El 1. j....*,../y,fp ~.'..iewt::Zo•Soi7o.*ltiV.:*.fiA t'rr. 1 in MSI 2’: _ BSI • • .1' atil,GrerAlegaitlllit" f: -, .bly;ofthe'Ccminotitgerrlth'of;FChfl •'• t,i.ifieltlo4tiatied„ the L2ilZ.day:„of.. IVOat i letnade titY...,iflhiShOri` etPtit/ifitis , ,tflitilif' , this' Cemmoriweit.ltiti . lo l ., • ' . Elecilrine;lttid. ps . Vi.ssarn :2 , 7"/"' pleee-et."eltileh' the eleetiort,fil' ttOtit)iedf '.s . 7"Atir . .AgtslCltlfGSr l ol?t, Hie! :Pheriff ef . 4:e :ttnt4 :/tPoWtr, PtißT.4.V,OTlCEiti..theelectertr , r 41th.-7 ditY , the . .inenth) . :lt- , ne. 'the f ::severel lion distkiblefestriblished liy latiln , ittidleriunty;nt, whicktinialkey - Yriil. votatibjijnillot , for Ike' soyer.., al.6.ffiectir heiclnafter Milne •'' • .. entinly , of Initlandln - ihrHOU,SE7OI REFRESEN2 - 11/477'11, 5 08,0f C:melanin. :7' • • •. SAL— C 01.1111 I S- Ptateof,Perinsylvenig. 1 ; #11i ffirPROT 11 N o::VAift 41 s 2r -.:::e:tmEnsi , Ailiirrviot , of the 'driorts ISieneria. 4:ijet end Terminer,' rind Or. ' PhiatiTCss - irfor county of Cem berlind. • . ' ' • .?? • - ••ihr the I..niunty'of Cumberland. ' • . ifsirittin mor '.I'REAS 142 ER fur the •• doe^C MISSIOV E Itior the'eonr.ty of ~ Cuintii+rlah ;k re , . Olie 4111DITORIci settle Ore ):41i4e;':ee 'eolititii bribe county' , CoMjnissioners • '.3L „ T6e said election will be hold throughout- - eptegy;eo fellows :, • • By ariact of! Assembly of the'CoMmoriwealth of l'ennetyleaniakm.ptitle'rkep nut -reghlating eke. tion - ,Districtskfilseed' the •IgNi day' otApril, A; 1), 1845 follows;-"That , Se the Commis - sron_erts. , ;pfthe 4 '..Cenntr,of Ciiiiiberland be, end ore hetertY4iitit„OrlsCtlitkeelect and"fix. upon place . • :fir plices;sin,thettorough of Carlisle, for holding -;i4lls:olcotioni2krilSll.were , bold lit the Court home, , in'ttie sold *ill the erection 'mil corn. _ 'p)etliiffOrri„Ceurthouse;_wherellieerection_ib eTe ._ after shall be held:" .Whereupon the said Com. rnitistohoretliadefiscd - upon the fullowing plaCee, - fur theleirpeie, of guiding the election in the elec. thim:diptriet.coMptised.ef the borough of Carlisle atjd neltipanf.Sea Or iddleton, North 51 iddk:. -, 7 l.oiii ,, VeiFieilliolortson,Lower Frank ford and low. of. , W,est:Feinietearough, to wit : A •T,.ifeeleetiori for. the East Ward insthe'boreugb, ordiAlileorhich, wag, hole J460/71)010. Court tronsaydoor;;ln7oiiiil'berough lifll ' ,66,ll,elif t.-the publie 'house Of Deiid-Vartje,, io sold befonAlt. the West •Ward n theberough , „ of'Carlisle Oie.l:'wile - --helil.:iops - ,cou rt bootie) door In ereidboerOuglii poblje Jirros,ef.4,,,peergellec -;;Rm.--;Sii ! Weeld7horough. , . Thtkille::eihiti 4 .lti the election district einnpr;s4l; - tdd Stoichis}lip , — ti'III•bC, iThtut tilt' grr:Tpu. s. • _ public bongo OrAndreW iii 7 - - Robertstlie - troroug1::: of - Carlile • - - • Tiro . • tb.e. election" . dist rret eimipotcd7 Notth4ll idd I eton. Town s i be - keld.ut the - pulilio-house of John . Cernmen..inborough 'the of ..• ,The,lcieviion:Wlthe.'eletion.dfstiict composed :be held et Nie.publie, thetierousb oftarlielm, lioThe.!eleetion'tin comiried, -- =OrILOWett Weet , Beriniboiough T,OWnship, beis .j hold:lii(thepnblic W in rott, ' • - ~,Tliffelkilen;ln . - disirleteoni posed • :!: ,. Oirj.ilo,er..Blekineen,.tv.illf be- held t' the 'petilto • , - • _ • . Jieel2etion.in the-district composed of:Silver spplingyotienehip, } gill beheld a ttlie public house 2 .tifilbs t ilAilnkle, in litquestown, in Paid` town.: : ,, , .'T,Fielelietiondlithe.seleet ion distrYct composed . I.6lwimit,; .. will be held et the house . 'ef Andrew' kriil Zer, "on the serith' side of the - . The eleratiOrr ; lnAlfe of.. East •P,Consberough:towniiiiii; thelronse now occupied by 'Jacob Longonelier,,at thelXestlend.:ei_ the flarrisberg.sllridge... fripcoieiif o n . Id the district cereposed of NeW Curiiiibritind," Will be 'Mid' of the public house -of Illorrhardinson, in the borough of Vew Cumber . istr-irti-eom-posed-oV-thy.-uati-o Allow= IttWilttirlik - whi air cleelitiii was heretofore Hid at,CtuirfKihlte 'hops& of Vi Whim ll hires, - the; lihiObili4oow Umberto nd;' will be held at • the TenithiCHP4se.of GeOrgillenk, now occupied ~ P y ..llo,,bptt,,coffejr, stifp. tow,b the Sclistriet. coot posed of Lis. Pail of Alien "township, 'will he held the, public house of Puler M'Conn in Lisburn. q.h9.' , elultt,ion la the 'district composed of that , pliitOPAlll3ll. township, not inbliided in the Nov cultitielrid, George Heck and Lisburn,election dititrihtit,4:ill - bwheld'attlfbilublielftitti,e of 12oViti , •...The eumliesed.of.the 74:trirtiiiitt. opt Cohen ,the e:Trytioinn - atf.- - fw.;v:7l;#o,':eipppp-pinf oe,ipiitivi,3o - enpposeo of I i hbbit S. of rp'"Cli to'c to said lowriship. ;.'",..Toomotot, cOmposud of Upper township; iteld:et the house of • . ' coin poticif of the DotOilikiirlleiiville t linri,townships of Mifflin, Upper . .Frankfoid, - Upper West perinsboroug iincl,- - tharlitiirtirNeAvAolf tpyviitildp;not itclu clod , to the Leeiburi, ele 64i:in. if 1.1 - itil - he 031117416' will 1,i3 • liel4 house, ,in 'lilt , - Irfin . e'ele‘ . ' iis6dAif v• ; ;,i/r„ , tewhil 'lO4Oll be'lield 'at this coo cme,: ,4.-XebOnietti;steld 4drifiliir t ' -,,: - .i.„ 5 ,/tii , ,electOn in.tlit(iiiicief. denpO4l f 2 rllic ,lattagfir 111piinriniir, §liippens44sk;.td4a. • ichiPlaktbat part -43,f,Soulttampton triWnsiiiii:;•oo: ~..4900- 4 191',19.440.-148batut election district, will -- the - .4 Idtat4l9l'.ltridocit'House,)9 - the barougli of !:-1311 iteirei' ''--. ' ' .'''' --":-"' -•.^-,-,,-- - ' 0 ntf,l9rWfifili`istrof tliir Getieral-#sienibly t os -,t .- .lfl 08:cetninonSvealth;petaied-the • 2d ittly,-1133 . 2,_ ''.'terfthPeNtfiridid,, l- wk,Thirt 'IN qualified'elcOore 1 ,`14 : ti*uf_ . llo,Vvtricelnd,'Spirthiimptoia kiwi:9l4dpi; i i ii ,10 , ei;.dciality'!'of„Ctiiiiberleibil;-'botilided vy , .the ',,''''4 l o _ sitiljajfiei",!rint-liiit#tieneslrin't'Beillintrik pt ~ ..:.8 4 1#8,Ageonitco,Ooty.:Jitte,.tlierieriertieg the,tine -di.. I%l4'tflitiltAbit.',ldilichipeol•Ploitinaeo andllewtorlio", the turapikg.-ioadellienco.along aaldjurntikir to nC-Aktie,,Schutrtiletase,mwmaid tornpikei 41•SonthJ , 7 4, 1 4',,Innitlton trpeldP, thcnie to : 'a point on' the:Wal: , ' tAtiot, fititlevi'lload 4 rii-Raykouck'fii`incliidlng Itay.;! . .s!t-liiiiireiliiitncLthence_:ti-eiraight: direc lien - tb the- A 4 ,13101111111:9001,1411let014o . heire - pf -- . - Georg9 Cle;-,. 'A'Pfers - ttl,,,,blei,_ /OPE , 4F.o„Otierertnil to::the-.AdanF 'l'''''4ll"'"'"'"ie'''';944l9e.' 41 9 1 1g , ' Hall. !Inc ~ci Adathei` tlMAtillfAll,.'lo l BCe,iitlaciivirng,'be:add,tliknntlitc, - , - ,,.4kr,hote, 7 , :j4carreil-4,•oitvetisPO :Peritglitif:eligitiptk , ~ ./iiliiiiiieliqtibly. .. tiklbst !wig at liko politic 49980 - '0 Air-411/11 0; ' wg,"Soathampton: sli it*b - „ «:53; 35,111 g; ‘. .‘a': men. '"s!"“ ”’7‘ =ME pot tte' It - ' , 'ti n nt o'l . lo %. I.lll?lt ilyielelilloPlierytheg, ocin.lo;;;Stiisllilitt . , iftdethifaitiV,: - 4 l:: liditiW: . ArAitOilfof: i • OptilifrinW .f, - ot rt* . e iti lg. o ,4l(4l itcitliir t tr oo :attf ti ttilor iti 94 , : , l, o l ll 4 ; 100 4 1 : P t ? 'eil,iPlOptt.O*Otall,rdr7dilo, l .etei!Mitilnglik l 'esp.'s - Mon. ehel'ed Zudge siliall.smotmlrit_akfotenti3e in:his pine Maio ,intse'tlialiefnolVelekitqltidir* slitil4noetittentl;Thenthiinspeetdr3vflo`tdOtsd.tW highest' number. oVkiittin",9sinilt-Impoint Wi•lullet,!.iii' Mk-place l'or: if thy I:Manner ahltlifebOJllnMuvlitt: bonrd fur &Oilseed bad bout , Offterztheitittk . fiketl , by.lai rot. the.opith ing - ofthe lecllition ftre:: l l l , l Bli 6 CClA Ttitr .. B of the-Owns/0 pe,-.w,ortrbi, tlistilet.,for,irldch shell offiCershalldiare hem ,eletiellatreitent,,at, Mit place of(eteption - aliall:F*f ime, of glair - limber to , Jill such vuentici. ,-!" ;:::,.-• .:- , e • ',--:" , 'Z . ,- .: ." A,Sbnifite.,theA4tfaibibio6 " lli ' iliii4o :- i.. 'epeftively,''cp . ,itttetl44,llr - Afince er licildinO'West - geeinitepeeial:'im..t oirnshiultilielon, dtMinetltd;. ;whole time said 'electir* j . tt a kortit °pent tor theOri. Itese,l3l,.glyltig. information. io the insmetort and judge tvhien -tiAllMr an, in . .reltiticm - to'itte'riglaraf iiriypir,oo - iosisoi hy tisem ..to Tilt& nt :Itieb -- ,elel l tion,'et. emelt other matters iii:itlatuimitliVaiseitsl.: ;meat of. yews ii - i,the said. litapeetors:orletther'or 'them shall. fttom tlme to ,ti nierequirki. :,. ..-. ..‘.. ...No 'm.661'1)114 ,be SlM , mil'ett - tti . vote;nfahy election no fiforesAld, duln ii _white :Vs...wont, pt, the 1 igo - ortWenty.onv.yearii.erinerpit ehe sliall4isVei4l4 .lited - iw - tios - stare - At te - 00 - oweretfc - tivittraiirr election distriettvitere he al:Ws to vote tit least ten. d a ysintinedistely Avreceeiliti - gs.ytteli •eleetion,' nisi within two years wad a Mate at c mrty'tais w hich shall have assesseit'M least ten• days before the elettl,O))Apili it Citizen - of the - ,United Sintes. win+. hiss pj;WO,U . klYtlmell)l.lll/oiliell Voter iir . t'it's State, d an..rtilfiny,9o;:fillet,efrom and 'returned,. anti' tvho 'shall lia*E6rldeil in the eleetion. district All(l.tiiiirl taxes'nfinrar, ilia] lini . entitled te'yote idler real: din hrthloStote six Months :PrbOileil;-'lltot the white 'freemen, Piti2? . ll of - the United . States, be: tacen the ages of iwoolv,one :toil two ily. I Wolearir,- and Ir.vr resitred iii the eleetipti district ten 'days As skintit - Ai i 1,41% :II li e Lcotitleel. to - Sete, Mitli9noi , they - 40101 not have iiiV.id taxtis. , • ' "No person shall' be permitted, to' vote chose name ismot conttine)Lio the list of taxable ioln,bl - fond shed by the .conimissloners, Unless, First, he produce ii. receipt for the iiiiyment, within iwe years, of a Stale or comity tax ituessed aurecaltly to ,the lg onti !pat ion , km 4: give - . satisfactory evidence either on his oath [or allirinatinii, or the oath or atiirination of witntlier t'llat he huts paid such' a 1,1. x. ormurfailitre to pl'odnee a receitit, shalt make Oath to tite , !jim mint thereof, nr, Second, if lie claim a right to vote by being an elector between tin' iige or tweiappo atill.lweiity-two yenta, Ire shall depose on othitralleMittimi, that lie has resided one ear next Rel 'at'e lit siii+licatioll, ik ii* make such pro - of Of residence, iti',l.lse district n sls recrii red by this net, andithat he-fl oes verily believe, tram the accounts given bins; that he is of the ego I:fore:dit, ma give Elicit ] ether evidence as is required by (Ids net, n hereupon the mane pi the person so admitted to vote...shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the ,inspt3ctors and niirri e -- maile °twit - Site therein 6) writing the word ` tux: if he shell be tohnitted to erne by reason ol Inning 'add tax, or the word 'ago' it he shall be ndmittol to vote by renson of such vote-sltali be - Lolled out to the chubs, who bleat 'unite the like notes in the list of-voters Pept by diem. . . oln all cases where the mane of the.perSon eliii ing to yrre is-found tin the list furnished by the commissioners and .nssessor, or his right to vote whether rotund thereon or not, is object-et] to by ;my 'qualitied citizen, it shall be the fluty of the inspee tors to examine such person on oath as In his epwli- Boatinns, audiflie claims to have resided within the Ststefor one yesir or more,:litsmaili shall be suffici ent proof thereof,bnt hat shall' Odd; e pronfliy at least One coin pet ent witness,lo ' l: still If • me a moil i hod elector, that he has icsrded within this district for mote than ten ti: is neict ph.tetting said electionand shall also himself nwear Mathis huttafideresitence, iii,pursilatiee of his lawful coiling, is Within the 7dlstriet, and did tint teitimm. lair Fur the tikaliose t'l l :Nery persmi..tpialified as nfor'et.ilkaild who! . rosito- dintinttior, etoftgzcs; . ahtbeutiinillea o- it.required;of..'his - to itriffh.AtrittiltifOrartf - ",district iir,whitli' he:shalt "Jr tie - ratimsluilt '.prevent , or' atOri - ipt to Ore; whirtiky;bniaironpiy 2 .lec t ion. under this ael b trim) , ' leace":to ai...Lsoelypflicer, or Anil. iiiteiampt .tiretirrly::interii•re;iFitli . in the. escciitiop oh Ilse::, 4.4ll3l*Sliii'll Ideas uplite iv italdw or. aveints to ativ.; , k) . tailo t ,4t,4latiethe 'sa me rintyllie holding, or Bloat: riotously distnriolio.ticiiieut:sucli erection ' or shot'', intiinidtinit‘tlireats, force andalY or - int:eawe any elector, or, to itementliidi crbffiNotitit or ktraia the ,freedo so of'clioi.e, such vjation, fined in any Rum not'exceeiling five". ‘ hurirlrett,ifollnes, I - inipirisoned for any time. :pot less than three nor MON Ono iwelte• montlmsi; !sotrit be — ii,it: - Wii - WeViiiliere - t 1 i ''`its l'of sncl; offetiee-shalf he link that the person so offend ingwaS:titit resitlent of the. sity,.waril, district; tie town . s . hip'w here the said offence Tie actranitteilonl u . not cut itred, vot d_therei then,. ori_ clinvictiott, lir. shall be sentenced to pay it IM6'itirant less tlaiittiur: hp l uired • nor mo r e than nue litensand ilollart; and be imprisoned not less than' tit( month S nor more titan tam years.. - "If any person or persons:Vial' 1 11. 11140 any bet 01 ' tener riantrtlic result fir- within t hi s Commonwealth. or than ,Olll.r to multi, any such - lie; or wager,' either, by verhill. rtnpnlattlat inn iliereor, ur by any written or printed suluel'.lisemeot .nr ITeite - aityLitextiory toMitikesattlt het or wagon, upon eMiactibil'llkerimfOie thec shall Mrkit and 'may three times the hinomit so' bitt- or offered to be . Art. personotot , bv,bor. (petrified, shall fraftfift.t. rly - vote IWlc - ete:eilott . in' - dri - s - Cutoonnrextrltle, - or being Mitera ise ,qualified; shall vote ultro!,flils. proper di hi riot: dr. if Ifirperson! knou ilt;;the of such qualification, shall aid, ot. procure tineit , per, son to vote, the porton olliottling sball lion; be fine 4 in any minima execeilitig dullnt s, and be imprisoned ru t • any term liutt;xeCeil ,, log three montltsT .• If any person shall'vote nt more than one 06 , , tion district, or Witco:vise' fratulttlentiv vote nii , re limn once on' the same tier, Or shall * fraudulently told and itcli Flu. to tie inspector two tickets togetla• er _with ti &intent: ill •g•tl1v;1n Vote, ruse luulprocuro rtjrtte 111',01.-41'offew1i!ipiliall 1111 eon victlmOseAliceti' filly, nor - puke tlitinfive littildred dollars, sial be IMpnisoned not less-thaittlarec tiny more 111:111 twelve. months. • e, , nuy'pri ,nnot ;1111146,A to rote in dila Com monwealth, in.Trerni)ly to In (cAtept the sons of ryoutfifind anlienrtik ing plimo of dee flint lin• the- purpOpe isionng ticket, or of Iniltiqu. 614' the citizens yunlilled.t,P vete, Ite,sl,lol on etin:• riot ton,rorfeit ond..poy any, soni. ex ceeiliegmati (Ira dollitilt for every,snefi offence, oneil for:tiny.ivin,,fint s oXeogtlfrig.titre"monfli,. 7 Age4eiibly (0: the: lircviaiopti9f,tlie lion -of said iitt;.ateMGeOrritand.: shrill - ho.pliearAL beim, On t Aoniqf of ILO hrilrerorhaliOn;lrlit or ..atbre - 114rnetir the, evoning; - irlienlhe'pollir shall Aoreltised. . ;TA ;liioies :Of iliCire`tilieettyle'tlisiriehcarareL Ohl trat refaiiire.ll tb meet white Edueti-; ;lion; the ,hp.l 'orearliAlei oa r the thitil tlayftiltc tieing gitolierillteivaiiii:there.i.O perform', the orp l ern....bi savOho qohariotilrealthl •. s • 4„; -. 4V1.i07/ 1 11;f1ttSt41141.41tlifiV, 7, reinroni• thankiii , toihthe..p!afronnifit.nirenay; 6014qw'ell.on inti in t?tir;• lino9l,buf)ileoo4-113e , cpur'. rof Olnthee, iiitil . p9oi)",pf oar, dyn• drawing tkepr,ilnd to; et ,041ctall-tintt pektly•;eleuntiOil frm : grAlllo3.9pAlk o befliremenilinpalgOn; lof ill please give,,vo.?! - ft IY,4oCl!lmfret• - Skeet . ' , The vqllarii or: conttii . qr., tiny' ~onti,- , xtill'lttp,cl6iiti:AH without Rawl! rtirisrof desire il. prices : be' Incin'Optirpcin.te the-• IS , tiPsAil...(l2g.ffixm A 110116,1-1: 1 el.O l Ao. 7 * ol 'd, rronAtnine, wpn to, li v e l _ 4lle. .9•lßk#P - Mk l A4C . . trado . °l • OY . !0#0:1 1 'e. 1 - 7 11 e.... • 0 • " .. '6 ,4 1 ,4fkiltiArt, egrnic..itjlt, he ittesoli e d ltd, avvtL t nind:, reogn.trYir,a:oo;Smy.i.PlrkcilrOjig. : .sa , the', Mft,ket_ •., E Alyi.Fl•l: l l4Sit,i 44 . •;.!:.;•• ri4: . lii,:do,....4ll .. loll,pvi.itit'a • room OKStfilact.}SAt.tivka.Timor.-8110:1),;iii the': rentsW the, 1 -1 4 . seWsr:IP , ' 0 ' 1,1 fM. L*4) , jeeti r e, kt.V.9d. .106 11 : Mk , wiatimptiiiiptlowhig4itio., 4l 4:zimin , :, , tuk ete gSOOI I ,IOI.O,IOIIUIOMPtIY' ).!PFP • IgtOS l X'APtil i t 1Y• 104 /,''' _ , 119.11AtOreir:Of t)to or optioVitoicilt;or !Auto!' or :of thie .; :11.114trtOtiIyArSiO • Tria,o, l subondiniAe r..`eroproyett *niter rkeow,on of ohy,r 6 04 1 0 T Le g iptaltire 4 ial Or 4.1%.#0,,0i• .4' 80114, Vlor, t iArptotor* Mgr X.toolifolection 11441, 1NA•13:./I n .t..kit.'•'•: , i • ,ktilrvoii.tlotHiA44V ni*k 6 " 4 o 4l .thi i ,!. tHeett. *woblinAllectial 6 A4 l ti pot 4 fii 4 141 4*ke,g 1 .4"."1# -,4 o4oPrtrr s, i3t 4M l i e :004' 1110 000 f AdA Oat, itiktil64llllo.l4 . • 1, T • c , - kJ -1 -n ,- ... ' /1144 1 S ' ''. ~'. i-iptingiOsivihrptp. itri, 114iirifid•bmi4eiskilOnktiriw , tmetting s 4 NSIEItICh m o einot,, ~,,,,!..±' :, 4 c , :.. 9 '...,T:1 , ,1.N., ,, i1i'y 0 ye1t1ia1.11),,At - r•li ,11 '''', , C 2 t1 1.1 1, 9 ,40 1 , 4 N 1 10,: 7 1 7 , " . :1 :'"; 4 ;' ,J : J '.. 4 ‘ : lr' : '2" ilkoll6ollll . )+4l,thitinietinitforgiii(4l, 1,111, Juit 191 • ofeireMll ° fstt'tt 4"* ko t t A , wet the theaohliestirek • tfitniffeY ," " ..7. ; - '""" • 5...001401340 1 t4 1 3 , OPYol4o2l=f l 2_l;2l424nllttr AIPPIStVrir - iste Ast •44"1,Atkgt,t . , fittyWall, Ag raid ChtT9i- 1 4 - Acy„M„, h . 6 -417051i ik, --9:161113.: ';',7l' T -‘*—' ,• , -iutoriber, 4 :Ter fl d,,, 1. I t . , .so . 4 r - , int i Pik r • iity,ll:-..t9.n,rilfet,' yaniclettoti Alit 'P eni.k " -I. Id—: -' 'T ' 'eT•it sittiavidttlbol - Book lA ilii" l ""d ' n ?te r t e t illeeiauTo ; liOtaivh!aiat: tOTeidi a l i t " 4 . .S° ..- -..--,. - , ~,..i ' , .:1,,.;. , ..,Y; -.., 166. orpoltiTi v i e nt , '.d a t., o .2. --- y*:, , A F: : -.' -; anl ,, , , Ltipine , AVAl'Cl - ItS: r ~ ~ t -.-----4, 4.:, f-' - '4 fensite iii0d , .,..4' s et3l'\ :'s :tfttteohl;itee't:hlPe:eoo.l:iti'd:oize,y;:nl::::s'oli::Ce';oa.3.tlttfriiehCelt,rllt::i"z4( . Y ' .. .. , t : ,:_ 2 4 8 „,,t t-;; 1. ..„ . % ‘ ' , ..: :. 1. tool: Leri I lIC 'Oel:; . 05 . 1 d, . a ..• --..) Town Eiteit- - ilttlitt I 6.Wati4Pi, - k S e il fs ve Ar'nt r-4 iti it 4el lii tol 'n notß n pe -- e_tt a o ci le t f e t i t s o , :ii it 'A io.: li p - o- in : , tl :E lo n la r ; : 4 r9 e lA)ll -F,l " :4 9 Zi rli og li k '.. .A l ted °ll 74Pa;aBfld ~.a /0 a r 't e lrk ti - 1: ' lartion, To, ~ ....-', . •.. ..: ~ ' . 1 ' 1 Tor nicnvEmittpineks . gene, a varT 4 ' 41.84 e B"le c - ' I ' tirtiOlesan h is line rally ; together ,y,illt •Inan'y' ot )01. . • : °f., ..P i ti s.k s i o le fi s s s Z n is nl ll 4 ' l ng b k °oll ;' lll.96lll e n ' i a r iiy:°ililli-i.b-". i ej? . .l . -ticks 'Would do wejl'io .6.11 . 5a0 i , fl i !t o a i r t r i ls t ! ii ornest;toal cheapest tokki 31". ' - 17e ill y m .Eli t' i l i i 'ti tY i;71) n u n t d ell v ii i ic l e l itAllit H 4 I s o i l ,iii t; sit e i v ii s - elit r u id i c i c. !' ". l 4- , 14 . h 41 7 11 , , - • .Jtkly,9, 18 _.-1. . r _ IL A DIESS-..lralLiElr; -- . Ladies are fit yiteil titIO131:111 Ale 'lp] e'n'tit . tl .11 Tor the tOifet inat'reeeiieti bye the , trobselibt•r - , bom ,priainTotruide Plitlochtne r , - - Frepat Ilanduliiiel the cercbrifted . ''ClihietqVihaW .tagSeislt; Itouss'el'Oitritond Llinlr'ti•Oik Ofilsittnie fortlT„ teeth'; floultel's Arnian6- ,fdr , r 'elialipettAiattty; ItonssePc .111xtract for the. handkeriihief, lieattlek.a tinge variety . ' orother Veit cannot fat I .toplettie, dull bliielrw ill 'be . sor& very' kite for haat,. Jiine 14;18;15, r v 3/ P' ERA M •O'E - • 04c30 . 5,1Z TO acroorifoct : atethoile.o. - .cif-T r ' this county, tine yavellers May visit'CurliliK.llie.7olistriliermitiAnditkibdik& the Instance nifty decided • atiiii4etifilil.hle; friends'nftemperkee in this iscrougli4d . One tits house, for the acemiiiintidatiori lifilie-public. *kern, lie.will use every!.iffertion to :inake the' neitoirimi &Hong - seal] as shall merit the patronagecirthol friends of the-TemperanceSlausc. His House is largo -and. commodious, and' gibly sitinfted . upomthe coiner of North Handier' and Latither str e ets, one'square Nortli o?•110'. • • public square, and very convenient tospiebu,tijnepte ,part urthe 'opt-mind the Court ilousea,rid'CiitintSk offices. His TABLE will always _tie 'surrplied with' the pri,difelions of the marliej,•and the - house has sudlcient tfI'AISLINt; attached •to it for putting up n.large.riumber of horses... 7 Jurors and others attending Court, and travellers generally, may int" upon every pairislicing taken_ to-soehre them handsomerind-cotnniitable-accom:. -- - modations; :Hie - patronage or tlke,friends'pr tem perance is respectfully solicited. • . ' 1111.11A31 Carlisle, August-6, 1645. f • CA It PETI NUS ' , OIL C1:01041S, At tho "Cheap. Store,'' . 4.t ,:Str4lir,l),Orry, Irxr E wonld call the alVrilion OfiMili2m3lokinis VV 0 r new CarpetadAbOilliii;faaViirMitrhelifg cmibledio sell goods at veri - ;ltiw.mriceS;ireettitie, in oar pres Jot situat.on anr resftitl . otheipentat, iellent.osSorintent of • lienutifol`ltiiperial' and flagrattiatiON,enetlim, of 'CAMPETINGS: . . ' ceri-variety. • " .. .iiisiVFLOW - 0117,131.01113, from 2i0..24. feet R.rooms, balls; &c.,-and hearth rugst. toldecocet-s, stair rods, Mats, kootholo saltiniir3:etail, Nt ihelowest Tykes. , ,fr,"l:A , sopply,,of the le.iv priced .Carpeis, say from. peralwa vs 'on hand. Elf.l)l4l.llE' & ItIIQVIEIL '- NO. 4:1, Sirbeiry.Streel, , molporliboimCiliesitut,4 qteiti . SiThinictstreet;,ehilndelphia.. • - • sei,teiniterAm,-1 - 845 - .-3 ! n. ,- . , • Efitlik• •• • Hallo' k ifiroth -frdlii::!l;P'Aki 76 a l e - --DeaterS ; :in-Poreign t 5 no In esi it- Rohl .ktreet;,pp ilopt.a.frottf I%Lirkel.sl:; offer to Country. Merchants Gsoinht On - the gal !le'nt 008100. .per tent- added, .kaionths; 5 p 6. tent, off for cash, bitukablellitids, or itstquivalent— 'cr gootls,li4ing regularly liought at: auction; tit lowest rates, "the 'cynic olio', which we offer theilk must 'fleet the np prnhatioubfdealers. On no neenitut 'nom he asked or less- taken, Merchants are respectfully loyitc4l In cull; oninutic our 'goods, frntrilifigt for therimlves.—Ortlers promptly attended to, on same terms. , 11 CliLi NC; 8 w °writ wErzrAt naitimiwc ; , -Trerg ) 43, 1i.r5.-51n: To, IllOuse.. lufant ,Gorthol, the eture of cholie, -lootntessnfilte-bowel ,s7se.roro -- grittinlrotirdlifftils occi‘biolied front Teething„ii tabu delightful ,tu Ate :mote that 'eltildren.love to take 'elum'', St SliAinfrey: . . :.i.-41 1 841U0A - I.4allaatt • grl HARES s just cethroed froortilic 11 city.nricliquitrir openingtheler,ticii,onil innFij en ecol A i rick . of 'ivy Goo(1 7 ,f; roceries,ltoot sand Shoes ev4r lirMeAlit to Cortfide; port of 4111cll'Ile bitepert., ehhimlit Auction 4101 . can he sold here.: toforet. and !nidd regpeetWlr invite loisTriends'imd ilie-iiiihrtiFir-ejle:isllf ninnnv inn good mire end giFnhimit cull Liefoce "eve Most choice mel r.fresliter:ctoel'of go 2dtp tti select from that ha in Carlisle. • • His scSek iinnitsta:_in part,- .ol! lli , na(l'eloilis from $1 ;2 5 : tnst: ;my ‘l4 ) lls isinierns "lisml:'sl, to • st2;pr o,;,Citsainettstrorn,Slf fa sl.,o9arli:alors rTtreetl ' Clot ks ttnitfAisslmers'ts qftbe Anst faaltinnOlgltituls yery ;101; ;Vest ings frpm )9.4 io.0 ; pr.yntt tarn t .O9Y 'est-.tile)-,,Rliirl pada frii Clyiltlren's , : Went , ,,O . 1 mil , 'kittiliC filliPpilotti.; Mfr' Gal tits" reenitled'irlarg4 lot . 6r orris G'ltotle, anal! , as °manila *antl-Balzorinn, LaYritti.'s Farps'prtutrit.lllarquise.4itrep anti, sand- Trlor,sttle ;•: . .Finnssalnrn Jlalttnrinntr;„l3),i.lt lattl Illpe• 41:1c-'13otnitailneti'l,..Alpsna plitres,aasortell color's slid climiitile4,,:vV,ri: . o) , grantar assit'rtfileiliof; . 1,3,,,ak, -. l , o , — sTsi,Tilr,.3.c:orie ninl 7 ,rinilitio:lliliallns; 'aeir style Opera Lacey, Atirslhia.for liii.Sifrit.f . Ilittliiittlt; tlrestahettcPinkncztt 'anti Airsisklilninta lion; lOn'tp. st-, pr - ply lllrench llamas SealfraittliSliaVlalitteet 'imitorintloil; , dap, sY . llllge , a sin rt iiten*nf Sliaw la, Silk IlitillkereltirfantiliTikatbi.'ntimeronsyn Insert.. I.ll . lc:sod,White Fillet Shawls Withbullion"FritKaf ' Itllnik .11nraze, 13alzorine• $19 . 4 Lawns for mourning; ."-Frenelriße*kaittlA merlon Ginglitm Atli assort: - ment'; elegant itlain ttplil'flk!,tl'Slly...„4lo,,a,lare and . general asstirtirinne of . 'Sty ass, - .Taennett - 'and. I r hiettar ' Eilitn - g l a ;: #4 -61 :70 01 1 r ",044 1 .14 114 71Me1itik and lisiiiiilAteel .At large. a'int• very' nn'e, ass9rtrnent etrne*.stlitiretnittm VditoollrOOl_thi!Vt,ls.ook - ,. • 1 2 'allriver.'`antl-other Nelda ( a trantiollaita, stook of till tchids'id Obnoets.• - ..'1 , e-hifie.litoetc of , lilif.i.y 'e'er- .ofered r io":C.ilkakionmpriaing; all • kinds and colgtst..l9.QP iPi.b . rp, rk-op,(1-white.Muslhil and • Sheetlngs alt, qualitieo and Iprice.)Om;,t.r,-thini ever; • Tickingerkons t 7; 4i fterpot .hic Or les s a feri, Troy seleOsael'..:ailleai ql tires Ufa Nflts'of a sso t od.....Ool.ll.catiii`• itirilitieSililh - o.heit...istiOjiont..or ..Menttillk lioeketlnqemhlortraiol'oriklitufilit his • .heen. , .olFehe4l. thiangirtttp;,LA.,..,aery; , ll,47'4lkßiticrof Jltell'Alf44 l o. , , , l'ellr.Vir.:4 l 411 1 0 s 1 01 1 1 1 rifj 0141 : ,14 . strires;.bars, ; tnitlttres'lks.-411 t rtilinljaj.lavf9r8,:ftri,r Bonnefeanxofikhe .-Ere;noli; w toglifill !Tit . 4.meile.li , itialio,,Ao vA1e1.,., '.'r hii;TArge.ralti.lk - br 11ti0t.....i0l SlAde weaviiiiiitl, ofreted i ri thilitnlil re; iirni 1 khitla thrtf :era lie • n)diltiphed i , P.1ni164: hits "orplit I dui' tiskillittd?; 4 l 4l 4, lo,.. •., • _ . ',. ' !': I:' :i , .:; , . -- 7,::;:1.;';.t .-- ;; , 'eA IROOKBAIES.. ' -." .. ' '.. i • ' ~:4 . 644frbiAtT A40 .eiltke f ,:,o v ate, ft hie tor;l4cei.:. gitailickOpyiblitoFitte:itialistlim:44ill;prsiflo 'lO-.10t4h0. , 0100; 1 4•11.1.41R441,3pi1mairta.0,& kittipiippi bi Imilt,ito ki_.:p 04,141.4 tat.gt,s,g 'goy liiiii ' ~tsainirtriall iihnntatlll.avor Wyt; wilful ea 11,,,,. - .R...,5e0 . .011(eobld , itipilk,;(911riliAtONaiiiiloOrthemtr e ' inouse,r4llllllßhAtratAjaditl'eltrk.hn,zoislii'th b_zr Ore, 4 , 44vritkpi t friii - Nakin",roi`ricieir • o . i . ' ' k4f!datiiltry9ll4eraltiOdotaii:tie suinil elft'S' ,. >l : 01 %, .1)00 0 11 1 4 . 4 4 14 0 946teiEWP514 pbtsrecuilkhc - iii g .. ,6;-, carliide')ilipo . Is4se , -.. , ...;. ~ A.t., .- , .0- 0 .-,4,-, t.,,,t, finti • nolugsto4„- i i lirihne, Be tohiliecm3o_, tc ititiq-Piini"ll-riterVAiStoreP =l3sj, T. tvaliWar4ll:ll • - • ~n~l•1o'r:• li.ot • . •,,,„d•forsi -• *•Vitif!, cr•O• r z% '4,'.7oooleinit! ;•;i4li;:toothint•fyritii.• tilt" kW-Pa'. t o ittl t .e'tiiltit Diut4, t ors ,11 , 44 ,, t4 - 0• ,, ,,,:dt • - 13' 6W -f/*' " : til:i7;44;* 1°11ec11!: 47.0iiiittoitsZtagiiik; - • .. , 2A*l • • EMlti vbaqo'Tft",q lii sgo antl)piclije iAleoP M/frfi* , • ' " nirk [ 4 f -174-N5,11%,, ~ f,1,"',..1:: I ' Itll : '''—',-- I 111 ' ) l ..' ' , 141;.* : :t;L:e .. ,4-.•, :4:4, 1 , ,,, .....4,4,•:5,,.. ''' , •. , 41 - * ....ttA . l. olt . - miti bii-' - ' as 'um.. imeiiid • lin theEttiritn V(fisitiiel.l %lit ' ;ilrrtirnivifeaf ) ila , `,lli - • ,e. - soA t il , Wfa* ''' V-1)40 1 iilif 1 ;• --1 'ol , ' , . 1 4, ? virto4o4lfitilfeigtifikiStoclfrop 13;3 i . .;: t4clo: , lfintd • 4ffnekciVri .; - 14 ti:: c iD1315 . 4 ? 1 4cle,..Sqltigliearti . 1 1 , :11:' . 1i.,.. • * 64. ` At . - 'l N 4 r , riC•• l i re; ,1. r -. ',0 1 / •• r lkililcainlet,,cinelsiliig.iiiiitiOta Of ClothPvc,s slirterits;Falintetia;4l4nria,i(Ansplpc.pss:',,,,Sistrippr. uhrilisi ygeopti, , -.splko, l l3om,b,n,gineb:llfti*lnptio.„ 14 " ; * C kis- o,ll U v liimp 44s -ii), ol o v osi,. C i t hi l iri fi, - .. Zi_el4,l4o,...h.nsiall.effie - r kin!! oCilt 11 , 1u,slin's, CO iiiica; ShawlAChtEilr.*; -Ticking,. Velret:„Ririi, Cettbn ' Roth arilt d6ibil Cid° lit, CarieltliiiinNaidtCtiltaii, Yaritl:TiSilikellai,Pirigialii,Sorikhiidia; eloVei Hill.: slitit oke; a ••, , ' , 10.4 .1, .. ,?t , , t::= ,-....,-,,,,,- :,, :. 1 ,.....,. : ..Al.§o,'* : :;B'itle;ii:p.'fi'li(l.‘leits * elgfiti•etiOrf,iit di•O' eerlelifeepslaftin'irarti'nrCoflVeioFltigari;.ll6lint+' ie,,,-.T.ieo;TOtiftol6; Stilees;Ace. , :-'. • '... ' .. 'A CSO;Cit6iler,i,Pliiss'illi Aatt fidivare a - rim - , ens ileseilliticialisicasinalitialMgeilieri,ls.ithAninin.; rnini-bilke,r. aftieldirenrePrl sing ii,'cti# l _,Piel 0., 'ft Ili) .g r„- 'arra iisterpnetiktair;ek.,wisi o'llo4mm:a f ar', sale At:: seryi ley prites fer cask. .He reSpeettollyOniltes hiafrientla.kod itilt3Pillair: In s 'grenerrir 2 :.4, - klves hi in a esti I pinisinuelit'af iie4Calsininfidenrthat lie 'von . aell ,gltils aii releAs jay.otlier lionise i'ellirliormigh,. • •,•-: ~ a,,, ! !=:., :•, , t::RCI B &UM 4 IRV! NB A G.' !. . Carlisle, ?Sprit 180845. • -- - - ' 'llON° . .'1" f S P7'E: • ••,. , MR) . be • ' . 0 0d;; • . • • • .• • o ne 'tier "; ; Ail in comfiauniling a . • arieiliainaoviiialOiac tioup,so - • , • ~ 4iiieilia.iiir.iiiiteiro.ra,Hilillidirekte're rr m:::F3 glis;: • tertind Proprietor tif that Most detierytally itoti.L tdiur fatnily :medicine- I)it. Siorittv'a ICoareettan. Byttott likAlliii:Cittan.y,, atoll mope-Juts'. been,,so, tetteuill'iuttronlietL by the Professiou , iuid other!, biltliiik;tlittcenti 3 Offyltutit in, Etirto; tiVilMs't here' 1 ;O.ypit heeli''.'iv:lreil:.;lth effort'. i n'ilte,„..atitiit spate of ';iili-15,i4,-Vili4tles r fo-ileisttiyiklill.aretitilotis •anilltolltitiking• - ;lliuttiog, up:Nostrums:of ' sarious , kinilth• - ,l44tartopsilatliiidustis, affixing., the mutt of Wil.g•gbei•r4obilliebijiCh 'of the ttante of oast:tat . prittetrOtieti as,Will'liiiitea - tytherti from the lash, of. lliti laty;.atittiote Ofititeltripasters who puts oat the torn- ilitittliakitkorie;Of the. shoP aunt Relljt, l V:Bßllitm Of ,kltild'Oltsrry, liiis,lawte irtpetleoce.to'eantion the iitilitt agaittitf'-'the'4.oi!;(gatit 'firi•frii•ation, 1)e. Wititi`e7iiCatitiatiOttlYritp`of Willi Cherry-, 'Which tiiiloifig 'amnia h good hr the world. '= • . -•'• ' ...:7:,;-ikr.I3EWAIIIII)I , ,SUCH BI POSTERS.p:2; .;lid : Aiprelittsg A 940. but the original and only fOvitin,eurtii:ii RC vreparLed by De - . Swayne. Which elli - 6 - oiiif -6a6 , 66) MfO iniiled by a regtiliel'hysleian, aritltirlike lootri'iiiany,t Uira'relose attention talhe Ilrat.tiVer ottliti;:rtUfestioti. and ,wnielt leitii-,los-this great discovery. - 'rhoiniattile and tensf thousand's of the host - tettlitidoiali of theuripa elect success oili•Y of Dr., Soe's Compound gyrup f Wild Cherry c p., for the cure tif -: i . • ~.,. - - •• . .; .. . , :.CONSUMPTION, • • • . .'. , , • - „ - - • • CouglisiColds, Spitting Blood; Liver, Complaint, Tickling. or.Ki slog : inthe Tbroat, , Noryous ebility, Wealinea . i,ul,Voice, l'aliiitntiiin, or Iti simile of the Ileit)lil'ainin the Side-Or -11reast,•11rnken . Coluti•-• .tittfoir from various osittett, the abuse of eatonielltc. Bronchitis, Asthma. Whooping Cough, &e., ,were declared to the-World ,years. before any othoriprep-• a tilt ion ot Wifill_llierry mml6 l olll' The stoat kkop-. .tiOal May satisfy ilienfeel tea as' td the trtith'tl'Of 'the. Almon,' liy to..littlit inquiry in' Phi ladelplitii. 'The gertitine article is•,preparedlinly •Ity_Drawayne, Whose uffice;haW,lteen removed tot'. W. corner of Rth 'and; nage ,streeta, .I!,itiladit: .The. IInIROM ,ands Other 11),,iiiiii,Veatilialelfor,WitilDileroY,tutsilteeti sold lifitbnifiiMblittnitftrial the ' fit:pHettirs are Obliged to'rosort toYalschood and Stratathit tit Make their div.mohl of, is - , :4116 genuine lirt ;ale, is - ttut pp in' plaiit ityle. ,inquppire . hottles, cevered_ with st.,blue, Atriplier.,With ,ii. yellow ,laliel wlill - thpiitclat•Vor's: tri„ , natuFe' *ilia:Oita': • • '-..• • • - ittrThe l'ublie are rotpiteited 'to Temeinbertliat .it is ,llufttwitynefit .-Compound ..4.rotk.:_ilii. Cherrii l hat bias and-is' repeatedly pprfotniqpif,incli mirheulpin ciirea,or;diseasei svfoit littielkf,fleltitl.P: 'sitill,O9l).e,Prbresilon, a M 1 net 'at deli anottiret„wllfe: Ca ial °pi:Cdr./folk* ',lied/if/Me' W,littik-iiq.Atally" iitlilrd thiiiiiiglilithp - organi of the iii:ris:J;Vhe'retbre s stave: Dr.. straytte's',CcntiMind„...tiiepp. y,,Pf :'7ii' lid , Cherry, and pleas - script Other. . ~,.,.,,. ,- 1 .-. • „Sold, in-Lar:telli ity AlttlitS & 11114'111ST1CK,- sofa Agents for • Bait Vorough,. • . -4 * - ' - February.] it t 'l RIR. ,-- ' • iIIUEENSWARE.A..GROCERIESL•- inITIOVAL:Ao a ilbio sulifiey , of Groar we are ooy, , iwelloVed .10 supply. our costumers qeocrull !übitortauciit uf , Itlll2El of the fated. style nod l'ottlmos, embrseing -111.1dte Binbosed owl raised-figure.d ChinuALuog uitSisort) Tea Betts,Os nlso Uldte 'B Lkyetytiol ticttS' 'ofitandicitriCtstylts; bOsides.skefteril Aitiovi . miit- cif , -Lli',orpopl find; Bosls, , Dishes,ttilis and: Suttee; i;Tuodifits 'of various otuditaesmd/o ?,,entral assoctoocOcir.olitcoy!oo wore cd neat - figislh - ff; tird nlep ifcliecelOtifte c Av . - assort in e of Ce• iOidttdingerubs; - Churroc, Buckets; Waili; ko.srds; Voio(odlluckeesOCCelers; - oud •geoerar Naciety of utlferi'ortiotek,:-astusoolut Bie.:lcuSest cvi,'!ct Bid old stand; of,• - • v'•-•i.T.'114•131% • t • • hlarelit te,41844;...4 : t . " • , • •-pA.T • _ • • , . lAtial)nr Shiltter, Bitch and;Bolt - ' rrrar, adliaoribcc fgent,l 9cthelAslo r atto 143, 113- Wrthr"4hateri,,patch p,l.,Bett,,,e,auld,re speclfidlytgfOrmdlicsolto that, ph g o se ISbit 4q: 'sufieidoet_ iiilaba.articYk!Ol 1) uic f both far . icitraallarability...-IThey,can he ;.pca'.. chased R P , --Lync's 'or-Jacob Scocek ,IlCrilmafci store,.lgfirth liAnovey btrect, or,of , the l !itilsrriter, in i'Vestl,raithicrid ' Thai' onl:p 43d - seen tcc bieddoptCSU.'4. PS.; 0.3 , .V.,Pkci: Agt, A Ptil:a2;i,a4Zi,j.7; 'AtoussEvtleitiOnio_eiloitii*Jrafingtoo iaticle4llo ideeivid-and-forAialo:- - at the-Stiite:of Steiengon 74c: rft iiiiititrobin tali& 'of a i rociive,tratittigt:4lo it the Drug'itoreet vi Astevensth, hhimirtyti Tvbq 4813: 11446901,ikttejaA :Cr ), pr,at theßrel4rigeryr.. CASH IPORAP*o,ollClaiN , fl'' • ro:r, al tkods..orCoup‘ty.r t rotllsceifix_ ' 1 ,:,, iFVCILVg*:.PAP, laltimofoi #44i)PO B V 4 -• . tatifia'ir s r a jhave jugl.redeila tifdriqr supply. or tie kiilnabte T.LILItIVA " 4 . 's • -t it ..,,,, 'C, `"""- V' 1 ClitatiSP.ln d . '' '• ca. a n co,,m- 4 tebo.npaftbi• to goy . ' itfalitt . ia 1 r otr ,w, alteoli,lPlM,P.,, , mßFing Kg , 9" ,4 9 ' " I s f.i.tlinPrAiritt,:itl'N'Aieltntrel iilP l 6 Clig meß 7v 41 t '3 , * i iittritra fitta. r -,. 51- 1 1 appare = !tho 111___ jc, e _ . , 4. . ~ I 101'4°f St F verilie pr ~ , ....t, '''\ l ' ~-; .k .. ' l' li'''-1 ° -- '4t 4 kw' nil' Shad 'a 94) 1 AcITTP , ns 61, it.tot;t447o`4 fotaNd* . sivol; l ,-; ; - e Rt-ttilAtt),m,-9 -, ~. ,_ . se,o9tat ilapt,,,(AßßAAQpriuitttlif ,101*,,Pa0cariltrilaa;":-.r -r " 44* " .°4 ` u 1, 1 q}(4teOGIL t• I.c :go" 6 r 4 J ierel~ittes Rt? 5t5,14070...1 ,e4milionntioOktritrfct:ely'r: iafitOhisb ito..irgoi w r lO a t l 01a_200:100 itiby *etistirt _ ':-.17444Pa ntla lV plql-6ar,thftalrOOM, !t. ;9 I I II f:ELL/arra , •zr - ril ir ** MEM r N.. El =ME En En t-sli,:i.i.' , ," - ::iiiiiii";.'''' l ''e t• • - 2 . .'c'' Y. : ,- 74 ', riiiii , i.;g-r4` , :-:;, ,,, '•r,,lliti%, ~ '-'-', ).;•' - I. i ,_,. ..Liv0qh..... , 4,t .: ., ...,:xgrliyi:ofilsir , ,. i4 1 4kiiitO2Hte.pi ~..,,4.,, . .:..L.....,,., ; , x , 3HE.lVNKLJNttliv.Eisti,Rce , ft,i.y; - -, 'q•-.. --,, • . - G9l9rjer;,Peri/0cidt...:4;ib(1,00(,1 ` Capital . pairliii-• . I_.._ "2-._;:',;.:,o 4 9lt&lo3i4:l4"eirstitstreet;%. ~---,-'.',5..- -- ' ' ' iiiie , i444Xi•cr. : - ti - " - -'''''----"-Iliii ,i. .. . .. • .... „ , ~ed erporrognentor -.• I;eikokoininlOisordifongebi.Are,,biiyßPPlLTY ko,,goryggrA,Ar e66i7 dederiinioni.ln.iiro'ri'-'er pop, ntrt, on 4 gfp' - *olif,.tbaitintifilestOrtna";- - Applicii- OdiiifionitWeiilitk,liOiciiiiillt:i•r:rtikz.lii.tek;*illbe n•ililuifilj , ... ititendeil.a.?..- 07 c , L , "5 , ,: ^ ~ .„,,, ..,,, f ~;,.: ; , .' , 14 , ':, , !i I ,' " , "111 ~-- 'PN 11 AsCRElZ , ,,4!reit,4l: ~.,, .. ....,re..4.;•,n- , , , ,,. ~ . ..S, -- -1., ,; ::;;;.• -,-,.,;./. ,•,-,';', ' ' ' - ' • . ' iiii - 1., l'ltilife`s ,7- ot l liilfetrituiefy ,- 11:9 colt ..., ..‘, -4, , ,,-,,- !i-,-...7, ,,,,, :-! - -.o_-.1,-. , ..;• - •-• , i•-•: , .•0., „!•1•••!' - •• , •••,v.. -- .,.!:::•••;", , " • ''. f' ,- '"- - •'!l"'•,i''.*:iii';ati..iii.i.' , liiiiii. -1: ;' ,. T..• , , , ... Brick ur Steite'..4* - ell,jnkeer)d - oViii - I:.' - '-!{: , C. , ' - '-' - i-;•'',; , ... "-froni -,-• •;- . ; . „• . - .l , :;,,eiff;e4,ii : e - dolioide. ._': - idiS - ; , ' '."•do- r effere)ioss:,.;_!• , 'L'. - .1 6 ; ; 4 211.te ,9 -.'--, - - do --,,,,, • i•-•.;,.d0.,'., ~,-40,,, , Tire'rinr,,.,5,...:..*,,,5„*41',"„:„., : ,,..., do :,,,',!, - - 116 "'' do -Minns '' '-''' ;:-.‘,-,- • -7- 4' io 5 .• •do • ". -- d01 , ".' -- dii , s`tioptb.it; fir) in,O) l-- .7•44ci:•5 1 - ' , '' , 'de ,:',',.' ' ' do- • -'da''StablOi' publicly., ; :q-10 , .7,4 , c .. do -.., - j ,d& , ;Gibtif '' - :1 -, - -- 4"l'ociti , VW - .y, - q - ';77r•I'27,1 1 tott0 , * -- - ; •' 2 ', , - ; • , ~ li•lelt :oTViiiii,oollo,iitittr Piif I.' , . ''''; :_" ' f -: fiiip& 11. otii s ' ,': ' "' • ' ',''' ' SCi liii , "49c: $!O9 valiie- , 1 0 :- ilO '.' dO ' : StOiviii;'nrielluii'cliitit" "-;`:• " '' "'' - '' - '....' ' -'','-- f, • .-- - '4lzn' • '"'S.tto - ,56-- , '',-;•• 'do: - `';do - `O V'et's nd••• Fiikjitlitti' t : ', .46.630' '''.' do, -!---'-'-', • • ...••'4.0. -,;: - dd..13.Oinirlirid , cotitioit; • .. • ,•., . -,...... '..""••• ', 1;1151 . 675 ' ' • 1". do:. • •' • . .•;.'''iro, - : - ‘lo'stitdii - 7(idiitoy -,- - ' - - i-- •-• ,-- . . .,..., ......„. .„. ..__, . ‘, . .. 1 ' , ... - .• -- • -• lout° Iso . _,. do . do, • . dO, G 4.10 A;i l,9 n . d . 'etiie '; -, j'- , ' • -- ...--•-"' ''.. .' --: ~';:'4, ,':'.' , "' . ,:f. 5 .16116' • :(...;/ dti • -,•,' .• .'l'.eiftne .. ,tinti .;,6"gl'il - iv74llrofto kod•ro., ; -•: .".L- -, "- • ' nitut . .e - ' ,Stores'''7•',.• -• ''''so .r in 15 -fq ,, , i1(1: ',l . ' , ~--.: .. do.. ,do awl Nlerclaki- .. . . ' . ' '.. ' „ d,!ze. : - .." ' :t5 t0:8..5. . do— . do.. . 46.'ravOliiiiiid'tz'undiurn . .,• - . ' :::".; '.. -,.••;-•-, . .. - •:, "Ilo2i'to•lttil - - i ' • 1,10 . ' • ' - do' 'do Itord•i'ind•Cbiltefiti • '' •• •-'.--. -, • • , • - • - • 90 to:100 • .do •... - ilo'-'ll6 - 43i11,tt - M i#s-:# mEitit ba. " '' ',.' - 10•io•100',: • po , - ~ . , . . ... , .- • •• , ;Vie' , tti • tqr the itlioteertmpltny fot‘•GailiO • 'aild its • vtetnlty..'All tilt•plieations'for -sissurtine:e ettlier • tnitll or• pei'ponallv will be iidmitrfittletidell - te --- NVeltAiOU. • • Jime 1,2;1144. ' • 11IT•49 • • • •-•._ FIRE. 'INSU 'RANG. Istpennithprongh Eire ••Intitt Vatted tompany,Of.Ciintherialati (Amity ,iti- COrPorateil art act Aistmbrf, ijr - no,:#7:ftiltyTi• — • prized, ancrin Operatioft Mittel. I ho•putnagiOurten't of toe following corn mistii oilers - Viz: ' Cht.Stayratier n beik Shelly', Wm Pl.Cargas;Lealit • Hyer; Christian :Mize!, Michael:, float et, Henry, I.ngan,Micinfel Cocklin, Benjamin B. Lev i Nlcrkel,.ltteoli•K irk,. John Snavely, athir ntid .lOhn Rankiaoviali respectfully , cell the ilittliklioll of the illfzeitseffniberrtl • njunifirork • e - dtinfleiticthirifil .7 .. - vantages ivhlt lithe t'otttiatny hold out. Tlie f arcs priiiSnrance 'are as lord and l'affnahle .aaatg,C.ompatiy , „fiPthe kind in the State:: :ffie - istOns. "wishing to • become me.nliers_:nre vitiallo „Snake application to 'the agents of file company; Wtio me willing to wait upon them' afany time. . • • ' . • _JACOB, SIIeLLA , hitCIIAT.L IinOVGII.Nice President.- ' Secretory. • e 1 1. .• Michael Cocktin,Tressotef:7:,:' • . • Y. Illichacl • Hooier,t3tinetal'Agent;ll.lCelianittut.g. !Al a ttin, Il r nijrrforVis_ ,• • Chriktitin - Titzeiv : '7 • ' • I..'etistilorniturs, • ttis • :•t- , ••Xenttaboro" ••Pavid Martini. • • -.. • ; - •:,•t„ • • C,:fintehtoyst. . C:11. Harmon; Kingstolvai •:.• ' . ~ • -1-fenryiZearing.i....Shiromansloap,. • fiSiniotyklisferoVorfplejliburii,.. . • • •'•• I),Or.lacoh:Baughrnan,.Caesiefe, • •- .frOattl•KirlsiGetteral Agentfor Yori..Couloy;;N Now • 11• • ii;-CniubOriand I.V. 0.. . • -Hefiry Lognh;. ' York county. • John Shcrrick, John nankin ' • • do Daniel - ilailyi • • do ,1, Bowman,- t ; do • • Philip Breckb . illi• -,- . -,Cfunherlaiial co• agentawdl. re added JO - 11.31:-,t844. - ":; • • • • PROTECTION AGAINt 'LOSS Zf3r- 1 " I.44ZZUZIcrs4 ITE CUSIRERN D LA VALLEY MUTUAL ° T PROTECTION COM PA NY, heing incorpo rated hy ail _net of -thetegislattire Of the present sea sion,and ftilly organized and in operation under the direction of the following hoard ot Managers, viz: Thnnum,C. - .Aliller,John; Alnore, David IV; Alc. Cullough,JamealVenkly, 'William Moore,Sa nine) Gallwastit,lrhemiti Pantcny. A - . G. Miller, Philip Spangler, Sa muclAltoodseAtsraharn-K urt z. Geors . e Brimlle,Suott. DnyleiCall the attention of the int mbit ants Ct' Cunillerland:Valley to the cheapness of their rates anti-the''any;advantages which dila 'Lind of insurance has over nuy„pther. ..lit,Erery---peradnansurett_becomea .a_rn.latise of the company and. takes part, in the-choice cf t, .ecra and the dtrection,of itinoneerns. . , .., - ed. - 03riasiirni - ice nd -• morn is demanitect.tlrm is necessary Ri.meet the-expens . es of the Com pany a id . Indemnity agaiustlosses which may hamlet:. • :' • '-'• Sil - . l, rlie itrunirettleifeehffrequent - twietm - i13„ , . ! voided :by insuring forts term of dye vests. Dui polihies' 'canibelaken for any period rro4l 0112 tn . ' /, 4 , ...4 . nyrgiantrupplying fur insurrince roust give, Itifiltte.rtitemsnotelhr the 'cheapest clais at -Iha rate ár:five..r.r.centitmi*Oek w ill " be $5O on ni : stwo, firFiVil JiVe:'2oll . ,!tityp.tri - p'iii.i 0 2 ,4 0 1 ,0:g io. Yearly ~... ttdVl;Wr.fir:Marves oit'PrOi 6 3'l".untlutt. int re uni2l: s - :siptikiiititnedAcfp:_gredace , stociintAbalktivo,lrunitn on.ltatidatillleoieriandshettno,mOreonDllo*quie; ed thats - ',is:pro! rata Share.,Z These. rate . sA etrzrutrt;'• cheaper than: tho he-Ur -Other coMPardcs ' ei 4 e ttzttiattelt: it a arei ticorpArlded on the sameprtnel;let, s-.• ~) -, • '.', 'l 4 l-108,..C . : MILLER . Penst. :. ,-... A. G.-11Itzten t S . ec'y. -,,.. -",- ,-",.,,.', , .t:. .: , rile - fdllittrinrgentleinerilhave:,heen, ek i psceded :.Dr. Ira' , Day;,lll4hanicaher . e: , , , ;i , ..:. - .'l', ~... ;, 1,--„..; cainteckennedyi }lupe, UtesSirlie;;:7•:' ',' - " . 'o.'''''...CleCt'ke.:Alrihrlfe.'Estionime, .• • i 4-1- - ,..': '''. ClemnsAftsParlattei.Carlisle, . --- :-7 - 7 -. ^ 4,-- •- i.'.;;;,...:!-'lie'cheenrw..:!,- }l isle, ':,- ~,,..: ... • . •• : ';:f.•!- -,, ±1 . .rg414 , :Avi,inoolo,..y.4. wootpr.findiktte • : .....I ! :,lniti'eallKyl6i Newton , ..,-- , !.:.. . ':;i: , •,. , Coi:,-.lsta.?ClansfnutiLeess:irlilintli.-,,, - ,-.. . r. .,, , , '...:.lns:•l4lli'lllenns.h.lo:4lMahurg,' , • .--,.. ~:- .:Inc..lldosseeltsti4evr'•Ctimberland.r.' -Jolitetla — InttrattlaHogoatotrn.-'. -- =i ~. Stephen- rtatio-4 Shippeniburc.-r * •:- . .34 . ,!;, , Petei-Nlti "lain; 8.7-;3llthileton./ :•''ATllnel s l3 B,llll, . -dri - ':1 , 1, ,,-, '. ~: ',..,....-,/, .y,„ : :: :: :1 4 4141atlif i ll i t i baa3L%11 HAVE just rqiiei:ved a. lipt..or dritujett. • ~1 , 1 its • ' in di t‘iii I aio - Ot 1.11,9.;; illlition 7 6l9le • . • xctiow t i,"bprepi ofipi,, ffi thot opplicatiOn 1011 ho,nolle liylho unilersigneol,ind'oers, to the neat= LexislOWilit,thellentraoritoetalthit PinitiArlinisr, , fortlid, Intlinibriition Ora , Compitoy:,.to,be attfoa 'the "Crag:mix Iratigrodi# xidt!„,,t I tt;10, ogeodetltobite' it jocatefliu4lie Borough _Ol \ Co rliale.. cipnfmritglii, county whit Itvittlx, d ie ! proliegopt Inotrting ‘ glto; oxxllytiNeti yhogoodl)olloiltAielatijoct' Jibing , rii,l 4 l6 ,:i,vfir° 4l . l ,ii ) ? i ,l ( Kk`l:: 14P•Ort , ' irdi4iPOY" !,,:. f:,,,- ,-- -„: . ~1 . .. ' - ,` ' ':,- A,,,iietit s piljocr,,;, , .lkti`cioci'ti. l iati,• „ ,,.:.....l ,-.. 'IL Atikiive ,• -,- :'. -.:-' ort C..Stuptro. , . 2 ,Y. j, WllltiftlatiAii:; ',i• ' l ;',.'” Gc.iige W:Sheallie , F skitai'VitiMittitiroy ,'`, '"lfolittt•StiotlaireiC3l,tfllf. 3 0 ti t opik,*,-02.,! i f ,i,` , tts Tllifithit49l,'Elitltititxtiro raloH,Alaiqtriaitt, l',-I:4 , Z;rt'J.tlatokktruot:z36,, ,,,,, , ' v4 tiiiiiii , WiTtidegna7 .7 oTA4ll - aUtifiaiilsl . rt: 1 'f.-::',-- drilknis cart +. - ;. - 11411, GO, g., Strotygittioptr. 7 , ~ lv, thittotOV,WherrkwAr , irt 1 1..W.,r 1 3 - i - ' ',:` , 1;21 - - July 2,1845. ~ ios'aC ''''' l r-- '' 'l : r'' ;r,..'';r' . Grin • liii - tim E rvicif i r • • ' i - J„:5 'L4 s,' lIPAPV)AVr,, ,, , ~ 7 , - .tir777 t , Zw. , ',,. ~..," , -' piTAl,o4,llt.iillettidlit'': l4) Ai r 1,5 ~,_ ~,' ~4"" _ . , , . , ; 1 / 4 1 , 14,f1i oj/fort. ler,i , iiberalitayorsioe "1W W: 4 14 xerrenitt 4 o!"Ar7 „ 4 ___ 2J . s ., , tatiq fi . , o_tin II to tw to ""i i irl 7 ~,,,r; 1, 1 , -.T.7,petiv,saly':#o, rt 4 * a .ifivr,nd - ..f.,;; . qt;R dripAp - ' itit 40,4•;;It4Atit%roi,. 4 , t . 1 3 , It s, ~...,,,,,,„,w , 1.11.= , ii:.#1.1 3 5 4- • Wirto ' 1 N .. `o ';'•k:,- , ' " .. ,lfietrfto Amm.. 10.11 ?thl i t i ,nrml A ay.filivivancl , okpbeiAbal l i t imeiesti , ,,liVi eh r %iike7, e 4 lard - 1 ei l \e. Catiteleirebrort N'lll l lC—:qmi , '•,`,„ 2 „'•• , I,;r' ,- ' ..;,:~; I . ,totiiiii(i -- e - 1 - 6:itiiviirliii,: - : . ... - _ - .;#7 - :. , .T.Ti, .--_-....:-,. i .- - .-:.:•,..#....,p41.4:FT:., - ,.. ,- „. !,i.l,o*,,tii - - , -.16 : 4'5...' ,, , , .. : -... - ..!.' , .;-ft-',.;,..„:,. -. .:.„. ,„..„.„.„, :,..,„,. : OTT: 2rOs' — qtg 7 iiihaoributu; would respoctfully , -othinee dint they lievejtist received a new.and .IL2fiaccriTrelitlaifDßUGs7 , PAINTS', 'OIL, , . FUME;II.I4 .iANpY '904 . P,9 4 q. &c. all or • .h ther , * ll . l 'soli ii,t-st 'Jima!' advance fik,'CA.4l 1 4;ili s cir atitha Niirisite.Winrott7a SrE N Ori 'Ail: E yClrliele. A iirk!'" "Igb! “‘ ~" 1' dog“. - ;,'.,"'„,,,' .. , ... - .. : - . , ir ,-, .• -•- :;;;7::.•q - ~ , i .., •• : ,7 2n0i., -;,,,, , ,, 1. , i. .... L..-- .... ,:1 - 7 , . !.lr , " • w. ( ' ,Wit: ',...,., ryiniEtindeeaignCtlA tiliprt ions p t teSutalubanntn .11'; , ....Ltitn:of Cara slid tinnat llout.iireturit.thuntin ruiellituak's to thii P. fitiehds . inif.frintle.lin and -Cittn," barltUUl.4ounittettibtr past favorni and .reapiet fully.in.' ;orun. thettx•Oat , they, are. no pruparnti.6ipuelye 'Reid fol•iftt . !d•tlail3, via Tide Witte Gatinl,', ..-',...4,7:,' , . . rO ad .111 crcha kid i:dilee nizeit•l! ./L., , , , • 'l' - • ' ' - TO AND * FROM " 4 '':',"';', ii 'P HILAD gLNI IA and - 8ALT114605 - • "l' MI . JtIV' ProdueU v ill be . deli tete() to any lioVie.. it i a n.-.. jiliia or Ilitlthitreftl'it•liieri Ilkeidto4l.4lootqii.„, hesi,* Their agents in tlieltida'a?.e..'4 , l:l4ll. -: H 4 :4- isfeiiitt. N; Wniati•r7:Bt kaniii4X'fili ''..ri.,.." - "'ir,,. Vine 'Si:Wharf on the llela*tit'ir.rliftalrtaiili,l4. l tesiei:j on it 11ruip..Lbenn S&-doi/'7,l9 . 'N'''' .'' I 'll • •• ilow)5) , !, Wlininlttltimore. TLepwill i„tlso reeeicenti ltorward; (aiY,to Pinto- 4 , :burg and ititeemeil , ain panda, riTight aunt f:liatisett- I the'-era 'also -rin: North anit • tVeat - Iliiiiit; Canala ...... --.1 . ti. P. 1t8.418.T1N. • 1-tartlibuii, May 1-; 1 8'44. • ~.• • • "••••:'-' • tft.t 1000 ,Persons jui rililfitlet. _ pliii-elone;'enn testify tq the wonderfut-nfilienc'y, o(. that' powefful remedy, THOMI'BOIV':S 4 COlll. poem): SYRUP 4.4 re APT) NA lirti:A Rend! Read!, Astonishing cure of Chronic prop - chins' . • • Philadelphia, May 2.3,.1R41: Mr, Tilostrnifir;;L:War - Sit: - For more then Ifour years past I had beekdreadfully afflicted wit li an affection of the-throat, which my physi 'elan pronounced " Chronic Bronchitis,' caused '_by repeated and neglected colds. alit distress suffered is indescribable: iblithroprwns littcrol ly taw" with violent caughing,aolliat idondwotild corm foam it; also great oppressiOn,..paio and tuglitnees'nt the chest nnn fewor-,-in short all the usual ptilmOnary, symplcitria'shotvid theinielVes, shav_cd_theniselv_ett - Wary:tepoWe---mytlkinitwatricailiadifintlaisterf over arid °ter again. I ;711'00.1r-int ofevcry knotvn remedy ,-n dace - I•or - alx,pjtysicititio,;antfoll_witli no avail. Aleut two months sines madetri,st Rf your' gem pound 'faii-an`d'Wq:td_Rappio, nod 'before I hod taken the , first bottle,lfelt rChlef. lcontinn. led until - I hod taken sevenatittles, which cont. pleteltibmostd.the -disease and restored -me to perfect I':firnili.lielieve-Paltotthl not now„be living; had it not.becn for pita invalua.• hie medicine., , A - 1%711 I' 117(.. , • ' street. Principal Oflide,..N.- - -t):,-oqinet. - of fifth - and Si!rttee p tieptw. :Ttice . "soiientS,per ,hottll; or, $5 Perdoten. - l'or Sarnia, Cot-Polo by T. tr. EiTE*etirS•ciN: , -SP MI FOIL 61ENTILt11,1E1‘. has just. ieec:iveit and is now n• la stand on 'ttreii; two ilcors from the public elegant asifirt rilei,t or artmles'for genileinatitti tistt• ntitl itesr;fa restieetlialtViiitites their attention: lillussel's rivalled tilaviligllrealw, ininege ,2 aint . *nail ,tars= Oils ant! Peritonea tor the Ilaic ;, e : 11;i•ge isrieti of Situps; itiir-Broshes; tooth i clethesiiini nail Ilruslw es, or all prices ; Razors nntl liacitaiStreps ; also an elegant assomnent of gentlemen's linen, malty tip ill thin best nod most hishiotinble style sod! its Stocks; Collate, Breams, ko., all of which will be s , h 1 at the 12Westiitiees for cash, June 18,11148 N0T06.2-1b THE LArblii 3 ~ .Ba/-orineB at: reduced pric e s llRitlteation'of the ladies is invited .td the PII '1 and Inuidabmeafrles of Paris italf.orittes nt Errs redunb&-priees, lad—fain& al OED'S 14 nil EINSTEIN'S store in North Ilant;Ter Street. Splendid atylen at 181 to :174:'eents. , - Also sere ellen p Lam us. Itan ges, G n Strioe i Sta ian, Cpraltrin. a , Atonic and invonett.' Mu &slin ‘:itiati ' optotitia .iisoi'ttiridio•of•Bom ? ets .andcllOntiil newest iVetificin I 'Flo nod , fnalileiriiiiiiinp's toe'll,onneta;ite. .• • eviirtllare;344ll`4 84.5 • , • f, r• • • • . ETIC, 'et t 4, 1-SA* ' 0 11 • 8 • 9(.1. n."lj” rar.aa‘.l.T's)', If `l* - • • Castor Oil Fandy. liquiVecltentsidistittitc for CAM , Oil—elditWett are generally unable to detect chime the tart e Or smell' of this nanscoon„ Wick, just received and for *le fty-Stnictlion kcAlcitaffey, • 2 - „ , to ionic NT. 7-7 7,, IntionmtliOrty, 4.4314;c ! apd ,chron)4 r4Onnatism, fcly . jaj4,p,t, ;he. Eiiug imd.B?okitire of.gierer&lloverbiick, • .9 bitz9,lll99;9,,,sorimeo of jierf iimcas bONPRi' infoaote!l - o nuptial of)10-011 sr] ectlidosOal n : Om* tpotWs l p,s....79pldipt”m4 . e toppo:loope4. • - - ,STFAI,.s4I4 • - , 14 11102,9, Twir l , ,T.l.,pa wt jind. 4n,lpiciv6llllpatil „cures i l fsirtmli: or! refill!, it 'nip ‘friip(stard cirSievipßott*:lllo6uftry vit,itts l ", ,IV•ln' • 90,11.J?.rn- IN I RE'SEPARItIVAL:'' The Bobeerib'T•chavo teoeire4i'oo , pripp y, of Ih‘ogl,ioile;lPothistie4ofell 'tuegoes s ajt 'wll,4lk. .thex ill eisell than 'Oecrosegt be tiefught. CI tot: , itherst Yprialeriby,,Ste - fensowft , Mehidrerp toi t y.DE •• ' l'o Nctrt It"PetelZ•er'aripatal4 Safety' fuse tor RrrTP . • livviTrß'ip 1 ; 3 1'. ' t, 043 0 . ' (if laiE '-'-'• 0';'.' ,. ‘ , :i, ,, ; i . ,..." - I 'T - $ 1 ,1134, 34 r; J . - • t , ogi t liV _ e , '. -' .- - • ' - O PP , utbil , .WBOOK7STORE,,, 1446AigiOti , 'or„kiioliAiWpnalifivid.gicnty, rdritoiAir l . , Alio ; ;,, /".,Zil' , ,t",,-,, . •, • .t.,. • ' - ." . ~,v , ~,. Wooks' anfl. det4cr.rti, , i-- .7. t , all'of which ivill'btileeld wlteteetiteaticrNteit chcApte,tlittry they 'can be hqil.-ebiewliere'l the' County.' ',," ..1" - '- , • ' '..' "" ''''' k;','"' '',•-• ' - ' - May 21;1841m • 15t.tiV . '0 44461V Ett 7.• ~ • . . . • • wHotRHALE map ttrAnf • .-•.- 1 - 4)Strileve;lllt4inftaairj it :it Tr LD_. fij.reTiirolotrdindiiiid:t644ta le In - -,,, genertaFthat-therhicre removeittlietriatatiz— lishtnent ;to: Om .room: lately Occupied John and- - nearly:opposi te.' red'and.iibito flag erArn,9l4.4ll4ll,inetteme-t4e;,TewM oret i gn North _ •linnoief atreet,ikhere they ' ore - prepared tocture tind aupply their eustoperit and; the vtib)lb, hod' h o from tcdjilitnie;*lth kinds of • .. ,, v • V.4 O, CANDZES‘ ,. .• ,. . ,, at tlieilik#6olltiCe shit, 'allnikii.V'egiAiWitly - zni r liank`kßl,l,l , EVerntineing all thOtipiii(Ples*l.';•Pk'ttifreOtit" , siksotia; besides ' iii:iiiilo,(9 l 2-:-Tlitirigijek , rompria..a in. Nik•attejli:akOrriktsei4inOnrataiikini, kiss, ,A I- Cremn-Age; Corot - NUOTE - nkliah)t - VaPifita;:._qrefittObitsisurd:# - Varietir ot attlylindioSkiltikttionttriAteually . kept in such in eittitaiitincidneiltl4W*lo6ittey 1011 sell At the thostresuitmiWe.tiriceircW c - 4 - ; • . F tio eeling.enecgedibi•the - ydry.:liheratinttronnge heretaord bestowefil IIPP-Otkfrl;dtey'linve - betr to above All. -die, vartons, tielea'eonae'cted - with • `, eons slingto r jil, t:bNSur ' ,ar'siCoffees, ,ess, cheese :firtislioi'.^Blockineillaker,'sancLClay's:extro Nh. I mlis , together. wi th Ihlnrite Oety. orqu cops ware and other articles' too iiiniseroii.tst mertient: _ . _;Segark , robacco-AncUSnitl7: o . • of 1146best.,.iind.lienpest qtjaiiiiociliiiyir on hand, ... pied will suit those, w ho murtavor them.wlihu :TECITS: or C' very , cleseripllls6'olWO belit'constoht yon Imml. Foe thtTiitlilibefurittplinti.extetillitl to them by. their •frietuli , linth.etiistomers,"ilMf return their sincere thratki,und . Will - Mideavor in tiltufi.e to merit a.contioututee.g'.their .fiticult, by, sparing f, exertionvils nutt(e',i4it,,,o3,Mbrolinieht:ati agrumble retreot. "• ' • ' 'IL ti M. Ais enttlis!e; .HARD.WARE.(&:'.igtt: i .ffi; 11E11,11.NS .his r Vetere .thooks , for.liast:,faviits and wishes 10 inform ,his fr iends sod the pliblie gen, that helots lifigiiff.d.'kelleral 'Assort fikenc.et A HRDWARE itio.outTixity : .fan mow., as Axes, of three ditrerent makesillatthetit,•lo .i.fig_liffitesilt rations Ondtes;rifiselnouid_COop ee s I.ools ofidtklialii, — *AliffolAtrge assail tmeot I • Cutileiy ' sniff as Knires antl-Folks i from the car:apes! to the moat soperior gat lityrtwo, three snit foOr_hholed pocket Kniveti from' enmmon_tO gemi ine Roger's and Other-superior tottnuyablure-; table.; - ten. - song - and , o her Spoons j Hntgt.a of all kinds Mal sizes; every Horse Rasps of different sizes; sitttV hetriFfew" googiim:situt plant!: roiiir , leiit; dabble .acid' sin ' .Irons; Aisgors, -. 6laek'snt; bright '6l all SiZeR ;". ilia 046'e-bitted Atigurei, ltraees and -. llion of the. best make' strow , coldred Hilts; v . .hest, and pad lomiS) cut I°u atieFsparables; brass Candi tat' ekss .Iseli_kwial ph teeing_Trowls ; 'Truces; straight mai twisted ; nail light Spades .aild.:Sllo.yelsi bay - allure Voila; two thra anthfoOr - prongeti4 J.Viyileinirviees - ;_easLaißat. slic - V•Steel;'.Alierican 'art& 'hied larkwzi) . ll. eroas- cut Flat Irons mat Tailors geese, IFirelf,Olia l .' ,roittal and oral-wrought 1'0n5,110,4 handled. Prying wilitight Iron Honks and 'llinges,, diffet'ent . size; and also the o'd fashiwied • t - • ' Cradle-a nd•G ' made hi seperibt , steel lind 'sr! warranted goad, better the market tiktibrpeddllte tdi saliSfitellon ikill.b e _gixen-iat.g.qey4rtfele-both. as,.to pa leo and fluidity; tovveyy periluti-iiiyllit may enll ot,tlie ohl - staMrso.,well, km:m . 62;44v llardwm e Store,intrnerly- kept by:Lewis nest • door to GiaMtioni"trTaVern, itiidil**jelitillig Get. Vs 1"; - Call and see ti1C,6141 fashilined4mtlies, hay sote, gi'aim !lakes, and various - iitheattlilearlshirls w. tomee'essari , th Mehl iniOdeitirl and exam. ine-torliOneselvesland remenstieilliitare all war ranteil,,,,)ye,are„ delt rminad to self' profits and glie. t ~, ,JACOB.E 'ER •,,,, • , Curthlei,Sray '=: Irna. Irebb `,l • • dadVtnic-11,1 - 1 - CIII,IIST.IE'S•MAGI.; ..F.V0.41Q1/ID. 'remarkable diseoVery,l4lrece red the eitiuniversal approbation: pro. 'Teon of Great tirituini - and - .lmktibiti'bepr sign. ciently)ong ! beforc,the.Am '' I l i g i ve a fate.tectinukits, powetia The Patent R iistve.F.be4fi ritinitwer all the .;.'lntr,fMecalircoi;%.44l34:tliii,4ordt , Galvanic But- Jery. of IttAi!chi nee are lined, h ilt s ern,:wit bone 'fink .of, tit S ifjtarinue shocks . 4 3 , 11leb , "accompanyAlie t applimit int:iby thine stfutnents, and,in:many,,ether. ebapects. arc there safea Mt, ceitain in aceraupliebtng.tlie desired , ob. Jed , • The'.l3plvanie, Rings ittiver tideMmio-irath per. '..fee(adecesit .Of,llheturtatiiii4; none ur ,lo• thi-Iteartis. hitt t limbs ; Gu Iti.P:W4Fr i. ° 4 l,,lit 004 itclidawpagigkrimka. PurilLyesis, ititionitif the Heart, Apaples34.StiffrtioslofJoints Lumbago, Spinal complainm;kiesigalgia.ceasr. ul Hebilitii,.plifieleitlof Niti,sclittfrisstri and all 'Nceioas Dieoideri. ..Tbeir:Ostritordinary effect upon the 4atetii intnit'be wiln'erladd' to be believ. , ed,trtUala a/ 41 . Pertaiteriorentlire-:foettte jiieceediar complaints,'..lhey. al egtialljitin.bettreebnotilended. 74.; Galvanic 'Hinge :11711; in't z taiely - jarPer frtli*liiiiik audio: sold at psi ceii• twltkir 'this , the *kph-ea%' hlsinette.'lluid ., is used ft - 14 4 99tT!..00 folk 4 1 ' 4 Kirag't 41r a " . nfluenes 'reit lief ire i' i nnits. ilC h are a ected. ; 0 111 $*±tle.tsvor b4Peo.oil r egicts Aim/ - and '.1134ci iaciabbirn. leTropt tbe New York SUN' 'or .3sly, which 4llllp, , seecenises .the ilaiter;of.34o prottlertie of the gerriiiiie Gala:anis Hinge and M agnetie .-Wu respitrie Oti to gi 1 4,1) , m th# - filSl 4 ,ogpoisq urpha,..wirAr.qA .Vie: Optoodftip priPloiesmalr4nPPagirigi 101104 kliemptincia; dispose ' .oCntr.,Ye tik f itittnett thiftfthnot slino clitYttgAY° - - elkn PiAllf 4 fAlbliOltionen in.itaAtutkolfetfier• bwiluiunetossbligtini' beneficial' iri,tilo*,‘ 1t 43.1011111 . 'wire and snoskbitMtiVdcif Id.htttrrran !bin .3vo 1 034 e ' ry sr , . , ~,z4140X9,04„0,0, AVijnVWX44, iipoltee." fied and for ..epotake4ol... i.rrrp tichilySs44"r"" .41Ord lalifted 4ll o l o • 1 7 . „itt vilohoes ev... l 4 ;:‘25.;‘~21~‘11?J313‘»’j523 “¥f3)72a‘l‘ll9s‘:d ' , tCOIL EBEl{;