Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 17, 1845, Image 3

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. k...,: , (PAge:.
tipaiiiiiw, itio's:.:-444,-,iii o(Ohlitiiiink A wil-
K ual)l9ls4trY.,new4paper, tan r uow he ateom.
;undated's , a , teas price than It tube had by sending
- ----, 'r - r - - -
t lit
°'.1.34: r . ' Notiit,*lll, ritoil63 sibieriptioni thr.
be itga ji[D.hilar NeNiaiNtiet:,!. at hil'eheiti)
Arend eriodicht Store, carliele; and' likrnith it
' tatibietA .at the low rate 2s .free nr,tieat",
4e,beingWenty-arven center letw than it leen be
ad hy,autaribitig .in ;Philadelphia: Ifttivill take
faiiinnwihariorw-itifyear. , ' , --. --- -'-: 2-- '. ---11 - - '
t -..,'S'alit:t3ll.l§'Yt;ll/40,./. ' .: .‘ • -
i• r. h" -E d:fi SNUFFS.,::
mavigkev.;,,lo4e_pu,res.:,an ' nes
. aligti_oia*:.tpgrrattled,.- rEe
frdtilidelitetibfit ditig4; by
"...L•11‘ DEMUTii' ' " ''"
Rast irns. S;reet,'. - .4tniitsfer s : , Pa.
r ii iiflE we uniivalted antes ate supplied :to
......,t4s, and other. on liberal . terms, and
all orders fipttY • , ' ".
--CAU.T. ",, -- Beware "of ..- a - einorlque article
called Lk fir ginitij'an'd lialinict upon the pub.
i t
ile.for tie
t h'nhieq)enitith'i:Sn'uffs, which-ere
('lthaleattl nlyAictiniSnanufaotargrjaaancae-.
crik - i, 4 .,. y. J3fiiagar watoisene Na. 56.
, Yetay -att.:No* York ; Stabler .and Canby,
Pratt etkiVharfi' , ltalttinore ;• 'Anthony Elton,•
NO. 0. Ith:6tll. street,
sOld,ll(thiblie Vendee, on WED.
---IVVIESDA-1 4 4 : heildth-darof-Bopteniberi
1845010 o'clock, A.llt, at the mill;of Safiluel
Alexek, Esq. , deceased, onp mile North of
—Carllslun the •Conodogulnet Creek, .A
GreelTarjety' . of 'POtsool Property;
•conethg . of Co'wS, liartvvei
wen Adel barroweekitness, timber %Omelet,
,- .cults,cifs; boards, scantltrig,log challis , titmice,
AuitpekLe,youngtattbiltio, ; -
11441 and Hainest. 'l'hei'e blab he sold
she 8000 lbs. of new staves, posts ) Cooper MO,
viakbayk,' carpenter's • toe& shingles lathes,
pale, pitq , carts, thre shing rfittchlee,
sews, iron mill saws, patent Warne,' Also,
Wet, Rye, Corn and Oats, in the bushel and
tole sheaf,. Buck* heat, thy, &c.'&c.
here wilielso bosold on TUESDAY the 213th
odePtemberot 1 o'clonk, P. M., at the Railroad
motile the College, two double Rail Rood Cdrs
rd. three tone of assorted flat Iron.
Notice is alto given, that on Monday the 13th
flOctober,at 10 o'clock, A. M., 4t tlfe-late &Q.
iilgcf &untie! Alexander, Esq.'will be sold his
consisting of upwards of 400' volttmes of the best
selected and moat - wend reports and elementary
Works,—crobracins Cains',lobbioieri Massachu•
setts, Crouch, Peters, Pennsylvania Reports,
Yeates,Dallas, Sin neY. Sergeant&RaVvle, Rawle.
Wharton, Watts. & Sergeant's 'Reports. Also
the moat valuable English Com Mon Learned'
Chancery Reports.
Terme made knOwn on the respective dais of
sale by -. ANN ALEXANDER,
' .4,EIIIIIEt. TODD, , •
Exec tors Samuel Alexander, ES - q.'deo'd.
. September 10; 1134.5 - .—te. •
On Thlttsclay-the_2d of October next,
'"ENTILL be - offered at publM sale, on the
:premises, the'subscribers, iv:cutters
of the estate of Francis. Diller;deceased, the val.
',table Ptnperty belonging to said estate,
Date in West PennehoroUgh township, Cdmber,
land county, about seven miles West of Carlisle,
' on the Conodpguinet creek, consisting ofa large
• the former_havlng-fluctun ofatones,}-4f ,
three of which aro Burrs, and all
being in complete. and first rate bider. together
• with 6 acres and 103 perches oforouit ' d,
Ing the Taptand,water right-connected-with-the
' iame; on whiell'is also, erected besides the mill,
a Two Story Weatherboarded - Dwelling. House,
vith)all the necessary stk-buildings. There is
also a Ahriving Orehafra the prettilses.
".Alito, at Vie same time andplitee'will be sold
tract of first rate bottom land, on the opposite
side , ofthe creek from the mill, conialning
• ',37 Acres 83 Perches)
• eilttekimeariute, which is under good fence and
- tittelient cultivation. It will be 'Arad together
or - separate, as may lest suit purchasers § and
bring the liesfprice.
Sale to commence at In o'clock, A. M., ott said
day, when attendance will be given and terms
blade known by
September 10,1845.—t5. gtecutors.
I,nneaster,tinlon and York Republican will
Insert till sale audio -Ward- bilia„to this-office for
• tollectia. - •
To We Helmand Representatives al%
late of the borodgh off' Carlisle,
- ' l lllAKEotititeTLIT - it'lli - purtmance of a writ of
Partition and Valuation, issued nut of the
—'orphansteodtt-uf-Otimberleod-eounty, and to. a
tiireeted 4 an Inquest will be held On the Real ES.
• tale °farad deceased, on FRIDAY the 26th day
vf September * A. D. 1845 3 at 2 o'clock, nf
said — diy; on Ih - i!,,preinises, for the purpose. of
making partition ' nd - valuation' on, the real:estate
of itaid - deeessod.... ,
ShotireXiffsee, Carliala , ) -
" •'.. Septernber
• a.riedtcliens•WAlllTEll4 % , •
"9T.RiVEN Teaeberi
M,lddloon `township.. persons yishing:sh.
vationirrill meet Ihi Board of
.Threotore at!the
house' of David . In Carlisle. on
SATURTIAY_Ahe• 20th instant,. at I o'cluelc;lP.
M. 'All applioants,yrill be subjected 't,o an eiani.
i• •By Order of int: gourd," •
, •-' •• • • JdB>rPH DULVER.Pres't
.• .
„---P- o Ptaqiber' lo ,4 B 46;.--91: '•• ' • .• '
12rOat.: Itedtte n 44 , the; o
•• - •
HE .tiELAWARE' Ttl A E I tjQlst7lt
havlng:l4org4loiat cloak
alskia.oneadry description pr4taitti i at I
ens hilt the amount of 'premium? that 14 charged '
.hainpanioa daltotaa`ol"the"'",,ollai,lll4lple.
Thia4tOlscelhat - htis'egielited tho"agan4y
,teinapih,34,:and recommends it to: thi ;public an'
/1414 g gmattly;eu'l4ll'har 'the iifficat; - 141i. - .lii.
theapoursa'and:444'll*d., !".
. I;rs,lygge...
,Cdtliele.Beptember 10 • a.'
' fri is and MIMI.,
---'-''''.-1,,' ' eliii ' On 'for° " n a il Rut
,---- „i d 4Am... ~c
rvind yalley z
.. i. a A.
' ,"-aa.atilio;Puinue ilia-tioneceef '24
:44 ' 0 'III i 'Pfibtd ' ld c -Ifelion, td°Am
' I Irld.Y111: botough,9l.' ,Irr ween,the h""
itl,ot; kt tha ticober
npo, b at
- ill A-e11.4,P:11f. 44jeieergeAri40 '
i ;rale- -1-111 'h M. nirip, ,
~ gA''t;':'' .' .E. t "e
s ii 'pi n i,i,..:
.;,,Mbi . ir, '4.. ..-.
-ci),5 lV- 1 : e .oli -11 -4 1 :0!4:;',..Miliiiii — Olift , '.,':: , -;;
:I:—.': frr,tve;fA,ild' .Atitinnitneni i - in imine:.
.4. „ ~ , the )01inin4taryi, chronic end
i. 4iefa 11 ivAtl.froiik, oxpoci,t-the Onti,ntincy;l
_ A ',.,-, WOttnadli 4tfehrifferit. ".1
' The above arholo will 6e wsitehted, t ido 6?
d} iii ayily ids Or mir#.E.1,n,.11!",404`
t:Sikir •
sal flt r ',PPlto o
Vii-j q
2‘: mm.
, ,m
. .. .
. „
hoNerth Anierietui Company has closed their
Agency. These having .policies expiring in that
office man have them renewed in the Delettare
Companyen'aubfri — nere &aerobia terms. , ,
.„; For full gartiatiliiii enquire eitlieel4 letter or t. • -;• 0 fiN-Jr-M-YERS.
Carlisle, Septentper 10, 184.5,-1.-y,.... '• • • •
At Pafolic Sale.
On Thursday, 16th of October next,•
rp HE subscriber will offer tit public sale, on
1. the premises, the valuable !Arm on which
ho now iives,Situtite inTrankfordWovnship,Cum.
'berlsnd county, on the road leading from Carlisle
to M9Clures Gap, about nine miles from the
former and about a mile and a half north orAl
ties Mill, consisting of -
16S ACRES,_ firat.rate,quality of elate lend, under geed fence,
and in the beat•state of cultrratium The im
provements- are k a TWO STORY
DING HOUSE, Bank Bain, Wagon If' ,
Shed, Corn Crib, abd other build..
inge, together with a good Orchard, There is •
fine stream of running Water through the place.
with a power sufficient for •tuanulacturing pur.
at the same time and place will be offered
at publid sale, the valuable Farm adjoining the
above, containing -
. • 244 ACRES,
•of the-aamo quality oflund,l44 of which is also
in the beet elute of cultivation. About 4 bne hon.
dred acres of it is thtiSing timber land, 'which if
desired by purchasers- will be sold in smaller
tracts. The improsomenta are a Isrge Log
House, Log _Bain - and other InAldings, with an
Salo to commence at 10 o4clock, A. M., when
attendance will be given arid' terms made kneokii
Septembei'lo, 1515.—t5.
CClAMenater Union will insert till, sale, and
forward blll to this 'aloe. for collection.
Va,11.14,13 e ,r_r_operty
At Public SUM
On Saturday, 18th of,
XVbe exposed to putilit sal°, in Shire-
V manstown, Cumberland county, the fol.
lowing Calnable property, late the estate of Jacob
Rupp, deceased,
A Dwelling House and Lot,
Rutile on the Main street in said villageo.... I ulcp
ing lots of Henry. Rearing and Samuel Bonejsp:
which there is besides a "back Dwelling Henn
and stable.
Also, the half undivided part of a House
and Lot, held by Jacob and Henry Rupp, and
now occupied by Henry Musselman and Samuel
Darr, and lying on the south side of Main street
in said village.
Also, three Lots, lying on the North
side of Main street.
Also, A Trabt of Mountain Land, tiituate
in Silver Spring township, lying on the south
side of the Blue Mountain, contsining.abont 69
acres, formerly the property of Robert Barnhill.
Also, the half undivided Tract of Land,
, belonging to Jacob and Dewy Rupp, lying i
Rye township, Petty county, containing 10
Acres, situate one mile from the Susquehanna
river, and bounded on the East by Samuel Bow.
Also, the half undivided Tract of Land,
belonging tq Jacob and Be
taking 20 Acres, lying on the North side of the'
-Blue Mountain, in Rye township, Perry coun*y,
and adjoining lunds of Robert Bryson, John Rupp
and - others.,
Also, another half undivided tract of land
belonging to Jacob-and Henry Rupp, containing.
I , l''Acus i lying on the%Seuth side of the Blue
Mountain, by miles from tiimrtver, in Eliot Penns.
be rotigiLtowpshipindjoliiing.zlunda_oll.Simon-
Di#eri Me r . - - - Netecanter,.imil others:.' '
Also. eleven shares of Snick jrt.the ,
berhind .Valley.giil fluid Company.
Alio, one share of .stock in•the
and. Chamberstitirg Turnpike.Conipatty. •
SAleJto commence at.lo o'clock, A, .M, oneoid
day,' when attendance will be given and terms
made known by ' • HENRY RUPP,. ;
. .fitenutor of Jacob Rupp.
' September 10,'• 845.--ts.
Ab Old .Establinhed and First fate
Stir. &alit, l nw'elling,'Bso., in Dills;
,‘ ~. .bitrg.tork County, ,... - ~,
AT Pt ‘ l , lll .2 lp
ri,lit . subeetibei \ - ;1Tilell ,'ett. public !tale, on
' SATUIIDAY,, tho 9th of . pecoberNett, all
his real'property, eituttled ih ttie borough of.-Dlllll.
burgeltork county, Pa.,...eigu , ~ • *--
No 1. oi STONE-s-HOU 4 -- : •
viirehouso ind ihitelling, n the ,:,, 1-114
corner of tallimote and;; rris.. •, . lor II
burg atreidei,dgi fbet, fro a nd .... ' "
running back a2O Retitle ..!The storehouse .
is built of logs and rough cuts the warehetisit le
frame weatherboarded, aubstaptially bUilt; and is
:well elloithited,ti,r'a.dweillugy-',lfiterria-a-gooll
stable un this property, and the Mt Is well iet
witit,-fruit trees, , ' Tlittic is ilse a well of good.
water at hi 'dove * ti pump in 9t, and' if is
decidedly, one °Nile best sittiatiots for a store'ln.
thia.isectlow of the: cohntry d . preen and it is Ai pren
occupied as'auch 'by filmy,' dame's ',!.'hltiieirifilt.
2 ,, vii'viO , sittiy flifeit liithee:Wiiii .
a two ofottbtiokt4tick buitiliiii;i6birift ableofh . ii,
necessary eta hutiatie;ind 'I idell.or efratir-L-fronti,
Ink nn-Baltimore str.cet• • with it 20. feet idler on
the North; Ind; ttnOlng Arnett tot 20 That alleY on
the W,cet, The )41tE: OW, &idea are` well tier
witirsoluig , apd , thriving tiultlfori-,zatr,Oraiftli
crboopteil Pyitiradoi , h,JBi'luii.o7, ; ,:, ' ' - -
No: 2; -- ,kliiit,iir;"Oround -adjoining !NO.;
2. On which le erected a one story frame weatheN
bc4rded house,.at ''present oicupled' by 'Meade
Weimer, 4, /goon twit pabittet maker's rhopAnt
hiti,Mr..fteitzel as it chair, maker's - 4Ni'. '.;...., •
The ab - oal preeents tin opportdnitylo persons
:operty,,le well calculated for tidy
te,. end 4 0111pdititleely ;he sold, on
1 eubecrlber be. remtilied,le Iditit,
liiiibiP "A ft OPPeqnite the
2. ,11010 0. Ipt on 4inles,, .flYktf
,lifp , apbtoira,d - ;)igeni-ibr,i IM:
k 1 a ' AI. , ktn l a(h i ti N?
eir 7 4 , 4641t1/s"'
' , itr
iptent 10;', 1
845,4;:•0 : :.-.'2. ..,
'''''' ,;''''; -' ' '''' ;:t ' l ''''''' • ' 7 ', ''' • - t 'W ` ;' ' ''''' : 1 '...
,7,.;.,-,, , ,,A;,(,.;:. , .., , .-,!"..,:,ii; , , i , , , , 1i4 ,, 1 , ; -Af,
“US$ll? ;:‘;.:'.";"
Nu) ‘1‘“«1‘ ,-,‘d U» v 5:
w. Him ‘ mm
Wfiref u :
alive ComPagYrn4llso,lo4S-,,,
po r p , 4 lls ,ith - fitititgec:roliitr:S.tot
Prettstitunt reducedto:nt:driv haV of
,t#,k,tcs.u.o rotes',
.711:1:rtheAot riflaeorporation.theaterik la pledg•
I_ll . .ed Ter . the payment or.:an g .loases ,w hich the
Company'Unit suidairi: - Arid Sa. a dditional ; lathe assured; the act ' requires that the
profits' of the btistneiti taifunded and remain'
with - .the'corporattoni , mea'ktioranine-end
Lion to the insured against Lou.' alibi Spud will
be:.represented,.by.teerip - learied by & therCoinpans l ,
beiringihneicst.nor exceedinir tieFeent,:pqr
annpvi;',,The .J111%311+,3 ern entitled to rata
share df.the profits of the.Cooipany, ' and will re.
calve proportion Se the aforesaid !fund. in
sorip;,:riddep the athouokuroorned preironn! paid
by, beareto the total ium of earned' rernluins.
and' oapital ateeki , -Lt%"-
The scrip. thus issued,. liTtiii - tiiinsieratle on the
books of the Company ats.hteek:k""..'i.... • ;
_dfauland.oe-Xerip-ean*knado - wjlen7thr
Mance and expenses exceed the amount of earned
. P . t6: l n 'h n. e u i m n s.
insured are 'protected from loss at the ens.
trona ry_ rates. of premiums,- witliout any - inerfetk
tra/ liability or r.eeponaibility. for; the , lease's or
.exponsecofthe Corporation; The alsortriltaliii
'all the rights of membershipan- vote it,all
- and :are eligible -ae' PireatiOrt br the
Corporation. -, • - •
The subscrtber has -been appoint:C(l'ofoot - fir-
Artie ...COMpanyb_and-as,the:mataid-prineiple-ht
supetabding-every other made of Insurance, he
would onelidently recemmerid it to Ms Mends and
.. •
: 17 • C j';
, ^ ,,4 1V • • -.• ?. "
- --c: ' - rote PROVSAII:' , f ;,,, „..- ..
am gCb mieeiohers of:Eumberlend:bnu ocr
,'-in•conneetioll with acifin*lttLflit POI ;
by - Aite.Tiin.eolliiin.Or. 4 fil - bgrimiiiii'atuarl. Wei'
will reaelve,priiptiikelii OißllTtipi4opmtpoip*.
for.; inekifig tincl:ptittliic ilti,a,!•" •., '', '' -
.. '.. gifeilazt , ..(l3l66its ."'
n But Cupola Of , thO,:new:Cchirt• Rouici; 'nifty ,
erecting in the borough of Carllele.l - :•:The• Clobk •
is' to ke 'of good '•m4terial ond.'woricirianahiP::46'
have four faces of.'about' fire .feetdiarrateihibil;
on , the'OuPtile with or:witlnSit...:rfiti-bakleites;
may" . bopgreed „upon, !.Tha' Weighte , All' have a
drop of 28'ket; ' The'pOreon receiving this Dori.
tract 0,11 be required : tO ii - vo .eOcarrity. for lye
faithful ethic contract. and &Iran
:tie hie work for arleiet one ioar. . .
; Proposals to he'direct‘d Id Op' Coi3l7iftialcit*a
!ofrs9e, Carlisle e Pg'. ' • '- , :e' ' 1 !•
• ''' • "'"' --..- •,
'•••• ' ""! ROBERT LAIRD., ,%.... .'„, :...:-
;ORRISTIAIST, T1TEEr..;2•,,... O, •
! ' ~Eaftniselonpre of ,Comberlenteotintyu:.
• ;
I . :•. •• ;
Comniittee on 'part of Town Domicil. •
-Commbatiotßier:-- , ---.---- , ..r•-_-=
: ISOt. A 1245.. ‘' : • , . • •
Malding 4",01s
' Atalirkvp.4 •
On LI/ sell at Privale:Sale JtGIZT HIFILtt.
ING LOTS In the, borough of,Oarliol; s , They
tiro situated in a Ipciptilous part of the Borough,,
land. ate. all „Odjoinine'eaili ocher, floriting , oh
Pomtrarrifilf Bedford streets I there is .
e - sinail - two - storySTONELHOttS2' „„.
.1!1 ,
on. one 'cif if:emoted' another a z H;
'good well of water....witlitt'Painfr it.
;Persona wishing to purchase, will please ,to Gall'
open. me,, or upon JOHN HARPER, Esq.. ; who
is authorised to attend to making. the efilee, and.
will exhibit plari.of_the lon - Land show them on
the ground. The terms will be made easy and
as near cult purchasers,
. . .
..0021111i . •
THE,widersigned being appointed . Execiltors of
the.hist will and testamem or Samuel Alexan
der,.Es.. deceased, and having taken out letters of
Admi 111 stratirMthereon, retittest.ill peNsinis imlebt
ad to the estate, to riptke payment immediately, and
those having. Odors to present them to Lnmittl i
Tsidd, Esq. at hie office in Cirlisle, far settlement.% -
. ,
September 9,184.5.
.• Executors.
-. Estate of Jacob Kissinger, decosed.
itcrtfrlct IS hereby given that truces ofatithin
istration on theestate of,lacob Kissinger, late
of %Vest l'ennsboro .townsliiii, Ctiniberland cothity,
deceased, have this day been grunted by the Regis
ter; Iti andlor"the said uothity : An the Atibscriber who
resides in the burOugli of Nekrilite, in said utidy.
All persons having ehtimsV;it initteds Ifgainst the
estate of the said deevased, arc requested to make
known the mimeavithollt delay, and-those indebted
to make payment-to
Newville,Sept . 9,lB4s7 • Admittieteutor.
N OT.ICE • .
ALL persons are hereby i:killed that the admin
istration on the t Innate of Samuel Andt'ews,
late of North . Mid Ileum township, Ciii . Weilititt
county, deceased, have this day been issued by the-
Register' in and kir the said count), to , the 00,3014•
her who resides in the-aid township of Nadi Mid
dleton. All persona having. claims or demands
against the estate of the saiddecenscd are requested
to make known the same. without delay, and those
indebted to make payment to
- J OI.I N . COOVEtR,Jri.'
Sept. 3, 145.-61. Admitlistretor.
BY virtue of an order of the orphans' Court"
of Cumberland county, will be sold an the
premises, on Saturday the 4th day of October
neat, at 12 o'clock, noon, of said - day, the one un.
divided - filth part of the estate 'of george,Leldigh,
deceased, Into of South Middleton township ; said
countyjn the following plantation or ufhnd
situate In said township of South Middleton, and
county aforesaid, bounded by lands of JOrli) Lei.
digh's heirs, Chrtatian Herr :Margaret Miller,
the heirs of Michael Ego; an d containing
Moro or Ices. About .50-aeree'are cleared,ind in
cultivation, and the residue in grind timber. The
improvements area laige two story
and a 13111180 y log HOUSE, new • 4.; - :
Frame Barn, a first rate. spring near
the dwelling, with a spring house, en
Apple Orehrird, Peach and other fruit trees.' The
terins of sale are as Mows: Fifty dollars to be
paid on the confirmation of the eale i llre reeidult
of the plirchitsci money on the first of April next:.
when possession will be given. ' Said purchase:
money to be eetured by Jbdgment.
Adminietrateriof George Leidigh, deceased.
TN pursuance -of en order_of.thoOrphans'Court
1 of Cumberland county, will be sold at Public
Sale, - on the premises, on SATTR:DAY, the 4th
of October neat, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following
described Real Estate, late the properiy_of.Ahra._
lußt elfanyder, deceased, to wit
A tract of land situate in West Penneborough
township, In 831 d county, adjoining land,, of
ThosAl. - KniglitJtriiiii* Byer
, - )T, r 7N ,
and the heirs 91 , Rattl 11M - qp . C ontaining , ebi/T,'''
• 25' "ACtes,: : ,
Theitnprorements are, a large.two'story stone.
dwelling kitchen, ti log barn and
- black - smith - WON ortfiTifd - of
a: well of watermear the door: The State Road"
'from Carlisle to. Roxberry paean immediately
in front of, the improvements. • This. property is
atluato ih a rich Red. - populous neihborhood end
the location ids , foie any k ind g rncOian.
The terms of ,pale ar c sl6o:`.lll','lpsid po• the
conlirmattort i q lha sale -by . .the Courti one, half
the balatide the, let efAprlls.llll4l6o Who pos.
'anion will,be - given,, and • a:?deed tnade:•bi•the
purchaser, and the:real/toe Tl.totrtlititil annual
payments thereafter, without Interest. Thitvrhete'
to .he..secured by recognimaca:in the - Orphans'.
dourt, Iviqx approved'apegrify.
. „
Mentor of Abraham Reifinvder, deceased/ -
, ,"
4tHt; triphOuti'.bo4
13 1194 ccupty, Uw,ill'oxpqlol4 publlo elate oil
the prembike,4iti , FRIbAt the .3d . clay °Nom.,
her, 1845,.131 11 'o'clock, A. IC
diII'AMSEF.IB% - thitrit
.iopfejn NortkpliddlitonAownshipOumbiktiond
county:, atitigtti o
Catliblen Wu ,
goner's ..Ggp - Roadiipontniging raltogethetAid4
Berea, 14,perebes,gbout aob saran of whin!, Is - cif
the best quality of ilniestone and the,retnainder
`al itrid - ,-a w bleb - . T4O iieliercif
woodland and the reeldue tinted's ritilti ow;
'talent eultlvattlitii • The - . hiiprotetente:.iire a
;nu:Calory , dwehing Ulte','.lerga
Fortin Beig; Wagon shid and There
is 1 it:large 'lligestone. opting which ,
ityi,d Nos through` land,.there la alio' d springy';
neat tli t y'dOelllng•hetiaeii. and a large orehatik;•
Thin nitori his„been„dly,liled into tiptit ! ti t itie;of
d 6 . - I *poi , .71 , 0.64 ! 1•7:11r f 0.0res - perchast,B9;
'seine 4/ Perehei, and j nitores 16 perelies.) - .The
tied mentlonod part inning all the holldingsUpori
h, the second , islimestone 'dad, without bulldlOgs.
and. all cleated, the! thinCtuineipally . glat4ii
'Withedt. buildings, and about 20 notes of It iviiod:
hold; the'fourth' L limestona twiodlandf,apd ;It will
fie ! OW tiepaititiryfirt
pptehaleittittill Theta le - a "
large growth diiiript sill p oter the,cyrm , ,
tenni it ;:ftirldilde;kitowly dtik;iif.eale;
'1) of Phipppater;deedi ,
. • •
Nth till' andratil"
,• • •
~., 1',..
~ : iICI Vltifilicin ;.I VI. ~2,' :,
lIS ilere t'Vverir th at tba no4e liken vfifii hoo of
Jilt* cComenan:; &Hoed i *to I an; dae l citat
Ihd*libPdrl!ter 441 thiffiri7;sl sivlifif Ofiii ion
'7l4lel matil l efi4 i 1 1 41;Cli: j 611 A7i ll:I j 1 :01 71441 r P r l11 1 1 ;t1 ° 111/ 1( 1 1 11
1 lbs 14 of oylutbor or celled a. ~, ~,.', t„ 1 , k
I .. i Jcklltili tXARY, eUlaVr.
Sopternber 171480.1 w. -
'up brOudiberland - county) atidithii,egfetana4.
'of the Widow Anti heiti Sof Tittithplotißtowadite
of the betongli
Rearralittbitittb'tha eitatalt the Mild Ilionitison
BroWsi, , liir'icild"hy valid me', 'or Out*
on the pre ATUBDWY,ifitidtl'ilclay or
'Oelaber, teit; - Ittlro, olookil.:11L - Alihettreet of
land .s,liiaia in 11,oith,..1!diddletoiti bawnship.
said ennui:J.4. ; odjoininit lands Of -William Corn.,
'man; William Graham, Annual Aleiantitiii'VVW
ntb, Zeder trodtlib Cottadogninet ethikettntertilqe
1 1 76' - :ill'Oeli rdkeliee
stria- titeaenre k 4 , 9(Y-sores' id' "Willi% ate.
,eultlVatlott , and the minden' in Um.
-bar:EA:portion:tar the cleared ; land' valuable
inoadew land along the -creek.'
inente are n twd story LOG OPUAE„and,
en and a double itieliferitancriatjedi opt build:.
lege. • 6' , Tliere'iti a well Dr gond Wider 'at tha'hhuse
and several springs on'the'ptemises....
' Th'e teim's of 'sale will, ibe ini3:4o:Aoiniitoii the - ,
day of sale.
v.11.3;11175rmi0. - OK:.
B Eitf - 9 . Iv. : EN ; •
tidattl len 'Ulla:nes Given Brown.
ny. virtue of an , order of, the'; Or:phana" « •
,oltumberland, Too tile•°minted •ti.l
.IRuhlin.,',Sale_..on...SATLF ,the
October, next. : at. 12- A, ~
o'clock, noon, of , that. Alak;
the following deacilberpieco paicel land
'containing ' ' -
• -
, r 1,
or thereabouts, situate in Sitrer Spriog toYkshiEl'
tin the:read'-leadingliam-Sterretee Gap to-fiat.,
rtaburg; adjoi•ning-lande Of Parquet Baker, Beni.:
uel 'Bonner and others it heirs •' at the-Real
state . o beorge er, decessed.'!.
. Terms of safe as folleyns.,, Cone , half. the Tilt—
•ehase money be; pal the;minfir th ation of
the sale, and • the halan in operyear lhersafter
Without interest. JACOB BAKER,
. JOHN B Eanitmer,* •
•• - • • Adm'rs. of George Baker, dstied:
• n FCRT - Wi Le Ori CNC: Orphatr• Cptiltar
Sept. 3,1845.= 7 y . ;- : (Statesman totly4. . •
--- pa
VtHE . subscribers otTer the followinE t described
1 real property for sale, vle r A pf ficat
rate iiihe'stthie land tiontiiiiiing •
112-I).cres i - , •
sittiatelti West Petinsboro' township, Cumberland
'county, nine miles West rrlf Carihileijoining the
State road leading from Carlisle to Newville, one
mile South of l..,hellabarger's ntilil,,tidjuining tee
fend itA73ek MTN/ diThrifeek.
The bui ldings are.irgood.twwstory STON g
1101ISP., good two story FRAME. t
11.0C,5P,--a--gocal-fIA-NK—DAKNiI- with A
welted' excellent water as each .ot, said houses, a n
orchard of choice f, nit. This tract is mostly under
first rale post anti rail Tenee, and in a high state of
oultivolon, with many other aditintages. Also,
another team containing .
• itit) 421 - v. CIP LOGO G5l)-
adjoining the above - tract, with]. a new. HANK
I,IA lIN thereon. erected, it yoting 'Of chard of choice
fruit. 'This tract is aistrundee goo& fencing stud in.
an excellent state of cultitatkin. The'above4ro ,
pertiwilthe'iald togetheta or' separate, to suit pur
diadem. Also another tenet of good mountain
• '
abodt fire miles froM th6ather
property. Intheintie The' above •primerty,-
will please call on -eitlief of the subscribers, living
oh the first described-treet, -
__Sept. 3,1845.4
~ SAMUEL 13EAlf.
. . .. . . ..
• - -REAL ~.13STA're 'I '.-- •.:
a iE N solmeiber i , . ,. w .
o u
_o . ell_kt public rend El
ui, on nI FRlDAYi,the.,lll4l. pr October_nextiui--the
premises tila,„rinottAgMescribedßeal.lLstate, be
-tonging to tlnHs4,l*o-Me - jejigkeydetet o E.-mip 7
flie tonteslini; Mali i,'Qa OTC; A'trect , 1412,1` .t•
nate in liiiiiiiti,mi , •', ',- -..: ::, -`".
7 Aires :' "' 1 ''''P ii ' ' -,--
, '. •: 1 . -"- erc ..siir?,
The improVements ere' lir gotiti;;lDoublott .
Weatherboartled HOLlS l Ptithen4Pr. 1
failing Water at the door ' ', iittiles Par& 1.1
newly heir, a stone spring . .
,fiiiiiii - alid . sfeeke howl 1
a good Illacksittillt - shim , aed',otliCt; but house's,— I
There Is nlBo'4'l ,- 60' pnoperty a thriving orcharg of i
*ice fruit:kr:Om, propery is located In A gond 1
settlement atiii , iiin a high state of cultivation,' - It
lies tax miles Weit'of Newville, four North east of
1 Newberg; and one nine from Sterrett's Mill and is
an exceedittily desirous situation for' a bl ttdtsmitl ,
' No. 2. A tract of WOODLAND, contailtilig a6ut '
9 ',acres •rand 130 Pergies,
situate about one mile, from the above described
property, These propertlerwill be sold together,
or' separate llama) , be tiesired by purchasers. There
will be required to be pith] on toe day of sale when
the property iii — dirliek 'off, Filly 'Stoners on No. I„
and Tweitty-five dollars on No:2. TO titles to
the properties are indisputable. Sale to commence
at 10 o'clock on-said day, when terms.will be made
Sept, 5. 1848. Agents-ter-the-neirs.
Irr York Republican insert to amount of $1 50
and charge this office. ' '
W .
I1:16 to public isle on WED.
NESDAY.4OI3 - 11th - inat., at lila es
late r.
idenne.ilf iseob 'Rlasioker, deo'd. about two miles
East of the borough of Newville:, near the road
leading Rom Mount. Rock. to said borough i the
following property' Viz • ,
One hdrse, ono eowi:18 head 'of. hogs, oife gWa.
- horse - .wagon,:one , doorbourMttwo - liiithicCquo i t
and .rye • by the bindle]; coin. .In the • ground,
19ughpi. hat rowN horse gears; one ten plate stove;
vne hive of noes, and:a: variety Of funiipg taietl•
BIN as: well ,lichduiblidld and kitelien furniturei
too numerous to Insert. . T" .
Salo to commence at 10 b'elocirrk-Wori -said'
day, winn..Ottendance will .be given 'and molt
made knoinf by . •JAPpREIURKETARti•
. -` : !kddlloiatiptoi l / 4 •
i l;r4l H. 'ilt :;‘?‘9 ..4: i ' irili Cßl E, l3ll l 4( ?l ,. . ( E) .
• sisiiiifne te' ' ll;ilingetti'etini7have bean mode in
,r.erefeßeti'ln thatLAW.-F.C/1100L, Ityi;whidh
morn etridi attention - - will be: ; bestowed .iiiion;it
than' haellatteely dOite. — • '" • ' • ;
• A. elite title his .been adapted - firt/filbitinst
Harding or. kitiglag.of. any . atildentlit. a hotal.
Any infringetnent.of thidieble,e.yredleaely:lnt.
letreen; it4lll4.dietinni ijise fa6to,
a Withdrawal front the Institutions I . :
. ;....
Hearlisleitigilif27.lB4s.43o l J ., ' ''.•
- •
! • ''" '.' ' --:, ”' '' ' ..' - - ~• • , , - -:
_, _ -
. -.4' , ' sl ; lte ' , it', o e44t'il i i.k. ifil - !liececie4i., - iiritiziTifs; onsiweii.-iiiit Cainintli:' ' S ' 'c
1,,B:llrolkt glyout dim. tetterid Aili n i,i. ',.ILP seri ftwlll find Iticfillolo,;iditntake to iiillsind
111 'isiiitlion ont,tho r Estolo Of H9orr,Wiklelte osfirnlne•fittlh TikFtill:Sloro.2, l "rlargelitOrtntivni of
of !,%Vist Pennsboro' towinildpaifivit..4e,ii grunt; .1 0 ., 4:1011n 1 / 4 Child ineres And'Catilinellii, whioh will, be
the enbiltriliei residing , : io "the same towninin,, n sold ati.reilulledy llieie hi' , ', . l'. '.l '..,'''.;_'. 2' ' .
persons-Indtblid o.,BaktEitlite,ylll rnake iniiinonti,. ,: 4 ' . .: -. '''''...:'-''_,'. '3% '.B,:;..t.. I I.4PNINUER.':' ,
and - those halingrolairus,WilV prollent..l4to fdl , sqs • f il "Pliidgmt% 4 °10 4 ' / Pi' lll49 •''‘ '''' ..
. . .
.tu1y50i5f,i,, , ,,..=: , ,',;::),
' Estak qt: CaMee ne ier
1691'IC1 0 ;Iii thit.t.etteti,entninen
i try an the date or Cethdehfi' Reliter,
Weti , Pennebnibli toinnihttiii-hatir been 'hinted. to'
the nubsoriber,'rediling la Ceelleahr/iMillinnit.'
All persoris indebted to said ,Entate,
pityment.fitnlttichethavhitorkintewill preient thetn
fotifsetclement 4 ,l • k, -
t Icht01116:14.
joy 1 :110.184 5 ,4 -- " , rnv.
' :es late Wf; 454 i lb dec'et.. _
10. crricz it herilkY thil; ter! 0r.,01!,.
mlOOOllOll, 94410
intenrOtiiirkftititownifitp,tloo ;Leiters.
bee!? trahtea
to' the subsOriber resldint c die 'towns*. Afl
piton:is saltnnitte,Silt
t nd those kitting pcosont , thorts for, !SOU'
, - 4 1 4,1 1 Z1%7411'7,0
444 *
Sil.oo4laL MIL •
O in i ni ni ?*l 4 lol6 o 4tlOWinl i thC3PS
i s*ti 3 OigiNTienloni,LaTetpderi:krid.apro era •
lni i s o o .q,411 1 OA
_Llf'd 'AO=
"ativirniOn ,t,salFoßgeib_.
. .
.::,.4-; - ,:: - t
Pubiic `Sale.
FREDE " HiCtrk - :ZEZGLERkI-'r . '
Nom;;, C,
~,,.- •,,,,; 42.1i.g. . ..',.•,, ,, ,, ,,; ;ANEifi., ,.. •'..-., P , P , ,, .:. ,11 - - ),. ,, , , ...&
P:o4ll72air , l_Zaillaki lit 4 -.4
'at:thiitilitelysTitiit't 'iiti:thb' itirnii . Sdiiili
' ? ..I t . ': -- .llanovOil,:anol, l piiifr,ii . : strPeif .!".... . ; • ,::
47setiatesk.raIrrivuttia alisrkeet
oouNsixt,vy; biting essonietodAvithAlroaeltio_
- lilflulshiesi, his son, %'Vst.t.tpr. li. (liaar Avi
fruity '.inforiti 'their' Friends' sad the:.puidie in
general that , they his4just' retisrueif O'retti,l'hilattel...l
phia, and are noir'openhtg it'very cheap Sit!' eliOices
selection Of beiutiful , and fashiohable.' ' ~. ' "
.' tt ngl6la SWillif . Pry Gtodg.... "
~...: 1
•.` . .,3"1iie1, iniiie , ,ktielt...friends'indthe public' to gliti:J
them a,e . olt, hit tlity are. detersnitied to .sell at great,:
'a believing that i .! tilmAlaAiapetiSels Int.'_
i ihr then 'stew Shi l ling ." ' - rheir steek,oonsists in
I part. of-,4•CLOT'H9' be..CASSlNl.hillF,S;ralrunl ors'
I and qualities.: Sliihnier CasiLm'eres, :.r.g'eed Cani...
tattles arid Stittutier Cloths Drillings and: Gam:
1 broens,lrestingeof all i ...dektiOnei.hUntiete,'Llioh,'.%
, bin ind. °that+ E'dkingt,'Shawls arid Handlserehiefs
01-everrdeedrititioni:Citlico'es'itivm =dtzvqiiiiird ... lli"....
:t r i eh. Linens ind Lonevn
LSui, Stockings a rid Gloves
of every vit'letY; and slid fourth' Linen and 0 0 119.91
I'SlfielibrriT„ Wien no d . C o tanTr, itiTe:Dliiie Cs; Birds;
1 ,Ey,e-Roilk .iiiul-SCittlili ,ll!upe0; Carl:ming:or va t i4, l
pus kinde.. ', Indeed persens elm get almost' any,,,,li.
Cie in` the D'r , . Goode' Line and . its . . chesip if dot
bheiper ttt . a. o they taulis had_i_o_anystor,e_ in, the.
county". —•, .1. ..= :.• -. . ' ' • ' • ' '
77aiat'af'8,116siiitl8oriti, Ear
, •
apota, $l . 75p $4.00,
gicintpCa •'• . , Oq", 200
110601n:1 , .
.*.lttilavGa ter Shoes. 50 . 1 1 25'
MoYirais Rail Kid, Slipa4a, • ••••• 7,0 ••• 100
Atio'i greet i4ilify Fltiyaf tali Youths Manroea
+nit Shoat; Mlssas'ittat Chittleitia' rosy and pion
slio4 which tiles will sell at
Ilieloweatloossiblevites litt• 0'04;
4:haste...also r ,'aed=a-larges-stannwnent-e"
Fresh GroceOleiliwllich they will .0104)er - than
the cheapest:
. Su g ar, to 12&
" °lasses, per 611. - "
. - 4 / 1 101321-WMAIESiIi.----- •
A large ttatortWent or Chinn, Li verliaol and Cops,
moo stare—Whiah they will tell o — per de4.
lower than an be purchased elsewhere,
They haveadto an extensive atisurtnintorVaeles
ties Droll kinds. Indeed you ettrioeareely'eall for
an aftible which they Cannot .sdoptyyon with.
They will receive in a few days Oranges, Lemond,
Pigs, Raisins, &o. &c.,which they will sell . by the
box or-otlferuise. •-The imbile are respectfully in
vited RD call and examine their stock of Goods, as
they will take great pleithfie In showing them. •
T 4 '. -11011N-CRA-Y-Se SOY.—
June IL I sAS.
Patuabfe Farm,
ONSATURDAY,27th of SepterAyr nest;Vill
be bold at public aale, on the premises, in Mif
flin township-, Cumberland county, near the road
from McCormick's to Shippenaburg, about
three-quarters of a Mile from ReynardaiStore, •
containing one hundred and forty-nnei.Aeres of
Slate. Land, in a good state of cultivation. The lin
.. .. 'Movements are a good - '
- Er: •Loa--nousr",. •
And a Log flare •
the latter of which has lately been put .under a new
roof.' -- There is a - well of neat' the acid
a Aiming 'stream . through thi prune. There is a
varietpof thriving Fruit. Trees on the plantation.
Abouffilfteen Act'es of the place' is mmidoW land,
and t cienty or twenty-five aches of Thriving WOOil
land. Theplaceis - Client the fines t in
that township; - Persona wishing inicemlition of the
place, can obtain it frimil)r. John Wilson, of New
vine. or Samuel MoGaw, adjoining the property.
Sale to take place at t o'clock, P. M. said day,
witbn attendance' will be given add terms made
known. by' the subsclilimp indi~p4labte hills
We 'given in case - at - a sale.
July 23, IR4S., SOLOMON' SHAW.
Orphans' Court Sale.
IXtl pursuance of an order of the Orp Court
Cumberland county , we will expose to pub
'lie 10,Int the premises, en the
3 38th oelgeptember, next, at I I o'ddcic, A, M.
P A Tract of patented Lund,
tuate in Allen township, in sold count", adjoin
ing lands Offoorgo Lantz, bleargeSchisler, Jacob
Hickernell. Benjamin Anderson's heirs, and the
Yellow Breeches creek,
more or ices, about 180 acres of which are clear.
ed, fenced and *ell cultivated, arid the residue in
good timbers. The. improvements are•a good
two story lug Dwelling Howie, a first rate Brick
Bank 'Barn, wagon shed, corn crib, hake house,
spring hype, and a first rate Orchard. This
forth is bdindcd fur three fourths of a •
the Yellow Breeches creek, which has fail enou gh
- and may he thus improved. The
ill be given and teems of sale made
da e y i by - •
1010T-11.-COOV-ER r
AdMr i kotChtiniian Crall, dec'd.
per^ fork IteFiublictan:cbjiy the above & charge
- last - nomediAdMiniaticitorOivmr inloirvie.w. -
August go, .
itlYCilig and' Scouring.
UT M. BLAIR respeoifully informs. the . public
ri V _that he Continues to - carry - oil the, usiness t t
.: 1 ' • 7 2) : TEING- ' • • •
'Ltld les'..Dreptes'and • Gentleritein'S Garments' of *II
kilielli c whether of Silk' or:tiro - ohm texture; still of
still:niers. He believes ilist he has formerly given
grief • setiefatition , to - all' sl , hie NAT eniruisted.:tilm
with:work, Hoilfeels_cpaficle n t of still being able to. •
rhriaiiik the public for, foreher fators lio t would io
•lieit a ainitinuaree of initrnefte.-.. .
. fe:eitsi , be foiled at,
which persons may be d 6
l ee
l'o teel to;byslie sign aboitetho door.
Augiistf,lo.. , r:;•' •! '," ..-. . •.. ,I• ':, ... ; 1 :, -1.
AtOll l lb ,is hereby .a.ititft that .letterateeta.
I...kart/417ot): the. Ehilitie Fianele
laiii;.4l,Weat..Pennaborte, township, Piniberland
CotalitiloflittiktlfhatV }teen ; eei tilted te ' , the sub..
Ail persona indahted, to .ita,id"
will make paymentiamd thate,hpyingelaime will
prheent them for settlelmine:J -
Sklt UEL DILLER. or W. •Pehaatitib'.
- Siliclorelvetltibbonoi:
1117$11 ;receliteq..arid ftri..rbelei• !or-the - stibilorl
ber: GEO: 11 , ..111:TNE t 1t..,
• ,August'iirasti: , '• . -•:'
ti Bilk a9dikiik for,
C b 'r d iit e re l_k e ivr4dareb4t t `
,610_011*, q
L khire T *ll4"u f lc.lo7 ; . 'iO i r , ,eoAir -11 phi'
itiONNAlk, ' • ;
:,qtql4l/04 I,sl;MatieYF:;-
' . 7 44. 4 ti1e4g 1 ". " '
' r imenlElE "
,4‘ Latt 0 t0rtiky..14:141,r4,,;:t0 '
lo,r n 0 ^:, 1845; 4 3'1 , 0 . 4 V ,
,otull„,,lP!ies,tlol,kl,l3e,Pf,pt • `),
, tiArq,eoYrit,
;Atli, 7. 1645. 4 ' 7 •;; ; ,-f - 1 4- v-• ;,
• -"
: AD
lei t A i ttignico..rteli ,
othi l igort o !
PM, I I."Pr4,
, ':"1-1104$V4111iA,M SHALetti f
roTimaki nit in , ' pioeloind, 5qpiad0.44,0144 , 1
ds! oiditfed tad he silk I COI! 01• 1 11*10,11f11
velt"° ll 10 ; - • •
, " , ••, , lircrn.4s, .Irt
„,,, imittr,C4b/o;wottscit,J,
'''' - ''''''''''qui)Li - '1” . • ..---- '''''
; , _; ,,, f: ,,, ,,, , ,,,-i, • - cv: , v0Ti0AT. ,,, ... „ -! ,, ,••••,,,
11 0 0 14 :rli i: i .4 16: .i . il l itill Ythiski.H' 4 ,5, 1k. :(r•Fti,:; :r a r •,,,' I r, ', ..:1 7 t i t ,t 4 1. 1 4 1 °F . „„ii . .. 4 11 1:
Thermley thb i tath' day 'of Septegaber„oext;.,on the
premising, ther'itilloiring deioribeit property, athlete
in- - thiveillage(ot•Papertigwrif Olimberlandr6olletY g
' ' ---4-zo.t,:toovllfouAiiH-2::
,p. which ga erected* Le* Pliisteied'il''•'• . ''' • ''.-.,
HOUSE , well finished, In • which -11'•
store hae.been 'kept tor.snigny , yeira; v.•., .
With a Rilehbli,'Sittoke HouileiSta;•- ' . f„., ..;
„ ble.* - o;,end,a,w_elref...riiier4iling .--, ' ••
meter with gi,pomp khereln, on thioprernisbl4 l- - 4 1'liii
.is a wary desjrable . and walitabl& prOpefi,
.iihd:tlfe. ,
best- bysineis stand , ln , the , village'. Or gait+eithdhat
-, eountry.• •Alsoa' -: ': . • ".:' :.' ';•:•';:"...• '..,,, 4 . • •': ,' •
- j oining ihe above. described .lid"on tiiii . i*tb;:eii
• _. ', l .' '. - .',',ajen ,- ,..:66 ,1 ::6 ss — §trzilts::,l , ','.',Y:
.which, is. erected. two • LtrutA1k.r..,,,,,,,......,7_,,
,USES,.pne a oommot lode
,Hrie •
jamse, and , the Avther - a -- fraine - weatli , ~,,' I '
.. ' •
• er•boarded housi, both. • allitable fee • '!,.. ' 1 .,.. '' k
private families saLtitelly_oon.vertelL-'- - -- "'s• • - •.-
. info a fatalness stand. • The above , iroperiy' will, be
. _sold..either_separate -or. together. 4 t ihay-best*- snit
pereliaiitts..: • . •,• • . -
--,,501e to domitiente at one o'olotik on' said day, .
'when altendanoir will he given, anti let ma' made
Itiithen, by - ' . -.• • •
M A RY - I , VEAKi..EY, ----
r• , ' . '‘• .
A,n, Novith the will annexed of It. weakly tttb'd.
, , Anglia' 6, 1845•,.- • • - -•: -- -•'
,„_sold..a.t.l_u le on. theprem . ses
. 1' • " ' b'ke• i
.....y . .t_ot-theJelte-Atobert'Conk; - fico'd:o4 - 111Olitier
towteship,,Curnberlanil.colipty,ok SATURDAY,
Septeridier. 2011t;1114; a cerplin .tablet of hind, Situ
ated on flee' YellOw: Breeches Creek, 'obeli' .Iwo
miles norih of Dillstown, on the- road leadiug from
Carlisle to„York, PH., and about midway.. between
Clark's itedCeriffith's. Mills, containing - about
e 1 ht
agigacp. efii..Eß. Lai a• r
Of il l ' I r•
oval on-the-bee ante is woodland; well covered:
with fins growing tith bey', The inprotienients coo .,
soil of a two-stot , ,y thedble Holm, a , .•
large &ghee abet other out
..An'orchatol of fine thriv.. lir •
Ida' ANA* trees is alio on the'Oenir _
nerd. failing well orexcellent water. ,This..Pr9p n _
erly is 'chit embly - calculated As pw - i . tif peddle
blueness, being located In a•populous section of the
bouUty, and the house kept for many years as a
tavern. Persons desirous of &telexing the proper
ty prior to sale can do an by eleillng upon the sub—
scriber. commence at o'clock, A. M.
on said dity; when due ittefidettece will be given,
and conditloni made knoWle 6y
Liectlior of said (leech
. ,
August lft, MIS.
N.. 11. A .quatiiity of torn, hye and mite by the
bushel, will be sold et the sante time.
Herriebtirg Intelligencery publi►h to amount of
$200;-and-charge -this -officer
table Rea Estate
.THE subscribem Ekecutor of William Fslines-
J 1 tock,se,n, debeated, will - sell at public sale on
the premises, on WEDNESDAY the 15(11 of Oc
tober nest, the followihg described-real 'estate, to
wit: A Tritct of first late Irmestone Land, con
taining. VOll IT A O It ES - and 90 pid4hes neat
meashre. The:land is patented and in a high state
of, cultiVatiqn. The improtements- - -
area now two story - WEATHER
darn, and all other necessary -Out-- '
young. Apple Orthattl of .1;
choice tititti, and a Wel tor watet near the hoitse.
The land is situate about three miles West of
Meelianicsbut g. nese the Trlittlle
_Spring_ roast,
ftfolibi township. .led is bounded liy lands °r pm.
Westheiffer, Henry IreStitelffer, and aoshtia My
ers. ft not sold - the property.will he' rented . for
one year. An ind4pntahleilite,w,lll be. glYen.
Slug to beinyinence o'cinck, P; hl., attendance
given mid terms Made known by •••
Tato Valtiable Lthiesione tame
1r virtue of lai.l Will ■nd iesfaineithaf-
U 1 John Miner, late of Allen township, Corh
betland county', deceased, will be sold at Public
Sale, on Friday. the 24th of October next, on
the prernienit, the fbliutving diseribed
viz: A v 11113016 plantation; situate in said town.
ship on the road leading to HaWeman's mill,
south Of ShiremanstoWni and about four miles
west of the Susquehanna, containing about
200 ACREI3.--.= -
fiht rate Limestone Land, all of wide!' it in I.
•liigh state of coltivatibn and nntlet lend &noes,
and will be cold as a whole or divided to cult
chasers.' The improvements are a gond Stbne
Dwelling Howe. With wash, liottio Anil well of
never falling water, a large Stone Bank Barn,
%Vegoft al btl, Cord House, and t.ther out houses,
together with on eiceileht . Tenant House, and a
saleable 'apple orchard. About forty aereet,of
said limbs is thavitik,tiinbei land. At the same
time and place will be offeted•a tract of
5 2 ACc.'W.: V.7OOBLAND
situate bn the Yello* tireetilieiureek; she& three
,quarters of mile from tho above farm, which
will be sold tts 'a .tohole, or in three lots to suit
purchasers. Aleo,
On'c7V-ritei October next;
will be sold on the premises, n valuable. farm,
situate' in South hliddleimytewnelitp, about two
miles-Be - nth of:Cnrlisle c on-tbe- road - leading W
Ipdtliele Iron Worki, containing
. %id At nE6
of first rate Limestone Ilatidi in a high state of
cultivation and undef good rental'. The improve.
ments_are_a_twe_etory--brick nr:House i
:Tenant House Mrick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed;
Corti.eribA, Add all other necessary out buildings.
About 100 gCreerpf this tenet Is thritlng voting
timber; and the rest clearelf and thoroughly cut
tivated. 4 ll eohloine a large Apple Orchard di
clidiee 'fruit; and a well of Mimi failititvater
near the
,donr.. Tbbi bi a
whole-or In two parts to elk Parched's.
'The" Want of phithiso arei'thet . Half 6er..
Chase mtinejo Muff , Pe paid itt hands and the re'
matador in' five' equal annual Paylnenia, aniton
the lotit from awidowiidotfet trill be eubtracted'
froth the.moriey 'to tie s pallyn kand e : , '.-•
!Salo to 'cortumeOtta - oti inch -of - 'said days at 11
o'clock; A. M. alien attendance will, be:giveti by ;
`l4lArpllllB .
ag. 27, ittlB.l - '
T . Limpet'st traminet.' and: /Option ..,,Conrier.
twill'MAikiiith tikriend r bilbyto this ofilec
WILL isll di.Piiidie Sale , on tiIitTUItGAY.,
jVlb 0 gOtiidr ties,i. a t m;
.prichietic'bt;iiiii-rublie Moose ofconk Trein,in.
Dickinson township , all that iru gable:Mid uf
:WOODLAND, iiitunte In Dick inebn' township,'
belottgint to, A. G. Ego; containing led°
ADR4I9. - which' will be ditided Intel lota )02d,,,p.
'AO add plaiveihitilted;int_det Of Pale: Pcreinto
desiroas to vicee,the'Priipett, beret, the.:thil; of
sale, can call odltlaJ:' John thirper or Wiht 4 m
Line, Dui: whet' will ihoir." . . , the 'Piefitiljracir give.
'any•inkininatitin neebisailk 'rho. eale mill 'be
popitier';;'` Teethe p no n o
rude kwn!t ay
he d,ofeale•
• " '
"Ait. $l, Agent 'o'4. Eye.
la is' k% • ,
IWOULTItekti Poil teritl oiCor mit niithetareil mid
,othetra' tit a Very aitkailie putoply" Ilyfi
tl t qwpodcllta sit 4V,6oll;"Niciiiiital
)lo4, CiroNV,ood, it Latlye, Coehinpal
mi4dder.' 4ogotter with Albionetnt
initimiallY law
15'. I 'Et I Orr,.
_ ..Aactirti';l4lll) ,
pi Y,l
- ikilot‘in ft thimii4iWttto
,„tik the Urn of 41RNQ/4111pkigOttE,..Td
riiitaeittd -tb' elk• !ill P3ll,44l,r",l':tibi;tf
ba! in g t hI li nl' 6 0 1 "• 1 ; 1 0 , 1 1 : t h'lr
I,pr:aol,oettlernent.fitil7s.,4,49l/";',,ecio e‘,l'; t 4• r o'"
o t - 'F f
0 1.04iN4 4 11 1 A ,
sllV2M24 , llftiOntat •
0- Too
Orphati:s 7 .C,ol3rt „ma"
iiteio44ifs! •
- AU -bf be :iitooio
Pithfle 41e, 'Sit the' patiliclihtisi'of,fif
SsouilfltOiri;r Ori SATURDAY the'fithitnettilfof
nextint 12 o s elooli;noon;ortlett .
iillicribed rest :estitte . Astp' the,' propertt ofiJOISIS
StoughA ten. debeisedi
r ev,
Stongitititio; , Newton‘riMititehip,q6 'Sat
county;' bounded by lands of Jobs : McCitlldtbki,
Sharp's twirl, BrOWnetrell'lS heirif,hhensi+fithitg
and . Chstabersburg turnpike toadostratothttriprops
arts of the said John , litottihiidecealleikeoatidelor
Ogn laCNDfl.o.llAbill .14NTIfisACR,FASA‘ri;$4
perches, strict rimaitire;Of IshieliaboOtetteheuider — d .
actrerarb eleared n undetc.i4ttbil4Tenee s
aultisrion. The impvrAmeataartsit • 'ltt) . •
inarge - r.TIVO.StORY,S ch;q , k .
HOUSE Avti litntor, 'now., •-
nocupled its a Tavern, ale tte Sink' •
Barn; tali..frama_stitities* IMO • •
out houses. A fine 'younk ApPle )161
- Ireictreetrood - orneverfailloglNlcat hater hi.:: • . •
'siittfiresvenn townsin boulided, by landiiorSkiliii • *
otklaffis:l.ASSlLf/sltzlionyer,,Joll r rultv
y sisiod----
tfe• ltu rtjilfurg and Chintibersburk'su'rnidice
co l tajningt iventyeile,Aere}.antl .twentystane'idsl i:fg
tenths, pcililiete Of width. about 42,aores:fro '
and tinder' eifitilent
i l leneel.horihg .thereon erected sit 14
I louse, Log 'flarn A Corn Ciib• slicid.:;,...Ttijire '—
is a good'fbctiiirtlrmul Cider Pressi‘n.94p*tises t
0 . / 3," A . To- Sigky,Vetintit;
Stone Shop, n Fin ne`'Sh r ,iip; Shit a. LpOlifibleorids,
2:ilexes and 6r perelietorlarid therbtaltltsclkiidi
situate ip Smuglistotyn aloiessi4,houtuicOytlfinds
of Mitchell ',andTraott
No: I. aforesaid,....._: "t• '
:tfie term ' s; of.inii• - iiiFbEystilittlti 66 1 Videos
pus Bart N . 0.1 - ..4 . 1td to tieltald7O'ila"irtiiit:2s°.:247'
-Tand $5O on purport... No. ; boup t riastuon
or theoolo Of eaelt ' bf,tho'
purchase money of esefrtract to remelts iii•thbfantk'
the interest thereof to he paid to fhtividor . lf- J,abo, •
,Stough yearly and et ; erylrelirdOribt her.ltre,.spek
the prlnclhal at ithe death fb 'the hetreand'repris.
.Smarties of. the said John Stoughatesteased,4 7 ----
lair, the rksifitie bf the`purchitsb iziopay,to
nn the Ist of ATMI nekt w en possession w 1.11,14.
yen, and the 'remainder in, tw,••ettaarannttatict.
statirients *idiom interest:, the payments. lobe
cured hy ropognizancps with- seitority an the %Or.
CoUrt. in the groioitana rafts tc:6kt
Dilitattenihoid will_bo..bien_nnAbet_dop,.
'Of tali by • • C - Eciftfft SANDERSO
OrphaniP Court Sale&
poY virtue or an Order of thb
Collet dl CUntberfand countt4 will. expose
public sale on the premises, on- WEDNESDAN•
Sth of October. 84A, nt II o'clock, A. M t ,,
Farm cbutaining One Mildred iudt Twent) sores t .
of good Ark land situate in East Fennsbormigh.
township, Cumberland tounty,'abobd 100 Ards of: -
witich areal - eared, a good liOlt6 Or
aultisation. The improvementsare
HOUSE and large WOK HARM,
lower pert of atoiie, with W agon
Shed and Con, Crib, Wash: House, • •
*ring llottse, With a never raffling /mitts of water ,
end a good Orchard, The farm :a abourthree
miles from HarrisbUrg, and lies ms the Canodo=
guinet creek.
The terms will be made-lthewn on the dly of sale
6r, • MosEp tiOUVRR,
Administrator ofJaebb Home, deed.
August 27, 11145.—t5.
-Publi.c -gale
.:01F EPA, - EST
T HE undersigned..
!Salines of Jaceb 414:
will cell at Publi Sale, on FRIDAY, 3d of
Octolier next, on the premises, at 2 o'clock; . 1!. Ma
the following deberibed Real Wall!,
TACT 00 StATELkivii
situate in. Newton tovinshap, Cumberland:Caudil l
one mile from. Newville, in. a good stale_orcultl,
hair Q f Robert,
Jacob WeaVer. John M. Woodburn. and Jaciali,-
Geese, containing abOut 62 acres t having thereota
erected . a — biro' itory - IiOG - HOUSE;, log ;btatn'i
blanlismith shop and-"a well or water
..neat the
door. the above !fiat or land may be pureba.
led at private isle prior to:the 311 Octbbelandlt
not sold oh-that-day . liarofferetat:piablio tali. • •
terdai made - known on dais of sosle. • .
bAilt D firtik,
• Assignee of Jacob Mgr.('
Atiguai d 7, 184&
. .
Bokotigh Pi‘opertil
.6.. lt _
On Saturday the 20th Septetn r ber ; tiOti .
WILL be sold at Pcibliti Sale,
house of George,
and well finished TWO STORY'
BRICK DWEtaLING HbosE t iit: • '
uatod at the ember of N'erth Hanoi/et ; ; -
and Louther striate ih said bbitidgh.,: so a •!
It le bhe of the boot hbutes
place. and has loot beau obedpied -
stand, for which It Is mbst eligibly -
large front ibrim ohihi first Rohr 'ls'hotif Kited, ,
up With the heceesery fixturck' i`, - biy'oBcOir,' 4 .
Store. The hodse has large' and
is attaithbd to it .o.ufficsiehtly large garden,joloC.
A TWO ACRE LOT tm the,
to Hatrisbur., bdt Wit initiebdou• h -
aso• so whit .e aril's oriole will 'bt''
made easy lb the ltartihiaer. thei kinterth_, 3
not alild on said hay, it will bd rented
fe r Ottly!si„ .
from the lot of Aplil nett. ,
Sale Co loin mace ro s aliiikVei — ealtretli
when terniit add bonditions will be - made'luttiet,,.
AUgtist . 2o, 11145: AteNtjbt
- • ' SAILLIL: :'; , I Et. '1 • : •
'_ • _____.,P- u .11LICU , L ,_,.,..:,____, _ _
itrii,L, be sold on Fridayl the ...lbth . do, beg-
y ! y Sepiember at •2. o'clock, , E.,;',..M: on the , '.l
lir. vrp isra. 1 Farm eontaillitig 2171 - ereittif Lime.i - --
stone and Saito Land; two thirds Limestone eitiv,,yl
ut4 1 4 : North Middleton toweehip, - Cumberlinpv.
'county, 5 Miles from Carlisle, 1 freett,XlngetaiiitiA
3 from - Hogoestmen and,141., ficr Ilarriabdrki
„bounded by, L'Onailogninet Creek,' avid , 040 , 4311 - a '"
'Mill, a road leading from Btettell ilitiip.tis.Tirtlei },, ,
John Coliverien4j , olerieZigleh , There a WOO
over he hreek at ilik placb. Vieimpriveilifmte ~:t.,
irri- .r , '• 1 •.. t' (; . ~,,,,,- ,"ir- ,',,, ~ .'•!,',', : !!',-, L .., 1
''• 2 • --A ' Lop - loitAisioriti: .1 . , t ,: : , -„j .
'wiisiluittitii4aid.''' klaiiir "barn" IRS bi2,ld t illoiSid4
.wagon akadi . oarriege hokse, and , other.
,4 4 1mird,!;,,,
1 Mks 11 4 tOst tenant houie inil 'l4 stet' yb/ch), 1,-,
arakti,fl, .onienteai frirdlo#l44 HI neat .4)Sl4k ; t . -.
part;..,.11 44114844 in Olsten. int 4* ta•VitY; );,, • -.
L it
chador/ 1 1 ;o:noire' , failin g . *ell 'or **y.„o„.. k isith yi
1 li or iiil . i- p oi pa i the mansion 1 48, *crag 8 1 1 0.iva.; , :i '
ncif initimaisd far keel . ylild'or go o d lin 1jri„?..5. „ ;,.t;
edreao IVOClllarid; a large food binOrit ex4d 4 4. t ,i,,
The'W,hale :ioder:gada s Bair 1, *, atin . PY,,4t,',7
0 4
lisenite to Make iambi, to,,pu thb - •iv 4,11-. .440 0,!)
rod.paskiftnika.,.. 4 !either,
141114444,; , uf •
ithetY I , Mir:oool . o'MS: be 7filikiiivilet4olh*; - „
**Ob. reeldlng il sc ie., , ' eiPield ~,Unneet,,,at ',Am . 2
Bill; of by tke Ai ObtOt Griod,,#ar,P4OPr i 4.-,,,i
mita Wast,Ofe4r irit, ~ ~ , -, '94., • ~, i ., . ~. ~
• N. B . If rig aold'an aiiiikelki;lbwilf*gottiiieii;,
st Priv4t4 RIO 01: 6 014. '-,,,,,; ' - . :., ~-, 1 -.- ~,,-,
.- . .: ~' •.' . • i i i . . 44010., „, ~. --'
_. , tineitiiiii r tinioa iiitari.itePoOklicarV4o/ 0 4 •
! l l.rie! )l ,,k.!'" , * l o - f.cilv#0 111111 1 11 0 11 0' 1 ;0014;:q.:" 1.7
L '44.1,11
,p V C ; • k . = .!=', .' C
y ifitivi °tad ordei 14,1" ~. . - * t o..
ovoqaberl44o Oci)!IPW4S7 ko kl oblib t .1 , ,
pu, _ la
_444,1 1 0 on 1,1p,r,"„mA.74!2th0i gocoebei.:!.:l.____
nod, ockunirtf a ••• 347.::4,,,:.r . ..;
'4 ,":''''''&ll4l7C4. --
.110 Wit 10' 04 0 4:434 ' Avj .o';':' 11:1 4ittirf l ! ' ::',,: ':
~" A' . TRACITnOt -7,- .-:-.: -7';' , :x.--'T
`'' . -----2. 0 - ittiiitt'o , o47it**ll9 4 40 ti1i,.,,,
04 ,- .tonic toiiw . -Aoctsipt.. 4CIk,,VP--en—t
f att
yelloik. .• re -*,60/6j):-Wha - 4 lid v'tql'A . s!..
.ftelii,„'§..lo y,*:*-• tiiiiil4e 'ti ' '''
*o_ro'iTA,: ' e f
o l ii 4 .gliglir,Whiehlif Ali4rPi 444, aldLe ,,, :
rimgaqti7' ''''
'd riiiii•ll6ni , 41tendaP" 'lt'4"'lT''.:,
~" ° itit. . Pkii Wii4)ll';dtcfnie 1/',:,
/*Onil`PHD!!!°4o,oltOt BE GMAtfi''".4:.
1• r gtii, r '''' A''
doinit*lleed".:r- , •
. P., . -.14-,...,,,,,-.0t,,,, •7,'' '..
'''' .'. l ifir4liti tl 4 . 1 §,. - -:- f ';':!;.,.., ,'...... :•„,',• •• ,,, •,'‘.',4r. , ,41 4; ,, ,1 , , -.,
4'4-:, '7„ ~ ,, 1 14:.,r. , s:,
V ' l' !kl,J.R'l''- 111.11!1.4,0Irk`$1,P,Ilie0;Aatiw..-
s.'".. vir ,, AV66,orsiollfek,,llt
h041,41..it1ihi1,4;t:M,M11,17q1, .1714.1."
eiefieli . , ...,..,' '•:;,,
4 !
, :t ~,)
,3, , i , r,f
.: , % . , ‘ „ ,7
4741 ,
I , 1.1 ~k,,,,,!...1,A1' 4.= , .'.. 11. ....ktIIL.L.• , Ihrgei. 1.'..! ,, , . . =,; ;, "-
oNl'klrirmiC,. t e rlP , !,767 11 i Ikauf.iiii*Tl,o 4, 4f. L .':,
i•giOlie, i'!!1'071 I_ l , ,kia • ; ; s ki:. '',4l , - ~, -.4,-: - ! ,, !4 . 'f:' , ... '';
,P,itic . _,, , . •Sf , Y,T. llo F , ..'zialL,- —.- . • - —: .1.;,4.t .. . ,
.. ~, • „i n • . - 3•ow,ipor, ii'l-ii.loqi!!!..- ,slitld;j--:'.:>:4;:,
I Ll4o4lotir.stii f0 e 1 4 40- !.!c. l "fr r 'c'7.. ,. .. , , ,, , I.,•i':,';`: : ;.
.'., .4..f1f,4".........