a.-Tract of Land, sittiate'itt Mifflin township,. bOtinded by landa of Aolortion-,Shuw, Samuel MeGaw,David Whislet and John Miller,' ',coot inieg 75 acres, more or less, havinl thereon erected two ono and a half story, Ng !mines, log horn, matron slicils,'enrn cribs; blacksmith shop, &e.—Seized and taken in execution as the "prop ? erty of John Easminger. 'Tract of Land, situate in West Pronsborough township, bounded by the Cem. herla lt nd Vull y_ Read, John Greanun, Jacob siMl 4 r. Colonel a men „MeSeehan, -Samuel Myers, 'and other propertynf Samuel McKeehan, containieg 163 Itertic mid 77 parches. mom or less, having thereon erected a two story stone dwelling house, frame born, wagon shed, corn . crib., and att'apple orchard, Ste. Also. a Tract off Lind, situate in West Pronshorotorli township, hounded by lands of John Greasorr, Price I. Sterrett, Ocorgn _bower Jacob K issinger.n ml ether-lands of .. . Samuel McKeehan, containing 31) acres acid 72 yerche • Also, a Tract iir Ladd, sintote t Pcnoshoroutrh township, bounded by lands of Colonel James McKeehan, Jacob itra_aint.other land , of sniriticrarelGelann, nod the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, containing 3l acres and 32 , perches. Alan, a Tract of Lend, pitume In West P e rnshotrongli inteitship.,,finunded by lands of' Jacob Sites, William Lrhman, other lands of Samuel Melfechnn, and the Cumberland Valley Mail Road. containing 47 tierce and - 128 perches. the interest, riirlft, and title, of Semite! h'lnKeehan, of,_itt nod to, a certain tract of land, Montt- in- West Penntborough township, ho tided by Rev. Robert Merachreit, „limes Mc. Cullmigh, Jamb Fur's, and other lands of Ramnel McKeehan, and others, eontnintog 176 acres, more nr ieRR, towing. thereon erected it Iwo story ace house, and' n "urge, br tqk batik horn, wagon tart , n cribs, nit tune, hl, nt orchurd,Are. Seised land tniten to execution as the property of Samuel McKeehan. a-:Lot emind, sitiTale on the northeast corilerlif-Lnother rottl-tkeilfitrd-st recta,- in the borough of Carlisle, ILmoded by Robert Leybirrn on ilia east, Lonilier street On thin south, Bedford street on the won, nod Elizabeth Gould on tho nort'n, containing 60 feet in front and.2oo feet to depth, mratsor lets, numbered in the gen eral plan 'Ol said borough 939—Moving thereon curled-a-roorntio y sitinc-frottst7n btaryl lonise, blacksmith shop, ritual-frame Atone, home stable, and ao excellent. well of wilier in the yard. The nor of the water in the well in ilie•yard is . to be reserved to Robert Leyhorn and heir*, with n;free . passage from_ his kitchen 'drier to the' Well, as conveyedto him by George- Vrigite,Tott, „ . , Alen. a rim of (In - Toil; oilman, in the 'borough -of Cartiste,eeraninino one arid n half acres, morn or holm, bounded-11'J udge heirs on .the _ntolit, Latvia liiirlan'l4 heirs on the_l went ;other property Prnlctor on the south; and Sterrett's Gap Road up tho cast. a Lot of Grounil,,sittiate in the bbrough of Carlisle, containing ono, and a half acres, more or less, bounded,hy-Sterrett's Gan Road on the cost, Other •property,of John Proctor cn:the_north,,Lowis_llarlin,a,lmua_on-the on r.. ' cCroskry's tiro oq the-south.. Seized, nod 'taken 'in ngecutiOn ini,iltc ; properiy of John ,Piottar: . , s ;.• , • 01VIP ANT, STREET, cam~t~ - ~ for sale, Whole- n rts, y; cnn , be bonkbt u• ni.h . rt thin house, ntel obtained eke— •iVl! 811.1s ed _or the Inth,ey illy on vsspeet- Z1E111:11. , Ail, Tea CompHily, Alan, a• Tract nf Woodland, 'float° in Might) township, containing eight and a half sores, more or lees, adjoining lands of the heirs of A. ltteElwal riei 8, Gilleepte, Robert McFarlane, Jesse itilgore and others Seized - and taken in executiorLas the property of Haektilt Nitroe Alati, aTract of La o ei late:in ic in senitowliship, containing ncrest, more'dr ins, adjo)ning lands or n John Zug. deargollauchaYi -- MYerarand tlernleo l heirs, having ihert. on erected a one story stone hourcilng barn , and an'apple diehard. Stored end taken la execution '', es tae property °I. Ch6l" Siliallr Aido.- , -A tracti of land situate to Dick. imam 1 ownslup, hemord by — fends of Michael Slothorret. #hrolutin Kerte, George Witiel ii, Wit. "an,' SPOY‘rr ind Rtherai fallleining dit acres, more or;,roT, hasiog therein sleeted f two l imey L og 'loose aldi Frame Bern., Seized nod taken in riteitutiFln as 4 11 1 1 rrillesly 9f Peter Uni t — 1 1 1 1, Also A Lot of groom! lottioto sin the horough t !ffearlible,COmbt eland empty, epotelning 3Z feet ll frPllt,l/Ith the twleitt'ke of fih eifiy, s l id t4O feet in depth,llllll2 m less, bounded by Main In eetbn the NOthl Gad liaynp tiTrifst;Liberly alley on,the South and iltm Motet's heirs on the - W - earltaldair thereon ft 401111% ix 'o story Frame house (sreaiherboartleil) tr taia roflo3 ip use, limes elope; lito,l 1 c l . ',„, Nirs i v 3 , Spizol i k ipli i * en in cave/Moo as thetropeiq of 1-4 1 ' 3 1 01, 4rmor. (.. ' '.;':y;, ; 'l {r .. . 'i And ell ' to be mils by me, _,. ' 7 i l ADAM LONGSPORrr " er V ; Sheriff's Office, Owlish), i , .. SePticriber SiielS4s' `,cs ;' '''' ,:st nzvgicht,t, (pi • The 861)8°1014i itio' sale of Oiet7 7/6,1!"1.!, l: petrlllaS~ Pe,,,, 4 ißn it irilikellher,. , 44l4l . 4 , , FAitigi , hi rinirt s yjih, moo Ineirootentetof they,. 'flOty!oe6l; 4 ' I f tiorytroild • ofitnusielons to their assortmetit 'Which will Otd;00 jpOgyproyilishietet. (. 0 7 , • lideV 4 - 0' 1 '4 6 1012 w - n I.,Firoltitfirnalia4taiy;pavallrhooff.6':hq iiiirstito9ll74Air-tRe to- . . lee) ~.1/101:,115Lr tigi7r" ,t,4; Shelllli's Sales. Fiffl , , 'a, :7 7 , 5 .7:. - 7,r - :,. ,;",...: --1 -- - ,I ':..y .,,, , • 07.- , - Pn Prilayi Tie 44th , of',October, inst.' It WO known as the. the - 7 `i i itiN RA ' ( • Aim ail "August:a- Vurnaceii;" situated at the ascoribe South Mouataih,three miles froth Eihigponabbri, t'umberlang county Pn.,:; will be gold at &bilegglo.gOlier :premises.' . The_prlip.. ix4r;stihiilits rif ,'7 , ' • - ',- r . , '', , , '..t r , '''' ' TI MM: - / FURNINCES, .--- 011 thit-etme atreoin irith a MANSIONOMOU'iIIih 1 f;1 1 414, 1 1g „Mill.' Saw Mill, A :liiirgii' co,nooto, two:tat'titables; offices andlionsafiardtritkinen Smith and Carpenter' - sh , inis, and,:other buildillial With !about' 6000' Acres b(•Laadi a Pardo" of - Which is susceptible of cultiva,tloll. Alsd,,a small Trace of Lend with - d Rini/ kwelling Rouse .arid - Other bailldings." - The Firibace, s'iselr ti iirdfilgri, bridge and bellowsi housesloso In golod order. , Ono, oCtlustEdrilidelx.ia:,now-in-operaticun.i.Thepro_ Banks are °film hest quality, and coriVetilent to the filitiaces., Ilielron triode at these, Forint is ofti 'superior quality, suitable •fdr eithei coatings or' bar iron. The Works being situatell in the Crun",i6o'ilitid lielliY, 'gbh - of — agileultU: 'ral districts in the S tate _ only three miles from heT y - trCm — iisFrliliiff - Viilley Railroad, and having great facilities for obtaining. styptic', and fir transporting the iron to market, offer great in • ducements to persons wishing .. to engage in the iron , . biwiness. ,The subscribers will also °tier at public sale, at the same time and place, two .valuable • 7, .17 eIF I / 1 8 ST 0 Alt; Ea 'mats' l , I situated about half way between the above wen. tinned Furnaces and Shippenidifirg, containing., each ebouLTliree Hundred Acres, On each Farm there is about one litindre'd and eighty acres of cleared land, the balance being tiniber land covered with Chesnut, yVhite Oak.,&e. The cleared land is of the best quqlity ei . :Lithestone, undee good lence andon a high state to outlive. flan, with a valuable apple orchard on each farm.- On one of the farms there is a large - stone house o large stone barn, wagon shed,corn house,•and , other outhouses, a good spring and a stream of water passing through the . meadow. There is about twenty five acres of natural mehdow. On the other farm there is a iSed 'plastered, house, a good bank barn, one small tefiant house, smith Eli - 00a Other buildings,with a well of water. llieseglirtne being situated in en excellent neigh borhood, convenient to Churches and sehools,and near the borough of Shiapensburg . where a 'good aim ket can always bd had for their productions, make them well Worthy the attention of farmers. The 011attnr of the Carlisle Bank Having-ex. Aired on the 7th of May - last, the Directors are under the necessity of winding up the affairs of the Institutiqh with as little delay as practicable, they, with Jacob M llaltlernan, who owns en undivided interest in the Iron Works and farms above mentioned, will thorefOre sell the same on moderate terms. Persons wishing to view the above properties or obtain further. information respecting thein,aro requeitecl to call On Al r.JOSBPI - 1. W. P 4. l TON of Carlisle, who is Well acipaintad wjt.thi. o pre, micas, and-who will show them 104"tay one who will tall on him for that. pui•pose. , Tern's—One third of r flie ptirehase money for fUrnaceslo _be paid On the Ist of January, when possession and deed, wilt be given. The balance to be paid. in three equal annual pay with' interest r itecuteeby judginerst bond. One fourth of the purchase money to ho paid on the terms on tlte hi of April - nex4 ; whert the deed will he madetindpossegfon given. The balance in three equal annual payment% with interest. Sale to commented ut 10 o'clock on said day, %Viten talc:n(l , 6En will be given, by GEORGE - A. LYON, Co:ill - nate° of S. D. - HENDERSON, S Cailidle Bank. J. AL HALDEMAN. • ruttier I, I 845.—te. T 0 COLLECTORS AND :TAX PAYERS', Erect it payment.of the State Tax by the Contmoisioners of Cumberland cotton, nut of the Imola itt the Comity Treasury, raiders it neCiissary to requirelmmethate ortSmot line men( of the State and comity taxes to enable the Commissioners lo Meet the current comity expeti- Wet, And .1111.1. pus nowta becoming-- floc - nadir the contract for tliehreciiiin of the Court logse. Under the provisions of the Act of ehth April, 844, t f the State. texofAnk ,smunts„,,,lte 4 ittcto tire - reemarrer be mire the t4d rttesinty wiry ineech year, the deflcielicy 1 . 0 required - to be paid out ol' any money in the Comity 1 rensurvand any State tax remaining inittltril by any individnal or corporation after said tax is payable by the county to the Commlinwesliii, shell bear an interest of 011X . PF.B. CENT., and be e , ilea on the estatB at which it in charged. till lolly paid and satisfied. _- From the foregoing it will be seen that,-although the State tax has been paid to the State Treositrer, every tax., payer. who , , does not pity the Collector belbre'the Irith at January next, must-he charged six per cent. interest thereon till paid, which est every Collector mast calculate and collect frOm enclr individual stained in his duplicate who does not pay his tax prior to that date, and with tax, together with the Weevil thereon; is made alien on the real estate of the payer. It is therefore hoped that every Collector and tax payer will see the importance and necessity of pa s ying_the_w_hole AlO7 charged in the duplicates, prior to the 15th of.liontary next, to a:volittite term itic and inconvenience of calculating and collecting interest on every individual tax, which must be one tt übZ collected ImfoTtrtitin - ilate,, • ttotnurr LAIR!). EIIIIIME3=O/1120 .1. WORTHINt;TON, Commissioners of Cumberland ochuiy Commissioner's Office, envlisloq hqiiteinher 17ilt, 1815.- Pitrill A ni st—coultirs;WE BY_ - virtue cif the Orphans Gotirt of Cain hiehind :enmity, will•he eiposed to public sole, on the premises, on TUESIMY the Btti they of October next, ,'at I 'o'clock, I'. M., the following. deseribtli•eal estate, to wit: • A 'Flxst Rate Limestone :Farm, situate in West l'eumsbnyough township, C.lumbon. lend county, about miles smith of Newvil)7, oue lialfsnile edit or 'the head of the Big Swung, amd midways between Carlisle. and Shippeitsiluog, on 11 le • fht ri ilbor Tltrnpil a llntid liutinded by lands 'of J. Alyers ' William. MeCtium John &iinvely's heirs, ma ot hers, containing near One 1 lengred and, Seventy-two lseres,• , u • ;ento4lL illa EIf;;MIC • 14mtl, of which *Malt 150 ores • 'red, fenced and in a high slate-Or eultivatiiiii:,• • ~.,•:,,,„ ' The imvmovehiEntls are, a large _ , • STOItY II_LIJS.KILSILONELHODSE.- • ' Itaek building attached, and is at sit !'present, and Al wilj.s We been; encupieti 3 s s . : us a , Stlintl., A lairge BANK ' BARN, tidtft% wiagott bhed, stake stabli'i'eetitritilli: wash house bake ,and awoke house, grantiary,atraw' mp house, aco lete elder press, cistern , apd never falling well ot , widel;ibintienient: thaidoor. An eave,lient . flpple clrehArd pinlober,fru,ea., I'M. terms of sele,Will,be. $lOO, ld on the pdC.,.• One tutlf,o . t to Inoney,l . ollipnlilonAjle let April next, when poieeision will; be remainder in two equal,annuni ~!nstai l rgettr t ik,without Interest, thalniymetif:itiftkriecuVed - liy TeCoktiliances with security In theOrthins! ,Court,..' Omit' iniliekrband an& rent to be ,reeerve& = attends*lll 'be Wade; bir'; :;; ; ; JOSEPIFI4MoDEIRIIICINDir...',4, ` JACOB:MYERS: • • Administrators of Peter Duck , , Belitettitbr AZ0845.-18. •• In-The Lancaster Kiiiiiiieravol Voilssfrworl will Insert till sule, and !forward ,bill.. to this ofl4ci-fer , •. • • collection. r t i 4 -10 Bultditeir-tipts‘'''''l ~..,i,..,...., . ,A;F PUBLI6.. SAE:UI ,, ;-":/ ''''' Pirto,alim,gribeh i E;eoutor,or, fhi,i l iit; , N6. ...... - 4 ,6ki, ,pilik. iliscaied, will 801 l at public 'pale,- ion,the proniiima t inAhe town,•of Nilo/built; 1100. ,wellittwmihip r Coulbethind'cbtatA nil ll'uliat afi 'the '2let day ..of October' neit,the 'folletvink robe. -time iit - eoluid;tir.mittriVeve - elotralttoito Itnir:ffEW Ihg, en 'Second sirpot. TtitilritrihAe l l6te ' iiiits' 11xce1lalil epttogo .0f water. .Aleo; elotiCiltiitliik on-Main etteeti and one lot and a - half fronting bit liigli' oitreot; -- AlefflealieeitUiii day, two out l6ta v ,erlieeei late, azo l xvell ialUaatede,and will be elleamcby,ill2r4,Mlllllamal t •Elatt • to, permute Wilph," 4 ing-taCilekAlietit4ltilit to the day of ille. ; Sale to commence, at,lo cOolueltoretitile r attyt-wtied dU'o Otetidando • will •lie gipin • aid- eorditione'lnado!l known tip 'ii , 4 r 7JI ,•:Tilo/ 1 4 Aft.,,lf. , 11421.14,) 11 `,, . ' . , -,,,.'-. owkbElabiOr" , oliertifit , dookiiiielte-4 glopiiimber /71 /840.--toe-- 4- • , 4 .„ ..,', , i - —, ,;---- ~.., -•—• 1,, :.- 1. 1 '3ll3)"!lllllY°4;44ooo4.oo4li,!ifilititiOiigli,if,O;#,i -)2,1,1* ,[11;1ktg": 1 9 1 , f M.;1„; ,. ..1 ., ..-.4.44 . 4 I.' r•.• •,•• ‘ • ~, ziOve)zso n -4-meFtigo, 1 , ' wi V 711! , FROrto eonv:pl, l- Alittik' , ', a ;r polilooto-fottoone , iaitt blVed astia iii• 1 1 4t ilte 1,!rIfl *lee 0, 814 "r49, , .! ] l s 4 o l4 Ft. ,1 i'ii --' - 1 t' — • , ,I. (),Y ' " ":mil , ,• ° . _ o e 0 Nitfi 3 F':IVI'ER (lf ANTw• H ,tinderalgoo, er ionte„Manufacku ‘"ireiii'linWiterie and t a city 'of Philaileltilila;itidlraCeilro.:iiiediuiti of thP,newepaper Prop, Of; your Acctioit'Of Countryi , al . ttabli!ilirr,i`eiite',lttiiViaaneelfilllY,to ; inifild'jou td, ,e Otimi iblilot- - -Thai anpe itar; exaellince_And. great ainelity,ot and _great ftlq,.PWo).'elty , ,lnettufacturce, in addition twrint supplies of.Forejgn and Doineetle, Goods °revery will fie cold nmterniiii'atfd at prices which cannot fain to prove .eitielifotaryl present the istranginit,ipdapamentihto purcharere.. : ;12 shunt . * Remirigiorz; Dig, BQ, Market . • , streia,--belc,w 'Third; Lipari - erelrtridi . ,Dealeiri;hi' Sdittncd - Fiffd± - Dry - G#rirqand - rdid - , rienohitrrd - 1 British clothe, datiffienere•!i,alidtypiOngs, • I .k..- •Godicy, , ,Spry, 4. , eo.'Nct: 84 IVlsrket street; Importers and .Derilerh , iiiSierplio, Silk hnd - Furry - Dry' Goode. - . Alan, Dritiali, French,' and American Clothe, Caesirriara ecatinga and tailors' .tanies IVf. Kennedy $ . Co. ,114 gaace't street; Domestic ttud'Foreign Dry. Goods. . IF;Maw.. Geisse LS., Son's, ,00 S. Vont street, below Ditesimt;, Importers of 'German gonds, and' pnrellasera of all .kinds of shipping goods. , Solis; Bro . thersi"S6 Arch strnetbetwcen I 2d and 3d. etreeti ; pnd nianafactuiere of fancy fun, ana tar daps, and purchnsera'nf all kindx ofrilipping furs. Michael -Tracy; 292 Matket streCt: Manlifiieturur and Dealer in ready hinde clothing I ofevery grade,. va• Jo/ - of moth ',r -John lodges, min of~iie nmm ti shirt dollar, tIO North Second street'; iltanufgc turer.of olikrtsicol.lars bosom". . Miturtlg 4. Burnam), 59 Verkei streett Importer and &idlers in forbign land Unmade hardware and cutlery. Morris, Tasker 4. Morris, "Pascal [vin ;finks. warehouse S E corner Third and Walnut 'saws ; .Weldcid wrought iron tubas for lemma. (Re, marine and other boiler flues. and ell steam purposes. N. S.--Lateririce, agent, Ni). 3 Minor street; Agnndy fer the sale of Boutliworth manti.- facturing coinpany's superior writing papers. Dickson 4- _Co., S. E. corner. Market and Third streets; . John C. Parr, tl2 Chesnut 5t; . J..4. W. L. Ward, 106 Ches nut street, oppesits 6anterso'n's Franklin Hormel ImeicrieriCaT4eWalry, winches, fine cutlery, Brit anriimitatett and silver wares. R. TV. Wilsim.„ W ' enrner Fifth 11115 d Cherry'rtreet; Man s ufaeturera of silver wake, and dealera' in lated and Britannia wares for = Hall, Boaidman 4. Co., 104 N. Third street, below Race: Manufacturers of Britannia; block tin, and pewter ware. Also, dealers in plated. spoons, cutlery, &c.. Edward Jones, comer of .floor;cre and Swanwick strevls, belween Walnut and Chesnut, west of Sixth; :Manufacturer of silver and brass ttair rods and cornice poles. 'VI: F. 011 'illonrose, 1G South Fouith street, bctween Market and_Chesnut; Importer of toys, limey and stuple' gouda, beads, brushes and perk) ery, C .8 hrenfeldt No. 16 N. Fourth street, between Marliel`tind Arch, (epstair.•;) imrtots ortpys, firnei' - and staple goods, perfume rie - f, musical. instruments,' glass, _earthenware, eltinaware,..St.e. G . ..t? Irright, No 23.8 Fourth street; Importers of Paris and London 'limey ar ticles, brushes, perfumery, combs, soups, station. ury,and articles _for druggyt's sales, Ihmel, 4(1 81 , 0111-_Third "street; Importer and manufacturer of perfumery, c. 40.. metics, fancy soaps, uni dealer in ftinFxgilodii.,,, glans. ft Wkinson .4rmstong, 88 Arch et.. • ebovo 4th, south side; Dentists and nianufaak tore of incorruptible teeth; plate. pivot, Molar and gum teeth; gold and tin foil; goldoplatink, and silver plate and wire, &c. -illcAeter Co.-, 48 Chesnut streot.t- Gold„ silver and steel spectacles. mathematical inutipments, walking canes, microscopes, and Pl'elhe• Brother. 65 Worth Front street; Mannfacturera ~of,. white'. lead imCdther paints, and of chemicals, &c., and dealers. in drugs,. medilaiiies. dye ,stuteg, bale, &c. 'Campbell 4- 1' enth, Notlic. - Wret;l'oorner Tenth and Market streets; Importers and &alms in drugsolr Stuffs, ' chemicals plate glass; &e. tied agents far, pitin white lead . and Joriil window glass. --- Haskell,-11krrick 4. Co. 45 N Pront Mt Dr. D. Jayne, 8 S Third st. near Msrkeil huporters and dealers Itydrug]inediejas, dye stud's, paintsTialts, - au.. Dr. John R. Rowand, Grad; Univ., of fice and drug store, 28 N Second at; Consulthig pussiciarr,Trliggiriciind chenust, addlrprieTtiir uf , !Rowand's Improved Tonic Mixture, &e, .1. :Drown; 613 Market street ; Vieper 4• Fenner. 12G Market Fit. ; south side, end door below Fourth elreet Alanafqctt r. era of umbrellas, iiar noels, Mirhsole4eti, und' sim Oliver Evans, 15 Cliesniit strbett Fire and thief probf chestpurefrigerators: Water, .:001- ers, filters, letter copyin • 8..1. 11711iiinis, 12Nortf) Siikt,Vsireet, a few doors above Market • 9e - haiku tdind'rean. ufacturer. Finley ¢ C0.,.8 E 2d & Waltiut st. lia,rtleti 4 'firriglit; 'l4B 8040 Seeol st. 5 doors above Sprocei ManufsOi.tiiiisi44 dealers in - matrasies - badding - and - rdatliira. • , F Perring, 108 Chesnut street. 8 dobre earner of Eith; DealerleColoinen'es,Moliee rialto F °11 0.• 30 Market et; litanylgotprere pomcbppo,iucl fenot amps, mould Ind 1114 p ',9P 4 illep, 4, 9 ;„ R. /44:11611 . 0$1YV4eolintetteet4"Irtitmrter, of French aftif9, lolll o, 44 .o6lhmildPW.btaid; and fancy , 'bonnets; tin, and, lioringt fgattrealpd t• Needles Willson, 54 , North r*iit below Acch; Manufacturers 'of sieves. ridding; Corms and wire porkiti:gloeilii. •WilliarnArtiadbr 4 , 00,1 988 Ma I Hideo; oil atid ledthbr.4 `, In rP r • O, ..vorcor,ol . oraßgeovle.mcinev Ea slug, tits, , Currants; almonds; an d othkr fordifo' no Entel V ;lFDOPileIPlO6l l l liakurne,.kirrfii•d`„onxinFn nt dodpription iantpd in, nil respects. ,s; • John Eckstein 13. ed., Union „ Ridge Rand IW D k , ".° and I T-71/iOniild`Butol4—frWlB3-M4liwc Vannfaniurkit !catibk;lacking glare , briialles;Thndlicnpoettseolc French fancy podswi , :) , ,ij , ,l CMIC hga,e;':64 l :ooitli Third 4 , onnibinialovii - Afilf,64atisidc; ,MantifikbiOn wholeattle..cicalor, all,kincia'of lbrAnna, br bucketai l 4d,an•kvare,,lplgelcu t takiimittli fiat.;! ding , E 414611 4 # l 4i4i l LO. 13 .'Zietir , Cco4t1411 1. 1 1 1.1 411 s lingt ad street; ISnIt•W tliVititiO r 'll tom and lierrodkoaty.stibli•hieenc.,;-.,q 5.P n )1 „ t , Iltßaqr,g, r"ag,rOcrt Lem 019,uvi , F10911(,q4 thrCe,Aikigi `1414116"- c4innl.,,:tret!ei ./ t1:• , 1 Gray •ro ig!!tii,g, , x 4, lo,o'l3-4 1 04! ilj ßn ti#l,lPhittPtlkiit ,e 4 r oM Sir Az, ..„ • s • .', '• —.77-.i. '''''.A.BLErl'...,y-,:-, 1 ...1%'-• -' i. te,,,,,,T0wil 14 " A Lt:. ' .... :-..'„,,:.;•., ' ._a:.- ~ 77... •4. :0 - ' 1:', ' .' f"ti Lc- :- 7-.7 0 : , - - I. .''. t&.big4ur •,,,-..t.; ifeicti,t prlyate . 11 .. loti 11;t14k'llubIllrihe"°°"1:Itree"' '' 11.- o h u e reidte dte 00,„i pi Et.?!4Howfiriiii4dtabd I r i tain it town ILA il4l,kti isn'”):Lt ,'Tliel4;6°l? with; the: flhest viers irp,m.,,: t li t a : Y . ,' : c i ; a' ro.•pl.entdipprei?6,,.,:l.toati., itOuVgilf'7ult,::•,fir-s:ld4,slCitiol'9;ll:sl#ifi' 'fq.4'tylon Q aP R P le , e`0.003 t ri Po tl P l l 3 -, •-•.' .:: :-.7.. y.,,, -. . ifnditiiv'' ' 1- 15,744tik•,,'..1- dil fele' 04 t .91 . --- - , -, ;: i • '- •,••'''' ' ' o,Aiqktiiitifdiii‘:'i:,:;,: ~... • On Saturday , : the Ist VoVembernext; .., ... , 7 , •, 1 1" HE. Stitiie4ir: Will .. offer :rd' P.ltitlie' .-ca- 5111 e, on the promisee, It : Valuable Form, situ `- atc:',ol,WMitlPtnntilltoyough.' ton,,ship,'Cumberlttar ohittsyFa. r sitven-trillea—West-or—earlitle r on-tli - Stale Road lading from CROWN to Newville, an t one'thilh North ot theCluirtbertilid Valley Railroad, eolith Ming , '. ..„ • . One ntindied and - Nineteen Acresi 39 perches; in an excellent stote oi 01/ twat inn, and ,urdir_gdoil•frnee. 'l'liere it alio a large quantity of Irbil piFe - fiFilitilTe - sV . ttnttty7n - said-trnut,—Zrhe- TiM improvements are a lammi-wo ' storphrick DWF,LLING. 110 USK, •ifi • if krAA . with an excellent well of-water-Mimi. A ' 1 :. 1 :' ...d . the 110111. ' 41 stone Bank Barn, and all , ~A,', ,.. . the necem.nry out Intildings, with inn ' . 'e' • : orchard al:home fruit trees' ,chant nee littinlred neves of sail tenet are cleored, anti the residue eUv cred in itli thriving timber. . • • Also at the, same timeltral Mime. will he nfr e eed n tract of. ‘VOWILIIIIII, 0011111110 lig :14, imres, sinl ii perches. lying at the foot Id' the xerth Ntetit,L,le &tie fo C101111110101141'2 o'clock WI 'Mid 11,1 y, •t lien titiell(lalel: will be gilt nand terms n sal.. not 'e klio*ii by , SAN,/ UK:. itgsSt,Ell. October 1, 1845.—19. ' ' . L VILL - 13 - 111M — V3 _ eAt Public °4a t•. ' On Thursday, 18!h of orkibbar Trrxt, riitm k ibsoriber will offer tic pablic Mile, on - t IL. the premises, the i tninahle Farm on whirl) 11 . 0,11 . 0 yr live a ,situate in Pranittbrd town.hip,Cont• beilanii•cnunty, nn the rood lending from Catit-le to McClure's Gap, attain .nitte allies from the fl*?rrer and about a mile and a hall north of Al ter'', Mill, conSisting of•- 116 S A hrst-rate quality of slate land, under tand fence, and in the best. state nt cultivation. The sm. provements are, a TWO STORY WEATHER-BOARDED . DW EL- ~,,, LING HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon 'I Shed, Curn Crib, end other build ings, together "with a good Orchard. There in a fine stream of running water through the place, with a power sufficient fur manufacturing par poses. Also, at the same time and place will he offered at public sale, the valuable Farm adjoining the 244 ACRIPS, tit'the enin'e 'quality aloud, 144 of which is elan in.the beat Mute oreultiention.• About one hun• dred - neres obit is thriving tiniber land which if desired by-.,purchasers will 13e sold in iiinullor tracts. 'file imprivernents are n large-Log 4tOUPO,l,og Barn uad o th er bnildingit, with an Orchard. sure to commence at 10 oidli;ck, Ant, when Will. be gltert 'dud reruns made kriown by ~ABRAHAM BOWMAN. SC - filernber 1 3,. 1615.—t0. - Lancoater Clointi will insert till solo, and forward bill to this lance for collectioti. Vpluable Property At Public sale. 'On Satohfay, 18th of October next, % .171.1. L ha exposed to . public lode, Skye manstown, tAtutherland county, the fol. lowing.ealoable in, : petty, late the estate of JacCh Rupp; deceased; viz: A Mynah. g - .POMO and-Lot, street iii said-rillisen s ....lidep irmAr.t. of henry Z.erini and Samuel Itatteje:t.: Cihibh there -is Itesidei a buck Dwelling 'lnnen and stahte. Also. thi: half piplivided part of a House and Lot, tield by 36%6 and Henry Roppotnd now ()candied by Heory„Mussalmao anti Samoa! Darr, and tying on the south side of Main street in said village. also, _three Lose, lying on the North side of Main street. Alen, A -- 'Pratt of:Mountain f):,tt(l, situate in Silver Spring township, lytifg rn the south side of the Mud , Mountain, conrsnleg about - 60 acres, formerly theproperty of Robert Barnhill. Alen, the half Undivided ,Traet of Land. belonging, tn. Juent . wind henry Rupp, lyin g Rye township, Perry county ,lo Acr e psi situats• ono milefrOut the• Susquehanna river, and bounded on tle East by Santini Bow• tnan. Also, the half iinilivlded•`l'raet of Land, belonging lo JaCol) and:Henry Rni,p, and con. , 1p Lin 40 Aerea„ tying on the North Fide of the Blue Mountain, in Rye township, Perry ennory, and adjoining lends of Robert Bryson, John Rupp and others. Also, anolhvr luilf Undivided inlet of land helofiging to J acob and Henry Pimp. enetaining 17 Aurra, lying oil, the Froth side of the lim o 16 illitorifariviim borough lownallip, inljoining Intidd tr . Siiiitsta Oyster, iMr. Neweniner and oihers. Altnt.,eleven (o• ihe '7um berland Valley Rail Read (*.employ. Alen, (mt.. shore .11 atuek in the Carlisle and Phamberitbth Tiirnpika Oeinonny. Salh'idogimsnemeont 10 o'clork, - A..M., tin vn bl day; when atiendance: •Will be given and terms made known by ❑ENI: V RUPP, Executor of 3.eoh Rupp. September 111, 1345 .-• • '• 'PUBLIC) SALE". - . DIN sirtate,of n tleertm of tie., Coott .1111.'Pleas of Cumberland aminly. I will i•i l oose to 'militia, sale on the premise.; in Westptoloahot•o! lowtnldp,.ln Old ts6tints.; oh Satortlity the Octaber,nt I I o'clock,,A- - Nt. , A..firot rote limestone form shown on the Uig- Spt:ing lanileof,ninins Ppsr, eel the Uig Spring, -133 -AtVELES. a torte inart'ot which is in a high stale i* atdligation and the residue in fine timber. There is 'no ekeel lent (I , ielthig ( douse wok lia ) o on (ha, Drop but Volliett, timitiliti it one, of tilt most desirable forms in the.Ontintri. ; , _ 'Oat! iiohjeCt' to the Ii fe *rot Ole of .Jeind: llontgoniery& wife & the ourOveri 'or.thihO' in • t - Houielodlleiorlntelnint VadVone Imre whlip forma. ert of die farm—and eutiject:, the inerttkW Annually, to the, said Jamas - Mant t ln goelf - gkiiifepanclalio,oa,ploOkeigkii):iiii' , Ml l b e . necoesoeftriiiii iheirThausebOlii par:tali:atm:a , food' ,or . m , ' s o „ , ( F p I. ha be .. plid•iini.thoooorAirmtlo t o of the isle the realdua of one half it) the . . Aprik ; l646,atdthiibalafrieciAti MoCC Sept. 44, :." = rvlee•,.. raced, f AVOr• i itle, 1, iiib i le' i E efo . i,•,W,,•Oalrfir . ;;Elsi'p."‘Asede P,P+ rtp, 4 in,in!FlLriktlh • • Ttitiffir. OitleVr - raWf‘"i4te -L eAl ral` l ' 4 " 2.. F.,„ IL; nbeklatil conity ; fosvnthip, kiiqw(ng.,theinsolvois' Iptleht(4l (hake to' me; ih4eiSititvilg T itii ,f erttl th.4o- d.roi. etheiiV. , !.4 . P l , - IWIVIKNOIi' „ JL,P Iet te ' ta•ta:ot , • A i r , rn reetf ,tantl r, rah"' treet. 6r will guw, ~.', . '.(i.c, '.l . '.o'o,:' , ,rtriwiltjt ,"', - .' - •. " , S Eier o l.v given, thet the notes inkenai . the'salero Jetieetti*Ciimolioe;llo4o4l , ;,,eie' all ilge; and, tilejsobleele# , ,iplielt ,thiVimill , M,rgpritietlicke *on - eereettiNtlee -M.‘oll on 1111114 W ;oiy l llielr lights - J*ll4 4106S'ItOloa0r,nck X', , villl'•leey them"•NO,Ol',,kiiiii likolitizat t, ),,ilje•le.*eogh,Of ertl*le; op ot: berec"O , NO: tit Oil 4191110#.11dr. 00l el on:',, ~''.: '-1.1 . k ,$,--, -_ ti''''' ' 4- '9 i .'t , '''' l ' ,-- ' , JOHN L 8 -114RTik.ittlilet 1 / 4 " , - .i.i klistilitli,gl . .l7l':lll4s: , —iwle , T)-,n,' ,1 •; , r,... y.', , ,t ,, ,, '..‘o:',f ;;„ ' i : ,Tv-''',. . ~ i--t i taiitliiiillin;ic,slitilli4jOildg, q ,,::. 411 kiii.P: 15 :if , iviiikir-biinAtiairif , ,li tolne; z t 114934fen . P0hif! , iiiiire• . 0. 41ir0610, and 10,1,0:t410#14.1f#417'0P1S 11 :O r 11.15 tglikell,Oi 1 10! :t ':. , ;Ofitliti ' **044N0.4. . -:' , .:,.‘ir.. ' , ..! ' fi', Vii,ll. l ',',•' ' , , ,t, u ," l f '..: i ': , . , 1; - rh.t0 : ' 5...4 lit 4 WE= Ylikijif .:: l4olsl)§" " h .zinoy,and Slap); ,Gosido c and,will 100 pied! fotiavti:r W. iIITPER. CR►f I iile;petabeie . $ N <Fp HE TIME: TO PUCHaS,tNEAP 'GOODS! - has just returned .add rpealaotfrnin the.eitator,n cider, the mosteplandid a t. gf neW:otY,l o ___ • • FALL AND IFINTER.'fiIiO.Di.' etritr'olfered In this idain.--to.which he would in: vita tb. attention of norcensers. His stock is nniv conipletc, and he , la, prepared ,to offer,,the hat t it lityliriff.Goild's la' be found in iliei - eastern - markettr," 00 4 pricer al km ad ' any othei establishment in' Vie county. 17If_youlwiehlo_purehtuteitattaina_nowlalli lime, and, "J. A. Clinpingerse Cheap Store" is tit jilane near. the Raj' Road. Shippensburg. Sappenaburg, October 1 4 1 b 45. . REGIMENTAL - ORDER -- piks.r- Regiment Comberlon' d pfiraile'Blll.m i :field, on TUES . - 1/Ali Pic .21.4 day, Outober instant, at n"eleick, A lroperly•eilnip n ith arms, btu., to good order. .. Be order of Colonel Cotn'g. . • WOODBURN, Attjtuntit. October 1,18 , 15 —9t. I' 'woe time and Once, an wir M or, 11) order it the Bei ga d n ,+; —•- • vulubutlantl County Volunteers: • 13AT rAi,faN °Bunn: Tilt Firat Battnlion of Cumberland Cnitnly... -110!unworn porodo for drill onSAJIMPAY, the iSth dny of Cloudier, Inst., at 11l ri'cluelt. in the fnrennort; in the C'enlre Sqoare, eatliele. in winter enifroin. By older of the Lieut ; C.,honanding. JAMES 34. ALLEN, Aitjutc.nt.' Okoher 1, 1845. . . Gi:eal Reduction in the Price of- inSitribiec. HE DELACV AR g ill U T U A 4. INSIJfi. s'E ,COMPANY, PFHLA.DELPHIA, having a large _joint stock capital, take Fire risks en every description of property, ut nearly one UV the amount of premium that is charged by companies doing business on the old principle. The subscriber ,has accepted the nvency of titia Company, and recommends it to the piddle ai being veutly superior to the old offices, lioth in cheapness and security, • , For full particulars see general a d ' ver'tisement, or apply_ personally or by_letter, to JOHN J. tVIYER•S.' Carlisle, SeptembeC 10, 1895. New Co-Partnetship AND • eItTAT . at the Cheap Store on the corner South ilonovei. - and Pomfret etieets. 'The latest ~L•rtVat in Olarkett toff N C 1.2. \ V. lisviag associate,: with hitt - Iself In 411..,his business. his snit, WILLIAM 14. n OAT. res. peetlidly (ufn•in their friends and the public lit general that they have jit Int retuctied Irate-Philadel phia. and are tioet opening n very cheap and choice selection ol heatititolantl faalitonahle' . Spring nd Siirnolor Dry Goode. They invite-their friends and the.public to give them a call. as they ure determittelLto sell m,grent hargai its. believing that.s t. nimble Silpttnee in bet ter titan 0 stow Shilling." ; Tlielrvstnck ennsists iii Inn tor-- . .CLOTtiS,Ew CASSINIERKS—aII enkors and_tptatiiire. 'Stinfther Conatteres, Tweed Gassf: T o r r e s a n d S t imink:Claiti, Gam- - bentms Ventings atoll descriptions, Jaconett, Bob bin and other edgings, Shawls and Handkerchiefs o nt every description, Calicoes from ..61 upwarthi, Irish Linens and Unix Lawns, StockingsapdGlores Of ever) variety, find mill fourth Linen and Cotton - Sheetipga, Linen and Cotton Table DiaPer s, Hurls Dye. Rtis in !Intl Seotch Diapers, Cartieting of earl nos kinds. Indeed persons can get almost any arti cle in the Dry Goods Line, mid as .cheap if tint cheap - et titan they can be Ibid iit any store in the unduly *HOES! SITOES:: .They have also rer• l ived a, very extensive adiort; ment ot Shoes and Bows, tor stilroter wear, consis ting in part of the Fig - mins— . - I:end...wens' Calf and - Seal Br, ;1 750 $4 00 \ lou t :flea, 00 " t 00 Slides at.d pumps. • 50 .1 23 Ladles' Gaiter'Shoes, / 50 1 25 Mnitroes and Xid 75 • 100 Also a great. variety of le and Voittlis Monroes and Shoe.,. Misses' and tailby and plant shoes of every description, which they will sell at the lowest ppasible rites for cusp. . „ 1. - L1 C.E) ZO e hard also-receivell-a - large - assorffneiit of Fresh Groceries, which they will all cheaper thou the cheapest tior, 1101assea, per Cltil -A117 1 : 1 3 C 7 5777 A. fart• geotnvimeni of fliin4,l,rseritenl feel Com .; v urn sell st •IU Per, cunt. inwrr tlpth CIIII In! V1117:1 WWI ES: • • They have also an extensive nasoetynent rit VaCiL , '• tias'or all kinds. 'lndeed :_iott can %camels' qal.l for b rocie canimt supAttyt on with. I . C.PPiire in 11 ti•wilsrvi.Orringieg,teyliono, N ee . ll r., whieh ility will' sell hy the other • ism. The jittitlin pre reipeetfulle tied emit:lime their stork oftientiii, they will mice vent ,Immure ki showing-them. . JOAN CRAY ix SON. aloe 11, 1f45 ritaz3l s.ttsc., .fifiloning , discriberL Peak property for sale, viz t A tract of first rate lintestode land controning—,- ' . 112 Aeres, tiihtdte in Went Petoinnorot towonhip,Cumlitrlntnt comity, mite• miles %Vest or Carlitir,jmning the State rontl lentlitg from CArllnle Naoiville, one tittle South of Shellthitrger'n atthfitting the road lenitng from said mill, to - Wont Rock. Thsbnilltings an. N ghoul two-itory ffrOtstF , rIOUSK, dim), a gnod two story 'ERA :1 , 111 Hf)LISC, nj - gond (YANK' BARN, whit a OM of eibellent .wider at :each or Bald h 0 b 4 c0,,,, tretuirti , ofelsoioe This Wan is mostly , anger - first' first rale post RAI rail fence:, Mid In ^a high' state or rnlktyntion, with advantages:' H."-other " A . tSiti stliliMairOClA admitting., the: phd , ,,e,tract, with a, new BARN, thereon erected, a•younp i tthard of choice fruit. • This tract iattisti under fenitinKand in , art eicellent Stale of, onlibration. The abuts, yr. perty will he sold together OrtilrpsrataktePaii put* , chasers.' 4111stOnottier.trat$ of good rooltotii • ' _ LAPIDV Orircipany citestnut,itatut.64'ddiliffriiin thi tither ProPgrth , it' Persons litahing to purchotit'l above propertY, 41,11 plessa call on Wier of the subsariberSlisine, ,dnAtts tint describetitruct-A. ' ' Sept:sl .04M9Pt*B11411;.** • 1111TIP8 epgrxtakti o.soiitiOs prammiu!;Kirklitim'sOiswirwir:Coni- CofnstpcOillheiTiletry..llll4'S `AlgObriiPpulnytaitta:s„Mlpn'i'urititiii,blnoes tieo- 1 grit pr hy ,, atlWAl"GOogritlial.' .l3 o l ^res arkttifigkr, i-murray'r GirTirnrcJOhnopik's Philosophy d oho., sonS . :QhitpletryflCtillitiro; . 8y *ten) . tAwther, A9)li4 Pvtrr• vo,o4) t y 0014 In u!.e;Raksikikatip4 at 00 litiOk:titore -• ' 4',.erfk/71410i00 ; . JaYnselifoamily.'infidiatho! , ':x , ',: , ' AZ! l :o l4 4 l 6i l4l s9o:r;ii; l l, l oklig e at, ) , 9 ; l l. i4• '' • r tint* consist iog of , ,d.. 1 . t-or r ,77;, , ,,,, t ,..._, , ' 1iz,41 . ,t. ,„., , --, - Jai -e a i ll '''' . ' , .-, ,I :--. ;' ,7 Czt-1 ' - "'V't l--0 ; ,- ;,,,: if, .' i- , ' - ItiF4';p•). 11 ',-, :'.:-'-'-.l °- ( 4-' ''4 s ''W 4, l t jtigApt ''', ' "'''..P.,V6l l e r aggialit*s . 'Y ‘.it`P''. ' ' ift A A'V ilkV .ineti. la iiir'' , ", , :',l': , i.:4,' n'• - C if'j• - ; 4' ; ' , Y/A 1 .. ' 4“3 ” 1 " " IF , ••'/ I ''‘' .i, ,•1 •• • • 1 ";;:reVElatTO I TT ~4 '''•'V I.:•ll4%•4•.r'll•4 ' ^•, i '' ' .:.•'. .i'ltq,S.l .l l ' l , :fitaktilf9ll4e sfip'44 , Vv , "v: , ' l 4 '-' ~, ,,, , ,, q . ~y,qq , ~;‘,.., ~ t,, , , , , , -,'„- ti , ,, , .' ' . fr :4, 4. ), , ,, ):\.,,,; ,'„ii,, . 1., ..A;ril. , x 1 ,t2.1 , ,". •-, iPfgON.T t•v• , ' .."L",••• ':'.•'• " '•-••:-:,, ~'• (.. • -,:, • „1-z; • • ri ' Ifr NEWAifIOnatt•NEW:OOOOSI I '+ sober leer ihaikfitt ' to : Nis`:'i ends- • ' illicril4l4ll/11411. - gelleo.4l***l44ol; ttie liii*kiiiiililik'jehltllhailsOttilljspiNlak4t-dafat- • raithpll"'lllalhtfhtisjiist . • and Consisting . in part .of Superior Black find Slan, Black Mot dye' Cloths, - lnvilble - :preeiaj , .(hialetsl3loa arprqrstr . .Cloths; Blamoad. tiegM. ClOths; led Blue and ill cok,CaselikFresi sopee - plaiis, . and atripeal,Saittrnetts, fro* St cents` to - iiral7 - Parametto - eldtlist Indiana-do. plill#l end stripped Alpitesi Ciihasa;risda. tos, Bombailitai . aed:While end ' , alba Flitiinell; Callboos tress 614 - to -18 3-4 cent, Tier yardi blesefrad/ froni 614 t0 13 84,44, $4 and 94 brio. Mdidi.d: Cheas, • • - Ticking, Cincotta:nil Doi! ililitTlatinialal,Ll4itoE__ 14,11000 blankets; Mackinaw do. lientnektialesnas, • Drillings; neared pint kTlct, piper iotedinstilal!ieti MedseldedaineiAlpsect pirostatta;latttasicblifiket -and-ootton-rshawisred nip-Insertitigsti4wptiatest- 7 - BWiis, jactonett,b66l an( CliidSrlit Mk.; op's Lrwn, long.. Lawn; liqoen e4mbrio HondicOv• - chiefs . ; I.innens; Biaik Crttiottst Pottery barred Silk do; sticks, siisnendere, black cotton. ' • mourilon, nashinera and-tilpaisaystockingi s 010 es, • Mitts, worsted Caps, Vesting*, glazed' sad, • VelCeiteeti - and Cloth . SPIN•IS of hinds. which be will sell et (Ike lowest prieeillor, cash, at Dip. old stand in Ji,orth Hanover,sirt!ei; one door below Messrs. , Myers IC • Efaverstlck's ;Brug ,gtnißt. - ' jFINRY ANDERSCitC.' gittibrr 1,1845.—ti. • Two . Valuable urwstgne arms AT PliZrard Y. virtue bf the inot 'will and 4eStadient of 13 John 131toer r late AllenAnWOehlp; ? Cntif., nd comity, debeeeed; will be oOld tit Public • if on 'ridey the 21th • ob.Oolober :next, oh prenifebe, Ilie fello • Wlbg derieribid . pro eUy. i 7. • Wahl& etation, eitette!in acid ship on film road sailing In. • a iemen a. m 1. • south of Shiremanstown, and 'about four antes West of thaSusquelianna._contalning abent 200 Askolettsi• • of first rate Limestone Land, all oferhibli is in,a high stale of enitivntibti and ender good fencer, ithd i'vill he sold as a Whsle or divided to suit par elnisers. Thu iniprojicinchis area good Stone Dwelling House, with. Wash Ilan& and wiAll never failing Water, a large Lone Ranh Ham, Wagon shed. Corn Houie, amid alter outlooks, together with en excellent Tenant. House, and value ble apple orchard. About forty cares of said tract in thriving timberrlan6. At the name • time and place will be offered a tract et; • Aora(.3 wobba.,Atwa situate on the Yellow Bieeolies erecit - , abbotthree _ quarters of a mile front the name thrill, which will bo sold air a whole, or in three Jai to suit ourohellers. Also, Oh Timidity, the-28th rf Octoier next, will be sold on the promises a valuable farm, sitoate in South Middleton townihsp, abott two ritilei South of Carlisle; on the' road . leading to Carlisle4ron Works, containing' • , '• 243 of first rate Limestone land, in a . , high state of cultivation and under good fences. i The improve ments ore a two story Brick Dwelling House, " Tenant Howe ' ,Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, 'Corn Cribs. an d all other nocewery out buildings. About 1011 serets.of this tract le thriving young timber, and thb rest cleared and thoroughly cul tivated.: It contains a large 'Apple Orchard Of choice Bait, and -a well of never failing water -pear the door. This tract w in also be sold as a • whale or in two parts to suit purchasers. The- terms of purchase are, that half the put.. chnse• money, shall be-paid in hand, and the re., mainder in five equal 'annual payments, and orb the last' from in widow's dower will be subtracted t'rom the money to he paid inLhand. to commence on each of said days, et 11 &ctn.'', A. M. alien attendance will he given by. . JOHN .BITNER. HENRYBITNIIII; MATTHIAS BITNEH.{ - , Aug. '27;18.15; Execiiori. • Elm:aster Examiner and Lebapod Courier will publish till sale and rend bi ractthis-offlom ..... Valuable sal Estate s ubscriber, Executor of Wi Fohnet. J tack, nen. decensed, will sell at public sale on th e .peemigeo, on WEDNESDAY the 15th of Oa toter next, the following described real estate, to wit: A Tract of first rate Limestone Land, am. taining FOR fY A OR E I S and SO perches neat measure. The i 1s patented and tra,hlgh:state. of cultivation. The improvements_ are n new two Mon' WEATHER , noA Ruzn UOUgE,.n. new Bonk _4: Hi]. . Rarn,and all other necessary out- Imiltlings,a young Apple Oichard of choice fruits, and a hell of water near.thehouse. The land is mutate about three miles West of Mechanicsburg, steer the Trindle Spring, road, Monroe townsblp, Midis bounded by lands or Wm. • Westheider, Henry Westheilfer, and Joshua My l ere., not, sold the property will be rented fo .oney.ear. An indisputable title will be given. _Sate" to Commence at t o'clock, f l . at:, attendatie given and terms niade,known,ll,. • W ILL! A M.-F.A.ILI.E.S_TOCK4r..Eer;-- Auglist 27,1845. • PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. • I N pursuance of the last Will and l'estament of Atlatti Lehnilth, late of' Smith Middleton premiers, on SA.TUII.I)AI the 1 Mb day of Ohtoi Iter next.ut 1 o'l:look. :11,0w followlngtloiorikell plantation or tract of Jand, situate In, Frankfort! townsklp,Cutrlberland county; bounded by lands of ;Daniel • Finehaliltuter, Hen- AliUnAintLcdkpi.iiii.ulaining_algiut One Hun fleetl andseyenti.ACreet orYlllvi"hotif : i° l3 acres tire_clear.ell and i tr. a good , state . or: ittnittyntioni and._ _ Ore real doe well timbered, iinilng.'ilierkisii,ereittett . It Tv) S I)eultle,..Log Barb. Tlieru'is-st'ntivei• itu failing well of triter neer an A pple Orehard theroni and ; • fvuit feel's.streanis of •:. Insss through . said Farm; *Rich extends tiCitithlis' I 5 pereli el life Ccinotletgliinet creek, arid le within' • of a mi lt of Altres NUJ,: ' 'rhe nubile rood, front' Nterjitire's - Grip to Aliet:'s Mill passes through said iniuf and hetivitit the linnet:and barn.,• Any person wishilib to,see Said ,pretti.rty Isefolif the sale ran call imon'Adant * Lehroso, - 4_lo - 11istor _ Alpon tlfe farm.' 'the tertiii tabs. be OWIe known:MAIM/der Of ital&. JACOB LEHMAN, .t 4 t•(1 M. 1 .V.S-1 W. Pann.• •. 65. to Ik} 7 " 12. 375 " 50 • . V.x.ecittepril or. S.ditu.Lchoo• deaVt' 1045 , ..•.:46 • • iifuteridiiiell,6ehtit - avorhite:l Excl. AL ;the tit et iestaraeotot SatouetArentio.",l I,47Eig, decienied,tiOthaYitilitoheU out :letters ;94;;'': Ailminsitrittion thereon, reildesColl pertiOnicindebte_ entntortO , ontVet, poornont ionnediatelyomil Ahtiiko„ haying._ claims:to eoent ;them, to. „llitotorot.•'i -Toild;E:4 of his '011.01113; se,kili ,, iyatt,, - .7 • 'S :At. AILEX•101110.111. •.- • 411 , N1.11ENDERtifttNi E04. 1 41.T0D1,1,0,{1,.Y5eaa : • , . • §ei;trn.twr4e lB4 l.7. - 7" - • - • -- , Ettlite"9fJkOWKiesiliger; creeitai4. l '• , ,-,'' . 'rTlCt,iiiispoby R iven that lettere or ethultr , ~, , ietretion on-the estate of Jetaltriehhilirilittr ~ , -GI. Welt PennitOro'.townehtivpumbeilituircr,iligte. , ' deotenedi hturethieilay,tieen , ' tree* bY the'llett,lll6.': - . tee, in sot for the_onid county Ogle ehhlttlib,erlinib''. 01 4 reettleilit the.borough: Of liewvlitycafklit .tkettity.i.: , ll.-. All kiaonti,hering Ibilittill C1i41404C. ''' h*lh i r.. ,C --'' 'tlailge - of the seld : deceased; cm.retwit - to nialter , s, ' ;11tw ill! , enure Iwithit4t '&11114141/ (1 ) 6 0 . • 441. bOtt' , -: I'. —...._. , .._,....... - me. 1 -• . “ . Newville,uepto • lB ."'t( m rlitor4 „NoTleßii-:.,, ......,..-0„1-:-. .. _ ...rii.iwictlicautincer,,., *.,.. efie - 14,13.01.1 esa'inurvAridirelle:i.. '-- A:LV.Pt.OIIII-17ctongatii:4-04 ,i,vilintiiiiiiiii.d...;.. ;„4-24:ligno,`” 4:-lii)..llo:Orvi'..!°!'"i;l-'in' - nett bt t!10,',1..-' c -at.C*C.lott" UVe 11134'4'1 1e%,, the. 014040 :•'oty,4 ,1,10911 ferwthe.iolt,"YrnhVo(Ncittti:l4l4.• eßl4,lihtF„t-'11.14 in thicia4t°,-Ibilini , bec'l*lMlttht,-.;:' '' r••••• r 2 1,, - net :having 44? ~, -iiii illaggi:: : . ler..„ ~•4 ' .. 1 ' pOrSO , tilidepeamr f! . 4 1 , 0* 4 Ict,pkiliten• ' te or. the .V++. utaZa . Aim ..,,, , ..,,,401045.heA44...,410, fair,5e1n.11,...,„„ z. .,i t - ..,,. ,-,!...,!,,,,, : i..., , , , . okiir'kt!tll,l4,,D,ltosalo4%%..ls4'• te 4 -454 A 1 . ~' •:.: iiiiktfid .t,° . o : 4 _ ~ ;„-----,:'- . 191/!- ~;;AilinhilinkaW4 i'' -''/i4i--2—.4.4- --, t - 7,';',77 . - ,-- A - 110111 F 4 9` .. tX44f'7'7; 11;4:';444, :, .4"Vi'tot9PlACtSlllll°4**Bll,l‘ „Oullit3 , 4pAleglowqm*al4lo#4l4 e64IA ITFlAttiov .• • .1.601041 glibostore ° el BM •