Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 24, 1845, Image 1

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    TS,sr"‘"?. 7 77 '
• Xiyttg:. '
• . • ; , , ,Zi,T411"/ t )4,
• ." I %sit)? tte - iO l ,B ,ivrenir-. 4 00 ma
.`;t4l3 •
• ;?, , i'vt,t, ;'? ,• . 0 tit • 0 • -Ai
trt t 7 " t i
4 %Pk.r 4 'O, • ,q 1 .
jn hlpifatt -1 , ,. 4 ^IIP.
ta , to 1 ,4 3 ,' ^4,lr l ' `
0 , - 5 , , ' - c;
filig*oo 4
rov , z qv. • •
• `k A 0 IM•r %11:11•P kart
3J;370:'„1.0. :','";"). iS•• )" , 411 P.
1 0) 11 drilltt,.. ' 14 61Plif i a• ZeMent.{3
,a ad.JJYA d 1 ...fRA ;
riF LD, , -.I&G-E-XP SI
,Jac4 l l - entaTiit A'quesre l '
• el:ilitst.tileolitStand.- I ,
„r .;A 1713 tt NtS:iD•F •Pkti:isi. I O.NTIO N, :
• Verify; oil iit . TWOTIOC•
fronitlio time bf subsoril?ing•;
errtcileNligoik.theitild 'of tho-terir.
Flo stolmoriptitinidlltro.taken , forleiln than ,sik'
, , „isilontruy!fid,no,.papsr 40oolotiwdmr . I.W•oltar. -
• i r,.°„fif ages ItrY. ift,Li v=c9cipsa,fpilaßotr,,(o..t.lke:,iipito,n..oftlie
be consideiedii held cngisemetlt.
etdvoittaing will bodope on ,t . lionounlterrnw...,
'• • • 0• D•• • PIEHROSED': , •
Late Salibitgr 4)^ thh Tretisitiy f
• • .
• • • • United Starleg
WILL przietine Law in thp ; seyeral. Conks o
Lancaster County. • • •;_
..` -0111-o-eln-Smtlegmititr-Strecti-lately-imanpiod-'
•:lohn It. Atontginnerr i Egg: •
• June 18,1845:
Attorney at law. •
. .
,•pFicr. in -Soah' , thmov'er -street ;vi few doors
A n k
belew.3, Jl. Graham, Esq.`
July 16,1845.'•...
. .
~. •• ..,
Attorney • at .Lattr..
OvVICK,RENLOVED to Beetem's Row,in the
--- worn tormerly,occupied by D. itdair,•Esq.
.' . Curl Me , April:3; 1844, ef,. • . tf-2.3
• . . .
- • Attorneys-at-law, • -. •
WVILL attend promptly to business entrusted to
them in the counties of Cumberland and
hanklin. Offices, one door west of the .tall, East
I [lei street, Carlisle and next door to Stumbaugh
bc tiooyer's Drug Store, Shippeniburs.
. ..April 24,1814. •
• DM' (De no. r31211g0
wILL performalboperation shpon ale Teeth
.that are required for their preseriati on ouch
• us Scaling,, , Plngking, &c.,, or will, restore
the loss of them ~by inserting Artificial Teeth ,leoin
. a. single Tooth, to a full sett. -- --
on Pitt street, a few doors South of the
'tread Dote!.
_ • N: IL Dr. Loomis - will be absent from Carlisle
the last tentl eva, in each Month.
• •-' Jiine 11, itl4s. • '
Al ntocopatbitinjoicialt,
'OFFICE: Main street, in the house formerly
.apeopiedsby Dr. Fred. Ehrtnan.
Carlisle v April 9, 1845. • .
• _
11 110 Cunz_„b Rq . l4. Dad,.
...,z, tr ,,, trre/ i2....,r 0 tr; =,
~,,: 44w.,...„4;v!.-
,7, ...Vadeaatlgoo..:Pf4N
• •
ATELY kept by Gem Willis Foulk,lisaftiai
,been taken by the ' subscriber, • It Is ' , newly
„roil:004 and has been thoroughly Fdpaired. Pas
,fliengeys in the cars, strangers, travellers and vie
iters. to Carlisle, are Invited' to call.
• Terms moderate, and every attention paid to
the comfort and convenience of those who patroli-1
• - tlke the establish abut,
. .
Ciirlisle, April IG, 1595. '
• •
tinny:. subscriber would respectfully inform his
, l pfriendsadd.thepublte.thathehasremovedfom
his.old stand on West High street,to the public house
1:1 kept by David Dleanon South Hanover street,
vborough, sign of Washington—and—,lauksoii.-
eceiw will ho al_wayii.gla4l-to-see-liisTrientls-froor
the Conotry had Trfivellera,knd accommodate them
in the best and most conifortable manner.
Ills .BA.,ft shall be constantly supplied with the
-ohoiceieljnitOrs;and his TAI3LE with the best the
inarket"can furnish. .N . ciireful . OSTLER' al ways
, • • .kept in iittehlance, 2 —andoothi ug shall be left undone
Ao•prepset ail who will with him., • •
by.the Week, month or year;
AN puny itonEarrs.
tl-2 ,
A iril I fr., I 84i
1,1301.14 PLY E • -
, ,• , rpepactftt!tti, tuferrna.
frlende and the pu blic geeprally that he. has
• Laud 'SADDLiERY, thh house' ori 'North
- , 4laittifek . .etteet,' trio cloake'ecielli.df the Poit-Ott
fice and nearly opposite his old's land; 'Where'he,
, . I ,,cantinass it:Lkcep , as24srtitoforn a full, and coml.
~plate riesartinantpf tivnrtthing in -h ie lipept,pri ,
i, ceq Aeliper: ihanenefT, t . :, ~ , . . ~. •1 •
' ''Ciihiliet IV,laleereidie,,Sernsattiitivite'd to 'call ,
and eau mi de a efildadid' lot of' :111A0,06ANY
rytivaNEESS;jtietrettiNeitfl Oarlienters'i 114 Buil,
on ddisostill find - aireicelltrit aisirtmnitt - of Latches,
Looks, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, and every veil*
' .: er , 11440)a g 1 1 . 1 4°U.115. at re,4oae4j§riaaaA Alba
1 , !' e ‘Y.t•t i t, t 4 . 2. 3 - I , l iii l l9lght49l9 (I . l ,)PLA4FROY•ar,t'ail.'
tecrgoto in ovary tcapeet, I,Alan, can, ancLrook•
Powder. warrahtddl §afily Pose, fctr hieathig,
7'. 6 ktitinetliherrilhea'd;i'SjiallerVizei 4 ' , Vindow - Glass
,Uvralt'siess, , :hilnt, , vOltaPtiii'dyarniehail , 26Cdsr,
PI linarolißlaoksnilth'S tßello l / 4 6, , Inrillfrig?Mdebitiaq
..„, and ovary variety ofartielos in the Hera weie line.
, Tr'. 2 _ ,, iciiol7_ir9cninPuciligalligifillleett4V3v4 - .0n4 .11
:e..•49,41 0 51 , ..tilts ol 4 - A 9 , ROI. J 1 0. 1.6 /@.. 414 rq4 delpg 0,18‘p;:
. wrinrei .ft.ortv 7 ; pi -.,., .1 .- 17: ILi;b ,•,..,. i , " '.;
,__: -.Tile ,Iptiii.,2 end,neespu4s pr, the latet,fiiin of J.
;'l - ,,ii *2 ar.4 , iiiii ierao. , ,fitie'ili " nii'illillartliid' liertio4ii
,'.':'lndebted are requested I,6'i/11110 iirliikeNirlieni
. i /.401 3 .9,'eta rape. tr tftibla;;.l.r.l - 49 1 ., 1 * ta; :4 ,, ,,YP E. i
" - ,oi.c.liAP,i'4l,,Arl 'Wt.: tifKit :tf.: , 331 7 . ,,, . .'i,.
,•: v.,,v,:' .. R,CjilliS9 X., 4 9 51 l
•;:. , .1,. v
s , i,;
'loAklii&Thilcamettqai E einne
:.I . sPothites,,tiiieiltsebeen.rdseived,and - nretfoviale - at
" : robe alia s drug' and perfniadry'stoseid Ettasensonlril
ladtiffit• k4 f.ri• l, .}; ice ; nrc •,?, s•f. vz, , , , ,',.:•,f3, , ~,,410,..2 % ': '
. (°1 : 1 -4 , t . ;* 4 , ` n •' -
~.,,, 1 . ,,, :; ", i 77.:. , ,' ifi '..
,re,,4,"4,,i0iiviit,,1tir,"4.46. . ~..,...
....-, , :,,,:5, e ,,, , .4 • „,, , f„4,,,,....,. 1
castpettt ppigitirpreotre pat o - .
v i ' ilif - l e l '!' t ° a 9 i•O'flttell4) dii the kpht...,.m.opP' 1
-4Ml ailli : . ' . .. l4 hciittitfrOgi — ter.r4!? 6l .. . 4 4 ehta l .P - .
::_4lrow:l,„*,;t4li?,:4t,,,vgbetqrilliyybiloai•oher „in.::
.., oritie.ll thatiz.ttan eettiore the 0b r 0y,...„ : ,g,
t , tiir ei vl . 4 4 4l o i _tp..z h i liti q th o iTuo i ;eir ,
: . ..if.rfis& , growi„'t.fitiTiilii k i 'ilideig 4
..*- f.ll4llllitioth.lritill,fikti**lslt iitt.e'eltillit'itits-zeeitititio,
'•; - Igifik i tiif VII* VP lOO4 e M' te0016110S? COO: Coati(
• itettsl, t ek • V . 4lolreeeti- *** l s 2 elPtititle4eiti .rtook
'- -, 1 0, 44;11 , 11 ,2 5i'3 1 t:0k611 , 240 As . eel'
.•,tt at • . tt. - c • ..• r %,..;r , „t 1 ,:z••• ,, t 1 ;1n- - ~ . '
.L ' • I PY: - '-'l4ElOti k, _ ~1 14t VtlEi. , ) ;
:. i:' ," ~„— ; .
:ii #000,34m144 !....;.)',,,%.i.-,,1:iv,*:t.,!.,142:,.1...'
.CO'H ,
rtAll `, A1;611;k:,772W 4 7 4','„,
r 9mkisipr o o4 , o,ll4tl4i., ,, iiiiiiel
... I
fipol . ip Ait , irp.%oo,i ,
0, 1 %1..1 441411 e
, Aritit 13.14 -At potaratr„Oflmr ll7l MTPsT ,lt *
,' , -, Augusts wigw,t i ''r ~ :"1`1,1i;'4441}=4.1q116:1 ; '
~1:•: . , . ..., ,,,,- --4 - 7-4,- % , ! ,,, ` , ... ! 1=4:04. , -4,1 , ,i1 1 :. „: 4.,!, ...„ t ,
`A.Ktej I,‘
alat ,4 l, tzto
, Tri"
. 18447-;,,
nt 4 /4??-rp:.7., •
0,1 JJ e -" 01..
• tAllia l tr. macilvq,
in all its various. branches& in , ,Locirst ili
ect!y. in _rear 0f..L.-Bullock's Chair' Factory (N
ththeyer•sgwhere , he keops‘Ceirstptly on hand
and willinanlifileliiio:tri'ordor, . • •
. • •
• bitt • (
and every other deseription of Cabinet Ware—all
of %%1411410 cheap for cosh, or Orehang6
for country produce tit Market' prices. He will
also take Lumber of all 'deecriOtione, irt exchange
for' work. , .
ork. '
.• .-•
triads on farina redecat
tort not ce, and ho will atlond funerals with
splendid Hearse, in town or country, A Hoorso
will also be kept for hire. .
Ile. respectfully. solicits a *share of public pa.
tronage b confidant that ho'can render general eat.
r ,
March 26,1843
THE Subscriber has m•few, days since received.
&ma the city a general assortment of School, Books
and Stationary, which he intends to sell at eeduced
Purchasers can be supplied with Ilibles,Papyr &e.
ittflte follewitkgrakes. • „.
Family - 31,00
Hood School Bibles ,
- 7 : flood School ,Testaments'` . --
Pocket bibles morocco gilt edges 1,00
School Books all the genekal kind in use proporw .
tionably - low. his Stationary is - orgood 01114,0-
.6o a good assortmat of 'Lithographic Prints, Toy -
Booksand Books Suitable fornolideys..
Ile also carries on the Book Binding business
where persons cult have their old books rebound '
Also Blank Books, Dockets &c. made to order.
The subscriber in connection with his Book and
Stationary Store, has established a
• rsiatik r - GROCERY:. -
ITE has now onlittud a large a c id gene-
ral assortment of fresh Groceries', spices 1 mosi 4 :
&c. of every description and of the best It %,.1 t..
quality, selected Wills care itirthe city; , i Ina 1 ...-' .
and which he is cniblhdlO lellailticid•cask .
prices to twit the 'times: ' , • - , •
• Thankful for the patronage extended to .him
during the few days ho has been in' the business,
he-topes by attention .and-.endeavoring to please
to merit a continuance theiectf, his stock in part
-- Strungllfo - rmilleyweeffee, - 1"" - ' . .. utility. Loaf Sugar, Brownortliltei'
'Havana And crushed - Sugars ' • '
Young Flyson, Imperial and Black - Toils: 7 . -
Sui:Cr Ileac Syriip and Now 'Orleans 'Moles:
Best and 2d best Sperm Oil. • ' ..'
Sperm and Mould Candles. Spices of all kinds
fresh - ground; .bungroundichccso.end Crackers,
x o pi timr ,,•..A 4 • Cdtgiclintligo;l3.llltigii3A4Peiro
4 .
„.„;,...nk tleriniiiilrtiOndiiiiiiitistard,..Rice,
iltornionatliie Mid Hattori beat Chocolate;
Almonds anu Filberts: •., • • - 'I , • '
Crockery; China and Glass ware. 'Also Brush.
es, Tubs, Baskets Churns, Broofris, Bed .conls i t
Halters, Ploughlinos, Masons and Crtipeniers
tyti f
Lines, Market Basket , Best Cavendish and'other
chewing and smo • g Tobacco, Spanish, half
Spanishfuld • Com n Segars.
A general assort neut . of good Spool cotton,
thread, tapes, thimbles, hopks & eyes, Pesti but
tons, pins'and nevlleg;tooth brushes, hair brushes
combs, pewter sand, shoe blacking and' a variety '
of other useful articles. Also No. I & 2 Mackerel,
smoked Herring, Salmon, CranberricS, dried Boot
llams'&c. , •
December) 1,1844. • .
Pension and Genera; Agency.
GIORG It: M. PIDLIPS,Iatti Of the Treasury
DePiattnenti - haropenctl - tin - effivelnlliii - ffity, and
T - yillniMrid-tO-the-prosecutirm — aqtrceillection of
claims before Congregs and the several Exceu.
live Departments of the Government; snch as
pre.emption and other land claims; claims . for in.
valid, navy, Revolutionary, widows, and
pensions; for Revolutionary services, whether for
commutatton,,..or bounty lands; far ser.
vices during, the last war! to the settlement qof
accounts of disbursing or other officers. of the
Government; to the interest of bidders for con•
tracts; obtaining remission of fines or,,
for alleged violations of the revenue laws;
tiontof.,prirot j t• and all busioesa ti,rotight
before Congrbss,orAge. public offices requiring
~,:elkarges,w II i-helri ud Orato c yeti)
to the nature of the business., Alllettor,s must be
pen • . -
G. M. P. wilt.also attend to thesale arid-renting
of houses, 'rots, stc., edllection of rents / negotia'
tint Idaho. . • ' '•
Wiieliingtan D: C. lupe 25, 1p45:
' • DoivbAslnfiint'Clordial; ft vertaip,Bareand , speefj::,
ourefor:colic, , Paine; and . ignisins, yieldiukgram .
reliefilmiahilihen teething, oito at.the , lllcgi
Jib:ll3 , OG Sievensori 8c Mehafrilp... - •z•-•
' '
WlteroHAS' , - , '
~ 7:::' , t";, I', P , '...--..„ '5l, ,' ,', L',. • ,:., i .
1 o r ay, ,subseriber, offers ad assortment of• Gold
'' 'wild: Singe' .PetenrLe- • - tr.Y,.,,.., .. ..
.ver , ;l„Vatolies' ofqbeir loam ..,..:., i,,, - = - ' , I t i
1 importation, Silieeßrioons;- , 1 1 .- , ..1,...,
1 Forks, Weir Setts and prink - v. o <4 ...'...13:' - ' -
'article•of 'Silver. work 'o :3 ~',..' 9 ' ," 3 ',..:.:''''',„........,
their own , , manufacture...-. -',,,:.-- ' ~ ..., 4 "J„,, ,
Also,lWatcli (Mega; Seld • 'A' „" 6. i
/ et., - '
"Mid 'KeYs",' Frnd'ipold Br6st Ping; Viutter' , Rlligs,.
Bracelets; clidird'Chaing;Gold and Bilvei Thins-.
tiles, Stiectilotes,Peucila 'and' ''' '- ; 0 "-',...,
,1, jr. 4 , 4 44 * ,4 .ii ) ,,,, i 1 1 1te11APig i .., 0 0 . 4' 1 '
together,ssiika, geherid.assortment o(l.4idieglcw." ,
Wry, Plated castors i Cairo llasliets; Can Ale Sticks;
Panorflagtilfurges, Fans, BtittaniaMare in setts
aroiddaldidepekgritde ?WOO, Sliver Puree eliding,
Ceinbs,llair PinglFuney Uead• Ordamentsill24,9l , _
. lottlholtiowear oratriwiAVilliTiCrilepair e el.
- ~
10Q Ghesilutrstreet, opposite .theNrauklitilouic.4
. l'hiladelpbitt/tAilgust 0,4184.1.. b.- V 1 t , ;I
. -
"" 1 . 4 *. Er , 4 '' tA
..N!. £5 . 1 V 4 11,6",1FQ11 - 01: le,,Cis ' it Church
- - - ---•'`'': -'- — l7atatie a t :4- - --- --4, ,-
liiililif..VeeenVe4 iiiid tit iGviiiißiiiti . ireit:iei ' ... tiiiive
and bbikutiffill iielkoiinieneroc:st 71N s.i.--
mi , leiion elhs
iiiiihimd=,.pripegplly.tbr,CAStli3O .twill ba - ectiff
Ot;(1 1 0.1Mtelet Prlcits kliorbC""1" , hl • ..r.t gfrAppplitt
Alt ll ,,tf4M l * 6 . POttem.) l Scatlkl64ll inPer • gd A ply,
optirt vqdra , llirti' 3 ' 4 .. 4 • 3 i 4714. ~ . wilit;a7No
A IN , #' 4l ;st r , i T'; 4a . ;'c9kPF4)tfirk#'l 4 ,4l:l4lll*.
1110.. - i• sr ‘, ' - :•,, • ... ‘'' 1 '
' 4'Siiii6(ior'.fitiltiiist r ki 'ii)4lfit•AVki t ic;v3th' a
twee etoiSki)f Will aCidotial)lll6lotliWit 111)0141Ni
lipAikPla nii Mid :'TAbli'etifiiiiiptitkfti , iniV9l4lr
IthdeplEfiditfr , l46l 41* - -,itit fixtefilllvettocirtinent
ot 1,01,,pe*,0 tiitiwn g s ; 4.mtik.iptigh N ttilpi,
W4,oo.tgOodtatteiniu" .. ndipiality forkfiril4.6ol4o.
, t rkill.Woluilwri , Oht reqn.l4leo AP , M9it,OO ,
Mr o t 14 01 18 0.?Se 1 4 PietrielitliAMPP .
1,,..,,mciti,, , ,,-,,7llth i plim i ll• w*A iß 4 ,,
-, ;`,Vt-qr*ritit5at!‘:,, , ..,.:•. , .;,;_.!...,. 1, ...,..,.: , :,.„ , ... , .,;, ~,
• t ,, ,. ,. , : :., „ ,\! , , ,--;,,,
404 - 16,,07; . 1 -.) • !k' V.,,,1,,' 1 -
„ ,,...11pt
~,*„!. •f 4l / 44 rolltiteeitiiiisifil;:
7 7 77 P r•t*Vi, ~ - ~„o ,fi-,,, , ,,, ,r -' J.:, ~, ~:t
'', NI )'''' , 18 , 1'” e : 11 1" 4° 01 4 # 9/ V e ki -,, '
2. ~,,,,,.:,,,„,;.;,,..4:7,1.4,.....t,,v,,,,,,,
- . . . - - ...- ~..0 -- •wr.."-zn-,........:... —:••.,....' -.,:-..; -:2 ;(- 7....J.M.4.12- O W-titeRJEW•WitIMIPMFAIP.,
:1i i 4 . , .:. :,-•
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4 . :.: .:. :'.4.0 . I :inirditstozv4 , o4 l4l : ) A,,-,,,. ,. •“:- on f t t f riii--
, ‘.,-;' , .m--.,,.,, -,,, ~d "ii 1 ' b A . 4
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!. 0,4 . THE tiIUtUAL'INSVIANCt Pititilblikt . "',"' , ?,."'ill'll- , 's "tlitwitoirAu ..i . ;'''' , b: w 1
. a6oniiiiii‘t -- *. - '%'v - `ita at - rariMiTirBti 11 "Wi tal.raiii , :4ll47lFilifirdii — iiiTiViiiiiThii
,9 ,7.:',`',..i;;Ca lt li t t l ,l4 4 ' 1 1 ''' If ' T A 1 ' I 4:2 t1Y.A1094. Pt.4.4°,lltontig.9 l o:l . 49Wrgqin sf!talAhg
- , , , , Atoore himself never conceived a mere exqpisite
~-1.-,.....11: l f ~ , : , 2 _::„ .. ,. ,ot, thou '. ..t ~,. ..r.. ~. 2,2f .1,;_g:5uL1i .. .1„...t +L
/ i r eiiiii *6 4M. i d to n e arly OrieTkisTf of 1!" 1 7.i_ tiwrPhowint : ~ ~.
. ' ' ' d i e . 113 461 r eii. t ' :. , ' i t .1T hi tWilikhirl'Ourii; Ilitif:tdidi'fliwAy?.ii2
...: ~ 5 , „,;: : ,
,•.,. v t 0 .1 ~ 1 , ~ i ;1,: ~ ~ '' :5‘ ii U , "",r/s`( . ' 'AI lighilrapdtigYrees - ~, ,WF,.i Vi ;14 P i 'frE
, _
"Irl Ir the Act of Incorporation the etookle pleig: ', .i . rq:s_°,4llMult s t a rlti v PfeAniqlf !,k.Y.t, ~ ..- 1 i7 . .,-,,
,P4,44.ll449, the , „,', ~TV'll!cui'Md9n thesesk ^,
Company may suAtaid..,`,And aa an additional ' '' 'For - e4.erkw•ave iiitlidingslitiltde:' . i --
aecuri,ty to the assured , the act requires that the 4 I. \ n-Tfiatilaileaiiii in : the iilkfil f, t ' , il.. o) 2,`....
pre/Zia-of thbefineeil elialLbefuridecUpd remain ,i„ " ,•, or. a d. ,i m i l b t „„ a t i• , t; • -
sr nits.em nuxo,t :-.., , ,
w ith tho.corppratiol?, ea a gnarantfe end protec.•
~,,. ,„ , ~,. , , ; ~,- '
Hon td the intid'red=tainatloali. This fund will' ' - n'° ,4 AT'l',' , ll'..F.R n ir.'.!Cg , t 99 . 5 4 4'1 . 4 , 1 ,, 1 . `,l
6e'. represOnted by scrip issued totthe , Compiny. . , .
, 1 , ~,
~ i, L i.t_ ~.. +•
bearing interest, not, ex 9 eedi ng six per ceq.,per • ' ' -- 2 l iie' ' f ilurritif: " '`„
annum.- The 'ponied' are 'entitled to a pro rata ithjavdrit i g t "iiiii. , o lAW D ebt t u fe e lii i i i ii : ' ,
share of-the profits of`the Com'peny; and.will ire- -,., :, ~i , , ,_i ti • ..n.-,..1).:_ , vie' . I I ,!.i
calve that proportion, of the, aforesai d , fund: in can - perlY, says'ine - 'vrasn'ington Union' t 'iti
scrip, whim the amount of earned premiu m s.paid the reductiOn''Of' thi'Aiiiir. The official
by ' I) i m, bears lb the - totalium oFearnad premium,
101c1 -capital stook:, •,,,,- ',,' :a ~ , „•, '._.. paptir:litlimieed to'tt_ll9riip-theiubjebt, i 9 a'
scrip trisque., o.e trans era • e
Hooke Company t qs'stlick: • -
o - divitippd ofecrip , min 'be , made when the
lessee and expenses exceecrthe amount of earned
piemitiins.• • • '• • ; ;
..The ineured,arOironfetedfiom dues At the , one.
.ternary rotes of premiums, taghout-arly inAnfd.
cal' liability Or V . WaionsibililY . foi .- ilirniciisee or
oxpenece of thagorporatibm The a.‘enred
All the rights of membership ,— eon - vote at all
*miens, 'aiid - iirO 'eligible tie Directorss "Of the
cirporution,d • . • '
The subscriber has been appointed agent for
'fide 'Company, 'nod the been _
:superseding every other, rhode.:of Insurance ; he
N t V l u p ld wi c l efidently recommend it to his friciids,tind•
heNorth American• Company has, clOged their
Agency.. Those having polleies'exjiring ib that
Coinpany on much more favorable-terme:
-;For full-particulars enquire-either by letter or
person to • JOHN J. 141Y4RS.
Carlisle, September.lo, y.. ,
. ,
.. •
rriHE anbseribers offer to sell at peleaitd• sale, a
X tract of land in Weer Pennaboro' townthii),
Cumberland cou4ty,pn!J half nille'east of Newrille,
coma iniog.
ofprime Limestone Land; i goCktltilat or
tion, inolatling aitargepropprtiatof it under good
and thaliving.thiaher. '1 he mitMoie-
mentsare a two' . Ptory Stone-House,a
.stonp Bayn and , other. out•tbuildingiu.:-4''`FT
abovis;deseribad propertyithe
iiiilisorihe'rs Offer to sell either m, one'
pact, nr one hair of it ielprate. from the reef. A.
gouil title and pussession.will be- gkeri on the first
of April next. - - .; -
I~~i s _:in;ißa
FOR , - • -
WILL laiiipaabd
- - Irypretniiaa t ow - I'o63day. the .30th' day of
September next, the following.,valuablo real *ll,,
tate, late the property Stilaitayolecona.
' ;
- „
' . : . l:Farrn . miut ( Taverat , Stand
Sjtdate at . the forkkef theorletiifitireittithiniaP
foucmileslirest ; of
Dedier'd, Thit Tavern. is a commodious, • '
. S. itiLLIIINIM F ,
t w o stories high, fifty, feet in length by forty in
width, with, stabling, spring house, &n.,:aitanti.
mit The, farm contain;
216 Acres of fine Limestone Land
180 cleared, and 'under fent% 90'of Which ate'
veadow; ,thure are two good orchards: — Beeides
the Tavern Btaitil, there are Militia tract "
A large bank barn 'and" grainery, one Dwelling
House and 84 House, : and.altirge stable and dry
house; also tr4o other DWELLII , tO "HOUSES,
a wagon makera , shop, and black kmith shoN'and
saddler. shap.
— TERSIBI7=Oms - tkird - ofthe purchate_rnoncy_
be - paid - in fiend a 2 the confirmation.of the sale',
the balance in three eqUal annual payments there.
after, without interest, to be secured by judgment
bonds, or betide and morgage.or morgagee.;
Bale to comnmecn allll o'clock, A. Al.
August 20, 1845.-3 t. • - - - -
Valuable rarm--
S'ADE - 7.7 ,
, . , .'• -
ILL he sold at pt.) sate FaiitALfir4t- , -
-- rate ESTOND LAND, shunts in stititli
Middleton, township, eine „ofile,,,weit of- Cin.lisle;
-, CcimberinniLecialitY,
koati containing . •
tooreor hitting. thereon • ;
swol storr - Stotitti - Houile:sylatr - taim — e7 - •
Darn, atkeltiollfiriarrato staten,Styoung. .
tto.tifilpivingtlliPic 2 Diehard. f ; Also , II • •
be sell, whit tite, above trant . tivn octet( of ....
-Aest-ratelDliestantryitstbee:;ft fl I
Ti l,(Watilui::P,o.ki9. l l l : 4014 pole*, kfironiiithe'
Inin,',witielt gives itmark - et tOt•tlythe pnotittsq that ;
iltrongivtoi the
• 01'
Personshirshing to Wu Jiletnip en! til e r
Mr. AniiktVßlttityin , Ctiiliale,td 4 b n this fluks'ettiler
v . `,.t
• The untleraiiiik fikie „Ju liy,gtve rtoth!4p i ,egreeetily
12,-114 .Coh'etitathiti'ituj'Wk:ol,igethinnebnie ra K
of Penopylvatun, thtttihey'sitid their iilii6ellit'es*lll
m4lti4ipplieittion:to'thinextlLdgitiaturiitAAtunt *
I for, the uncsornotatififilifka - B fi nk; , ,ltideetheoloim e
um) "style of Ili T.hel•Fgrthers tted,hleghshiel Mote:if 1
Carlisle'! to lie Went od In the Borough of Carlisle,
Petineytronle,,,,Suitt , gortigietiOtyhtheron :4644
Of 'one -:lindreil lilioUnotiir Ivollarth;waft .zsueoal ,
ihtitthiegltnil tlltidontaingl4l,ll4oo, : ) , 44, 1- 4, ,, ,A . '"t ,
',..,('',.- 7•:'' / ' ' ' 'r tO ''''''''''' "v-" r itatOVPhieVlV'L ' V
~ .t.0n•,, .3 ~: '• 6 It':', b. * ' ,I •IJ , ) , ,,o ;
1. , ..... , 4 P• , , • .'-' • . op)! 004#, •-0,
~,,„....,,,,,,7 „ L,,,,‘,.; „ , „ _..,,,, . .,,,,,,..,: :, !,: . ,,r q ,; . ,,,,,; , ,,,,A , ,,,,, „ .„...,
4 ,,,,, n , 10 . p . : }5,,,,,, T ..,.. ,
, ,, #514;1z, , 41911p1i:,4 •
ii.i.ia.ll-104d:ii,ifiattizi.4' --,r;wrPri;'B.ktlft.if,yaFtir
,- . • • , 1
..,,, , ,,,„).,r,,,,,,, , ,,,,hx. s c 1 f•l:philk.... , •p c ii ti l
~ .NitiesriPiftle, azis'4 ,, Prl
, , • . , ~,c_. Lhi p.f... tp. Jr.—, ..,•1 .•t
, . .
Qoth intomikiiiity;jdebrioelitekev
61 `. 111634 0: 1 0 - .4 . .0 , 0kT
•- • - OSteVedfitillke,4lo4l*
i.: ., ,; , : lt)llßiittir'i '' . ''' ' 4
iliv 4- :i44 '' '''f,,llitAtil i .7.,,rlyo.
04171 ; ° 140W v ....dt.;.,, a de0m:
, Loaf eked tßrown So re, 'chia n ti 4 / 1 1 be eoid cheep
II the gate ofAlke 8 Senor.r , . , , ..-
liolN . o44 . 4ol6 . oel[ll6SittiPE‘ol9t ; 4 : WilitEw4l[4ol1 I AILaIrrI6 , IIIIAIPC 11.1L11,1pA)
ctAl •
11 ;4 111 0t.ix
e w-days,' and. to. tliscustctlia: whole eyittaai
intt regular. mannam It QUtites Mr. . VV, alk=
eri and .thei aubmiti:thiallotablal:obaervav
lion :zYrhe mantifictareriireitrieforink-:
ing enormous. proo ta. s ai- the :expon ka 'of '-thO'
rast - of • the com'mtinity:.l-
of:in'aiiitfaCturenriff very StriaiL 4 dmpiee ' d
, with the iesCof
- IltJtnight occur ickticemintl - Otti
man, tharwitlymbneyf so al:id:Want
country:as it has(beetildr somfyeara , past; - •
any businessvyielding . 'enorrritnti profit!?
would:'so'on , attract
. inveitaietiOttitinghlii_
bring Wt down to the : orciary.setilet.:. fir hebe
. ..
:things- generally .regulate thernselves.
There is nothing to . preverifcaOlitis from
embarking their Moans •in Atir:braneh of
manufacture Which, _pronalsee,T i sfltir 7 giable
return.: No monopoly existshimybrarteh .
of manUfacturing industry. a Illaly should
monied -men, invest in :stoolikilit;six ., Per
cent:; when-they could .ebtajtfifenormotis'
profits', by another eort,of invetttbentl ;
-. The language of the ..Union i titinqhie sub:
ject,._is. probably, not_.addre_see* in error
sense and knowledge,- It belt niirotmthat.
species of phraseology whiCh4iiiiiislup So
,much:of the-dielect , ofzdemagiffni- - i' The'
prejudice and fee)atieylto-whioo - apPeals
- are - such - as - dri•nOtilwell , :iti,e4Ocistiess.
ed , of:muchitiferinatiori.'. - - - '724A"
.-' i -z
•• it is too . much The' ease iiiP' 00thititry:
i ii
lhat..:anya.Atind-lot .:busiiiesa iiiirretcr
yield largely-is-overdan -..''' . -....`P - ;' Mat=
ing; enterprising
snbdv ' o-.;•: 'jrit !,
- charaotersticoftouit pett :, phis i n.
ibgen:conpetion ivavery. JitifilMaifil I
.rnoney:.lcui;bolnador*,'Drut - cbcattierclal
-revulsion are often Caused , by this;.o If i tlid
manufacturing is not 'overdone'it is 'portly
because there is 'not a looting of assured
confidence in_tho permanence of-the.'rarill:
and pardpbecatrie the. continued' improve
meats in the arts' of meaufacturine warren
Saki of goods at low prices:
To.tiay—that thwma'nutactuters-are 'tnak
my 'mum:Eno:a i;retie at the expe nse of the
rest of the community', is to talk's' randoM.
The einhe could as well 6, said of the:far•
mers, of the till'ppers, the merchants, or
anyinlier-ela :. The - nothaniti areman
ufactures—the int putOtion. , applies .tp ,01,0111
also, if to any, yherele t .no,mytiopoly in
any industrial pursuit in this vonntry--.
niithingtoOisitt4e competition ;, and,where
'el;tri"Oitttilae,ie.,iree, atty,?nel.who.bellesei .
'iliiit uncommon itrefits str;it,:iiaqi iniepitiv : ,: l
'tieiiftli• bit Si ti e . sti, had, better . 0, j y49,4 f At
tnee,"enti . ehare in its ineratiie rlisultliti
4 Detiteetid'`Co.nipelinti; Will lilie:)%li )(TOP
down the pride otnianufsetured goo s, ', ~ iln
.proportion::-el;eorifitlence, 1344 t iniffe - ,pir: , -
.inettenee - octtlie , lariffofi'emek r . prefiailion'
.tvill•thie etimpetttion•!ezeit ifs e 1
vigorously. •: If ",the'ieciuittry,'"ieltllWityii to
be imiuncertainty , iereepeetle=thitliiilitiii
• there , riltiheitit citiscioltideeifideiek:iviiieh
cannot' bid itletifei intliff friiiia'eiiiiiini in
Isitanufae hi reslivhtiro thtirrVieri:it" , 'oull'a i.t. o;A
:and irilhaif::eatiiiiih'olii=WAO!etintiiiiifer I(te,
riek.ipay... intitp ; ,gpod.priiiitii'WileiiiiiPiititi,
i4prptifiigi!lict 4914,1: eta) ~..,..-.:Ottv..r.`) i ,
.11 {';','s9_,V,l t , ',E t::,' . - .• .,. I') ft } ;'' 4. ri • :tiro !
.: 1 'f , l l7 ;Qtili , ?: T i I' A MTV ? . .H(ftlYolt?!eni,9o
a Kliflf7 , , , ,Tl , Al°_,Licl l il:l l A l P.*, 3 9 1 9filnif i MI 6
natrked, ,, nanueir , HeAivifir ffisiiitsinl s iii - 'oe
409•,,;“, , ..,..1“,1044;1, ..,.., 7, • ~ . i
P r "PllPP..tqfit giii‘PAINTRNWII.O-00 t 0
•t0...41e-gollee r andic•pettiQe his I,l,nd_intiiii
:elti!itit iii: l ii4iiiiiii- I ,=fkitiooiAl liliiilly.l- :
14 6 .1illtittititiikkfiti_tiehiP:Oftell'ittlifie l i
iiiheirniiti i iiiiiiie r bitV.iiitri 1161' i fi l d','Oil 4
fillso4;iikiiihiii.alliiiiiiiiiO4;# iatliii Kalil 4
iii.itlirfikijSt ifilqeie4ii ii, l igigiiiififigii i.
iiiii IltiOi.litPtiliela ing-in te o( ite
it iq i ; 1• 1
, tnattil:rrti itli , iffiriciiiieoT . .itnit.44
lk ,
tri44 ,- ;iiiiitiikgifiiiiiliralkit*akithiiiiti 4
ihel . 4iiiiilid ,x ih[6llii iiiiti,Ri;
Viiiilani f itiOi Voif ; liiii4ialkiiiii.4' ' ll 5
liiie!!.ortiitiiirr 131: q 00 ( iiii3iiiWitiiiiIiiiiiitietiii 1
Wqqlcl:,k l .o7 Pseleitilihttliiffeirtiift l 6 . iiiit IC
l i*.t,;A:ir,neliiqfh 4 l l: l 4 ooiiiriliO'hirril'h li
.now iinbsid 4 4fit iipilei ti4tifuiii i!e .
4 iibtredi - f.'6.4 1 d - itaio . ill n vti4- ., V .9 "/ 4
''' P figiitliol b " ' 'Ao t iiiigitti ...i
.:: ... 4O
.. (:) 7 AW-,7 ,
~, t
SI . 14.:1 1 4qii 3 0 s iliii e oililililitli t pied4i;ii,l44,
lititilefitrrillhl . l. l4egi,
Afiftifilt:Alkirfini i . iteiagi,
ii,iiv , i.!!lni.e4it-10 1 . 1 .ig 11 4,-Agiitm '`_ ~ !. 1 : ~p,:.
ittiO*oo.Wifiliel i PO 4i ,oo 4 o/1 1 teit
, ',6 os ll.6 oo. ll iiiiiiiii**oo4l 4 4i,
4P ii 1. * .4000 o 0. n? 0 ;& 0 l , !f i O r ' . .
0t . .:. P ,,,•.c . 0 ,... P .f) *1tt
L,000001.4010w0 r i4
00; r :
,004440tiih4. .16*.0-4.
tends`iiWii:i‘4l4 : ifii - abii igOiit
''',.‘',,..!.''-•• 4*.a..:.; - ':'l,, '' '• , . 4 .:..'4 ', .....,.r, , . - .1:2 ..'..,..,1,-- , 2 . „1. : ..: , ,
77 -, . - 7 - ',..T. - :, , ,!,.;;- . „.:;;7:1'.',::::.1 . .fitt.,- , ..,,: . , ; ..... ,. ....y/ ''''- '• -
. .
an*Eiserall426 l gfi'Cit)}l4,ls'Vla
4.••1 -,, A •
• •
Henry Rreepht
;lingOeff,rt,:t;letv:of th; - ' c Ark;eefel :l opera:
Ifilne an' :;condition
t ,9e,,.„ T rrPagurYt,e'
which ihe =
ptoe Brous itat, of thAt
ttepa r rtment tikighS be i.arerred . . The
aeupt of the`Board ' last ;year
more 'thiVieceipia from the ;Barrie"
sourcesilartng the,Yearbefore ;
• the ptiy=
dtetite'ftif expenses duringthe yeay, hove
amounted to tflftl:§ll7,,d2,, 6 - Ong
'bokitihin g pf the year, 919,0.9 ta.the h4ndi •
parte d the;:qp9o read
by., t
evere"d. essra. rmst;t)ng anc'A cer+
son, svelearn .that two .corporate Members
°fib!). Boar have died 'since the last anni
versary,.the: Ctev. M Gleott eer
Ilempalt ire, and General
,Pistvall, of Maieei
it an ae" tc eiCeediOg ninety _ years., It was
his porPose,'a ftiw days since, to bapresont
'it rite,ettrig.,
missionaries and-assistant mission
aries 'hatie been,rernoVed by death.; .
Rev. B. Griswold Rev. G. H. Apthorp,
Rev, R. Wyman, ,Rev._.N.,..Dfibble,
Valbenrrp, Mrs. Dole, Mrs, F. 8., Thom
son, Mrs. Ball, and Miss Pierce. . . '
Fight missionaries tted—assisten.t--mis
sionariei.have beenrileased, at their pwn
regoetit,..froin 'theft connection with , the
Bciaid. Fifteen Italie enteied_on the wocit,in
coneetion. with the `missions to the Anne-
Waits and: the Ofigetatv lOdiaes, and that,.
in . Western Afitai,- '' --
Vhittrafireel!Mle heett; - appoilltetil :Witt
Eiv';viio fiat' 'iCee,itred aro' Ooin (wants, h'it've
bein at their own requegt teleased Twenn
been an
,'!'here, has heen an iocreass of. Missionary:
feeltng in some ,tlCeological .Serialagiekii•
conventientin favoLotmissiml hay_e been
held in some States, and the„contriblitions
from the Beards Of :fp 4Y4ssion'q of
the - Refortnetkilittphißkure4r and -.(4ermart
:tiefO'ri)edl.Pitirehi'll'lfe been - iarger-thi •
they 1,4445 r than,thyrlvirre last year. -44
PONVlVlALlTY:—Cpnviviality has fur
nielietl the gallo,ws,lStatp Pris Ons and Pen
itentiary, with. their - poltitudeaof victims r.
It is con,vivielity, that, fttlls to overflowing'
our. Almshoutles . anLAsilums. . It is con
vivialjty . • .
tltt ; threw / the i §wallow upon the
ipek.. ; lrt.,the . Hudson : giver s and drowned
Hie seoresof. passengers, who never dream'- -
'ed 'of, tiaitger, Until- their, woke to strangle
end :die., conviviality that makes the
huiliand ii.brutai.rind renders the social cir
Abior — irdit . iirtlie scene - al
graceful brawling; that raises the, hand of
of violeneo , against the wife that ought to be
.prkeetedi and the =mother that might to be
reveineedi -that' blasts the hope of hundreds
and - thousdnds every iyent, :and, makes tit
IV* 51 '' lit I
grave-yart y ale,
ed.the deadly
fereeideep iinolheefelt . hollitUthe.
:frlise'Crea:-.lrhosetitorrislarniliar to
Nato-have read .the history , oebuil State:—.
theittinettoritivialityfthatf_isent :the
.ball froml,he.pisiol yoUng:Elltiottja'thi,,
bParttOfttbe deibterKehdallv, . ,;
case.of an und'easP ea tOtly Wlifeh cattle tin.
tpii'ijie notine; -The body is at Revel, on
iii - digita - .‘7, - I;.f - WitAiiiii creifeVal - Duke - de
iiYi'ej;; oideiil"'. who was " n in - - it -
, ,,, ,
.., Jian w,,,otn e, _ns
°';' lBe , r ) q cii 'aqqat,i),e(ai: the Yi . iaait ;At
h„!''fite beining . of thisTlfttkettt:
,t l PrYl'-hli' ci'diftiri did iii4ilPW,..! ll P,trlejOil•
"? I) ;"'W , ' ll.l ', o 9,:4ili li ' ll f!), * ' 'l 4R''''!l'' lii R;4" .
is'• leht , e4 • %he bdd,,ir. r,ernaineil, In'the'
° ARP ; ennte tod jirrsnelo"i , eW their' riwn ! I 'li . .0 l'l' l '''''' le q! 9'd " 4 " . ,. k"pctil . ,P,.o.l i
61.•, i 's' 1 ,:ii-; ,l l' , l ; l ) , ff il iiii l l , w i s l i fiha t i l i - eiii e ,.6 , •hi let seen! underground; .. ono,,.!! is suppose
if i c yf ir a i ri ii4d . 6.1.`,.bai 1 / 41 , , v i l it i r, tib . iiia riir i ... sortie that the composition of the"-soli
• r i e skiii ie hsif o ic . , , ,li42 , l 7 , ' 'SI" r' l6 (Whiblv is' 'ohalli!an it iime)tone)Cpreservisil'
~,,,_. . ..9„,,i:y,,0,,n,0 seems turning,. •., ,
- - ir•frorn ilecayo , Th_eliody.ts"perfeetly di:o'
.ise',„ il.:, w , , Ares.„ 13,pil"ti.,,e i vldenee ! ,,against kis , ; ,
~, • -...
~.- , . . , , , ,
, ; 1
n 6 igiihori . as i 't hi. , hunesehin , his m icniiti . sopa of the teekend . rrhite!hatrioare Ini:a•
-----.- - - stoi4-444-.4 g - 4---ict-. -,•-s4-•534-4---4;
isit;Wern'eliirrnitins iiintseic . ft= this e'en, '.Pl r . ' . 'Fite. ,'"' a 'a' c,a l
v , w , ilifoti r •;"=.!: , .‘in' ,) '- , 1 ' ' , ti ''',"i f ' ors and4Wes'elffiriiiiiiiiiiii; Wkiirifftet eipinoid .
„v. , es.worist,,constr,net en!
v are,put.qrs , -;--„,.,-,•„ ~- t „,, ? „:4,,..,„., , ,-......- „ ..,4 , . ...„ 4. '
„ dli . A .., ,on +.% n , tV -. .f.,' ,, , i , I , ". 1, 4 ( ,),4,, 1 to tnel anTter birrerr eidetic: '• It you' strille'
latle motives, malicious , ineaninge ere • , s ,4 • . 4.; .; .'..,• , c. /
t.,...,3raihr: 4 , sszty.s...sw , • - st.a ;I/ , ; ,, ..W.:q, ?....-kl. r. l Th e ' e hds i v e f t h i i b e n t , ts i t " gives ii -4j6ljevir.
cextraeted Irani) - ear l eipfia eiorespopsobe ~! - ,s, ..• - ' "1 -, . 7 •"! - .
scratch of a.strit;li:.iii r r t i aliliiitist w deli = f°66.lli'' 4/11.'e.'56ek"liw -"ki'''efiYl
tritelttfeettdtrittitiori,llllfia , iithifiede f edl but ...& 11 '.!, 12 - 9 " ) - ls .- a !t i . 1 9 i44 ' ."41l i ci :boil'
lit& iiiii.detieini iviiii 4 Jhlit'itr r44rekWeiiiiikl 9-I,44l"g'4teli:'aig9l9')C-ftrii4.44)gli—
i .1 „
tkir.-.ll4grisililii lir, - bottle lihlstithiPtintiestidinial 1 ! ' 01 ';fi l : . l''''''' ` , '' , :t l' t 'l il,`"' _'''' ) !• l' - Ira N tt; , 'L' ,-.
• ' • -. •I ' or. . ;THO FOR EALING TIIE - Dtl.
dillifel - 4iin)fht liiiiiii-,4loiiVd=friAe nee '.' i /L4Y ' jt4l7 l. --r t - ''"'"' r7 ' l ' ll- V ---
.. • , ,goterstivi , ‘‘' hi - k . oci'irocoo, says the' Si ,
iiseh-ali&s: a e• g odee l fedleksiii i h., / 0 4 t i e t: 7 , 1:--; • 4." ,f. 'at:l.44 -,••....1 s 4. .1 , ...s .ii..c. i" , f - ,. A
finite, I:ree,- rens,: have a number 'Of neW
1 4lignii!hlOhN48 1 4r.iliii)11441 } itin".1llillits i m i' l `" d , P.l' !if?, Gat,,,,f #i t iv)-/r) f''' 'lf
iiiAtli-tilibtiiii'lltiaaoliiiiii i iiie kiiiiiiH " kimil ii 'l ”m l fzgla? ` " 4l i cal/.. 5 °1 g 11t4
• the o de-see e a ancto co hill etel who'' ,
V,reValeilrliNre&itliniiiiite,Wl?;l9,4elitlit'in'tl :,' n , ll -4 ) - T e'eel,V i raV e 'fils4t i eW' r l'li'lls e l 'l4?
AiTi444iiiiiwirti/iii - i: th i l id e ii.o i d r i t lab 4s, rt. - ~ . .a0„5p„,•34,1:45,45t, lot rivrt( Or i_plfl
- ---- ------ 1 , ---- - lt i l i nglitte map,. 1138 maw ly, tne e t i r
Pl* ll g i n tellt e 0 3 ° 0 04 iert-0 0 a4l is' • ' Ici i; l iiia 11 r ''l l ' . seer
•Itn ' . 11).03 d '
• - IIL 1 9i 1 7? ° ! , ,,.. ° ,%,- , 4 "V Yl:l7l ° `
Oi ltt 'c l ti e t' ' 4 "' ii,‘'l' o''''l l'''';'l l'lll f - a patent-for htirsitioniiisii el 'biiteksis I:(rds
l'il i ti'"''' . " l " l "" 4l4.4 44 , 0 143 Y • plassee 'of the 4Eleiniian,r, W !",i'iW'lsi'ciy
tR ,4114114101chilletilit!ii; / 1 16.1titgi.Oir , ellfil 0 'iftstethile(mel;eitit'biette,ii t teiaseeiiitii6
ifilkiqi4ifloA! l : 44 1 4j g?-0 4 t! 41144 , 14 ArwR i Lfa 0 , 4vrtiiitataWry4 isiliiio ihiAtt,c4iiieiii-riaiii
,thov e. inr J hite i*ovonikeocilvAhßrft )mtrYo.4o?t' .ofnaibiviewati,l:llitO ibu r atistmeilif
g'ittn,'" r Mlw"rnft 9 P 7,AtWitl'gkirj'A - fo ' I, (lii - flis'itiriiiiXOWlallYseiblis;lii'inanisiecr
not read - or'-write,' in 'this " , Olit,;,,pplishiso 14t. -..-- - ' ,: ..-- - •
• , otlthiiTyildrlliilltillail 'ol thes4thefalireff'
~- ,
there 'were it ,"leesthnif SIXTY , T ' ' ' • .., .--, '-,%, ~,:- .„ 0 1,.., ',. .. .0 -
gafailite4, l ,2 B . La rye ..ligiv, , ). 81 .. at- 410 ?.:.,!!eite,':'!” PPPos!ttokii . 4 l 4 7
OEI tdo.fli . slik .1: g, t, p,,,iw, ~,,r,„,,, , , ,, 5w,, rtpik,ol4,p4R iiii,oi - 1,1i0 ,,, r ,
whose in coma facuitiess were naralszeit , e•-'iii4J" -- ` , i. - .: ""tr''''' '. ' t ''
...,,,47. , 1-inn.' ltltf , tttt„teT.ltilt...-,,,,flf.Vilutp._-, , tip t' 0n_,,40,....w00 no ,fie
..! •
gYV r if i rtrgil• it T e lPl li "Pr noit4 - ,iitiApi - a; '4iittlitiO3r -l ittitlit tie , .-.
ii .
e , _, it . . ci vi l ..: , .0.. Hi pro ) M,, , a,4 t. , =,. , ~11 4 i vri• - 444 '' -
IMO} 16kig.ftf , t 181m e ynIVIRM, read ,diiini4mot -I„his*Wia .1.40;; es :4;lnsie ,
oir wi .1",,,
_,...,, . „,_ , ~,.1, „ . • .., . - ' . I . .0i 4 4 ..,,s-, 4 11:4, ...... 5 .6 ,, !.‘ .1,411 1 ,1 , targiatt '6! ~ 4 ? 4,041ik ,
t!iy:4,lt .th ^ l ll? 4*Ort.§ 4B 4 l t 4 fifift l P,Vl (41 ' 0 i . rlnc itt l ,ii k , u . r..,, , lt a P , Tik.' ,- Y A ''
~. .k4V.e.p.llif,RfttelMlT, t t gfii i oCiff*tall, 4i .!'- ur , b4. 'o"si i : l ' ''''t 4) 4Ft ' ''' '' t '-` ll.' .'. '
11, 1 ,;*e,en two eitifet,Tenel,,gevskrAkeitbyAlii)o Pr';'Eatilf, , tlixii ii 4 t i t .' , l l l i ,
11 1 1
ift i
1 ,
v.... 4 . g , ,
POob!ittitfilio444.r:W , -441 ,:,.. 140i.),,44 iigii'iOl 10..,44„ AT,,, 4 ► ~,, a
iiiiikvitilf - Sl 4 4o...isiiOno*iitig fact - atio,,ii - 44;iw s' - 'webt,t, ,i roit:ti.
At!*iiiti.Olkiioo o (*eiiiiiiiitsoof ' 444414 4' "" lila4 l iCa s kfh , 4: l o t rfi :
1 I
7441044iii,iltitili****itift litifiliiiiiro4 ' - ;* . :4AO • '" i '4 .- ;takitii ;if/0' 1
I pi e watit's mre iron sp te Oa 'l' '''''"`—' , l ' , '› . #,., 1
,ffiFilnio ! „',..,_ - :1 4 , 4 1::',7:-. , '"...," , ',.... ,,, , , , ,, :, , ..! ;7 ; A i•.4 t II ill } II .:, , 0-4 , AY,4„,, ~t,,F':',.,- ,,,; , ,
,2, s 1,k.,1:41,
~•7t;,7ri:,;:',.6 It-',?s.47t..':l‘lF't".'''''-R4777,':
.dA , 7I.:',A fil6'ii2:l: ~,',?: ';' , r. , . - i ,, -At• , ‘• - •'::.:4 , -24 il'.l4.'t ' iet, , ' , 'l'.‘SC./..; . .. ' ;'` ' ' '
.Pgir.! . ..l(Uvia,4 3 l.:(l,4;polakl• rt.4llT
011 , 0hFAA 1
`ltrith eel
dentriof;bar brillTarit Ji~hn ''+ RagHzl ( ih~ erne
of .!ftepriaaniktiVatigitidl;llbiedilled ?.at
, the to it , of it liiahrill9voideiNir.. Spe?litir !
41 1 1ii-trieatteet4-111iWilliti;titifectlittritItifr
vlophir i lestistitt:T
u—fonhil3atidalplArepped ttiadygemafrom
atotitt)i - bdt never te: richer one , ihan
. ,
Pay *A You govt gitd yott need ho6ladge
aimetableaziindt'ehetiffin-A •
'payee you :gri, 4, and you 'bah Walk the
streets - ith , efect tickYand`i 4i iiinly
frtintiand irate fSat of' itidati you
alfeet,' Aroiti iiie'face
'WithOtit' flifichinitS, •--Y4)11 nqinst 'liatie to
cross the high_WittltLathaa
intently 'lnfo the sh'op•AViiidoiiii tO:titooici
•Siteing•a breilltdr. ••• -
'Pay aa,yolt go;'' and Yi)ti cen 'in ap' your
finger at ' the' *torld; and =when yent
to us , sometimes that Wit cah•alrritist'tell the
laugh of a poeir debtot. He looks - around
as ''though' he - Was in doubt - whether his
laugh wag tibillre property of his creditors,
and not iticluded'in [addles `eitenifittid froth
l ittachmen't.'` 'When' he '( - Joeb • stretieed in
getting out. an abortion Of '.a n la•ugh-'410k.. it
is, nothing - abortion=--he-'appears
frightened, - and loaf's .aa :though - he 'expeetl,
it tier& bYpiififie - ed .
'Pay as yoU go,' and you will mielennil-•
ing faces at home—ihfippy eherry-Cheeked,
Smiling children—la coritented ifecheet
hearthastone. • • •
John Randolph vine right. It lel the
philosopher'e:stone, 4. ' . '
RfiPiat. et , milk, ."
Who'eads the lotto` face open/ 'mist
utile at :a single glance 'dist: a '`systematic'
atteekris,a4resent being' made by Telead•-
ing,men of ihatjarty - agelnsf - thertire bent
Tariff; ' Front" the. tone - arid - te t g"erof these
attaelts,'-it iejapPitrent.thiti-att siteinit will'
'be made sby 'the nthit cbrigrebii. to Ifave if
greatly reduced-o@
last UplandAlictob'Wfilidlitiftlfel'artieleif
on the _subject_extracted. from'variouti spit i!
nes all of whieh' the measure se ,
njust,:- 'tt '
7 4i
rYisidenttil Bahbaes when iliey iverit:rentle
„to believe that was theirliraattif the
airvbeate'of Tl;rifiSthich pictieet
their interest.,_ country is ' novy
_begining-to-realize the-effects of theiWltig
Tariff of I 84?” Every. branch of industry,
,comerterce and sagriculutre
.presents, a sonse,of activity anti, enterprise,
tand:ourpeopleare;qn the.high road to pre : .
perity and,wealth:, -,,l 3 lenty'of employment'
and good wags ~cun, be obtained in every
,and, ull complaint, is iteshed.—
It is , the dein_ n of the loeofoco • tart
break ,up stalmor things, 14y
the ,ineasure; which btoly,kt , Oleg*
WStizouLATI PggisEnsiAifort` 91f A DEAD
Todd, at the
tourt of itoes tlesOribee.
-;- • -
•,` , ll,..Nritataralß
y Af '
AlvatiftriNk;—w#b Nsl REWIT
nelitanknPFlk 4,01 1 11F4in Mt td the
ittAile 444
g paragrsp . , tcq so
tiuthv . ;'.- - -ethe,roVerthrowoP- tthellat i iff .-and
gtltte4up•Treas§rr .
cur: OPP.7 ol l l ? li - t v I APY - ;t r tt!t i fTl arld -Pal: "
lyzed . buisinesd:" tie said that it is
useless to„spitakcitthes'il.thiiigs ; that a posi
trilitathoOi in
question 'Would!filtvs,tto.fiffect upon some ,
-no igQyeticQ *AltllllXer:4ol*.iin.'.rttem
away from,. thiti!nwatli , futrkg3m Owe Flen
Such is the dishearteping.;reflectiou-rfich
besets'the minds.of the.thitiking men when
`the politjeaLpoittest, ut.these
thelese thejals bitridine cOurse
for those who - WOO!' - do their duty to
their eountrY.' , lttidei . :ilif T WirCiiiinitiOces
the catise , Whink 'they , beliavo - to be the
lightone miikt_httauStailiedlelthLwfratiyer_
efforts a resolute,spitit, and an ardent zeal
can !moition to the struggle; 4 Wa' Mt. all
oa boatd the:santayship,.. 'We must keep
her from the breakers - tt )9,41,8-V3
for if she strikes we r must all go down
pi,Pl l' •
i'Cttit!s , iSzittitici.-.LIt xis
pieasurirter'cilirthe-folkowjpir 035 - bgraph --
- •z,nn;i 11.
frog' tne Lquisvilip 4
'Dui friend of the 'Lexington, Dbainver,
' sayithavyro - were7.-mistaken4notatingtihat
the committee of sixty, -cm arriying ut Mr-
C. M. Ciay'i Office were - aspurefi _tint he
would discontinue his paper, if tbey,,w9uld
leave property...ondisturbed. The ed
itor has,conversed, With 's numberif the
gentleman.yrobre on the uoina?ittneiandAtey
are unanimous in . the
.dsciaratiun k ,Osti no
such. assurance was `
given; Vii,e;ritcsiyed
our inforrnationfronia couidiofentispren
AnSPat ofM,iiPP-34 , 0146,1 11 4-afler-06--__
committee i had,pote'red,. butof coArise it was
a Mistitit,. :10lnjuet 'T
to. afi,,unncerped."
The latest intelligence, ,
'Olin!!! Ps•
is pow "at one of, the nfoglitioring tyAtering
. P)OCei3, Or, the,,porposi,of its ,rasy!FAinn.
Is' Well 'O . nOuih,
doubtless, hive, shit. history, of,the.nob
49 11 0 1 1 1:11 0#47** 4 ' 7 r * W " .- ift`` •
writiir - ofiffeleffete
Richmond Whig, Concerning thikremern
panufaetoriesilayi; — triie in the town of
Fraifersiin• New Jerseythere aboin five
thousand persons efigagii!rin ,
making about nine thinisand rele`tic`iiiimen
end- defiendent thesn'ekibllsh •
whole pdpulaiion'Ofthe plaae; ~ >; oui twelve
thduiranti, is iieed together bietheiitthe - de
'Struetion of'these filetories 'wiiititt dines the
4 , 1101 e-to to'IM deitioYed".-- i ffie' f writer
litotes ilia t"the Secretary Of ill° Savini Bank ,
• 7 sileianstdisiffrtWthere • via's-hal:di-it—
irriteek 'that' or gib
otieriittycSii Were
not at his office.tri deposit irteneir , isi . buy
'but build . lllatirtifere`thei'c;ama
here,"llSys theletter; 44 were iinabie' to' iead
or Write; , itt ; the of star . Vailil •
groWiligiffiritt igii:ofanCe arld:iise;"lliiise
emiditioe now is changed in all these rela
tions. On the Sabbath, you
tell them fretirrthitr*iiilthiest families, and
their 'demearierie4ieff:Wariiiiiworthy
ClathicAren r itnilible.:! l `t:lCq , E:::••• >''
lir. ,= I; ,: r: -3!:.;"""i•""manna - ,7,, 1,% , , 0 ,',
; 7 CSIAIIi. Hirt $2;46ll7PAkE;#l4444l4PP'''A'
aompaunicationrin the .Charleaton Dotirter,
,statea that eattitt time dince , tattainolliaa.
caught-inl .Iliatituil, and Ile iyactipited•tiu t •
with an awl , adlinit.nolait Of the bah
!llia ina - di 311tt';Iiii'ad r oft the , bittrihis'iliant
.pill' tinder its , ..tiffigt- in iiieltviititiwinte: , ill cr
Ibird dlitiOloble - wingel gradthilly>'diiido.. tint,
AU hand' and Ita'ajes mdie iniund*.eirert
,Mhislisimid;to hard bison reiliiitedlifist• 11 6
• tiftittitn des l end, glikreyo Etr idi ;Ai tiOiti : 1;3-
5 14 1 4' tlghe•!dairti . tci l o l lo.ihirdtrOP:ta Rine
, ia 04114:Wilt Loh re for hliadatillero43#l4 - '-
, Rory. t.ou ;Ili i 1 -,-5'1,1` .;':, , M : 94z:stalk „
(c,„.= - 1z! •
.-1 7 -_ .„..._.t-.A-. _ 0---3-ci.i', , letiVf --- -•
1 ii lt sfMkr Pr, if il t A TFIAI lll X!ni n...
_r4omplegi' 4 rooLn , votositer-..
Tiffin on Tko,T.oviiliiit-47irger; that
NarbnaglPSWlAliflakßu, lOVIIV1 4
. 1 kn 6 wlll
,til Abe: ppplE , p.artpfAgomittmrilmrB_4",- ---‘
Ataltruhfil.llll. o 9o4Yl l l,o;i l VOSlOrfMlina
r... 4.941 1 1011449 *A thti9f49 . llPfeliOltsgik
OP l VP:PiNhiiiiibtke , lßOß 3 ll4 Aits/9 0 /11 1: 4 16
tmlolflr&fftAlft'ter fOT i briotSk u ti v
w/tott D1;64 . 4,11110 ilor9401,0:0*10q •-- - --
ofemioir.oro4 s AwAllro*Noto -
kOoft9_4llo.taittoWtAn.4i4lAr_:. _____
0 1 WalekvalvOit#074144oiklicolid,Ozo , - T , 7- -
dY. I A tbiiii:Adt4o Oilo , 4lPlvinlood,
hilitßf the / .. 111 -.. 00111 "rb° °a° nOirdir' -'7'
141104iiteiiiti;TIt' S AY s ',i . Yl- 1 - 0 1A7 L -- t' ------ ` --
- vitit1avi , .0.4,..,..i.., rn d'l -&-kopllntor)
oft- #, -1-- --:-:-
troft - # 7, y - guir toe hi De Pprolos ----
. s.l#l,%*#l, , Yo.l ) l 3 .ollll4refiAtiffr -3 17 '':--., -
/IPltp,Mißmimbmktmoßlffillkap- -• ', ''''. .
kigiFlAKin i OnZA94o l i t e 49ttlit , ! ,-:' -•- ,
pic r ,Pm r ,r4fleg,:fravAsomot?.,l 7 ------.7...--,
' 4 -,4,. I . •'.. '4 , 1 ”, ' k .4% - 1 5 . -----'
Al 5 k ta l t t i N... " 4 l 4
OFROS it ie kr tt . ;I , i , , i t,' ; '.. ; :t44iitigli 0 , •- r
: AVlAMitth OW d ! *1011 0040Z, ' ' ' :''''
4i0;,,,tw00thi,46 1 - ~..`_,0H'qc04,9404.
o tg t ok4o4 ,§tfiimit a v (44105 , 1,t,.
;0 ' 44 4 4 104_ ,
- ----,'-'e t ! -„k . 4 !.. 7; ,. ..,,,PM.17 , ; , • P.I -I, 7; 4 4r* , P ) 4W'"x . r4''''
~,., ~; , '..,1,, , , ;....-.i4;44',A*-.44's.l4.;'.'PW,!vA!a7L
141 4 4,
ti 457 , 1 th , •
0-IV s `,t'g
at, •,;A ,