Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 24, 1845, Image 2

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w hiiijd v ti a t r iith i to *
L .( '" -II: ilfibittiiNAL' 0 OMAiipSii*Elt :::/'
aol ,J
l ':JlGhteebts*k
2rit , ; • •:. , I:;:aateinbly;
' !" - '• . To talk Ao :the ;•Whigs,ef :Otiniberlabd
. "40SETil1" IRWME; ounkrabout the necessity of placing, autih
" • in the board of canal. commissioners ;
- to intimate, that •the,l'are.lincrtim-,
.le of perceiving., : o self-evident truth. 'The
RO WlLsOri • Mechanicsburg "'
-• ' tA , Regi,f/(er , •
JACOII I)REI'Zi Carlisle. ,
• • • Dire'ctor of the-Poor 1
- ' -
•.' Treasurer:
• Thti - . "Qinaig
CaThe.l4looNpf theWh WO for the
‘ moh,e; s of- - onr - Partytnnr - county
Ond onr. Stater Everythingfkor
=aoth lug '
ia'-neCesaarily absent
trothlown, which will'aecount for any it
1'4044 or errors' in paper.
ibt..We Call . the attention cif 'Mundane
to 'he - itliettiiiiimetii of .Stevenson di Me
'; ill anoilier colenin-tll6'ishave every.
instrunienis 'pm] 'ill of 'the niost
8y t ieglect of ...`aesitsrp - Cni'the
#losloS i t . ' ja_st; aboet as irtaliy . votes last
fall -*esti)have. 'stitriCeilto carry' the
! This is
afcat. have 'a like larrietititiori
•- , votei assessed teh days bqfore the
at this)'ea~l ' p~:n " order : that every
may...pive l tits name placed on the Hit
WR ,notice that l our friend, gr. , A.
G.tx.nrtEAT#Xop,is.announeeti as aninde
pendeni candiditte for the ,House of Dele
etes,,,in, carrell, county, Md. Although
, an, indep,endent candylati3 he mane. to sink
or, swim •enly.aa Whig,, and with
cristic koldnesil, • and
frankness states in
defittitig bis.position-"In general ptillcy I
ant, a„Vbigrrbetng in laver of, a Tariff.for
~,revertue_and p,rotectionot_sound-uational
c_urrertsy s , :. the ; tltrihutto,n,of,tho proceeds
of the public lands, and as to the annexa
-00,1 Of etate that:l ,tae op=
pused ri tit,lt,but nciw.actluiesce, as a mar
j9r#Y:l4-POPP4llba!fkliecid94 in ,favor.
aryp ydr3et„genefuett ,aud
aq4;10!)IP - ikin9,00.4Prfoupdr;
sod we shall chronicle hie, electien,,witb
!.pr ,!: - .:11?.(1/ , :!' tai
, 1,..A,1MA.81ERP41 4 1,1101( .11143,, Rumw.r.-The,
September number of this admirable month
ly'ie - on our-iableomd-is fully equal to any
t , of. lts 'predecitistireitrz'iArtielihif : * Wilt ) with,
, , Mexito. , ..ExeCtitivel:Us'urpation=Ettra et
~finm:the !"Journal , of! uliflialif Iliiiiii;
7 -,-17-by-4wßoislllromtai.4-Naiiontil:lnstifute;by;
~ 1 4ore',Li R. Ingersoll-'?•Trahelation!,front
••:14he Gorman 4 iis RinetWinel Song.; i2The,
cit:Ptiqmitfotolike.Fstlea, i.YanilYPfNinities l
D b•Y ,3 It SlFY.eutiFia A Ihenciry.;• antic Resources ;
. illifaMaitutiiby , Itsv.a.C . V: Alpha's l'fh.,,
atbrifiTiit4ilita andaltelltootrine of iltittiOr l ,
~440,5 „ i; ; 4 v ta ik i t ib oil i B4(l4:_iinit AUdublin t
11:by o,6eeleshWinuifielilvTlur StiituatY; by,
, EliWilliam : aWallsatitil'sederieltheLGreit ; .
Stanzas ; pOo's Tales Relicon lul' Hok
----- VialWry --- -i- - v- - L-ttedisrfi'LiteraT,T - No- -
' ' i iiiii." littieriVa n iabioliii4 - Ne‘
-,- A r titt f aiii !- Abliiificia4,6Wilitioin: : '-' . ,- ::1
.3 )i , tit, , ophqt,r" '" "" '1""*1 1 T " ' j'''''i '- 1
- - 0 : 1 -OXIIVItiffillitrthilitittitel ~ 1
'“'llriOlhtifikgfellgliTidlfakiiitiliiie riitpi
" :6 4ifilifWeViiirigiebVittilit ihi l tiiiiliti Visit)
- L billlsit i liVitieSislortitiii tiiimliti.Ooillie
. . . .
' , triliqitaiel chill 4 Wee tiristiritil bi'llir , I 14•
-filufriatilf trinas *it ttid . Widi; tutuir itO:
`Clidtiltlr "c'ittreiogib Liietiv6Anitt iiiatlie iori;
-44 1*** * .itisiily,Yotilfeh . s #diettiiitetiiiiiii,e ,
"tioilklititteatidiluili iffeilhitiglAigfieoflit'ii i :
- Nteo6 l- 4441Brhifri - tlffiti - Alitalliti: - : 1 •'
'''Llliotze 0 0 1.404 ' .. ""i u Ri0g.. 1 4 " 4 I .'" l ' d
-- .. -- k 7 lkkitiii i r Ttirk' tribiiie -01 Yo'it*
: - ' llll-- NtutPlarroir4Wii ll6- is the'; 1111 0 :. +SI.
7 'itgiff:i l ekilfiiiiiWritAiaellWtigorge
` 'l *rwititi t iihii d ookk:* 6 46% 4N fti
iiicatieviiiiif if**tiliiiiiiil664ililf,
, 11 40;:gigOi i iiiiiiiifOtirtliiii(tiiniii
Ailitgi* lial ' Oiiiiiiiiio4loliloo6
44,144* 4111111VVIASttAft*
---0,-11it0 , .44,4.,,,.,;. .440,,iiimido, :
,ii.i.,'..L.: ). , .:,ogitoog,
- ,-,,,,,,-. 4 -2.1 i
1k4,11411,,,J1A,- ,
I. 45040011,0.
..-410 ~ ..,, ., t , ' , ,
~ . , OtOrtkrt*
, ;_,:,,,,,. - 4 .6, - ,:::1a5,`,14 , - 4 ~. : ~ itai,4oPf,Til.;,,
, 1 4 - miorable.tand
honest then .Sastus.r. KARNS breathes
the • sir 'of Pennsylvania.` `His =abilities - to
perform the' duties of the office creditably
detar of Act, eltaturLacofocoistn dime :
jut:;kuesilini:,,ne.thas been employed On
;he ribWW3ilailorPolltr/Otori.Colleuthrii
and" recently asiap,tain: of .a, Tooke t. k;
aa... o „,,,trecome fatquainted ,with , etteryl
of. Ca nate; and
haspide himself familiar withal! the diities,
belonging to , thi. office of Canal. Colnrolir
,He i hes, been .11.,witnesa, of :the
mieethble policy ivhich has charicterized
the manigemenyoL works for
years past and knows how to. correctit.
Atidigatn rasto7ofliwitetlPle t woroteruPon:
our public int provements,-Oflatelrears,'and
the incompetency and,diahonesty of those
who, have, had them In oharge, have been
ficiglaring as to flare even upon.the.stuPid
perceptions of those of our political oppo
nents who are most easily and willingly
dupeA by party . chicanery.
Our 'efforts to have the public
sold have hitherto bur unavailing ,"and so
lon!they..-remairLin-the-hands-,of. the
glib, -shat
..:ommcknwealth, we ought to strii ,
they be intrusted to the care of o,llicial.a•
- gents - who - wiirsee'that they - be properly
conducted , . The election of. Samuel D.
Karns,if it do not wholly, abolish, wilt at
least check mismaniement, by the_nriajoi . :
ity of the board. Can we, elect him T• We
can if -we will,--AfuKboto is all ilia
necessary. Our vote for Canal COmrois
aloner at, the. late election'..was upwards of
one hundred and fifty Thousand. Leas
than this- nuniberbasEthis yearfor our cab:
dilate will elect.l4im,. QU r friertdsthrough
out the. State Will4Wkwake up; and instead '
of slumbering at their petits under the sub- .
pcsitiori that success is imposiible, set
ddigentlrio work; ,they, can
secure•the electiou-of Samuel -D. Karns. )
,Let the :Whigs of Cumberland , county
rally in their strength .on the day of ,the
election, th4wbether defeat or victory- f 01...
low, itribe State, they pay-- be able to bout
. of having : done, their ,dotyd-77
The ,late . Geological Survey:„ln . New
York, catahllshed, the,fact that coal.cannet
Oet fountiAn . shat:StMe4., iwcomputed, on
sound cla!hority.,:that,half, a million of sdol
-101, were fortner)y squandered in useless
researches for coal,, in The .valley of the
Hudson alone.
Y. Tribune sayst Vre . hairti en intimation
on wfiieh we can rely. that,' during the last .
Preahlential canvaes, a few days after James
K. Polk hail` 'written his Kane-Tariff letter
for • Penney lvaniawhich exerted so' vital
an influence 'upon thb vote of That State, he
'ree Traders, find despatched atlpttier het.
ter to' 'Kane; iiking Win tk return or sup
press-the Tariff lUtte'r. But meantime the
letter, either had heen gal i , or
thuj,oeu, minsgers of P i tinnsylranis,found
:thhtuseiTes aO,ksid: i presseil;on i t ) lip Tarifj!
,argumeut,,tlist,•-ift:ey-yieMt4have ; leoutoit
'all' iliittleniMig;' their eandidatii
'4r.31,k 'to iti;i4 that the
MUSi have something from Pdik faimublUl
to Prgtect ' ion, of ` ~he Stale was gone:' SI)
Kane put 'Oth, Palk's letter; - and - siheri'
iequisition , • ,;; ,
;:• ;,ra,,h ~•;,,
came` or: its retue
• ).• 4711 1 . 0 '
nat,or *ottltiot suppress ,u. _ WIII Mr
Fan' gobd form
js an ~ l er~os of fact ; end W in'ihe
‘tstedtehihbovu I ''•lf MdikOlids'
the PUblii'vtill ktil4"hoiti'i'o'interpiit if.
1.) , 'I; , • •
1111:74Three lthous inii• five Ji u ndrilitopqa.v
tivee.larceipp)oyodlio l the gigantic•knoppol.
live leBMibljellißent Yfi.P,( 1 11111Y! put
for they 1i0nt1.9909f, 1 44 Old
large MuMbeKl°f .1 0 P9R0T91 , ::951!1irP4-roi!
OP great c ha ilAA!.(PqrQ, ll o`o!F!! 1 41 Pao
.POrqr , R)1 1 1 4 41 hap! 49,!: 1 0 if 3 ,97 a4
§truPtOr.Maig YV ,l4 o l o ,, aoPc"itoniaPt,Pe 2
lItB 9 -40 1 ,g-POlPleert 414.4 t 4 ,1,4
irraTlin"Alniandrial3niette it no,
aArninedinc,;,lAZih`Qa, that-064:e
ppTippet, a n , rant, -
nprrense, be or ii put io fo;l=tinni
totl bty
.disgraced , a !Pfrgil'ilu,?°77,!!!!runirTill in
p!npfira tn„cc .t ltpepen'_ . contain ./
wki r p 0opr,11!" T
thing liar tfii:id
tional''good s onic be iri6 . JiCe la
e:Y190 g 8cg r A404451824 Y 0 1 19 .1 ) ?Z:
4 4 0 kk. , k!.I , ACP II IOYt
c:= 4*-1 44 091 ? MAP:CAPV;O.O(fI?''
1 4"t 1 4 1 7e4lifieri f9 , 0 0 1:4 r,d , t4Cth*,+ 11 J l ,llO .
ibiliWTT4l4 xq ‘A4v,i,lsl-3 ::
c' '4O gliity' 141040, tabilt •
dd *411;0.
$ lici':Weltiiir 4i; lit'WeiiiiiCelii4a
, rt,,ltl i lin n r t i w ir y a vt a a ti . tkawitgip t i;
orltneirT„ tk,air4"-, --,-,k,,e ,', J
Atille , i;Rrep ec ,it
0t 0, ,,. jx.
~,,ovl k ntrfdell.
ket"-k&--it , !Mi ell • 1 - 1 - I f at . V- 14 1 - 1
_.-etiVtofir Aet-Prittligt ir fie i l-P,P,
11,1110 tiken i fer b i il k l y e‘ f a a.
it , .Ai Jt , -,'
, gi9l:9 ; g!put , ; • , •,, : ,, - ;„1 - ,.•,1.0) ..,t4 1,01 , !:,, , ,,iii v , , ,
1it ,, 1 1 1iiki1t4.04 4. 00tik4.),01 0 0,0, 1 1100' ,
ili*Ori• e , 14:4"4,' '!, is _ 0 0 410 00 1 ,4 1, 4
4#4 4 oiib 1, .',:,- , • ~ R, ,, ' - '' l '. Jr
~ ,, , 4, 5 , a , . ..14 ,11.': i t :'''' , 44' l 4§'.4 2 4t' . -'::
4 , ' , ,':-,,,?
4 1f.,
.., k0
in' the selection Which
Tn.-medi c liave had an.reye-in-ihe
.napibiliti; Of 414
~,,, ~„tferet!', e ! PIP,e - s ;0,
, bbiNtOri tl ik, 8, a f ter it del i .oi.
- au rd - , g ea -,40;;, : bi - olif to I . , Itior hi 13 -i
*entray.44ol4 14117F1i , ii,...g4,R,0,,,,
for the office of Canal Oommiiseioner,lit
Oa e,neulng election., Illr: Karns butt •geT : ,
Alatifaii'df. etlitaitioni'ffilinitiiiretillitiliiiis
.habitsrind , hllBl.llitherougkknoielleOge'-of
pur`,._,Publid 3.170rki lk*he B lo l ,kstetk;
tenaiyelrstml-favorabli known - throughout
the State as a nutu,Ortitffilattibihedlslitirair4.
Yri'Plicl , lvhoseltkietinteglitsrile tt. , :sore ,
i gparanti,4!Nfaith(nliditiCharge Of ,the du
ties of the.offiue, should. btf receive, the ittf7
S fr nt”fili . , ( CP,oo7ll .- , 1 7.77 - 1 7 :, 7;7 , 17
'* h eY ul o-OP,OI, I I9CTOO.BY,Iv.aniRt. - thplit'
4' which 3 FP. B , P 0 001 11 9 .. (14 in theAllnilltAlliPtf
f - thii - Ciiisliraiialtailriiiii il, ie nag,ebout
SW - M - 0,000 l.„ The InternstOn thin_thibt
to 'O,OO - 0`.6.6 . i ' lVliile i the;inOiiiiii from
ilie Nidi'e *Orki;:aftei#,liiiVitiii:i(h;iss'
and eifielilrOs;Vaiii,etheat, cn4phci4*ne,.
foliktit h er r thiilaiereei,)i3atihig . .#!;pplo:96o
to he ti annneilyeole i cted.k99 th1,3,p41n1
_lt isbe4iteii \ that i t!nd4r a propkv / syetorrtiof
'manageineitt--ffie . ffieitiyirsatO,fao arorylof
idle; Oltri'ilitliti:agenta—a'striet'''o r !ceiiut 7 ',
abilitineall'iiiiiOursing44 accounting
fi en r i e t rs.' tr -'-an . 4 4 • adoption Pi',lf
u liberal and
'ghnad tariffi`,,Of-Itoll s-stiats-secur,-
on our atm"f ine the l f o . the est,.
which now pasSessover rival routes, , will ,
greatikinerealethirexenue from our Works,
The New York canals, which_ connects;
the-talcie 4- vith - tide , iviter;,arirdortia_ well
located asare trieeit i ol'Penneylrania;which,
connect the Great Ytilley . pf the, Cfhlo With
the sea board.' - -;klfir-imigtit liiiir twit of-'
ford a tonnage Coiliparird"Witli the rich ,pro';•
f ductions - Of mite FOrriener iLE r ei.
and Coal
„ , Yet ' --,-4 1 . 1 , 4 g
Mid Ciial mines. the New Yorl
canols'latit year yielded $2,446,314 . , and a
net profit of over-$2,000;000 I equal_ to the .
interoet on our entire 'debt; while our
Public Works, which are mare eitenelve
andlietter located;' did not yield a net rev
enue exceeding One-fourth of that, amount.
All,thie is •owing toted management:
To reform_abuses—to: introduce econo
rbi—and to adopt such a system of mills
as 'shall awaken '-enterpriie :and, bribg,
tradeand business' upon our Canals and
Railways, ,:k1 Kinivs is prevenjed, €lB
oandidate: He is a candidate:of the whip .
party, and is pledged tirt : eqry out its p•in•: ,
ciples. Let- the Whigs throughout the
COniinonWc4ilth rally once again in atip l ,
port Of thair
thenkshoW 'thit 'undivided :11;but
next, they 'Will
never yield thairOtianliation or their prin
ciples; but that, { like the victorious Whigs
Cie,l776.'gnif lEl4o„l.ilitillyi IVA° ii--them , r,
selvae'woCthy of yi&t6is , ,•aii, - ;11)14 'cause is
woriity of-euccesit.
Whig State Conitilittie.
Harrisburg, Siptoniber'ls,lB4s.
Tpx Cool ockost...—.-The,eostof was
has been exhibited er — iaiiitly, and all its evil
arms upon ;the , morals of society been
ably.depinted. • But thefcostiof
:be-found , •not-less-enormouscand-itseffects .
as destrtieti,ve, to the, morals end , peace of
the. comniunity.,l , llcooniing•ctolhe , -HOn.
.0. F. Butler, rum andJits eoniequenceireri;_
a yeerly.lose,to, the Stele,of New Yorkl of
"eighteen millioes:-.of.dolleri,n and bailie,
United States 'of 'hundreiVan4 , ..filif
, 1 millions of ,dollars:', 4 . This amount of
r7ireelth, 'annually wasted ,would
cieui to educate every. child the:
, spit
t rel eve;mgs of tile , dub
41 1 ,5.4 0 (c al r e Al' 'fl, lB ! ° !' t u i 9 .
!k , 'PMcl 4 , lt Yr
i. ,
tf: 13 tin tee ifie it t stated
in n a lifieiliOni7W r ti6iiititil,'
' l t4iviiihCiViiii'iiii4teler . oii6C4iid
tialForiiiceion;heahas been 'it times snbjeei
he ''
0114490, is j it3p, 4 1(!.0
, nombor oflpdloo of ,diedlled'liquiniii
,dielilled oOnoelly. o .is 414,503.607, which l ir ,
,eold'aA,Rl) ; epos per,gel,lgoef would:produce ,
1W,QQ9,090; :414.0i 0 0 1 );; , otfilocrre.isfs
9 111 11 0 1? f 8 40,4 11 401 6 0,1 kaftOriPlii , . 1094,0 0 '
ts=ll/ZeTheolconneben , lournid, snOttiiihiii'
the potitoe rotov Mph Jou. two, 'for , Alio'
icing has hetaiiitillintiitittiVe in the middle'
Sliten:nlid liediint iiii'Miiiiiiiiihtellii; iiilf
end lo " l6imi iuttoni iniiiivr llaiiiptitiiitilinid
lifilA4 - iiiifiiiilifillnlie - Oill'rthielyniir's y
ti tcerlDietv 'England; bilvit'fictitisiiiiidNir
g rk i nii ikkai k ....lit' o".' LV . = - V 1 I):.'ei ii)li
f' 7.7 - ; Ay: o , t ,^ • .1 , ~, jr:lis -
1 . (Idol, 'Snip To 414 'A iiLiiiT4ii —, t
la:. ~1 1, 4 !MS Ift, "1-g1'.14/, 1.1141';.7 i,i - tit...7.
Ut4COVe7 . glICU!S01 1 3 , Op . .numgate , li fin t
'''iiiiiiiiiiig ‘lialliiien; ) innlW'iiiti iiieiVa i kr,i 7 . V
'iiii i fi Vt'aSilipiiiiiiiti4 b i ligiiiiiikailiit'ils
e t
liel iflierat4a*ifliqiii*AiSiileilitPaiiitt
Our Pliviiianf's fam)liit ,iiiii *046:
Joirico*rom,o6 - 01 - eivirethbfiu'd*q_
~,,,:. 4414 . , Y4 lti Ntrrrool4 74 r . " l ":, ' ) ..;1\• • ' il 'l t ~'
'7 llll oofaoPrfing: 09404 1 1;i 1841 $* -
"OA. ilgbtrok4r-Itripill drobtiesii, be
ligatif -
,P jolhe WOlitii,N ; Otlfii. piwirtk; ,11
Pre . - 7 it i TkiievOiiiiiiii gieliteetrinsit4
••„!Tfitt %, i° in th° 1 ,° 0 ° ,00 0 ion In;In 3 ,0!1
i .- „tiv, ) 1 . , i ll!, 1 - 7-f— I :: . t , ,-1 ( v 4
in°°lo.tioll ticket; an4aiti eitleilyio_fat
as regards ~Messrs. Brys on, Wilson and
Irvine who aro perionally v known-bere.- r _
Midi° fat it lhe Tallarsblers and :wittlifida4 '
4one:o'A other' nominees •are--knowni.
1 15' 1 °Jim, i a l a ?.. 1 1 111 ° 0 3 9 1 0.f. 1 9/ o ) : rh°W
iioket.. siaiiitiiaii we intend tO-givo a
good . account of whig prinolp,lo!l below; ate,
cidgi,c i p: 4 4 q .a id ida i l ltieed it y,,Cf,iftp to b an ,,
.4 1, `ii-;iini br4Orn inlinl , olhor-.Po!iii 9f,
irie o.i,k6'ilil meet nsiti'lliti Sadie, ;spirit,
alid - come - ttrarthoworli - rrianfullyTwe - Ca
carry out - tioketi,by amajority thatviii riot
'only Ositifouinitcrini enemies bdt'ssionish
1fi .4 17* -151 6 15 0r001t0.0.17A. Ittl#o,O r
sarvie l nolop l ,barmony atida
,fu'll turn out:
in tho
.loiveteiiire , go - for:carrying out
the Will:of tha'peinildse . e*pieemed at tile
ballothccrll4 . fali'lnr,iiffeildi . ee :,toi the sale
, of the i'ohlic. Worlie; ~Fitir:Olten in thii
townsliiiii , : , ;whete , q the -DemOotiek holi'
always'beeiOrikrimbant;.. lighelias begin],
ro,daivih. 110 the majorities here fofore
v 10 41 014 wlbO.' 4 rOrY, nnikrodOSodt . -'
1,, ,-i -• + ;oltsTr9NlAlt Dolton/4T,
Orlon. ess' •e
glad tollearithat-_our. ros 'cots for tueeess
Aare ibecomieg, trighter ,, every.. , ! hourr-in,
this, section , of.' the-, county t the , wounds
, are-becomlng,healed"_end , ,pespe again 're
stoqd in.otir circle—we are cep.
taiu of success; and itbecornes each of us(as
tpronfiii, to,do) to larour shoulder to the
wheel, and, give, push,ftlard push,. and a
pleb - altogether. The Locos are 'being
frightenedreod-ntany: of-titem7are - silently
morkinglgainet_their-own_pariy.- .Let us
teke heed frotn'th,js,- anikmake- the . victory
to me - as - bright :ail 'passible. We can (16
it if w,e,try. Yours-in haste,
, Wl-11G.
Shippensburg, Sept. aci. 1845.-
Tut. TExAs WAttrlie Itlashington
Utiittiti While it disavows' the autharitY of
Gen: Gaines to call ourthe militia, admits
that the President has 'atithorized Gen.
Taylor , to ealLon'tfieGoverncir - of' Louisi-
Qua, 'Mitisissippi and one .or two other
elates fot aid; ..Bow happens it that Texas
otitributesAnitliing of men or:. means to
thin *et,t_ , -It is. her4etekmarr.viaged•lot
;iterovre,"irerpoites..The bodir 2 of the Amer_
icon .People have no Teal interest in it. - -- -
Irthen,..euziegtdatermy. o .‘now mainly .or
dered,ktexas,. ie insufficient to carry, on 1
tlie,*EtivWhy are not lhe-Texians,required
to do something?: . Why do not ihervol
iinteer.toolefend their- homes,..if they are
It!silinfitV:-i7rWitere-ttre.theltereei of San
4acin, and the, Alamo. .
1 - Flijii. e - ewer; ,weepprehend, is that
the %that. ,fi .Is.e.humbug for the;..bene-
N ti
fit, o( coMra, tore. and speculators. , Vast
sums. are 'needlessly expended in despatch:
ing - 1/.. S. trdops,end Louisiana volunteers
to distant,fields, where there are no ene•
mios to_eneounter. _The story_ of-the. Me
xican Army . tarns . out to be of . the same
complexion, as ,the pid Indian rumors in }he'
Florida.war. Thrio,o6o men, said to
be within SdaysYtnarch of Gen., Taylor,
are as hard,,to find .as Were the Seniinoles.
' jtjlite‘ Chic?' Conference of, the: M. E.
Chltich is now in session in Cincinnati,
is ap- lamtine-press
• ft -Thursday
-Week, Bit;hoii
• ivlia adheres to •the.
'Methodiist l Episcopit Church 'South, was
invited tt takith'S'Chtiii: The Conference
was not - 'willing 'l6rectig •
nfi,e'' poi its
Oresiding;offlOr, apii c aiioj)t' a retuiqition
bY'ari L itiniOtii'inutiliinoue.. vote; expressing
M"""%texpedient arid 'highly improper"
for Bishb who hivenePainted thinnaelvea
' of ''the 'Methodist
E l Pian'oPttf ' 'preside ' ,
in any; Con
.ferciii'co''4niPorsing'ettid Chit. Ch.
THR ;EPHRATA ramset . tnezetT.-i- This
geestepneent eptetnenceil'ori Tueeday;' , the
/6ti ieet;;_and:bitike up op , Friday laet.—
pie, Au other of ci zene - fa a ttettdance wait
!err new:Few pa..Thureday, , ai. the layiq
ProPle iPPYPAPPLone Of i.the,lAlottuatentl=-:
, „
:4 0 ,reePnIRPTIT,
,0();4 1 14, flith - VPo44';,,whiehuncosektil
cplno l 9Fl-QCl.lo44elp,hierdeliveml in et
-101.9.4 15./10r,efus,,c1
CALmeEL,...,One bikes
in 3 Philadelphia
soldwitilitetlitiliieffikkeryeem . l7,oopibe.
ortlitlOMei, and 'A! iftiotieition . l ie two
titiqiiiellt diiilleil ititt',lnthi 'Pei: annum` by
ihe'citikeitiererithiintedielne.' ''Siiee'iiiii M
ihii - timiTtiiiir - tit ike'iltkitnittniliiiitil , : l 't
1 1 0 - POkt,ia.4o4 l 4l l ).niftP.• soya the'
,figeheeter Demperet, icejled,a ; me ting ''
, P, lit l 4o l l IP .,ll ,VPP o .oieiAlltP , Alt ,, Pley:'
.‘4;r1,..;', 1 9.rfigi 1 , 1 , Pei 5f19.30Y,11 1 41 iNlt,.lfig,3'
1 . 1.7 , !!i tt irkf 1 ., , ,P 0 , 1 Nc°!,0, ) 9; 1 404igt°,101 ,-
iftWiIIIT!,!P!„I , MT,O,!,?.., I 9I I IOOr4A)P . - 31 4.41,1 e
-. tqli n t li i i lo l 4 ° PVl TiriMPPt.i4Clin
, Tl,l9ll.l,4!rsinif'?h,!ci'Mliu!PA4PO'kr the l'ogkero , -1 7b• IdlifPgtf?p. mob gaY,9 1.,,,,1iki
0s .?;14 4 )fflp ! , 9. 1 ,1149 : 1 1-9, 4 1 ~ A mvA, 4,0 p
JP,l, , P4icill';ll4 l . . 1 11 6 091MP1 , '•fit 6, 444'
Alf eAye,pTs, , er. 1:„, ,
~,:, , !, ,, ,ii. o,f . . ....r:, y f , •
-I *P.The_ telliginß---,ot'fiDanktoiinKyki
bivgatteettle be. moved ilibbiaemeterplot
,thet oily, the captains-Of the Mooed:ROL
-, Rof,ltk'fionkst:°•l,4!o. - .,,, 7 ,1 1 4;, --,,- 7,4. - ,14T - twitif
hl;ttr,l7-,°4 l lMT!,;ihflir.c.,94 ,kiititli
,grrlK WfiMIPItkIY,?IttAVAPPAd
1:TIM/Pilr?r,t PO it? PAlD !l'.. e l r .
1ta;17,4 , MI. ' ' . 4 . ' , :t "f
10 0 i i i,i1- 401/ ; 1"1# -I *Ni 914 ,4' ,6 ! . .1 1 fi.
0 1 4P#4 01 0 4 0 8 4*.d!O e n gi Ogi, r bieril 4 'A'
Xff. i .* * !? lo o l4 ,o4 e rniOniu*! ( ol,ol/ 1 00.7
1 4
i#Ml4 o WSoo o44l o o" lllnifi i
~4 ` 1 1001 4$ 010.0#4 . 4 40 "044 , 1 0 0
il.*.iii - i;?i,kiiiiii::4 , ,. - 41y:y4out;; 4 1,i4i ~,,.,
Eteki* ` : RAnniit,, ill r E.' Ci" Dl=
tillooo, of :4Entiotfol?iklinlil his pocket
NSA ioktilloipg'sitiOnt siiik thousantaol
---- II • -,- 4 1.- t ~,--, 71
bre, 'n t ftinnAnotilibs( *kat on Friday
niOCi ill ' Baldthote at. die 110111 lay kn:eet
•Thiinrei bi iOino oiiirciieiiAlipocket. '" -
if friction lilatchoe are ;rubbed upon , a
,ttangt,,,t!olit"iicF t
"Rtitio fit:el!.!,.. , _Thia, simple direptionAti
wortit batwing Ili mind:
• ili Alitii/E 11) , •
• at mr ou pt N.
mo r ti; !kth
f ulu i nin7°° " n n•;* !!',D 14 1- , ,„ 8
the ilon.
Of t YghtPri, ° " Pa.
Newtown;!mucks yowl y,
SOn the Tlat
me RODEN. 8. - . lt6tiitet4rl,.
to Mien of South
dioton. .7
t• ' ;
..In• Harrisburg, on Sunday' ingining lait,
the 'grei int:ifter a lingeiini Mid' intense
ly: painful , •dineee, Mrs,•'ELEANOR' P.S
consort' of ,W: 'P.' Btaprii, Esq. and
mother of the editor of •thie paper, In die
70th , year • of her (age---driginally. of
.Meiliernitneyaciuceattray, aid latnl
Columbia,' pa. ..The deceased was truly
"a.irtother inlerael."7 - Ir - orre mirrinife
she gave herrheart , to . . -the Saviour, and up
'to the clone of her lOodlifi it_ ii.believetl'
she :over-continued-to grow in grate-and in
the •kniiwiedge Him, whom. to know
aright is Life eternal. She . was a consis
tent, 'active and nsefill member of , church
and of society ; and in the Jyar—snd dear
Relations,of-a-Wife - Tufdlii"other those who
tuourdler:loss know - how faithfully and
ionarly she 'perfirard - every duty She
inet death.with great calmness and resig
nation, in 'the fullaiikurance faith, and
io ilia ftlifinptfahl hope of a glorious iin
mortality_with fife_rideemed.-
BB lY . viittie`of a dectee of the Court of Common
131 Pleas of Cumberland foamy, twill expose to
public sale on the premises in Westpennsboeo'
township, to said county, on Saturday" the 18th of
October pt 11 o'clock, A. Mr
• A first rate limestone farm. situate on the Big
, Spring ,boundid by lands OfJimes 'Fulton, Samuel
Treat; James Piper, and the BigSpring,.contai ning
1133 _.ACPRE, •
a tar& part, of w hich
. is in a-tugh..state of:cultivation
im atheiestdue to.fice timber. , There_rs an excel-.
lent datelling.Honie and barn on the premises,and
out houses,-making - it one of the most"deeirsible .
farms in the county. - . •
•Itwill he sold subject to the life estate, of James
Montgomery & Wifc ISt the survivors of them in
tiDoussand, tot coopthiingitbout one acre which
, fornw . part or the farm—and sutOectlo the pay
ment of $BO annually to the said James Mont.
gomery & wife and also as mach grain as will be
necceasary fore their housebidd purposes and feed
fbr one cow and ebb their fire-wood. Thi, terms
of the sale Will be five per inept of7-ttteTporelitildi
mOney to be_ paid on the conrfimation dans sale
Ookresidue of one half_to_bo _paid _ of
. AprlllEl46 and the balance in - three annual pay:
manta the wholote besecureLiby bond and Mort.,
- Sheriff% Office, . ADAM LONGSDORPF.
Sept, 24,1545. - • • Sheriff.
E936:3 l 2oll l 2DaftealtelaCiKEL'Ute
snbaeriber has now on head one of the
-most eitensive - and beautifedassortreents of
Ready made clothing ever offered for aale in the
Philadelphia market. The garments are alt cut
in .the_most.fashionable_ manner, and for-iork.
manahip and •• quality of material cannot Weer
. CO liriE
,ONE COME . AM! - . ,
To_ M. Trace r y's old Painter Line, 292 Merkel St
where you will be sure of getting great bargains,
as he is determined not to be undersold by any
onto competitors. He buys and sells altogether
for CASH, consequently he can ,sell greate:-bar.
gains-than-t hoss -- whorbuycerciredi
. .
292 Market Street.
Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1845. • -
VAT recei4ed 31..Kneedleea Cheap Book
eV and Periodical store. ' •
COuvrib l o:sssga,klno: for October. 25 cents.
Graluinies 'do = „. do- .•
_25 "- -
Godefs Lady's Book; do ' 25
Artlture htitgazins. 7 „, . dolBl
N0t10n41:...,7110. ' •.. • 181 4 .
Also a large assortment'of new novels and oth.
er viorks. , .„
Sept. 24, 1845. • • '•
It , *alto
tCZEglkeetcon tantly on handiilaiiiindsfbcuke
used in the
Public and ,PriTate schools; and is determined to
thcui,al )elp prioo than: they can be bought
atat.elbor, establishMent, in Carliale.motwith.
standing one of the booksellers sending notices
10." , eifeh of - the. teachers In Carlisle; to be read
publicly In the schnels. , that,he would - mill the .
books-at-a -lest... Oleo than . t h ey can .be tiooght.
elsewhere. - Those' - hinnies' who .bought: - .booke
luniw. full
well that he.. sells theme .least 25,p0r cent lest,
litin',they emit!! I.bouglit and t hat be
firstwhO redeem, Fleet of boolielo Carlisle.
/045. - • ;
• Attornettit Law.
.p s lo CO • the'sevcra tate of, .t e Cit y
it 'Oj'' t e .
imd county .of ,phikdriohis, - • -
!be Stiles is et Nit. 35 Soutli FOURTH street.'
'between Chestnut , end Wslp tstreets.
Pbiladelptlie,Sept. 24, 1 4
Estate Of ICtib!aa Shireinan,'deceatid:
OT is ,hereby given that ;letters or Ad.
11„ministration,qn the estate of Tobias Shire.
man, late, irt i Alleur township. decertied. here been
iiintd'in Oiiin Of law to the subscriber.. All.
p_ersdnirl iidebilid in said 'estate will please make.
immediate '."payment; and those; hating claims;
,therriAnly_ anthenticated for settle.
milit i flis the auMeriber at Shiremanstown. -
tJept;: . ,
OS , A a , Ira to
'. l 4 :4 ls tl! **r ; a i lit std a rl`" elvefoq
d ". [ 4lhe/rs: .V ~ , -,a :,;,
~-atevinison 4.ljoiefitalg).4l-_
4 s •
"-an, "Irup,tz,
~.Ap.ssleti'keek:cindi'inesYriip to . r . colds;,
!tiity!lrcie!yeg and for -ned,,a,t the cheap,
• , ,
~.sper t al ; tim Ind hil 4 o 0014:kit*: filioys
Pfrifl TP4 .!or **Act hefficint 4psott.l .o ~"
; )(.4 el I ?i Stevenson*, zehritrey,
' fliA rtaAraerioi*jairted 4iegir4 atid aro?'
waNta Csiventlish abaisco bot fitocitttL dt
, 1 1:),A. 4 144111 1 .244- 1 0Ve
‘, • ‘.''t ,1 0110 °? 1 ;7 1 r 4 f 1 ,51UM 4
"' 9 - ' • P. ;
'4o 4l rialo-. 2
,O k mixe l t, 4 1.-41 *A
esb,Vl4Kilt4l ,, V ,
41 , 0
c golvons.,:::,:
iircelvedrie.lS 1 EDT.Eft'S ohsi
Batitekanct:roiliidiopt,sgeore; ICTSAVORKS
eight*ohlakeiletourileiiitaiigkig*fge-4- --,-,=-,-..-
,Ipblicisoptiy 9 f l•Fuilire 840401600 m Vi . 003
Aititir; PhifouViy of ',Religion, IMprivemenf. o
Society, Moral, ImprOwimestik.EsSak an cove-.
ouittess, Celestial kidenery, 2)dereal - Heaven's', a
tha very low price of $2 75. Also, Dunlap'.
Book of Forma, containing more than sir limalred•
of the moat, approved -precedents : for eknveyart.
clog ~ , tit tkeloirY low P rloo° F 0 .! . " 1 4. 111 !9 - • z". :,:-- ;,:
4. atigerntior '24;1045'. ': ,•, ' ' .. - . ''
At 0') f‘Cliettp_Store,°!_4l Strawberry.
Skeet; PhiladelphAd. -
WE would call theattentind of nervous in . Wimp
..;,-VzPor.,.neweiniett,lte;l to' the Wet;ol'ollifbeing
`enabled, to, sell .gocids atlerr low prtees, because,
Nottr , ntesettesittiatton current led other ; kxperise;. ;
°re fiery light, and we offer. for, this '.season an eV
Mlllentemortmetinf,t - 7 4 7..
Ingram atid!,7 V everryy variety ,. ettetlia,,lif
e0.,1 7 OiL% • CIPTH .341frfa..2 . -4.14101-
and howth rugst,
eile . "or - re4allftkethe Mweet prices.;'• '
supplynfthe low Triad carpets ; itaitrorn
SE to 50 cents pei;yard, *68 , 44 on hand. ,
- - • ELDRIDItir. :DROTHEIL " •
N 0.41 Strawberry, Street; one door Ochre Pbesnuti
c•tfear Seeniid streeti'Philadelphla. ,
September '24, 11345. 7 ,3M:c. ! !!
••... . . , ,
." -: . - -: -.. 151%:13 1 cEic't3(211.E1ac . :, ' . •
•' + : ': .."" 1 .1,-.' ' •"','
i t4; 141
IrN the case of the'petill • ist Satneslifolieehan to
i'lhe Eh:Wirt arcomnion- ' Vf'Climbeilitini coun
ty in the State Of•Penniail Ala, fora rule to Show'
causti,Wl4 sk:conlinissioneeshould!hot bwappointed
to tale the 'testimony-of witnesseirmin perpetuam
rei saemorian,". hi reference to. the •title to a : tract ,
of lab% shalt te•in Welt Pennsborimgh township, in.
.' • 'tiliti.itilit.Slateafor4taidrbouralitilty-landactf
&Mittel McKeehati.,,Rev, liobert McGailireth.lemes
VeCullatlgli; Jacolx;;Sites' and others, containing •
ittrutit — mie -- 1411red and seventy:Slg acres • which
said tractorland amadevised byJames McKeehan, 1
sr. deceased, by a certain - paper w_ritiftg_pajm_fti .._
ing to be the lest will and testam ent of said one.
dent, and the, title. to which ,the aforesaid -.lititica
'McKeehan the petWolter avehi - Was vatted in him
at thetime and before the execution of the aforesaid 1
paper writing • purpertitig. to be tlm_last will and
testament of the • stioresatdeliiies McKeehan, sr.
deceased. - 2 • ... ,
And now, to wit I's 191.11 Auguit, 1845, the Court
- grant - a - rulextrettlfilte
,parties ifirereatehl to wit :
Sarinfel :VlcKeehan,JantiesMeClure,JOS..Mcelure;
Mary 'McClure; NanerMiClure, Jane McClure
and Ann McClure, children of Margaret - McClure)
deceated,JohiclUctieeltsin and ElizabelliMnKee
han his wife, Henry Adatris and .Mary Adams his
wife; Men oh James Reed, William Reed,.Samuel
Reed,John Reed,-and-John Creigh:-and Sarah his
Vile, late Sarah Reed, children of William and
Nancy Reed, the said Natter beittg_now' deceased.
Alec:, on the following named minor children of.
She aforesaid - William- anti Nanny Reed; by their
tither and next friend ,the aforesaid William Reed,
to wit: Aleiander Reed, Genrge Reed, Richard J.
Used, Margaret Reed, and Nancy Wed ,to appear
at.a Court of Common pleas to be held at Carlittlit
in anti for istid't oUntrand State; on, the ninth day
of December, Anno Domini, 8845, antral:ow cause,
if anyAltey have, or-know why a commission shall
not issue tinder the seal Of the Court to such per
son or, perions at the bona shall appoint for 'the
examination of witnesses "in perpetuam ref mem
prisiin7 toy the prooi of the matters aforesaid. .
... . - • 11._ -.BY THE COUR T .
' CI:MAI:ALAND -C,OUNTY, 11/1:.. , - .- -
1,- Thomas H. Criswell, Prothon tary, of the'
. Dourt of Common Pleas of said oonn- -
iy',4l6;ttertify that ihe foregoing. is a
- 1 ! ' .) " true clipror the orighoilpetition and
j ..,_
' ,-- )(
i v pi:nee:lava had therein as full and 1
' 4„, I. :entire as the 'saine remains of record,'
4 ' in Shia office. . - , „,
. .
- Given under my- hand and thmeal of said Conti
at.X.Jarltsle, the .twenty-Mth day of August, Anno
Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five.
For Tawas 11. Cal immix, Prothonotary.
. .
.September IT, 1845. .._
/FRE recent payment of the State nix
A. the Coi er
nmtssioninf cOniberland eouniy,
out the funds the .Comity Treasury, renders
ifneeesiary to require totaled in 4 o..,itiprompisay 7 .
ntent , Ofthe Snowing county` tletes'io enable the
Commiiatoners to Meet the current county expeti-:
setii and the. payments becoming due . under the
contract for the erection of die Court -,'llottae:
Under the provisions of the Act of 49th April,
1544, if the State tax of any county be not paid to
ih e State Treasurer before the 24 Tuesday in Jan
eary-inesteb year, the .defieleney is required to be
pall out deny money in the County ltreasuq,and
any State tax remaining unpaid by any helipilual
or corporation after said tax Is payable by die
&flinty to tbe Commlinwealth, shall bear an interest
Cf 3 lnx Pita CENT., and be a lien on the estate on
solsickit is charged 4 till fully paid and satisfied.-
. From th e foregoingit will be seen that, although
the:State tax has beewpaid to the State Treasurer,
every , Mx payer who does not pay the Collector
before. the 13511 of Jabutiry next, must be charged
six per cent. interest thereon till paid, which inter
est every Collector must Cpkulate and collect - from
each hultvtdual named in his duplicate wh. does
of pay his_ tax - prior-to-that. date, and saliTtrta
together with the interest' thereon, is made a lien
on the real estate of the payer.
It is therefore luiped tharevery Collector and
. payer will see the importance and necessity of
paying the whole tax charged in the duplicates,
prior to the ISM of,lattuary next, to avoid the trou
ble and inconvenience of calculating and collecting
interest on every individual tax, which must be
done it not'collected before that date.. • • - ,
CoMmissieneep O ffi ce, Carlisle,? l" •' • •,
• September 1711s;;84,5. S ••
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court 'of Cumberland aunty, will be aposed
to public sale, on the premises,,on TUESDAVine
geth day of Octobet , next, at I o'clock, P. M., the
folliwiing described real: estate, to wits _
A Fird Rata Limestone „Farm
situate in West Pennabnfough townaldp, Cumber-
Iswil county, 'idom si miles south of Newville, one
half mile east of the head ef the Big Spring, and
midways between Carlisle and Shippensburg, on
the. Harrisburg Turnpike Road. bounded by lands
of J. Myers, ‘Villitim McCune, John Snavely%
heirs, and others, containing. near Ono Hundred
and Seventy-two Acre', of firal rate Limestone,
Land, of which about lairacres are•cleared,lenced
and in a high late of cultivation,
,he tat roviments are, a largeTWO , ,
with a back building attached, and is at RN
present, and always has been, occupied-
as a Tavern Stand. A large, HANK
BARN, with Wagon shed, stage stable, corn'crib,
wash homie, bake and smoke honse,grannaty,straw
houiet. ,00mplete cider press, cistern and never
'Silting well of water convenient to' the door. An
excellent apple orchard and other fruit treea:
Thu terms of sale will be. $lOO to be paid on die
confirmetion of the ale. One half of .the residue
purchase motiej to be paid on the I st 91,Aprit next,
when possession will be given,•and the remainder,
itivro equal annual instalments, without, interen,
the ptiyhtent3 to belief:ired by recognisant:es with
seal rity n the Orphans' Court. Grain in the ground
and rent to , be reserved.
, Due attendance will be glven on thelley of ale,
t • Adnilnietrators of Peter Duck, deed.
September 17;1645.-0. j; 4
crThelanniatafer Examiner and Vollariond will
insert till inde;sind forestal billt this for
' , ll3*sildilag:•.,:o 0 ~,•
t`- , ''';'''''irliiiiaListi'Shit'i' -- ' :::. •!,
cPaiatiPtilier, Executor O'lliOn34o,Tria?,
v. ~,lbilw,gol:id9cealted,,voll sell ill t public ', mile;
be s 5 progiiisesi In 'the, town , cif Newburf,,Hopit
well townehip:Ounibetland:eonnlYi - on-TuesdOi ,,
the POI ' daytor , Oetaber next, the ; fellewin TOW:,
ntsroOndto wit I , ' Eleven Joe eituite.eiatt , '6 i
InclitiE4coond itivett.: , Tycp offjho m , , hi t * , l
In.teelleit eininie'or , Wiattiir. - Alitie-trietil, OA, Ai,
In:MArkfr f ttelt. and 9.1 0 , 164 an , tloaritr.kt i i i i,t i
044V. 41 '4 1 10,:.' 'Milt .°P, the :' 4 144 trtriltr,: .
.1 q4 „, ; - :rpiesi): lots Arsl weg..04,1 1 4, ':O4 At, ._
shown, by Mi. , WilAiikAW . ",,„....tWrt i , , 7 * 7,7
:3orio viatr:l6oll, :OP . ! snk!"" - t 441 ' . 0 -
A • itio •da i when due
441 . 0010thenoe Ate •‘' f> , , 4 , :cohd tions =ma d'
liti P ilin "'l ri P 4°.:4l***4 4 l A ' Sibt• ElRli l !:
• 'llYsolt)i i ,bYl.k 4 e . , l *P!,ll lo - ' l a ~ . P.' , ! i ,
~..=, .li ~,,',-,-:•---,,
iiiiiiollti • tlf• '•- .: ... ' , 4-----.- , A i
„ , r.,, , . ,, 4164-I,.„,..:stei v olin-i44410,44..
,_. 014.L.,..f..0_!1.....m_1.4.4,4,04,0t4.4,...,,,,,
4- , g . :iril `.mvitlort;4o , ' - , (194ki . m.
~-.lstixig-1 ~ :.zt04.?,1,, ,,, 1, . .y.:‘i, . •:, - . ',..,:,,,4.4,-,:,,.,!=,
rWitotesale—Hou.s.ekg /
t ~,i _r,A?
‘i - - • sro gdilllT.gx MERCHANTS:,
' ' ilikiiiidersighed illar . chants, Miiiitifitaiti.
reit', Importers and Wholesale o , DettleFii lif- -
t city Of . Philadelphia, eM m
brade the ediudt.of
the,nakitrappr Press ot „trial:ram:lion al =until.,
r j e
to giya you t a
ho streets mtnumbera of our oatme
al sotabilidififelits, and" rekiebtfully to invite you.
to ars'eautinitittion of our rallAndMititer,ilooke, -
W 11411 5. ilOw full' Ind Miiiiidekt. '
the superitir excellence and great'variety of
our. (min oily .liputrifitedoren t in- addition , to full
supplies tif_Fore gh i t 4 4 Doinostla Goodtofiiimy
desejnitilmr *high *till litiold-od tkirink and at
Pr.LnenAlil.inkitamintii fail-tnAnnirk"iatiniool97
preaent-theittomitiat induiententricipurisbasam
„ ',. ~
-. -;_," $ '' -' i '' e' ' ' . lA.' o,f Ati . ....1 4 :;
street, belOtr Thiiiti Itnpaitars and' Dollars in.
Silk and FattOrtill 000dm, and finearoneh and
British. cloths, ciesitikiaa and.tmatings.-
~....L.Laidley,-Spry 44- 0.-ice,'
sireati importeit-and-Dealere-hi fiteplei Silk tind
Panay Dry' Goode. Also, Idritishi, Froucin and
American cloths, Cassimers,tieitinga and tailors'
• Antes M. kennedy 4.. Co. 114 Market -
street t Damao* and Foreign Dry Goods,
lham:-Getaae 4.- ,0 8 Front
street, . bOlow Chemin; importers of Merman
gd o d a , and Pnialitisors 'of all kinds of slipping
Solis. 13rothers, Ea A rph street between
2a nd 3d streets ; Importers and manufecturers
of &ROY flirs, 'lnd fur caps; and purchasers of all
kinds of ehipgiiti fnii. ~ ~ • - • •
Alieitetel "FreicY, 292 ilarket etiiet;
Manufacturer and'Crealet in reack4lothing
every .gra a;
, . . .
Johtt Iro'dgeii_ll,inaof-teL bfammiqh
- shirt collar, LIT North: second tartlet; Menefee.
turer shirts, collais and bosoms;
---- nittOMktir - Bruosoft, 591VIntket street:"
Importert-and -dealers , in foreign and dosncatio_
liar,dwarc and ciitlary..
. -
MorsiB,:_Tdoker4llforiis, Pascal - Ron
Works, warehouse S E center thirtlandWilnut
streets; Welded wrought iron tubes for' locomo
tive, marine - and othnr ballot flues. and all steam
purposes. z
. • . ', .
N. N. jatorence,. .4gent. Nn. 3 Minor
Immo; Agency fer the sale'of Southworth menu.
fkaturing company ' s superi or Writing papers n..;
Dickson 4-•
.., •
Co:. - E.- E.. corner Market
_Third,. streets; - John •C. Farr, 112
Chesnut at; 414 , W. L. - Ward,. 106 Ches.
-nut street, opposite Sanders:eon's Frankliwillouse;
Iniportera of Jewelry, wafehea, fine cutlery, Brit
annia, Mated and silver wares. '
1?. - 4.. W. Wagon, S W corner Fifth
and Cherry street; Manufacturers of silver ware,
and dealers in plated and 'Britannia Wares, for
household use. . •
- t Hall, Boardman 45. C0.,..164 M. Third -
street, below Race; Manufacturers of 'Britannia,
hlocir. tin,and ;pewter ware. . Also, deniers in
platei sprions,.cutiery,.&c.
Edward jones; corner of George an
swanwink sweats; beiween Walnut and Cheanu
wastiof Sixtli•Jlanufaeturer.oUsilvcr-and,brii-=-,----;.
stair rods anicornice'poleti.; .-.
.4. F. Ott Jilonrose, 16 South •Fourth' -
street, between Market and Chesnut; Importer of
toys, fancy ,and staple gouda, beads, brushes and
• a .4hrenfeldt 4' Co., No. 16 N Fourth
etreet v betwean Market and Areh, (upstairs;) Im.
porters of toys, ancy and staple goode,-perfume.
ries. musical instruments, glass, earthenware, -
chinaware,: 4e..
R. 4; G.. 8. Irriet, No. 23 S Fourth -
strait; Importers' of Paris and London fancy ar...„,'
tieleichrushos,'-perfurnery, combs,soaps, statimi. -
my, and. artielee for druggiat's saes.
-.- Ades- Ilatrel;
,46- Sputh Third street r
Importer,'.and:manu&etarer•Of pertuitTery, cos
lilies; fancy soaps f -and dealer in faney,goods.
, HduntriliSsiotoctOn; 65 North Thitill7f.; -,
oPpOsitelhe City. Hotel ; Cblea,Quoiensware and
•glofit r z :i • • • • -
. • ilk 4,
inson 4. .Armstrong, 88 Arch•st. ; •
above th, south side; Dentists and inanufactu•
revs of incorruptible teeth; plete. piot, molar
and gum teeth; gold and tin 0.41; gold; plating,
and silver plate and wire, &c.
.111r4Ilister 45- - Co., 48 Chesnut street e •
Gold, silver and' steel. spectacles. mathematical - ,
instruments, walking canes,
-microscopes, and.
spy glasses. _ ,
. .
- Wetherill 4' Brother, 66 North Front
street; Manufacturers of white We'd and other A
paints, and uC chemicals. &c., end- - dealers-in
drugs, medicines, dye stuffs, oils. &c. - • ' .
Cam bell 4- &Truk; North West cattier_
eat 1 an 'Millet streets; Importers studdcalere
in drugs, dye stuffs, oils, eheenitals, plate glees,
&e. and agents for pure white lead and:Jersey
window glass.
. Haskell, Mcrrick . 4. Co. , f 5 N.-F ront at;
Dr. D. Jayne.. B.S.Thirdst-neneMsrbet;
Importers and ,dealers in drugs, medittitieti e dyce
stairs, paints, oils, &c.. . .
i l Pr . 4-John , -.R. - -Rottt diidi-GilldArniV-1. -01 , --
1 6ce and drag. store,2B N FweennOlr Cenßuliihr
:ptiojeitair,:druggist'..sti&ehiniiisfOintVprePrier e e
ofnEtlitillict*lTniiiiiiied Tonic Mixttirii, &Q. ' '
... .
William .4. Proien,-66 Market Street' ,••
'Sleeper „.$) Penner. 128 Markttfei4lontly
aide, one door beta* ffouith 'street i , ManUfactim '
era of ,umbrellas, nrapola,_ parasoiettesi and. son ,
shades:- •' '' .. . ':. • ..
. •. —. .
(Oliver Evans, 16
•Cite,enut,str9e,t; Fire '
and thief prtiot ohrsts„...relligerators. wetei.,'dool
ers;filteisrlettiffeepitrefev.ainif.ydetii-T'. ' •
k r evridecire abnye,Market ;. Venetian blinti man.
'6 tietiiier -- - , : ' . • -.
'Finley 4•• Co.,' El •E cor. 2d '42 •Wolnutst. •
Hartle,' 4. Knight;' . 14§"SCUlth: Piet - intl . :et.
.5 doors above Spruce; Minitaistereraenit,dierers-- ~
iiciiiati'ariiii,"bedding and; feat** ''' "i - .
, - E 'Periitig,'.loB.K.)lteonut street:B' doors
corner offithilDfal r la Coicoico , s , i2olhorrisno--
Fortes. . . -,,,, ' ... ~.- ii :T,'-:: • -' -', 4 -
k, lii - a h
. 4,' , glliertDa IleW 86 . - Mirket. B 4 .
111inutaettikers':, , of fit
com - oh ''and 'fent!' .'otoips ; ..
mould and • digpeit candles ikti:.'" '.• ' ' ' . . ,
,`:;R.Barton 50,0isinut street.. Importer
of. Frenebsettfietaillooters,,Weattoro,straw.brsid.- ' '
arid fancy boinetswko..„ and ;bonnet-14'040.6m , •
~,,. ::.',i•. ,I, z ;;;*:: ! ':-. 7 . , ~1, ,
~,,, ,'. , "
Nefdles,4. Watson, , ISt Nnylh
below' Aroh;;Manufactinerii of. sieves; riddleal
scqena, and wire work in general.. : ; 4
01/400 Co., 263 Market;at;
fide ;'oil alid leacher:,
Rani l F'; Nriasier, SouthliVil lc;
linpOrrelo,or Orangea.lemona•ratiiiniNfliiNC
enrranla,"oloionda.ind,Otlier!`oradot!r: ,
facturer of lira engine; of ! 4 .- 111 /nn u r nwn 'lrilr)9%; .-
ranted n all respacle4:,.\*,;•::•: , .. - : , ..
'ECk:O 7 4 4 „,
o "i* `Co.;:,UniOn
Aidge,Raia;,Fireklid.!r± tßq o Astrect!.;"'Maybpiv,
and innininn.i
,benalioa • l 'OO 140c # 1e Y''''t ' F i e.h '' Ind
Noorth7'Thii4,`, 3 ,lll o lo!; - '-'7
'OktiAt4wir:a Arel; 81 ,04 1 044*Cldillkllnd •
in all It** 51 brjonlOrnolhoo.
li. la,. edar.waie:'olodkMrbuket,,mat.,blick.
log, Eastern 'lade woode n , tw a r • l ,A goi
•rer!_ 4 4 l C,‘A,_„ Bl ab4htoPP. l ,.•..r ,;
Robert 'Folmer, 1,82 . ..11tilith%Settovie
throb -docile -rnslow„,-1-,wlOf.,o,lde t. Idiom _ ItY.4iP :
:414tid ;',V iti r i # 17 k# 0 4;i 4 00 0; 40 1 1)hidn' t 2A„
oft t„oiiit J , 4 ) * . 1i:•114,!411•4..
44 4 10,, . F , 1 1 , 4 1 Orr
"-. 4541 C 1 -4 4 : 14 • %In
u o,p, KOK - , 't - 43 af:#o4t,tl,-YPrf