Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 15, 1845, Image 2
BtATtY;:EDIToti: . l.4gi ::::004,0.0.04; 7.),A, I NV*I4E - DAY, 09tobgr • 7 77 : 7 7 -•• • • 2.• ••• % • • - • - SALE ,F9ll,T„Totitrtt.--"Wp requested • toinate7iyitttlM.saleof gorses, -advertised -' — ' 3 ,,pstponed to the nd met. - , . „,. , - ArriVe . give our numerous - friend/ and readers among the. Fariners, a rich treat this • eek• in the sketch of the address of Pon. .gtalt ti,urtic's, Of Boston, delivered . beforilet nonsan'dYork Farmers, On‘the '125111• the I‘leut,York Bnite Agrienitnial Fdir. Their will derive . , pleasure from a pernsal of it. A. RELIC iIF THE OLDEN Timul—A mil= itfiry friend ilittil.lo:us- a few day:: . }ll,o the originid muster riot .of the CO - toherleoil county 'rtoop of. IA orse, wlik'h•Av - orgat - gr'..d ar.few yeiTiq atter tlo - T.l7rnit., ofthe Revolutionary, War. 'rite bilhwiillp pie a - correet list . of the ('filters andmew: -. Cap/dn.—SA:atm Moclosaltv...; Lieritenants.—John' McCurdy, first ; Joseph. R. Posilethwaite, second. • Cornet.—George Crane. • Ser'g'eants.—James Davis, John limiter. William Wallace, Jamea Irvine. - Corporals.-=John Parker, Rishert 1). Guthrie, Jacob-Cast, Samuel Simison.' • , RritaleB.-Rot,,ert, Smith, James Flem.. ing,,lebabotl,Pandolf, David Williamson, Mathew Miller, :l'rindle, David Walker, Joileph Hays, John Arthur, Htigh McAllister, lese'ph Pierce, Hugh Smith,' ' JosepirJames, John Miller, Alexandei Sant Berson, Daniel McDonald, Thomas Craig head, Richard Craighead, Attire Cope, Si mon. Royill Philip- Raker, Matthew Hem demo, Jriutes Givin, James Bell, John JacOblWiser, Robert. Patton, James. 'floble,..:Chirles Gregg, JOhn Stevens, Da vid .Mclileihart, David McCrea, John Uric, Richard Crane, James Stewart, - Christilic Pisher,,De_Visliaterret, Vin, ..litmes. -Love, Robert. RoWan, John Herman, 'John '.-Kirtkireadi- Jacob -Wels h, Robert_Stewart,Pearge GibsOn,. Andrew McGrew. -- ' - 71Weirtlfiitireakiniontof what was known as "the Whiskey Insurrection" in Western Penneylvania, in 1794, this Troop, togeth : ._ eyWitlaiiioatinteer-eornifenpaf "Car lisle Light - Pitantry," promptly _ ofreTed its imiiises, to the government end loitterty - thert, troops Whiekimmediately . assembled, anti Which W.4IIIIiNOnN joinedin person, for the euptcressipn ofriliat insurreation.,:, 'Out three'm_e_mbere _of, the _old Troop_ar4_p4.#, living—they iire Tuoaras and . flyto4uri •CF.IAIOIII3A.D, of Stith Middloton township, end JAMES BELL, now resi in the Weet. • non ! Jesse Miller, Secretary of State antlox-officio,Su erintentlent of the Common Sch ools has issued a long roam ferto to the : several District Directors, in, s ititich he states that the incompenc the . "riaingleneration," is palpably ina4ki fest, arid - reboinme'nds that better sci:aries be paid hereafter and inducements be thtis Iteld i out to competent tesciters to take _charie_af_thitirch,o_ollso,recorw• mends:the Direct ors to visit the Schools frequently and see that every goes on smoothly and to . the purpose. Let thos concerned 00a:thereby. . . -• tcr The Paris Fashions in dress at pres ---ent-ard-said-to-be-thenmatiritlieulittisLtita can`' be imagined. Men wear tiny hate with scarcely any. britts'; coats without any tails "trousers wititeut'straps, and alint4 a yard wide at the tineles ; tremen. done waistcoats, of the fashion mid iliinen iienit worn - in the year of . grim ;1745 ; enormous Wretch. ribbons,' bearing pondroue blur:het - 3'6r . Theliedies * tvear.4obee .fitti ti'ol4' to tlin'bridyand buttoning, up to theichitilike a soldier's jacket ; paletots, - ----fasterad in every,rcipect liko p thipeeof the men, Milk, made of silkrand 'bonnets re senibling corpulent' and np,oplettic. coal -1 The Mormon war hie dwindled ' t * down taimthing, and the fearful beginning ivhiefithreate,qed titter, e x termination to • theMorMona, and tilled , the heart,of near ireitery lieleilovini citizen of Hancock coubiY; ,;whiok .the "(Haunt:lances ttmk pisei'vylitiierriiri haw is - subsided and -di .T.sreatetithittAtisiEWbo-,tritlin-pheifiliVriit—are, . rtOW-,ll.atigg• trom,Aheattong arm of the law theirlaw ifie called into ' ac , , . ..,. ... , -c:..o,rii*. , _ R hreollvzWrioNi. 1 . -4-co -- ,*i , Li - . • -.••; '.. , 5-'•ftx , " IP '''',",,,,:, ' ..‘ --,' . ' vvitio#'o!#iiii)j - tig'politicaf rfionqmanieds , ' ' liii#4 l o .'ll .i,.ti.4 . :kttlikiiiiii i i* 7 t; l 4 - eti t iiiii " ... tiii!o'4,i'ol,:',o'..Pbkle,:i::.o.,,,,icrie.;43lli.i. elebia-: 100 ibfwel iiiioofitilOt; l t. itifititiii'liialf.'iii, .' ti. , . . • -• r'.• • ,' -. , .1 , • , :t • A't - ' r .......410zv:•;', ,, Y.',*'' , - , it+t, egbjePt' , k, i e!Pit , o :re 9r 3 '.neP.Mera4' • sool,1 , •, snit poliiiii&iy ' * i , , ioriiik i , i . il i v ,, i ii ii ,-.,-A t f , f , d , ~,,,,,- ~,., „..,,,,,,.. - ~ ,t ,, ,, ,,,r, , ,,.: As 'ol ll l itilo# , 4!! ii i e3r i i P 6 4' oe,llr9'ol,o * H - !'filliO i l.' i d 'ltb-liii-lift66 . lat i ti: O iroti‘ii ! li ini.'l.4-11.1iiiiif;j:I!Iiiirti6iiiei!;i4 -'Biarildis6l' '-'lo6*itiilioiiiiiiiii. , q6l ,,, P. , ;t; :--. c - ' ,,,!, . -, :.,......,,,,,,},,,.c.,,,!!,,,.;.,..t,,::,, i,,,(1-.1,...1'11.;,..,.,_ c : E 'llPlll:,Tr.#o, l, Cli*Pl#o l6, F s•l7tt"Vo'. repel' .04 00 , 6 10-400 :4 A 0 *i 3( 0 14 f iii ri i i t 0f Ciii4ii;fl : olil l' Oiii l Alittiiiiiiiliii&Ctif ll. .."16116.1.1i1,444141. 'fi.,li4;'l*,llitiediOilitoiiiiii,iii-. • .:iettilititii ' V llo ;`W f ; 'C. ; ', . , '.,.''': '''. .. ..., ,4•;-•; . `,. 1 ":04- , : .'_ ('•-','...r;4ll;edlPVMYllik9Vfl • -*Min/1414n ',:..... 1 ,,ttiti19TY,fi11, t,,.?o , l l lt,bilktOliP, k p,e i ? ,: :''': 11) r .2 0t ,4 9 4 0g , ' , ''''' it','.4 0 44,!, .. ,,t1r-g', s ;;,,LX.t,9,l','W) ~,,,tv At iz ~. ~,,, b - :,., „R,. t , thtilbets,,,r; i cai 'L I ' . 't , ,,,'" , • t kit44o( ' ' ~i'..•01%.444.:. I , .4 -,414V-24,,At , ',?!;.:4 , I) o ' ... 4.''' ' ' 'l . ' 1 -41 , h i thtig , 1, .i.' '.• sci ; sitslttitoeteslkttttteirtgl that_;We r, ,:ahaliEitit,444o44„.. ' oiiiij'. •Ojticll4ko.o7,rite7 -- r.*?nnp9p o iptyoi - toe 'lne'efatielieltetifiii:ti Cie cciritk.litft it can eeeVoidibif Called cOfOco.lviumph.„:„:-Thaire.isno'lquestioping uibe,'.detiy.ifig,;,-rthe,:feet:that the I.l.oeuttlhinp; n P,,l;qes,,: I ,Nly' iyiisTtlitite - ;iiiiC ing", tickets, as the official . returns will. show .of this election ,-"b a rgain and sale" scowl" tehive been the .0idiF.,ef,09...193', , ; or Posed-itt'l7l3-O r iv • n Pai4, , Wltifta thi:mjgh The .frienilahip_ and liberality. of. ,the whiga_ Re received al whig vote at least equal .to his_majority,-The-I-tv:hig-party-wasiln-a a number of districts the...l'll'c° fo co party was abOut:difte. The.,ollicialsreturnsimbem published will show our friends "hoiv jho eat jumped," and we will leave. each one to mak:eA4 - own comments as his feeling - a may dictate. The o fli o i I. returns will also hilly that tied our ticket received the sap pert it . Wll9 entitled in from all who profess to Ire a biga it would now he eleatedr. 'rho vote below shows m e ruiljorily for runs far higher Olen ant• ether nm Ills tick. t SVost VS Nnl, Nni 0, :4 idilletin, Staith d Lqwpr Dig 6iii~uu, Frankf,,i‘e• Dickinson. Shippeneburg, twesburg, Mechanicsburg, Hoguestown, - Heck's Ne4-.Curnbeilaa, Bridget)Urt, • Hampden, c,bu re lito wn,- Shepberdstouin, Lisburn, • This i " s the highest loco form vote. Mr. . _ Wilson, In far as we have ascertained, is beaten less Ohm 100. pur - candidates for ifommjssioney, Director, Antlitor,.. and l'reasurei, nrebesten, if at all,, by a mere nominal majerity. Of the amount e , e shall not-know-certainly until the - oflicial - yote i-s given, . . Candidaies...whe reside in nor boraUgh,-=Nieserti. MyerS,Mehon i , Criswell, Bretz and Wilsenhave ree,ci• ved a-vote Which should amply. console Oen) under so trifling a - defeai : . - Mr. hClay's majority last fall in this borptigh was but 43.. Every one of the gentlemen. Yabove nemed li t ifn,noW , :a majority rising one hundred! \ TheY.. may point with just pride to evidence so triumphant of their standing and popularity at home. Dr. My , - ers's-majority, which is the highest, is 1.53 in 'the borough. fluzza thr. our plaunch I whig borough! ing somcvi%lelp a'The Inco foci, majority for Assem bly in North Middleton_is only 55—it used he over 160! South Middleton, on the contrary, seems tq be hastening back to locorocoism. disaffictia an iliviaian in our own ranks has again cheated us out of vic tory.' How long shall it reinaitrati Is there not sufficient patriotism; pure whig ism and love of priiiciple yet left in our ranks to wipe.out'the disgrace of yesterday? Wilf-not-e-very-tro4; Wilig-,,see-theneeess' of at once preparing,to retrieve the disaster? For olir own partolf,r harness is never doffed—deeply chaurined, we are yet ready to:trin and agaip ilo battle in the good old cause. The while standard bears the in spiringwig-ery "Ficitr ord anti spirit and, determination which must ever animate every true .„,.. In Philadelphia - city The Whigs have trim umehedas veuuty it hi ru mored the Loemi havelniceeeded,_ rriinklidoonniythit,Whige have,eue daeded tarnainil with their whole In Lancaster the invincible "Ohl . Guard" has triumpliantly,ninintained her own. lISM .G 8 glikilA ELLielloN,-= . •Nye,find en it e, Gl _eniiia"Chroriinte a the 10th, '. the reatilt. Air Abe election,- aeL far-sei heard- fiorn,- - meet . • , , . . . • . , ;pf-vr bier ie - Offinink-' -- The. - retel'es - shetY= l f, ---- ' — aittiliAiik - erite - o — nplet,- 77 A young map, 'rhiglittin.iii forty-six` . counties: ' t'll;' - eits± book-keeper; and confidential' eleri_in the - Warde Of ivititihttOred.Y.eteist".ePee th e ' house of , Helfeirei;s'i,ttiieleit•'*; t* 'OlO4 l'atit OreeidettiialTeleetion,. wtien the Whi gs, .jiankersiiilikiroiik of eirr'YOrit; T haitlenOW 'oat the' State iiY 2091ietes. 'lt ,is titett latelliAetticied'iii - eitnb ' ling-lin et, at'tie - re 404:sieye f thes:chrsnOeln, fitelto• nettlAn. -We: - mit lithee;-Orhieh he hiett;bymntins'er `,S. thipli;:ttintoni.Cia'wfieidjs ice-elneed4' . regular , eisteritOrfrfin eilenentiii, , fstsii.eo'- e i ii'deci dia :P i jO il YH 4 -4 1 !; i/P,ri,,i....triee; - einj alterititonititiiin - boo14:, tniedird-,. we end be'fiiiiiiite';eP, l4 '. itterS' "ihifinitelr 'Oil 1 it:liiiiietiii;iiieiclief l'ei'teVei:A yeas. '''''' .. '" `- ' s thus .f" . ' • ' ...,. • ::,... -, •Y...'.... , :. : , -if .. .:- , ~. after receiving the 'rtl!Pir' bY !? 1 7"ftl i g!. The' dote embezzletrle:emtd t o b e n e a r My , te,Slik' : : t „'` , ' . ."'; ''..; '--'.' , ;:'.,,1',,i'i , ,.%,.''.' , :;:...... - , ''...- -: 1., 4 ' - ',.: '';', ittoiti(iiiido#,(ir:i' ! ';'*: hinOliOn„io feineing„ . ',.''':'''' , 4loiii,L tiiiiiittfq.4 , ,'W ' e:`e'eS:oo l ,4. 4a; induced hini`,4, lidheeraf.' , the'iritei,,4 Alikicirinuek,e'inifdeite4itieu g li:lvve aro, - fiii'`einietnYeili.''''''-'" :' - .7''' ''': ' 4 2' '.'."";-;"'..-' ;.. , '.‘ , ,';`.''''',,' , ' s f„.A , ..„..,.,,,,a , ,., ,;•,!,,,,,,,. ..,„,,,,,.., !..,:...•....:..-,...,-,. • 1 . ~,:. z. -,,.. •,..,,, ~.,,,,,...,..:, • ,r,.,.,!! ,•-• - • , ---:;t• ' , -1 , : , /_,l- , .! i ~ , ' ,..%,, . ',1 effietifittion=thet•-th9, - w , tim*--7-OL-nar ) t- v .- . -- t - - ----- . , ..5 -. t i _ ------- =7: -----, ftWotwocfjOlntlitiot . "iit*rotgo .-0, .. it ~ . PING( 7I4„ 'CA. 8,C, 1 , 1 ,1!i1e ,EY'7" 4l !' . 1 ". P: tieteiinietitileoer contest tie'r's:,. very' Groipi-rjOitiYliffii.. stri?o9iYi:it;' l 'etated . . ll . ll .o OloS o ',eie; ll o. l .4,,qYlilitlCA:iktSYiiif,Slii#,O "ii r- Oeillee:Mit!et., l t '6l46 o , .'ii..'llettr,!t, days beturg'.4 `it ei444o , :* ; .the Y 'Pititie* his'.-Whele'llaillifi 4 9'! 3 l B6 o 6 i'jki`, ii fit ;in body 4,,' !" a #040:;g4 1 '.., 414Affe'iiidOt . 4o*,*(tiYdited ; (4414 ; , :-.‘ , ';''i' , ,•,.;:. : jr '-, , - - : , rni ,, k l. - t ',, , ,,::' ., ,',, .'-, . ,-%,, - -:,-', -.- ol" ;. - , 4.' 6 , --- fo• v. ;;1 4) ,PATitit 00"-°P711 1 )10.4.71..r4104*--i, ' 4 4 ' - 'bil l Othe 43 fiti li t tlli9 M l', ',. e itli i t s ' , 11 6*,`-ti* Wiliiititt:**ii : . l kati• , "lFket:gri4 4 ,4**,,i,tlt 1 141t,00 1 ,0iiti#Oiiii4iitiiii4ei'het*i, !ii'ilikhie,t4*ll)iiniketifr let ind rn4 . 4lifer,'lifiti44**F4iiffiYili , i'.;(*li,.*fi: - *so, #4 , 4 l iiil ,A sitifi ; oei i ikim i i i o;:-O i oA i i:Afi - ;ltti4i i iliiioiiiii . ,i,'.oo,lbklf4of# 011,1thiti**0011,14.0,441,0d614', 'p ' ,ifik ' t ' o ' ,4lo l , '" o;;# . ' . effiiiiki l, :ivAAO. 1 t ' ' .. tiithip'''#;.*:l l Amv -, , : ft„ ,,',',.,, i , ; ,,:. ::, , , ,,;., akeii , . 4r,‘, l,4l C, cliii"fsfki iL ,„,.. - .4; , . , qvik ,l 4tirgi - 4*p . A , :',A ,-,.7,, ifi1 -„ :r , T,;tftv: ,, = vy ,‘ , l k„.:itt ~xl,llO, • z S,b.4:Xi t 51 . 4;,,(Lt0,!';ii1 . '4. 72:.,. :7 .-,.,`Ti. ~,, 1, , , 7 , '...t,7,,‘ ..q.ka, 0" ''''' I'V 054,1 VA k `ro -,,, i , t,iu - t ,,, if , tzvotrow,m42eSt`g.; . ':•".'AIAA"--..,;i.y..ifpAr; =',;;` ' 4.l9givt, J i tligto l , - 144td.,..,,0,.., ,, , , 5. , ,,,.., , , , .,..4...t . i4„ , ,,,m.n„:;d,,,,kt:,. , , , ,46 , ,. ,, , , :•.'z!!"... , 5t..0-1 ,,,,-. .-...'.- 0 ' "A. - " "' • - ''' - =II +t:RI4tvELL. Thr.rEat 84 95 40 31 .145 , 103 59 %. 284 Election Rctitriis. aim - • -,..- • m s. p"` Ad" • 4, :winea. i t thionsipiic.;rlOfiiied'' IL sal "lii''the''eitiiens of itenit'eit which • he sdiscusses at large 'the poeition neoppfie,dpnrifditor - brikk , Tiiiil,rfie.ricani throti- of . : that. eltahlisti dw#4o4iik fervid elpquenee ) 477--; "The free• ciannititnieition and.opinio ns,le t ; One of -thexvinVelnerable rights * ,of man, and eyery -'., write,speak or priiii,iialty,inibject,:heitig, responsible for' the Thsn-t call L' 'eriforolf - KMlTely, _to protect,,t me in , the c r otistitotionshreestOlishineatiCtfd.lti theert. Ay:of:the -press—Thie . is a icse, of - dortteri - i tic:violeude: bitie not ii.oo,sti - enOtigh here in. Kentucky; I demand of ,him ill' 'the spirit of the .4th article 'of the , COnsii , tution, to „call upon James K. Polk: Pre- i sidpolpf the United States, to 'assist with ell the , poWer of the National firtn, in. ?in-... (Hosting the-vicilated.luwe.mnd broken'con 7 emotion: The liberty of the press ie my inlimitaliCe..• It is mine, by. tfie common law of the lain'. Congress has no pokci. f 6 Jake It away, hot to make it secure. I implore the American ,people to vinittioite. thelr birthright - anti:TO . the NatiOn al government 1 owe allegiance p mid 'in !urn I dello olit. protection ; lAtm l 'and of the Congress of tl'e Nicitahle laws, by which tile - rebels-;of the 18th, if they attempt to reticent their pledge and renew, their violence limy be'brOfight to summary plinishment, so that I May„tte protected in the liberty of 'speech presk: - ' - Yea A - ne - rteMiTc - if yeti slaves, this thing will have to be done.--..: It is your cense altd not mine: Justicir detnatidalt;—the Constitution demands ii your own .safety, demands it-virtue cavil lonnanity deinatol it, then in the name of: -God and Liberty let it be .dohe._ - -- In the meantiin; I stand upon my.natiye. hind for which my kindred have bled in every field of honorable acheivemens.-t-atte' amidst a thousund- , --undismayed :by the dangers . auti death, which like the plague' with mysterious and impassable' terror by day-antimighti - hang over me iniiie—trtist ing that my position moy:aronse in the bo soms otAnapricans an honorable-shame-and a magnaninous remoree,that they'-, may raise tip in the omnlpotency of the ballot cast by fifteen millions of freemen, and peaceably overthrow the slave despotism of this nation—and . avoid the damming M r ..' fatny which awaits them forall-the tine ip -the. judgernent of the efvili*eti world, if - TifeTy - limve me he're to die. 112 20 562 To the liberty-of My country' kind, then, I dedicate myself otd these whom I yet more dear--and (or . the purity of my mutiycs,,and paA.and the future—l "apes) Kentuchy and lo_the world." _ . . • C. M.-CI A.Y: Lexington K 312 - Sept, 25, 1845= -1 D OITA -BY FI ynnorrronui.-Theiteail; ! ... log Journalways, .one of the most appalling deaths occurred in title boroughlitiVritlay; mottling that it is possible for theimagina conceive. file particulars are:tis full we. About two - months.ago -7- Aladif • 1, ant et_ seven .. or _eightlears - of-age; iatitUr Howard, son of Mr. William Yohn, of this borough, was bitten in the cheek by a dog supposed at the time to be rabid; and exhibiting all the symptorns of hydropho bia. A great sensation was created - at the time, but the excitement was allayed by the publication of a Card by one of the principal Physicians; who gage it es his opinion that die dog was not rebid. , The; wound in the cheek of the boy was soon healed, and all fears or even 'thoughts pf the circumstance were forgotten, until WiTiliietida - y — e - v - eiten the boy was tal:en ill, and very 'soon exhibited Symp• toms of this dreadful disease. Physicians 'were immediately caked in, who at once pronounced the case one of hydrophobia, but were unable to afford relict. , The poor little sufferer :was visited-.with, frequent fits or spasms -- on 'Tuesday and Thursday night, during Which hp - raved sind writhed in all the agony of confirmed madness; tearing his 'clothlir and bed clothes to tat ters and rendering it sometimes d,angerotts 14 persons to be in the same r00m... Fri-. day morning his sufferings - woe termina ted by his death, - . • . . The sympathy exciied in the comment ty throdghout this painful scene was in-' tense. 'cite house was surronntled . day -and night by crowds; and the ownar.ffif the iiig_ancioutToistiCpunail,ta-Whase ari,m.-, Mal , aeglsat. Otis dreallfu avail!. is mainly : itt.. tr[bUleil. have kieso and are still spOkan..of . in tke,tteitkiest Mims,: We u.mlerstand AM ssvpral athq,Mdi nisi's, Were bitten .by Aka. same, dpg,,who mit . paw . upclergaiag ! 'n cciursP.9f Medidal,iifi.nt,nitw. l oo.i . : , it „is ,Hoped and Kee a tit"Sd: , will ; .aat , e tItoot; from a. situilihati.l ~ . 4..witsii•VirrrnftipOnni.ifi 'he don. 0'0; Alirldefs4f7Reprepentsti.'ses folOitw, ; - 03 ptinethit , rive ;unbars "to'*smetrions.. Those Sults end one in,each.ofatl a 6tateB of Lot4iansi-Nasisahusens,inew Jersey t11,.:011i; 161' : 'tiassiffiesttOn -? Ot ithiliieisint'inid Tsai Contriel" :' 29tH Cnng " retie. '2Bth C., - • -W .- N Li= ;. B .••• • • - 1 Oleargie k t -4 • - k 8• l'entyit(ll - 1;100 - ' — ' 7 2 - 12 *COO; g* 10 9 • , . 'South Carolina ; - -- 7/Yrkansair -, • New Yor k ~ 9 .4 • 21 10 24 - New Jersey ; 4 1 , 1 1 `Mas§achusette, 121 B^ ' l Rhode Wand ; .. '1 1 New. ilempshirp:: •• • • 3, 3 Virginia,. 1 ,13 3 12 'Cinowitient, 4 .* • 4 Indiana,: -- 2 • • 8 2 8 . 3 s•*. -5 .I',ennesgve;• ;.5 . 6 5 (3 - Noilh Carolina, 3 • 6 4 . • 5 Alabama, . . 1 43 1 6 - Maryland; • * 2 4 6 .• .There; is, it will be , seen, a Whig: gain' of four members.... The Polk: and Texas patty -bevel. - however, r. majority of 64, enough for all their purposes of destruc tion.:. . • • In, the Senate - five vacancies exist, all of whjeti,will be filled by. Polk men.. -Both ffinses, therefore, will. be with the Presi dent. The interests of the People and the : . deatiny of the Republic are in the hands of Ahose. who brought Texas into the Union for the PurpoSe .of. "enlarging the area of Preedoni," and who want to remove our - Ilifiibuftictories arid Workshopti from Amer- 'ice to The organs-of the free-trade D emnersty__ are - in - etstaciee the defeat of the Whig candidates in Maryland, and the organ of the administration hails the event in strains which must be Aighly edifying to the tariff Democracy of Pennsylvania. The giiv; ernrnet4 prociaims as art especial piece of "good fortune". that tt can announce the defeat of M essrs• KENNEDY and WETNER ED, Chempions of %Vhiggery and of the Tariff_ol.lB42;-and the sangitine editor, - tti - 01 , thattprorteeesstein c lusio s Iwhick is'`natural to the temperament of a sonth'ern esti," exsitingly predicts that this defeat of-the Whip d Iliaryland "has sounded the last note of the death4nell of thq.Tifif J 1842." , Kr Wastimoroar.—We find in the .Washington leiter of . the Baltimore Patriot, theigelki, iv ing- Paragraph t that 111r.,; ; Pli.iis in trouble. Thu end ButeeresOndenee Skittthatitio hraak, : liirtgilifedges Coniervalives and the Tilleriteit who elected him --turning the cold shoulder to the friends of Calhotin —and giving the bulk of the spoils to the Van Buren, Butler and Hoyt men, belief -- conferriatbrd - lhe eoitiilry * - 11117fee it— the best favors in his gift not only upon a 'class of men who deserved -them not, but upon . very bad men—some of whom' the theßenste will be very reject ! In •a'dilition to ' thi:icandthe probability bat. the Smith and Polk' Correspondence n relation to certain. reciprocal operations, will shortly be publiehed,Ll-learn there - is a talented gentleman.,_no* in this eitycto whom Mr. Polk in person, as Well as Mr. Polka-friends, made assurances and pledges in view, of thtt gentlemen's ardent and elo : quent support of , Polk, Dallas and Texas, - which are not only to be - fulfilled but wide ly falsified =-- which :gentleman may be ex:- peetett to , address therpublic;erelong, series of number, upon-the Subject lie an 1 otheis had recieved;lB well ypon sum other interesting' mattertkundei; 'his ow. proper name. More!. than=thii ifie ept;sayeth not. 1. - am mistaken or the Do lateen fur will Ply. Plater and:thicker,thati ever ! We shall aee. _ _ '' ii..7*'A fiorresponiiiiit'of the Richmond Whig notices thefieitolinaiice of a, formtd able- enigictit opertitintfbiTiofe so! Vlar • nei; of that city. '-He' pkyB: 7 -15rtrylay lair; in'thejireien'eilitt ahodt../1. 1 3? . . 1 . 1 Pe ta mei,' hti, , feitioiidt. iiiii' l etitiiii",',,Otv.'friim the' angle 'on'one:eicle'to . that of the oppi Bite, ',l-ittiiiti 4iihimotts ttiiiiiiiii;Coatetl'atiniMitti;) Tlikiitiitioil'ot'llyi 'pity, .1. moved is that; it , hicit'cOritaihetill i'af.' thh teeth`.'f - 'the, to. Vt e' moor- . tv:eigheid - oio7llt : 'lmunds r ,,,-- l liOttot or ofeOpOialioirOiiirohittio - oppr,gl-, cifited , bylitiiio: , iohO`jtiltiiiissedit.' : Thb i .061 *OiSt i q A/ I ( 4 iiii l Ptit Bk,ii.l..fn . 1 1 r0 1 . 1 't-t! • '''' ' 1 - ie' itsii. ; 43f thi; eirgiOiltikretrthe spec ito ~, / ;tiititldOiioileikiiiiititil iti t still; 00 ' iii-.twiiits , : m in' tad:, from Me : ume L.,t le, rs coolilifolirrie4;il;ve*th.dOliOliif:tl,O,' ; I;ic - i' ei 4 - o':!....,,iiii . ' i .il'''AP,':7'.. ,i!* - ,Oii , e - , iiii,t , ,_ionl" ;: ;*i!,.l . , • • ••••e- o i f .:* 6 , i i ii i rl e , i d aii:co o ll iti l tiiii g fiaellitiritvtiii , o6`iiiioe,4(• ration NtithiW; itietietriett - -. 1 : 48% ..' e t,,v oy ' raniioii' . iiAriiitii, f ienovi ,, t i o il s i p'it;':?;ii'lai,4tiiiikaligii:ititiAtliko-0..f . - 1 4 11. -riclrga .ehecelatalli.l6. i iiioi4iii4ll of ; l4o.(Jt? . riq; E. ,.. , , • - • - -^- -,------- ' In' ii n' "'s' ''' " ill ' 'i ••••• i ''"V.. 4 ''' pitiObi,A . 6iii . ' V i ' .. :S.:4O . **OPPRi - li - t ... .' -- A n . alttrztetial ,1gtk..0.0 9 SP _-- 7 1 - _ -- ---rs • ---, -7i , ~.---- ,ki,a,..,- slits ,r iii ,, .1-,-.. ,, •:; . . ~, • , t 0 1 0760 - tli'i;o, - ,S !i re i t avir Pk.:Rey: t o F o /..,., „ ,,,.i,D, ~... 4 ,...i „,, . t ~-",1-----„,.,,, t,,Mit.„ . 1 1 ► , lialrmap,,, 41,0,•:::.:P 4 04 , 1 Jq1,V0Cigtir;"440 ttMPI: T7 4 *',l 4 lf 4 tr rie4 P ;l4 . l P 9 f 9 i ' ''' ° ' "n3k l' i ''' ' E '• I • TAtit . Of Mdliiiftltdak. ilf; iiOvi".l6' sb tan -m::„ syt, •: ~o,riY*. an d,„mic'XJ ; -. ~ -),- ~ .., -..-:., ,:i' ~,-•-;/,,-,• ... ... ...... m ..,„, 1.., ~., : 1 ,,,,..,y,„}„,,,,,,„,, .4., : .,/,%., , , 4 , .. .., ,-•.. ...i. ~„ ;tianithentkoft, ptoheri4c„ - '• ° "!7,`.. , -- t'l 4 011.1 4 40 8 .,fweBf19. 1 hq•YY:Pttti l '!!' ~‘TI: ti 4 ., 74.. ,', 4; ,. .' . i . ' ,- it— - . p.' ii - '' ' - '•Etij I .I.ii; k ,ll—ii i iBl o " 'O f t Vii l ffloloo) , As .l ? 9 4 6 1 1 ,0445 ' i , t l" : ' l L L '2', l ,ii . • 4 ; 11. 1!) ) '"•T'' ' '1474;; , ,:.'' , '"`i!':!•,71 .C .. 4 .'-,. :c ' . i., ) ,.'1‘.f;; I I '': 4 0 1 1 10 4 1;rtiVol lTi''''o.-'''' . 4Viii:Ogint . 'it i r.,,,r.,:- r i'' , ?, 1, 1,, 1 !;! tl , .. , %:•'''r l l'-f?..'[...r.',,%?•' , ;' , • If•mfo . --1..... 0 ,1.,..r...;,1 t.,.. , ..4: .`..,%: ; ~,, • . ; „,,, rl ,- .2 :.„,„ , ~." ~., ~, ~,,,,,... ~,,, _ ~ b ..,0. , 001401;h:wpot gmiupti„.w Amp" ;I)e . )."l l ,t,;Puttit 41Y 1 , 1 1. 11 : 151 ., 41 .PA9r,e!! 1 ,V 1 4,-itthr•Ti . ,-- : .-V.4 , •:. 1 , ,, ' Li444.4.;- ' 4F- '`. '''''' '' ' ai ' fiiir %lira' . : MtriliVafitl i **ll o o4Stitittso ol ,l* 01 91 , f , 1P ., 1k g,, W0) ) 1Jkf.! . c.T.! .,- :P . ? . '!.,'"1..~'';' 'iv! . ''fir ti' - 11' 1 '''' i'iiliiiAi*fiViiir 1 4 Q iilluter'7 . ,.r . :f - VOkif-4.44;6iii'aii:4;40,: , , e„ 1,277., 4 1 1!; 1 kt.p,..P!y,, , w44,.1citti :•.,, ''-v4:, , '4 . ' 147 ,' ~': '7:-. -- . -1! - 1 , 44 , b •.. ~ ArttaiflAllefitiiisAbittitibiti4loloc :it ; 7 4. ,1157APP.V, ,,t 9*.q!3' 11 ,k'.11 ,4, ! e :' . '!. 1, Y , ..-, 1- ` , 1 1 : T -4. l.V 4 iVl;4o l rit Will 10:414 'o.444iii4:#4looiif:oo:9: l !'iit*:ll/0) Ml,f,,ttl -. , ' , l * , , ,-. 7 i ti;ot:o4 .4 f itacoiffai ~..,,,,.4 O n .„.„_,„4.,,,,,, ~..- 1...., , ,,. 1n ,. 1 - :,, , ,;:: , , ,, eii . i . i).,W,,,h0t . 1„tiftt: j . .si. .. t ~ ..g ~.,.;t_ . 0 ~,,,, ,!, , , ,, A,e , g , ,, ,, i , v g.'e , ; : . ,w,, ,, ,m14.,,e 4 ~. ;...,vt4t,tp.t.p,,r,t . . ( "4' , 1t. ,, 0 , ci , '''''54;47141,•.,,./PtlisP 'tt' t -1,,,."4.41,41 a44,4 , ,t4t,,...,g4,v14.4-e.,,t t ,,,,,, , „ (te m, ~,.i,i, , p4ol i kt ii m , t , y,, p‘,ov,t•A).t 4 kh. ,a 4„ „-, 1:: fi t i4fii'llt-1 4 ->fittptMll47777"o" .. rr' 4 !•-:‘ .0 .:. .Y. , c , ~ , . -,• .. • • • • =ff=M EMI MEI ttglnn TRllll;`:cliirlEFtler . ,tfi trial,OUVaniiiltienburOiiititeoi; coutti34(iitworitholartroliarged - .witijill - - • murder - toff'. Sheriff', 01110 .. )Itsi resulted in", verdijit'ilgoo of 4itiifie?•:,,, the priettn or. je but 21 years of 41. There are about one hundred indiriduelearraigned Upon the !from" the ebotirethltizte:iipidite-littelitii , ‘4eatt ;guilttlt , ,ithotit''trial ``quitei'lSrie PtOis c ohers fieve pleail . guilty "to from mete ntiedimesnori , up"te ter. , Tile inosl themlhave teneed grace•of their offlinees. 7 " " lecently.lmadeliyl 3 We , , Aranoßentisellearil3str.; tlre;Patio`on of Al= bony. in sell. his lands on Oquitsele terms has • been' rejecied by' the tenants of :the. .manor.\ • • • • ADtri&ItENT TRIALS.---A slip. front, die. office of the Dela wore County E.iltressi dataarle, Saturday evening, gives incur ! 'nation that Edward 'o'9.onner and John - Varikteeniter 1 lye beenzonelemn d to be F !' • hung ; .Dan 1V Squires, Moses Borle i panielNot•throp, and 2ern-Preston y -to itn prisonthent for . life,2indliventy—otlters.., to ITMIrlE!!1 74.1:92 ,K - 7 , The - fittirti otit'' by the fetnitie aper atiVes in the Pittsburg faCtotiei fOr The ten_ hour-isystern has led to violent ondirenks on the part of some of the girls. *it Onion o t i , those whq had struck returned to their work on Motu let - Norning, annhi . s give . great dissatisfaction - lb a number of the ag iiiVtOrs, Who have been countenanced in thei• Movements by•inthimatory speeches from seteral• men. They determined; it appears, to prevent the'pea4ably disposed from working, , and succeeded in_doing se. The factories of Mr. DWl:stock and Moore head were entered forcibly, and the hands Tiven out. On Monday- craning a meet in! of the operative's and Weir *MIS Was held, at which resolutions were passed in favor, of standing out; and calling upon.the eititens to support the girls during the strike. The Pittsburg° Gazette_ says consequence, we presume, will be,' .that, the factories will remain closed - for thn pree6t and probably all the Winter.— This must produce great want and misery, and have a most disastrous effect upon the welfare of the'city.," APOOR PLACR FOR BACIIELOR9.—The Rpringfield recOrdi that tbere are•but fifty Marriageable females now in that city, eleven of whom are engaged; and now advertise for "more female kelp." IrrOn 'Wednesday, night last, "St. John's_ Female Orphan Asylurn,7 at Fred erick, It:id.. watilleetteiyelrity Itikititer with a portion of its contents. Car Waal% ingtoss and Adams hatle beti arrested in St, Louis, Missouri, for stealing money from the steamboat Di Vernon ! The two first Chief magistrates of this na tion have left their names to a hopeful pair of_Yettths. liiirAt the late conference of the griglish Wesleyan 111 - elFedists, they resolved not to admit to the Theological Institution any married .student, or any person under cn gagement of marriage._ • • : .:POST OFFICE RECE{PFB.-74. Washing itrlitter—sayiltivesti ircaterd — thit — the tV ficieng Post. Office -receipts, -char geibie upon the Treasury, will he nearly , e million a half of dollars. . A .13istrdr.-'lie . .Rei. Peter W foinierlY avian, :or United Brethrens• Church in Philadelphia, and at present stationed at Lancaster' eOotity, was cirtfaitwd Bishoy Of the' Chtirejt of 'Mt i tdd on 'Sitiley, the , :M3di Bis, :hope Peeade bf 4ethlefteni; anti Viiri Vteck, Of atfArtti,;ll..J.o '[`UE~' 11ARKETS: 'I3ALTIMORE,'PetoberII, '1845 It6l.llt.—At• the.tim ' clOsing our e , Inst. -weekly ' report - the market' ivaa-quite inactive; 061'04 5041411m0' the "prevailing price, -end 'ae - idileti iiiitelieliii"of'%7so . bbla. on Saturday, of good mixed'brande;' but since tile' receipt of the latefiveretile advicee'front Europel.e 'has "beedminifebted; ifid eitieed'.in &Isabel' in' 'Priebe. Sales of eeveral ,parcels wereinde . early _ the and aubeg quiuitly ' of $4 ,days ttiere'llietbiunether Wee to•diy. - Vatr`Meriiet , ' 'The' E 14.501.! :4 4 , . . 1 W FIE kr.=Ttie 6iatt v etid'ie mainly for shipment epee.' 41ticsni."11Teriliiibrietr ilide."are epiling"frOnOtiik'92:Cmlitei''4 l siiiionf itlyitiur whiter: 4411dativiirelitiitivitig et-10 :110'‘dett a,Aa fot r esc ipbona veer whiles et i 93 ti'lri!eo - 46: ),. Prime' 'Wheat .if iiere would-'!eisamentUtV and 'ilrobiblY-08trep' 'L±•;' e a" i *E 41 41 - ' 4 le DI TO . 4.4 4 . !mr. Migeg'bt Rat ig k ltitatinn to let, foe ,ene y 1 will non .M e, on ondar,tlo,l7 , tk o f, JNovainitier iiix4 between betwe the hones, of 'ten o'clock. A, 111., and two o'clock P. M., - . " • • . G k Ep. LTcoN,Prest Catobii - 1 $, 1845.4 e. • . • BOOtS - INDISHOES; - v-'1 AM Atow4opeeitteutiWardi'iot .11. 7 iid — slioesisoinT. - ortliFticalieCtlinm Me large establishment in Massaelnisetts.l am .now pretnt trur red to offer te_old-customerit'andltil wbo - give a call, every article in this line atcgreatly reduced dd. , ~..bleteslongittootio, . 2 .'do..2.lllroicans - ; '" 60.1 M , Lidtesplines from gsstrtt $5, 1. Children - is ainiesTroin 1 to-50, Gum_ shoes at all prices.''. •.'- • .7 ,, • Dcia , , t. frge t o ol 1;1 tetand. Vast i lligli' street, 4fh 431 qt. 15, 114 X., - OGIL,BY, 'Notice. tIM. T firm of AttliOLD gr, EINSTEIN; iq this day, dissolved yy . inninalconseht . . All persona knowing' themselves itillehted to the said firm 1.1143a11-at,the store of.. Davill-H-Arnold; w whom the !walks hare- been left) for settlement, and affbitvingelai will present thern - Withont delay; , . v 3 . )AVIbi 11. A irantDc • • • MORRIS EINSTEIN, N.,11. The business ill fie continnell by the no ilersignecl who will:lin lsil , Atrontl SPENDII3 11Nsortnient 6 fall and Voter goods in the course at few days • I), IDA. ARNOLD, Cnrlisle, Oit' 15, 1845. • Nr, ';101 . 115 4 C'IAS. Or; f1.,11Y is tiotv. opening the largest, best and - 1 1 , ,Itespest stock of goods ever seen in Car-, would ho impeasiLlc h etw i n o rate.4r articles and pried. To purcintsei.s he would SPY: Ci l I one, Call all, before end iss , out your cashiutid• cosivitmeinurgels that 'the bait has not been told' of my big and cbcapetci kor goods. Recollect the oltl stand, 4th stove leloW the Market house, East. • High street. • • • N. 13. Country 'merchants can be suotiod with goods at city•prices. Old. 13,1R45: •. Armobatf ithitAßY WEA KLAN' yespectfollv•-informs the /NA publip that Achill] removed to the house lately occupied by George Fleming,homvilMtely:opposite the Mansion Muse hotel and Rail Road Depot.—. Where site Is prepared to supply all kinds of large and small CAKES of the various /kinds. upon the shorten! notice. G roceri en,f;onfectionari es, Queen ikikVi• Toys b Fancy Articles always•bo hand, which will he s tud on as favorable terms as possi ble. She solicits a share or public traronage, and invites her Writer Customers to 'call att her present location.. . Cftrlisle, October 1;t.,,,1145. Deafness lured. SCARPAM compound Krenote, ./7e oustic - r, OR the cure ,of TatAi`NESS, nnins in the ' card, and also 011 thoSe-tiiangreenble liko the htizzing•of iniegtsilling_nfitater, whin. ifng of, &n, ke„ which are symptom; of appronthing drefheep, end elso, generally dant with the disease,. Forsale bp • Cnrlisle, Oclnhpr . ls, 1845 74 - 11 - FG - lIES Baitth Bth street. belniv Mdrket St.; Phi Ihderphity; gerds for ' I_,OWBER'S PATENT TIN I , LATr.IS', LEAri PIPE, - . ar the 'retie anti ceniettnet - s is soli cited to a perfect .ttrtlete or fi PLATED LEAD T. XPE; ant AC 111 . 1011 - 1 6 T ellsll'elffAsiwonencriirMira t t Miters Vtidet.l.ol4 , e2iketa.V.PTeltedo llo, c ll ..plit et t .the _ riprs thOltiside skit an even coat of pure mix ed Tae ndrantagei secured hr rendering so sat nud ensify otiduteil a metal as lead sweet anti ditti-nor: rostra, by plating with tin-!itt the same time giving it additions') stitintli and preserving the cheapness of the former meust unimpaired—site' too.obviciats to require comment. Greatiseefettion having been at MI nt;ti in the ms ni of:moire, the stdisiiriliers are enabled to offer tills simerior article ut 'the pride charged for conainnit All inpe_sold by us Is Starr/11.0rd ant to burst or split, free from flows, scales. or 0111(4* Imuerfrot inns perfectly uniform in thickness, and not surpassed itt quality by tied of any other manufactiirer. MO, Sheet Lead, which we ens ree6mmentl es any. other _in the sparitet.sentl whirls we will sell nb low as any other ens be procured for. , Specimens of the above Lead ripe miay T.r tern It l;F:011Gr. HECK'S Tin Shop in Chanbendee7 ni• nt HENRI" LUtZ'S in liarriithing, who are the.nothorized Agents for i s hula. DRUGSI BAGS! Prices Reduced. • • TOPYSICIANS, DR UGOISTS, JF,I%IERGIIPITS ore Inviled ROL tl Paints; Gltiefi, 4 ollei Yarn isliep; DAVOS; Po tette - 11101cl 'nee, — llerliSXMlEiTtrects, Fine Photo lents, .1 Spices, ground & Instruments • I Essences, Pine' Easentinl Perrumery, &c. DYE-STUFFS. I,beg.encl.Com Woods, Oil Vitroil, Copperas,l , • Lete-Oy • S • ' • Wetherill & brother's rove Lead, Chrome I Groan rind... Varnish Rinelies, Looking • Gittstrinotee;' Lkorsity—Windosi: Gloss, Linseert -Turpentine,_ Copal and. Coach. Litiiitrgo,,ond — Red' YAT Tint :1, •;, ; `. Indigoes, Atari ere, Sumac. -New-Wholesale - Mrttg Varehlyast i W. CORNER ~...rvNTA.. AND- , MARKEi': ' PHILARELPIIIA. •., DAYTON Y* NCH. : eisiminf adler , A.44TOU'RNEY4VI AN :SA DLER, a - rteoli :tterlcT.' thet uttderetenAe:beth s ßaihilp.elte! nese 'Atellint.-enegoeit-typgai, and , oehelint 'employmVent, 'applying , Imme diately; to , . the' aubscriher - in d qhetehlow,n, Atentoe.lownehtp, .Caetteitland'iounly:, PET,tII.I3; 'October '80846; 0 ',;IP • . LOTHS: . .CASSIMEHEs:AtiOIikSTINOS' - ttql . C4;triglPltt and .it.mkrican;Clialt:44ll , "(E,chrirg:l94o,qgt, „vititilonabie-casstay'rw; r f om 624 to t,5f.); new, .109010iEravaleAu.sjastreceiveAtinttfor saleint, priors thatinmmitlol, toplepe.-0-E;111 9411 $ thiliip Eton': Ohl pliottst*Tk, Obtoberfili-184$.1) 3 ti4II!CE 14,1°tubb; the' Cid leo< Mink 3 '"' L I* ,, = ' TETA ';l' = & , •‘..= I lv, o 49,Porlkdr, lll ?Loif+ , =ii ,- 5.‘ 4, , y. 14 ye:4oll4e 4 . 0 17 i j wariantd fiirrerld4 0 1 book e 'taro AlYero 8 0,7 ,01114M700T'''''' tEmLimowtop4Oiii 4 o oo mrs a 4 410 1 4 000 00940-4 t eloMgo9 4, t 4O '`r IfAieolgorekt , 14 - 66401.46fijity; 6'ol orAilia,rl4 WOO 0 • , - ` 7 ,A , I %•4. -ft Arimt i ''•••fiff, tq..o. • • ff?,tr".o' iv • A ;, • O• „x..C.16 4 7141,1,1': 1 ,.. . 1 1,'ITAIiiE IegALTH If tt, you I.lvilfrfin lhOriotii.folloiving - pre . perstionoZtho West,,,ltost;so.llo4Offliettilouoto etfootiOns otos'. Ipon•tililliffiottigrowti l tierioits . down to tho haat, LEuiva _....SARSAPARILLA.,-BL001) TILLS; t• • iugarrA • . TETTP.Ii Odd • . . . PATENT *ORM • Dll. EpIPASTI. , F4Err I)FL IWA::94.PA . liti :!" Osktelltjtbroutchout ;c tlotiltiote4 : stake!, laletalop 4 the Welt Indteit Cfef.l.; , Prepared medley tiro,tty , Dr.:I4LIL Le.W.Y , a rag . alar•VirialiaLllVA#4..ta-bY,DrakCiattiltaff;aak -44o,i,citiso?i4torried--.Haret",, Defarbey, %%err 'MORN L: L.:_r4. J. 14; item PaPtea)tbem to be employetLwith mom coefidioatillthan . rainietoes prepared Inhe onsiritroirand)jp_ertint,_,..-1-1_ EMI are the _only.: Pil la. I h'ciitran'ee- bantaiai Sareapa. ritia in'tli6inottOere titc. fir at Vier itttroduced' that came.,• .• , • • r • . • ' „,' • . ' : BEWADE OE SPVIDOV,E,FILLE,„..„...., .• , • prepared by nilirra rolled 'Blood Pills, 'Purifying, l'ills,"Snrsaprilla Pills,' Ste.Nitielt are attempted to be Palmed on to the public On,,,the reputation of "Dr• Leiily's only trite MiVgrinnine SarenparMa Blood Pills.” fake no. other diaM Pr,- Leidy!' for the' tupienlillllPA-I.444o,l l istt , "4opoorn,bineti 16E4 I a, cm:l4mM! as n pu . rgatixe or grierqr i ntri ser Odle blood MO Wile in 'the' body ' , requiring: no restraint frOm qecupation,,ttailtd course of liOnk, or fear from exposurU, arid may be employed With equal safety et all time?, by • '' - • . ,' YOUNG AND OLE ~ '. MALE AND FEMALE, ' In Addition to more then five hundred eertifinntes having been heretotore puhlislied, their lem ming sales and demand is strong_proof - An. -- theirfavor, more than one hundred - Dosecare•SOld ilnilY if Dr. I.eitley's Health Emporium,and thoulfroln through out the United States. , - • THEY COST BUT 25 CENTS A BT( Anti yon mill take one or motiv,ns may be neces sary; according to your diocese ayul the length of time nlllicted,much money will be Sailed in doctors' bills, and instesul of trying the various Quack Pills anal otheF medicines furced*tmciii the public by false reasoning and manufactured' certificates. jpOrectioms in German and English. DR. LEIDY'S. vZolmtaißE W08.1V7. TEA. IS" PRE MOST POPULAR. Besides being the safest, hest, and most effeeto4 dem rover of worms •now in Ilse. .17lionsautle in Philadelphians well - as elsewhere, can testify to it, as it beg been 11Sell iletitlllo3t eVery other family in Pelmsylsanialiew Jersey, llsiuware . , Maryland, To avoid the great expense of:Publishing certifi cates at itt efficticy;Dr. Leidy wool,) suggest to those who Imre not used it , to ask t cir neighbors who satisfied. Parents that once introduce Di.. Leidy's Worin Ten in their Ihmilies will nem r use any n.her- , -'fis so plea sent—so safe tryin for infants, and saanys effeetted. It is put pp in I2i and 25 cent:l=4es.. _ . . B. ELI,IOTT s•S' 4 jE r llElt Tref' ('',Ji-viq)OINTAWN c .••• • . . .. , Never - fails' tnthiti. all diseases of the skin; stiyh'ns 'Vetter, Itch. Itingwermos Dry and Arllatery'pimples nf. the rare, Neck ned Hotly, Salettru, Sealed- Ifetnf, Ike Ike . . , 7' It lies bee.. used by nnmerntet Selinols,Fsetnries, • board nf. vessels, and' .fitntlier with nnearalleled Is . ~ 3 holigatillS .canld testify In it c hy "cert!fiestes, !it,: feel italetiesey in publishing their names in cohnrx.i.l" , inn wish the itiseus:6 el the akitt,y.orne of . ..which mi."::-, even eno Isideredtlisgrseeful, besides being . loath WM i nu& dhligeeiyble. Try it I—Yry iti-rtil it. V i"..'-: '25 CTS ,V Fa ttorrLri. -- :=4:4IA, i rig publvited kom 'time to time) aid affperior strength (one battle being equal -1-' IIII fP IB NM- 54 5-P r ln ntillu—nei other CNtll.44tj) i is consequently the-best eetptieles leas to be taken, and itifiting less' be::' ing sold nt FOP. A STNCI.F. . • Si SO rim 'I utter, normr.l, , ?o`; - 1 - ;:: _s4 for Sly gottles.,-.,' , -'041C;1 . , Ti is pnettufflarly recontmettfleff( J . Uleirmis Sures of fit Vrbeent 4 Liver, 'Limp, Spleen. and '_Kitlneyak ti .. ctine of. • . .be skin,,or febreaking-aut .dry'ritni4 ;#y_pim, ideia the FeceiNeidend Body t' Seritik. elan, Constautionol-dl.ehrn ftrising•freineAbe cite mercies and other mieurnls, a'l0 -Vene real A IT.fetinits;as well an the grentedpuriffer of the Blood and Fluids of the 'body, thathas , ever been discovered.-• -- Dr. Leidy the pr.oprietor, offert to renal . the luoney tatisfilefory proof is given °tile inefficacy, or 01 his assertions .proving unfree: . Cflerteral. Depot for, the above medieliiiiiicOr. ! , I..eiftv's trnpnritfm;l4o.alll. near . . Vine St., (Sign of. the Golden. Eagle and Ser pents) Philadelphia. -- • •-.' ' • Iry CARLISLE by STEVENSON ft, MEHAF FEY. : October 15, 1845. Atention l - pum'berland, A Greis I IM O1:7 ire ilrfieri , houses'of; StuuihatawN Clattibeij plfor"dj 00to.A 111 fit AND:iii.o't IN 0,411111411114 P : '-.J ct 1 -- ; /'"W.914.42. ): • - ,Etl.l44:MaLlq4 4 ' ; ' , ' ,-A ';? ".• ' t.'. "1- - ' • • --." ' '-' • ' !,,--.- • .• ..zi, ....: rl' RVonloeriber, Attain, e,.:,.••. ln . ethelk, -.• w ne r. 1nd,..,40 k .,;•iii,,',,,, ..,. rioldejln 'Plibtirg,rili claim 'at '•nrivOlaW: pob,b,',th•,i`flonploiltifil ; toti.?.odinsto In" catililei*' - 'ot,/. 4 ••••:.. 'Plc:kilted& Ailayi; adjoitildi . .lliiil"int'Or.,' !..., t ,,,, " A ''',..;;* : - :. 4 .110;y6n t o lielri; 'on ' the ' , oin•nor •of Plit leff*Or.l''.l 'i';'' . . , '' `. plalOnsonAlloy. . Thoterm4,4lc,o.ndVp -I : „.q? . . - e !Adler, 1,4 , ' otolleatiOn We' kilmoriltr Ai: •If 'not t sold ' bofori FIifDAY/illllO/ !1, Ar.i . •-• .. ClOtoborot OM.' tie' , 011brotr, Bt.:40 11 -k' llint•diy;on . the irtetiniesf, at-20.00: 1 10 4. litri''' , .. 7 ' r . i Cirllslrl, toolabirlC'lBii'' t ' ,', '-',''.-•: '• .- - , ' 11 ricilittli , '''fon - tv*l --i• - , : ' ' ' n' '''. '• 1„ ~,.,tv.k.t. • ,•,: • tii , - or , , trre3.,u_u_RG,_.p—t,„, l , t .,„„-:--:-. ~,,-. ., . •0rrAgit1y,,...- . AT,'Lht.„:Ji., ,, :',.•, . 0,•,:•••,.: t . ,i5 , ..5. , , , y•it-w. - 8.x0xx;‘,.r.5.,„ , ,, , ,40,, ,. ...A--4g,-:.5.• i ivoiletilii.;ill4ourto 61604* .' . Wrici . ';Oie idjoining. Cou4;10; ,1:1,11),0i, ,,,_Es,: - :. . tliith'll!*4 heat doer ( 9 ,1 •, -- .. , Rvgaii.t,,,,!„;: ., 41 06 1 , 11)0o; uctiaberB;ll34si . '' ., p . . . f:. , , aL t y ,. .. ,, ,_ , . f r llh .14. JUSY•recelved.s fo%S boniest)! n 1- el.ttifcielElooretii, by,c,:436:WTI ' Y -,,, ', -1 5M"k ,noNxEr ' alit ' si tlfttriii4o4l-'!'l A; , Large gi#0,114111.01.1;,...te4Avad biZ:f..7:,,' . :31.. " ,i,?,,,AM;7131( 167 7 011#Kn.);;.' ;.;'6,,.-1.1.--:,--- ~.r.,..2,,„101,47;,!i.., - •F - , , ,- 13 ‘Oa I re,c <loi s .•‘0 ~,, lilittki,lnOkkitthairltilit r, ~:;: ~ :; 0: 44 10 . 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