rfoli;E W .‘~;.~~2;i.‘-;e.~.:" s’ 3‘55?" WI 10111 , 61 v, .fiu ‘ ; a- f: ‘ ‘ = v.3: @3112: (.7; "24¢ , - t Y4*DITOR';AND PROPRIETOR, :. frAvollgt.V4A s Y October 8 1845. • " `7 oft 'CANAL 'COMMISSIONER. :11 - I : 4.ina . t lefgt'onsty Ticket. .-:TBOIVIAS'B: BRYSON, Hamjideri,;,', opewe .tornroissionert' 40SEelly,l.RVINE, Newton. - ',Protliorzo(ary t ° T. 60 8 .; H. CEISWELI., Shipperisburg. • - ROBERT - - • OB . BRE't. - Carlisle. _ `• Dirictor of, tlip Poor J; J. MYERS, Carlisle. Jhrdiloz }' .LICOB RITNEIR, S. Middleton'. yrer D.' • TheAV ig Motto! the o.l:`inti• Par" tyntair County and our Everythhig for Prlnfpleit and Victory —noth '.fifvfor•rden2 -* • -_-_iFir,--„Ttie-.tittention-of lovers of fine horses is ilireefety`to the sale advertised by PETER FEo Es ,in to-day!, paper A stock of fineesnintalit is seldom offered to put , chasers 30.1141 section of countri. ---ECOLEeaI3TIC/4.: INTELLIPEN , W. We leer)) ',that Rev. -A. 11..Knemert, has been IVO paitoral charge;of iheder•- .mnOtefortneti .Chnect in this borough, vacated by the --------------- Rei HENRY kunarni:' The latter gentleman we learn iv ill 4till==dovote himself -to his pistori coagietationsbin this vi , 44Foutac has -accepted a to ,the 'German Rcrornmid ,Clturelt, as the auceessorof Mr. krMner. • - Tkltevi ..ALPREDIVEVIII, fOralerly ol Shippennburg,:has reeeived andLaccepted a callfrem,the"German-ite4,o2l_,Gtittrali: 'elnitnhiliiheirg, as: theii 'Pastor., WO'eat'n that4thif itev: Manna; haying 'iCC .- itited a call to the Pastorate of the Presbyterian: ; tiprch in Greencastle, Franklin cgiinty, Tine resigred the Pastoral . charge' of the Secnitiresbj , terian Church in tids:hjgongh. We_ cannot_refrain from addinitiliat in the departure of Mr. Moore,'• • our ennimouur will lose a popular and aratori- , a-devoted-and- useful Pastor; . and in the sociaLeirele a moat esti mable atiil•worttay Christian gentleman. October num- • • tier of this splended and valuable modiltly is punctually •on our table.- A beautiful strei-engraVed Ortrait of Dr. Justus_ the auThor of Agricultural-Chemistry t em• liellishes this number, and is accompanied with•a' number of wood engravings. The principles of Agricultfire, a most valuable -- work - by AlbertD. - Thaei,Ta - Gertnan - auttiori concluded_in-thiS-Munher.. The-remain - 'der df is: , occupied With varidus interest to the Far nice, one Of , "tillictr i is a full" 'description of l 'tlie j re - i - riirril AiriCultural •Stite Fair, from ' the pert :of"tlie Attlir. , WO look upon this as the most Valtiable Agricultural jour• Ofih'edaY:and'acieditlo'ilite' haiprican prese._Each—niiiiber conutins- ninety-sii • P a gC l *t . t priiirvof- t Abe•Li . tibtk is 66 •per year, *iir.:".fiSh - .A2,,iptiblished by ti:447.44411.W0r 'New i ite;t 7 0. johit t9.'-Skinner. ;7 • ; , • "DitwPilvittittcon.-4h - e‘. march. of • itm 4aiigiiilVitiiiitt6iitOitih' is , still 'On word ' ' .. ..1!,/ - . ..,' - .' 4,, ,4P.': - -;''.. ; .. exceedingly,' . I .01 , 1t1 . 001 . ;: ~1 :1 1 !‘ " :„ . *e :lip t v ie o it lialitlm? , , elliorrioch or botng oreoted, .10 1 *.tlff . 4! ', m*:l44le.rt''Tl North Hat l 9-, I'lfrllP'ePt:: . gi'.`i : ;oliif'StiPtretilfilli.oo'efie 020€410ier°1(Pii also just lirOki . ii Irotiq ' l, ,l,Yeliiiiitll4:4loWAtiell'ilig , Of liirtititthitie'tx , ,4 a'Pf..le , ::';`,',l - '' — To' 4 , • , ''' s_." - ' , ',. -, ci . .. t . tector4-4 -7 kotittootnesfrinoloationo!pro!i..:, '',niitAit'•6uiqitfiiiii iiiiitr iiiiiiiiiiloiitilif' , - .,-*Aii)ir tliei,•ftitivish'eviderkee' or, i!owitrt ~., ,ftt y.;,..'l '19. : -.• 1 ee l ; •` • . - i •••• ' ' , •'• Igerth. , , tny 51t ,ao i rap' y , storing in ' ' . . * oufAittiititiiiictt'llit'jitaileatital'fiVePr! .'iliiiiiii:iikioilll iiitiiiiii:nicit'eniogg the .4.5 ,04911,044iiie* -- 'o("oo:PVlliffiiitie:;; , ,,d; ,- i, ‘: ~ ,, :N. 4 , . , .. .f.i.,0,;:i- ,, 5,, . •,,g.h. ,r . • •• , : - ...A:„. ,>,..., ~.. : . i i A Pbri - Ivoii_46,ll 'tow iiii, i , Tirelv) , wii , ii WelttatatAso`'Attlep-htilkialFP , eff"?,S4,,tt?... .i' '01) *lO4 tit..- k ,Whio pt ,in•illik tri.: , :,11. iklia4' 'Wil,ittegg' -1 1 Ye `0 "0/ 7,; 1 6 :0 - 40X q*04.0 4 0i91: ',o*l*P# l oiiiil .04ijnil liiid, 0: 1, 1 4 ,1! 446 05. loPii.OA!es : * -44 .0- ;?,400fift,' k 1 4 0 : 1 1,4 1 . 10 % titel' , llo4oiii. .1, ,'' ; ',lo ' O n i llio4 4 lll 112 , " f lf t o.7l,l:t.:; 'P Y ,. :* ; :•V''' '''V ' t'. - . , 7` . 1 ` • ‘.',:. i ~,,, MEM -, ....t..: !... . ,r ? i,: • :- t!p - ;% -t ; - r'Y:'::.'. - 4: . :;',,',, ,- .F';r::':' , '.: .. -"''; - :i; s 4.r7'W : ''alr :..111 4 41.-&1 1 'is• If lei , . ;' 1. - •,. -4 vuipt ..-pw, -. , 4.. , 4 . .. flurs • g •i 4 ..:<.•tr7-,' - ..„.: , . , ,i -- -, z +i- '. atanaineNt n iVrkg' 4 N. - .. -,e• - ', ,,, ,i• On-'-Tuesd '- ay,.1"0-.littl: „ Dom. Welee!: little respect for thlt„ipatt Who either negleettA9 eiereisth or.delibet! ately. resolves' to throw itivay,fits Rioter Or' 81.TPRA00 4. ,The citisert • Who wouhl. stand with his. aims folded lookin l onlnL dqpr,enqr,w4lip.jhe,iiiwn . Hies iii4ll . l L being:'ftotryo, W dro, intil.4ls_l4ay : l l !g a karcelk,loo -criminal part loan he.who from any 'Other canso,.than physicillAva• Inago_tiii_friiiiigge of voting:..The 11161 ninations right'of,voting is,.a - gloricius privilege. It. isFreedom's richest . booti-- s it is the surest trust.of Liberty. • This:swells the heart of - itgiTiiiiiirfirsiverlfrFleriparinurAlwaretto - - of public life l •and fires hint . tvith the ;im pulse to,,eyery high resolva-andloftv ply , pose. 4 the broad shield of - the • • . kay-haire#o.pfilican; as he battles with -ballot -in-hone-fibre-year , -iozyear in- the peaceful - struggle for the perpetuity of. freedom. This is what 'vets every fac titious diefinctionpf Wealth and, pride and poVver..-iftie is - what makes the humblest laborer the peer of , the lordly Millionaire.. This: is the duty that .is indispensable to the-exititence:-of freedom,- 2 .l l here- is no Is 'ride. pomp, nud .circumstance" •the 74uiet:4;iitt4i r eeeeful 'achievements of tree eitiffra Y giaits iriumphe.ar . migbiy but they are not blood=stained— • FREED:IFDi OF CILIMBER:LAND COMiTir 1,-, You are called upon to exercise this high -kivilege on .Tuesday next. We invoke every Whig to come to the Polls without fail:, _Let.notiting . butsickness:prev'ent you 0.,.. from coining - out to the election. Come out, whether the day be stormy or -pleasant' whether, the air be cold, or mild, Come out whethe• you are near :nr distant from the Polls, Come out whether in .carriages or on horseback or on fdrit.• No *big Ought.„to feel so indifferent Belo remain_ at -Itome:t-The-election,is;.notliriereiyOn4" teirititte .w hat inch WO4ll our conety,',Oft-,, -fives;4Pitemere-higtiir.Objectii-tied-1 - 4git• - • ereoneideratione, which:'affect the destiny quent:decreaSe'.'ot oppressive , *leg. ,Let -op Whig lie 'discouraged on 'acco'unt,i3f reinter defeat—we' fight for . - PIpNCL , ' PLEB, arid for them we ITAl3o.`viiiret ON, FIOIII' EVER, " whether we are defeated or victorious :.But if e ery man. comes out to the election we ahu be viaerious 1* Every . year has the loco-foc party gir r alually lost ground,. and it now needs htit one grand rally to secure a splendid Whig triumph Coine out - to the Pulls and never despair 1 .The trtfe Whig watchword is " SEVER biyr, UP !" Nem GIVE oirlinittiVfhe crept) Wfilt tkir, Or the full thunder-cloud over you burst, Stand like like a rock, and the storm or the battle, Little shall harm_you thougy - dniog their worst. MIMS GIVE vrrthere are chances and changes Helping the hopeful a hundred to one,, .• And, through the chaos, High Wisdom arranges Ever successif you'll only hope on. And of 11l maxims the beat and the oldest. • Pa the true watchword' OrNLYER GIVE. .1 . 7* We are gratified to hear from Bev' erat quarterslthe most _favorable. accounts of j the prospects of Dr. M'Anois, the Whig . candidate'fer 'o6unty - Treasqrei.• "A: gen tleman' purer:integrity, of More affable manners..:in,,iiie. i publio — ietercourse,' and. iMoorahle:'.depoitinent'iii : every relation of he,foita4' in atiiiimmimityi. d vrit'are zettrii hi . will re = eeive, a trituriphant:pleetieb.;- county lands Oen in Lose Of, our highly esteemed. Whig omi= ;' SALE or ratins;dto ,IsittrraCeirrilv.- 4 .- A lefier apount.of 'reef property has been , ihi.oWninto market inalthr costar thits,fall, awn- in . any preciotss seseorth fory,eans..i It • Will' be ' of interest .tn , •ani'ipede'rittlArntio the prices. whieh:preperly . qnsisairidso as shown AT, the' . stilltii , ",Whit;ll hero beet! held. !ndPih9o ., n9v 4 ;dPilf , lakipg:pitiei,.....The telloyieiitieiaiftharlitiire:yee 1;4 - ail - somr... thei,',ViiitiOioii,O4Liie - tchigis liiitiN eiti(e:w! , esim Pr strife te/1i ' - ohnils000;. icfiti.'",i('iniiiie . ol4i , 4,'.,i,li'll'ai=or Oge . i)'ot=' , ..... ...,,,, , ~....,,-;„ %.. -, ~ ~. ~,....., - ..,,.., 4 ..; , , tom tend beletiging to the same emit° I , vas so , r , , ~, ~een tper„aere., - .,, 'l4 tit iike i iti"' i' ' ' • - -"t '' '';:'' &- -OrtilLi:i4t.iiiiiti.et iiiiiii — g a ti tl i -iii,:., ceo o 4l . .,liipAplii?,a; it 43110.8n0 a'!fnitootititt , westOA!! 6 44iti. elite trati,eetiiatillei Pitr ,.: fial:osre!c 4 llT t ,ift: 4 T!,ii4 ll ?r: v_s4.lrl v r.4lll altAofiiniatOOii4o4!- ~ . lti' ; 'PO , IM-lie'iiiitoi,ttieiitibitO'!ir: ' 1 . 1 A 41 1#0 1r fT! 1 ;::9TL h11 !: 'bi",ll4,Alt;: l'lfo 4,, 1 . , , n9 , !0. 1 ° 1 ''°1' , 0, ' l3 . ti:' - iia ll . : ltat'sotti:4_, #Al l ** i f l if i k YAWOI4In7I:4-04i!ii:OliaiJ: ~ AEM!(. l l # ,ltOit,*lii:l o ,,*lptiliiv 91404 , if,Ml#l l # l !),ltifiAgl*feCiriv-iiliiiii: ,, .'i ,1 0Xl i g i. *.. ,1 °.*:it: 4„,o l iiiiiiiiilitilis, 1 late 1-r,llMOlquilj.,,),*;:'4oll-11=' oV44lott,:fp,ioillpte . 4 , A 111,57 - r ' ,!: '- ' '''%';:' ' 1 ,,,' 11 111; 1 . • - •i! . E.,.." 1 ;:imoft.piAiti , w , ..;f 4 .aillp3k , i - AK 4 o#. l * 4#,Pg.4 l o l fli' A ~. 114 v, ..ii, 0.444*4# -:. , jidi t i ',iiikt,i.94 ,4 , ", ' .4.ttobi; l i.* *, ,PF'-r - t,'` , ,' r-, ''. -,:._ ,- A.5'At....4 , -..'.- , • r -: , 7 4 - , 70.7. " •• ll' Tliir . e,iifilye;trpory surer yot :Arid.fiktitii.rillati the bOyonct.. AAirtiopeiflhatcomes down 00. still snotilkilikes upon the sod, But executes n freeman's will 'As lightning dnes,tho of G . od And from its force nor bore nor locks Can shield ilienx—'its - thilallot box P 1 t. tO,lll - 07Polls. supremacy-of ,c iuntry—the etituttov=the :lntordn* Ind stetsr.qa,td 111 - 0 onOsirOli lislsWor4s, sisq Ilse. canoe: Ceitiity Treastui•er. .;:04iii - 40: 4 ' kilik*it4; *:i . ,:o 4 l: l3 giietilOiftir* dt;e 4 4 .)contitaapr*,hti*o6loooii t ! l'.. . . - ' liiibi ItUt eld,.'ind' thiqr .. tipPoist to be:Sly , i Witippol of,ffieit:::plietirOtt'pfinelptce: 4 iiii i ide term his If* tliiti,pronilln. : o 0 ;poet . elteuessfuiscaulte, ~ the.4;ooofocos, on:the. eontrary,•are,,ditvidtid in-•tipost,Of thkikinii... PPttanOrollg.6 6l iiffs itO,7fPM" iw.e496t :iii)i--, 1 cationswe, verily belie i'n'that both branch 'isid - Wieltaiiii4i44*(4l4eildidll 1 * r jit' '- krt ' kqPi - W'!iiki•Ki ' E.o*oNtike, 49 turn - Out in, qu'i!"full',Stiength.',,lthtil teen-tfd (rnjefertuit of o tt illifthetto to b e . 'ovet..tianiuln i 3 atone . ii th and over= egirt e. stet; ti 1 1 l ulnas 'of' purposes . that chaiacteriiee lour opponents; this isAlte, - speretOilik:ocea-" IdetutlilLsuceem4=Let-usx6446eatteri to, do our ditty at a//tlines and under all l ' circumstances. ,Let tfilfpp.Crt or county ticket now with the ElYne Zeal that 'we supported Clay and Frelinghuyeen last fall.• The..effent'of- thisconrea s will btrieri:eeon apparent 'in our' increased, ore long .Locofecoiali" will be ' again 'Oii) , d irate in our Siateonil , National Ceuncile.• .1 Full roiej ll' Whet-is there to prevent •te 'Whigs. from . turning of and casting as full _a,vo d . as they last • fallrf-'l 7 bey . 'onght so, tar t ere is n"" . eTir - tlily doubri Whigs all tarn''Ott:gitery . iiian on ontr'fiek. et will be elected. ~'ZINe hope the premi iient',.yOtufg "Whig's in " - eVer'Y township Will use every exertion to rally the full Whig vote to the polli. Let con veyances be provided for. the old . .and the infirm, and let the able-bodied ride or biii by all Means let every Whig veler: . be at the Volfs. - - ----__ - • yoga -Tirket# Winos examine..your tickets closely. before vp'thigf4P.efit . tbat the nape oh every one'of your candidates is there and in its proper_place. All kinds of schemes will be resorted.to in order to distract and di vide the Whig vote, therefore see - thatyou have in your hand (he whole Whig Stlel to. the . tarty is •entylatlealii'a..party c(principle4Vts pahey is as - bib - id and gapanaive spAtie,:riliationrt-its measures_are the itifithifires* ; ich 'alone' can insurepros perity.:titid'haripineba to the--people: Thee .. ineastiies..,sre attire or less affected by the creVer3i,local election, and the suc cess or defeat of every whig candidate, for ;whatever office, has a bearingi-directly:or intlicectly;'upon the griatjiriecifiles of the etsye -, ry i. ,"h...• . tupresa t. t,t s ; Iru I .upon his aitc,;tir.i"4o4akto-1c,„.„ Afte#4 . 6.4/IhPOckt:-,L, „ • Plit W hi . -.llcrSuppintiettiO.eld officers be, again elected howrituch;:-.eiti:pay will they re quire foe being otOroceirtpetent in assort ing papers than nen , - ones - We 'ask for information. That's all I Can we have it friend Beatty I—Statesman. . Well, we don't care to oblige you that much: —lf-the "old officers"- charge at the seine rate that we understand the ex-clerk to.the Comnaissioners_charged the Bounty, they would be entitled to about $5OO Rut as yet they have not charged any and will not if they are re-elected. Ittritiy suit simpletons . to 'poke fun' at the Cnipty_officers. on_ account_of_th est:Li-Otter *irpapers, but older and wiser me - ti who know the impedance* haring these ,pa pers arranged by officers•who are acquaint ed With them, will remember to cast their suffrages correctly on Puesday,nest, CONVICTION OF "BIG"TIIIINDENe7 withstanding he Frroveti. an three witnesses, Dr. Boughton, alias '!4ig Than. der," has been.. convicted of participation as lead'er in the ..Anthrent ontrages, in '9o' lutnbia, county, . _New_ York, and lras MI ceiiett sentence,..which confinetnent in the Clinton county State Prition &Ong. the !ern! . ,of his )le - dger says that this' may 'seeini Seat . sight f lp Severe erentenceibut when it is rememhered that this man was the principal-le&ler - in the outrages against law, that he has been active'in- spreading 'those .infamous p r inci ples'whinh havminfected six kseven coun ties in''the State, and in fact Ifeenliceituthor of most of the:MieChief.and :most or, the . evils which have method the.whole course Anti4entistn, , the sentence-will. by . cotWitl-1 ,erect but the , proper peitelly for the infumiiim notoriety 'he has irpd: :The conviction and ;seittenpektif thee : 1- - proof 'that; ,pithlicisentiment is etilfeoatiil.antl healthy; and that the-,.laWtwhpn:*MrP,fairizsi.4 l ing its %v 0 , tors with the etiM4r. Voulii° bit liett,r!or thl - ptacte 'add trafe,isr of 'aei jf We. ra : o6eil Or sh q'r;it i' liciwite!in such -easireand more '='! tly . , ..1,..._.-ILZ,.: ,-..,,,,, ...1. k r 17 : 1 - 1tPOb,119:‘ old liiienti and. faithful ie I'votif:Jcilliii,,i,, -- I . an hive:''ltlit,6*(l;'.:iTaltl 13:',4IniC 6,76 . ''' , . '.' ' a n.: S'‘6.lakii.4. tA'ii.r. 1,. ~„ or; rditieb-oith- ..,...- !'9A 41' the iii ' I L I - rt,ietteei, SA i c c o t 65 '' , , i , a q, , I!#?":AridfittetiCe'ira,„,.?:4 lll#ll,k , -- ilpet . --- rpik , 1110i,fiS'Atw0 ik!'' !the 'teeglee .. .9"YPii!il'Silit'ioilturt:i.- ic..t._ ~, , , ,I.',.3oll)Er!,,setiiit- b q i'"' ' ' r,°!i*:44-10,tittle',,,I' -.a- , .. g. P ec'elvfid aiii;i. ' ---- ~, . )91101..pi5i—,61, - i .-- -erttt - 46, I li* •, ,• • M doer - 1 .- 1 P h v' , Mf,,0 ' 4 4 -1 0: 1 ,,i 1 0 0 . foi . foi;aLt i l e i ?: t* r* ' ' 0 - :^ :,-, • f I,l'. ',,, -...v!...: -.;„. 0 , ~, -4 ' . '4, ' '; ... 4au i 7 nTtl a. to! Nita be e,' , .* .;:. s: i f , ;•, 0 - .ll rl, 1 iq ,;- - r , - 1 ~ if. Athic-i foote , Oier „ , , ..1, ,,, ,, t i otEi.#l,4ii.k: iiiiliii.ittittio,l4,ool(,nii itre'•;iientendy jPg r for Prificit).lo44l44l3Pi and evP,ry.vote nestt!gBol4-"Y-4014"1''P4 Xelilr'lkke'li if *.stab 'aignid atlrQuilffgOliolii!tt . ::**! , of ;•i mt. Gave,b e en dillii(Oillted An, thigii! ing yotty partieulin. friends placed , " ,°Otte ticket; but o(!,i'Vhfir 4 1 iiimary4 4 4 18 0 1 ' in. v ‘ ptirOgilinstffie , tieeti foren,y p`geof'4•:,, for 'Ails. re11i30nr 1 . 7 .•14 181-0 / 1.3 " )1, to ,the f: l7 , hods liiliiiiititietitattinii,4tpoßiaiiii !3r„fitty;per#ol,:kihio 'may '', be engaged in efforts , to diftiiitcextitiii candidates on'the: Whig - ticket, • -Pei:in :oliention lo their slantlpre, bittiikeiling and lOyal Whigs, gloVi*irl....yl94.oitile and your candi datetl, vete, ii.thei.jekot-iiii witoraii - nr=ati - NOTHINtfIi UT - ,TH•i•TICK - r El' !" This is your only true•policy.r-: . , You -dgase is a goad one, and your.candi clptes• are all ple'Oged tO:pie support of your eaff4... , There is **One 61 . f them who is not a trup-liearriMYVhig, holiest, capable', and faithful, and in .eiery , respect entitled ioyour, full confidence and -support. Let not , the combinekeffotti, therpforcVof open enemies; nor 'secret. foes, triumph;.oser 'a single one I) . f . xciur candidates,.bpf give - them' 4 1 t, ally., ong „pall, :40:0,ng Ptill.: . and a 'pull attif T.i;,..i..Tlilitie ~O :waY; atid-the -only . I *Ski: t0, t,‘ , , , , 1,h;, 'akriumph of W big 1 - 1 1PYInciPie.f.:': - ,;: - "'itr • • -. . • ~titOtigcnce.r. ',,i. ! (4'itttburg, of the Presbyterian Chivel 1 (old school,) closed ifitiesiiiin. - durinelast week. A -Resolu tion censuring:Air. disapproving of , the ac- !init . Of the late General Assembly, which 'sat - in , ,Oiircinnatti;oivtlie • sigve - luteiimh was regritivetbfa .vote of St to 10. - Or The Kentneity Confeience of 'the Methodist- 43hurche decided-by- a vote, on the 10th ult., to adhere to the Methodist Episecipal,Churthßouth. Theirote.stood ages 148, t-ntaysik gcr . The„New York gpiseop,al Con. vention:adjourned . on Tuesday last, makinentiother disposition of the Case of 'Bishop Ondeptlonk,' than amending a Canon:of the -Viocese,'so as to girttitti standing 'eotriinittee power to • act during theALinaidlitioizdisability-of:tbeilishap..!l. Things Will note' reinakr in itatu quo, we p - reatinientitifitt -- no*i - treeting — of7the - OeneralCon'ventidiii two years .Itence. LATER •Facou . EpuoPE.—By the arrival of the:steal)) elfir,Pambria, at Boil Oil, we . have later adviegifrom.Europt. - .. ----The-QUeeniliatiyturned to pfigland, and on ha.way: iseopOit at .the Chateau frEu, to zy kit lb e - Si niiiiihe• Franc h. - .1, The Potopßiktlias destroyed not only the potatoorze ,4 ,pnv latd:-arwarilankT:but , a_sw..-Eiittsfi'e= -A rise in- corn has-in consequente, taken place, . The Corn and Wheat crop has bee .. measurably saved,, but the long continue I wet and the absence of warmth, has caused the yield of the grein.,to be light: ; The Iron trade was brisk, Dial prices were ad vancing. The' Railway Mania continues with tip abated fated; bot h in i 1 atitrEtance,, MEZlCo.—Theltearnshie Princeton ar rived at Pensacola in five - days from Vera Cruz, with slates. .to the. 15ilt ult. The `arrival brings no intellik nee of importance, save a confirmation of P'reviPtis accounts as to trio disorgad and enfeebled Mindi tion of the country, Mexican Pialifics are in a ,state of chaow,,, r The govetnment was calling the regplar,hops from all the de-. partMents, not having yet given up,its de sign of-waragainafthe UPVid States, thiPigh without any means. to carry it on. It is said. that Gen., Almonto is carrying on, a regular ~corkespondencewith Santa Anna, and , that he r conitois art. active system of espionage having viWw7.thw regal of the Ex-President,whenpiontristances shall ,bwlavarabie. • • Gen, Taylor, 4fmy, in ; .his last adifices,thinks that there need' be.Po apprehension of any active, oPetetOng ptityn the part of Mexico against iliieapuntly;;,-' l'Exo...:rm9.o?ovcolii,:y:lii6jl, l oit to mould -P.P°OltillutOn• 0,04, i!elr. 9 !ite 'of Texas. fusing aUceitnpliiiltilf its taboret aias 1 49orObtly - ; ,:ttlffPinottAl,ttoo is to ha'suh" witted to.thii,ifote - Ut,'tli'S people on'tbe,l'ath inst. / .;also the, question w et en exits skskl-otsbelf,,tp;4 ; be,:ehnexeto` . tlte!Unifet l 13 tme 57- oPcgOtOtPllo, l ' ° F ,t h °,° O o t tli f ,,i ; ° ' the It9# o -t,tOttt tho !°Bo,to.tOKOr lattled-2- :,Attltig-the Pro*httOtto,o o fttiPoo'-' , .stitution it. is d that no poise* shall be' im risonet for dcbi, shall be Idisitetetipsint4loAtinjsbit , t4, , tire!GOieL 4141 hold alo.A;ikilit, *y; egetii;it z iOide,perpoluai. gaged in 4004 mediately or.imniedistely •• Ahoiigki, to, !1014 oinue l :&e. Gill. jsingle filen or Mr already actlotokeA.itiltkilittakthticirtc 4, 1 . 1 , 11, 54,0 of fit t,G overnor of is .be o•"!'e:lr•ki#4, iit tent Have re`r. centlq fuebilliVogi)ded e tot6. this - from :Orlio714(0, One ' froOf .Fril:Otti(?:. POieolif,,nl#n,:ii!is ear Pngeqatnnniti3N Preo 6-0 , ' ffi:! r !? l ' ffon4 #tiostmi#4?.?,4l4lr!FlP':the' nktts ound tit t To PPM k i tl * 4 5 f1,01* , 0 01t r ;4 . ) •• • .•r• r•"•''t , • ' 1";13 *or .C.4* 17 M9 f 1 . 40'' W , '"t)k' ' 1 4 . ,:, 141 *0 kelt ik• j fltiittll7 • --• • • • ' * "4i or 1 p. BE ef , , ation 4 r N'; k elerseee whe:kee 10911gd, into the loco Rico Pitperefor a few i r seelsi past could not hOtv.bOog thelelys-'04.#1, indateplitty *tinsels,' iiificliotheiha4 ;tieen_ lately' making' lately upon differiniieicts'elf itio'T.Attirlo; , :T6y - do make "Open and`: direct at iaelcts , ishicit'-are-intended-asleelerst npion paratory,ftio.the'ilireatined:REp ecTioN O'imt,Tialit. 'u6dirha!id . in busineSs_ hiswevevolfanked'2to boici and'avostred opposition to the Tatiff. The' est, 'Pennsylvania IfeParCer.' lately estsb altiasliabiiszi and confidential 'Organ, contains an article upon the Tariff Irlifislt,ccSneludes , . skith,the following tientennes . • . . .. „ .. - ' , 'eche - queatkin'l3.assuirt:itig new int . por, ,. tilited , '.eierytday; 341 everything ,satisfies 14 .. 04 Mr..Virallfey ,wrils right in declaring thai:-.A.,,THE I'ARIFYM -UST -BE' .RE .DIIdED.TO . REVENUE STAN * IiARD:" . " ' Letitia. pep .. f.Pemisylrania- -arouse . to the' irriportanciiif title subject. Let them tittiaken to a prpper , sense ott. the, danger of their favorite meaeurepipUlichand let them speak out their disappii&tion of the _ohm of their_public seqattke.-e-Cp' ii is 11. Tate.-- 'The - Intentions of - .the National- ad- I 'mlnistration cannot . he . midtaken.• Mr. *3llter, Secretary 'cif the 'U. S. - Treasury . 1 !lays .. .THE 'TARIFf MUST . BE RE DUCED !".' The Sentiment is ,echoed by the official organ at Washington, folkiwed up . lil party preasea all .over the country, and- finally . endersed-6:0--the-orgairaphe STATE- A DMINISTRATI4N4V7 PENNSYLVANIA 1 As seon air .. .the next Congress , lassettffiles thei . eri . ef . ilt- PE'AL will , bll , -rung; and . the opinion.° ~the administration cittliis State, will be quoted as the villee';loenneylranta on,the subject.. Are . the.peojite of the .. . State—the menufacturers t the miners, ilwmpechnoics, the laboring men prepared' olio thus mis. represented! If not, they must speak out tit once, in tones or thunder;, tu.4heir pub lic servants, through the pr1314,':44,,*0qh the ballot boxes. Citi - Taitaloyjoit they twill havean opportunityOf ex prpshig their wishes—emphatically-by voting;44..--Tnu TAntrr MEN, as . their represiiitailves in the - ".igislilture and elsewhere. Elect- a Whig Legislature i 'and you'Will have a irue'Taritftegislattire, and the real seni. inenii — onhe people will be truly and lion estlsi expressed 4 'and instructions given to our Senators which they dare not disregard. The safety of the 4itissure-may depehd'on the rotes of the .Vennsyllitniiii •Senators. Think orihis* frien - ds'isf- the Tariff when you goTttie " pollil - •, Forthii'Herald anli, Exposit - dr nelitor and Dir e ctor.__ MEG_ EDITOR:—The .offices of , AUDI-- 'TOR and DIRECTOR OF THE POOR deserve to be regarded by the People this all with peculiar interest. The people of the County have not hitherto been suffi cientlyaroused to the importance of be stottior these offices upon energetic 'and vigilant men. in the „management of the .Poorliouse and 'in the settlement of the •County Accounts, every Tax-payer has a deep interest. ~ The_unreasonardeLAtnn ,latich Is annually paid for the auppOrt of out pa upersAm4the—neglice_wi th-w !rich the Poor Howie' Farm i naged and all the business ortheinstit n, transacted, i t art the subject of much eamplaint through out' the county. - ''lluder, judicipps ,dealing with-the Pooi:Liouxeraffaiii , e Weida. rid of the enormous' itipentlitures,ailijuditi made either by the Directors or With their knowledge' Mitt' coueent. • the public acs counts; as passed: by, the Auditors have been heretofore, stated in such kisay,as to riiiiiilhd;iiiiiiiiiiiM‘ififie:Waetitulness and •profligacy i ' , Vrets' itithltiti • tit ambigeity and ,•frhri • lato. ,, Nllfoig' Comity Convention,a -• .. ::csato or. the importance of 'these. offices, named for ribetiviiiiitliti.stes every *BY_ worthy. of can= dilate far P ' irector tas l~te ; ab liar to detect—, if . eleCiel,:aTWAtuafrit:apirdartationet of the . . pu blic isndsi , :ami 'has; hankies, the courage-to resist afid•eltiotistr . thiftw: ; Jscili RITNEIn, #llO . is„runnedtfOr , ,sudlior, is' too good,an:oceOnntan't and to sensible a man to allowrke diabinsers Of. the Public money' to tbrovi:tliiin his`; °Yes. when "aUdititti Ilfeir s iiiiiMuti• With him'hiur fur Su.: ,Au mi - ,iiicessity, to; employ pay out or the Comity 7rniornry otlerk to settle sceoPPts:q4lo..94)4ll _ officers;;, us" liait)ottglf,lbpelf,.. - 0:4)1914::c4aF ditore; and as Tohn.Xrwin , whn.al . waye..ac`tea iii; tho , foitt,,thO,..gfoater.necifoeity . .for having . at least one men4erof-the Auditors , Board, corn 4SM:to onderstond - 41fd lists un-fic• opunf,'. . t lGlorcolter,;forthe pen t roe yeare at:least f ;fhore , ssill.'dOnbtisse . he ran., rotor/of 01 tht'pretlitirr trf t ifitittew: , COuirt tetiiist trait, for toitt thousand ,dollare. fihJess email niottebk:Mi.l4tonkn,,Would .beable, to fairly i" a county Otd,taitOodos, , uo idlunta4e, wait, tik‘a !:4 1 / 4,4 440.tabr01t. 4 704.r** 54 0 41 ,eotll!Attliktq:M9l.lAM*l'fr#olo:#44 MEM ' '1 1 . 100 q4 , X 4 4 . 173. - e ..• . • ...AS, • " d nit=siii Whig p!!t7J y"j oui of gn athq sgd=dieaffection.. vhi h"; edr vote,much atilt a, - , Whig : majority in the-t Lt., Vfliig Ptatel The Governor Or tha State it will be• recollected is a,. Whig.;The Leguilatere will-noW . • stand , it ; fellowi.: . ' .::''-itiaiiiii,l'...' .::::!:}iiiiiii . Nytiiiii7::' - :'',„ ; :,.,1 - 4 - . - ..,:i :.*:.- 43: .•.Lic - o.74o . afkatej : ' , i, -,., -- . f' : :; 5,,, ,i : - 30::,. „ .. ~w,,, 'rh'e,'delegation in ,Congrc.s wil stand, two' , - IThiga Locofocos, and n ow consists_.of:liceseiS,-,'Phapmaik ton& Whigs; ;:_ and: Utesars Perry Ligon ,( ilea and .Coast ble, odiifocoa; , ' • • I+Ve'ityii - grittified,to notice that our friend A qr-ie=-elected~to-the House of -O...EoarE Delegates from Carroll enmity; b,v,an unexampled majprity, which fully attests the esteem in which he is- held.by the flub maktriti over the highest ott,the, led° ft:mitticket', r is ; ioi,and he leadi r the highest .on. the, Whictieket ,ot, voted The result ,most ,to,bt; regrettatl, .11 , 1aryland election, is the defeat of that gif ted Whig and staunch friend•oUkhe Tariff; Hon. John P..Kenneiy, in .the Congres sional District .composed" of the '.city of Baltimore. The vote was as followa : „i Giles L. • sunean ( 1 . . 1147 It will thus be seen that Mr' Ken.tietly' r ie. erectidn Was lost by the bringinik'iiiii*a Native Anteticiin candidate. ii l( tt 'i ius been ma d e a victim odthe altar of d a asign . .ing ,factt9u.although he had gons_as'4r as any American ought to , go, in the egpres sion_olhis.opinion.in favor of an extension of the term of Natutalitation., -Ate. 'John P. Kettlewell„formerly of Petersburg, Adams county, has been.eleeteti Sherif,' of the oily and countiol-Baltimtil'e, . . • Late itittilliaencekil the progress of the war %month° Mormon! • will be found on . our first page, We 'have later news of rskirmish lug between the •belligeranti. About 100, houses hail been burned by the Anti-Mor • mons - at the last accounts., T h eio Ito wing airagraph, w Inch wiLclip_frettollin_g_Oin ,cy (Illinois) Courier, looks as if a general battle stns to mane: .871YE . 1-2 " Two - Cofipanies of Murrain* otie tinder Mr. -mum!, and the other under Mr. rere eacainped.onloriday about . !eight. miler iyarsaw, and ainwed their_..deterinintition • iirvidit •Warsa* the next day. • The whole Mgr • force as about BOP and Backensths,i ifl, had made a requieltiir - .• Or .000 more, who' ws Fs- Yc,. Ela tur}lay . On•-•Vridaytheileritteent a *tog. ii, - ff -- V6*llfittiiiiisricititt . the otinirleattere of the Mob.to surrender themselves to be dealt With 'according -to law, and give .tip the State seats, in which" event he (the Sberiff) . would not proceed further, but upon their refusal he - would put . every one to the sword they Were allow 4 they_ trete o'Nock on Saturday to answer, Most of the chi= zens of . WRITOW and Cot. Williams' Men had crossed to the other sid&of the river to wait for assistance. The house burning, and other depredations upan - the Mormons 7 had ceased,. - wee !veld - at [bitting don on the 510th ult., favoiable 10 the kles- iton of Gen:Pet)tqtir President' and Gen. Janes-Irwin for Governor. The resoln 7 tions passed breathe the , true, Whig spirit. ' • 'PIED • --9 nt B Pntl.# 3l !nrisaisti aged oboe 50yeaie; - Att4a - n - tion - 1 Cdtni4rituid Giaysf. YOU . are 'nidered . to. perade.. al the public / A house 4i.r Maricui: Alien; 0110 . Mile - ta4 „ Stoughstnvit46o EIii.TORPAYi the 2 5th • d e_ of October; Inalcit',lll,_Weine,l4 , tt....lll. comp! rely equips fet dt4l.' i -- ay eider /if the Captain.. , , ~: ._,_•_/,_, a ' 1 ...,ABlLlelltSiN.ViEl2 . B,:o;•6`...:': October 8; i845.-St: , '•,' •'-'• ' • '''t , - , 'i * : -- ( - "f' , .„, .11017111111:111.01(.11!flr4PA . r,, ngtottiMorifle.f.Attiirney- for ihe c ,Oivitetlwho' taiddia in Pituteolg i l Pe:,:eifisia jirliate gale, and.'Lot situate „in, carlisto. Diakinitee 4 fley,. idjohitittg Abe' tot.,ef o. l)anittl.. Anil-ante on the .corner •of Pitt etteetriinik 'Dicac ti'APfey, 0. The tering, &e. may eac,et;., lei edloy . , appireatitin to the aitbactiber at hie ` • It hot;addi before tiIIDAY, the cf klifebei, w wilt ' Otero& at statte,tendtin that da , y, on OieOreinid*rit 1 0 vsEekt? , ll:l4olC.:,P:, be etelir ' • A: Journeyman Sadler:.an • . . OA ,n ii iht or / doratundi' ,Dtift; work. - wage) and;ciin • siont employment, Immediately Vie outrocriber.. in :qinrohtown Monroo Cuintierloinl'eoanty.:l, - ! PE+EW,I4. Mita:NW: 'October 8, 18451' •• ", . . CLOTHS CASSIPARESI.iitiffvESTINGS.= ,. RENCD, `and,,,American,Ckrbs.oll Acolors and pricer; Beaver, Net, and Prined "ft cliarcolilitg, , firm 624 aorta to $4,01k paaltionable :Calibrate* from 62110 2,501 now dee' , ;Vas!). ittribld Crerrabs, fee., just 'liceilid lila flit !lila id, 01041114 i eannot,tbil 11 `llllsco them;4t;•.'3. A; CIIPPII4EIERIS Chea p Shipppitiburi.ObtOtOtilo4.4, --, ,• • '. • ~ UsTICIEf I M'AEO/(0); ; V:INIABB L •' le:Roeltet with the 'ti i aed , at, Is Voitouer;*lo4s'-:gn 2,`,4 fi.''' , l - jS4II 7 IOAD,IPILAMTEkittIi ail Mortnitint if. WOO ""&c,,,irblcit )latiiit "teat t: t. .ettaeh. • 4 ) 3r.-1113.4gif.:::., r A.P I *WOO r4;;;:'. Zhe ,ilPlormoiriVan, "ing. ";71A - war OUtb 'taispectfully. 'Ober' IsCr-jkAnda V \rand Ma . patina *general.ls , 4_4hat4liivatill c'ontintree 61. MANI AND"cOU4SANG':.! SILKS, CRAPES, AM ;. OES, 31.1 - 001.itttS;::tafill kirid c • *Wiles) ueo ion: la .; , ,a T 7 ogre: E ng t Otlicifiseir;'qkodit )34raiti. r . 101lieral Pnti^i) l 4B l 7;:irpr 11 6 Pio'r.r 4 F4 0 .1 ,;;;: , firearm 'JANE hteNkr C • arlisle, October a.- . x. .4a41 2)4414 ft U Ived 6 cs ft* 'etl 04411 , , . 4. 4:0 • --PUBLIC SALE 01' graortowprzatzw. siOnsrlB. On , saBuitty'ilie ttrf clewber,ltitif4 ; HE milli - jilted 4iiiTdoi; of Blooded Macs, a 4 .ol2 l lpPars'iStAttkor tet oft- Henry C. - irkholdfir. fejtkiliiiimisgh`tke Carliale;*Cumfititlind Co:utty,Oisysitiicls.., ioissists of the : •' No. I".;o.—lfay:Alore, -- P — olly posed to be #4ll, roil to General Irikiin't hem; Javelin: _ Fur pedig r ee: and _ perf ' ormanees-off the— above named mare 7 ,;,-Soe Turf Register, irolutim 3, page 554. -. No 2—Bay Richards five Polly Martin. • : • . N. 3 —.131.4-..StOd, Colti..jaMea K.. four yeare.old this,spring—Sir e, !arley— Dam, Polly Marinsi ,` No. 4,, Oilly.:l, oB l 3 Philies,3 years old this, ripfnig.l.:l3iri c lENtee r ratlebPaois Hotly N lyon_fool to, Jave :7 , lin. Sircs..ohon.anifiniii.*=''partf,;.nks A l o 3 Kallder , Mere," bred, by G'Obstelli3, 6iOltorixiagos_or Fayette county, Kontuckir: -- • • No. 6SoFee -3 years 'old Oki Dam, '"The - Alexaoder-.141are.'!... . , . For _Pedigrees of Jasoln r .Peter ylrOrkii. 4l lo o The 'Alexander Atari: oe AUlo;Tuff it it eLfer. ' a . Reference. oOty dlis. ' Eiq Cirliale;-rufeheracter44-said:-0: do commenceat 2 o'clock of seld,4lay. traimr, r. s' .• • pexpit . P• E 64 4. :. -- .. -- Trar:l , taiik - iiiittiretarrMUiO poi" October 8; 1ff.45..-1-.'•,' 490 1E340 Of r - - - • . , • ..-__ pale), AT k ' - •AGA IN T . A EI L subscriber, thankful lie getierally,_that ho twain Wu - 4W! where lie they be found' ceeif 10DNESDAir and SATUV.DitY the north.wbal eotneeefthe.l4l4ket jioneti Where lie will be• pleased -to furninOihem tho thuicest - ettts of prime pork, Veal, Lamb, Mutton - - dice4 l. - acid with the hest of PUDDINtik.VAIISAV E During the fall and Winter: menthe he itiendi to the slaughtering of flogs, 4e., fir:prjvato' himiliesi at (heir own reeidetice, 'on .the Tiehnt reasonable terms. - a7flis slop Is near the corner ot.Dickinton Alley and West street. - GEORGE. L. MURRAY:. Carliste....oetober Et, I Oriphittilt ~lourt ale. Iwill cinCosc to snle .on SATURDAY tlio-Ict Ili:member; 1845, of .1 o'clock; P.A., ut dcceoce4. townphip, _ Alfßit HATE_ tACT. Or! AND ; ddjoitAng'the mansion farm, nod hounded by William Baker and Saniucl Alexander's, heirs, containing Eighty nine Acres .and 147 perches, about rote hull of *WA' in Limestone Land, end the ether Nell-good elate land; with a never fail- Ingstrexprt.pf. tenter, through itcand ,nhont2o Antesitifll - 00,1*ellittlth'iocia tirribdr:"the'reaVe., elearettliAlWrt_eo . gratt of etiltivitren,' There 1176 - deal rif.leenit"efid walttergtowingt. T- - - • "ire es- • - bo lad 'at Clippingvr's Cheap ; * , ,,,l . rtifsitiar the. Railroad, ShippensLurg, ainortgASlah maj , be7lbandtfle ; - - Clottli ---- '77frortrol;so - 0) - 11110.004,er4ord• Cossinetto,.. " 50 rig tineti 05 Saatra_. Lindedy,ii k 7 ,10 to• '.42t...:ihn.-; enlititcsi•;ill l , to ill' Do Lanes ; • 10 to ~ 31. V,„-,et Cofkio 61 to 14 • , 'W• Iltoivn§tiitif • •. , • , Loof do . 12/ wk.9,zatTrAnix . :(lol:4l XIONffISTING Cashiiic;eVo - Asonas 09w.stytef lick style Pa4s fie laineit ' AlpacoF; titbit style- boinia .Si and Stl , Fleece nv*able,ll9nnet Ribliat*VerObtietot ' , nerl'sllll , ecrijitionj.:Limaies 4 .CfrAvati,44o:. duc.juststmebied and , pirupngit the loviestCalhiptitest Rhippeigguite bitAd ‘:, - t irgriengegrai Aactodari .iu o l . PtiO4!Aim miitoli aiisf•Exlnbitioii 'MIA° Aioviltotiilfocis(r - otepOkbefisoufp'aooms, ikike +old, 41040 oo Ahli•Farm lat 4 if= eati: Mont, oa ,THCIRSDAY bee; efts. The piste , sielioti4l is le q copyAboipot. mid all peiessory scoOisaciatig444lllkto,MlNfred toe ktories;(;4ll4. or , I,ol4o,.!nritkifell,%llolii. Weft ` Tice otricerii soiNnansters . iiarbeitiitoirtheetthi iecwientotwileistibiNr i for she, tivinsastiod brigiolOrs* Ink) AtigAdu l4ll66l 'eaull'inatitaitet wiil;l34l car ful.iditet.htliootbmhiee inpiltervror, Pie ;pekroitinimeLvUtheir ho duties.' For,thi namekortbOrnowsPrAlcaucietY. 010 l of dm ittembors i, oCooth, oonsiottleo, lra . ltrutl WI Is publiskii- - .1. viteup,ittpA„wkrru. cirtideitm o ber oos. tiw ..,..:yrcveo MONWEIta,.IffkaAZIMRT:,. v. B T,:x. -- .04T , . , -*:lif4. ll kftYph,ckitti.J';., • - - atta - A-ltiodikutf ,iipater_4,.+&2 !. to tki.! , ChgibereVy!,'' • +-4,, fIaPY /5 141 4e•rit)':e. ,4 Atthuie4/ He; -+1: -7 ^•,I' 40';'+ ;• :1 ,'i;+! •`• - 4 0 "yolkiir •.• • *Thionet • by ' , rllll4iNelig i FL* # lifgrr Oielii%f.gr4)box 1 ' : -t, At f ti ga ti oi r w eat • '' " --- - - 174'4' -" • -4 ,, --, Ult „ h i z..: 4 4: , .. , ..1._,, fruit, indopriilerdak 4PIIO/14090w ',:hwreat 44 orpi-4-:**l l lo , ,Oikiqh t ."4l.,,,' ' ..,,'ra A t " 16 Ch P I P! ' ii ', ;;:.] › . l l ~.; r tAt '. ...,:.,` '' ''' / ' l' mom . A .444.011sanylr,ofittly. ,h.lvad:po - 10:014$ I t set VW** P 11110011: iteiottmenlatthukaLjtW"'"" TiOlittAiipitme,ii:' .0 . it, !lag • rigIMZIM r 4 ~• - lontrllo _~.,=_ _~