Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 24, 1845, Image 3
IT ' 114- . Vir=tit mined 'undated at a leeaprice thah it can lie had by Bandit* . • - ZiOnintaleAriAeiVe,AdViOrliitleps for • rillte losignili 3 Etallar. s Nelvspiper - bwellemp ook and Periodielid 131Oiri);fuinish is tiubseilberi at thq !chi 'rate' of sl.2d . free of poet= ______Ageilleing2.twentetts_inenta-lesction: itcan bii_ •vhad , ,braubicribiug , in kk,iiiißdelphis. ~aoaor,lbetafir ta half year. ; s Septembep . •••. ' - - D .IIDU WS L" . 'itApktAkb7ivti_ac_A4l)l(sSUFFS:, Maniifactured front the purest and finest, Marfrials: aria warranted; Idi e:trio:is drtigi, by • . ' DEBAUTHi; i. East /444 Street,,-Lancater, r ' l 4 111E:ahtwo untivalle'd'stinflhn•ro Supplied lb the. kradtrabli other's Ch . -liberal feras E rta all ordefillifaraptly - iittirided • . .* CAUTION V-_4loakare of 'a spurious articln called Lancaster Snuff,:and.palnied upon the pub. lie for tkiLl arttlioe_Dentuthte-Snufferwhi eh- are v - ikeleTaled only v..the rnennfactutor, in Lances . ter, Tavitna - by • Biniuger and Coevals No. 56 Vega( ,etreet. New York ; , Stabler ancLCan by,. PrnA: street Wharf, Balthhore ; Anthony Elton, No.lo, North- 6th street, -Philadelphiti and 3. & E. Eyrudi, Wes! Penh street, Reading, Pa. • -Sept. 11,1845.-3 m. - • rtiblie Vendite. . . - , wILL be sold atTu.blio-Vondue, on WED. NESDAY the 24th day of. September, 11345, at ll)•'o'clock, A. MVi.. at the mill of Samuel , Alexander, Esq.. deceased., one • mile Noith of 'Clirlislc, orr the cimodeguinet creek, A - Great Variety of Personal Property) consisting of 'Cows, Horses, ploughs; Burrows, ----ragonst-witsel—barrowsAarnhster—tchael tolts, hogs, hoards, scantling, log 'chains, stoves, noVsome 'flee tyoung cattle.' - ' A FIVE MULE TEAM , • . Wagon' and Robes% There will also le sold about 8000 lbs.'nt new staves, posts, cooper stuff, malt. bark,' ditrjeedi's toolei, <shingles, . lathes, paints v pitch; 'Carts, threshing machiae, jack wa,_paten t beams. Also, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, in the bughol and in the sheaf, Buckwheat, Hay, &c. &c. •' • There will also be sold-on-TUESDA-Y—thel6th et September, at I la:6'loA, P. M., at the Railroad opposite-the Collegd, two double Rail Road Cos. and three tons of assorted Bar Iron. - Notice is also given, that on Manday the 13th -of October, at 10 o'clock, .)451., at the late dwel ' ling of' Samuel Alexander, eq. will be sold his EXTENSIVE LAN't consisting of upwards of 400 volumes of the best selected and most useful reports and elenientary works, Otnbracing Caine ', Johnson's , Massaelitil netts, Cranch, Peters, Pennsylvania Reports, Yentas, Dallas, Rinney,Sorgeant&Rawle, Rawls— Wharton, Watts & Sergeant's Reports. Also 'the most *valuable English Common Law and Chancery Reports. . • _Terins_matle known on the-respective days of sale by ANN ALEX ANDER, _ WILLIAM M. lIENDERSON, LEM UEL _ TODD, _ Executors of Samuel Alexiinder, tsq. deed t3eritember 10, 1845.—t5: - PATELICL -- SALE. Oet thO gd of °claw. next, WILL be offered at public 'sale, on the promises, by the_subscribers, Executors . 01 the estate of - Traticis Diller, deceased, the val. urible Mill Property belonging to said estate, sit . unto in %Veit Pennaborough township, Cumber land county, abOut seven miles West of Carlisle, • on the Conoiloguinet creek, consisting of a.. liage THREE STORY B'TONE MER. CHANT MILL and 'SAW MYLL -;i:i49411 the former having iicerun t fotones' 'e t'• I .; • three of which are. Burrs; turd all betneln complete and first rate &Hee; together 4 with 6 ocred and 103 perches of ground, ineled ing.the dani and water right,cenueeted with the - same, on 'which Is also -erected besides ihe mill, .a Two_etory Weatherboarded Dwelling Douse, with all' the necessary out „buildings. -There is also-a thriving Orchard on the premises. Also, at the same time and place brill be sold a tract or first rate bollonilend, oh the opposite itido'dillia crock from the mill, containing' 37 Acires 83 Porches 'stria measure, which is under good fence and - texcellentscultivation. It will he offered together or 'aeParate, as may host suit purchasers, and bring the best price. . • . - Sale to commence at In o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms ,n do known by _ ABRAHAM BOWMAN, SAMUEL DILLF:R, ontemter 10, 1845.—t.5. Executors. ,'" - iwnbastor thatin and York Republican will lawdritill tale and foraiard bald to this -office for ieolledtiorb To the Heirsan'd hepresentativee of P late of ItUrlier - ough of Carlislo, TAKE ,notice, that in pursuance of a twit Of Partition and Valtuition,l issued out of the Orphatte:rotiiritif Cumberland county, and to me directed, an toliiest will he held on The feel Es tate of said:deceased; en PRIDAY the-26th.clty pf Septembef,:_* 'D. 1845, at 2 O'clock, P. M. of said' day,. Oh the premises.- tor the purpore of making partition and valuation on the real estate • - •Ofeitittddie - isid: ;. - • ' ADAM lb llGEbOillgi..She qtr. Sherirtitlffiee.r • • - • ..'l44llliiidierAk 1845: ."' • -Griat -.ltelitictio it in the ileite Insurentte. • P lIE DELAWARE Mt7TVAf. iNSOR MKT. COMPANY. PitILADVIPHIA liotting a large_ joint stook capital, take Fire riski on every_ description tot propertl , ? at pearly '''one - hritf . the amount 'of prefOiom that is charged ''.'hy•climpitniee doing business on the old principle, ,;' - "Flialtchscriberl'has accepted the aewly of this 'Cbmplany, and recommends it to the puldia as 'tieinegratitli.'ou'rierioi . to the old of fi ces, both in ChedlYiress and securitk For full particolars pee general advertisement; • oriiiPly.Perentially; orolay letter, to , .• • J011.014.-MYEitil. ' September 10,184'5." • . . NOTICE.-- fin llE,XnneitEleotion for fftners and 5 non gars of the °. Cum Qf an ,Vatley rtmil itoid :'Conitiany,ivill he bald ,atthe house of 'Mr, J. A. Winroti, lntheborough of:Carlisle, on MONDAY . tho 6th, day neteher next, between the, hours orjb 4, P. M.. ' . E.• IfiDDI;Ei Seeretory:_, .A.ltinimentim'irgini rovAlbe R4oastiglitime •For Oa le at •thaonly 0114 Ina or. 111111 Ce 11. 'will be 1.9' irmte,d , : d o i lc . lll F , u o r r 14 4 '11:*1677° r 010 6 110th the P t „l n !„, c • ''" .4 •A% citlo4slerPleti 4'„„,o'n Akhture.V.i e-. 4.0 'PP 4 • ." - • 4 1 1 ! ,iy. iVros.4 .lol o,,Glanol4- Dingle's, Van so: la t Abd plytot...4hilan g compolind; , ktipt y, .0a law( innlArkr gain ht the' chug dint a;; ' '6lltltiOSO:, Sheehan:it 'V-iie/i4ely - iiikir;Eivitne moo' r a l thing4sy_pi c Teeiti;luit :u a co" ittbil. , 4 . .weivt?ri--0--, . r , ,i . , 01 . c::1 , „, „., ~ , •,"; ~ tr[ediniiiistiattpti3On 01.018 i!'ilrE,34l•EUtko '4l' r !aft Or M10111)-1°Wnshtleit ,',l'tl,f,titePt_Al,ttrirAr74Z4 t he ,; ate ~brn:gxriii... ;0,1*.tri,,C11;,Yiiii4f.:11,,.40,1,47,3, (6„t Ie Q 1 t..lilf4Vl° 1i . 0 41 .640.p?,0 , ..4 4 ,;1 ~,„0 . .. glis , Ili lip, 1,1 .. 1.„t4(141iC ,10., icdi.iiihdi T., iihrigtuttlefiS , ,lillrinetilitinis 6 . goi 4114: ' illil E a , ' wiitnfiffid thil" * . ibith•dolv t . T.., , ''if,tltiticifient loTthttl!ill 66,,,,rK)ierirtzr-ii" *(l,oll,,EigrotusiEtc,ig;': t7•';Adininitifirt', 1' 10410iiritm.-,4,e,••?-,-- •, , :1 , hi ~, 1 4.(rt. y•, ,, ,• • ,m7_,:, Li...,,,:--- . ...... • - • - - • • bnv-- - Thtitsdasy,A6lli_of.o_6tober_rigittol_ rrifliiictibscObbi 'offer sale; kin the pcernises, the ialuable. Varna on which hOWOWliveri:aktidite Frankfard berladid County; the frore'Carlialh fanner ;arid about t4a mile nortb,of,Ai• ter'a , llitill,ipnalatlng Of " firaLraw Taal t ey,, of, alateilanp,..nedcr i geod;fenea r Mid' in lho'beaF atite "et', oeltivatien, „The - nn: provementic ( TWO StORY. , WEATHER-BOARDED LAC - ROUSE;BanIi - Barni - Wagen l4 ; Shed; Corn Crib, and other'-build inga, togothpr,_with a good ore:he w -; "1" here' hi' fine stream of rubiiifig water "through' the' place, . with a ''power. auffitilatiV for 'Matiulactaririg • peen. - Alan - at the same time and place will beeffered at MAIM 'vale, the Valuable Farm. adibining the abevir,tiiontaleing of the stung quality oflund, 144 of which Weise in the best atauk of OLlloo,itni. About onehuo.. dred acres of it is thriving Thither. land, which if desired by purchasers will be sold in sMaTler tracts. The iniprovernents are it largo Lug House, Log Barn and other. building*: With• an Orchid. ' . •Sa to Commence at 10 o'clock; A. when once will be;glven and terms made known by ::. ABRAHAM BOWMAN. Bepiember 10, 1111.5.;—)s. . --- 1 4 i,ereciabter ILJnion Will :insert till sale, anti forward bill to this Oftlee fortollection. Valuable Property At - Publie Sale. • On Saturday, 18th Of October next, iti . a I a . rid ju manetow ' C;m county, the lowing valuablepruperty, latelho estedf Jacob' Rupp, deceased, viz: A Dwel ling Rouse ,Lot, , ituate on the Main street in said villageo,‘. inlet) ing lets ofilenry-Zearing and Samuel-Dane elk: which there is besides aback Dwelling Home and stable. Also, the half undivided part of a House and Lot held b Jacob and . Henry Rupp, and now.occupis. .y Dreary Musselman' and Samuel Darr, and lykng.on the eolith side of Main street in said village. Also; three-Lots, lying on the Nort side of Main street. Also, A 'Piact of Mountain Land, situate in Silver Spring township, lying on the south )31ae of the Blue Mountain, containing abOut 09 acres, formerly property of Robert Barnhill. Also, the half undivided Tractof - Land, belonging to Jacob and . Henry Rupp, lyin • i Rye township, Perry county', containing 10 Acres, situate one mile from the Susquehanna river, and bounded on the East by _Samuel Bohr: roan. . A.lB4tlie half undivided Tract of Land, belonging to Jacob and Henry Rupp, and con. tainum.2o Acres, lying on the. North side of the Blue Mountain, in Ryd,.townshipUerry county, and adjoining-lands of Robert Bryson, John Rupp and others. A Iseyabothe.t hall'undivided tract ofiand belonging to Jacob and 11 e pryu pp, containing 17 'Anus, living oh,..the Wirth side Of Bide Mountain, I/ miles from the river, inEnat Penns• borough township, adjoining lands of Shbon Oyster, Mr. Newcomer and others. - - - Also, eleven shares of stock in'tho Cum berland Valley Rail Road Company, . • • -. Also, one - Shari Of stock in - the Carlisle antiCharitlicrsberg Turnpike Company. - . .Shlo to commence at tO o'clock, A. Md, on said day, Wheh attendancu will bo given an terms ma iirrioviii by- HENRY RUPP; - — Executor of Jacob Rupp. - Eeptamber 10, 845 .—ts. A RARE CHANCE FOR A BAR 'IN Au Old gstall.l,illed and t rirst rate Store House, ilwelling. ticc., in burg; York - Countt AT PUBLIC SALE. itt auhscriber kill sell et public 'sale on M 4.11, - SATURDAY, the 4th of October next, all his real property, situated in the borough of Dills. burg, York county, Pa., viz: NO 1. A STONE HOUSE,- - .Warehouse and _Dwelling, on the ; ; corner of Baltimore and Harris. 1 I burg streets, 491 feet front and running back•to a 20 feet alley. The store house is built of logs'nnd roughcast—the warehouse is frame weatherbodroed, substantially It, and is well calculated Cr a dwelling. T ere is a good stable on this property, and --th lot is well set with fruit trees. There is also a well of good water at the door with a pump in it, and it is decidedly one Of the hest situations for a slurp in _thia_section of the_ country, and - ji is at presets occupied as such by Messrs. Junin Moore & CO. No 2. A. Two Story prick House, with atm) story brick back building, - goad stable,other necessary out houses, and a well of water—front. Mg on Baltimore street, with a 20 feet alley on the North, and -running back to a 20 feet alloy on the West. "Tho yard end zarden are well sot with young and thriving frbit trees—at present ooeupistby,Rev. Joseph A. Murray.. No. 3. A Lot of Ground adjoining No. 2, on Whielris erected sone.story frame weather. hoarded house, at, present occupied by Messrs Weimer & Moon air a cabinet maker's shop, and by Mr. Rektzel, as d chair maker ' s shop. The abovO Presents an ..opporionity to persbps with 'limited moans to make a. prolitisble_ireveet. in - arit,.aiirtlia.Profe r rtylii'vrell-Lcalculated tor-any k ind Afbusinese,. end Will. positivelY 'Sold. on said day, as the subscriber has removed to Persons wishing, to age. the property. tleferre . the day of saleban•do•tio by calling on James Porter, Daft., who is my duty authorized sgentTor the sale thereqf, and by _whom the terms (which aro. liberal) will be Made known on the day of sale Formation will bei givt i n on the first of April , 1846' when the present laws expire. J' G. LAUMAN. DillsbureSepteinber , • - ATTE TllOlll p-rtiO, "Carlisle Ledepreildeat. Artillery C,ortipary"will parade hi Carlitile oh SITUR. DAY, - Septeniber 29th, et egaipt and' tnilnrmed for drill and -ineneeifon. , rho iiniitpaby' will- be • revieled and inspected' in the afternoon by Brigadier General gdwaril'Armir. • ,By order of JOHN.. 1845‘. , '*i = •SC110016: 110011iSip • • MIT'H'S' 'Geography, M itched INlGengrattity; intnar,lo:kbam's Gra Minor. erica stook's Phtldicitilly i Comstock's Chemiitry: On ley 's isittehrstionYttestio's.l‘loo,ffitretion, Olney's }ion griphiertirlere Ppogrephy,,llutlion's Grasomir, - ; 'Mtrroyis Grimmar, Johnson's 'Philnflophy John. aim's Chemistry, Colburn's—Algebre, Whiard's Histoitior:tht United Ststiest tekether with eviry, variety of schont booki now; Muse. For sate eheip, nhfl " . r{ rt ~~ HIM Siihoor? 41Ibres tar 143 isheav at the. doig "n4l Imolcat9rp,of, , • I ; wlVa:( 1 . 01!*;.11 atAritibki YE, = TUFF - - -"GrifaitiVlAtftwitadi-gtoOdd in *abd, -Corn tratairiteaS l l4' , eudieVeyP;eraki,Geo - DyeTchijitiett 14,t!gwetalohiSPed nr*FliC'Nfod.4 Yieltn‘qua wo - Sdi otapped:,/,attte,,..Aljack, 0. .1 4 , 4 h : wr o th airt be mold. at gready .reiluved the baerel-'pr eingle , POßallat qie dr, 1 14 01 . 14 .1 ( ' , i'." .. Myers p....iettrergipk: =EIS MINI `WIIA.IGUT'f!ri t iILIJS4' . :' • 4!q , .Wright's tndtan .Vegetal4e; _ le. Just: heife yed and warhketed genuthev for , IlialnAt the cheap drier ' , *rid,bnoViteie IVtiori EcHeirArliitek. - ••• . 1 nh FA, AdEr'e..Tow aosl.4emp NINFuP: RAG*, itt.,561 cts, rcws4.le ii quit akoili of Airecoi.o.' , Sensr , f ; reoelvtd-on ,skfiiii) to* 4ukb'otsveir7 variety of Musical Itirmei)ir, Sin tarnish either ,who)e, , ,bAnds, Nl' argwiiii, silos liistiescifincii's‘lhisy er.waoo ; icaitktheikit,loo6V, s.m ptnegfjoia lilcptheir'sibiortm t yt • ••• A UM! ''''' = 'Y:l , ul3ll; 7 :lAtrurnEAt: MAU . . •0-.T1„•••,i'l- TN Par ''''''''' of , tlierlase•Wl 1 - altd•ll'e lament .11.,Adam.Lehnianlato,„or,SeuthililUslittenV ank ship,'deciaied, itall;be• solif tit piddili sale, on the pecmilicar,SATlTDDAlf,thls7,lfithdify - 4 Abenext,set °Weak, P.M:the tolloatinttlescribed plantation or tractiof. land,d situate in. Fmnkford: township Cumberland county, boudded . bylandauf Geol.& Tilichabiader:Matilel.,Flnebkibladet,'Ben, Akita containing about One Hun}` .dred and,aeventy „Acreajor.which:about,loo,aores arb cleared cad in'ii•gootr state lof c~i~tivatiori~ and the' iesidue !Well litabered,•hating theremiereefed a Two 8 CORY•;LOG,HOUSD'i and'.• ' Double Log - Barn There le st•netet 4 foiling welt of Water':netti;" - the dodet , an Apple Orebard'thereon,andbtliee • fraittreeKNSeireizilatiesiths of water •• pass through said Farm, which extends to within 15,perch; ot ~the: ConodoguineUclieek, off simile of Altyr's The public road &dm MoClure's Gap t 6 Alter's Mill passes throbgh said land and betweenthe liottad'and . • • • Any person wishing to see said pi•opertilfefdie m th p e o aa t t h e e c fa a e n in e . all,: upon Adam i l., , ,ma , wliO Byes . • The terms be,made knoWn on the',day nig .by JACOB LEHMAN, S. Mid. „moots 'LEHMAN, W. Pehp. ' Eiiel!ilbfircirkdaninaliTdeiT: -- ,",,yeptembet:l7, 1845.4—M Building Loa . . . . . • At Pilvate Sale:: I • , . • • wAtr, sell at Private .Sale EIGHT B UILD, LOTS in the boroughttearlisle. ( They . are. eituttied in a . , populous patt alb° .flornaglii and are all adjoining each oilier,• crating! on Pomfret and Bedford:stroats ; a small two story-STOMP BOUS,F..".Ii'S on one of. thinvancf. on another is a.. .good well : Of-water .n4jtli a Pump' Mit. Persons wishing to purchase will:please- to call upon .mo, or upon JOHN HARPER; Esq. who is authorized to attend,,to.,Mokingthe , sales, and will exhibit O. plan of the Lots and show thorn on' the ground.. The terms will barnacle easy ; and, ~ as near as possible to suit urchasere. 1 7P - • SopC 3,184 . B , naulata RE undersigned being aptiointed EXecutors of 'TI Me last will and testament or Samuel Alexan der, Esq. deceased; and having taken out letters of Ailinintstration thereon, request all persons indebt ed-to the estate;to make payment iramediately, and_ those having claims to present them to Lemuel Todd, Esq. at Ids office in Carlisle, for settlement. ANN.S..ALEX&N DER. WM. M. HENDERSON, LEMUEL TODD, • Executors.. September 6,114'5 .Estate of Jacob Kissinger, deceased. herctly p,iren that letters ofndmin istration thi the estate'of Jacob Kissinger, Into of West Pennsboro!Aiwnship,_Cumbe.rland county, deceased, have this slay been granted by the ter, in ansffor the said county to the subscriber who reakleain the borough of Newville In said county. All pdreons having claims or dem Anis against the estate of ,the, said deceased, are requested to mike knosin the same tvithotit delay, and those indebted to make payment to JACOB BURNT-URI', Netliville, Sept. 5,1845. -Administrator. N.OT,ICE . • Li, peraons are hereby that the (lin in , istrntion on the estatate of Samuel •Andren , s, late of North Mid )ieton township, Cumberland,. county, deceased, have this day liceit issued hy the Register in and for the said county; td the subscri ber who residei in the saitl.t6wfiSbip of North Mid.' theten. Inf./ ing clairils or iTE.rrinitris against the estite - of the said'ilecealcd are requested to make known the name without delay, and those indebtedio 'makepaymentio - - 7 - • -JOHN COOVER,Jr. - Sept. 3, 18#.5;—Gt. Administritor. ourliANsl. COlUitT SALE. Rvirtue of an order of' the Orphans•rourt .110 of Cumberland county, will be sold on the preinisei, on Saturday the 4th day. of October next, nt 12 o'clock; noon, of said day, the one on. divided .611-11 part of the estate Of George tiekligh, deceased, lute of South Middleton township, said county, in the fullowihg plantatiOn or tractor had situate in said township of South Middleton, and county aforesaid,.bounded fiy. lands of John.lei digh's heirs, Christian .Herr, Margaret Miller, the heirs of Michael Ege, and othera, containing 95 AGREES; ; more 'or leas.. About 50 acreliurei eiriarrd, and ih cultivation, and the residue in good timber. The •,a improvements are a large iw'os•story , and lialftiory log 1101JSE, a new esl i ;" I I Frame Barn; a first rate spring near the dwelling, with aspriag litiose,an Apple Orchard, Peach and other fruit trees. The terms aside ore as, falloWs : Fifty dollars to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, the residue of the purchase money on the first of April nett. when possession will be given. Said purchase money to be secured by Judgment. • JACOB GOODYEAR, Sr. JACOB GOODYEAR, Jr. Administrators of George Leldigh, deceased. Sept. 3, 1042.-1.8. • ORPHANS! COURT SALE. . - - - - - - Nlrtusuance of an - order of the Orphans' dourt lof Cumberland enunty,mill be 'sold at Public Sale, on the premises, on SATTRDAY, the 4th of October twat, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following described Real Relate, lute the properiy of Abra ham Reifsnyder, deceased, to wit A tract of land situate in West Penneborough township, in said county, adjoining_ lands of Thos. Ili Knight ; Widow Ryerly, Nathan Woods and the heirs of David-Hear, containing,about- : 25 Acres; • _ . . The improvemebttare a large two story atone dwelling HOUSE and kitc'h'en, a log barn and black smith shop, an orchard of choice fruit, and a well, of water near tb‘door. The State Road from Carlisle' to RoxbOry,passea immediately in front of the impluvomentac. Thie property in - situate:A, a - rlek and opuloua tieighhoriiiied and the toemien very ellgifiro for any kind cif Meehan. teal busineaa: - • The twine of sale aro slog to tot paid on the conarmetlon of tho : aele • .the Coa q ,;one half the balance on - the tat of April, 1846; When..pos. session will be givcri,land. a 'deed made to the purchaser, and the residurin two equil annual payMente thereaftUr, withaut:lnterest,',The whore to be neared by recrgniiatiCa: iri Orpluinie Court; . 0 . lACCII3. PLANK ; Executor of Abraham leifent , der, deceatatil . ( Sept. 3, 1,845.--ta, • e r • • , Qrphansv,, Court- Said • BY an order of the. OrPhaliedoO4 of CuMber. , land ~equely, I mill pepese td‘Public Bale en the 'iremipitie; FRIDAYVihe 3d'ilay of Gino. ber,11145,,t at 11 o'Olock,4. ;" • 4- - ' irwe,m4tAim eituale in North Middleton township Giitinberiand county, :alien,. 111. m on:the.Wa. goner's Gap Reath - containing altogether 244 acres 14:pertifiee, 'Sleet 200 acres of which. is Of the 'best 'cleanly limestoee end, the" remainder slate Wpai ivbc#ll - Vlore' tihi:',tboet‘4l7,aeres of 'woodland ,thii„fisidue - olearod.,a ni1,16 good lo6', veltlyetlon.'l4 .keprovementa „are ~ ms: two...storr, log ~ Aisielling ,;.1:101,161E;large Frame.flarni wegonalied,and.„oorkeribp.: v There' it .which Ales elem. to -1 and 'Min through lhOland, theilibe,alse . gpling , hbarthe dwelling house) and.l large et.oberd)i This farm hes been-divided into folr Omits; Of. 69 -stie' , 93 *rate, 71 aeres - : , l#l l tArtal*B3; Rotel - 1147 lititishes;AVid 13 aciree 76 'perches:, -TtiO firit'inetitioriod_litrt having alither,briliditigiOped: l#lliiiiiitone land, without buildings oilthe9l4ll) l llidigqitnll shoot 26tOirolkef11,wOod: larid r Ileiteytone.Woodlind) and be cold toe relwiers dud.bring the best firleit, - i-,,,Tbitra laa large grewth..,Oflocpstilloker.the., farm, terirsM)t ko, tied. - kiioWll:P6';44l . ol sates 0 0 . 11 . 41, ?1 ,- .1 ‘4 1rstVelttCriSaHtleEni - For the . airs of I . l biliplliker. - deo'cl;l2 . ' 11 90Rfo0 1 01eiblItte,4101%' faWfrd I d . TS 4etti itod tbk notaitotten ''e to l ot .11Jame. McCominonZdecoosed,*9 ) thiffobrotibPttoXo - didO)*7ld4tiiiii l thootAciv n , zoonednotice to coil 01 Mtn ond poxthe t mhotosand 4lo coats, it* not ,1 will.lettoo4ont;',4t4bl(Ellolsl smith,Foi, in the,borongtoCOnidlo!tt, on or nen+ thOlitAt'Of AsTofiottbitfor 001100t10n.,..AL1Y.Vc..4 177, .1 t , I INBETISSIESS 10 1.- -IFTrl4ldtefr Miff ;iirtne Of tarot nethe - Ojitittt. Mtn .111-Oftinnberlandlieennty ; and ;. the agreement pt4tlni,vaidow_and heirs of ThorppsoitHrowadate 'Orate Iniroegh iifearliili,dedeased;thitolloatlng. Rnnt.Eitale, late the estatecif the - aaid*Thompson „i4lni , it„ ,bs-sold by-publio-Nviidue r 'or ontory on•the premises, on SATURDAY.: 06 , 4jAiluy.of ' t Ooober:nett, - at o ' olock,.P.M. Anthat treat of '- lend, situate• • In NortiroMiddleton itownshfp‘ In laid &minty; •etTjoining :lands of William Corn: oia`Zgtler'' and the Conaddguinet oreeliccontilning -116, *Acres- and 7:46 . Peke') s ; .1 , niat, or :etclet Measure, - 130' - idteir, of which'are Actin arid in cultliation 7A / portion Of the Cleared land Is'ntliibln ,tend' ilmig 'the , creek: 'The Inniiovel two Story LOG)110t3 EVA . .Kitoh 4 eh arid a' double log Biro , find! vMlifis nut !inn& Theta lee welt,ofgeeil vraterlafthe,h - ouse and severelnprings on the.premises. Theteiras of sale will be made :.knowit,on the day at Balm -A-N:N-7BROWNi- - '' WILLIAM • BROWN, ROBERT cifJarnes - Etien Brawn. ItIVSI BROWN-,' • .Guaiiian of Mary A. grown. Sept. 3, 1 . 845 . . • .ORPHANWIGICAIR" Sil[oM :113 Y: virtue of an prdnr. of the Orphans' , • orCumberland.,codiny, .be".exposed to •Public Sale on SATURDAY, the 11th day - of at 12 o'clock; Minn,. of-that .day, the following described' pieta: or'parbel Elf bind, contaitlipk • • . ' 11. 4CRE7,94 • ' or thereabouts, situate' in Sjlvar,Sprink LownchiFi on the road readhig ,from Sterrett'a Gap to Aar. riPburg..adjoiliing lands of SS muel_Baker,Sam uc Roltl3ci9il4l3thirikitlipingilatt-tif-the-Real- Estate of George Baker, Mbeased. , Tering of sale as follows, Oho half the chase money, to bo, paid on the confirmation of the sale7arfa the bplanco in ono year therenitii without interest. _ JACOB BAKER; •..3011N.8 EFIRIGHT, , Adm're. of George - Baker, doled. Ruettr....Wn.eon,_9l.!k.Dr phone:Seen. Sept. 3, 1845.te.—($to,1etinagn copy.). 5 ' . FARA- FORJ SALE tik: - subscithers Ober the •following described T real property for sale, viz A tract of first rate liinestooe jo i nd containing , . 112 Acres, situate in West Pennshoro' township, Cumberland county, nine miles• West of Carlisle, joining the -State road leading from Carlisle to Neivville, one. mile'Sandlror - Shellabarger's . ndjoinitirth'e road leaning from said mill to Mount Rock T - buildings are, a good two-story STONE, 1-10USFI,nlso, A good two' story FRAmE,.. HOUSE, a good RANI BAIRN, with- a • well of excellent water at each of said houses, an 'orchard of choice fruit. This tract is mostly under first rate post and rail fence, and in tallith state of cultivation,. with many other advantages. Also, another tract containing • cao amcms o , a ' adjoining the above tract, with a new RANK BARN thereon ereeted, a young orchard of choice fruit. This tract is also under good fencing and ln an excellent e state of cultivation.. The above pro. perty will be sold together cieseparate, to suit pur cliaserit. ..AlsoAnotherliactiolgood mountain • TloxidisiN LAND, principally eliestnut,ahp‘it rite voilestFoto the other . .. - property:— , - • - L . .• Persons wishing to phrohaiie the above property, will please call on citherof hie siiblicribeys,living pti thetilt-daideibeirtra-ct-. Sept. 3,1845 REAL ESTATO ,rlNlllEsubseribers will seWat-yiubliceuduei no 1: FRIDAY; .thir 10th of .October neit•;:on the proralies described Real Estate, be !eaglet; to the heirs of Mary Hershey, late. of Mif flin township, deceased. No. 1. A trait oflatid sit uate hi MillllllT6Witaiiii,containong • . V. Acres Eui4"l43 Perches.. the improvements are ' , DOuble - .Warne s %l'o'lllo64r(led HOUSE, with a well of never hiding water at the door,a double Log Barn nearly nearly new, a stone spring house and smoke house, a...g00d Blacksmith shop ,and other, out .houses.— There is also on the property a thriving orchard of choice fruit. The property is located in A good settlement and is in n high state of cultivation. It lies she miles West nfNewville, four-North East of- New linrg and one mile from Sterrctt's Mill, and is an exceedingly desirous situation fora blacktflnith. No. 2. A tract of WOODLAND, containing shout 9 acres and - 130 Perches, situate about one mile from the above described property. Abuse properties will he sold together, or separate as may he desired by purclumers . There will be required to be paid on the day of sale when the property is struck M1;1.14 dollars on .No. 1, and Tweety.five dollars on No. 2. The titles to the properties are indisputable. Sale to commence at - I0 o'clock on said day, when terms will he made known by WILLIAM KNETTLE, _ . DAVID STERIRETT, Setif. S, 1845.. Agents for the Heirs. fa' York Iterinitlitau insert to amount of $t 50 and charge this • Orphans' Oeonrit, Sale. 111b - Ylvirtue - of nn - nrder - of the Dilibane RIP Court of Cumberland 'county, I will expose to publio sale ' the premise" on WEDNES.OAY the- Bth of October. 1845, at o'clock; A—M., A_ Pahl) containing One Hundred atid TO/only met; of gond elate lam! sitaabe. In East Peensborough. township, Cumberland countratiout„lo9 acres of which arecleared, Toney(' 'and in • a gocid siikle culdtatio,n" The iniproiedteabrife" ' • n.I.AItHETWO STORY_FHAME • HOUSE, tdoI,Iam,„IIAIHT:HARN'i,: , ,, limey-, part.4l' Atone . , Shod and Cord Crib, 'Matti' . louse, • Spritig House, with a nevor.iikiliint itolieg; of water aiind. °good Orchard. :Thelarrwirabeut three Milos from Ilarrisburg„and, Hely on the Canodd guinct creek. • . . The terms will be Made knowz endue daj of sale. by• • • 7,,• -•. , , MOSES 110UVHR," Adfninthtrittor "of daceb deWd, : • Attgest-27,, ~• . Estate of -Henry Wikie, .deceetsetl.; Viiribk Is heiebi gi6n fl int Letibokof thin: on the .Bstite if ' Haney Viklß lei!) of West,Pennsboro?_townithlp,itve-beet,grantell- • theinabseriber . rosidlng,kin thesame toiviiebto;',l4. l' persons indebted to eiti,d,Estitte, will make payth'en Ti. itioLthrethitybrx, elainitt,wlll4t:c4rtl theyp,for se -' o -' - iltr4GO , Id , It'ZEIGIAI . 2," ,' ; r:1..,,. : 4 .., !'opisistraor • July 90 , 18 45.• ... ~ t- .: ~ ~! t , , ~ 4 4 c sa p. . a arang, pts er ialclOr t ig hernby,glytm,thtt Lottert - rtutimen -- N -t try on tinilEatate of Coithifirie•Reisieri late of ~ W,ol(. P tuntltlitnol towo 014 p; hota:Atnen:.gEantod to , the subscriber, resl)Ong tio•Penit antintYl , ol4l7lsol.' All iP.M.KIP Sogifitpd. to mild Estate, will notitl t aykent s and those having n1,tr . 41 ,prointptthent • , „ E • P, A rt 1 idly SO; 1814.4 MEM . - . — EttafO "QP.Wiliiiiiii i.,9oo4; * Cree r d. '., OlriCE11( hirdhilfit , an that:. Lettep 44' Atli.. tednietradan' idi Ili, 'pl it itii'af, YVlllliinfldeadiji. ate alrriitilicort,E4naldigd ' il:;l,ialtiiiidin OMIT ' . 'fi„dii§"itille•ietheir'reildpft.l ' vitnie*iiiii)ol6;:'. 11. 1 14" paildittiiutlibirid to , iald Eiiiiii::*lll liiiikel4_ypl'o 4: and those haidng .011041, will' o:email 01111ildi'letl ,- ~.. . • ~..----- .-•••-- • —.--,,--Jfir, .-'. f.. ~, , -9 40;itilltikibe;Vglhoe ~ ' 'C' r ,- ''.;'7'._ ' AjliiiiitiglitoEi ' I ... . . . 'ilifiltl:l44 7 :' '''. ""'" - C --,',X . • • ''."-,t i. x : I,, ik: f'''' : '.:. 1-"F:j,. I,ver4;, "' oil' Cindatnoa , Herr"l ,l l l . ll P aVtg n ritaiiiaall of inetifrs pure ike. Lem°"•)',,a'ceaAiuid e 'brilirre4"—lintid);7l7 ,e 6 r" ,‘rithii-,4?..-11,15,14. ; eitt,4ll 1 , . 4 • I I I T r !r i r ; 6, fl. ` C . !, i , 111 t 4W . e.y 4 ‘' P ti- 'lf. 11aii711-1045'12t7:27: ik ^ • r In T al ? i***ARAVA.Prit:/ To 1 F 1i 4 ' pr sly*tli, , ptii,s4litt,gt mt t =o,4•Lltfroli sotltm9 1 "fticrut - - - - J . ...2 -,.., 01 .t-ri '..V...'.ii`4., , , , , • ~ ~ ' - • ..'2.. , t 4', ...`V ,',",,' ' L'lt'l'V''" . " , '. ' 'I% ' "1 4 '' 3 t WV M. iMe•C'heap • 4246..,0it. the . c''brn ei;',Socith Hanover' st • and Pomfre' 'atre_s: ' 2716:,lalestarriveg j,,Afari: .YOH GRAY, associatedtiavlrig •wltbllirtiself In hil,btielneasilisAtoni.-ylrittlew H2Okalt t ires4 . pectftilly,:'.,inforer,`theirtfrtenda, atid,•the jeneral that theihave just returned from .P.hiladel, 'phial and are now ;o ping a very.oheap Rod choice, geletttorbeantitul andlashtititable - „.•• , 7 ' ' • • • Spr jitvlitimmer'DXlC4o.o4 t L • ; ; 1714 invite give thei.arii'detertitined s to sell at; irelkt arketpi, beliering thatjil!,:nimble'Siipence s 1 I et. ter thalf Shillhig.'t Their stork' tionklsta,lit DASSXM.I.ADS-rtill colors upd .SUeitnier'Cissitrerea; TWeed.Cassi= rueretkentl. , B3llnnier!..Clotlia t Drillings and7Gant brit onsi Vesting:l.olllll. olositriptlons,Jaceitetk, Hob bit, and other edgings? Shawls and. Handkerchiefs of every - ileibriptioni qaticoei frOrtt -6* upwards, Irislri,inens and Lthigtuwns, - Atotikingaand Gloves of oyet7:titriety„,and and fourth - Linen awl:Cotton l'Slieetings, lanen arid Cotton fifiLitibliperai.Biati", Eye. Reedit and Scotch Ditipertr,,Carpetling of vaFi ous kinds.--Indeed•peranns can get almost any arti cle in..the Dry Goods Cine, and fib Chqiip if.not cheaper thati % they canhe,hadin_ any store in the 1 county. • ..71te,y_haso alto :received . sy:Tery..exteitsive 'assort-4 mentor Shoes and Boots; for- itunwhe'ely'eair,opnsis porl of the followingt • • ' Gentletnnws' Cilfand Seal Bpote, - 'sl 75 to• $4 00 Montoni,•: . , 1 00 " ' 2 00 Shoes and,pititills, - 50 " 1 25 Ladles' GaitenShoes. -50 4 t 1 25 Monroea and Kid Slippers, 75, 00 Also a great variety of Boys' and Youths Monroes and Bboes, Misses' and Cltildrens' fancy and plain deseription, which they will sell at the lowest possible rates for will. - - -7i•rthe•;rltitieletlscr•rtmeived-4-itit 0 0 mrsoilmeh ?red! Grooorios, which they_ will pit cheuperAhan the cheapest.•• -. . . .. pugne r . B}. to 12i - V01fge,,... . • • • 7, " 12. , 11•1014461, - lier flati. .. ',.374 0.:5Q • QUITMIVO,WAMT; A large asiloitmeat of China, Liverpool and Coin anon were—which they will Rell at 90 per cent lower — than can L rchaaed - elsewhere. VARIETIES. - They Have idsii an extentive assortment of Varie ties of all . kinds. Intleed you can seareelk - ball - for an article Which they btinnpt sdp - ply yon With. - 1F3.11.0 0 7%., • . Tli - e - Y . Taill receive in it feta days OkangesiLemons, Figs, Raisins, &e,, whip!) they will sell liY'the box op otherwise. The public ,are respectfully in yluad so call and examine their Stock of Ootls,as therwlll take greetpletevereliy elte,whig - thern -- • JOHN CRAY bt SOH. Tune 11, 1845 .1 'Minable Farm, AT PUBLIC SALE. Og SATURDAY, 27th of September neat, will be soh' at public Bale, on the premises, in Mif fing township, Cumberland county, near the road from ;McCormick's mill to Shippensburg,. about three-quarteesota:mile.from-Reynards.Store, containing one !Mildred and forty-one Acres of Slate Land, in a good state orcultiPittiOn. The provements area good • •s is .LOG 11017 SE Log - Barn. the latter:of whielihasjalely been-put tinder a new roof. There is a well ofwater near the house, and a running stream through the place. There is a Variety_pf thriving. Fruit 'Trees-on the:1)111140Di); Abottt - fifteen Acrea'of the place is meadowland, and t ,venty pr twenty-five acres of Thriving Wood land. The-place is considered one of the finest-in that township. Persons wishing information of the place, can obtain it from ljr. John Wilson, of New. ville, or Samuel McGaw, adjoining the property. - Sale to take place at 1. o'clock, P. M. of said slay, when attendance Will be given and terms made known ify the .anhaeriber. An indispiitable title will,he given in case of a sale. July 230845-7 -- SOLOMON SHAW. EPHRAIM. BEAR, SAMpEt:II3,EAR: IN pursuance bf ail' order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county, we will expost to pub lic sale on the promisee, en THURSDAY, the 45th of September, neit, at 1 t o'clock, A. M. A Tract of Patented. Land, situate in Allen towraliip, in said county, adjoin. Ing lands of Georgblantz, George Sckialer, Jacob Hickernell. Benjamin Anderson's heirs, and the Yellow Breeches crock, • Containing236.Atres 7 more or les), about 180 acres of which are clear. ed, fenced and well cultivated, and the reildue in good timbers. The improvements are a -good -two story log Dwelling House, a first rate Brick Bank Barb, Wagon stied, corn crib, hake Wage., spring house, and a first rate Orchard. iThis farm is bounded for three fourths of a mile by the Yellow Breeches creek,- which has fall enough for waterworks arid may beth_us improved, The title is indisputable. Attendance will be given and terms ufsale made known on Said day, by • - JOIIN B. COQVER, ,JOHN sciiEgltx. Adtrie . ribf Christian dect'd. `o:* York „RepOPl!eari 6Op i ypie above & charge lilt coin tif Itvlitlin Fairview. 211,1845. . . _ . . ' Public - Sale = --: • OF .RIEAL lESTA.ITIE.ti ~... :T HE undersigned , assignee of Jacob High. *RAW at _Public Sale, on / FRIDAY, 3A of 'OeMber next, on.lhe premises; itt,2Veleick. - P. - M. thefollenikdeseribed Real Elitete, Selz 1 : .., , A,,tltAibt OF gIi—ATE .tit.lV ; situate in Newten.tonf thin, corilbetland county. one mile_froin Newville In a good state °Multi .sation,'‘ bluinded,by land of Hober). MeParlats, Jacob. Weaver. John, M t Woodburn ; arid Janob ..n .l)i) qedie, captaining about 0 acres, havi,nkilnrbon :created, i two atory -, r. G.ILOUSP,, lag bare.; .i.leokeinitli. 'Map. itait,.a. Wall'of , wafe r s near . tho I door, , Ilia above Itital',4",land may. be ,iirel nk .' I : 4d aherliate eel°. pkici 1p the 36 October.and if -not sold.on Oat offered at ; public, sale. , ; • ,Terms made known:on day of saie. , ..--, .-• • • J . : _.: , . ~.• . . • DAVID--RINS;.-- --- .....•': : ~. • i. , , ',; - i - Assignee of Jacob tiigli: _7' 4Mitst 27, - 184k:-; ' '-'' ' - '-..._-..--,,.., • ''' ; , - TIRA.CMILItS ''',WAIIITEIII: ' I Fat , MVEX ,Teacher. tiro—winted in North ...Middleton, tottailinpi,,i Persons. wishing sit. vationb'will meet...this' Nerd of Ate:slim:its nt 'tlie• tinbliertininee:nre'David Martin. 'ln'i,Cerliiile . ;on:' , SATURDAY '`thg . ll.oth it,rstant; ilf I‘ , •o'eloelf, P.' - , mi- • ;:fAll:npplien tits - Will ie:iiiiliitetedlo an exnin:, 7 7 '-0 - itioii.,, 'py:oidei r ,of the Sigurd; ' ' I .::: ' ; '', I „." - I' . .i...\ ~i.';, 41 0St,r 11 'CUt/YER, l l s iie l l; II 3: 4 . l Filtilif;,§4:o l ltat'i.,,ll: ','„:,; ~;,"' Siiideinhen, IQ 40450;qt. —i, , ~, . , _ r '4I NV' 111.4. . Poppet y, n „corm", t 1 4 1 ' that iiit'dentlenhe to 4Aft,l on the 1010otis Mime, wnetner of eilk or. wooly, I ,4 4;tgrfli 4. 54 ofd oolont ile.belloPee that, 4.1 e ci formerly given groat ootiodOtiOn to ell. iihd ;hail% : entrusted hint. , yith mot*, end het it..nonthlen4 ef Atillrbeipg tilde to. nankin the Miblio - fonfortifti`,llrforelietrauld aclf, lieit.a imntinuarooOpetronake...• ;•• ole7toothentlit Eistiouther ',tenet' neor the•Coilete whmli personi,marbegli teettql, to•bytttot iign iablivepthe d00r.% 1145. , r. T„ ); . • g.’ .1 ~14: .‘.,\ , rancis ceitAedt r ' ' "voTICE hereby-1011h alai :littler*. . 113 ° 1115 1't , orGithg N,kwa, -I,wtif--Weittiniipap q r A 160,11eNti l •Ciiinhetta aourity;slibebid. biee* ea hied ti 64, ikty P4te *lllllli,itielYtin4fiftitklible 131(4135A;F1'#1// ifie ol l ' tit le t _ .43M„liALVILIIOWAME,Ni* frzwikrotti tts. ,Astsiutd r i: • r; A PritentirWSNeeenB#`4i*" r°f it 4 „ 1 00.110 0 4 % 3 "•%.• 01 , 1,eLS+1 , ItolrnirrA'T 017 / 1 / 0411. f 1 ,f 1 N , h: ':, ~_._~:` Mfr MEMIIM OINESIEZ SHOES! SHOES!! A VALUABLE, FARM, Orphans' Con - rt Sale. MEE EL111, ? 1, * `.7. - .0611Tit 17 41 1- &1 7 6. 1 ' . . , rphenalcetty e ray,- ja 84 . ioghstewp; entATURDIAN -the,4th of..ootober l e'eleEKhooti, cif that,,day,lhe . folleiving described' reel ishite,lata lihe:pratiet . ty or John Stoogdt ran: • Vtzt A :Tract 'of Li tiVeiton e. l i aoct, joittlng:;Stoughstowii,..Newt4_nownehip, paid eounty,i boundek by.lands of,,,John:'„Miscallotich, Sharp's heirs, Brosynewell's heiii; the flarrisherg ; and Chamhersburgternpike ,rchicloped - oth'et . prop l • ertv of the said :Jobe' Stougkrdeeealeit; containing 0141 E HUNPAPP:AND.TIVE 'AC ES,. 9444 verehes,itriet measure; of which tibaute4 hundred sores, are alearedoindergocl, fence', an. In- good .cultivation, ,The improvementi are • aiarge STOItIr T`,.(I N , HoUSF.. . 1,' , 1'1) -KITCHEN, now. , oenupied,aa.a 'Eavernoi large Ban k . Barn two. frame stables ;and other; out-hluses.. kfine young Apple Orchard ,ap 4 o fther Inuit tree', aid a never well of water. -2. -A TraCt of .-Limeatone !land,: in :aid Newton township, bounded by lands of Skiles Wnodbdrh, Jacob Belt2hoover, Polly 'Fulton; And the-Harrialiurvmd-Chatobersburg-turnpike . -road r vontshil)fg Seventy - one ores and twenty;fiine and 'eight tenths perchek of Which about ite anres arc cleared,: in good - rlltliatton, alid - ntider exalt - Int fence; having thereon created a. 2 1.2 story tog House, a Log Barn, Corn - Crib Anil Shed: 'There is a good Qichard and Cider Press On the premises. 3. .A tiod tab , Fran 'Hbuse, SiUM.,and.a acres nod 67 1-2 perahea ()Clint! thereto, attached; situate ip Stosighatown Aforesaid , bounded by rands of- Mitchell gtuart, Samitel hleittngec ,. aid react No. 1. aforesaid. The terms of sale will h 2, $2OO to' he paid on. purpartNo. 1.51 e..) to be paid. on purport No; S. —end ssoson purpart No. 3--on .the,..coufirrnation of the sale'lif each respeetFtelv.. One third of ',he purchase money pf each.tract . Vo the land; I tife hiliniartlieleThiftitiepitid to the Widity of John Stotigh yearly and every year during her life; and the principal In her death hqy tikeheirs and.renfe ..entatives,of the saitrJohn Stough, deceased. One -lialf-the4esiducPbf-kho-pnnidutse. - money tdi lend on.the Ist of. April next,.Sylien pospessooo will be. - and - rind the remainderjn tw.p equal annual. in stalments without. interest; the ply meats to be se cured by recogniznitces with security in the Or phabs7 Court. Gruiti in the ground and rents to be reserved . . , Une - attentlaitee will be given op the slay of sale by GEORGE,,,SANDERSON,,. Trt.stee. Augtist Valuable Real Estate THE subscriber, Executor of William trick, sen. deceased, will sell at public sale on I Ofirpreimses, on WEDNESDAY the lsth of °a telier next, the following described real estate, to A Tract of first rate Limestone Land, con taining FORTY A 1.3 RES and SI . perches neat, InCtigitiWTTliditnitl - iii"patented tit a Mgt' state of cultivation. The improvements- • • • are ii new tw 61017 WEATHER- - BOARDEff HOUSE, a new Bank 'Urn, and all other •necessary out builditigi,a young Apple Orchard or choice traits, and a well of water near, the house. 'The hind is situate_ about three miles West of Mechanicsburg, near thb Trindle Spring , mid, • !Monroe township, and is bounded by lauds of Wm. Westheiffer, Henri Westheiffer, and Joshua My ers.. Ii not solil the property will be rented for one fear. , Arrindlsputable title will be given. Sale to commence at t o'clock, P. M., attehdance given dud terms spade knovim by. . • , • WILLIAM FAHNES'FOOK, Jr. Etch. AtigUst 27, 114 d. . Two' Valuable Limestone Farmt . - AT-PUBLIC she.:. 1.1 Y virtue df lhe, last. will and testartietit or Up John Miner, late of 'Allen rownshipSnm. berland county, deceased, be sold at Public Sal9',Tia Friday the. 24th. Of October next, on the premises, the following described property. vii : A valuable platifittipn, situate in said town. ship - on — tho- road leading : to, tipldemqn's mill, south of Shiremanstown, and about four Miles west or the Susquehanna. containing aboui . 200 ACRES.: - . of first rate Limestone Land, all of which is in sk - .high state' of eilltivation and nnder good &Imes, and - will - be solo - as a wholetr dividod-te-stiit'per ,chasers. The litifirovements are , a good Stone Dwelling House..witti wash house and well of mixer failing water, a large, Stone Dank Pun; Wagon Shed, Corn House, and Giber ouch see, _together with an excellent Tenant, House d a valuable apple orchard. About forty of said tract is thriving timber land. At. t me c time and place will be offered a tract of 5 2-AOR OF MOOD LAN situate on the yol)ow Breeches creek, about three quarfcra of a mile from the above farm, which will be,soicl as ,e whole. or in three lots to sett purchasers. Also, . On Tuesday, the 28th ofOetober next, will bo sold on the premises, a valuable farm, •sitnato. in South Middleton township, aboill. two miles South of Carlisle, on the road leetdihg to 'Carlisle Iron Works, containing .2413 AC RES • • • • fie of first rate Limestone I vid,in it high state of _cultivatiommtl neder_gpo _fences. The improve. ments aro a two story Rai - Dwelling House, Tenant House . , Brick nit Barn, Wagon,Sbed, Corn Cribs, and.all of r necessary, out buildings. About 100 acre this it et tp thriving young timber, and tit rest cleared ,and thoroughly cut. !Avated. 1, contains a large Apple Orchard. of .choico..fruit,...and.--a well of never—failing-water near. the dont... This tract will also be-.sold-as a whole of in two parts to suit purchasers. - Two., terms of purchase are, that half the pur. chase money -.shall-be I)4d:in Rand; Ind the re.. mpinder in ,five cutlet amnial payments, and •on the last fVom a widow's dower 4111 lib subtracted. from the money to be paid hi hand. '. ....tale to: commence on each at . said days at 11 i).4locii, A. li. alien at lepdanme Willihe given by • . :• 11 31"1 17 81 6 ' MIRY TN ._:, _ . O MATTHIAg . 81TN4 1 .4 ' , 'Aug. 27,1845... , • , ; . . Executors. .Lancaster Examiner and Lehne!, Courier. will pilblish till saleand send bills to this office. . ': • • PUBLIC S.I.LE. •'. . y Firtue,or,nn,Order_of thO,o4lbano! Court . ' • pf Cittnborlaud county, will to„ 1:) , pu lia sale, on do) premised, in Allen township, in said county, on..FRLDAY, tho 2dth orSopfernber nextott,lo,o'clooki. A, M., , , : ' - -i.:; f., , ----7-- . • A T - .ACT-13P - LISM - : - ----- ' alivare.ln-AaJd townehity, ntinut , one:mtlesf r ai t he Yolloi, Breeches reek, odd 'Oini hilra mile icirn.Slephordekivin. ori lye road ,leiiijing,ln Piil : : „vee:Sprtni, 7 containing ElGHTEgN Apr/El, more or leos,'•.rll,,iit ?Mich liiiolonrod , ',nd undet good lance, arid ,oUltliqitiduk , ' Attendapon 'will . bp gtieit 44;4 tttnnitued 0 known on dat,of rate . 4: • , `‘.!' , '' ‘,.' , :"- ' 0 4ORG 4'.4 EEL 111 AM ', '. , '`• ' ' :',Athii,kl. lir Ptiltipßoirerkinlifir;'debt-: - . l ''', D. - , STUFF& ~ -'; ,:.. ;',, .; , T;ivou p call the attention of taanufinniiitin-tind 1....01bpre in a vetv extensive saitlily nrtflye Sniff' Oins . litin* , Legavookl;, pitre;,Ciiin.,•Wood‘ Ind,igo:- Lan ,Eltei , c t tlebinnal. Adder', loirotier with IttbkitiLeibri„Ottiei 'nloll' 01,esised I,2ll,nnuotioty Inivj by piti,quaitil,Yl:. • • 1;,.13;,..1Erat0,i,01 1 rr. Au20;1045;1 - • • • MEM ~..• itequeoerL.4 pilmeht theni, f01_, ! .?•#04:4 1 ,4 11 tvt 11CCS41thililiii:,_411Lbiisitose, -, I" i lets iie - "i 4 ortmen.t of ''Vyi voiffaif,', fad tl4ll snit tba; - StrikA,Bhnnets ilthti itiViobijiinhiliirai liUletik 101' lad ll* 1 , 0 1 1 - 0 3 .0:i 'tirtoesi 4 ,i; e,kip . WV - P4', o sk , K I , t) de4 I3 P,K, 118, 4 1 ,5 •, 0.:4 , 4' - v441,1:1, 1111 h' , , --. _,_ I•o,'' " „V,• , '.1 , 4 > " lt i'2,1 . 1 , :, 1' 2,',..' ;'; :k ; ''.- -- r - op sierlo ,- • . _ .„ •:, °„ 4 , !,, *, 'l,44'eigiiiii,iti* - VP4iiin4lift.ogotifJ ,iiii,hwelletti, , Dilisloi . : 0 09r 4 lker;ic l i 'x'i evilwk , , 4. , 1 , ' ,, :',14 1 1. 4. P i . i/ • k ?il'' . ''''''''''''' ' ~11 ^ 'V t Ati .; x r ~,4, 'l-V, Pk4o ; te Iti " 40, 4 ~, at i fil Inktil qt. ot ," 5.7.1., ii,i, , '1; . 4l :, 4 • '-,, r O 'PFOItAi , ,I, O , i , ' '' 't , * ' '' P '. ;.' 'r!‘4 4i i ~. l''',‘ IFLIO, " I `•' It/ la ', • ^ ;••• r e v -.0-: • • Wood • .;Are parillk t h }eJ only 11 fln e*iiiteneti • 5 ,nom hi; Pnealitte.iihartOter, oanipOsed ot,lrekttable :Esti:stints dm 'mitt which 44u= hination they, areAllsionli to..iiinstforns:OtAlsentle And nitty,he taken n . t a i l tittnel; bygyOungind. old;Ssz• • ,hust and feeble,ltikpOenct,ttsikty,;istithiut ltiteffn hin¢¢ with habits; ' 00g1 1 0 0 1ivi n . 1 , 3 !9C.j.r50,4r i f9q l qt • • ' They will int - fillinfeoe,ibund!terylOtble asa tiitigatlier cleansing,-the itoinfieh ifid:Votrelt,ss *elinta puriper pf.the,bl.9oo ntld animal olds in lidditlotf tniheirlother itualtties;:lioptittse; - .oinitaln.. • sind inediesit'Ax; 'tract* in teem ennipoillkion;ill4 makes •thisns .•• preferside.tii all °tiler, . lig 00 :,Ceigificotek7 . ( at iirionilimes of their inValdiStiadisbailesjintr idrie ernes had raileill,4is the.ptiblio nod list , Krend nianT • o4heitr, Blither publication 'or ih'emli deeMed un neeessak7, onaenonnt 61;theirentoknense. • More than , i100;000 , 80h . e. 9 -havehearkiolitin7-Phibidelpt4-0119Pettlie-POOL)-eart tli us sticiwing thßt in theplace where tiley are inane factured; tiMy have a r_eptitaßoti,.grealer Cryan any other pillswhiehnrises trOM the fact that Dr. Tell= dy known fit , home as a. regular Physician," and bispilis sire consei'llicntlyi'Mnployedwith great:. . er confidence than any other; in additrori to their known 1 . . , be renzenibeted,,, • -. • 'tis notiliesluviritity '•of pc)ls or ntlwr,n3eili el he you eau getfpr the same money, is the mo t or Cheapest ' Or °bebop rhedielnes or pills, Ynii, of course, get the Most; and you are induced 'to take the more; under :the impression :ir.Th littiti.ddes' • good, more more gporliand,yrt trinke,drug shops of your stomclo,•(must ng allentimel'aeriqus injuryjoyoursilves for • ••• " ' , Blood_Pill i are aumjipsedcf. mone ex. - iiensiveltigreiliciiii, and req uire mor e nicety anti 4l- 1,01. in-their pi:emit:llion grai nay . n,ther nmirirnmsnlone roi• prepar i ng contained hi his pillt.coating over three thousand dollars.. They nre -prepared only i ninl sold-wholesnle nod Rend], ,tit Dr. Leidy's Hettlilt Empoinum.-No\l9l North Second street below Vine at., Alsn h77N T. C. STEVCNSON, Sole Agent Cot Carlisle: • IMEMM To tho TIIINAPSON'S COMPOUND SIRUP - OF TAR AND 6 WOOD 1114PTIIA. - „Poi the .Preventiou .atid Cure of , 1 Pulmonary Consumption. OF A n diseasmi incident to, our climate literals none tin universal and,at the same, time so in sidious and fatal as .ICOnsimmtion—ln this country especially l'alronnary Consumption lAempliatically a scourge, and in its resistless career sweeps o'er the land uswdestroying - .Nn'gel,thying rot - trith relent = leas hitid the strongeStnud fairest of our race! Hith- Arta silefFot•tsto• arretittlii a ditiiiicliseasehaveiwov. ed in vain and all that seemed within ourpotier was at liest-theltUistation of sd&ering, rendering. Bonin. what smoother the certain progressto.the tomb !. L. Thr i , Componmi, SyruiFot Tar is• a. combinatino_ heretofore unitnoYm t eserti g a pewee over. the dui ease scarcely coticeaVable; aving a specifio Action on the mucous tissue,t e same time bringing the whobra y stem undet • its powerful 'acme it item= pletely eradicates the eause'of dithitse be it heredi tary or otherwise; and thus by strikingat the root oPthe.eonvtaiht ithpttrus thine to debilitated organs, • tiffai•ds rettetved ihor to thegeneial system and this. restores thanittient lo permanent health. -- - This invaluable tnedminaie riuttili in bottles,hast • ing thefollorkgt •woriltittqlsthin theglass•JThotnit- son's .Compound7Vmp isf,Tar fOt Consumption' 7,itiMut which-none is genuine. , •, Price 50 cents per hottfe. ' Six Mottlesfor $2,50. For sale in Carikile by . • - .'. T—C S TES:TVS - UN:Soli Agents _ • CAUTION TO. Alit. LET nil Om vtorltttakenoticO,and be Chrenill not to buy the langur noateilliinproved Intlianym. getable:PSlS, unless every ... box hgs on. itthe . .lkrittOti sagnature-of the originalvnbenfor and patentee. . 0. BEJA MITH; IVY. n... Theie pleasant Pills,possess powers to open. Att. the natural drains of the systetn=-• viz :„the' Lungs, Kitting - T. - Skin and Bowole—haherto unknown - to the produce of Medicine • and so complete hasbeun their triurnplover all ot her medictnes,.that many baiebeen led. to inpPose they contain some power, ful. 'Mineral ; but upon examingtion by Doctors Chilton, Randolph; Huntingdon . ittul odium; this supposition is at 01111 e proved to be groundless. Sold Id Wew York, at die. printiipal Office, MI Grenwich street, and also by MYERS CI HAVER. STICK, sole Agents for Carlisle. Smiths Sugar Coated Pith. AN OIiSINATr. CA SE, Baltimore, Feb. I mops. , Dr. H. W. Andhews dir P—The box of DO. Smithy • • Sugar Coated improved-Indian Vegetable • Pills I purchaspd of you, some two months pasti,l.found i their opplicatinu to my son (of aboutts jears,o age,) the InestdtapoY eirecton the system.. Hp hAt been 16r tionie years, very delicate in health, am very, much silliest to fever, and chills,.so much as to create alarm for his future hettlih. And, r two or three years We had to keep him from Oh nl the Oioet of the time. lam now (miaow ackt\cwl edg'e the complete restoration of .his health Ind a fair prospect of its perminent , enjoyment. J. A.,,SANGSTQN . . • No. Hanover ,street. Principal .otrace, 179 Grenwich at., Nei , York. CAUTION.--Anal miserable. imitation has beers ' made by the name of Sugar Coated Pills, it is ne cessary to, be-sure that Dr, d. Beitiamin.Smithsaig-i nature is eiiihe box.. Price 25 cents., • Agent; for Smitha Sitar Coated tiougestown, J. tc.S.• A. Coyle. ' , gingidow u, PATO & Glauscr. - April 9t! ,1845. • ulmotaary Cottsmptiott.. %filleted ditoli THOM PSON COntOotiail Kyrati• the 0e most. eertni wand TOweetul::,renrddv• kilown for the CUM 01 Cdheumption , to all iie sr - A grc ui - Ap.ti te hitl ! i Christi la Cough Prtittlog pCSlood 40,04 of t h e Heart Liyee, Complaint and Ch' e o l u e , titte e ti o j e , „ the Kidneys. _ fl-g 4P I Orx .4.7)`!! „ . Still furttiet• proole-,its ow?, t \Fiala i'i•!;elttitli it - Read the foil' o w ' otg l • ' PM * lad.elol4llo :9„11114.4 - Mr. 3 P TneiiiPsou—D ear.. he* n gratitude to you audit def,it4Mt have reeadrtatiuyour invalhar nitedlointY, I would statetile benefit,'s h oi ( iet from )I. into -7-Ifi.tojictirko , tirep trost. I haVn.Afiliattil with a.distrgvatagaalt,itigeou,shoteao oledwithagreat tip:pieiVuu RlMlPt it e f utly_otbre Oflia polakr,tihtness It A.e..ohe4kt,:4leqqming t greatl• - atifeSell it friend:lok) ha d' . o liten,tauch tieueftitad Your ihediaine ree' jrninethled totito t tcylt ~.)1 4one 4 9 and In',a very OcAt kirpry,alo pit 6 o,tlit)tom inred;. , rol' *( )Frieiitoiiitlon-bedatne pi e'l'oemit me t.toy eigkeettsed sinil In fair . I wee abate go ' , Out oil attend rii.f hi:lineal* well 'Mee! iittnation will be . theorfially • givet ILO tell , % ',toted lYy t dalll6 &tiny - voidance No • ---' °Poet" JOS:MatiLNAWZ . - . X7ries` j.efitite riglrtbOttie;,` 1 , ,r Carlisle by2 t id. • ••.;i • T.• TA C;SVANSON, • CA ' itlvitio e For Minh is Ofirhsu ) 48:447,6 S,4IiSAPATRIZA , lAS the purest,strozipeick piostefflosnioup 4,a; itn,y , otherabreparation of ,Saniaparilia that is mask. . lt.te ivarreate.),to .:ts streeger.thrl boll/r4l of. ... -AffASX, olitere—stronzer ,tban four of Ifirlfiltg, limn:three of tiNGEST Slivered , by„ toy other lo.the'United ;be, • lar; teldes 11.0bonictegited.10 all respectable physicians is prefereneeinflaY,tther: All vctio,itvocivikufried-lt, lisucAlitArtillubre bilne• fit frcfm one bettlithan threliolOn oF others 4 and, • il dr . " : l l.l 4 ti : ra fi t! l bo ''''l 4 '''"° :::: ,' : 2" 4 "l :;:ft ide'r rfl :4 .7 P.r irer,...i t t a ll t i 10tOglIng49#00°14.TLtsappirltf:C l i la pc yidxfa - , - usedin 03,1 1,141' lathe 0tt41.( 41 4 1 4.010 ii/dlO EittlAPPsttedbr laiftt , hon,e4flkllnAmeellgtultida :ere 1430 • • ' koment op Op < V*1 4 14 1 06' iffilicl e xPeq"Lt). 11, 9 , 004 1 4 . .victues : co„ m t pa- , rills for anthotEtoPriinlc.,mu ane.. ci ' 4/ /! L144 .* ,1 0` ' D T • -.• fgualte4AWF" ,fgl , kouresoini) reeditifianClo; from. oferalrlip, o ‘Heil beo4 ' '‘- iromfiote,to.; tinut - Pll4llshg4l-iii,,cliffcrentilibers,,lk I. onV4houstit P 1 ;141 1 44 fir.)k4PCliii#o l ol.44*lo4•_,': , ~ teitvolo - 0 4 warcih's.lotkel), 1 ! , ,SaimipaNylii 44 01,.. 4010 In Axis Oil, fienllifie.,4! r;, tif WsiOifitf. Adlee., , sti(slOntpizlhoiCieWen , ..WPAll ' .Ct . ' lintul4Enupicii ' " 1 440,4•PQ 1 441 014404•1041, 6 11r ,. .f1 , 4t: : g- ““m(-'xr‘7-‘;Yr _ a!