Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 24, 1845, Image 4

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    • - _• . , „
~ r ~~,
: •,: . ,-.- - -,...', , .' . .: - : . , t ig,itille: .1140 i: . - .',...-: ...„, .
Plit)ljial ' ' fttplir
-- .- .' . .. .
..'lWii';;,'',-;;:rig'.';:';',.i..'b'';`ittili'.4 Vir'ti1ii:44,34,41.)
~.,•T,Ti.if.,AgNernblY. alba QomthboWeititli , of:Pon4l
. 4.. pylvatilii f , t2ntitl6ti ii An tint ielatinglo the elemilot4.:,
--: s, ,, of÷th'is-Cotimbntiesith',i - listkied , tho . Oti day -of
_-.4401,f,...4.,..D;4539i titi-ittlitibt hoAtity.tif fhb, Slier:-
- Afrof esbriVntY 'Milk' this, ComirionwhiiliNlo
".:klyti;iiiibi esiiitit'ti'of ilio'Giinefal tl6,oliiii4 Midi
': in euctiii' WWI& diiiiiniiteto i - ~'" '" " ' - ' • • '
. ~.,,, 1 .4 ~.'
1, „The..tposts,l,o„bs eic'etek. • , ',- ', : t . ,
,r • '
' ''''''' 2A/aiiittittel thi.plitbo at- Aiqli•tha ',:i , 't•
.. . ~ ..,., ... „. . ...
nigh, Sheriff-ofthe
hereby Arnow!)
muLgivw,thie PUBLIC .NOTICE to the electors
Of the _county: of Cuinberland, that on the - I '%!
' l. 444r44b r iSb:/il t of be - lobe? next
(betng,.,the •day , of the .Iriopth),,a,, Germ,
rel !AlectieW will be
that dietriote tistialidted b'y law In A aiti county;at
which time for the'sever,
al officetorhereitiefter nainedfvits
, .
•TwOlier - soris - hi the' entlnty of
--- ' — ritmliortitorl - tm - tha4loTlsE - CIP-11-EPtItSEDT.
TATITEs of Pennsylvania. ' • •
--Ond person fOr CANAL -COMMIS
STONER of the Stale of Pennsylimnia.
• One person., for P.tiOTEIONOTAICk
or tho 'county otiOuintiarlitrid.l. • • -
One . •
pefson 'for 12,gCORD1-tt r
DEEDS anil•Clerrof the -Connie of General
Otiarter geisione, ' and Terminer, and Or.
phstes Court tbr tilt etunty 'of Cumberla nd.
. One person for REGISTE.R.of WILLS
for the county of Cumberland.
One person_ for . TREASURER Tot; the
county of Ciirnberhind-
One COMMISSIONER for the cobr.ty
of curnberland. o
and of the House4EtleplOyment for said county.
One.AUI/J-TOR to settle the
t ublie ac .
counts of the dounty Commissioners i c.
The said election will ba belci,tbrougliont the
county, Its fellows t, • ~. •
fly an act, of AsseMbli'df.the Commonwealth
..of Pennsylvania, entitl...d,en_aet regtilating,olac a
' I inn Districts, passed the 16th, day of A pril, A. D.
. 1845, - which is as:follows t—" That the Commie.
'stoners ()film euuntyof Cumberland be, and are
hereny anthori4ed, toaeleat and. fix upon• a place
or places, in The borough of Carlisle; ibr holding
all elections which . .were held at the Court helm
in the said 'borough, until the erection aol corn.
pietion of a Court house, where the election there.
allot shall ho held." Whereupon the said-Com
tnissioners -Rave fised-upon the following places,
— for the purpose of holdingihtieleatiniiii the dee-
tion district composed. of the borough of Carlisle,
-zuld-towashipsOZlSoutlal loon , North. M d le;
ten,•Lotkiar Dickenson, Lower Pratt kford and low
' er West Pennsborough, to wit: -
Tlte election for the East Wald in the borough
of Carlisle, which was hold at the first window
south of the Court house door in said borough
Rill beheld at the public hoUse of David Martin,
in - said borough. - •
The election for the \Veit. Ward In the borough
of Carlisle which was hold at (Ito first window
north .of the.Eourt house door in, said borough,
will by. geld at-the public house. of George Bee
.tern, said borough.
The election in tho election district composed
of South Middleton Township, will he held at the
public house of An - drow Robertrin - the borough
of Carlisle.
The-election- in -the election district composed
of Mirth Aliddieton Township, will be held at the
public hOuse of John Commando- the borough of
'—The 'Mien in the:election district composed-
Lower Frankfordwill be held at the_public
of use of Henry Rhoads in the borough o(Carlisig,
hoThe election in the eleetion.district composed . ,
of Lowet West Pennebmotigh Township, will be
held at. the public house of J. A. Winrott, in the
borough of Carlisle.• ' •
The-eleetion in the election district composed
or Lower Dickinson, will be held at the public
house_oillenry BUrkliolder in the borough of
The elesticioln the district composed of Silver
Spring township, will be held at the public house
isf - David Hinkle, in Hoguestown, in said town.
The election in the clection 7 dietrict composed
of Hampden township, will be held at the house
of Andrew Kreitzer, on the south side of the
Turnpike loading from Harrisburg to Carlisle.
The election in the election district composed
of East Pennsborongh township, will be held at
the horse now occupied by Jacob Longnecker, at
the West end of the flarrieburg Bridge.
The election in the district composed of New
Cumberland, will be held at the pulille house of
Morris Johnson, in the borough of New Cumber
The election district composed of that part , ef
Allen township, which election was lieretofoie
held at the public house of William Hughes, in
the borough of New Cu,Mberland - , will beheld at
the Tenant House of Gliorge Heck, now occupied
l_by_Robert_Coffey, in said township. -
The election in the district composed of Lis.
turn and a part of Allen township, will be held
- itt - the - public 11DUSC of-Peter M'Gaint-in-Lieburn-
The election in the district composed of that
part of Allen township, not included in the New
Cumberland, George Heck and Lisburn election
^ district!, will be held at the public house of David
Sheaffer ; in Shopherdatown, in said townrhip.
The election in the district composed of the
Borough of Mechanicsburg, ivill - be held-at- the
public house of John Hoover in said borough.
-- The:election in the district composed of itfon
- roe tow'hship, will be held at the public house of
Widow Paul; in Churchtown, in said township.
"rho election in the district composed of Upper
Dickinson townshi • ill bo hold at the hobse of
• Philip Weave• "said township. '
The eleption in the district composed of the
borough or, Newville; and townships of Mifflin,
tipper F.ratikford, Upper, ,Weetpennsbormigh, and
that part of fiatrion Idrrnlthip, not included in the
Leesburg eleettOn'district hereinafter mentioned,
will -be- held at the - brick - schtaklies
B e, in 'the
orough of Nowialle. - ,' ,- ,-r - i ~
The election' in the district Tiimposed of Hope.
ivell , towneldP• rill be held at the School Roust,
.-, -n Newberg. in said township. -. • --1.,----- --- - -
, The:election in the district 'composed of the.
Iterouiti ef, Shippensburg,' Shippeneburg ' totrrt
, ship, and that Part 'of Southampton township; not
-. .±:ibil u d e d , :in4ht Leesburg electing district, 'will
7 :Kliitd - it" theT Dikif oll / 1 7 0 10 ; ' ilri7 1111 i ba - rWRh - ' 6 f
~.';'SlOpperifehurg: '' ': " , • - , .. •-• , • ' I
, 'Aild ii!',4 ll ;4•Y,an.aatar th°,oPrlerill Assembly
. '.,;ottfile'Cruninenvrealtii, peeped the , 2cl July," 1839,
, i lkis,thue, provided;
,o, That the qualified eleettirs
.4.. of parts,of Southampton- townships'••... in the'. county:of ,Cumberlatid,, hounded by the'
*fellewinglines and distancesoist Beginning at
'ltherSilares , Chunty line; thence along , the flee di.
tiding the townships of Dickinson and• Newton to
the - ,tutridte..,road;thenCe along saidininpilie tO 1
Centre . ' hoot:Reuse; on said turnpike; in Sonth. 1
'", • airiiiiiiii;tOwrithip,,tifenee tir',4 poinfinf.the Val
• "rtitritiottoM - Mad at Reliieltisollnoludineney
' NielesAtentilhetiee ( a mroight direction to Or.
,too4o,4ldilLiielopthlitto:thii.htlint, of George, Chi- ,
v.O....iiiiitittltehlintideng tKrysheeel run to, the Adams
, ,1 4 1pgiffilihdilthu000( , ohing-thellinec,of ' Adams
~„`- 4' ooolo Ofteri,tif beigllitiirigibeitrttlfe,/'qn."
' 3 ' - iiti iby • ,4o Nita ',new l'nd isepiratt eleCtion
f * * ilifitilctAlfi eloo + lo,iti litildit the Puldldhonse
is`t_frWrlP.MX, ll .oflt' 0X,..k., 9 ,l l o il ;!? o ,e t , h Ft in il i '7
~ m m itoriiip.., , ,,,, , - -, .. ~., .. „1,..,,,,-, i„,. , :., , -...,...-,:-,
Z4nr;;;*' -'' 0 7 , itreiv - bp-- 6 f to t -
4,44 ono : w44141,,,,,,;, , ( 6 7 ,ee t itin g ,J 4 itice0-ot iim
._...',,-- ,, ..:- ; r663 1 ,10 Albs II held - any offee iitotrfnibintriund or,
4 4 rit,'"ni:titlit' btrlteti the UnileiV , Siates`or , otildie
rpoided 4111triet,Jerhather
,_,',,,,.: ' tate
,sogy oty er loco • ' 1. ' '
'-" 1 thblilit o 'cfficteetothel.AlStqlgildbadinate ,
t‘...,,,.•"ri0 thrti . IfArho istor'• ttbeemt , loYeilundo
tit l ,
~...v.4 , !WM?) , I ti s 4 tiatiiiirr, ludietirycdolokm'ent
7414 . 1 ,,, b1itii:5 6 illifii ktirthe Volt dltilesi or of. hirylitity
'2 4 rii .. dfiglisidtPPLitteill ilistrieti and also that airy
.",?),- eit.bltCtingresiiind ot the State Legielaturei
T.; 44, %iiniCatilin select'or'Common cottnell;of tiny 'city' Or
,i.sii.afgaiPlasio,ner ef an, ineerrlptsied districtoistioliw
t-s;*, , bieliptifile,of holding or Ceercleing`istilie slime ghott,.
ab!, „b Oa Ole lappoirifinefit °Undo, faspecteibtoelerk
r 3 vwcjittlY elettliM , Of Ode 'conintonnealth i and thatlitti
;•P,APiti...tijr,' tido,* anY officer eLlitieh election shell
' 4l rVt'bereligibleiii ile theateted for, l..,„:uf: , ‘ , J' i4'),:r.,, i t r . ,'
.dit,fk" , :AAnd ite*ltlJAtt or Atittribly, entitled itAntAct
k" ,ll :Nl;ilskitig tb eldrititineetthieCeinmenWeelth,rtinuned,
i.. 0 4.olf i td;lBB9;fitether viiptridet rieliilloWleto wltk„..„` - '
,D ...,TIVIiiT 1 thohuipeotohelhoqueoolhalkanotiltißit_
lifoiiiiiiiiinpitald fVfholtputthitt6it)
~,Tfi ',,ldlidr,lit , i'tti,Wliklibleirticent@lVelia*Nri
?;q, ~ •)„ i 'e; k ,ip te triernitig p?sol4g c
add teach .of-esta,..ll dam
Vg.-T , h t , 4pti.. , 4 1 0 4 ., 4* 01 , 11 . 1 g rb, ~,...01?,,,..t . , . ,
li .
f,: ',
`M1*e5it ' 41.4 ',. 4 . 44i 1, 4 1 L - tmoav ' ii, l isii .
4 ,, ,,eii.„ 11 1110040 w boo•of.Votettr'ror thiiiiiiikki I ? , ilt ,
~, ~- - -r-, ,-, . --Le......L4, •-_,,, ~ -,= ' -.- ,„ r ': ''4_ -
„/' ~• er,its , *la Sy. . x ',.., , 41 ,O . : tra7-,t 44,31,,- 5."..4- I,
Menu. crt. 143: ity , i3Lilute
,''' I st . i,t'.i .. .., offel4,
rer i9i94 1 ,!.! - kiTp.,l*g.iys V.l..d . ''' ' 1
ivar 9 rx,temiror.- 4 04i 4 . • I R ,: t, a dn
19 0 .0,40 1 1;i4aillill.410 . . 031‘ I'l F"'"Ph 1 _
~.,„„,.,„....:4,,,,..,,rueveCt_ tit 11: - ' , F 4 n .Ip.
Ole . o, l l .o ii3Ottsied,Atidge ' ellakt*O9lnha lilt 'll
iti Ina Plade;lol.ln.i case, ' th e 'Pht,ittAMer .1 tit
; shall not *BMW; theh . JIM flaliectiktihai t' . h tat.
liwteirnmbtelyrvor, , :softiti-*Riin . . tf it...,_,
. Ins, plapeV,OF ir pact 'iriteattele'ilidle'eilintlin itilhillie
, btinrd the theNinctqfhim haft' aflef MC' Berth fixedhYliti” f l 4the opChing s oftlits'eleetiot;thri , qtatlifled
inatgeit o f the' toieitallipjtenial 'hit,'disttilitr foe ivhitili
plate hteletittali:ilin yeleet onetifilteir ntimliehiii.
filreudiaritiiiik`;', ; "'-.7. , ' P. , t•r... , -.. ~ ...i Y . ...:try't .r•-: ,4 :. - ..' , .
.31!lt ahaVhblthe:dffipbrtliesevbesV iiiseasorti,fe4
spcilivoly,to ittand ‘ ltlhalilttMtl,holdineeveri
geiOake*stecial'oe.toWinhil' Wellt)il - diriitthl
~Fliolettitte:4ltitt Flectioit';is kept'. open; lor the p'ui , r
PliSe7oft:gliteg infolernatitatetO the thatieCtoei-aud
.called otiOn'eelaticin: to 'the'liaght 'of
qyPertiat :lisseaserl ;Ity- tlteM - th'irOfe at' oath' el ett4
lion ' or livalt 'MIMI; Matter' in - relatiNiolliikir efiFt — ts-',
inehC'ef Ixoters ai , ilielsaid inspettries of either of
them shall fromtitne to , tiinerequire,,------,- - - ......,:i.
•-. "No : person shrill be permettli to, vole at any
election ,as aforesaid, than.a white:freeman xii. the
age nftwentrone years or more who shall have re
sideillriliiii-StiiTeirliiihif-onh. .entclifiillii7tlfe
election districtlihere lie offers to vote at least ten, •
'days, ittimedintely.prece.editig_spelt election, and
within ”voyears paldm State or °minty. tax.mblith
shall have been assessed nt.leasl ten days before the
election.- But. a citizen of the United States who
has previously Licit tt qualified voter of this State,.
and: removed therefrom and returned, and who
shall liaie resided ln the.tilection,thstrict and paid
taxekillen'ettaitl, steatite entitled to yore after resi
ding hi this State six months. -Provided, gitatrtlie
ichite•Treemen, citizens of the United States, be-
tweetilltenea oftwentv-nneand tveittY•two years,
and have resit Ted in the election district ten days as
aforesaid; shall be entitled to voteoalthough they_
shall not have paid taxes. • •
" No person
.thall- be permitted lo' vote whose
name la pot contained in the - list of taxa* i
tants. furnished by the commissionees, unless, First,
he produce a receipt for the payment,yithin two
years, of aßtate or county tax assessed stereeably to
the constitution, noir ,Ive satisfactory evidence.
ea to on us oat or a 'ma mu, orfalitali
nfllMiuttion of another that lie lots paid melts tax,
Or - iantbiltire to proilitim a teeeiptoltall intake oath
to the payment thereof, or, fecund, if he claim si
right to vote by being an elector between the age of
twenty, one.and twenty -two years, he shall depose
on ontliir affirmation, that lie has resided one year
ntLit &fore hisiipplication, and make such proof of
residence in the district as is required- by this net t
.Imathat - be floes verily believe, from tint accounts
- giteit 11140,11 Mt he is of the hforesaido nd Oh
etch other .evidence as is required by - 1111§ net,
a hereupon the name of the admitted to
vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the
inspectors and a note made opposite thereto by
writing the wont t tax: if lie shall be admitted. to
vote by reason-01_11.'1ring paid tax, or the word !age'
if he shall die admitted to vote by reason of such
vote shall be called out to the elm ks, }thin strait
make the like notes in the list of voters kept by
- .
..... .
"In all cases-where the name oldie person clai no
ing.:l6 veM is fokind on the- list hirnished by the
emordssioners and assessor, or his right to rote
whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any
:qUalified - citizen, it, shall be the duty id• the inspec
tors to examine such person on' ath as to his quali
lications, and it be claims to have resided within the
State for one year or more, his oath shall be sitifici- .
eat- proof tliereof,but he shall make proof by at least
one competent witness, who shall be is litmli Fled
elector, that lie has I esided width) this district for
more than teiLdak s next preceding said electiodand
shall also himself swear that his bonalide residence,
'in pursinince of' his lawful calling, is within Ike .
district, and
,that he did not remove ihto'said dis
trict for the purpose of voting therein., . .
"E.very person qualified as aforesaid, nod who
shall make doe proof, it required, of his residence.
and.paymentof .taies, ns nforessi (I, shall he n . I ni it ted
to rote in the to.vnithip, ward, or district in'sillicli
he "4111 reside. •
"If 'any person shall prevent, - Oratfentpt to ,pte
vent. any officer of any election under this act, from
ImitlingLanch election, or use 'hr threiten any a io
leoce to any suet' officer, or shall interrupt or im
jiropeely interfere-with him iivtlic Cxecution bt his
duty-, or shall block up the winduni - oravenue to any
wintio* Were the same may he holding, -or shall
rlotfilisly disturb the pence in such election,
or shall
use 'or practice any intimidating, threats, force or
siolocroWlLden j go to influence unduly or overawe
any elector, or to prevent him.from voting or - to re
strain the freedom of choke, such person, on con
viction, shall he fined in any sum notexceeding five
hundred dollars, Intl be imprisoned for any time
pot less than three nor .ifitire than twelve months;
and if it shall he shown to court, where the trial of
such offence shall he had, that the person-so offend
ing was acorn resident of the city, ward, district, or
township. where the said offence was committed,and
not entitled to vote therein, then on conviction, be
shall be sentenced to pp n Lee of not less than on;
hundred, nor more than• one thousand dollarsTand
be imprisoned not less than six , mouths not' more
than (so yearns
"If any person or persons shall make cry bet or
wager•nipon the result of election within this
Commonwealth, or shall offertn - mako any such bet
or wager, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or
by any written or printed advertisement, challenge
or invite any person to make such het 'or wager,
upon conviction thereof, he or they shall forfeit and
pay three times the amount so bet or offered to be
"fruity person not by law qualified, shall fraudu
lently vote at any election- in this_Commonwealth,
or being otherwme qualified, shall vote out of his
proper district. or if any person knowing the want
of such qualification, shall aid or procure such per-.
son to vote, the person offending, shall on convic
tion, he fined in any pm not exceeding two hundred
drdlars, and be imprisoned for any term not 'exceed
tag three months.
" i • rson shall vote at more than one elec
tion -district, or otherwise fratilliilently - Vote --- fifere
- Ann - once, - on'the - sank - ilay, or - -shall fraudulently
fold and deliver to the 108p:it:tor two tickets togeth
er with the intent illegally to vote, rise and procure
so he or they Offending shall on enti
•viction,be finest in any sum not.less than fifty, nor,
more than five hundred - dollars, - and he ;Niels:turd
- not - less than three ifin-titoro-than-tWeive-movitlis.__,
• " If any person not qualified to vote in this Corn
.monwealth,..agreealdy to law, (except the sons - of
.citizens,) shalt:int:mut any place of elec
tion for tile purpose of issuing tieket4 of gf infinen
eing the citizens qualified to vote, lie Anil on eon
vibtioh, forfeit and pay any sum exceeding (Mellon-
Are& dollars kr every, such °Tette°, and 'be impris
oned for any, term 'nett exceetling . three months.
•Agreetibly-to - the proiiiikions of the sixty-firetlbe,
tion of stiid.atie, every',General and Special Election
•shall•beixpened between the hours of eight, sod ten,
in the -forenoon, - and• shall nominee without
ritp.llintor,ailjOurnmetittnitil sr,:fatv nkloek In - the,
evening,.wlien the polls shall be - closed.
And thd,Judges of there:inactive districts afore
mild, are Li the said act required to meet at the Educa
tion Hall , in:the- borough 'of Carlisle, on the; third'
. day , of Gabber, then and there to perform the
things,required ofthent'brlaw:
(God savelhe'Conimiinwanitli.)`,:.
• `"? 4 4 AVA - 111 LONGSDOIV,Sheriff.
Sheriff's Otlgq Car 103,2 , „.
- Aug#!r, ; 2o • 1.8 , 4 ; . -
• ,
,•. • .
return.our thanks' tor . the patronage already.
bestowed in our , I ine,ol; Loaf pesa r *the ( your
leg OF,Clothes, Ste: . ,with Soap nf, our own maoufaci,
ture.,::Fall le drawing noel. and all' those Wlin"deslre
to' getliteirfail and 'winter'elothing.yestly cleansed •
frotn'greise spots wearing again, will please
give_..llB 4 . a roll >, 'West' Pomfret 'Street: Ti c e
isollarroPt:loatty - or. any — tipote - , -- will -- be 'cleansed
mithout totaihik,thiAther,parts et. the garment if
desired...Pur:'prices Lbe n,i.
jab., .VarYling; ire% 42 141 keents ,to. half ,ktiollitr:--
14 11 1 1 . 1 ) w°l ll . :come, tp ynurqtvellings
, rdri .. Hiet Work: Yoem,theso. 41tp.ntsenet, to
rfttn!thie:- - 1 - ,. ••_
ka, foiSsiiiiOd'
aiitiett7, -, and.Ontmarket "moriAll'itt'ihel(teieet
House. . • .
• • • . •
. 4141' "' lut!PrPre" o,;•room•ZWlCOS;eteriiSO
Mr 'Stephen' Keettere Xinestqlhop • in the , rear of
the Market Honte' whore I will receive all:itiodsof•
goods at the!'
be atttled';'," "P•
jie!.s mod bon . net :Hoy. lipetiltiifiliiiitarel of
EPV"?#Z.17;...,-7,; INST.EIW-.--
~ , darli,le;Wpr4 -184sitv: f
, .
• Itheijec
efin , l4beetna , 3 3 / 4 9 .
.. sole at
CKYV. thi O ici e'corAlfreirP•NP4ers , :' •
. ±
y , •Li 01 , + , 4 ' • ' •
VoulPo lll nta. . _o ooo Plemoollij 011 5,
cat litorett,atmnittv • Wort.,
* ti vig‘fir.or , ,,? tbtialte4v
i4e416R40 Zater;
l'Sfetteti,ooos4 L
'' , ?l 7 .lpre!v f .Apptt ~,014,,ime.:0 he,' ore4l
,ugt,st.:.ll", - 41*0_1.,.v:•44Z . 4 1 LpuppiN - 1014,., , ',.:
"' . •
tiltIVA l
- - ortlislpald_i4,tet:theriplygappdlp)Cadid nesovt
mept zpil 00' yeeetfedat'lli
old , '-'sfitiaritrAlithi.stFict,'ASpositd'.Uaadtihqs; 800
Store and "a little Nest tif - Boeterrea 'gotet, C,onsist ,
itiehriabld'Piittatn.Zrcir - '7" i ihkr'"C'
and AleYPine; ; ;
the Anost
•ChttipOi haiartir
tothe CIO aisits
land tidonty: ';l4ljyCi4.loer
rind kterd MS;il'o. ,- P dp aad,
Silver. peutattcyatch
_l;ei'S'll , _atCh4latini,':SpeCtztelisOkO. Mina
'turn oases; Guarde,Uhispe,Lo'cfiets; HMO-pins; ti ! tr4,
. , • '-'"
r;;;;;i :
a vets' desitobbi;artieli. , for meamfAlusinesa ache-
I ritllii;•tagethealvi)lll many other articlei:in 'his litte
othusihCsatinnOcessart te' Mandell; '•;
z_TtetsonnSvisidng to purchase any of the abate-hi
tieleawould do watt° tall 'soon; salt is‘thc hand
iornesromd Cheapest assdrtmentever Offerell. to! thi
eqnstymit o tI.A. ktrjjatUsump i tildub,
'tlity:ekn - bEFOrettaserfiMiTiiiiiillieelJtea.%: • ;
-.raly s, tB.
Ladles are invited
_to look At the:spiendid arti c les
for the toilet jest'reeelyedby'the saliseriber;criro;•
prising Ox 'To*, Iteitasella Porna de. Philachine,
Frenclußandoline ; the celebrated. hineSe-rldats
lag Snap ;Itoussel's Almond : and other
pine Hear's-Oil i-finwssel's-13alsarnie
teeth; llonsscl's Ainadine for ,cliappeirliands;
Itoussel's Extract for the liaritlfterChiefOlesidea'a
large variety of other fashionable perfemes which
cannot foil tepicase,and. which will beiseld_iTry
fOr cash.•
June 18,1815
0 - accrimmtithile-thellig' mit, of Pemperiiiicitiri'
this, county, and travellers generallY,' who
may visit Carlisle, the shliscriber is induced, at
the instance 'or many- docid.ed• and 'respectable
friends of temperance in thii borough, to open his
house for the accommodation of the public,. where
he will use every exertion tcumalp the accommcr
datione such as shall merit the patronage of the
friends of tile Temperance Cause.
His House is.targeland -,commodions, find
gibly. situated Upon the corner tif North Hanover .
and Lowlier streets, one square 'North of the
public square, and very conv`entent to the IfusineSs
part of the town and the Court Heuer , arid county
offices. His TABLE will always be supplied
'with' the -choicest productions of t
the house has sufficient STABLING,: sittuChed
to it for putting lip a large number of hirScs.-:...
Jurors and othiersattending„court,
relygene ally, ink (Men every pates being tal;n
to secure' Ilienihantisorne and comfortable accoin
merlations. The patronage of Our friends o
-f tern
panne° is respeCtfully'SolicitCd.; •
Carlisle, August 6,1845 -
%;irtue of 'a writ from the Firm. Nathanie l M
EI Eldred, President Judge of the 12th. Judicial
District of Pennsylvania, healing date atnarrisburg,
the 15th day of Julyi A. D. 184.5,"--
thatit'Spcnial Court will be held by the said Hon.
Nathaniel 11. Eldred, lintl the -Associate Judges of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cliniticrland county,
at the. _Court Jloitse_in the,
commencing on Monday thin 11th or October, N.. 1).,
1845; to continue one wrekdor the_friaLor certain
enures dependingin the Cattil of Common Pleas of
Cumberland county, in alilnb the 'Hon. 'Samuel
Hepburn was 'concerned 113 counsel. for one of the .
parties, prior to his appointment as President J mkt.%
of the oth Judicial Histrict—anti such other-causes
as are embraced within the provisionsof the Act of
the General Assembly, passed the 14th April; 1854,-
relative to the orgnnitation of Courts of Justice.—
f said Special Cout%, Jurors and all persons bon=
cerned,*lllLike notice.
ADA !kr LONGS DORF, Sherif'
Slwriff's Offidd . Qstrliale, , ,
Jilly 24 , IM .
Hollingsworth 4- Weller, Wholesale
Dealers in Foreign Domestic
- . - '..,c;k.CE).CDCDM,
it North Howard street, up stairs, 2 doors from
2 Market st., offer to Country Nlerelistits Goods
on the following terms, viz: goodi.nt cost, ID
per cent added, 6 months; 5 per cent, off for cash,
bankable funds, Or its equivalent. I lur goods being
regularly bought at auction, nt lowest rates, the
-terms upon - which we offer them must - meet the ap
probation of dealers. On no.nccount will more he
asked or less taken. Merchants are respectfully
Itcylted to -call,,,exatnme our goods, unit • judge for
themsclres.—Orders promptly attended to, on same
terms. ,
Baltimore, fuly 1815.-3 m.
To Keep a quiet lionse.
Bower's Infant Cordial, for the cure of cholie,
looseness of the bowels, severe griping, and pains
occasioned frotn Teething, is "so ilaightrul to the
taste that phildren lov'e to take it;, for . - sale by Ste ,
. venscre"& Miitifre7. • .
_ annummana
gfliTATittS °Gamy has just returned from the
.../ city,and 'Snow opening the largest,and most geti, •
oral stock of Dry
,Goods,Grneeries, Boots and Shoes •
ever hi-might 'to Carlisle, part of which 'he has pur
chased st Auction m a d CRIL lie sold: lOwer than bei.e
toforei and wOuld.respeethilly.inritelisfrietids and_
the . public ,geoerally
_tito ..yvlsb,,w lay out their
money to a kood adviuttageito be sure and 01(01141)1v
Callliefore ritirthastag; as they can have thehirge si,
most choice and freshest stock of goods to select
(rpm that is in-Carlisle. . • -• . ~; .j • -
'His stock, consists impart, id iirclailelollis from
$I 45 t9f7 ii• pr i'd .3 Ci!ssiiner Os °from ?1, t0..52. 'or
Vil.i CiasinettsTiom S7} to $1:90, all ea' orsi'rweed
Cloths and CasSiVneres.or the mostiatilsionablektinds
very low;.Vestingii froM 124 , to $2, pr pattern; new
est , style; Plaid .goOdiv'for Childreit's wear of all
kinds and'prieett. Ile has'also received a large lot
of ; Dress . Goode,: such as Orgautle . • an& Halzorine
tiawns i Paris printed Afarunise of iveyw and ,supe
rior stv le ; Pomseadore, HalzorinesL
,Ill'k and
1 - 2111; Dombakines ;" Alpaca 'Lustres nsierted , colors
and qualities. A::ver,y general assortment Of !look,
S t ria's... Mull, JacOnitt and - Citioltrie Volition new
style Opera• Lace; 11111'311ns for I)resse 's ; itohliinett,.
Greetnnett;Pieknett find Waal:blonds from 106
$l, , Pr yil.; - .Prench Darize-Searrsand Shawls latest so.. a :lArge..aseartment :of Shawls,
Si llCHandkerelliefs anp Tics ton no merons to insert.
'filit'inidMhitrt Fillet Stipwis with buillion Fritiget.
hlackliarate, Salem , ' no antl:l4twotrfor,minirmng;
.Prenolt,:Scoteli antLAtnerlialLaighams fullassort-„
mesh qviegint.plain,mitl.,..figl, d. Silks. - Mao; a large
null general Desortmencbr IS"wisiaiVentiett.,_. - ,and
Thread Edgings . nod Ingertingbf
_filang;;' 'Valentin
.and :Paris Laces:ii !erg:B)mill , very , fliiblaskcirtrnent
'of new style prelnium Calicoes from 'thit •Merimack,
Pallriver, and othertehoicit faetoriesi si tremendous
stook of pH kinds of lloonets.....Theilargesk:stoe of
Ho story ; evee. ofrei:ed . i n'.,Carlislai . ! oRto prising„all_
i . kiiale and iOlors 1T090y4 - Ifro Win nod white Mullins,
and, SlieetingaillTipialttley'phil prices lefWerlliiii
nvePi'.Tlsicinge.fiini li"rliffe'r9o,lactorievi l a very
pretty seleetlim of Latil es''4loPeuitul 14tits Of titisort,.
ed' colors - and qualitiestulhe , hisE• Itisai 4 thient 01,
evOsailk-posket-hftnderchtetiand cravats tharlits
heen , :nfraredillbitt Islirlugt , ' , A:;‘yetjilltilital. stock of
,Atetili and 'Hoes wear of
„all kinde,tutsillties.uolors,
'ilki r pes4b*ra;,mlxtitrealio;',ArtiOiniirddtv*iittaii:i ,
Mendel:6oB'ot' thePritisSliEngli eh '. arid' 'A merican.
mnku and styt'eifitrielattnitistnek - of fiords and
sho we bavvYnverillrered,ltilliWinflitiq,Of all.kittils
Oat Idan'.. , bitctitentioUed f-Pallttr,leaf hat's' ce 'MMus:
Mialitied Wad prhs , e , s..: •"''z , v .,, ~ , ... 1 . 1 ,,-
~ li iv . ,-, - ., , ,..,. i
40,,,i - .:77,1.z. , . -I) • ' ''''' '''' I " : ''' ' ' ' 'l'
1 p . , r, ,wwt. ~ r : aitittirmiet ~,...,,," 1" , - I'l f i
'f!Ai . 'l'iieills'llist ottreas; tillhetl,Stigartigileetitiidea
zdfall , lcinds Isiah *All to:iiqld fie very smalllProtifs
to stilt the times'-einkhOrti hat bes'ol kinds MA Ac
ilehltittonitrotigtioilliarld lit A jrsiotisl i dilye:gold b ir ,.
githietis alt.loiltarsvllluvor hlitt:iiit ' , Veal!. tZieepl-.
leetthe" eld:staatt, l'ourthe. Biota', he Owilhe' ,, 'Market
House :Seat High' steeet'arid nea'rlY tififihidtiothe Nat:
tel . . t..D.6ll4'iwalittLremprit, nr.uopriloesi! .--
1 ountry hiereliants min be:supplied ot"tlm'oio
ipitc'es and :afe: reauested' tO:iall ' liefoiSPOkha sing: ,
', -CF!r:!i0PiP1T . P.0q 1. 1 5 4 . 4 ,,,,, i ;.: - .'li' '!l''''',-1-rk':',..t.i,
• #6 sS,Ovq .
jPti,''KTlniSll ( "l 441. 1 it 191 '°+,:ellS000 . pm •
Aw.ttl i figkiku,ool t ,init rg
q#a iii
A " at •
' 6116, PY0l 'VT% q'olF# 9 804
e t y, --• •
4 . ;.!
- --10,110*611it
I;;TZT;l43,OOlllllIiiiiCliA4 ittP.
OF A' 1 " -tat
It 4 4°o! Fen
nt 6,-4114,ig;Sc
yd.. poll* 0 4YeilogAlkoot
44. at
-k' l'4t7,B4,lkirfjiti
to 4 2L. Bi.
moon, 4e,lioqejniti,
inseals,fox,witnr-L 1 -
L.Y. 1 5#0 40 " 4 " 444*4 '
Wm. tr-eO.
. • t.
r7f9 - #'7'L.M3giii0010)13 , 72, 1 :1 1 4 4 ,1e , •
At; 3hr
foenY:the itehl thpt., , fte,hat fteetu ht
fife tint afnricl`ta_]3ijrSli'Hanovc'r ititeciti•Blit , th "Nit
O~ico,la`lai '1 siesbnineet bf SPRIT4
ethFSUNIMBH lie4llllfeellhielit
small e'dirbdie. rati,ehetbsed....ihichlreltivgeffiti
intlebtetriihe::" His 'wick:tie*. eobeiiti;
bide erititbry'netv .supplyof CLOTH.Siefell.dolere
.titetlittee andlineemAtietOilks.X.4ttee,elzoelees
Ipitegel e mptelliro,,t4tiee;OisHblere A1 . 19f.e41 .
Atatertf, ifolithel t ieeto teettiee;Heib4,ll4.elltlne;
,eth*tiftiele of beiiiee'ANetti , e,', of the heat ~deteriph•
tiati enfibl lititter
dill teiseetiiiibtit h ovel nnd-Hoetety:
ALSO assortment r 6i!R .
,grocerip - .44,ueenelibre, '&e:'; alter. which
eefilat fhb foweai prico for eniihi • Gi)te us a call. :.
1445:• • "
• •
THE Sithiel‘iiie . n.havjuitt onened in the roorn
--, 11 - 7(fullnirltliceuipiethbjrN: %VT-Weeds) on the
South West corner of thu•puhlie square,
• •
Jrctd. find
_SpIl idrFd - o,lock of Tot: •
• eign apOrian •
staple and Panpv, pnrt; df Cloth •• Can
si mere; Eattinettp • Linens;
• Oambroons. Summer
Gloths VeStillga/Silks,ll6mbnzinetclinorines, -, l
Lawns; Crain; 4nd fvfliu title Lai lies;SWitsen
nod hll etliei kindlier Medina, Crilieties,
Shawiti,• Cheeks': ','ll'eft-ing; 'Velvet. Cents, „ Cotton
goods a' till descriptions,
.Carpet chain and Cotton,
Vtirti,Utnbreltas,Porasols,Sunabades, Gloves, Ho
siery,lto, - • - •
ALSO, A choice and iveitseleated stock' of Oro.;
deries,eposistlng-iii part, of Coffees Sugar. Molas-••
SeS, TO18 3 1 . 01111pC0; S , iiecs , &Ll:*
ALSCl,Crockery, Glass and 'queensware of variL
Ohs descriplionaind
Mite oilier'articles on. risin a complote and„ en
era assor men --a o e he offers for sa e lit
TO'ry_ fewin-ices fore a eb. Hie_ respectfully invites
hi/ friends-and the” Public in general' to girelini.n
call, inasmuch its' heYeelsooddent tlint he can sell
goods as lowmp any other It on fie in Alle herring'', -
• ' • - • 'ROBERT. IRVINE, jr.
•fiarlisle,Aoil 18,,1845. .
rINEV . 140- - • •
. -
The Subscriber wilfopeb tliis dnv n getieraY'asi,
snrtment of Cstlies' Dress -Gnhilif-which have
been pui , chnscil et vary priCes and 4111 be sold
accordingly. rkey.tuyite
. the public generally to
give them on-early call. -
G. W. lIITNER C$ Co.
111 . 18, IRA: . , A
ZW.O . W
zit 4111 . 12 . ers Thabeystfrit's
a lame supply, of Drugs, Paints, Qils, an d Fancy
Perfumery. Mau -
Books- and Stationary:
all. of which will be sold wholesale and •
cnanrcn thin they can be had eirieivlicre in the.
Mayll, - 1841. .
HE subscribers would respectfully an
online° that they have just recetred n new and
Plink -assortment ofDRIJOS, PAINTS, OILS,
e. Welt they will sell nt 11 small advance for CASII
at their stood opposite Winrott's Hotel.
N & t3AFFFY.
Cat:lisle, April 89,11145.„
. „
liitlndow Shutter, Catch and Bolt,
THE subseriher,nent for the anle of Patton's
Wvtulow ShOtter; WA and - Bat; would re
spectfully inform the Public that the shove Bolt is.
saperiortn tiny article of the khut now . in use, both
for j simplicity and -11itrubility, They aria he pur
chased at J. P. Lyne's-or Jacob Sener's Hardware
Store, North Hanover street, or of the sulotertber
in-West I,Oitiher street, Willie. - They need-ouly
beleen to be adopted. - .
200 tons Pale ()amour Coal-Pine Grove,
100 do -- ail do Wilksbarre,
100 , Pino Gram COOL • -
100 do Wilkobarro do . •
2000 bushels tuminous do s ,
Poi salo at the Warehouie of •
21; 1835: - •
• ROUSSEL'S Shaving Compound, a delightful
.artielei just reaeived end for sale at the Store of
Stevenson & Mahaffey: .• ' •
April 0., •
..• . . .
. ,
• irs(Ono Plaster,
100..barreloltrioloAosh Sliad, ,
For oak by ,- A --, . •
, _
Orehtit4SOinegtialitylUiCreOeited'arid ' fbi
at therug ' •
•,. j :•• - :,t, OieVerlBo74 manaj m e
y. itar*,
. . . -
• Cdaed
I Salt i•vict:eMl. ••- •i; •
:Sorrels of.sep,V-9.,r,..
s :kplut.'eale - ldrhit'the Store
. - ', - 0 - *5t14 4 0.1r,e0140,000 ';
,' Thoi higheet ma I.l;—et, 1 . 1 ; —et, r ritoi at ,I.timtis pal or
all hilrids 6f Ceitilt!y Ptcidu . ee,
'lett Lgit'&
- 84111 5 ,0 Eti ai of Sat r ilig
reeet(ad a farther ellpitlWo( tltaaboT4
laluahle metliday wqrt.
I vigil'. Splr S.
r, osevil .1!i • . ,•••
‘P‘ o4l ' W9 l .r,.ation tor rPPOYIng (1 4 , 0 j, grO
,iii.;yll,mint,,W 1; from I P II IRIA ,M, P ntIe r a I I
IPP I T 'et v ill!:' 5l O 7.Ol l l %,t l WITI:iV9F
'MO tuttf - cm • NtehltuoY• - • ' 9”
iliVlO'Stbimi.o,E Alfred S... Setter,
• - FOR __SMit: 4 '' 1 " 1 "
NJ tor one:titi.iiib ` , P"'•;-* ' • • ''
1",.?" r / SZ ,C4IA OGiLBYV, •
f 4 ,‘•:t.t),34- i t r•;• •
414* I[ll4ll* k t .
Stg l it to? lAi l otrn SPeCiutit,recerve
at4siao. „attatensorijk—dieliatly...,,_
It it t.4• 32, 1a
,-1 -k-A614 ,owt
Ae.11 . 67; l!tit3p tie ionto hbr o
4)464 ietilide & Pitelitft:ey, t ; •
- syr iiat:Rarittt,
AilligTl l 73 l l6 aid5r1M010(1114
tc 414 4:441VMA"511,1f,,,n4,4-1:
-414j0b wog -
ed-qtafAil '
104 eXe" ;
‘ raw '
" i
, 1 , 01-160010,,v,e ( igaligivoitak,".nief. , 1;
rittfritkitil IStIRACE
. , • 11,
;cx Ho : ,.f.o r qitai.-40( . 1,040 aptig penditt
5t,..-0 • —n-r-sij„ y., .
14ANK INSUBANCE.eitheriterminentot
Red, Wang lOas,or tts maga bytfiro, on PBUFEBTY
and-EFFECTS erery, deseziptioN- in lovni or,
CalipttlOn titit most reasonable tottms.,l
ll'enntnadeeititer, PerSonally, or bpletter,willtbe.l
i•oillidli• - ttitiodollto, , ,, • - I- r , •72 •
+vr as iC:' N. BANCitEB, 'Prost, •
i•••• ts , • ,-- ••- =
Rates' of slnsurance 111041neelt;
s , V . 4 1. • ' _
Brick Stbne 4WC IIIngS or tlt(*ett`,
rrOm I , , 30 d
,0 lossite.
' - db`Chureltes' ' . 0
'do do, Taverns 3 to' " e 4 do
t-12, (10 - de - titres
de tie Stables (prvate),, 4, to I - do
kid do Stables (public) 6to 7+ do
(y) :do dsirkt Water - •
Power, Tr o
, A prt f iAL RISK.
thick oir Sae El well ing:, Filts--'• •
nifure from SO to 40c $10r) table
do do Stores and 11f erclm
dize ' -35 to •SO do
do Tavera'and Furniture
• 40 to 60 " fi b
...Barns and Contens , •
68 io 7,S , -. do
; ' Stables (public) q .
• 100 to 150 'do
dd. do Grist Mill and i,
• , 75 to 80 do
Frame and I.okdivellingh and Fur
hiture ,: •
SO to'7s
ido do Stores and :Merchttn
, - disc 65 to 85
do *Tavernsand Furniture
_ , 60 to 100 do
do, do Darns and Contents
do 'do Grtit Mills aitd, Stoyk
. • = 40.ta 100' . • • do
The subscriber is agent for , the nbot'c comp any
'for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for
assurance either., by , mail or personally' will be,
promptly attended to. \V. ll: SEYMOUR.
June t',11144. . ' 'ly43
TILIE Allen and bastpennsborough „Mutual Fire
Insurance Company Of •CtimberlandCounty,inL
corporated by nn act of Assembly, is now fully or
gunized,pnd In operation under the management of
toe following commissiniters, viz:
Cht.Stay inn n,Jacoh Shelly, Wm II Gorge s,Leivis
flyer, Christian _Titzel, Michael Hoover, Henry
Logan „Michael Cankliit, 13epjpmin H Musser,.Levl
'Merkel ,Jamb oil n Snavely , seur and .lohn
Rankin, who respectfully call the attention of the
citizens of..Cumberlandaml York counties to the ad ;
vantages which . thwcompany Mild nut. .
The entes of insuranee areas low and favorable
its,- Co , - the kind in the State. Persons
members are invited to make
agents it the company who are
ig ni them at any time.
:11ft:turd. iloovrit.'Vice President.
Lewis flyer, Secretary. • _ -
Michael Cocklin,Treasurer.
AGENTS. • . . .
'Michael llonv'er,Genetitl Agent,ltf cohanieshurg.
Rudolph Sllrtip, N. Cumin:Hand.
111 Crieklin*, Allen'
Wm R Gorgas,
Jahr 0 Dunlap,
Peter Barnhart,
Davitl'Mhilin," •
Barman, Kingstown',
Ilcnry Zearing, Shiremanstowni --- -.,
Simon-Oystee, WOrtalgyaburg,
Dr. Jaeob.Baughman, Cariiele,
Janet) Kirk,General Agent for York Com4,iliew
Cumberlaml P.O.
Ilene,y Logan,
TOlui glierriek,
.1 ohn
Daniel' Bally,
I. Bowman,
Philip fireelzbillp" Cumberland co,
ccrOther agents will lm added hereafter.
;110 - 31,1844; '
PROTECTION COMPANY, being intim-et
rated by an act of the Legiqature of the present ses
sion,and fully owanized and in operation under the
direction of the following board of Managers viz:
Thomas C. Miller; John Moore, DILVIII 1%1C.•
Cullough, Jameti Weakly, William Moore, Samuel
Galbraith, Thomas Paxton, A. G. Miller, Philip
Spangler, Samuel Woods, Abraham Kurtz, George
Brindle,Scott Doyle,call the attention of the inhabit!.
ants of CumberlandNalley to the cheappessof their
rates and the many advantageszliglellils :chid of
insurancs has over any other.
Ist. Every person insured becomet a member of
the company and takes parrin the choice of t. .eers
and the directioli of its concerns..
2iL-Vor insurance-no-more a demanded than -is
neeessark it, meet the 'expenses' °Filth Coretiatiy a-ad
indemniti• against I ital . es which may ImPPF-II•
3d. The inconvenience of fregneiif rdneftudS Isar
Voided by iditiring for a term of five years. But
policies can be taken for any period from one to
five years.
Any portion Applying liziffasuraistnlnnstgi .
his premium note for the cheapest class ai the rate
of five per centina, which will tie $5O on the $19 . 30
for which' lio .will hay& to pay pp for. five years
end $1,50 for surrey arid nolicy; andrinnitte um:el
slos sustained to it Wrettthr ; amotnitllinn.thei Bina
on bawds will cover,and then Po more will I e requie
eld than n rital share. Theie rates ire mob. -
'cheater than - those of-other doropanies, except anon
as ere' ncorporatethon the same prl neiplei.
• THOS.,C. MILLER ,Pirest.
A. G.:P.lll.r.En,Seety. -
Tlte_.followtng ,gentlemen „tmeti Fpplitited
AQRN',l"5,ti-; •
Pr• 161‘1?:.1%feTlItantes err,.
'ornea:VennetlY,ESet,Newville: • •-•
'Rebigertlintlle,r.sql, Moneod.
,Clemens AleVarlane,Caelisle,
' ' .Itteolt RIIM;Trt, • do
• 1-1. Willtante,Esq.•Westpenrisbaro ,
• ;tomes Kyle, Newton. ,
- Col. Jas.-Chestout f Len'a X Roads.
Joa. M. Menns,Esq. N.ewintrg.
[oft. Mosser..gaq.. Now Cumlterland;
John Clendenin, Esq., tlageatoiv,h,
Middlete.h. ;•
Jitne : s.4B44: N . ly:
'IIA:V lost'reoeived'slot erout7
Atetirs'opleVrated '."
wliicli t11141 1 1p( prios ); A titkuie
':Vv_m_..ll3. • MURRAY: ;.
r, „,
• ,111:_./1.„. E.
7,INyT,I.gE Tow
t.ale by, tlie aticlevs geed atulotheOsAß the,next
L? m gleltAi•e, at the Commthrtseelth of PennsPhirila,
'for thYinVeqpiiratioti orA , Cdtiiptl bOtyled'the
Ilvnr."'" re is it fentted to
,Itloedie in, Bertiligh
county4fthatitshallleteii 042%1 0(4706 . 7X0 - 110
and- do/kMdmvith thelpriviime IRCiTailiegjt Ito
lOne Butidred , rtliatisiteltDellers I 'the ohjeet , being
thit thlreeeirei depeolths .atlipoday, _and rdisamiat •
POWs. t •tt 1,14.0 rv , 4 0 ,
Santhelliellure .114icimel Obakiim,
"tt, 801er 3 t O. PteritAs
wimap,xir.y. ti, , GgW.%l9ro'
v,oP d p c i_Bktt
ti"'"qli R .tr
• Mtn „, t
Mlnya-NTOOli,, —,Addlnl.o4llollor.;
Wniin 1A1) . Art 5 °": GeOgb Sendtrien'r r
'Whertir r
Jlll,O 2,1841'41 si
`'M A i,ol*,,iliforz: the yerylibirill'lnkitiOnige it&
iniirebe v.°o;;irpii4l ifforion'tit&L'adtem'g iC411..;
to - tinn;
goblin° I,,AlliliSi/M-IClErii.
,ov,eby . quality Rini'
yttgletritot,tinl,cbikkitilic pblobb t for 4.4,Skif
4- 11, - 1 ~,
11 '1*,
, 4
.1010 taiiiier 804 4 1if. kt e 46 4- 4 700 .
firleii nq aLrripinpo.'4o4
.0401gkr0'.. ,pt , them novr) l I
ttoiittio r or Mr,(ingible
• ' ,` '
•••:-,,-',‘: - - :' , 33K . -,; ~ . G
.... . • . ..... ~ .. , • ....•. . .
'i1..,:. .---:,.;- - :. , ...., ,, , , ::,-..:.t--.0.43;• - . -•,,.:-..-;',•... L:', - .,:i..L. ,
,)714.iik ..?tailiNV/74. 0 . - ro.4t. 0
ilelitit-11titiipiihiWftifbittie', : h4ifile'hdii! . .'auh , th
iiiiNie:'uiiiiligiy,-;614 scetill, - 4,! ! biiii . o o ,i I,
, e, er y. , o w 'w e pitlAc k i Ivpolhg, Ilhilifaisti, iit 114,61
'Siatiit lit:tireeillikkikuti opl l ,oite - W4lfutttl-
TaiiiirW'Wheiti"hil teeptieionstmitlk 04:Maid. iiti
will manitfahtuie to, otdui; iill'akilelet( lel& line
of ankitiaatiistintilati' -."-•"' •-• !'-'..' '.• . : ~ .-- - •- . .
ri.tegAtkV,:sr Irs,heitpnottz t s;:-
'" "'''- 6tiiibAihi - "iiittiAltai''-.•5.,','
'Scifiiiiiliibleitjßedsteadsi,lie4 lit lila i veitpldiye :_
ptlieti.-L,4110 , alsia`.. , earri es ...Mr Alin- thati - Makin l 1
Atiiijiiii l ol. it:Lail : its yathiukubranches;Lanil, keeps
constant i,.., ~.i-w3;„,,, , ,:: ~'....:.!._,...
7•111A11041A . irlitailAlßSi:: - \\ i-.. 7 -....„- .7 -
aocicglo,,C iiiIRS; : WINDSOR.f , ;: \ ,
..Nw..v i 1
, c tal
CHAIRS, SE -TEE and SOCIA:-..; VZ,-Vt.',7,../
BLES; - .11di!Of."1 - 111 -.iiith-foveit't .."' I c";
.t.hitl.elscoo.tha - ' e;:hmic-pret.tti•X,';_;ilo4 , .. l • -
ed to manufactaro and dlspoan of ir,•''.-:, f liti c i;',.c: -. :'
on the most iettsiOttiPloitergqh•i; '-. 7 :.%, .'& sl '''''Jj: ll l! ll ^'' l '.... s.. ' ' '
- He .inyttee. hia,old•frienda..and , o • ..r -
tteldbliqh&fiiTrfili - glireliiiirOi - # tiii - ki - ~, -
call, es'. he' feels, is , qli- essOetl,that. !" r,_ ; .r=.._ •
he ahaillio aliN in acan'mrtibilalat - thorn in cidalit •
aryd tirlSe equal to any otlier. catahlishmant (if she
kind-inthen county . •. -
~• • . -. .
... .. ' . . . .
. , . . .
pt, 10,1844. . - .
Sitiig r iseltannet ti
, . • ne .
• :Mg -•I • I P . s
affro q
, . . .
.I,.Cfne - of.,Cat‘a Mid Canal .Boats; rettliirthentin
-cttVe thanksdo.their friends in n.l.. , a;anklin and Cum
berland cdnitti es for pft st•tilViirs, a n d'ie s p ectfully in
form them, that they fire 'now prepared to receive
and forward daily, via tide Water Canal,
, . .
• Produce and .I . filerchandizp, ,
Produce will be delivered to any bodse in Philadel
phis or Baltimore to which their Boats`can Imo at
cons. Their agents in the cities are
Messrs. S.. 'Wm cm , Sr. NEPHEW,
Vine st. Wharf on the Delaware, Philadelphia
Mposrs. JOAN MCCULLOUGH bt ci 0.,
WreYrs - Wha BaliTmore
Tli4V/111 also receive and loward,daiit,to
burg and intermediate points, Freight and I'assen
gers itl§cr for the :North and , ‘Vest Branch Canals
• • &
FlHrrieburg, -
1000 Persons in Philadel
phia Mani; eau tbitify to the` wonderful efficacy
-of that powerild remedy, THDMPSON'S COM
,NA PTHA Read! Read! Natonishing cure
'Of Clirrinic Bronchitis! _
Philadelphia, May 23, 1841:
Mr. S. TIMMPSON--llear Sir. For more then
four yeras past I had been dreadfully afflicted
with an a - Mellon of the throat, whlelwny physi.
Man pronounced "Chronic •Bronchitip,' caused
by repeated and neglected colds: The distress
snared is indescribable. My throat wet littoral,
ly raw with violent coughing, no that blood would
come from it; also groat oppression, pain-- , and
tightness at the chest uniifeVer--:in short all the
usual pulmonary symptoms showed themselves;
showed themselves, causing entire hiss of meses.
eery repose—my throalMlS leached and blistered
overand over again. I made trial ofeseryhnotvn
iCrnedy,thd at irfli hrent periods bad the advice
of six phial - Chine, and nil with no avail; /Mut
.twomontbs.-since_l madvAria I ofyoltt coin pound_
Syrup of Tar and Woad Naptha, and before I
hod taken the first bottle I felt relief. I continu
ed until I had taken seven-bottles, which com
pletely removed the disease and restored me to
perfect health, and I firmly .believe I should not
now be living, had it not been fr
hie medicine. . JANE PERRY,
York county
]23 Spruce street.
'P . ..rincipal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and
Spruce streets, Price 50- cents- par bottle or $5
per dozen.
For Sale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENSON.
January 22,1844 i.
The pubscriber has just received soil is now
poling at his stand on Main ttreet - ,lwo doors imm
thepublie'stpuire, a large and elegant assortment of
articles for gentleman's use and. wear, to la Bich he
resPeetfo4 ini•ites theirattenti on, linussers un
rivalled Shaving Cream, in large and small jars;
Oils and Perfumes for the hair; ti large variety of
*Hips; Hair Brushes, tootthelothesitiiil nail 'Brush
es, prat, prices; Blanes siMl Bator Strops ; also an
elegant assortment of gentlemen's linen, made up in
the best and most fashionable style such as Stocks,
Cannes, Breasts, &c., all of ohich will be a. - .ld itt
the lowest prices for cab.
June Hi, VW.
Ildizorines at reduced prices
attention of the ladies is invited to the hate
_Land handsome Styles of Paris Barzorines at very
-reduced -pekes to he found irt A RNOLIPS and
EINSTEIN'S store in North llninvcr
stylcs at 183 to 137 A
Also rerp cheap Lawns:Baines, Gingliams,PlAlti
-Steineollull,,S4v-tss,42raitMeiei-Book-antkintontit -
Muslitis. Also a splendid assortment of Bonnets
and Bonnet Ribbons, pe‘vest style; Artificial Floiv
era and insidetriminings tar Bonnets, ta.
' Carlisle, June 11; 1845 •
-1 - The liest - nrtiele - ever - tli§corereri to core or pre
the henilottid titake the hair.
Ler f it a ß u rl i n v e e tl,: ,
I i e . ,. i f e% 0r " 071 -
le at tlte Drugl, Store of Ste•
Aronson ISt lgehatter. •
Castor Oil Candy
Is an .eictellent substitute for Castor Ctn.:chi Itlrcii
are generally unable to detect either the taste or smell
of this nauseous article, just receivettatid for bald
by . SteCenson & Mehafley.
Hcw'e celebrated , rheumatic, nerte and bone
Libirtrentor nertain_curillhi _the _lona mraatery x
sciatic 'and chronic rheornatism,.. for • sale at the
Drug and -Book store . of Myerd& tliveratiok:
,IVe littiv . tpl fin ri.nrtirte4 7 nt. of yerfnmes, soaps,
v!sitino,:miedsiptn ;9 4 4 ; Anounte r d ivith
vpr ind'stcel,iuek "
anllsuie boijilis, rnottp
wtttitlevlceitAuiGtble coil - 644 d in
-11'1-n4).6o:style) yin frciin :the molt, select houdes :in
Ehilit4clOonf I tO:wli ich,w -tvouW<iiPvite the etten
%ion of : the- ;
•:- 4 , 19.”0W1-, • '
• Tilet111,301iS ) ,0)1f1111),; 411 stir.
The sales of thisikrticle are increasing every-431;
and doing Wihiderral fTorihlc wholesale or'
•rete,il:l4 the.drag.More,of.§leNceeen.* .111ehafrey. •
11 me'
, itOrtittitetion to:-Rmr Bone' Spasm; Wind-
Gtlllaiinif Cabbie on , horses s.fof tater by Stevenson
FR - ESEFAR*IIP,"AIivi , '
• • sizinitabeiel!Jay,9 peir
gg§ ,- 49)k i k
es,;ioilliel! Nip* be bought e,ls
go , o at'Ao
Tioek: Pal;a4leE of t ketis•?stipiriOr'+'qualitylolio_
afkii'sFocct.forairlafingquat receives and for stle
400eveiCeivell;a heft; 0 tf.z# rebbli Vs
Monti SeoliOvhich*Pl - lielsold'olletip arthe.Drilg
fi"tutrOok: itoilraNlyeril.o.kliaverAtlek4
:,',' s • ~, X l
f ilnitt a'lifJPollllllo.q 4
kriliAeisi iyaii;,o4c.:ls4
e d l l i l l
ofir c0,d. 0 d,....hrf0 r; 4 9 1.1* r teat ityle now °pried by''. . alP'llitnertF
; 4 , 60tp ki :S11#01*5:;,
—zrhe vitelety.
Or ke;teenriithile,olUe tietlo4,lthtee. (war !.
tertAtrik itlibleW4ga;oooinifien rso4l * -) S 6 P I P3
.togetheivw OUladies',Cutia
An d vaKiVi; eahlolf btageri at the
ifl4`l4rAPPlNlt'tecfa • ,
yay.e. 1itti 4. 0 4167)-41 " Wettk
.1'44 :400,1 ,44,4 4 otil* „
___...."..,„:......_.,.. , ....._,.. A
, t '';VA E : 04-_
1 . ,.. 'is 1 -iso t 'l3 i'd iiiii,i styte ItibatOik#rt'
iota • mat reduced; poi.tee.,, '::.'t. e ,•t:" . , - , , ,„ ; : , ,t , ~,
;. 41 4ttievalibuti l luni2oi *Silt 9, Wi f a - . 2. ,t,= 4 ! i --.---,---
- ---- - --------- - ~.--),'-'• , ..,
Eiwlhwwykaduéfi .‘J'fl‘.
v." ' w ~r-:~~.:1-z} 13%;"? ~e'r *,
__~—.w.m.:.u,x rm); «ya—l:2l
) LAbitES!
itjf,Fct - .
1 -
otctirileit•bi , ;Tah:Skileiiiitil fed
doors Beetern where'his *into glad
to' ilia' lice: old..chiltoirioo,4 an d. atifueisl ode.
as choose to b all, hois:itiSt tothinet
East siiih a choice selucitOtiqie wit
alsaAlAte—ottry z ,tii . avatold at
„ ,
:tvgeneritt, assortment 4,l4printr and
PW'PLE2I,II4I. eqppzusr e :o
ttie Stivri:Or "'''s ' •
77Aftly eR 1841
NArkar 2a - :Moravia.
4.- ~I, , , I h, 3 LEbAtEAND:DE, 4 I 4 .
1 „ .„-T0t/J:4-inforrii,their
haier'enio`ttaii theirditeb,
Itshment to the room 'ititeitoceopied bylalie
11.4 - tie k Co.-andAettrly 'opposite the - red and ivhitee
flog of Arnold & Einsteine-theVetti , Stere—bh North
linnover street, witere.they„tire mane+
faeturo.tind supply,.their ettstpmora 'utid:the public,
both at home atelfr'om a', ttiatance; itk all kihds of
at the 'Shortest notice ef the best quality. ,They •
also:lseepLecnistantly on hand 'FRUIT,
all,thedelicacies. of the different seasons, besides
- gt. 11 . -1,9-'Ol- eVettftinth'tTliele7s: tocluinn pHs: a'm
part ,such as Oranges, Lenions,, Raisins, Figs, Al.
ihotids,Fillieft4,,Prtmes;flatesiCi•eatil• nuts, Cocoa
Reta, English Walnuts, GrounThNuts and a variety
of all kind's of Confectionary, usualry kept in such
an establisidnent,all of which'they.,.will sell the
anent reasonable prices for CASH. .
Feeling encouraged by the very liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed open them, they have been in
duced to add to The above stock, all the various are
liiileseontiecred - wifli
.., .
(ma.. . coczaczairx.).ltDas e .
consisting in part.of Sugars, Coffees,. Ten!, Cheese'
Crackers, Molasses,,Chocolitte, Spices °fall kiiids',.
Brushes,lNacking, Baker's And Clay's extra. No.l
CoMbs, t•• tether with a large variety Of Q.ueenswire'
and oth • '!',.. ' lei too numerous to mention.
_ rai x obircri ~ nts' f , .._
k.... 1.7.1,,
01 the h•st And cheapest qualities, always-. on litarl:, •
and will suit those who may Mime ( li e n wiih a call.
Tots of every description also kept constantly ,
on hand. For the very liberal sumtort. extentled_ree
them by their friends and citstomers, they return
their sincere tiumks, and will endeavor in future M
merit a continuance of their favors by sparing no
exertions to make their establishment _an agreeable
retreat. . 11. &M.
Carlisle, April 50, 1845.
RETtIRMS Ills sineere — thanksrfor 'past favors
and wishes to intbrrn his fiiendS and thspiiblie-gett
ernlly, that he has laid. In a generaLassortment of
HARDWARE and GUTTLERY ; of all kinds,suel ,
as Axes; of three different makes, Hatchets, Draw-_
ing Knives of various makes, Chisels, sad Cooper's
Tools of all kinds. Also a large assortineut of
Tble Cuttlery i '•
!Judi &s Kni+eti and Folks, from the cneapest to the
most- 'superior ipinlity; two, - three - Mid otielilidect
pocket Knives from common togennitteßogeiVind
other superior manufactures table, tea, soup -and
o her Spooks E Hinges of all kinds and sizes; every
tiescripi ton of Files; Horse Ilitsps'of different sizes!
wood and bbd Screws sf different kinds and sizes;
gouges and planet .rotis ; Out, double , and single
Irons; Augurs, bitiek'n nil bright of sizes; also
three-bitted Augurs, Braces and Bat : Sof-the best
make' straw-Colored Bins ;
• knob, chest, clipboard
and pad laces; cut tackl and sparablest brass
Candlesticks; brick plaster . ' tig TroWls ; Tracess
straight and twisted Halter chains ;_-bettyy-atiii light
Spades Shovels; hay and -manure Fonks, two,.
three.and four pronged CA, mills and vices ; cast and
shear Steel; American and English Blister Sleet I
bawl, iron s hark, foal and cross-WlT:Saws I. Strait
Knives; Flat Irons and Tailors geese, Fire Irons,
round and ov4 4 wrolight Pans, long handled Prying.
Pains, wrought Iron I looks and I.liiiges,. different
sizes, and 'also the tddfitsliioned
Cradle 811(1 Grass. Scythes,,
Made of diperioit strt4 and inferior te-Ifonet--nli
warrantEil gotta, better the market cannot produce.
Etitire satisfactitin Will be given in every article borit
03 tn-prlKt_nfU titudity, to every person who nifty
call nt the ofil stand so wvll known nit rillTrdivore
Store, formerly kept by Lewis Harlan and next
door to Corntnan's Tavern, and alte_lidjoining_Geo.
Keller's lint More. 4
Cali end See the old fashioned Scythes, hay and
grain Rakes, and various, other articles which w
deem ,it unneeestiarl to nsentioti;kitt WI and exam
ine 'Mr ytifirselves, Rod, re ris etribertheY; are nil war
itera;._ profits
kfulifie eidirte satisfaCtiori;"' -
• carlisle-Likiar,2l,tB444.
• Galvanic Rings ,
_remarkable discovery has received ther
universal approbation of the Medical pro.
cession of Great Britain, and has now been sull
ciently long,before the American public ; to give a
fair teat "of its power and efficacy. The Patent
GolvottiC !tinge have been found to answer all, the
purl:lakes for which the - ordinary_ Galvanio",tiat. .
tory, Tn.ElCF,frie nod — ligetic machines are
need, but are without any of the Mlurious shucks
Which "acCompany, the npplications by those is
strumenti, and in many other • respects, are mon
safe and certain in aecomplielneg the'dositted ob.. '
TIM G"alvanic 'Rings itavo :beet? 0( . 14 With pie.
.feetenceess i n nil etyma orithiumatiorn,.ncuto or -
Cl;ronic, applying ; to the r head,. ben
Gout, Tie Dolmen*, or Tuddlische,
Vcotigo, Nervous, or Sickll?adochc,, Indigestiod,
Putalysais, Pa NO, `Epilifiley.',Fits, cramp', falai. -
Hilton of the Heart; Apoplexy; 'Stiffness of blebs •
liumba'go,' Spinal 'Coitiplaints,'lfeliralgia,
.11efleitint`ef'Nervouti Energy and' all .
Ne'rviink Distortiers':.• •Thhie.extraordinary effect
'upon the ryete9a , intlet Iniwitnessed4 to be believ
ed, and as a cer,tainprOyentive for the preiteding
terepttonteLtheiere equally to be' : „Tccontmended,
Tho Galvanic Itingesarein ' eery:way, pctractlY -
hatifiteec and'arit* wild pri4ei to lae,sitble the
in'connection yvith ththltinge;to'rerider!lifeir,
'&l6oot:union certain land id7direittrthetfilillialo, •
tawnier: to partieular
.ti Nenleirfint.cortificateasefthe beneficial effects,
of I/i.Gbrietfe , e Rill; and Fluid ante aketan c
Sun, 9c,.lyky.,l2thi; whlob, PzecogaloWs thek„;)
.altt)9 of Or. , Critlfe 2044 ontit , PrePflefor %t i the.'
"genuine,Gefran i oilishga t tun, Iltsgsetictuld.
~,Goulient9 tde" , p,o,ifc , .-7Wte feel it a, duty to.
h •
atitiliniho page eficlaaf 07.; of the
l in ikok om pffir.Orietibvi
persons ere age444'34i°'
of in veridlft'zifddeighrduilillitalhe city..' -We
It i snotate-tkitlhbrolfidence itilestb,,thacthess,
„ireltatferts possess no beneficial influcace
A preltnatulinuet la regal/id IWO adhpihithttthere
eairect fraud.
o.,G ertlebing and )O ,ILBEAT fob '810'i:of Dr. Crieti+
.f ,
talfricbe,S 1,1 A•
~, ,;,0 0.1, ~,,,..) ~0.- -x ., , . ,
Estate Qf gimliQl'l!..:* '94lf,!i i . 4eSq? f.
....10;t 1 ;:Pfiri00sar0, 1 0;0,§3 , •04011i4.400t;,„ 2. 0itteT
or/001141010n on thcieSlot‘ftrt e- ,
ateliiilalef4lo w.4. 4 Qm 04 00_ hp le.
Nnibatlakt tifiqty4 de Alta, q! . . , ll ,. .4itUtig gi a7p4P io n
.. i ,
' isto64 lr: h 4tri n gtrali g n ltAtiie 0 is r illik - ;4'
iT,P Igitite l
r , 0 , ~. - nie .,,,, ;: fi r- *i
Nisl) a , CgR AA4I , 1 t?.... ,9m ..r . , ~,A ,
4.9601 4 i 1 44144rde ,i•‘- a l ' t R/w3 , , , , _
4 4 , ,
-,,,,, :,..„,,,,' ~..„,,,,,,,,,,,,0.,,,', *' - [,. ~_ .V 2 i;'4
`, 1 1.° , 4- 77 -- `,.„ ':',:,,,,,
“ ,- ' , .. 4l isiis l J 2 o l,B :o* —:6 ti:' --..LtL- ' l ''i':;l.:V --- :=
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.., ', -,1,--:-- 2: ; ,'"' '-'-' , ::-^,-, - ^ - 7 , :-7 , -4-ft-(4.;i : 4-. •
A,lif . ~Y . ~Fljs, _~.