' ' 5 .••• 1, • ) . , t rg t 4tl3l,y.iv 4 fa.p. . ; ga l l o 44;v *AL , • 1 anoait , ' • - • - • - • , 1;;\" • , r,, , . • ,-1 . ‘ ,O 11 :!!" !!, 4 17- 1 ,)" ,.% •", k •f 't• • , t,• • y t , 41:1 7 11; - r 4 ,4 to „t 17.1 , YrH tit ; rili) Atlit '44 - I , p+ *l -, Oi ' I ' 1:;A: , 0 1 1).1, ' ry: - 4 4 :! 1 :;;`,"- Vtv 990h01.t " Vet T rFrtri-- - t = l P 33 1 , -...,1t134 ! • 11,,), 4 • .•• 4,r `" 1 . ,944 " 1 . • / d r i ,1 • V" Mr 019111 'l'lll 17( t ' • • • „ t - ti ••, , t 4.01 . Ariz, _ v•41; - • 1.0 141 ki .„ , i „ t'norj , 101.1 ' .1} /1 , 1,4 j,go:l tnitnfi r `' r ,••"i ••• ' .11 • 690 4 . ' 43:11) *-, L - , 11 ; ' , • - • ", A A. • .• " • • I 4.t/ ( • .11(0 inn r, -- A FAltitts l " 4 " , r 4 P' Eß- I - 114 0rEPAIIMONERAL PrAtII I AGNATV,A . W.CPWE 4P4 - i i._I4)LTERMLAIIIMMO, ' 0,14 , ,s, 41,k , • .1 - : . , ::9' .. i,v,,t,' r. tikavaln, . •_, "„4 . iObei . _ "0.1 , t f ,,, fidit--.. - ,o. w4 AtitALD .' ab ti(1 ) , Sit ~.,,.,;:r 1 : ; :, f ,1" , ,, ,t , •,..,? y , - , k ,. f „,` ;. , Vti Vl' I - r - 0fi1c*6 . 4 1 ,' 2 014* - VS f a i ' ' ; St I -" j . : --'r:e-fik#o:--.1*004.0.00174,0011.477i , -• 2: .' ;! . . l, :ettrag:,: - Wi l i., tf adAldkj• ' '' i I NI 4 ; 6 0 ii. ---; - fi lei thu I 1 ERALDAF7"4 x e is - pub A,: wreir..alidtivirpiAl.4,,t,.4Tvg, Adolf. T. t' , , ~Vet: kittiigri"tititbft*lMltrie months 'ft. eittlifigneiit i iintAsetibititi* , # n o noLt.ittt's '4 44,070iietilOi*Ii' 41 4.40/0 : 41 11 ' $, ;No inbnbOttitiktyttlfie felieW;f4flif" ..th a n etx ntiii4iii,e4ilh4o44ojoetAiltri WI gal at-. 'o'iill:eti:AF.9slod;:rlo:4e.'l4;4oo.t. to °MO , Oaf)! istier,an4;elatliffs nlti t tnioe . tenonti Mt' , , 14110.1 Tv4ll be eoniiideted . k4LOS*Aiiig enwnt • --- - gilt vbi its lag It in bb-dolibr-dizihtt9:4o#o,VP s:- 'Let tel 9.63 i neure . attentlen in net tie nest *tilt— . . . , • OLYVNIE D ' • • ..1111,grizesr at Lamy. • 'WILL practice , in the•sgverelSurts of 'flu no , and County of PNilndelphin. 4 ths . oiliee is at Nd.,35 South EOPRTif etrOti. ,otween liesthut and - Wyinut - streets. • r' O. •c. pzwßosg, '-'.. • Late Solicit r of the Treasury! the +• niter, States, ~ v , wax, practice na_in_the neVuittl. Collti..‘ , ;',• b -..,.. TAl,nct.iset:r' County. • • • 101 rice in South Queen Streit, Wet)* oteMpielll* . aolin R. NrovatOnineiti tsti. .hole IS, t 1343. 43,, DUNLAP Al))/A4k 9 Attotney at Law. g e k PklaTti So it Hanover , street, a few doors IJ below' 3. 11. Graham, • Jai- 16;1845. " ILL lAIVI MILLER, • Attorrieg. at Law. riFFICETt.F.VIOVIiII to !laetrle% Thow,in the rlom formerly . 11celipie , 1 by S. D. Atlk,ir, Esq. Carlittle,April 3, 1844. . tf-U3 I 1. Couwet It. -P.'NleCt.uttv. COLW EL L & rvt'C.L 1.1• R E. - Attorneys at Law, . :Mewl promptly to letsetess entrn eltql to • I.l' theot in the 0 . 011111.10 of Coteherland and Vittlitinth 'Otlicesl one door west of the Jail, Must I~iglt4greot,Cnrltste,_and ilex tTtloiir to StthelgtElgh. k-I leaver's Dreg Store, ship peaksburg. • , 'A pri I .24, 814. . tie 0, - J =:.t.022).1ga . . „ • .D *.-• ---BV-CCEperforin --opi,rsirtonsulon(lkb teeth. . • , that are required tor their reseteatinn,stiell ne Staling, Piling, rittggiiig; d. ,tMoll=rfiitOre the - lois nithem, by i deem ArtifielatTeeiti.Aolo a 8140i...1.'60th, I ()Wean sett.' (101ttee rn Pitt pteett, a few dont•E South 01 the Rail - road Hetet. - N. -Lot nitn *art). a Intent renm Carlisle Ahe last-te-04-ay 0. in eaelt inehth. Jane 11,1845. vko. , coria, &D. Lf2ll - P.z.1 - D - 2,9.6: -- Ftloznotogrittic.ipligoirqtn, .:r;:.trp - cr, , Main street, in the Irousoforitierly occupied by;Dr. lied. ...'.;4llele, April 9; 1845. • ' THEAVIANSIoWHousE NaTEL 0:17411ey mail Road, : • - AT.14,9Y.101)t by Oen. ‘Yillim..Foelk,ltemiumt v.wp beo.rijitjten by pici enbmer,iber. is newly furni.lietatyqtrT,l)yert-tboroßg.ty,repairtetl. PIIB. Mengeretrevellois 'and vie . hers to eriyli,rop; ere Ihkritod4titill'. I:9rint4Oilpriitt!% and,.eVery, ettenOnn treid to ibe,ccrilOcrind enivVellittirb lobtleol;Who patron 4. A. - WIIVROTT: d;4l re I id. 1845., t_ A t 0I; 1; T 110 TE L.. -- : -- sialiP - WASHINGTON - AND - JACKSON • • wthild .respeettilly. infortn his feidtiilAih,tl . the public that hu has t*.nt or ell from his did Aida West I.tigh street,to ht putit i imi s e 1 ately kettO hum on Smith liunote fr street, i this hOOtighi,slitit of Wiisitiogtonand .Iliekson. Where litlifflqSlWays gistl to see his mewls t."„(36,,htil'OtirVitattlit,,esouitl adotittintoilate them tit the bestfqd: rmittemororittille moniker. TOrtrisitall eiutgantry. supplied with the ehoiciesitiOnrs, and MS .fr.A.3l.n• with the het/ the 'otaritetur furnish.r-A. careful OSTLER Always Jame-ratttl.stothitigshhllbeleft tiudgme • to' ha call witli him. ' •.1 A C/ARM:IB titkplititi the w4tih, Wtonth or, xear. •• • s ANDOW •AuOtizosai. -- : HARDWARE,CIitLERY & SADDLERY == . • /12a2laViat i lL 0., - • .. 111 IN P. L Y N - A - . - nsspect(killy , hiP.itttta•,hiti . %V . friends and the public generally that lie hex ' temoye'd his Wick's:it 13.ARDW.-.O4RE4PI.I:II , ERY and SADDLERY, toAlie„. new hriiiiie on 'North ItanoVet-strttetb_:voo . 44 2 i:Otoli!i n iqf :the, rnst OS tito and neariqi)pAsitittiiiii , Wtrirtards where be , cOotiooeil to keep - AttiFiho'6l"4 - ii ii'ttiliTitiTeiiiii • plate astiottmeot zr every .I,ol.ntlii Lai lipasit irk ! , ere aeirpetihrtn etiti , iii rv. tv.4 •:: v , Ye:", Ut.'"'' , e , ,i. 041114 ' ' . iitAVlAkore .aniiil'eritoOillyMeiliSted'O; call .B " ,. irirrliakO aiiikliiniikka lib( difiMAHOG•Altif i V NEEttilicjitfit.tboalledi'. ttiriontaro ninclitltill. dere will an 'Oxcallont aeAttmenVor.Latalape,. '. Lacktr,.Boo43.HitiiiatitStittofi`ittl every variety . of Etisilding:Niatariala at: . redittlainitiaano 7 Alefo . ~.:. a ner and.supdrior. , totiOlo Of PLANESk.warrnth. J.•• it'd:l4.u! iirt.smy liiiietlkkiti - itiol;frAli - • •,... , :,.',lrowderilvarmintetl,4•lB4piy, F.i:ter.".filri Westing ,'l r ritoks.l3 liar rilid, spidiGroste. ' - illar/Ovi Glass 1+ .Aii'f* 01,.40417.P01(1.11%,,911e1414NP.ri11ijkher, j',,cp-pturf 4 .... : * Ql . 44 ;l4 lt oconiiiqes 40:4e0).t ( lli.iiiiMackitn 4 f, ''atiA.PfittYlVF.riottugioi pf IP OP.:II44'OAM fit) 0.. ' Pqmipsico.ni al otiFigt A ilsOieSePßlPM4ivilt:fiP4i IV tpfiKiik, iptpygexf tfr, 401!i'lao fo to puirphqBing:olaol "7i510140..0 . 40 , cot .4...0 , ',,;•.,j t." r ..r.l4k tie, , 31:i_ . .1 . ',.frilortlo9jrit ilitia.,ictouritkor .thp, - ,loi . Orqii of,J, Jm'. haltchu on imEgoMi tia•torilinit; mike Itavolotit , ' ,•,. ,-JOHN . ::..i; /A Yligo i.: l ;.., • • 1 •if glit,iteigfdiVre itte,ioV deot,twoil cic,: ,gdss'mpdb ' or iidhase , of Any Widiring APS! . tottidily, you are t!etqlf i 11. 1 11 **tiqt , °l tt ki --6 bill:o2oore'. I:i6 . 105 Ches. Kiri or- SwidersilealliOil, f irns* ti,n4 yjskorittitook'°(', 1 OltrimPoll-4119EVror' eon', 4 . 0 300-i-gTeMo-9E! t, ilf (co * aißitillil4oo . , ;panto , fitoiripp. to 4 8 ,4 1 nd . 4, 0 , ' sl. 111.11.ir A:: MeNEVIALEY-0:t " IlutitreatriltilaileltaW 9. ,k, , , ,•-'•'•• , 45PCP,T!',Vgtiiii , 4441i.r1 tilW74rlroit.:!tvrjoiiflcqkoeit Akr'o t e riil t l ,,O VII:i „Ai efttfoir AI A'ttigitils • , ', ...--, t A '' , ~,'„ ,;•7_ ,, , , ' - gr , r; I "V %AA"' ' • • ' • ---- `-• -• • eahf FAi).,ql"- riSsßlPZMg:l4:3l2Erzh'. .n 37. 3E13 „4"10234A* 31 : 0- grgri. :,- ivii..Eo,lo(44i**#:r,v: • .1 '' ITs Jitinti tr'here'er the heart ltr.;;;; . Whereqr jte Welke • haunt or ma* dent heart's a re , ter'ever,. And thuton .w.ave,end -,,.'_Theientdett wi t h, her jeber • frfid-mather wiiii'her child." 'Tis bright p:liete'er the heart is; B'ollloln bring - ;I;.rresit fountains to the wiltlernessi A-mi to the desert spring. _ - r.: , ...Thece are green. isles mouth oesittny 'O'er which ateciion glides v. . At n haren,on ench shore, .-Where Lovo's the atilt , that gt?idea. free tel'...ste!"er 'the 116%1 . 1 is for ehsins, or dungeon dint). oT Atity check tive - mold's mowing', tipieit'sVenling hymn— the heart gives life its beauty lts glory And its pouer..- 4 irks sunlight to its r . uppling • • .• , . "tretti the IteehetterDitily Democrat. • Quincy's - . l .ldtitess: . • Nfts.s:Qhmtiv addressed himself .to the . Prvidint and Gentlemen of the NeW York 4Cgiiculturab Society, and remarked thaeif there was any position in'this world which should inspire a man with eloquence, it was that which he now occupied . ---.the sition of a speaker on the sullied of Agri culture. He was : standing in the cenird_of the Agricultural population of the greatest State of our Union. Before him the lovely valley of. the. Mohawk was stretched out in the distancea valley celebrateZ in his tory and rendered glorious in song. Be fore him were thousands and terse of thou , . sands, %rho had fdleathe forest And made The wilderness bud and blossom liite the rose, He stood amidst evidences of un qualified skill and industry. Beneath him was a soil, rich iit its products - { and above him 4 Heaven hich kindly watched ove r all. IN° st7mil in the great Temple of Ag ricultute—ateinple at the uprising of whose columns the - starsfiang together. It. is a temp4e not made, with_ hands,•but:im high as the [leavens and as beoad as the Earth. But alas I the age of inspiration is passed, and he never rose to address an audience when-be felt more sincerely ti:t ask induk gence than now when he was about to ad dress the members of - the New Yot* State Agricultural Society. _: - A - 10.,ithftg:111:AhatLihe.AnnictiltcoLsocieLY . , had 'Mini a 'ateatlniistillc . s . for he thought it an absurd•thing , io'setid to Massachusetts for a.man—to teach - INte* 'fink Farmeis how to manage their farms. 'lle wished to be underslootl at the outset of his remarks, that he did not believe that what he should say -would make-two blades of grass grow where one did beTOre, or add aught to the product of wheat or corn. Ail these things must go on in their old•fashioned way, for aught he had to say.' • He proceeded; however; to remark, that all must feel that the •Farmer is more than the Flinn, and the influence of his vocation iiptin the mind of more consequence than the ''voention itself, ?... The-position of an American- rarrttex is oho• of, lin inenee iniportence, and the true influenee of that position si)ould he tinder , stool. It should be understood; that the individud may know What coarse to pin., sue. To the public, it is of . the highest importatice•; for.eVei•t thing whicll'Kelates. agricultursi.lias ait influence upon the; State. . . , • ‘J'Ainces or Kings may flourish or trini tulot , ti,hroadi can idiikolliEtif, Ihr a breath has niado: Hat-a-hold,ydhinaiillVOur dad) frralir ido, If once dustroyed - eatcnover .., Mr, Q.,saiti -that many-farmeri'yvere dp satiafted ,with their position;"and often ;I:)ti•' treated their. .position . ' whh that of the.sticl - 4SOII merchant and pnliticsian: , 'pale wrong. The farmer should be content td enjoy:Ahe'prAilta'ry, bleu niga df.l,llK and „ la triiiiiiiiiVthe 'enviable heritage 'of -indultry . tlt)0-.; . ~, . nti a good carrifi to his posteraty: . ~• .'.A . ~.,-, .1 ....I' . :t .'” ..,i.; 1.1 ~ . :,, . ' ' 111,1tatOte asked, is the • greet .objectlit. pursuit of man on eartht . Itia.helipin`iialt . " -1 :al)1441 there.:and '!" foic:Yer , ; t alftl Abe :great 7 ques-tion=W-WitetherLagrietilturaldlif:: etTer4 4 'aiitOefit - diiitdrttinitlea'nf:'hapriinesa xpany,tpthqt l l,..,l,ct bi:happy,,K:unquesr. ttcmaWilita Irat fbject tilf.'l tfa!t„, and the , greateit bleseing . that the external ; world i i i a iC.) , g l l°o. - 4, 1 e, 1 4 1 ;, :-1 1 ,41V,144 /, pt .I?o,:ii7;it, ,9.s 3 r l i*tilSti brSiitely;'"ioilijiio4l,liiplieilr. Li s Oil '4i4O'firtirirbesille4l l (lA:to,.tie'r ' ' ii)t I ,Loolttfin.?6d;3T, , ,4illilfthi:the 6tpintiqituidot4 , 0 1 i,lie . OlgrOAr.rOIR:i#4 6 3 46 ,;:iiiifliPiir0414 ' ilytte , ipidblushln. heeke . :l4o-ivell aiiittrohr O u f c h j ;4o,i;. l ?#t*F:',4A i .;'l '- lwi i k ' io; iii, that the 'first.'4oftearthv4 ,blesSiets,,bedolig 4 6 5 47 0.*40= 011-i iktO l iio E 4o; - :4s4i , icii , D. or ';: , i;,.. , 3: r 1 r .-,;• .91 ~ eci.- r .. ' 11Y tV lI P P IrM i I-. it : is l ir pllrei 11"1111)P4i41 i'Pt-.ii.",. very 1. , "Y. 111 0 , 1 Ffßoutp,r,,po , 1 1 ~. i'n )n: ' boatt • • ' , 4 - , it i cii_unfreqtken ; ~' ~ .. _ a _ air..,imarer 4 "ihi-ini;r6h2in"!°,9r4l jlo'•Mfiire&et 4et ..",tharutLeen'lott,?, k, E , PneY iff c)7(4itlArienSaiti?l?" 'T7I. ill 4 i9qui,,,es:7jtfliiii,i(Ait.gfkik A n .,": 1, 1 t., da. cilkfikKftlil io P p;,!,;ii ...,:. , -' l *#?j'' / :t i .. 1 ::;:t: 7 litt i n g'," * .!! l ! . ~ ~44'itilic;meOhiitill,S kihr vtignS 410 7 r, ' „ istiti,pli- J, Pugw., latinli albri, ~„ ,t, , fw,''' JitioillitOdT".dumu at' bp,a , :,,,,;fi'd, i'liedßlo,?",o,f , '" 64 04j149'0,Lffk, ,F 7 liti)Ab'}ho,-,41011(1 ~, ....fyiritrall OW, Vrti ~. flll OM ' 1 4 v,illi "A ~, Aille tfigklit‘f,tl, ' It • bititlitV 11,itatiglANi09,*iftkril22.!—_.::: - tit'', : , ” .;i-' -eivr-tilipl-- 64fx,,oitqi1!!!1-encoun I,o .,t ril' '' '' c' '? ii:);bitiii,.ooiiiimiFBl, ''A. :4;,i , •-,,Or' 14 : k 0,..!'', - ;i ,, '• ', ,'‘‘ - , ' 41.;;P,91,0030datleY,is/ Often! hi*fietiianlt' ,4011 xhot rworse,:_ynth his , heaHti ' vanisl -: Vultee ofi mindr-.lThose engsged;i4' hazardous vocatiiintri- -.. thewe'uneeed'at fet: rich vrapidlyl.7 great risk::When firmev:plantlibis'seed !wiz unden t MM. n- kln d: v bit,i the merchant oftall . "sows •thet,wind , and , reaps the whirlwind"—a very bad-system Few Merehantsesitearry on Thett 'busi ness stientissibilY. on their oivn means,,— Theynitit liOrrotV t and Solcipagn spye "the.6orrociii.'-iii a' servant-to - th . e-lentlerX eabeass•thnnes,rioes Aoften come qtticlt iy ? - Possibly years 'of lafmr may be re 'Warded • with rialies;• but hoti seldom is even this seen I— . "ln the great, It:miner 'al cities of the land, at least 90 per cent. n all engaged :in, mercantile perseits,lail.— The - fop nate holder of a-lottery Trieeis placarded : at,evcry corner _of ',Yourstreeml but what becomes,pf ,the ninety and 'nine who dra' blanks 2 , • After all, a fartricr may ask, what is: the advantage.of great.yoalth I And whal.is as , well--off3"--saitko great New YOrk capitalist, "who is. worth half a million as if - .lfe were rich I Punch , says .that. wlibn — RothaehileLwas "Add that Loris Philippe'sincome Wes but- '4'so a I mutate, his eyes filled with tears ;- and he liemarked, .`!I was really not aware - of the. Kings destitution "'We' will - conquer all India, said Porus to his Prime Ministml, i "we cross over to Asia and conquer -that. We will then fins other nations to conquer; and when-all : are - sirbtlued ,we will then:Sit quietly down and enjoy ourselVes." "But why," said the Minister, may we nit now sit down and enjoy ourselves .with Out so gning tn . -so-much trouble V' It was- the -- pray4r Of an inspired sage,"givie me.neith er poverty or riches,"-and, threat Bacon, said, "seek not proud riches, but such as .you caii . get honestly,,apend frugally and leave cheerfully," Could there be-a betier dellititicn of contentment _found ? your master;'_ said _a Ronian General irk a Persian Ambassador, whafound him pelt. - ing his frugal - meal tv,ith his own handf4 "thit all the gold in Peraia could' never bribe a man-who is ilontent to-live on tin. % - nipt3 - 1 1,- r=true as it was - patriotic. If a . man -notlibehopnp; he_ tiet'havallniited deL " Health of body and denten tihent of one t s estate, is all that nature can, give, and to say that,pgriculture is best - adapted to se cure • this result, is but saying what has been saitla thoeaand times before. If you have these certain rewards, you are rich.' You need - m it covet the - rich - es - of the Mer chant. The amount•ofpreminin is in pro= portion to the risk run. All men wish to be esteemed, and all should desire to be Wh - o -- mored than the farmer, - can.be gratitietlin_both ? 1 The great mass of the human family molt be ,farmers ;_and. upon them ,rests the des tiny of the nation. They have the power to give directions to those, upon whom is devolved the immediate guardianship of our institutions. To do this right, it is desirable that tlitiyithailit - I* -- ktioptgept; for. the eontinttanpe. of oar, ',pHs upon. the.virtne 2 aiftl:intrAigence :or die people. If a nation would be .free, it be, intelligent and ,virtuptis. The far mesa hold, by their numbers, the gift of ofliee... If .they distrbute these - gifts ; dis crimittaiinglyrourillepOblic tvdllong con 11,thek,„plar falsely, they will find; tilienivis-torilatet,that,they have sold their birthright, go m,forlrep . en tanee. i 0.14:9t 1 e• tl very ,Fa rmera IthsY ;lre of liine„.fti.::llll9 the % . 00:0 1 4i 48o0a!tiiqe,d.maJoky;Ahaij tp:l/01., thepa ighiy ,110q,.0).1k,ip 11141#14 rept! it df- 11 94q)viP! 3 ? iv: •,;; °! l .k.e, - 4P0. 11 4 4 1 1 1 i, VSftii4fS Are eeketlf7, : ille.iP9 ll Ytit.lAtiF s P , V l 4 S,d.grijr. 4 44.. should' rememlier that npliEe•sod -adrnira tY9l 3, l l l 9 !!:oill l 9o, , clittigili4l° oB, , $ llll, ev,ett,. here, , far 43pr#,P.11,t,e „littio ;to othrir, of ;81 - oRY: 044!vStiRili.91:0°T014Q4314 , :4T1F.°,1: MITT ,131 FflYkailiPACM,P, .rllee.F4 a ,Fprnier, fi ekt,het:!,balo4e,olll,r,lng,..9 . r,` Ijia'eletratiOn. We h!ive ha4c,lbq riirmkp °l4/%444!,irefTit,l!. the tglkyrileril?! . ::4 l 4—olliti• ( feltql i 3Oßit.F:lll l l l .Fr,o9 , r, qP,lei)t!PrMa.gft,,Oe. 117 tr,TcliPS - 4!?kl 1 !nflv 4,!ICFRitMIrPf end, : tbe,Fariner l 'Of:Teritkeisigeolya Far-. 11rt9fA11tq1, 1 49, 1 ( 1 04 1 4:01V Prcrtingli) l lol l oholigh , Varca9csiOnno be , all treAl dents atuisktba Farmersi A ~ „I '-ligrieteltool--lifeveotitivrinalMti-44„, there ere very,, eyest , epportueities foe use felness, W hen , iiiiti,.piiiiii:' , ,f sue seed in ,tleirifeittli.'Yotiite'etivtliie stt6t'ilfitti proddii; , 4 0*hen'i 9# 54 die: seeds of viriue, yi4 'ti t re anWnPnntieladelit[relitrii; annt , lnuited 4 4'n,nin 41 8inTil.lived L'M li° B s o )% krifiikA l HcOltth'lndiokoniinlandl i * lieBt • 'lt was 14 'itrnoeVkfmgrninit id qtrf,a,:diPilto4kmtlsß94 l o l 4l4 l liB9P 4 ) l 9 41 01k s ci' e ;# 1 -0 - A t iV ol l e kitigigg/ 30 : 111 1 . 11 .1‘1 4 1,0 0 0 14,4 4#9P I Vnig 4 A;Atf i kWINtPi# , s'ol. l b o3 4l! ,l o:74',Oit i irtil.NtiA t 4 l 4)9l;l`. ? T al l ' 4 A:ioif, 4 nst*iprooft,g44A willow t a lw t 4 iof4o.,in,AA Al l i i i i gist seept • ree_f . rem • the hinds' a 140 . 7 .. 4:s hi de th • bed' i essed tt at ;_to his r th ' n 5 a• il I inna- MEI I ees-preceptslte attrittlited life..z:He(naused a molnumeni' to best:int ell; Ito that fsilyer's,menactry ; but hiiilicifiljtt t (4---- e l44 t t iki• ointmen t. i was is st:t,tt n aracerg, cr ,example which'-'he gave pf, i thsift:#4,dili , gence; hail induced, thousatida. , to4mitate his example; anal ynt Unborn 4'lllo'9'6B*M' testifi to the' benefits if a siitte' iieripttire text upon the , mind and charadtr Of Ben jamin,Franklin. ." • • - 'wen - Fa - VIT provellient essehtlal to the happiness' or a Farmer. In my_ idiot of a Farmer,' is !Deluded .mere--than were-reap= ing of fields and tilling of did 'not expect a Fainter tense feattett.in What , was not:, useful. But if 'he enjoys health, let him ltnciwsoMething Of the p4siblogy of the vegetable :World, and ovei7"liltidirWill,, a to hint 'of the bee • ceticei-cif : Creator.' It is in the. power of ettOVlritari,' to devote pertion'othislinie ttiz these Sublime-pursuits. , It will , ntake , tilhAtillke pleasanter and -his ~Nothing, Continued 1111:. la., is ril #e ithr ttcit:tnnt. 'than mental ekeeOttra, Every COndition ' Cot 4 "ft -1 , - 61Nreiff'ffible, but . Hut in' eo4t ; ', It is not frOM eVery , ctintlltiOn Iffe:t'.4loi the narrove-gate is enteratlihrtitigh4e4A of a needle: There ire "eorriptiratfirdyfeiii temptatfontrin agrloultuiel life.. ft iti6 life which rests itptin - no: Man's. prentiklittt, .upon fiis l4hq hathprOmised.humnetanil winter, seed time and harvest. • And while free from temptation', a_j life gives complete scope for thqe . rfor- Menceof all theito duties whichnliWmen better , and -happier. Every, man.',.*nnot render himself conspicuous in. the' e ye of j the world. by•rendering great service 'to his , country. .But, it. Is not theywhose presence draws forth the shotit-of-th'e mutes titude,- who-- : alone are useful. , and_ op, proves the services of the venerableatri-, arch whose _presepee draws . - - tears' from the_ eye and blessingiCrom the tongl i iii:i'ttliese tyfici-haire : felt his - tmeetentatiouOtets, of kindness. - • - Thia_larmel, tike the PalrlittoOrcild; Stands - av the:heed of his - family:,;.`' hin the Grant Law •giver led hid .eltnt[4.4. pie out of kondage.and establishedlrA - in Judea,ell His dispensettiTiblitution4ipvet) hofv much Ile thought of t}te~iniitt~nCo .of ore, • im o 4 itiat. 111114 V OS :reint . a • . • festal days, was the great commancl....Vhe second was lika to it.-•kindness to the stranger and the fatherless. Nor was .the brute _forgo tte n. iTheLehosen_ people _were direbted to_remenaber them when' , they should gather 'in their finite and not to 'muiale., the ox that treadeth nut the corn.' . The ,scenes which surrooed the . Farmer cannot but lead. his mind 'upward: The; high.,..mountainsthe lonely valleys—the green fields and the dancing cheer him on-his..joydua pilgrimage. The gjoriousiUm sends ,his , rays to 'the millionit of the tillers of the earth, U.:enrich their toil, and to ohoor•thena oniiritheir career tif happy contentment.: ' The seligiousfeelitigis no Whereito ddb _ufally_prokiced es areicithe rural scenes With which thee farmer is "surrounded:— The Shepherd whileteep ing-Itis father's :flo'cks,.Was , fillell with ad. miration of God!s• i munificentie, and ex=- claimed, ih : holy, raptilre--"WhitTs 'mew ~that 'Thou art - mindful: of hi ni., , . or the an 1 1 1 or mow tint Thou ,regprilesifliim?',' , Vine , - rati,on and loiw•burstisispo'ntaneomily , fiom. , • his lips ;• and • when , : all Whipped in •holy: gratitude, he exclaimed; "'hies Lord iti!my . .. shepherd i.I shalt' iirkf . ;yii,Siftl"'.. Pu!, atioir, his voice comes iii us , fruni 2!11e . ...amp and the tented p:eld t , , , T iftriM.the,pafacel.iiiid)lip, throne; .but in a tone bow altered .1. •3 4 1 - ie . 1 -.1 v•:.,, -, .1 ....1••••' •••-••;;; , - . 1.1•%••• .• . '2: ' ,; ..1:".._ milpiraiiori if - the sliephe,rd 'dooi". - iftwletiow ili!lik. • TJM,Fetni?.rie of UppspießT..Micbtb.ci. . ~.,,ri,i,- (4 .. 1 .•,,, ••-, -: c• •••• • , -• , - despaiy:of gui4 ar# iliqret i andap.,ll9:,rspjefli, hers hie .joygtis, psetoriit i Re. ~Ikrolt fpikhf lie,exelSit'Ohl . , that Iliad.mie.,FyipfikOr '„,." ifo l vei ; :ibat . l,;iggh - A - 11F5:Ivr i i.)",:,sitillbp,,fi,i ' ' ; '!il l4 .l- I ,.',. rf ,lifi; : ii••:-,i•'!6'..• t..-'' • . ..;;•'•hA. , :,•• ,- . , •••••; . ....... im" , '• -- r - rovertlielesi'p9rpft , Olollll,r-Jtesrsrli , 43, 4 31' •'" 11 .• ie !! , .4101;i- 81 1 , -Y , P r ksik4P0. , f , 4* T;ipid,i i i be ; f icii: = 'Filo, is 44iIii - uc' c ulii, at, -'w!,l!•9ll'..*.ii,,rl44l•Fgk4itlveFlPfi:h9DiP* • ll 'OsK n Mrio 11,PIRIPAr Y.RIAITYI ,I :;.:';f9W !?P‘ li t liti:• i rr a l t i ~.14,iii , i W I Z IFI tiPffllOililt r:, Yl9:9 -, '414 #l43"orAf,::3t.O.R . a r k.. l l — # 'o c i ii ,ii ll.loqi , ' f.°,0,40 1,1,) ,kg5 1 0 ,? ..it . T?5:Pii i . ,6,-,1 . 1 P* 0, ! ,. :0! ) .iii50 , :`,•,° , ?f4?F!•Y?'.. , 9" . c!l , lW 3 .' , Pit.PP.4. 4 ThficilrAil; •,7kPAIP , - ; ,eoP•llii . nA t ;ifPit•s , ,rl) l l - ,t.0 1 1• 1 090' , 'in"o#l, ifKi a .lo,4M,!Yiut:&ii.#‘lo, o Bk aIAIRI !io#,Vt'.i,-ot l 3olToioi' l oo# s •POO . M. , . a4e#itfl,'4 - f ;kt;';YTPfPkt::.fiYPlf:i•cO t 2ti t n • ~„ i . •"1, el '!t ti7,0:• 1 !:.., .., 41, „,,;,;.7::,,,, t. .hw it friiiiilfOral.tiffi,W.".o; , - - - / oribsivu k • , ,, adapted:lV ptodtiedlifflpifq im pined!! •,antl- L `ill hut'im littlitild'deti 'I 04 irOleiher o,illifie"' . l):Tipila,' , Obt',.i,li . o4,..' ilk '-;!,?f:' . l,ilf„ R itlia!iiiiii., , ,:le'fqii?''Pti'icil',_‘l4, 7 llAlN(..:oo„k. ' - ia h irxlig .. .fiktii;kolsl.4i.,!iriii . o4 '4l;.tS`lo, Rte' liiW,ii4iiiiiii;4o , loiliWit' 'ri'ifii§ : :Vefoilt !.kkoiwrii, - fitjo.:,oipgr44 , ili.. 411iiikili: 1, .ivitiw.qp,iii;',4l44itilir hi, la i;'iktr...ivie, filiq;',lo,6,:ii'lliiiik.i:6o:44l6i:i ,:iikiiiglii r , .F,iii - itiolii„iktiiittliP4#:44v ,4 l4 l 4 6 ii,ivit.'oo*. liifligii . ;:i6ii:o4:ol*Ci , 44.4:l*,4iiker.o.4 o, 4o: 1 si fiifiAitiokiaoSitt:#odaittiaito 1 . 410 44,1?,q42;4n‘.4 , .:,.:..!_ , ;9;1,7:..2,:... , ... , 7_ , . ,- ," ~..,:3,, .•-,. , ,y. , ,,,....!, , ,,v,-4- , , , ,......,: , .,_,::„ , „; '!ipliirrfb(:tke'Aili4ent"rlllll.7'ilate::'o4l/Pk ; .;:...;,:'',`,.::,V.:40',:ik,,4!;,:ri.i''.1.,::?::;,.;',.,::-.';[....•.,-,,,,,-31.,',,!.!,,,t, . . Ajrittr-W4-AGAI . CULTtrit..E,'WitTS ANWO,C.IiENCX.SI'. ,; . APODm mist , 14 ' . • (.4: iiii/44 - 164hWeiWaleaatIelf1Wh5 ., opqm : FF E „, / pq.lB,s Aitt up:tn.the sinolty::eoP cifMcKcloisterifiltlliOrou,.enfoYihrilitre' hi'esteroth'eavtrtrirt - +', f 44 :tniiY : 1 - 1 (ice . 47e1i%---117e'ltic r 'Llit — e7: - Y“n46'144: tie st eutry and 4naliedlol ow,him. Ahd he feels iliatiheufd he 'attain 111`e highest stations, hi' will inaktrhilturTel,:tif enemies for cite, l'rofrice it IS in his power,t6 bestow. • • The' sittliniou of thoPtirmer is that in Which :the AlotiOty , Plueed his people fit theit6tleys -o fno rn ti •- n'ocen n d., ,t6 - "iliac,sithation . many of . his laws recer' t and When in th fulness of timV, the .Mes eiah:eame, it was to' the shepherds filet" his tuliero was• announced by a chorus of ah tehilehas been honored as the : chop i i of the ireatand good of all ,the Almighty for his people tiiiti66he diSpensatiOitend they well: thWetiiliest of his favor utidhr the neW."— ltioillture•condthe to liellith - aod compe e and in glitjng these, it gives all this Afe_etinrbesiew; and, if rightly improlied, [they will'open Co him a . glorious future. - . thE WONllE.ttfrui:CludWe have, oft, Ofrvicius,o . ccasione, alludOd to a Wonderful Ohild - who has astonished do many personi, who have met hint in the residence of hit father; in Vernwint.' Rev. George Denni scM, formerly prdfussor of inathathatio- ..1 itOnyon. College; and notv, a—resident or Newark, Ohio, hai published an . account of an interview, Which he had; while i on a late' vialt to Royalton, in' the former State presenting even more than a cottfiriba tion of the wonderfu2 poWers of the •Wescopy t a_paragispli or:two : of Mr. lien nison's account. "this . chila'e dame is-T fi, Safford, jr. He is_noik nino.:ycars and .six.r. months of age, of smidlifia`ture and pallid countenance .—his-Itttle : arne not-Ruch targerUan My two fingers . He it, ornobler6arriTige,Trattk . "and_ not _forward. _His, eye-is kemarkable_featpre, fiery large and. lier.y - firightotnitrwhem'ex6ited . it in . Its socket. with an- almost'spasmodiefOrce, While:his hand is thrown nfer them-in such a,tvay. as. to intliZate pain. , tam told.there Iy scarcel y - any thing in the Circle of - Mance With which' thi4 ohild•is.not however, :.' '' :.':'°thi* * *l*liMlN4 A. o;llo4-4 2_ 110MY4 'flis.fatha and myself ".were. old Shot* School satiolare together, and every Oppoi tunity was given Me tb test the child thor onglity. . "While the child was not Yet come in from the field, where with his little sister he - liat gone a - gather 7 witil - berliesl et- - amined an almanac in manuscript for A. D. child 1846, all of iti'lli'cji'tfiiS caild li.B wrought out AEOrlrE ; Much of it, id in' eof t. g- ec tp_s.es, ; e fore , w iineaes— villt-w-hom- I 'am aelluainted. About , -1 I: days have already been spent by iiti adifit in copying in a fair Hand the altruist unintelligible wri ting of his tiny - fingers: We were exam ining- the projectitin of the eclipse which he hiinself had ind(lg and fitibsequently cal culated,_v_heir_bi_aeieelitii_. the blind iiiillent in Kenyciii ulhoun, Solcirlihn 'Sharpe, of Keut i ticky, assassinated in the Beauchamp homicides) Mr. Troup, of tleorgia, Gov. Wright, of Maryland, James Fisk, ofVertrkmf; Jona than Fisk, of New York, Willidm Duval,* afterwards Ouvernor of 'Florida, ( John W. _Tay t or,_afterwards_SpealteLEplix'a rantLy:._ were leading meh of the Republican party. John FJrsyth did not speak Ma l t-session, nor till the middle of the next; dittinguish-, ml us he beciube for speaking talent. Nor didf Mr. Webster that secsion nialto,any of the great speeches on which his'eeputation was afterwards founded. Ile sintlMs. Steekton were gone !Mute when the pro etiedings of this conclac took plane:" * * -11- boring the 'angry discussion;, lien the `House was sentetimmi nobly ! ti; it patter, I commanded silence with imitsual erhpriailds: l' b entlemen;said • lie; , iif ,4e do aril and take the .4elil, I am sure vee shall lie beat ' if, there is not [tithe order in the raill's Ohm in this (louse: talto.ulo4ie sorry m ligiiti so iiiiortlerfy a body.' " ' 'Fheihitise of ftepktentatii+es in 181tl, 'at periods of the greict ociteitient, 'was ~ probably not to disorderly as it has since be6the. It had thdri fewer riicrUberhbull `ti gre'afei , PUiPortihn Of lihilit'Y than it -pre sent: Tile debated'o64, more'ge - neralli confined % to' the Ichtlers' 9f ' ihe.'l`eihictive `partied: -*The . anibition'OrmalcifidraPiehh Ito bo ciiculaied,:ii-home in portiplilet fain —an infeetien Aihieli seipes qpoii. altrilp,t eypry, ,pew, in col t)er ~i rt ,th ell* Ally a --. wesu el l - 1 4: 6 -'iiiLiti . ruleacat)-AlpitigtiO. 'Mr Cone 1q , ,,'...0Y`i u VPiPf l i its : ' int6 JTf i4 ll' , 9" o 1 '9991' , ' i l l e V.o l o. Prßilo l l4P°ilMT*lii4°9,(49P = .. bed; w'1)161( Attt; .. aitulifl it(iii, holds ,(0 4114 thou . Co' ~ # . t ,„,,r: , 1 . . ~ .. , •-,. 4P)? f,11 , ??0n 4, !T t : , , it' t AS'PTl,Y•9 4 lkulq u A et54„ .. ,,v? 10 h i hays,lnAti k ofsoo,m; Mo; kat,,hS., ' 4.1',4' 1 1,fr," J -1 3 . 1 0t, i i i i i t? r jfi'ir9C- I . i P4A ti FrL si c i , '., 11 :n9 blr i Jl 3 ' ll-f qAtt l 9: i P 4 l l 9l,497 l i 9 „kt , b i e tit of, the ,plept9l)oractFol%q9A9til'.,!.l4r.- 14.1 ,_ 104 .,e.,k,g. , P5imi1q;,,, ,,, ,.../iNcs:37ert44a,g°-' 811,9, 1 e:iiipi.11);gl;NI;t0r°?94kliPAN'Yei 4'41,144a hs the popular Vote by trams? `like Mr:' i.ofk; nOlVo ‘ iitg i tipai4r Qdtit ei)- • . :'. 1 1, 1 .-ret\e44 7 tua""n ' S'' . l4:l ll -e''fi:_ter...e`fieeCtil!., Albian et ' eittic hies an s (mai an ',) ti'l , V- 1 , '•,.l.•Q:,'^' 'f.. - PP. " 1 01 +' ' , : .1 - , 6 . ' ' ,• •-' .t • , i ,•;,,!- r . `nommatiotiot one so .littte,knowlvt of. states : overcoat for: self, *¢, fdr' the, ' fl i.''' ille 4 "bi'' "fit' . .' '''' ii c ' ''',6 ..i , ; at i.,3 ".., -:..-- - -.- , -- , - ! arl,l °A 1 ,1 1 3 7 ‘.:7" ,C l ..,Mr,?if , , "IP", aril ~ '''"'Prfil-' - • ~`4ki:.o-4'-",-1,*4'./ ~ - e e c :7' .;s ~f,,l i f , l' Vit ,II': •V f , 0 , 1 ~ , .-, I , .- . , , ~, , , ~ 7.! . ~ 4 , , , . , ~,,, i .7 ~:sa , , ..,-v 4 , '',,t : .." , '",',..,4* ii . .l ,c,ir , " '.V3',..1 1 1 0 : 'Ell' - ', 1 1 ,, Vg.' . i .14 f'. .•. , :.." , 1 E i ... , c. , }x,.. ,ir ty . ',:', , i. ,f. pin. N.i"? 91 0 1 ,1 F.,Afa I t7-ITe h reettlAJß, ~ , r IV,aliald let rilkk.tket tnian,L' some 4. 1 .. ;i t ' ii` 4." '.- '.-' Y - - "I - 16t0v . : i ' ‘ , .v -- -,, '.,. . - . ..- rea!),!!!!):. , t ,"l . c1i 1iP,P1,, ,, 9F 1 19 ,, i 1 ,o t ' 0, 4btrß;f4.olo,-p2l).o4mA.PciAYY.h.i.. 4 r 4 "-Ic' fitie.`l4ll" l "ittl'Oks;aby l'aertez: lii 14 1 1: in` F " 044 0 91,40i4 11 4. 1 114. 1 ,1ii1,P;iig•q ' ‘.-' - 4 - .:,'- , -'P'A:! , ' o 43(il-A.'Sf,' , 0, rr .:zi-. - . ~ ~ . 4f ,,,, i , , , „9.. , ~ •, .. -„, . • r.i , . , , fitB ou Sunday vapponatArbao, ~.squenee , :-VL` . ,;.. 4 ! 2 , ll .?s't*lPlo,kP.M/H4l44,liPqrs' v 4 -.:, ',.. , .„ , , 4600t' if 5itim,„),14149:0; - pit,ik!o„o:9,4: ' l ' —"YlisYAis , riallill#o6 lllll * . ", 464:; i f 4 F ,Acio , -,fa'6wiviwAii , aiiii4eli, ,tilaittett \i , itii.riil4oo4 , 64ttili,ifol l o449o - " "ir , - ,,, :. , . , ;.:4,,,p , . , ,i , .~ ; _, .. sod #„0:',.40,5t, kr.„o,l , o49t:•immoyio,P . poojoyitoN4ric %cot l'll I't ' 6l - 7g,-T--2,t',', , . , ...., i ~,m-i'iii.),, s io .,-,tikr‘i l 'the-oi,, , ( .4:-L,i6:' , W44100.t - a.r,04; *,ll ~., . , . .4, . .A1 , , fe i ei iiti , ..y 4 t " lent,./77tle , elt worm , 1 P o ', ';':',`"' .+; - i t , ito.,igtLyil itit , ritAVA!,, ''.'''' ,' liiitri i, 1 0 ' . .,1 'o l ', ,tnAilif/ AM 4 , f'09.7- 1 4 , t .I)SWIIRSII%,OPP_Pff, 0. f i t h li ~t Ci t if t fi r 4iO4,l4l 4 lo- 144 Ni it i irirtAiv Yti rirkuvolifOinvoitlikk4l4r , jrrrn: ' , er 0,4 ;.,•;,-.;:. irlile6 inAiiliiito4: f , I',', ~v ';',.:, ,, 0%44'.i..1ifi1i-44. 0 .1;0,,40i01 +3-.; ,*;.,,,.i.,,:,-..,,,r, • , ,,. 4,,,,, ~,,i . r ., „,-, ww i. „ ,‘.;.',, : ,p. , : r si 3 O kitaXi . rt .'4 , ; :-.: '` l ' ' '' ',.' '''X':l'—c,L'.'i-"I '.', ' r , YS„' 'l , ' ,. ~! ii..!,''''',l2,;T'S:r; - •r1; .' %;'..1.':.A . . ,. Ct'5`,..Y. ,'" .,141 , ;11141i , i .- ' "Ai:o_4j n -- ",-'-'•:•'.. ' ".'±vi:. 2 , '.',l '..;..., _1! ;. •. L was studying the bifferbil tin Hd Etemeil iiidch Calculus said he did:tint think he - could bale done that' without sight. I then aske'd him of the •Projection 'Which before • us; when he -immediately coriimede6d a full expla nation, ' felt; es..his little infant hand ran, rapidly over the diagram, - "and I listened tO his child-like expressioni. as if I were in . the pres'eneb of some supetior being:" , Tlefinison, then goes on to gibe a gieit . "lnanfsieiatiloles nf wcifiderful MatheMitiCal .Mitirely"!diittiiktitied the i;dtiabilitj; •af Ae‘iii. NW) iFi`iiiktinii"iiii4lll44.'6lliii.kini . t rsiord - lietholiiiiory' of 'iiianntitl'•in 4pen ii (Iduiliy which: ‘0,6 deo perinitieil time 16'4E16 lomething' , cif- they .eCome—witelr-thii-mitifral-boOlehal-U4S: ,beek • t t Ali t, in , • . sl sc.i )4, PF4%, PP ,Tndfy ATI*. tAlislinßn,e,e;!f 41Altrd Rh , will tO 9 PR . It 118 4 1 'li 4 "PO r g l lfiC i *F7 l " 'O P n aised. "e 4111 . c ampuTtitop46,N per, tlw Mse,l l ( kinpm• t ri„ ,11'18) - i t c ' o al &hilt! Purdbaleprss s. 't so.; bocA.s; tfg' ve;n l".l. tPt?!!t. 't -ithiriii)4 14(11 '/' I"' '' ' $2 I.ld (113i-e-g,P2*,- iffff=l , t MMIIII=M==MIBI r 1 : 9 4 rus , period of 18121 The t'olloivi ng tW4 man Who has st i dOd "foi'nior 9 o than tliirtY years t noble • renreseAative . of 'the beet qualities of American reeling anct'jotePeet: -`2,,••;• , ;; ,, ' - ' , ' - ;•. , • • , Among the fervid andthejeatlesS, t 9. whom no small share of 4141;tar - 166t.: Ceits . of that, war ia : attribtftoble 'Under treteely eireurnstan'ces, none is et).- tided u. more grateful re . eollectionihanthe Speaker of the flonse, Ardent and bold in- the swport' of the w# and Mad isolt's administration of it; prompt, clear, engeni and alithorative.iW the chair: I= eloquent, fo'ciitle, aggressive in speech-:— .. impulnive anil overbe'aring. Yet adroit and commanding in conddeti reholute,.ntid:dar ing..j;n all things, .without. much leaining, study or polish, he wis then; in the flower of. his lige, and robust health, the iltineipal champion OF -Whatever he undertook,, and the Master spirit wherever 'he .acted." A spirited Sketch is giiren of a debtite in the Hittite on a resolution to arm the in habiCauts of the.DistrietolColumbia, meni ,bers of Congress included; to repti an ap prehended attack : " Coiftress were nearly alon'e- in the ' Capitol. it blew a hurricane, roaring like greet guns through the dome of the House of •Reprelihntatives; and struck down-..the flag rattlhig on the iori. distant artillery. was audible, as was thou'elft, from time to time, and rumors continually, afifkvas the enetny.advanced, The division of parties - as--so•-intenstr-that-there-Was-little i person-- al intercotirse..mitong=friia - k .. .rtiellie' - ri :Or opposite' WM. The - federalists audreptih_ hemp did hot sit together, einelica — few repoblieans..a.v.er i flo.wing_among thefedera , ' flits; oectipying the" Speaker's fat: bate- ra rt. high: __Mr. _din:Y. 4 7as anekgejl e iA presiding . olnchr,_but he.:kould_pet_lteep die Ilouse almaysla orller. kieltangler Han son, a small man, in delicate of the Federal Republican tibwepapa, One . 'of the boldest in opp,usitied,. Was` 1t ilherpr fiercd speaker, and attacked sometiMei3 the, 'Speaker hinia s elf, Gros+eller„ Orgivirip 'readiest. detiater,, and: hardeet hittei- of the federalistF4 Mr. dress analaieeehr dakley, Dan iel Stieffey, Mr: Richard Stockton; Mr. tiretniter, Mr: Biiikering, Mr. Plikiii, were proinineht on _that side. Clay,: Mr: ' '' t ';''l l . - ..CeViliKtibliti s airetlii i & filtilifol i ti '''. - °II fi'llieileVi'ifie, - p' , 644Witigge'Vf ildlitititli - - 1 'ibrer Vilitiial'Aliettplii33 , ', , : *- Stiftliiiiii . Witi- . • :" 1114,1'17thiatTi l iirt 7.- }ti3 l. lrAlfilLtiii - Prid ; 4r ---- last,_ In ibe pi . etWel - iiViitiinitii!fii i iiiitieti- -- - Ibte;:kitTeititiVitilitb4iiii r ritridw% - ;illibf the,- 1. . -•-.:; ..; , ,,, t , q : i ~„) ,=,. ~ , 7 angle.on bne awe to that of the.opiaoatte4-Y.,= . ,,, •• , ~, ~ ;2, , , „,„, t ,,,,-, :,..i.....),.: With an ene:r pstumottr,petedpareetna.,. , ,'' theportion_Of. tliejaw . rernoVeklit'that,'" - filliA:eolit• ti's' all of the le il • i'lie tti moor,: eghed Over 2a...pounoli. - Thb Tiorroi , 9l 7. lhe ikeration can, only - te np r re- , "-ciateA_ tS,,_ thoae who.. ‘i,tiliea,led,,.lt. r .;Tkak:_ ~ calmness;, delihe'railon; kill, an'tl i)rottpt. - neas tef„fbesuriieoeinaPietl the,i'Pectatore . with cor)ll,lence„thai all.WOul'd he kveill,..and in tsv.entk:paionfee..,,frg..bilhe tithe-, the.iifei incision was - inatliii:,iltee operation . !as iieted: No 'v; 'the Pii,iiti!"..da . ,y 'rem The EMB operatiep,,,tbe man and giving Fron - iiEte ; af elliedki!eatc7 ration; • ,*„thia the filet. ian`aay:B; I_ have seen. Dr. Virirtici remove a sehirillui elan na, a )arge niallgnant .tuniciarpokfoina stle&isfullir , oktration of LithOtelfaf• and Atrfiet a laige sine `of a boy fotmjleera (-Ad. A t4IANT AT LAST.-'Ti e . Banner state's owthentosfrellai3le that a person in'iNanklin' e'StintY; l l ; etineii. see, w hile diggini ` l ‘`e,illl a . feyweeo':itnc; found a human skeleicin i pih:elfifty - feet, whieh measures,..elkineenl--reet in imtnentie! fiame - .:sirA entire; 1 7 . S with, an 'iliti#Ortant e3c'e'epilen in - bne - , of- " the -eitrehttlie: r it• hag been visited by , several, of, the': principal . metulierit of the medical faculty in, Nashville, " , and "pre= trounced all, the 'etteletnti of a fibge • man::Tht7,7tine Orr incase feet. Thel.hrt 4 ti4,fttie;beeti. ofleied - eight•alhbusand ilollarstorit„ but he detbiniiiititrifortifUll.leiii - tinyliriei entii 'first exhibiting it 'twelve inoitthe.4 • He-is now haing-the:_thiPrent. 2 ii . arts wired ro together for thit purpose:- : These ' uni;rrit teti i recorils iiiTini-tilinih-ti-,lthimali-oi-Oitt— er ages, that are from'dine' time dug ouf (if ,the boWelg or the earth 'ptii • to Eonsusion:•Atid ,• • NffiAiing ort tbireg r . Bnd&li ot 4 -tfieNeir- York •btiinnieiciiii. , gil•ett 7 'ti rumor prior to receitt ileP ; artti're ban:. ci.oftand : Bti,liatten, on theirs ,- 'bit Itcine;' the subject of the wiiit that till ativiseri should forot a .unit iu Fegard to that , titteithin. The conedlia don endetihoweier; -- it is-said'-in-the dee iriewe, on the pad of . 13u;• lhattan; _ Ma'rcy and whieh were utterly irieconefalih'Withi titos6 heldby antri A lE:.ittason: The President, it is belie'irbd, did rot ett tireli, coincide with eithiii k , tpon thiti 040'"i tieet% fottrole'd that Mr. Buchman will gp %lima the benCh; and Mi. lianciliftWill go abioad; .". - Ir - 7.. We learn from the §OiqUeliaiiiia,' (1 3 a.) Register that the Election BOitil'iif the town of Bilver take in I.lldt, connik indictment, fiii.knor ingly reeeivintillegat votes at ilie.last Pr - e'aitiential tvas proven on tlib t.eiol that : ibotit . fiifty • votes tie re jiiceived 404 tintl;l4l }al hy, 6 fte'r , tthiga. 'l'46 . Regtlner evideneuißn tho,„ pail of ireik tult, a 1 tL fold. fa;its of We mos t outtgleote - ,char l‘ , actor, tnitl that the Juttir,e. : .iti. tili, chprget46i..' the jury leanell .. as side of tlie r pfisonersj, de:rodorithent 'spect4i9 4t . iiilif iii innniiec anal faA'as CargettkßAtttf„ _ _ °Lyric:ix at; v erilamnivhcimtiota. the lappointditititonts 1 4 00, PoN4l44te.o s a,4tooo del)WidAft'oB.:ft 6 ~ngit i ttliettirs„ titttr. egents, 4.oo.qty'eletitieit i nfiff I i gltthdtilietfte4re—rml 'OO ftl4lie, dePendeqls• :47 irots, 2000 ialipointments' .. the , dent:roil an irititel,- 11iqiii:7:"Aiertittis:tup.;e'll'iel'6i:9,t911*,b8,.iiv''.°:,°:,41Wit ni. • 1 1 ., * th '; : . 1t1: 1 4 . 3ii - 7 : : 1 .i .I 1 - ike, oi , arm y,f..---, tx ec u t iv e . , 4.4lefT,Yna':o•l•llf9,:Y,s'e4, `l4"d'slite VovOtarA' r"4lleotois,6l-.;thil 01,4 P• 1 "- t o_t 1-",,,,,,iii, gill, tliiff4 ~_- ''...iiitio,d9r.l,o,a,kpiz. qr.r, k . 4- 6 .ref „ .t . i4,4, , 114, 11 . .i.41,0 , •-' ' • to ,tp1g.1,,,,,g F,P:Mtrrk ':4 .v,pii,,,,(119 Pili ll k l PF-k • ; rpti-l'o\iisiiAllf=l -.` .' - 4 i may 'p Wel,3 ~ - '4L - Tr , - ." filoo...ii lio- „ of ~` 4;,,,, - 04i!!yi,r9 ► g liirtipilltl3l3l,::APlnlte.i.,,,,,; k i ?„ 1 ii , ,,,, l l i r• ,' - e . nq, gol!! '‘,-- 4' 4 ' ' , ... 4' , a 4•ileP... nlsP'tr,'"7'' ~,..,94,54 Y i la i LiN f e " . . ,i) loat 4t4',,,, •T103417,,40,,J ,• iNlVail , t.,aVINI ' r , 116 700 18 t?-firrt e lA t a l lf : 4 13 9, i + 7l4 t a iii, 4 4 a eri ' b uri' .01#14ft:9 1 .11:t i t i ts ligaialtail It o, 44;;CoitiOau7; ha ° , ° Pt_ ' oal l uiiift:imiiiiiiiiioOPTlca, i , I sin , 0004eeafletiftil, fli k135.4 Iv Aitiiiitc ti, vit hviiiivelicti4or it twootlvhio ~1 a ott‘ tiositkongoitimi oth w ,4 , 6 , , ~..., v„ caitibm plate layitika:ioon if 04 1 1 , (!ii , Oaarnitillid,l4',4:;:a-f.,,,,1 I.4:fAtift 2 4llllo ',, ' 1 ;1 0 o* 0 1:- / P 2 - 2 '"", 2Tit-r' ~, 113qiWifiV4,; -=li a r tiTho u ti r t c, -"" at Alt;aati a so r! ev .'itil#lol -;!' 0-014-i- ,t rc tiv lcT , ruprfilootw inltiLtifift, , , , .., „,, p Ci aL , li . ll 3 l6 r r „:1 1 Prabl: 4 4,rtlegi°1 1.1,,e.ryq kkt i lr / t 9 P4 % trObable‘eidetolBo9'• I ),s,' ' - f Opyarl , '“1 qv ' ;`tt Ira`'' 2 1.-V, ' ,' " , ,: , i.f,,a - kbloot4 liv 44 ,5 , OUN .. --- • • -4- • ' ol *- 2( 0 32,+ HMI =ME IMMO -41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers