Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 17, 1845, Image 4

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    • , .
16 4
Udell 101 n 4 nti , liy. ?n htt. 'pr thiet3l ene ri I
• . • ~Assotto),yr.of 0,1:6,,PRtpi1).9•11,0,01k9f3V"
• . • risall;4ol6o.-i , t/lit wit'ictlat th 1 the olio s
• , ii 3 c iurntPeuOF ,, PP Bs ,orOie• - PO- 04 :1' , Qf
B•l 4ite q'Tel : ; ;; cp 'lllll t s y ;i • t vir i. lig: Ci t i bi l e ll t d e t4t tri 7 o g 'n f. i t v h e :e afil tl i ; tip . '
fesOf th,e , Minors! Elaccions l and
- ;-
L-- EXP:P,96l!siidlgt '- ' y '. m . ~,
atom notioll to enumeratefbort;sFY ,; , .-1,01 7 ,1103t.
.14; tt9.4.T.Mr4S t ozbO,3ll4otodol'i' :1 - ,h 1 ". 11 , '•'..,
'.. --- Eigs., — „eitgnilA7l,titiMaiiir.WhitihTtlfe7OlifOkOtil
- i9,Ati.ild..m . .1.g.,r...)., i 1.,: -..: ,t i . ~,- :,, ,‘„,,,,,
. " , tifir4DAMatONGSDOßP,Akiigli ,Sheriff ORM.
•. cgontyrotiebmbirlind; fio . ht'reby Ituittb% knOwo
• littaihrtvethlsTUHl, l l,o , myrioE ' Ai.l.fie blit(iirii
4Flh - fresolib'Oi6f,Cstiliellgi2# iligiilirAgor '''' A"
.1 • -.1041 , :4:::... 1 1' i' :- • • 1 , ' , " , :7 , .. ..-.. - 42.rx , ,
,-. . ---- 4141415 - 4 . UZ IMF ottictober 4necct
`: .. (beijr4 o l4:o iliq,'''''''ititit'Aiiiiiiili),l, l piiiii:
, r- , 11113krniviiir, l CO '.ll,'n ' ileVdatT,ligd:
4 ' l ' tiff 1 iiievA.e4fitplArfoli ',f 1a%4 14id p 6 . 4oti;oi ,
1 1, - .141.er1ihy:1 ,4 1, 11 :00, 1 3.v . bal l o tfal. iiiii i 4 . veir t
• • TA. 'if I! it•lPF94(ter,qOmod.:viz: ;•• • ~,,, , ~,,
' wa'lLetilillitace..akettentAlictfoCitikkii,2of.
• canibeclatitli iitOthit'HOUSE 'OF ItEPRESEN
. TATIVESof Petinsylvanla. - -•.,.1 ' I ' i ''"
*------,P, 0,7; pesso n — or -;.-- - A - N - A - L — C - M IS.
_ ~19NER:f.ot. tfie State OPorinsylvaniS. - ..-'
:0.. w, pp re ciil 4 . fin. P.ROt• H 0 N O'PA MY
. 4 1-,. l le,c9unwor qurnbe'liand. ' ' s
LiCliie- •,rersoii: Tor": -RECORDER 1:.). p.
DEpis i.oliii:lll,l4,k of Ag„ COI/ r ilt .f . • GeitOfil I
- - - -11 i!viiiticileyeliiiiii, .oi4;i:Ofcrrer - cnit'efrEqid.•••. , or.
111 , 9:1Pciutefoi,the'county of Co m bor I n nd.• '•,
One litiitibh . foi E Rof W ILLS
tbrllle'bolinil 'Of behdierlifid. • • ,
'Otte person , iiir , .--TREASURE•II . - for-the
SS • t •
county. of DimiliOrlind.
_NE for the muff.)
ctrguin6iiktifl,l,7 •
o •l3nif , Dittg7rekß .T RE. POOR,
ARPOfih . . iYpkao • ofEmploymentforsaid'eaunty
":and.'All I 'ta r t"'
pornthisenoners, ),Stc, •
-!lTlpetid:eleetign sill 'Be held throgghenethe •
ceuntlfoaa follows t• •- ••• , •
lin act or AtieeniblS 1)f the ConinienWeelib)
OfdP-Mikayl 4 itiii;if”thititlkd'efifilot.Ogniatin g elect
timi , Diptrleti,;Pileved thelfith,diii of April,
That - the COMnisk
- stonireciethe county. of CM:gherkin& he, and-iite
heresy eptherized.tdselecrand fix upon a place
. or Oacce;ln the. her ough•of earlisle-fortheldini.
8114)1136 which Were held nt'the l eguii house
in the paid, borough, until Ote,ereetign.amfcom- ,
heese;VherOthe eleetion there,.
after eha.ll,lie ;held!" Wheieupon the :mid Corn
nilisinderp 'htiVe flied' !lido) the following places,
ful - tlitipetpetiO!of holding , the in the oleo
coltd'Onsed-Of. the boreegh of Carlisle,
qadd,tei:volphilleolSouth idd le Le n, Nort h Middle
ten. Lower Dichendon,Lower Frankfort] and low
erWelif. Prenn'sboroush, tq wit:
oCCailifile„:6lVhitth • was held at the first window
snint4,lo,theilteurt hook door in said borough
the public house of David Martin,
in iaid - borough.
- Tlib election for the West Wardt n the borough
of Garliple - Which was .hold at the first window
north of Court house . door in euid borough,
-Will'be.beld'fie the rufklic house of George-Bee
g ig in said borough. •
I'Ke eledtion in the electitin dishiet composed
nfSiith AliddletonTownsltip, will he keld at the'
public h ousmerAndiew'Rtiberte&a:..tbe borough
of Outligle, • ' . •
.- The eleetion in•the election district composed
ofThirthAldqietgn...Towthl l ip, will he hold at the
dgblidfirmise . o,f4ohn Corr:men-in the borough of
- .
• 'The eleetiOn in . the election district composed.
Lower FtenkfoEd, will. be held. at; the- public
of re — siftient 7 y - : - .lthotide the' borimgh Ord° rl isle.
hoThe••eleetion in' the election district composed
-Oft.idtPCP Wtilt - PennPhofofigh•Taiifigh - M, Will be,
bireugh of , ' '
The election in the election .district composed
ofril,ower: Dickinson, will be held at the puhric,
heiiste of henry Burkholder' in the borough of
ITheelectimi in the district composed ofSilver
Spring.townshlp, will be held et ille.ptudie boost
nrDavth - Hlnkte r 1p trGgire - tnow t i, in Auld town
whip, _ •' ' '
Thereleatitin in the election distrieteolnpored
of Hampden township, will be held at the house
of AndrewlCreitzer, oii - the 601101 side of the
Turnpike leading from Harrisburg to Carlisle.
The election m the= election , distriets benipinted
of Halt l'ennsborough atiwnsliip; will be held It
. the Puma now, occupied by Jecob.fmnenrcirer, at.
the West and a? the Harrisburg Bridge. ~
Timelectien in the district composed of New
Cumberland, will be held at the public house of
tr. ltforris.lvlipson, in the borough of New Cumber
'add: ' , •
The elmien_district-c - oroposed ot that Pt4ofj
.„_Allaiit.tbwitship, which election was heretofore
hold4tllos;publio klub° of William Bugles, in
thtitristingh 'of,, New Cumberland, will be hold at
thir.Tinant'llon'se Of George fleck, now occupied
byltdfairiPeciy . ,l;in,sairl township s-,`
t'hlt..ele4lnato the,distriet composed of Li.
bto-ond'a part of Allen township, will be hold
of the public lirmse of Peter M'Canu in Lisburn.
The - election. iin the district composed of that'
—parOf --Allen;towinthipiitot Included in tlitTNe - vi 7
CrinlOrlaird, George,lleek and LAM:torn election
diaMiptsipill,bh held at the public house of David
---- Shstslir#rill - eqursherdistown;tryttfid - tii* Wstlditi - .,,
Tiko .elaction, inthe ,district, cUrnpostui of,tho
Borough - f,itlechamcsburg. will, be held ot the
publicluitied'arjOhn HOover, in raid boroggh., „_
telect t iWiliithictlisWeiTet - inipiiiiii - of Moog•
roetimphipi - watieireld4t,the - publip house of
Widow Paul, ilictliprchte . vont, in said township.
Th . p,elektnnliMiliedistriel Climposed•of Upper
Diclunion tewitehip,TWill_ be held at the house of
Philrpilrelvei i said township.
The eltfotiOn in"tho , district composed ` of the
Boloughlofr , -Ninesille,:andiownshipsrof 'Mifflin;
Upper Frankford, Upper' Weetpennsborpugh,- , and
thitt-part ig'Newtrinf townsititi; - ain included in the
Leesbitryplectlegdistriou hereinafter mentioned,
Will,obeoheldlit Ake'',briek schtsit-hettse;•in the
Bo .''. , ,of:N r ismrine.t ,/.c/''t . • ... '
TWO - solidi bythe diiiirleveemponed 'of Huila.
well toontifilj*iti)l,babildAt aka Scheid House,
u NirselStirkginfaaisilteWieltip:A 3- , ,fr, •i • .•- r. ,
Titbiwltattibritin:the - district , etinlifteacd , oT the
lloobtigiamffidifhiPpciiiiburti'airipliensburgs twin. ,
ship, and that part of, Bouthampton_iownship, not'
included in Thelsciptknrg elec . ibrr,dlptFlai, will
be held kir IG' ) 'Apell Woliiie,,.to thl yAikcpu , g 4, of
• di t ialVildlik‘ id' tibt?ifttiti Oeikiiiii r- 4'itteintill'
• of tfiliellabafiniiiiverellh'pedd s ihe /d 1,41y,;109;
it JilliTheril - VORE4l l ,' ll lii ii*Kov.iiped elgthrs
Of iikibitif•NAhhi - faifff - "Shafliaitrkti To%;llthilud
in Hitt eititrale 4 iff ClimbeitaiiNbuirliacit
fotrOirilget'in& dialitcei; vizi'i#i wejit
theAdrit Idipiliiiii'i64 tbo It e dr.
• vidinitge tiihiiibt^tliitnith . A4owtoh to
thillbid ind4heibeninne riird'birllkilie' to
Cefibiii flisei, daelifdlaapitikbsotltif.
arniib ' tra Val:
anvstrreoirelotiooiikliidi4 t
.- boolili Viileitkettaili'sti4difililiciiilliiiii , *l6 l the;
814 Mill-Wifiliiiiik ififPffilit, litYliOlili Oi :
- veri - Ahpno ' a along, Kr 'ems by 4 thl 'd pie;
couartr*rilet Iffitinttel'alirlio'llfe' 110 'dr Adin-de
:9oOotal‘h p cepfb tieb
•is here siii ed ii,Ay_iind 'impr i nt° elegtion,
diiiiriel Wit• t Wlditt itliepoglio'hotilio
•-of•Willlifft mg cell bnagit;'l46"ailia'lii ' toll'
- - t ownehifi ' s-mi.; 4- -P:i• ^ lil .V , r. 'el' W.,
)" ,; t; ik
iitgr4f a s lAS , Ognefllret t
' irThidObtifi'y
v ter r(tA f ltti ilifil4llll V trip ',.Poso l 44 l4 4ilalt dikrWbir A iii9titrEhrOf
eVidt Whin'
~. 'Stator or any ' city of looofpoutoointriapolioutoo
:gr , ll,l42c,'t4rolUttalgOtlk
i.: qolll '-i.,- - Igilte on'ott
t,l, t
(4. • ".'''' " - : f i ii f ' ?IL' Pdia.wcrx,
tr e! ~ ~ , 1.. i„v t ' , : , -.tor Mit t lrlfP
and ••• 1- - . on elyitind af Rily a tr,•or
,tomerniiiiitibiltriif iif fitierfifitidEddiefite.o,la :!"Twil
In o f t 4l4 W•taldlot°Soxtro 6l , l k 4 Mo 46 A:tinie,'
`lle di110.4•-• -
• 9•111.(yiTrirT1C177 , 11 , 1:17417:77,7775,!7.7 - 71 - 7',,,:
d.' .'1);. 1;4 :• IllT"reepliTt: , l te - a 13011
411 t r 1 1
H U t fl!Ag.' - gre"igefifik'jiotigAStkvietlip diiik'
eleidicai;shallßct-Ast,ilispetqn Keit! p e .,
I4 " 4t ' e t h94 ,6 tkiti'iiltiiiailtAl4o/403 . :thehit' 11
eat-number 131 . 5 , 0iep forjuapeotpr: elkalls . ao't 'attend',"
ilie l em,qo,;glicllt Mgt- sirk_ l l . 4uriok,.,,t:miih,...iiiblp I
limo pri,,,mmpe-,-mirg . !or - 4 - 0 - . - rm imm, w rsomm. F ie - ocei,,,m ,
1 3. 1 )maiteioqiiiilkirtliqt1AeligiiinIttiti,r , w4Q:rAqiiteill e'
t*, ( kit:btifkitipi'pr,yptai jiail,L iniiiPii#3l -jiPlkiiiiii . ' i
hip„iviie.vii, , qtAr, 'ailij , , r l l .49 ,l 44 , liallitgOtionealoAhe, '
irßi l rOVAht,Riar-90 .01 . 1 01 , 4q:i!CtOti ttitlineilikiuk
14,,:fofilie,opentni tir die election, ilia qualified
yoteildellitqAtOnshipi,:vatitAi• - 7,4.kiiiiiiic firifliwP
,(tio,loTegitlietlldiiiv6:beeiNgetttitl;liiieisentiti the' ,
i TilnetLotgled.oohall(el,ecb.tinebfltheitimulaibee tv,pll44iiicy. ,',,0'0- - ii „ i , .!;:tti,i 5. r.1 ,,, - . . •:I f•110: 1 1 1
' AP:f 3t, 8.1411' lie tho,dul3i.oforhe,sev‘riii l isideisatia,ife:i ,
a.pieWely,'„ii:litteml,liei.the phiceek(holtlitik. every ,
geitretvapeital.,er' u tuvuship . ,eleetion,lelerine Abi
whole time tudiCisteet Fen 11kepi led;iliiivilt.' , '
-P 9 P c,, O O
, vOg-Atlffillnation afieo•t..inipectorWaticti
iiilloo.‘l l o l l "Air O votOuAtelatiOtt , to therightfxdl .
Wily person assessed by them to voterathuetrtkas- - .
lion, or 89eit,,relAtioattp,the assess
,mein iir4.bters':.iidliettliiitl iiitrpectdrh'oreither of
- theprothall.fromniine todimerequireca .. , e - :•:!r.• 1; , , ,
" No ,person 8111:11.1ibleemeted to'x'ole'atiaiiy'
eleellinfltatFttfot r iesalthethart!te4cltite—fre-numlef-:thei
i iip . iit . twAilykini.".yeure.oomol.o, 4illi alien have re-'
slde,iVittn. this State at least oneyenri that 4114'
efeetteindlitrictSwheye. Ice offero lAt ot e : J olii as ti fi t,
diiyw iminelliiiiely . preceedihg 'snob' -election, soil
width) two yearsAmill'atState ne.e sayty tax whieh'
shall have-been-assessed at least ten 1410; before-11M
election , Hot it oltizeirof the .Uniteti - Statt?s• who
has pretiouslv been a Aillitlifit'il voter of thtit Slate,
and- emieve,i 'therefrom anti retnreed, alitl- who -,
sit:kWh:lv tiultled in iheitlection, district and paid
tuxes aforesaid, shall dm_entitletitio . VotitAfter rev' ! "
cling l 4 this Stnte.six months l'hivitletV,. That the
white_freettlAirt.'oilizeits gr - thel.!l,t,ii ',;,Pf4les , lie':
twteN lid agi . Mortlveiite-inie auil t . U:raiyktiVelyears,•
and* ha ve "resitletl'in'the elect i ogmmlimmeeme ter: days .iia
afortaahl. shall be entitled io vote, although tli'ey
shall tiol,have paid taxes. ' • . • ' •' '
.... , "!'•No liei-son' shall' be permitted 'to "Akite,'ivhnie
name-is earcoutfillked iii tlitiliiit - of notable litli4bl.•
eihts furnished 'tiy 11*'ooitiiiifasioot+a; pOle‘ss;f.',h'st:'
he produce a receipt forsake liayinent, within ikve
years,. of a State or county tax avaessrd nelcenbly to
the • etinstittitiou, 'and give'..mitistitefory ,dvidence
Miller 'enitis oath-or alfirmidioN - iirstlie‘uallt or
.affirniatio:o of itfother tut. belias itititl . inch, a tax i ,
r - tdiltilite - •1•i , s In 1111 it not I
ie lbei payMent theietir, o`r, Second, if lie claim a
, rigid' to vote by- being an elt•stoe'lketweon the, age iif
twenty. one and tu'efitY-two yearsilie Audi depobc
.oryiath br,aftlyttrindon, Out, lie ball •IrtSl,l6l. 9jie.year
1 - 10ct.h6folie,liiiti atirilica . iiiirropiii - makoiniolutronf of
3'6oJOLCY:llollCiliptiligt as is requirea:l3s_ this pet,
itiiirtliit hedciiti verily believe, from the accou nts
given iiiniTtlin't he is of the age aforesaid, and give.
such , other evidence' as is remilred by this set
'Ahereupon filename of the Persia) 86 titbniitepri .
vote shall he inserted in the alphabetic:kJ list by the
inspectors and n note made oppothie' there:Wl:9 .
wrili"Mlime wird' ' P , X.' me he shall lie 'admitted, id
vote by reason of having paid tax, iii , the word 'age'
If be shall •he -admitted to vote lay reason Of spelt
vote shall be called out to the clerks, who Medi
make the like•notes in the list sal VOIVI'S I.ept by
"In All eases where the name Petite person claim
ing to vete. is finftul on the list foritislthd_hy_the.•
eommissioners find assessor, or ids right to vote
whether found' thereon or hot, I a ohjeetrd to by any
_qualified .cifizcii,it thp-duiv-of, 'mitre-
tors to examine'audi person on oath as to his quali
-Ifications, nut if he claims to have resided width, the
: Stalelor oneyenr or - more, his oath - shall he
eat proolili . ereof,litit lie shall make proof by at Itilist
one competeot witness, who shall fie it ttonli red
elector, that he has ; esided 'district for
more than len clays next preceding said Uectinmstal,
shall Inn himself swear thaibis bona fide residence,
in pursuance of his lawful calling, is within the
(Mulct, mol that did not remove intolsaid dis
trict roc the purpose of voting therein. - ' •
'.l.',very person qualified as aroresaid,'and who
shall make', due mal,it_required, of Iris residence
and paympntpf taxes, as aforesaid, shall be a - tinkled in the io xnship, ward, or district in which
Ito-shall reside.
'igf - any person, shall peevent, or attempt to pre r
vent. Roy officer of any election under this set, from -
'Midi% such electinti, or use or diretlen any.., to. •
knee to any such officer, or shall interrupt or MI,
prole rly_ioterferi,....w.kb him in the execution fit hin.
ditty, or shall block up the window on avenue to ant*.
window where the smile bray he bolding, in
riotously (Ity orb the pence at such election, nr.shall
.usc_or-prite,tco any-intimidating,- threaterforre-or
vinlefice,wiiti design to influettue utulttlyOr meraiic
any elector,or to.prevent him from voting or to re
strain the frolluni of ell6b.e, such person, n *On
victionialiall he fined io any sum not exceeding five
hOodred dollars, and - be imprimoed for toty.time
ant-lese-than' I tree nor more ilia'', wet mtintlis,
and if it simll , be show ivto. cones; where the' trial of
snch olfehee 'shall he bad. dim the person so offend,.
Mg was not n resident of the city, ward. district', or
township st here the sselinffimce was cominitted,and
mit entitled to vote ;herein, then on conviction, he
shall he smite:iced to pay It f fir of not less than DUN
hundred. nor more Man site thousand dollars, and
he imprisoned not less than six months tow more ,
thaii two years.
"team; person or persons shall make_ any bet or
wager upon the result of low electioi. within this.
• Commonwcaltli; or shall offiT to make any finch bet
nr wager, either_tiystpssiquMalarniltlniijimrror, or
liy 011;11enge.
nr aity - Wi , soti to make suet) het or Wager
itunireotivietimolitreue, lie or filer shall thrfeit mid
pa uhrecttimes th amount so bet or oNred to be
• i •
Tfany, person riot be law qualified, shall framiti-.
leotly vot tit unr"eleetion in this Commonwealth.
sir being n beiacise qualified, shall vote put of his
proper di strict.,or ifony person knowing, the want
Of such qualification, shall aid nr procure such pi.r.
son to' vote, the , person offe . niling, shall on convic
tion. he fined in any sum not exieeding two hundred
tiollarsomil he imprisoned for soy tern) last titeeell-
Ng three months.
" If atiy - person shall vote at 1111a.a than one ele c t
(ton dist rict,_or_mherxvise_frandulatitlY-clito-More
lmn once nit the same day, or shall randidentiv
I fold and deliver to the inspector two tickets togeth
er with the intent to voteaneinuLproctire
li-eF so to or they 'Wending sh all
viet ion, be fine. tin any stim'notlesi fi ti v, 'nor
More than fiye.finntleed .dollars,•fmtl - be imprisoned
tielesi than three, nor more than twelve months.
any -person notripettified to totein this Crum.•
mintwealth, igreValtly to law, (evcept;the- strop of
1114101001 citizens,) shall appear at any place
'lion for the !impose of,issiting ticket r nr of influen
cing the, citizens qualified to cute, ha shall, on eon:,
viction , forfeit and pay nay sum_esemedin g one Min,
deed dollars fr mery such offence. and he impris-,
oned for any term not exceeding dirge months:, •
-Agreeably to'the provisions - oftheltistS..;flizst
;tiny" olanitl.aet, even. Chineral oast Special Election'
shall be.opeiied between the hours of eight and tell;
in the forenoon, snit shall onntinnirwitliOnt inter
rwPtiOn or, atiljfplebtOPtil BEVEN'O'clhek itt..the
And the Mudge a of the respeetbre - distriets nfrirn,
said; are liS , the said sefres ii i red t q meet sidle 13deen
-41011 Mill in:the "tiniengit of ; Ctirlisle i tin , ,the. third
day Slier jite'sdi'd, e lectinn , being 'Friday. the
17tk'day •SiTietntitir; then 'lnni there l ,tp:per(Orm-the .
thitigs'imuireil7cif. ,
— Sheriff's Carlisle 7'i` ;yid 4 1t ,
i2N 1845;
-Srti pi—
,*t. children . tiniti4 1 eeth, Just reselysd Mitt ;Gat
sate'hY Sfefrifilott 4 Mehaff9v.,,, r ,,
- -
itqaCen.wftr.,ol tt.ver'y ity - oho'
'Safe"' fl s e l it l e i t i f r! r !fFt v PL / P ft V 9 ke l f 'l %,
'•'• IS EA LI t VirA • — de l IT; ANEA,
;•:.!. • •••• • • • •+ •
itityr ej, it *trio ot prgootOyi l T va
4rotte) ioriv tt(l.l,to . p c ia,
110! HoiblVain6olsllllpiii
tflmtil itupp. p-ot IG intim/Coe i r
.I.. an d4pd ai i
.I.ltn.copr 0p,4 Tißpetkror laciozakev - ecor.the lot
eef MRl'l 6w 5Ell'lO 1 1Y.5 . 70
culfa - 5 0 : , , , , .1
a 'i• a4, t , ,i: t .tt q t•t- , :': fr
ii 1,,, , •(- ,/ ut -14v,k .40 ,
.!!, 6 , - ~--, ,
$11,11,,21 ,'/
R 9, 10 P1). 41 ; 1 111* !erg! Toilet'',
7 ;rl , Wiita 'd:;b4i2 1 .1.10 1 , 14 i 4 . , ? l4 lll 9ithrt4mitiftr-i;
ter MrigliyiiiilV.wiglll(.o,,cprivimiLiagtirScolioll,
ii*elliet 4 tilgiojiiiikrmiin't mitely or ladies . ' envie
'owl hal:1000 ittaiintarata% 'Which 11 4 pairorsigt „.
t?lvenviitest A
. 10 Pptz , s. , .
~ ---------,-,-,-,-: ;,,74f0carebts
11:4unel a, , *t , ,-• • v, ...p , .?-tr v . ervi
?o:ill i lai,,'„irtilicitsiti,vioreri,
r .
..,„,:&;butp,:enioEvtgocisli l lt,4444
, r o„,,r.s-iiiro of iiii"y?(o2.ll,Bonl!i t 1 ?5.140..,
A F4 l 2_, 444Atedpnpfimphaps; , 4 r.•l. 4i r 4 T‘4,...., .-.,
:, m 9, ' bAlr "limit ILA!** rA ;,, ,^11 1 .1f). *II 1, - ,10 .
' - . It,At 7#14- l i fi3OblUtE'" r ''ul
I The hlgheat mnikt!pricetrit 'di teniAipiirdltie
this etiittity,.,'Oikid,Abitklkr..l:o6e.raiiii:'iiA6e
ilia ' I.'lWita
th, 43 a le
ockv 7„mEAßesr.* - cillovitsxii - dia Qop 9 Aliv
nobs° tor the soomerioystionak tlitiittli,ll9Arvbers
he .st ill AlAPo w skelOtkilliiiii makei t oCcotingo.
ditekcirtsrateens Shia take Hilo+ pittiliiigeblt Mt;
frienda of the : rompertines*Cause. , ;
-eltinfiloyellh:HaVatiitlAWkikretiloMP A o l , l 4-,
iUI c "' 4ll * , WiiiieMf af" 4 )ilT - W. 6 11 1 /Crf;
t' o lo l o: . .fii-018449,741er,4:5,im , 9t,411135
Aft,hll,stihA'rricuild,v,e,r,y,Foe thoitookn,Qo4;
,P^ oT t l i d .ib* ,l loickilAAPOrtlio.uot ti nd
offices— tlitt.,.TAtilA tawsvi, beitfortjtod
:stisrstrok,; t (IN hid,
ittsli.A. for I puttlhku tC, , hirko
10 . S Y rAll Y Argt f s d~ ur H tGetit , kOry::01 1 9qprerlti"Oihti',..hattg.00;
, Az}l7.lA-mvptaorir, 77;
; zoik'r)4llo,:,ripguo,,,s,
.„: 02:13 t
-nryiFfit,!,4l.,*Hl Ow,
tjal,i'lltleetl,Teeiti'detir eitge,:blllot - ,l2thjotti eft,t
piiteretorPelitilyivanti Oieftliikithae tit tiailitabite r k:'
ilie•vgth- day' of'lulV;A.l).lthts` -1 •-•
NOTICE' S - HERE -13 1r - GIVEN';'7FT ,
0 30111 1,4 1 ',:be!lielfitle,t(lee:vitii!I
lit Crii!i•Olottie.iii fiOtpitelt
184 57, to countt tie one 'vietik,Crit / 'tlie!liiinl'.Of cetinin •
entises rligieiuling in the Court . of Cnihmon : Ptettit,or
'Ginn her Iti mt. county, whi eh' gittiftel
lkop . lptrit win; coneerneil . ns cooliA). PBC ' of_piX:,
'pat , ' left, prior, to hi stippotlittitOet oMtplitlept:Atitt#n"
of Vie 9th I ).ktrietroott,sticli . othet• cito sea
its'See ettawneeti, within_ the prot , iBVoB, et
;lie defiers! Aiser 1
relative' tn.the ion of . Q.oti'rtii - 9 r
. • • —.Atm glicriO. •
Sh'64lN' Cfrflee,. boeliiki; '7 ' Jos 44«1845. , •
_ .5 .
. flu itzgreo Oh= lir4Vell4re4 , 94esale
• • • Der; 10) 4 .4 in.".Foi'clirn 4 4- Doriieelic •
• Z.)15,E1-4"N,..A'ca(M.C:-.).1,
. . .
Not-till Inward street, npmteit,s:, 2t no 1
Alarket st., °feel. Godils
terms, viz AII r , gotitl 4, llt.baSt: ltl
pct• cent inbred, 6 mouths; .5 per cent, ott (hr cash,
builkiioe roods, or its equitiolcult' t
.tir, Romig:being
regular!) bought tit alletipic,4st lowest rates, the
terms upoli which we ofrei , them most inif: t the np-.
probstiimortlesiltirs. On no ilecomit will-more !H
-askell or . less taken. .Merehaitts are respectfully
invited to. call; examine. one ontbotholtOtL
atiinoled to, ort same
tCIV; I J.i.S Ex: lALLE It. -
B„itinini, .1
To Keep a millet Klause..
Rower's [rant 'CoeilialtoPthh 'Mire or choltil,
looseness of the bowels, severe gritilimond pains
occasioned from l'ectlthig, Is so deliglo MI to the .
taste. That children love to take it; the B,te:-
veilson k Alelotffey. •
FI:IRi.I:S OGTLf 1' bus just returned from the
rii r pnii. is no"iir opening the larg'gSt,anpannst gen
era' stock of Dry G.Onds,tiraceries,rinors and Shoes
tv,it• brought t'h Carlisle, part of which he Igislittf•:„
mail eon beisiild 100 r thatitpre:.
p , tin.e• - and . wimhlreSpt , ctfullY in e`hi s relent's:Mid
the plait:- gentienlly who Osh, to-1 v put, jbilr
111011ej'ini gootradvatit•ge,t6 be, sure and givehinta
berarsi ppro , p,upg;
-•.nst choice nail freshest stock 'of goods to select
from that isle Carlisle... •
Ills stock consists- in part, of Broaddloiltsltom
it, vile- , Cossinteres--from 'SITU) . "
vit; Cassitietts eront .571 01 , 61,00 all - etstoTs; Tweed
eloths awl thissirsierei aril,: most rastiinoo hie kinds--
s'er) inw; Vestioßs'frOtkltiaitlis,?, pr pattern. new-'
••St style; Plaid-goods for CI wear of -all"
kindsantl'ptires . llc Itaanliii•reereiTsid a.lorge lot
,r Dross floods, such as OM11(01e .14ntl - Italzarine3l
Lawns ; Paris printed MAN:nisi, of A tea. I Rlll/0
,lOC SI Vle ; Poems:Wore lialzorla9s.;_lll3t•and Blatt •
ltombazitiew;•Alpaca Lost rob 11980fied entori
.01 qualities. A eery general assortment of Rook,.
iss, 11lall, ,laconet, and camhrie .3luslitts; mew
-lyre Opera. Lace; VI Drekes;
titretatiett; Picknett and Vast blonds. frrim 104 tis,
, pr yd.; French Borneo Sosufs mid Shaw IR priest
Minot tation; also, a lane assortment of :Sh#itid -
'zilk I ran•lkerchiers atm Ties Me flatworm's toinitelit•
'lrk and NVliite sletwls with bglligp Kginge:
!davit itmaze.l3ol2nritie nntl Inawns for
French, Scotch and American iiinghams fiill•nssoi•b•
oient ; elegant plain and tig'd Silks; 'Alsh, - 31 . 1st*t•
toil general, assortnrigibtor Swiss. Jaconelt nod
Thread Edgings' sod Insert" iigs; Dlond , Valentin
and Paris Laces; n largo tear very fine assortment .
of ••e ve styl*.pretnitim -Calicoes crtivii the Virrimsckct
Ftillricet• and other choice factories t a trettientiniis
stock of all kinds nt .ftonnets. 'she largeststock of
• T - Insiery ever offered in Carlisle, comprising 'all.
hinds and colors; 1000 Ps brown nod wbitlil•Tusli4r
and Shectifigs all qualities - and , priers', lowerohato
ever ; 'Pickings from 17 different taetories; B.;very
nettle 1.)1 clit.;ttr Paves mi , p,
oil colors and iptaliiiil;; the. hest assortment, of
- Nen's silk pneket linoiderchiefs arid crultiii, that hos.,
( teen offered A vi , 6. law stock of
stripes, bars, mixtures ftc. Artffietal flowers an.l
Bonnet:oMß or the: Frtittehi English and Aroerle
:make-anti-styles. — Tln• largest 'stork or nom, Mid
,Shat', sehavoever°fibre,' to the 1,10.14...0f all kinds
'quit can ho mentioned; •Paltn leaf hats of vat ions
qualitieS and priors. , _ •
(4 d ß' .00qifq,Ot%
fresh lot of-Tena; (ToffersiShOtiVsi-4Jee'Sjiltes,,,
,fall kinds which will he soh! St very sitoull tr , offt.,
.9 suit the .tiines• lli shert liol,lBllll,looltotjile
arriptions niolot boll Is
tro bpi to all who, w ill.rovnr;him :witty st !. Iteenl4T
I ectobe ,Atn9(l,•joortlk,store:helow the: Nfittla
flnoqp Tnat ffich-streettortoi:brlN-ooppsile the hor
eel orlly- David Mbrliti:reirtinktrly',Aitlittlerlirh's.
~,Merchaela eon he ,mtopUerl.lit,the citN
Migeirie n ot.° ririer‘ta
NT109 , 1 0 11t11.71",
el Siiliet'l3*'
hottles 01411 6lze9; nor by'lhe;•Pint;
and 'foe'
' =
Election o
—' t moire!' r r rh' '
hprehY- ? Ov,enit 'O. • Ptft
bxn Directaiv iif the V:hlrek
Pietettlerrratripiiiiit, Will le. , held- on .ttitt
gontle3ii: in Septein!ltr 4 iteke: et' the' teiblAf
of Joien6l'reo„ tiptifoeitl!rholloor*Artto , ! / A.tat: ,
ariSl4o,oltltkV,RlßlV' , sA:.g:
j t atsti; 1'845. ".0„ ,
. . .
t)octor, WOrm ITA ;dont to ,
'CO iell, l ,,amlitpr,vte !ct, Aye ! rygjSip,Hook i Btoyeof
Nrverh.g: • Torstfolc.- - •
6 6 6 , ,r;
fl;i4K4 ri7T *Pulp - Cow Children
that Oic,Tcethlnz,,for, 'lnk, Pt. i Ie ; oheqp,;l)ov)*t
1 1 741k , SigiA .
it 1 11‘ . , !'* - WI LP 111.1) t ` ,, IT‘ OI !, ( IVi:
L fla-164,-.WaiL2g4i3fsi,r 9 i,:,_*;`ii; Fe „ a s ti)k e d
)4Triatiii timtlAto,t pod il4strny Gard. n
STlectii ! tor pale at * thiq
_ „
9erelfl4oB Eetilll 4 l
bipreditb e eiMxtetibt mancnilecil i i6st,
0 imstildlsil,SteiEnsioil& Melinfrey.
• .tom y
""T■ompsn a wt
ir .
In. lfrlfr‘t YPentef,b,l PeuktnitiPtPirrebl9Abfqfri
tro,ls6o4lol4:, i stqeilscon & t erg,
- Igri ta)
z 146itral°1
Ale a!
Ktw 444
niv fitAt3 '
. .
't 'a E.olit t Orish,
milr'oblo , nlll,6 . ll . lbAA . 144_ PUtia. 4tig , ', 1 .. 1 4?, • 4'.- '•
!VA .' ith4l* ikitilarioZa
e ,E4ll r l4'll l;i'il f e,fiPt j~Ya,e 4l % o be. williiiPir!Wifor?
I . * Tootet,MMONOVlligesiffiriatu4slll6l's
ti t t l f-9 1 , 1M i rrtigi*NDAM
• -A.JI
i M ik4lol
salogit theStnre or Alfred S. pwori
r dif.7 ) ;t112:„.7,ii*,01
vc5';11,41•!14,•-t°, •
74410* -1 744"!
' 74 1 1114 - r
i.,5 14 : li t4 t4 .0 1 - ' '
'..a,, P P , 4 1 . 1 E
Il e,
_,.0 A y;6lo4Daisba lesire.,to
~...,v . w.i,ii,,t{hethgu,,,,,..t....i,
14.85,,1tid ,:airAilitfa.ClPt'SrAtigtAnnYalin; at.
9N0 ,, %con plvgi,tpt,spatVP.9s:iliPTON.Qo
aaa'sul l Tupt pociir - ps i lybio j ho wit!" k : I t h i
liiifiiittqla a lee far :41 . 41,` 6(1 'l)lehlie% ipilfkviikvi
pada' tbwry htleyisorikkin7,„' etirieni I: 04' dbigial,
iitniCdillifitt !I*, Illiiity'pf OLO;11-lei tit ti1W410.04,
hlalitikV ditti.Yrfties hwa SilicklilniVnall3iilziji t let kk:
0 1 30kcgeditiVI nn'el in linltAtlA6AlAblimelleillillitntia'
Anagiiiblioirtibfitinenib , Cfii totes . , it hi tn; J sal tislln n.`
11)P05 1 1(Innab,oitaltatikernbiefi‘8darfaArnibyeryi ,
trll ilrlicgc,9f..lo , 4l4filmnArc,Ar illeJleat-sleenVp.
ti n n'tienos: Ipliinn.¢l4' pnilernp, 4 ,,,1.0 a ....„..
Oicatihfrritit, 6f-Giovesidit-ildfilr 1 21.__V'.t...
ALlSOFir.frealovs6Ftfnentn br odei , dihrleti , !Ov
i4o9VrientatneentnifiteitSanital DefoNtilchtiwil I Uri'
191gpkgin Iguiveg j oilput lot cash. I<biseAsin en 11.1.3.
1)40,49. APO. 41 ~, - ..a ;..0 7,41 An' butt -,. ,)1.11111
_ I_e.sub.eiii4r has,dust „opeir n ~t )14 t, nom
! (tditliteilV oninljAeirbY 31.- W. WoinqS),..nii dig ;
South West °cop: 91 . ,th,„ pußic,square,
lt-Arelq A
Cl*: .13
.1 • , , , ,M li**ll:,' l 4oci:• r ica2 . a._._ .
_, z .,. _
10 l l e
4401DS -
itsple And Pinp4ji;l3iiiiiiid4qtg,ini)ifit. of Cloths. Cis"
iain , Tv.,s,,f.ltitne,i 1 s,f,Linekin., Gnintwoops. Summer
elotia,' iteitings, silks. linmbnz•nes,,, finnOnei•
La s , lIS, Critite nllll Mons rldLoi ses.§3v ias en rnh'tiosi
Isdkiji.,4 7 ,:nialim,iiliii . r,,li - hul.s , nr. lquslisiS; Cnlignes,
ilitwli , st Ch'edlii. ` Tielcing,'lrefier-iirdsi 'CiStenn,
ponds or`all•tlnendiptinine, Cfirtrt elni in , nith CiStriniP
VnvpArini.n•ellne,iParskpls, Sunshades; 9fo'ves,
siesy,,lke;. c ii i.,;.;.;;; ;T:. : :
• ; ,ALSQ; A slinisinsnil .4aliiel4luil; stn'Sk" of Cri)4-
a esjus, niatisisting• in intiu.i'of,,Onfrees;SifgarY; 'itolav
ens, Tens, Trilineeo, Spices, &a, ' , „ , ‘i ~ 1 , •
i• A - LSO, erneltnat,it.:6ll6iina:•Qiinen an:pre or car' -
ittit t liit§ttl'ilia DP•ltt,i ll ll4l l i tLe B 6 Oa t It el l Y.' t h-T n in , '
consplirei , ititiVii9 ,e,qtnp,vt sing il VroritiF l lit 9 , WC" ,
Sittlib l v(iiidnii`T‘all dr ..viiii.i..q . Ii
.7 , fef r i fp;s at,
, sni_
vedi , aM3o-iti.iil.srfdittinith'. — 'l.lnn.,dn 'frill v. I rffirns
brn;fhinntiii niiil ini!ipiilitit; if, Mil'eillil"l4 . gfint liiin li:"
Call. inasmuch slr. lie redliboittitrini IlnitY lid 6ii Sell'
goodtras Inn , acnnvt4t her Ininsn 1.. i in'. hod•ingto
-----'-' ~' "" r ,— ROI3E Wit :I g V'INE; 'j r:
.."bid•lhilpiAikll'..l9 l 'lB4s:- ',' • '••
..•'. ''''; ..'''' .. - '
; - ?f p,-, ,/,..._.
rte.. ...,1.41 , x17,1 .-,..: '
-7 '
' 3 .1 ,1 17-4V 17 640.
FREW A.R.PirtrAL. •.•
The SolVtii:ilieVi4'lli open 0AI; dm 14 oenerril as
iofiliwilt of lt.tolips!Prgss..cion4l4,-,a Wort have
,jus t been norellaiiect at v6.y..lii‘i , .to teeii.l4 iiil'Oi II ~.b e sold
oncqedinglly.... limy invitti the lothlie ketiorally ~ VT
gi re. 0 ,- 4'm an:ealll gni]. , •.: ~..- • - . ,
b.. NV, 1111'NtIt E. 4 Co. • -
litiv 29, 1R45
. at Milers fiW,tabrrgtftlt's
"farge.upply., Qit;Drugs, PainiE;, Oita, and Fancj ,
• Rnokr:Friiii-81(einnarip
all of whiehrwkll be sold w.holesale -and
eitcsrca:than they can be flail elsewhere in the
Pay 21, 184.4.
iqt ihq.l - (4lcat priceti.9.":t; . 110‘ .
tbDiv • . ,-„
.‘ , • .; '
-0, oCiithar ilWvldtve joisfreaetidln new and
ne,pllo.o,s, :PAINTS, OILS,
P, VC 11 Ns; y 2 . i po A P_s; ; §4 ..s4 gLoti.Alf
!Fey will sell allvance.For CASIi
at their stand nitpd*ci Winrott's 'Anted.
OWliale April 90,31345.
gitutter; Catcl6nd_l3)lt,--
. . . .
for.,the sale.or.P.attou'el,
• W;ncirt, §hatter, • CaNh and • 11•1 t, would
4 , l l eofillLY IlltirM the tleit the ebeve,Holt is .
inperim to env.elli vie et' ,the t kinften,/,je use, burl
for eimplioity and dura41110.;..1.10.9 Pa' be per=;
I ehn get! at •P• Lxnea.or ,lacoh Srner'a - lin NI aqui:
MsrtlFllanotter tarvet i fir of the -soharriber
in Weattnitther street, Carlisle. Thoy.neett
-ho-seettto-heirtloptott. — •
J A NIFA 011,F.VER, Agt. .
pril 1R45
pjeKtf,gs: -. ?2• '
• -v4...
Y ,i •
, n
1. THE snhaatibet:haa.jilet; received a splendid
assortment.oc, the, celebrated 4 Cast Steel . ..blood,
:Sa_THE$; manufactured 'ex preSsl3r for.; his QV/ 141'
sales,-andiwhiah , eavc. - - , auah.glacial.hatisfactrait
tO whp:purtlidecittliem last.pornmait.
I%. , LYNE.W-
April 23,1845. -;
411uet F( 11
, t I C 6 ngr 011
11 „?rtirP4ll,4l Cord ,an
by , 90.t0r onle
, 9 •ii I
Ifie4. rok
Pr., v,1!13)4.45;0-sar 4 1.:
f A -LOT ot,lfinii , Tetieritlst , ritteive linkt tor sale nt
, aththolptv,thstvrittei;tryl rdst 1;0: -"or:
Xll2 ."
Ir IrOEii i iP . ——
• r , ..1 , •,,. 10' 1 10
The ettbseribei.s litieljtitit reet3ltati..o ikistoitinikir
ellGrpprereolo.4treditt,nt 8 end 10 cents per 'pound.
Sirup S lnlesses 1 9,1, luir...ritosvtati,HpudeAtr.ll4o)
perst, sl....ser 6 '8
. r . ant . t.-10 e . ept! .. pgr_ppetiO. , -:..- .:...:,
- c "—•, ' z. ' .:\ t A ti el) kft ik ß N Willf . V.T
I,"CarlialeA.Pill 0118 5. , ' ~ '-' ' -,,- ' --
..,7 ~ ,-. ~, ....,i, t., , ,i--:, ...,,, , ..,.1 - ,--.,1,i ~-,(-1-, , ,T
.'!;'.. ' ft i f.l,V-,r 0. -1k;t4,.:: '; ,,, 15; t;
;#,' . 4, 6 ,!4%, 1 04 0,041 6 ,0. 6 0,4i;g1.41A
:- ) ,T1„ , i,di.,,:y,,,,,,,1R* ~..,,,...,;4.11,, Ayiggibar.geo.p,
APP., 90wqmliEst
-=.300 .do ' Vl , llkeborre "do 4
• ''' . - " .11
2 ,9 P, blteh'elo,l3lM3iniliooCA6;Jgl . , - '. , ... ' •
f : or.ealeee,l%tholWoreliouee of -‘' . • ' •
f: ' - 1 . --- '." ': -, J - & P . oxitbrisil ,
... iciiipb — i6lll4;grTEO ; :i -7; 4i. ' • '.•.
k_ 4lviv
iii,,' t t r o r t ,iigv43,: l 9 ‘.0, , M . '5 , .1- t"!."....i nil v ,
: . il vr'l e , fi -TAP ,9nnievp,444motgiglbtfull
`,a1. 1 4 , 11,61141akeE31101 ',0091 i?Fsollll.' , At'lhoStoyetsif•
ineveloolo•ilejmehoffe,slo.9ll' Of. viiii" l - . l'i ~yodioir.ii4t,
6,04 , 1 1 :41i9
• ,Pc ri7 ,t ) . * lttti'llo.t4FOßOVVC4,TlT S tAe:- 1
4- `rfanltilAßy ?4,tti,944t , Irdly11(1
• ~,,
411140 Fr)
4 #11;0 1 ,f ‘ 1 1' ;1r la*
ttLvAlitl qtb ,
• , 71
~" 'ilgqsl,o4lo,ll4lclQoll:74
• ;),,C,tik‘
fifielite4ll 4rut"":totl7o4l--911fdiajfe.ih:L.:
tekrOr '
T 7 ,
100111 P
... i ii i ,., of : 4, , .
.! 4.4. 41
J r tgl§b'4ink ~ ; .**-41
Lu AJov NP 4 2.-: 4` ' 10 1)1:*01
- 12001 O. , "T' ' 'akiii •.i '6. ,11 • f •'.
.04,..,i,,,,,,,N1i1i.,,,.,,f4,1„,..,"i.,„„,„:„.,„„,).4.7.... .
TnEoFAKLiftfil 4 iNsußANcry -
„..y,,,bw,ptiie, I tzif,..r:.,,tr.
dirded,piil ..t 4,44 14--.__ „,...., • ,_,,11W es.i t t 11i ..7. ,
. _
4,O.IIXSIIIINCE; citlierliierrhatient deli m 1
ItTi lel to„powogilatim il ab'y fi ra r c6Pll,oNElVltY4
.;Ri...,Flp. eY;li§, of: ev4r) - lOgeort 0f0n, , „4 4, tiArn,t be
"I"....tihrYtoflt; tS 4PPtl . o. l l.Bo.oolp'Airgibi, 4.41.141,
iirMattVtIYr'PMVOY:P.P.kIIT kAe,Fi. 3, 41 b.A.,
+ O lO . Hi di - V , , tit 61 ,m -rl4 twr-.lm• ;06a-rNItP.,i
.1.-- Rale .1.. kit diiir itAi . 0113 " i1O f a tic " ''
C ' iitl-; t ' I
. •iltt: TA; >.. - , A i ., !.; ~.i.,:i,.1.1, , / HAP . ~ ,Alo • , ..: s 1.4., ...4....r....,
1 . . p i i,i„l:ll_ ....,
di , iiViii§iii'''' 1 , afit! ,,. Ff:lf i gi - , ',v: , .,i_,.-
ne we 4n4e or sforen.L., :, i ,",, ,' .
II f.l, 1 '''l-04.t0.4 'p vdepbeite,
do ' do Chmrp - es ~: .. -- saf tos do
(lc ' -- - io, 1,, ~ ,, , , t ri :1,1 4 ,1...).•
do • do-Tdr.
,‘ten b`:s2do
do dq'Stable's"(ph6liki) 1td . "74 do •
do' M)llsiNyntgejlt '
• • • PAwgr."3, , -do .
Priei or Stone dwellinks and•Ptir-• '-'•••••", • .
—niture from - ,'• Su tn4OS:SIOCCT,Fir - t ed—
. do__ do Strives and 11,lerellan• _
• •
do • iio`4('aveilLaniAlkOrtiittiroirc,i
• - ' t 40(skin •do
do , do. Eltirna and Coateni • :
),... • 65t.iir5
d n
do ." •• dip. Stables (public) •'•
,• 4 , ••100 to" 150 • - -AO
do Grist-Mill and Stock:,
. • 0 • . ; ."! 751 o . BIP,
Frame iind - Logd vre!Unga. : --
010ka' ", 5Q 0173 . „ 'do
:do 'Stores an 4; Niiirp)ion- • •
thio: *** - 65 6'8 . 5" do
do • •;-do •TavO.n's sop t'Oriil ,
tore • `
• ,‘ :..; .! • '6O ail 00 ''•
vlo , -On Barns and Conti:ntS ' •• " '"•"'
- 90 tri" t 00
. . 1)016,100
*Orrit Jl,
The.stibOrtliCr is agent for the. nhoveconsitany
for-Carlisle - anti its vicinity,. All npplientions fop
lissiirrinee either pion Hr tuirso nal I v wilt be,
.pronpOy attended. W." D.' SPIY SI 9 -
• tU - RAMCE. . •
TF. Allensod bastDennshorottgli Mutnul Ffre
~lnsurance Company or CumberlatulCounityiin
norpututetl bsi 'onset or Assembly. is now fully m.-
'gattizetLatortit otiet s ation' , tintler the management of
tot. following commissioners, vtz:
ClitAtityman,Jacolt Shellv, Win II norgas,Lewis
flyer, Christian Titzel, I lonyer, Ileum
.Logan.,Michnel Conklin, fleitjatuln }l'lqusser, lgFr
Merkel .layolt„kcisk' ! Inhajittavely,lantr
•nitizens of Cumberland and York counties ro
vallo.ltio width ille_company..liold out. ,
rates of tusurttuou,,are ns LOWa ul favorahh
;Warty Gompatty of . .oelCttitl in the Mtn , . Person
wishing to becomktit‘e`hers are invited to makt
application to the agents of the company uho are
willing to wait upon them at anytime.
. _
MVIIIIAUI, lloovett. Vice president.
I,mis Ifyee, Secretary.
• Michael Coels.liti,Trensurer.
A 6E111117.4. -
Ntichael fronver,`Geherol Agent, If eehaniesliurg,
- Itmlnloh \ Loin, •
~ N. Cumberland,
tit CocklM, Allen. , •
Wm It Gorgas, . ' do
Christian Titzel., do, ,
Joy- C, Dunlop, .1
~ Peter - Ftarnhart,
David' strtio;
e. H..tini•thoti, ICI Uptown ,
fleliFy'earing; - Slileinnonstowu,
,ttimpwAyst,er, ~Wotp typ t ikurg, .
.1/r: .tooth Dauglirehn, Caeiiele, - - •
,loiob'Kurk,Generol Agent corlrork County,New
• - ; .corohoylund P. O._ „
,_.. .- ,• • -
,• ileni-vLogan, ••••'• ' "-- You-IC ebnuty. •
.lulm'Sherriek, ' • • ' do
.lohn Rankin., • I do
'Nude'. tinily, . do
. 1 . now mon, _ •
Phalli Tlreekbill, , :; • Cumberland Co,
othei•& , gente will he (.Icled Hereafter:
SUP/ g;isW- ''. " - r - " -
PROTECTtON - CO,NIPANY,i;eing incorpo
rated by an net or tlio`totosiotore of the presentees=
sion,itii fully organized awl in operation under the
direction of the following hoard of Manogera,via;
John Moore, David W.',lVlc=
Onlintigh 4 James- Weak ly, William At
Colltraith;Vhomos Pitmon ' A, G. Miller' , Ilia
Spangler, Samuel IVonds, .lltrahorn,Ktirt:Genrge
Brindle, Scott Doyle,Mil I the attention Of the ittliobit.
outs of Ctimberland Volley tnthe AicaptieSsof their
rates and the marl} ritlventoges' Which dila tind of
insifriance IMP over airy other.
Ist. Every perion Insured becomes s nombet• of
111 - 6 aomj,nny and takes mill in the choice cf t .eels
and the threCtioti of its concerns..
1. ropitistllllllCll no motia - is , dertiandeil than is
nevesSarylo meet dm expenaesof the Compri
indemnity imainai losses which may happen. .
fid. The inconvenience of frequent renewals
voided by inaurinn.for niarm„ ofAve years; k lint
Milieiea-can be t*eti'-f9 :i - any - pFriod - frbta - 67.r'
five vears.'
• tr; -- A , persen al:Tiring tor insurance ttanst'gPrc
his tiebminm.niitn foe th'e 'Chen pcat ;lass at the rate
or flee per:oentunr, which 14111 be .$5O ow Vie $lO3O
foembioh he 'Till; bevel° lank $2,50 for five years
;;;#1 $1,50 for . soriey enil,pplien and ;in 'nit Taulbee'
be, slosainsininerl'lc) lk gf. , llfl.l.:_ l l.l'9.9.uatalianthe..fitine.
eic Yntiiirsiqlooyer,and then no mnr4..,erilll cMititt
, el (hap, a, ;Iv rata 9ltare4 : These/rater
r rr3 - tat aker,
theiiiio;than tloer Of 'other compapias,arAitactelt
banre orporateil in
on the see ;wine: Wet
~ L.T.TPIC/S. 6; Nllt.t.V.ll Peaat.
.A. f";See'y ..: '' ' ''"'
Tha 'fhllirank'kteritletnenlatv - e.treen '': •' I
---- "'72"
AGENT'S ‘,.. : , ~ I 'Llt .;. ~ . . t—• ii '• .
_•!.l_i_....±..Dialtra.';' , '. ::. , t
14. ,, ;Tamea .Iteetterly,.Eaq., , Neurvitler.l ,
- L-.:.,George,f)riorlle.;r‘kik , 4loliroe. --;
Clemens Arprarlene,Parliste,
In rib b
'?,.,.. Mffloo :::;. ~, . .11 . 0 ...
. r o;fp.Mr'i,,,,.. II 1in1 n ,,.".',"•,!9'.. ,3 t1 , e 1 1! ) 4 1, tru'
. arne s my e,, 'Newton.
-Col. Jas. stunt
' :';."
11 --loitt-Nffiseer, FlR,n.'Nno
, Peten,llfoLaughlin..9 , 3lllllelletnte,t ,
June, 6, 1844,
• ,'• .•
24a1111114-3011 . 11E114'":'
,var,l4:4,llatnifo, , !A
HAVE just Toceiyvt a InVorjqoißrit
,6l,PlP, POVI P M F PNWO r ' t,
, 1 )1 9.h,,,1 -N9 1 1'041 1 4' PVlROPtii#:)llo4e 4 lo,lwAkjii
t. WI
I , w^ I' - r , r ' , P . .1
P iti "96'.
.:,..7 4 Otter:e l f tagje L WAtir'en" l , - liVai 1 6 0A r lia (1 - : an r6 will'
'be, nitillitAily;,tlfisvullitgAlgneiesiilli 'ItA ,tiikilke..VeiY '
tit+g)iillitiirweifthi.J.Cdifiniiiii*Silth)lt efliiiiYTTliig'
3 . 9 r thwinciiiiiiorkkivilrifik Okiintigrijeto . tielityled•the'
!VA.ntisksinimoifilliANß - MAti hi hit6tifliid tb If Ore
It liteatlitin itbe Sortough'vriCieiele4lotirabbnlird
..9Pu'OlithaAiitlshlili , hiWto titivpital ot.thirlyethoiis..
evg,(logorit o ,sol ,i44,imivileo ofoiniKtSalng it, tO!
°q' , 4 l l s l P d irs l .W PPs447ll4";;Abei9l44.co4oitm
in l ct 6l l 6ilT ;9l IP:Tanta 4! ,I PDAY , I and diql9 o Ynt.
ijp A ' l 'l. ,''. ' ., ~ ,' ,'" , .- ".:.'
s ipi il - tAsAk'nnito. , fulim, ~ .k, g , t , ,,t oi, -,. , , , 04., g
6 14. r.„, veim
`R. nglIF (A ~ ~,,.. e „.ifpqrk,... terjut s.di ~
/IPni* .iq•':le,'... - . 6 • ',, .‘„ ,IF,4 4 rk Ny,'STlnver,i, , ,•l
k to, dittiebti , ,m.. ' ?ort:§nto g o,a..,.
.. . -
• pree•Aliot til,.-romi tinpirtalettitiqa,i'fi."
)/0) . it.: iGtaliNitiP:44 . 4 r '''',' IP titatnitiii:: i '-'5., 'l' - r;=
, , i l etAygoffs',i 04 hi til , A.llPlml.thitskititVA:trrC'T
4.oh*Okhttieli,,,Mil: ,I t hVenrgb - 9alideilioo , ' .r i ,',
134thIpkVINVII4rfrY4 1 44-4 , 41 4 4.W••7317.4-. 3 - 4 - , ....1- 1 - 11, '
. 1 1 U PA4 1 1/le l ttel:ii, 415:,.': Ipipl, iiil,:t ,q,(l,l,li:id: Orn , , ,i
i.iielLti. ,
*DI{ ~ , ,.,.1 1 ,, a iir,oll ~ ,
11A - Di* , " l "e'•
s'otoPllA4Y • AQ . N I I Y .'4.‘l'
1 4 6".414EP0T. ic.....' 1, f ,?,,
r, 4 . ii. I 'qt 1 1 , 140,1
,Nst ler .7 MT. Ph .4 - 0 , 17.70517Z014 71LIf 1.1 I:ir I 0 .
firl A, 4:NREULProVnIiI ibtrllbiirel iiatroniietpe
f i : ",,gr i g9o7l,lAltil i tiP4tm, lias,Vidiear._Ca'r! , ..
lAt'et m. - : .1 . 8.vi0 a ty, the le still: eaellioieoltp,rnttiri
4 1 41 t ig*PAMPrigttiOct , Millari.plittl
VE, °tq riN MT qiilfiaTß., fin l!'ia'
41 " 6,91 1V 19 - 99 , 1 5-K:::-.4;:
4.4l§ l ! 7 POPPli'Vera*4ldilifli - Aiiiitliiisi)tisrii.
~ , - stippe;,:,, , ~:,',,,,::::;,, 4 : " , : - ::'•itkl: t 2)
illall alerlaiktitleiel4l.4alfie r aiilJ:lK:44 .0 wig.; Ns. ,I
- d ` 'Oa iiit*bneillo4oo4o:'";44;i3go , ' , k,lilsy 4
. 4 . 0 ,,r10 1 .-qift w i llilli‘...' .
7r:at lytli *A '
.r , :-...- it , ~.,
t . • c .:4 ,, ,•...4.,....,.
~:.„.„.,..."4 . ....,,:•,,,,,,,:,..,,,...„.,,,,,.„.•,,.„
-,..,,,-,•;•,,„...,..„„.•...",•,..„,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,•.‘ 1 „,,,„:„...„,,.„:„,,,,,,,
„.„,••,,,„..,-„,,,,•,,,.,,,,,.,:,::„4,,,,,„„,,,,„,..,,,yee,yk .0 . , , , ,, ,Tyv!1T
V7." ~
, -Big a ' = INER47'HiIr• NINGOOI
fiftalf444 .dxgrxiscimonxt
fwltlil. , iiii,6.,l4i , iia,;4l,iligfriAitiiii i i , M
--- jr --- rinblio — gi3iTail&,,,lihirtlia — iiillC on tin ues to
carry on the Cabinot•nalging,Businca e , 51 hie•old
stand in West High atrectißpp`iNimo oe? iWeft); olitak'l6 - k6J"cin4in tvon iandanii
wilrnannfactnieWbrdiiNlltrtiklirliili n i
tof linalnesei atichia --,-- .....-‘ ''• ' •
.- •',,,, .
•:Irli•V;1/1E1/ktE1ISEIti' . .Ifiaili: . , s
• ?" 3 : . ' 1 , - VtitiCHC'd'Agie:§iisß;#ls4ll:46" ';1f
,,,....r.,,-D, 14, -. -,1•4, , , ‘i,,,. - • 1. 1 . , 1 , , W , ••:,, I
.. ,, , , ..;fel_. Tin )9.0—.. 39 1 1 t0,9119i' 1 5 04;pat Aha timry i linieat,
PLTi9,R S -,, 1. 9, .',919,9,9 9 14 , ,,q9!9aitIniChate i,Blaking
' .. ,,u99,19924, .9 9,1 1
iY.IVI tt ArP9PRI; 9
...u.i x^.l -, :v.7o!; , tri!tl , :t +1,4 OJ pel%
I Arta.IIIOGkiMIFIK,CHAIRS,;•."' L-. .. - 7-- . ; = . - •:,;"•1 I
APFAXNQ,.OII•AIRS'iNVINDSOR ~ : i mil . , -'; , i
"(1114140f"SETT,EFS and SOCIIN.' , 1 ,13p1p,'
,IBTAtit94ll , ,•,9P,which';ii , ll.4l'l3#l4llAl - ...*:".., ' ,,, f'
Itllin ;Oiman:that linc4 li& ia ori3llol''''..4'r?•.':r",?"47z'"
' 9 ' ftintnravaticLt;llapotie4O •',
~,..,•;•- o - 7
:on Aitem4ftLrssilionithle3eriniU ' 3,, q`'...? -4 .14)1;11t,.!&' 1
i He invites - lal old friendi 'ati'd:" , ,;,,"
I , 2l gl ii tleq:l2l l llftletrilfar lll ,-
ha ahaltta ;ablaito , accornmorlate'then;"iii''. r'
Airicriffipq,eq.ual to:Any other ostablielnneneth
'kind in the county. •
i , :f! . ...jACOI3 'EgT.TEIL
, v , vs4kete.pit,alt ta-tiane t ,
•" . .
•-%11.;• '7' ^-fizir " ,
H atrilersoßdeqo rnrytiieto,k ofilieSnliqulPlncn
I.4nP,of,,Carn, twit 1-.1.16at return thent'anJ
'erre tlinnk's tp,iliejn`• trientls in 1 franklininntl
criinqes tor !ctn . , litrbra,.putlyeep.Cctfully,
farin iw'rpnred tp receive
anti I'prtvarqtlail4,yjnyitln lyntcr,ctinni,
ri#l4 - 111 Aerchatidize;
Atcl)" FROIC„' . •
do 4
t many linnse in Viiii6de'
can hi Ye cc
bees. :I:lTirpg•Fnts,ingi. cktkep. art:: ,•..;
Vitt el. IV IT on tic . Deln non c,l.' irin7Tel ion,
Nlefmrs..lonN' Aftt:tn..i.oynn
. 13nw potimfFil
burg and interinelPhte , ,ri,
; s, Preightlinfl_Paoseti
gers oleo for the Mirth and West BilliNbranillS
thrrishnrg, Alwy 1,1844. • • •
- - . •• •
1000 Porsops .16 :
Olin alone, can testify to filo_ wonderful effiertcy•
ot: lint powerful. retncOri THOMPS.ON'S COIL(
or Chronic !
y-.23,-IF"14.- •
Sir. For more then
fouityeate past I had been .dreadfully afflicted
vvith'erraffeetion of the throat, - which my physi.
eian monounced "Chronic Bronchitis,' caused
by repealed Mad neglected colds:_ Ti e_distresa
suffered is indescrib - able. My throat was lateral
ly raw with "violent coughing, so that blond would
cone' from it;. also great oppictiston, pain .aftd
tightneps at the chest ann short till the
usual pulmonary symptdrits showed themselves,
showed thenufilveti,Cansing entire I*ss of peens.
nary repose—lny thronf•waa.leachedand blistered
* -
•over and over again.. g 'made trial ofovery known
remedy, and at di ff erent periods had the, advice
6cstiphYlieltitis, arid all with no avail. About
twit monthstiiime I made trial of your COmpoupd-
Syriip nFTar and \Vold Naptha i and before - 11
hod taken lie fjrst bottle." felt relief: t confirm.'
rid until I ..had taken seven bottles, which corn
*lP!, reTlOYeii.the ditteatto_tind_restored me-to
peßect beatilr, nod - - volkve I should not
now be living, had it lot been for 'your imbilutt.
hie medicine. JANE PERiW,
123 Sprnee street. •
Principal offer, N. E. chine! of Fin and
Spruce streets.-: Price 4 - 0 cents, per_ bottle or S 5
per doien:'-'
For sale itfieriabtle by 11: , c, STEVENSON.
January 21, 1844.
• r R-VOI:ESt
PerfumesßOUSgELV - cerailii.a of all kinds,
•tokether with Eitre eta ,orPutaliottly„ Vervaine,
Cedritt; Mitanollo, Junquilla,
Rose, Jasmine, Miel, Monsaline,rind Oramta, all
deli es e, Perin merffor la 4 tits' end 'gent leMan's toi
lets; for sale by Stevenson & Dlehaffey.
April 30.
cv Evy style Bonnet Silks , Ribbons, .A rtifieinl
with Gosh ineres,-Ilalzorineo, Baregos.'Mau?li'ii3.
Fuoe'y Lawns, Gil , glltlfllB & Alpuecae,&e
just reCuivul und will be*old
April 23 1 545
I'On 41.,; ICLIEME
The subscriber hos just received
;Hating at his stand MI Alain avert, IM it dr ura frorn
the publin square, a large and elrgata assort mem. m
articles-for, gentleman's Ilse and wca r, !q
respecaulty iorites their attention. lifitissiq's
rivalled ,Shs's eurn, in large mill small jaws . ;
Oils:ma Perfumes for the flair ,• a large, furictt
Snaps ; flair Brmhes,rtiofft,clothesatuf hail 1311101-
; itLz(ws nil(' I azor, bops;, also II I
elegant assitrftnemt of I;;Luilemeuls,llnet;_matfropm
10 Jest Ival nun.; fashion:4;le style such in, Storks,
golfs rs, I I res sts, e., alt Which in be b 11110
-Ibe.IOWCSI prices lilt Oast:
Juliet 18,484,t
lha/zorif;,es at reduced ;74iesil ,
sittdnticlii 'the •Ii4(111 1 / 4 •113 iniitetl "6'll4life*
.11LAtod.ltatolsome stiles of: Paris Hs I zoli itt'veey'
lo'lves to. * be- found: at ARNOLD'S and •
N toln. re •in I.4Qrtit , Hanc.iir street_
1 51,1eMlitl hi, 1; 8, 411 • 1$1: ta9i 'rents„
A I si) i•eriteloitti,swies4litrege..s..Gingrukolui,Pl44l
- Su I ks • BM& {lllsi ht:olll.3t
; 1 4 Clain& AIM iiilVll . lllii ASOIOIIOII of lielsiMts
mot llotmet It ildtotts,:tieiOtlst talc ~itlfici>;l ' l'lqu.
yrs Jtot! tte:' L
iS 11'1 6,141, t
•Bnli)tiese . ,•clehost. smd titillcetkebait
Notiiird'iiMmlypg' .lU:we 01 §tel
Nention tifelmfrey. • I,; — 's" 4
, 4itecl
4 i lli llikr!Plil m ACol l l°. III:SPROC 97! : 1 1 1: 4 ' 1
'l c an exec Lent substitute tbe4;dstoi• Oil—enililleeii
) t . e OltlMl T YPi4b,littro l liel : eMeilltefir.s l l;ioittitil
u . ibis nuitseoliti 'n pt Iva; jupt reseiveil tiiiii ,f2r: wile
b • Eitikascildiz s Militti,ol,ltint/U, ~1349, . ..;. . .fi1iPi
' • '
EIJI • it T.
!How's eelebrat d. rbenindile, nerve and bone
--;.. t! • . 401, 1 9 1 M 99,0:.,
11;2.1'01 ,:ftigir44/if
. ,
k -A, ), -e-.1:: ~ t•il nel
r tr
~., , a -, • r irear r s t ;rip=
—r- *.iin , 1 1 00f3::01,,, it 'I 't. ;•,,
,v 4 ,: , 40 , 1:,pp . !„, oiik , Vlht ! 1de ,. .,90t1ib,%1!
.. ,1911r.1h
(vittifilptiOt t eK bler ranitliolke Who' enryresponil.m .
a !moist foie) el Efronir4llb , incikf eylivi hiwier iiii
IPhilottiiiribiniAo wixicliiiiicwliptild titivite,ilhilltAirt:;
tjin - pf,F i lke t !.4ips.l4.-,,, qI , 1 , -- ,), ' , lll b 6 , 1 loit , rl r•ii., ,
!, ',,,, - • i SrtVENs9,l*l4-111tait'VEY; 'l4,
.' , r i i n e il l l lt , l 4a - ,....i5,:it ~ , 01.4-, 1 :1 hicSt ii 4 4in
nr ---
?,.. 1 1 . WO ,4: 6 64,1 . .:.
• i .ille.a f dp; 9 l,tltik teliwaarelnereiiiilT!everiy4l4?; ,
Pt „01114 wprill*ful AuTeetv ion sale, wholeesile,,ort
0 "It ' thtt'. o oYll4.lClrVlPr,PlPYP u le7 4 lq'
I i ß'? q i tqCPPitne 99 1 PA I Wc1 fib.
A , iek4:4111 3 910,1 0, 410 . 10 1 11 1 194 1 400irWind.,
21 1 4 1f ,i,..CA10,M1.09F,P 4 i 9 1MY, .§o4;ekkton.
r.., ~,1, 1 „..,;-)tr.-:; e: ~..,-..:- • : ,. , , f , ' ti , fiN tqlilVa!, , 3 - 4i.ri
j t rth X '' 'E t tlESVA t rtigr4 ."l o 7 7i
.-'---', --..-.----i
''''. 1 . T . ,it ) . 1 :• 5 L I rttil t f l rli Ai l itneWPPl
, s j? ‘ 0 1 t) le, ' erhithe, pinhO Mr*lP , ,tlibiltisvilkOi
!, e NO •,' liclUchiolsWeie flitity?ii lie k berglit.eiter
Ak I releirotliidntqcStekoihidvi 11teitilli". 04 : , ( ! . ", 4
'J '
,7 a
''14414a°9717iA, 011041E5:04:tvf.1;,,t,7
' • IttoblEiiinispOlymipuoloteanii:ShOt Al i 'lW,
eej veil, ithilodweopdalng;iwltiOv4y,ilPlitiim4
11101 01Va l r. , , ~,Allgh, Oi!lrry ,thtbi
Gum tOX'''
e.;AtIke94I.I4IV4III4PLOWIIefI,I,O4 prides;lit the 1
k..ll.l l riVP.l,t)lclimigire :11;r0/1111`0 ,4 ' - ` ,41 ,I ''' 1 '
;git i t i ,'fil: ll. l44l.;;iaP,ilk, 4 . o e;;Vx; , . " T!+ 9 A i r" ll / 4 ''
..w,, Or ttt ',lTS,it'llZ4•l74ltr,t4ffl-v0 0.7-1,-.3-
ta - a
.t it
: ' 4l f2 ''''-*
4' 1-4- 4
, I 'i r. )1N,:y.114R-14.
r Ire • e 4 1 : 1 1Vilt . i
A . NNe t rW.#4
ti iti ' 1 471 —11 45 1 4 T t ANKCifVf,'
..' ..- ' %; - ,' ' 4RB 4 3 , id,lPtviftlft,
!O: , , " I i
of -; . , i ou tl i4l
~7! , ,,. - ,.•' S P' , ; iii I t . • , ~1.,., ; - '
' . ':'''4* ',-- I
~V. ~, : • , , ,t.i , 1 , -. 4t51 1 ,q",1,W,W,1,11 , All . 't ,
. ,- , ‘ , ~ . ~,., : ~ '''' , T ~. ' ,-.- ie .', ';' , .! , `'.. , i
.' iti! Q ( .... • ( . 11111‘.., I f .
1- 10'.. 1( 1;p0107i2,0, ,. ttie:re11:: 1 4 :r e .. . ,; 7 :41. i it ,.... 1
:,it.eo;tii .. „ I , :iiivi,,,i k wi titel ,. ii ,;, , : 1
vf it*, iv pr,..u.i GT r ,? . lb.. K, [1,..t. .
11.1 MS iisMOVed hill:Ditkr9j): r . .A . .---'
Wg1:1 . Itiplgt. 4.4,'1n *hi 1.
i l o'lkiii' -1 *91 . 0. 1 7,?44.4i)010, „ .7.. IV . '1 1 04 , 4kfew . i
iiiicktii , :tkelcF, Opatem'sffletekwhere;ll ill:Nigh& ~ i'
,LOLikisti'liki2lA nliiifiiiietei—iiini:int -Itersiorti i tq--.
ikeliesiseA4 eello , ifieLliaiqust.retur rtikeilfi t S •
East alit), 2 ehoide saleciicwior, , Voo
'make his:assortment corriplate: l 4:i All'li6e- he; - '
fore-- purcht,iingigelareltilt.lo,rklaliiiild-iti
the lewesk prices foX i ttish., : t ' ~..., , vlclit•Fi
'Ai i r ll o4o3diferi.-IJo.>itit aiii :.I` . i 'Cu • .
L l l. l • , t,Jll‘...le tt yr •'•iltAiiii
1' 1 I 1,.. , I',`, 11.,..7411`a1ir!!51T 1 f
• '.I . S. A ~ 15;:•44c4N1V 1,1
a getierarcipiortineni ol.t '
WitailittWlEV , ol,s t
0tt.:50,..A.0 . E., ;;" f•il 11,/41.Pil 1. k: .
q , if.Z.ll,tta r . ict
i' %1 . 401 ' ii l i 'L'l---- I -
- 1
• ..fir i......),P.:•. illlet
m e .
-- : ,,- THASIORIT - Fl
-:-F---•- --vviTor tutp..•AND ', i l, ...' ,• , •
C 0 0 6 1,t --- 0 4 t 4ll4.. Vfit'l' ' 7 4 ' •
.1 -1 1T:OPti) ihform their friiiids'ae l,ilfiaii, i n
V_V,,..geilerill,ihat:4ll:rflrre-reille;,ii ni.gesi-iiii..
lishrtien!,,tsi...ttliti;riiciliiilitlelg.liigiiiiti "job...v.
I.lne Ft CO: . litiii iiiihrly Oppomate the r nd White
ling of Arnold Ilt Riiisteitqzlhe4a'S,lo onTitwth
Haliprer;litivell,wlie'reihitifelfritiiiir " nih r idn.
tilettisioietkitlypiptlieleld' atihifear,iiiiii pllblica
4911414,61PC1And,f.t0m..4114t-anc`eoiikili • ifiiii:ol '
-i ~ ~,
: - .T . T.i. , : ,1- , - itivANDitg;,.,.
I %
at the Acr,ipst . .hp,ti,e,e4thtl,ot the' heit titian f
k.T.49 '
Rhin ali.' itiiietapitli , o 6 liana '• I'll 1./11:, e : rac j il ,'
•Il .04,(lelleatieliAnr ,the ;(111feeat" ieason . to p
e .184:tc4ve:94,kitiiiierrrElieir, ia 14
thil's9f/i.iii o .r4ingei i i.:ll4oMone; Ithisins, "Al:'.
nrida. PillicrtA,Prupe4patt4,-pream=nui nenk'
.Nut a, Erylish Walniliiii,tlgilmi Dora ae11,..a !lyre
or all,kllidfilllCmireetionarivusiiiilli kept ki dh •
o t i m i l ! kn i c i!oll.,of ;whieh.they. dill ell . tt.i h ,r
onaial reiiannitle,p-rirekkr. CA. 4 / 1 , , , . e_,
iFielinliACsAtaielll)3l)4,veryliherl.iitt ig 'heretiifore'liestneed hpoittlen, they Imre. be dteeltoadd'iirthe'ltive glcpk, all ,thr.varip in,
with ' l . ' •
^ ^ - z ~
C 73
.„ . .. ..
C. 1 : 0 : ,- OPC#2 , 0:PI19`01339:6n
bnwiiiiii g lh ;part .Of !Sitgars'COlTees. 'rut's, Olt t t
j - ;ricki f ra;;hlolnseesXlmeninti., SPi , hes or all kit
itr.1" 1,41 , niaAing, :13akerhrultd. Clay's eittit N
CoMbs. ingeliteith a, large variety nftlimenswa
awl' oilittartieVslog ntitneenusio mention.
___Sekars4 Tobacco and 'Sault; ,\
ni the best Mid, sheattesQuuttit ica..ntruxu : ,...m ' ou n i l k
: iii;(15 . 41 - iitilit to may Mimi. them wiilla 60.,
TOYS el', e 417 description Man kepr dy.'eonstan,
nd. 1• or - the - very lib i kesl simportes•Thuled to '
Merit V - die' r Trietitia am customers, they return
their sincere tittakks, and will endeavor in future to
merit - a enntinuance of their furors
.by spurring no
exertions to make their establishment un !Treatable
retreat. . - - . .. • ..•-11. lsr..l\l.
Carlisle ; April.l6, - 1 ii4s.
!i ' 2. - l ', '
( ~ f,. ~,,, \ \\\\ 1111;,, LI „
\ !,
'I I I j' ' s't \ ‘i \ .A.';il/ r„,,
~,...,,,,,„ ' ‘\!i..,,-
: 'cda; §-1* - . ‘ .'% .-1- ` ; ' , ' , • -• .T: , ' • - r --
...,.....--:,- , . : _ ' , ....A12,4‘ ~...; : j • - •! - '_ , ; 27. - * ---------
filtrt i flNS hi ssiticere thanks for .pasPfavort
141)11 wishes to inform his . friends anti the rabbi; gen.
- qi ally. has laid_ :4 general iissortinent •el
fa A li WA Itf, 11110.GUTTLIIILY -of a/1 kittilvqch
as xesot,th rue - dolferei it tnitkeS, Driai
ing,lCitkveS of Variofftr makes, Chlse,l4, and Cooper's
reels ofiall rkin its. Also-a large-assdettnentroF
eat.tlery, •
ithd'korli.srfroin - the 016,41;011ln the
pot siil ) 4) 4 hiatilit.kt no d 'ovr
uther suPerior Inn nufartOre ; table,tQii, sonp ajar.,
o bee Stamm ." flutes-filet' k toile and sizes; every
description 0e1: 0 ,;st, Horse Itasptinrdifierentsites;
wood mid bed screws di different kinds
gouges and, plaint eons; eta, double and: single
Irons; Augurs, blin; and bright of oil , ernes; also
three-bitted Augurs ,Alrneus and Mils of file beat.'
wake' straw-colored ; Knob, chest, clipboard
and pit.l , incitS t, Out 'Taeks nod sparillea ;• brass
Candlesticks ; brink:lnd tdastering:Frovlsi_Tragest_,
straight - :met wli 4 tEditalter - eliiiius tlieavy and light
Spades and' Stoke's; lay and niantirqfpilts, two,
three :Mil font. pronged rs,:i .
-she'll - . St eel A nteriean and Eu01514'1311 ;ter Steel;
hand, Arun mil and etosti-eiir t'Sttiw
Knivps; Plat Irons and Tliilolll. ViFe , yons,
round and (nail-wrought Pans, long handled.Feying
_tertinglitArtat rllooks turd ugei, -- tlifferetie
sizes, and 'also-the oldflz.thioneri ;
'ratite. le ve (9 .1.; ra ev4 . • kAr•klitit4; .
, •
'nude , iI-Ituperlor steel and" Wei lop to' tiolle-7;dl
warrun'ell ;4... (41; bitter the . rnorker
I , ,ntiri• moist." on will be C 1 \en h• evert all fele' birth
na it/ ty, to every person
444-1-at-the-old - stavaf
Mini e Inrineelv k
hn%ya ae ft Hardware
nor TirCi sdipinitni Gpe.
Kell is flat Storm. • •
Laftaud are the. olul:fushilliii.d .Scythes; 'arid
j.traiii ititkti,s,, ,Itivit:ipti.uttill•
it i t titi y ees hitry , tigi„tpxlillifili.ifiitiAllqiiiitr eta In
e'fOr , reit! ert,ltter. gii, War
ell ut.
.S ! t
bßobiti;At.i-"6, IR4t.
Wm. Webb
L_ "lAN " J a i ctn ii i lit sT a i E's .Ivr i 9;tl -411 ),ti 1 1 71 11 W * .7M 8 iii
rl.7H!s-rePitif 444o:disci:WI rbig - ricer
- the - •
u n ividsil:aspwolittocin A ..itfid '3 , led/aOr pro.
,fdaeion t of qiept t ft r,t to i 11, t p rrt,Ap3l„qqw ken °am, 7;
el tqi'lly•lorii.hdthe4hP IA °IF ifffiß PP Wie tnit I,ei i •
i _ f l ir ,f e l t 4 ' t V i v i ,kL4.: tl ,!..llo:,,,9 lB cli9Y•ualio ratent • :
—, ,,, v,b t...„ , ,,`Vi f ',ld.,' 4 l.T:'ufiqcliko Sfist96r, ell the;- -
'Prr'Sj g i - r en :;:19, o ..4cl l 9.4. l :YofiNkyanittOit..•
1 r 94 'O. ' .e, Pe l , 0 ,f . : , ...1 , V119. 11 .51,f04111!ine0. P 4 re. t' ...
o f Oil tut tWe'ir itlid4-An Of:. PiPP.l4ft o }A shitaiiitu• •
' 4 l/ 11 c 11 ,.'4cc, 0 Tp_k111.vtijo i stp4Ketitne by those in. .',
stru me iiid ; d iirr ih'' i Ifni, o thshirs4peptswo,morri, ~.
mph anti certain in ace t o #:*hipgitheide,ixedJgb.;! -,
- .-
-, 1 TP.A.9•Ptskniclitkillgiollie 441driititii0itgiliii0
lect success in hil . etiogirodErihoidolitiem, acute or ----
'Olirunie applying to the lelui. face. ini , limbs ; ~.
- 1401..kif 10VDANItidtv CF lAoliie,Olte4 ullivindli i trial,' .',
, v, , 4 VO*o4 . ,,trePlivLsiornegokoboy,initrititioiid.4 „,,,
' l9 :4 l3 'kesiffLtia.fy, poimoy. Filn;CrAmP. Fail 4 -''''t .
~.,1 4, ,1 t i f t.-IfqT,„k/A4 l l*.' 4 P9PIiIIY• {l3.t.iffritsrmfj 01014. '4. :,
'' l4 ' o ..lV.lns,9,l ,l ,ii,g!icf . ??Rplai.nt,,Nouraki l w,Gili t i..,o,
S_!eP ,,t illtli l niMMlli•C'UNell'AOßlEnerdif,•4llMlBlllo.ff„' 5
~. etrt v 7)W }NC1 ,( 19 8 Y. , , t -, T.linicottriordirioryit'offoiii , '',
*t e°ll 4 l,?,!'-Y,f t iliA 3 .0 P0 0004nia,ed, to,liejzeliae.ip4A
e 4 , l"ll4lkt i a Mt,i.,VIPPYO , 4Ivo:. for, the. prO . ceedingi4.:
ihi'inifite: t". 0.9 are' tlaliiii;kom, recommendodd'r 'il,
41) 1., , 96kYllitiqq'liil , VP, i 9 ,A, WI ivi.V , Iteiraii 4 . ',' . :.,g,...
hafiniesp, and nro,Boicidki'.,4priccis talwwitikirOvii-:4L'i't
ofeeh-omvi,c.6o4!o.lo,lignetio Fluid is:•ti,ollo,i4?t,
in cohoiectign with ttAi l ki4o;g4 114 'to/mice/AIWA ,fg ~,',,' -1741.
fitiont.notiori.cortain. aiid-io direct the 4012-',Fht.,7
influence to particularlier,,, Atefire,iiffeeted v l , . , i . : .
1; ilinluel 0119 CertiGqsloll or i.
~ .twijii: gq.01 . 011 • .A , . •
o Iledgribrilite"; Rink ailii. ' 416. it ,- • ctim . .- " '‘• •'.
viTheilikiilitiirtiiiiii"4 4 .',' , 1 e .9,wi i ilAcii': , .:,
44nt be'ilitilo.lh;;'iriliAlly :;0,0:00 1 1,4Vit:!) 14 , : ,
L pliiiihita be, tiiiitibythictOlg, Oropriclior,i,oo,3 :i ,-.
gdzidinistitiltmild !rib witiiai,m4eilee'Xi alit ',.. 0 :.,,,,„
, t) leamitiost - to tile: " . 4iil'FO rOfd; IVeiiti
. .18 1 . ,, a,1›
cautiotri.Nd'idmlit4or4 !,pOrcli_tiOp s pm tt *fog". :
iltation, of Dr.. rutin ai r SiiimAcklingiJiiii aciii,... , , ...
p,,llVlntirlitiV9 lin. ..,i4tigi'!ii,tttito7ol9o"..-,-F,:-.5,:
R o n
_v.*, p, II luring] t i d al • la , 1. :1!4 ,
,: , , ,, ,,- .,-..7,
.yptitateNifweispfide eV Iklio trigthlli ,-., ~,,:•'.;;;
4iiiiiiiktiiiniiliobikom -, lid'beiietkiilioildbind ga : t'
. .14,
my - olipopillititio - iirgiiiiiiitri - driiik`iiihitr g
,illl4i , -;; '-.
1 6 ,
Il i
OrrachWg-A 4 ~,,'. t1.', , ,...3tn`,6p, • , :,. , -,J
, jl.4itilEilT mi ihry sole 'agoinatni;CdbilL;;.4.e.
00HoOlobOrgiiindv,iolroki, ' , , , :tliiiK.Alos,4o - x?lilt , ,::-.:;!;,i3.
4 'ficitrrlkuti.4 l lo47 ./figoii -, 4•1010 - isulht stri`,--;,,
t-* , . , -p. l .w.....e, v,,.1.41P.P.15.1,.-1..XL1,,.!U1'',13),.,
pa,to of gEopilel,lL'Alnli IN'k-•:4f.-;,..
' .Ll4W(346l?,dielPiNitad ,*14,0,4:,
1, ofA o „,i, i i,• - '-...t,t fi a , ,b i lyti „f„ ._,:ne
4 %i.
i ltAt
I .% 'gib
P{ A V
ring and
,FRA .;